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Contract for Pet-Only Rats

About You:
Full name:
Email address:
Location (full address please):

About Your PRLC Rescue Rats:

Birth date/Approx. Age:
Color, Marking(s), Coat type, Ear type:

1) Rat must be kept in appropriate cages/housing. Proper bedding will be used at all times (Cedar and Pine bedding are NOT

2) Rats must be fed an appropriate diet & given fresh water daily. This diet could include a high quality lab block such as Teklad
or Mazuri, and/or a mix consisting of or similar to the Sue Bee Mix. Rats should also be offered fresh vegetables as often as
possible, if not daily. *New owners should be aware of foods that are toxic for rats, & should keep non-healthy treats to a

3) Rats will be housed in (at least) groups of 2, with same-sex companions (or a neutered member of the opposite sex), unless a
medical condition or temperament problem develops & this is no longer possible.

4) This rat is NEVER to be used as food for another animal. Furthermore, this rat is NEVER to be sold to/adopted by/or given to
anyone who would use or sell the rat as food for another animal (this includes pet stores!!!).

5) Rats MUST be returned to PRLC (at no cost) if you can no longer keep them. These rats are NEVER to end up at a shelter,
released into the wild, or in a pet store! Releasing a pet rat outside equates to certain death. These are domesticated animals
and are not equipped to survive alone in the wild.

6) This rat is NEVER to be bred for any reason. If you purposely breed this rat, you are in breach of contract, and we have the
right to take any further action that we deem necessary. Also, if this rat is purposely bred, then we also have the right to require
you to return the rat and its offspring back to us (at no cost). If this rat is accidentally bred, then you MUST notify us immediately,
and we will discuss the situation.

7) Animals can be unpredictable and the PRLC cannot anticipate or insure against unexpected conduct of animals adopted
through the PRLC. You agree to accept the animal as is, assume all risks and responsibilities associated with ownership of the
animal, including bites; and you agree to fully and completely release, indemnify, and hold harmless the board and volunteers of
the PRLC from any claim, cause of action or liability of any sort or nature, directly arising out of or in connection with the adoption,
care, or ownership, maintenance, retention, temperament, conduct or condition of the animal.

8) Other animals and children are NOT to be left unsupervised with the rat. It takes less than 30 seconds to inflict a rat with an
injury that is life threatening, or even fatal.

9) Adequate veterinary care must be provided for the rat when necessary. Minor medical issues must also be treated. This
animal is never to be left to “suffer.”

***If the applicant is under age 18, a parent/guardian must assume full responsibility in assuring that the above conditions are met

Adopter’s Signature______________________________________ Date__________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature (if applicable):_____________________ Date__________
Rescuer’s Signature______________________________________ Date__________

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