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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH - teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-13S

the Lord prepares the peace of the Lord to abide with thee even that ye would overcome the pul! of the world by tie focus of
righteousness. Hearken to the thoughts of the Spirit of truth as ye are confronted with thy weakness. Be found listening to
the voice of new revelation as ye are brought to understanding in the name of the Lord. For ye are given knowledge and ye
are given the way to provide knowledge for those seeking an at- one- ment with the voice of new revelation even that ye
abide the call of new prophecy upon thy brow even that ye come to understanding. So be it written that ye acknowledge with
uplifted hands and do acknowledge the bringing forth of the prepared to hearken in the season of righteousness. So be it
written that ye come forth to understanding. [April 3, 1998 (1)]
April 4, 1998(1)
April 4, 1998 (1) [What great and marvelous are the works and words of the Lord when brought forth to the timing and
sequence of the pure heart. The Lord is mindful of our tribulation and oppression—whether that oppression may be cultural,
or mental, or physical or metaphysical. Whomever the Lord lovethhe chasteneth to become a pure vessel of righteousness
and living light. I am grateful for the associative metaphors which challenge the mind and heart to remain focussed in the
pure knowledge of the Son of God restored to the earth.] [April 4, 1998(1)]
April 4, 1998 (2) [1 bask in fee wholeness of the offering of the Christ. Praise be unto God for the things of godliness
brought before my view. I am filled with the witness of the Lord in attributing to him the loving kindness and authoritative
representation of his message to complement his structure of confidence brought forth at this time.] [April 4, 1998 (2)]
AprilS, 1998 (I)
April 5, 1998 (1) Write the word of the Lord this day as ye find the peace of the Lord upon thy countenance for ye shall be
found with the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ transcending thine understanding. Write that ye be comforted in the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ as ye find the peace of the manna of righteousness transfigured upon thy brow that ye find the
things of eternal righteousness brought forth in the way and season of love— even that the love of God is found within thy
mind and heart and the eternal principles of righteousness are configured to thine understanding and ye are whole in the
knowledge of eternal righteousness found representing thine ability to configure the word of eternal life upon thy heart. So
be it written that ye do acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things that ye be found with the word of righteousness upon
thy brow. [April 5, 1998(1)]
AprilS, 1998(2)
April 5, 1998 (2) [1 heard in my mind:] Restoring the good to the people seeking greater light and truth. [April 5, 1998(2)]
April 6, 1998 (1)
April 6, 1998 (I) Blessed art thou. Go forth hi the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and count thy blessings given unto thee. Ye
have received the countenance of peace as the word of the Lord is found abiding within thy heart unto a new- revelatory
friend awakened to thy side as ye are comforted in the vast ocean of experience in the world. Blessed art thou as ye write the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ and find the revealed mind and will opened unto thee. Blessed art thou as ye arise and are
granted fellowship with the purposes of thy God— even that ye are a trusted friend found in the friendship covenant of the
words of eternal- life awareness. Be not dismayed as ye overcome the world and find that ye are alone in thine
understanding of the truths of eternal life. Blessed art thou as ye overcome thy loneliness as ye teach according to the things
of allowed remembrance, for ye can only speak those things which ye are allowed to speak, and ye do come forth to greater
understanding as ye teach with a pure heart lifting the vision of thy companions in the mortal journey. Blessed art thou as ye
find peace and solitude in the assurance of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it written to thy remembrance that ye do
overcome the desire to have others understand thy degree of knowledge. [April 6, 1998 (1)]
April 6, 1998(2)
April 6, 1998 (2) Walk with the name of the Lord upon thy brow that ye might overcome the need to understand the
gathering of the word of the Lord. All things work together for those who love the Lord. Blessed art thou as ye configure the
word of righteousness upon thy brow even mat ye overcome the questioning of the mind and will of God for ye have been
given direction and as ye follow through with the simple the way is ordered for the more complex to be opened before thy
view. Cast thine eye to the water that ye might understand the word of the Lord which is likened to the droplet and
minuscule amount needed to water the thirst for ye could not drink the ocean of water, nor can ye understand the vast
amount of understanding delivered to the prophets throughout tune. Ye need be responsible for the amount of understanding
that ye have been given and preserve the word of the Lord with the honor given to thee by the ordination to receive the word
of the Lord upon thy brow even as the endowment prepares thee to function in the calling to hear the word of the Lord and
have that understanding diffused to every cell of thy body bringing thee forth to an illuminated promise of everlasting life hi
the knowledge of the holy word of righteousness found perfected in thine understanding of the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Blessed art thou as ye do configure this perfect word of righteousness wimin thine understanding and ye are allowed
to monitor the understanding of those who inquire of the Lord for greater knowledge even thai ye would prepare thy heart to
bring forth the new knowledge of perfected understanding and transfer that knowledge in the degree granted that ye speak

Please contribute by malting copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL INC. is a nonprofit S01(e}3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is friendsliip@streanisofienewal.coni.
Ail support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southed. Draft_E-138

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