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EYE DISORDERS Immature cataracts are not completely opaque and

thus allow some light to pass providing the patient with

Situation: Mang Tomas is a 60 year old man who has just had some useful vision.
cataract surgery performed on his right eye. Mature cataract occurs when the lenses are
completely opaque and vision is greatly reduced or
1. The physician has prescribed Cyclogel preoperatively to: absent.
a) prevent dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva Intumescent cataract occurs when the lens absorbs
b) reduce the inflammation of the iris and choroids water and increases in size resulting in glaucoma.
c) paralyze the ciliary muscle Hypermature cataract occurs when the lens protein
d) promote drainage of aqueous humor from the breaks down into short chain polypeptides and leak
chamber of the eye through the lens capsules. The proteins are engulfed by
macrophages and may lead to phacolytic glaucoma.
Another preoperative eye drop that is usually The cause are:
prescribed to patient awaiting cataract surgery is • congenital cataract - heredity
tropicamide (mydriacyl) which is a dilating agent. • traumatic cataract - exposure heat
• senile cataract - aging, most common cause
2. After discharge, Mang Tomas attends the eye clinic for • secondary cataract - caused by another disease
follow-up visits. When he receives his cataract glasses, it It is manifested by:
is important that the nurse advise him that: • blurred vision
a) his peripheral vision will be increased
• photophobia - client complains to glare
b) objects will appear closer than they really are
c) magnification by the lens is only about 10% • progressive loss of vision
d) daily eye drops are required with these lenses • opaque or cloudy white pupil
• difficulty to identify colors
Cataract surgery is performed to remove the • indirect opthalmoscpe - red reflex is distorted or
opacified lens. After surgery, a new artificial lens will be absent
inserted at the posterior chamber or the client will be left • patient does not experience pain
without a lens. Aphakia or the absence of lens can be Instructions after Cataract Surgery include:
corrected to restore normal vision by eye glasses, contact • leave ocular dressing/eye patch in place, it is
lenses or intraocular lenses. usually removed after 24 hours
Eye glasses are the safest and least expensive • limit activity for 24 hours
alternative. The nurse should inform the patient that the • avoid reading
eyeglasses will be thick and will cause objects to appear • avoid rubbing eyes
closer than they really are and vertical lines will also • wear eye glasses for protection during the day
appear curved.
• avoid lifting more than five pounds
Contact lenses provide better visual correction than
• avoid straining and any activity that increase IOP
eye glasses but the patient must learn how to insert,
clean and replace the lenses correctly. This can be • lie on unoperated side
difficult for elderly clients afflicted with arthritis, • avoid aspirin or any drug containing aspirin
Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's. • use eye shield to protect eyes
Intraocular lenses are implants that provide the best • pain and itching after surgery is normal and can be
visual correction. However, it is associated with more relieved with acetaminophen. Report persistent and
postoperative complications. unrelieved pain.
• report redness around the eye, nausea and
3. The nurse should instruct a client preparing for eye vomiting
surgery that which of these activities will be restricted • avoid touching and rubbing of eyes
post-operatively? • avoid closing of eyes tightly
a) bending with the knees flexed After surgery, instruct client to return for follow-up
b) bending from the waist care. If the surgery is out-patient, first clinic visit is after
c) keeping the head in a neutral position 24 hours, then after one week and then after one month.
d) lying flat
Situation: Mang Ben is diagnosed with glaucoma and is
During the postoperative period of eye surgery, scheduled for surgery.
activities that increase intraocular pressure should be
avoided: 5. Which symptoms are associated with acute closed-angle
• instruct patient to avoid bending over glaucoma?
• avoid vomiting - give antiemetics a) diplopia and photophobia
• avoid coughing - give antitussives, avoid conditions b) episodic blindness and no pain
that stimulate coughing c) blurred vision and colored rings around lights
• avoid sneezing - avoid allergens that stimulate d) sensation of curtain drawn across the visual field
sneezing such as powders, dusts etc.
• avoid straining - use stool softener Glaucoma is due to increased ocular pressure
• avoid lifting heavy objects (normal is 10-20 mm/Hg) from accumulation of aqueous
humor in the eye that damages the optic nerve resulting
4. Nursing care for Mang Tomas during the first 48 hours in irreversible blindness. Aqueous humor is produced by
after surgery will include: the ciliary body, nourishes the cornea and lens and flows
a) maintain bed rest out of the eye through the trabecular meshwork via the
b) changing the dressing daily canal of Schlemm.
c) encouraging coughing and deep breathing Two kinds of Glaucoma:
d) lie on the unoperated side 1. Close Angle/Narrow/Acute - caused by narrowing of
the anterior chamber or blockage that occurs
Cataract is clouding or opacity of the lens which between cornea and iris. This type of glaucoma can
prevents light rays from reaching the retina. Cataract is develop only in one eye and occurs suddenly. It is
not due to trauma tends to occur bilaterally but they do common in people of Asian ancestry and associated
not mature at the same time. with aging.
Symptoms include:
• intermittent episodic attacks characterized c) I will place the patch on the left eye
by severe eye pain, headache, face pain and d) I will alternate the patch from right to left eye hourly
abrupt decrease of visual acuity that occur when
pupils dilate such as during emotional upset and In strabismus, patch the good eye. This will train the
when patient is adjusting vision in darkness affected eye.
• blurred vision to loss of vision
• rainbow halos around lights 8. The client comments, "I frequently change my eye
• nausea and vomiting glasses, none of which is satisfactory and I have difficulty
focusing on my work." Which of the following disorders
• rapid rise of intraocular pressure
may the client be experiencing?
• cloudy cornea
a) cataract
• reddened conjunctiva b) glaucoma
2. Open angle/chronic/simple - caused by blockage in c) detached retina
the trabecular meshwork and the canal of Schlemm. d) myopia
this type of glaucoma is usually bilateral, with
insidious onset, and often hereditary. it is the most Glaucoma is an eye disorder that causes damage to
common type of glaucoma in adults. the retina and optic nerve that may lead to blindness. Eye
Symptoms include: glasses does not improve the vision, so the client
• appearance early in the disease of scotoma frequently changes them.
or blind spots
• gradual loss of peripheral vision 9. An 85-year old woman complains of pain in her operated
• gradual increase of intraocular pressure eye after cataract removal surgery. The nurse knows that
especially upon awakening and when lying flat this symptoms is
• halos around lights a) expected, and she should offer analgesic
• mild headaches b) unexpected and may signify a detached retina
• difficulty focusing on near objects and c) unexpected and may indicate hemorrhage
adapting in the dark d) expected and she should advise the client to be on
• affects both eyes but progression of the bed rest
disease is not the same
• vague symptoms so that it is often called Pressure or pain in the eye postop indicates
"thief of the night" glaucoma because patient is hemorrhage. This should be reported to the physician.
unaware until visual acuity is greatly reduced.
10. The client had just undergone repair of detached retina.
6. Which order for Mang Ben before surgery will the nurse Which of the following should be included in the nursing
question: care plan of the client?
a) demerol (meperidine) 50 mg IM a) encourage self-care activities
b) atropine sulfate 0.4 mg IM b) limit movement of his eyes
c) valium (diazepam) 2 mg IM c) restrict excessive talking
d) phenergan (promethazine) 25 mg IM d) limit fluid intake

Drugs which cause pupils to dilate should be avoided Limiting eye movement after retinal surgery is done
by persons having angle closure glaucoma as they by application of pressure dressing. This is to prevent
increase flow of fluid, and thus, the intraocular pressure. increase in intraocular pressure.
This includes:
• atropine 11. Which of the following is an effective technique of
communicating with a hearing impaired client?
• anticholinergics
a) speak slowly in a low tone of voice
• patient should also avoid caffeine
b) speak slowly in a loud voice
Drugs used in Glaucoma are:
c) speak slowly and try to overemphasize words
1. Betablockers: Timolol/Betaxolol
d) speak slowly and directly in front of the client
• action: decreases production of aqueous
humor Speaking slowly allows the client to understand the
• side effects: bradycardia, hypotension message. And speaking in fron of the client allows him to
• contraindication: asthma, heart block, COPD read the lip movement of the speaker. Avoid using loud
2. Carbonic Anhydrase: Acetazolamide/Mannitol voice pitch. High-pitched voice is more difficult to be
• action: decreases production of aqueous understood by hearing-impaired client.
• side effects: allergy (do not give if with sulfa 12. Which of the following client statements indicates the
allergy), weight loss, electrolyte imbalance, need to postpone cataract surgery in the morning?
depression, impotence a) this seasonal allergy should no be a problem
3. Cholinergics: Pilocarpine/Carbachol b) the medications instilled into my eyes make my
• action: increases outflow of aqueous humor vision blurred
• side effects: pain, blurry vision, diminished c) feel nervous with my operation tomorrow
vision at dark d) I have allergy to certain medications
4. Adrenergics: Epinephrine/Dipivefrin
• action: decreases production of aqueous Seasonal allergy is characterized by sneezing and
humor coughing. These may cause increase in intraocular
• side effects: tremors, headache, redness pressure (IOP) and bleeding after eye surgery.
and itching
13. Which of the following is done when performing Weber
7. A physician prescribes "patching" for a child with test?
strabismus of the right eye. A nurse instructs the mother a) place vibrating tuning fork in front of the opening of
regarding this procedure. Which of the following the ear
statements when made by the mother indicates that she b) place the vibrating tuning fork in the middle of
understands the instruction? the head
a) I will place the patch on the right eye c) place the vibrating tuning fork behind the ear
b) I will place the patch on both eyes
d) irrigate the ear with cold water and observe
movement of the eyes Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva.
A diagnosis of chlamydial conjunctivitis in a child who is
Describes weber test, which confirms presence of not sexually active should signal the health care provider
sensorineural hearing loss like Meniere's disease. to assess the child for possible sexual abuse. Allergy,
infection, and trauma can cause conjunctivitis, but the
14. The client has been diagnosed to have Meniere's disease. causative organism is not likely to be chlamydia.
Which of the following should be included when giving
health teachings? 19. A nurse prepares a teaching plan for a mother of a child
a) limit carbohydrates and proteins in the diet diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis. Which of the
b) limit salt intake following, if stated by the mother, indicates a need for
c) limit fats in the diet further teaching?
d) drink a lot of fluids a) I need to wash my hands frequently
b) I need to clean the eye as prescribed
Meniere's disease is a disorder caused by increased c) it is okay to share towels and washcloths
endolymphatic pressure in the inner ear; characterized by d) I need to give the eye drops as prescribed
vertigo, tinnitus, gradual hearing loss. Low sodium diet is
indicated to prevent further accumulation of Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva.
endolymphatic fluids. Bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious, and the
nurse should teach infection control measures. These
15. The nurse plans care for a client with acute glaucoma include good hand washing and not sharing towels and
who reports severe pain in the eyes and rainbow colors washcloths. Options A, B, and D are correct treatment
(halos) around lights. Which action should the nurse take measures.
a) administer pain medication 20. A nurse provides discharge instructions to the mother of
b) explain to the client that with reduction in intraocular a child after myringotomy with insertion of
pressure, pain and other symptoms will subside tympanostomy tubes. The nurse determines that the
c) provide preoperative teachings to the client mother needs additional instructions if the mother states
d) assess the client's visual status that:
a) swimming in deep water is prohibited
Pain is the priority problem in a client with glaucoma. b) swimming in lake water needs to be avoided
Loss of vision in glaucoma is irreversible. c) she will place earplugs in the child's ears during
baths and showers
16. A nurse is providing instructions to a client and the family d) she will be sure to give her child soft tissues to
regarding home care after right eye cataract removal. blow his nose
Which statement by the client would indicate an A myringotomy is the insertion of tympanoplasty
understanding of the instructions? tubes into the middle ear to equalize pressure and keep
a) I will not sleep on my left side the ear aerated. Parents need to be instructed that the
b) I will not sleep on my right side child should not blow his or her nose for 7 to 10 days.
c) I will not sleep with my head elevated Bath and lake water are potential sources of bacterial
d) I will not wear my glasses until my physician says it contamination. Diving and swimming in deep water are
is okay prohibited. The child’s ears need to be kept dry. Options
A, B, and C are appropriate instructions.17) B
After cataract surgery, the client should not sleep on
the side of the body that was operated on. The client also 21. Shortly after a neonate is delivered, erythromycin is
should be placed in a semi-fowler's position to assist in instilled into the neonate’s eyes. This drug is given to
minimizing edema and intraocular pressure. During the prevent:
day, the client may wear glasses or a protective shield; at a) Ophthalmia neonatorum
night, the protective shield alone is sufficient. b) Retrolental fibroplasias
c) Corneal keratitis
17. A day care nurse is observing a 2-year old child and d) Acute uveitis
suspects that the child may have strabismus. Which
observation made by the nurse might indicate this Erythromycin is an antibiotic used to prevent
condition? Ophthalmia neonatorum (ocular gonorrheal infection. It
a) the child has difficulty doesn’t prevent other eye disorders.
b) the child consistently tills the head to see
c) the child consistently turns the head to see 22. An older female client confides to the visiting nurse that
d) the child does not respond when spoken to she is afraid she will fall while going to the bathroom at
night. Which suggestion, if made by the nurse, indicates
Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes are not that the nurse understands the visual changes affecting
aligned because of lack of coordination of the extraocular the older client?
muscles. The nurse may suspect strabismus in a child a) limit your fluid intake during the day
when the child complains of frequent headaches, squints, b) use a commode in your bedroom at night
or tilts the head to see. Options A, C, and D are not c) keep a red light on the bathroom at night
indicative of this condition. d) use a bell to call your daughter if you need to get up

18. The mother of a 6-year old child arrives at a clinic Because it takes longer to adapt to changes from
because the child has been experiencing scratchy, red, dark to light and vice versa, older persons are at a
and swollen eyes. The nurse notes a discharge from the greater risk of falls and injuries. Wherever a sudden
eyes and sends a culture to the laboratory for analysis. change from dark to light or from light to dark occurs can
Chlamydial conjunctivitis is diagnosed. Based on this be dangerous. Getting up during the night is a hazardous
diagnosis, the nurse determines that which of the situation for an older client. Eyes adapt to the dark by
following requires further investigation? using the rod receptors, which are sensitive to short blue-
a) possible trauma green wavelengths. Red wavelengths are longer and are
b) possible sexual abuse perceived by the cones. Thus, a red light in the bathroom
c) presence of an allergy at night will allow for vision to function in the dark
d) presence of a respiratory infection adequately without the need for adaptation.
The client is instructed to wear a metal or plastic
23. The nurse is developing a plan of care for the client shield to protect the eye from accidental injury and is
scheduled for cataract surgery. The nurse documents instructed not to rub the eye. Glasses may be worn
which most appropriate nursing diagnosis in the plan of during the day. Aspirin or medications containing aspirin
care? are not to be administered or taken by the client and the
a) anxiety client is instructed to take acetaminophen (Tylenol) as
b) self-care deficit needed for pain. The client is instructed not to sleep on
c) nutrition, imbalanced the side of the body on which the operation occurred. The
d) sensory perception, disturbed client is not to lift more than 5 lb.

The most appropriate nursing diagnosis for the client 28. The client with glaucoma asks the nurse if complete
scheduled for cataract surgery is Sensory perception, vision will return. The most appropriate response is:
disturbed (visual) related to lens extraction and a) your vision will never return to normal
replacement. Although options A, B, and C identify b) your vision will return soon as the medication begins
nursing diagnoses that may be appropriate, they are not to work
related specifically to cataract surgery. c) your vision loss is temporary and will return in about
3 to 4 weeks
24. The nurse is performing an assessment on a client with a d) although some vision has been lost and cannot
suspected diagnosis of cataract. The chief clinical be restored, further loss may be prevented by
manifestation that the nurse would expect to note in the adhering to the treatment plan
early stages of cataract formation is:
a) diplopia Vision loss to glaucoma is irreparable. The client
b) eye pain should be reassured that although some vision has been
c) floating spots lost and cannot be restored, further loss may be
d) blurred vision prevented by adhering to the treatment plan. Option A
does not provide reassurance to the client.
A gradual, painless blurring of central vision is the
chief clinical manifestation of a cataract. Early symptoms 29. The nurse is developing a teaching plan for the client with
include slightly blurred vision and a decrease in color glaucoma. Which of the following instructions would the
perception. Options A, B, and C are not signs of a nurse include in the plan of care?
cataract. a) avoid overuse of the eyes
b) decrease the amount of salt in the diet
25. In preparation for cataract surgery, the nurse is to c) eye medications will need to be administered
administer prescribed eye drops. The nurse reviews the for the client's entire life
physician's orders, expecting which type of eye drops to d) decrease fluid intake to control the intraocular
be prescribed? pressure
a) a miotic agent
b) a thiazide diuretic The administration of eye drops is a critical
c) an osmotic diuretic component of the treatment plan for the client with
d) an mydriatic medication glaucoma. The client needs to be instructed that
medications will need to be taken for the rest of his or her
A mydriatic medication produces mydriasis or life. Options A, B, and D are not accurate instructions.
dilation of the pupil. Mydriatic medications are used
preoperatively in the cataract client. These medications 30. The nurse is preforming an admission assessment on a
act by dilating the pupils. They also constrict blood client with a diagnosis of detached retina. Which of the
vessels. An osmotic diuretic may be used to decrease following is associated with this eye disorder?
intraocular pressure. A miotic medication constricts the a) total loss of vision'
pupil. A thiazide diuretic is not likely to be prescribed for b) pain in the affected eye
a client with a cataract. c) a yellow discoloration of hte sclera
d) a sense of a curtain falling across the field of
26. During the early postoperative period, the client who has vision
had a cataract extraction complains of nausea and severe
eye pain over the operative site. The initial nursing action A characteristic manifestation of retinal detachment
is to: described by the client is the feeling that a shadow or
a) call the physician curtain is falling across the field of vision. No pain is
b) reassure the client that this is normal associated with detachment of the retina. Options A and
c) turn the client on his or her operative side C are not characteristics of this disorder. A retinal
d) administer the ordered pain medication and anti- detachment is an ophthalmic emergency and even more
emetic so if visual acuity is still normal.

Severe pain or pain accompanied by nausea is an 31. The nurse is caring for a client with a diagnosis of
indicator of increased intraocular pressure and should be detached retina. Which assessment sign would indicate
reported to the physician immediately. Options B, C, and that bleeding has occurred as a result of the retinal
D are inappropriate actions. detachment?
a) total loss of vision
27. The client is being discharged from the ambulatory care b) a reddened conjunctiva
unit following cataract removal. The nurse provides c) a sudden sharp pain in the eye
instructions regarding home care. Which of the following, d) complaints of a burst of black spots or floaters
if stated by the client, indicates an understanding of the
instructions? Complaints of a sudden burst of black spots or
a) I will take aspirin if I have any discomfort floaters indicates that bleeding has occurred as a result
b) I will sleep on the side that I was operated on of the detachment. Options A, B, and C are not signs of
c) I will not lift anything if weighs more than 10 pounds bleeding.
d) I will wear my eye shield at night and my
glasses during the day 32. The client arrives in the emergency room following an
automobile accident. The client's forehead hit the
steering wheel and a hyphema is diagnosed. The nurse
places the client in which position? 37. A 55-year old woman was working in her garden. She
a) flat on bed rest accidentally sprayed insecticide into her right eye. She
b) semi-fowler's on bed rest calls the emergency room frantic and screaming for help.
c) lateral on the affected side The nurse should instruct the woman to take which
d) lateral on the unaffected side immediate action?
a) call the physician
A hyphema is the presence of blood in the anterior b) irrigate the eyes with water
chamber. Hyphema is produced when a force is sufficient c) come to the emergency room
to break the integrity of the blood vessels in the eye and d) Irrigate the eyes with diluted hydrogen peroxide
can be caused by direct injury, such as a penetrating
injury from a BB or pellet, or indirectly, such as from In this type of accident, the client is instructed to
striking the forehead on a steering wheel during an irrigate the eyes immediately with running water for at
accident. The client is treated by bed rest in a semi- least 20 minutes or until the emergency medical service
Fowler’s position to assist gravity in keeping the hyphema personnel arrive. In the emergency department, the
away from the optical center of the cornea. cleansing agent of choice is normal saline. Calling the
physician and going to the emergency room delays
33. The client sustains a contusion of the eyeball following a necessary intervention. Hydrogen peroxide is never
traumatic injury with a blunt object. Which intervention is placed in the eyes.
initiated immediately?
a) notify the physician 38. The clinic nurse is preparing to test the visual acuity of a
b) apply ice to the affected eye client using a Snellen chart. Which of the following
c) irrigate the eye with cool water identifies the accurate procedure for this visual acuity
d) accompany the client to the emergency room test?
a) the right eye is tested, followed by the left
Treatment for a contusion begins at the time of eye, and then both eyes are tested
injury. Ice is applied immediately. The client then should b) both eyes are assessed together, followed by the
be seen by a physician and receive a thorough eye assessment of the right and the left eyes
examination to rule out the presence of other eye c) the client is asked to stand at a distance of 40 feet
injuries. from the chart and asked to read the largest line in
the chart
34. The client arrives in the emergency room with a d) the client is asked to stand at a distance of 40 feet
penetrating eye injury from wood chips that occurred from the chart and read the line that can be read 200
while cutting wood. The nurse assesses the eye and notes feet away by an individual with unimpaired vision
a piece of wood protruding form the eye. What is the
initial nursing action? Visual acuity is assessed in one eye at a time, and
a) apply an eye patch then in both eyes together, with the client comfortably
b) perform visual acuity tests standing or sitting. The right eye is tested with the left
c) irrigate the eye with sterile saline eye covered; then the left eye is tested with the right eye
d) remove the piece of wood using a sterile eye clamp covered. Both eyes are then tested together. Visual
acuity is measured with or without corrective lenses and
If the laceration is the result of a penetrating injury, the client stands at a distance of 20 feet from the chart.
an object may be noted protruding from the eye. This
object must never be removed except by the 39. The client's vision is tested with a Snellen chart. The
ophthalmologist because it may be holding ocular results of the tests are documented as 20/60. The nurse
structures in place. Application of an eye patch or interprets this as:
irrigation of the eye may disrupt the foreign body and a) the client is legally blind
cause further tearing of the cornea. b) the client's vision is normal
c) the client can read at distance of 60 feet what a
35. The client arrives in the emergency room after sustaining client with normal vision can read at 20 feet
a chemical eye injury from a splash of battery acid. The d) the client can read only at distance of 20 feet
initial nursing action is to: what a client with normal vision can read at 60
a) begin visual acuity testing feet
b) cover the eye with a pressure patch
c) swab the eye with antibiotic ointment Vision that is 20/20 is normal—that is, the client is
d) irrigate the eye with sterile normal saline able to read from 20 feet what a person with normal
Emergency care following a chemical burn to the eye vision can read from 20 feet. A client with a visual acuity
includes irrigating the eye immediately with sterile of 20/60 can only read at a distance of 20 feet what a
normal saline or ocular irrigating solution. In the person with normal vision can read at 60 feet.
emergency department, the irrigation should be
maintained for at least 10 minutes. Following this 40. The clinic nurse notes that following several eye
emergency treatment, visual acuity is assessed. Options examinations, the physician has documented a diagnosis
B and C are not a component of initial care. of legal blindness in the client's chart. The nurse reviews
the results of the Snellen chart test expecting note which
36. The nurse is caring for a client following enucleation. The finding?
nurse notes the presence of bright red drainage on the a) 20/20 vision
dressing. Which nursing action is appropriate? b) 20/40 vision
a) notify the physician c) 20/60 vision
b) document the finding d) 20/200 vision
c) continue to monitor the drainage Legal blindness is defined as 20/200 or less with
d) mark the drainage on the dressing and monitor for corrected vision (glasses or contact lenses) or visual
any increase in bleeding acuity of less than 20 degrees of the visual field in the
better eye.
If the nurse notes the presence of bright red
drainage on the dressing, it must be reported to the 41. Tonometry is performed on the client with a suspected
physician, because this indicates hemorrhage. Options B, diagnosis of glaucoma. The nurse analyzes the test
C, and D are inappropriate.
results as documented in the client's chart and Options A, C, and D are miotic agents used to treat
understands that the normal intraocular pressure is: glaucoma. Option B is a mydriatic and cycloplegic
a) 2 to 7 mm Hg medication, and its use is contraindicated in clients with
b) 10 to 21 mm Hg glaucoma. Mydriatic medications dilate the pupil and can
c) 22 to 30 mm Hg cause an increase in intraocular pressure in the eye.
d) 31 to 35 mm Hg
46. Pilocarpine hydrochloride (Isopto Carpine) is prescribed
Tonometry is the method of measuring intraocular for the client with glaucoma. Which of the following
fluid pressure using a calibrated instrument that indents medications does the nurse plan to have available in case
or flattens the corneal apex. Pressures between 10 and of systemic toxicity?
21 mm Hg are considered within the normal range. a) atropine sulfate
b) pindolol (Visken)
42. The nurse is preparing a teaching plan for a client who is c) protamine sulfate
undergoing cataract extraction with intraocular d) naloxone hydrochloride (Narcan)
implantation. Which home care measures will the nurse
include in the plan? Select all that apply Systemic absorption of pilocarpine hydrochloride can
a) avoid activities that require bending over produce toxicity and includes manifestations of vertigo,
b) contact the surgeon if eye scratchiness occurs bradycardia, tremors, hypotension, syncope, cardiac
c) place an eye shield on the surgical eye at dysrhythmias, and seizures. Atropine sulfate must be
bedtime available in the event of systemic toxicity. Pindolol is a β
d) episodes of sudden severe pain in the eye are blocker. Naloxone hydrochloride is an opioid antagonist
expected used to reverse narcotic-induced respiratory depression.
e) contact the surgeon if a decrease in visual Protamine sulfate is the antidote for heparin.
acuity occurs
f) take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for minor eye 47. Betaxolol hydrochloride (Betoptic) eye drops have been
discomfort prescribed for the client with glaucoma. Which of the
following nursing actions is most appropriate related to
Following eye surgery, some scratchiness and mild monitoring for the side effects of this medication?
eye discomfort may occur in the operative eye and a) monitoring temperature
usually is relieved by mild analgesics. If the eye pain b) monitoring blood pressure
becomes severe, the client should notify the surgeon c) assessing peripheral pulses
because this may indicate hemorrhage, infection, or d) assessing blood glucose level
increased intraocular pressure. The nurse also would
instruct the client to notify the surgeon of increased Hypotension, dizziness, nausea, diaphoresis,
purulent drainage, increased redness, or any decrease in headache, fatigue, constipation, and diarrhea are
visual acuity. The client is instructed to place an eye systemic effects of the medication. Nursing interventions
shield over the operative eye at bedtime to protect the include monitoring the blood pressure for hypotension
eye from injury during sleep and to avoid activities that and assessing the pulse for strength, weakness, irregular
increase intraocular pressure, such as bending over. rate, and bradycardia. Options A, C, and D are not
specifically associated with this medication.
43. The client is receiving an eye drop and eye ointment to
the right eye. The nurse should: 48. In preparation for cataract surgery, the nurse to
a) administer the eye drop first, followed by the administer cyclopentolate (Cyclogyl) eye drops. The
eye ointment nurse a is to administer the eye drops, knowing that the
b) administer the eye ointment first, followed by the purpose of this medication is to:
eye drop a) produce miosis of the operative eye
c) administer the eye drop, wait 10 minutes, and b) dilate the pupil of the operative eye
administer the eye ointment c) provide lubrication to the operative eye
d) administer the eye ointment, wait 10 minutes, and d) constrict the pupil of the operative eye
administer the eye drop
Cyclopentolate is a rapidly acting mydriatic and
When an eye drop and an eye ointment are cycloplegic medication. Cyclopentolate is effective in 25
scheduled to be administered at the same time, the eye to 75 minutes, and accommodation returns in 6 to 24
drop is administered first. Options B, C, and D are hours. Cyclopentolate is used for preoperative mydriasis.
49. The home health nurse visits a client at home and
44. The nurse is caring for a client with glaucoma. Which of instructs the client on the administration of the
the following medications, if prescribed for the client, prescribed eye drops. Which of the following statements
would the nurse question? by the client indicates a need for further education?
a) carbachol (Carboptic) a) I can lie down, pull up the upper lid, and place
b) atropine sulfate (Isopto Atropine) the drop in the lower lid
c) pilocarpine (Ocusert Pilo-20, Ocusert Pilo-40) b) I can lie down, pull down on the lower lid, and place
d) pilocarpine hydrochloride (Isopto Carpine) the drop in the lower lid
c) I can sit and tilt my head back, pull down on the
45. A miotic medication has been prescribed for the client lower lid, and place the drop in the lower lid
with glaucoma. The client asks the nurse about the d) I can lie on my side opposite to the eye I am going to
purpose of the medication. The nurse tells the client that: place the drop, put the drop in the corner of the lid
a) the medication will help dilate the eye to prevent nearest my nose, and then slowly turn to my other
pressure from occurring side while blinking
b) the medication will relax the muscles of the
eyes and prevent blurred vision The client can lie down or sit with the head tilted
c) the medication causes the pupil to constrict and will back. The lower lid should be pulled downward with the
lower the pressure in the eye thumb or fingers. The client holds the bottle like a pencil,
d) the medication will help block the responses that are with the tip downward, and squeezes the bottle gently,
sent to the muscles in the eye allowing one drop to fall into the sac. The client gently
closes the eye. Options B, C, and D identify correct
methods for administering eye drops.
50. The nurse is providing instructions to a client who will be
self-administering eye drops. To minimize the systemic
effects that eye drops can produce, the nurse instructs
the client to:
a) eat before instilling the drops
b) swallow several times after instilling the drops
c) blink vigorously to encourage tearing after instilling
the drops
d) occlude the nasolacrimal duct with a finger
over the inner canthus for 30 to 60 seconds
after instilling the drops

Applying pressure on the nasolacrimal duct prevents

systemic absorption of the medication. Options A, B, and
C will not prevent systemic absorption.

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