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NF-37/ 12-67

SDase NavigaIio~
OBJECTIVE: MARS Space navigation is essentially the same as naviga-
On earth man moves between points which tion on earth: a process of finding out where you
remain fixed in relation to one another. But in the are with respect to where you want to be.
sofar system all bodies are in continuous motion. If the objective is Mars, for example, the astro-
Soon man will walk on the moon, and not long nauts will not move directly toward the planet but
thereafter he will journey t o the planets; man will along a curving path toward another point in space.
navigate great distances in space. He will be able Here they will rendezvous with Mars. They must
to navigate there with a precision unfamiliar to arrive at that point in space at the same time the
most earth-bound navigators. Yet the tools and planet Mars arrives.
techniques which will be used will seem familiar, Though the spacecraft will be traveling thou-

Figure 1-The sextant-for centuries a tool for mariners, in the form shown here-has been adapted for use in
space navigation. See "The Sextant."
sands of miles per hour, it will seem to the men on again accurate timing is essential to insure that
board that it is hanging motionless in space. The its arrival at the intersecting point coincides with
stars will appear t o be fixed in their positions. that of the planet. (Figure 4).
This is a fortunate circumstance of nature; it will
allow the astronauts to determine the spacecraft’s COURSE ALTERATIONS
position. It is velocity change which alters the course of
The receding earth will not remain behind but an orbiting body.
will be moving ahead imperceptibly. The point The velocity imparted by earth also puts the
from which the astronauts left the earth is now spacecraft into the ecliptic plane (the plane of the
only a point in space. earth’s orbit).
In the trajectory designed to encounter Mars, It would take a considerable amount of energy
the astronauts will be in orbit around the sun. to get out of that plane. But fortunately all planets
move in planes very close to the ecliptic and they
ESCAPING THE EARTH all orbit in the same direction.
In our solar system each planet is held in its Now, if on a journey to Mars the spacecraft is
orbit by its velocity balanced against the sun‘s injected into its trajectory in the same direction
gravitational force. The inner planets, where the as the earth’s travel around the sun, its greater
sun’si force is greatest, travel at greater speeds velocity will throw it outward towards Mars.
than the outer planets, where the force is weaker. But is the injection velocity correct? The path
If a spacecraft is t o leave the earth (Figure 2) the spacecraft should follow has
for another planet, it must increase or decrease but 100% accuracy cannot be re
the speed imparted t o it by the orbiting earth. Yet most sophisticated flight programs
either way this velocity change is a fraction of the for inaccuracies in injection or pr
orbital speed of the earth, which is about 66 thou- cise orbits of the earth and the
sand miles per hour. On this trip, a discrepancy i
To reach a planet closer t o the sun (Venus, for at earth of less than 1/10 of 1
example), a spacecraft must escape earth in a will cause the craft to miss Mar
direction opposite to earth’s travel. This reduces of a million miles.
its velocity and allows the sun to pull it inward so The additional propellant and
that its orbital path will intersect that of the planet. correct so large an error near
With correct timing, the inner planet will be in the voyage might be prohibitive. T
vicinity of the intersecting point when the space- probably fail. The error must be
craft gets there. If they don’t collide, the space- as possible.
craft will continue in an elliptical orbit around the Errors in trajectory can be corr
sun forever. ing up, or slowing down, the s
On the other hand, to reach a planet farther amount of correction needed is
from the sun, a spacecraft must escape earth in comparing the actual trajectory w
the same direction as its movement around the tended.
sun (Figure 3). Its greater velocity throws the The actual trajectory is dete
spacecraft outward, but the sun‘s gravitation grad- lishing the position of the spa
ually slows it down and places it into an elongated intervals of time. This requir
orbit that intersects that of the outer planet. Here measurements.

~ 0 the ~actual,
~ mechanical
~ 0 procedure
~ ~
used to steer a vehicle along a path, or to
maintain its attitude in a specific orientation
in space.
ic: the apparent annual path of the sun
the stars, as seen from earth, projected
Figure 2-If the spacecraft is to leave the earth, it must onto the celestial sphere; the intersection of
increase or decrease the speed imparted to it by the the earth’s orbit with the celestial sphere.
orbiting earth.
lane: the orbital plane of Earth.
68: the information required by a vehi-
make it follow a prescribed path or
fulfill a particular objective.
avigation: the process of determining vehicle
position and velocity in some known frame of
: the path of a body in space when the
path is closed and repetitive.
r a j e ~ t 0 r ~the
: path of a body in space with
more or less specific initial and end points.

Figure 3-To reach a planet farther from the sun, a space-

craft must escape earth in the same direction as its move-
ment around the sun.

Figure 4-Accurate timing is essential to insure arrival at Figure 5 -The astronauts use their sextant to track
the planet. landmarks.

Figure 6-The angle defines a cone of position.
some unavoidable'error ...

Figure 8-. .
. position is determined within a football Figure 9-Intersection of ellipsoid and cone establishes
shaped volume. position more closely.

Figurelo-The astronauts know approximately how far they Figure 11-Repeated sightings reduce the amount of
are from the desired trajectory. uncertainty.

THE SEXTANT parking orbit around the planet can be calculated.
Fundamental to all navigation is the ability to These velocity changes enable the spacecraft to
measure angles. approach the planet from the proper distance and
For this, astronauts use a device which has been go into parking orbit. The astronauts will then use
used in navigating for over two hundred years: their sextant to track landmarks. (Figure 5 ) This
the sextant. (See Figure 1, Page 1.) confirms their parking orbit, and determines its
The angle between a planet and a known star characteristics which permit them to plan a descent
can be measured precisely with a sextant. This trajectory.
angle is recorded in a computer along with the To navigate their return to earth the astronauts
exact time of sighting. The angle defines a cone will reverse the above procedure.
of position because that angle could have been
sighted from any point on the surface of the cone. GUIDANCE OF UNMANNED SPACECRAFT
(Figure 6). Deep space tracking equipment and methods
But one sighting is not sufficient to tell the are already so accurate that unmanned craft can
astronauts where they are. They do know they are be guided to the moon and nearby planets with
near their desired trajectory. Their approximate remarkable accuracy.
speed, elapsed time, and the limits of possible For example, Mariner II, on its mission of flying
error locate them within a football-shaped-volume past Venus, traversed one hundred and eighty
which navigators call the “estimated ellipsoid of million miles of space and passed Venus 21,648
position”. (Figures 7 and 8 . ) miles from the planet; 10,000 miles had been
The volume where this ellipsoid intersects the planned .
cone establishes the craft’s position more closely; This is like shooting at a moving target from a
they are somewhere in the area where the two coin- platform that is moving and rotating, at a range of
cide (Figure 9). From this the astronauts know one mile and hitting the target four and one quarter
approximately how far they are from the desired inches from deadcenter.
trajectory. (Figure 10) Later, Ranger VI1 hit the moon within eight miles
Repeated sightings will be made along the way of its aiming point. An inch and a half miss at one
to reduce the amount of uncertainty, until the mile.
actual trajectory is determined within allowable Ranger IX came closer, impacting only two-and-
limits. (Figure 111) three-quarter miles from its target center. Mariner
When the actual trajectory is determined to
have deviated too far from the desired one, a mid-
course correction must be made to attain a cor-
rected trajectory.

Throughout the flight, earth-based tracking
information will be used to correct or supplement
on-board navigation. But as the spacecraft nears
its target position, millions of miles from earth’s
tracking stations, the astronauts will have to rely
almost entirely upon the on-board navigational
equipment because they need a precision far
greater than that available from earth data.
Furthermore, any back-up information would
take 12 minutes to travel the 134 million miles
that separate the astronauts from earth.
The exact location and speed of the craft must
be determined with respect to the planet, using
sextant sightings. The sightings will be made be-
tween the target planet and known stars. Then the
final velocity changes that will achieve a precise Figure 12-Surveyor spacecraft.

IV, traveling three hundred and twenty-five million The time-keeping and time-recording devices
miles, swept past Mars within two thousand miles which are essential to space navigation are now so
of its aiming point. Surveyors 1 and Ill soft-landed precise that they have an accuracy of one ten-
on the moon within a few miles of target centers. billionth of a second.
Lunar Orbiters have been placed in precise orbits Even though navigational instruments have
around the moon, as has the Interplanetary Ex-
plorer XXXV. These historic space Slights are great
technological achievements. They are skillful
demonstrations of the reliability and accuracy of
ea rth-based tracking techniques.

There are new tools which have been developed
to solve the unique problems introduced by the
third dimension and immense vastness of space.
Basically these tools consist of:
a. Information gathering devices, both optical and
b. Information processing devices (computers);
c. Time-keeping devices.
Manned space navigation and guidance demand
a great variety of information gathering devices.
They include: Figure 13-A navigation panel for space flight.
a. Sextants or other optical instruments to measure
angles between celestial bodies;
b. On-board radar and other electronic equipment reached high degrees of reliability and accuracy,
for determining altitude and velocity relative to more effort is being directed toward simplifying
the target planet, when near the planet; equipment and methods, aimed at solving the con-
c. Earth-based radio and radar for precise distance siderable problems of landing on a planet with an
and velocity measurements; accuracy of 10 miles.
d. Inertial sensing and measurement equipment to In manned flight, studies are under way to deter-
provide a reference frame for positioning the mine how on-board and earth-based systems can
vehicle during mid-course correction and t o best work together to reduce on-board equipment
gauge the extent of the correction. as much as possible. Knowledge is being improved
The information processing devices include constantly about the planets' masses, their orbits
computers (both on-board and earth-based) that and distances from the sun, so that trajectories
use stored information as well as information fur- can be computed more accurately.
nished them by the measuring and sensing devices. Trajectory equations are being developed which
The devices process at high speed the large number can be solved by simplified computers, which will
of involved calculations necessary for space navi- still provide navigational data to the degree of
gation. They can solve in seconds problems which reliability needed for manned flight to the planets.
would' take an experienced navigator an entire Knowledge is augmented by missions like
voyage to calculate. Information processing devices Gemini; i n these practice missions man is gaining
also include certain elements of the deep space experience in measuring angles, distances and
communication systems that carry information relative velocities, and in determining the changes
between spacecraft and earth. needed to attain specific trajectories.

APOLLO MOON FLIGHT f. The inertial measurement unit furnishes a sense
Systems development in the most ambitious of direction t o the computer, enabling the space-
space project to date-the Apollo Moon Flight-is craft to be oriented correctly. The rocket is fired.
well under way. The inertial measurement unit measures the
The guidance and navigation station aboard the acceleration, and feeds this data to the computer;
Apollo is equipped with scanning telescope, sextant, g. When the desired speed change is accomplished,
digital computer and an inertial measurement unit. the computer cuts the engine. Now the space-
The Apollo astronaut can maneuver the spacecraft craft is on its corrected course. More than one
directly by the use of manually operated controls correction may be needed. As the moon is ap-
or can select programs in the computer which will proached sextant readings may be made between
initiate automatic maneuvers. known lunar landmarks and appropriate stars
This complete system permits all navigation to determine the final course correction;
functions for the lunar journey to be performed h. Both on-board and earth-based computers deter-
on board and independent of earth-based tracking mine independently what manuever is required
or computing facilities, if necessary. to place the Apollo craft into lunar orbit;
The navigator will make repeated sightings to 1. The familiar landmark tracking technique is then
confirm his position and trajectory. used to confirm the parking orbit, putting man
However, throughout the entire lunar trip he will for the first time in a position to land on an
have earth-based tracking information available extraterrestrial surface.
for use in his own computer. The navigational experience gained in the Apollo
program will contribute information needed for
APOLLO ON-BOARD EQUIPMENT trips of greater complexity.
This is how the on-board equipment works:
a. The line of sight of the scanning telescope is EARLY ASTRONOMERS:
fixed to the spacecraft. Looking through this THE COURSES OF THE PLANETS
scope, the navigator acquires both the earth and Man has observed the movements of the sun,
the selected star; moon, and planets for hundreds of years.
b. He maneuvers the spacecraft until the earth In the 15th century Nicolaus Copernicus led the
landmark is centered at zero. He rotates the tele- way to modern man’s perception of the solar sys-
scope until the reticle falls across the star; this tem: the earth revolves around the sun along with
also turns the sextant; the other planets.
c. The navigator notes the angle of the star and In the next century, the astronomer Tycho Brahe
sets the-sextant at that angle. Now, looking made his painstaking determinations of the loca-
through the sextant, both images appear en- tions of the planets. His remarkably accurate ob-
larged and superimposed. When they are lined servations preceded the telescope.
up, the “mark” button is pushed. This feeds In the 17th century, Johannes Kepler, after years
precise time and angle information into the of patient calculation, discovered the laws that
computer; govern the movements of the planets. Using Tycho
d. The computer also receives earth-based tracking Brahe’s observations, he demonstrated that a
data which, together with the observed data, planet does not travel in an exact circular orbit
keeps the navigator informed of his current around the sun but in a slightly elliptical one, with
position and actual trajectory; the sun at one focus of the ellipse. This was the
e. The navigator instructs the computer to make foundation for his first law: the orbits of the planets
the necessary trajectory correction. The com- are ellipses, with the sun at a common focus.
puter determines the exact amount and direction His second law is that each planet revolves so
of thrust needed to accomplish this correction; that the line joining it to the sun sweeps over equal

areas in equal intervals of time.
His third law, or discovery, is that the squares of
the periods of any two planets are in the same
proportion as the cubes of their mean distances
from the sun.
Kepler’s laws are used today to calculate the
trajectories of space probes.
Galileo Galilei was the first man to peer at the
heavens through an optical telescope. He saw that
there are worlds and satellites beyond earth. He
noted the craters of the moon, the moons of Jupiter,
and the phases of Venus.

Interest now began to shift from the courses of

the planets to studies of the forces controlling the
In the next generation Isaac Newton wrote his
laws of motion, which use both Kepler’s laws and
Galileo’s work on mechanics. Newton’s laws state:
1. A body either remains at rest or moves with
constant speed in a straight line provided it is
not acted upon by any external force.
2. A force acting on a body causes it to accelerate
in the direction of the force, the acceleration
being directly proportional to the force and
inversely proportional to the mass of the body. 0
3. Every action is accompanied by an equal and
opposite reaction.
By means of his laws of motion and by mathemati- Newton’s law of gravitation provided the key for
cal reasoning, Newton succeeded in reducing understanding planetary motion; men could view
Kepler’s geometrical description of the planetary the solar system as a vast machine, with predicta-
system to a single comprehensive law: ble parts and movements. For example, Neptune
and Pluto were calculated to exist by Newton’s
The gravitational force exerted between two bodies laws, and they were duly discovered.
is proportional to the product of their masses From that time onward man’s capability to navi-
divided by the square of the distance between gate in space waited only upon development of
their centers of gravity. technology.

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