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AM® RC ° % & a ° H a e « ° 1954 4 ae ae ape a 3g ges Ee a°3 2s ane é 3 3 5 | Y¥-238 1079 THE ALLEGORY ACT ONE Place: (Courtyard of Cagliostro's palatial home, Rue Saint Claude, Paris.) Time: (August 1785) Accoutrement: - Furnace, or retort. - Alembic, flask, athanor, etc. - Wooden bench - Diffused white light beneath floor and bench. - Small chest: contains a few of what appear to be gold coins (louis) - A large burlap sack stuffed with some very lightweight material. - A lantern, typical of the period, made of cardboard and tin, holding candle. - A leather pouch or what would seem like leather, containing a black mirror; the latter, a piece of ordinary galvanized metal painted with black enamel. - Circle of paper roses. Cast: Alessandro Cagliostro (wears iron-gray coat of French make, with gold lace, --and scarlet waistcoat trimmed with broad Spanish lace. Red breeches. Has sword hooked to the skirt of his coat, and a laced hat with a white feather, Shoes have large buckles. His hair is divided into several small tresses that are united behind the head, and twisted into what was then called a "club." See photo- graph of painting of him.) Cast (continued) Cardinal Louis de Rohan (Wears ecclesiastical robes of his office, and of the 18th century of France.) Brother Zuber (Dressed as young man of the period.) Male Sufferer: (Is elderly, crippled. Carries cane for support.) Indigent women, mendicants. (two. Both elderly, dressed in ragged clothing of the period.) Acolyte (Basil) (Dressed in attire of personal servant of the period.) Lighting Music: Sound Effects Foot light: Preliminary Music: THE ALLEGORY ACT ONE (Arrangements) As scene opens, a moonlight effect in courtyard with deep shadows, a low-key lighting. Yellow light, low key, coming in through gateway as from unseen street lamp. Small, red flame in alchemical furnace, or retort, with chemical smoke rising--perhaps from dry ice. Yellow light to come from old hanging lamp when lighted, as required in the script. When lighted, a spot will illuminate the courtyard as though its light came from the lamp. Dramatic music creating a feeling of suspense, an eerie situation. This will be varied in volume or ceased entirely, as script may designate. Sound of horses and carriage. This to be put on tape. ACTION Flush on as the speaker steps out to make remarks. Appropriate music for 30-40 seconds. After speaker's preliminary remarks and while the curtain is still closed. House lights: When the speaker is finished, dim out the lights com- pletely. Pgs curtain: Open slowly, after the introductory music. Alessandro (Is seen facing the audience at extreme left corner of Cagliostro: the courtyard--as seen by the audience. He is bending (Grand Master)over the alchemical furnace, or retort, and appurte- nances: as, flask, pelican, etc. He is then seen to drop some ingredient into a glass alembic in which is a colored liquid and from which there emits a cloud of vapor. The fire of the furnace, that is, at least a red glow, can also be seen.) Acolyte: (He is bending on one knee with back partly toward the audience, and periodically places a bellows he is holding to the fire of the furnace, pumping it.) Music: (Rather soft, but audible to the whole audience. Fades out when play begins.) Cagliostro: (He holds aloft the pelican from which the vapor rises, and as if addressing it in soliloguy:) "The most mysterious of all elixirs contains no secret essence. Nature hides not from the mind of man. It is human inquiry that must find the harmonious relationship of Nature's forces. In such affinity lies Cosmic Good- ness. Acolyte: (Looks up at Cagliostro, and replies:) ‘Ah, yes, Master, but men prefer to think that you invoke the power of the Devil." Elderly (He hobbles in through the gate, tapping his cane as he Sufferer: walks. Moves a few feet inside the courtyard and then stops. His hand trembles causing the cane to shake as from a nervous affliction.) Cagliostro: (Turns, puts the pelican down upon the furnace, and says to the elderly patient in a loud but kindly tone:) "Welcome, friend. I have been expecting you." "Basil, good deeds should be done in the light so that their true purpose may be revealed. Therefore, light yonder lamp." (Rises, walks to the lamp which is suspended by a bracket, carrying to it a lighted taper, or candle. He appears to ignite the taper from the furnace, but. actually ignites it from an unseen candle within the furnace. Then, walks to the lamp and lights it. Sub- sequently, returns to attend the furnace.) Cagliostro: Elderly Sufferer: Music: Cagliostro: Acolyte: Cagliostro: Elderly Sufferer: Acolyte: Music: Cagliostro: Music: Elderly Sufferer: Cagliostro: ose (Now, simultaneously with the lighting of the lamp, flash on the yellow spot focused so that it appears that the light is emanating from the lamp, There should still be some contrast, that is, dark shadows, in the courtyard to heighten the dramatic effect.) (Walking toward the Elderly Sufferer, motions to him to be seated on the bench.) (Hobbles toward the bench with Cagliostro.) (Swell in) (With a flourish of his arm, motions for the Acolyte to bring him the alembic.) (Brings the alembic and an earthen cup to Cagliostro.) (Appears to pour a portion of the elixir into the cup, and hands same to the Elderly Sufferer.) (Hesitates, then takes cup in his trembling hands, raises it to his lips and drinks same.) (Now takes cup and alembic back to the retort, or furnace.) (Step up the tempo) (Steps before the patient who sits with his chin upon his chest, showing no sign of improvement in his condition. Now Cagliostro passes his hands downward from the patient's head toward his feet without touching the body, as in the form of old mesmeric passes. Gradually the patient straightens up. Cagliostro now steps behind him, holding his right hand to the left of the patient's neck, and the left palm a few inches above the patient's head.) (A soft, white light beneath the floor and behind the bench is flushed on slowly at this time so that it seems to outline, as in an aura, both the figures of Cagliostro and the patient. Keep the light on for just a few seconds, then dim out as Cagliostro drops his hands.) (Fade out the music) (Now rises, takes a few firm steps forward, then raises his hands heavenward, as in a salutation of devotion; then, suddenly remembering his benefactor, turns toward him as if to embrace him.) (Raises his hands to kindly prevent the embrace, and says:) Elderly Sufferer: Mendicants: Cagliostro: Mendicants: Acolyte: Cagliostro: Acolyte: Cagliostro: Music: "My friend, when you looked heavenward you did ackowledge the source of power which has alleviated your suffering and restored you to the fold of useful humanity. Go and serve others, and thereby display your gratitude." (Turns, and starts to walk toward the retort.) (He starts toward the gate with a buoyant step; stops, looks at his cane, tosses it upon the ground, and departs.) (They enter the gate as the recovered patient departs jubilantly. They chant: "Alms for the poor!" and hold out their right hands toward Cagliostro. At the same time they peer about as they cautiously move forward, as if they expect to be expelled from the premises momentarily.) (Hearing them, he turns, and with a benevolent smile says to them: “Within yonder chest are louis, coin of the realm. Partake of what you need. Let that need be proclaimed by the inner self, not the avarice of appetite. (They scamper to the chest, open the lid, and run their hands through its contents while they seem to be whisper- ing to each other in glee; they close the chest. Each takes a handle and they begin to carry the heavy chest toward the gateway. Half-way, they hesitate, put the chest down, and one Mendicant turning toward Cagliostro, says in a loud, half apologetic and defensive manner:) "It is reputed that you are a famous alchemist and sorceror. By the strange magic you invoke you transmute base metals into rare gems and gold. Wealth is at your command. Why should we not possess this full chest instead of but a few coins?” (As if in indignation, is about to rush to the Mendicants, recover the chest and drive them away.) (Raises his hand toward the Acolyte in a gesture of restraint.) (Stops at his master's gesture.) "Your words are answer to no protest of mine. Your voice is raised against yourself. If the whole chest of coins be your need, depart with it. If, however, it will later become a burden to your Soul, then take with you just what shall not tax your conscience." (Fades in, softly.)

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