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after launching command......Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...Please wait ...

File(s) copied792 File(s) copied1 file(s) copied.1 file(s) copied.Location of logs
#################################### CHECK OPERATION START
########################Install check configuration STARTChecking for existence of the
Oracle home location C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1Oracle Home type selected for de-
install is: SIDBOracle Base selected for de-install is: C:\app\oracleChecking for existence of
central inventory location C:\Program Files\Oracle\InventoryInstall check configuration
ENDChecking Windows and .NET products configuration STARTThe following Windows
and .NET products will be deconfigured from the Oracle home :,,,ntoledb,oramts,oo4oChecking Windows and .NET products
configuration ENDNetwork Configuration check config STARTNetwork de-configuration trace
file location: C:\Users\TINAKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraDeinstall2010-10-28_8-59-
58\logs\netdc_check726391746319318749.logSpecify all Single Instance listeners that are to be
de-configured [LISTENER]:Network Configuration check config ENDDatabase Check
Configuration STARTDatabase de-configuration trace file location:
58\logs\databasedc_check8401103207408303786.logUse comma as separator when specifying
list of values as inputSpecify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home
[ORCL]:After typing 'FS' this is what
**************Specify the list of directories if any database files exist on a shared file system.
If 'ORCL' subdirectory is found, then it will be deleted. Otherwise, the specified directory will be
deleted. Alternatively, you can specify list of database files with full path [ ]:
Specify the flash recovery area location, if it is configured on the file system. If 'ORCL'
subdirectory is found, then it will be deleted. []:Specify the database spfile location [ ]:Database
Check Configuration ENDEnterprise Manager Configuration Assistant STARTEMCA de-
configuration trace file location: C:\Users\TINAKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraDeinstall2010-
10-28_14-01-20\logs\emcadc_check.logChecking configuration for database ORCLEnterprise
Manager Configuration Assistant ENDOracle Configuration Manager check STARTOCM check
log file location : C:\Users\TINAKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraDeinstall2010-10-28_14-01-
20\logsocm_check2983.logOracle Configuration Manager check
END######################### CHECK OPERATION END
################################################ CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY
#######################Oracle Home selected for de-install is:
C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\InventoryThe following Windows and .NET products will be
deconfigured from the Oracle home :,,,ntoledb,oramts,oo4oFollowing
Single Instance listener(s) will be de-configured: LISTENERThe following databases were
selected for de-configuration : ORCLDatabase unique name : ORCLStorage used : FSWill
update the Enterprise Manager configuration for the following database(s):ORCLNo Enterprise
Manager ASM targets to updateNo Enterprise Manager listener targets to migrateChecking the
config status for CCROracle Home exists with CCR directory, but CCR is not configuredCCR
check is finishedDo you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: yA log of this session will be
written to: 'C:\Users\TINAKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraDeinstall2010-10-28_14-01-
20\logs\deinstall_deconfig2010-10-28_02-02-13-PM.out'Any error messages from this session
will be written to: 'C:\Users\TINAKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OraDeinstall2010-10-28_14-01-
20\logs\deinstall_deconfig2010-10-28_02-02-13-PM.err'######################## CLEAN
OPERATION START ########################Enterprise Manager Configuration
Assistant STARTEMCA de-configuration trace file location:
20\logs\emcadc_clean.logUpdating Enterprise Manager Database Control configuration for
database ORCLUpdating Enterprise Manager ASM targets (if any)Updating Enterprise Manager
listener targets (if any)Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant ENDDatabase de-
configuration trace file location: C:\Users\TINAKE~1\AppData\Local\T
20\logs\databasedc_clean487697247619101532.logDatabase Clean Configuration START
ORCLThis operation may take few minutes.Database Clean Configuration END ORCLNetwork
Configuration clean config STARTNetwork de-configuration trace file location:
20\logs\netdc_clean7512735649732141479.logDe-configuring Single Instance listener(s):
LISTENERDe-configuring listener: LISTENERStopping listener: LISTENERWarning: Failed to
stop listener. Listener may not be running.Deleting listener: LISTENERError: Failed to delete
listener.Error: Failed to de-configure listener.De-configuring Listener configuration
file...Listener configuration file de-configured successfully.De-configuring Naming Methods
configuration file...Naming Methods configuration file de-configured successfully.De-
configuring Local Net Service Names configuration file...Local Net Service Names
configuration file de-configured successfully.De-configuring backup files...Backup files de-
configured successfully.The network configuration has been cleaned up but some problems have
been detected during the cleanup.Network Configuration clean config ENDOracle Configuration
Manager clean STARTOCM clean log file location :
20\logsocm_clean2983.logOracle Configuration Manager clean ENDRemoving Windows and
.NET products configuration START

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