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The Church Centre, Manor House, Church Lane

Finchampstead RG40 4LU
Tel/Fax: 0118 973 0133
PLEASE REPLY TO: Secretary Carolyn Fox
19 Gorse Ride North
RG40 4ES
Tel: 0118 973 2262
Given that God comes first in everything, make ourselves and others
Better Disciples of Christ.
Minutes of the Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meetings
The Church Centre, on Sunday 11 April 2010 at 6pm.
53 parishioners, whose names are on the Electoral Roll, signed the Register of Attendance. Both meetings were
chaired by Rev Dr Richard Warden.

1 Opening Prayers & Welcome

Rev Richard welcomed everyone to the meeting. He opened in prayer using the Bishop of Oxford’s Living Faith
Prayer from the sheet Living Faith in the Diocese of Oxford.

2 Apologies
Apologies were received from David Booth, Hugh Dempster, Ann & Roger Jeater, Beth Peat, Andrew Powell, Hazel
Sutherland-Pilch, Ian & Nicola Woolston, Felicity Borham, Jodie Widman, Roy & Doreen Townend, Keith Hunt,
Audrey Metcalfe, Dorothy Taylor, Brian Hamblin, Gill Myall, Maurice & Hazel Levy, David Bedser, Anita Andrews and
Marg Andrews

3 Rector’s Remarks
Rev Richard checked that everyone had a pack of papers for the meetings. He referred to the Living Faith document
that had been handed out and explained that a new Deanery Mission Plan was being drawn up in line with the 5 aims
of this document:
• Sustaining the sacred centre
• Making disciples
• Making a difference in the world (At this point he spoke to Sharon Block on a speaker phone. As headteacher
of the pre-school in Kimberley, she told enthusiastically of the 5 pupils who will start at the school tomorrow as
a result of our sponsorship. She explained how our money would be used.)
• Creating vibrant Christian communities and
• Shaping confident, collaborative leadership (He noted that he and Rev John see and encourage this.)
Rev Richard explained that there are two meetings, the first, the Vestry Meeting to elect churchwardens, for everyone
on the Church Electoral Roll and anyone living in the parish who is on the civil electoral roll. At the second meeting,
the Annual Parochial Church Meeting for the rest of the business, only those on the Church Electoral Roll may vote.


4 Minutes of the 2009 Meeting
The 2009 Vestry Meeting Minutes were approved, after proposal by Maurice Driver and seconding by Paul Arscott
and then duly signed by Rev Richard as a true record.

5 Election of Churchwardens
There were two nominations in writing before the meeting as required for Churchwarden − Nicky Alder and Ed
Sampson. There being no other nominations, they were duly elected. Rev Richard invited them to sit at the front. He
thanked them for their unstinting support and great time commitment over the past year and particularly thanked their
spouses. Rev Richard declared the meeting closed.


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The Church Wardens, Nicky Alder and Ed Sampson, joined the platform. Rev Richard congratulated them and they
were applauded.


1 Approval of Minutes of 2009 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

There being no amendments, they were proposed by John Brain, Seconded by Richard Peat, agreed and duly signed
by Rev. Richard as a true record.

2 Annual Report and Financial Statement of the PCC up to 31 December 2009

Rev Richard explained that the Public Benefit section had to be included as the church is now a charity in its own
right. He pointed out that attendance had stayed good when services had transferred to the Church Centre. He was
also pleased to draw attention to the continuing work ‘Towards a Healthy Church’ at the same time as the major
conservation project. Rev Richard expressed his personal thanks to Andy Witting, to the ‘treasury team’ of Keith
Hunt, Marion Row and, more recently, Debbie Watthey, and to the rest of the Finance & Stewardship Committee for
their hard work during the year in keeping the accounts, to Robert Alder for his work on Regular Giving and Gift Aid
and for his work with Rev John to encourage Standing Orders. He particularly thanked Andy, sadly now standing
down, for his rigorous treasurership. The meeting showed its appreciation with applause. Andy responded that it had
been a tough year and the church was not immune from the economic climate. The challenge remained to increase
Rev Richard thanked Carolyn Fox for putting together the report in collaboration with Andy. He expressed thanks to
Ian Clements who was standing down as Health & Safety Advisor after 5 years and to John Dewhurst, standing down
as Head Sidesperson but still willing to remain on the Worship & Liturgy Committee. He thanked Carolyn Fox for
filling the complex role of Parish Administrator for 17 months till January and also Karen Remmington who has now
taken on the job. He echoed the ‘special thanks’ section of the report – that all the gifts of time, talent or money are
very much valued. Rev Richard spoke of the Deanery Mission Plan which proposed joining together St James’ with
St Mary & St John’s retaining two paid clergy posts. This would be discussed by the PCCs in due course. He also
drew attention to the Arborfield Housing Plan. Richard Peat explained that this could result in 2000 extra houses in St
James’ parish. The PCC has written to the council pointing out the absence of a worship centre in the development
and offering to be involved in finding a solution.

It was proposed (Rebecca Head), seconded (John Dewhurst) and unanimously approved that the examined report
and financial statements be accepted.

3 Report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of the Parish Church

Rev Richard thanked the Churchwardens for their work in being responsible for the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments
and for checking the inventory, particularly during the ‘conservation period. He thanked Ed Sampson for writing the
report. He also thanked Maurice Driver and Richard Owen for overseeing the Tuesday Working Party and the small
band of people who had cleaned and cleared the church prior to the contractors taking over in August as well as those
who had moved us back into church for 21 March. There was warm applause of appreciation.
It was proposed (Richard Peat), seconded (Richard Widman) and unanimously approved that the report be accepted.

4 Report on the Proceedings of the Deanery Synod

Rev Richard pointed out that a new Lay Chair has now been appointed. He himself has now stood down as the
Deanery Governor at Ranelagh and the Deanery Synod will be looking for a replacement.
Julia Arscott and Carolyn Fox were thanked for preparing the report and for producing a report of each Synod meeting
for the PCC. The other Deanery Synod representatives (Paul Arscott and Gill Myall, who has now decided to stand
down) were also thanked.
It was proposed (Sue Sampson), seconded (Julie Morley) and unanimously approved that the Deanery Synod report
be accepted

5 Report on the Electoral Roll for this APCM

Sarah Booth was thanked for her work as Electoral Roll Officer and for preparing the report for this meeting and for
each PCC meeting. He advised that it is a revised Electoral Roll; we take its maintenance seriously and more names
may again be added after the APCM. There are now 397 members, up on last year’s 376.
It was proposed (Robert Alder), seconded (Chris Driver) and unanimously approved that the revised Electoral Roll be

6 Report from the PCC Committees & Working Groups

Rev. Richard thanked all those who chair, run and contribute to the Committees. Eight PCC Committee reports and
three Working Group reports had been prepared as follows:

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Social & Fundraising Team Sue Sampson.
Pastoral Team Paul Arscott.
Finance & Stewardship Committee Julie Morley.
Fabric & Property Committee Maurice Driver.
Mission & Charitable Giving Committee Julia Arscott.
Outreach & Discipleship Team Janet Clements.
Worship & Liturgy Committee Carolyn Fox.
Communications, IT & Publicity Committee Richard Peat.
Conservation Project Working Group Carolyn Fox, (supplemented by information in the Fabric
Goods and Ornaments Report and the detailed sheet prepared by Rev Richard).
Conservation Appeal Group Carolyn Fox.
Good Practice Advisory Group Carolyn Fox.

Rev Richard explained that the Committees and Working Groups do the practical work of the PCC and are
accountable to the PCC. He went through each of the reports and thanked the Committee leaders. Each was warmly
applauded. Paul Arscott spoke of the good practice document that was being prepared with advice from the Diocese
for the pastoral team to protect vulnerable people, the team and the church. He was thanked for his work as Lay
Eucharistic Minister. Rev John advised that a Friends of St James scheme was being developed to give non-regulars
a chance to keep in touch and for those who wished to give for the building only. It was hoped to launch this later in
the year. Maurice Driver drew attention to the need for maintenance work on the Manor House. As landlords and to
produce good income from our properties it behoved us to ensure good maintenance. Car parking continued to need
attention. Attention was drawn to the targeted Mission Giving mainly to four charities and also to the Lent sermons.
The congregational vote for a CUF project to support was the one in Hull. Attention was drawn to the ‘What’s it all
about’ course and Kate Meads explained the work of the Family Connexions team who are around to talk to people at
and after the Family services. Olive Butchart was thanked for her work with baptism families, dealing with the
registers and sending out anniversary cards. Sally Hamblin was thanked for her work producing and selling the
calendars and Christmas cards which had raised a great profit for the Conservation Fund. Rev John was thanked for
all he does in the parish and the meeting supported this with huge applause.
Ed Sampson gave a verbal update on the Conservation Project. There were a few outstanding issues for the Working
Party to resolve and see completed. The appeal had raised £566K over 4 years and costs had been £649K including
VAT, a large amount of which was hoped to be recovered under the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme. There
was expected to be a shortfall of about £4K. Maurice Driver commented that the results of the project were to be
seen in the church now. He proposed a vote of thanks to the whole team (Rev Richard, Ed Sampson, Nicky Alder,
Carolyn Fox and Wally Chapman). Rev Richard extended the thanks to past members, Maurice Driver, Paul Arscott
and Ian Gibb.

It was proposed (Julia Arscott), seconded (John Brain) and unanimously agreed that the reports be accepted en bloc.

7 Reports from the Church’s Organisations and Groups

Sixteen reports had been prepared for the pack as follows:

Fledgelings Karen Remmington.

Sunday Club Karen Remmington.
Youth Group Cathy Clayton.
Mothers’ Union and Women’s Fellowship Sarah Owen.
Churches Together In Crowthorne (CTC) Sarah Owen, Suzie Kitcher and Richard Owen.
HOPE (linked to CTC) Suzie Kitcher and Sarah Owen
Tower Bellringers Trish Amos.
Ladies Breakfast Cathy Clayton
Housegroups Carolyn Fox
Helen Taylor Churchyard Trust Richard Owen.
Choir & Music Andrew Bosley.
Church School Brian Remmington on behalf of Governors.
Churches in Finchampstead Praying Together Carolyn Fox.
Tuesday Working Party Richard Owen.
Altar Servers Paul Arscott
Breastfeeding Network Kate Meads

Rev Richard commented on each report. The group leaders and helpers were all thanked for their commitment which
was greatly valued. He drew attention to the new Sunday Club team and the fact that Youth Group were just back
from the Iona trip which Cathy Clayton described as ‘life-changing’. Julia Arscott thanked Cathy & Steve Clayton and
Elisabeth Tracey for organising the trip. Paul Arscott thanked the Mothers’ Union for the great amount of Pastoral
work done unsung by that group. Rebecca Head expressed thanks to the CTC Hope as her children had enjoyed the

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activities. It was good to have the bellringers back after the church closure and they were glad to be back. Rev
Richard was indebted to Andrew Bosley for Stainer’s Crucifixion on the first Sunday back in church. He also thanked
the school governors for representing the church at the school. He congratulated Finchampstead Baptist Church on
the amazing facility that they have built.

It was proposed (Mary Dewhurst), seconded (Richard Owen) and unanimously agreed that the reports be accepted
en bloc.

The final piece of information was an announcement that Rev Richard will be leaving the Parish towards the end of
the summer. He read out his prepared statement (see attachment 2) as he found the announcement very difficult and
was very emotional. Ed Sampson spoke of the amazing job that Rev Richard has done for 6 years and how difficult it
was for him to go as he was ‘part of the family’. Cathy Clayton also expressed thanks to Penny Warden and there
was warm applause for Rev Richard and Penny.


8 Election of One Representatives to the Deanery Synod

As Gill Myall wished to stand down, a representative was required to fill the remainder of the term to 31st May 2011.
Julie Morley had been nominated. There were no further nominations so Julie Morley was duly elected.

9 Election of Five Representatives to the Parochial Church Council

Rev Richard brought the meeting’s attention to a document at the back of the Information Pack that sets out the
profile of a PCC member, the constitution of the PCC and a list of those continuing to be members of PCC.

a) 4 are elected until 2010: Sarah Booth, Julie Morley, Daphne-Lucan Wilson and Andy Witting.
b) 4 are elected until 2011: Mary Dewhurst, Kate Meads, Jonathan Marshall and Richard Owen.
c) 4 are elected until 2012: Maurice Driver, John Brain, Rebecca Head and Richard Peat.

The first group had come to the end of their term. Andy Witting did not wish to stand again. The nomination sheet
contained five names now that Julie Morley had been elected to Deanery Synod, namely, Sarah Booth, Daphne
Lucan-Wilson, Gill Myall, Ian Woolston and Barbara Brice. A vote was therefore needed and the secretary gave out
voting sheets. Rev John agreed to act as teller and, when he had counted the votes, he declared that Sarah Booth,
Gill Myall, Ian Woolston and Barbara Brice were duly elected.
Rev Richard thanked all those who had served on PCC and Standing Committee and particularly Daphne Lucan-
Wilson for her work over the years. They were applauded.

10 Appointment of Sidespeople
The names on the list of Sidespeople appointed at last APCM and by the PCC during the year were read out (see
attachment 1). Rev Richard referred to the ‘duties’ sheet in the Information Pack and said how important this role is.
There were no other volunteers from the meeting. They were declared as appointed for the coming Church year.

Rev Richard also thanked the servers, intercessors, chalice administrators, coffee rota volunteers, flower arrangers,
vergers, and those who cleaned the communion vessels and the altar linen. In addition he thanked all those who had
set up the Church Centre for services during the conservation work.

11 Appointment of an Auditor / Examiner

Karen Symons, a member of St Michael's, Sandhurst, was again willing to serve us as examiner this year. Andy
Witting reminded how important it was to have an independent view on the finances. He had received great guidance
from Karen, including our responsibilities to the Charity Commissioners. He therefore proposed Karen Symons,
seconded (Paul Arscott) and unanimously approved.

12 Any Other Business

Ian Clements asked how confident the treasurer was about the VAT claim and when any refund might be received.
Andy Witting explained that the claim would be submitted when all the amounts had been paid out and the project
completed. A claim of £76K seemed to fit the current published guidelines. He noted that the Listed Places of

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Worship Grant Scheme was threatened to end in March 2011 and encouraged support for the petition for it to be

13 Conclusion
Finally, Rev. Richard referred to the proposal that the Treasurer (Andy Witting), Secretary (Carolyn Fox),
Churchwardens (Nicky Alder and Ed Sampson) and the two appointed members of the Standing Committee (Mary
Dewhurst and John Brain) stay in office until the next PCC meeting on 24 May. Maurice Driver proposed this to PCC
members, seconded by Julie Morley and unanimously agreed by the PCC members present.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8pm with the Living Faith prayer and the Grace.



• 1. List of Sidespeople − 2010

• 2. Announcement from Rev Richard

Attachment 1

List of Sidespeople − agreed at 2010 APCM

Andrews, Anita
Arscott, Julia
Coombs, John
Dewhurst, Mary
Driver, Maurice
Fox, Carolyn
Gray, Denise
Hamblin, Brian
Hamblin, Sally
Harris, Beverley
Hitti, Julie
Hossack, Rosemary
Judge, Fiona
Kitcher, Suzy
Lardner, Sheila
Laurent, Miriam
Lawrence, Jackie
Meads, Kate
Morris, Bill
Murray, Kim
Myall, Gill
Norman, Sue
Owen, Richard
Payne, Jackie
Pearce, Norman
Ray, Keith
Sampson, Sue
Van den Burg, Lindsay
Westphalen, Flemming
Westphalen, Louise
Workman, Felicity

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Attachment 2 Announcement from Rev Richard to APCM 2010

Having already spoken to our two bishops, the Archdeacon and our two churchwardens Nicky Alder and Ed Sampson, I have a
rather difficult announcement to make which is that, with a very heavy heart, I shall be moving on from St James’ towards the
end of the summer. I know this will come as something of a shock to many people, but to others it may not be too much of a
I will have served for six wonderful years at St James, and during that time we have come a very long way together – as all the
reports to this APCM testify. We can be rightly proud of all that we have achieved as a healthy church and vibrant Christian
community. It will be incredibly difficult to leave this behind and say goodbye to so many people with whom I feel such an
immense bond of friendship. To my mind, and I think with good reason, this must be one of the most impressive parishes and
congregations in the land. The commitment to the service of others, the quality of our worship of God, our willingness to grow
under Christ, and the vibrant Spirit of welcome, friendliness and love are of a very high order indeed. Being Priest-in-Charge
here has been a most remarkable privilege in my life and whoever is appointed after me will be incredibly fortunate.
However, I have been offered a challenging opportunity to re-engage with my chaplaincy work, among 1300 young people –
aged 3 to 18 – as Chaplain and Head of Religious Studies to three schools in Mill Hill, north London. Being at the somewhat
advanced age of 53 for being offered such jobs, it was an opportunity I could not realistically turn down.
If parish work is ministry at the “front line”, then school chaplaincy is ministry “behind enemy lines” as I seek to bring the good
news of God’s love to this current generation of young people, who will be the next generation of adult Christians in the pews.
As Bishop John commented to me, strategically, schools ministry – which I had been in for 15 years before coming to St James’
– is crucially important. From experience I know that this ministry is often carried out in the face of indifference, ignorance and
hostility to the concept of God and faith. The stark contrast between parish life and schools ministry can best be encapsulated in
the fact that when people attend church at St James, they do so because they want to, but schools have compulsory chapel
attendance and the pupils would sooner be somewhere else! I will be called upon to be an evangelist and a teacher, as well as a
pastor and preacher.
My departure from St James has come a few years earlier than I had originally anticipated. This is partly because of the rather
difficult year I have experienced. Within my wider family there has been a great deal of serious illness, as well as tragic
bereavement, and a move out of parish ministry will allow me to spend more time addressing these wider family issues,
something which is of fundamental importance to me. It has not been easy finding time for seeing family with just the one day
off during midweek. In addition, and for the first time in our 26 years of married life, the move will allow Penny and me to live
in our own home together, nearer Penny’s family, albeit during school holidays.
Looking forward, the bishops and the Archdeacon are very aware that St James has become one of the largest congregations in
the Oxford diocese, and that it will be important to move swiftly to find a suitable person to lead St James into the next phase of
its growth and development. To this end the Archdeacon has offered to come and meet with the churchwardens and the PCC in
the near future. Although the process will take place independently of me, I want to re-assure everyone that I will do all that I
can to ease the process. I care passionately about the future of St James’. All this means that I will not be going on sabbatical as
planned, and so I will give my full energies to St James’ over the next 4½ months.
I have particular concerns for the pressure all this will bring for a number of people, especially for John Edwards as he takes the
lead in our services, and the churchwardens as they carry the responsibility of administration and for finding my successor. I
know they will get huge support from the congregation.
When I arrived, Bishop Stephen said that I should aim to become dispensable! By that he meant that I should seek to build
sound structures and strong teams that would survive in my absence, and I have worked hard to achieve this. St James’ is in
very robust shape, and in incredibly capable hands, with people exercising their leadership and gifts throughout the whole of its
life. I firmly believe that St James’ will go from strength to strength during the forthcoming vacancy and under new leadership.
I know they will receive the same love and support that I have had during my time here, and for this, I thank God.

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