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Periodico trimestrale di
ingegneria strutturale
a cura di
n u me ro 1

When BIM helps in Product Development
and Manufacturing


The key issues in BIM

Una interazione sempre più richiesta


L’importanza del BIM nello sviluppo degli
impianti MEP

on BIM
How Mantoan Progettazioni became a world
leader in BIM


A cura della redazione

Anno 1 n° 1, Febbraio 2016 - CSPFea s.c. via Zuccherificio, 5 D - 35042 Este (PD) Italy - Tel. +39 0429 602404 - Fax +39 0429 610021 -

IM00_02.2016.indd 1 02/02/16 16:27

Il tuo progetto.
La tua passione. Consulenza BIM
Il tuo risparmio.
La nostra consulenza.
La nostra professionalità.
La nostra Tecnologia
di Eccellenza.


Costruzione Strutturale

Pianificazione Progettazione

Fabbricazione Computistica

Acquisti Preliminare


Contatta il nostro Esperto!

Ing. Mirco Sanguin
CSPFea s.c. - Via Zuccherificio, 5D
35042 Este (PD) Italy +39 0429 602404

IM00_02.2016.indd 2 02/02/16 16:23


Editoriale Sommario
Il Building Information Modeling è un metodo di lavoro che tenta Prof. Stefano Converso
di riscrivere i processi di produzione del settore AEC (Architectural
Engineering and Construction) in modo da ottenere dei veri processi BIM for the construction
industriali. Questa è la strada per l’efficienza indicata da primissime ri-
cerche accademiche (una cronaca di Charles Eastman sul BIM negli industry
anni ‘70, ancora attuale e davvero chiara, è “Conceptual Modeling When BIM helps in Product Development
Design”1) e successivamente dallo sviluppo del formato di in- and Manufacturing
terscambio IFC per arrivare alle prime normative, in particolare Pag. 4
quelle britanniche. Con questo numero Speciale di Structural
Modeling, che per l’occasione ho ritenuto di chiamare appunto
“Information Modeling”, CSPFea propone degli approfondimenti tematici su una materia Prof. Eduardo Cortes
che si presenta vastissima. Il BIM nasce dalla necessità di coordinare progetti complessi,
con la partecipazione di numerose discipline (pianificazione, urbanistica, architettura, im- Flexibility and
piantistica MEP, strutturale, etc), gestire la fase di costruzione (general contractor, imprese,
fornitori, DL, etc.) per proseguire con il ciclo di vita del fabbricato (Facility Management ed
eventualmente decommissioning dell’opera). Esistono diverse problematiche risolvibili con The key issues in BIM
strumenti software. Citando le fasi cruciali abbiamo il coordinamento (uno degli strumenti
Pag. 8
più affermati è Project Wise di Bentley), l’authoring (la creazione di modelli informativi
contenenti geometrie, parametri ed informazioni non geometriche) che si sviluppa in tools
integrati (ad esempio AECOsim permette di sviluppare Architettura, Strutture e MEP), o
tools specifici per ogni disciplina, per arrivare a funzioni specifiche di analisi 4D (studio e Ing. Paolo Segala
gestione delle fasi realizzative, essendo la quarta dimensione il tempo) e 5D (studio dinamico
nel tempo dell’andamento dei costi dell’opera, stima delle quantità o quantity takeoff, etc.).
Il B.I.M. si confronta con lo
Per non parlare del “detailing” che ha visto lo sviluppo di numerosi CAD 3D specifici per ac-
ciaio e calcestruzzo (la suite ProStructure di Bentley ne è un esempio) che devono dialogare
Una interazione sempre più richiesta
con “round-trip” con i suddetti strumenti di authoring e coordinamento. Una rivista non ha il
compito di fornire un testo esaustivo sul BIM, il nostro obiettivo è di entrare in maggior pro- Pag. 11
fondità su casi applicativi specifici di ogni disciplina, dove lo strumento software può essere
di aiuto. Come al solito i software non risolvono l’ignoranza della materia da parte dell’utiliz-
zatore, ma sono piuttosto degli utili strumenti per svolgere al meglio un lavoro che l’utente Arch. Manuel André Bottiglieri
sa già come impostare. In questo numero, che speriamo sia il primo di una lunga serie, se i
lettori ne saranno interessati, iniziamo soprattutto intervistando alcuni BIM expert, anche a
dimostrare quali nuove professioni e opportunità di lavoro stanno nascendo all’interno della
galassia BIM. I testi, per la prima volta nella storia di questa rivista, sono spesso in inglese, sul BIM che conta
per dimostrare quanto ancora tale disciplina si rivolga ad un palcoscenico internazionale. L’importanza del BIM nello sviluppo degli impianti MEP
one Infatti il BIM, prima di essere una opportunità in Italia è già una certezza affermata nei grandi
progetti che si svolgono nei Paesi a maggiore tasso di sviluppo, dal Medio Oriente, al Nord Pag. 16
ica Europa, al mercato americano. La deformazione professionale, per uno strutturista come me,
porta ad approfondire anche la relazione tra il mondo BIM e l’analisi strutturale. Ho notato
come le discipline che si affidano a schemi di calcolo per i dimensionamenti, lo strutturale Interview to Massimo Mantoan
ma anche l’impiantistico, soffrono una impostazione BIM che rispecchia molto le esigenze
dell’architettura. Lo standard IFC, mi raccontava poco tempo fa un testimone diretto delle The BIM opens
prime riunioni del Gruppo che ideò il formato IFC, fu sviluppato soprattutto per considerare
le esigenze di quantity takeoff, rendering, analisi illuminotecniche e climatiche, al punto che opportunities overseas
i primi modelli “strutturali” ricavati da un interscambio via IFC risultavano ingestibili per How Mantoan Progettazioni became a world leader in BIM
complessità, contenevano una vastissima casistica di end-offset, parti non-strutturali inutili
a al calcolo, risultando in modelli analitici davvero inutilizzabili per le analisi strutturali. Que- Pag. 22
sto è un argomento sul quale vi sarà sviluppo nell’immediato futuro. È ciò che lo strutturista
deve chiedere agli sviluppatori di software strutturale. I developers di MIDAS Gen stanno
sviluppando delle soluzioni che saranno disponibili a breve e che a prima vista appaiono
davvero interessanti. Ma questo è un argomento che tratteremo in un prossimo numero. CSPFea inaugura
Auguro a tutti buona lettura e vi invito a mandarmi feedback: scrivetemi.
i Talks on BIM
Ing. Paolo Segala a cura della redazione - Twitter: @cspfea1
Fundamental Developments of Computer Aided Geometric Modeling, Ed. by Les A. Piegl, University of Florida, stampato Pag. 25
da Academic Press Limited, London, 1993, ISBN 0-12-554765-X

Le opinioni espresse negli articoli pubblicati dalla rivista Structural Modeling,

impegnano esclusivamente i rispettivi autori.
Editore: casa editrice Il Prato -
Progetto grafico: Enrico Cappellari -
© casa editrice Il Prato © CSPFea s.c. CSPFea sostiene:

! CSPFea distribuisce:


Build Soft N.V. civil engineering

IM00_02.2016.indd 3 02/02/16 16:24
Prof. Stefano Converso

BIM for the

When BIM helps in Product Development
and Manufacturing

IM00_02.2016.indd 4 02/02/16 16:24


Interview to
Prof. Stefano Converso
CEO of Cloud Design

How did you see the evolution of BIM in the last Practice, and I think he was right.
10 years? What was your experience in BIM in We have been called to help BIM Processes by clients at dif-
ferent steps of the process (architects, engineers, contractors),
the last 10 years in US? and that’s significant, I think. Now we are involved in a very
During my PhD studies about the spreading of digital technolo-
interesting project for the main Auditorium of the New Con-
gies in the AEC practice I moved to the US to investigate the New
gress Center of Rome, the so called “cloud” building by Massi-
York scene, that I was following as one of the more tied to apply
miliano Fuksas. The auditorium had to be cladded with doubly
the advanced concepts and workflows to daily practice and at all
curved wood and we’ve been consultants of the subcontractor
scales. One of the key articles of the times was titled “Frank Ge-
since the optimization phase towards the final CNC machining
hry for the rest of us”. It was describing the “change of scale” and
of components, that we controlled directly. Such transversal
questioning the possibility, for architects, to apply the concepts
role was, I think, a great proof of the “change in role” requested
and tools of complex projects, to normal practice. The article used
by BIM. We had to embrace much more responsibility that the
as core example the practice of SHoP Architects, and I came to
one we were used to. And interesting aspect, we had to spoke
know them, write about them, but more importantly, discover the
at different levels with different people, and select the right
“culture” that they were part of. I am talking about people like
kind of information for each of them. All of the above wold
John Nastasi, and his institute at Stevens Institute of Technology,
have been impossible without a strict relationship of partner-
but also younger researchers, that later joined, or directly founded
ship with the conctractor, a company called Devoto, devoted to
important offices of the actual scene. One of the more releveant,
manufacturing of complex furnishing systems. I said partner-
that actually is giving shape to such thinking in terms of practice
ship and not just provision of services on purpose, of course.
is CASE, founded by three professionals that left together SHoP’s
Complex form obliged such process in this case, but the kind of
office to start the new company. They are still promoting the most
relationship is true
advanced concepts and straighforward thinking around BIM, be-
to every real BIM
yond BIM in many senses, but always taking care of practice, and
real world application, as they call it.
process. This is just We don’t need new
one relevant ex- technicians, working in
ample of our “new a new niche. We need
BIM is a general term, did you see new practice”, always in-
opportunities in the application of Information volving new young “interface people”, that have
Modeling? professionals, we big parts of their work in
Yes many, of course. We don’t need new technicians, working in directly shaped retrieving information, and
a new niche. We need “interface people”, that have big parts of and involved in producing “bridges” between
their work in retrieving information, and producing “bridges” be- our research team domains, closing gaps in
tween domains, closing gaps in the overall workflow. They do it at Roma Tre Uni-
of course, through digital technology, and and advanced shaping versity. Manuel
the overall workflow. They
of it, but always keeping in mind the “the main work instrument Bottiglieri, also in- do it of course, through
in a BIM process is the telephone!”. terviewed here, is digital technology, and and
New companies arose in this “interface land”, that are crucial one important ex- advanced shaping of it, but
to understand how the change is in profession, first. And how ample. Almost all always keeping in mind the
much single authorship doesn’t tell all the story about a complex of them took part
design like the one we are called to produce today. I will just to the successfull
“the main work instrument
mention DesignToProduction and Transsolar, as one of the most participation to the in a BIM process is the
significant agencies to me, but they are not the only examples. “Solar Decathlon” telephone!”.
John Frazer said we need the move from Digital Project to Digital international com-

IM00_02.2016.indd 5 02/02/16 16:24
petition in the team I’ve lead as Project and BIM Manager for in a 100% fully BIM process, involving: design, engineering,
the digital technology strategy. Our team, leaded by Roma Tre manufacturing, transportation, assembly and, very important,
University was the only Italian one selected for participation management, and disassembly. All of the above with a careful
since establihment of the competition aimed at design, engi- attention to sustainability (1st award in 2012 for the prototype
neer and manufacture advanced housing prototypes at Zero “Med in Italy”), meaning all material lifecycle and embodied
Energy. Our house, called “RhOME” resulted overall winner in energy constantly calculated, and energy efficiency (several
the 2014 edition. A successfull experience of advanced integra- awards) meaning performance checked on-site through sensors
tion, involving more than 20 advanced companies, all involved and continuous monitoring.

Rome Congress Center - Screenshot of tagging of unique elements in the interior cladding substructure
(courtesy of Cloud Design / Devoto)

Rome Congress Center - Images of unique steel components of substructure, individually cut and
numbered directly from design BIM/CAM Model
(courtesy of Cloud Design / Devoto)

IM00_02.2016.indd 6 02/02/16 16:24
BIM is a matter of culture, I know that you ment 3D enviroments. We produced one example of the recent
wrote two books and you collaborate with winning project of Solar Decathlon 2014, called Dwell!, that is
now being updated. We also recently completed a crowdsourced
some Journals. Can you tell me more about this design for reconversion of two dismantletd residential towers in
activity? Rome, with 35 design teams updating floor designs and sharing
I worked for many years as coordinator of the digital sci- components in an online environment.
ence section of a Journal of Architecture, called “Il Giornale Italian market is, as everything here, complex and difficult to
dell’Architettura”. The review was founded around the idea to investigate in general. But what I see and experience personally
study architecture as a full process, not just a design, and I is that the BIM Scene is growing very fast. And lots of people are
was very comfortable with such idea. Through that job I had trying to surf the wave, not always in the best way.
the chance to follow the growing scene in years 2000, by tak-
ing part to events like Smart Geometry Conferences, and so
Can you tell us more about the use of Generative
on, partly as professional, part as researcher, part as “journal-
ist”. I interviewed and spoke with people like Lars Spuybroek, Algorithms in the AEC sector?
Greg Lynn, John Frazer, in parallel to my personal activity of Generative Algorithms are a dangerous domain. I believe that
experimentation. I wrote a monograph about SHoP, as practical customization and advanced use of digital instruments is a pre-
example of a growing new practice and a book on digitalization requisite for every true application of BIM. Digital has to be a me-
of the design to construction stream of information. Through dium, as Lynn always mentions. So every instrument that allows
all these contacts and experiences I could verify the intuition for customization of “the last mile” is more than welcome.
of how much digital technology is the key to change the rules
of the game, not to “improve processes”. And seeing the human Generative algorithms can make a lot of sense, and they did in
aspect of this change was of course important in that sense. several projects. But they need maturity, while very often they
Professional boundaries were very often challenged. Even if, are used by beginners just to play. Having said that, they are
of course, there is still people bounded into Academia of pure powerful, but I will change the definition in the question to a
profession, of course. These people somehow lose the most in- wider “rule based design methods in AEC industry”. Rules, sets,
teresting part, but also the most challenging, I have to admit. parameters defining a decision are often what is needed when
things are exchanged, an issue increasingly crucial today.
In your professional activity you can see what the
AEC market needs now. Can you tell us about the
most interesting BIM trends in the italian market?
I think the next frontier runs over the web, of course. You can
call it BIM Level 3 as UK does, but it’s in BIM Networks. But
their shape is not banal, nor evident. We are now doing a lot
of research about it. Involving also maintenance and manage-

Rome Congress Center - Screenshot of the custom

software toolbar developed within the application
for automatization and generalization of serveral
tasks. In the image, the active tool applies to
generation, tagging and subdivision of unique steel
components of substructure, individually cut and
numbered directly from design BIM/CAM Model.
(courtesy of Cloud Design / Devoto)

Books: Il progetto digitale per la costruzione. Cronache di un mutamento professionale, Politecnica/Maggioli, 2010
Shop works. Collaborazioni costruttive in digitale, Edilstampa, 2008

IM00_02.2016.indd 7 02/02/16 16:24
Prof. Eduardo Cortes

Flexibility and
The key issues in BIM

IM00_02.2016.indd 8 02/02/16 16:24

Interview to
Eduardo Cortes
Technical Manager Bentley

What was your experience before

Bentley and what was the experience
in Bentley?
Before join Bentley, I was using MicroStation for 15
years, mainly as CAD product, and as the base for
utilities network design. I was the project manager
for a 10-people team in Intergraph Spain, in charge
to develop utilities network applications.
Now I am working in Bentley since 2005, focused
on BIM design and Information Management solu-
tions, like AECOsim and ProjectWise. I know the
solutions at all the levels, as I have worked as train-
er, technical support, and presales engineer.

Why AECOsim is used by engineers in Interoperability is needed to avoid the replica-

BIM projects? tion of work when the data needs to be trans-
In my opinion, there are two critical points to work fered between applications, like the structural
in BIM projects: flexibility and interoperability, and modelling and the structural calculation soft-
AECOsim is a good player on this two topics. ware. In this point, AECOsim is supporting all
Flexibility is needed to be able to manage huge the standard exchange formats (like IFC, CIS/2,
projects, and to be able to reference data from gbXML) and promoting the use of new ones (like
other sources or formats while you are designing. iModel or ISM).
There must not be reason to force the users to use A good example is the 2014 Bentley award winner
the same tool for structural modelling than for in the category of “Innovation in Structural Engi-
mechanical or architectural modelling, so we must neering”, an astronomical radio telescope built in
ask the applications to be able to reference differ- China using different Bentley software, like AE-
ent sources data (not import, as we don’t need to COsim Building Designer, MicroStation, Bentley
transfer the data for coordination). Navigator, ProjectWise and ProSteel.

IM00_02.2016.indd 9 02/02/16 16:24
Does it matter the National Codes in
BIM? We know that British Standards
fully describe the requirements for
BIM in the AEC sector: what is your
experience with these Codes?
National Codes are the way to “localize” a global
way of work and collaboration. Local standards,
like the British one, defines not only the best way
to work following each country methodologies,
but also a Classification Code easy to understand
by the people involved on the process.
AECOsim is supporting objects with several clas-
sification codes, allowing the users to use the same
model to produce different outputs for each coun-
try based on the different classification codes.

Who is taking the real benefit of use BIM? of 2-4 years spent during the design and construction phases, but
There is a common understanding about the designers are the the time the infraestructure will be operated could be more than
main beneficiarys of the use of BIM technology, as they can save 50 years, so the real benefit of BIM is taking advantage of the
time designing their models or producing the outputs, but this is intelligent models during the Operation & Maintenance phase.
not completely true in my opinion. Having an accurate information available during the whole life of
The whole lifecycle of a construction project includes a timeframe the infrastructure will save a lot of money to the owner.

IM00_02.2016.indd 10 02/02/16 16:24


Need Chechk

Il B.I.M. si
confronta con lo
Ing. Paolo Segala
CEO, CSPFea s.c.
strutturista Una interazione sempre più richiesta
Sempre più spesso l’ingegnere strutturista, addetto alle analisi sullo stesso Modello con le sue correzioni, modifiche, integra-
e alla verifica di strutture, sia esse in acciaio, CA, legno, etc., zioni, in un cosiddetto “round trip”.
viene chiamato a interagire con la filiera del progetto con stru- Tuttavia non sempre questo è possibile con gli strumenti di cal-
menti digitali sempre più evoluti. Se fino a ieri era sufficiente colo poiché gli schemi strutturali che l’analista ricava dai Mo-
ricevere dal progettista architettonico o dal Project Manager dei delli proposti dal Project Manager possono discostarsi di molto
files in un formato .dxf, oggi è necessario allinearsi a standard dal Modello BIM. Per ottenere un modello computazionale af-
più evoluti. fidabile infatti, l’analista opera delle semplificazioni e schema-
Molti softwares utilizzati dai progettisti architettonici, ma an- tizzazioni che portano a perdere la coincidenza topologica col
che da coloro addetti all’impostazione strutturale del fabbricato, Modello Informativo ricevuto.
utilizzano strumenti software che non solo descrivono entità Per comprendere questo problema, ed intravvederne soluzioni
geometriche (punti e linee che rappresentano travi, colonne, pa- efficaci, vogliamo spiegare in sintesi i “passi” condotti dall’ana-
reti, etc., spesso rappresentati solo in 2D con piante e sezioni) lista strutturale nell’elaborazione dei propri modelli, una meto-
ma anche oggetti (oggetto trave, colonna, sempre rappresentati dologia che tutti gli strutturisti seguono ma forse senza sapere
nella loro posizione corretta nello spazio tridimensionale) ed in- che le norme internazionali ne hanno efficacemente descritto
formazioni (codice del profilo standard usato, tipo di materiale le procedure denominate Verifica & Validazione (V&V). Prove-
da costruzione, etc.). Si passa dal poter leggere un CAD a dover remo quindi a “mappare” le procedure con quanto si sta diffon-
interpretare un BIM. L’aspettativa del Project Manager è quella dendo nel settore BIM, dove spesso l’interazione tra architetto
che anche lo strutturista sia in grado di leggere le informazioni e ingegnere è stata tracciata dal primo, a volte senza una reale
contenute del Building Information Model, e possa rispondere consapevolezza di ciò che serve allo strutturista.

IM00_02.2016.indd 11 02/02/16 16:24
V&V: riferimenti normativi internazionali Il processo di modellazione della realtà può essere suddiviso
NAFEMS, una istituzione in questo campo, ha pubblicato le in passi ciascuno dei quali è oggetto di analisi, scelte ed
sue prime Linee Guida nel 19921, le Procedure di Qualità nel eventualmente revisioni da parte dell’Analista mediante il
1999 standardizzando anche i primi “Benchmarks” (casi prova). cosiddetto “giudizio ingegneristico”.
Nel 2007 si è concluso un lungo lavoro del Comitato V&V10 • La realtà fisica complessa (Modello Fisico, l’oggetto reale
di ASME2, iniziato con la tragedia dello Shuttle Columbia su dell’analisi, costituito ad esempio da da un edificio esistente
incarico della NASA3, creando la propria Guida alla Verifica e o da una struttura in progetto di nuova realizzazione)
Validazione nella meccanica computazionale. Il V&V10 di ASME viene astratta in un Modello Concettuale semplificato. Il
ha offerto un metodo per affrontare il problema, consapevole principale obiettivo è di determinare i processi cruciali e di
che, prima ancora di Linee Guida che guidassero passo-passo gli riformulare la realtà in un modello concettuale, applicando
ingegneri analisti, era necessario fissare i termini della questione valide semplificazioni tali per cui i fenomeni principali, come
definendo cos’è un processo di Modellazione e Simulazione e osservati nella realtà, vengono mantenuti nel modello.
cosa si intende per Verifica e Validazione di un calcolo. • Il Modello Concettuale viene tradotto in un Modello
Matematico, ovvero nella formulazione matematica dei
Modellazione e Analisi alla base della Simulazione processi identificati nel Modello Concettuale. Ad esempio un
V&V10 definisce come Modellazione ed Analisi (M&A) le insieme di equazioni differenziali che descrivono l’equilibrio
operazioni dell’ingegnere “analista” che si appresta ad eseguire del continuo.
un calcolo strutturale. Il documento chiede all’analista • Il Modello Matematico viene traslato in uno schema numerico,
di riflettere, descrivere e giustificare le attività di M&A mediante Algoritmi Numerici, laddove come spesso accade non
scomponendole in: elaborazione del Modello Concettuale, è disponibile una soluzione diretta analitica delle equazioni.
scelta e utilizzo del Modello Matematico, utilizzo dell’Algoritmo Ciò richiede spesso una discretizzazione del problema
Numerico attraverso un Codice di Calcolo, scelta dei parametri nello spazio e nel tempo, come ad esempio nel Metodo agli
fisici da inserire nel Codice di Calcolo, scelta di parametri di Elementi Finiti, il quale implica che le originarie equazioni
discretizzazione del modello. Queste attività conducono ad matematiche vengono applicate in una forma approssimata.
ottenere un Modello Computazionale. L’implementazione in un pacchetto software viene effettuata
L’obiettivo mediante operazioni di Modellazione ed Analisi mediante un linguaggio di programmazione da Sviluppatori,
(M&A) è quello di ottenere un modello di calcolo accurato, i quali utilizzano ulteriori artifici generalmente necessari per
relativamente a quanto il Modello Computazionale rappresenti rendere il software robusto per le applicazioni della pratica
la realtà, ed affidabile, relativamente alla possibilità che i progettuale, ad esempio nel caso di trattamento numerico di
risultati del Modello Computazionale possano essere utilizzati elementi strutturali infinitamente rigidi, o nella gestione dei
per intraprendere decisioni progettuali. casi di labilità di parte della struttura, o nella gestione dei
criteri di convergenza dei metodi iterativi di soluzione.
Si riporta in figura 1 il tipico Flow Chart concettuale del M&S e • Mediante la scelta dei parametri fisici da inserire nel software,
in Tabella 1 un esempio. la scelta di parametri di discretizzazione del modello, ed altre
operazioni, l’Analista, utilizzatore del software, ottiene il
Modello Computazionale i cui risultati sono alla base delle
Conceptual decisioni progettuali successive. Spesso nelle Norme e delle
Model Linee Guida il Modello Computazionale è chiamato Modello
di Calcolo: la definizione di ASME è preferibile perché
richiama il fatto che il Modello Computazionale è frutto di
Mathematical precedenti passaggi logici.

E il BIM?
Numerical L’avvento delle tecnologie che permettono la realizzazione di un
Algorithm progetto digitale, ovvero un Modello Informativo del Progetto,
altresì detto Building Information Model (BIM), stanno creando
ulteriori definizioni di Modello e purtroppo anche alcune
ambiguità. Bisogna considerare che il BIM è stato sviluppato
Code soprattutto per la parte architettonica risultando inevitabilmente
superficiale sulla parte del BIM relativa al lavoro dello strutturista.
Invece tale parte dovrà recuperare rapidamente un suo ruolo
Physical specifico nelle procedure di interazione con gli altri tecnici
Parameters Parameters

1) NAFEMS (National Agency for the Finite Element Methods and Standards):
NAFEMS Quality Assurance Procedures for Engineering Analysis.
Computational Glasgow, 1999. (Disponibile su richiesta a NAFEMS)
model 2) ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) V&V10, Comitee. Guide
for Verification and Validation in Computational Solid Mechanics. 2007
3) NASA Technical Standard, STD 7009. Standard for models and simulations.
Fig. 1: Modeling & Simulation (ASME V&V10) 2008

IM00_02.2016.indd 12 02/02/16 16:24
coinvolti nella progettazione BIM, al punto che si parlerà ora di
Structural-BIM (S-BIM) con proprie specifiche esigenze.
Gli strumenti usati nelle procedure BIM al fine di gestire un
Modello Informativo del Progetto dovranno pertanto definire:

Modello BIM Fisico Architettonico: è quello descritto

mediante software CAD orientati agli oggetti dell’ultima
generazione (impropriamente chiamati software BIM). Nel
mondo BIM si trova spesso il termine Modello Fisico, ma tale
definizione si sovrappone a quella degli strutturisti, come scritto
più sopra.

Modello BIM Fisico Strutturale: è un sottoinsieme del

precedente, e contiene solo gli elementi strutturali e tutti gli
elementi di interesse per le analisi dello strutturista (si pensi
alle tamponature dei capannoni, a tamponature in muratura dei
telai in CA, ad impianti, ad elementi architettonici secondari ma
richiedenti verifiche statiche). Spesso tale Modello trova spazio
nei software BIM o in loro versioni un po’ più specializzate (al
nome del software viene aggiunto “structure” o “structural”). Già
il Modello Fisico Strutturale è materia dello strutturista, sebbene
nei processi BIM ciò non risulti così ovvio e spesso lo strutturista
Modello BIM Computazionale: è quello che l’analista
si trovi a ottenere tale Modello già definito in precedenza da un
definisce e costruisce mediante il proprio software di analisi sulla base
Progettista Architettonico.
del Modello Concettuale, Matematico e relativi Algoritmi, e che spesso
viene utilizzato in post processing per i dimensionamenti, le verifiche
Modello BIM Concettuale: diventa materia specifica del- e la dettagliatura dei disegni strutturali generalmente forniti in 2D.
lo strutturista che, grazie all’engineering judgement stabilisce In sostanza questi modelli e i software che permettono di descriverli
gli elementi che servono a descrivere correttamente il compor- e definirli devono essere quasi sempre governati dallo strutturista
tamento strutturale. I software BIM forniscono un “Modello e vanno a costituire quella specializzazione chiamata S-BIM.
analitico”, inteso come le informazioni sufficienti a descrivere
concetti di structural behaviour (come gli assi e gli offset di tra-
vi e colonne, cerniere o nodi continui, etc.) di utilità per il sof-
tware di calcolo. Il termine Modello Analitico è maldestramen- Si può fare meglio?
te ripreso dai concetti di M&A citati in precedenza, ma è chiaro
che non si tratta della stessa cosa. In realtà il Modello Con- Sicuramente c’è molto da fare, poiché l’interazione BIM tra
cettuale può comportare scelte dell’analista che progettista architettonico e strutturale è lungi dall’essere risolto
portano a una diversità topologica col dai cosiddetti software BIM così come nel workflow di altri ambiti
Modello Fisico che possono com- applicativi come nel plant engineering.
portare la perdita della traccia- CSPFea, in collaborazione con MIDAS IT, sta lavorando alla
bilità “round trip” con il Modello soluzione di tale problema. È chiaro che lo strutturista deve avere
Fisico Strutturale (si pensi ad un a disposizione uno strumento che gli permetta di:
modello concettuale nel quale si • “aprire” un Modello Informativo BIM e leggerne le parti di
intende modificare le caratteristi- interesse;
che geometriche volendole • “mappare” il proprio Modello Concettuale sul Modello BIM senza
semplificare per migliorare perdere le informazioni del Modello BIM che non interessano
l’interpretazione dei risulta- (elementi non strutturali, architettonici, MEP);
ti di calcolo o volendole ren- • semplificare e schematizzare in piena libertà il proprio Modello
dere atte a meglio simulare Concettuale per ottenerne un Modello Computazionale corretto
un comportamento struttu- ed adeguato alle analisi da svolgere poter eseguire in libertà un
rale: diaframmi di piano, “round trip” verso il Modello BIM ricevuto, ancora una volta senza
setti schematizzati in travi perdere il collegamento topologico con il Modello BIM importato.
equivalenti, fondazioni a
platea schematizzate a gra- Se siete interessati ad approfondire questo tema e siete alla ricerca
ticcio equivalente, aperture di un processo efficiente per essere pronti a rispondere alle call di
di dimensione trascurabi- progetti BIM sentitevi liberi di contattarmi. Sarò lieto di illustrarvi
le, collegamenti tra come le nostre novità in preparazione sono in grado di riportare il
strutture definiti lavoro dello strutturista in una posizione da protagonista.
solo come link tra
nodi con particola-
ri proprietà mecca-
niche, etc.).
Le immagini dell’articolo sono relative al nuovo MIDAS Plant

IM00_02.2016.indd 13 02/02/16 16:24

2012 Finalist

Project Summary Information Mobility Helps Deliver

Bentley InRoadsProject
Organization ® ®
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Rail and Transit Powerful
Integratedtools for the design
3D Modeling UsingofBentley
civil infrastructure
Software Enables Design and
Glenfield, Australia
Construction of Phase 1 of Sydney’s Rail Expansion Program
Project Objectives
• The South West Rail Link aims Upgrading Rail Transport in New South Wales GJA’s scope of work was to design all elements of the civil
to improve the reliability and works and rail systems, and to construct all civil works except
The South West Rail Link (SWRL) is a New South Wales
increase capacity of the rail for those within the three-meter “danger zone” around the
network in south west Sydney. (NSW) Government initiative designed to address reliability
issues and a projected increase in ridership on the live railway. Track and rail system construction within the
• Phase 1 upgraded the Glenfield danger zone were the responsibility of Novo Rail (an alliance
metropolitan rail network in Sydney, Australia. The AUD 2.1
Station and bus/rail interchange, of Transport for NSW in partnership with Aurecon, Laing
and added rail flyovers to the billion project includes a major upgrade of Glenfield Station
north and south. and bus/rail interchange (Phase 1), and a new 11.4 kilometer O’Rourke, and ODG Haden).
twin-track passenger rail line from Glenfield to Leppington Phase 1 works not only upgraded the existing bus and
• The Glenfield Junction Alliance is
developing all rail works within a (Phase 2). rail interchange at Glenfield Station but also constructed
live rail corridor while maintaining rail flyovers to the north and south of the station. The
Parsons Brinckerhoff, a global infrastructure strategic
passenger and freight operations.
consulting, engineering, and program/construction improvements provided essential infrastructure and added
Products Used capacity for a population center projected to grow by 300,000
management organization, designed the majority of Phase 1
• ProjectWise, MicroStation, Bentley over the next 30 years. The Alliance designed the rail
works as a member of the Glenfield Junction Alliance (GJA).
Rail Track, InRoads Suite, Bentley
Three-dimensional modeling using Bentley Rail Track, Bentley systems (permanent way, signaling, communications, and
Architecture, Structural Modeler
Structural (now Structural Modeler), and other Bentley overhead wiring), station structure and flyover structures,
products enabled the Alliance to save nearly AUD 1 million road realignment and associated works, high voltage systems,
Fast Facts in design and construction costs as well as accelerate and earthworks and retaining walls. GJA was also involved
project delivery. in environmental and sustainability management, community
• Parsons Brinckerhoff provided
design services for all elements of and stakeholder relations, and systems assurance.
the civil works and rail systems. Opened in September 2012, four months ahead of schedule,
the refurbished Glenfield Station includes a new aerial The major challenge for the Alliance was constructing the
• Bentley software enabled SWRL infrastructure within a congested live rail corridor while
engineers to implement design concourse, lifts, ticket office, bus interchange, and parking
best practices for steep grades, lot; and upgraded platforms and canopies. The transport maintaining passenger and freight operations. GJA built as
limited space, construction costs, interchange has already improved accessibility, reliability, and much of the infrastructure as possible outside the danger
and constructability. zone and within track possessions where required. Staging
capacity for commuters in the area. On track for completion
• 3D models of track, piling, walls, in 2015, the SWRL will provide essential infrastructure for
structures, and under-track cross-
Sydney’s 18-precinct South West Growth Centre – with
ings were combined to form 4D
construction simulations. modern, safe, and accessible stations and interchange
facilities for all rail commuters.
Building in a Congested Live Rail Corridor
• 3D information modeling enabled
the Alliance to save AUD 1 million Growing rail capacity to meet demand is the responsibility
in design and construction costs. of the integrated transport authority known as Transport for
• Standardized preferences and NSW, a NSW government agency reporting directly to the
automated routines in Bentley Rail minister of infrastructure and transport. Transport for NSW is
Track accelerated drawing also working closely with rail operator Sydney Trains to bring
production, generating a total
savings over 150 drawings, of the SWRL project into operation. Transport for NSW formed
All civil cconstruction
A onstruction w
orks eexcept
xcept tth
ose wit
ithiin thee tthree-
1,500 man-hours. the GJA that consisted of Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia, meter “danger zone”, were undertaken in a congested live
John Holland, and Bouygues Travaux Publics. rail corridor.
• Bentley products contributed to an
acceleration of construction time
of up to one year.

IM00_02.2016.indd 14 02/02/16 16:24

“One of the biggest construction to ensure safe rail operations was a multidiscipline alignments were achieved. Upon completion of the detailed
effort among Alliance members, representing more than 1,000 design phase, approximately 4,000 drawings were produced for
value adds of professionals. 160 design packages.

Bentley software was Information Modeling Enables Design Using Bentley Rail Track and Automation
Improvements and Aids Constructability Routines Saves Time and Ensures Accuracy
the ability to integrate During the project definition phase and as part of the optioneer- For the track design, Parsons Brinckerhoff configured Bentley Rail
3D models for each ing and value engineering process, the project team scrutinized Track’s preference files to ensure both consistency of output, and
various solutions for the flyovers and station structures. Multiple compliance with track standards, for all track drawings. “The
discipline. This type iterations of the track alignment and structure were produced be- operator, Sydney Trains, has very prescriptive ways of showing
fore the optimal design was chosen. A major benefit of using the their designs, so we adapted Bentley software to produce the
of information model- Bentley suite of products was the ability to easily integrate 3D details in the required format,” explained Allabush.
models. Stuart Allabush, Parsons Brinckerhoff senior track design
ing allowed the differ- engineer, noted: “During the design development of the southern
“All kilometrages and coordinate information adjacent to the line
were produced from the standardized preference file in Bentley
ent disciplines within flyover, the structural engineer identified a number of design
Rail Track, ensuring the information was in the correct position,
improvements that were modeled in 3D using Bentley software.
using the right font and size, as required,” added Allabush.
the project team to Information modeling in this way resulted in amendments that
saved up to AUD 1 million in design and construction costs.” Parsons Brinckerhoff also wrote custom VBA (Visual Basic for
effectively commu- Applications) routines that extracted data directly from 3D design
Information mobility and the integration of 3D models also ben-
in Bentley Rail Track, and then placed information such as the
nicate design details efited cross-discipline relationships involved in the construction of
details of each individual curve element, turnouts, and align-
the flyover structures. The project team combined 3D models of
and updates during track, piling, walls, structures, and under-track crossings to form
ments, onto the drawings. “We tried to remove the risk of human
error in this process as much as possible, by reading directly from
4D construction sequence simulations, allowing team members
design and construc- the model. If the model is approved as correct, then it follows
from different disciplines to detect and avoid clashes, as well as
that any details on the drawing derived from it will be too,” noted
tion phases.” confirm constructability of different elements of the design in the
Allabush. “The routines we developed really came into their own
congested rail corridor.
– Mike Jenkins, Alliance when we made an alignment change. It’s relatively easy to get a
Leadership Team, Glenfield Interactive 3D PDFs used to communicate design updates to drawing right the first time, but when you change it, that’s when
Junction Alliance the project team and the client were well received. Allabush mistakes can creep in. With the use of these tools, the effect of
explained: “The 3D PDFs were used to show the client how the design changes rippled through to the drawings and the risk of
project would fit in the corridor, how it would be built, and what it errors mitigated as a result.”
would look like during each phase of construction.”
The combination of automation routines and Bentley Rail Track’s
In other areas, 3D models shared among structures, track, and standardized preference file allowed Parsons Brinckerhoff to save
earthworks team members enabled the interfaces between approximately 10 hours of design and CAD amendment time
structures to be optimized. Bentley Rail Track was used exten- per drawing, generating a total saving across the 150 drawings
sively to design trackwork and embankments in the vicinity of required of 1,500 man-hours.
the north and south flyovers. The 3D rail design and maintenance
On a large-scale project like SWRL, such efficiencies can shave
software was also used to evaluate staging options, detect
weeks off the schedule. Phase 1 was completed four months
clashes between designs, ensure clearances, and identify
ahead of schedule, and Phase 2 is also progressing faster than
construction methods.
anticipated. “The current construction program is proposed to be
Four track staging designs were developed using Bentley Rail accelerated by up to a year,” said Allabush. “This is in part due to
Track in order to implement temporary designs before the final the quality and flexibility of Bentley products used on the project.”

Con tructition off the

Const tthhe Northern
rn Flyover
Flyover approachh ramp att
Fl A vi
li tion off th
he G
lenfifielld TTransport
s ort
rt Interchange
t hange
Glenfield Interchange. Station elevation.

IM00_02.2016.indd 15 02/02/16 16:24

United Arab Emirates

Pavillion (UAE), Milano
EXPO 2015, Rimond.

Arch. Manuel André Bottiglieri

sul BIM che conta
L’importanza del BIM nello sviluppo degli impianti MEP

IM00_02.2016.indd 16 02/02/16 16:24

Intervista con
Arch. Manuel André Bottiglieri
Università di Roma Tre

Manuel, puoi raccontarci della tua esperienza nel mondo BIM come giovane architetto?
La mia prima esperienza nasce in ambito universitario, per due Stefano Converso è stato, e tuttora continua ad essere, il nostro
anni ho fatto parte di un team di ricerca composto da circa 50 BIM Mentor, responsabile di averci trasmesso questa sua filosofia,
persone tra studenti e docenti dell’Università di Roma3. Siamo il nostro target è diventato “progettare le informazioni” marcando
stati il primo team Italiano vincitore della competizione inter- i vari aspetti legati tanto alla ricerca quanto al data management,
nazionale Solar Decathlon Europe 2015, una sorta di Olimpiadi temi propri del Building Information Modeling ( “BIM is not the
dell’Architettura “Green”. software, software is just a tool”).
Il progetto si chiama RhOME for denCity (http://www.rhome- In questi 2 anni abbiamo ampliato la nostra attenzione us- ) ed ha avuto come obiettivo la progettazione, cendo dalla sola disciplina architettonica e abbiamo cercato
ingegnerizzazione e messa in cantiere di un prototipo di abitazione di abbracciare il BIM in tutti i suoi aspetti, in modo partico-
con l’integrazione dei più alti standard di innovazione, efficenza lare riguardo la gestione impiantistica, e il coordinamento del
energetica, confort, design e sostenibilità. flusso lavorativo.
Il BIM è stato sicuramente la scelta vincente che ci ha permesso di Di seguito 2 progetti dove abbiamo collaborato alla modellazione
gestire, organizzare e monitorare tutte le fasi del progetto garan- BIM dei sistemi impiantistici e successiva gestione delle Clash De-
tendoci la possibilità di tenere sotto controllo tanto la tecnologia tections tra modelli architettonici, strutturali e MEP:
costruttiva quanto il coordinamento interdisciplinare e il flusso di - Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano (MEIS), Ferrara, SCAPE,
informazioni. blocco D.

IM00_02.2016.indd 17 02/02/16 16:24

Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo

Italiano (MEIS), Ferrara, SCAPE,
blocco D.

IM00_02.2016.indd 18 02/02/16 16:24

Puoi parlarci del tuo lavoro nel settore Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing? Come il BIM ha aiutato i
progettisti MEP? Il tuo sviluppo di oggetti BIM intelligenti ha migliorato e aiutato il flusso di lavoro
ai progettisti?
La mia esperienza nel MEP comincia con i progetti MEIS e nell’ottica di un sistema di condivisione “cloud” (qui potremmo
UAE, in questi casi il modello BIM era finalizzato a strumento parlarne all’infinito).
di verifica e check delle interferenze tra le diverse componenti Su questo aspetto di customizzazione vorrei porre l’attenzione su
architettoniche, impiantistiche e strutturali dello stesso progetto. un recente lavoro svolto per conto della “P3 srl”, azienda produttrice
Questa esperienza seppur “limitata” è servita sicuramente ad di pannelli per la costruzione di sistemi aeraulici. L’obiettivo era
accendere nuove domande e profondo interesse nelle diverse sviluppare una libreria di oggetti BIM per rispecchiare una serie
problematiche riscontrate. di metadati forniti dall’azienda, ma allo stesso tempo per creare
C’è da fare la premessa, ad oggi parlando di BIM non ci si può modelli in grado di rispondere alle esigenze di progettazione,
riferire ad uno standard nel workflow lavorativo, siamo ancora calcolo e modellazione proprie di un progettista degli impianti.
lontani dal raggiungere l’ottimizzazione necessaria dei modelli Di seguito una serie di immagini ad evidenziare i vari step di un
lavorativi interdisciplinari. componente tipo di questo genere di customizzazione:
Oggigiorno gli specialisti hanno bisogno di “collaborare”
attraverso uno scambio costante di informazioni, l’aspetto • modellazione adattiva su specifiche del prodotto;
negativo è che ci si imbatte molto spesso nella solita “barriera
comunicativa” generata da elaborati provenienti quasi sempre da
piattaforme differenti.
L’obiettivo che ci si pone è quello di migliorare questo flusso
di informazioni. La modellazione BIM si basa su “oggetti”
che contengono le “informazioni”. Il lavoro di sviluppo e
customizzazione “intelligente” di questi componenti non può che
portare ad un upgrade dell’intero processo.
I benefici vanno dalla semplice rappresentazione realistica
del tridimensionale, all’estrazione dinamica e controllata del
dato aggiornato (scheduling), all’implementazione di tutte
le possibili connessioni logiche, analitiche e infrastrutturali

IM00_02.2016.indd 19 02/02/16 16:24
• impiego del BIM
object su diverse
piattaforme per
il controllo del

• visualizzazione
aggiornata dei dati;

• esportazione dei
dati su formati
esterni (es: Excel
per condivisione e

• customizzazione
e filtraggio delle
presenti nel
per l’invio su
strumenti esterni
(es: macchine per
il taglio a controllo

IM00_02.2016.indd 20 02/02/16 16:24
Scegli la soluzione
Bentley che fa per te
AECOsim Building Designer
Software BIM per l’edilizia che
modella le informazioni
per un team di costruzione
multidisciplinare nel campo
dell’edilizia e delle costruzioni

Per approfondire ...

Bentley ProConcrete
Software BIM CAD 3D per la
modellazione, i dettagli e la
pianificazione di strutture in
cemento armato prefabbricate o
fabbricate in situ e precompresse

Per approfondire ...

Bentley ProSteel
Software BIM CAD di modellazione
3D di strutture in acciaio e in
metallo, che supporta le operazioni
di costruzione e progettazione

Per approfondire ...

Contatta il nostro Esperto!

Ing. Mirco Sanguin
CSPFea s.c. - Via Zuccherificio, 5D
35042 Este (PD) Italy +39 0429 602404

IM00_02.2016.indd 21 02/02/16 16:24


The BIM opens

How Mantoan Progettazioni became a world leader in BIM

IM00_02.2016.indd 22 02/02/16 16:24

Interview to
Massimo Mantoan
Mantoan Progettazioni

Could you describe to me your Company?

Mantoan Progettazioni was founded in June 2006 by Massimo since its conception to its construction. Our delivery method
Mantoan and Marco Mantoan in order to provide leading BIM allows interoperability among different disciplines and stake-
services. Mantoan Progettazioni is renowned for his aggressive holders involved in the design and construction process. Our
approach to the most complex projects. BIM process is core of “programmable 3d model” enables to add parameters, informa-
all activities. We are proficient in parametric modeling, design tion and data in relationship with clients requests and targets.
optimization, fabrication systems and steel detailing. Our ex- Mantoan Progettazioni’s clients embrace developers, govern-
perience as architects, engineers and project managers helps ment authorities, real estate brands, fabricators, contractors,
the AEC industry to implement the management of the project designers, engineers.

You come from an architectural background but you now offer very sophisticated BIM services. How
you have developed these skills?

Massimo is a chartered architect with strong experience in archi-

tectural practice operating as a specialist consultant in the field
of bridge and infrastructure design. A former architect at Wilkin-
son Eyre Architects where he worked exclusively on transporta-
tion and infrastructure projects and complex shapes. Massimo
has a proven track record of managing the architectural design of
major engineering projects by using 3D modeling and software
interoperability. He has consistently designed and delivered
award-winning bridges, viaducts and specialist buildings.
During his work experience at Massimiliano Fuksas, he was in
charge of Is Molas Golf Resort. The project consists in private
residential area and five stars hotels. The complexity of the
project is related to the free form design of the whole buildings
based on double curvature surfaces.
Massimo developed his BIM expertise since the beginning of
his career by merging together design aspects, structural be-
haviour, advanded 3D modeling platforms and project manage-
ment approach. His expertise on BIM come from his attitude
to manage complex projects by implementation of innovative
3D delivery process and above all to develop the integration of
different software platforms for populating 3D model with data
and information.

IM00_02.2016.indd 23 02/02/16 16:24
Can you tell us which kind of services are requested to your Company by allover the world?

Mantoan Progettazioni can offer solutions to accelerate produc- choose the best solution according to the constraints imposed
tivity while saving time, implementation strategies to manage by architects, engineers and fabricators. Integration of math-
AEC process and project delivery procedure to maximize long- ematical techniques and fabrication procedures is fundamental
term benefit to avoid drawings errors and constructability prob- to produce surface panelization, material waste reduction and
lems. We allow integration and collaboration of all information automated data generation for production.
from conception to construction to establish a custom delivery
system to match the expectation of each player involved in the We assume the implementation of the information flow through
project. By using BIM platform we deliver data and drawings 3D modeling enables a better management of costs and time
for fabrication, construction end erection. Our procedures al- and improve the way of working of architects, engineers and
lows to investigate different options about complex surface and builders.

IM00_02.2016.indd 24 02/02/16 16:24

CSPFea inaugura
i Talks on BIM
A Maggio 2015 CSPFea ha inaugurato un nuovo modo di dialoga- È quindi seguita una sessione più tecnica dedicata alle soluzioni
re sul BIM con i professionisti del settore delle Costruzioni. L’o- software di Bentley, Azienda leader mondiale nel BIM. Michał
biettivo è di fornire ai migliori professionisti del settore, Project Lipiński – Application Engineer Bentley System – ha descritto i
manager, Real Estate Managers, Imprese di costruzione, il know vantaggi di adottare un modello parametrico 3D per la messa in
how necessario focalizzato sulle problematiche di applicazione tavola di strutture in CA, mentre Michele Mazzucato ha descritto
del Building Information Modeling nei vari settori della filiera. le potenzialità del modellatore parametrico 3D per la messa in ta-
Il format prevede l’invito di un panel di BIM experts ai quali è vola di strutture in acciaio. Entrambi i prodotti sono riuniti nella
chiesto di raccontare le prioprie esperienze. suite ProStructure di Bentley.
Nella cornice del Museo Nazionale Atestino, a Este, sede di
CSPFea, il 7 Maggio 2015 si è quindi svolto il BIM Day, aperto
da Paolo Segala (BIM e normative: cosa c’è da sapere?), al quale
è seguito Stefano Converso (Il BIM nelle costruzioni e nelle in- Una preview degli argomenti trattati è disponibile al link
frastrutture: perché utilizzarlo?). Successivamente si è svolta una
Tavola Rotonda dove il pubblico, selezionato tra 30 key player del Gli Atti completi del convegno sono disponibili su richiesta a
mondo delle Costruzioni italiano, ha interagito a lungo con i BIM Ing. Mirco Sanguin, Manager Bentley Products in CSPFea
Expert con domande e risposte. (tel. 0429/602404,

IM00_02.2016.indd 25 02/02/16 16:24

Project Summary
Point Clouds and Scalable Terrain Models Support Network
Network Rail
Rail’s Great Western Rail Electrification Programme
Bentley Descartes Enables Project Teams to Comply with BS 1192, and Provides
United Kingdom Cost-saving Tools to Leverage Point-cloud Data in Engineering Projects
Project Objective:
• Design overhead line equipment
for 1,000 kilometers of single-track Scalable 3D Model Allows Collaborative Designs as-constructed and design information, including scalable
railway in western United Kingdom and Live Asset Management terrain models, orthoimages, Bentley i-models (containers for
• Create a 3D model of the entire The Great Western Electrification Programme represents an open infrastructure information exchange), and DGN files. The
project by combining survey data model is used to streamline the interaction between design
investment of GBP 1.5 billion that will allow faster, quieter
and design models
travel, with increased seating capacity, and improved consultants and contractors by enabling the coordination in
• Use the model to provide context
reliability on one of the United Kingdom’s oldest and busiest a 3D environment of all the designs from design consultants.
to assess designs provided by engi-
neering contractors, support signal railways. This program will enhance the railway line between
This scalable 3D model also supports design review
sighting and driver training, create London and Oxford, Newbury, Bristol and Cardiff.
4D simulations for construction for by providing efficient 3D visualization of the designs,
vegetation management, and lastly With a project of such scope, owner-operator Network Rail including all engineering intelligence. The individual
as a live asset management model needed a way to incorporate enormous amounts of survey design models created in industry-specific design
Products used: data with design models from multiple consultants, to aid applications, including Bentley Rail Track, are available
Bentley Descartes efficient project collaboration and streamline interactions when reviewing and navigating the entire 3D model in
Bentley Navigator
Bentley Rail Track between designers and contractors. In addition, to encourage Bentley Descartes.
Bentley i-model Composition Server efficient data collaboration and increase productivity,
MicroStation By combining a large terrain model draped with thousands
Network Rail followed the BS 1192 code of practice for
ProjectWise of orthoimages, point clouds acquired by helicopter, and
the collaborative production of architectural, engineering
designs provided in the DGN format and i-models – which
and construction information. Network Rail used Bentley
Bentley Descartes supports natively – the scalable 3D model
Descartes to merge point clouds, scalable digital terrain
Fast Facts models, and raster files with the consultants’ design models
provides a unique environment to enable collaborative review,
• Network Rail used Bentley Descartes condition assessment, and construction simulation together
to create a scalable 3D model. Using Bentley Descartes
to create a hybrid 3D model of the with 4D animations.
entire project by combining survey provided Network Rail with a complete view of the entire
and engineering data. project, enabled efficient design review and effective team But the value of the 3D model goes beyond the design and
• Survey data includes 950 route- collaboration, and allowed the organization to meet construction phases, to support Network Rail’s longer-term
wide point clouds (+/-50 millimeter BIM criteria included in BS 1192. When construction is
accuracy, 60 points per meter asset management program by providing a live 3D map that
density), and close to 30,000
complete, Network Rail will then be able to use the 3D model indexes and references asset documentation. As a long-time
images (5 centimeter resolution). to support its asset management program. user of Bentley software, Network Rail uses ProjectWise
Images stored in ECW format as its engineering information management platform to
and managed with ProjectWise. Bentley Descartes Combines Scalable enable team collaboration and data exchange in a secure
ROI Terrain Models, Point Clouds, and CAD files environment among all partners and stakeholders.
• A scalable terrain model 250 Among this project’s many requirements is the need
miles in extent was created in one to assess, retrofit, or construct significant amounts of John Nolan, CAD manager at Network Rail explained:
week, as opposed to 25 miles of infrastructure, including 1,000 kilometers of single-track, “We have been early adopters of Bentley Descartes V8i
traditional digital terrain model (SELECTseries 4) and this new release provided us with
12,000 steel piles and 4,000 reinforced concrete foundations,
that would usually be created in
the same time. Bentley Descartes and 164 structures that require gauge clearance analysis exactly what we needed. The software’s ability to create
allowed the scalable terrain model – including bridge interventions, lowering of track, canopy scalable terrain models now allows us to create and
to be created 10 times faster. cuts, and more. Managing such a project requires efficient manage terrain models with hundreds of millions of points.
• Tunnel modeling was improved collaboration between Network Rail and the organization’s With its fast scalable terrain model manipulation and very
by a factor of three with a tunnel
many business partners and subcontractors. Using Bentley powerful modeling tools, Bentley Descartes allows us to
1 mile and 152 yards long being
modeled in one to two days with Descartes, Network Rail has established a scalable 3D integrate point clouds and engineering data into intelligent
Bentley Descartes against one model as the geo-coordination platform to aggregate the hybrid models.”
week with a standard CAD tool.

IM00_02.2016.indd 26 02/02/16 16:24

“We have been Hybrid Models Used to Assess New Designs Extending ROI
Some of the challenges of this project included the lack In addition to streamlining the process among suppliers,
early adopters of of up-to-date information on existing assets and potential and supporting BS 1192, the creation of an information
inaccuracies in existing documentation. To provide surveys of rich scalable 3D model including terrain data, point clouds,
Bentley Descartes
the existing track conditions, data acquisition was outsourced, orthoimages, and i-models, provides numerous opportunities
V8i (SELECTseries 4) with aerial LiDAR used for open areas and laser scanning to extend the project’s return on investment from the
technology for tunnels. High resolution orthoimages were also project. The integrated model allows the creation of 4D
and this new release acquired. The point clouds were colorized and classified initially schedule simulations showing each construction phase,
as ground and non-ground classes. supports project review, enables clash detection, and also
provided us with exactly
Bentley Descartes was used to create a scalable terrain allows driver training and signal sighting. In addition, the
what we were looking model directly from the classified point clouds by processing model is very effective for showing local authorities and
only the ground points. The scalable terrain model was then individual landowners what effect, if any, the overhead line
for. Scalable terrain
draped with high resolution images and the vector geometry electrification (OLE) works will have on them.
models now allow us engineering information referenced directly into the scene.
The model was tiled to cover separate areas of tens
to create and manage of kilometers.
terrain models with In order to assess vegetation for clearance, the non-ground
hundreds of millions of point-cloud data was also merged into the 3D model. By
integrating the colored point cloud of the vegetation into the
points and the section model, Network Rail was able to identify vegetation areas that
needed to be reduced to meet the necessary clearance for the
modeling capability new overhead electrical infrastructure.
addresses tunnel
modeling perfectly.”
Th newly
The newly
l gene
t d tun
nell geomet
tries hhave
ave bbeen
een use
— John Nolan, CAD Manager, for OLE clearances, niche locations, cable and catch pit
Network Rail locations, and more.

Heading Toward a Live 3D Model for Ongoing

Asset Management
The Great Western Electrification Programme is currently
in the design and construction stage, but Network Rail is
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ailil cr
eattedd a sscalable
ble 33D
d l off th
he G
already planning for operations and maintenance by
Western line, by combining terrain, draped images
and i-models. establishing an intelligent model to support long-term
asset management.
Tunnel Modeling Using Point Clouds
The Great Western Electrification Programme includes eight The scalable 3D model will be reused and enriched
tunnels (Newport, Severn, Alderton, Patchway Old, Patchway to aggregate engineering files including DGNs and
New, Sodbury, Clifton Down, and Box) ranging from 700 to i-models, and to index asset information. Asset documentation,
7,000 meters long, which require detailed studies to enable PDFs, images, and videos, are managed with ProjectWise
the planned electrification. In such a confined and potentially and indexed in the scalable 3D model. Users can therefore
dangerous environment, laser scanning technology allowed navigate and interact with the 3D model, and, by clicking
fast, accurate, and safe measurement. Although the point on an asset, access associated documentation stored
clouds by themselves provide great 3D visualization and in ProjectWise.
on-demand measurement capability, subcontractors needed
traditional geometries with a high level of accuracy. Using About BS 1192
Bentley Descartes’ Model by Section tool, Network Rail was
BS 1192 is the British Standard that establishes the method
able to quickly create loft surfaces of the tunnels.
for managing the production, distribution and quality of con-
John Nolan explained, “The modeling capability of Bentley struction information, including that generated by information
Descartes V8i (SELECTseries 4) addresses tunnel modeling modeling software, using a disciplined process for collabora-
perfectly. By defining a template of the tunnel cross-section tion and a specified naming policy. BS 1192 is applicable to
and adjusting this template along the alignment, we were all parties involved in the preparation and use of information
able to model tunnels in 3D with real-time visualization of the throughout the design, construction, operation, and decom-
generated 3D surface, which allowed us to assess quality as missioning of infrastructure across the project lifecycle and
we digitized the model.” the entire supply chain.

IM00_02.2016.indd 27 02/02/16 16:25
Projects shown include works by Bentley users Arup, Buro Happold, Foster + Partners, HDR, Laboratorio de Engenharia e Consultoria, Land Transit Authority, Populus, T.Y. Lin and Crossrail Ltd.

Bentley is Sustaining Infrastructure

S ostenere la realtà che ci circonda attraverso le infrastrutture è
davvero una priorità a livello globale
Bentley offre soluzioni complete per progettazione, engineering, costruzione
e gestione di edifici e per la realizzazione – in ambito BIM - di progetti
strutturali e infrastrutturali di ogni dimensione e complessità.
La gamma di software dedicati ai progetti di ingegneria strutturale
comprende software di modellazione, dettagliatura e analisi che, integrati tra
loro, consentono a architetti, ingegneri e proprietari di infrastrutture di
elevare le performance dei propri asset per costruire infrastrutture di

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