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The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning

Stephen Cashman, February 2003

This online background paper provides a review of some of the definitions, theories
and concepts underpinning strategy. As such it is intended to introduce the key
concepts involved, or to form an overall reminder of the various issues relating to
these areas.
1. What is strategy about and why is it so important?

‘Every company needs a strategy – either ‘The word “strategy” has become one of
explicit or implicit.’ the most common and badly used words in
Costas Markides (1995) business writing.’
Paul Fifield (1992)
‘An effective strategic management
process has become the essential norm for The twin challenges faced here in using the
businesses.’ term ‘strategy’ are as follows:
Richard Hanscombe and Philip Norman
(1993) • First, unless the user is wary of how
management terms can sometimes be
‘Effective strategic management is the abused (and thus end up as mere jargon),
ultimate aim of all managers.’ these expressions can occasionally be used
Financial Times, 1997 more to create an impression of good
management, rather than for their actual
‘The survival, growth and prosperity of any comprehended meaning.
organisation depends on the quality and • And second, there is very little agreement as
viability of the strategy the organisation is to what these sorts of terms mean.
Andrew Kakabadse, Ron Ludlow and Susan
Vinicombe (1988)

Indeed, such is the importance attached to the

subject of strategy that one commentator on ‘There is no single, universally accepted
the subject, Richard Whittington (1993), reports definition [of strategy]. Different authors
that ‘there are thirty-seven books in print with and managers use the term differently.’
the title Strategic Management’. Similarly a Henry Mintzberg and James Brian Quinn
leading strategy thinker, Henry Mintzberg, and (1998)
his colleagues (1998) note that ‘The literature
of strategic management is vast – the number ‘Strategy is very important. But no one
of items we reviewed over the years numbers knows what it means. Every professor in
close to 2,000 – and it grows larger every day.’ the world has a different version of what
strategy means.’
However, despite the importance given to Jo Owen (2002)
them, thinking, writing and talking about
‘strategy’-related topics are subject to two
main challenges, as is acknowledged by the The challenge of defining
warning issued by a leading thinker on ‘strategy’
marketing strategy, Paul Fifield.
The roots of the challenge of defining
‘strategy’ rest in the fact that ‘strategy’ has
always been a dynamic, evolving and shape-
shifting concept. Initially the term came from
Ancient Greek military use, where the word

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 1

strategos described a general in command of
an army. This meaning then changed to So although this short review of the term’s
become ‘the art of a general’, and by the time early and current use gives some sense of
of Pericles (450 BC) strategos was being used where the current meanings of ‘strategy’ sit, a
to indicate ‘overall managerial skill’ (Evered, more useful approach to defining it is to
1980). consider some of the identified qualities that
are frequently attached to it. It’s also helpful
The earlier military aspects of the term were to get a sense of where strategy actually
still being employed in modern times by lives.
eighteenth-century General von Clausewitz
who, in his On War, writes of strategy as being
concerned with ‘draft[ing] the plan of war … So what’s it for and where does
shap[ing] the individual campaigns and within it live?
these, decid[ing] on the individual
engagements’. Contemporary business usage One way of identifying both what strategy is
very clearly flowed from such initial militaristic for (its ‘purpose’) and where, in conceptual
use. Hence its modern business and terms, it lives (its ‘domain’) is to examine real-
organisational application was initially a life instances of strategy and strategic
metaphorical extension of these military management practice as a means of distilling
notions. its essential features and characteristics.

What’s more, the challenge of arriving at a For a start, ‘strategy’ is predominantly

contemporary meaning for ‘strategy’ that is concerned with addressing the major issues
unified, comprehensive and consistent, is facing an organisation. By implication this
further complicated by the term’s potential to relates to setting and guiding an organisation’s
describe a number of distinctly different ways future direction.
of thinking. Here Henry Mintzberg (1987)
makes the pertinent point that there are five
different approaches to visualising strategy
(Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 Mintzberg’s (1987) five ways of ‘Strategy is concerned with making major
thinking about strategy decisions affecting the long-term direction
of the business.’
Strategy can be thought of as being like: Graeme Drummond and John Ensor (1999)
• A plan: ‘a consciously intended course
of action’. Part of setting the organisation’s overall
• A ploy: ‘a manoeuvre intended to outwit a direction will inevitably involve making
competitor’. decisions and choices about the scope of its
• A pattern: underpinning ‘a stream of activities. In this sense strategy rests on
actions’. agreement not only about what the
• A position: a deliberate stance taken in organisation should be doing, but also about
relation to the environment (i.e. the world the things it should not be doing.
in which it works).
• A perspective: an all-embracing way of In turn this involves managing the relationship
thinking about the organisation and its between an organisation and the world in
approach to the world. which it works (sometimes referred to as its

‘operating environment’). Consequently one British strategy writer Gerry Johnson (1992)
aim of strategic management is ensuring that who warns of the dangers of what he calls
– as far as possible – an organisation ‘strategic drift’. This occurs when the
continues to ‘fit in’ with its world. relevance of an organisation to the world in
which it works becomes gradually diminished
as things in that world change. Hence this
danger is about not keeping up with
environmental change.

‘[Strategic management is] a systematic However, if the organisation has a well-

approach to a major and increasingly thought-through and well-implemented
important responsibility of ... management: strategy, it will avoid this danger by
to position and relate the firm to its maintaining the best possible level of
environment in a way which assures its synchronicity or fit between itself and its
success and makes it secure from surrounding world. Ideally, it would change its
surprises.’ approach and activities in such a way that
I. Ansoff and E. McDonell (1990) they parallel, and take advantage of,
opportunities cropping up in the world in which
The importance of this is emphasised by it operates (Figure 1.2(a)). But because it often

Figure 1.2
Effective strategy ensures that the organisation continues to fit in with the world in which it
works, thus avoiding strategic drift

(a) An organisation stays synchronised with, and keeps up with changes in,
its environment




(b) In reality, organisations may occasionally lag behind environmental change




(c) Ineffective strategy leads to an increasing gap between the organisation and
the world in which it works = strategic drift




The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 3

takes extensive energy and effort for
organisations to respond to change, in reality
there may be times when even the most
strategic businesses lag behind changes in
their environment (Figure 1.2(b)). However, if no ‘A strategy is the pattern or plan that
efforts are made to maintain some form of integrates an organization’s major goals,
synchronicity with the world in which an policies and action[s] ... into a cohesive
organisation operates, then a gap between the whole.’
two will gradually develop (Figure 1.2(c)). This James Brian Quinn (1980)
last case represents strategic drift at its worst
and most damaging to the future prospects of As a result, if an organisation is taking a well-
an organisation. It can be damaging because thought-through approach to strategy, what it
as strategic drift increases, the relevance of does will come across almost as a set of
the organisation, and the sense of connection variations on a common underlying theme. In a
it has to the world in which it works, reduces. sense, then, good strategy can be seen to
trickle down into, permeate, inform and affect
At the same time – and as a way of achieving everything in an organisation – almost like the
these aims – ‘strategy’ is an essentially word ‘Brighton’ permeates every bite of
integrative function, devoted to bringing Brighton Rock (Figure 1.3).
together and coordinating an organisation’s
various areas of activity. Thus one writer has
described strategy as the ‘conceptual glue
that binds together an organisation’s activities
and functions’.

Figure 1.3
Well-thought-through strategies permeate every part of the organisation




Production, Finance and

presentation personnel
and curation

And then, to be useful, strategy needs to
turn into a set of actions to be carried out
in the real world. So appropriate strategic
thinking tends to ensure pragmatism by
making sure that an organisation’s activities Case study: Adopting a strategic approach
match its capabilities and resources. Thus at the Manchester Art Gallery
in this sense strategic decisions usually
have major resources implications, i.e. Manchester City Galleries is a department
implications for an organisation’s finances, of Manchester City Council and a major
staffing and knowledge base (see Figure regional galleries service. It manages four
1.4). venues, including the flagship Manchester
Art Gallery.
Figure 1.4 At a glance – the top seven
distinguishing features of strategy Kate Farmery, Head of Marketing and
Business Development, explained that
Strategy is concerned with: Manchester Art Gallery has recently
1. Thinking about important and major undergone a £35 million redevelopment
issues for the organisation. which transformed the way in which the
2. The long-term direction of an organisation engages with its audiences.
3. Deciding the scope of the organisation’s A market study prior to the closure of the
activities – both what to do and what NOT Gallery for this project indicated that most
to do. visits were made by a core audience of less
4. Managing the relationship between the than 30,000. Given that project funding
organisation and the world in which it was partially awarded on the basis of
works so that it continues to fit in with it. growing audiences, the Gallery’s approach
5. Bringing together, coordinating and to strategic marketing needed reviewing.
integrating an organisation’s various There is now marketing representation at
activities. senior management level, a marketing
6. Ensuring the organisation’s activities fit team of six and a cross-gallery focus on
with its available capabilities and developing new audiences.
7. Translating the organisation’s thinking Current and potential visitors are
and aspirations into a practical set of segmented into three main bands: ‘die-
actions. hards’, ‘maybes’ and ‘difficults’. The harder-
to-reach ‘difficults’ are encouraged via
Consequently it can be seen that the outreach programmes while the ‘maybes’,
strategy’s whole area of concern (as it were, who have more propensity to become
the domain it inhabits) relates to ‘big things’. regular visitors, are targeted via
Big issues, big ideas and big thinking about the programming and mainstream marketing
organisation’s desired future destiny and activities.
direction that help it fit in with the big picture.
The momentum for this change in strategy
was gained from the overall transformation
process, but most staff feel that this
increased audience focus has enriched
their activities. The annual attendance

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 5

target was reached within three months of In short, and put at its simplest, strategy is
the Gallery re-opening. about identifying the overall path that will lead
to the achievement of an organisation’s
With these ideas in place, it should now be intentions and goals – how it moves from
possible to generally recognise what where it is now and gets to where it wants to
constitutes strategy and strategic thinking. be in the future. Strategic planning is about
But it doesn’t quite resolve three further assessing the starting point, the required
conundrums that are central to this journey from it, devising the routes that could
publication’s purposes: lead to the desired goals, and then deciding
which of these paths should be followed. And
• What’s the difference between strategy, strategic management is concerned with the
strategic planning and strategic practical measures needed to put the plans
management? into action, thus realising the strategy and its
• How is strategy different from tactics? overall intentions (Figures 1.5 and 1.6).
• And what is strategic marketing about?
Thinking BIG! (the hard-copy guide that is
These questions are discussed below. backed up by this online paper) focuses on the
strategic planning of marketing activities. But
given the strong, intrinsic and mutually
The differences between strategy, dependent links between the practices of
strategic planning and strategic strategic planning, strategy and strategic
management management, the last two terms will be
referred to on numerous occasions.
As was implied earlier, the terms that relate
to, and flow from, the central concept of
strategy all share a common concern with
addressing big issues. Yet there is an intrinsic
difference between the way in which some of
these terms are used. Fortunately one writer
on the subject, David Hussey (1991), offers a
set of helpful definitions.

‘I see strategy as the means by which an

organisation moves to attain its long-term
aims. Strategic planning is the detailed
specification of both the long-term aims
and the strategy for achieving them.
Strategic management is the process by
which the long-term aims, the strategy,
and its implementation are managed …The
three concepts are intrinsically bound
David Hussey (1991)

Figure 1.5
Strategy, strategic planning and strategic management as three distinct activities and roles


STRATEGY Identifying the overall Setting the general
CAPTAIN direction
path to be followed to
achieve the
intentions and goals

STRATEGIC Assessing the start Analysing the need,

point, devising potential
NAVIGATOR formulating the
PLANNING routes and selecting potential ways
the most suitable forward and then
path to follow deciding between

STRATEGIC Implementing the Taking the

practical steps
HELMSPERSON required actions
MANAGEMENT needed to undertake
the journey and
successfully reach
its end

Figure 1.6
The links between strategy, strategic planning and strategic management


STRATEGY Strategic
planning The


• Setting the • Assessing, • Taking practical

overall direction formulating and steps needed
deciding between
alternative paths

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 7

The relationship between strategy
and tactics However, at an all-embracing, organisational
level strategy is clearly about big, long-term
issues affecting the wider destiny of an
organisation, while tactics tend to be more
concerned with small-scale, day-to-day
operational activity. These differences can be
‘Tactical planning in … marketing is directly thought of according to a range of varied
linked to strategic planning. It identifies illustrative criteria and aspects (Figure 1.7).
the action details necessary to implement
the long-term plan.’ There is, of course, an ongoing and vital link
Martin Bell (1989) between tactics and strategy. Tactical activity
is needed to put the steps intended to realise
Distinguishing between a strategy and a tactic strategy into action, while strategy sets the
can tend to be a matter of degree. It’s also a agenda for the tactical activity to be carried
matter of perspective. out. The two sorts of approach are thus
mutually dependent – one could not exist in a
useful form without the other.

What’s more, for an organisation to achieve

the results it desires from its activities, both
‘One person’s strategies are another’s its tactics and strategies need to be at an
tactics ... what is strategic depends on appropriately high level. Here top thinker on
where you sit.’ marketing strategy Malcolm McDonald (2002)
Richard P. Rumelt (1974) points out that a good tactical approach
applied in the absence of well-conceived
strategy, or an excellent strategy delivered in
the absence of appropriate tactics, are both
likely to deliver less than perfect results for an
organisation (Figure 1.8).

Strategy and tactics thus work in support of

each other. Both types of approach need to be
taken into consideration when developing
plans for the organisation. But while strategy
and tactics both work in tandem, strategy
needs to be devised first.

Since the publication to which this paper

relates is devoted to strategic marketing
planning, it is assumed that marketing tactics
should be conceived once an organisation has
its marketing strategy in place. (However, the
places where the links and gateways into
tactical marketing and tactical marketing
planning can be placed during the creation of a
strategic marketing plan will be pointed out.)

Figure 1.7
Tactics vs. strategy


Emphasis The quick fix The wider game

Purpose Achieving operational goals Reaching underlying ends

Time-frame Short term Long term

Extent Local Global

Focus Immediate needs and issues Adapting to long-term change

Navigational Take the 2nd left Get to London


Figure 1.8
The mutual dependence of both good srategies and tactics after Mc Donald (2002)

Effective Ineffective


Inefficient SURVIVE DIE


The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 9

Strategic marketing and strategic
marketing planning

As might be expected from the preceding

discussion of strategy, strategic marketing is
the use of marketing on a ‘big thinking’ scale
to address big organisational issues and

Strategic marketing is the application of

a strategic approach to an organisation’s
marketing activities which thus
contributes to the achievement of the
organisation’s overall strategic goals.

Similarly, strategic marketing planning can be

considered as the formal and systematic
thinking required to assess what is needed
from strategic marketing, to identify and
select potential ways of working, and then
formulate action steps for its implementation.

The overview section of Thinking BIG! suggests

a sequence of tasks, together with a
framework, which can be adopted in creating a
strategic marketing plan for your organisation.
But first, two further sections of this
background paper provide a discussion on
marketing and planning intended to create
a consistent understanding of what these
terms mean.

2. The essence of marketing and arts marketing

‘[Marketing consists] of a tightly Marketing is not a new or modern form of

integrated effort to discover, create, human behaviour. But the systematic
arouse and satisfy customer needs.’ description of what it involves is.
Theodore Levitt (1988, source unknown)
The results of this drive to come up with a
‘The simplest definition of marketing is comprehensive and well-thought-through
that it is the process of matching the definition of marketing – which started in the
resources of the business with identified 1940s and 1950s – has not been particularly
customer needs. In other words, marketing clear cut. In fact, just like the word ‘strategy’,
is concerned with customer satisfaction there is still confusion as to what is really
and with the focussing of the meant by the term ‘marketing’.
organisation’s resources to ensure that the
customer is satisfied.’ The nature of this confusion can be a bit
Martin Christopher and Malcolm McDonald deceptive. There is a degree of general
(1991) consensus as to what the fundamental aim of
marketing is. For instance, Drummond and
Ensor (2001) begin a seminal text by making an
Marketing – an old practice with adamant assertion.
an important and current

The definitions of marketing shown here give

an initial hint of what marketing really involves.
But let’s start our detailed consideration of ‘The concept of marketing is inherently
the issues they identify by putting things into simple – business success via a process of
context. understanding and meeting customer
Despite all its apparent links to modern Graeme Drummond and John Ensor (2001)
business usage and slick, glossy corporate
management, marketing is by no means a new But this broad consensus tends to break down
form of human behaviour. Whenever and the moment people try to explain:
wherever people have gathered to trade goods
and services (that is, literally, in • what exactly marketing is for
‘marketplaces’), some form of marketing has • what marketing is meant to do
been going on. Thus ‘marketing’ can actually • and how it is meant to do it.
be seen as an essentially ancient craft.
Consequently, if the literature devoted to
Yet there is an important respect in which this marketing is considered, it becomes apparent
ancient notion has been modernised. The why it’s no wonder that people have differing
aspect of marketing that is relatively new and and occasionally confused notions of what
modern is the way in which its underlying marketing is. This is because the one term
purposes and processes have been isolated encompasses three different sorts of thing at
and identified by management thinkers.

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 11

one and the same time. So, seen in this way, The essence of marketing as a
marketing is a term used to simultaneously philosophy – the purpose of
describe: marketing and the concept it
• a way of looking at and thinking about the
world – a philosophy, perspective or state Underpinning the philosophy – or way of
of mind thinking – that is marketing is one core
• a management task – something that can’t purpose. This basic thing that marketing is for
be left to chance, such that it needs to be a has two complementary aspects: first, finding
defined responsibility for someone inside the the links between an organisation’s
organisation capabilities and what it provides (its ‘product’
• and a set of tools and techniques for turning or ‘offerings’) and the needs, wants or desires
marketing thinking into real action. of its potential customers and users; and
second, using those links as a basis for
stimulating and bringing about what is known
as an ‘exchange of value’. Such ‘exchanges of
value’ are essentially a trade or swap, whereby
an organisation provides products, goods or
The term ‘marketing’ can be used to services in return for payment from its
describe three different sorts of thing at customers – or some other indication that the
one and the same time. It can refer to a customer’s needs have been satisfied (for
way of thinking, a defined management example, positive feedback, applause, letters
task or a set of tools for turning thinking of appreciation or a repeat attendance).
into action.

Figure 2.1
The matching concept.

The core concern of marketing is finding and using the links

between organisation and customer to bring about a swap.
Products, goods or services
The organisation's:
• capabilities Potential customers':
• offerings • needs
• products and • wants
services • desires
Payment or some other
indication of satisfaction

what it stands for. So marketing can be
used to encourage involvement with an
organisation in the form of both
consumption and participation.
‘The central idea of marketing is of a • And that a key set of concerns and points
matching between a company’s capabilities of reference for effective marketing
and the wants of customers in order to practice is understanding an
achieve the objectives of both parties.’ organisation’s customers and users, and
Malcolm McDonald (1999) setting out to satisfy their needs.

Indeed this purpose is based on a recognised

management model that tends to be referred Marketing as a management task
to as ‘the matching concept’ (see Figure 2.1). entails using a systematic process

What’s more, it’s a model that has a number It was noted earlier that marketing can also be
of interesting and important implications. If thought of as a dedicated management task.
the underlying purpose of marketing is It’s a job that someone, somewhere in the
taken to be about using an identified match organisation, has to perform and can’t really
to bring about an exchange of value (or be left to chance. The ways in which this task
swap) of some kind, then the following can is done can take many forms. However, by
be seen: examining best practice it is possible to spot
the elements and stages involved in doing the
• That marketing is a discipline whose job of marketing in an organisation.
purpose, intention and practice range far
wider and deeper than the set of tools Such an examination results in a model that is
and techniques (such as leaflets, posters frequently described as ‘the marketing
and other publicity mechanisms) that tend process’. This is driven by the underlying
to be used as a part of marketing activity. intentions of both finding a match between
• That marketing isn’t exclusively about organisation and its potential customers or
financial transactions. It can be used not users, and of using that match as a basis for
only to encourage people to buy from an marketing action intended to stimulate an
organisation, but also to encourage exchange. The basic ‘marketing process model’
people to buy into an organisation and is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 1. Set objectives for

the marketing
The marketing process exercise

2. Review the
organisation and research

3. Identify, select and

focus on potential

4. Use the marketing

mix to persuade
5. Assess results and use them

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 13

This is an intentionally ‘generic’ model. It could Besides providing a structure and blueprint for
be used in any setting or context. It can also marketing activity, this model also illustrates
be applied to any marketing exercise, be it a how thinking about and putting in place any
tactical one (such as a campaign related to a marketing exercise can also be thought of as a
specific production, exhibition or participative learning process or even a virtuous cycle.
event) or a strategic one. As can be seen, it is That’s why the fifth and last stage is about
made up of five key stages. These are as follows. assessing how well your activity has worked,
and using the conclusions drawn to inform
First it shows that the starting point for all thinking on the objective for the next
effective marketing activity is ideally a set of comparable marketing exercise you undertake
objectives that clarify what the activity is (see Figure 2.3).
intended to achieve.
Figure 2.3 The five steps of the marketing
Once the particular objectives have been process at a glance
agreed, the second stage is to acquire
relevant information – both on the 1. Set and agree relevant objectives.
organisation (for instance, what it provides 2. Review organisation and research
and factors in the surrounding world that potential audiences.
impinge on the marketing activity), and on 3. Identify, select and focus on potential
the organisation’s potential customers, users customers/users.
or visitors. 4. Use appropriate set of marketing tools
to persuade customers/users.
With this review of the appropriate information 5. Assess results and use them to inform
complete, the third stage of the process is to future plans.
use this material as a basis for identifying and
selecting the sorts of people who offer the What’s more, this model can be used in a
best prospect of enabling the organisation to number of ways. It provides a road map or
realise its objectives. blueprint for each and every marketing
exercise that your organisation carries out. It
As might be realised, these first three stages can also be used to inform the structure of
are very much about thinking and analysis. marketing plans for those exercises. So in this
However, the fourth stage is where that sense, the marketing process model is used as
analysis flows into action. This action consists a source of elements for the strategic
of selecting from, and using, the set of marketing planning framework suggested by
marketing tools (typically referred to as ‘the the hard-copy publication Thinking BIG!
marketing mix’) as a means of stimulating and
bringing about the desired trade (i.e. an
exchange of value) with the selected group
of customers or users, in a way that secures
the achievement of the organisation’s
objectives. (Further discussion of the third way The marketing process model shows the
of defining marketing, i.e. as a ‘set of tools’, five key steps involved in thinking about
is included in this publication’s wider and carrying out a marketing exercise. The
consideration of marketing plans. Indeed the model can also be used as a basic structure
marketing mix and issues relating to it – in that provides key elements for both
terms of marketing planning – are explained tactical and strategic marketing plans.
further in Section D, chapter 10.)

Arts marketing is different – good. In this respect the pre-eminent American
and special authority on management Peter Drucker
(1990) makes a telling observation with
When it comes to marketing used in support of powerful and positive resonances for arts-
the arts and culture (‘arts marketing’, as it based, not-for-profit organisations.
were) there is a further intriguing and
fascinating complication. Possibly because of
its roots in the corporate sector, or maybe
because of the resonances accompanying its
introduction to the arts in this country (which
coincided with a new emphasis on best ‘The non-profit institution[’s] product is a
‘commercial’ practice), even today marketing is changed human being. Their product is a
sometimes unjustly treated with suspicion in cured patient, a child that learns, a young
some parts of our sector. woman grown into a self-respecting adult,
a changed human life altogether.’
This seems intrinsically unfair, because first Peter Drucker (1990)
and foremost the idea of arts marketing was
never just to apply wholesale the thinking and Overall, this concept of the not-for-profit
ways of working of big business. Indeed, organisation means that subsidised arts
because our sector is intrinsically different, organisations effectively work to a threefold
just adopting corporate practice was never set of strategic priorities. They must respond
going to work. What is required is that we to the artistic urge by safeguarding artistic
borrow the best of commercial marketing integrity. They have to remain financially viable
ideas and adapt them to support the arts’ by meeting the financial imperative of
purposes. generating a surplus on some of their
activities. And at the same time, because they
Indeed the nature of these differences – are using monies drawn from general taxation,
between the arts and commerce – reverberate subsidised arts organisations have a moral and
through the activities of arts organisations in social responsibility to ensure maximum
such a way that they determine the key access and equality of opportunity for all
differences between arts and commercial (Figure 2.4).
marketing. And perhaps the central difference
is that – especially in the publicly funded Figure 2.4
sector – arts organisations are frequently Multiple priorities for the not-for-profit
what are known as ‘not for profit’ or ‘non-profit’ arts organisation
organisations (as opposed to ‘for profit’ or
Fulfil the artistic urge
commercial organisations).

This is not to say that such arts organisations

don’t have to watch their finances. They do –
because without doing so they will not survive, Not-for-profit
let alone thrive. Rather, ‘not for profit’ arts
organisations have a reason for existing that is
not primarily about generating profits for their
owners and shareholders. Their purpose is
primarily about delivering some form of social Ensure social responsibility Meet the financial
by securing maximum access imperative

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 15

If the publication that this paper backs up has potential audiences are examined as part of
one recurrent theme, it is perhaps the the stage two review, which sorts of people
importance of having a set of identified and will be considered as potential
agreed objectives as the starting point for any customers/users, and which set of
and every marketing exercise. Hence it would marketing tools will be used in contacting
seem unwise to undertake marketing activity these people. And since any one organisation
without first having answered the question may – from time to time – have a range of
‘why are we doing this?’ different objectives for its projects and
exercises, it is frequently the case that
For not-for-profit arts organisations this notion differing approaches to marketing will be
of why a marketing exercise is being done used at different times depending on the
becomes all the more important because underlying objective.
different exercises may be required to work in
support of different priorities. For instance,
they might be intended to generate income.
They might be required to contribute to the
fulfilment of the organisation’s social
responsibility. Or they might be devised to
support the overall artistic aims of the

Regardless of which of these varied objectives

is considered to be the current priority,
marketing in an organisation where there is a
potential mix of multiple objectives has two
major implications:

• It is vital that there is agreement as to the

specific priority of a particular exercise (i.e. is
it artistic, financial or social), and that this
agreement is not arbitrarily changed at a
later stage. (For instance, a marketing person
should not be castigated for failing to
generate substantial income if the agreed
priority of an exercise was to fulfil the
organisation’s social and access priorities.
Just as the same hypothetical marketing
person should not be pilloried for
compromising artistic integrity if the agreed
purpose of an exercise was primarily to
generate income.)
• The allocated priorities – rather like
strategies – need to flow through, condition
and determine the nature of the various
stages of the marketing process. Hence the
agreed priority for an exercise will affect
which parts of the organisation and its

The Customs House, South Shields varies the
marketing being used to achieve a project’s
desired purpose

• more contacts need to be established

with the Asian community
• specialised marketing knowledge is
The Customs House is a venue situated on
the riverfront at Mill Dam, South Shields, A project coordinator was employed to
and was part of the extensive development lead the project and carry out the
of that area undertaken and funded by the necessary evaluation to measure the
Tyne and Wear Development Corporation. outcomes (Padma Rao). A steering group
The venue has a main theatre/cinema was established with key members
space (seating 400), a studio theatre space representing all communities, i.e. Sikh,
(seating 145), a restaurant and a bar. Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi
communities. Other groups were also
Identified issues to be invited for consultation in order
to encourage raised awareness about
The Director, Ray Spencer, says that, as The Customs House and the aims of its
part of its artistic policy, The Customs audience development initiative. Members
House feels very strongly about providing were expected to contribute useful
everybody with equal access to its contacts and ideas for programming and
services. It was recognised, however, that marketing, as well as spreading the
few Asian audiences were accessing the word in their communities and meetings
venue and facilities despite a considerable were initially to be held fortnightly,
population of this type in and around South then monthly.
Shields. The issues had been identified
following past attempts to engage with A relationship was to be formed with
the audience by promoting Asian artists, relevant communities in order to establish
participating in the Asian arts festival The Customs House as being fully
‘Awaaz’ and by screening Bollywood films in committed to addressing the needs of the
the cinema. communities and to help generate a sense
of ownership of the venue.
Despite being a positive experience it was
felt that little impact was made with the The marketing and publicity strategy was
target audience. Indeed it was learned formulated with the help of the steering
that: group, marketing department and project
coordinator. Special schemes were set up
• promoting Asian arts and cinema is a to encourage attendances; for example,
specialised area requiring careful taxi drivers were offered one free ticket
planning when they brought customers to the
• programming should be informed by the venue. There were also competitions
needs of the community arranged via the local press and media,
• more understanding is needed about the while publicity was sent via the Asian
barriers to attendance faced by the Asian programmes on BBC Radio Newcastle.
community, leisure patterns exhibited Alternative ticket sales outlets were also
and understanding of the arts engaged, for example partner restaurants
and the Apna Ghar Asian women’s project.

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 17

And posters and flyers would be printed Marketing and arts marketing –
and distributed at key points, for example a summary
Asian food stores, student unions, surgeries,
youth projects and community centres. Marketing, therefore, is the management
activity that is concerned with an
Cultural awareness training was to be organisation’s customers and users.
carried out to equip staff with the
confidence to learn more about This is done by first using the ‘matching
cultural/social barriers and how to address concept’ to find the link, or point of contact,
them. The Customs House set up a film between the organisation and its potential
programme that worked on a ‘rolling basis’ user. Once this has taken place, the marketing
(so it was not necessary for the audience process is used to create the circumstances
to be there at a specific time in order to for an ‘exchange transaction’ or ‘swap’
see the whole film). It also ensured that between the organisation and its customers to
these screenings were staffed entirely by take place. These circumstances are created
women (including a female projectionist) by:
and that entry to the cinema could be by a
dedicated entrance thus avoiding the need • understanding the objectives of an exercise
for audience members to pass through the • reviewing the organisation and its potential
more general public areas. users
• identifying the potential users offering the
Which all goes to suggest that managing and best prospect of helping the organisation
marketing an arts organisation is a far more achieve its selected priorities
complex undertaking than managing in the • and lastly, using an appropriate range of
commercial sector. marketing tools and techniques both to
stimulate the potential users’ interest in the
organisation and what it offers, and then to
persuade these users to buy from (or buy
into) the organisation.

‘The aim of arts marketing is to bring an And in the case of subsidised, not-for-profit
appropriate number of people, drawn from arts organisations, there needs to be initial
the widest possible range of social clarity about the whole point of an exercise,
backgrounds, economic conditions and age, such that the action steps of the marketing
into an appropriate form of contact with process can be customised to suit it.
the artist and, in so doing, to arrive at the
best financial outcome compatible with
the achievement of that aim.’
Keith Diggle (1994)

Fortunately it is possible to devise an approach

to strategic marketing planning that is so
flexible it can be customised to support a
range of aims and objectives – no matter
how diverse and varied they are. One such
framework is explored in the overview of
Thinking BIG!

3. The importance of planning

Strategic marketing planning is like a tripod. Figure 3.1 Potential excuses for not
It relies on three legs for support and stability. planning – at a glance
Unsurprisingly, the third leg of this tripod –
after ‘strategy’ and ‘marketing’ – is the Planning can feel like:
concept of ‘planning’ itself. • a maternalistiic or paternalistic imperative
– ‘mummy and daddy know best’
Unlike the pair of terms introduced so far, • a restriction on one’s creativity – ‘I’ve got
planning is probably a lot easier to define and an artistic temperament, and planning
understand. It’s less arcane, feels less esoteric would cramp my style’
and – of all the triptych of notions involved • a potential waste of time – ‘I’m far too
here – it can feel closer to everyday common busy to plan’.
Yet none of these reservations seem
However, there can often be a reluctance for particularly valid, as is noted by an American
organisations to engage with planning, and writer on arts management, Frederic Vogel,
this sometimes seems to be a particular case quoted by Phyllida Shaw (1995).
in our sector – the arts and culture. This is
possibly for three reasons.

• For most people (regardless of whether they

work in the arts or not) an insistence on the
importance of planning may occasionally ‘It often is assumed that planning is a
carry resonances of paternalistic or restrictive process; that the organisation
maternalistic parental authority. Indeed and its creative leadership will be locked
I suspect I’m not alone in having had parents into a plan which may well not be good for
who frequently advocated the wisdom of either; that a plan must be adhered to
‘thinking ahead’. rigidly once it is formulated and approved;
• Then, in the arts, there is potentially a that change is impossible, or at the very
perceived tension between having the best, difficult; that it forces people to do
freedom to be creative and artistic on the things when they realise from further
one hand, and being limited, constrained and experience that doing something else
restricted by the rigours required by a would be better; that because one doesn’t
planning approach on the other. Hence know what is going to happen in future,
this is the fear of having planning ‘cramp one is precluded by a plan from taking
your style’. advantage of opportunities which may
• And lastly there is also the suspicion that arise unexpectedly. To put it succinctly,
planning could represent a waste of time – such perceptions of planning are
the ‘I’m far too busy to plan’ syndrome, ridiculous.’
as it were (Figure 3.1). Frederic Vogel quoted by Phyllida Shaw

Planning need not be the antithesis of

creativity. A central part of most artists’
practice is to plan how an artwork is to be
developed. What’s more, most effective and
useful plans entail the exercise of creativity
and inspiration on the part of their creators.

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 19

And then an old saw of time management is According to a range of writers, the potential
that time spent planning reduces the amount benefits to an organisation (and the people
of time needed to carry out actions. Hence in working in it) of adopting a planning approach
this sense, time devoted to planning can be – particularly if undertaken as part of a
seen more as an investment than as a cost strategic process – are as follows.
(Figure 3.2).
By using a dedicated process that involves all
There is another potential misconception the relevant and interested people in your
about planning. When recognised, this starts organisation, planning helps generate a sense
to highlight the potential benefits of planning. of ownership and involvement in the
This is to confuse planning’s outputs (‘a plan’) organisation’s ultimate destiny and the ideas
with what led to its creation (‘the planning developed to help make sure that destiny is
process’) – in other words, to consider planning realised. By the same token, by securing the
as a static thing as opposed to a flexible agreement and support of all involved, a
process. planning process will establish a broad
consensus on what needs to be done and how
it will be done. And while this seems attractive
and desirable from the point of view of internal
organisational harmony, it also becomes vital
for the people responsible for marketing the
‘Planning is everything, the plan is nothing.’ organisation because it ensures that there is
Dwight Eisenhower quoted in Hilary an agreed framework for the activity to be
Barnard and Perry Walker (1994) undertaken. What’s more, having such an
agreed framework reduces the temptation of
others to change that framework or ‘move the
goal posts’.

Figure 3.2
Planning is a ‘time maker’, not a ‘time waster’


Time spent planning Time spent doing

Time spent planning Time spent doing Time gained

As is discussed in Chapter 4 of Thinking BIG!, accepted as an unavoidable and given factor,
planning for strategy involves close analysis of which can increase the range of uncertainties
the organisation as well as a thoughtful and that an organisation faces and the risks
far-reaching inspection of the world in which it associated with these uncertainties. However,
works (a.k.a. its environment). As a result carrying out a planning process that involves
planning assists the development of a high- all the relevant members of a team, is founded
level, big picture-based overview of the on a careful examination of the organisation
organisation and the world in which it works. and its environment, and has helped the
Moreover, once the organisation has acquired organisation agree what it wants and needs
that ‘long view’, it will then be well placed to to do (and how to do it), helps an organisation
identify and set priorities. Or, put more simply, to cope with uncertainty. And as further
to spot what is important and what matters to spin-offs, it prepares the organisation and its
it and its future, as opposed to what is not and people for change, while reducing the level of
doesn’t really matter. risk faced because it has been prepared for
(Figure 3.3).
Equally, by encouraging an organisation to
inspect and review the world in which it works, Figure 3.3 Potential reasons for, and
a planning process is almost akin to installing benefits of, undertaking a strategic
long-range radar. This ‘radar’ enables the planning process — at a glance
organisation to register incoming threats and
potential opportunities. And it helps an Planning can:
organisation to do this while there is still time • generate ownership
to do something about these incoming factors. • establish consensus
So a planning process also makes the • encourage an overview of the
organisation environmentally alert. organisation and the world in
which it works
It was observed above that one defining • identify and set priroities
aspect of strategy is the way in which it can • make the organisation environmentally
permeate, determine and inform the whole alert
gamut of an organisation’s activities. • enhance coordination between different
Consequently by planning what an activities
organisation intends to do and how it will do it • ensure optimised resource allocation
inevitably enhances coordination between its • help the organisation and its people cope
different activities. This can be important with uncertainty
because – as does building a broad consensus • prepare the organisation and its people
– it increases the chances for making sure for change
that everyone involved has a common • reduce risk by preparing for it.
understanding of what is required and is
‘singing from the same song sheet’. In turn
this will ensure optimised allocation of
resources such as time, money, people,
knowledge and ideas.

Alongside all the potential benefits of planning

outlined so far, there is one last set that
relates to the turbulent nature of the world
today. Nowadays change needs to be

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 21

Dundee Contemporary Arts benefit from adopting a
planning approach

between attendance at the cinema and

exhibitions, and the use of the café/bar.

Some in-house market research was
Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) opened implemented in order to find out about
in March 1998. Its building houses two attenders. At least 10% of all visitors were
galleries, two cinemas, print studio, visual approached by attendants, thus providing
research centre, café/bar, shop and a broad snapshot of attenders throughout
education and outreach facilities. Since its the day. Additionally, front-of-house and
opening, approximately 900,000 visitors box office were asked to increase their
have attended. Twenty exhibitions have data capture to 60% using the Databox
been held, 11 new major works have been system. This collected transactional
commissioned and approximately 900 films information as well as names and
have been shown, including 300 foreign addresses, which could be cross-referenced
language and 175 British. against attenders at the free exhibitions.
Cinema attenders were asked to complete
Identified issues a more detailed questionnaire including
questions about value for money, their use
Jeni Iannetta, Head of Communications, of other cinemas, the programming and
says that her role involves the location of the cinema.
management of press, marketing, front-of-
house and customer services. Once the The results of this research were then fed
organisation reached two years old, a set into the marketing plans as follows.
of challenges became obvious. Although it was found that attenders were
coming from a wide geographical area,
Because exhibitions were free, there was there were certain postcodes from which
minimal data on attendance and attenders, attendance was less than in other areas. So
and information gathered from the cinemas the quantities of cinema leaflets
indicated that patrons were not booking in distributed were increased and a change in
advance but buying tickets on the day of the distribution locations was piloted. As
the showing, so data was not being part of a sponsorship proposal a chain of
captured either. corner shops agreed to accept leaflets in
return for complementary tickets,
Two marketing plans were formulated: a invitations to private viewings and their
five-year plan and a more detailed logo being featured on the website and on
strategic plan for 2002–03. Thanks to print.
these it was concluded that the DCA team
could be happy with the levels of Thanks to these planned innovations DCA
awareness of the organisation. But it saved approximately £10,000 in
seemed important to know more about distribution costs, attendance increased by
attenders; in particular, to identify any 10% and income increased by 12%.
gaps in the attender profile, for example,
specific age groups. Additionally, the Jeni emphasises that where budgets are
objective was set of monitoring patterns tight, planning is particularly important
of attendance, for example the overlap because of the need to use existing

resources as effectively as possible; in
particular, the importance of knowing as
much as possible about audiences and
communicating relevantly with each of the
target markets. The DCA’s five-year plan
lines up the long-term aims and objectives,
while the one-year plans provide
supporting detail. Each year core
activities, pilot stage activities and first
phase activities are defined. As a result of
this planning cycle future activities are
likely to include:

• additional market research with

supplementary questions
• leaflets possibly being distributed with
newspaper deliveries
• extending new distribution patterns to
include exhibition leaflets in addition to
cinema listings
• developing new strategic relationships,
such as working with a taxi company
• further development of e-marketing
using the new DCA website.

This paper has provided a short explanation of

the notions underpinning strategy and
strategic management. It has also set out
some of the crucial elements and aspects of
both marketing and arts marketing. Having
now advocated the benefits of planning, it
seems timely to put the three areas together
and suggest one possible way of carrying out
a strategic marketing planning process. This,
then, is the purpose of hard-copy publication
Thinking BIG!’s first main chapter.

The conceptual background to strategy, marketing and planning 23

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