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WPP 2003 Pulp and Paper Science and Technology: Papermaking Science and Technology

2nd SECTION The above-stated approach is used for defining

PULP & PAPER SCIENCE AND some changes in the papermaking properties of pulp
TECHNOLOGY: PAPERMAKING fibres resulting from chemical, physical, mechanical
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and microbial effects. Both the mathematical de-
scription of blending of pulps and the decription of
several different pulp fibres involving the Sa and Si
bleached (also ECF) fibres of softwoods and hard-

PAVOL KRKOŠKA Paper production consist of the preparation of

fibrous water suspension and of the subsequent
Department of Chemical Technology of Wood, Pulp and formation accomplished by filtering, pressing and
Paper, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak drying methods. By filtration, the essential water
University of Technology, Radlinského 9, 812 37 amount separates, distances between fibre diminish
Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel.: 02/59 32 56 21, and atra-ktive forces producing the initial paper
Fax: 02/52 49 31 98, e-mail: strength begin to act among them. With further
dewatering by pressing and especially by drying, the
bonds between fibres, which constitute the basis of
KEYWORDS: strength and of other paper properties, are formed.
The strength of paper is determined by chemical
papermaking fibres, chemical pulps, mechanical pulps, composition, dimensions and by morphologigal as
TMP, CTMP papermaking properties, functional well as physico-chemical fibre properties. In forming
parameters, mathematical relations, chemical, physi- inte-rfibre joints the stock preparation processes axert
cal, mechanical and microbial treatment, permanence a remarkable influence on the paper, the strength of
and durability which is closely related to its structure. If conditions
of the formation are constant, there is a possibility of
examining fibre function in the structure and proper-
ABSTRACT ties of paper. Therefore, the properties of fibres must
be defined by parameters which are able to express
An objective of the present work is to identify their function in the structure and properties of
functional fibre parameters and to quantitatively paper. A large amont of research work is being de-
describe the papermaking properties of pulp fibres, voted to the examination of the relationship between
functional parameters, mathematical relations, chemi- individual fibre and pulp parameters on the one hand
cal, physical, mechanical and microbial treatment, and paper parameters on the other [1].
permanence and durability. Until now, a number of mathematical equations
Attention is paid to the description of the paper- have been derived, the most significant being the
making properties of pulp fibres, to their behaviour equation of Clark [2], of Callmes–Bernier-Parez [3]
in the paper sludge, to their function in the initial and of Page [4] (Eq.(1) or in modified form
strength of wet sheets and in the structure and tensile (Eqs. (2) and (3) [1,7].
strength of dry sheets, as well as to the description of
other properties of the final paper. 1 9 12. A. H . g
= + (1)
In addition to functional parameters defining the lt 8lt 0 I 0 .P.L.RBA
structure and the tensile strength of paper the funda-
mental properties such as their optical, chemical and 1 9 0 ,92. A. H . g
= + (2)
mechanical permanence are also examined. lt 8lt 0 I s .P.L.RBA
The work indicates mathematical relations (Page
equation and its modified form) between the func- 1 9 0 ,12.D. H . g
tional parameters of fibres and the structure and = + (3)
lt 8lt 0 I s .L.RBA
tensile strenght of paper.

Pulp and Paper Science and Technology: Papermaking Science and Technology WPP 2003

In those equations lt is the tensile strength of

paper (km), 1t0–fibre strength (km), L–weighted
fibre length acording to the length (m), t0–cohesive-
ness (kg.m-2), ts–shear cohesion (Pa), RBA–relative
bonded area (%/100/, D–fibre with (m) and A–fibre
wall cross section area (m2), P–perimeter of the fibre
(m), g–the acceleration to the gravity
(9,81 m.s-2), ò–fibre wall density (1.540 kg.m-3).


The present paper follows the quantitative de-

scription of the relationship among fibre param-
eters (properties), structure and tensile strength of
laboratory sheets, using equation of Page [4] Eq.(1)
and its modified forms Eq.(2) and (3). In cited lit.
are also results for aquations of Clark. [5,8- Fig. 2. Correlation of the measured (ltmeas) and cal-
10,12,13,18], Kallmes - Bernier – Perez, [5, 8—13, culated (ltcal) tensile strenghts of paper from
18] and of Page [5, 7, 8, 12, 13]. Eq. 3. for the pulps indicated in Fig. 1.
The paper describes changes of the functional
parameters of selected pulps resulting from mechani-
cal (beating, fractionation, mixing) physical (drying,
freezing, recycling), chemical (bleaching) and micro-
bial (tracheomycosis) actions and from ageing. The
pulp parameters were used to calculate the tensile
strength of the sheets using Eq. (1), (2), and (3)
comparing the calculated and measured values.
In the Eq. (1) the strength of interfibre bonds is
desrcibed by the shear cohesion (t0) measured as
shear stress of a joint of two fibres. The shear stress
of a duplex joint (ts) was found in agreement,
howerer the strength needed for a joint rupture
related to the whole contact paper-strip surface and
is assumed lower numerical values [7].
Fig. 1 A ilustrates the interdependence of ltcalc and
ltmeas of chosen pulps containing very different fibres.
The low l tcalc values result from the low numeri-
cal cohesion values (ts). The difference between
the cohesion values can be considered by introduc-
ing the constant 0.92 in the second term of Eq. (1)
Fig. 1. Correlation of the measured (ltmeas) and cal- thus it can be writen as Eq. (2) for followed pulps
culated (ltcal) temsile strenght of paper from cannot be taken to be generally valid [7].
equation 1 (A) and 2 (B) for some pulps: 8—10 Eqs. (1) a (2) include dimensional parameters
䊉–Mg-sulphite from spurce, 䉭–sulphate from A and P, both of which are functions of the fibre
larch, 䉲–sulphate from softwoods (Štìti, width (D) and lumen diameter (d), respectively.
Czech Republic), 䊏–sulphate from mixed Providing that the cell-wall thickenes 1/2(D–d) is
softwoods (Ružomberok, Slovakia), 䉮–sul- constant (4—6 mm), than the cell–wall cross–sec-
phate from birch (Veitsilutio, Finland), tion area (A) is a function of fibre diameter (D) and
䊐–sulphate from a forest oak, 䊊–Mg sul- Eq. (2) can be reduced to the Eq. (3). The simplifica-
phite from beech, 䉭–sulphate from mixed tion introduces a numerical discrepancy, that can be
hardwoods (Ružomberok, Slovakia) eliminated by a conversion constant 0.12 which is

WPP 2003 Pulp and Paper Science and Technology: Papermaking Science and Technology

Tab. 1. Changes in the functional fibre parameters after mechanical, physical, chemical and biological
treatment, and deviationes of measured tensile strength /ltmeas/ and calculated tensile strengrh /
ltcalcfrom eq. 3 of the folloved pulps /+ - insignificant, + small,+ + medium, + + + great, positive /+/,

The mode D lt0 L ts G V e RBA E ltcalck Lit.

of fibre treatment m km m kPa dtex cm3 g-1 % % km km
Bleached CP beaten to +- + - ++ +- – ++ ++ ++ +-
20, 30, 40 and 50 0SR
Nonbl. CTMP of spruce +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- 11
Bl. CTMP of spruce +- - +- - +-- +-- ++- ++- +-
CTMP fy. MODOCEL +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +-- 9
40°SR +-- +- +-- +++- +- +- ++- +- +--
55°SR +-- +-- +--- +++- +- +-- ++- +- +--
Explosive pulp I-1 +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +-- 9
53°SR +-- ++- +-- +++- +- +-- ++- ++- +-
Explosive pulp 11 51°SR +- +- +- ++- +- +- +-- +-- +--
Sec.fibers (P7-fluting)
Long fiber fraction (LFF) -- --- + -- ++ - +- 13
Short fiber Fraction (SFF) ++ ++ -- ++ - + +-
Bleached Sa of softwoods +- +- +- +++- +- +- ++- ++- ++- 8, 9,
CTMP MODOCEL +- +-- +-- ++- +- ++- ++- ++- ++-
(9/1; 8/2)
Mg-Si of beech/Mg-Si of
Spruce (1/3; 1/1; 3/1)
Bleached Sa of hardwoods/ +- +- +-- ++- +- +-- ++- ++- +- 8, 9
Sa of softw. (21/1) beaten
to 20, 30, 40, and 50°SR
Drying +- - +- -+- - ++ -- -- +- 10
(-17°C, 48 h) +- +- +- - +- +- + +- -- +- 14
(-29°C, 30 days) +- +- +- - +- - ++ - -- +-
Tracheomycosis, oak,
Lab. prep. pulp +- - - -- +- + +++ - -- +- 18
Ind. prod. pulp +- -- - --- +- + + - -- +-
Bleaching +- - - - +- +- +++ + ++ +- 5, 11, 13
Accelerated ageing +- --- +- +- +- 19, 20

determined on the basis of measured values. The lt= f (L, D, r, P, A, G, lt0, t0, ts, RBA, V, E, e, n)(4)
graphical (Fig. 2.) and statistical data processing
indicate that this equation could have some practical n is specific volume of the sheet (,
application [7]. By summarising the results, we con- E modul od elasticity (km),
clude that the tensile strength of paper is a function e total elongation (%) .
of several fibre, as shown in equation 4.

Pulp and Paper Science and Technology: Papermaking Science and Technology WPP 2003

The majority of fabre parameters are related to each of mixed softwood and hardwood pulps. Two
other in expressing the same fibre property (D, r, P; methods can be used for such a calculation. Ac-
G, A, r; V, RBA) or represent functions of some of cording to the first one, the paper properties are
indicated parameters (E, e); to desctribe the tensile calculated from the measured functional param-
strength by individual equations one needs 2—6 pa- eters of any mixture. In the second case, the
rameters. Similar equations describe other strength functional parameters of softwood and hardwood
properties of paper, e.g. the tearing strength [6] and pulp mixture can be calculated from the func-
burst strength [17]. tional parameters of individual components. The
The parameters presented in this paper are consid- majority of the funcional parameters are carried
ered to be suitable for practical application. They can linearly additively in the functional mixture pa-
be used to calculate the paper strength properties rameters (1t0, ts, RBA, E, e) while, for the rest of
from pulp fibres parameters, independent of the them the simple mathematical equations are used
pulp production method and its chemical, physical, (V, L, G) (qs. , 5, 6,7).
mechanical and biological tretment. 7. Knowing the coarseness and the aritmetical aver-
In addition to parameters listed above, WRV, age fibre length of hardwood and softwood pulps,
specific surface (Sh) and hydrodynamic specific vol- as well as the aritmetical fibre length of their
ume (Vh) can be used for description of wet fibre mixtures, one can estimate the pulp ratio required
properties. Pulp propertie change also during ageing. to obtain the desirable paper properties [8].
The results are sumarised in Tab. 1.
Considering the results obtained (Tab. 1, Fig. 1, 2)
and in the cited. lit. [1, 5, 7—16, 18—20] one may The functional parameters and mathematical equa-
make the following conclusions: tions are siutable for: Evaluation of papermaking
1. Tensile strength of paper can be determined from properties of any pulp fibres, control of the processes
mathematical equations, if the functional param- of pulp production, control of the processes of stock
eters are identified. There is a good agreement be- preparation and prognosis of the tensile strength of
tween the measured tensile strength and that calcu- paper.
lated from Clark equation [5, 8—10, 12, 13, 18].
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