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........Grladinovi}, Oblak, Hitka: Production management information system in wood...

Tomislav Grladinovi}1, Leon Oblak2, Milo{ Hitka3

Production management
information system in wood
processing and furniture
Informacijski sustav upravljanja proizvodnjom
u preradi drva i proizvodnji namje{taja

Review paper · Pregledni rad

Received – prispjelo: 16. 2. 2007.
Accepted – prihva}eno: 11. 10. 2007.
UDK: 684.4:[65.012.43:007]

ABSTRACT • Introduction of a production management information system is one of the ways that could help the
management to increase its efficiency. It should enable the monitoring of the whole business of a firm through
co-ordination in the process of collecting and using information.
Key words: wood processing, furniture manufacture, information system, management, planning, controlling

SA@ETAK • Jedan od na~ina koji bi menad`mentu trebao pomo}i da uspje{no realizira proizvodni proces jest in-
formacijski sustav kontrolinga. Spomenuti bi sustav trebao omogu}iti pra}enje cjelokupnog poslovanja tvrtke uz
pomo} koordinacija u procesu prikupljanja i kori{tenja informacijama.

Klju~ne rije~i: prerada drva, proizvodnja namje{taja, informacijski sustav, upravljanje, planiranje, kontroling

1. UVOD Modern management cannot carry out its basic

1 INTRODUCTION task without good and timely information on the basis
of which business decisions are made.
The market and a new way of production require The superior management of a firm needs chosen
fast development of modern management information information in the process of making strategic deci-
system in wood processing and furniture manufacture. sions. The process of preparing and implementing busi-
The role of information and information system in view ness decisions requires detailed information on actions,
of firm management is indisputable today. With fast de- measures and reactions, as well as on results of the me-
velopment of information and computer technology, asures taken in the shortest possible time. Particularly
management can reach good and timely information. important is the following: the information on the level
The information system can be defined as a group of planned and achieved targets of the measures taken
of elements (data, staff, equipment, methods and infor- within the business policy; planned and achieved eco-
mation) and activities that offer the transformation of nomic effects; business results, and the efficiency of in-
data into information and its presentation to the user. dividual functions and/or the subsystems of the firm.
The author is associate professor at Department for Production Organization, Faculty of Forestry, University in Zagreb, Croatia.
The author is assistant professor at Department of Wood Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The author is assistant at Department of Business Management, Faculty of Wood Science and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen,
Slovak Republic.
Autor je izvanredni profesor u Zavodu za organizaciju proizvodnje, [umarski fakultet Sveu~ili{ta u Zagreb, Hrvatska.
Autor je docent u Zavodu za znanost o drvu i tehnologiju, Biotehni~ki fakultet Sveu~ili{ta u Ljubljani, Slovenija.
Autor je asistent na Zavodu za poslovni menad`ment, Fakultet znanosti o drvu i tehnologiju, Tehni~ko sveu~ili{te u Zvolenu, Slova~ka.

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 58 (3) 141-146 (2007) 141

Grladinovi}, Oblak, Hitka: Production management information system in wood.... ........
2 INFORMATION SYSTEM IN WOOD • Planning of business results;
PROCESSING FIRMS AND FURNITURE • Planning of business success indices;
2. INFORMACIJSKI SUSTAV U TVRTKAMA • Monitoring of planned business results;
ZA PRERADU DRVA I PROIZVODNJU • Monitoring of planned indices of business succe-
NAMJE[TAJA ssfulness;
• Assessment of planned business results deviations;
The business of wood processing firms and furni- • Assessment of deviations in planned business results
ture manufactures can hardly function without good in- indices;
formation systems. This refers to all business affairs • Analysis of causes and consequences of business re-
and also to individual ones such as bookkeeping and fi- sults deviations;
nances, sales, supply, etc. The information system of a • Analysis of causes and consequences of deviations
firm should be explained in terms of its division into the in business successfulness indices;
transaction and corporative parts, both of which form Another task of the information system would be
the integral information system of a wood-processing to offer timely and reliable information required by the
and furniture-manufacturing firm. firm for the process of decision-making.
The information system is incapable of indepen-
2.1 Transaction information system
2.1. Transakcijski informacijski sustav dent work. Its activity is combined with the transaction
information system, which constitutes the basic databa-
This system has its own institutional frames in se.
terms of positive legal provisions. Therefore it should The market supply of the corporative systems (in-
functionally satisfy all legal standards. formation systems) in terms of computer programmes
Like any other information system, the transac- is entirely different than the one of the transaction in-
tion system should constitute of the following parts formation systems. Most information firms offer only
(subsystems, modules): various reports on the basis of the transaction informa-
• Financial bookkeeping; tion system, while today fewer information firms offer
• Material bookkeeping; the whole integration information systems. The reason
• Production plant bookkeeping; lies in high costs of such systems, and the fact that they
• Bookkeeping of long-term fixed assets; are not applicable to all different firms.
• Calculation of salaries and staff files; The users of such systems are expected to acti-
• VAT-calculation; vely participate in designing the system by precisely
• Commerce (including invoicing). defining the tasks required from the production mana-
Any information system that contains the above gement system. The user should have appropriate staff
listed components can be used for making the basic pre- for the project task, and is also expected to personally
scribed financial reports by using the available infor- take part in it, which today is a major issue for most
mation. firms.
The transaction information system can also fun-
ction entirely independently in any wood processing
and furniture-manufacturing firm without the corpora- 3 EXPECTATIONS FROM THE PRODUCTION
tive information system. 3. O^EKIVANJA OD INFORMACIJSKOG
2.2 Corporative information system
2.2. Korporativni informacijski sustav
During the establishment of the production mana-
Unlike the transaction information system, the gement information system, it is necessary to determine
corporative one has no previously set institutional fra- its tasks. This is particularly important for production
mes in terms of positive legal provisions. The corpora- firms, since every production is specific in its own way.
tive information system is created according to the de- The following three requirements should be met:
sire and need of the management for different types of • Monitoring of all business plans (the most signifi-
information, taking into consideration all specific busi- cant task);
ness features. This means that it differs from one firm to • Monitoring of production through work orders;
another. • Comparison of planned and consequent calculation.
An information system is of outstanding signifi- The listed three requirements are not the only ones
cance for controlling function. An information-orie- imposed upon the information system in wood proces-
nted concept is of great importance in the development sing and furniture firms, but are the basic ones that are
of controlling. It is aimed at coordinating the process of applicable to all production firms. Every firm can add
collecting and using information. In practice, control- new requirements to the basic ones, depending on the re-
ling is often made by creating an information system spective industrial branch and management needs.
that is determined by the needs of the management.
Its basic purpose is to enable the management of a 3.1 Monitoring of business plans
3.1. Pra}enje planova poslovanja
wood processing and furniture-manufacturing firm to
carry out faster, better, and more accurately the follo- Modern management is difficult to imagine wit-
wing business processes: hout all five manager’s functions that constitute the ma-

142 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 58 (3) 141-146 (2007)

........Grladinovi}, Oblak, Hitka: Production management information system in wood...
nagement system. Supplementing one another, its costs. In order to decrease a value, we need a system of
subsystems plan, organise, employ the necessary staff, measuring and comparing costs. Production firms
manage and end up with controlling. usually have a work order that is calculated within the
The process of management begins with plan- plant bookkeeping.
ning, which is the most important of its functions. At
the beginning of each activity there is a plan as the re- 3.2 Monitoring of planned and consequent
sult of the process. The planning process encompasses 3.2. Pra}enje planske i naknadne kalkulacije
all decisions that determine future activities and results,
as well as corresponding measures for the realisation of By calculating the work orders, a detailed anal-
these activities and results. A plan is composed of the ysis is obtained of all direct and indirect costs, which
following: aim, resources, actions, and realisation. enables another step, comparison of planned and conse-
Regardless of the firm’s size, industrial branch quent calculation. It should show the deviation of the
and type of production, each firm should plan its busi- realised from the planned. Accordingly, the third task
ness. Firms usually make short-term (operative) plans, of the production management information system is
which encompass a time period of one year (annual bu- the monitoring of planned and consequent calculation.
siness plans). Accordingly, the first task of the produc- The monitoring of planned and consequent calcu-
tion management information system of wood-pro- lations should enable the management to accurately
cessing and furniture firms is the monitoring of annual establish the deviations of the realised costs from the
business plans. Annual business plans refer to the follo- planned ones per type and place. The management will
wing: thus obtain precise information on any deviations from
• Marketing the plan, which will help the management to take the
• Sales corresponding corrective measures in case of increased
• Production production costs.
• Investments The comparison of planned and consequent cal-
• Staff culation is usually made so that the calculated work or-
• Material and other business costs der is compared with the planned calculation. Possible
• Profits and losses deviations are calculated manually and added to the
• Balance sheet as at December 31 planned calculation or work order. Such method is not
• Liquidity reliable, and can produce certain errors in the procedure
• Business success indices. of comparing planned and consequent calculations.
Annual business plans should be controlled. This Unlike the above comparison, the information
task consists of comparing the planned values with the system should enable the monitoring of planned and
realised ones. If undesired deviations from the planned consequent calculations, so that both the monitoring
values are established, corrective actions are taken in and comparison are carried out fully automatically.
order to realise the planned values. The production ma- This means that users need not write down any additio-
nagement information system should enable the moni- nal data or calculate possible deviations. Instead, it is
toring of all listed annual business plans by comparing entirely done by the computer programme.
the planned values with the realised ones. The monito- While working on this report, the following spe-
ring of annual business plans is carried out through re- cific features should be taken into consideration:
ports obtained through the information system. • The planned calculation is always made for the quan-
Another requirement to be met by the production tity of one product, regardless of the unit of measure.
management information system is the monitoring of Accordingly, the comparison of planned and conse-
production via work or-
ders. Since a work order
contains data on all resour-
ces spent by the produc-
tion process, it can be used
to establish the production
costs for each product.
The management should
be capable of production
monitoring through work
orders, in order to have all
the information on pro-
duction plant costs neces-
sary for their manage-
ment. Cost monitoring is
the first step in the process
of reducing production Figure 1 Connection between planning and controlling
Slika 1. Povezanost planiranja i kontrolinga

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 58 (3) 141-146 (2007) 143

Grladinovi}, Oblak, Hitka: Production management information system in wood....

Figure 2 Information systems in wood processing firms and furniture manufactures


DRVNA INDUSTRIJA 58 (3) 141-146 (2007)

Slika 2. Informacijski sustav poduze}a za preradu drva i proizvodnju namje{taja
........Grladinovi}, Oblak, Hitka: Production management information system in wood...

Figure 3 Basic functions of contracting, preparation and production (Majdand`i}, 1994)

Slika 3. Osnovne funkcije ugovaranja, pripreme i proizvodnje (Majdand`i}, 1994)

quent calculation is made of the quantity of one pro- the degree of the firm’s information technology and
duct; the expedience of its bookkeeping/financial staff.
• The comparison of planned and consequent calcula- • As explained above, the possibility of establishing
tions is possible only for those work orders that have the information system in a firm will depend on the
gone through the final calculation, which means that availability and quality of the transaction informa-
the production cycle of making the product has been tion system, which contains the basic database nee-
completed. ded for the functioning of the information system
(Figure 2).
In the process of defining the tasks of the infor-
4 APPLICATION OF PRODUCTION mation system, all staff is expected to participate acti-
4. PRIMJENA INFORMACIJSKOG SUSTAVA vely. They should help in creating different reports, be-
UPRAVLJANJA PROIZVODNJOM cause only they have a complete insight into all data.
Information system usually has many connection
The production management information system lines and a large number of carriers of business and tec-
is designed for all firms that deal with production, re- hnical information.
gardless of their size, industrial branch, or product type. Information system has a complex structure. It
The following facts should be taken into conside- consists of subsystems which represent an integral part
ration while applying the production management in- of the system and are closely connected with it.
formation system to a firm: Production management information system re-
• The listed tasks are the basic ones, but not the only presents efficient automatic system, which integrates
ones. Depending on the specific features of the firm, and saves all information into data bases, and consists
there are always additional requirements that should of all relevant company’s data.
be taken into consideration; Production management information system co-
• Firms should create their own report forms accor- uld enable the development of variants for the manage-
ding to their production circumstances. ment’s decision making as well as routine decision ma-
• Although the estimated term of eight days needed for king, and simulation of system behaviour after certain
obtaining the report by the information system is con- actions (Majdand`i}, 1994).
sidered appropriate, it can be shortened, depending on This paper is not based on common data base.

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Grladinovi}, Oblak, Hitka: Production management information system in wood.... ........
5 CONCLUSION Interkathedra 2004 Economic Forum 2004, International
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Successful management of a firm requires diffe- Studies, IATM, Poznan, 43 – 49.
rent types of information. The part of information that 7. Drábek, J.; Sedlia~ková, M. 2003: Miesto a úloha fi-
refers to business monitoring should be checked, accu- nan~ného controllingu v {truktúre podnikového control-
rate, and timely, in order to serve the management in lingu. Medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Ekonomika a
mana`ment podnikov, Technicka Univerziteta vo Zvole-
making good business decisions.
ne, Drevarska fakulta, Katedra podnikového hospodár-
The information on monitoring business activi- stva, IATM, Zvolen, 17 – 22.
ties in a firm to be used by the management can be obta- 8. Hitka, M.; Rajnoha, R. 2004: Zvy{ovanje produktivity
ined by the production management information práce správnou metódou výberu zamestnancov control-
system. The exhausting manual work on copying, cor- lingu priemyslných podnikov. Produktivita, Slovenského
respondence, calculations and data inputting can be centra produktivity, SLCP 4/.
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rors of data processing. jarski fakultet u Slavonskom brodu, Slavonski brod.
Based on the information contained in different 10. Osmanagi}-Bedenik, N. 1998: Kontroling: abeceda po-
slovnog uspjeha, [kolska knjiga, Zagreb.
reports obtained by using the production management
11. Osmanagi}-Bednik, N. 2002: Operativno planiranje,
information system, the management will have the fol- [kolska knjiga, Zagreb.
lowing possibilities: 12. Rajnoha, R. 2002: Nákladové ú~tovnictvo a controlling a
• Manage business results instead of expecting them ich {pecifiká v transformujúcich sa ekonomikách. Medzi-
without having any influence on them; národnej vedeckej konferencie Ekonomika a riadenie
• Take timely corrective measures for achieving the podnikov drevospracujúceho priemylu v tret’om tisi-
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• Make good business decisions based on timely and kulteta, Zvolen.
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The final result of the information system in
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quality will depend on the quality of preceding transac- project management using process aproach – on the
tion information system. example of chosen wooden firm SR. Interkathedra 2004
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