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Khurshid Anwer Khan

Subject “English
22 October 2005.
Dear friends the topic I am going to talk about today is schizophrenia. I will n
ot wonder if many you are not aware about the disease for it’s not common to find.
Only one percent of the people may be hardly affected by this uncommon disease.
However, if you have watched the academy award-winning movie, A Beautiful Mi
nd which is about Nobel Prize winner John Nash s recovery from, what I am going
to discuss,” schizophrenia.”
The movie registers an interesting account of John Nash s recovery from
“Schizophrenia.”—His refusal to continue taking psychiatric drugs. You must be wonder
ing as to what I am talking about. Dear friends it is nothing but a disorder or
disease called schizophrenia. (Harming The Vulnerable, 21 Oct. 2005)
Wikipedia defines Schizophrenia as “a psychiatric disorder denoting an often chron
ic, major mental illness primarily affecting thinking, with attendant difficulti
es in perception of reality, which in turn can affect behavior and emotion. The
term schizophrenia comes from the Greek words σχίζω ( hi o, plit or divide) and φρενός (p
d) ad ca b t aslatd as "shatt d mid."(Schizoph ia t ivd 21 Oct.200
Th t m “schizoph ia” was coid by Swiss psychiat ist Eug Blul  i 1
Lablig it a “disas” with o p oof of this, psychiat y cotius to lav
vul abl patits laguishig i d uggd stupo s with o hop of a cu . You

must b wod ig as to what this d add disas is?
Scitists a  still xplo ig day ad ight to fid th causs of schiz
oph  ia. Ad till dat w hav ot com ac oss th asos that lad to th dis

as. This dos ot ma that w do ot hav ay clu about how this happs.
cco dig to Sadock ad Sadock, "Schizoph ia may also b latd to p o
bl ms xp icd du ig p gacy, icludig malut itio o  xposu  to a vi a
l ifctio, that ca damag a ubo  child's dvlopig b ai ad  vous syst
A aoth  study by So s has show "that t atig a p gat woma who has hig
h blood p ssu  with diu tics du ig th thi d t imst  may put th baby at 
isk fo  lat  dvlopig schizoph ia." (P465)
By , howv  blivs that a child is at g at  isk fo  dvlopig schizoph 
ia if th fath  is ov  th ag of 50 wh th child is cocivd" (By ,
Yt aoth  aso fo  dvlopig Schizoph ia may b a had iju y i a child
who has a pa t o  siblig with schizoph ia—th had iju y may t igg  this b 
ai disas if th child is gtically al ady at isk. (Abdl Malik, 60: 231–236
60: 231–236).
Th  a  two typs of symptoms latd to th disas: Positiv ad gativ. T
h positiv os add to th p soality of popl wh as th gativ os icl
ud th
loss of th motios, loss of motivatio to succd i th goals outlid dvlo
pig f agmtd thoughts ad difficulty i possssig ifo matio tc.
P vtio ( ia/aa47134.asp)
It is possibl to p vt th disas to a g at xtt by adoptig th followi
g i os lif:
• Rducig st ss i you  lif, which may dc as th umb  of lapss you hav
• Avoid usig alcohol o  illgal d ugs.
• La ig th fi st sigs of laps ad skig hlp a ly.
• Takig mdicatios as p sc ibd.
I spit of th big dbat that p vails a oud th disas, it is it stig t
o ot that som qua t s lik that of th Nobl Lau at Joh Nash bliv that
it is btt  to go without mdicatios fo  its paiful. If o ud gos mdica
tios th  a  utold agois that h/ sh has to ud go- may a tims ladig
to th dath of th patit. Ths facts a  ot highlightd a  ot allowd to
b highlightd by th co po at wo ld bcaus its busiss of sllig d ugs ad
hospitals will suff  loss. What a mock y of mdical thics!
Howv , w may coclud that it is btt  to tak mdical atttio up to th p
oit o ca tol at. Byod tol atio it is ot possibl to tak d ugs bcaus
 it may ic as th mtal agois of th patit. Th sid ffcts of th md
ici a  said to b much mo  tha what bfits it p ovids to th patits. A
d if this is t u it is ally tim to thik about takig mdicatios.

Mo ov , if w caot do aythig ls w ca la  p haps a lsso o  two f o
m th Nobl Lau at. If h ca b cu d by ot takig ay mdicatio fo  o ls
s tha 24 ya s what is th aso that th oth s caot follow th suit ad g
t hald f om th bouty of atu .
Rf cs 
Sadock BJ, Sadock A (2003). Schizoph ia. I Kapla ad Sadock's Syopsis of P
sychiat y, 9th d., pp. 471–504. Philadlphia: Lippicott Williams ad Wilkis.
So s HJ, t al. (2003). Do hyp tsio ad diu tic t atmt i p gacy
ic as th isk of schizoph ia i offsp ig? Am ica Jou al of Psychiat y,
160: 464–468.
By  M, t al. (2003). Pa tal ag ad isk of schizoph ia. A chivs of G
al Psychiat y 60: 673–678.
AbdlMalik P, t al. (2003). Childhood had iju y ad xp ssio of schizoph 
ia i multiply affctd familis. Am ica Jou al of Psychiat y, 60: 231–236.

R t i v d f om datd 21 Octob 2005.
http://www.cch .o g/docto s/g/pag16.htm
Schizoph ia t ivd f om datd 21 Octob 2005
http://.wikipdia.o g/wiki/Schizoph ia

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