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FLORIDA ne 2 WING ~ HOMESTEAD A.F.B. AUGUST 12 - 25 CIVIL AIR PATROL CADETS Youthl - co much has been placed in his hands to mold. lis elders have relinquished the grave responsibility of progress, peace, trosperity. And he has stopped 1m shoes that challenge his ingemulty. lot yet man, past childhcod, he caste his shadov on a world new to him, and takes Ke first plunge into experience that will mike or break his character. Civil Adr Patrol Cadete 4s the border of maturity many young men and women chose to orose. Maybe because it ie go mich a jart of the future for vbich he strives, Tt 4p a streanlinod barrier of aerospace, a se7ere sropsing of military Giacipline, ‘jared vith cooperation, obedience ani Encamment is more than @ step formand. Tt 1s an obstacle coufte crested ‘and preserited to us by senior menbere that puts our potentialg-ant re Serve into action, In venturing, we gain the knov-how for the whys and vhate ahead, And what ie ahead? We ean be safe in assuming that thie training Brefigures the struggle - the comuest, We dedicate this annual to those fer-sighted individuals in CAP vho Inow the denand apd tow to supply it, They have faced the sane question mark chat is, fever to tho fore in our minds, nov, and they have erased it to replace it (th an exclamation of tine-honored conduct. It te to these persons, the nfor staff and in particular Colonel Daneron, our-Comander, ve offer this anmal as display in hopes, that they vill share the pride ve Porsess in the coomplishnents of cur ediéation ant the confidence that it reflects in "our fermtive years. Gratitude for experienced tga mk of mtarity. We look bask so we Imov how to face forward. . Th, Col. luther L, Danorom Tk, Col, 8, Hallock DuPont, Jee ‘Eneasment: Commander “Deputy Commander ot * snide SeNIGWO CADET crFTCES WO Ate [RESPONSIBLE FOR WAKING THIS A OST SUCCESSFUL AND FIUOYABLE ENCAMPMENT, _ filles + Le _Eecemacnt commander SENIOR. STAFF Encanprent Comander It, Cols Luther Le Daneron Deputy Cosmanier “Lt Cols S, Hallock Dafont, t+ Pir, Ada, sv05, 14, col, hited Ts Rhodes mint. of Cadets capt. uiT2ian Bass Training Officer Yh. - John Bald io ofsieer apts Révard Sykes TAG Ofttear 2nd Ute Robert B, dellers Cnaint. Fetes Yes. Brisct22a Foon Personnel Officer Aah It. dune Ly Hoon Recotds Offteor Sf Carole Garnett Information Officer Capt. Dofothy K, Paftpart supply officer | Yi George Baker, Mail Aes" Sipsly w/o Lawrence Tauson Special Servic: ‘sft ‘Leroy Barco lnsnary Officer 2a "Ut, Florence, Kishpaugh Medical Officer Ist TE. Dr. A, Porias Aee't Mod. Officer 2nd Its Helen Rectloy cfc. Oftt.Gor. ‘Thomas E, Brady Boul Ds fumer G/ttaCol, Ronala'G, Rickard epieicor Cy &. Leseman Gf/ttacel. Bart’ J, Heo Che}. oa}. Chtaj. sat. Cfeapt. Chia. Sfeapi. ofsttt. CAstit. Shear. oft). Oftast. Cfeapts Larry i, Paittipe Janize R, Fielder Witiam 2. Yayo Robert D. "Baird Haney Re Yannion Raney C. Klose Willan? Bucolo Patricia J, Cullen Jom Ee Tholl Jee Harry A Wiltien'L. Keotley Bruce B, fiyberg ancy F. Greentore ine Commenter Depaty Wine Commnter Adjutant, Inspector Training Officer Director of Administrative Services Personnel Officer Supply Crticer Assistant Training Ofticer Assistant Supply Officer Information CiTicer Aseletant Inferaction Cfticer Aseiatant Infomation Gfficer Assistant Infornation C£ficer Commnications Officer Provost Varehall Duty orrscer Modical OPticer G/it.Ool. Rickard Ly Leal eoutive Officer Training Officer Sqdm, 1 Contr. Sqane 2 Cond. Bqin. 3 Conde. Exeoutive Officer ‘Training Officer Seda 4 Come. Sgan, 5 Conde, Sqane 6 Contr. laine E, Binley Leolye F. Doyle Liliane faufmann ‘Edvard My Holbrook Riera J, Parioan facrison fuckiow larry Es Bopp Helen Alvarez Elizabeth Gladstone Duane Ps Andrews Edvard J, Tauen Rita Pigierca Jones Leaky Willian 2, Vose ‘Thoms F. Corcoran ‘Thoms J, Clark jobert V_ Romand J. A, Bultington ike Neetey FLIGHT Al Figt.Comir. Charles Dy Fraztery Age't Fgt Comin. John Ly FoLSusons ‘Tinothy Ve Adams, William 0, Adams, Richard L, Allison, Robert C, Anderson, Glaule He Auirews, Darlyan G, andréve, Robert G, Ariok, Roraid W. Baccher, Bric J. Baker, Norman E. Baldvin, Steve J, Barrett, John R, Bennett, Willard C, Berger, Tiaothy 0, Blake, Richard Bonilia, Joooth 7. Soréerteun, Bruce T. Bracker, Ronnie P, frou, Stephen le Brow, Vitlian L. Brown, Terry J+ Buckley, gry Le Sucklow, Brad C, Birgett, larry K. Pitler, Terry Li Correll: Witten Ry Brown. FLIGHT 8 Higt.Comir, Alien D, Hathavay; Ase't Figt.Comir. Clarence H. Steshens; Kober’ J- Gorsino, Walcer Es Cox, John S. Crowder, Jr., Bruce 3. Culner, Richard 2, DML, John Hs Davis, Kenneth b. Davis, Ralph W, Davis, Welter G, Davis, Ronald 8, Desilets, Robert D, Dition, Samy L, Difern, ittchae! Ee Doggett, Ronald J. Dushek, Rodney C. Eenshay, Raymon 0, Eckert, Darrell Ke Edgar, Janos T. Esposito, ‘Norman £. Faith, Rebert M Fender, Gregery De Fisher, Charles A. Stpos, Dan Dodd, David 7. Follett. FLIGHT Figt.Comir. Janes J, Banin; Aac't Figt.Comir. Steve Y. Dickinson; Dennis Ae Broom, Harrison . Sucklew, Joseph i, Burke, Charles K. Dutler, goseph C. Byrd,’ Jack Callison, Willian J. Carey, larry J. Carnes, Chris B, Carpenter, Rivih Ge Cash, Wayne A, Calett, Joseph R. Chagion, Richard Chandler, Joserh D. Chass, Willian B, Cheney, Mcholas Chopult, 2ichard C. Clov, Howard Be Conazy Roger Ee Coon, dohn Dy Cooper, Sidney ¥. Cooper. FLIGHT 0 Figt.Cemir, Thoms Je Kelly; Aso't Figte Comics Toy D, Duncan; Steven $+ Case, Clifford B. Fouts, Be Fowler, Willan ¥, Frecland, Richard We Freclens Richard 8. Frisdmn, Jerry Le Frye, William Galbraith, Robert Ne Costner, op G. Georgianna, Charles 8, Gerber, Robert H. Gerber, William J. Gerber, ’lanoe B. Glammnco, Paul L, Glance, Arthur W. Glatt, Roy E. Godbee, Seeteey A. Goldstein, Robert L, Golub, Robert P. Gomer, Johh 8, Goodson. ‘Dan Ry Gloger. FLIGHT £ Wigt.Comir. Jacqueline C, Farle; Ass't Figt.Comin. Betty L. Hilley Marianne Alison, Selons Boll, Patti J. Bellerson, Kathy 2. Blacker, Jaoqueline 1. Bond, Julie At Brom, Toni’D, Buools, Eileen J. Builong, Janice Ks Garribay Joyoe Me Gorruba, Veronica M, Casenove, Martha F, Chittick, Louise E. Coeyman, Diane Bs Dameron, Bonita X, Famer, Maty A, Felter, Dolores M, Figueroa, Saniea L. Florio, Gerla Le Frankfurt, Dianne £. Garey, Joan’P, Garey, Jacqueline N. Golding, Nancy F, Greonore, Joyce's. Hampshire, Kendra Hath; Virion I, Hedrick, Patricia’ Cy RL, Sandea J, Toon, Matricia ly Inniter, frieda Ms James, Getty Le Johagons Geraldine 8, Dufont. FLIGHT F Figt.Comir. Rosamund 1. Milner; Asc't Firt.Condr.Ganira Suith; Catherine Jones, Fancla S, Kelly, Vary Le Kennedy, Connie ts Kostyre, Jil] E. Linnerty Jorry’L, Helter, Karen 1. Neyer, Carel R. Matton, Vary hnk Hoastroy Paced J. Norris, Suzante Gdstey, Florence 2, Pettit, Carel M, Headnn, Veledy Or Robinson, Evelyn R, Roller, Valerie J. Rollinsgn, Very &. Roayckd, Jounn Safford, Sylvia G. Schafer, Cynthia's. Stivarnell, Jerri A. Sista, Mask 3. saith, Fatrioia A. Suith, Joanne M, Sontag, Sally S. Spirk, Yarcha Ae Stier, Links Ds Taylor, Linda fi, Thibodesu, Varian J. Welie, Dorothy A. Clark, Likia S- Wyatt. FLIGHT G ” FigtaConir. John G. Pipeoy Aas't FigtsComir. Eibert B. Medlin, Jeo5 Donald WrGrifring Mark Ds Hatfey, Rood agen, Rohard E. tall,’ nobere f: Hintitony ‘obard ie fam,’ Frederick 0, fawkes, Toms Cy Wedding latter 2 Heapo,. Charlee WH, Hines, John Cy Hottuin, Charles Sr Roping, Stgpuen fe Hostetter, Richard Ay mn, Baidall Sactaon, Bévard'R. dovett™ George F. Joinson, iaonard B. Tohason, Gregg 1. uett, iakes Heston, Hometh Ds Fally, aiph # Hlosetg, larry We Xing) Pred i Exight, Shorma he tater, tenard Fs Honerding, Wiitlan L, ian, Steve 8. lapping. FLIGHT H Flgt.Comir. Don Rogers; Ass" Figt.Conir, Benny , Falling Roland J, Alvares, Clifford Ws Lee, Howard B, Leech, Noal 1. levi, Louie B. Lippt, Cary J. Lively, waranall K. Long, Haynond'R. Long, Jan A. Lopata, RMehard L, Micey, Robert S. Wedge, Janos M, Hasella, Darrell W. Mathes, Calvin C, Mathews, Scott, MoCallister, Yorman P. Mecord, Join i, MeKensie, Charles J. MoKinsey, Jobn’hy Nola Jack Molioal, Harry We Meadows, Jr., Stove D, Hessel, Rovald P, Nendosa, Martin 5. Meyers, Michael A. Yohn, Edvard’A. Morgan, Jimmy’, Miller, Ton W. Halroo, Janes H, Mansell, Barry D. Yarphy, Bryan I, Newman, Patrick E, Thee, Graig 7, Yalmer, Mike Wier, Willian J. Mosley, Michael J. Mer. Figt.Conir. Harvey C Hadas Asstt FigtsComir. James P. Vetaushltn, Harry Re Offeshauoor, Nathan Gxhandlor, Jota Gy Darker, Michael ‘te tacker,’ Donald ft Parks, Janes S. Tate, David E, Pelham, larry ke . Filipe, Ralph Ferro, David P, Pratt, Joo #. frmeat, Frederick V. Redmond, Wehael Wi Reed, Robert’ Ps feed, ‘Danicl’J, Renard, Bugere Re Remwch Charles W, Rondon, fon A, Robscts, Don S, Roberts, Craig J. Rook, FLIGHT J FigtComir, Melvin J, Dulman; Ass't Flgt.comdrs Mike £. Cloe; Willian He Robinson, Steven Rosskrans, Harold M Tyan, Wiliam 7, ‘Sampson, Foul H. Schulte, Marty Schutt, Karl M, Sepptla, Bruce ‘Shannon, Heary B. Sheddan, Fatriel Je Sheppard, Chirles M, Shoat, Wayne Fs Stoard, Emory D, Singletary, Richard Re Sines, Bayoa V. Saith, Robart M, Suith, Potsr Fe Enosd, Mevid 4’ Suyiory Davda’F, Sokol, Jay T. Spencer, John R, Spltler. Gary Me Seibert. FLIGHT FigtsComir. Janes B, Cogewoll; Ass't Figt.Comdr. Richard Ae Woodworth; Thoms 3. Stark, John D. Starz, John’A, Steinhauer, Robert F. Stepheneen, Roy Re Stephenson, Robert J, Stettina, Douglas Me Stevert, Jerry A. Summen, David Re Swan, Frederick R. Swearingen, Janos D. Sveat, Wilisan J. Sveeney, Hartin,T. Taylor, Woheel Le Teaple, Robert B. Teter, Robert L, Thomas, Kenneth We Thome, Ourtis’J, Tome, Tomy N. Tracy, Join Trithiiettt, John Gy yet, Millard M. Usble. FLIGHT L FigtsComir, Allan M. Sepo; Asstt Figt.Comir. Gary G, Gunther; Ronald , Saith, Ronald 1, Suith, Thome L. Smith, Thome B, Trameli, Robert S. Tugele, Frederic D. Van Patton, Jon L- Walker, Thoms W. Walsh, Michael D, Weathervax, Charles E, Wells, Wike’J, Weiser, John W, Whecler, Ryan B, Whittington, Rodney K, Wilks, “Foul Az Williane, Rchard J, Wilson, Guy F, Wohlers, Thomas i. Wood, John M, Woodell, Ralph J. Zanfardino, Donnld R. Zeller. Outstanding Cadet of CAP Encampment, 1962 Homestead Air Force Base 10> STAFF Capt. Dorothy H, Puftparr Chtas. Naney. 0. ose * CA”st It. Pet cdten flat Its John F, Thol1, Jee (Giews) (Roto)

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