Sei sulla pagina 1di 94







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n Offidl Publi .tionor

I "UA~ RESEARCU ... IN'I'ERPI..l.'·ETARI'· L ''xc; 10'17rIUoa.\"f"Du.f"., ."IDl'laaliel 27. h ••


opyrigkt 957

By L o)lord H. ·,tringfi u

.AU .rights .reserved. NOI part of thisboo'k may ber'eproduced without written permission from. the author.

Lrbn."',1j 01 on .• qres.r;; (}atatogGal~d J\7wtnber: ,57-14605

First Printin.g-October 1957

Prinll.-d in t~e '"i1td Stnte or :\ml.'rica by The ~ Her Prinlin~ Co .•


The Incident to Iwo .. • _.. 7

CRIFO is, Beg,s't _ _ , , ,........... 10.

CRIFOGoes I!OnDuty" 13

~be Only Certainty is that Nothing is Certain" 16

The Puzzle of the Muzzie , 21

The Newswires Sbow Their Hand _' And Scissors.. .........23

Behind the Local Muzzle 2S

The Case Against Censorship.. 30

The Spoils of Silence , , 34

The Dance of "Life" 36

The Highe,stWall in the World........... 38

TheW.itcb Hunt for Evidence 46

The Softw a re" Department 49

FirebaJls and Oddballs, 53

The Incredible Things . . . 57

Evidence in the Flesh _ The 'Gnomen" 63

The Photo ! Finishers" _. Official and Otherwise.. 69

The Norwood Searchlight Incident 73

Ba.lan.cing 'the Evidence 18

Saucer Sanda - 801and4E,4... 86

TheUMonster Under the Lid 89

The .Problemof Panic 92

Thill book i.·· ddicatd to '1nlJda,tght rs,

ole tte ond Deni - ho fna1l80m d JJ

read the offiial T. iono] truth ab _ul

til unid ntfti d 11,1t119 obi ct .


for cc:epting th .. titl 'on th COy r, I considered the ,sptne s of . verat

alb. n. such UFO, CRIFO IJnd the M.idni.h Oil. sU,e ed by my in nd, Ted Bloech r: T h Hou 0.£ S ucet5 oRre by my dau hter Colette, who ha felt th :inti.macy ·of my proj ct: and my own. Fr,om S_,_ .... _

10 UI- r whicb in was lali:n another insid' truh re" ulting fr·om

tbjs p oject.

But nonaef tb hundred of titles _ ntert ined ou1d thre d tbe C IFO n dIe mor defimtiv Jy th n my final choice .lnide Sau t p·o· t. . 3-0 Blu .

'th f. w words., is r v 1 d th silent "other si "of CRIFO' oper tioD-s"

which had it be, in pt mber 1 S.s ' ben the Air Dfen e Commnd Filt, r Cent r in Columbu • OhiO. offici Uy d signet my hom a UFO

r porting pot". For this duty, my hom, tel phon w ,eI ar,! 81nd Iw

ssigned ncod nam, which w in par v . .~O Iu". Whi.l only GOe

rsonn I ana r W 11 ociat durin CRIFO' p ak years, kn w of thi.

work with ADCi CR IFO was b ttrknown int rnatien Ill" a ivili n uti· sr'D. hou "foraue r information whieh I ' dit dnd [ tured in my publica'lion . New _I Iter Orb't.

To ro rly spik ny mi und rstandIRgln id· Sau ' r P t ,. 3--0 BI" ,

in s it or itSlw U in nam and th m tt r .it d ri not n ex .. ploitatinn of cr t milit ry d t. M kin certain .1 VI . in 110 mann t viol'tiID-

curity by publishl.ngc rlin dots which .r f ned 0 P , .. 3-0 Blu • I wret

to th S· curity vi wBrsn h or the D pa men of

. ers ly thtit was not m - tt r of inter . tto th p rtm nt of

WhiJ "3~O Blu ,. m 'y not pliely b of int r . tc lh D P rtm n of

f ns , or for tb tm~ tt r, m y no . rovenythin 0 th sk ptic, whomus

ue r- land in hi yrd 0 in to impa ion the busin man. who,

hasn't tim tn : Sauc r I hop that the "Inside" part of the titl will be

ju tifi d by th txt which d eri s tb hum n i of th CRIFO story plu

wh t it dir ctor thin on many controver iii sues.

In pr - ntin th facts, I hav also ndeavore to unmak the m ny rumoS

whit"h clAim that th pr is e'en or d, that science i biased and th miscen-

c p,tion that v' ry Ii ht in th ky is pc hip.

A in thold day wh n r cing Orbir d dlin writing thi book too h !J

ha l it 'h of ups and downs" u ual my only encoura: mt e m from the old·Hn of faithful 0 whom I w.i11 for· v r ber t lul,nd unfortuntely are too numr,ou om ntion.But 1 wnt thi- Forewod .. wih . hen' h - .

text idem Imonc og in .~. living the climrt ric of CRIF'O from its

primordial Incident to Iwo to its lugubrieu last lin nding this boo .. " "

LEONARDH ST-INGPIELD Septem.ber23 1957


To .tart at the beginning properly. I mu t go back to, . sa.m. time" 1950

when my roving hU-hearted inqui itiven about flying uoers finaUy

br ught home richrew8J'icl-two lowinclirst·hand repa eh occurring

ithin' short tim of thother. One old of Jocal f mily sittin outdoo being shocked by an obj -ct zoomin low DV r their house, Accardin: to th key witness, the object lit u.p 'tb wholey rdndth rooftop" he other r .. port d cribed a blu elor d ballswingin lik _ pendulum cr ths.panse of a ridge ju . northo! Cinc:inn U.

To me, these reports had the ring of genuineo mainly. I suppose

the sighters themelv - were "genuine" people. Somehow. 1 thou_hl:, thepr accounts had al:w y made thsigbter m uare an But my judment ·of pst events at th time wa_ hardl.y cr ditabl one _n Doone in tanec:an .1 remember doin more th8J1 _1.0 . over a story. In brief, my life betw n 1947 when ucers wer,e fi t publicized, nd 1950 wa m inly on_ ·of "'b _bandi_ 1'1 and plyin cr r intoadvrti in. R motestin my mind wer cem . n and spacehl

But wben he 150 ighting·· reached me allt.once an incident On the past 1 aped into Peal "nlficanc.The incident. one which had been. for otten along with other dista teful '.V ntsoi h war years"uddnly' 1 nt tr endou

up port to th : un . 0 ' t _UC' ~ were int :rpJ . cardin Jy,

took. ,on new and ominou me ning.. From. it ev ntuaUy, w CRIFO n

th d t . f h . . , ". b'."· .

II! un erYln rea on 'or . man.y 'm tic ton ,to I . pu·· JC8tlOn. .,.

J have any "'me inc 1950, tried to reconstruct the Le' of the incid nC,. hunting lor d tiJs, trying to remember my' reacrian But th t"O of tb moment,. plWJ, the r sure of ime, have l' f' me Httl to! 0 on ve on Iy th starkest high,points. A ch ckintom'yrmy diary told. m th ineidentoc,cu.rred August 28 1945 hitftyin from Ie Shim. n ar Okinaw to 1910 Jim', I was being transported in ·C46, s. ~ftyin _coffin whos number. was 304" I WI o of nir.t m ,of . r rei _ n11 Ii (with uipment) ani ed to occupy AtJugi Airdrom ner Tok'yo~. Japan prior to th mjor landin. fore. Fo th inciden j _If I must rely n my m mory.

Durin the .Right. about midw8',Y betw n Ie Shimand I wo Jim.a, i he C-46!iudd nty deve]oped trouble in th I ft nine th propfeath ring.

the planei.pped. utter doHand lost al itude .1 r member looking out through ,on of the porthol ~S a'nd to my !urpri in three unid_ntjfiable blo S ·of brittiant white .Ii h~ aebbout tbeuzof _ dime beld at arm I' J nath.


Th blobs were tr .. velinl in a strai ht lin through drif, of cloud em in Iy parallel to th .C46and equal to its pe d. I vaguely r call that when my

plan pull UP. the object r' maine<! below and th y dippereel into,

cloud ban- .AU eth ·rdetails re hazy Ior had no r MOn. t that time to'

rationaliz.e thobjec or try to identify th m. Also my prime c:onc:emth

moment ws the 'p rformance of the C-46 and my person I fety. I r

m.ember pointing out the ,obj _ to 8 c1omp.anion nearby,. ut cannot r ell any unu uel concern a. ut 'he liht on hi p -rt,. for he teo was mor prhensive Df hisfety.Theplne •. without further iAcid n landed fely ,at IWD.. 'I r m moor it undergoing ext nsiv eh ek-up -0 that it would be r ady and

airborn (,or th 1 hop ,0 i, No on 'durin the step-ov m ti

the objects a (recall nor did I report tlt m, for Iwoat the time W 5 bustlinstaging ar a waitin for th w, 'romel By to end.

,At: tb~ wrl:n ;sti11 ~Iyin ·em my;mem'o revived i . 1950. I can, find no mundne expl ft. ian for the three objectsftyin br _ of my plane hi b 0'1 r

the Pacific. J't is my opinion. ths't thobj ct . were propel! d de' ie in

ibly 81l 1 ... ous, in appearane nd bavior I to th popular "foo Ii bte

of WorldW_, 1- vlnta.g.. which is '. ill unexpl in~cco.rdift to Air Force stat .m nit I bo beUvethat th uddenerrtic behavior of my pI. w _ I du to mystrious force. nert d by th - UFO

WhiJ 1 h ve o.tenalluded to thi ineid en inpteviousl writinp and .1 ctures,

I nev r diJosed its d tail In th fly - y~. of CRlFO I W !II t mpt

v tim to ·.iv it top biUin in the New leuer but then it W SB matter

of kpin, up witbll the It n· _ ~t r ilene,- ho'\\'ev r w- - m. er of cireumstenee, lnh Mrch. 19.55. issu of N w let! -, which -poke out ,8 -einst th theory au. tin ucer w r ere' U.S. w. n 1 had planned to in .. ,

dud mon 00. the foo-Ii ht r. A. perf t tie-in, I hough f.o such "'fao--

l1omen_-. witn by mys If could not fir .v po ibJy arthmade.

No nation. in defeat 0 m victory In my opieion, would hay . been so .foolhardy ate use ... eret w apon durin. tb delicat. period ·of urr nd r, I bad all myrgum n . lin.ed up.ood on . I re on d. In support of my contnio

I wouldJi ad off with other 100 Jibur F, port alii dy publ. hucer

]~jterature. W8 t e po "bility of g ning two more lood reports from

r JLble urc I' promptly cur ion tbe _ i. bter havin beena r diooper-

t,Ol' of a 8-;24 during, rmssren ever corm in 1945. HI report d bed

a vertical chain ·01 luminot.lS 10 one foUowin the oth r in .pir J cli'mb tow,td hisal:rcrelt. Sbowin no rnenacth _, continued to climb out of view. Wh_R ar ep~y to my inquiry -bout b other n port finally arriv~ WI told by this eerr _ . pond ···1 tbattbe j.- form '~D _ h· t not _ y al d CBU of security. PI'I by time- "I dropped th matter, thiakin 1 would) t devote

ntire "_u te thi lubj ct.ut like othr prow_ 1 i Le, lunr fin ingand h little biped the foo-fihters nev r got to pri.nt lnth 1 te' months of

COil d dded to' k p my ri nee confid ntialunti I would" med y

. _"te my boo


- E o .!:

E ...

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. .r.
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By 1.952. the year of the wild 'uc r flap'! I was pretty well sold on the

Jnterplanetary' Theory.. On July 25, whUe th nation was ina. tizzy OY. r the Washlngton. blip incid n· I aw somthing. It was a lare oraD e teardropabaped! object zippin soundl,. _ly _ cr - tb night sJry.,Other Cindnnati ms who

saw i said·t chan . I direetien, partin it to th pre I 'soannounc

th t I w forming Civilin lov tigating Group for Aeri 1 'PbenODleD. But while CIGAP didn't _0 very far a Q fellow hip inr reb. Lexistence in nam .only, did manae to it up loe I inter t. It put mee television wh re I .6rst m th Rver nd Gregory MiUr, the k.y ro toth_ rno t fad .. rooted

ea on CRL 0 record. It Iso brought in v . rl ,000 CUrT n -. Bu

out of th ' bundreds ·of r po re ching m durin& th _528ap,only handful were wortb.y 0 inv ti "Oft. Mo_t we ju t ligh. in thy-nd the Ai,. Force would y, could be imply expZainedif more data were obtain bl More than once, I toe .w Ii. hts in the :ky during this bill Hap but looking

ccritically I cannot y they wet saucers.

my .file grew so did .my ex er rien with the offici 1 policy of . 'Ienee

and eentr diction. Like otb rsallstirr d up", I be an writin J nen. One, published in the Cincinn ti Enquir t, won m $5.00 s tb best 1· tter of th y r. Inlhi mi lve I 'slappedBt Dr. Harlow Sb pel.y, Dir.ector of th Harvrd o _ : rva tory , for his tat, rn nte IIin'uc 10 of comp'lete lion n ", Is an ther I r, publi bed in th Decem . r, 1952 iu of Tru I wrot 1

like y,our forward rct~rOQt d, go-to-h II pp ochon. the ubjeet , . It . ml

rath curiou. howtheeneral run of n· wsppeand c rtain national rna. a .. nnes natlyavoid tb fac' and run. to th .apro inlBof- m eIpert-bo will:

tell 'th m that ueers are cobwe .. n

Whir my lett r to True wa r:ether poi.nd it did bring me several key

J tt rs. One we from Bin Culmer o·f Robinson,. lllinoi an energe '0 fact-hunter, with lots of. Iea 9 1 v 1 bead and an ahoy v rag "hUng to blS credit. eulmeT, who died _ ptember 20 1954, ws indd th rk of inspiration whidL Jed m tok th bull by tb. horn In tbeeeur of our letterwritin we p roo ly,ed the idea and he n dfor 8 research o,rgnization.with f etu ) bull.etm ..


Durin m.y exchange of leH.ers with Culm t I WB5 B re ably normal

husband nd f ,tb r. By da,YI I wa tbeadvertiin man r of a nati n Uy known. manufacturer and after hou I worked my hobbies.. Myfavorit lair was m:y cr' nhouse. I. would pend hours there putterin with e:roti,c philoden dron. snthuriwn and fern. When I tiredot this. 1 tumed to my ·oi:J and brush 0 dabbled in thinrs .scientific. like . < ronom.y or paleontolO1Y. Saucers, bowver, were winning OVer.


Oneda,y, to my sorrow· 1 found that myvidity forue· an nlec:tof my gre nhouse had caused th d mi of Anthuriurn veitchii,. my rarest nel most priz. daroid. Perh -11 thiw my tumm point, for it w a w k later that I d cid d to k up th ·uce hu and cry. On-,rch 10 154. J found ! Civilian Rard1., InteJ"plan ry _ lyin Objects, ·.d began workin en a format for - m n hlypublic tion. A bull. tin I thought,. would rve to_ pe 11 my corr po . den inform . d id to print only 200 copies. ..•

Th n in, s r diom Vi :est ·of y 18 1954 Frank Edwar who· ·d cham~

piened ue sine _ 9S0 ov r th . irw y,: - bis 1000 ·000 Ii write te P. O. Box: 1855 for CIFOs 'New It .Tw nty-four bowith th first imp· ct ofmil-th life of ,Leonard .8.. Strini fi· Id w . What had -n ,8 _impl pursuit erupted iotas brute of hi business

din" ro.t the t lephene and nt ainedgu· whil I kk pin,

n rly r plac romsnc • and my only r twasiD thsanctumof th bathr m By th nd 0_ th month n -ly 600 ' lette _ of inquil')' -d n proe ' In my b m nt.. which h d com CRIFO hdqurt Myst ft' w ~ my wif .

It copt d fr m lei ' hn; my six and lour yr old d u hters. Col ,te

nd D ni,who lit" dpo· tamps. m,y moth and my fri nd H rb CI r_

tt rs from nthu ia . v rywb r in th world, r.ang d from r . red g n rl

piJo nm r n w po rm n, docto ndl wy ~ rs. b'n . _ n. to moors of a nudi teclony, awom n who had nnuunid ntifi flying man. -and on .

10 t soul who Del on dollar, I ft only on_ rtum add .th moon.

Sine tho hectic d ys in, 1954., th - elFO project has mi little or

nothing in the g oJ uc -rs.Comin: to mind or ma,ny hppymom n Ii bein.g the t,st of many civic or SOocil grou .; lik( lin h nored by a I tter fro her Maj. t . the Qu en of Engl nd,.or Sir Winston ChurchiUo Lord Mountb Uen of .Bunna-or Ii' being remind in r froms subscriber "VI specially ppr . t d your (rank nd obj tiy reporting, .. ~ And, . amin

to mind are th mOm n of d air. Uk th y I drov to Lawtenc burg,

ndiana to inv ti.ata SHut r that Indand found inste _ d. ourth of July pinwhe 1. But, out of each month'lIt,,", ·of evid nee came a r wardin net of

vital informs. ion-inEormationtb t mad CRIFOa· entacon~in miniture

whichou ht to rv th pub i' s appetite for

en rs to I t-T-


the h ad of the Air ForC' Perha that' why four

th summer of 1 54, visit my bom_ "t_h sucb . k d ueh intbl nk but p t n qu ilions. P .. haps

A.Samf· USA, th n Director of In ..

wret .m I Mrch I· ,1956 comm ntin _ "Th· Air Fore veatly appr i tthe.nt rt which you nd your organization,._ w 11 a olb hay . k nin th Uni· n 'Ii lying Object p'. ram. Thsucc ,of tbis progrm h_ s __ n, in p rt, due to th seen .nt cooper,tjonol uch indi .. vidu-I . nd group in submittin UP'Q r ports for eensi de rati on either dir ly or through v ,riou' ublic tions. Th .reports h \II become an important part of the U picture. A continu. tion of th~ aristance i.t in ..


~i..I.1Io&lfU..I.l"" •• In conclusion plea accep our thanks for ,Your intere

................. "..._ and be a ured we are always 'glad to rec ive eontribu


was a warm vening : pt mr 11, 1 55, whe n p sented my simpl

civilian ea for theinterplan tary ftyin ucer. My audiene w th of th Gr'ound '0 _ rvr Co rpr ntingaU pas in Hamilton

. r wbi.l driviD,g to tb m tin place at the And r n Township School ina I tviUe, r markingtn erb Clark,. then Cbi f 0))"

rver for ar's GOC .t" tht th. rent up win a,' saucer repo in

thee unty W _cu5in • concern in. the Air Fore>

urinl th: 'up :._'ng, my ,1 phon j t 11 hour 0 cal' w r

autin r ports cribing"light ,in 'tl1e sky"~ othe hewever were voice

soundin urgent. Its ri htov _r my heu . Wh t heuld I do?", limed one lady, Ion nd fri ht -ned in Ml We bington. I SUI st d that she c·1] the herilf nd I would t port to the Air 'orce, The w irde tperhap was a frantic call bom An n's Ferry. A mal vole cried kIt I a bi Ii lit

in my bckytd. Th n omp nion' voi· e brok in,

"'Somthin.s coming out of th bottom,. hurry!'. Promi ing to c 11 b-ck. the r eeiver lamm d down andtha the last we hrd 'remAnd n:'s, P'erry" Otbr c Us, Ie - s d sper - te, but giving me time 'to runoutdoo_-sometime5ciad ,only in shorts and binocular· told of ftyinquoi football, and triangt U u lIy toe late .for the good on. s, I .alway man led how v til to me it in· tim to e V,. nu. inking gibbou ly on,th horizon, Atctur

bobbing around" behind 8. v il or rufBtmosphere,.or. a. who! gt'oupof -uc rs" which w r RotoLn mot hn til Plei de

Unknown to mo caller bo,wever was my new with tb

Air For'ce.On Se,ptember9, 1955 the Air Defense Command - prob. bly tn. red: into d ci 'on by .D in . d nt occurring th night before~ inform.ed me' that my 'ham tel phone had been clered to r port U -0. through cod channel directly to tbePllter Center in Colwnbus. Ohio.Wantled wer upto-the--minute sightin r achin me fr. m the 'CT t rCincinnatiare. .But, ev,en before thi offici I ctearance, " had re SO.A to be in, quiekcommunica ... tion with the Filter Center.

On Augus S. having already bee briefed, on procedure by GOC, I re-

port the flj ht of a ' ctac:u:l r UFO Ier and brilliant D by thousan

and myself-courSlll And th onSeptembet- the er ind D - r . port d-atcber, GordonZerbohad pboned

ulrin me to cbecJc - larae 0 jec:t, maybe satellite in. space,. which

f' ob.". ill, Ila. Ind • n Ulln ntr .U 0(' or


was ing hrough IDS tel cope, I w eag r to iDv stigate, for coming to

mind was Gno larg object, or satellite-nearly 10(000 f t in clim.eter which hd glow IOV r CinC'innatiki 'II the beam of a powerful 81" h .. light during 1949-50. When I fir glimp threu h Z, roo' ·1 0.. which

red throu h nn-ow clearing in 8, dump of tr top· Iran 'ly

puzzled. In focu ,ws 8 ga ball hich appe ·d to bespinnin

For almost two hours. I watch th' bj whichm fix ~ in, the ky

nd for two h u Ire,m ined in clo touch wifh th Fill r Center r portin

very nw d velopm nt, On th . cond Diht., 1 ,-

mical Oy iht ndan tb third nigh, bad _ Iv was Polaris. th fixed" North Star! Th ,obj 2B!;eo-US we only an o-ptkal ilIUSlon-poor 1 - report d durin (hi turbul nt .I'iod w reI

mo ingthis. w ,In llig n· Wright~ t

worried about the teUite'. ..

M t cal I. s, I i nific ntly. came from th thinly populat rim t r or the

city. M 'ny at o·f low 8yin 0 j,ects;oth rs, of obj t hev ring n he ground. I A r w coll rs, pe kin guar . dty •. told of (ri ht nin.ncounters with ugl,y littl tri ds, In On, at a, just we of Cincinnati UFO T1 por WPT . heavy thapeopJe were alraid to )'es\"e th it hom 'Jt r rk, nd m nearried firrm ..

Bnd UFOs

It was in the mid or hi ominou eti.vity til t I opened my

Sittingbesi 'm n· ar thpodium w r l·t Lt. Edwar Thorne and S Ury. of he D fense Comman Filter Cent t, ndeore m

rawso! audi nee with w d furrow d fa·e s, To I matters. I

Jitd trt gem, Whipping a hanky from my pock t, on which w, re . men

or my wi{' lip tick. I PI' tend to wi my hro , Th n, lookin urp

at th Mear- I comment d triumphntly "Well. at last my wif loy m"

and dd d In pit,e of h still thin I'm sane."

Nobody laughed! M t m mbers hd n saue ~ th y w er in no

jokinlg mood. Nor was I reaUy and I lost no tim hamm rin. at my

tr ngest links of vid ne.( highlight th Norwood S rchlightncid nt,

th rnostcut-nd.clry f etual case on r co d;, COy r d the f ct . f the Auu_t 2Jrd je_ interc p,tof U 0_ ov rein in_ ati invol 'nOOC d

my If. and. xpound don th many exe 11 nt for:ei, n . i btin which rgued

against the U.S. w~apon th ~. My fin I hamm rblo e dir d t

th pr, wruc'h I aecu d of muzzlin _uc r ltories. Whllcitin one

sil need ,L Thome discr tly slipped a note ento my podium on whicl1

he had wrht n, ~he pr is here,

Ind. dl No De had.l el my que.stion~nd-answer riod than Jim

John n a youngish ICincjnnati POll re-portetf rush me rrom. themillinl

audienc. He was vLibly stirred by m.y or e pt andu 111'

stirred ta ··etll hot story .

• .,~."I". I' III UAlIT, ,',.1, U. I II Ii nd' 7.

5 .. ' [.~fll'IIiU'1I (·1'1'·"'. 11 rll~l,' l '\\ fI r In· _



I u (1

0" rs< t-l

cnppin fro the loal pr,," which. confirm leem nn 11. text

from lb~St-plembcr .. 3, LS:5 tern Hil' JUMraJ whirh de ri.:

of ir ree, 0 f:. C nnel n ri hi il T,i"'6J S, item,

F uth'ily in" tern Cin· inn ,i which n· rn d F

On telti .rfide

d nc . pit my

and in imd


t r m in __ u r

( m y y u

I y

- HE 0 lye R -'An.fTY IS THA


roof. Th

on your n y. nd

if proof could from 0 ub ri er

srn [nation (or I nv r H h d old me in hi fi

VI r, d hi m it I ttet th t h

Th w

• proof'

it pro r bibli

j m n' cl m


And; with ev n les propriety i popped up wh. n b subject of uc

too bot, spelled. backward proof becomes foorp and: I for on would be fr hened bYBn official t ment that would read, "We have no' inefutable

phy 'cal loorpthsr tlyin 'Xist".

Evid nc' What would be th kind ofvid nc th would prove t

flyingssuc rs exist? Noone i sure for in th firt plae th r is no

u . a to h if prcb ~bl . id 'fic' 0

tisn·ed itha belief th y r m rely unknown ntura] ph no-

mena; 8 few more hold to the hope thetth y ar -rthmad

hil a Ie n.umberthink orth~~chnglng h ·-H

A rowin nwn. r, howey r, beli v the UFO i r,omoutel space.

Flung togeth r by circum anee, thespac-·m,in· ·of ience--fiction- ddk th - culti . th objvn tiv . i. nti tand th tud nt-philosopber who prof fellow man, The lett t rting his: c·' ror .evid nee" in the r ognl 'on 'of m ' virtue to report U· _ bOA tly nd s curtly, invri hly .refe. to tn v. ry eaeli st incid nts, now knOYln s tbe el • U uaUy cited are _nnetb Arnold'si nin 'u r-like thin .. flyin likege ina chin~1ik. lin" n Sf" Mt. R- anir, Jun 24. 1941.; Capt in Ch'l • an Co-pilot Whitt,ed's rpo of'

WloRgrocket .. lik ,hip ... with two ows of windowsn.e r ontom ry., Ala

ma, July 2:4 1 4 ; and. fight"_ tw _ L ·ormn _ - .. 51 f~_

maa uveriDg orb o.f light near Fargo N: rth Dakota, Octo: r 1, 1 '48 ..

Being "hon t.nd ac:cura.te"repor. our : tudut sees non ,of th xplain-

.bll!: nsturdpb iornen or to hi knowl I' h te' n n 'fical1y

declar d ph Domena thatfty like I in a. ch in-lik,e lin , or have two, 1'Q of win ~ows.or perform in intricate man U',. rs. Norlac~oFdin to hi_ rationale

can any of til dasics be xplain s man-mad m chin "or veNl r po

since 194' h· v . de· en bed 1<. ·uc:er .. lik"ob [ec . . d nti ·1 to Arno I 's w hie h hv .lIown dan rouslycllocomm rd I irUner,' Thus, "nvi W ·of this on

f dar our tudent ffirms hi Jiogic.: Secret man-made machin do not fUlJtests in th air Inn- h r:· fore. in no on clntnce, inc:ludin _ ,AmoJd "uc ., man-mad ndrar that m tt '. n ithe wa th "rock t-li " hi· which swerved to_ void colli jon wi h the irliner pUot y ChileSUld Whitt -por tb. object in the Froe ase which man u\lered with a mili ry

airera!t! All oth -r explan tionsfor th dB'C ridieul nJy 0

1 ic Uy in order is tht which postulatthe objects inlofetra.-terr 'al


In the yea ~ to loUowl bundr of reliable reports have beensddecl to th

• ack of evid nee. Some of the bes according tOOUf stud ~ nt with an y


IOIIC. were th militarysigb on support 'by radar.M jor .. nald E. K:eyhoe delCribes sev r 1 in Flyin, Sau r. from ,andor further inter'

iI the "'official- sIanton oth r ca r view by Edward J. Ruppel.t in The R~poI'ton UnidentiJied Plyin Obi ~t Notably h re. th form b.ed 01 Project Blu Boo' ei _' UFO picked up by radarnd pursu d ''1 night fighter y 2, 15,2,. ov rw Bay ar' a 'C mn "ng wA lot oJ people I knew wer'e absolutely convinced 'this report w s the k,ey-the fin I proof. Even if tb thousan _ . ,efothr reportscouJd discarded on t chnicality t this couldn't be. Tbpeopl believedhst thisr port in i If w proof enou h to olticiaUy accept the f ct UFO W Tint rpl n tsry spse ' ship .It

Arm even with this "evid nc '" tb veieecf th - stud n:t i but oi in

the wild m Said th Air Fore: It r total I of vid DC, that

tbe (t1yin DC, ):or int rpl n wry y hid "10 Whit, m. pie wr

content wIth. thi·, answer oth rswitb dj,fferent id s bout Ufe badequaUy

ruff r t id bout . vid nee. Some Ii v th t Ad maki's pia t· _ of P tit

mold of , ee-m n' hoe print: W09 good no h.Other lieved th word

of Dan rry eont ndm. the Jus r 'p in ueer was vidence.

Curious of th opinion. of othe I wrote to rd D wdin form r Air Chi f

Marshall I'lf the RAF. World War U, asking for hicoments on th evt

denc in hi country. His r ply of; .y 21, 1957" follow:

In an ..... er r Ih requ 1 (' Iltain

u 1

.. 1 Y :r .. :.

Proof, th r· fore, wh na.ppHed to UFOevid nee. is a rlative word. Onthi

pr:pm" th UFO can be ainterplne~aryor mund n or nQn~.1. mt

the individual mind is flexible or eapable of finin it.

Pel30D 11y baving be n pre<ondi iened by my beret in the evolutionary prehistory of man Oil arth, I found the interpl:an try hypath . _ nat difficult to accept. A . rt from n occ:o . enal xpJ ·aory or pi y.ful d via 'on fr m th theory;th sharpe thorns in my sid W re the bj of videnc f..,om "rel" hI saure J'I which hint that uc wet U.S. w . pon. 111 to _ew bigger andrper aft I began CRIFO. At on. point, I _ peered tha

in' man uv red into tb mUD e fini . __ foI' my inform t

I uOIH'(I'1I fr 1I\lr 1 t r I' irm 1'r.1I r r In III orne or lib " 111lI11" I"r Car {J', I r ru • Olin

bl n 11, 1 .\ I'll ,I .. 1.


pe __ ~ __ ent with h's "'i___'d' inform tion.But. ftera [i,e pe n J 1 uthln I found thstth man uv r lacked both depth, ndsubs _DCe. During thiI

pr period I r _ m mber another I insider" who phon d v ral tim . ., . u -

g t my 'Newsl it wasr 'ng up wrong. e. One oi bt n

h "--"'0'" I a ed him t . o' "d t"'~' im- 1 b ie .q', .... tto . ..... ·('1' ) Wold

pu n _ .. 0 C n .1].1, I; _., . '. u . VJ~ . u_

B t U.s. wpon fly "ur comm roal irlanei" (2) WouJd .secret U.s.

eapon By wantonlyove foreigncountri ? (3) Would U.S. wpon

tet over the U.S. p'tot or ov r 18J'ge popul t d ci '?

:&tumblin:ov r my first qu 'on th ' insider" hun up. While it was simple

to expl in to rny op i lien that UFOs 'frequ ntty vi'oiat aIlthr poin i

w . not alway wisetorl. t the de ail of my best sU'pportin informatio

mo of which came Irorn cmdid n 'al soure R r ' Je Imorman W,eJ'I •

car fuJ lot and th.eypo they

bredintb UFOm ry can to.

Munmitigted e nsorship". est, however,po ... hintin .1)' and wUlkin ly.Sev-

era! with bot t'ps, w re mar.. drm ticlycau.tious. Th y id th y . ,Quid den.y th . inform tion they g ve me il i.· w re publi h~

Needl to say. I nev r brok til eonfid nc. Butrt from ny mor 1

peel, _I': n in myr arch i ion h d to on con st t guard h n

lkin totrngrs. "Wt.eb for warned by on w II-intann d

peson, wh - n di ussin th milit ry n le, '7 y'U. iv you. a hot on . yo_ pu.blish it. th n h y'.ll chop your h 'off ... "

Not trustina stranger,. he n

d.oubt· vi wed my ilence or ev 'y ne on seme con6d ntiel matte, _in melodramatic, but men than f w had me m eked 8 .. Y for th Air FOTe. Oneprivatte archer from thWe Coast. 'vi iting my bome in 1955, told

do"t kid aeh oth r-y u . . 1 Y "

One in saucersn 1 rn to liv with II th inform tion

mind daily. Som.ebm tee, he i guided apprent ut

I _ YL _ _ ,] in t tockms k rt thinkiR

UTheyn be bc:k on th it own soon," I well.


I id it half [o in.)y, o{cou ,but my r aninR wa

formidab'J of mail r eived dily {rom non-jo in citiz nry. w r

scornful of th officilil ce hichhd nvelope the uc r probE m inee

Co.ptsin. nteU', death chas I 1948 M ny rakd th

col ·otbeFl condemned hi bu' e (1 "int

a few blamed religion. Anoth r popular no . 0 claim

ov r the world nd wa dirnlour

ucer bu '0 romo wer ·wy fif and th iuid

'n some Httl ueerzine. One mimeo sh t w nt so far

and bis discipl wer lodged on the moon and wr . w iting t r tum 0

m ft t ·of _ uc rs. Whit the cuI . were ploi 'ng ucers, 'n many


.. e- eneers Oa"bandon their inter tb man-en-the eet still w them

u a prooflw fantasy., The world. ,of M rilyn ·onroe. nd the'sctabble board

th -- .l:_ "onall were more ree-mmen


opuJar in the minds of many saucerites i. the beiel that our , reatAm ri-

n news media e muzz:Jinucernew under vise, ofc- sorship~Wr'ote

one pundit ina letter to CRIFO: "Our p.r talks gl1blyo£ th frOMSwhil their 'V rt own' I i obvio- t th Y hV5U .. -M -nt te th dictates of th. military ,overlords wbo win sop at nothing to suppr :Dyin

ueer inform tion .•. "

I nevershar dth ,pundit' view for ifeen 0 hip wer in effect, i

would have meant the . uppr . ion of all _ .uc r n local, w J.l'

But s ev ry uc rite GO' _ most newspape r~ports of local UFO ,ctjvity, 10m me most. howey r, w _r- no the

the big v n and th c·'es.

Too ' fen the ccoun wreor maridiculous by th

local press. &ndin:lmos .very in nee complet 1)" n leet d by th ne. wir Even. rna _pi, 'ous was th cann-d ditori IUnd·th handlin· or cases involving he military.. Iu, th Jnury 1956 I ue or Otbitj thinkin _ I had th an!W r J wro: editorially as follows:.


rn and reared in LakCbare ). were. told by th~ in dit r tlur

.\ C'• ba I: h d vi jed his ofli' i:1.nd a ked Ih .. , :a1J

. • ''" I ted Ihat Ithoou h h


Eight n months 1 ter, like a foo ote to mytbem on. 'coop ranon, e

ritish .F.lyingSaucer R vJ~ew,11 July .. Augu. ]9S,7 i ue wrote the foUowint:

·'An unid nliflld II min obJ

( Suntby" ).(} 1 •. nd

n the s ilch·

nei 'i \\ ir d tht p. per (.rried it r

a ,et'uin C"tovcrnml!O:1I mmiuee. /·'.1) till:

ext t nd Jcnow I il name and addr

·'h may Inlian bre t2dl~ Hwn r, a te i1ubJicir), in ch

Ihe un'

'II ulIUcloro



'U', - t. 'ond n. w.e. r, nllnd.


'yen more in plicable than th new.spaperS' method of _ dJing ucers

w •• that of the new servic _ 'When ran Edward first alert

in the latter of 1953 that sauc r rpo

urce,speculation lor ic u was Quick to .follo. umo w

bit had happened behindcnes in the :militafy.Onestory m' g the ro

claimed that the Air Foree w hidin thr ueer and tb 'rcrew: in '.-LO;& .....

at Edwards APB Muroc Califoml.WhiI.e [could no u' ,t th:_ claim,

er its connection with tbe new re ction I ws. h.owever, through olli . I

rrespondence.made aware of udden and important Air

.!!!i..!!!.~~~~~.J of di m.inating UFO inform tion,

erfrom Maj,or RobertC Brown of TICIr. Wri ht-P_

ted August 2.1, 1953 id' hAir Technic 1 In1tenig n - Cen.t r r

1yed your I Itf dated 5 AUiUS 1953, reque tin an intervi with Proj

lue Boo'k person" I. Th - pe no 1 r quit by t th pr d

uest you obt in your infonnti,on from th D p -rtme.nt of .~ - of

_ blic Inform Don,W hin .ton 5 D.C. 11.. howeverh -y canno "th the information that you d ire th re i possibility th t an iot _ rvi _


n December 2,953, C ,ptain R, C. White 01 OPJ _ partm nt .1

rense, W hi.gtODt an red Ii' t of 82 quetions .1 had submitted to his,

offic:~concemin . official view on e UFO. 1:0 hi po criptto th 82 :w_n Captain White id"I'morry to hay to refer you a 81n to ATIC on detailed .sightings bees - ,of th -ir workload. Ho ever if you will Jimi your questions to one or two sightillgata time, th -y may be able to help you.. If no nd them to m.e,. one or two t a time, and In ,y to run thm do

Th nee t witch! On cember 17. 19,53, Ch' f W . ant Ollie

R C.Scbum,. of ATIC an wet' d my follow-up lett r concerning my proposal for an. intervi was follow _.: In refer ne to you.r lett r of - ber 1953, the Air Technical Inteni nee Centr h -sn direct t m information on. Projct BlueBookvailble to tb Department of D '

Office or Public I nform s.tion,. W hin.gton D. C. for' r lea from tpoint

only. Com.plte inlormd.on j_ fumi hed th Office of Publi( Infonnati n

day-to-day w 11 s by summary t ports;. th r for 1 iDt MW with

that offie mib be of ben 6 to you. n r'egard tayout pecifie qu 'ona, th Air Technical InteUi .encCenter wiU request copy from the 0 ce of Pu Ii

Informationnd attempt to n Wet them more fully. Th.e will then r

tumed to you throu h thOfll.c of Public Informati·on.

Oneaf th first r ports. to at r my au picions, involvin both th military Bnd the newswires, lippe,d by the "censo,rs" Jun30 19'54 (rom MobileAabam 1 first h rdol it from FLnk Edwards who phonedm from W JUn



prior to hi bro· deast~ He read the hi .. hpoints. fr'om his script-B. ookJey AFB offi·c· Is repOrt radar bad tra ed UFO ... It made 110 .sounci" was 'lvery in color, trav,elinst terrific speed ••• It wad6nitely hem. :maneuv red byinteUi .. -ent bemlls. I remember Frank, in,g one phr . inte1li· tbtrin • I thought the report was unuual 10 [ fonowed it up. It being an UP Item,. I

checked with th 'City D k of th Cincinnati Post I; 0 unory on our wir id the m on th 'd . k, When 1 asked if h·· auld pu'S trae on it, he promised he would and 01 'me to call back n xt marnin _. When I ,cbecked,

w told that th ni d in obile.

Later when m d or JANAP 1461\ J fit _ vn merecert in th t contro

in- ·e mystenousm.anne.,_. had been leveledon the news .media. Another ex ..

ample 0·' suspect fina, ling hin th e n inyolveda local inti nt

whichnsation 1 UFO rr hous nds of Cinelnnti n Au . t 5. 1955.

Sid Time St r h adline"Aerial Whazit Intrilu _ City" the

ext nt of th U. S. papul_t! _ th_ct h. tory in ~IU _-it n ver ..

wit f' For t11. eceunt 'nd my edito ri Jcommen't r quote from 'the Sep em-

r 2~ '55 issue of Orbit follo·w,:

"At 1!1

man ,n our ":rr c \\h n"~ w

h liP r. d pear-",hap.ed uhJ

eral rep r _ rmm fturlktJ.-lS.I,. II int:inruui de cri tltn IYI,lodinfC [u l I10rh of Ihe dr. On win hr; rlh .ilnd bur 't inlQ verti . 1 If :'111 f. Iike a b<,mb. ".,.t/UD.d or the dty. Illich , rb

from ")

t t, hl'l1 • \.r,nJ,\" '" ~ l'Ut' \. I 1J.a' II

I'ubll IU" f'~. ndll In .• or @)' '~.pllln d In Itl I II.



thi· dedudtoo. wean, theft':for • Ic['unl for Ie m,r .objrtf exp1ing in narlhw lern nd t other. ptrhp . e an ing cour e d Hy"n EN!. to rd L;anr ter th dt:ipli

newswir ., silence on th Mo· ile and Cin-

not tting th f 'J-bl

'or ~ during the d lu e of :." r ported almdaily in tb IT ter Cincinnati area, 1954, mostalJ \v. re con_ id red un .. n ortby.. "Tb public is

tired of laue" opined 8 Cincinn_ti EnquirercoJum'_ Howev r, hi .~

pve :rapectful empha' to Bn. Air Far'ce temen ri ed. by e wire . ct'S

OIl June 1, 1954, which . id saucer r porta bad fallen of( sharply __ ee 1952. The statement w nt on to y tha fro J u.ary ,to JUlI 1 only 87

licbtinp: bad reported. Captain Whit of OPI; _t .u.-

mail WAI just tri ··i I in' about five a day. hesaidandyawoed, ~o bum!"

y in a yawruna mood IC'ould not believe White's stattsti _W. it

p(*ible that CRIFO's mail w ·s five tim . gr at the AirF rce·.?-and

certainly "'87 reports line January" wu dbatabl.lalon . had r • bundred reports inc. Janwuy. and Fr nk Edwrda, by phon told' bete«'ived .almos that many s! month, Curi 0 ua,. I phoned LCoton I Deputy Commander ·of I t lig nee, Wrigb-P te. AFB. During . "inter .. \'iew'" of July S, 1954 . was told th Air Force w receivinabout·700· 'ht .. inc leporull a wee 1,7 Asking about the cryptic' "'S7B Colonel 0'8 'd that

Dumber repr nted th caW. under.s al anal ~

lnumucb au Colonel 0' ra bad scuttled th Air Force statemeu. hiln w figures 00 Msightin frequency m.eant little to Cinci.onti ,pers.Only the Timea it coverage; 'the newswires wauldn.'t toucb ill Howev~,

when I phoned th n to Frank Edwrdst _utuali.o Washingto- th ves, that njgh~ carried it Q08 to coast.-and d. p insidethePentagOD.


Durin the l~l 8 P of 1955. I vi "ted saucer .. symp thetic: new-, rro

ill the editorial office of the Tim . Star. After d.bcussin .. several recen d· yelop. menta which didn.'tmeritteview in hi new. paper, b eel me that tb y WlII1I'W11't" bein cut because of any restrictioRl h _ _.. wof, but ( . the E~ bad told m ) he was urethattb. "public VI' tir :. of 'lIdin& about liahtl in

the atY'.. Ria reuonin. . sound. 1 thought, BDd.. 1 expr:eaed my under

atandinc. I turned to leave. Smilinlly, h __ '_"Now if anythiDl hie bappeu let me know".


The rollowU1 rno 10 jet not un tit ni htfall th t

For Hrb CI rit. Ralph

th object. a b om nt white and m rJDrV\r't"e of U 0 ivity c m


on On

nd n 0 und t from GOC in

iIier Confirmation of UFOs' ctivity, I phon -d the Control Tow rof 'th

--11'- Cinc:inna' Airport in Boone CouDty,.g,entucky. lnv.ertentiy, th y

_..I_! 'd tifi-ed' bl" .- tr - Ie: - th'

too, auuu -,_.. __ I _ W __ ' C _ _'O _ _ -If f-D.

Stunned..- my only ra' _ nalization was that tb Air Pore had udd'nly cbanaed 'rom tbir p _am ·of ,"1enc.e. or that I w , be in tken und r th it

. lor speei I duty or - t 10m body wlkin out of tum. Indeed, before me wu ItartHng . vidence nd tartlin,:tory that Cin 'nna " andth word hldlwaited. BttJ the Cincinnati new papers wren"t int ted! Wb I pbooed the Enquire t thy hruedit off. A P08treporter too_ n t bu,tth

Itory neverp . - p.t. The Tim Star,. howevermblin with

promises to nd out to - t 11 th lac final1y,fter confer DC

betwem repo 'tyedito I d ided agin t i.

Reeli rbuffs" .1 no fit ure thpr was pi yin he Air

Force lam rin:my k: Char! Jnt rview I lso took

stock in my USump'OD thaPIOs d, lonlgOtvi ited the local n w p

.eekin their pled of coo ration. Loolring b _ It, I r n

IK'Wity me sur . d naffected with the pr ss d.uril'l-- World War II

pedalJy ill regards to matte thMnh t n ProjWbil_ I

could un 'th n wartim m ur I could find only

ekout on ttl UFO.W_ tb n ws d'

23 on

• Wrot of local ev n _ which I hdr vi w

nee oC . Ileonv tional communication m dis on the!lubj nigbtme quality. Thr daysfterre din CRIFO I 100 r if I live in the same world in which your n 91 t1r VI

. ve beenanoth Ohio in ano h r United States 1_ n

planet wh re th orange 110 and b II of li ht.and sman green. men

, seen.. for ne "th _ r the p •. or . clio mentioned it here;"

W' Ii or no rep . v·· in UFOctivity thr u. hSeptem rn October of J9SSI d"d to be dime wr e Case for Interplanetary W r" in th No--

vember . ·of Orbi' R" b maced!

While I was absorbing the com pI Blnt1l of th

or In, oth r p . if

coo. rabon'"

n to the Air

1ft -in MIl lhapmg. Farce. I tbOught~iWl1UDI~


,., . , .


I Imost cb-u led, Had th editori I writer, I thoug,ht., for-

go n f r· _ fellow ne-wspa _ rm _ wh w ,°ch .

eluded no I the Snquir _ " own man,Bging itor' not to m ntion the ma;o.;

gin dit rof the .POfltandv ral oth rprominent columnlstsand r porten,.

repri ntinE ch or th thr Cincinnati newspa.pers? Insted ·of O'Owinl. I

decided to drop th tt .:r andbesid s. who w th Ii to crow to, . c

Orbif :r adersand m .' .of them alr'eady knew that editors and saucer... wereo mllung w U.

It until rb 21, 156, that ucers brou, ht the EnquiTlr::t:

CRIFO tc tn .. tallbe&an Be a.bly h n am mber of i

call r I had r eeiv d uc r" r po _ v eni g.

related tha his paper ~d reived 8 number ofe-UI and w nd . if IcouJd.

add to I b ir Itary. I told him that I h d ree ived veralealls, me reporting , riht lwninoUJ object bowfin in, the we t which was o'bvio· Iy Venua.

d .. 'bed lobj' not Vu. On·· t ld of a 1 .. flyinobj

to white m. ing no sound; an.otb r repo-ed _ _ . d

n light d rtin awy swiftly after hovrin' another d tibed an object withsw pt- de win. ; still ana her r .. port, r eiv d bela . the _ v _ ning'r_

of sigbting· dId o,f. Ion m . Uk ciar .. h ped obj fI.yin low ov r a high-

wy fte r amsen, Ohio. The obj et, "without window or protru in

buzz n utomabil·. tnifyin tbr . m leoccupan

The next momin . .arch 22 th Enquit r's jaunty pI .y~up of tb incident

touched off usual oonovle·. y. Under Iarin h adlin ae mpanj .' by

(our pbotograp two owing amorphous blobs. two ofligh baped r

bU the Enquk r reported the _ i.htin. s I contributecL indditi n 'to the

{onowin : -An unidentiJied objec burned lik· a bright conlo at t

4S minut, hih inth w t· m ky ... Tha how 10n. it III 0 TV, . by

E'nquirer re rt_ andp otographer who took up sta iollS at North Bend (0'" lowio tele bon Us... 'Tol tb _ naked ye th obj appered to beaD extra.ordinarily intn bJui h~white light~uspended at bout B. 30-<1 - angle

bove borizon. However through binoculrs, th object BPJ)e red to be.

compaetalaxyof ligh . chan "ng (ormas th y revolved slowly. At onepoin~

with .. ' ... ocularst y u of f' it· umed the ap ance ofa .

mond. brooch ri ed"tb ,em raJd tumin I zilyenaneen 'c' . ~R ' ..

d n, . of larg- inlth. downriver section r ported that it w

consecutive nigbt "'t. thin·. hap, ared,

On -_arb 23th .E.nquir r had he myst ry obJ-

Uader a h a nne bich read, N. t' only a Sr·· 01· I from Plan Windo-- 't it told of B F...a4 Thunderjet. th nibt befot'loo .ina: ov rh d 30,000 f· un n. but in r die eeataet with C45 pi)~. by

Bn". General.- 1 CI d[,OhioAir National Guard djutan g n rat Jom.

iogtb eral in . reconnai . nce w· Alan 'n, who pbo ograpbed

object on tb aigb,cb 21 forth Enquil'. !Cain who knew what to

00 for ··8S th the object Then,. ecording to the B.ttqWRJI',


nn·I'Ul.-r and


. htin .

11 I had.

leneral spoke into the microphoD.O the jet pilo

turned to Kain 1m olin "Pr'etty s ,i n't i, Th· C8 W

... Venus! Howev r, in the day foUoWJn . I had CO tiau -. ·QcoUed nporU. most of wbicb rev rted back to tbe .night ·of March 21. In leYeftt,een,coverin. atbre day. riod. .Eleven,. accordin to my anal

explainable V n notl

w re

Atmed with. this composite r POrt.. I on th Enquirer's 'tyedltor.,

Gecq:e Carr. hopin to imp him with the m: i· han wbi h could no. be explained a9 Venus. Carr, bow ver,refuto rev1. wm:ysnalyaisand

told me he co id r th ca C:I J In it of thist on b26 th

Enquirer reopen d th .c _ I atwin a story in which Dr Paul H 1;. Diree ..

tor or Cincinn ti Ob rvatoryof' Univ rsity of Cincinnati :quot,

follows; h plan t V nus will k· pgttin bri, hter un :'1 th middl of· ay, ~ every fool who goes out md look t it for tbfint tim will 'ftyin,

.uc~r .. " Hre . ed to ,xpbun why th obj .appe.ared ILe 'eRler Jdsnd

changed hpes,. comm nted, ""A compltl.y wi lDl Y rvti

must have been made und r poor con _ ition.. And. 1 dont want to xpJ'ain your poor binexul.·

Herget's veic w s final of r as th Bnquir t but to me

the most . -jincnt v nt of th~venin. of M rch 21, an which I _m v lin

for the fir time tookp'lac after V,nUl bad in~o the horizon. Chari

Deininger of theM. Healthy GOC P. ~ "n the city s northw ad just

huna up the phone aft'er repomnmysterious lights nin his area.. Runnin

autdoo . to check. the E ern ski I imm jtely .spotted two I '.8, 10

tlymg light. similar to tho ~ on a plane'. win- . ps, . iQeglowin creen. .. f' y'ellow, speeding north. __ n th ligh:, wc:s a dar. M_. _ ,th. body: but It was the soft erie glow or th ,Ii hts and their distanc

nearness to the round that impr .me the most. 'atcbin

mine over a nearby bin into the boriz n I kn VI t i.t w

for it to th.t largnd low i n Ones wouJd have '

at no time wasthete any ,sound. Runnm b e iodoo

Air Filter Center in Columbu· WhJle giving a quick d 'ptive run..down on

objec to,th nlon. duty. I w s udd nly interrupted ndtol to

stand by. Aft r m mnt of" n I" --rl ant f_ tum_ ..:._d -.~. peat th obje t': cour . 'We'r. tryin '8 Hperimmt" he

the object a in, . loud youcan. Wbilr.pea ·it for . . third tim the

seraeant ag in cut in nd told me to stand by. Thia time :lcouJd calling a. cod nam I andth n. hlI velee, in a onl:'"'!a ..... OC .....

tomeone if my descri'pbon. Alt not r lull, and withou f ."'"

ther camm. nt about th tb out

UI" ' 'Iohm

a . I'ur:po ~1, lUI ,tI au ur


"'column. 9 repo nthe m antime' hearing a jet's bum ov r my 8J'

trength_ned my first uspici f " jet

pilo Maybe _h - on ,10ft! Tome, this me -_ doonfitmed th object

and that __ me of th peop'l 10 lip , over Cincinnati were

ing sam thinK besides Venusl

Ev D thou h the evidenc pointed h avily in, fayo 'of th popular belil[

tb_n - hip w practiced by lb- pr _- I ~·U I .ck ' proof of it. An

lc ·'n proof.I felt dtennin.. not to dose my .m,in on tb _ possibiHty

ers '11 w , otbe er {or the p behaviori in: regard

to the flyi.n sau r· u . . P rhaps, I hay oft· n th ught, J had leaned t,OG

h..vily OR lee J meid n, my! t vid ne th.I' liv

n ,ative mom n w r e rtainly n crit ria for th

5C81e S'U pickint my own p,_-umptiOD

int Hig c nt ones that'O W being cam _ by th

those h 'were published with anedito' Ichallen

,eti In brier I felt convine that sam thing w

nd actions but wh nrchin for itt m th , cam mor

mati pa P rha- John D tTy, (ormer Avis 'on Editor of Trw,

hit upo who b wrat m _ the foUowinl:

of FO ten pTe' • &Ior


o me. DuBarry made nse1 His reasonmc;ov r - mast of tbeUold

I CC!OSOrshIP nd povided at 10 n ibl explans:' on for even

the extreme issu s whit ·bothe _ ar bing criti . Reviewin th

accordinlly~ I eouldsee, i.nsted of ce _ rshiptthe uennededitorial as an editor's laziness' the smoth red story _ an edito bias; tb ,garbledccount

an editor's poor disciplin and J mi btdd, th funny ory, which if no funny originaUy was m ~d that. way to'tor' wittynatur,e.ut, editon like to IseU n w_ .. and to off. t th scare h - dlin th y em ..

broider around int mational incid nt;sand mu.rder m will jump at atl

like th~ little squib appearin in CiDcinn.tiP t: July 13, 1951 "'A By-

in& saucer (with little men mperin sr und it) w· r -. ed by hundr _ of Chi 0 r . d n _ _ .. Mirtmy - dW -tb r- ur _\1 0 - . Is id nlifted i a a runaway weath r balloon, drif 'nl at. 8Raltitu·- of 60 000 ft.. Th Y explained everythiDl 'Iitt} men' Tb Cin °nneti P _ , howeYer, stumbled (Of an answer wh D ked wby they blck doutthe bi

.story hittin D ~8napolis. A~ __ 1 157 whicb j·~voJy UFO man uy· ring

.round an All Force born r. Pro ably itwBm't funn,y nougb.

On theoth - hand,. ' _po' 0 t d of n wspaper· hicb . dop _~

a pOJicy of self..c nsorship. Su m y bethca of tb Cincinti Bnquirer, who edits news with. a prot ivcompl On -ample ibly. i n UP story dat lined San. JUB~ Porto Rico publishd by the Enquit1-r, 1957. In bri f, theecount ran _ foUo : A ery object hurt] .. tow d 8 Pan American Airways pian.e bigbover the AtlanticOc -an todiy ( reh ), for.cing it to take quick v siv action to avoid ing hi th pilot r ported. Four person _ requiredhospi _ -liza . on rorhocand injun uft - r pp rently becau of the man uver Ca,pt, Matthew Van WinkJ jd bee uldnoiden.'y

th flamiJJg object which m - n - c histran rt 8 th balf-w ypo'nt on. th

Bieht from ew York to San Juan. The pilot of _Tran· Caribbean pine said he saw the obj:ect and id h beli ved itc-ould b ve a meteor.. A PanAm~ricanspok aa said oth _ rpln on t.b ·sam.e route saw mOlle than one object. Cap Van. W'nkle idbi. impr lon when. h sighted th

object wa that it W -0 j - t plane. But when igo cl - T, -"d h :noti

WBI not shaped like any known To.yoid e,olliioD, Van Winkle 18ld, b

pulled the pi n into a p limb ri' 1.:500 ft in few !Dds. • ,"

But,. for sam quiro fle- mn· tbeE.nquiref' h 'lined (It . tory: "Pilot

Climbs,. A.voids Met r:our Hurt".Tothor· STY 1'1 ad r b obj.ect in question, would be writt D, off s mteor. Bu. h d hn thePbiL d Iphi Inquirers ve.rsion ·ofthe aam;e UP r t fC!8 und er th hedli MAirline-r Dod . FieryObject"~· far more dtail-ccount whih

quotes Capt. VaJ~ Winlclet follows: JI ••.• it w ~h white

round object, unrecognizable, ut d: _linit.ely not met I." ThUi VI by

coloria, the news to sati fy a.poliq,he story I I -. tru v .

Civilian Saucer Iat Uigenc 0 _ ~_ -ew __ ark d - d - ply into 'th Van Winkle and others.Tb ir findinp, published in. esP.


I tter, pro mteorie ,espLtion, bu dmLtht the od are equally

in favor alit being a UFO,'

Sin th Ad .~, .. " inciden there' been three other ,known instan· where comm n:ia1i -aircraft have had narrow capes with UFOs I

DC3, which J ng~ To my knowl'ge, til E'nqr.rirfW b~u.:cJ

aU p. pubJi h aU thr ,r it

c _ rUin papers'poJicy.

Whil, I hsthe Cin ~"n9ti Enuirr

uspicious it w jnmicaUy the sam new _ paJ)e"tl

A"j '7·· 19' ·57 .L._, I.. • d-l me ""th th kind" evid n . . t..: ·h· ' ld h ........

. _pn .", ,.LIIII pt'OVl_ cu .". WI" ,... , 0 ,VI "ce WIUe". cou . c,qul5

my vie '. toward the Enquiret- and which could vindic t all newspapers f

th me : icio

T _evideneewaa~m,pJandit began with M rcLCatheril1 'Golden C,' . t man of th CiAcinnati UFO Sod, ty clling the Enquir rnnouncin th t Ma.' K yhoe on 6 woldlectur at th Hu hHigh Scboo'l Auditorium.

peet wb D· ,announc ntppeared in p On it wa . a.lampoon or Keyh

__ meantim with Orbit bowin OU J had 'pr' '

ment which sumrnariz thr y' r arch. I delive red copi

d til' _. re Me but tb wet - smoth re d

wb _ppearing in £dChap" nls eolumn in th~ Tim Star . • portin this _ 'ubwhenl introduc d K yhoe toth· audiencetmy

wordsbein _'VDJJtictiv! bar aUn rth pr The baiJ'~ fDllowed

Kyboe~. eritiealr view :of th Ncospir.8cY', I,. would •• ur ty draw - p_ esi'irendth Inevitable '_ p. But torny complete _ urprise, the n

momin 1'1, Enquirer d pulled a vol'Ie' lace. Their 'story read (0'1'10'- ':

'SAt" f:R ,I; D 11'1' ,r- H.-\Rr.· D-Ex rl )'\ Tru b on Ayio

\Vithh~ld-.\n ,~timated ~


d _ ober r por.t· 11 ith r Id hort, w ich i

10 orten the case wh n oth r new p per r count hisctur Had the Enquirer been und r the "thumb" or "too do. to Wri. ht-Patt rson n utic 1Iy and politically" s has n char th lecture m : ure',. would have been bbed or sub'l cted to ehoic pm seologica1. snipes.

tjJJ !DO b r exampl of a new paper asserting its right was th Provid nt

Ode I land .Bulletin,. March 156 which ros ,editori l1y to ehall nllie

oflicialexplan tion ror mystrious kyqunk. rk d th Bulletin:


. m~·

VorpaJ. r mark Jiik

would hardly indict th t i _ .<titor

, mbed to c n orship, and if such '

luding thBulltin, woul fr

treme controls exi t, no new ...... "' ........ to critic·z th auth ri i

ch r e tha n w wu rvic smothr o me-wan INS ory which brok,e

- and coming .• a urpri 18, 1954. It t I arouow

"(~ K ) ~ I' UE FE, IKE'S UE:'ItI.\ L- Th ' JI\lhli .. h·r 1'( "I< 1:0 s '~I lin


UnaC(:ountably, my lett r of rebu (no rBection politi ally)

ehow w s pick d up by INS Iter 'h offer d i tto UP and A whee if

w spurn d. Th APoffic· rold m thy would h v to cb k fi.·. t with th ir N w York Buru bu h n I phoned th next d .y,1 learned th y had ·Ued it But the INS eportppar nfly h d stirr, d up a hom Jan .. H rd on j,

h Is came Scr,ipp -Howard bls '. In anartiele basin clvilian ucer r search,RDbert Crater of the Was!tington, offie -ingl d out my 1 t rto the President as prim . torig i,commenting. "Strin.gfild W _5 U wo· ed up",

Crater also ook staps at re. arch rs ax Mill" Jim 0 I y nd M d

Layne. But mo t si nifie3nt wa til let tht INS T i ·dtb tory-and certainly any d cr by th igovernment which would UP and AP would also include INS ..


r hi


o ion is n vi


Wh t v roth

i fo th



• rin C' piou


11 Sir v .. n of erma, Ca1if rni· who rMU~ Illd • l' F • • (It. 12. 1 .• • ",'holr _ krd d \IOn f

l d J.) on

On . he other hod are the -w with xperi nc t 'telt who

shrin away from publicity f &ring ridicul or that tbey're e din on curity

Preq.uentlYt I bay r eivdxcJ n, r ,rt from inividuuJ who denied 'til

riaht to pub]' b th -ir jru nDation,or requ anonymity. U] 11 be 1 uh

riaht out of my jo W.Q on remar Anoth r .oodon : "My wife thin $ I'm nuts already. Sb he BoE thi and b II leave me sUn!.".1 always tri d to I Ulh with t11--, but _ f were truly worri dabout iform ,tion Ie In .. advertently. I r m m . r 0 C4 involving an engin r r'tumin to Cin ..

cinnati (rom Ariton with v . ty lucid report of wh· t h hadncounter-

his trip~ Obli in Iy he took th tim to writ it up on. th request of friend of mine,. who in tum obli in Iy ubmitt _ th r port to CRI 10 r vi w in N sletter. When tb igh ' r Je med of this, Is told. h e alm t -en into .hock,and d m nded that his report be d troy:d, In hi. opinion w.· t h had seen was U.S. _ecr wa.poflt ands nt wee fearinK, tha.t bis r per

bad violated curity. I di th e . n t . \r n luding to it in my

bulletin. allhau h it would have hed in excell nUywith oth r rnaterialon hand.

Another ca wh re 'pp re.ntly, f ar o(con equ nc pr v nted th sn-

vestig tor from obt iain' v lu ble dir confirm_ion of w ird nd m t UDUIU81 si htinan _, kep it from fie ching th pr xcept Orbit, wa in he attempt ofe. W. P··tchofCI .... eland Ohio to follow up e _ rt in I d in tb J cksonviUe. Flo"d inti nt (Orbit Cae No. 162 May 9' 156). This involved the e:r::peri. nee of two girls who were terrifie by aIow-hov rin obj -ct over a bu stop lat. t niht.

A thorOll h [ollow"up of thi c w :~ m _. by Fitch in . nn mptol

obtain addition I information and ,confirmation ofthoc:currenc" H ue~eeded inlocatin the driver of th bu nd obt .inin t1,i written confirm ti n o( having D the obj c ·ng up th_ iris' stDry. but . ~yond th - t hi perseverant w by col· sit nee, H was d irou of obt iron th

additional tes imontals of 'two i ntl men who w r p. n nbord th

thatev ningand who had -1 observ d th [w m

had frilhten th :Iirl 0 b dJy. _:umerou court

te~ failed to licit ny IT ply from th two witnesses,

result of Fitch'i_ inv tl . rion :

1)10 CRlsor., nw pullU bet or . j\T£ Ul'. IIrt'.


Direct confirm.ation of theincid n from thr of re principalinvolv_ Joan Fr GerbeWynn and Wall ce L .. , rlowe, th driver. Excerpts I their letters are inluded at this poin 'nc,- thy are highly iUurnin~'tin-

to their action. t th time.

Jon Frost: ~he obj was surrounded by an r d mi t of Ii ht with

8. bri hter rd. 1m _. lik a ftmebjni g through thr ecrac of a doc in

th ' bottom of i-We w the door which waclosed.nd seem 0 be quit,e

a ood siz bu didn't 00 much notice of i. _ c u wh wwthat i

100 red lik w w re going tog t ,pick d up, I got t rrified and startedto run,"

G,erti Wynn.: -It went jut aboveou.r had '~. There wa dfinitly DO

ound at all J, ur had far of bei:nlkidna,p, _ It w8alsoan, excitinl

feeling of sam _ thing diff,erenL"

L. Marlow: I w thop ratoror th bu h t w m ntioned

" TO t and I r m.ember the oecurr ne quit well. A I .ppro ch d the

comrlwottn ,obj. cts,in th ir ju t boy, h gir ndb dof m.y bu IpuUed on down. to wb r th y wer standing and opped. I rem mber tb girl w re b dly fright n d w.h D tb y bo de the bu nd I belive they mentioned somthin to th eRe

to kidnap'· A I took d ,t th. objec 8

for eond nd· h n th y both w nt up into tb ...t

Th re VI·b lutely no sound ofnkin Th o'bje w lev r th.y were.

were quite Jarg ,ands r caUtone we sli htlym_Uer than thother. They

ppe r ~ te round. Th re was red glow from the und rsidand

bright Ii hton th . top of . ach one. t have no idea. wht hey w r but do know th y w rno J t" crft. It ,BV me 11/, ry ri f lin which I still ree It"

Indir confirmtion v ntually obtain from the two p gers re-

ferred to. namely r. W. T. Hill and Mr .. C. R. wi both of Je . nville in

,h following m M .. Filch h d r I ted h Jo ksonvilL ~ghtin _ to fri nd,

Mr. Bob Albe . t of th CI veland Avi ti nClub who th n be-

c_m int_red in it.. 'hil· on B va tion in Florida, during Marchi 1957,

Albers made ita pain to ell On Marlow Hilland_ wis. On his r turn to CI v land h . .:quaint d Fitch with 'th f c tb tall thr. ·01 these indi·

vidu 1. lk d f Iy to him of hying nth strange ebj cts, While willin

to diseu . and confirm th ir 'sightin v' r l1:y h latter two w re appr· ntly

p rehnsiv= of puttm: .anytbin, in writin r, I ,tin to. it. How, ver the di-

Donal ver 1 cOO finn a 'on rec ived threu bAl' r· 1t.1 top! c. this e in

the top bra.cket of authentic and r liablycon6.rm UFO sighting .


Aho . of differnt color in u Hshin bum is Li.fe m the

pictorial big bl'otb of r portori. J T'irne - both ·of whichc-arry of


·n1Iuenceeverywhere. USA! In 1952. Lile published > n tion 1 re lUret .. tide entitled. "Have W Visi Q From Sp c " in which. i uthors. K B. Darractl. Jr.nd Robert Ginn pre nt d I.j "entific:: vid nee ht thr is a

real case for int rpl etary .8.ying uc n. '1Oinna in

later article in Li/eU ••• the story pr1)mpted an,ed nt> _ response from the readers, .. "

On Marc_h S, 1955. on behalf of CRIFO I wrote to Lile' edi orialoffic .

rollows: "In respect to Lile' silenc on _ uc ince i big· 2_ IHve

e Vi 'tors rom Space?',. appearin _ in 1952, In Y thi writer construe th to mean that nothin. ha inc hap ned to Iter that Ii f that' tb bypo.. bests that saucers are int rplanetary?""etc:.

OnM.arch 25, 1955, Li/n wer ,'" for your I .fof

Marcb 6 Unhappily in. nding it on to tb editors for consi . ration it has

been lost-or 'so v ry w II .mispl e that II ouretro have fsi ed to loca,

it in th right edito fold r. Woud you be ,ood nauh to

me 8 cop')'? ThJ th .t it ree iv prom t attention.."

On Mafch2'7, 1955, I nt a carboncopy.Havinl.heard

nothin by May 2' I wrote a roHow-up. Th in. part, '" 11 'htJy B.abberg ted, fm tiUaw itin, your r ply to itber my Qn in'l J. tt r, ar h 5 1955 or its copy 27". 1955.

promi . that my end lett r would r IV . romptaU - ntion but. I

another month h srolled by ,nd ill no n w r .. " I ndedmy I. tt r r peat"ng m.y earlier requ Fin Uy,. on May 12 I rec iv tb Coli owi n r ply from whicb I quote: "'Unfortunatel.y, the· ditor .Fport that thy are unabl to fit

anoth r 'flyin uc rs' articl into upc:ominh iul . at lea

being. They will, however, .keep th subject t hSiRd and rh it can M

nsidered lot ron ...

On May 17,. I wr,ote,"YoW' tetter of _.y 12, in r ply to min f y 2 .

nd th _ write i i rat rut for your promptr ply. Howev t. your nswer leaves the writer my tift, in that it obIiqulyv d t'heqution no'( I ttl'S dati,n b 'ckto Mrch 5; 1955.. In vi wofLi/c',

ilence on th ubj It tn! t r lOfl,

.fr to conc:lud tht Lil' pr nd

thus ltill uphold ,he •

. by.

It ,concem th Tremonton. film, kno,wn in I 52 .$ tb tr 1m m t

'r Foreecircl Major Keyboe in hI book, P.lyi Sau rsfrom Our

had exposed i.tssect h ndlin· by phot raphic: x. rt in th .Air

Na.vy and by 1954 th film bad beeeme a "'reI pi 01 po&itive

among '.att-buntin lSucerit It w. durin this b dy riod t .

pocu I thou ht.rob bl)' th a i _t perhaps th _ re was a r asoJl!-th. m ime to treat he > ucr probl m so 1_ ily


Dvidson, nuclear den' t. and formerly of AEC.sent lett -r to CRlFO fo~ pUblicationi in tbe New$l~tt r.Wrote Dr. Davidson and .1 quote frorn thli~ letter in part a follows:

on 01 the

On September 2 :1953 an Air Forcpok man idt th OWDt of film NavyW 0 D lbertNewhou_ - gean make the film public if h wish However wben I wrot to Lite about pictorializine: the film. they r pli • No

vembe 25 •. 1 53, "We b v no hard ything moreabeut th once pro

showing of th Trem.onton film ... we hall certainly be interest d wh n an if th: material i made public."

_ d, Lile f rKott n th y h -min d tbfilm. or wet b y told 0 forget Or wa ita typicalca 01 Lit -. ri - ht band n·at knowing what its left han

w • doing? otwitbs1Bndin a tb worldn·ow knows, th 'U" film pite

nial of i existene _ by h _ Air Fore in 19:5 was mad public in th

m vi , "UFO" 0 Unit d _ .. lst preduetion 1095,6·, WhH Life we n ithe int r -.eeI :in printing" ·Us ·of tb .. U" film, orinrviewing tb movi UFO", it did take time ou D . c. mber 5. 1 SS to promote tb juvenile drawins depietin u&typica1 eying uc rei by the Air Fore in th irSpeci I R po No. 14, October 25 I 55.


Sauc rly s.peaking., 80m . thin WBS rott n in W hin,on! This was pr~ ticui lyc1. _r to the student who h d foUo·w d th long r cord of AirFo e statem nt and all th r UFO r po inc 1947. To him th m tt r WI DO Ion r a jo . jtobvio . that a worri. d W.hin on w 9 hiding something big-perhapmuch bIgger than the Manhattan Proj

Gu . ding this .ec. t w. s the hi h t . II in tb world-tb W II of Security!

On on id 5 ood the tatt rdemalion for on theoth r,

the Air Force' th watchd

Such wtu quo while CRIFO" forces VI re buildin up. St tistically. durin on fhlid period in. 1955, CRIFO' bulietincouJ":bo-of mo_ than 23.00 paid su cribers, Included in th - 6 ure w·ere m "y promin nt Am rins. Mas w re unafraid of b vinl their nem oeit d with i oth . how~ ev r pref IT 0'· . curity e _u of th ir com n.y' contr .. e with tb Air Fore • or. sffili tiona with·o _ rv tori, colleg: 0 th rnili ry.


Foreign 8 en also, wer . ware of CRlFO,.veral inquiring about Orbit di.rectJy,. others. Isuspecte<S, tbrou h memben of the diplomatic ft. On a confidential tip from one Latin Amenc c rre pondn I Iearned tha hu lovemmeot received. Or:bit regularly having them t.rnslated. into Spanish.

On the other hand, I have approached s· v :I'aI foreign gov rnments witt. quertio r rding th, UFO probl m. Replie however by sucbopen.and directcommunication. fie earee, Curiously,only th Sovie' Union haa re-

pond· A tegist red letter, d ted Jun· I, 1957,. reads follows:

UScrmin ly,lhe cmmunicat"n ... concernin lh apptran 'let" ),our country 'Wl·

id nliliedfllyin obj ets rec jyinin th rreign pre. the n:ame 0.£ 'Hyin

)i u refer in ) ur letter, d not have .any rel Ii "til truere lily. inr ...

nm h ve not been 0 . erved by u .

"Z'IlllUrally. under he to c.nd.if Dlheft c;mnot alkllfi ut anyffi1:ial

v rnmefl't l tem nt QI1 theu.: Ii n f unexi lin bj· s. or a ut theoretical in-

n ti I' n ;n lhi dOm3 in,"

The 1 tter was igned by A. G. Karpenko Scientific Seer taryj Intern part-

mental Commission for Int,· rplan.etary Commuruc tio Acd my NAU

U.S.S.R. Whi'l I w not disappoint by the I tter's text. I w how ver, happy to not tlist. ala the U.S.SR. had 'greed on. at least o.n i ue" e U.SA.

Also or int ret wth departm.ent from which the 1 'tter wasedd.r By

this, wet Jeas know th t the U.s.S.R. ic. o.lllanized totlUnJc in rID r mter-


Back bome high asw. s CRIF'O's pre 'e so was i spirit· and, stron

as its ubscribershl·PI so W re the demnds pi eed On it for .,utboritative in formation. Mor and more I r ali: d that my editorial wod alone w not enouglL For CfFO to propercontin,uousJy it wout', need thength of official and prof .. ion. 1 .. u port. There w. r thr sourc1es-th Offieeof Puc lie Information of the U.S. Air ·orc in. W shino~the legi 1 tiv br. eb of lovunmenl, Bnd the men of 'eRe .•

One apJor.atory eflort.March 18, 1'9SS" took me by phon tc Captain Robert

C. White ·ofthe Air Fore '. OPI in W,ashmon W ttk,ed saucers lor OD hour-- $19'. worth. In. that time,. I hammer -on th pr'overbial issu but White. w Il·trainedand wary whem no f ndillgoffc rta:~1 qu tio.n :tithh proverbi\8J Air Fore owe· Jeund hi 'be defense in 'I ne . On leDeraJ. .u· "U1l:~' however While w mer r _pon iv,. Hjs comm nts follow!

5 10 :.~'t. f frofllPlDnth

month. th t "! pi in d: th t at



On tbeotb J" band Air Foree rep!i to my letters hav brou ht vn I infonntion. Most r pli _ t ly ysded mYQu tiOB_" ir -l,y. A typical sparil'lganswr to 8. I tter which Iaddr - d to Cap . Whit ,·1un qu .ons _ bout.1I' _ n fireball ph om n ..ot this r' ply, ·Capt. White " on leave prior in aft r hYing campi ted his tour hr. lam nct inK _. copy ·of our I-test _r r lea which answ rs your qu stion in tnls letter". The Itter

wa sign by M _jor WiUim W. Jme of th _- .Air Force Pr' - k. Specu· ltivly, _ bay It n wand r d wb t M jor Jam wuJd h v writt n h d I ak for inform tion on the Air Force's provi_sions to combat th m uita in th hlndr .

. An ' if th re hould be .any doubt about m.yc:oUection of WI' plies", I need only t quo e inrt 110m a J'tter from th Office 01 h er t - ry 01 th Au Force d t 14 D ember, 1956 follo"'$:·, ' .. W,e hv ju t complted I r vi ViI 01 tb eonai _ rbJe file of can pendente tht h _ ccumul ted ever the past I, w y or betwn you and vriou. units ndoRic of he Ai r Force ...

But 'he ev iv, r ply end th not onty~onfined to C . IFO.

A lo.r . new paper which One tri d ettinat h Tremonton film. w,

told t ttl I minut tht the film h d' n d troy eeid ntlly by fir@

facts in 1950 tooke Cincinn ti busin man,fol· hlibt Inei nt, to W hington. At the Potaon. I

old h~m to far et uc r an ad vl d inst· ~ostart

it mplo lowingth No- ood hi h tnkin offie r coUtin post

Oth n tv militarym' try e-reund tum tb ir eRG the

13w~mk rs, On uch inqui.rin Itter writt n by Robert Hopkin 0·( LaGrange illinOIS .otthi t .clfuJ r ply (ram Congr man William _cVey which, id in rt. ", . . Thgov, rom nt h be n p yin con' derblett ntion to reports

t'srdin r port.ed movemen of th e lesti I bodi nd re C ntlyi· u d a

tatement to theft- t th hy had run d n th u_'nds of the reposand

could not diovr foundation lorny of th m .... "

Stillnother tt,mp tin u .h juri prudence had more Iar-reachin implica-

tions.Th pincipalcont ant "II Thorn s Eickhoff~ ·,Ci 'nn . bu' .- an.

ickhoff 6 became Int rt in sauc r . n 1951.. b ·vin n y that. yer whichheould not explin. In 1954 h touch

melee in

the AirFOI'ce by mekiq public NIh poin of in teTView with ColoneJ

and baI, since favored a _ howdown between claimants ofe terplanetary theoryandtb Air Force who oppose it, Eickhoff's open letter ~"rlI_ 'bini his later leaa1_ etio _ lollo

"Juri prudmc )'st f law. of a untry. Riht. ju.sti Th~ act of ad mini

lenng J, It h !I .aJ ay my opin' n t1u.1 the b. ofthe l Ad i I r thepr teetion

of (ht ri h of the individual and that due pof admin.isttring thi rdinal n amsi injU5lic. and wr Il8' j a ve and bt,Yiond th jnrerfC'f'cJlC:~ by .IIny ne or VlyJhin

exi t tw diamricaUy opp'

ke linin w y

j. theoth r. a mUll r JH!'rs nwhorl im

f r dio and ught Woil ve ....

t it in judgm fit neither of the cIa ti nl, but rather hl

1 w n lh m ndJk b)' d

'h i ..

Ain the'.

~rd endin ihi th

" ..

lime Ihl my wire- and I m de .1, per n I vilit to Lt, CoL J hn

put)' mm ndt n A Fa.

'~1ra n rlt_



"In the: nexr )'C r, tbttc w -. C J~

Saucer and dir

in in re in" in on th ir

( Ihe . mail

of lb book"

Ad. m ki.

o th


h VI! . ilh ul j pardi,.in eith I' (he nali n J' df n!, or them el 5, tbey

they will d I) through 1h e PI' • flo

r thi

cu,r, lhiwould and Iher y. hen PI' ute him (Ad

) I m.

<II called ' n alt tnt)' rrj. nd .md KJlI in I

,f hil

hi i ~

OUI Ilf Tr'Jop«t to the vuiou<,

r deral repre ntati\'e t clll OA' I' ju t kiddin • but ml I

ur p n fetmn. .Dt_, n thinK ' sue e ted ~ur f inuir' I he ,n .. wn Iltal w nve :1 ... ·, r Iricnd.

nt: Ih'f'lnd . _ id, .\\ e'r I) nlt' ... e ht Id (If once -

,,'Iurnt'· e UC"d eto hi Ll ee. 1-'

liun .. f!lrll panic eoneern to d nv n)' mp

II rf calnC' fr m )h. A. D. of a did In '1' ,. (air f P"',drt'dl C INri.

"uu/d prt';'" t Qlly,Jllt It' ,.,. Its,,!.

'~1 f '1 i h. I ,f or c IUll1l'" uil

'I .Iill 111

Hardest to m'lure in myqu t for Buthorit tive informtion we the depth of th.e sci ntificwell ofthinkin . Most ntis r arin publiceontrove Yt or that tb ywereoin too far out on professions I I.imb, u-uaUy chewed off the inquisitor before be C \lldlaY "'nyin SBUC, r", On the othr hand, there were _ few, with preconcved id a about th univ r t whoY,olubly tack d ev ry

_ u .esbon of - .ucers from s ceo To the newsp pera., tir or . uc th

utter en wer awlcomrli f and u ually they found en hrin m nton til i:n bot weath r editorials, To th la.yman, how v r, who believed

re ct. it m nt tbt Sciene,_ h d c_ t Ita Jo'and that uc w r

Shapley said in 1952w ••• a campi te lot of nonsense or • Dt.

Walt· r . din 956, ~he oly n n . sauce th . you

hen you have an argument itb your wife in. the' __ lteh nM or as Dr. Clifford Furna form r ssistant ere ary of d fen. . 'd in 1957, upeop]' who re port flyin . _ ue rsjuste $pO,bef.or iJ"eye·. Bu to the saucerite these men were not a tru sampling of . in' fie thinkin : they wereeith r 'aUrin witll their feet in their mouths J or w rpid to talk that way!

For the mor qualified opin.ion on insid eienee, I quote in part from letter r iv d fr'om Wrd Kimball,. Dir or of Walt ,Di .ey' Tomorrowl 'cl.~s follow: ... Th m - _ inter tine aspect 0'( cr,tinl th factusl, pace tr vel

television show ror DisneyJand h n th xdtin con we've m d with

the sci n.tis,ten in r - and pbysi· conn -eted. dir ct),y or r moJywith the

, ovemmentguided mi. OJ nd artificial . tellite program. Theon' qu. tion tb. t

seems t.o start the fur flyin ood-naturedly 8ndotb.rwi I i wilt n w'e a .

what do you thin _ about fiyin - u - --? Ttl. -n w rsrun fr 'I l'very absurd!'allth way down to 'Xf ' • flying uc r J ._ ded on my awn ,omo ,row,[ wouldn,'t be 'taU urprised! ... "

Realizing the importancofln -handinf'ormation, I once tri . my luck at the personal inerview. I w in October 1954, fterettin, b rr . COY rillg .grn fir ball in . d nt in New Mexico. I phoned Dr" P ul Her, .. . et, profssorof tronomyt th University of CincirlDti; now en of th h d

( ,he Navy sat Ilite program. told him .sboutth .fir baJlandrem rll: that

, h d t Ik d withWright·Ptt n on the ucerqu tion. . fore han-in up

a re d to s me priv t Iy at th e rvatery. In it dome' w _ 16 inch

Clark tel cope. but it w 1.0 Dr. HI fR rs _ ctwuy for _ teroidcb, of

which he w s the world authority.

Wh n Dr, H rg t and I met at th ob -fvatory I expl in that the pu . po

or my vi it wo· to hi pr r ion I adviee cn sauce For n I

felt uneornlortble. Maybe it wa th·Y r fumishing ·of th 01

the rtrai .h -b ck chai th mu tinG·ttin to

peak."Oo you hov curity CI rane? h

I replied th inc-

on ; that my pl'I _nt r ushbutton, thtmo pher chn

ak dim vi w on t.h whol

OR a I.YI '"'


nd b 'tin on cord, To hi kn w ... w r anth m I

"I take dim vi W 0 - th whol

r two _mpl I h

ledge th t wa noevidence!H m

"Bu wh t of the i htin am t, UJ' strencm rs;.l" I I WD think-

in of vroJr1ecnt r ports r chin rn fr'om' r 0 . rv uing cod

tel 0 . Dr. H r, t f' nd Iquickly.. id h h d Iittl fith in th

amat ur' r portoddin. that th y w r not qunlifi to id nt" fy nythin in

pac . 1 auld f I my, ati nefdin. '"For til t rna 'er, ir,,'· count red, "how


can you prove you re seeing asteroicls?" I knew this was the wrong thin to sa, t was: when I II ukedbout tb. Norwood. Searchlight Incident, in wbi.

Dr. Herget w involved. he yolJjed.~othinl to it. J' Ie.! I tell you, I . a dim view of thewh le subj· "

By .. is time, Jhad tak a dim ··ew on whole in, erviw. I gave u

thanked him ror his tim.eand Jeft feeling more bam 'tbnever. But I wondenn wby be had .edbout security c1erance ..• also wond rinJ wha· ,mibt. hav been id had t th necessary clearance.

Other ien.tis wer not openly pro or eon. One J adln,onomer. and

U ority on writin from ,to P.slomar,said,~ wouldn'·

in 8,bout ~UCetl' jJ rlly d anythin wo.rthwbiJetoy haven' kept upon this. rm stilln con vine 'g" their 'sten

open 'mindon the ubjecL '11 have to w it untille Jly f

p'robbly wont' have my gl with meso my observation will be

WiUin to IOOD'pu'bli'crec.ord, but playing hia handC8UtiouaJy wutro.

nom r, Dr. Jam C. Bartlett In .' Baltimore lectur. rchof956., Bartle

'd h . w ~ positiv uc rs e:nstedand ·ere conoUed mee but fr

there, h admitted, msco.nvi· 'on faded into apeeul.tion. Said Bartlett: JC i not im 'bl that dleobjecta come (r'am ... other planet. butthep 0 bility i, thatthan er i to be founden this earth .. 'ollowin tb lecture. admitted h had n both _i',~ and cigar baped obj.. which h could n

explain. Also. on the conservativ sid W . Alfr·ed. Co. Loeddi civi'_

b ·ad of th first Air Fo.'e inv " 'on in 0 f1.ying .uc: and a PrLcton

aeronautics] Rainer. Accor ," .1 to tbeTr ntooew Je y Tim

had ted unequivocally .t th t wer lucb thina'as ftyib

d hi' statlenton more lOO reports received fromirlin pile Air Foree offie rs,and 0.. r rell8blesourc.

erhap fhemo strikmgltionof in . d sci ntific thinkin. cam by

letterfr,om correspondent Hor '0 Gonzal .of cara Venezuela. H quot I

the statements by tbr. Americsn Sci. w 0' W 'f. 'intervi . wed by

I -I pr wbi' visiting Yen zu_1 in Dem , 1954. TbetemeofoUo

Dr. H. ro..'Ii a bin c. once on the ,taft' or rnell iycniry: "11'~r~ "

"",,,.i hlU OfDlllf(ui Olt ,or''',rllm ',MY lUI COM' /"'0" 10".,. Ollt~,. .,.. t. •

Dr. Kurt .~:ltthu. nee on lh It If of the (culty f bysj 1 Seien f the

nieril)l (~ic:i:"I. eiW.,IPt dub,tli.n.· Iu:u Acub"" Gid ·OUf', II",

SIJIt (',., - (II • t.l','orio.u...a· b IIt.c 0(" fur ,Iu'N" It! tWs'I,

Dr. Wil n Henr), of Ihe ni nit of Pf'nn),1 nia in paraphr e ; san"1 "

,,01 , , rf'S~1I 0/ t._ . .ioJlor til U 'S)lC .tis Iud' t,' IlIi,.r Jk"d b b' "

fro1ttpIPK' flU'S.

The U.S. n.ewswir .dJe note "rry the .t m. D But th date of the pI"

ccount is sia;nifi ,trar it co'_ad with informtion I h . d t thsttim

whicb told of U.S. military and nti6.c team n.t to V-a

tereport. ofa of weird UCY Ilta.


Perha the r duet,o th Pan Am rican affair 91" revealed. by Co __ 1

Lorenz D in her APRO bulletint; of early 1955. Through Is r woml c.. Goazal_lhe publiahed th de . ofthetetror brougbt to five Venezu Ian. lcitin by a. sudden outbreak of saucer laD·' and Ilcounte·th u ly little c:reatur described _hairy bi APRO also rev J_ t i' indeed au .. pri.sincthat no mention has been made in the U .. S.newspape of the Petare, Catora, ValeDda _Dd Zuliaeacounte •• Stranger it seems" u tli:Je lad that

Mr. Miller of Buai W t Mr. Amold Dible cf UP. and _ . John eJl of

North American N r Al1iance -e all 'coincid utaU,., in Car 0

daYiafter th Petar_

JudcJnl bytbe hush .. up Ita en of Doctors Sabin tb us " d

Henry perhaps wen r undd_epositioD ·of _oentists inth U. i the neutralism af most, the daubl 'talk 01 many and th revolt of t: - .•

Aro abou~the 0 cial 'euce. one American ' enelaiDled'

vltelythat the pubic ouJd be told e tJ'ue(acU befor itwu tool teo An ... Dtber 8 Bri 'ltJ'1onomerseomed "Penta.on-mind _ peopJe" wbileatill other no ' astronomiea1 authority in. EnllndwroteJ W,. '" • l.. pe1"ttlFbedto find a rm a1 of yourrequ far penni 'on to quote from mylunm • forthcomini ,of Orbit .. I replied _' tlnK youfuU ' tiO ute my letter for thispw-pose sotn time in July. .Anywy . quit obvioualy you havenev r received this answer which Ie _ ds me 10 uspect that mil . . DeJa

tampered with am on den ore than a remarkab per ..

centaceoi my eorr .uft'erinl in this respect over

put two orthr y bee.n ovene m ilin ,either. I

wonder whaisgo' I 00. •.• n

The most c I bTated ,aaeDtUtsto peak au publidy~.Ad profJerio similar

theories. wier Doctors, Clyde W. Tomu. b, head oftbe U. S. :teUite. cb:

aDd, Hermann Oberth. f of '_ e German VM2 flOCk: Both . 91 ~bili

that AUten w e from anotb sol8J' ¥Stem.

!12'. ".'" ,-. b·_ r t . ncn ill·· ... "

r...... :m __ y. ustr ..

statement which w _ written with lfatemeltt 10Uo.

Dr. earanee

'·1 hay

itbin 1M l' t

. .,r

ilh :and

r .1:1111&1 on. UrI! I n II ~lD Curt. AI

rfiv per wh'llle



dawn th.: percent e: VCR more. 1 'think iI. .. eat deal wiU be Imtd aboutel Irical and .. ni f n ph nomena from the ICY pr -um.

"1 hillk .n.. everal repulable 'enrists aTe-kin

the libilily of :.-tnAerrcstria:lori lOI:ndntur

of finaIi y.JJ

Un!'icienlillc i refu in 10 enler~i h is yet too early for "J deci,i


I have never _ n down .. to-earthspaeeship. 1 have nev - t n to

nd baclL TherefoceJ J' eaaao ,yhat 8yinuc or p 'e hips from M

Ye. without in" orfeelin _ th '. uitT fu table proofs" I believe that n um known. percepts e of t UFOs on ·official and CRIPO file area.ctuaUy inter pi netty vehicles -. maybe from __ Q.

Is a .otter of intrpr t 'on, I ruppose. may when you have

archive of "evid nee", IikeCRIFO' -, at your tingertips. This,. plus studiow

len, .ck at rtiacin ·on - th pati nee to put the myrLd I nds into 8p t-

tm ._ can usuall'yak th -uc from Mar im 100 . itinly clear,

That ~. for some peepl. Perha. it w '. r. tiocin tion tht chane _ th mi

01 H -ry J.Taylorbo~t uce In 1949, Taylor then dioe mmeatator.

_id b we INre sauce w r secrt U.S w '_ nuto May-, I '57 it. w announced that Tylor newly ppointed amba_ dor to SwitzerlncL bad told th Senet Forei·1 tio Committ thet t Ie t 1.0 r C ot of lying

uee r ports. are ··very di turbin.. Hid the sv r g. lathe ha to

be t en . "0 _lyuse it" d. n by too many sober .. min . d people, with photograpbic8nd oth evid nee". Added T ylorw ••• It i very difficult to deny tb t·· metbing iI bappenin around UJ that we jUlt dn't quite under·

stand ... I just don't hink that we know 11 the seer of tb uruv ye.

But oth~1 pe.rhap I_ informed or I ,ratiocin tiv than Tylor wnt d

their evidence in th Ierrn of dwar. MOU.Ch t.b year J h y con cted

rno h D my of it. It com torn in assort _i iz sb~ w'cigh

colo . - d 000 .! Some of it, 10 preciou. ] was allow d only to fondl!~ Oth r:a of it, so I 1m w or only whisperou ly. I am t·old th the Air Force has tons of hard war,eall .fenced in, under tarpnd gu redt Wrilbt.

P tterson. At le two ure told me' they w it bein b uJ d th re und

rp, nd hein escort by military police in 1953. Anothr well"inform

urce jn 1955 went f;un _, dalmin h w a rue t Wright ... Pa.tte on. t

w - m _' 01 sam thing Uk plexi t hesaid, only sturm . When J tried 'for mor tails at 8 Jater dte, my infonnant 'PI. in New YOT' At le baH dozen moJ'i ttemp, alwayfo d him out of town.

tbewy Ialandaflair of Jun 2.1, 1 147, known to 11

uceritd ita myst:o metaL and de John ett,o.. p'riv te

r . archer show m a prized specimen 0 the 11 when I visit Chic:· 0

ot l~t· f.f'om_ _' __ 'y _ timer. who wbile editor ol Pate r'ved i

in 1954. H .


1 r h

Ii h -ef-h ndJin of ][954, th r d

u about had both th

Anoth r my t ry it inc bout nine poun of h yin II rthur ]


t tit c m fr m bet tropby to

to i id ntity or source. Ruledou~ however W8JI

ingly, at industrial II _t r submitt mpl to ,A TIC Wrigbt .. Patte

AFB. ,After their anal they replied .in: part: U,A thorou b, critical anI_

,na,turaUy required certain amount of I dfltru .,' on of the metal fr m tit. • • All m ,teri __ ubmitted issn&n-madef or 'm an .. fa , . cat, dJ• Sam pi were found to be fo-chromium and m gn tic and not r.,eli, ctiv Tbcomposition obtained for those mpl

h 'mmm,G1 'i'Jp rc t, Hi

Ni, Mn ' 0;2

b n·!

e c:cystalline Sb'Ucturt ad non-omdized condition of ,b,

POlO directly 0 ae Jae that hlgb temperatur uch w uld be eJlCOUD

by on of m teorie origin has no be n imposed. Both thccommonp~ aDC and tb lysis ortb se ,ongl.y au that th y hav come from bin of '. ber. at,eel mill ,.teel foundrywbeFc (.hromium in thi form

cuttomarily addedt'osteel mel . ,tt. ,Although this analy,_" may co

th.e offici J oplni,cm, to the on ,in of tnobject. ma" benothin 'more

presum,ption. Other e n ul n considering U the ,nomali of tb

cou.ldno f[ r 10 pat xplan tion.

or eonfoundin to the e pttrts were ,specime of"ho roeklll, c·oUeded by orber Gari~tywbich 'ook much: liketh Mury J land apecim nduU blac. miJ\uely ~Iine obdur te, Gn ty, now editor f S.P. C·· .Ie was anv_cation and ·ofth ood fortune to .stopov r at Erie, Pen.nsylvani.l. where 'echanoed tore dan item in the Auust 12. 19'56 Di~patch whicb de-acrlbed th eperi nee of Geoe TrauL Th item told how raut and his companion,ud Bu~sr driving on lonely 'road at 12:5 ..m... tur yhad been (orced to halt by 8 hu e reck, which,. with a smaller on . obstructed their path. Reist d Traut, "They too hot to hndle with bar .bdls, so I pushed them ·off the hichway into th _ berm" Saturday momin, . Traut re-. turned to the road . tt with ._ truekand took the roc home.

Commented Gariety in S2 .A~C.E. "'Ie: lied the Traut r 'denc and made an appointmen .. I found the Trau cooperative . ~ fiUinme in on details not caniedm the newsppet. J made photos of the find and carried _

..,ver.l lIItaU piee ."

Beforereturnin toFton . Osri ty visited the String:fi. Id tlnd left one of tbelpeeim. witbme'..I: m de rrn m n.u.through an intermediry to

v it _ _mee! '_t tb Urtiy .ty of Cin ~nnsti. tnt 1" W hi h, But un-

expwMbly .• it ws l1lonthsbefore the rock WB . returned 10 me" minus ,I .

Sajdtb~ intermediary,. "'ProbabJy .laC'.AC'cordin. toGarity later. Qtb

piece ·of the rock wu sent to K.. Jessup, 8uthorof four UPO boo Jeaup

promiIed to • mple to _ Smi nian InItitut • but nothingmCJr w

Garidy alto .pv .ple to ... V;qil Sleiah aeo1Qli,It at th Un'

Verllty 0 . " Concluded Sleight: the specimen (1) coait~ned DO nick

probably DOt m rit (2:) did 0 1.00 like a:n·· __ t~ tha -·t h- .. had

._ __ _ _. _. . ... _ .·1 _ _ . _. _ .. _ y r~ .... _.·e uti . ever

(3) suUestedl1ac- - yet w more coa.rselycrystallin and he vi. r than

...... Gari ty pp chedDr.. Raym,ond Par' radiologist 0:( Jack

__ em - osp "Said -at _e have no m urement 0 h r

thaD thole forradi 0011.. .Th refore have no infonnation w

cept: to not _ it g~ ~ta or en_rg tic _Jp~

R to we Dr. R II William atron.omer.

j '1 DOt part of a teorite - and I certainly do not think it

__ inaIlY'J peamen:s 'W nt off tathe A. .G, R finin

-0 m taUu -' ·It r an_Yo _id th roc.-- W lie

eampased. of "chromium tuneD, vanadium iron,copper an.clmolybd urn",

t th rockw ala Garityr PO"" "PI_ I pr Y in thewoldwouldnyone be doing out ulin red hot furnace 8.t :2.45 a.m. Saturda.y night?" There'· one otb r ible an .. swer. Remembering t _ 30 mil_ is· ut a short hop, for 8 _ ,ueer, w,e notl'

that_object,. d"bed "b"gbt steel"lrayahlp." w _ r part,ed by th

Pittabwwb Sun e1 'TtJph hoy rin ov r the city for mor than two hou,.,

Eater t Saturday mominl when Tr u d found the .slal".


In"loftw ent is nEe)' 'r". Purportedlyucer by ..

........ .-.tuct, itLl variously descri'- aa loo~inl Hk cobweb or spUD ILss BuB.

Curl i y, it • to . _,ve :pr' . eli 'on for f Uin to earth during the month

of October .• The unoflici_. recordll1 soe8b for itself.


UFO iN arlQ nllmowD yC!

nlto. D


y Yes



V lIey.Californ'


no ,


invo v

h of

j tryin

I lost it. On 'ODofourevtherwas somthing that looked like 'd.eI"

but on ~ icking o.ff as- and and b ndling i it had the co DC)" of

e we W&tcbin- th wbjt~ 'thiR.~ splodew look u.p at

a :So W. k-y d tb _ r w. coneentr _ tion ,of thesesilv _ r stre en,

wbie . like 'onuy eiJv r rain 9, . _ m t riesiht W d' nth

phenom na without th ' -'lasses:.Thsilv r' r, am1e. . mu hve been. of marmo . length. .'y e r w parked in th fag with th double door opened 11 e while, andwben I 'took it out the nxt morn.lAg. Ion pi ee of

w p'laer: th . f d r, , • I .IDS tba hr. w re 0 kinds

of the . amers, me w re like pider webs and the ob r 'IV th ribbon


The "lif" of elhair on e - rth' 1m ph mer 1. Accordin to n.u ..

rnerous r po 't demat na'liz 01 it o,wn.aocord 'odmore quickly at th touch of bum n hnd. ·Gis·tin. ~ mpl is rfor ~ not ,ea. y, even wb :n it f .U. close to home, a it did 0 • Octo r 10.1 55 ev r VI m Cincinnti nd

p of Northern K ntu kyo During thi incident th ftufream down in

.b and s am drpin . ov r holt ps, tr bushnd. automobH

nd ,to th of one I dy, over her Ir - hly hun I acn dry - but not on authtic pie w_ . obt _inabl! No UFO w r- r-po ed durin his .. yli_ht ru, ut tb- i ht for·, H rl -Grim· h d - n ri h cl" cow.r gram y,

K ntucky 0'"1 north to _ rd w te Cincinn ti. About t

anoth 0 rver reported alow-ft,yin f_ lum,inou baJJ zoomm aweed r Yin _ nr Hooven. n rth of Broml y. Grim by the UFO

b b d nand u,pon hrio of th ang 1 bairraU . d to, fonow up sev'er t

reports, N _ ar on .' site he found - i n ma - of eobweb-ti matter elin· jn

to a screen door. N,ot of j. nature, he wound it 'found a.trew and breu h it to my affic _. Suspecting obweb •. I 18t r put this in a vial" an nt

ito Pr' f.Chad- -yfiance CoU- ~ who was m . I udy

of th ph nom.enaJ • Prof. M __ ey 1 ,t r informed m that the . too

1111: 11 for pr-oper_ n lysis.

Th n, '10 .. nd behold, ippen - ri ht in .myown front yard' On Sept@1D" ber 25 1956 shortly before 5 p . .m DeU watched14som thin '" whit w (t by

th enUe breeze, &naUy _i btin on the lwn. [tlyh

, or "


i r~lik rilm -·ts on a stick an put thecoUection into , . J

Whil h WI set wjn on th . lid.. on of tll· Ii]' m - SOInb

the m tal. surface. Thus th stick, an whic" aswound

ubs nee w 1 r to n· in "Sf support _ omy by the fiJ

tou h ml t ri 1 J though Th filamen seemed· DeU ha ,.

nd nc to curl wh n touched - which b did··Ky. Otbe

he saidh substanc beh_v,ed quie unm gicaJJy N'ol e did not

I8UC t

Exammingthe fil m nt through thel I noted that tbir appearanc

w diff rent from. hese Grim had collected, But, rem pbDo--

roph of the Puente' 'm: n which appe red withn artidon thia: topi

itnhe NO\l"m.ber 1954 Pnt, I w -d by the . ° .0ty DP.lrw.~.

PI.! nt ue tane and 0'

h .U1'I,iqu mnn r in which the men

hat too with it Mailing it ws out of qu

elimin t d the °bility of • civilin _nal.' . out of tbcity.

found thnsw r. Durinthi peri. I we d pl,y involv witb

n tt r which eon ern UFO rpo· on 50 wh n phon

Or .t . on 4 4 Wri h ~Ptt - n - - rdin - my probl laJso m.

formed him of th an lh ir. Captain Grory, nl:y mindful 01 an Air

Force regul tien tXpr . intr _t ndpromi tand m 0 my Oln

to pick up th i'men .. On Odo 12, MIS Oliv I' HiJ1arriv Cabnly,

Hill took pictur army front y rd, of h gl_ j r in hi bun th D3'U evid - nc t and an inadv rt - n bot of D ni riding b r icy Ie in front of m

hil I held tb jar. Tben away went h_ jar to D 'yton. On Novem _ 15

ATIC nt m th (01 owing. 04T.he- mple purported. to so-called alief

hair' r port 1y a vol ,tile by-product of h fuel in ftyin ' ue _ _. VI giv. both chemic. 1 and misroscopic t 'nd I without doubt, cu.prommoniwu

r YORt whicb is mer . comm nlvc Jled'Bemberg R yon in th Um 'S,tes.

This material, after exposure to th ir for 72 hours in th Materials ~nch,

did not volao'Jiz, This i - th type ·of indu ° I or wa product 'lint' t

may eJ et d into the atmc pher by c rtain manu! ctu, rs of

tb' c rayon. Incidentally, ther p r_ to no _ -' whe v

,assumption tilt tbe mat rial w - oth r than th. indll trial. 'WBSt

described, Wbil 1m wining to BCC' pt th Air Fore, lana on. -'t

b Jp wondering ho m nufetur Bemb rRyon in t m Cincinnati.

CRIFO fil r full of r po.

th . t struck me as tbodd t of all ird,.and onlandin burn d ,8 bol in: tb p vem lit T

r'ol . Tylor, of Harri burg, P 'ylvania, 'bed

of filthy d nim~lik cia h. Acordingo 7. 1

Tylor was lookin out of hi ·oc window and, saw wha ap _ ed to him

to b. - 1l - Ill. _. id - flppin tb i.r win then glidina: for a

while,. bout 2,00 fee Front S r t. Fiv minutes went. by and e 91




n t

rtlnentof fr ... "u .. "' .....


m t

u .. ' ... 'O;~ W8S that Wlih

oe urrin fir

pi n

c u hich

un r-

in t J ru-


gr n


rl no injun


com II'


"The . if Fort' h


Ithuu h il

I rule-u~ th

rl ide. • • .

eh, ould

, .\1 I

Whil Davidsonprnen, .vin I: araum I th years, sine the u.

peC'1 conentratioo in th U" S. Sou.thw have witn.essed the Kelly green fireball f'romreaas ,rapbically remot . T ' ,&nia and Thule.:! I lfOD thitprmf .we can ru] out tbe~perimental arthmade· meteor"theory we

mu eeordin Ily, either . p away an Wllmown met rologicalpb.

nomenon,or,«ept ,it with oth. saucer-like hmomena having a common

I .mt

"ft:IT. Tn Thul,. I"rldl'nc or unl'1J In IIJlill'.

hleb dr rlM'd. rf'Tn 'nr ttaJl b r rr

origin from outer _. If ·of th

eemes mto specuJ

and sch are toer the r die- rove poisons (rom itatmos-

pher • On. tb 0.' ajor It . h once conj, ctur th y w re ran ., n

mi' . - v r their explanation and if If! lated to th oth tr more fT aklSh andman-m _ cin vri tie we mu th n be r' mind of th wor of G n ..

er I John SamfOF wb.o Diror olf Air Forc,eInt lIigenc in 1952. said

"'Ther h v r _ c nt _ of the otal of 20 per e nt of the UFO

r po t have e f:-om credibl 0 . rv rs f '. lativly incr -. ible thin .



Guy n.,Sourolin n

a 00 rdi ng to doctors, ca th inju dp to iv

edd of iner ibJ thin is th mcid nt r port d by Air Force veteran,

W. BIL to'WD of 'ebar.lott North CarQlina March 20, 1957. Brown.

pani )' his wit 1 d ribed fiV'OI ran efto tin foam-lik,e obj which v .~ _away 'from the oth rs BDd hit th roundabout Ie t , w y. Bwn id it looked lik wi br king up" but that it w liquid -

imy" to h touchand-oooLinor n\Ullbing" to hi fin -em Th sm _11 was

like . urned m te, Brown who told his story to th Wth r Bur u com-

m ,Jlt "It_ . ~nythin I'v eVI n,

thin "' ,aUm . I fir_ball pb n mi iles, nd by the


which nt

of r por.. whib d

11 d t rth. Inrlud d r

ribe mer ibI n th sundry

In many r th CharIot in"d nt I min me ·of

oc,c:umng Spt .... -~ , ............

I'owing purpl ph rbout six f Ii btly that it did not v n bend th .fa. Touch

wh . _ w it f U it to d trior ,to

ju di lv t vin my fing-· sti

and campI ely di . peel witbi: I


allowing supplm n

. c .. to-e rthobj-

j "d n:

Th Ii

in which are i not

:n 3ft 3'1

r1am .\~ P., an IJI o, C roenll. A: I •

~., I U CRIt' :ot.


pr h lV

I vouch for fa

, nrc




Ii f.



No I


u n y mao h

Ta llltt, b


7 • W

a.pearhaped UFO with fin. The inciden,t occuned over Syeamore Hill. a

high point near th h art of Cincinns' July 22. 1955. The principal W Edw rd Mootz, a benign and un-publicity-minded .mao w' 0 speD much ·of hi pare tim be u.tifyihg his fbulouslsrd which w t into the hill ide.

One evenin. abou p,m.,ootz. J ne w

buddingpe chtr , Sudd nly, from out of nowh

liquid red pr yJoolringlik cream sod ." 81'IJl5 b .: but """"",,

covered with . he . bstanc' t k. A bJlJed

it bit' III hi f ceo king up h bj

towrdEd-nPark. Gu-'ng i

eribed th - obj a pear nding on en

m· tallie finp . ad to th Ie . Th ,obj . e

gr R, divid d at th mi ctio.1 No und

fruit ..

1_I~i by ,

8 w.e vivid: r ' and

Whie 'W8tcbingh· tin lin tio on th par bumin into my W_ ting no tim t h .. r ougMy. M.ootz told m

r pirtion which h l.

The n xt momm Mootz revi 't d t spo To

tb peachtree W.8 d adl branch and twJ briylJ

the !vc:ur den p brown; and lh on _ altby

looking lik prun s. A little dlcginsbow that the tree w

aproo - ov might!

id tb t b

·at I a sharp reltlikph

of hi . arm and n h

or ..

hjm, in hia opinion, w



I .I.earn d of th incident couple of wee ., 10. ·r and m·e n ppointmeR.

with ·ootz forn interview. It W 8. Sunda aft moon wbenl and drov

over, and w found Mooz middl -SR friendJy and chatty. CarefulJy h re-

count -. th de ,j)' of th ineid ve me' sampJ olh mummi6 eh

nd twig, bowdm th many white pinprick scars an bisarm '"'wh e

lubstnc burnt in", ndfinally pi in dt -uthoriti, Ihr

alredy vi 'ted him') r.i,ht . t - r the inci nt."IId hlKJ ,. n

• .ndlit sd lruit. oot ould no id 1\'fyh_utbori', -

they w r dr din, pI ill clo h us.Said 00

r rt of heir n ly i within w but wh n I ch k_

the r port had not y,et arriv

y pr ml

y r 18 r,


I lost no time me ing the pruned" peaches the twi.s and oth~r chun of roatI dug up into the hands of friend of .mine who offered. to tat them to the Phy ies borstory at Villa ladenna College in Covington., K ncky. Tbere',lbort tts were made. on which involved comparison of ._,.","-,,.._ thM'oou pecimenandanother provid d by the lab ·hich had been Uowed to dry outsuffici ntly. Und t contronedconditions. only tb - l~b seed prout -_

Dorm _,lJy. The Mootz cim,en proved to be completely d hydJ'st,J

Sprin"9S4 intr'oduoed ~. n w ph nom non, tbglasspox.. Strtinl in _ la lin .h ,m, W 8 hington wbr 500 wind hi Id o( But,omobilS'uJf red dam· age jt th n spr ad. east f£.cting mostly northern cities. n most e the gla showed quick symptom . on type ppe rin on. le pit mar but

UN lJy in. multipl 8 thou h It d by bee be bot. Dec iODSUy in th

in_tonc'tb glfr'n. In th oUt r type. th . . J compl tely

Evrything under th un includin the sun was blm . Expe w re

bafR d; sauc rit point d . yw rd. Cincinnti. alw ysa uc r hotbed, 0, course got in the ct. M ny lcx:al r ports reached me in 1 S4 ineludcin

th ,ch DC to some or th vid nc but I w s not until Augu_ 29,. 155,

that I thou ht I ha, es wh re t h POlted windshiel 'nd theuc '

a pI u ibl c u -and-effect rei tionsbip.

The clu of this u pert tie-in beg n at 3: IS pm. when met llie di

rHeetin ' unli b. wa repo , d hoy ring over th Ohio River Itth n.m.D Iwayatthe a.pprochof n airliner which. w be din towardhGr at if Cincinnati Airpo. In the ev nin. hartly before midnilbt,an.otner rport r ch d me by phone, dcribin bright blue obj ct, hped hk pe_ r, eirclin ov rEt rn Cindnn . I went out Id- w arin only sbort$~ look,

11 around with binoeul but w nothing. No soon r than I h d retired,

tl1 phon r n lin. A n VI 'oie de cribeda pink obj 1, turnin red which h d just .zipp d ov r In ian Hdl. Pretty ~1 to hOM ,1 thought. This ti • dr edonlyin binocul I lipped out the side door. umbrae<! by clump of .Raseof Sharon. Aain J at out too 1 teo

of his hou overni'ght. Th car' r in a million pieces", i· Jac , and

embarrassed for hvin rumm

m shoeboxfuU of mpl cu ID

Jarg r fvriform .. (ractur d

But thsboebox 'of cubiel a' nd myth, ry to link .at with ,u never

becam n WI, not even in Otblt. Ain th ) of x: rttu ba 10

conru_ th i ue th tl for one could not d tennia which of th two ty


of pcqet was truJy the mystery. J latl r learned from Lex Mehan ,ofCSlof

N'. Y., that th favriformtype of poxin typified in thlson ca::-Vias a. . Jly

no mys ery at all .. Meban.e sums up hi r _feh into thia pha.sel 81 foUo


Imp r likwise common in tura

nd . i n, w ..


in. Icr Thr eare

trained, and if th tail . Thj

f udden apptar n

.fu td Ih 1 "


Sciene ho,weve:r, is 'Uscratchi'n it h ad aver thepi.ttin myst ry.

This is rev ').ed by Irvin. Petite in· feature article appearing in the Seattle Sunda'yTimetl, April 14, 1957 Writes Pe' MAftT threey 'this. mystery

a.p, , -arsstiU unsolved" He poin out hat.d ti considerin . aU pJ u "ble

th have that the H-Bomb does notca pockin ·of Iia • that

h.ydronu ric aeid . teh 18. . oothJy, that spec; 1 r 'DS can ca chips in g1a but onl.y under can fully cootroUedconditioDS. Su.ggestedanswe· : 8ml

lac sp,h .J'fes from H.Bomb meteors;. ,or an unknown saUte.

Petite goes on to rIte thoH nford Thayer, CQnsuJtant on the wartime

anhttn Ptojec is ·11 makinl dy of the pbenom non T yer car

fully arch d every Se ttl OD April 15

uar, foot 'of the concrete street in froD,t of his hom in.

954 durin a

posing inciden He found ve

blaCk pea-sized partie) ,One. 8 phroid, i. oraL y 0 quelubstance ~nd Don radioctive. The bard imperfect bU i believed to be the only specimen a ",ail ble f'or anaJy' Acconlinl to Thayer,. th windahieldcase i not dosed!



The continuing arch forvid nee ha Ief no stoneuntumed. for the very stan th t is turned may be th extraterr trial mi ing link. Po ibly tb Air Force thou ht of thi when they di p tched mv ti ato by helioopt r from M. well APe, in AI barna, to Syl eaug,8 in. 1 S4 to xamin th "m teorite" which feU through th roof of Mrs. Hewlit Hod,g -.c:au in her injury .. In j,dentally, wh n I wrot to 141'; .. Hod esbout the m teorit her I .wy rs, _ nsw red that it was for . Ie--the pric . $5.000.

Whil civilian re rcherscannot Hord helicopt -or hv funds to buy eel', brated m tnt, - a f w, notbo he with bull tin d - adJin h 'v air('reftand win tr vel! I h ve had 8 eQu,pl - t nding off· Jim MeA h n III' of Knaxyill • Tenn, ud JaekGr nt'of Columbus, OhiQ. to fly anywh r th hot news break s, But, I'm fraid that dom ticity, n· 8.11 i h n my chief det rrent, _ sid so. my own b ckyanJf -. the onnati are - h p ovid I nough follow-up mat .rill k p ye rs.

}(nowin thi, WB. T Bl'ch r of CSI N. Y. ·il;_,_,_ vi it to R _ 0 w .

a brief week nd in .Au 1955 in th - rtlidstof Hap. No only ,UC·- w'

rampnt but _0 wer repo o,f Mlittl r m n", So m'uch w ~ hp, nin. in

f c hat we had little more tim. th n to cquaint. Duringh y r, howey r with th big" p . one excpt for it wak 0 d t waitin IercorrelationTed nd I by mail took time to iek around th li I m n. To m th

subj w s C'halJen ing, bu,tal I w8sstill too, busy witb new mat ri 1. - and

deadlin - to diny deeper than my arlie p d work.

Tbe 6nt little men" i.ncident to &1 rm the nSlion took plse Augu-. 21, 19S5,in K lly. n ar Hop'kin viU • K~ntucky. The s,ory covr cJ byth n w wire told of b nd of little r d scendingonfarmhou ,tau'n it

occupant me fri .hdul m.oment.Whil th ntion tittered ov rth·· tn·

IitUe er ature _ dropped into Cincinnati Like . pia ue th yan thcommuni ies of Winton Wood CWfuninsville,.Camp Wshin

Airy andGr nhills. Th n the b icht or the furore th polit nab

Snapp 15'1 81' old boy. 'Who cl d in. Jon ~h8ndl - If n-dy _ und AI - aft admitted hvina; fun in Cumminvm sc rin bin i boo Th youth. however, d nied Ie8vln hi neighborhood during hi mu:r d. Sn PP' tbus became the I whi.ppinl boy" for all th hooligani m, nd provided the pr i.ts cue to laugh ,,·ff ,,11 the tpoOne incid nt how ver,occuning in Gr enhiU.

lef v - l.uestion:m rk&

Anothr incident relt duringb pr fnf r 'liN. tb t beJ Inn rs,

W,) y Symmond of Cine inn ti. • Whit drivin -. tlU'ough Stoe_ 10 Florid '00 July 31 1'955, h nceunter d four bug· y cre·tur stanin in th r ad, Thi case I do not dl m' Hvinll _ ,lk·ed w'th .. ' .n. Symmond

pJusb arin~g h t testimony on ta~ wbich we- mad during an in e -rOl.ati n by Calvin PremAssistant Pros uting Attorney for Hamilton. County. I felt tht sb was relating th . truth. At Jeast in my opinion, it was an ttem pt to

relat - an perienc _ she could no e 'pl ilL

Th mos ikin c-- how veri w rethos I collected pl" ceding the

n ws of b Kelly landin . Some reached m 'ondand third honnd while .tion I could not be e sily checked at th 11' - ure Th sttemp I mad to c.:ontdthe prin ip_l involv dlway found thm cony n' ntly inace ihle.Other C8$es, equ.al1y sen tion,,}, I Jemed of on a tip from H rb Cl ric, my frienin 'GOC. Tbe all occurrin befor'e th KeUyc - . wet· een .. tered in thvicinityof Loveland, nortbeast of Cincinnati. M bafflin w n affair aUegedlyoc:curring und r bride which. .invol¥ d Civil Dern e o·ffiaals. AU art mpt to elicit ddlf on 1 information b u h the proverb,j I Sphinx _ ilence.

1_, August of 1 56 Ted Bloecherr eturned to Cincinnti. ThL tim._ yjn w k, he cam armed wi h n w data on the K~ny C·Q 1'1 When lr . viewed th data I could und~r t ndT d's nthm i ·m to, inv ti te th Cin· cim11i c . It was j·nd ec1 ney.e-open r- ~ nd a m .gnifi.cent job of in-

telli, nee work on th. part of bel D - .. ( oC CS who Vlilit,e-d K U

fo.r fir t .. h nd JnJot"Jntjon.

r Itirtg ~'plan of . ion, Ted nd I be, n with th Grnhillc i t.

we rrang lintervi ws at the home of one of i key witna irl. on of two. who, with boy friend psnk edon the ight of a littl luminous creatur..while "p rkinc" , Oper tin, par t ly,T d and I took tutn interviewin and

while doin'l so, ched th· all eel cr atur , car luI tocaptur e ery f tur

hpcould r . construct and dcribe from memory.

Wh. n we tini hed., to our . urpri . th drawlns looked much th sam 5

lh I itt!. biped which w sketch d for the Cin inn ti PMI foll wing h Symmond tory oC th. y r before. Inst ndy Ted nd I knew omethin wa wron for th 1"0 t'l littl man wa nothing more than a c8rtoon,nd ( .. eerdin I Mr' Symmon WI quit- unlik t1l er tur h.ew in Stoeton. ,And o ..

. . . Without yin. we were hopinor better videnCe. Akin abeu th

two boys. w 1 m th _t one hd n killed dunna th y at hil

in the Air Force. Th other, the driv -rof tt. car, was in vy.

Luckily. he WQ'S home on leave n' Vol reach him by phone. H

( nng pu licity. h finIly dmitted h_ vin n "'.Iumino body" t

near 6rplug.. Unble '0 expt in it, h id it . lowed' 'but it •

like tb . neW p per id' .

... . '9
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in th mu yor in essecl. w ll-m n m rtini w h

hiltin . ie Iolle


d rk chain r h • hich min blue whil~sp"nk . jumping from on hQnd

leo hel""',. R.- I " apprid thi. biped then, low ··td it al'm wilh the

. hain".ifl tie l ar Ulldi'15 . n I ... R. U, id h ant t . co .. er. t UI bl; lhr h h.adreach -d thEr nlf,def of hi car the "Ii lie mcn"m d a I' t"unnatural" m ve '0 rd him, ".aif motl ning me no~ teeemean ,elnur ut lhrk

minute R. It id he sr d till. ju ·tchin 00 m 11 J. be: fr' '. r tlhin

h rem mbered he w t Fritz:' ·ofti«.


with gun .ndcamer • butsa.wnotbin bow v. r is rh .

oi upervisor,

R4 H. ence .. n rIO would. I.


O.ry, w un u

Thr e charaeteri stand .H. rev J bOos, I) eg.riou;:uu::~

thr biped 2) on with ann up i ) th ir greyish color. An t in r' view of aU th. a tmJndin evidenc· culmin tin from "h testim.on.y ofotber in id

it i noted tb t th Branch Hill c _ .har simi.lar chard risties with ell

ndlor all. Gr ,$:riousnor anding tQgethr or th· . ipeds, "

tritic of both the North an South Am· ric an In h,S

rted approximtel.y 1.S wbil th st Dud

. chr portled four. In Vn zuel Val nda report ' rera four thr e, AmacW'o D. Ita two, Only .Zulia reported. on & The arm up. rai d nomaly i note J in tb I K Uyand St,octon ea and. . nifi·

cn.tJy Stockton also ,evidenced ODe of th bipeds bolding a m Hie rod

(tompar R.K.,wchain or ., 'c'k")wib which it med to be digging in th

rO.d. But". most signifiean perhaps, and eon aty to newspaper tnt,

that in DO on- incident were tbe bipeds d"bedas green.J3 In 11 they w r - deseribed v riou .Iy brown.. tan or l'ay~ While therew re also minor

v rianc in the d 'ption of e ,"" in" inghairyor roub,and th

"hand " be'in.claw-like or rake--liketh wid'! reported Ii 'tur Wet. tho d dbing th hed aDd fe In me, theey w, re 'ummoWi

and lemurian or larg _ 8 otherlt they were bird-lilt JI or

- Orrnat In met th w 10 d pointec:1 in alb. mere oritic:

Onstrikin. nomaly.comparing two c Kelly and Branch Hill \Va the

simil rity efc rtain .Lial f tur wbil· in. 0 thy w th veryopposit. In

both . a '. th bi,·.' . videnced wid fr. ~likl mall.t.hs" but while KeI)y evinced extr · .. proportionate lfine8l'S - 'lilt in f.irytaie dr !win - th Branch Hill f.eatur DO e atlllPerh p- fo th -, ke of t;gUment th an logy

on earth is the Order of Primat· D of In n, mankeY'S'!. mann

and 1 mur Of th hold both th tallest and anal!. of

homo pi nand mon' goril ta . r, AlI rei 'ed

but dilletentl

other mcid nb involving little blpeda-or shalt VI· C~U them

,.,men in reb. of anaJDe-Dot described in this work. But aU, at tbili

writin. are ei·· clie fa J ckof a tbJ'ee..dim '01181 source to be '. up the story. Of his ' oup is an. l[ldi8Dapolis~ mcident«4 which aU .edly inv,oJved a hi b school p 'dp J who with companion tea h we t rrerised by fourptomen near a river C'omlpsitJe in 1954. Ted finally tm . ked down, e prin "pal-the

story denL . Anoth r Lov land 'cid mated 0 Ted and me ( r _chin

me on tip by Herb CJ. rk) by the IUperviIoJ'of th Lovel n _ G04 when he vs "ted myhotne in reg .. ds to UPO repo , . nc, told of a ptom&n frigbtenin .. a woman in her yard. More Informa,tion w promised bu rson waa never

Ii hed. And still .no iIIcideAt. oecu.rrin in Kentuc·y, told of v. al

gnomen ·nfrom an automobile on darkroadaide'. and ccordin 0 my

reluc It intermediary who . lier prom' 11th de ils, on of the bipeds.

touched the ear's fend r Je8V1og mar or ,tch on tbpaio,t. It. dozen

Item.p .to reach til princi J5 in the case werefu ile,


Tb deilof th V . n salIO! 1954 nd pidemic

in Fr 'e -HI of ) 954 Fe j .. bizarn!!. but ill non th re th· "irrefutab:

physicalVlden e" which would pIIov that .1 ar theinhabitntJ(rom

Mars ora pl.D __ orbi : Wolf 5' .... unl c ptthe lateratio·· on th

IhouJderof'Gu . v Gon.zaIes, who durin with iry biped in

Petre w thrown IS:f t and . howed the pelic his .ouads.

THE !PHOTO "f'IISHElSH -OHicil' I d Oth.rwi·

Evidence in ucer 1011 . JSWD. man.y "orm Ifnot ~ three-dim . on I

fil·m ntof 'nee) . ~ror 8CODov,enialWbot ~I itean be a. pbotocraphor

movie showing .shape intbe sky, a blip on radarscope, or • voice or IOWId on tapereconier. W'ltcootact" ories becam . popular in 195:2 the tapes w re quick to follow. v hard ve"ale. eh purportinc to be evidence. Ob sounding like musical arT8.Rlcm1eDtO( Mone Code and believed to be .

nail from ee race. w. in my opinion, ·wiahful thinltina.DIt 0

pri a hmen 'an wamirlgs by.pace peopl I are just pure bunk •• '

Wberetbe . hystel'l reany shin is in the photo lb. • Tb 'MRoru .aUery is e rmous. Hoeve, therare a number of·frallulent" phot'OI1'pht inpublicircula '00. that belon in allfeim . oathe debat.bJ list. In t,

..:. c· th· photovapher DOt intend to be l'pWious.. but.i:a tri .. eel Uft.-

wittin Jy byo,p. ~caJ pb ena. such AI Newton R~ by hi. yiq.

"10m e'thlnt'" au ' a m.eteor 0 baU.ooa.DoubtJe.Jy in

.re thousan' 0.(·'" u photOFPbs tbatwill DeV. be

•· •• r rdl

.. b


by ih th Air Fore or a 'Yili n! a ~ bee _ (1) thephotogr pber

d 't giv . hoo - bout . ueers, or (2) his scrupl· go yond opportunity!

a 3Smm.

Aood -& .'

K cbreme


opti· .

On tboth r

rn-rd'n r, T·· t Geor.e A, int in the ri nceand want d to - th ne ati v . -. And accordin to a1tter

pu.blish . in APR 0 whicb its editor received from Dr. nrd. Tylo . fri d

nd n i-bbcr of the. . family 101 ••• W reported to tb

Air Fi 1 nd 'iN recon by I _ onnl from Norton

r vi VI d th - it ef pletur king. I hv pe - nally

native prior to iving it te AF rson el. whoa ,ed 0, rrew it nd nd i to ATIC."

to t ·ay II

B,t in IOctober of 1956 h n n inlormed A' IC g nt visit my bom to pick up th ngl bair specim n 1 a kedboutthSava8 61m nd was told th tit It d n· v r n r e IV by ATI'C. 'Had N rton AFB _u-lly nt th film 'to ATIC? Ira, were th y un-ble to e2:pl inw8Y th object in,

tb· photo th r by el if yin its al - and causin th ir d ny

I po ion?

u involvyh r film. 16 mm. m

he uc r-ped obj ~ . tr akin ov r MiAmi, Flori uly

152. Ac,companied by fri nd' RI.pb C. Mayhr shet forty f tof film but today h ow _Diy _ few fram· hanks, to m body' n ht 'of hand. Aft r

,hoolim. th film,. Mayb r phoned the ' i rin ir Son. . n

a Lt. AI dri d , he, on d n too th film roll with him. _or the rest

of hstory~ luot'e from Tom Comella Re reh Bull tin of Jun, 21 155, s follow: uAlthogh d nied th right to show his (ayh r ) film while

in uniform ,cop' w- t'eply nt to th Air eree for aty' How ..


ever 8 Ietter addr _ to yh r and ,ted ApriJ 13. 195 r v al • th followin;g.: ~hi is to advi you that search of tbeAir Teehniea) Int. Hi enee 61 hs Jail· d to ho'wthat the Air .. ore h." everr .. iv d th _ filrnyou m ntion It is our belief that. m.ce this 6lm wlIIoriginallysubrrutted to a nava,t base, it mu t still r: main with Jl_V J int Hi nee. Th I w 'god by

1 L . C. Whit -ayh r tho wir :.the Marin Co Air Sttion in ~ ,', mi

wh r 'h wa st tiOB rvicepbotogr · h r til nibt 'hc~ugh, UFO

onfilm.Th r pl,y, dat : April 9 _954, ated Suc __ film urned ver t,o Air Fore, on July 3 , 1 52;' The tl me Hid th nam of CotT, O. Enni C O. ·of tbation."

Ana, r movi 61m which apparently fell pr y to Air ere leb!rd main we ' thst phot , r 'ph b:yichoJa M rine on Augu 19,. 150 at Ort F'll Monna. Th lOry is tol, in t chn'lo iel by' i[1 lh .sp·n 157 i U of SAUCERS I, a foHows. w ••• th ~t th Kad chrome ori'glnal as r _ UTn \0 him from the l '

PTOO In &artory, C mprised31S lram _Tlti

by him befor v rat clubs and other audlel'u: in Montan He recall that th I t 310-odd fr,me Ow lar,. r 1m ,of th' UFOs with . h 01' band at on point on th· peri.h ry of t.h obj s b' which t.h. y eoul torotat in unin whiton th r 51 of tb film th obj , how up only .1 unortjcuJa. e bri. btwhit dots, The fi,lmr tum by the Air Force. Be-

cordin to ,Mlr. Marian h d h d th fir t 35 Ir re iov .. _.d onJytb

ranindrof th film w s returned and that the dip d..olf p rt wI"

Stillnolther a olppar t m~ ndrJ'l 'mvoly, th famol Trmonton

6Jmth pr,operty of Mr. Delbert Newhou - " Chief Wrrant Offic r in h

U~g,. Nvy who pbotographed 10, 0 14 UFOs VJI'I mil n b of Tr m nton, Ulolh on July 2'., 1952, Aft rextensive . nly" .ccording • .,

th. AirFor~e,N '1Y and 'private. I bor.tGri the onlgina\ w

Prin wor- w WilliamRhod who in July 1941 __ p UFO over Phoeorix. Arll'ona,. ubmitting i'to authoriti In to I r. hichappe r' in the priD 148 ~ _ n thin. in f' tum.

My ·1Ui t and Daly ex. ' ncontrove. j J

bandHn by th Air fee wh n If. e iv i tbr

r' ports of UFOs ki QV'f and n Cincinnti ... 1

~m dth _t on the v ninof tb~:t dte, Harty B ston aphot, ph

s di k, n veral espe:rim,entaJ phot throu b h'

. of th moon. In fourth pl1.oto th moon not bowin

appear, on lumin uo j '-' The obj d pictedoif-cent ,i.cut 011 at th

of photo. but th portion .howin· is semi-oyoidal drply defil'l .

. I. ..mornll or In 'I I ., II ". b· R.. I

r, Jr., 'A'C

:In. KtH.


Radiating around tbesemi.-o-vo'd· a m'. ty aurol light. Th ck un

totaUy bL ck. mo eel _ ' I bodi . owm . stonys h ,ermot ..

ob~ect, 0 im8 .e.and is e_ op'tiu'lphenomena. ,on Wll. not a r _ ultof the film

.t is no. 8 type of Newton Rinr isalso,oftb opinion tht th _ .pp rem

d vel'opment flvid.. lor h the native~ and

Unable to onedCap in,Gr _Dry at ATIC.

told him 0,' my cq,uiaiticm and 'Nil _ .b '. dieatedinter I (lft'ered to submjt

thr photo (_ nd tiv n ,tiv _) to b" offic'e (oranaly'- Whi1 on th

ubject of phot .. apbs., Or 'Oli)' mp 'zed ATIC' xtensivepfoym nt of

top sci ntists. induding f:or~gnif n ._ ry to analyz any purported vi .. ,

enceconcemm, UFOs. Heal remarked on. th"rumor" chargin th ir

Foree of bein .. uiltyof not.retumin UPO film, or the originaL" to i"own· f • . nd, su dth t I rsen l1y numberth back of ach photo ubmitted


tbt .1 could d_t rmin its retum. Th tit of tbe tory is t toJd in

iter d ted May 14 '957 from, . jor T. . Connair Jr.. djutan ATIC, which onow :

"1,U, C'hrd h rewilh


n'na1"oundtht 0

.hat Ihr 1,IIer t'l. It"u n b "uJ plf.pb of Itt

t~lCle h Il, the ()\:id (.in au ")uc t '0 thi .

.. \\ .err no ididl'lrnf

sUe n"me'r. w rw no a

h _)a. ,with yu a.

, .. ' pi have nm d~ of ~h ri irudat ri I I be In Iudi'd it I or nil)" and

rh , da:t in ('2

.lOurc, hich IOU latt i n m. rel aof an .ltem led

I h ve . Iy two commenb. One., Harry Batt II who is no never declared thate o\lioidalimae in the photo "II a UFO ora, .u r and.

bav1nlivenconsentto - 'bmit tbe '-ototo ere peciali would ve

re 'iiled t chane. of him&elf bein I as hou:st,er.Th:,,1. lam lUre

tbpboto' not a thl' photos laub.miued ere

noI .returned!


f we 'W re to, useanather mp_ ry c in which pbotograp

movi ,pi 'f prominent part. not only 8S evidenee but SliD illustra '0

'ble l~eMllin. I would ci the JIlorwood., archli bt ineid n

Bu u the lam stand, one is exem.pbuy in more w,y, th photo-

,gr,apby.To m , it is on_of the ease on c;ivdi nrec I'd in r _&r _' to

t -timom evideno t i if we 8eep s' videoc, certain . entific stat

men and valuati,oD plus thousands of witne. iru:ludiog m mben oFth

Catholic el gy th pr 'and the military.

-he inod mt begins Auust 19, I 49 during a camivalon th- ,ooods of the St. P t TndPaw Cburchin Norwood Ohio a city ,of 35,000 popul tion ~within the ci of Cincinnati. 'or such: aeca ion Reverend Gro" M1Uer,

"or oftb church. had purch fromanny surplus. an 8 tn,iilion,C8ndl

er archlih Borrowed to operilte it we ' Ser,ent ,Donld R. r 01

ROTC aftha University of Cincinnati. I was urinl the h i .ht of

when Sgt. er". pin' an:hligbt sudd ntyRashed, aer

circul" eb] the y. R v. Mill w call to th,

:oin, 'in. th bqin.ning. From, thatdt uutil

wb n thobjt w 1_ t seen. 'S Betl r, who thoughtb

"sp ce platform", v. Db, whichf,oUo




l.S 10 sa The

,d r - in two I

I J'U.

PI' eel imme-d.ia',ely inth

Held, bjl in beam for

mil. itb


Vir. 0, 1 J

and p' Ie up

bj. 1 hr] bl n . ~._I 'I:m il ~hen dis PI red, Pre nt Ile~ II 'n, of Cincn n~ti

tilt I. it ot In b bri hler

fie' .\.. W II.

o III ,r. lurM«1 on light. hut dido',

it f r u, 1.5 minl.lli s,

my illIC'nlton lh _1m m ILr bj('Cu

I. timr. ;\1 pre~mt

t, John Saya .1:' and S \i.

,.\1 ul ... _ ul ..,1 lh

into lhr be m.

,~ (IT t"111....

H -d I _,w n _ vr I month' Ii r in 1 'SO from m,)" oblivion, I

ml ht hsv been lucky to&iim the n:bJight~iUlllmmed obj - ct, bu S f t,

ha : it" it was not until 1952 whileppea.ring a t on . d J.

pr ram on WCPO .. TV th_t 1 got perspective mto the '

th p. I'm' p rtieip n __ loci u. r' ht w .s

ory Mill r who r Iqg and described hi o,wnob serva-

A' 0 pr t W YOi City Edita of th_Cin' ti P h

tlkin bees 'ti,Bnd Leo Hirtl. Pas! he

k ptic lil' t ' h tb n

on,th eventful night 2. w r v,

Miner remind. dHirtl, that , do not bay. tail lilgh

n put in my int rplan try two cell worth, Aft.e r, ram,

In becalmed. R v. Miller can d m rom his 'd

d m 'Til yU how you thobj ~tin

ndl your wif, bvtim' I d likt!

to show som

. .

the leat of 'on

studio's all ~ nan to run ,th

nd _ "th I in . he



v. Mill

ArtOIl'c1ln 10 nl"Y. '01111 .. ,. th"~r

I hllJlt t·" 111 tUOO-f'UIJI . It'll •• :"

alh r


E c

.c ...



c E

.- ::I


I s::.:=

.c~ .~ ~


" Co .r: 0

pr'ojecticm room. While Rev. iller cemmented fFl-ely Dell d I wtched th' ' in am_ ement th giaRttationary disc appearftl, Clawing i& t n lyin thlW,ps of _ rch)ihti• be m~

Cameraman for th_ movie on reque:.tof R v :ller wa S Leo D YJd-

_' of the Norwood Police Departm nt.. .Filmin most 01 it on .octo _ 23. h

_', thr' ro Is, 2S fl!t ecband Hugo- eyer F ~ 19~3"' mera with tele-

photo 1 n 0 Commentin on the alle r obje Davidson 'd,,'1hey w r

v' °bly thnzeof pi.nhea.ds bu they djdn 11: hay ' the intensity to' fi .~er

dearly omtb - film"'. H point d out, how v 1,. ilis,t 0 th all eth pr' nt,w rw,O Il"0UP of flv SIn II ,objec - obj ct, each, with halos, bribter than the rchli h be

w watch ch· u.p fad - ou.tof ."evt".

Davidson al took en !<latin ;phot:ogr p.h using Speed-Graphic

WI a 14 inch W II _cb teJepb to I It!. 'Two o,fth w r, zcp 0 I

id Davidson, sbowm. both th pari nt obj. ct and j brood ...

u ho' . h d a mysterio

Harry t,o_y'fo

naked eye. h _ ,aD' 1 ,ving the ?Qrent m. ,saId Davi



tory and Miller

by v.liner


have mad end no refer nc to uch phot • I pointed out in our t,elephon 'COftV

ap wt no f rth r th n te the ma " 'zine. 0 0"

Long f'or cam entered the orwood sceneldiosu ntltion to

th iB obj th pr on th very fi:. _ ightof th ri et ev n faun

PPO IOn. evid DC Said th P I Allp 20 t 949," lI.alit _ hunov

Cincinn ti durinc the oi h.. . A Weath. u . &uoffi i 1 said, 'On of our

In n ho w workin Ie t nigbt sa.W th m. H . idtbey looked Ii

wethrc ilinl baUoons but they weren·t mavin,. Th re VI wind of 215 to 32 mil an hour. so if thydbe loo_ _ y would have moved', Analb r witn w 'two balls of fit ' about 4 .m.'Th y eel to dim.

end then let b . ,in! h 1Said. .Ft

Tb maR eventful nipt,accordin to.:.. 1""1 I and ee rdin to

t ony otben w Octo, 23" I 49. ABain e int of ableN. 'on w .

emi ion {rom R v. __ 'U r 0

reel . m this

I t OPI h "

n I 'ptam R~ C.Wblte of that tb Air

II 10 I nl I


the Ullin,

this time bout 50 persons witn in

Willi Winkler bu' n -


-ryed ~ or

h tw·o' group of fiY,e smallerobj _ leave the parent obj ri jng them

___ __: ngular". Rev. Mill r and . broth r R v.C'lt _ Mill -I D_,C ."..-." wer_ baped "like thapexof lndi arrow be ,ds"" Wh _ D I interviwed Robert Linn -lUlling Edi or ,of th Po:It; h admied that hew thehliht

beam '"boWlOO off some definite obje but said the smaller objectswer

_'UJU'. thing lie' bi of pper". However Linn W'. concerned U, b to j in

,Rev. Min r in reporting thincident to Int,eUigence at Wrilht~Patt ABB.

:rom: anoth - seurc I 1 m'at th Cinci.nn ti ,Enquil' r weAl JiXJ\l

tbe No" 'ood object, and whit hey did notpublis.hth _ sf.()1')1 ofth nigh~.

mvi ~ th did admi receivin r ports ofuni 'ntifi li bts in,the -

-nd beyond the viCInity of Norwood'!

yo wr t the Univ,rsi,ty of Cincinn ti I tid P __ W Her e t U.C: pro-

, tron,omYJ took, look. S i Dr. W n :'In ,m,y opinion it' '. 0 cl

ill_ ·on'. Said Prof. H r ',It' not 'falEe. I Iiev - it may be cu byth

Ulumin anxpJan . ion to ua h pi ":1

,; "

ords" 'We eel an eJ:pJana ion .lo

II hpeople', I w r e1 r to. tb th t, n hOgu boutheg

While I cnno publish Hergetsexclamation while he vi w th ob; !Ob

.- ... ~, ... , m r 20, 19 - 'of' . co· "denc,ntn.lstedm ,I c 'y_ H!-'· ... ,'

r ctioa o,ndutte'f ,ftC indict dnythin . but indJferene. Nor n '1 pubr

for tb _me confid me tneacti nsnd behind-so n of Dr. Wei'

which ar veritable ,Iuidepo _ pain on· 0 an

lusion to,w dsauc r cy. I can y_ bow v r1hat Dr. W

viith cam r nd protrs ' in fr'uent h h .. hush' uddJ

O.S .. membe Iso pr mputation of the object's. ":1 VI m

til n confirm by Dr. W III. Like sam thin out of GuUiv· _rs T 've_t

8U_ w ,approximated to be 101000 I ~in diameler.

b . y r of No cod, R. Ed Tepe, now deceased, told m dunng an

intern, w in 154 that h at ., . t durin tb. c uaod

Dr. WeU. co firm th obj re rt afhla 0 had rid. t"wb tb

ere v_ moved a.,., '_

so eondud In brif, h

.' dof I' ultive'al:lHn;'iI:' pltfoTlll". ,whicb JevetonJy o· r _ 'mainin qu 'on, w,ho put it


Onthisqu tiono inion i· divided - ·oftour. If e C:OIllpute were COM'ec in their e . "mating the ize of theobj.ect at 101000 f etin diam.eter, th n I believe, by shr logicth. t it was "til 1"', Certain}ysom thing of tbi

tremendous size. harborinatl t five or t,en smaller craft. would. v to

land o.mewh re, And another point: Air Fore int rc ptor W l'e .tly ·n

up to inv m.t, If then, th .telIite- izedobje t w r . a U.SA. device

IUU· ted,w.h"botr '0' 'inv i,i te wb n Int Ilia: ne t Wright .. Ptt AFB. would h valt dy known ali ·t rendezvou in tbe restricted B'nd vulL. nerable Clncinnati-D.ayton ar,ea?


Lumping aU the h tero neou loond ,of the SO< ned vidence· toth r, one 10 iclly a~k whr, doe it all fit? Look. m 8J%in in ~ n Air ore .' approved article, "BUIlt For the Flying SaUlcer 1 ppearin in Jun 1952 •

. id Air ··oroofficil feel th fin 1 solution to tb flyin uc _ my ry will

found undr on or more of the foUowinl h 1) .misinterp.reta _ons of known obi ct (2 ) , . . ph nam. n . of natur or optic . ( l) . . , m -rn d

developmen ad (4) , .. interplsn ry p eeships or mimi

But in th me br ath, the Air Fore-approved article bed item on •

admiUin.gMev nth m.ost ,cautiou Air orceuthorib f I c:. rtain th many .ple at not d cribin th beh c vior of ahY cony ntion.1 tonn of &irer not ev n.nalr'craft on th . 'most experimntal drawin _ boards. Under itm two, C.ptain Rup·pel~ then h d of Project Blu . Boo \V . quoted

If ucer tum out to be natural pb. nomena we w~n dropo\lt and probJ' m ever to ·entists. But if they tufn out to be 'hostile vebicles'we win te-ep It r them." (And. lor th@ r ord the US P.i s ill chasing ~hostile

vehicl" .. ) Under item three, th article quote Ruppelt a yin IOU tb .

re m n-made whoever' :makin.lhm 1_ way ahe_d of us' technol 'ean,,".

I mthre 81 y.... .. Ith u bthi . constaJttJy d oi tb ymay be

p rtof er t U.S, d v,elopm nt prajec .. . Then. it quat S'D intelli . nee

OCI ryin,: I'm quit ur th re '. ne seet t project, Ther . rno chnce that th ;y are from Mar . ,n. Under item four the article tat 1·.Air

orc::·einteUigence' m n say the a1.con.·tinually ound d by be nwnbe ·of

tr iedscientu" who beli ve they re in.t rplan ryin on. in",

The article ndwith tbi t t ment by Ruppelt. 10, • Tb y ve . round

for tiv y~rs (now ten y ar ) and haven t struck: yet. But tilt doesn t m an th y at not poten 'al thr at".

On id th Air Force" th be· br ins in _Uicer r arch n r. l1y BIT

th t uc rs r cernrell d machine. Beyond this accord, bow ver, f elm run. rmpant. Two m jo camp. . xisL on who sees aUth evid DC int Ifpi ntary,. th alher.a 001.00.'11 down to rth.


The bes argum n for earth-made ucers com from the writings Q·f

;,am Moseley, editor of Saucer News,s 4 formerly Nexus, nd Dr .. Leon

David on a frequent contributor to this m gazin. fir t becarn acquainted with Mo . ley by I Her, whit dated February 23 1 9S41id inprt,. y I'eason fOf' itin you i that 1 am inr ,pta[ informtion th t La m. to

" . . .

believe the youar qui.te int rested in flying saucers', as J am and hs.t you

have 8. good deal of information on is ubj ct. . I

Innswerin _ Moseley,:I ked how 1:1 ' Ie med "l my n e n u rs. Hi. nst Ie t r, written onGTan Ho I Bolivar' Lim P,1'Uf r pli d ... I pent several days at the Pre D gon, and durin that time bee m quit friendly with on

hr,. In th course of an· 1 'bulls ion' on ue adin

qu tion ·08'. heet he h d. I did not know fir it wha rt of document it

w '" but he v ntuaUy told e that it W8 of qu tio mean

bad nt in.nd he ve me your nm and. ddr . Hid th_ whoever _ nt tbo qu· ion in a.pparently h d m d quite udy 01 ucer Bnd tho I miht be lnterest,ed in cerr ponding with him. . H

.AIt 'v fal month of ell chan . & infoM'nltion by orr pondn, M

visited my ham :in July 0 1954 en route to Columbus wb re 11 Id :he

w to ch ck into "led from WQm.8n, who work d . 'tb th army th r

D. who say that bon i w_.y to

W'ght-Pt, Mo I yol fel 901 sure tha

n my In ere tationry from at th p. n. ",

sau.eer, w r

Sh rtly rtf hi visit, tertl d everycn in r n-

no\u'Jcin .. On the October 195 is\&. of Nezu that h had com era irre-

Iutabl documentecl vidence that ucer IN r pon H

01 0 announced that thi "'evidence" would divulged in hi next ' u of

Nero. Knowing I thin th m· n.time m d acqu in ne with Dr. Leo D vido",. I begn to wondr wh t the two hd di dyondw.t D'vid SOn had mentioned in hi corr pendenee with m. But a I tter from M I y d t d Nov m r5 195. pro ided :.t 1 a t a.parti 1 n e, If y'OQ b v.

oen Neru e, 5 by .DOW you beady know hat I e n·t com out with my

'irrefutbl vid nc~ aft r 11.. It had nothi -, to do with Davi n: information, howev r, It.bouh he i· " ry 1 . I and convincing. . . fo thoth r m ten-I, I won' beabl'e to U -, i~ - ndl h vie 1 - - the h rd w y th . the I'U.S. W' apen theory"· d.nerous on to de 1 wi h. A Ion you con ue

topu hSpace, I think you will .. n ri ,ht with your n \1Is1

Becaus or os ley' big switch, m IllY r. . reher h vecom to look

upon rumaa sort of j te in the busin . Whil I cannot Mo . 1 y - a jeter, r rnern rinsam of his more constructive work in exposin veral .8aw in thecontactstori oth r 1 irche how ver, bve ~k n him to " _'

I .'ddtt! .1'. 0, 110 I,:S. F n,. !t. J.


It was lely who opened the scabs ITom the sor 50£ his arli.erprom"

by publisbin . .minus his UUt futablevidene ."certain bigbpoinu of ·.th !J'Y in, JunJuJyl956 i _ue of S u-r New. Focon,v ni h r I quat,!!

from 'Lesebane summ 0" th M --ley t ' whichh criti, 1Iy r

vi w 'in csr June :1956 N wLeIt F., 8. 10110. .:


up rm ,P lip .jJ'

bane th~ comm n " .. " t. tory ita' beth·t of

pau . o-&ci nee" and in Ilia reviewhelia . . yen vii upport of his

-gum PLC'Urio~ and d irin_lD ofti·ci I VI won the M . Ly vel_ti.· tothe temle Energy Comm' . on in June, 1956 but, my letter WBI

Oth [rl. niDI 1 y 'or yl"l, an \C pectin him s . n Air

For~ lent. 'Gr y B kir .inhis 1957 issue 'of the Su rian S'ulla in, called M' 1:1 ...... violntly an ."' uc rand ,evidently beli.e, in th almo.t ridiculous theory tht UC: r· ar m d by the lOY 'rom D ••• ", In th same

bulletin. J50' in non.ymou, which w nt ori' Uy to

COmtic N diseontinuuceuin publish Ohio. Th

Itt J" 'd' I!!. • • In .y r. _rch...1 I am in

r lity r, - -e FOn in th U.S. Air Foe. From 1950 to 1953 hew· warkin in Int Ui nee, inconnedion with some bihly or_

CIA. w dam in Gennny. ,SlDc,e 19S3 h ha· h 1d th position 0.1 •

n omc r witbth ATIC in Dyton Ohio wh1ch yo'Um lmo,

been connected the Air Force'· in.v tilstion of the UFO probJ.em. I

met Mr.. .ley h re in,iami in, 1955 at pri,y te m :of

Sc>utbem.A . utical th 01 have bad th

tunity to m t him thr more tim ataeron

h In i del ~ her. u to my. r

lem I-y for _ ver·al ye _ IU 0 th_ vario'

00, I h_. yours". I can t1eUyou th:t it tame aaqul _e 8 oct t.

t .amed that ley w publi.hinlQ UFO jo~ d-


wa _11th greater when saw his Journal sAd learn dtb type or erroneous m terial he was trying to m 'Ie d the pu lie I can tell you with lute certainty · 8 should Mose'ly wish to do so, he would be in . _ ibly th best ~ .. - 'tion of anyone in the United Sta. to expo the tru natur of t e UFO .my .ery. Tbe reason h does not do so houldc:lear from aU I have

id 80 Lr. In hart. Mr. M . ley i nothing mor 0, 1 than· 'P id 001 or

the U.S. Air Force. .. '"

Timly and pertinnt is an article in th Au \It 1957 issu I fUFO N .. ,..

I II· dit by Munsic whic~ntitl 6.IUn n tion I Not Confi~

oe. into detail IOn . e M _ I y- arker fead, 'S ys

(COsmic w) I tter is bun ... Th military busin about Mosely

may prompted by _ fact tht relative w s an officer 0·( Cairly hi h

rank' anoth r rvi . A r as beln for th 't" fairly

wen own t1tla Mr. I y need not r Iy 0 the lor hi iJy

m 15. th USA inform u thr i no Li u . J m sW. .1 y: n ith ro!

with oth r initi 1 liyin nywh r nr N J '1 ....

. 0 I y Iso d ni . th ch rg

nonymous J ra r n stic

continu th "U.S.Wpon"

hu Air Force d the S IlC ", in

on th lOp Y hoi leal Warf r Applic .. r t U.S.g'ney who runs iO.I. r tio luti n, if u e . re ind d r lint rpJ ry

hay 11 found in the p st t n y. arol . dy.

th t if th Air Fore 'h d n in doubto! h

194 it would unques ion bl)' h ve ked the to coaduct u (un i n ific dy 0 th _ _ ubj -t and ientifi,coraniz lions ....

u in

C ntl .ry to Davidson' cant. ntion th t 1din_ U.S. . 'en L ha.v n

n summon d to tudy UFOs. I was told OR. twoocc: ions 'by p" Gr ory

of Be j n, 4E4 of ATIC ( . 'on w ich ,ttl i UFO ph nome ) that in

i m.ploye wrm nyl U.S. I id, . If they c nt

find the 11 . rs,. w go t . "Juana ."

For ye.r th Air k

. hat th _ UFO .[\. arch bin tbat th Ruppel operation, were "pr ctically w ·kin

hard t

t Ruppelt n

in front 01 bi.

!I in th e .tion ..

me I n of Gr 'ory t tm.


W& I lOn I.


,A ming that Ca.pL Ruppelt was in th ' know ,about "iruid·e'" A rc affain before be left Pr'oj ct Blue Book in 1953" his, let r t,om dat February 21,1955 h n, is 'gnifican It aid In part" IAAsfor t' i:r (UP' ) being U.S., orabY worldly devl.topmen I cancategoneaUy deny thUi"

AnOth.f leterof "ignifieance dted F bruary 16. 1955 ,from Capt Whit

of opr .. USAF Defen .p rtm -nt. .'d, "' ..• W hay

WI' new type ,jrcraftand missile for a ron tim~ and h v been report d unidentifi flyin objec. However, th such'ightin would be n li ible.W _ hav nothin which spins

_it like ' disc. puLtlows" d _ moriliz - _ ch n- colo from

mid .. ir tand ill to upersonic 1 er thtea" urn tuare n 1 m

fuU Hight. 8 me sight rs r, po .,

perim nti me of them number 01 throu h th

Accordin to the David n c mp lor theoretici ns, Whit t. letter i n

ti_ ,Uytru. butth etch phr' in it i th word, "'W " in the Rt nee' which

r ds ~W'e ha,vnothinl which spin through he air r' di ,t£:.. Tru

"W .,ccord1i to D vid onian perspie city rf· r only to th Air Fotcend does not n ee . rily ineJud Deer d v lop.· n_ by the N _vy. D vi, n'l at urn, nt jnpe ~ ppe,ring in h June·July 1·57 iu of Sau tN w , 'cnows:

win. lh'

eir ular

ju Iue fr t,~

an I t

'or J"~ j .. , 't (~rmlJ::t'r ,..,r

f~ Ir J 111) r h ,nil ~H~. ~'I .. oJ' :\1 ur Edw;lrd, Air 1:0,. .. U... I. nil'''' rc(er \0

i flJI ne T ll" r

Sol J wrot to th _ .. avy f,or . tatem nt. Th ir rply, d ted ]uly2'4 .. 1957 nd 51 n d by P. G. Conw U .LCOR. USN T chnicalnformtiol1 Officer. f,ollo'w'''Sinc it org niaatio in 1946 til Offic of Nvsl R arch has en ...

a ed inn ext nsiv pr, am of upper . tmo pher arch. Amon tb

lools us d to ob in, informeticn re pi ticS b lloons. :Same re-

po 0·£ unid ntifi fI.yi.nobj hy ub uently prev d to be b _


SKYHOOK balloon Bostin I at hi altitude. ThJS my aCCOW'lt for tb

rumon you. hay heard that the Navy' dey _ Jo'ping d vic imilr to, a

8yin _lJIter' "

Whit th Navy (not v ry fOl"cfully} scutt. I bypothetic)' flyin

uce '" c Um. ueh de,velopment "rumo ".. tb m signi8c Jetter in

mycoU tien which should erase th U.S., w,eapon th ory wa received, frOttl G f1 ral S turnino G. Annenanz - Air Attacbeor th A . ntin govemm nt ( 'f production. elsewh re in. book). A.ttach'o thi ie'tt r, dated '_ = Y 9. 1955., ere twro P .1_ in: Spanish, bett r .. than·aver,g,t! UP-Qsi,gb 'ftg OYer Cordoba Airport in Arlen titn a on Nov, mber- 25. 19S4.~·

For the U .. S. Ns'vy. or any other agency. to Haunt re weapon. over

Arentift. I especially when r Is iOM wih the Peron rqjm were alre dy

. tr ined would not be in accord. with U.S. policy. Just incomceiv bl .i 'b

notion that . U.S.. ret w span would be used to .spy on Arlentin . He. logic I,. our fir question would. be, MSpy ,oDwhat?" follow by. "Whs.t

could an a I'i 1 weapoll uneev r in Ar. entine that any old .. r man two-

I·' . dpy would not~ But. the answ r 8. uchnv utur auld

be :h rik ofth uc -'spower fa'ilUl"· ot only would the U.S. I.. it-

big: t eret, but the ignominiou dud would brin tremendous reverbera-

tions in for ign pi. 01 10 . rtordr, _tin w ul ~ cIJ.ed th

U. S .. an lIT r - and hey would hay- been justifi do.

P' rhap bett r argument 8&_ ins the U.S. w span theory Ii, in tit

mil 'W • ony o·{ th old 'gbtinl A 'ajar K yhoe once pointedou

many areundloubt dly old wiv but 0 _ on record, m, an Lee

value to ju t credible . th r port today. On th· other hand. , r,

Dona,ld M nsel, in his writin ':' ha tried to IwnptbemU into the w ~t_

bao.r op lc I or ntuJ ,phnom n • but., in, c rt inc: which d

eribe low ... flylt11 metallic obj cts r not SO lurn'p ble.

Perhulp _ tb best r,efer ne 0 hi toric 1 UFO datai in· he wor'b of

CIl rles F:o ,but r reh ntly uncoverin new'old'" repo I

found on whil kin br ak ,adin galley prooflof ttti boo _y sourCi':

w. John - '"v I,n.' Dia.ry" Vol. l-.p .e 43, in, which the author d scribes

UFO _e n M reh 10, 164,3. Bert rt timony howey r re tbelitst~f1andr-

po datin b ck to the turn of e century to and including WorldW~ar n

Typical of on of th _ ~ ia r· port I rived which d -"bed ""ftying he hOtt'oo'ler Newfoundancl in 1922,ndnother of a. ilver ball leeI'I,ov,e1

be same re in 1943 durina: wartime conatruction wo . Still more lot r~ -tin is a.n. _ceount ntin by Cb rl P' ley ,of Atlanta.,Geo " _. ~The .laee was W t Point.. Mi . ·.P ii,' me 'arty 1900· .



1 Fl.YI.


IonK go I' ·rd

m lntin lhl .. w what. h

n n r 'lptieal llh n mf,'nun, Do' l't . e - nd lb. f no"

by R atlet 'Dj .


• and e 't p.

in 1952

ilver', In I II. h re

. K. J bnpubli bed I me xe 11 n, mat rial

ord 'nd not I .. stran

discovery' a time-worn, boo fromth

ill 1880 th boo Th

i n J out of old a


in ' in6 _ry c mmotio_ .

ble" m tear durin tat peri

1 ..• ,.. bodv d 0 ,'.. II, vi 'b"l" n nh ' f

ummou .'.' _Y _l:tm 11 . 1I1 _ 16 _.CL ... ast Q

th n an. hour .•. v. ry brilliant ,in th . (·arm ,of a pruning hoo

Wing towsrd the horizon. Anoth xmple: At

luminous body. h_ped like _ USEe tbl was

:" :" .,. Ie " tim lrno t t ti.on' ,ry'· and mi n.

mamJR r 0 ... . . _ .. . . _ J.. _ ..... .

SiUnoth r: At Cb rlestea •. S. C meteor of lemBordinary iz CQIl . th haven for t In b ·of time and then heard to th nois _o£cnnon·".

over an

"_utioa D from

· .D.c .. ,

o . c ....

r. 8 rl r

t nc

, b ,UII.

u 1 r1

n y coun r"l"






eruin t r

tbi I It r. I

inlttr t in be

'r ,tinJ

.But for the f' aden who like drama witb til ir old igbting" Iquot (tom

Jetter by N. M Cr,anmer of Hamm TIley Fork, P Rn!ylvania appearin in tb Novem r 1955' ue of Btu book ma.azin· ...... On July 16 1 40

n igh'bor's hir man .w wh .tlooked lie an aluminum di hpanom' up thi mrrowvaJley. H IT bbed his _ I _ . and r n in the hous and hid

Th y . t h'm to he· n a lurn for ttemnL T'wo mil Earth up th

val,ley another youn mSllw itnd to1dh'~ wife. Sh told him h was er I%Y so he took his riflnd ble hi " bead oft' .. ,. ."


Summ rizin -verything from an el hair to zodiacal I.ilh ' hal¥le come

to 'tl1e' ecnelu i.on tba.t fJyin u . re jnterpl netary vbicl and t th

world Ilovrnm nts wi b. t chn.ologica1 kno,whow I beli V' this to be thil!' an wer.. This an' w _ r how v r for on or re -. ft_ is bein kpt f am th· world. public.. .

In 955 the London. Sunday Dis· tch r·port d, "Tb Air Mini try ,- t

th of th ir Ii v y r inv _ ~ ati flO' no

pUblic, It is to be Joc'k d. way and roy not ,vr be , lea d. Mini try I Blrid i will neouater or promot much 'P' ", Dwin the same year1, the Ministry of D Iense in Sou h Arrie, announced tht n in ..

form,tj,o'nlboutUFOs ni,ntht country wla [d: op·no to

divulged". Equally CT', but 1 blunt about it. was lett r ree ived

from Ca.pL White of OPI USAF D fens, Dep rtment, _ t, Y 20. I 55-

WI know ofnop1ans to I' lea inronntion on individual jghting and doubt

th t ueh willi . ·ke place w :11 hay t me h rta· of" v",,', ...... 111_

pei"SO'nn 1." Also in My., 1955. INS r porte' cothy iJlallen' famoD

patch .from Leaden hich quoted Rnti haBic' J of cbiDet rnk

IIW Ii v Oft the 'sof our inquLn hut f , t th u .~ e

tflt!d by m -n m-n, prob bly und -t t 11 It's. r-'-htening

is no d nyinK th ftyin ,ucer come from another IDe " After Ion

tll British Air -inistry in a s tement d t d June IS 957 adm:itt rio

concern over UPOrpor .According to Londo., Reynold New_I WOn

n.inth. floor of wh.tws!I. formerly th . Hotel e tro pol e .. th re is _ top

room - Number 801. to be . - wh r all r·epo' of 8yin

coUeetednd tudi d byexpe· . Summ, nzm b Air .u' '.IoUJ~U R yrrold N - w sted:

OJ I Th \ir llini tr)- n up; 10 hvt tre t FO wi~h

1, d ri ion-h -'o'C' In I lucer rc-rt tince . II: a5

10.000 Oil au 3) Th.ou h m ft)' (lh


I R '&JOn d ')1 lilt Mfa 1111,1 In '\ "t_'U rre,

Kr .... n immenscly. '\ hay!!_

,. "

n \~ been up', i ... 1 uree ,

,dmillhal poke mn non ·n .. c.'

me which c uld n(l he expl in d. '~o

IJr pa ted. - y Ihal all re fit rt bout h

dy in t~e kn " . e

mv r)' bj t I.rr


iI)Th inltrior 01 R rn : the Brilil lhnu ~ndJ .Hoi try ..

( ) Th tea !ie I n<cn1r.u1o 1){ Ih~

mh.l ran ~

Inur tI pin

0'" r l~c X rwi .


Realizing tba _ 'n iron. door of securi.ty toed betw - n m and th fin -I

nsw r, f noneth 1 took dvant e of an opportunity on Augu t IJ 157,

t Vl51 ATIC at Wright-P AFB, hopm taime i m eh about

thei,r4E4:8 Reynold New" told us about the Sri ·sh Room, 801.

I Cpt. Gre.ory bu.t he ingff the b. 1 W nt hrw h

ri ealle 'rom tb r j, ustion d k. tTYin to lecat .. meon else

wiUin bout sauce .Iwa. first conn -ed with Cr, Mily

"who w. in. cbor, o,f4E4"', but when b rfu d t ' be tnt rvi wed (for

. bvieu reason) I was direct d to r. Spene r Wb on. t"b h d olf

ATIC Info·rm· tion Servic Offic. My ppointm cOt w

Arriving earlynd while w 'tin I fr m

room hi etary. side from h - r rnny courte i boun

rity r ,ltio,1t to Ie p a w8tchlul Y ,yen to follow m to th drinkitn foun in. Thinkin' thismu inl. but pr'obably nrywh T ,0 many

r t .r _ k pt I ws gain follow d a return d tOI my chair. ner

lh n I bad ,d myself, Wh don, with anttorm. into offie

--'hou h hy wr rubing t b ttl t ti ns. Wh, _ rob w quick 1:'0 il ith bun by th_ horn Whil

_in wh t w nted, hi i an yin nothin

to me' nd swung one I oYer the o,th r.

1m gu red. I gotir ctly to he,u_ 'under-

source tha the Air For'c i. comin lout SOOn with :new

m . n ·on tb UF.... t<.Don't knw o'f any" id Whedon

prl in - tob ieee into hi pipe "Unl itss Ii ht modifitionof iu pr nt

text - but nothing bi , or diftlr, nt that I kno,w ef",

Tbi w . the' rter, and. f e m'n.y minut had el In wtlich . e

h d eov red v r 1 db table ubj e I could f Ion wIt .. tin ,he upr and, his vcie " Ierev r commanding, his 'replie. for· VeT ramb .

into v lubletime.1l midldle of one of hi ndard Air Fo,e rpi I

d r/ dedo cut in. kin .. by th Air Porce per j ed in statin tht ucer

o not ui .


Apperin n.ttI' Wh ',0 r,elit his pi -, and finding -, n w bal -ee in hi chair. fie boomed,~AJI but J% can be explained - and we d explain tose

i£w, bad more da __ 11 ''If- ilin be theq r __ 11 _m

In whi h h him If had been fooled by th optics of Ii bt 1us J c ntly" h

id,wwbile driving myc' in Dayton I cam to a familiar int ion nd

was urprised to two red traffic Ii h " Pausin& momentarily" drawing hvily on his pipe, he w nt ,I hou ht Uti w -.. odd, but '5 my rot n arer - OUESS WHAT?"., In the next instant, Wb,edon wa Iau hing.

gustil,y in r et that h v n fail ton tiee tht . pi _ h d urn d out.

Knowingth to be funny. I ' d_ed d er, Even. th wry

Be ble' I iJe. ._ inaUy Wh id, ,here w s only on' Ii

by '11gh no _ I c_ npS

also cied an inst ne wb pr eti lly v rybody on th

Ie 0 UFO C-refuny po ill tin out tbt

rv ~ ebjec _ inth - Ie W,he

W CODe In in icl, J wer n up

u _ be or ni h, I d cut in 'With ' n ather qU! _ tion Ii linn

that I Ir dy n hID W • J had heat Ilo't I ast twice (or I once

rromcapt in Gr glorynd on from Sgt. Hill. E ell tory h d I.i htly

di'ffernt v rsion, but it h d thm odlng. In h -rli rmpl th

UFO' w r rchli ht m _ pil yin on J fty cloud. Or. m ybe

Wb don· If I h d left him finish ould h. 'VI!' ' b lJoon.

But Wh don. WRIt pl' - d. with my im,pertin nc I ndalumphill ck

in his ch ir 'mind rn th" t I had 'ntelTupt d him Wh n I

lpoloiz ',th ubj t o'nceinw ored to b 394 ",

Whedo,n" lookin victoriou w nt n 0 _ y til h repr

untr ined i - tt.t lik ct10D '. ddi ehildr n, publicity

bo ,. ste

Irt d 0 n-m by-tr nome pilo _ md oth

hat il wa hopei Co'ninu lIy

tobeco in hi pipe, on til n . dmitt _~. that th Air Fore n vr TUm d out th int fplanetary thry but ha he knew 'of no evidence which

would upport i,tunl be' id, b y r nit t lIin me v ~

Thinkin thi per W5 thea I nut hi't on th ubjeet ofsect' y.

"" not hidin thin h count red. "'Everybody em to thin we r

but her I nothing to hjd ", I th k'cd if could _ til mili.tary r po

pecialJy th by pila .

"'We cn't show til '\ hid,," - w dont h v he no 1 to

hndl 11 the req'ues to h r _It. _ ddin " id it i n'tour policy

toupply materi 1 for comm r ;purposn. .~" R, · h· pi , Wh n con tm u ct "AitFotcpilo _ ar fr to y whatever they pie about UFO·

They ,re not muzJ __ ad Ie hoW' you tbis In blacnd white ... "

T: ving ruB OUt. r than.k-ed Whedon and his a 'stant for 'th inter~

view Bad departed Walk-in. to the IS I smjl i in pbyrric: vkory .. Wb J) I

go home tht uibt 1 thou h about Whedon's tern ntabou tbe mU%.l'lin,

of pita 'an' sittm down to my typewriter 'wrot him tb ' _,ollowing letter fromwhic:b I quote in prt, ", . In one of oW' topical BV, nu _ whichconcm d themu.z:zlilng of pilots',. you stated. that such char are not so) and that you could p'Dye thU in writ:in~ Although J did not request thi proo.ft tb tim" I would mOw like to e whatevr reference Or dir ' ~ve you had in mind."

Th t ne aDd somewhat hazy reply to m. letter w sign by 'Capt.

Wlla,e Elwood and is quote' fo your int rpre a ion: 'In QD_W r to your letter or 14 Augu 19s7,r 'Whedon beli ve,hat ylou m yr fer to bi

statement that tbeAir Fare' regulation Ion overns the action of

Ai,. Force pe -. nnel with re~ ct to UFO' dearly d not m'uzzJ '. pilots."

On Juy23, 1952',si A'it Force j pu ~ .. d "'Syin _. ueer" ever South-

w _ m Ohio. Hundred of r po wer received (rom 'Colwnbu, Sprin-

fi _ld VandBli and Cedarville. According to a. first-hand r port from Cinci.nnti nom y, W. O. Bollin er j _ lofzQOmed round th ueer which h d thep. rc ,of big or neb ur fire w'th a it.. Anothe-r rt told of i.xt n Ai'force officers on 8 pine returning to Wnbt-_ att. i11 AFB from W, hingtOD, D. C. who al Wltn d th UFO. On.e . n r, Col. E. J .. Morrison. PIO of th Air Mtriel Comm nd described thobj t . "far e bright nail", H ,dd '"Th 'sky w s clcudl nd we h perfect view ·of it. Th 'nail to m looked if it w s _. ne and wtion rY' After th Jnterc. pting jets landed, s pokesma.n at Wriht-aH nOD AFB id.,Wfh·

1 I ood 0 .'" ,dclilJg W. ve plnty of 101 rm ti n" but d eliD ·0

r v' al detail. until ~ par, were c:le'"ed througb int Uig DC hannel

Butbi3 r port" like th nd 01 oh r h O'V r D d_r • . iv,

ye bas' cpt, but 'ccardin to Whedon ~ Air Fore is not hidin

thin .

'"Go tell it to th' rines" wouldSftJll to an apt rebuttal ut ala th

bromid w nOt work. Th hitch j that Marine pilots who int, rcept UFO

a- _ sted no differently than aDyoth r military piloTb ir li led by

JANAP 146., rinds tb m jf th y hould talk out of Nlin .bou· tbeirin ~d nt, they may be ntenced to prison for on to tenyers and fin 'up t'Q J 0 000 dollars.

Ai For sauce.rfiJ therefor in spit 01 th· testimony of' Wh ,on

Co...r underth- lock and key o[ m imum urityt. 'Ston tik-::Wb 0.1_

o red tr,affic Ii bts....u est ru and at designed to Id, rad te the . u"b-

l di.it_ r ,'on I d bate and hopei JJy dis,pel the db tor. All' f"in

war and in ueers, appM' ntly thin tb Air F:orce beds, who know

wby th 'iof tb·· Ptmd r' box 'must not Ope'lL ••• fOf'to ten a li:tt1willld

,0 tellin aU, tbe'safe t policy is to teU nathin!

Why? What r at monster .Iicramped and wnthin - und lid. of

the Pandor' box? I ita ho 0 . randh ax - wbi to say that

uc Ii hter .. ee th oo-fi bt r invented his report

r. n sam, uper .. sea . t military Wpol1? Or ill th 1'\ Itory of tb int rplanetary aues r just too fantas ie for the e,oDveutionaJ humaa, mind to vasp - no tom n . 00 its imp~_ n world eee nomi and rI\." philosophi.? In this eat , ory. would .fit the .Adams . revelations, forth.e spae man

In creation I much Ii, the human bein not at a11 ,(n .btJuJ in ap

snc. But thl ceman is lant tic non.eth Ie for h .. so is tel. ic and

kno, all sall . .

Or is th man, erunder th lid, truly 8 monster? 1 the uoer

of viol ne,_ Q- tential viol nc? 1- th re a _tt m to t th~y.;IICI.&lI~

Rid, nr _po __ whib m y hint to SOlD, f arw, Of' inscrubl m

If his.~ th ,tb _ policy of crecy -m_ 'mum .&eIl:;uti

und tand 'ble.

'P i me


On tb o· ,el haad, to aocept thi n:::'yeeviden pur.y OD f

or, 'bee lise it fitsiJJto bum scheme of be' "viOl maybe

fooLhardysace ptio· tooqwc:kly . h positive evid nee. p. _:·v evid _C4: . by' far th mor cnntrov : J. By simple definition,. it i.J a physical. ct 0

"olmce -11·'· - Jy ·(au_. by an UFO and should he public interpr. t thi 1,0 mean tht . ~uc . rs r h···1 without tkml 'tim to w - Ilh all th evid ee,

It en .,- . But vr i -interprt ti n, ct ·ofUFO violen

_'rom th . r cor" . no mor. than CD the vid ee wbicltU •

. ueer ' til m Iv To this writ J howlev r, thy ot only tand

out '"like r ' thumb" in th. u ry ut . _ may provid y

to th,e alii 'I lock not saucers are hostil ." bich y

into the SIDe "Or thiatheo. or-instance. n trutbthat


olm nelik." e

burn'd 'IU( in ftlrll1 Ara.h',.i"wtJ. mi .... il,lK, w lill' -Irl

r mi in ... rbiJ. . .. nd th p

weft:' in \ i inil • March 1


(4) Severe bum n I1IInd of \ViIIi m CunninJCh:lm of . arby Town hip. fa. cau. d b)

flamjn mis iJ' bich t'nl~ud h~ w Jom. 2 •• H:r'.i. . leta' frafrm nt .lllo1l)·ZM. un-

lainm. SeeDs.: u. O,bit

(6) The bl ird pani au

110, OrbiJ.

(6,) ~ F .inferrer nc c u in J • ,O,/Jil.

1(1) F u in damae

C 1701 onu.

( ,)

b F •. \n· er II, S. ar., Feb. 11, I· s.-e. Ca

airera h er h. hk on ill,. 1'1 ri -,

ail-craft hi! in 'fH ht, i.ley, 111., July:...., J See

a en en injured.

e kn"lwn rdct.ail

Of at ooncern ar th acts of UF'O violencebef.aUin, both eem-

m r . landmilUtary air-cr ft UnJie thground incid n hera

felling, .fTOID the I my. ccount for mof th '

"m ncin the chane of a.m t . r hittin or imt rl ri

,-- ircraft in . iht would be v . ralmilUon to one. To buttr

ca. of t.'· argwn nt tb re are no ej tic:a. nor aretbere st.ti tics r Ie' sed by the ,Aire C.A.A.' from, wbic:hthe publi could det rmm to what

. tent eorld has' D drwn into i jJenteonRi with th' unknown.

Ro rt C. G . doer, lecturer and nva UFO my . gator of th_ s~ te' of

Calif~ durin ' a visit to m.y home in 955 8v,e me this en for

pu blieation .Orhi',:

met r .. from th

Late'r word, . _ pportin, Grdner'a stat: m nt cam from aCin,cinnti

who with raIlk in th .Airoroe R tv I hdc to in bi or ,ofl'"-

record information. Jt wu durin the em. inlltiflap 01 1955 that he related

to IGOC IUpervisor. who in tum told me tht th Air WB 1000000aalm.

d_y. 1 took ,'with the proverbial gram of t, but ..•

&, 01 II It.

II. I nl Iran u,


Stillanotb, Air "_ c: officer in tter '_ ition to secure faeb 0 .tJle...

r erd, old m U1, 8 'privati chat. also during, th '5S flap. " ."'What bo _

me. is wh '; hap, .nins to our Ireraftl" Nothin more w . " d, o.or did I

s' _ for mor •

ajar .K yhoe deserib v ral mysteri. u UPOinterferenc: with ir ..

craft in bi writin Whit I hB,v Htio many

of wbicbacimlnedly w r bard din _ ca arm evid.en ' .

I am, however mor point - l1 reminde of my owns whi e Oy;ng

o Iwo Jim ' in l' 45. Had my plane plun eel ,ntoth ' r no on includ'

tbe Air Fore I would have' n tb wiser 8, to i .Sub itturned

out, the incid·nt must r main mong h. speculative c As in con el iv

my CD may be I am in 'on of 0' h r rnor" . tiv:e informs' n. re.-

v led tom froms rlia,ble military seure I which tells ola disas l' OCCu.rrin in ttl, ir near certain '.S. miliry i nation au id th contin n u Unhed

States. Aoc,o,din to my infonnana j t air,era:ft while on routin m ~

\v. _. ve -tor d in by or tioA to int r pt two U~, . Appro chin

int doper he pi n ap r d to udldenly d v. lop tr uble nd w - n to plunK into th hUQW of wat r below. ' th cccupan of the jet ircraft met an unexpl in d d ath, not from drowmn. CIa ing this c t th djut nt of th b notifi d th n xt ·of kintbat _ ch flyer had rn t d 8th dlJlIng routine mi_ ion.

Once 81 in I' m remind out to be 11 til v' hicl e w Arm d to me in Augu wont d ny that".

01 Rup It' st t m nto·f 1'952. uif th y tum

11 k ep - f -rh -m·~ .. An 8 w" neen-

Y we nd up \IT J _ '0 inter . pt. W


II the truth i d. nd til limon run th

th di Ion by wO ld govem.m n' to k _p th Co the nght COo_e. Bu WI aeev r mrpri- Ii undr

p.ycho-m rh Or om W II

of K G. Wen".

lid,h n per' t all c th. Air

of Americn - 'ieve that ny

pani.c dpr t r pr blem, th

in w igbt to . 'bon is an oft"-the-cu r mark: mad by an Air oree

offiC1s1t,o m in 1956,. kin him poin blank what would happen ',f all

the olli 'a1 \1PO r porta were s1.1dd,enly he .ped o~~tothe public. '''Tbrwould be B panic"

A,ccordintOOD _ rgum at. tb Arne "e n (ram of iud in 138 w

JOlOft r than the- American mind of toda,y who' touln., ". Y ,

pi bern ' .. 81rt to ne thr t of. H·Bomb and tb IC'M to dehver i

Geld Heard, in his boo r. AnothetWorld W chin'?, i, comm

er of Lend'-


the theory of panic, tells us that in t 932 wh n & asteroid ApoUo w hurtlin througb ace. witbin20 tninutesof rammin the Eart with ineonceivabl . result hia mentioning 't:h:' f. C1 on ·tb. r dio in London. ~ Hshowed any .. thin.. but the faintestc:uriosity" on the part of hi. Jiatene

But the ApoUostory'didnot make the headJin' as did e tips" th ·t

appeared! on t. drover Washinat,OD,. D.C in ,Ju1y 01 1952 - and whicb brou t

Gene 1 John Samford of Air eree InteUi ,enceo the Am'en r di - to

placates Ii ing hysteria. And ApoUo we not 85 JuridJy vi . ble thucer

thatcour:sed over Indi napo'tis in July of the same y.elr that brou _t n. r p nict,o it peopl.

And. dspite all the Swords of Damacles in our present r·. whicb bauld malt Amrie 111 tau hl th re wiUcantinu to beinciden Ii e that which.

feU Knoll:viUe~ Tenn on January 25 1957 ...

.. . it was night like all .nights when uddenly 8 bal1 of fir " 'II . n.

OVO' r Sharp's Ridge _ nd the city' lilh:ts went out. A rising tide 01 alarm. 8(''' cardin to the Knoxville Journal, brought a flood olean to th 'tchboar,dl .atpolk h adqur:tn and n w pper.' "1 w bJi of fire on ISharp~.

Ridg .i11 w. th report m t often hrd. Amon: th· rum,o b tb

polic w th t ther h d llucI rexplosion. t Os_ . bat th

Unit Stt·9 wa in bombed, and ,ac:cordin tob Journal, Iea

tharth had been invad by Martian' What re ~nyhappened

Journal, roo. ~ ._101'. I power pole feU .eTO . hiah volt g lin' 'Ihorting out a tranfonner .t the Arlin. on ubstation.

As my book roe to press. two tim.4!Jy news ill ms lendin eredett to tll po tulate' of panic, ap ar· in the Cincinnati Enquir" one t lin AP~ Mo - cowthoth r UP.. Hartford. Conn cticu Sept· mber ,15. 1957.. A _ rd'inK to the .Ai' i, em th c Black a ICity of Tua Red to the lcountryaid in

hy t risove· . nee fi -:on thriller ppearin. in 1h ir wspa r whih

told or Sovie stronomers discovering . hu e fiery m

earth to d ~l'oy it.Tbeory, .. id the nwspper Sovi t Ru ·.t

taltieally t .rrHymi that m,any n tiv of TUB' becameoconvmcedtb

w, uld be d oy in fwd y. Th story. wri,en by an authonamedl ltri .. had! Soviet sdenbstsfind thatth b·.· venlyma was· ,of~a'omie reactor' inv!'nted by capi Ii. . to destroy Ru '

Accordin to the OPifem Nati011sJ' Civil D ten Weekprocram

TV w SO r aJistic that tho . d , of peopl in H for f red waf had

rted. To rna ric theklckoflof the nation J 0 rvane the' Old' ""',.. ..... ""-

rmounced ib specitll. proeram t could. h ·.·.ppen in Conn ti cut'

event or enemyattaek" then arter the ahow . announ r

..... uU tin": "We iot rrupt thiI pt'QCfam to brine you I. bulletin from. Colorado Sprinl· " it id. tfIJ1a .Ai.rDeferme Command h.u lU'UJounced t.

m of UDideu' eel plan approecbina e NortbAmeri.eanooo ... •, ... _·

over ~orth Pol TbeIe p --:- -:- pred ho.ti·e . '. .-.tloUo


, r -din . of' 'sbull" 'd UP~ w

stirred in 1 9·38 by Orson W II

On the subject of panic I am unable toezp._ anopini.on,. but . Jonl I

1 Am aware of reporulike e preceding and the foHowin are happenio I

am lUte there is a place for many . ucerP lik" ... 3 ... 0, Blue".

titiOD of th. are

arch,. 1 550, every .S. military weepinOUI from the Arctic from KOf to

bnd. wa5l1lmed. S r Ada'k" Al, ka, darpic'k up II 1 a UFO tn c in it .. i tblhr - h Call1Jld at the peed ·of 'll t u nd mile. pc. hour lnta .. ceptorssent u ,fr, . Japan &ost th obj, bul thanks to our d. nced:amin - J lrm. monmterccpt fl Wefe rambled neal Kdly .' BinS An n', T the UFO CODlin11lod 'South wbeTlelhe Jell wer'c. wano .• it suddenly re us~ it .

Ihotnonh rd,:a rin Ie in the jru in pr uit. ff behind tom Thole, I;

utbl Lao Ie. AFB in Virgin' . jets . er 1", Ktmbltdo intucept tV

.bdlll outb aJon 1J'I stern coa tof Canada, Tnthi ph- c f tbe "aleTlijt

uipped jtb r dar lI.ocbd! 001 the object; '0 lu ive, h~1 Ii' ppcarcd

, 10

"II~ I!

rl r In ItS TlcU a Air .....,IIWU11IU· d wbo rl PI" ~ I.

from r.

nen • ....., .. u..o ..

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