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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-120

of Jesus Christ to the chasing of the focus of the world from thy countenance. Blessed be the holy name of righteousness
upon thee in the forefront of time to gather the new heart- revelatory sequence of monitored scope to see the new day of
holy tribulation brought to an apex of understanding as ye do find thy new heart in tune with the righteousness of the face of
new- revelatory thought in the harnessed focus of righteousness. So be it written to thy heart and monitored approach of
righteousness as ye see the face of new revelation and the face of new- prophetic thought brought before thy view in the way
outlined that ye hearken to the voice of living righteousness and see with clarity and circumference monitoring thy desire to
face the new- heart revelatory- cleansing process of redemption in the face to face contact of the cleansing function of
greater understanding bestowed in the sacred name of righteousness. So be it granted that ye feast and find the heart to heart
face of new comfort granted in the sacred name of righteousness. So be it granted that ye seek the face of new revelation and
prophecy as ye feast in the dominion granted as ye find the face of righteousness before thy view. So be it granted to thee to
gain understanding and longevity of knowledge worthy of the experience to stand in the circle of righteous thought
monitored at the time of induction into the confidence of the new face of revelatory thought and propitiation. So be it
granted that ye find the way monitored before thee to stand face to face in the monitored circle of instruction as ye find the
face to face transfusion of the pure blood of righteousness monitored upon thy countenance as holiness unto the Lord and
monitored within thy bloodstream as the voice of new revelation is found in greater dominion upon the monitoring screen of
the light of the face of new transfusion inasmuch as ye find the new focus of righteousness before thy view. So be it written
to grant thee prosperity and understanding that ye are clean every whit from the blood of unrighteousness and ye do find thy
name written in the sequence dominion of purified righteousness even as ye have overcome the world and the focus of
righteousness will stand at thy side as ye hearken to the season of everlasting dominion brought forth to the functioning
instruction to bring forth the righteous endeavor of the heart- righteous intent on the sequence of holy thought portrayed to
thee as holiness unto the Lord as ye seek that which is of righteousness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it written
to thy heart and mind as ye function in the holy dominion of pure- heart instruction as the pure stand in the holy-
communion circle of new- heart preparedness to find the opened heart view of everlasting dominion and of the new season
of readiness to walk into the face of love and find peace and prosperity in the words of eternal life spoken face to face in the
tribute welcome into the arms of the Savior of the World— even as the voice of new instruction bears the witness of the
voice of righteousness as the time sequence of righteousness is brought forth to the understanding as the honor of
righteousness bestowed in the presence of the Lord as the face to face knowledge of everlasting hope arises upon the brow.
So be it given to thee as ye come to understand the presence of the Lord beaming upon thine understanding as ye are
brought to witness the arm of righteousness bared before thy view. So be it written to grant thee peace in the formulation of
thy heart which stands firm in the sequence of monitored righteousness even as ye are brought to bear witness of the pure
blood of righteousness flowing in thy heart as the word of eternal righteousness is monitored upon thy countenance as pure
glory and honor denoting the voice of everlasting righteousness as ye find the focus of eternal life before thy view and hope
of everlasting life prepared upon thy countenance. So be it written to grant thee peace in the formulation of righteous
endeavor as ye hearken unto the word of righteousness and are confirmed in thy stance of everlasting hope and eternal life in
the presence of eternal righteousness even as the face to face and heart to heart- revelatory experience of perfect
righteousness is obtained through the pure- heart focus of love and overcoming of the world in the sacred name of Jesus
Christ even as ye stand and are brought forth to monitor the heart of righteousness before thy view of holiness espoused
upon thy brow. Blessed art thou as ye find the new heart revelatory- monitored screen of holiness burnished in the sequence
of hearing and listening to the word of righteousness in the face to face extension of the pure- heart righteousness required
to find the gift of eternal life extended in the pure- heart focus of everlasting righteousness. So be it granted to thee to seek
the depths of thine own heart to come to understanding as ye stand prepared to run and not be weary in the focus of eternal
longevity as ye find the way of righteousness opened before thy view. So be it granted to thee to gain understanding in the
season of preparedness as ye come to find the new- heart repentance brought forth in the seeing of the principle of
righteousness clarified before thy view. Blessed art thou as ye find rest to thy soul and peace burnished in thy countenance
as ye find the new heart- revelatory sequence of monitored words of righteousness before thy view. So be it written to give
thee peace in the formulation of righteousness found monitored within thy bloodstream in the holy name of righteousness.
[October 2, 1997(1)]
October?, 1997(1)
October 7, 1997 (1) Blessed art thou as ye write and respond to the instructive voice of new revelation. Blessed art thou as
ye find new light and knowledge extended to thee in thine hour of learning and tribulation— even as element receives the
light of the Spirit of the Lord and flourishes in the instructive word of the Lord brought to thy heart as ye find peace in the
placement of new robes of righteousness across thine understanding and ye are beckoned to obtain an inheritance of new-
discipleship fellowship in the holy name of Jesus Christ as ye seek the love and learning associated with the tribute-
welcome procedure culminated in the ordinances of salvation whereby ye find the avenue of eternal restoration opened
before thine understanding. Blessed art thou as ye find thy peace brought forth to greater understanding and ye find rest to

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-120

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