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‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫هذي هي أسئلة سي دي كتاب الحين‬

‫لشابتر ‪5‬و ‪6‬و ‪7‬‬

‫كان ودي زين الخط بس مالحقت‬

‫لتنسوني من دعواتكم‬

‫ويارب كلنا نجيب فل مارك‬

‫وياارب اللي عندهم ايلتس ينجحون فيه‬

‫احبكم في ال‬


‫طموحي الجنووون‬

‫‪Chapter 5: The Structure and Function of Macromolecules‬‬

Activities Quiz

1. Click to open the animation. What name is given to the process seen
in this animation? (Activity: Making and Breaking Polymers)

water formation


dehydration synthesis


2. Glycogen is _____. (Activity: Carbohydrates)

the form in which plants store sugars

a polysaccharide found in animals

a polysaccharide found in plant cell walls

a transport protein that carries oxygen

a source of saturated fat

3. glucose + glucose —> _____ by _____. (Activity: Carbohydrates)

lactose + water ... hydrolysis

starch + water ... dehydration synthesis

sucrose + water ... dehydration synthesis

cellulose + water ... hydrolysis

maltose + water ... dehydration

4. Which of these is a source of lactose? (Activity: Carbohydrates)
sugar beets



sugar cane


5. Which of these is a polysaccharide? (Activity: Carbohydrates)





6. _____ is the most abundant organic compound on Earth. (Activity:





7. Which of these is NOT a lipid? (Activity: Lipids)






8. This figure is an example of a(n) _____. (Activity: Lipids)

nucleic acid


saturated fat

unsaturated fat


9. Which of these is a phospholipid? (Activity: Lipids)

10 Which of these is rich in unsaturated fats? (Activity: Lipids)
. a fat that is solid at room temperature


beef fat


olive oil

11 A function of cholesterol that does not harm health is its role _____.
. (Activity: Lipids)
in calcium and phosphate metabolism

as a component of animal cell membranes

as the primary female sex hormone

the most abundant male sex hormone

All of cholesterol's effects cause the body harm.

12 Click to open the animation. This animation illustrates the functioning

. of a _____ protein. (Activity: Protein Functions)



structural protein

gene regulatory

13 Arrow A is indicating a(n) _____ protein. (Activity: Protein Functions)






14 Arrow D is indicating a _____ protein. (Activity: Protein Functions)


gene regulatory





15 Which of these does NOT contain a structural protein? (Activity:

. Protein Functions)



spider silk


16 Defensive proteins are manufactured by the _____ system. (Activity:

. Protein Functions)




17 Proteins are polymers of _____. (Activity: Protein Structure)

. CH2O units


amino acids



18 What type of bond joins the monomers in a protein's primary

. structure? (Activity: Protein Structure)





19 Which of these illustrates the secondary structure of a protein?

. (Activity: Protein Structure)
20 The secondary structure of a protein results from _____. (Activity:
. Protein Structure)
hydrogen bonds

ionic bonds

hydrophobic interactions

peptide bonds

bonds between sulfur atoms

21 Tertiary structure is NOT directly dependent on _____. (Activity:

. Protein Structure)
hydrophobic interactions

peptide bonds

hydrogen bonds

ionic bonds

bonds between sulfur atoms

22 If a strand of DNA has the nitrogen base sequence ATTTGC, what will
. be the sequence of the matching strand? (Activity: Nucleic Acid





23 If a DNA double helix is 100 nucleotide pairs long and contains 25

. adenine bases, how many guanine bases does it contain? (Activity:
Nucleic Acid Structure)





24 The two strands of a DNA double helix are held together by _____ that
. form between pairs of nitrogenous bases. (Activity: Nucleic Acid
hydrogen bonds

ionic bonds

hydrophilic interactions

S—S bonds

covalent bonds

25 A nucleotide is composed of a(n) _____. (Activity: Nucleic Acid

. Structure)
phosphate group, a nitrogen-containing base, and a
phosphate group, a nitrogen-containing base, and a five-
carbon sugar
glycerol, a nitrogen-containing base, and a five-carbon sugar

amino group, a nitrogen-containing base, and a five-carbon

sulfhydryl group, a nitrogen-containing base, and a five-carbon

1. Correct Click on the diagram to start the animation. What name is

given to the process seen in this animation? (Activity:
Making and Breaking Polymers)

Your Answer: dehydration synthesis

2. Correct Glycogen is _____. (Activity: Carbohydrates)

Your Answer: a polysaccharide found in animals

3. Correct glucose + glucose —> _____ by _____. (Activity:

Your Answer: maltose + water ... dehydration synthesis

4. Correct Which of these is a source of lactose? (Activity:

Your Answer: milk

5. Correct Which of these is a polysaccharide? (Activity:

Your Answer: cellulose

6. Incorrect _____ is the most abundant organic compound on Earth.

(Activity: Carbohydrates)
Your Answer: Glucose
The Correct Answer: Cellulose

7. Correct Which of these is NOT a lipid? (Activity: Lipids)

Your Answer: RNA

8. This figure is an example of a(n) _____. (Activity:


The Correct Answer: saturated fat

9. Correct Which of these is a phospholipid? (Activity: Lipids)

Your Answer:

10. Correct Which of these is rich in unsaturated fats? (Activity:

Your Answer: olive oil

11. Correct A function of cholesterol that does not harm health is its
role _____. (Activity: Lipids)
Your Answer: as a component of animal cell membranes

12. Correct Click on the diagram to begin the animation. This

animation illustrates the functioning of a _____ protein.
(Activity: Protein Functions)

Your Answer: transport

13. Correct Arrow A is indicating a(n) _____ protein. (Activity:

Protein Functions)
Your Answer: structural

14. Arrow D is indicating a _____ protein. (Activity:

Protein Functions)

The Correct Answer: receptor

15. Which of these does NOT contain a structural protein?

(Activity: Protein Functions)

The Correct Answer: ovalbumin

16. Correct Defensive proteins are manufactured by the _____

system. (Activity: Protein Functions)
Your Answer: immune

17. Correct Proteins are polymers of _____. (Activity: Protein

Your Answer: amino acids

18. Correct What type of bond joins the monomers in a protein's

primary structure? (Activity: Protein Structure)
Your Answer: peptide

19. Which of these illustrates the secondary structure of a

protein? (Activity: Protein Structure)

Your Answer:
The Correct Answer:

20. The secondary structure of a protein results from _____.

(Activity: Protein Structure)

The Correct Answer: hydrogen bonds

21. Tertiary structure is NOT directly dependent on _____.

(Activity: Protein Structure)

The Correct Answer: peptide bonds

22. Correct If a strand of DNA has the nitrogen base sequence

ATTTGC, what will be the sequence of the matching
strand? (Activity: Nucleic Acid Structure)
Your Answer: TAAACG

23. Correct If a DNA double helix is 100 nucleotide pairs long and
contains 25 adenine bases, how many guanine bases
does it contain? (Activity: Nucleic Acid Structure)
Your Answer: 75

24. The two strands of a DNA double helix are held together
by _____ that form between pairs of nitrogenous bases.
(Activity: Nucleic Acid Structure)

The Correct Answer: hydrogen bonds

25. Correct A nucleotide is composed of a(n) _____. (Activity:

Nucleic Acid Structure)
Your Answer: phosphate group, a nitrogen-containing base,
and a five-carbon sugar


1. What is the process by which monomers are linked together to form polymers?
(Concept 5.1 ) [Hint]


protein formation

dehydration or condensation reactions

2. In a hydrolysis reaction, _____, and in this process water is _____. (Concept 5.1 )
a polymer is broken up into its constituent monomers ... consumed

a monomer is broken up into its constituent polymers ... produced

monomers are assembled to produce a polymer ... consumed

monomers are assembled to produce a polymer ... produced

a polymer is broken up into its constituent monomers ... produced

3. The type of bond that forms to join monomers (such as sugars and amino acids)
into polymers (such as starch and proteins) is a(n) _____ bond. (Concept 5.1 )




van der Waals

4. Which of the following is a polymer? (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]

testosterone, a steroid hormone

cellulose, a plant cell wall component

glucose, an energy-rich molecule

triacylglycerol, or fat

fructose, a component of sucrose

5. Cellulose is a _____ made of many _____. (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]

polypeptide ... monomers

carbohydrate ... fatty acids

polymer ... glucose molecules

protein ... amino acids

lipid ... triacylglycerols

6. Generally, animals cannot digest (hydrolyze) the glycosidic linkages between the
glucose molecules in cellulose. How then do cows get enough nutrients from eating
grass? (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]
They have to eat a lot of it.

Microorganisms in their digestive tracts hydrolyze the cellulose to individual

glucose units.
Cows and other herbivores are exceptions and make some cellulose-
digesting enzymes.
The flat teeth and strong stomach of herbivores break the cellulose fibers so
that the cows get enough nutrition from the cell contents.
All of the above.

7. In what polysaccharide form do plants store glucose to be available later as an

energy source? (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]




fatty acids

8. Which one of the following carbohydrate molecules has the lowest molecular weight?
(Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]





9. Which one of the following molecules is a monosaccharide? (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]






10 At a conference, the speaker's grand finale was sautéing mealworms (insect larvae)
. in butter and serving them to the audience. They were crunchy (like popcorn hulls)
because their exoskeletons contain the polysaccharide _____. (Concept 5.2 )


linoleic acid



11 Carbohydrates are used in our bodies mainly for _____. (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]
. membrane construction

structural molecules, such as hair and fingernails

building genetic material

energy storage and release

lipid storage

12 The polysaccharide that you are most likely to have eaten recently is _____.
. (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]





13 One characteristic shared by sucrose, lactose, and maltose is that _____. (Concept
. 5.2 ) [Hint]
they are all polysaccharides

they are all monosaccharides

they are all disaccharides

they all contain fructose

they are all indigestible by humans

14 A polysaccharide that is used for storing energy in human muscle and liver cells is
. _____. (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]





15 Which one of the following is not a function of carbohydrates (as a class)? (Concept
. 5.2 ) [Hint]
structural support

energy storage

energy source

enzymatic catalysis

All are carbohydrate functions.

16 Disaccharides can differ from each other in all the following ways except _____.
. (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]
in the number of monosaccharides they contain

in the type of carbonyl functional groups associated with the monosaccharide

in the type of monomer involved
in the location of the glycosidic linkage

in the fatty acids they contain

17 Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch. Why can't the same enzyme break
. down cellulose? (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]
The enzyme cannot attack cellulose because of its helical shape.

Cellulose molecules are much too large.

Starch is made of glucose; cellulose is made of fructose.

The bonds between the monosaccharide monomers in cellulose are much

The monosaccharide monomers in cellulose are bonded together differently
than in starch.
18 The subunits (monomers) in cellulose are linked together by _____. (Concept 5.2
. ) [Hint]
ionic bonds

glycosidic linkages

peptide bonds

phosphodiester linkages

ester linkages

19 Which one of the following components of a tossed salad will pass through the
. human digestive tract and be digested the least? (Concept 5.2 ) [Hint]
sugar (in the dressing)

oil (in the dressing)

starch (in the croutons)

cellulose (in the lettuce)

protein (in the bacon bits)

20 Lipids differ from other large biological molecules in that they _____. (Concept 5.3
. ) [Hint]
are much larger

are not truly polymers

do not have specific shapes

do not contain carbon

do not contain nitrogen and phosphorus atoms

21 Which is the term for compounds that do not mix with water? (Concept 5.3 )
. [Hint]




22 Nutritionally, saturated triacylglycerols are considered to be less healthful than

. unsaturated triacylglycerols. What is the difference between them? (Concept 5.3 )
Saturated triacylglycerols are fats; unsaturated triacylglycerols are
Saturated triacylglycerols have more hydrogen atoms than unsaturated
Saturated triacylglycerols have more double bonds than unsaturated
Saturated triacylglycerols are liquid at room temperature.

All of the above.

23 The lipids that form the main structural component of cell membranes are _____.
. (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]





24 If a small droplet of triacylglycerol molecules is suspended in water, the fat

. molecules form a "ball of spaghetti" with no particular orientation. But if a droplet of
phospholipid molecules is put in water, all the molecules point outward, toward the
water. Phospholipids are forced into this orientation because phospholipids have
_____. (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]
a charged end and a noncharged end

three fatty acid molecules, all pointing in different directions

two fatty acid molecules pointing in different directions

both a saturated fatty acid and an unsaturated fatty acid

two charged ends

25 Which one of the following is a true statement comparing phospholipids and

. triacylglycerols (fats and oils)? (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]
Both molecules contain a phosphate group.

Triacylglycerols may be saturated or unsaturated, but all phospholipids are

Phospholipids are the primary storage form for fats in our bodies.

Phospholipid molecules have a distinctly polar "head" and a distinctly

nonpolar "tail," whereas triacylglycerols are predominantly nonpolar.
In nature, phospholipids occur in fused rings (sterol form), whereas
triacylglycerols maintain a straight-chain form.
26 The sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone belong to which class
. of molecules? (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]

amino acids



nucleic acids

27 Manufacturers make vegetable oils solid or semisolid at room temperature by

. _____. (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]
adding hydrogen atoms to the double bonds in the fatty acid hydrocarbon
removing hydrogen atoms and forming additional double bonds in the fatty
acid hydrocarbon chains
removing hydrogen atoms and forming additional single bonds in the fatty
acid hydrocarbon chains
adding hydrogen atoms to the single bonds of the fatty acid hydrocarbon
none of the above

28 Which one of the following is the major energy storage compound of plant seeds?
. (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]





29 Some lipids are formed when fatty acids are linked to glycerol. These subunits are
. linked together by _____. (Concept 5.3 ) [Hint]
glycosidic linkages

ionic bonds

peptide bonds

phosphodiester linkages

ester linkages

30 The fatty acid tails of a phospholipid are _____ because they _____. (Concept 5.3
. ) [Hint]
hydrophobic ... dissolve easily in water

hydrophobic ... have no charges to which water molecules can adhere

hydrophilic ... consist of units assembled by dehydration reactions

hydrophilic ... are easily hydrolyzed into their monomers

hydrophobic ... consist of units assembled by dehydration reactions

31 The overall three-dimensional shape of a polypeptide is called the _____. (Concept
. 5.4 ) [Hint]
double helix

primary structure

secondary structure

tertiary structure

32 Which of the following would probably not be affected when a protein is denatured?
. (Concept 5.4 ) [Hint]
primary structure

secondary structure

hydrogen bonds

tertiary structure

All of the above must be affected for the protein to be denatured.

33 Which of the following lists ranks these molecules in the correct order by size?
. (Concept 5.4 ) [Hint]
water, sucrose, glucose, protein

protein, water, glucose, sucrose

water, protein, sucrose, glucose

protein, sucrose, glucose, water

glucose, water, sucrose, protein

34 To what does the term "polypeptide" refer? (Concept 5.4 ) [Hint]

. organic molecules linked by dehydration reactions

organic monomers covalently bonded

amino acids linked by hydrolysis

carbohydrates with a hydrogen bond holding them together

none of the above

35 Enzyme molecules require a specific shape to perform their catalytic function. Which
. of the following might alter the shape of an enzymatic protein? (Concept 5.4 )
denaturing the protein

a change in salt concentrations or pH

heating the protein

mixing in a chemical that removes hydrogen bonds

all of the above

36 The α helix and β pleated sheet represent which level of protein structure? (Concept
. 5.4 ) [Hint]
primary structure

secondary structure

tertiary structure

pentiary structure

37 The peptide bond is _____. (Concept 5.4 ) [Hint]

. a hydrogen bond

an ionic bond

a covalent bond

a van der Waals

none of the above

38 Protein molecules are polymers (chains) of _____. (Concept 5.4 ) [Hint]

. DNA molecules

fatty acid molecules

sucrose molecules

amino acid molecules

purines and pyrimidines

39 The "primary structure" of a protein refers to _____. (Concept 5.4 ) [Hint]

. the α helix or β pleated sheets

interactions among the side chains or R groups of the amino acids

coiling due to hydrogen bonding between amino acids

the weak aggregation of two or more polypeptide chains into one functional
the sequence of amino acids

40 Which of the following do proteins and nucleic acids have in common? (Concept 5.5
. ) [Hint]
They are both made of amino acids.

Their structures contain sugars.

They are hydrophobic.

They are large polymers.

They each consist of four basic kinds of subunits (monomers).

41 A glucose molecule is to starch as _____. (Concept 5.5 ) [Hint]

a steroid is to a lipid

a protein is to an amino acid

a nucleic acid is to a polypeptide

a nucleotide is to a nucleic acid

an amino acid is to a nucleic acid

42 A shortage of phosphorus in the soil would make it especially difficult for a plant to
. manufacture _____. (Concept 5.5 ) [Hint]



fatty acids


43 On the basis of the principle of complementary base pairing, you would expect the
. percentage of _____ to be equal to the percentage of _____. (Concept 5.5 )
adenine ... thymine

adenine ... guanine

thymine ... guanine

adenine ... cytosine

thymine ... cytosine

44 Which of the following are pyrimidines found in the nucleic acid DNA? (Concept 5.5
. ) [Hint]
adenine and guanine

thymine and cytosine

thymine and adenine

uracil and guanine

guanine and cytosine

45 Which of the following describes a difference between DNA and RNA? (Concept 5.5
. ) [Hint]
RNA molecules consist of a single polynucleotide chain, whereas DNA
molecules consist of two polynucleotide chains organized into a double helix.
One of their nitrogenous bases is different.

They contain different sugars.

The first and second choices are correct differences.

The first three choices all describe differences.

46 A nucleotide is made of which of the following chemical components? (Concept 5.5

. ) [Hint]
a nitrogenous base, an amino acid, and a pentose sugar

a nitrogenous base, an amino acid, and a phosphate group

a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and a pentose sugar

a nitrogenous base, a fatty acid, and an amino acid

a series of nitrogenous bases, a nucleic acid backbone, and a hexose sugar


1. Correct What is the process by which monomers are linked together to form
polymers? (Concept 5.1 )
Your Answer: dehydration or condensation reactions

2. In a hydrolysis reaction, _____, and in this process water is _____.

(Concept 5.1 )

The Correct Answer: a polymer is broken up into its constituent

monomers ... consumed

3. Correct The type of bond that forms to join monomers (such as sugars and
amino acids) into polymers (such as starch and proteins) is a(n) _____
bond. (Concept 5.1 )
Your Answer: covalent

4. Correct Which of the following is a polymer? (Concept 5.2 )

Your Answer: cellulose, a plant cell wall component

5. Correct Cellulose is a _____ made of many _____. (Concept 5.2 )

Your Answer: polymer ... glucose molecules

6. Correct Generally, animals cannot digest (hydrolyze) the glycosidic linkages

between the glucose molecules in cellulose. How then do cows get
enough nutrients from eating grass? (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: Microorganisms in their digestive tracts hydrolyze the cellulose
to individual glucose units.

7. Correct In what polysaccharide form do plants store glucose to be available

later as an energy source? (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: starch

8. Correct Which one of the following carbohydrate molecules has the lowest
molecular weight? (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: glucose

9. Correct Which one of the following molecules is a monosaccharide? (Concept

5.2 )
Your Answer: C6H12O6

10. At a conference, the speaker's grand finale was sautéing mealworms

(insect larvae) in butter and serving them to the audience. They were
crunchy (like popcorn hulls) because their exoskeletons contain the
polysaccharide _____. (Concept 5.2 )
The Correct Answer: chitin

11. Correct Carbohydrates are used in our bodies mainly for _____. (Concept 5.2 )

Your Answer: energy storage and release

12. Correct The polysaccharide that you are most likely to have eaten recently is
_____. (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: starch

13. Correct One characteristic shared by sucrose, lactose, and maltose is that
_____. (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: they are all disaccharides

14. Correct A polysaccharide that is used for storing energy in human muscle and
liver cells is _____. (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: glycogen

15. Correct Which one of the following is not a function of carbohydrates (as a
class)? (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: enzymatic catalysis

16. Correct Disaccharides can differ from each other in all the following ways
except _____. (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: in the number of monosaccharides they contain

17. Correct Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch. Why can't the same
enzyme break down cellulose? (Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: The monosaccharide monomers in cellulose are bonded
together differently than in starch.

18. Correct The subunits (monomers) in cellulose are linked together by _____.
(Concept 5.2 )
Your Answer: glycosidic linkages

19. Which one of the following components of a tossed salad will pass
through the human digestive tract and be digested the least? (Concept
5.2 )

The Correct Answer: cellulose (in the lettuce)

20. Correct Lipids differ from other large biological molecules in that they _____.
(Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: are not truly polymers

21. Correct Which is the term for compounds that do not mix with water? (Concept
5.3 )
Your Answer: hydrophobic

22. Nutritionally, saturated triacylglycerols are considered to be less

healthful than unsaturated triacylglycerols. What is the difference
between them? (Concept 5.3 )
The Correct Answer: Saturated triacylglycerols have more hydrogen atoms
than unsaturated triacylglycerols.

23. Correct The lipids that form the main structural component of cell membranes
are _____. (Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: phospholipids

24. If a small droplet of triacylglycerol molecules is suspended in water, the

fat molecules form a "ball of spaghetti" with no particular orientation.
But if a droplet of phospholipid molecules is put in water, all the
molecules point outward, toward the water. Phospholipids are forced
into this orientation because phospholipids have _____. (Concept 5.3

The Correct Answer: a charged end and a noncharged end

25. Correct Which one of the following is a true statement comparing phospholipids
and triacylglycerols (fats and oils)? (Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: Phospholipid molecules have a distinctly polar "head" and a
distinctly nonpolar "tail," whereas triacylglycerols are predominantly nonpolar.

26. Correct The sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone belong to
which class of molecules? (Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: lipids

27. Correct Manufacturers make vegetable oils solid or semisolid at room

temperature by _____. (Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: adding hydrogen atoms to the double bonds in the fatty acid
hydrocarbon chains

28. Which one of the following is the major energy storage compound of
plant seeds? (Concept 5.3 )

The Correct Answer: oils

29. Correct Some lipids are formed when fatty acids are linked to glycerol. These
subunits are linked together by _____. (Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: ester linkages

30. Correct The fatty acid tails of a phospholipid are _____ because they _____.
(Concept 5.3 )
Your Answer: hydrophobic ... have no charges to which water molecules can

31. The overall three-dimensional shape of a polypeptide is called the

_____. (Concept 5.4 )

The Correct Answer: tertiary structure

32. Which of the following would probably not be affected when a protein is
denatured? (Concept 5.4 )

The Correct Answer: primary structure

33. Correct Which of the following lists ranks these molecules in the correct order
by size? (Concept 5.4 )
Your Answer: protein, sucrose, glucose, water

34. To what does the term "polypeptide" refer? (Concept 5.4 )

The Correct Answer: none of the above

35. I Enzyme molecules require a specific shape to perform their catalytic

function. Which of the following might alter the shape of an enzymatic
protein? (Concept 5.4 )
The Correct Answer: all of the above

36. The α helix and β pleated sheet represent which level of protein
structure? (Concept 5.4 )

The Correct Answer: secondary structure

37. The peptide bond is _____. (Concept 5.4 )

The Correct Answer: a covalent bond

38. Correct Protein molecules are polymers (chains) of _____. (Concept 5.4 )
Your Answer: amino acid molecules

39. Correct The "primary structure" of a protein refers to _____. (Concept 5.4 )
Your Answer: the sequence of amino acids

40. Which of the following do proteins and nucleic acids have in common?
(Concept 5.5 )

The Correct Answer: They are large polymers.

41. A glucose molecule is to starch as _____. (Concept 5.5 )

The Correct Answer: a nucleotide is to a nucleic acid

42. A shortage of phosphorus in the soil would make it especially difficult

for a plant to manufacture _____. (Concept 5.5 )

The Correct Answer: DNA

43. On the basis of the principle of complementary base pairing, you would
expect the percentage of _____ to be equal to the percentage of _____.
(Concept 5.5 )

The Correct Answer: adenine ... thymine

44. Which of the following are pyrimidines found in the nucleic acid DNA?
(Concept 5.5 )

The Correct Answer: thymine and cytosine

45. Which of the following describes a difference between DNA and RNA?
(Concept 5.5 )
The Correct Answer: The first three choices all describe differences.

46. A nucleotide is made of which of the following chemical components?

(Concept 5.5 )

The Correct Answer: a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and a pentose

::Chapter 6

Home > 6: A Tour of the Cell > Activities Quiz

Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell

Activities Quiz

1. 1 meter = _____ centimeters. (Activity: Metric System Review)





2. _____ are surface appendages that allow a bacterium to stick to a

surface. (Activity: Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function)
Cell walls





3. What is the function of a bacterium's capsule? (Activity: Prokaryotic

Cell Structure and Function)


protein synthesis

DNA storage


4. In eukaryotic cells the first step in protein synthesis is the _____.

(Activity: Role of the Nucleus and Ribosomes in Protein Synthesis )
translation of an RNA nucleotide sequence into a sequence of
amino acids
linking of nucleotides to form a polypeptide

translation of a DNA nucleotide sequence into a sequence of

amino acids
transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA
removal of introns from RNA and the stitching together of
5. Which organelle plays a role in intracellular digestion? (Activity: The
Endomembrane System)



Golgi apparatus


6. The cilia and flagella of eukaryotic cells are composed of _____.

(Activity: Cilia and Flagella)

intermediate filaments




7. Which of these cell junctions form a barrier to the passage of

materials? (Activity: Cell Junctions)
tight junctions

gap (communicating) junctions

desmosomes (anchoring junctions)

keratin fibers


8. The primary role of _____ is to bind animal cells together. (Activity:

Cell Junctions)

gap (communicating) junctions

the cytoskeleton


tight junctions

9. _____ aid in the coordination of the activities of adjacent animal cells.

(Activity: Cell Junctions)
gap (communicating) junctions

Tight junctions

Keratin fibers


10 Choose the letter that indicates the organelle that contains most of a
. cell's DNA. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)

11 Which of these organelles carries out cellular respiration? (Activity:

. Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)


smooth endoplasmic reticulum



12 Which of these is the double membrane that encloses the nucleus?

. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)


13 The _____ is composed of DNA and protein. (Activity: Review of

. Animal Cell Structure and Function)





14 Ribosomal subunits are manufactured by the _____. (Activity: Review

. of Animal Cell Structure and Function)



rough endoplasmic reticulum

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

15 _____ are the sites of protein synthesis. (Activity: Review of Animal

. Cell Structure and Function)


Golgi apparatuses



16 Which of these is involved in the manufacture of membrane? (Activity:

. Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
smooth endoplasmic reticulum


Golgi apparatus


rough endoplasmic reticulum

17 The _____ is a selective barrier, regulating the passage of material

. into and out of the cell. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and

nuclear envelope


plasma membrane


18 Where is calcium stored? (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure

. and Function)

smooth endoplasmic reticulum


rough endoplasmic reticulum


19 Which of these structures stores, modifies, and packages products?

. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)

20 Which of these are hollow rods that shape and support the cell?
. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
plasma membrane




21 _____ is/are identical in structure to centrioles. (Activity: Review of
. Animal Cell Structure and Function)

Nuclear envelopes



Basal bodies

22 Which of these organelles produces H2O2 as a by-product? (Activity:

. Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)





23 Which of these provides the cell with structural support? (Activity:

. Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)

24 Which of these organelles is responsible for photosynthesis? (Activity:

. Review of Plant Cell Structure and Function)


1. Not 1 meter = _____ centimeters. (Activity: Metric System Review)

Answered The Correct Answer: 100

2. Not _____ are surface appendages that allow a bacterium to stick to a

Answered surface. (Activity: Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: Pili

3. Not What is the function of a bacterium's capsule? (Activity:

Answered Prokaryotic Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: protection

4. Not In eukaryotic cells the first step in protein synthesis is the _____.
Answered (Activity: Role of the Nucleus and Ribosomes in Protein
Synthesis )
The Correct Answer: transferring of information from DNA to messenger

5. Not Which organelle plays a role in intracellular digestion? (Activity:

Answered The Endomembrane System)
The Correct Answer: lysosome

6. Not The cilia and flagella of eukaryotic cells are composed of _____.
Answered (Activity: Cilia and Flagella)
The Correct Answer: microtubules

7. Not Which of these cell junctions form a barrier to the passage of

Answered materials? (Activity: Cell Junctions)
The Correct Answer: tight junctions

8. Not The primary role of _____ is to bind animal cells together.

Answered (Activity: Cell Junctions)
The Correct Answer: desmosomes

9. Not _____ aid in the coordination of the activities of adjacent animal

Answered cells. (Activity: Cell Junctions)
The Correct Answer: gap (communicating) junctions

10. Not Choose the letter that indicates the organelle that contains most of a
Answered cell's DNA. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and

The Correct Answer: C

11. Not Which of these organelles carries out cellular respiration?

Answered (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: mitochondrion

12. Not Which of these is the double membrane that encloses the nucleus?
Answered (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)

The Correct Answer: E

13. Not The _____ is composed of DNA and protein. (Activity: Review of
Answered Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: chromatin

14. Not Ribosomal subunits are manufactured by the _____. (Activity:

Answered Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: nucleolus

15. Not _____ are the sites of protein synthesis. (Activity: Review of
Answered Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: Ribosomes

16. Not Which of these is involved in the manufacture of membrane?

Answered (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: rough endoplasmic reticulum

17. Not The _____ is a selective barrier, regulating the passage of material
Answered into and out of the cell. (Activity: Review of Animal Cell
Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: plasma membrane

18. Not Where is calcium stored? (Activity: Review of Animal Cell

Answered Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: smooth endoplasmic reticulum

19. Not Which of these structures stores, modifies, and packages products?
Answered (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)

The Correct Answer: A

20. Not Which of these are hollow rods that shape and support the cell?
Answered (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: microtubules

21. Not _____ is/are identical in structure to centrioles. (Activity: Review

Answered of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: Basal bodies

22. Not Which of these organelles produces H2O2 as a by-product?

Answered (Activity: Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: peroxisome

23. Not Which of these provides the cell with structural support? (Activity:
Answered Review of Animal Cell Structure and Function)

The Correct Answer: D

24. Not Which of these organelles is responsible for photosynthesis?

Answered (Activity: Review of Plant Cell Structure and Function)
The Correct Answer: D

Home > 6: A Tour of the Cell > Chapter Quiz

Chapter 6: A Tour of the Cell

Chapter Quiz

1. A researcher wants to film the movement of chromosomes during cell

division. Which type of microscope should he choose and why is it the
best choice? (Concept 6.1 ) [Hint]
light microscope, because of its high resolving power

transmission electron microscope, because of its high

magnifying power
scanning electron microscope, because of its ability to visualize
the surface of subcellular objects.
transmission electron microscope, because of its high resolving
light microscope, because the specimen is alive

2. Which statement about cell fractionation is incorrect? (Concept 6.1

) [Hint]
The first step in cell fractionation is disruption of the cells and
their organelles.
Organelles that are largest or heaviest are likely to be isolated
earlier in the fractionation procedure than those that are
smaller or lighter.
Organelles are separated by spinning the cell extract at several
different speeds in a centrifuge.
When a cell extract is centrifuged, smaller organelles end up in
the pellet at the bottom of the tube and larger organelles
remain in the liquid above the pellet.
Isolation of the smallest organelles (such as ribosomes)
requires very high centrifuge speeds.
3. The average wavelength of visible light is about 550 nanometers (or
0.5 micrometers). Which of the following cellular structures is
unlikely to be resolved with a light microscope? (Concept 6.1 )
the nucleus, which is typically about 5 micrometers in diameter

chromosomes in the nucleus during cell division

nuclear pore complexes (100 nanometers in diameter) on the

nuclear membrane
a typical bacterial cell, which is between 0.5 and 2.0
micrometers in diameter
a typical eukaryotic cell, which is between 10 and 100
micrometers in diameter
4. Consider two cells with the same volume but with very different
surface areas due to differences in their shapes. The cell with the
larger surface area is likely to _____. (Concept 6.2 ) [Hint]
have a very high metabolic rate

be buried deep in the interior of an organism

be involved in the rapid uptake of compounds from the cell's

be a prokaryotic cell

be nearly spherical in shape

5. Which of the following are likely to limit the maximum size of a cell?

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