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/* Example of Asyncronous Serial Comms on a PIC16F877
/* By: J.Winpenny
/* Date: | Revision History
/* 16/11/1999 | Original Coding
/* |
/* |
/* 25/1/2000 | Revised for C2C 3.28
/* |
/* 25/1/2003 | Bug fix. Spotted by Jussi Sainio,
/* |
/* 8/3/2003 | Removed comment after pragma ( line 37 )
/* |
/* Target: PIC16F877
/* Baud: 9600
/* Bits: 8
/* Parity: none
/* Stop bits : 1
/* Warning: Clock frequency dependant
/* This example sends a message then
/* echos lines typed on a terminal.

// Processor clock frequency in Hz.

#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 3579545

// Default value for PIC is 4000000 (4MHz)

// and for SX 50000000 (50MHz).

// This will not affect the comms speed !

// if you use a different frequency crystal then change SPBRG

// My PORT Configuration

#define PortAConfig 0x00

#define PortBConfig 0xf0
#define PortCConfig 0x98 /* SCL & SDA as Inputs */
#define PortDConfig 0x00
#define PortEConfig 0x00

// USART Register bits

#define CSCR 7
#define TX9 6
#define TXEN 5
#define SYNC 4
#define BRGH 2
#define TRMT 1
#define TX9D 0
#define SPEN 7
#define RX9 6
#define SREN 5
#define CREN 4
#define ADDEN 3
#define FERR 2
#define OERR 1
#define RX9D 0

#define TRMT_MASK 2

// Masks for PIR1

#define PSPIF_MASK 0x80

#define ADIF_MASK 0x40
#define RCIF_MASK 0x20
#define TXIF_MASK 0x10

// Registers for I2C

char SSPSTAT@0x94; // Bank 1
char SSPCON@0x14; // Bank 0
char SSPCON2@0x91; // Bank 1
char SSPBUF@0x13; // I2C Buffer
char SSPADD@0x93; // I2C Slave Address register

// Bits of SSPSTAT

#define SMP 7
#define CKE 6
#define D_A 5
#define P 4
#define S 3
#define R_W 2
#define R_W_MASK 0x04
#define UA 1
#define BF 0

// Bits of SSPCON2

#define GCEN 7
#define ACKSTAT 6
#define ACKDT 5
#define ACKEN 4
#define RCEN 3
#define PEN 2
#define RSEN 1
#define SEN 0

// Bits of PIR1

#define PSPIF 7
#define ADIF 6
#define RCIF 5
#define TXIF 4
#define SSPIF 3
#define SSPIF_MASK 0x08
#define CCP1IF 2
#define TMR2IF 1
#define TMR1IF 0

// Bits of SSPCON

#define WCOL 7
#define SSPOV 6
#define SSPEN 5
#define CKP 4
#define SSPM3 3
#define SSPM2 2
#define SSPM1 1
#define SSPM0 0

// Port addresses
char PORTC@0x07;
char PORTD@0x08;
char PORTE@0x09;

// USART Registers
char TXREG@0x19;
char RCREG@0x1a;
char TXSTA@0x98;
char RCSTA@0x18;
char SPBRG@0x99;

// Extra Ports on PIC16F877

char TRISC@0x87;
char TRISD@0x88;
char TRISE@0x89;

// Other regs

char PIE1@0x8c;
char PIE2@0x8d;
char PIR1@0x0c;
char PIR2@0x0d;
char PCON@0x8e;

// ADC bits
char ADCON0@0x1f;
char ADCON1@0x9f;

// Function Declarations

void Setup(void); // Setup the PIC

void ConfigureComms(void); // Configure the comms
void SendChar(char); // Send a character

char RxChars(void); // Receive a characters when RX Interrupt


void SendString( const char *ptr );// Send a const string

char MyFlags; // Status flags

char BufferIndex; // Yep ! an index to the buffer

char RxFifo[20]; // Receive data buffer.

#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 20

#define BufferReady 0 // Bit 0 of MyFlags

#define BufferReadyMask 0x01

const char *Msg1 ="PIC16F877 RS232 Test";

// Start of MAIN

void main(void)

Setup(); /* Setup the PIC */

BufferIndex = 0;

clear_bit( MyFlags, BufferReady ); /* Clear the buffer ready flag */

SendString( Msg1 ); /* Send a message to the terminal */

while( 1 )

if ( MyFlags & BufferReadyMask )

/* ECHO the buffer back to the terminal */
/* After the enter key was pressed */

// Start revision 25/01/03

BufferIndex = 0; // Start from the beginning of the buffer

// End revision 25/01/03


while( RxFifo[ BufferIndex ] != 0 )

SendChar( RxFifo[ BufferIndex++ ] );

BufferIndex = 0;

clear_bit( MyFlags, BufferReady ); /* Clear the buffer ready flag */



}// end while 1

} // end of Main()

void interrupt(void)

if ( ( PIR1 & RCIF_MASK ) != 0 ) // If USART RX Interrupt

RxChars(); // Process the received character
clear_bit( PIR1, RCIF ); // Clear flag

// Return from Interrupt


/* Send a const string */
/* ( Null terminated ) */

void SendString(const char *ptr)


char i;

i = 0;
// Check for end of string

while( ptr[i] != 0 )
SendChar( ptr[i++] );

/* setup PIC16F877 options,ports,interrupts */
void Setup(void)

INTCON = 0x00;
set_bit( INTCON, GIE ); // Enable Global Interrupts
set_bit( INTCON, PEIE ); // Enable all Peripheral Interrupts

set_bit( STATUS, RP0 ); // Register page 1

// Compiler doesn't detect ram bank switch
here !
// with OPTION_REG

OPTION_REG = 0x0C; // Set Option register

// Prescaler = WDT
// WDT rate := 1:16

TRISD = PortDConfig;
ADCON1 = 0x7f; // Disable ADC

TRISA = PortAConfig;
TRISB = PortBConfig;
TRISC = PortCConfig;
TRISE = PortEConfig;

clear_bit( STATUS, RP0 ); // Register page 0

PIR1 = 0;


ConfigureComms(); /* Configure USART for Asyncronous Comms */

/* Configure USART for communications */
/* */
/* Asynchronous mode */
/* 19,200 Baud ( With 3.579545 Mhz Clock ) */
/* 8 data bits ( For other rates see PIC16F8XX Data ) */
/* 2 stop bits */
/* No Parity */
/* */
void ConfigureComms(void)
set_bit( RCSTA, SPEN ); // Enable Serial port
clear_bit( RCSTA, RX9 ); // 8 bit receive mode

set_bit( STATUS, RP0 ); // *** Register page 1 ***

clear_bit( TXSTA, TX9 ); // 8 bit transmit mode

// SPBRG = 0; // SPBRG = 1 ( Set Baud rate 115,200 )

// SPBRG = 5; // SPBRG = 5 ( Set Baud rate 38,400 )
// SPBRG = 22; // SPBRG = 22 ( Set Baud rate 9,600 )
// SPBRG = 11; // SPBRG = 11 ( Set Baud rate 19,200 )

SPBRG = 22; // SPBRG = 22 ( Set Baud rate 9,600 )

// For this value at a given clock rate
// see the microchip document

set_bit( TXSTA, BRGH ); // RRGH = 1 ( High speed mode )

clear_bit( TXSTA, SYNC ); // Asyncronous mode;

set_bit( TXSTA, TXEN ); // Enable Transmitter

set_bit( PIE1, RCIE ); // Enable Receive Interrupt

clear_bit( STATUS, RP0 ); // *** Register page 0 ***

set_bit( RCSTA, CREN ); // Enable continuous receive

clear_bit( PIR1, RCIF ); // Clear Receive Interrupt flag

set_bit( INTCON, PEIE ); // Enable all Peripheral Interrupts

set_bit( INTCON, GIE ); // Enable Global Interrupts

/* Send a character over the RS232 Port */
/* */
/* */
void SendChar(char ch)

char TxEmpty;

asm bsf STATUS, RP0; // *** Register page 1 ***

asm movf TXSTA, W; // Save TXSTA value
asm bcf STATUS, RP0; // *** Register page 0 ***
asm movwf _TxEmpty_SendChar; // Restore TXSTA value

while ( ( TxEmpty & TRMT_MASK ) == 0 ) // Wait for TX Empty

asm bsf STATUS, RP0; // *** Register page 1 ***
asm movf TXSTA, W; // Save TXSTA value
asm bcf STATUS, RP0; // *** Register page 0 ***
asm movwf _TxEmpty_SendChar; // Restore TXSTA value

asm bcf STATUS, RP0; // *** Register page 0 ***

TXREG = ch; // Load the TXREG


/* Receive a character over the RS232 Port */
/* */
/* Called from Interrupt service routine */
/* */
/* Returns the char received */
/* and saves it in the buffer */
/* */
char RxChars(void)
if ( ( RCSTA & 6 ) == 0 ) // Then if no errors
{ // Process received character

// If terminated by a carrage return

// or Buffer end reached

if ( ( RCREG == 13 ) || ( BufferIndex == RX_BUFFER_SIZE ) )

set_bit( MyFlags, BufferReady ); /* Set a flag to indicate
line received */
RxFifo[ BufferIndex ] = 0; /* NULL Terminate the buffer
RxFifo[ BufferIndex++] = RCREG; // Save the data

set_bit( RCSTA, CREN ); // Enable receiver.


// process any errors here

// Beware, we are in the Interrupt routine.

// ...

clear_bit( RCSTA, CREN ); // Clear any errors

set_bit( RCSTA, CREN ); // Enable receiver.

return RCREG;

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