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Setting Up Sysreset File Server by hal

You have installed Sysreset, and probably have downloaded tons of files. But then,
each computer/server has its limit, and so were the file sharers. Sysreset a.k.a. mIRC
tend to crash, or disconnect due to overwhelming request from the downloaders.

You can ease their burden a bit by sharing the files that you’ve downloaded ;)

1. Go to SysReset > File Server Manager

2. You’ll see this window.

3. Click at the Server Config tab.

4. Select File Server Options.

5. Hmmm……

• File Server Control: You may enable Force Close so that your trigger window will
close at a given time, instead of waiting for 30 seconds of inactivity of the downloader.
Max Server Browsers is the number of users that were allowed to open your file trigger.
• Color Configuration: ……self explanatory. The colour of your trigger’s text.
• Event Reporting: Don’t bother. Same goes to advanced whatever settings.
• Additional Information: If you care much about Hall of Fame……..

6. Back to Queue Options. At the Queue Slots, you may set the number of sends &
queues. Set the numbers too high and your server will crash-land :p

Based on the
example, up to 5
users were
allowed to
download files.
(15÷3=bleh :p)

However, at the
Max Server
Browsers (refer
to step 5), 10
users were
allowed to enter
your house o_0

In that case, you

may set the total queue a bit more. Any extra download request will be moved to the
queue pool.
7. Select File Server Triggers tab.

8. Click at the Add button. Enter the name of your trigger.

9. ……….. click OK :p

10. This window will appear. But it is meant for adding a welcome file(?). We want to
add a FOLDER. Better yet, we want to add the whole DRIVE ☺. Now click Cancel.
11. Select the folder containing the files that you want to share.

12. ……did I just disclose something? ☺ Click OK

13. Done! Now set the channel where you want your trigger to appear. Click here.

14. For example, type in #sh3. Then click Add.

Access Mode is for you to set your trigger either accessible to all user, voiced user or
opped user. Some file sharers set this to voiced & opped user only to prevent
overflowing leechers. But then, a user just need to type !voice ……..

By the way, I set my triggers to free for all since the first day I share files ☺
15. All set! Trigger enabled. CTCP mode if you want to. Select the trigger to add
description. Ad delay if you want to prevent your trigger from swarming the channel.

By default, there’s only one queue pool (Default), where the queues will be placed into.

Optional: You may want to put another queue pool for smaller files. Just add a new
one at Queue Pools (refer to step 6). Then, select the trigger containing the small files.
Assign the new queue pool to that trigger.
16. Showtime!

- TDCC trigger is similar to the file server trigger, except that it is for single file.
- Ignore the XDCC trigger. It’s for groups of TDCC triggers, and you don’t need it.
- For ban section, I never used it before. However, that section is self-explanatory.

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