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Steps for Better Thinking Competency Rubric
I Performance Pattern O Performance Pattern 1 Performance Pattern 2 I Performance Pattero 3 Performance Pattern 4
L "Confused Fact Finder" "Biased Jumper" "Perpetual Analyzer" I "Pragmatic Performer" "Strategic Revisioner"
I v¡lldentify relevant
::::: information
ldentifies facts, definitíons,
andlor experts' opinions.
Identifies ínformation Ihal is
relevant lo ¡he problcm
Explores a wide range ofrelevant
information l
Focuscs on the most important
relevan! Informalíon I
Develops viable strategies for
gcneratíng impor1anl relevanl
: ~ Circle ALL tila! apply informatton' over time
Rccognizc and Idcntifies al Ieasl one reason for Identifies at lcasl one rcason for Addresses si~nificanl and permanent Identifies and discusscs Ihe i Devel~ps viable slrategics for ,
~. address uncertainties 1 temporary uncertaint/ significant and permanent uncertaml1es wl1en mtcrpreling significance of Ihe mosl important mlmmlzmg Important uncertamlles'
Clrcle ALL tila! apply uncertaintyl information unccrtaíntics 1 over lime
Intcgralc multipk Acknowlcdges more than one Analyzcs information from multiple Providcs reasonahk and substantive Argues ~onvincmgly using a
'" perspectives' and pott:ntial 50lution, approach, ur perSpéctlves: induding Justificalion fur assumptions' used in complex, coherent discussion of own
;:¡ danfy assumptions' vlewpOlnt assumptions' and alternativc analysis perspectivc; Artlculatcs SlTcngtl1s
;;¡ Clrela ALL tila! apply oblcctives and weaknesses of posilion
Interpret and
orga!llZe mformation
IUm ";'''''''o,ko',<o ,,,port.
po m! ofvlew: Correctly apphes
Qualitativcly interprcls mfurmation
and develops mcaningfu 1 categories
Preserves problem complcxity, bul
emphasizes Ihe mOSl importanl
Systemalically rc-mtcrprc!s
information as circumstances change

Ctrcle ALL tIIat apply I

concepls/tl1eoncs/technlques for analysis andlor most relevant and reliablc or new informatton becomes
infonnation available
Use guidelincs or Avoids reaching a biased conclusion Maintains objectivlty while Uses a s)'stemauc process of critical
principies 10 judge I establishing reasonable prionfles for inquíry to build a 5011l1l0n;
'" objectivclyacross reachtng a well-founded concluslOn Articulates how problem solving
] optlons approach and entena can be refined,
Vl Cirele ALL tila! apply leading to bCller solulions or greater
confidence over time
Vi Communicate and Appropriately tailor. communication Provides appropriate in fonnalion 10
implernent or implernentation plans lo Ihe motivate and engage others In long­
condusíons .clting and audience tenn strategies
Clrcle ALL tIIal apply
Address solulion Focuses on mos! efficient ways to Artk""" ",...,,," Hm;.. H,,~ .. , ~
~ limitations address [¡mitations or to gather natural part of addrcssmg open­
] Circte ALL tIIat apply addítional informatíon ended problcms
~ Engage in continuous Ildentifies uncertainues and
B improvemenl limltalions as opportllnities for
Vi Circle ALL tila! apply contmuous improvement; Engages
: in hfelon~ieamtng
Overall Approach Proceeds as if goal is to find the Procecds as if goal is 10 stack up Proceeds as ir goal is 10 estabiish an i Proceeds as if goal i5 to come to a I Proceeds as if goal islo strategically
single, "correet" answer evidence and i"formation to support unblased, balanced vlew 01' evidence . well-foundcd concluslon based on conslrucl knowledgc, to move
to the ProbJem
Clrcle ONLy ONE
own conclusion and information from dlfferem
points oC víew
I ObJcctlve conSlderatlon of pnonties
across viable allcmalives I
i loward bettcr concluslOns or grealcr
confidence in conclusions as the
L problem 15 addresscd over lime

I InfonnallOn can take many forms, including facts, descriplions, dcfillllions, arguments, opinions, Ideas. claims, theories, com:epls, observations, research findings, values, pcrccptions. bcliefs, influt'nccs, effects, and so on.
InfortnallOn can be obtained in many wa)'s such as readmg, seeing, hearing, touching, feeling, expertencing, interacting, thtnking, elC.
I Uncertaintics can relate lO many aspects of the problem, including the problem definition, availability of solution alternatives, quality and interpretation of informatlOn, effects of alternatives, priorítíes and values of the
decision maker and others, and so on. Temporary uncenainlies relate to conditions thal will beco me Imown in the furure (e.g., expe". will find Ihe answer, information will beco me avallable, ur cffeet. will be knowable)
I Perspectives can relate lo any ¡ype of grouping that is meaningfulto ¡he problem, such as categories of people, culrures, socie!ie., roles, races, genders, hierarchies, ¡heorie., concepls, ideas, beliefs, altirudes. physical

locations, time, diSCIplines, valucs, emolions, and so on.

• Assumptions are hypothe$es, suppositions, conjectures, assertions, presumplions, belier:~, or premise~ tha! are iaken Ibr granled or thallie behind an argurnent. Assumptions are made because ofunccrtainties; the "trulh"
cannol be known or proven. Some assumplÍons are beller than OIhers. Better assumplíons are more reasonable, logical, comprehensive, plausible, likely, ralional, impartíal, objective, juslilied. credible, ¡¡ndlor believable.
© 2006 Susan K. Wolcot1. Al! rights reserved. Materials herein ma)' be reproduced within the contexl of educational practice or classroom education, provided that reproduced materials are not in any wa)' directly offered
for sale or protit. Please cite this source: Wolcott, S. K. (February 9,2006). Step.r./or Belfer Thinking Compelency Rubrl<' [On-Jine]. Available: hllp:!!W\\'W.WolcoIlL> Based in part on informalion from Re./lect;v(;'
Judgmenl SCQríng Manual Wílh Examples (1985/1996) by K. S. Kitchener & P. M. King. Grounded in dynamic skílllheory (Fischer & Bidel!, 1998).
Critical and Integrative Thinking Rubric Page 1 of1

About Us
Q~VenIIon ...
What's New? WSU1S Critical and
Critical Thínking
Integrative Thinking Rubric
f.lllergíng Lleveloplng Mastcring
3 ·::¡~zlJ.~•.• • • • • •
Outcomes Assessment
In the past two years. educalors across
Scholarship of
Teaching and learning
1 Identifies. summarizes (and appropriately retormulates)

the problem/question/work asslgnment

the institution have begun developing a
Critical and Integrative Thinking Rubrio. ta
Syllabus Deslgn
highlight the importance af íntegrating
Thls dlmenslon focuses on task or ¡ssue identification, Includlng subsidlary.
embedcled. or Impliclt aspeets of ao ¡ssue and the relatlonships integral to etrecwe
ideas and perspectivas across traditional
Surveys boundalies of víewpoint. pracl:ice. and
analysls. Expand
Rubrics discipline. Within the General studies
Teachíng Resources
Tech for learníng
2 Identifies and considers the influence of c:ontext * and assumptions
programo faculty from General Education.
HístOl'Y. English. General studies.
Comparative ahnie studies. and Career
Servlces, as well as assessment
Employment This dlmension focU$&s on scope 1100 context, and considera the audlence ot the
analysls. Context includes recognition ot the relative natufe of context and
specíalists from the Center tor Teaching,
assumptlons. the reflectlve cha/lenges In addressing this comp/exity and bias.
Leaming. and Technology. worked
Includlng the way et!1ics are Shap&d by context and shape assumptions. Expand together lo adapt the WSU Critical
Thinking Rubric.

3 Develops, and cOll1municates OWN perspeetlve, hypothesls or posltíon CHANGES ro THE RUBRIC
The new Crltical and Integrative Thinking
Thls dlmenslon tocuses on ownership of an Issue. indlcated by the Justification and Rublic makes sorne significant changes lo
adllancement 01 an original view or hypothesls. recognlt1on of own bias, and skiR at the previous version of the WSU critical
qualifylng or Integrating contrary vleWs or interpretatlons. ~ thinking rubric:

4 Presents. assesses, and analyzes appropríate supportlng data/evldence

Each dimensjon identifies and describes
criteria for three stages: emerging.
developing, and mastering (rather than fur
Thls dlmension focuses on evklence of search, seIeetIon, and source evaluatlon two stages in the Oltical Thinking Rubric).
skills-Including accumcy. relevance and complefeness. Hlgh scores provide Thls change helps make visible different
evidence of bias recogoltion. causality. aOO effectlve organiza1lon. ~ stages and skills in each dimensiono
revealing a continuum rather than a
5 Integrates issue using OTHER Idísciplinary) perspectives and posltions divide; providing a more educative and
nuanced approach than a dualistic system
can offer.
Tllis dímension tocuses on the treatment of diversa perspectlves, effectlve
interpretatlon aOO Integration 01 contrary vlews and evidence through the reflectlve
aOO nuanced judgment and justlllcatlon. Expand Communicatlon skllls have been added
as a new dimension (dimension 7) even
6 Identifies and assesses concluslons, Implicatlons. and consequenc:es
though they are not traditionally
considered a oonstruct of critical thinking.
While using the Critical Thinking Rubric to
asleSs student work. WSU faculty and
TIlis dlmension focuses on integratlng prevlous dimensions aOO eldending them as others fuund that skills used in
they explicHly end Implicltly resoWe in consequences. Well deYeloped conclusioos
do more tIlan summarite. Tlley est3b1isll new directlons 10r conaideration In light of
communication impacted their perception
context and the breadth aOO depth ofthe evidence. ~ of the work and the atent to which critical
thinking was effectively expressed. This
new dimension captures those emeria.
7 Communlcates effectively
Critería related to examining assumptions.
Thls dimenslon focuses on the presentation. Ifwrltten. It Is organized effectlvely.
context and ettlical considerations are
cited eorrectly; the ianguage use Is elesr and etrective. errora are mínlmal. and tIle combined (dimension 2). instead of being
style and format are appropriate 10r the audience. Expand assessed as separate criteria in the
previous vefsion. Criteria related to
information literacy-search. selection,
and source evaluation skills--expand the
Below are printable PDF files ofthe Original WSU Crltical Thihklng Rubric along assessment of data and evidence
with sample adaptatíons trom Entomology, Math. and Metaphysics. (dimension 4). Continual refinemenf as
programs and faculty use the new rubric
For more background about the WSU Critical Thinking Project. visit the Project more. it will continue to be refined and
History page. adapted to fit their needs and contexto in
sn on..going cycle of improvement.

Origina' WSU Critica' Thlnkina Rubrk

Entoroolqy Rubrle
MetaDhvsks Rubrlc::
CIT Rubrlc:: 2009 wtth Ratio Seal.

Contact U$: ~ 509-335-13551 fax 335-13621 Acct$,lbIliy 1Copyright

PO 80x 644550. WlIShlngton $tate University. Pulman. WA. 99164-4550 USA

https://rny.wsu.edulportal/page?-pageid=177,276578&_dad=portal&_ schema=PORTAL 9130/2010

Work No._ _ _ __ Rater Initials _ _ _ __ Average Score __

For each of the seven criteria below

a) identlfy specifie phrases on the aceompanylng longer form which describe the work, and
b) eirele a numeric score on the short form for each criteria. Notes:
• A score of 4 represents competency for a student graduating from WSU
• Assess by what;s approprlate to the speclfic context/task. Not all criteria I
descriptors apply to every communicatlon mode or assignment.
c) average all the seores and entering that number aboye, with your initials and paper no.

l. Issue Identification and Focus

o - Absent 1 1 - Mínimal l 2 - Emeraina I 3-=Oevelopil'lal 4. -Competentl 5 - Effective I 6 - Masterina

This dimension focuses on identifying, focusing on and thoroughly exploring the issue and significant underlying or implicit
issues, aspects, or relationships integral to effective analysis.

2. Context and Assumptions

o - Absent 1 - Mínimal 1 2 - Emerail'lOl3-=Oevelopil'la-r4 -CompetEmt 5 - Effectlve- 16 = Ma$terina
This dimension focuses on the context, scope and assumptions connected to the issue, considering other integral contexts,
background information, and the challenges regarding complexity and bias. Work demonstrates understanding of social l
political, and ethical implications.

3. Sources and Evidence

o - Absent l i~ Mínimal --r 2 - Emeraina I 3 -Developina I4 -Competent fS":Effective I 6--=-Ma$tering

Thís dimensíon focuses on search, selection, and source evaluation skills-including accuracy, relevance, and
completeness. High scores effectively analyze and integrate multiple appropriate pieces of evidence, acknowledge biases,
and distinguish correlations from causal relationships.

4. Diverse Perspectives
0- Absent 1 - M;r'IÍmall 2 - Emeraina f 3 -Developil'lal4. -Comoetentl 5 - Effective 6 ":MaSterina

This dimension focuses on identifying and integrating diverse relevant perspectives, including contrary views and evidence.

5. Own Perspective
o- Absent 1 - Mínimal 2 . : Emergil'lgl :f-':'Oeveloping --T4. "':'Competent~lS ..: Effectivel ~-Ma$tering

This dimension focuses on ownership of an issue, indicated by the justification and advancement of an original view or
hypothesis, recognition of own bias, and skill at integrating multiple perspectives or interpretations.

6. Conclusion
o - Absent 1 - Mlnlmal 2 - Emeraina I 3 -Developina I4 -Competent 5 - Effective 6 - Masterina

This dimension focuses on integrating previous dimensions and identifying conclusions or consequences I pulling the work
together, as a professional, ethical, and socially-responsible citizen. May provide future action, outcome, significance,
issue summary or essence, overarching question.

7. Communication
0- Absent 1 - MlnimaJ 5 - Effective

This overarching meta-dimension focuses on intentional and purposeful strategies to communicate an identified purpose
and message while managing relationships and affect with intended audiences, with particular resources and constraints.
Mav ¡nelude dellverv/mode. media. activities. interactions. rhetorical moves. tone, stvle, lanauaae, and conventions.
ln&tructions: For each of the se ven criteria below:
a) clrcle specirlC phrases which describe the work, and writing comments
b) circle a numerlc score for each criteria (or indicate a half point increment)

• A score of 4 represents competency for a student graduating from WSU.
• Assess by what ;s approprlate to the context / task; as needed / as appropriate are implicit in
a// descríptors. Similar/y, not all criteria apply to every assignment or mode.

1. Identifies and focuses

Absent Minimal

Attempts with limited success to Identifies and focuses on the Identifies, focuses and thoroughly
identify and summarize the issue; issue{s), though minor aspects explores the issue and significant
or does so superficially, may be inaccurate, confused, underlying issues, aspects, or
1­ incompletely, or inaccurately. inappropriately weighted, or relationships.
W Scope may be overly narrow or extraneous. Partially identifies
al overbroad. related subsidiary issue{s).
Some details or nuances are Captures the multi-faceted and
missing or glossed over. dynamic nature, scope and


2. Identifies and considers the influence of context* and a tion ludina bias
Absent Minimal Emergín, a.vetopiftl • • Mastering

OI 1I 2
Begins to consider context, or does
I 1 3
Presents and explores relevant Analyzes the issue with a clear

so with partial success. Overall, contexts regarding the issue. sense of scope and multiple
little development of contexto Considers and develops at least contexts. Considers other integral
Approach to the issue may be one aspect of context; some other contexts and background
egocentric or socio-centric. aspects are marginally developed. information.

Most analysis is grounded in Analysis ineludes some outside Contextualizes multiple biases and
absolutes. verification, but primarily relies on values, giving each full weight and
~ established sources. consideration, but may elect to
(/) Acknowledges personal biases¡ choose one vantage while
~ may have some difficulty accepting acknowledging complexity of issue.
other vantage points as legitimate.

Shows some basic awareness of Provides some recognition of Identifies influence of context and
1I own assumptions and/or context and consideration of own questions assumptions, addressing
assumptions that underlie the assumptions and/or assumptions ethical dimensions underlying the
issue¡ may remain superficial. that underlie the issue, and of the issue. Demon-strates
implications of those assumptions. understanding of social, political,
and ethica I implicatlons.

Context may ¡nelude:

Cultural I Historical: Group, Ethical: Values, impact on society, Political/Economic: Organiz~tional
national, ethnic, cross-cultural or other citizenry and democracy; equity, or governmental, trade, labor,
quality of life business, power relations
Educational I Experlence: School, Sustalnable I Global: ability to meet Scientific I Technical : Conctlptual,
training, personal experience longterm future needs i change and science, scientific method i appliied
Disciplinary I Multi-Disciplinary: flexibity; resource allocation; global science, engineering, medicine
theories. critiQues, developments implications

Center tor Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Washington State University

Search and seh:~ction are narrow I Search and selection suggest Evidence of search, selectiol'l, and
or loosely connected to information sources were evaluated to meet source evaluation skills
need. the information need. demonstrates notable identification
of unique and salient resources.

Most data/evidence or sources are Appropriate evidence or sources Information need is clearly defined
simplistic, or inappropriate / not provided, although exploration and integrated to meet and exceed
related to topic. Ooes not diverge appears to have been routine; may assignment. May explore and
from traditional sources. ¡nclude an innovative or synthesize unconventional sources
nontraditional source or or interpretations.

Repeats informatíon provided Use of evidence, qualified Examines evidence and its source;
without question; or may dismiss selective, and appropriate. questions its accuracy, relevance,
evidence without adequate and completeness.
~ May consider knowledge as Considers knowledge as relative Views knowledge as the best
« absolute, unassailable, confirmed collection of opinions and available evidence within the given
by one or another authority. perspectives, and makes little context, even in the face of
attempt to compare. uncertainty and ambiguity.

Makes limited distinctions among Discerns fact from opinlon and may Oemonstrates understanding of
fact, opinion, and value judgments. recognize sorne bias in evidence, how facts shape but may not
although may be limited. confirm opinjon. Recognizes bias,
including selection bias.

Conflates cause and correlation; Oistinguishes causality from Correlations are distinct from
relationship between evidence and correlation, though presentation causal relationshíps between and
analysis may be unclear. may have minor flaws. among ideas. Relationship
Relationship between evidence and between evidence and analysis is
analysis is generally clear. clear; subordination reflects,
subordinated for importance and

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Washington State University
4. Intearates diverse relevant ,",.".~,",o,.+i
Absent Mínimal

01 11 2
Adopts a single perspective, with Begins to relate alternative views Addresses other perspectives and
limited discussion of other to qualify analysis. Multiple additional diverse perspectives to
perspectives. If more than one ,viewpoints are mentioned but not qualify analysis. Multiple
viewpoint is presented, alternatives thoroughly discussed, explained or viewpoints are thoroughly
are not integrated. qualified. discussed, explained and qualified.

Treats other positions superficiafly Rough integration of multiple Fully integrated perspective$ from
or misrepresents them. May not vlewpoints and comparison of ideas variety of sources¡ any analogíes
consider that other viewpoints and or perspectives. Ideas are are used effectively.
expertise are necessary. investigated and integrated, but in
a limited way.
r Engages ideas that are obvious or Engages challenging ideas Seeks out, weighs and effectively
w tentatively or in ways that ínflate integrates diverse, uncomfortable
(/) agreeable. Avoids challenging or
al discomforting ideas. conflict. May dismíss alternative or contrary views.
« views hastily.

Mínimal analysis. May treat other Analysis of other positions is Analysis of other positions is
positions superficially or thoughtful and mostly accurate. accurate, nuanced, and respectful.
misrepresent them. Little Acknowledges value of multiple

íntegration of perspectives and


little attention to others' views.

MostJy uses one way of knowing. Acknowledges and integrates Integrates different discipllnary
different ways of knowing. and epistemological ways of


5. Develo
Absent Mínimal Emerging

o 2
Position or hypothesis is unelear, Perspective or hypothesis ineludes Perspective or hypothesis
simplistic, or ineludes little original sorne original thinking that demonstrates ownership for
thinking. acknowledges, refutes, synthesizes constructing knowledge or
or extends other assertions, framing original questions,
although sorne aspects adopted or integrating objective analysis and
limited. intuition.
Own position or hypothesis is Presents and justifies own position Clearly presents and justifies own
minimally identified and/or or hypothesis, although gaps may position or hypothesis while
justified. May not clarify the existo May not address other qualifying or integrating contrary
established position relative to views, or does so superficially. views or interpretations. May draw
r own. Relationshlp to established support from experience and
positions is clear. information not available from
assigned sources.
~ Position or hypothesis
demonstrates sophisticated,
integrative thought.

Little or no risk-taking, lacks May remain within "sate" or May explore ideas that stretch con­
exploration. predictable parameters. ventional pararneters; include$
innovative thinking, questioning or

Little evidence of reflection or self­ Sorne evidence of reflection and/or Evidence of significant reflection
assessment. self-assessment and self-assessment

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Washington State University
6. Identifies and assesses conclusions and con
Absent Minimal Emerllnl

o 2
Conclusion may be a simplistic Presents conclusions, Identifies, discusses, and extends
summary; limited identification of recommendations, and potential conclusions and/or consequences,
conclusions, implications and consequences, though limited; Integrating previous dimensions, as
consequences. Conclusion and generally align with previous a professional, ethical, and
ímplications may not align with dimensions. socially-responsible citizen. May
previous dimensions. identify "Iessons learned.H

Mínimal consideration of future May give some indication of future May provide future action,
action, significance, overarching action, outcome, significance, issue outcome, significance, issue
question, or contexto summary or essence, or summary or essence, or
overarching question, though overarching question.
limited. May present implications Considers context, assumptions,
(/) that impact other people or issues, eVidence, and/or feasiblity.
al or extend beyond a single QuaJifies own assertions with
discipline or issue. balance.

May present conclusions as Presents conclusions as relative Conclusions are qualified as the
absolute; may attribute conclusion and only loosely related to best available evidence within the
to external authority. consequences. contexto

Limited or no concrete connections Relates consequences to Develops consequences fully and

between conclusions, conclusions, though may be vague connects them clearly to
recommendations, and or overstated. conclusions, considering
consequences. ambiguities and raising questions.


7. Communicates effectively in one or more modes. (May include articles, posters, lectures,
oral presentations, interviews, websites, consultations, discussions, demonstrations,
rformances. oowerooint. artwork. film. etc.

Communication choices may:
Attempts, with some success, to:
Uses communication cholces to

Convey little or unintended

Convey a purpose and message,
Convey identified purpose and
Create the desired affect (visceral
message, and
Produce unanticipated or
impact, tone and credibiJity),
Create the desired affect (visceral
detrimental affect (visceral impact,
Manage rapport wlth immediate
impact, tone and credibility), and
tone and credibility),
audience I participants.
Manage rapport with (multiple)
Oisregards or poorly manages
¡ntended audience( s) or
rapport with audience (or

Ooes not adequately meet the

Meets the general needs of the
Meets the needs of the particular
needs of the situation; lacks
situation, with limits to preparation
situation, both immediate and
:g preparation and/or f1exibility. May:
and/or flexibility. May:
larger context; is well-prepared
and flexible. May:
o Not adequately identify why the
Identify why the issue is genera"y
Identify why the issue is relevant
e issue is relevant to this audience;
to this audience in contexto
>­ Overlook audience j participant
Anticípate some

interests, needs, or background.
audiencejparticipant interests,
Anticipate and buíld on
needs, or background.
audience/participant intere~ts,
B needs, background, and ex~ertise.
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology I

Washington State University

Some choices of delivery, media, Choose basic elements of delivery, Choose and adeptly adjust
activities, rhetorical moves, tone, media, activities, rhetorical moves, delivery, media, activities,
and style do not fit this audience or tone, and style to engage this rhetorical moves, tone, and style
purpose; basies choices may seem audience¡ most elements, though to effectively engage this
haphazard or ineffective. Tied to not aH, positively contribute. May audience; all elements used for
prepared material; little partially adjust in context, though impact and contribution.
adjustment in contexto flexibility is limited.

Cultural competencies attempts fall Apply cultural competencies, with Apply cultural competencies
short. May seem unaware. varying success. effectively.

Poor use of venue, time, or Makes adequate use of venue, Strategically uses venue, time, and
technology. time, and available technology, available technology, managing
with minor exceptions. constraints .

Lacks clear organization of Adequately organizes information, Organizes information, ideas, and
information, ideas, or activities¡ or ideas, and activities. activities with smooth transitions.
is inconsistent.

Uses language which obscures Uses language which Uses language which clearly
some ideas; some use of communicates ideas; appropriately communicates ideas; makes
conventions, standards, and employs conventions, standards, effective use of conventions,
formatting seems unsuitable; shifts and formatting. Occasional errors standards, and formatting; shifts
are confusina. Errors distract. do not aenerallv distract. are purposeful. Few if any errors.

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Washington State University
.. ...


,. AdaEtation ofthe Critical
Thinking Rubric for Math 107

1 2 3 4 5 !6
IDENTIFIES THE Does not classifY or incorrectly Classifies rhe problem using Classifies the problem and
SPECIFIC SITUATION, classifies the problern. sorne appropriate characreristics identifies appropriate
PROBLEM, OR QUESTION. and orhers rhar are not. characterístics.
To accomplish this, you need
to dassify the problem, create Provides an incorrect plan or no Provides a plan that leads ro a Provides a clear plan for the
a plan for the solution, be plan, displays no evidence of dead end or requires undoing of solution. Recognizes the need
aware ofassumptions, and knowing where to begin or end. previous work. Recognizes onIy for multiple processes or the
correctly interpret the Recognizes few or none of the sorne ofthe rnulriple processes need for application of the same
information g;ven. Ifthe multiple processes needed. needed. process multiple times.
problem is a word problem,
you also need to define all of 1demifies none of rhe 1demifies sorne bur nor all 1demifies all assurnptions ro be
the variables and the;r assumptions to be used in the assumprions to be used in rhe used in the solution of the
relationships. solution of the problem. solurion of [he problem. problern.

1s unable ro imerprer the 1nterprets inforrnation from Interprets inforrnation accurately

inforrnation given. Does not graphical. algebraic, or verbal frorn graphicaI, algebraic, or
understand or rnisrepresents the sraternems rnostlyaccurately. verbal statements' Correctly
task translates all notations.

Ddines few oftbe known and Defines some ofthe known Defines all known and
unknown variables needed to and unknown variables unknown variables needed to
solve tbe problema andlortheirdomains needed solve the problem and
to solve the problema Makes considers their domains.
use ofatraneous Recognizes atraneous
Bold print items refer to
information. information or the need for
problems set in context.
more information.

Defines insufficient or Parrlally defines sufficient Defines sufficient and

inappropriate relationships and appropriate appropriate relationships
benveenvariablesordoes not relationships between between variables.
make any relationship variables.
• .....


AdaEtation ofthe Critical

Thinking Rubric for Math 107

1 2 3 4 5 :6
IDENTIFIES Idemifies none ofme properties Identifies sorne ofme properties Idemifies all of the properties

(AND NOTES) THE rhar support rhe solution of rhe thar support rhe solution of the thar support the solution of rhe

MATHEMATICAL problern. problem. problern.

APPLICABLE TO THE Makes up properties. Distorts properties occasíonally. Idemifies only properties thar

SPECIFIC SlTUATION , Identifies sorne properties thar can be verified.

PROBLEM,OR Mosr properties idemified are are not appropriate to the Identifies only properti,es that are

QUESTION nor appropriare ro rhe conditions. appropriate to rhe conditions.

To aeeomplish this, you conditions.

need to be ab/e to identi}j
aIl ofthe properties that
aIlowyou to manipulate
the equation or expression
Ieading to your planned
soIution. You also need to The step above and the
make sure that the one below are eompleted
properties thatyou ehoose together as a cyele of
are verifiable and 4lindenti}j and app/y."
appropriate to the


HOWTHE 1 2 3 4 5 !6
PROPERTIES APPLY TO Does nor apply idemified Intermittemly applies idemified Applies identified properties
THE SPECIFIC properties accurarely properties accurately. accurately.
To accomplish this, you
need to apply each property
identified above to the
problem correctIy.


.. Adap.tation ofthe Critical
Thinking Rubric for Math 107

1 2 3 4 5 16
IDENTIFIES Identines none ofthe dennitions Idemifies sorne of the Identifies all of rhe definirions
(AND NOTES) THE and notations that support the definirions and norarions thar and norarions thar support rhe
MATHEMATICAL solution of the problern. support the solurion of rhe solution of the problern.
APPLICABLE TO THE Makes up dennitions and Distorts definitions and Idenrifies only definitions and
SPECIFIC SITUATION, notations. notations occasional1y. norarions that can be verified.
QUESTION Most dennítions and notations Idemines sorne dennitions and Idemines only dennirions and
To accomplish this, you idemined are not appropriate to notations that are not norarions thar are appropriate
need to be abJe to identif¡ the conditions. appropriate to the conditions. under the conditions.
all ofthe deftnitions and
notations that allow you
to manipulate the equation
or expression leading to
your planned solution and
allow someone eIse to
make sense ofyour work. The step above and the
You also need to makesure one below are completed
that the properties thatyou together as a cyele of
choose are veriftable and lIindentif¡ and appIy. "
appropriate to the


HOWTHESE 1 2 3 4 5 6
Does not apply identified Imermínemly applies identined Applies identified dennitions and
dennitions and notations definitions and notations notations accurate1y.
accurately. accurarely.
To accomplish this, you
need to appIy each
deftnition or notation that
you identifted above to the
problem correctIy.
... Adaetation of the CritiCa!
Thinking Rubric for Math 107

1 2 3 4 5 6
SYTHESIZES THE Cannot combine me processes Combines the processes and Appropriately combines the
INFORMATION and properties to arrive at a properties incompletely or processes and properties to arrive
ABOVE INTOA consistent solution. inconsistently. at a eonsistent solution.
CONSISTENT Arrives at no solution ro the Arrives at a solution to the Arrives ar a solution ro the
SOLUTION TO THE problem. problem that is inconsistent with problem that is eonsisrent wirh
SPECIFIC SITUATION, the choices aboye. the choices aboye.
QUESTION. Displays a solution that is Displays a solution that is Displays a solution thar is
To accomplish this, you extraneous, unreasonable, or partial1yextraneous, reasonable and appropriate to
need to combine all the unrelated to the problem. unreasonable, or unrelated to me me problem.
parts above to arrive at a problem.
consistent solution, check
for reasonableness and Makes mathematical Makes sorne incorrect or Makes correct and appropriate
appropriateness ofyour computations that are often inconsistent mathematical mathemarical computations.
solution, check your incorrect or thar have no relation computations.
computations, check your to the problem.
units, and make sure that
you display your Uses units incorrectIy or Displays errors in units. Uses unirs correctlyand
solution appropriately. not at aH. appropriately to the problem.

Is unable ro display the solution Displays the solution Displays the solution
appropriately. inappropriately in graphical, appropriately in graphical,
algebraic,orverbal algebraic, orverbal
representation using poor representation.
ehoiees ofscale orverbal or
algebraic sentence fragments.
General Education Critical Thinking Rubric

Northeastern Illinois University

NolLirnited Proficiency Sorne Proficiency (C) Proficiency (B) High Proficiency (A) • Rating
Macro Criten (D&E) I (a,b,c,d)
J. Identiftes & Fails to identify, Identiftes main issues Successfully identiftes Clearly identiftes and summarizes
Explains lssues summarize, or explain the but does not summarize and summarizes the main issues and successfully
main problem or question. or explain them c1early main issues. but does cxplains whylhow thcy are problcms
Represents the issues or sufftciently not explain why/how or questions; and identiftes
inaccurately or they are problems or embedded or irnplicit issues,
inappropriately. create questions addressing their relationships to each
2. Distinguishes Fails to label correctly any Successfully identifies Successfu11y separates Clearly and accurately labels not
Types of Claims of the factual, conceptual some, but not a11 of the and labels all the only all the factual, conceptual, and
and value dirnensions of the factual, conceptual, and factual, conceptual, value, but also those ímplicit in the
problems and proposed value aspects of the and value claims assumptions and the implications of
solutíons. questions and answers. positions and arguments.
3. Recognizes Faíls accurately to ídentify Shows so me general Correctly identifies all Not only correctly ídentiftes a11 the
Stakeholders and and explain any empirical understanding of the the empirica! and most empirical and theoretical contexts
Contexts or theoretical contexts for ínfluences of empírical of theoretical contexts relevant to all the main stakeholders,
the issues. and theoretical contexts relevant to aH the main but also ftnds minar stakeholders
Presents problems as on stakeholders, but stakeholders in the and contexts and shows the tension
having no connections to does not identify many situation. or conflicts of interests among them.
other condítions or specific ones relevant

to situation at hand.
4. Considers Fails to explain Identifies sorne but not Successfully explains In addition to explaining
Methodology how/why/which specific a11 methods required for how/why/which how/why/which methods are
methods of research are dealing with the issue; methods are most typically used, a1so describes
relevant to the kind of issue does not explain why relevant to the embedded methods and possible
at hand. they are relevant or problem. altemative methods of working on
effectíve. the problem.
5. Frames Personal Fails to formulate and FornlUlates a vague and Formulates a clear and Not only formulates a clear and
Responses and c1early express own point indecisíve point of precise personal poínt • precise personal point ofvÍew, but
Acknowledges Other ofview, (or) fails to víew, or anticipates of view conceming the also acknowledges objections and
Perspectives anticipate objections to minar but not major íssue, and seriously rival positions and provides
hisfher point ofview, (or) objections to hislher discusses its convincing replies to these.
fails to consider other point ofview, or weaknesses as well as

perspectives and position.

considers weak but not its strengths.
strong altemative
General Education Critical Thinking Rubric
Northeastem Illinois University

~ (D&E)
No/Lirnited Proficiency Sorne Proficiency (C) Proficiency (B) High Proficiency (A) Rating 1
Micro Criteraa (a,b,c,d)
6. Reconstructs Fails to identify the ldentifies a few of the Correctly analyzes the Not only correcUy reconstructs

major components of the premises but confuses the arguments and theories; the main argument but does the I
main arguments at stake conclusion of the maín restates its component same for subsidiary arguments
and to show their logical argument in support of propositions and and theories, and correctly
relatíons. the position under reconstruets their identifies the kind or status of
consideration (his or her relationships correctly. each of them.
own, or that of others)
7. lnterprets Fails to identify and ! Clarifies the meaning of Convineingly explains Offers fined-grainned and

i ehoose between the a few but far from all of the meaning of all the original interpretations of a
possible meanings ofthe the key terms and key terms and main crucial term or proposition
key terms and propositions involved. propositions involved involved in the issue.
proposítions included in in the arguments and

the arguments and

theories involved.
theories in use.
8. Evaluates Fails to identify and Identifies sorne of the Identifies and evaluates Not only identífies and evaluates

evaluate any of the most important all the important all the important assurnptions,
important assurnptions assumptions, but does not assurnptions, but not but also sorne of the more

behind the elairns and evaluate them for the ones deeper in the hidden, more abstraet ones.
recomrnendations rnade. plausibility or clarity. background - the more
abstraet ones.
i 9. Evaluates Fails to identify data and Suecessfully identifies Identified all important Not only identifies and
• Evidence information that counts data and information that evidence and rigorously evaluates all
as evidenee for truth- counts as evidence but rigorously evaluates it. important evidenee offered, but
elairns and fails to fails to thoroughly also provides new data or
evaluate its credibility. evaluate its eredibility. information for consideration.
10. Evaluates Fails to identify and Successfully identifies Identifies and avoids all Not only identifies and avoids all

explain rnistakes in the and avoids sorne mistakes of reasoning rnistakes of reasoning but gives
reasoning of others and eommon rnistakes of and explains sorne of clear explanations of why they
. fails to avoid them in his reasoning but misses less them. are mistakes.
or her own reasoning. common ones, and does
not explain why or how
, , they are mistakes. L. ,. , .

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