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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart, Draft_E-25

January 16,1995 (1) Ye come to receive of instruction and clearance to see the face of new revelation and prophecy
concerning strength given of God. Ye receive according to thy will to be found in the purely- hearted situation of abiding in
the will of God through hardship and trial. Without the revealing of the word of Christ to thee, ye would fall a mighty-
tearful fall among those who have not been visited by the Christ unto a restoration of premortal blessing; for ye have
partaken of the face of Christ in thy heart and desire to become an instrument in mine hand to further bless the hosts upon
the earth. Ye shall prepare an offering of the words of the Lord to bring revelation and prophecy abiding in the pure heart.
Feast and partake of the word of eternal life and be found prepared to sacrifice all that ye have because of thy premortal
valiancy, even thy desire to become known in the worldly circles of influence. [January 16, 1995 (1)]
January 16, 1995 (2)
January 16, 1995 (2) [Insight when writing January 16, 1995 (1). The hearing of the word of God is a restoration of
premortal blessing which is a restoration of blessings— the blessing of covenant, a restoration of hearing and knowing the
word of the Lord.] [January 16, 1995 (2)]
January 19, 1995 (1)
January 19, 1995 (1) And ye shall be visited with the spirit of prophecy and of revelation, even thine eyes may be opened to
the things of the Spirit of the Lord. Blessed art thou; blessed is thine awareness in the spirit of preferred vision and seeking
the avenue of true worship that ye might glorify thy Father who art in heaven with the stance of righteousness across thy
brow. How can ye not be grateful for the flowers, for the trees, for the planting of the manifestation of righteousness hi the
earth? Partake of the nature of living things in thy life as ye feast upon the spirit of the living word of Jesus Christ. Partake
of the blessings of awareness as ye find thy realism in the things of natural phenomenon, the things where living matter is
incorporated into the sequence of gratitude, even thy senses would be filled with the wonder of renewing creation, the
attitude of greater avenues of peace, meaning that peace abideth in the spirit of greater avenues of wonderful awareness of
God's creation hand in all things. God's mighty- spiritual awareness is in appreciating, or opening thine awareness to include
the life- fixation awareness of new life everywhere: new life in the plant world; new life in the animal world; new life in the
humanity world; and new life in the universe. All worlds, or dimensions of new life, are founded in the new- life creation's
ability and stance of righteousness which abides the new day and finds expression in the orderly manifestation of the hand
of righteousness. These things give thee an appreciation for the magnitude of creation's limitless boundary. All life renews
itself in the factors of righteousness; all life is pure and holy when the attempt to bring forth glory unto God is seen upon the
countenance; all life betrays the glory of God when competition effaces the seeking of righteousness; all life is pure and holy
when new life brought forth by the Spirit of the Lord abides in peace. [January 19, 1995 (1)]
January 23, 1995(1)
January 23, 1995 (1) Ye come with broken countenance this day finding no peace in the things of the world. Ye take thy
direction to be found enjoying thy mortality in diversions which satisfy not the deep hungering of spiritual desire to find the
new and everlasting- covenant bread of feasting and verdure. Ye find the time to search among the things of the world and
find not the time to search among the words of eternal life. Where are thy thoughts when ye place thyself to lose thy spiritual
gifts? Where are thy thoughts thinking the sorrow is too great to sacrifice thy time for thy God? Hast thou not been down
this road? The sacrifice required is all encompassing to the mind and heart and ye cannot serve two masters. Find the
commitment to sacrifice the things of the world and gain eternal life in a knowledge given to thee to bring thy heart forward
to a willingness to teach thy children the precious things of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Invest in the eternal things and teach
thy children the things of eternal life. [January 23, 1995 (1)]
January 25, 1995(3)
January 25, 1995 (3) Blessed art thou for thy sacrifice that another might understand, even that thy time in mortality is
limited and ye need be about thy Father's work. Even ye would find the lonely and lone who have not a knowledge of the
Savior, nor an abiding faith unto salvation that they would be found in complete- sacrificial repentance unto an abiding
monitoring of greater light and knowledge. Peace be unto thine understanding as ye fight the battle of the Lord to a
regenerated knowledge of the peace of the Lord upon thy countenance. [January 25,1995 (3)]
January 25, 1995(4)
January 25, 1995 (4) Ye fight within thyself and expect the way to be lined with adulation for thy sacrifice. Thy sacrifice
will only bring the ire to a greater degree from the ungodly who know not the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thy purity of
heart is brought forth because of thy knowledge of JesuS Christ; and ye find thy way amidst the trials of life to bring thee to
a new avenue of sacrifice that ye might exclaim the mercy of God abiding upon thy countenance unto a new day of peace
and fanciful light which dances upon thy spirit unto a recombining of thy desire to be found in the presence of God with the
glory of God upon thy countenance unto the glory of God abiding upon thee to the new day of sacrifice in the presence of
God. Blessed art thou for thou shalt be exalted in understanding because of thy willingness to overcome the pull of the
worldly factions which bind thee to the earth. Blessed art thou even as ye find the avenue of blessedness as an avenue of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, BVC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-25

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