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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a. pure heart Draft_E-214

further desire of love found upon the earth in the hearts of the righteous who love with a pure desire to honor the righteous
face of deliverance sealed upon the heart as holiness unto the Lord in the transfiguration of the face of an everlasting honor
to abide in the presence of the face of everlasting righteousness in the pure- heart dominion of the word of the Lord found in
the circumference of an holy place to retreat from the storm of life in mortality. Blessed art thou and ye find the passing trial
engulfed in thy gratitude for the hand of God manifested unto thee in thy transfigured approach into the presence of God.
Blessed art thou this day that ye abide in perfect peace, even that ye would account thy tribulation as an experience in
granting thee the favor of the Lord thy God. So be it written that ye might accomplish the tribute offering made in the name
of Jesus Christ, even that ye would find the peace of an unprecedented joy found in thy heart as ye see lace to face, even the
face of a spiritual reunion with the resurrected knowledge of everlasting inheritance granted the prayerful and faithful found
in overcoming the trial of unrighteous words and jeers and the pitting of the face with the abuse of a mortal- lower
understanding. For ye shall overcome all things in the name of Jesus Christ, and ye shall rejoice in the transfigured
understanding granted unto thy heart and mind that ye shall become at- one with the face of everlasting inheritance granted
the enduring of the pains of a mortal- transient- circumference dominion which overcomes not the righteous voice of
inheritance. Walk away from the self-judgment which attacks from the focus of unrighteous dominion and feast in the
presence of God and find the strength renewed to grant unto thyself the peace of mind ye experience in the presence of God
and chastise not thine attempt to learn and grow in righteousness, neither hearken unto the unrighteous who hearken not
unto the voice of everlasting inheritance. So be it granted unto thee that ye abide in the voice of God that ye overcome all
things in the tribute- gathering circumference as ye write in the dominion of righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. [December 28, 2001 (1)]
December 29, 2001 (I)
December 29, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou this day as ye find the nurture of the face of the Lord Jesus Christ opened unto thee
in the saving brow- effacing substitution of the unrighteous- brow dominion in the world for ye are gladdened in thy heart
with the knowledge of the righteousness of thy God who doth introduce thee unto the knowledge of everlasting life in the
presence of God. For ye shall speak as one brought forth to a favored place in the history of thy family, even that ye shall be
found acceptable among those who have forsaken the world, even that ye would abide in the knowledge of righteousness,
even that ye would partake as one who has overcome the world in the unseemly- counterfeit structure of worldliness and
ungodliness. Blessed art thou as ye overcome the jeers and the unsavory comments because of thy desire to glorify the Lord
thy God. So be it written and granted unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ that ye would forsake the offering of the world
and prepare for the transition of element into a sphere of brightness and the knowledge of righteousness abounds in peace.
So be it written to bring thee peace in the juncture appointed unto thee that ye would abide in the world without partaking of
the unrighteousness of the world. So be it granted to thy face in the dominion representation of the face to face overcoming
granted in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou this day as ye prepare thy heart for the knowledge of an everlasting
dominion granted unto thy predominant overcoming appointed unto thee in the sacred dominion of a Righteous Judge, who
doth say unto thee these words of comfort: Be found at my right arm and find the strength of holiness granted unto thee that
ye might speak the word of strength granted thee in the battle against unrighteousness. Speak as granted unto thee even that
sacred utterance is illuminated in thy mind and heart that ye speak the things of a better day, and the things of an everlasting
covenant brought forth in the name of Jesus Christ Be comforted as ye witness the atrocities of unrighteous dominion as ye
are accosted in the world, and ye find not a listening ear to bear with thee in thy sorrow. Know that ye are not alone in thy
sorrow, and ye shall overcome all words and jeers appointed unto thee in thy probation, even that ye would bring forth the
knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the righteousness of the name of God for I will season thee and temper thee and bring
thee out of my quiver in the day that I bring forth the new law required in the hearts of my chosen. Blessed art thou this day
as ye abide in righteousness and bring forth thine offering in the righteous name of God that ye obey the command of the
Spirit of the Lord and make it known unto those of pure heart and have partaken of the way of eternal life unto a sealing
found in their heart that ye abide in the knowledge and comfort of the name of Jesus Christ. For the name of Christ abides
upon the brow of the righteous and have brought forth the wondrous glory of righteousness in dominion with the seasoned
participation of knowledge found across the brow inhabited of the treasured name of Christ. So be it even as ye restore
thyself unto the knowledge of the first and last circumference of the law of eternal life, that ye bear the sorrow found in the
world and abide the name of Jesus Christ across thy brow unto the name affixed in holy righteousness in the circumference
of an everlasting covenant adjoined to thy brow in the season of an everlasting righteousness found in the knowledge of
God. So be it written to grant thee the greater love of God because of thy desire to abide the trial and find joy in the
persecution of the name of righteousness found across thy countenance in the name of Jesus Christ. [December 29,2001
December 30, 2001 (1)
December 30, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou this day because of thy desire for the fullness of the ordinance available in a mortal
state, even that ye would desire to overcome the world even by the pure blood of Christ, even unto the overcoming of the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF HFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-214

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