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:' I BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-81

fellowship with the Father and the Mother of the heavenly birth of heaven which is to say thy Heavenly Father and thy
Heavenly Mother welcome thee to an order of understanding wherewith ye are brought to the knowledge of eternal life
meaning that thine eternal life began as a spirit of heavenly parentage even that thy knowledge of thy birth is restored to thee
as ye are prepared to fellowship with the true order of the remembrance of the Son of God even that thy faith is restored to
order thy willingness to advance in responsibility to overcome the jeers of those who judge thee from a mortal perspective—
to see thee in a view not understanding thy participation in an holy realm of instruction where ye would be transfigured with
the blood of Christ within thy veins as the pure blood of the Father abides upon thy brow to open an understanding of
extended worlds of dominion even an extended dominion of the grace of the knowledge of thy Mother in Heaven as a
personal Mother of thy spirit unto whom ye are granted fellowship and communication through the holy- parentage lineage
of the sacred remembrance restored unto thee. And these things are written that ye might be prepared to have conveyed upon
thee the opportunity to partake of the element of the new wine of discipleship in the order of priesthood responsibility to
obtain a greater facility to prepare thy mind and body for the persecution that will abound as ye are brought to an order of
understanding of the requirements of restoring unto the world the things of the new- birth knowledge and discipleship even
as ye have kept a Record for the growth and enlightenment of those who would come to believe in the things of
righteousness that ye be welcomed to the order and knowledge of eternal righteousness abounding within thy veins of the
pure- redeeming blood of remembered sacrifice and the pure and holy element of the overcoming nature acquired in the
pathway opened to thee as ye partake of the pure blood of the Father through the redeemed- discipleship stewardship placed
upon thine head as ye are brought to greater clarification of thy lineage of eternal righteousness even as ye are brought into
fellowship with the Gods of heaven even thine own lineage parentage even thy Father and thy Mother of thy birth into the
spiritual realm of reckoning even as the heavens are open to thee in the redeeming knowledge bestowed upon thee to
recover the pure blood of the Father and the pure righteousness of the Mother of thy spirit birth unto a knowledge of the
godhood elements of sacrificial compliance ye have been prepared to experience in a greater ordinance of oneness as the
Gods of heaven do confirm unto thee a place of respect and wisdom and authority to become a participant in the
transfiguration ordinance of the new birth of righteousness even that the elements of thy body and the elements of thy spirit
would combine in unity with the new blood of the Father as ye are prepared to understand in the new birth- element
knowledge of the holy- Motherhood awareness as transfigured awareness of thy heart to a relationship of eternal
remembrance hi the holy order of discipleship as the Father doth present thee with the capacity to become one with the
knowledge of thy rebirth to the understanding of thy Mother in Heaven whose name is given upon thy brow to the holy
configuring of righteousness even that ye would be bound to the kindness and everlasting wisdom of the blood of Jesus
Christ bound across thy brow. So be it written to bring thee to a knowledge of the great principle of restitution that ye would
be restored to a knowledge of thy spiritual creation that ye would overcome the inertia present in the mortal blood to partake
of the pure knowledge of the everlasting atonement that ye would be bound to the gratitude of the ordinance of sacrifice in
that ye partake of the bread in remembrance of the Son of Man who is the Son of the Holy Man even the Father Elohim,
even the Father of the Beloved One of redeeming nature even the beloved nature of the pure blood of the Father who doth
prepare a welcoming arm out- stretched to welcome those of the nature of participation in the sacrificial ordinance of the
wine of the grape in symbolism of the nature of the blood of inheritance received of the Father of spirits who dwells in
heaven as a glorified Man of Holiness unto whom is granted the proprietorship to administer the covenants of everlasting
life to those who partake in purity of heart and are brought to the power to obtain dominion over Satan to the binding of
Satan to a realm where devils curse the power of the Living Son of God even that the power of the overcoming blood of the
Lamb is sufficient to overcome the nature of all evil even as the blood of the Lamb is of the elemental- overcoming nature of
the Father who is the Father of the Son Jesus, who is the Son of the mortal blood of Mary and the eternal- righteousness
blood of the Father Elohim unto whom ye have been granted to know even as thou hast partaken of the pure blood of the
Father that ye might come to understand the eternal- motherhood responsibility placed upon thy brow even as ye have been
reinstated unto the awareness of thy Mother in Heaven to the overcoming words of everlasting- life awareness even the
eternal nature of the union element in the blood that ye would partake of the suffering required to prove this understanding
and all doubt and unbelief as the world doth partake of will have to be restrained from entering thy heart by the power
obtained by the covenant obedience to the voice of sacrificial light and sacrificial knowledge abiding within thy mind as the
Spirit of the Lord doth abide upon thee to prevent the destruction of this knowledge from being overcome in the forces at
play in the world. And ye shall be given knowledge of the name of thine overcoming even that the reinstatement of thy name
is given unto thee by the power and holy order of righteousness granted to thee to participate in the functioning awareness
designed to overcome the world through the proprietor relationship with the Father of thy rebirth, and the Father of thy
spirit and also the Mother of thy spirit who together do welcome thee to partake of the holy- sacramental offering of the
flesh and blood of Jesus Christ in the holy name of Jesus Christ to the sanctification of thy mind to the station of awareness
that ye would accept the responsibility to participate in the opening of the seals of knowledge that will be brought forth to
the earth in remembrance of the everlasting covenant restored to the earth through the sacrificial- blood atonement granted

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-81

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