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1.What is Translation?
A translation is applied to an object by repositioning it along a straight-line
path from one coordinate location to another. We translate a two-dimensional point
by adding translation distances, tx and ty to the original coordinate position(x, y) to
move the point to a new position(x`, y`) is
x`= x + tx and y` = y + ty
The translation distance pair(tx,ty)is called translation vector or shift vector.

2.What is Rotation?
A two-dimensional rotation is applied to an object by repositioning it along a
circular path in the xy plane. To generate rotation, we specify a rotation angle θ and
the position (xr,yr)of the rotation point (pivot point) about which the object is to be

3. What is Scaling?
A scaling transformation alters the size of an object. This operation can be
carried out for polygons by multiplying the coordinate values (x, y) of each vertex
by scaling factors sx and sy to produce the transformed coordinates (x` , y`)
x` = x * sx and y` = y * sy
4. What is fixed point?
We can control the location of a scaled object by choosing a position, called
the fixed point, that is to remain unchanged after the scaling transformation.

5. How can we generate rotations about any selected pivot point?

To do this, perform the following steps
- Translate the object so that the pivot point position is moved to the
coordinate origin.
- Rotate the object about the coordinate origin
- Translate the object so that the pivot point is returned to its original
6. What is rigid – motion transformation?
A rigid body change in coordinate position is also referred as rigid – motion

7. What is reflection?
A reflection is a transformation that produces a mirror image of an object.
The mirror image for a two-dimensional reflection is generated relative to an axis of
reflection by rotating the object 180° about the reflection axis.

8. What is Shear?
A transformation that distorts the shape of an object such that the
transformed shape appears as if the object were composed of internal layers that
had been caused to slide over each other is called shear.
9. Give ant three commands for generating the basic transformation matrices.
translate(translateVector, matrixTranslate)
rotate(theta, matrixRotate)

10. What are the raster functions provided to the graphics packages?
copy – move a pixel block from one raster area to another
read – save a pixel block in a designated array
write – transfer a pixel array to a position in the frame buffer.

11. What is Window?

A world coordinate area selected for display is called a window.

12. What is Viewport?

An area on a display device to which a window is mapped is called a

13. What is viewing transformation?

The mapping of a part of a world-coordinate scene to device coordinates is
referred as viewing transformation.

14. What is clipping and clip window?

Any procedure that identifies the portion of a picture that are either inside or
outside of a specified region of space is referred to as a clipping algorithm or
The region against which an object is to clipped is called a clip window.

15. Name the different clipping types.

Point clipping
Line clipping
Area clipping
Curve clipping
Text clipping

16. What are the different methods of Line clipping?

Cohen-Sutherland Line clipping
Liang-Barsky Line clipping
Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl Line clipping

17. What is Text clipping?

Text clipping is to clip the components of individual characters.

18. What is exterior clipping?

The picture part to be saved are those that are outside the region. This is
referred as exterior clipping.

19. What are application icons?

Icons representing objects such as furniture items and circuit elements are
referred as application icons.

20. What are control icons?

The icons representing actions like rotate, magnify, scale, clip and paste are
called control icons or command icons.

21. What are the logical device classifications used by PHIGS and GKS?
LOCATOR –a device for specifying a coordinate position(x, y)
STROKE – a device for specifying a series of coordinate positions
STRING – a device for specifying text input
VALUATOR – a device for specifying scalar values
CHOICE – a device for selecting menu options
PICK – a device for selecting picture components

22. What are the different input modes?

Request mode
Sample mode
Event mode

23. What are the different interactive picture construction techniques?

Basic positioning methods
Gravity field
Rubber-Band methods
Painting and drawing

24. What is Virtual Reality environment?

To display stereoscopic projections on a raster monitor, with the two
stereoscopic views displayed on alternate refresh cycles. The scene is then viewed
through stereoscopic glasses. Interactive object manipulations can again be
accomplished with a data glove and a tracking device to monitor the glove position
and orientation relative to the position of objects in the scene.

25. What is Dragging?

First select an object, then move the cursor in the direction we want the
object to move, and the selected object follows the cursor path.

1.What is the matrix representation of Translation in 3D homogeneous coordinate?

x` 1 0 0 tx x
y` = Mat of 0 1 0 ty Mat of y
Mat of z` 0 0 0 tz z
1 0 0 0 1 1

2. What is the z-axis rotation equation of 3d homogeneous coordinate?

x` = xcosθ - ysinθ
y` = xsinθ + ycosθ
z` = z

3. What are the steps involved to perform Scaling in 3D?

1.Translate the fixed point to the origin
2. Scale the object relative to the coordinate origin
3. Translate the fixed point back to its original position

4. State any four 3D transformation function.


5. Give the general 3D transformation pipeline from modeling coordinate to final

device coordinate.

Modeling Modeling World Viewing Viewing

Coordinates Transformation coordinate Transformation coordinate

Projection Projection Workstation Device

Transformation Coordinates Transformation Coordinates

6. How do you do the transformation from world to viewing coordinates?

-Translate the view reference point to the origin of the world
coordinate system
-Apply rotation to align the Xu,Yr,Zv axes with the world Xw,Yw,Zw axes

7. What is Parallel Projection?

The coordinate positions are transformed to the view plane along parallel
lines. This is called parallel projection.

8. What is Perspective Projection?

The object positions are transformed to the view plane along lines that
converge to a point called the projection reference point or center of projection.
This is called perspective projection.

9.Give any application of depth cueing.

Modeling the effect of the atmosphere on the perceived intensity of objects.
More distance object appear dimmer to us than nearer objects due to light
scattering by dust particles, haze, and smoke. Some atmospheric effects can change
the perceived color of an object, and we can model these effects with depth cueing.

10.Give any technique to clarify depth relationships in a wire frame display by

identifying visible lines.
The simplest way is to highlight the visible lines or to display them in a
different colors.

11. Name any four 3D graphics packages.


12.What is the use of Space-partitioning representation?

Space-partitioning representations are used to describe interior properties,
by partitioning the special region containing an object in to a set of small, non
overlapping contiguous solids.

13.What is the use of polygon tables?

It is used in the subsequent processing, display, and manipulation of the
objects in a scene.

14.What the contents of polygon table?

Vertex table
Edge table
Polygon surface table

15. State equation for plane surface.

Ax + By + Cz +D = 0

16. What is Quadric surfaces?

A frequently used class of objects are the quadric surfaces, which are
described with second- degree equations. They include spheres, ellipsoids etc.
17. Specify ant two 3D viewing function.

18. What is object space method?

Visible surface detection algorithms are broadly classified according to
whether they deal with object definitions directly or with their projected images.
These two approaches are called object-space methods and image-space methods.

19. What are the fields of A-buffer?

Depth field - stores a positive or negative real number
Intensity - stores surface intensity information or pointer value

20.Data for each surface in the linked list includes what?

-RGB intensity components
-Opacity parameter
-Percent of area coverage
-surface identifier
-other surface rendering parameters
-pointer to next surface
21. What are the basic functions of depth sorting method?
-Surface are stored in order of decreasing depth
-Surfaces are scan converted in order, starting with the surface of greatest

22. What is BSP –Tree method?

A binary space-partitioning tree is an efficient method for determining object
visibility by painting surfaces on to the screen form back to front. The BSP tree is
particularly useful when the view reference point changes , but the objects in a scene
are at fixed positions.

23.What are the four possibilities of the surface can have with a specified area
- Surrounding surface
- Overlapping surface
- Inside surface
- Outside surface

24. Name any two 3D graphics package procedures related with visible surface
- backFace
- depthBuffer

25.What is the use of shading model?

It is used to calculate the intensity of light that we should see at a given point
on the surface of an object.


1.Define Multimedia?
Multimedia is defined as a Computer based Interactive Communication
process that incorporates text, numeric, data , record based data, graphic art, video
and audio elements, animation etc. It is used for describing sophisticated system
that support moving images and audio.

2.Give the applications of Multimedia

-Document Imaging
-Image Processing and Image Recognition
-Full Motion Digital Video Applications
-Electronic messaging
-Corporate Communications

3.State the resolution of Facsimile, Document Images and photographic images?

Facsimile - 100 to 200 dpi
Document Images - 300 dpi (dots/pixels per inch)
Photographic images- 600 dpi

4. What is the compression technique used in Facsimile and Document Images?

Facsimile - CCITT Group3
Document Images - CCITT Group4

5. What is the use of document images?

It is used for storing business documents that must be retained for long
periods of time and accessed by large number of people. It removes the need for
making several copies for storage or distribution

6. Explain about GIS Systems?

GIS means Geographic Information System Maps. It is used for natural
resource and wild life management and urban planning.

7. What are the two technologies used for storage and display of GIS System ?
-Raster storage
-Raster Image

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