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largo ragazzi,
Make way boys,
non tanti schiamazzi,
don’t make so much noise
ché arriva la sposa
as the bride arrives
con gala sfarzosa;
with glitzy gala;
la bella Tonina
The beautiful Tonina
che vien dalla China
Who comes from China
oh! quante carrozze!
Oh, how may carriages!
Oh! quanti cavalli!
Oh, how many horses!
Venite alle nozze,
Come to the wedding
si canti, si balli
They sing, they dance
cantate, ballate,
You sing, you dance
la la, la ra la,
la la la ra la

Ma cosa mai veggio?
But what is it I see?
Si può dar di peggio?
Can you do worse?
Voi siete due cosi
You two are so
barbuti, pelosi!
Bearded and hairy!
Che musi, che avete!
What snouts you have!
Ah! montoni voi siete
Oh! You are sheep!
Io son l'agnelletta,
I am the little lamb
che sopra l'erbetta
that sits upon the grass
saltando sen va.
Leaping to and fro

E voi cosa volete
And what do you want
così vestiti a lutto?
So dressed in mourning?
Tacete, oh Dio! tacete,
Silence, oh God! Silence
che già comprendo il tutto.
I already understand everything
Il caro sposo è morto;
The dear bridegroom is dead;
chi sa se torna più.
Who knows if he will ever come back.
Ma non ha avuto torto
But he was not wrong (to leave)
che giusto a mezza vita
Because for half his life
aveva una ferita,
he was wounded,
da quindici anni e più.
For fifteen years and more.

Ombra sanguigna errante
Wandering blood shadow
del caro sposo amante,
Of my dearly beloved bridegroom
se intorno a me t'aggiri,
If you wander around me
ascolta i miei sospiri,
Listen to my sighs,
rimira queste lagrime,
Behold my tears,
come mi colan giù.
How they stream down

Voi non piangete, o perfidi?

You aren’t crying yet, you wicked men?
Ma tu chi sei, che in maschera
But who are you, who in disguise
Mi vieni a dar dei pizzichi?
Comes to pinch me?

Ah ti conosco: ah! cane,

Oh, I know you: Ah! dog,
Morrai per queste mane.
You will die by my hand
Sì, l’uccisor sei tu,
Yes, the killer is you
Paventa i sdegni miei.
Fear my rage
Marfisa io son tu sei
I am Marfisa, and you are
Il brutto Feraù.
The ugly Feraù

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