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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-210

Jesus Christ for ye shall rejoice in the trial upon thy brow and speak: in the name of the Lord when moved upon by the Holy
Ghost and bring forth a degree of peace which cannot be fathomed in thy trial unto a manifestation of the hand of God in thy
behalf and found across thy brow in a display of righteousness abiding within thy heart So be it written that ye would avow
an honor granted unto thy monitored heart even as ye would be resolved in the righteousness brought forth to stand upon
thy countenance in the name of the Lord God, even that ye would find peace and prosperity of spirit in the name of
righteousness amidst all corruption and amidst those who would learn from thy degree of strength gained in the face of
retribution and name- calling. Bask in the redemptive name of Jesus Christ and forsake not thine election to monitor the trial
upon thy heart in the sacred- discipleship honor granted the pure of heart and desire to serve the God of righteousness in thy
heart of extreme endurance in the presence of God. So be it written and granted unto thee hi the day of thy trial upon thy
heart. [December 5, 2001 (1)]
December S, 2001 (2)
December 5, 2001 (2) Focus upon the things ye have been called to do. Ye have sufficient strength to accomplish these
things. Accomplish the goal of mortality— that of overcoming the world. Accomplish the things of eternal significance.
[December 5, 2001 (2)]
December 5,2001 (3)
December 5, 2001 (3) [I heard the words of the Lord spoken in my mind:] Ye are afraid in the world, not in my peace.
[December 5, 2001 (3)]
December S, 2001 (4)
December 5, 2001 (4) [I heard in my mind the words of the Lord:] Prepare your witness.
December S, 2001 (I)
December 8,2001 (1) [I heard the words of the Lord in my mind.] I have given thee strength; I have given thee my strength.
[December 8,2001 (1)]
Decembers, 2001(2)
December 8,2001 (2) Bask in my peace and I will open the way. Write and I will give thee utterance. Blessed art thou as ye
come to the understanding foreordained that ye understand the way of righteousness opened before thy view— even the way
of an everlasting discipleship obtained in the name of Jesus Christ. For I speak unto thee as a pillar in the temple of
righteousness and ye have overcome the world. Believe in the name of Jesus Christ found uncovered upon thy brow that ye
would bring forth the things of an everlasting inheritance that ye might be found prepared to inhabit the knowledge of the
inheritance of an everlasting- life circumference brought unto the rightful inheritors of the knowledge of righteousness.
Blessed art thou this day as ye have brought forth the things of an everlasting participation in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ that ye would be brought to a greater understanding of the knowledge of righteousness, even that ye would speak the
holy words of redemption given unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ, even that ye would prepare the lineage of the word of
an inheritance brought forth to the mighty- opened pathway of inheritance to obtain the knowledge of a greater deliverance
brought forth in the name of Jesus Christ So be it granted unto thee to come to greater understanding wherewith ye are
counseled to forsake the understanding given of the things which is granted in the world, even the carnal world which
believes not the things of righteousness. For I speak peace unto thy heart and I speak the words of an everlasting inheritance
promised the faithful of heart and those who feast upon the manna of inheritance granted in the name of Jesus Christ
Blessed art thou as ye find peace this day in the monitoring of thy heart in the name of the righteous Inheritor, even the
righteous- culminant Inheritor of all that the Father hath given in the way of the deliverance of the knowledge of perfect
righteousness, even the knowledge of the inheritance of the things and way of the righteousness element of an everlasting
life in the further inheritance in the dominion promised the overcoming nature of godliness found inhabiting the heart
transfigured in the way of an eternal- life circumference dominated by the transfiguring of the name of everlasting
inheritance. So be it written to grant thee the riches of eternal- life inheritance in the name of Jesus Christ [6:09 a.m.
December 8, 2001 (2)]
December 9, 2001 (I)
December 9, 2001 (1) Inasmuch as ye come unto me, ye shall receive the words of eternal life. [11:33 p.m.]
December 10, 2001 (I)
December 10,2001 (1) Ye need abide the trial in patience and perfect peace as ye are taken from the hearts and minds of
those of worldly heart for ye shall not be understood even in thy pain of a transfigured understanding granted unto thee that
ye abide in the way of the forsaking of the standard of the world which includes the heart based in seeking the worldly
standard and comfort for ye shall not be comforted in the world by those of worldly heart for ye shall forsake the approach
of understanding which brings an illuminated favor seen in the world for ye shall flee the worldly criticism and judgment
which stings in thy heart as ye denounce the favoritism granted to uphold the values set in a worldly standard for the world
careth not for those things which are not seen neither are they understood by the heart which is caught in the mire of the
dung of the limited perception. So be it written to grant thee understanding. So be it given unto thee to find the salve which
takes away the pain in the world. [December 10,2001 (1)]

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting fee support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-210

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