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90. It wasfoundthat the commontime tirn'sbloodtype is B(llI)Rht. What must B. Ervthrocvtes.

86. A man suffering from a kidneys dis-
easehas anemia. The most probable reason of bloodcoagulationof a 40-year-oldman be the blood type of a donor? @ rhrombocytes.
with the weight of 80 kg was 2 minutes A. AB(IV)Rh-. D. Neutrophils.
for anemiacan be a disorder in the secre- E. Macrophages.
tion of a certain matter. What matter is it? during a stress.The modifiedindex of 8.00)Rh-.
the tirne of blood coagulationis the re- c. A(II)Rhr.
A. Antidiu retic hormone.
B. Rennin. sult of a certain hormoneinfluenceon @.n0rr)nn.. 97. Whendefininga bloodtypeaccord-
bloodcoagulation. What hormoneis it? E. B(tII)Rh-. ing to AB0 systemwith the help of stan-
C. Aldosterone. dardserums suchresultsweregot: aggluti-
D. Atrial natriu retic factor. A. Aldostcrone.
B. Cortisol. 94. During a laboratory blood analy- nationtook placewith the serums of the I
@ sis of a 33-year-oldpatient the reaction and II bloodgroupsanddid not takeplace
@ Catecholamines.
u i t h c a r - D. SomatotroPin. of agglutination of erythrocytes is detect- rvith the serumof the III blood group.
87. As a result o f p o i s o n i n g
got a head- E. VasoPressin. ed u'ith standard serums of the I and What is thegroupof the examined blood?
bon monoxide a person has
II blood groups. The reactionsof agglu- A. AB(IV).
achc, short breath, vertigo. The decline tination did not take place u'ith thc se- B. A (II).
of the content of what compound in 91. In an experimentin ts'o u'eeks
blood resulted in this? after the narrou'ingof the kidneyarteria rum of the III blood group and rvith @atrrr).
of a rabbit the increaseof ervthrocytes antirhesusserum.What type of blood can D.0(r).
@. Oxyhenoglobin. E. It is impossibleto define.
B. Carboxyhemoglobin. numberand hemoglobinis found in its be tfansfused if it is necessaryto take
bloodasa resultof thestimulationof er-vthro- into consideration the CDE system?
C. Carbhemoglobin. 6 e(rrrlnn-. 98. When defining a blood type ac-
D. N{ethemoglobin. poiesisby enthropoietins.What increases
ihe formationof erythropoietins? Y. ottlRt' * . cording to AB0 system with the hclp of
E. Dcoxvhenoglobin. C.A(II) Rh-. standard serutnssuch results rvere got:
A. HYPercaPnia.
D.AB(IV)Rh+. agglutinationtook place u'ith the serums
88. What cornpound of hcmoglobin @. Hypoxemia.
C. HYPerosmia. E.AB(IV)Rh-. of the I, II, and III blood groups.What is
will have the inhabitants of the house,
D.HYPoosmia. the group of the examined blood?
where the flue was blocked untimely?
A. Deoxyhemoglobin. E. HYPovolemia. 95.In 3 yeanafterthesurgeryofstom- @n e t r v t
ach removala 45-year-oldman has the B. A (II).
B. Carbhemoglobin. nunberof erlthroq'tesin blood2.0 ' l0t2/1, C. B(III).
92. When defininga blood t1'Peac-
@ Carboxyhemoglobin' Hb- 85g,zl,ColourIndex- 1.27.The D.0(r).
D. Methemoglobin. cordingto the AB0 svstemthe aggluti-
nationof en'throcvtes of the explored violationof the absorptionof u'hat vita- E. It is impossibleto define.
E. Oxyhemoglobin. min caused the changes of erythropoiesis?
bloodwasstimulated stanclard
by scrums
of the I Il
ancl blood groups and rvasn't A. C. 99. A woman'sblood test shou'edthe
89. An expectant mother had her bloocl B,,. increase of SRE.What is the reasonfor it?
type defined. The reaction of aggluti- stimulatedby the standardserumof the @
III bloodgroup.What agglutinogens are c. A. A. Physicalactivity.
nution of erythrocytes took place t'ith
standard t"t,t*t of blood grouPsOap
(I)' in theseerl'throcYtes? D.P. @ lr"gnuncy.
the A. A and B. E'Bu' C. Lossof blood.
Bo(III), and did not appeare with
W h at B. A. D. Stress.
serum of blood g r o u p A P ( I I ) '
96. After applying a tourniquet an E. Foodintake.
group does the blood belong to? @s examinedpersonhas punctatedhernor-
A. Ba (III). D.C.
rhaqeson the surface of the forearm. 100.Theresultof a bloodtestshowed
E. D and C.
@ nptrrl. The cl,ysfunction of rvhat blood corpus- an insignificantincreaseof the number
C . O a p( I ) . clesis it connectedwith? of leukocytes(leukocytosis)without any
D . A B ,(. I V ) . 93. During a surgerytherervasa nece
A. Basophils. changeof other indexes.What actions
E. Definingis imPossible. ssity of massiveblood transfusion'A vic-

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