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The Ocean of Reflections

Collection 1: 1992 to 2011

Nadeem Haque


Modern banking is the closest thing to magic; they create something from
nothing and call it ‘money’! But a day is coming when the magicians will
perform their last act and will vanish into
thin air.

The balance in the bank is more important to the industrialists than the
balance of nature.

A true belief system is Prophet oriented rather than Profit oriented.

At their core, most human governments are various forms of idiocy; human
beings are not ruled by Democracies, Plutocracies or Dictatorships but

If you believe in garbage long enough, garbage looks like gold; especially if
everyone really wants to buy it.

Political correctness is just another name for suppressing the truth.

Death is everyone’s closest neighbour; just because he’s never visited
doesn’t mean that he’s not there or will never knock on your door.

Death is the final frontier, not space, and the voyages are of the enterprise
of the soul.


The foundations of modern physics is the closest thing to confusion

masquerading as clarity.

The face of physics has not shaved for a long time and definitely needs
Ockham’s razor.

Ochkam’s razor is only to be used for superfluous growth.

Postulating other spaces other than this one space in which we reside is a
multidimensional error.

I don’t believe in the label ‘naïve realism’: either something is real and it
exists or had existed in space or it doesn’t/didn’t exist and if it exists or
existed it does so in relation to other things in a particular way; those who
use this label of naïve realism are deluded by naïve abstractionism.

Contrary to popular opinion: If you cannot visualize something in physics, it

either does not exist and hence is false, or you have only a partial

Divinely directed evolution has occurred but one needs to be evolved in the
divine direction to know this.

Man is the apex of creation but the ex-ape of evolution


If an advanced alien was sent to and landed on earth because he was told
that there’s intelligent life there he’d think it was a bad practical joke.


If you want to really know the truth first you must know the truth of your

Truth is not dependent on your point of origin, but on the origin of your point.

If you don’t face the Truth, one day the Truth will face you.

The arrogant impose the truth on others; the humble expose others to the

The truth is simple, but its determination can be most complex.

Truth is convergent, falsehood divergent.

If you don’t face reality, reality will still be facing you.

If you sincerely search for the truth you are already following the
methodology of the truth.

The wise stay to the truth; the fools stray from the truth.


There is one thing, which if you lose, you have lost everything: your


If the Devil had his way, he would substitute human blood with alcohol.


Those who know the unity of creation are determined to establish the
creation of unity.


Most people think they are free, but have freely mistaken destruction for

Most people in the East copy those in the West because they think that the
Westerners are ‘advanced’. However, I would not call advancing to the edge
of a cliff ‘advancement’.
Some people think everything is relative; others think relatives are
everything – both are relatively wrong.


Smoking should be permissible only if you are on fire.


History is nothing but comedy mixed with tragedy.


A mathematicians prayer to God would be: “I am not asking for a miracle,

but for something whose probability of occurrence approaches zero, as the
denominator increases to infinity, with respect to the constancy of the


The only responsibility you have in this universe is being honest.


You want to know what to believe? First know how to believe, then you will
know what to believe.
Don’t believe in a piece of religion; believe in the religion of peace.


God created man in his own image, but man made an image of God his

The universe is God’s canvas on which He paints His colours of glory.

God is a Rational Individual and loves rational individuality and individual


This precisely designed universe is so precise designed that if there was no

we’d have to invent Him.

Those who are not Conscious of God are not conscious of their selves.

The greatest error in the world is if one thinks there is no non-

anthropomorphic God; the second greatest error is if one thinks that there is
no other-worldly afterlife.

There are only two categories in existence; God and the products of His

There is no outside God.

God is not nothing but no thing.

In terms of ultimate reality nothing exists except God and His imagination
and if most people understood this, the world would be changed.


Some people get justice, others just ice.


The man who considers himself the most ignorant gains the most knowledge.

The greatest knowledge is knowing that you are ignorant in the face of

Realizing that you are not self-sufficient is the main goal of all true learning.


Those who say this universe had a mindless cause, have a cause to be

All that exists, is sustained by a thought and all that is sustained, is thought
by an Existence.

Only those who know the existence of the secret, know the secret of

Until we realize that we are spiritual solutions in the material world, we will
continue to live like material problems in the spiritual world.


Order your life, order your thoughts, order pizza – but don’t order people.

Nobody can fake the AWE.

They say that those who are so humble will not get far in life; well maybe
they have already reached their destination.


Do not introduce complexity without necessity to understand nature.


It is important to eliminate the natural before you postulate the supernatural.


God created you with reason, for a reason and by reason – so help you God!

Most world religions, all new age religions and atheism will leave you in a
mess; let reason be your guide and lead you to the true religion.

Reason is always one step away from being treason.


Those who know the meaning of life, lead a meaningful life.

Those who know the purpose of life lead a purposeful life.

Those who lead a life of truth, know the truth about life.

We have all been sent here on a mission, but most people are suffering from


Proper detachment from this world is attachment to a singular God and what
He expects from us.
Improper attachment to this world is being detached from a singular God and
what He

expects from us.

Only those who are properly detached are at true peace.


The true religion God wants us to follow is perfect in every way.

That God has allowed so many ridiculous practices in the name of false
religion proves that He does have a sense of humour.

A true religion has unshakable roots ,as principles, but flexible branches
against the winds of

Time, as practices.

A true religion has no rituals unless one calls rationality a ritual.

It does not matter what you call yourself, for submission to God is of only one
kind and anyone, anywhere, who, in this way, submits, follows the same
religion. Submission to God is the language of the true religion and its
prevalence universal.

The original meaning of the word religion is ‘binding that leads to security’.
You cannot bind to the temporal and imperfect and expect to be secure.
Therefore, seek to bind to that which is perfect and eternal — a singular God.
That will be your best security.

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