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Whereas, according to a foremost authority in Romanian early history, namely the professor Nicolae Densusianu
(whom he have quoted more than once along our studies), an ancient so called Pelasgian population had once
supposedly "constructed" what requires to be considered as pre-historical Europe's largest and strongest Empire,
by enlarging its boundaries from Sahara deserts to as far as Norway's mountains, it looks like they didn't leave,
unfortunately, anything behind in written form, in order to prove their glorious past, with the exception of some
ruins and stones full of weird scribbles, about which nobody has ever thought to see whether any of these might
actually bear a hidden meaning, or not.

One fact remains, yet, for sure: through centuries of running across the vast European plains, until their culture
and language became, finally, widespread, the Aryans, Pelasgians or Thracians (you choose to name them) were
to slowly generate afterwards "Latin culture and civilization", a fundamental basis for the upcoming expansion
of the Roman Empire... As always, behind an universally-acknowledged great historic culture is to be found
another one, going usually unobserved or in the former's shadow, becoming forgotten, neglected or simply
ignored. So, which has been, in our case, this older culture or, otherwise said, civilization lying behind the Greek
and Latin ones?? Very far away, somewhere in the World, on the vast plains of Asia, yet more exactly in India
an Aryan civilization was to "invade" a long time ago, like some 4-5 thousand years back, only to generate a
genuine "explosion" that would prove to be not just cultural, but also social. Indian people nowadays still
remember about those "Aryans", mainly as a white Caucasian population overlapping the local, negroid one and
who, out of some "racist" desire not to physically mix up with the land's residents, were to establish four so called
"Casts" (namely, social classes), whereas themselves representing the leading one, that of "Brahmans", white

The Vedic culture, considered until today as being the oldest to be officially known on Planet Earth, and from
which are also drawing origins the Chaldean, Judaic and Christian ones, is to be itself regarded as having a
starting point within... the Carpatho-Danubian space, and the fact has been firstly stated not by the Romanian
historians, yet by those from Cambridge University- Great Britain, as well as by several American-born experts.
And that, not for like 5 or 10 years, but for more than a century! Unfortunately, we cannot recollect ourselves to
have been told by "our" communist historians about ANY remote possibility that the VEDIC CULTURE
WOULD HAVE ORIGINATED FROM US... Has anybody among Romanians ever heard of it?!

Therefore, we have to often scrutinize the historic perspective through "looking as into a car's rear mirror", when
taking the glance backwards actually might help us, as a result, to better go forward, observing, thus, a specific
civilization's effects upon others and decomposing it by sight. It is hard to imagine searching for the traces of that
huge pelasgian civilization in… the center of Asia, during a pre-historic period with no written literature (at least
not found yet!), no chronicles, but just whatever was left in the "spoken literature"… the vedic one.

Not long ago, while talking to a friend of mine, R. Cristian, about the relation between thracians and sanskritics ,
he told me: "… years ago I was in one of the hidden temples in Tibet, getting used to the local religion and I was
surprised by the reassembling of their words with the Romanian ones… nobody in the whole world , no people
has the word "OM" (man). (1 of 6)12/10/2004 4:31:04 AM


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) in her "Secret Doctrine" - a synthesis of the science, religion and
philosophy - says about those "pure aryans", whose traces you can find all over the place in Europe, traces
brought to light by Dr. Schliemann from the ruins of Troja: signs and symbols engraved on stones, cups and
objects, ignored or not understood or just considered some simple ornaments but to whom our ancestors have
given mystic senses (connected to that Architect of the Universe), senses that can be still found inside isolated,
forgotten cultures.

In the summer of 1995 I was travelling in the Orient and I made a stop in the Bali island of the Indonesian
Archipelago ; its Hindu population was living in a stage forgotten by hundreds of years, |NCHININDU-SE??? to
Gods and Goddesses from a fairy-tale world and building a lot of strange and colored ornamented temples having
swastikas drawn on stones; this population is living within a spiritual world full of unknown superstitions for us,
that reminds me of ours, thracic, where a simple drawn or wooden SAPAT had a certain meaning and by adding
to the middle a point, a line or a cross, the whole meaning was changed.

Inside this diffuse universe of forgotten religions, lost or actual, where the pre-historic is invading our present
with strange symbols, where we can discover our forefathers, the aryan pelesgians, spreading all over Asia their
vedic culture that renews there, far away or over the roads in Asia Minor, over Egypt or Chaldea and creating the
sacred and occult in Babylon… it gives you the impression of a match burning inside a powder-gun warehouse,
old and forgotten, but still being able to explode.

Who were those Aryans, pelasgians, thracians… what forgotten places of the world… or our country will the
archaeologists discover someday their spiritual-symbolistic past that we can see today only as reflections of some
images into the historical mirrors of other nations they came in contact with!


The simple circle - we can find it today sculptured on the gates of the Romanian peasant's yard or under the
corners of the houses, drawn or multiplied… What should it mean? Have you ever thought that 5-6 thousand of
years ago it meant something?

The circle is a divine unit where from everything starts and… ends. It is the unlimited universe, the emanated
energy of the supreme God, Gebeleizis; its circumference is sometimes seen as the mental silence of the human
being. When the face of the disc is of white color, the black background could represent the great breath, the
continuous movement of the universe in an unlimited sense. (2 of 6)12/10/2004 4:31:04 AM


The circle with a median point - in the Rig-Veda Aryans faith it represents the first difference in the eternal cyclic
happenings in nature, unisex and… infinite.

That's the way our forefathers saw it more than five thousand years ago.

It was so easy for the ancient Greek philosophers to "transfer" this culture and translate it into… Greek!

The circle with the median point also represents within the Aryans' culture the potential space in contact with the
abstract space. It also means the resurgence of the nature, the wake-up of the universe, being an Universal sign
found in KABALA too.

When the ignorant Christians of the universal symbolism took it, they mistaken it with "MUNDANE

What do you say, dear reader, shall we continue our voyage through the symbolist world generated by our

The circle where the central point is transforming, expanding to a diameter seems to symbolize the
IMMACULATE DIVINE, MOTHER NATURE. It is sometimes considered as a shadow, a hint to the

When the line is vertical the circle represents the separation of the sexes (could the great sculptor Brancusi have
known this symbol?… who knows?). It is a more feminine sign, the human knows better his mother than his
father (nature and somehow some spirits are being considered of feminine gender). (3 of 6)12/10/2004 4:31:04 AM


Things start being complicated when the central point extends to the four cardinal points, forming the
controversial so-called WORLD'S CROSS (MUNDANE CROSS).

At this moment it is to be considered the world has reached the level of the third race, being "the signal for the
beginning of the humans' life" (could it be also a Lemurian sign?); it symbolizes the pure PANTHEISM, the
doctrine that considers the Supreme Deity being the forces and laws of the Universe, from this point of view
being thus more like a "faith". Could this be a symbolism thousands of years old? Almost we can not believe it!
Even today our grandmothers at the countryside draw it on the knot-shaped bread and sponge cakes, although it
has a changed meaning; for the mystic Christians it is the symbol of "the union of the thorns and the cross", the
withered rose thorns crown on Jesus Christ's head: "The Union of the Rose and Cross" or "Rosi Cruciati" (Rose

When the circle disappears the symbol also changes its meaning: the world is changing - some, the tiluthens
consider it as a fourth race emerging symbol… But the cross, not circumscribed, sometimes becomes a "phallic"
symbol. Later on, in history, it is going to be a representative symbol of the Christianity, when the latter will

Surprise, the central point sometimes spreads only in three cardinal points, meaning "TAU". We can not believe
the same story about Noe and the Flood from The Bible will be discovered also to the Chaldeans, this time a few
hundred years before Christianity, having XISUTHRUS as a hero… But the Chaldeans also took this story from
the Aryans ; VAIVA SWATA MANU's allegory is talking about the Flood and the adventures of the main

Should we not believe the Phoenicians now that were accusing the Chaldeans, Egyptians and Israelis for building (4 of 6)12/10/2004 4:31:04 AM


their culture based on the mysterious Aryans' one?

Thor's Hammer or Jaina Cross or just Swastika inside a circle… The Hermetic Cross. Being separated of the
circle it also has a "Phallic" meaning: it represents the most philosophic science of the symbols and the most
complex form of labor of creation and evolution, of renewing, deep hidden inside the religion of any old

"The Numbers' Book" and "The Hidden Mysteries Book", belonging to the Chaldeans (Civilization born between
the two big rivers Tiger and Eufrat - where is today's Iraq, Babylon City as the dominant city of the Ancient
World) also talk about Thor's Hammer as a magic weapon used by the dwarves fighting against the giants or
against the pre-Cosmic Titanic forces of the Nature. Hammer of creation, having the four arms bend in
rectangular angles suggesting the continuous movement, the revolution of the invisible Cosmos and its forces, the
two middle lines representing the Spirit and the Matter, while the bent arms (one upward-representing the
Cosmos and the other one downward-the Earth) are being linked through Spirit and Matter.

The Swastika sign, with respect to Blavatsky (vol. 2, page 69) is born in the mystic conception of the early
Aryans (Pelasgians) and placed by themselves as a sign of Eternity, being found on Ananta's head, it is the Alpha
and Omega of the Creative forces of the Universe from the pure Spiritual force to the Material one, it is the key
to the Scientific, Divine and Human cycles. It is to be taken later also by the Great Masters of the Masonic Lobby.

Schliemann, while digging in the ruin of Troja, brought out to light objects containing strange and "nonsense"
ornaments, but he was actually reviving the Pelasgic tradition of the oldest Aryans, symbols older than fifty
centuries, about whom also N. Densusianu says in his "Prehistoric Dacia" (1884), mentioning the Phoenix Bird
that was coming from Northern Egypt to die in the Cerna Mountains, to renew again from its own ash. It had this
sign in its beak as a sign of forever life and eternity.

When "TAU" gets down, tangent to the "South Pole" of the circle, we discover the Emblem of life, the same way
we will find it later at the ancient Egyptians. (5 of 6)12/10/2004 4:31:04 AM


World's Cross, Mundane Cross, getting partially down outside the circle will symbolize Venus (Isis) at the
ancient Greeks.

Kali Yugo's symbol is an esoteric one - the inverted star in five points; it is a "sorcerer" sign for using in a good
manner the power received from an evil Spirit. The two upper feet are pointing to the Heaven - it is also an occult
sign often used in magic ceremonies.

Most of the above described symbols can be met today all over Romanian territory, sculptured on the gates of the
houses, placed discretely on the corners of the houses, on pots or rugs, but their meaning is still unknown for us
in most of the cases. Will they continue to be still some mysteries?… Or WE will look for them and interpret

They are not "ornamental little flowers" anymore, they are symbols of our spiritual culture of more than fifty
centuries ago. Let us look for them… Let us understand them… Let us respect them… (6 of 6)12/10/2004 4:31:04 AM

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