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Successful mindset E-book

1. What is the thing we call success?

2. Success mindset-what makes a person successful
3. Millionaire mindset-why some people will always be rich and others remain poor
4. How our upbringing can program us for success or failure
5. Recognizing your negative personality traits (are they holding you back from
6. Recognizing your positive personality traits (how they can help you to be
7. Self analysis: Do you have the mindset for success?

How to change your mindset

8. The power of positive thinking

9. 5 ways to change your mindset (into successful thinking)
10. 5 tips to having a successful mindset in business
11. Reach for the sky (think big and you will be big)
12. Being determined to succeed
13. 7 tactics to get more confidence in yourself
14. Making goals for success
15. Group therapy (to help you get a successful mindset)
16. Hypnosis therapy (to help you get a successful mindset)

Part 3 take action

17. 5 strategies for taking action (do not just have a successful mindset act on it)
18. 6 ways to cultivate a successful mindset in the workplace
19. Think like a millionaire and make money in your business
20. Resources (not just links)

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What is the thing we call success?

When you hear the word, Success, good things come to mind. People who are successful
do not have success thrust upon them out of thin air. They work for it. They exert a lot
of effort and devote a lot of their time in order to become successful. To some lucky few,
success comes easily. However, most people find success quite elusive.

Understanding the Meaning of Success

But what is success? What does it truly mean? If you ask different people, you’d come
up with different definitions, different interpretations. Most of the time, people would
define success depending on what they want out of life – if you want to become a
millionaire, then success is earning millions. It also depends on whom you are asking. A
stock broker may define success in accordance with the number of transactions he is able
to close or the amount of cash in his bank account. If you ask a professional golfer, he
may define success in accordance to the number of trophies he has won.

If you are asked what success means, you may evaluate your own success by what you’ve
achieved in your career, how much you get paid, how big your house is, what kind of car
you’re driving, what kind of things are you capable of buying, and finally, what you can
do. It is important that you find a truly meaningful definition of success. You cannot
limit your definition of success to only a specific aspect of your life. You might end up
with millions of dollars in your bank account but with a miserable personal life. Your
definition of success should encompass not only success in your career but success in
almost every aspect of your life.

Narrowing Down the Definition of Success

It is important that you narrow down your definition of success. This is important so that
you would know where to start with the process of achieving success. It would help you
determine what you have and what you still lack. It would help you succeed in anything
you set out to do. You will be able to set a plan or a course of action that will help you
achieve what you intended to do.

There will always be arguments and philosophical debates over the definitions of success.
What matters is what you think of success and what you believe it is. What ultimately
matters is that you set out a goal for yourself and the completion of that goal means
success to you. It could be creating a happy family, setting up an extremely successful
business or becoming a millionaire by the time you’re 40 – it doesn’t matter. What
matters is that you reach your goal; and the minute that you’ve set a goal for yourself,

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you are left with only three things to do – equip yourself with the right attitude and
personality of a successful person, know how you will go about achieving your goal and,
finally, go after your goal. Then you shall have success!

When you hear the word, Success, good things come to mind. People who are successful
do not have success thrust upon them out of thin air. They work for it. They exert a lot
of effort and devote a lot of their time in order to become successful. To some lucky few,
success comes easily. However, most people find success quite elusive.

Understanding the Meaning of Success

But what is success? What does it truly mean? If you ask different people, you’d come
up with different definitions, different interpretations. Most of the time, people would
define success depending on what they want out of life – if you want to become a
millionaire, then success is earning millions. It also depends on whom you are asking. A
stock broker may define success in accordance with the number of transactions he is able
to close or the amount of cash in his bank account. If you ask a professional golfer, he
may define success in accordance to the number of trophies he has won.

If you are asked what success means, you may evaluate your own success by what you’ve
achieved in your career, how much you get paid, how big your house is, what kind of car
you’re driving, what kind of things are you capable of buying, and finally, what you can
do. It is important that you find a truly meaningful definition of success. You cannot
limit your definition of success to only a specific aspect of your life. You might end up
with millions of dollars in your bank account but with a miserable personal life. Your
definition of success should encompass not only success in your career but success in
almost every aspect of your life.

Narrowing Down the Definition of Success

It is important that you narrow down your definition of success. This is important so that
you would know where to start with the process of achieving success. It would help you
determine what you have and what you still lack. It would help you succeed in anything
you set out to do. You will be able to set a plan or a course of action that will help you
achieve what you intended to do.

There will always be arguments and philosophical debates over the definitions of success.
What matters is what you think of success and what you believe it is. What ultimately
matters is that you set out a goal for yourself and the completion of that goal means
success to you. It could be creating a happy family, setting up an extremely successful
business or becoming a millionaire by the time you’re 40 – it doesn’t matter. What
matters is that you reach your goal; and the minute that you’ve set a goal for yourself,
you are left with only three things to do – equip yourself with the right attitude and
personality of a successful person, know how you will go about achieving your goal and,
finally, go after your goal. Then you shall have success!

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Part one: What is a successful mindset?

Chapter 1: Success mindset-what makes a person successful

People are fascinated with success stories. Somehow, these stories give them hope that
they could be as powerful or as successful. People are in awe of individuals who
overcome odds of poverty, physical inadequacies or life’s adversities to become
successful. Most of the time success stories start in simple beginnings.

The Wonder of Success

Dazzled and fascinated by successful people as you are, you have probably wondered
what makes a person successful. Is there a secret to success? Is it something that only a
chosen few will have the privilege to know? If only everyone can learn these secrets than
perhaps poverty will be wiped out. Sadly, it will always be a fact of life that there will be
successful people and there will be unsuccessful ones. There will be many people who
will live and die not ever knowing what truly makes a person successful. It might be due
to their faults and inadequacies, but there are a lot of factors that play a role in honing and
creating a person who is empowered to be successful.

Creating a Success with the Proper Mindset

What creates a successful person or a winner? Everyone is a winner. All people deal
with daily struggles that somehow define who and what they are. But the difference
between a winner and another winner may be huge – it could be a million dollars’ worth
of difference.

When you read or see people who are successful in their fields, do you wonder what goes
on in their minds? Do you wonder what drives them? Is it the rush of winning? Is it the
prize? Do they merely want to win or are there any other reasons?

Regardless of their reasons for wanting to be successful, these people are remarkably
focused and determined. They do not falter and admit defeat easily. They grab lessons
from life’s adversities and grow from these. They find and create opportunities from
setbacks and problems. They are continuously growing and enriching themselves. They
do not easily give up. They face challenges and would often look for solutions rather
than dwell on the problems.

People who are truly successful know how to prioritize. They know which things are
important and which are not; and they make decisions accordingly. They set their goals
and pursue these goals without wavering, without looking back. They strive to be better
each time.

What Success Means to You

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So you see, it is important to know what success means to your life. It is important that
you define yourself in terms of your ability to be successful. Do you have the mindset to
be successful? You need to set your own measure of your success and create the right
mindset to achieve your goals – to be able to tell yourself that you truly are successful. It
doesn’t matter that you have already failed so many times. Do not let past failures hold
you back from future victories. They should not hinder you from believing that you can
still be successful and that you can reach your dreams. Even Albert Einstein, Abraham
Lincoln and Thomas Edison had to fail a lot of times before they became successful.

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Chapter 2: Millionaire mindset-why some people will always be
rich and others remain poor

When you see a list of the top grossing millionaires or even billionaires in the United
States, do the following thoughts run through your head – How did they do it? What
makes them special? Is there a secret to becoming rich? Is there a key to becoming a
millionaire? Can I become a millionaire?

Becoming a Millionaire

The simple answer is that you can be – you can become a millionaire, that is. Becoming
a millionaire starts with choosing to become one. With that mindset, you start a course of
events that would eventually lead to owning assets amounting to millions of dollars. This
is the one thing that is shared by all millionaires – that successful mindset. It is this
mindset that recognizes that there are things that you have to do to become successful.
You do not rely on clover leaves or horseshoes. Becoming a millionaire does not happen
overnight. Admittedly, there are those that win the lottery the first time they bought a
ticket. However, most millionaires would tell you that it takes time and a lot of hard
work before you’d earn your first million.

The Millionaire Mindset – Why Some People Get Rich

You can get rich. Yes, you can. It might take awhile but it is really possible to own the
houses and cars that you only dream of at this moment. You have in you the secret to
getting rich. You only need to recognize that you can be successful and, along with this
recognition, you need to get over all the negativity that holds you back from being

It is very important that you try to develop and maintain a positive mindset. The way you
think would determine how you would deal with things as well as the results of whatever
you’re doing. There is no great secret to being successful. Success stems from believing
in your capabilities – your confidence and self-esteem. Your mindset dictates how you
think through a situation and it was found out that people with more confidence tend to
reach good decisions and pursue wise courses of actions.

The way a person regards a situation is determined by how he thinks. A negative thinker
would regard a new and strange circumstance dismally and would tell himself, “I cannot
do this.” or “I do not know how to do this.”

A positive person would tackle a new situation differently. He would regard it as a

challenge – something that he must conquer or overcome. A positive person would look
at it as an opportunity to improve himself and to learn new things. He would focus on the
solution rather than the problem. He wouldn’t give up easily and would seek for
solutions until he finds them. Not surprisingly, he would always come up with a solution

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and resolve problems one way or another. This capability has its roots on positive
attitude, perseverance, self-confidence and courage.
So, to become a millionaire you must have the right mindset – a positive one that is
geared for success. This should be encouraged and maintained along with self-

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Chapter 3: How our upbringing can program us for success or

It is believed that your childhood determines the kind of person you would be. A
person’s metamorphosis spans his whole lifetime. The ability to believe in oneself is
rooted in a person’s childhood. His self-confidence develops as he grows and parents
play a crucial role in the development of a person’s full potential. So, what kind of
upbringing creates a person with potential for success? What can parents do to promote
and encourage their children’s self confidence and creativity?

Taking a Look at Facts

A study conducted on successful people revealed that there are three factors on these
people’s upbringing which primarily contribute to the development of their self-esteem,
confidence and positive outlook. These factors include: the amount of time their parents
spend with them, the recognition of their own personal independence and individuality,
and the encouragement of their talents and abilities.

Significant findings that were uncovered in this survey revealed interesting things in a
person’s upbringing that ultimately contribute to his success. For example, it was found
out that fathers play a huge role on their children’s upbringing. These fathers usually
give emphasis on the need preparing for the future. Ironically, the study showed that
parents who placed more emphasis on good sense instead of obedience were more likely
to produce successful children. These parents did not place much relevance on giving
punishments; rather, they placed more emphasis on teaching their children the value of
good judgment.

Successful people were also more likely to have been given more attention when they
were growing up. They were children with parents who talked to them and encouraged
them to develop their skills and abilities.

How Your Upbringing Contributes to Your Success

Remember that success does not happen overnight. Even child prodigies have parents
who introduced, encouraged and supported their abilities. You cannot go in a store and
buy success. It is something that requires the continuous investment of time and effort.

How did your parents raise you? Were they the kind of parents who would ask you about
your interests? Were they the kind of parents who encouraged you to enhance your
abilities, or were they more the type to pester you into doing something that you had no
interest in doing? It is important that parents take the time to talk to their children and
take an interest on the things they like doing. By doing this, they would be able to know
what their child needs and where he or she needs their support. It doesn’t matter what; it
could be a guitar, a set of paintbrush or a science kit.

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Another thing to take note of was the role of your father in your life. Was he the kind of
father who showed interest on you? Was he a hands-on dad? Did he encourage your
individuality and abilities? Again, it is emphasized that fathers play a vital role in their
children’s upbringing. A father who gives his children responsibilities and who gave
them space to discover their interest and capabilities could expect that they would more
likely succeed in their careers and in their lives. These children grow up to be confident
in their abilities and will not likely buckle easily when faced with problems and setbacks.
So, ask yourself – how did your father play a role in your upbringing?

Of course, when all have been said and done, it still depends ultimately on you what you
make of your life. The finest upbringing cannot make you a success; it can only endow
you with the successful mindset that would make it easier for you to attain success.
Likewise, the worst kind of upbringing is no permanent obstacle to attaining success; you
can still change how you view yourself and the world so you can become successful.

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Chapter 4: Recognizing your negative personality traits (are they
holding you back from success?)

Your personality and your attitudes can influence your ability to succeed. Just think.
Doesn’t your belief in your abilities come before any action you do and over your actual
behavior? If you start doing something with a negative mindset, chances are you’ll not
succeed in that particular endeavor. Whereas if you start doing something with the full
and heartfelt belief that you can do it, you’ll probably do it.

How Negative Personality Traits Hold You Back

Look at it this way. Imagine that you want to lose some weight. However, after a few
minutes of contemplation, you say to yourself, “It’s impossible to lose weight.” So you
go through your old routine, eat the same food that you always do and refuse to lift one
finger or one foot in exercise. What happened? Your negativity held you back into
doing something about your weight!

How can you start dieting if, from the outset, you have told yourself that your goal is
actually impossible to achieve? How can you strive for something when you don’t
believe in yourself that you can actually do it? In the abovementioned example, your
negative attitude – your pessimism and your lack of belief in yourself – will indeed make
it impossible for you to lose weight. Think about it. Would you really put any effort into
dieting and exercising if you don’t think you can achieve your ultimate goal? Of course
not! Your logical conclusion would be, “Why spend time and exert effort when they
would do me absolutely no good in the end?” You might just ask yourself, “Why climb a
tree that isn’t there?”

Negative personality traits hold you back from success – from realizing your full
potential. Your attitudes will determine how you will view your chances of success and
thus will affect how much effort and time you’ll spend to achieve your goal. This is true
whatever your goal is – whether you want to lose weight or to become successful in
business. Be negative and you’ll get negative results. It’s the way things work.

Recognize Negative Personality Traits

To become successful, you have to improve your personality. Shed the negative for the
positive personality traits. Of course, before you can do that, you must first learn how to
recognize your negative traits.

You should start by listening to yourself think when you are faced with a problem or
when you want to achieve something. For instance, what comes to mind after you say
that you want to become a successful businessman? If thoughts like “I can’t possibly do
it!” or “But I can’t possibly get the capital or the financial resources required,” or even
“I’ll probably just make a mess of it” then it’s quite clear that you have some personality

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and attitudinal baggage that you need to shed off. You are obviously negative and
pessimistic. It is obvious, too, that you lack confidence.

By listening to yourself think, you can easily identify the negative traits that you’re
carrying around with you and that are holding you back from one success to another.
You really should eavesdrop on yourself more often. You’ll be surprised at how much
you can learn about your mindset this way.

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Chapter 5: Recognizing your positive personality traits (how
they can help you to be successful

Are there any secrets to success? Yes there are, but they are not sold in bookstores, in
video shops and in the web. The secret lies in you and it’s your choice whether to
“activate” your own success mode or just let it go to waste.

Get a Move on

When you want to go somewhere, you walk, drive or ride. If you will notice, you do
something to get somewhere. You don’t wait for a good enough blast of wind to take you
where you want to go. You don’t wait for a magic carpet to whisk you off to your
destination. Becoming successful pretty much works the same way. To get somewhere
in life – to get what you want or to attain whatever it is you want to achieve – you need to
do something. You need to get yourself moving.

The Positive Personality Traits that Will Get You Moving

To get yourself moving up and towards your goal, you need to have drive or motivation
and positive personality traits. What are the personality traits that you need to have in
order to become successful?

First of all, you need to have self-confidence or a high level of self-esteem. When you
have confidence in yourself and in your abilities, you will not be fazed by small
challenges and you will effectively be indefatigable. When you are confident that you
have the capacity to do something, then you’ll see the outcome as a certainty and you can
focus yourself and your energies on the means and ways of realizing it. This is a much
more productive way of spending your time and energy than wallowing in self-doubts.

Another related positive trait that you should definitely cultivate is positive thinking. The
half-full, half-empty glass analogy may be a mite too clichéd, but it’s still relevant
nonetheless. Indeed, the way you look at things play a crucial role in how things
ultimately turn out. If you are a positive thinker, you will see problems and obstacles as
mere challenges that you can overcome. Furthermore, you will see these problems as
venues for learning something new and for self-improvement. When problems are
viewed this way, they cease to become threatening and they are generally reduced in size,
impact and importance.

Of course, you also have to have enthusiasm or zest – call it passion, if you want.
Enthusiasm for your goal and for what you are doing or for what you are trying to
achieve is very important if you are to succeed. It takes enthusiasm to move on and
continue striving even when things are not doing as great as you want or expect them to
be. Determination and single-mindedness are also important for the same reason.

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To succeed, moreover, you have to have courage and you have to be realistic, too.
Courage is what you need to take risks. However, you need to be realistic so that you’ll
know which risks are worth taking and which are merely foolish.

Honing Positive Personality Traits

Even if you think that you already have these positive personality traits, it’s much better
to objectively assess yourself. If you want, you can take personality assessment exams.
Some are available online or you can also ask your therapist or your company counselor
to administer the test. Moreover, since positive personality traits take time to develop,
you’d better start honing them now. You can attend leadership seminars and workshops,
for instance. Nevertheless, don’t lose sight of the fact that developing positive
personality traits is not a one-off thing but a continuous process.

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Chapter 6: Self-analysis: Do you have the mindset for success?

Now, you are the proud owner of a newly-opened business. So, what goes on in your
mind? Do you believe that you are going to be successful? Do you believe that with
absolute conviction? If you do, where is this belief rooted? Are you willing to do
whatever it takes so that you would succeed?

Or are you one of those people who constantly worry that you would fail? Do you go
about telling yourself, “Of course I would fail, I always do.”

Success Mindset – Do You Have It?

These are the questions that you have to ask yourself. Your answers should be downright
honest. These questions determine the difference between having the right success
mindset and having the failure mindset.

The truth is that things do not come to people easily. You cannot say, “Abracadabra!”
and expect a million-dollar company to be standing in front of you with your name on its
ownership papers. Success demands that you give it your all – the belief, mindset and
hard work. There is a certain way of looking at things and acting on these thoughts that
will make a huge difference on your ultimate success.

So, do you have the mindset for success? Can you truly and unequivocally say that you
are going to be successful? Do you think that you have all the qualities of a successful

What is the Mindset for Success?

If you would list down the qualities of a person with success mindset, you would come
up with words like focus, perseverance, opportunity, creativity, drive, open-mindedness
and dedication. With these qualities, you should know that you can be successful. It is
important that you conduct self-analysis and determine whether you have what it takes to
be successful.

It is actually easy to know what makes a person successful. However, the challenge is to
think like a winner. This is not easy. This requires perseverance even when things are
tough. This requires a lot of courage and a lot of self-confidence. Sadly, not all people
have that confidence. Most people would buckle when faced with challenges and
adversities. The problem with these people is that they have given up even before the
challenge even started. Some people have decided that becoming successful is hard work
and that is, by nature, impossible. So, are you one of these people? Do you easily give
up when the going gets tough?

Success is always an open season. Anyone can just go right ahead, grab it and never let
go. Ask yourself if you are up to the task, however. Do you believe in your abilities?

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Do you trust yourself enough to take risks and sometimes jump blindfolded? Do you
have a crystal image of what you want in life and are you willing to do what it takes to
reach your goals? Do you know that setbacks and problems are inevitable, and do you
have the courage to overcome these trials? These are all questions that you have to ask
yourself to determine if you have the mindset for success.

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Part Two: How to change your mindset

Chapter 7: The power of positive thinking

It has been proven that the person who would most influence your success is your own
self. Your attitude determines how you would view and react to challenges or problems.
Therefore, it is very important that you have a positive attitude when dealing with things.
This is a way to ensure that you control the reigns over every aspect of your life.

Knowing Your Thoughts

Basically, you would know if you are a positive thinker by taking note of the words that
you use when you are asked to describe the things that are going on in your life. What
would you use to describe your career or your marriage? The words that you use will
show how you tend to think – whether you see the glass half full or half empty, in a
manner of speaking. It has been said that the secret to happiness is how you see things.
If you look at the glass as half full, you’d always have the gift of hope, faith and

This is very important especially because you’d always be dealing with crisis, challenges
and difficulties. By having the ability to look at things positively, you would be able to
focus on solutions rather than on problems. This, in turn, will help you face life’s
challenges with more ease. Do not regard life’s difficulties as problems, but rather as
mere challenges that you can overcome and, in the process, make sure that you do not
lose sight of your goals.

Gain Power with Positive Thoughts

Your chances for success are influenced by how you look at things and how you see life.
The way you think – positive or negative – is really powerful. Do you know that there’s
scientific evidence that says negative thinkers are much more likely to get physically ill
than positive thinkers? If your mental attitude is powerful enough to make you ill, surely
it is powerful enough to color your chances of success?

When you think positively about the things in your life, you are empowered to act.
Negativity usually paralyzes your faculties of thought and action. When you believe that
problems cannot derail you and if you believe that success can be yours, then you will
gain the power to see your plans through and to realize your goals. You won’t be
paralyzed by indecision, doubts and depression. Rather, you will be filled with vitality
and you’ll be raring for action.

Your positive outlook should also give you social influence. If you are a person who
remains unfazed even in the face of adversities, you’re a person people would want to be
with and talk to. You’re a person other people are likely to follow.

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Do You Have Positive Power?

So, how do you respond to life’s adversities? Do you regard yourself as a positive person
or not? How do you respond to things when they are not going well? Do you recognize
that it is inevitable that you’d encounter problems along the way or do you allow these
problems to get the best of you?

Talk to yourself sometimes. Look at yourself in the mirror and talk yourself into being
optimistic. Try to boost your own self confidence and strengthen your self esteem.
Learn how to be constructive and positive when dealing with things. You would
eventually notice that things seem to work out the way you want them to. You gain
control of your emotions and actions and these actions would lead to positive results.

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Chapter 8: 5 ways to change your mindset (into successful

The minute that you think of starting something like a business, do you tell yourself that
you’re definitely going to succeed or do you constantly worry about the thought that
you’re going to fail somehow?

If your thoughts are more of the latter kind, then you definitely need a change of mindset.
Sadly, you share the same attitude with a lot of people – people who don’t expect to
succeed. Not surprisingly, they really don’t. The reason for this is quite simple; they’re
gearing themselves up for a battle that’s lost even before it’s even started. In effect, they
exert less effort, less work, and less passion to their work.

Believing You Can Succeed

It is important, therefore, that you believe that you are capable of succeeding. By
believing this, you will find yourself driven by the belief that you will succeed and that
you would get what you hope to achieve. Most of the time, the level of your confidence
determines your productivity. Your self-confidence reveals your belief in yourself and
your capabilities so that when things go wrong, you would not easily surrender to defeat.

When you believe in yourself, you would always give yourself a chance to make things
right because you believe that you can do make a difference and that you will win. The
way that you would react to a situation is largely dependent on how strong is your faith in
yourself and your capabilities.

Recognizing Self-defeating Thoughts

So, how do you recognize that you have a fairly negative outlook? Are you one of those
people who have gotten used to being the way they are that they don’t recognize how
damaging their defeatist attitudes are. Negativity and pessimism are like migraines.
They are difficult to ignore because they constantly nag at you. Sometimes, these
thoughts could overwhelm you. They are so easy to recognize because they
unconsciously manifest in your actions and words.

Ways to Change Your Mindset

How then are you going to ensure that you have the right mindset for success? How are
you going to change your attitude when you have been so used to being negative and
pessimistic all your life?

Here are five ways which can help you change your mindset:

1. Learn to condition your thoughts toward a vision and a focus. Never lose sight of
this vision and do not be discouraged by problems.

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2. Learn to see problems as mere temporary setbacks and direct your thoughts to
solving these problems rather than dwelling on them.

3. Learn to take risks and enjoy them. It is important that you learn the value of
blind faith. However, do not be careless when taking risks. Make sure that you
have carefully studied your options before you jump into anything. And if you do
make a mistake, it is important that you learn to recognize it and that you learn
from it/

4. Do not blame people for your mistakes. Doing so would be a waste of time. It is
better to focus your energy on correcting those mistakes.

5. Recognize your blessings. People who are successful know how to count their
blessings. This attitude helps them get through tough times.

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Chapter 9: 5 tips to having a successful mindset in business

If there’s one thing that would ensure your business’ failure, that would be having a
negative attitude about your business. A mindset that is geared towards failure will
ultimately result into business closure, loss or bankruptcy. It is how you mentally prepare
and encourage yourself for success that determines how well you’d do in the end. If you
are working hard but you keep thinking that you will fail, it will not be surprising if you
indeed fail. By not believing in your success, you inevitably lead yourself to failure.

Setting a Positive Business Mindset

One of the first things that you have to do if you decide to start and run a business is to
believe in your success. It should be something so real that you could almost taste it.
Your attitude in how you go about running your business is crucial to the ultimate
outcome. By not believing in your success or by constantly telling yourself you’d fail,
you inadvertently program yourself to do things that would ultimately lead to your

Indeed, it is not quite easy to allow yourself to believe that you will succeed or dream that
you’d become a millionaire! People will always have something to say; and sometimes
you’d be plagued with apprehensions that you will fail. So, it is up to you to strengthen
your belief that you will succeed.

Tips to a Successful Business Mindset

Although, it is great to have the right mindset when running your business, you should
not expect success overnight. Admittedly, there are a few numbers of businesses that
become successful overnight. Still for most businesses, it takes a lot of hard work and a
considerable length of time before you can truly say that your business is quite
successful. However, there are some things that you can do to ensure your success.
These things are geared towards a positive business mindset:

a. Avoid being with people who are pessimistic – people who would bring you
down with their constant negative thoughts and actions. There would be a lot of
people who would be jealous of you. It is important that you stay focused and do
not lose sight of your goal.

b. Visualize your success in order to be more confident in your actions and


c. Always remind yourself of the reason why you put up a business. There can be a
lot of reasons – wanting to be out of the rat race, disliking your previous work or
your boss, or desiring to fulfill a dream.

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d. Be willing to make sacrifices. It is important that you remind yourself that in
order to achieve success, there are things that you have to sacrifice. There will be
times when you have to sacrifice a little bit of more of your times or you’ll work
harder than usual. By knowing this, you will not get bitter as you try to reach
your goals.

e. Be guided by a business roadmap. If you have a business plan, it will be easier

for you to have a positive business outlook. You’d know when you are on track
or where your operation needs reinforcement. In this way, you will not get easily
discouraged or disappointed.

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Chapter 10: Reach for the sky (think big and you will be big)

Never make the mistake of underestimating the influence of your mindset on your life.
That is to say, what you will to happen can influence what will be. For example, if you
think you can do something, you're much more likely to do so. If you think you can't do
something, then you probably won't be able to do so.

Specific studies have, throughout the years, shown that a person's psychological state has
a relationship with his or her probability of getting sick. Such empirical evidence in the
fields of psychology and health care just goes to show that mindset does have an impact
on one's life. If you think about deeply enough, the reason for this relationship should
become clear – even natural and logical.

Mind Pictures

Ever heard of mind pictures? It is the result of the visualization exercise which is so
much a part of positive thinking. You see, if you want to achieve something, then you
should first draw a picture of it in your mind. Seeing what you mean to accomplish in
your mind will actually help you achieve it. Think big and you will be big!

Boost Motivation

When you can actually see in detail what you want to achieve, you are reinforcing your
own motivation and desire for this outcome. For example, if you want to be truly
wealthy, then you should visualize yourself dining in fine restaurants, driving a Jag and
living in a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park. By doing this exercise – by
Thinking Big – you will feel your desire or hunger for these things much more keenly –
and this is what you need if you want to Be Big.

This intense desire is what will endow you with the strength and endurance to work
seemingly impossible long hours. It will give you the patience to work slowly but
steadily towards your goal. It will also give you the fortitude to overcome the obstacles
that might litter your path towards your success. Finally, it shall also endow you with the
guts to take great risks when such risks are required.

Make Plans

By thinking about how exactly you shall be big one day, you’ll be much more capable of
laying out a logical and systematic plan to achieve it. If your goal is to become
successful, for instance, you won’t be doing much good if you don’t define what you
mean by success. Success without context is merely a dream – not a goal that one works

On the contrary, if you take the time to think about what success means to you, you will
know exactly what it is that you wish to achieve. Is it reaching a certain net worth or is it

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something else entirely – say, international fame for your company? Although these two
are not incompatible, they are not the same either. Both indicate success, but success of a
different kind.

By visualizing what you want in your mind – by thinking big and clarifying what “big” is
for you – you can therefore make appropriate plans. From then on, everything that you
will do will have meaning and purpose. Moreover, you shall not waste effort on matters
that are not crucial to your goal. Filled with such purpose and doing only things that will
contribute to your end goal, you just can’t fail.

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Chapter 11: Being determined to succeed

All of us probably want to succeed. What eludes most of us, however, is the right way of
achieving it. As such, you will see people longing for a get-successful-quick scheme.
They probably realize that success means working hard. However, they just don’t
believe themselves capable of sustaining the amount of effort required – so they simply
go back to wishing and hoping that Lady Luck will give a nod in their direction.

The Importance of Determination to Success

If you let your self doubts get the better of you, then you are probably not as determined
to succeed as you think you are. If that’s the case, then you just cannot succeed. Do you
think that successful people like Bill Gates have never ever had cause to question their
own abilities? Do you think they are less than human and have never had a moment of
self doubt in their lives? You’d be mistaken if you think that.

What they did have, however, is unflagging determination to succeed. They wanted
something and they were fully determined to get it. It was their determination to succeed
that mainly brought them success; although they have had their share of luck, it was their
unfaltering commitment to their goal that played a large part in their success.

Determination is that which will make you capable of achieving the seemingly
impossible. It will give you single-mindedness of purpose – a positive outlook which is
crucial to achieving success. If you doubt the wisdom of this, read about Charles
Schwab’s life and you will doubt no more. As you probably know, Charles Schwab is
one of the wealthiest and most successful businessmen in the United States. What you
probably don’t know, however, is that Charles Schwab had to deal with dyslexia when he
was young.

Imagine the difficulties of going to school when you have dyslexia, how you shall be
ridiculed and probably branded as an idiot. Charles Schwab, however, apparently
overcame these considerable difficulties for he managed to graduate from Stanford
University, is CEO of his own corporation, and has a net worth of more than five billion

To have achieved all these, Charles Schwab had to have battled great odds. While his
contemporaries in school were absorbing concepts and lessons as fast as they were being
taught, Schwab also had to exert extra effort into reading the textbooks and understanding
his letters. Such difficulties would have surely crushed and defeated a less determined
man, but Schwab persevered because he was obviously determined to overcome his
learning difficulties and succeed.

Are You Determined to Succeed?

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At this point, you should now be asking yourself if you have the same commitment to
succeeding. If you are easily discouraged and are prone to giving up when the going gets
tough, then you should seriously question your determination to succeed. Perhaps, too,
you should ask yourself if the goal that you have set for yourself is truly what you want.

As a means of increasing your determination, you should list down your life’s goals. If
you want success, what shape do you want this success to take? List down all of the
things that you want to accomplish and achieve. Think about them in great detail. By
doing this simple exercise, you can constantly reinforce your commitment and keep your
determination to succeed alive.

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Chapter 12: 7 tactics to get more confidence in yourself

Confidence in yourself, in what you are capable of doing and achieving is crucial to
success. How can you even take the first step towards your goal if you believe in your
heart that you just can’t do it? If you are living your life this way, you should not be
surprised if your life is a series of one disappointment after another.

If you lack confidence in yourself, you will fail. Thus is the power of your mind. You
can choose to use this power negatively and thus devote your life to a half-life full of
failure – or you can use this power positively and live the successful life that you have
always wanted and wished for.

The following are 7 tactics that should be able to help you improve your confidence in

1. Know what you want

Knowing what you want is crucial in gaining confidence. If you know what you truly
want to achieve, you will become more determined and will thus be able to face all kinds
of discouragements and obstacles. You’ll know that you have to believe you can do it;
otherwise, you might as well let your goals go.

2. Reinvent yourself
If who you are right now is causing you to doubt yourself and your abilities, then reinvent
yourself and become a better and greater version of yourself. Become the person who is
capable of achieving your goals.

For instance, if you want to become CEO of your own company someday but are a bit
doubtful about achieving it since you know you don’t have the requisite skills that such a
high position requires, why not end the doubting and begin the learning? Enroll in a
business school. Get an advanced degree in your field. Improve yourself!

3. Visualize your confident and successful self

This is a practice in positive self reinforcement. Since you can see with your mind’s eye
exactly what you intend to become, you can outline the steps required to achieving it.
Once you are dealing in practicalities, you will feel less overwhelmed and more
determined. Since you know how to go about achieving your goals, moreover, you will
become more confident that you can and will indeed do it.

4. Let go of your extra baggage

You don’t need people who will only bring you down and keep you in a negative frame
of mind. If you have friends who are tying keep you down by telling you that you should
not even try as you will only fail, let such friends go like you would so much extra
baggage. These friends are not going to help you gain self confidence.

5. Begin with small challenges and celebrate these small victories

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Challenge yourself with small tasks and problems. For instance, if your goal is to finish
with top honors in college, then you can work at a high score in your upcoming exam. If
you are able to achieve this small goal, you will add to your confidence. This should also
motivate you for the next challenge that you will set.

6. Find a support system

Find people whom you can confide to, who can help you maintain your confidence in
yourself, and who can help restore this confidence when it’s rough going.

7. Stop beating a dead horse

If you fail in one endeavor, that doesn’t mean that you will fail in the next ones. You
should let past failures go and move on. The better you deal with disappointments, the
less impact such disappointments will have on your confidence.

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Chapter 13: Making goals for success

You need goals if your want to become successful. Why? It’s a simple reason, really;
without goals, how do you know if you have attained success? Would you even know
what constitutes success?

Goals and Success

It is easy enough to say that being successful means having a multi-million dollar home,
earning a 6-figure income, having a fat bank account, having a vacation home in the
sunny Caribbean, having your choice of cars, and enjoying all the other obvious trappings
of wealth. This is the problem, however. Is wealth synonymous to success? For most
people, this is probably the case. The question is: is it equally true in your case?

Success can take many forms and guises. There are people to whom success means
financial independence or the freedom from worrying about it. Although wealthy people
will perhaps rank high in this type of success, people who know how to earn money and
are confident of getting some when they need them will also qualify. People who live
simply and do not need the things that money can buy, moreover, can also be deemed
successful in that case.

On the other hand, there are people to whom success is having a healthy, loving family or
honor in their profession. There are journalists whose notion of success is getting the
Pulitzer or some such awards.

The above discussion illustrates three things: wealth is not a prerequisite to success,
people from different stations and with different abilities can be equally successful
depending on their criteria of success, and success means different things to different
people. All these things considered, you really should have your own goals if you want
to succeed. Exactly what kind of success do you want to attain – at what field of
endeavor do you wish to succeed?

Your goals for success will be the tangible manifestations – the benchmarks, if you will –
of the kind of success that you want and will work to achieve. They will also guide you
on your journey to success. By comparing what you are doing to what you want to
achieve (your goals), you can easily ascertain whether your present activities are taking
you nearer to success or are taking you farther away from your goals.

Types of Goals

The above illustrates that goal setting is very relevant to success. At this point, you
should remember that goals vary by magnitude. Specifically, there are long-term,
medium-term and short-term goals.

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The long-term goals are your overarching goals. In fact, you can set a mother of all goals
– your ultimate ambition, if you will. This will be more in the league of a vision – for
instance, you can specify that you intend to become the owner of a successful
accountancy firm 25 years from now. Other long term goals that will naturally
accompany this is your intended reach, your planned company’s size, etc.

The medium-term goals are things that you intend to achieve in 5, 10 or 15 years’ time.
These, naturally, should lead to your long-term goal/s. The short-term goals, on the other
hand, should be the specific steps that you will need to accomplish your medium-term
goals and, indirectly, your long-term goals.

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Chapter 14: Group therapy (to help you get a successful

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Chapter 15: Hypnosis therapy (to help you get a successful

Hypnosis therapy or hypnotherapy for short can actually help you get or develop a
successful mindset. In fact, it is a favorite method of successful people in different fields
of endeavors. Athletes and sports men have found it useful in boosting their
performance. There are smokers who have long been trying to quit their habit who were
successfully able to quit through hypnosis therapy. Alcoholics and drug addicts have also
been known to get better and succeed in overcoming their addictions through hypnosis

How Hypnotherapy Helps Develop a Successful Mindset

Hypnotherapy is able to accomplish changes in behavior by changing the subject’s (the

hypnotherapy patient’s) ingrained notions or perceptions and attitudes. Through
hypnosis therapy, a person’s self-confidence can be boosted. His or her mind is “re-
programmed” so that the he or she will start thinking more positively about things and
start having a more optimistic outlook. The person’s image of him- or herself can be
changed through hypnosis therapy so that the person can think of him- or herself in a
more positive light.

Hypnosis therapy can also reduce a person’s level of stress and anxiety. Through
hypnosis therapy, it is believed that a person can relax and clear his mind of all but the
essential things that need addressing. A person can also forget all his physical
discomforts and pain while he or she is undergoing this treatment.

Considering all these things, hypnosis therapy does indeed appear to be one effective way
of transforming one’s mindset from a state of pessimism to one of optimism, from apathy
to enthusiasm and from everything negative to everything positive. Since the person’s
powers of concentration can also be very subtly focused through hypnotherapy (pain,
discomfort and irrelevant worries can be set aside), then it can be a great way of
exploring options, planning and thinking about matters that can help one succeed in life
or it can help resolve a persistent problem that’s preventing a successful outcome. The
result is a mind that is much more capable of willing and achieving success.

What Hypnosis Therapy Involves

The hypnotherapy professional will first try to discover what you want to achieve. Thus,
there may be initial consultation sessions prior to the actual hypnosis induction. You
should be very frank with your hypnotherapist when it comes to your fears, your
insecurities and what you truly want to change. You should emphasize that you basically
want to get a more successful mindset.

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To get the best out of the therapy, be sure to go only to a reputable and professional
hypnosis therapy clinic. Moreover, you should suspend all of your doubts and mistrust of
hypnosis therapy as a healing technique. To receive the messages that your
hypnotherapist will transmit to you while you are in a trance, your mind needs to be open
and in an accepting/trusting frame of mind.

When you are ready, you’ll be made to go into a trance-like state. In this state, the
subconscious is activated and conscious thought is relegated into the background. The
subconscious is where you’ll find deeply rooted convictions; once these are exposed, they
can be assessed and modified and new suggestions can be made.

There are probably going to be more than just one hypnotherapy session required; the
more sessions there are, the higher the chance that the suggestions made will take root
and shall be manifested through great changes in the mindset.

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Part Three: Take action

Chapter 16: 5 strategies for taking action (do not just have a
successful mindset act on it)

Getting a successful mindset is attitudinal change. This type of change is greatly

instrumental in getting things done. However, there is one other component of success
that you should not fail to neglect. The right attitudes, convictions and beliefs – the
successful mindset, in other words – do still need to be acted upon if they are to actually
lead you to success. Even if you have the mot positive mindset, the most upbeat
personality, the greatest possible confidence in your abilities, if you don’t act, everything
will be for naught.

The following are 5 strategies that you can employ to fully realize the enormous potential
of a successful mindset.

1) Evaluate your behavior and determine what you need to change

To start acting on your successful mindset, you need to evaluate your behavior and see if
it is consistent with your newly changed and much improved attitudes. For instance, if
you want to have a successful business by the end of the year, you must check your daily
activities to see which can take you to success and which are not helping you in anyway.
You should especially be on the look out for behavior or actions that can be detrimental
to your success.

Once you have completed your list, classify all your behavioral patterns and see which
ones need changing and which ones need perpetuating.

2) Start small
Rank the things that you need to change in order of difficulty. For instance, if the easiest
thing to change is your tendency to lose three hours everyday in front of your flat screen
TV to watch movies, start there. Cut back to two hours by the end of one week. Then
shave off another hour by the end of next week. Then try cutting back the number of
days until you spend only around an hour every week watching TV.

By starting on easier to resolve behavioral problems, you have a much higher chance of
success. This will reinforce the power of your mind over your behavior and make it
much more capable of taking on more difficult challenges later on.

3) Plan and start a to-do list

To act on your convictions and commitment, you need a plan of action. This will take
the form of a to-do list where you will list down all the things that you should be doing to
become successful. For instance, if you want to become a successful tennis player, you
should plot a daily to-do list that includes at least two hours of tennis training (more if
you want to be in the professional class).

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Your to-do list will be your blueprint of action and thus your actual plan to achieve

4) Develop good habits

The to-do list is a conscious effort to implementing your plan of action to success. You
should take it to the next level by making fruitful and productive actions habitual. That
is, they should be so deeply ingrained that the performance of these actions no longer
needs conscious thought and decision on your part.

Your good habits will keep you on the right track or on the “straight and narrow path” so
to speak.

5) Continually assess and adjust

Finally, you must constantly reassess your progress. After instituting the changes to your
daily routine and behavior, have you come much closer to your goal? If not, then a
reevaluation is required and an adjustment to your plan may be necessary

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Chapter 17: 6 ways to cultivate a successful mindset in the

If you want to increase your employees’ (and thus your company’s) productivity, then
you have to make them want to do so. Furthermore, you have to help them succeed in
their individual endeavors. This means that you need to cultivate a working environment
where the successful mindset is not only developed but also encouraged.

The following are some of the steps that you can institute to foster a successful mindset in
your employees and in the workplace as a whole.

The way you interact with your employees should foster the right and successful mindset.
Thus, instead of being the autocratic, know-it-all boss or manager, why not become the
all-ears type? You’d find that a consultation-type of interaction is generally more
effective if you are trying to develop a successful mindset in your employees.

A consultation-type of interaction is by nature an open type of communication. When

you keep communication lines open and when your employees are assured of an audience
when they have any grievances to air or suggestions to make, they will become more
confident and secure employees.

Freedom on the How

As the boss or owner of the company, it is your responsibility to set the company’s goals
and success parameters. However, you can encourage your employees to participate and
develop a successful mindset by letting them decide on how they would accomplish the
company targets.

By giving your employees the freedom to decide on the methods that they will employ to
achieve the company’s goals, you are encouraging them to become independent thinkers
and to make their own decisions. Independent thought is definitely a trait that promotes a
successful mindset.

Trust and Responsibility

You must also show your employees that you trust them to do their jobs to the best of
their abilities. To do this, you must give them as much responsibility as they can and are
willing to take. The more responsibilities you heap on your employees, the more they
will rise to the challenge. Of course, you should not neglect to train your employees
before giving them new responsibilities.

Rewards are definite motivators – and, as you know, motivated employees mean a more
successful mindset in the workplace. Thus, you should reward your employees regularly
for their exemplary work. By acknowledging your employees’ contribution to the
company’ success, you will make your employees feel that their efforts to succeed and

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excel are not only noticed but also appreciated. This will make good employees want to
give you more of the same excellent performance, and the other employees to follow suit.

Gossip and Office Politics

You should also carefully monitor the workplace for disruptive office gossips and
politicking. When you notice tension among your employees, you should immediately
get to the bottom of the problem before it can worsen and involve more people. If you
don’t, your employees may lose their concentration and become caught in the traps of
petty and trivial quarrels.

Remove worries
If you want your employees to be able to focus on their work and thus give you excellent
output, then you should help reduce their worries. Assuring them about their benefits and
compensation and throwing in some extra perks (say, daycare benefits for working
mothers), they can devote their whole attention to work when they’re in the office.

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Chapter 18: Think like a millionaire and make money in your

Think of having money and it will be done. No, this is not some shallow, psycho BS.
This actually happens. Of course, there’s a great difference between thinking and doing –
and this is something that a person who wishes to make money must bridge to succeed.
The fact remains, however, that the first step to becoming a millionaire is to start thinking
like one.

At this point, you may very well be thinking: “and exactly how does a millionaire
think?” Read on to find out how you can think like a millionaire then start making
money in your business.

They Think in the Long-Term

Millionaires are successful because they think about the long-term benefits of present
actions. They realize that to start earning millions in the future they need to invest their
money and time wisely now. Successful people know that the only feasible way to earn
money is to let money itself do the earning.

If you are planning on earning your millions through hard, direct labor, then you’re
probably going to be dead before you reach your quarter mark. However, if you are
going to work hard now, save up the income you get from your hard work then invest this
money into income-generating assets, then you can make your money successfully work
for you so that in the future, you will earn millions from residual income alone.

If you want to become a millionaire, therefore, you must carefully incorporate your long-
term goals into the way you run your business. Given a choice between spending your
business’ profits in a Bora-Bora vacation and new office equipment that will triple
productivity, it should be very clear where your money should go. The trip to Bora-Bora
can definitely wait.

They Make Money Making a Deeply Ingrained Habit

Now here’s something that you should learn if you are going to make money off your
business. To think like a millionaire is to automatically be on the look out for new
money-making opportunities. That is, millionaires did not make their money by resting
on their laurels the moment they made their first million.

You should apply the same thing to your own life. If you want to make money in your
business, then you should constantly improve it so that it can make you more and more
money as time goes by. Once you have maximized the potential of your business, you
expand it or invest in another business opportunity. You simply don’t stop improving,
enhancing and maximizing. Making money in your business should become a habit.

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Impossible Is Not Part of Their Vocabulary

If you want to think like a millionaire, then start revising the way that you think about
yourself and about things in general. You should stop focusing on your weaknesses but
start using your strengths. You should stop viewing obstacles as insurmountable barriers
but merely difficult challenges. This is the way millionaires think and this is the way you
should think if you want to make your business a success.

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Chapter 19: Resources

The internet has become a cornucopia of motivational and self-help resources. Thus, you
should not lack for reading materials on successful mindset. If you want to transform
your present mindset into a successful mindset, you should make use of these internet
resources and some others that are not available online.

Basic Definitions

To begin with, you may need help defining or understanding the term “successful
mindset.” Basically, it refers to a general mindset or frame of mind (encompassing
attitudes, perceptions, emotions etc.) that can lead to a successful outcome. This is being
used interchangeably with positive thinking although positive thinking is basically just a
part of what makes a successful mindset. To find a definition for “mindset,” any
comprehensive dictionary online should suffice. Try

If, on the other hand, you want to do some reading on positive thinking, then you may
want to grab a copy of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book, The Power of Positive
Thinking which is available online (through and is most probably available
in your local bookstore. Dr. Peale was a preacher and a prolific author of self-help

If you’re not ready for a whole book on the topic and just require a short introduction and
a brief discussion, then you should try the positive thinking article from the Mayo Clinic.
This article can be found at
thinking/SR00009. It is very simply and well written so you should find it very easy
reading. It will help you understand what positive thinking is and how it can be utilized
in everyday life, and what its known benefits are.

Theoretical Basis

The belief that the mindset has immense influence over success is actually something that
has long found application. Try attending leadership or organizational seminars and
you’re likely to hear the buzzwords of “successful mindset” and “positive thinking” at
least once. Fact is, positive thinking is widely accepted as an essential ingredient for

Read up on the theories of individual change at Wikipedia

In line with this, you may also want to read about the Gleicher's Formula which was
mentioned in that Wikipedia entry. A discussion of the said formula can also be found in
Wikipedia at this link

Hypnosis Therapy

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If Kurt Lewin’s three-stage change process for the individual is to be used, hypnosis
therapy definitely falls under the “unfreezing stage” where the old, unproductive mindset
is slowly replaced by a new, successful mindset. Through hypnosis therapy, after all, the
subconscious mind where the mental attitudes are supposed to be stored is figuratively
“rewired” so that it will become more conducive to success.

If you want to learn about hypnosis therapy, basic information can be found at Wikipedia
( Alternatively, you can also contact the
Academy of Scientific Hypnotherapy at telephone number 619-427-6225 or write them at
the address that you will find at this stub in the National Health Information Center
Website (
Unfortunately, this professional organization does not have a website. You should
definitely contact this organization if you want to ascertain the credentials of the therapist
who will perform hypnosis therapy on you.

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