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The philosophy behind (Ceancom software engjnering to cvid dependence on costly deecremval processes by wing code increments Tht he fis ie and vying the correctness before testing. is proces model incorporates the statistical cucy econ of ode increments as they ccumat into o syste, ROWDC INGER [BA Ceannon Stee Ted ee Trees onesie proses and society’ inerexsing dependence on sofware have led toa new foes devel lopment process. The Cleanroom pro- cs, which has evolved over the lst de ‘ad, has demonstrated that itan improve both he producti of developers who use itand the quality ofthe software they proce Cleanroom software engineering is 2 teanvorened process dt makes devele copmentmoremarageableand predicable 1 Sg EE CS Pe a Alte {Gish el rad ICS Tebow one ar Dei OSE 1s ropan Catas ehhparrnpg bs Peete because itis dane under satisical quality contr ‘Cleanroom is 2 modern approach to software development. In traditional, ccf baed development, defees are re- {garded a inevitable and elaborate dee removal techniquesarea partofthe devel ‘opment process. In such 2 process, sofcrare proceeds from development to unit esting and debugging, then to fanc- tion and system testing for more debug- {ging Inthe absence of workable alterna tives, managers encourage programmers to get onde into execution quickly, = de- Dbuggingean begin. Today developers roc- ognize that defect removal isan error prone, inefiiene att that consumes resources beter slloete to getting the code right the frst me Clenrom ems at IBM and ther ocpaneaons are shieing enable tpaliy msn bah now sem dol Cpe an lication a eens Spay anes The ql ofsoirre protec by Clamvoom development Sane oe near des) torte sftar ener oem ting Gen or seater ecrton by | The heontal oundaions of Cean- room formal spctcatn and des, Correomestvehcion, and tse tag bie been refed pase hd demarsted nary on ines Tok Some Clenoan pres ae pro inthe axon p58 ‘QUALITY COMPARISON Quay comparisons berween tad | sional methods andthe Cleanroom pro- ceo are meaningfl when mead om fist excaton. Most wana develop nen methods begin to mesure eras a function texting (rate) oiting rors foun in pia wi ting. A raion project experiencing. ve errs pet {thousand ines of ende (KLOG in ane Sion testing may have encounteel 5 of snore enors pet KLOG when measured ‘Eom rsexceion nun sing. ‘Arenuytounitesting, wana of ware gpily exis 25 1035 or more trrors per KLOC.! In contrast, the veighead average of errs found in 17 Greanroom pro, involving nary a non lines of ode, i 2 errors per KLOC.Thisnuberrepreensallertn found in ll cing, messed fon frst. exer exceuontughetcompletion— stich average numberof eid eons present after the developmen tam has Perfor corecanes verison Tn aon to th remarabl die coce in the number of error experience has shown a qualtasve diference inthe complet of ror fond in Clenvoot | ‘emus tonal sofware. Error Il be hind by Cleanroom eorectes vero tin tend noe to be complex design or n= terface eros, bt sine mises sly found and ied by sata esting is arte, I dexbe the Clean oom development process, fom specif- Cation and design throwgh comrectness ‘eration and sastcal usage testing for ‘quality cerifention, INCREMENTAL DEVELOPMENT ‘The Clesnroom proces is based on eveloping and ceraiving 2 pipeline of soltware increments tit accumulate into the final stem, The increments are de- ‘eloped and certified by smal, indepen den eas with eams of teams for arge projects. System incegrason is continual, and famotonalyy grows with the aldition of uccesive Aste figure shows, Cleanroom devel- opment involves two cooperating teams and fe msjor activities ‘Specification. Cleanroom develop- ment begins with specification. Together, the development team and the ceriica~ sion team produce two specificitons fanetional and use, Large prjecs may havea separate specication team, “The functional specification defines the required enema sytem behavior in allcreumstances of use; the wage spei- ‘ation defines usage scenarios and their probabilities for al posible sytem usage, toh correct and incorrect. The fare” ‘ional specification the brs fo incremental sft inerements. In this ap- J CLEANROOM, wire development. The | the harmon ata the erent DEVELOPMENT os ‘eperaion of fare incre- bass for generating test Monsanchenceteett WO ISINTENDED —swstoesencnelsc, trinewca i pecined EN Seal estan ul TOBE “QUICK v— by increments already in certiicason Usage spec exci, thereby mini HM AND CLEAN,” eons are explned in mizing interface and de- the section on cetiica Sov cros ani behing NOT“QUICK i. developers maincin i> WAND DIRTY.” tellecsl control ‘The Cleanroom de- velopment process i in ‘ended tbe “quick an clean," nor“quick | and diy." The ideas to quickly develop ‘heright producewid high quality or ee wer, thon go an to the net version to incorporate new requirements arising | from tse experince Tn :he Cleanroom proces, correctness fs built in by the development tearm ‘through formal speciation, design, and | verification. Tenn coreemes:veriietion takes the place of une vesting and debug- ging, and sofware enters yatem testing ddrecly, with execution by thedevelop- ‘meat team. All erors are accounted for fiom fist execution on, with no priate dehogging permitted, Figure 1 illatrates the Cleanroom proces of incremental development and ‘quality cereficaton. ‘The Cleanroom team fist analyzes and clarifies cstomer equirement, with subsantal user nter- action and feedbck- requirements arein ddoube, the ten ean develop Cleanroom prowoypes to elicit eedhack teratively. 1 Increment planning ‘On the basis of these specifications, the devel: ‘opment and certification teams together define an inital plan for developing increments that wil accu late into the final system. For example, a 100 KLOC sytem might be develop in fiveincrements averaging 20 KLOC each, The time it takes to design and verify in crements varies with thet size and cor plexity. Increments that require long lead ‘mes my cll for parallel development. * Design anderson. The develop rent team then carries out design and ‘correczessverieation eyde foreach in- ‘rement. The certification tem proceeds inparalel using the wsige specication to senerate test eases that reflect the exe pected use of the accumulating incre * Quality cerifcaton. Periodical, the evelopment team integrates a completed Jncrement with prior increments and de- livers them to the test tam fr execution of saistial text eases. The test eases are run agaist the accumulated increments and the ress checked for comrectnss Figure 1. Clezaroam process made. Te staked aves indicate sucesveinerements. axgsins the fancional specification. Inter- fal mes, that ithe elapred Snes he ‘pen ila, are passed 193 quality-cer- ‘ction mel that computes abjecsive stadtial measures of quality, sch as ean time oar. ‘The quality-certii= ‘ton model employs selablty growth fextimator to derive the statistical mea ‘Certification is dane continuously, cover the lite ofthe project: Higher leva ‘neremens enter the cerfeston pipeline fist. This means major architectural and des decisions are vated in execution Tefre the development team elaborates ‘onthem. And becausecetficaon done for all inerements as they accumulate, higher level increments ae subjected (0 more testing than lower level increments, ‘which smplement localized functions, + Foadack, Erors ae returned the Adevelopnent tea for correction. If the aguality slow, managers and team mem erst proces imprenensent. ASwith any process a goon del of iteration and feotbac is alays present ty accommo- shite problems and solutions In the next sections, I describe the specification, design a verification, and ualisycertificstion procedures. A de- tailed desenpon of increment planning and feedback mechanisms 6 ouside the Scope ofthis artic FUNCTIONAL SPECICATION “The object-based technology of box structures as proved) be an efecive technique for functional specification.» ‘Through stepwise refinement, objects are define and refined directx: | tures sultingins usage hierarchy ofa) jectsin which the services an abjectmsy Fre sed an resem many plaes aad at many kvels Bor strctures then, define | reaqued sym behavior and derive and unmet objets comprising a system ar shitecure Tn the past, without rigorous speci ‘tion technology, there was lle incen- ‘pve to devote mich effort o the spect tion process, Specifications were frequently writen in natural Ianguage, with inevitableambiguies and omissions, and often rege ashen stepping sues to code Box structures provide an exonomic Jncenive for precision Inia Issue ture specifications ofien reveal aps and rnisunerstandings in custoaner require nents that woul ondinaly be discovered later in development at high cost an sk tothe proeet They ae adres the two engineering | problemsasoctatedwithsstemspecii tion: dining the night funceion for users and dtningthe ight sruceure fe dhesp= ‘cation ine, Box structares ares the Fs prblem by precisely defining the cr rent undersnlng ui funesons at ‘ich stag of wlan so hat the n= fins canbe review and oid i eco ‘32, The second problem iserteal, spe- lly for large-spstem development Hose ‘ean ke organize che myriad deals of be havior and processing into eoerent b> stractons humans can understan Bo structures ineorporte the cca rmathematieal property of eeferental transparency — dhe inforimion content of cach bon specification is stint t0 define is refinement, without depending fn the implementation of any ether box. ‘This propery les us organize large 3 tem spetications hierarehiclly, without serifcing precision at high evel ordeal alow levels Bax stares. Thrve principles govern | the we of box structures | ‘# Alldatadefined in design sen | slated in boxes. ‘All procesing is defined by using boxes sequentially oreoncurent ‘Each box oceupies a distin place in asjstem’s usage hierarchy. Each box has dhe forms — black, state, and clear — which have identical ‘external behavior but whose internal are increasingly denied Blak x. An objec’ black box is pre ce specication of enema, were behavior inal posible cieumstances ofits ‘use. The object may bean ensiresystem or any par ofa sytem. Is wer may be a person or another abject. ‘black baxaceepsa stimulus) from ser and produces a response (R). Each response ofa black bos determined by is current stimulus history (SH), with a ‘black-box transition function A given stimalus will produce different ‘responses thavare based on history of se, ‘ot aston the curentstimils. Imagine ‘aleulator with ewo simul hisories and Ifthe nexstimulusis6, the isthistory produces a response of 7136 the second, iG ‘The objective ofa black-box specifca- tion i to deine the remonses proinced for every posible scimulus and stimulus history, ineloding erroneous and unex: pected tml. By defining bchaviorscely tn terms of stimuls histories, black-box specifcaons neither depend on nor pre- rmaturely define design internal. ‘Black-box specications are ofien re= corded as tables In each row, the tials and the condition on stimuhs stony are sufficient w define the required response. “To record large specifications, clases of behavior are grouped in nested tables and ‘compact specification functions are used ‘oneal codons onstimulushis- Side ba. An objec’ sate box is derived from ts black box by identifying the ele- ‘ments of simul history that mist be re tained as sate dita between transitions to achieve the requied black-box behavior. “The transion function ofa state box is inininam o¢ flue of [lser w vo Inininin of {set y to absotute set y to abaosute | dist | value fee el | sot 1 £0 value’ of wd) yi | minim of aio (Eitnd apsorute|| et w co minimin |= fraive of xl |"] of andy) {set w to ainimun ei ie Figure 2, Stepwise refinement ofa lear-box design fragment tha can be verified. Each fragment bas identical functional bebavor, eventhough the level of deal inereae. ‘where OS and NS represent old state and | procesing needs at each stage of refine- new state, Although the external behavior | ment, not iavented 3 priori with uncer ‘fate boxis identical witscorrespond> | tin connections let to be defined later. ing black boy, the stimulus histories are | ‘The design and verification of cear-bor replaced with references to an old state | procedures isthe focus ofthe next scc- and the generation of anew ste, a its | Gon. ‘wansions require. Because state boxes can be verified [Asin the traditional view of objects, _ with espect to their black boxes and dear sate boxes encapsulate sate data and ser_ | boxes with respect ther state bones, box vices (methods) on tha dats, In this view, | srucearesbring corecmes verification to stimuli and responses are inputs and out- | objectarchitecrues* puts respectively, ofspeifiestte-boxser- ‘ice invocations thar operat: on state dt. | pESGH AND VERIFICATION (Gearbox. An object's clear boxisderived The procedural control structures of | fom itesareboxby defining procedure | srvctured programming sed clear- toca ou the sate-box mnstonfime- box dexgn — sequence, alteration (F- tin. The tnstion incon ofacearbox | ghen-ee) ad isto whe do) are i Single-enty, singles structures dat isn» mam mses | emo rie eee con So a clear box is simply a progr tat | Bo. ssructres for concurrent implement the corepondiag ate box. | Xrwon are de with in box structs, ‘Acleat box may invoke black bones at the | butare outside the scope ofthis article) nextevel so the refinement procesisre-| When ie executes, «given contol ‘sve wth each dear box posblyinto- | structure simply tarsi ata em a ‘ducing opporunides for debningnew b- | input sate oan ouput ate, This trans jeoarommmstociangons | frm, own 2 pan a, Clear bows pay a crucial role inthe | cOmespondstoamathematical fnction: sage hierarchy by ensuring the amon | defines a mapping fom # domain to a ‘mcooperton ofobjecsattenest level | Fnge by parla, dfreinement. Object andtheirdearox | _Forimegers,x,y,and2,foresimpl, ‘connections are derived from immediate | the program function ofthe sequence, | thle? ‘Nteration Contra Cortese strate: endtion (2 Ip Wompisne THEN oes gio fd o whet i ee LSE shot? bh de contra.stracure, Subproofie: a | mm es) ta Ese (16) Ea 6 § in concurrent asignment form, For integer» 20, the program func | tion ofthe eration | 'in English, Desig ramets dsigning clea box procedtres, you define an mend f= tam thn refine tnt a contol ocr and new intended fansions ss Figure 2 ‘hse Teves neon ened in tracey, are record in the design anda ‘ached to their construct eine tment Inesenc cer oar compened faint nuberofconel sre oc ofwhich cn be checked for cores. Design snplieaton san important Figure 3. Corcnesconitons in quer | objx6¥e in the stepwise refinement of {i orm fr verifing each typeof ear Cleat bnes. Te gals generate com pact straightforward, vesifable designs (D0 gigas (£2) No) 2 i Do [£3] END) 2 (wo 93:(84):98 END) 7 (OP p2 THM [f5) HLSE (£6) EMD) ? (oo gf:95 Ex) (00 96:7 ex) Cmrecess via verify he cor reemessof each contol structire, you de- ‘veitsprogram function —the function it actualy computes — and compare tt ‘neended function, as recorded inthe de- ‘sign. A correcnes theorem” defines how to do this comparison in terme of lan- _guage- and application-independent cr ee miy which on a each igure 3 shows the correctness con tions foe the saquence alteration, snd t= ‘erstion control sctures. Veriing ase “qoenceinvolres function composition nd requires checking exact one condition. Verifying an alteration involves case analysis and requires checking exacdy 00 conditions, Verifying an iteration involes funcsion composition and case analysis in arenriveeqitionand requireschecking | ‘eacly three condivions, (Correctness verification has sevralad= anges ‘Te raucessrfion tft pros As Figure 4 illustrates, dhe nested, se quenced way that control sutures are “organized ina dear box naturally defines hierarchy that reveals the eorectesscon- sltions chat musthe verted. An axiom of replacement” lets us substitute intended funcions for thir congo scucture re- finements in the hierarchy of subproos. For example, the subproof forthe in- tended function #1 in Figure 4 requires roving thatthe competion of opers= tions @1 and 92 with intended subfunc- tion £2 has the sme effect on data as #1 Note that £2 substitutes forall the details ofitsrefinerentin this proof This substi tution localizes the proof argument tothe contro structure at hand. In fet, it ets {you cary ovtproofsin any ort. Teisimpossble w overstate the positive effect chat reducing verieation to a nite process has on quality. Eventhough allbuc the most aval programs exhibit an essentially infinite number of execu tion paths, hey canbe verified ina finite number of tps. For example the cleat hx in Figure § has exzely 15 correct ness conditions that mast be verified. It les Cleanrion teams very ery Figure 4. A cear-bax procedure and its constituent sprnf. tn the figure, each p\ ix | Hine of design and coe. Tears ean carry ft predcaeach 91 an operation and each £1 a ened fon ‘out the verification through group analysisanddiseussiononthebasisofthe ‘cormecess theorem, and they ean pro- ‘duce writen proofwhen ext confidence ina life- or mission-critical stem i e- ‘quired. 16 rsule jn a meerzer deft ko. During a team review, every corecmness ‘condition ofevery contol sractare isver- ied in turn. Every team member must agree that each contin score, 0 an eroris posible only if every team mem- ber incorreely verifies condition. The requirement for unanimous agreement based on individual verifications resus in software tha has few or no delet be- fore fist exccuion. 1 Irzales up Every software sytem, 10 ‘mater how large, has top-level, cearbox procedures composed of sequence, alte ation, and iteration sroceires. Bach of ‘hese spially invokes a large subsystem. with thowsandsoflinesofcode—andeach of those subsystems has is own toplevel intended fanctions and procedures, Sothe correcmess conditions for these high-level ‘control stuctes ae verified in dhe sie tray as are those of low-level sacar, ‘Verfication at high levels may take, and well be worth, moze time, butt doesnot take more theory. (6 Teper cde han ui ting Unit tering checks only the effect of executing selected test paths out of many possible paths. By basing verification fn function theory the Cleanroom ap- roach un verify every posible fet fn all data, because while a program ‘may have many execution path, ie has ‘only one function. Verification is also ‘mote efficent than unit testing. Most ‘erfcatiom conditions cn be checkedin 8 few minutes, butunic tests ake subsatal time to prepare, execute and check. ‘QUALITY CERTNCATION Statistical quality contol used when youhivetoo many temsto etal of hem ‘exhaustively. Instead, you statistically Sample and analyze some items to obtain scientific asesament of the quality of all items. This technique is widely used in ‘manutturing, in whic ier on 3 pro esi line ae sampled, thei quay is Q += oda nunbers(Q) 1! oven manors tal | ‘rade God betorecfven (ALT 0) ace + queve of integer {ini evens | queue of integer { es @ 1 odes, eae 2 Expty | | 3b lonaia snaigh i= x Lo 1 evers, venas= roby] 32> fersveh a 2 Scat) 7 Figure 5. A cear-box prowdure with 15 corrciness conditions 10 be verified. The wal contra sractares and the muntber of corrciness conditions that mast be Checked are sho in bol, Seg indicates a sequence, te indicates an alternation (if then- i), and do indicates an iteration (cbile-do). measured against presumably perfect de- sgn, che sample quality enrapoated to the entire production line, and flaws in production are corrected if the quality is tooo. In hardware products, the statistics sed to establish quality ae derived from. slight variations inthe products physical properties. Busoftare copies are ident fl bit frit. What eta ean we sam ple tocxrmapolate qual? age esi. taros ot dat sofware has sts propery of reatinse developers and users iS exewton be- havior How lng, on average, wil of ‘wae product eacete before ls? From this noton is ened he pro- cess ott geting in which os ‘+ simple the essotally init) pop: ‘CLEANROOM QUALITY RESULTS (Cleanroom projects report tein err rt porta Iie of de which represents ‘sida eros inthe safware shercurecnes erica “The pojcs briefly deserbod here are among 17 Cleanroom proj involving nena ml- | ion ines ofcode thachave e- | ported a oeghed cerage of 23 eraser KLOC fn i a t= ng meando is-cer ex ction f be nde a remark able quay achievement! | IBM Coe Searing Fe | into fanedonaly equa | Stscured oom rin | | proved sodreaisiy — tcaigeor oe Ton per LOG oe tmbreompenee conic oo foe eects saratoga open Son, cerieston wr pub tons and management, ver aged ™40LOC per person month, So fa a sal con ‘ofa person-year per year | has been reuired forall | maintenance and customer | support Although the prod | ucteahibis a complesty | evel on the order ofa Cobol | compiler, just seven minor | eros were reported in he fit dre yea oS we all | | manent Re amis, Cai, 198, pp 10-17 4 NASA litera pre «et. The Coarse/Fine Ainade Determination System (CFADS) ofthe NASA Ars- tude Ground Support Sytem {(AGSS) was the ise Clean- room projec cried ou bythe Software Engincerng Labors- ‘wry ofthe NASA Goddard Space Fight Cemer They tem, comprising 40 KLOCof Foran exited sexing cerorrate of 4.5 errs per ‘KLOC. Prodacvty was 780 ‘LOC per persn- month, 80 ercetimprovement ove pre- ‘ios SEL averages Some 60 percent ofthe programs com- CGremand Vt Bal Evaae ‘ion of the Cleanroom Method ‘logy in the Sferare Eng team developed the prowype for thissystem, a 1$20-ine e- latonal database sppication ‘written in Fork. Ithad a testing errr rate of0.0er- rors per KLOC— no com- pilation errors were found and nofllures were encoun- tered in statistical esting and quality certification ‘The sofeware was certified attarget levels of reliability ‘and confidence. Team men- ‘ers atrbtederrorree compilation and Shree ‘esting w the rigo of the ‘Cleanroom metbod. — CI. “Tramunell 1H. Binder and (CE Snyder, "The Aneomaced ‘Production Conral Syste A (Case Sey in Cleanroom Sot ware Engineering" ACM “Tome Soars Bg. and Mab dab, Jn. 192, pp. 81-94, ‘¢ IBM AOEXPERTIMVS. AS0-peron ten developed this comple decson-suppor faci hat uses arial imali- sence to predict and prevent ‘operating problems inn MVS environment. The sys. tem, write in PLT, C, Rexx, and TIRS, totaled 107 KLOG, developed in thre in- crements. thad testing ror rate of 2.6 erors per LOC. Cavs analysis of the first 16KLOC increment re= vealed that fv of eight ‘components experiencal no er- rors xing. “The project reported deve- ‘opment team producty of 44861,0C per person-monch ‘Nooperaonaleorshave ‘been reported to date from ‘beta test and cart wer sites — PA Hauser, “A Recent Clean. oor Success Story: The Red wing Proje" Pra. 70h Sift- sare Bg. Warkinp, NASA (Godard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Ma, 1992 NASA slit mere pro- at Tro sale projec 3 20- ‘KLOC stinade- determination subystem anda 150-KLOC Aligh-ymamics syste, were ‘he cond ad third Clean oom pojs undertaken a [NASA Software Engineering Laboratory. These gems had ‘combined testing ero ate of $2erorsperKLOC.—SE. Geeen and Rose Presi, Cleanroom Proce Evolution inthe SEL,” Pro 16 Soffzare Eng. Wirklup, NASA God- dard Space Fight Cente, Greenbelt, Md, 1991 (IBV 30908 tape drive. § fve-prsoa tam developed the

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