Sei sulla pagina 1di 35

TRADB MARK REG. 11. s. rAT. un'.




FROM DRAWING BOARD TO FIRST FLIGHT IN 7S DAYSI Turn to page 26 for the amazing story of the Temco Plebe Trainer, designed and produced by the Temeo Aircraft Corporation, Dallas, Texas, under the leadership of its preslden', Rober' McCulloch I inset above).

APRIL 1, 1954

:=-: :


Civil Aviation Is the Grass Roots Of Our Air Power


On ew It's Magee



"SOME YEARS AGO we foresaw [he tremendous porenrial in the business nircrnfr industry and streamlined our operation to cater particularly to this phase of aviation. The rapid increase in the use of business aircrafr has justified and rewarded our efforts. Looking back, we see that our most important decision was to opernre strictly on a high quality basi. The excellent quality of Esso Products and th ir wide distribution and fine reputation were only a few of the many factor which uided our choice."

R. W. Magee, President, Mlgee Awe·raft Company, Inc

DEPENDABLE ESSO AVIATION PRODUCTS offer high quality, backed by consranr research and development at one of America's largest and finest petroleum laboratories. Flying

5 ir ort ft for Service!

A LARGE WELL-EQUIPPED HANGER!IJ1d specious concrete apron nrc only a part of the (acilities of the Magee Air ralt Company, oper rinu ar ew Orleans Airport.

KEN MENARD AND R. W. MAGEE pose in Irene f one of ,he many ships rh,n their OIUp-.IIl), services daily,

executives, private plane owners, and commercial airline operator k,WI/I they can depend on the produces that carry rhe fnmous Es 0 Oval rrade-rnnrk.

O ~~CT



P.bllsh.d by Ohio P,bllsh· Inl Corporation. Exee.tI .. 0111 .. : ,ort Althorll)' Ter· mlnal. 62S Elghtb AYln., New York 18, II. Y.

N.. York PhDbe: LAcka· wanna 4·3890




CDpyrllht 1954 '1 Ohl. '"bllshlng Corp ... III •• Conl •• ta mDY nol M ro· "od ... d wllh .. t ..... 1 .. 1 •• 01 tbl COpyright .w ....


Published Semi-Monthly

APRIL 1, 1954

Government Regulations Stifle Aviation

By CI'()V r Lo >IUlIg

in th do oJ World War II

th commercial air s . ices, such as fix d base operators training schools and the taxi and charter operator ha had a tough tim . We hould

ha had b DOW an excellent big

po of fr sh pilot, m chant and

t chnician material-all of v hich however, has sadly d coo d. One r ason for this is that th aircraft indu ·try and the Gov rument aircraft d I artment have all be n very lax and in ffectual in their public relations in presenting an attractiv aircraft Iutur to the youth of America, thu xcitin their int r . t and participation, nov at uch a low ebb.


i~L 0 nun.r TO GO STRAIGHT UP - Navy's new Convair XFY-l vertical take-off delta-Wing Aghter rests on its tail with its nose pointed straight up. ( ee story page 4)

To th youth of Am ri a, aviation has b en pictured as n lurid, cary, noisy jet age monstrosity chiefly de-

oted, or about to be doted to the mass destruction of civilization. Fortunately for all of us who h. ve confirmed faith in thl gr at business, this is not a true picture. Lost 'om wh re in the backgr und is the pictur of what peace-time aviation will really amount to on a hug seal \ h n we develop the air vehicl to be really useful to the individual.

"The Least Governed Are The Best Governed"

But this d el pm nt right now is Lamp r d by too much G vernmentl Aviation has gotl n av ay from the J - Iersonlun doctrine that "the least g v-

rn d ore the best governed." C.A.A. p rsonn 1 ar a xc II nt, arn st, COI1- sci nti IJS and h n st as a ov rnment o partment could be. But, how ab ut the laws? J n certain ar as of aviation activity th r is no doubt that government 11< a limit d rightful place, in u n ing pilots, in a regulatory region, to prevent hurtful competiti n, to dir ct acti iti toward a nati nal def nse background of value, and, to provide some, not all, fucilities f r th growth (If It ring and its saf ty in interstate comm rc , But tl ere ha grown up a va t c bri of f doral r gulations and also of stat r gulations and etiviti , which hav includ d tb development of n w aircraft designs and passing judgment thereon,

om 15 0 0 fed ral employees arc involved in civil a ronauties activiti , and about 2,000 more engaged in tate rr vernrn nt acti ities so that some 11,000 viation technicians, many very expert, ar engaged in regulating, overseeing reporting on and writing rules for an industry, part of which consists of about 1,000 commercial airliners and the remainder is a discouragingly weak sister-the 'Util'itlj aircraft and private /lying.

Grover Loening

Mr. Loening' long and di tingui bed career as an out tanding aircraft designer and aeronautical engineer is 100 well known in the aviation industry ~o require any comment by the this editor.

Certificate of Air Worthiness

t present in order to make a n w typ of aircraft ready for ale, it is n cessary for the builder to obtain rtificate of Air Wortbine s from the

.A.. To obtain this certificate he must demonstrate to group of loyal and efficient enough officials, that requir ments as to type of structure limits of control and stability, and reliability f functioning mechanisms are all within the requir ments of. et of rul and r gulations that have been established. But-these rules and r gulations in general only repre nt the good practice of existing aircraft of the pr sent day, If there is a d parture ill design, new rules and regulations must be written and as a result an unwieldy process follows, where th designer of the new type aircraft must get the G.A.A, to modify their regulatiens to St JUs new product, which they cannot

(Continued on Page 9)

Lockheed and Convair Unveil Revolutionary Navy Designs

WASHINGTON-The da may not be far off when all fighter planes will take-off and land ertically. Talk such as this has been prevalent for many years,with aerodynamacists battling the problem of gravitational force that kept the idea of such a plane from becoming a zea1ity. Today however, as the Navy announces plans for vertical-Iligbt testing of two new straight-up and down fighters, that dream looks close to being realized.

At th r qu ·t of the Navy Lockheed

and Con air have both come up with

high-speed rtical take-off d igu

closely res mbling one another, which if they prov uccessful, would revolutionize Naval strategy and greatly affect the over-all strs tegy of the Armed Forces.

The probl m of the runway has been a constant thorn in the ide of aval

viation. They have had to wage a running 6ght in an attempt to justify the need for expensive cam r . This has not b n as. However. with fighter craft

(Conttrlll d Oil Page 9)

FANTA TIC~W FIGHTEn .PLANE - The Lockheed XFV-l, recently unwrapped by the Navy, IS able .to tak -oIT and land vertically, Pow reel by twin jet turbines harnesse1;i to contrll-r!,l'atil~g propellers, th . new a fight r an take-off vertically from a ~cling start on Its tall. .IE ve! off ,n~ fight at ve~y high speeds, hover stationary in tile WI, and descend for a ptnpoint landing by backin straight down.

Page Four


April 1. 1954

Nation's Top Searchers-The volunteer pilots and ob-

TV IS f th Air Force official auxiliary, the Civil Air Patrol,

£! \V 12 290 haul'S on search and

r u missi ns in 1953, according

to Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau, CAP National ommander.

This wa more than 60 per cent

E th total hours Hown by all ag nci s participating in the 96 domestic air searches ordered by th Air Rescu Service and a 30 per cent increase over the numb r of hours Ilown on ARS-ord r d missions in 1952.

OHers Criteria for Federal Airport Aid

WA HINGTO -While one cannot argue the importance of continued Federal participation in the linancing of airport development, the expenditure of federal funds on projects which ar primarily of local rather than national importance cannot be justified, nder

ecretary Robert B. Murray advised th National Defense Transportation Association recently.

11e outlined the following changes which he feels should be made in rectivating the federal aid to airport program:

l-Th criteria of national aeronautical Importance mu t be basic in determining the eligibility of specific airports.

2-Present legislation must be amended to allow for an incr ase of sp cial funds that can be appropriat d without respect to geographic apportionm nt.

3-.Airport terminal buildings should be excluded from federal participation. 4'-There hould be a concentration of federal participation in runways, lighting, and relat d facilities.

New System lets Pilot Control Airport lights

WA HI GTON-The Radio Technical Commis ion for Aeronautics is consid-

ring a radio-controlled automatic airport lighting system which could lead to an iner ase in the number of nighttime em rgency landing fields throughout th country if it is approved.

The system links a switching mechanism installed at the airport to the plan's radio receiver. Making his approach, the pilot turns on the airport light by pr sing a microphone switch on his transmitter a predetermined number of times. To extinguish lights after takeoff, the same procedure is used.

Senate &. House Disagree on AF Academy

NEW Y RK-While Congr has decid d that there will be an Air For e cademy, it ha not yet been decided just how the academy will operate or where it will be located.

A Permanent Site

The House and enate versions of the bill are at odds on the important m tt r of s lecting a p - manent it for th We t Point of the Air. Under the House bill Air Force Secretary Talbott is mpower d to ch 0 e th location or, if he desired, he could appoint a committee to mr ke th leoti n.

Th nate ver ·ion, on th other

hand, specifies that a committee be appointed to pick a it, and that if the

h ice j unanimous, Mr. Talb tt would h ve to accept it. U the hoic w re not unanimous, then the S cr tary would have the right to choose from th top three choices. Talbott would then hay to justify his selection before the Senate Armed Services Committe .

AF Asks $146 Million

to the amount of mon y that will be appropriated for the cademy, the en at and House again diller. The Hous carries 00 overall total for the IVr Force Academy while the enate

bill authorizes $126 million of which $] million would b sp nt on the temporary site. The Air Force estimates that the Acadernv would cost $146 million.

Air cad ~, as it stands now, will be n minuted by enator and Representstiv sand th n be sel ct d on the ba is of a competitive examination. As with West Point and Annapolis, each state would b as igued a quota of eotran to the Academy each year.

Storts July, 1955

The Air Force has announced that it plans to start its Ilr t class of 300 cade It a t rnporary ite in July of next year. It hopes to rnov to its permanent site by 1957 and admit its first regular clas of 624 cadets by 1960.

In addition to an academic program, the curriculum will include an airmanship program which will qualify each graduate for a navigator-bombardier rating and give each cadet about onethird of his necessary pilot instruction.

Under the nate bill one-eighth of each graduating class will be permitt d to volunte for duty with another servic .

The Air Force Academy bill will have to be ironed out before the measure is submitted to the President for his signature.

Associatod PTe$S PIlote

MIG READY FOB FLICHT - Capt. II. E. (Tom) Collins is shown \ ith the Russianbuilt MIG-IS fighter delivered to the U. . Air Forces in Korea last September by a deserting North Korean pilot for a price of $100.000. Capt. Collins demonstrated the MIG's capabilities for newsmen at Wright-Putt rson AFll.

Page Six


April 1. 1954


"Uncle Joe" Cannon, the Air Forces senior gen al and proud hold r of Air Force erial number 1, retir d from active duty thi week after 37 years of devoted service to the military.

A quiet, unassuming man, General John K. Cannon had a distinguished military car r handling some of the Air Force's toughest assignments=the Berlin Airlift included-in an efficient but always unassuming way.

in December, 1950 General Cannon had be n directing the world-wide activiti of the Tactical Air Command.

nder his I adership TAC deployed 18 \ ings and 28 additional supp rting units of various type to bases in Korea and the ATO forces in Europe.

During World W, r II, he commanded th Twelfth Air upport Command which assisted in the invasion of Fr neh Morocco in North Africa.

In December, 1943 General Cannon a sum d command of the Mediterranean

Ilied Tactical Air Force and the British Desert Air Force, planning, organizing and implementing all air operations for the invasion of southern France in August, 1944. In March of that year, he was appoint d commander-in-chief of all Allied Air Forces in the 'lediterranean theater.

Twice, General Cannon commanded the U. S. Air Forces in Europe and it was under his direction that the tempo of the Berlin Airlift was increased to where it d veJoped into an unprecedented technical success, proving bey nd que tion the value and capacity of aircraft as logistical implements.

Uncle Joe, who was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, March 9, 1892, has no set plans for his retirement. "I'm going to 'rest and recreate' for a long time before thinking about returning to work," says the genera I.

Airplane Seen Boon To Far East Countries

NEW YORK-A tremendous potential and steadily developing market for air transportation in the Far East were forecast by A. R. Ogston upon his retum from a 60-day round-the-world business trip. The head of the Technical Service division of Esso Export Corporation, international marketing afBliate of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, toured 14 countri on his 2-monlb trip.

After talking with many operating and technical xecutives of local and international airlines there, Ogston is convinced that the need for high octane aviation gasoline will increas over the next six or eight ears, despite the developm nt of turbo-prop and turbo-jet lin r using turbine fuels.

The DC-3 and -46 are still in extensive us throughout the Far East and are likely to serve as the mainstay of airline equipment in that part of the world for several mor years, said gston, although some operators have begun to acquire up-to-dar Convs ir 340'5 and Vickers iscounts. Faced with small fields and poorly paved runways, some operator have al a rd red the 4-engined, 14- eat de Havilland Heron.

orne of the larg r international lines, uch as Air India, have already acquir d or have ordered Super Constellation DC-6's and Comets.

Bendix Aviation Devises Much-Improved GCA Unit

NEW ORK-Bendi" Aviation has come up with an advanced ground control approach system which will practically eliminate landing delays due to fog and other Instrument Illght conditions.

Until now radar operators confronted with the "pips" of a dozen aircraft have had to call for specific maneuvers in order to identify anyone of the planes on the canner. The new system, as soon as radio contact i mad, a itomatically "draw a line" on the or en, potting the contacted plane, says Bendix vice pr id nt Edward K. Foster.

The precision pproach system is due to replace Airport SurveilJance Radar equipment at terminals in most of the leading cities throughout the nation.

Stewardesses Get Reprieve NEW YORK-Ame.rlcan Airlines has rercinded its ruling tht t all stewardesses would e ground - d upon r aching their 32nd birthd y.

The ban will, however, apply to any stewardess hired after last December 1 when the mandatory age limit was put into effect American, which employs 1,050 stewardesses, said a verbal agreement to this ffect had been reached with the Airline t wards and teward-

ess A. ociati n.

Robot Landing System for Carriers

LONDON-Much of the risk will be taken out of hazardous carrier landings, if a robot landing system de-

elop d by the Royal avy passes its IiUal tests.

From the tart, card r landings have a1W3)'· b en fairly ticklish, but with the advent of supersonic jet lighters, the

ituation became precariou . Realizing that too short a time existed for an exchang of instru tions between pilot and batman to insure a safe landing, it became imperative that shipboard landing b handled by orne kind of robot m hnnism.

Colored Lights & Mirror

he Royal avy's new landing aid is essentially a large curved mirror with a gyro copic mounting with two horizontal lines of colored lights on either side of it From th aft part of th d ck a blob of light i projected into th mirror. so that if the pilot ke ps the blob's reflection in line with the colored lights he knows his angle of approach in the vertical plane is correct. If the blob moves out of line, the pilot then must correct his angle of approach.

The vertical angle at which the device is et can be varied to the type of aircraft landing so that the plane's undercarriage will he at precisely the right height above the carrier's stern just before touching down.

Air-Speed Indicator

Since the pilot cannot take his eyes o(f the landing sight, he is unable to w tch his in truments to check approach

peed. To overcome this problem. a special translucent panel is placed on the wind hi ld of the plane in which are reflected red yellow, or green lights that are actuated by the air-speed Indi-

ator, These tell the pilot whether he is Bying too fa t, too slow, or just right.

Hundreds of day and night test landings have been made thus far to prove the practicability of the robot y tern. Test aboard the carriers Illustrious and Indomitabl have b en viewed enthu iastically by United tates and Canadian naval observers. The Admiraltv announc cl that the landing aid wouid be fitted for naval air stations as well, wh re the need for expensive gyros opic

quipment would not h r quir d.

PRINCE BERNHARD OF TIlE NETHERL ND (left) is check d out by pilot Joe Lynch before taking oIT at Los ngeles in a two-phns abre Jet trainer in which the Prin e n w fa ter titan ound during a div . Lat r Prin c Bernhard mad nn nn rgen }' d d stick landing in a prop-driven plan when th engin conked- lit during a demon-

tration Iligh]. Lyn h' luck was not ·0 good, for on the n xt d y he was killed Ilying n a routin flight ( > "lory page 13).

April L 1954


Paqe Seven

Foe Of Communism Is Plenty Food-Airplane Is The Answer

NEW YORK-A plow in the ground may be quite elemental but the airplane is the farmer's best friend.

Throughout the notion today, farmers faced with large acreages and delicat crops are utilizing every manner of aircraft to reduce man-hours and insure better harve ts,

For years, low-flying Stearmans and a host of other 'Hying fumigators" hav been swooping down on orchards and farm land spraying .fruit and vegetables with liquid and powder insecticides with rernarkabl efficiency. Spraying and dusting is still the number one activity of aerial agriculture firms but in the past few years many new ar as have been exploited by these firms with a high degree of succ S5.

Rice-Growing Industry

In the Sacramento Vall y r gion of California and the delta region of Misi sippi and LOuisiana, for instance rice farmers will tell you the airplane has r volutionized the rice-growing indus-

in flooded fields. Gains from 35 to 40 p r cent p r acre have been reported by some rice-farm r.


Another aerial tr attn nt nov b ing administered to crops is "d ssication ' the technical term u ed by applicators to describe the artificial drying of plants before harv sting. Working with a ric crop wher form rly expensive drying equipment was r to harvest th crop, an airplane can now be employed to spray ric fields with chemicals which kill, and th refore, dry out the ripe rice plants. erial applies tors will dessicate such grain fields at a cost of from $1 to $1.50 an acre.

Defoliation is really a form of dessication by which crops can be picked more advantageously. In the cotton-growing business where the less trash in the cotton picked by mechanical pickers the better, the airplane .is now used to d - foliate crops with a chemical spray. Almost all of California's big cotton crop

ASIIocial Ii Pres PllOto SFE~~ DESIGNED HELICOPTEll, load cl with poi on dust take -off on a demonstrati n llizht to shov farm r hox til "whirly" can b u. ed to dust cotton and other crop. Th demon tration was spon ored by th National otron Council of America.

try. Although the cost of aircraft utilization is admittedly more expensive, fanners from the country's principal dee-growing areas point enthusiastically to the fact that with the airplane they can now seed from 400 to 500 acres a day as against 50 to 75 with a ground rig.

Even more important is the fact that the airplane bas enabled the rice farmer to extend his growing sea on s me two weeks longer by dropping sprouted

eds into rice paddies. With ground rigs this wa not possible.

Fertilizer and weed-killer are also applied more effectively to rice fields, again because tractors cannot operate

Page Eight


is now defoliated from the air. This m thod is also effective on crops that requir drying befor storage,

Popular But Expensive

In the orchards of w England and

the Far West, th h licopter is coming into its own as an aid to agriculture. Considerably more expensive to hire-out than a standard agricultural aircraft the whirli . ar now used to protect and harvest rip fruit and nut crops. At harvest time, for instance, copters are used t.. spray orchard' of ripe fruit with a hcrmone which strengthens th fruit

( ontillll d all Page 9)

April 1, 1954


Apr. 12-14-Tampa, Fla.

Airport Operators Council, 7th annual meeting.

Apr. 27-2 -Miami Beach, Fla.

Air Traffic Conference, semi-annual meeting.

May 5-7-New York City

3rd International A viation Trade Show, 7lst Regimental Armory.

May 7-8-Champaign-Urbana, ill.

National Convention and Air Meet, National Intercollegiate Flying Association, University of Illinois,

May 16-19-LouisviUe, Ky.

American Association of Airport Executives, national convention, Standiford Field.

May 20-RatoD N.M.

Skylady Derby sponsored by Women's National eronautics Association. Raton, .M., to Kansas City, Mo.

Jone 20-23-Estes Park, Colo.

Aviation Distributors & Manufacturers Association, mid-year meeting, Stanley Hotel.

June 21-24-Los Angeles

Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, annual summer meeting, lAS Building.

June 24-26-Washington D.C.

American Helicopter Society, 10th Annual Forum, 1ayBower Hot L

July 8-6-Long Beach, Calif.

Eighth Annual All-Women Transcontinental Air Race, sponsored by Ninety-Nines. From Long Beach. CaliL. to Knoxville, Tenn.


By Many CAP Units


The 240 is a 40 to 60 watt tnmamitter for CW nnd plAte modulatA!d Phone operation. ready to operate on 4686 kc. CAP frequeDCY; complete with self contained 115 volt AC power 8u'pply, (Mobile connections included) meter. (8J<HlCS) cabinet, coil •• cr)'lltal and tabes; fiv6 0"".. 807 final 6SJ7 cry8ta1 mike amp., SN7 phase Inverter. 2 SLS's .mod., 6U4G rect, We~bt 30 lbs. Alao for Amateur, Broadcast, MARS, Marine, State Guard. 90-<183' guanuJtee. Price $88.50. Crystrua ~or 4826 ks, and 4607 ke, $3.76 each. With Order - Balanc. C. O. D.

Lettlne Radio Mfg. Co.

G% BukJey st., Valte,. Stream. N. Y.

Gov't. Regulations Stifle Aviation

(Continued from Page 3)

d by law unless they get proof of some kind that the d igner is right And this lead to the great t xp use involved in the developrn nt of n w aircraft-the I' peat d PI' ving by te ting and proving of it by theory and by elaborate tress analys , and detailed drav ing , aJI greatl adding to the cost.

The Civil A ronautics Administr tion i doing it work as wen as it can, with as able a personnel as can be found in < ny governrn nt a tivity, but the law ha started out with two questionable assumptions, < s far a aviation in merics i concerned today.

The first is the assumption that the prosp ctiv buyer kn ws 0 1l.tt1e about aircraft that he ne ds the protection of a ben oolent 0 ernment to keep him from making the grievous mistake of buying a death trap. This may have been true many years ago wh n knowledge of aviation was limited to a small cot ri of airmen, but it is not true t day. During the war the ubiquitous use of £lying caused us to dev lop some 400,000 skilled aviators, and at least 3 000,000 men trained either in the enlisted personnel of the Armed Servie, or in the enormous trained personn 1 of the huge war-time aircraft industry. Every prospective purchaser of an airplane would surel bave a SOD or a nepb w or a &i nd or an associate, wh would probably be expert to the tune of several thousand hours of Hying, to I k v r his choi of a new aircraft and t 11 him how good it wa .

Aircraft Engineers Need No Government Handbook

The other false assumption upon wbi h the present regulatory practic for certificati n are based is that tb can tructor is so b dJy informed on air t hnique and aircraft ngineering that he needs a handbook from th g v rom nt to tell him how to build his n w aircraft. This is equally ridiculous because there is an en rmous mas of highly train d technicians stress analysts and experien d mechanics available today to rnt ke anything Ie s than exp rt workmanship in aircraft a joke that most everyone could s at a glanc .

Thus under the pr nt process of c rtification of air raft the ambitiou designer faces an obstacle of great additional expense and time, which ould b removed right now with very little d trimental ffect on our air raft dev lopm nt. A 5-year moratorium on the need of air worthiness certificates by C.A.A. is now safely in order. This

Continued. on Page 11)

Straight-Up Fighters

(Continued from Page 4)

capable of taking off and landing vertically from an area not larger than a tenni court, the need for a large carrier Beet is done away with, since aJrnost aoy naval ve el would be capable f carrying its own escort. A convoy could s nd up an umbrella of fighters in a matter of minutes, not having to be wholly dependent on carriers for aerial support.

Both th Lockheed XFV-l and th Convair XFY-l look right off the cover of ome science Betten magazine. Except for wing design, both models are almost identical, each resembling a four-legged torpedo with arms extended about to do a pirouette.

Almost Identical

Lockheed' design is a straightwing aircraft which feature two sideby-side jet turbines barnes ed to contrarotating propellers. The straight-wing mod I ac ommodat conventional, nonretracting landing gear. Convair's XFY-l is a delta-winged craft featuring sideby-side turbin and opposing propellers, but does not carry conventional landing gear for an orthodox take-off.

For vertical take-offs, both planes require special platforms which tilt the tiny craft back on their hind legs, the wheels on x-shaped tail assembly.

The chief obstacle that had to be vercome in the dev lopment of vertical take-off fighter wa th jack of sufficient ngine p w r needed to produce an initial thrust greater than th wight of the

VETERAl TEST PILOT ON WING OF XF -1 - Herman R. (Fish) Salmon, veteran Lockheed test pilot. kneels On the wing of the avy's latest "science Betion" plane, the XFV-l. almon will be at the controls when th p rimental model, DOW at Edwards AFB in California, makes its Srst vertical flight.

April L 1954

ship, thus making straight-up take-offs possible. In both cases, the solution was found in a small but powerful Allison engine linked to an unusually lightweight frame producing an exceptionaJI power-for-pound ratio.

The trick of landing one of these planes in a (backing-up" manner is still looked at with askance by many people in the field. The technique employed will be to gradually reduce speed whiJe coming down tail-first to the point where a the ground is approached, the engine will [u t barely be overcoming the force of gravitation. If gravity is not overcom , it could be disastrous.

Planes Bring Better Crops (Continued from Page 8)

and prev nts it &001 falling La the ground and being crushed prematurely.

In th or bards, too, th big rotors of the copt I' are used to shake the fruit loose when r ad for picking.

Probs bly the most delicate job copter operator are called on to perform is the r moval f rain wat r from ripe herries. A rain drop on a rip Bing can mean a ruined one.

An Original Agricultural Plane

Th for cast for the aerial applicator in this ountry is excellent. Only one obstacle mu t b ov rcom s that fees can b brought more within th pockets of the thousands of small r farmers who cannot at pr nt us th airplane. That stumbling block is the dev lopment of a practical agricultural plan . To date, tb only mass produced plan For agricultural work is manufactured by Piper Aircraft. This howev ria modification of a standard model, rather than a plane designed solely for agricultural work.

R cently th Central-Lamson Company has flown prototypes of its Air Tractor. It is still too early to see just how that particular model will affect the industry.


Page Nine

Another Global Challenger

Dianna Bixby-Pilot

LO G BE H Calif.-Diminuti e Dianna Bii by, 31 of Long Beach, mother of two children. and flier since she was 20, has picked up the challenge to b r sex that Amelia Earhart almost met in 1937 wh n she disapp ar d in the Pacific n ar the end of a world Hight.

Four years ago, Mrs. Bixby with h r pilot hu band Robert attempt d a global r cord, but engine trouble forced them to quit at the hill-way mark j I t outsid Calcutta, India.

This week Dianna is due to take off from an Francisco in the same plane used in the pr vious attempt-this lime, solo. Husband Bob will stay borne and take care of the kids.

Twin-Engine Mosquito

Dianna will By a twin-engine de Havilland Mo quito bomber owned by Flying Tig r Irlines for which she will pay expenses, The Mosquito has been equipped with n w ngin and a pr - surization sy t rn, so that the aviatrix can By at 35,000 feet and take advantage of riding the j t stres m and smoother air. It also has an improved autopilot.

Mrs. Bixby will follow a 20,525 mil route, hoping to top the solo record of 73 how's, 5 minutes, 11 seconds set by

Page Ten


th 1. t Bill dom on Augu t 10, 1947. Th v teran Indy pilot will tak off from 'risco and head for lew ark, Pads Basra in Iraq, Kart chi and alcutta, India Tokyo Midway Island and back to the Gold n Gate city.

She expe ts to rnpl re her world

f1i bt in 60 hours averaging a sp ed of 3 5 mil . an h ur in her leek converted bomb r. Her only I ep will be catnap squeez d in during on hour stops at

ncb refueling base.

American Airlines Hits $10 Air Shuttle Plan

'vV 1111 CTON-North American Airlin s' proposaJ to operate a $10 New York-Wa hington air coach shuttle \ as called "superficial" and "without merit" by Am rican Airlines as it asked CAB to dismiss the application of the large non-sked organization.

merican stated that North Am ri-

an's plan to carry 1,028 daily in each dir ction was absurd since thi is twice the amount of traffic handled by thl run according to CAB statistics for·1952. Thus, says American, even if North American completely monopolized the N w York-Washington traffic, it would still operate at a bankruptcy-inviting load factor of 44.1 per cent.

eAA Report Shows Air Traffic Movements Up 6% W ASHlNCTO -A total of 16 815 133 air aft movements were bandied by

AA control towers in continental United States and its territories during calendar year 1953. 'rllis was an increase of 6 per cent of 1952 totals. Air carri r operations accounted for 32 per cent of the activity.

C A reports that 11 airports recorded more than 200,000 plane movements during the year, with 30 topping the 150,000 mark. The top ten airports in total operations in order were hicago Midway, Miami, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Wichita, tlanta, La Guardia, Denv r, Dallas, and Teterboro.

While gelting ready for her record att mpt, Diann, is still active in the manag In nt of Bixb Airborne produ ts, a charter freight line owned by the flying couple. DIanna and Bob are partn rs in the Hying enterprise, currently hauling produce from Mexico in daily two-plane Bights.

April L 1954

Mrs. Bixby and Children

Gov't. Regulations Stifle Aviation

(Continued from Page 9)

applies also to jet Air Transport development and to regulations restricting operators.

Right now we are fuJly justified in taking a definite "let the buyer beware" position on all airplanes, and give the designers a completely free hand to make lor themselves a grea ter and more profitable business by placing with them the complete responsibility for developing a successful aircraft or sinking themselves completely into bankruptcy by building a poor craft, which the public itself would soon reject as a phony product.

The outstanding example to cite in such a development is the case of the automobile, where it has been proven that the best stress analysis possible is the survival of the fittest. And in its amazing progress to great perfection, the automobile never had a government certification procedure.

Fixed Wing Planes & Helicopters

The present-day personal fixed-wing plane is essentially an "airport" ship and must have pretty large prepared areas for take-oft's from and landings. It is an incomplete vehiele that cannot change its mind, be stopped and backed up in the air, nor hover in a stationary way.

These limitations of the fixed-Wing airplane have stimulated development of the helicopter but the helicopter's adoption for personal travel has been extremely limited, lor two very good reasons. First, it is too slow. A few existing helicopters can cruise 80 miles all hour but if they are traveling against a typical 30-mile wind, they are going only 50 miles an hour across country, and out on our beautiful roads today automobiles can average 50 miles in an hour on long trips. Then again helicopters are difficult to By, compared to a stable airplane but this limitation is in the process of being overcome.

Well-built personal aircraft are now cruising at well over 160 miles an hour, but that speed is realized only after til owner has spent considerable time going to the airport to get aboard his fast plane and time after landing to get in to town. There are some areas, like the Kansas-Oklahoma-Texas Plains region, where room is available and private airports are numerous, and where individuals can go from their place of business, on an oil field perhaps, to their place of residence on a ranch or farm.

However, the wide usage of utility planes if confined largely to these areas does not spell complete success, be-

cause in other areas private flying is more impractical.

Thus today we are in the curious position where we 11a ve one type of aircraft in the helicopter that in due course will take care of the range from zero to 80 miles an hour, and another type, in the fixed-wing plane, that will go from 80 miles an hour on up (presently) to the 400 mile an hour cruising speed which we all wish for so much. But no type of aircraft is yet able to do the entire range of zero to 400 miles an bonr. At the present time the research field is wide open to accomplish this combination.

Obstacle Is Fear Of Cost

The principal comment on the slow development of aircraft of this character in the industry seems to be fear of cost. This is a totally wrong approach. Picture for a moment the future vehiele of the air which will create a business second only to the automobile business and may even grow greater than that. A five-seater vehicle that will lanel and take olI vertically with completely muffi d noise; ruise at 400 mph; have a television radar device that will ignore logs so the pilot can see anyway; have automatic stability of so high and simple an order that greater piloting skill will b unnecessary; that will even make good landings despite the pilot by a radar-echo to th gr und actuating controls. Such a v hi ·le today, if it sold as high as $200 000 could be sold to only a very few individuals, but its usage would shov such a tremendous advantage in g tting aroundto not only near places bur- to far ones -in the greatest comfort and without being a nuisance to one's neighbors, that in short order 50 more people would order the next batch at $50,000 apiece; a thousand more would order the next batch at $10,000 apiece and a million more would be clamoring for them at $3,000 apiece-and you are in business.

Poor Public Relations

To scare away the youth of America from this tremendous future by raising the bogey of cost now is one of the typically poor public relations angles that we in this Air business are guilty of.

10 such great future is possible if the owner of a useful vehicle of the air has to go through existing licensing regulations processes, physical examinations, identification cards, finger prints and written examinations before inspectors, etc. Where would automobiles be if drivers had to go through this busin 5S? Are automobile schools licensed bv the Federal Government? If

(Continued on Page 33)

April 1. 1954

AF Gets Most Sensitive Air Device Ever Built

MINNEAPOLIS-The most sensitive airborne instrument ever built-a Dew type "Iloated" gyroscope capable of measuring the width of a city block on the mooo-has been developed by the Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company for use by the Air Force in automatic Ilight systems.

The performance of the new Hermetic Integrating Gyro, or lUG for

A Fantastic Top

short, approaches something fantastic:

It can detect motion 3,000 times slower than the movement of the hour hand on a watch. For instance, if a man walked around a circle so slowly that it took him five years to complete the journey, the gyro could .reeord his motion. Conversely, if the man made the trip in a second, his movement would be accurately recorded.

When it comes to measuring angles, it can't be beat. For example, if a man standing in Los Angeles could read an eight-column newspaper some 3,000 miles away in New York, the gyro could detect the angle of change made by his eye as it traveled from the left-band column to the right.

Honeywell's Aeronautical Division began development work on the gyro five years ago, following initial design work done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the direction of Dr. C. S. Draper.

Guard Duty for Copters WASHINGTON-The Army has Ordered 272 helicopters for duty with the National Guard. Some 88 Bell and Hiller copters will be delivered to Guard units in the next year, it was reported.

These bantam-weight egg-beaters will be used to train a corps of Guard copter pilots, and also for ambulance and reconnaissance work. They will also be available for any local emergencies that may crop up.


Paqe Eleven

Britain Emphasizes Civil Aviation Production

b Brian Bromwich

Aviation Editor, "Financial Times"

LONDO -This y ar promises to be outstanding for civil airliners in Britain, not because th se will be another crop of new prototypes of designs of gas-turbine powered airlin r but because many of the plans based on current designs will b gin to bear fruit,

At least one n w prototype will make its appearance this summer, and a very .important one-perhap the most important yet in the whole range of Britain's civil aircraft production. This is the de Havilland Comet ill, the ultimate stage in the de eiopment of the basic Comet d ign which heralded the dawn of the jet age in air transport when it took shape on the drawingboard soon after the war.

A Team of Three

The main emphasis this year in Britain's aircraft indu try, however, will be on production. From the a sembly lines will come an increasing How of Comet jet and Vicker Vi count propeller-turbine airliners to fill many of the already extensive orders from overseas airlin s, and to bring about a rapid expansion of the already widespread network of air routes on which gas-turbine airliners are now operating. Towards th end of the year the long-range Bristol Britannia propeller-turbine airliner will begin to come off the production line. These three di£ferent types form a team to provide for the equipment of all mainline-op rations.

Th Com the .fir t jet transport air-

craft in the world, wa a considerable pioneering achievem nt, since it was designed with only the very limited knowledge of high-altitude jet Hying that had b en gain d from ingle-seat fighters. Th project was, from every aspect, on of for sight, imagination, sound engin ering practice, and a good deal of risk.

The risk has been justified b yond all mea ure. Even the main criticism of the project, that it would b uneconomical in operation becau e of th jet' high fuel consumption, has been answered by the fa t that th Comet has been operated by the British Overseas Airways Corporation consistently from the beginning, nearly two year ago, at a net profit.

Comet design is based essenlially on luxury accommodation and an expres speed of travel. Th typ in s rvice with B.O.A.C. is the Comet I, p wer d by four de Havilland Ghost centrifugal-How jet engines, and carrying 36 passeng r at a cruising speed of 490 miles per hour over maximum stage ] ngths of

Page Twelve


1 500 miles. In the omet lA, ill service with Air France,fu I capacity is increased to ive a range of about 1 750 miles, whil ting eapa ity is raised to 44.

The next step is the omet Il, which first cam off th prod uction lin last summer and deli eries of which B.O.A.C. have just b gun. It is a slightly larger and more powerful v rsion of tb design. Four Rolls Royc von axialRow jet engines of about 7,000 pounds thrust give it extra power for in reased pay-load and short r tak -off < w II as lower fuel con umption whicl rais its maximum stage I n th to 2,500 miles with the ame numb r f pa ng r a the Comet IA.

For Atlantic Service

The Comet ill, which is not due to be produced until the nd f 1956, takes the basic design and "stretches" it ery We y-in ize, rang and p w r. It will us mor p w rful von engin gi ing it a 500 miles per hour cruising speed at a h ight 'of 40 000 f t and, with extra fuel tank fitted on the \ ing leading dg. a rang f 25,00 miles. The {us lag will b 1 ngth ned by 17 feet, giving capacity for between 5 and 76 pt ngers. TIlls is th airlin r that will almost certainly introduce the fir t j t pas ng r s rvi cross tb orth Atlantic.

The Vickers iscount (s ries 700) is s ntially a m diurn-rang aircrafthence it is de igned For low r spe ds, lower altitud and economi al fuel

April L 1954

consumption. Its power unit are four Rolls Royc Dart propeller-turbin engines which give the Viscount a cruising sp d of 310 miles per 110ur over

tage lengths up to 1,500 mile maximum. Normal sating capacity is 48, but til differ nt variations on interior lay-out that have been developed to suit the ne ds of indi idual operat r take its capa it up t 62.

New Viscount

"stretched" version of the \ iscount is al 0 n w under development, designated the series 800, with mor powerful engin , nd a I nger fuselage to aecommodat from 66 to 82 passengers. This is for shorter ranges of about 1,100 mil , and will be in production next


Although also of the propeller-turbine . pis, the Bri tol Britannia, 00 of the larg t airliners in the world today is

ompl m ntary to the Comet, providing slower but more economical ervices for touri t- lass pass ngers over the 1 ng-

c red. WitlJ four Brist I Pro-

teu ngines the Britannia Mark 100 will can up to 92 pass ngers at 350 to 400 miles per hour cruising sp ed ov r . nges of til rder of 3,500 miles. Ther ar two ther ver ions the lark 250, which carrie 87 passengers and 10,000 pounds of freight, and the Mark 300 to carry 104 passengers.

Ord r for all thre memb r r Britain' airliner team ar alread sub tantial, in r lation botb to th ir as yet early stag of developm nt and to the n wnes of the gas-turbine principle itself.

AF Going All-Out To Fill Its Ranks

WASHINGTON-Faced with the prospect of baving to draft men to fin its dwindling ranks, the Air For e bas been authorized as of July 1, to take fun control and operation of its own recruiting system which until now bas been shared with the army,

Recent sharp declines in Air Force enlistments and a discouraging re-enlistm nt program, Indicate that the most important of all the services will have a tough time meeting its authorized quota of 960,000 men by June 30, and a veritable struggle to me t the 970,000 figure s t for the 1955 11 'cal ar, without recourse to the draft.

Air Force stren rth as of last Decemb r was 920 000, while 11 ures for the month previous listed AF manpower at 923,9.1 7. During Decemb r, 8.850 men were recruit d into the ranks, but or th se only 2,855 wer re-enlistments.

It is this problem 0.1' securir g men who will serve more than a singl tour

f duty which has stymied the Air Force program. inc the estimated cost or training each man is $14,000, to lose a ) number of men after th ir first four . ears becomes, in If ct a poor busin 5S investment.

[f s lIing an Ail' F rc c, r r is important not only from th :\1' ri nee paint of vi w but also. from a dollars and cents approach th n to. b dep udent all the draft: is oertainlv not the answer. Th Air Fore p rsonnel heads realize "his, and \ ill avoid help from th Ie -

IT S rvic pool a lone us po. sibl .

NATO Interested In Straight-Up Fighter

WAsm GTO -The ATO countries are still in dire need of an all-weather jet fighter, Prince Bernhard of th

etherlands told the press after an intensive three-week tour of u.s. aircraft manufacturing centers.

Prin Bernhard, in p ctor-general

of the Royal Jeth -land Air Force in which be holds the rank of lieutenant g neral, has been check d-out in nearly

very typ of rnilit ry aircraft. At R - public Aircraft wh re two-top secret jet Rghters-the F-103 and F-105-are being built for the Air Force the prince told th press that while NATO air forces ar better supplied, organized, and train d than ver b for there still exists a definite need for an allweather jet fighter that would out-perform enemy fighter escorts and score kills n bombers regardless of weather conditions. In Western Europe, < dvised th prince, enemy b mbers would always be accompanied by a heavy escort of fight rs because of the short distances involved.

Th r c nt ann uncem nt of the avy's two n w v rtical take-off fighters he said, is of great interest to ;ATO . trategists b eaus of th pre() . ·upation abr ad with th probl m f g tting fighters "upstairs" fast nough to head off enemy bomber fermations on brief notice.

'T d lik to £I them befor I ()ffer an opinion," commented the prince but th State Department refu ed to allow Prince Bernhard to fly in th nited States without a c -pilot.

"BEST IN TIlE WOR.LD·' ROLL OFF PHOD CTION UNEThe first producticn model 0 til Boeing' B-52 Stratofort, hulled by n rill Twining as the best in the world. is shown as it was rolled out of 80 Ing' Seaul plant r 'C intly, The giant jet bomb r

Twining Calls B-52 World'sTopBomber

EATTLE-Of the thousands who cam out to view the roll-out of th first production model of the giant Boehl B-52 probably U? ~lDe was mOT pl as .cl than Air Chief of Staff General athan E. Twining who Be\ out e p dally for the ceremony.

The trarofortress was hailed by General Twining as "I1)e greatest bomber in the world today," as the huge eight-] t intercontinental bomber, destined to b the right arm of the Strategic Air Cornmand mad it debut

"The B-52 is the 'long rille' of today," 'Iw.i.ning told the thousand of proud Boeing employees assembled' around the sky giant. Recalling the days when til "long rifle" of our forefathers kept the Indiaus at bay, the Air Chief said the Stratofortress, today, will keep an ther red man from knocking down our cities."

The roll-out came almost. three ear to the day after the Air Force announced its decision to order the B-52 into quantity production. It came almost eight years From the tim the Air Fore set up basic requirements for the new bomb r back in 1948.

Nosing out of the factory with its 4 - foot verticai tail folded down the production plane differs from its two xperimental predecessors in having sideby-side sating for the pilot and co-pilot instead of the tandem arrangement in the "X" and "Y" ships. In addition, th B-52A, as it is designated, Is about three feet longer giving it an overall lenzth

f 156 feet.

had to be nosed out of the factory with its 48-Ioot vertical tail folded down to clear the doorway. An undisclosed number of th ight-jet bombers will be built for the Air Force at Seattle. Booing's Wichita division is tooling up as second-source of supply.

April 1. 1954


Page Thirteen

My First Jet Photo Mission

b Rus Brinkl y

Th rcs a new thrill in store for any ivillan photographer, the fir t time he rides a jet on a photo mission. 1£ the proces ed Blm lives up to tpectations, he's a mighty lucky guy. I can now speak from xperience.

I was sent down to get footage on the recent Texas tornado disaster for television. Operating ba for my flights were Randolph Field in an Antonio, and Love Field in Dallas. I was assign d a T-33 jet trainer, th arne type plane in which I took my "transition" training, with my instructor, 1st Lieutenant Rush at the controls. For this mis ion, I u ed a standard 16mm Bol x turret job 6tted with a pi t I grip to facilitate the operation.

ur most important flight was made over the cities of an Ang 10 and Waco, , II r th Sabine River are wa being thr iten d by flood. W took-ofIfrom Randolph at 2:30 P. I. und r brok n cloud but bri.,.bt sky conditions. To add color und authenticity to the films, nn F- 0 wa assigned to 1:1y on our wing.

T -33 Improved

After taking estnblishing shots at Randolph the writer was boosted into the r ar cockpit of th T-33, \i hich had undergone considerable modification since I h. d Ilown it II year previou ly. On this

Bight, for instance, th hip was equipp d with an ornni-range set to aid the pilot as we streaked along at 600 mil s an hour, T'her wa also a muchsimplified ejection seat apparatu . . . ju t in cas .

Taxiing at average speed v vith the canopy p rtit lly open in th T-33 does not build up enough air pressure to pr - vent a steady hold Oil a c era of .olid construction. H w ver, if a b llows-type camera i mplo d some sort of guard sh uld be us d t protect the cloth.

nc th can p is shut, and the wind hazard is done away with, th m r serious pr blem of vibration art es. It is not 1 gine or structural vibration to which I r [ r, but the action f the shock absorb r while under way on the

round. Ace I ration • long th ground for tak -off pr ent , r eking motion caused by the motion of the shock ab-

sorber, parti ularly in t11 n \ heel.

I found it almost impos ible to keep my camera aim d at the F-80 at my wing-tij until both plun s wer airborn and flying in formation. Th one inch standard I ns \ IS U. I S5 until we were ill the air, rid of the vibration. J soon realized that some sort of cockpit 'hockmounted tripod would ha e olved that pr blem andth numerous other difficulties that w r to arir .

Lockheed T -33 . .

Page Fourteen


600 MPH Trainer

April L 1954

RU S BRINKLEY before take-off in an Air Force T-3S j>t trainer on TV newsreel Hight 0 or tornado-stricken ar as in Texa .

Our planes had been fitted with radios operating on the same frequency so that I could direct the flying of the accompanying F-80. As a preliminary te t I a ked our fellow pilot to exe ute various maneuvers, particularly crossover from one wing-tip to another. At jet peeds, it was quite difficult to keep the F- 0 in my sights. Again, a tripod would have olved the problem.

A 4-G Turn

Corning in over Waco, our altitude was reduced to 2,000 feet, where we hit turbulent air some 2,500 feet beneath the broken cumulus. Here I discovered that de pit the sealed c ckpit, orne lubricating il had leaked from the camera mechanism whil w w r lip at 20,000. I cleared the oil from th camera case by the time Lt. Rush lined the T-33 for U, first run over target, and wound the spring so that at least 15 f t of rum would run through. This meant a c n of les than half a minute on TV. Wh n we were dire itly ov r the storrn-wr ck d area, I aimed th camera and the T-33 wa rolled over on its sid into a -G turn.

In such a man uver you £ind the camm and quipm nt v hich weigh about ight pounds rdinaril suddenly i11- creas d to 35 or 40 pound. Add to that Lh vibration cau: d b turbulent air at a sp ed of 200 mph, and you can appr ciat m pr dicament. It was like juggling a k g of beer while bouncing Oil a diving board. everthel ,pres ntable film wa shot for proj ction in two of three similar passes. Here, too, a tripod w uld have been the answer.

I shou1d add that the one inch lens " as u d for all shot . With uch vibration, a thre or four inch 1 n would never have produced ev n n ar steady

(Continued on Page 25)

Four Latin American NationsJoin Exchange

uba, hile, Peru and euezuela

have been add d t th Jist of outh American countries participating in the International Cad t Exchang this year.

Ann uncement of their participation was made by Air Force Maj. Gen. Lucas . Beau, CAP national commander, on his return from a visit to the Latin America exehang nations.

Also visited were Mexico and Brazil. Accompanying the general on his trip was Col. D. Harold Byrd, vice-chairman of the arional Ex cutive Board; 01. V e Phillips, m mb r of the NEB·

and 01. lam T. Cranbery, chief financial officer.

Five cadets will b xchanged with

ch of th n w J E untries, bringing the total of outhful participants to 2 0 this ummer, Two hundr d tw nty t ok part in last year's program.

CAP cadets are scheduled to deport \ ashington, D.C. July 21 for the COUlltri s they are to isit, isit rs will arrive in the nation's capital July 23.

ext exchange planning conference will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark April 9 and 10. A ro club presidents and air free chief of staff of the European xchange nations will be in attendance. The conference will be opened by til King of Denmark.

April 1, 1954


Milwauk e higb school tudent with a Ilair for jets and a y n for mechani s bas complet d a 60-hoUT Air Force course in aircraft ngine familiarization.

The Ifl-year-old youngster (now turned 17) received special permission to tackle the course, and was excused from ois high school classes for the eight-day tudy under Air Force tutelag.

The student, ivil Air Patrol cadet Walter chmidt, joined a class of 20 Air National Guard mechanics slated for familiarization with F-86A-5 and J-4 .... -13 engin s before the planes were d livered to Milwaukee's General Mitchel Field.

Cadet Schmidt, a senior at Wauwatosa high school, was briefed on ngines, hydraulic systems, electrical syst ms, fuel and heating systems, and C.illOPY maintenance.

lthough he was not expected to take the examination, the teen-age mechanic volont red to try til test and emerged with a grade of 6. F r his achievements 11e received a special CAP diploma and an honorary crew chief rating.

CAP member since February, 1953 cadet Schmidt is now assisting in the organizati n of a new all-male cadet . quadron ill Milwaukee. He has also

nlisted in the Air 1 ational Guard . ._.

A TEXAS SE D.()FF from Col. George A. Breiner (left) is accorded Maj. GIm. Lucas V. Beau, C P commander; Col. James 7'. Granbenj, CAP jinancinl officer; and Col. D. Harold Byrd, oice-chairman. of the Notional Executive Board. The Civil Air Patrol party toured South American countries in the interest ()f the 1954 International Cadet Exchange.


Page Fifteen

1040 Hours And Going Up'

Wh n th m mber of ivil Air

Patrol's Sacram nto (Calif.) quadron closed their flight log on 1953 aerial activity th y found that tb y had rung up a r cord of 1,040 hours of flying in th preceding 21 montl s, Sinc this is better than 86 hour a month, or 43 hours very 30 days on ch of th two on-loan Air Force planes u ed by the squadron, members feel that the record is probably unmatched by any other CAP organizatien.

"We dhallenge any other unit 0 top our record," aid Maj. Edward H. damic, commanding officer. In addition to eemmending the squadron's 25 pilots for their activity, Major Adamic mphasized the fact that the ear had b en concluded with a p rfect safety record,

A breakdown of th flying tim showed 103 hours logged in search and rescu , 125 hours for cadet orientation, six hours on m rcy missions, 20 hours in wreckage-marking missions, 100 hours in air support of cadet ground

earch and rescue team training missions, with the balance of the time devoted to keeping th flying profioi n y of the squadron pilots at high I vel.

Pace- etter for the quadron was pilot Leslie H. Wad who fJ w 200 hours during the year.

quadron operations dfficer is Capt.

A. J. McIGnty.


The highest averag aircraft utilization for 1958 was 18.4 hours reported by the National Capital wing, according to Col. Frank R. Hansley, USAF,

deputy chief of staff, nior .

While commending th National Capital wing on its flying record, Colon I Hansley pointed out that this still was below the 20 how's per month set as the minimum for CAP utilization of the on-loan aircraft.

"In view of the poor showing mad by mo t wings th ati nal Capital wing can look to its record with pride," be said.

Second ranking wing wa Hawaii with 18.2 hours. West irginia, Califom.ia and Alabama w re next in that order with 14.2, 13.7 and 13.3 respectively.

Cadet urientution accounted for 125 of aornmento Squadron's 1040 hours of n in 1953. Cadet A:lesna Major Adamic Captain McXinty.

Th low st utilization was 3.5. The lowest wings were Montana, Vermont, Mississippi, ew York, Ohio and Puerto Rico. Twenty-Din wings reported utilization und r 10 hour. Twenty-one wings reported less than 15 hours utilization.

In making his report Colonel Hansley remind d wing ommanders that the r gional dir ctors had been delegated th authority to reassign aircraft betw n wings in his r gion in the interests of b tter aircraft utilization.


Memb rs of the Hel na (Mont.) Civil Air Patrol squadron staged a "record" drive for funds in benalf of the recent March of Dim s campaign and raised $198.70 for the fight against polio. The mon y wa donat db Helena citizens in r pons to anve-and-a-half..!hour record auction held over radio tation KCAP.

Phonograph r cords were donated by city .re idents bnsin ssmen and CAP members. The-platters were played over the air and then auctioned off to fhe bighest bidders wbo called in by p110ne.

Adult members and cadets used their own cars for the delivery of the .reccrds and the collection of the money.

Prize were presented to the three top bidder. Top award wa a one-year subscription to OUT WE T magazine. econd prize was an original water color painting, and the third high donor r ceived one complete car servic

job contributed by a Helena service station 0\ nero

During the program, Lt. 001. Gorge Batt rson mad spot announcements explarning Civil Air Patrol and its missions.


It is far from uncommon to hear of CAP members finding missing airmen, but in most cases this action is accomplished from the air. f(j)ut;in IDinois Capt. W~lliam L. Catz, commanding offic r df the Paragould (Ark.) squadron, solved a missing pilot case wtthont even getting out of his car.

WhIle driving from St, Louis to Springfield, lIl., Captain Gatz beard a n ws 'broadca t over his car radio to the effect that a . earch was underway for a 75-year-old pilot who was Hying an old "Jenny" from Bloomington, TIl., to Dallas.

At that moment the CAP officer was p. sing the Litchfield, Ill., airport. Looking out he saw the 'anoient aircraft pall ked beside the 'runway. Ie Jocated the pilot, learned that the veteran :ruer bad b en forced down by high winds and netified ~he CAA €If his idiscoveny.

C~tain Gatz' alertness 'brought :him a letter of appr ciation from [o eph K. MoLaugh1in, Director of the lllinois Department of Aeronautics.

"1 want to thank ana commend you for your alertness Initiative and timely action," McLauglllin's letter read, in part.


Published semi-monthly as (I regular section of 0 TACT rna azine, th Civil Air Patrol New is compiled at CAP National Headquarters in the interests of all members of Civil Air Patrol, Inc. CAP eommunications only should be directed to Editor, Civi] Air Patrol News, National Headquarters CAP-USAF. Bo11ing Air Force Base, \'1ashington 25, D. C. Telephone JOhnson 2-9000. extension 6 2 or 4339.


Paqe Sixteen


MAJOR SHALE L. TULIN, USAF Chief of Information Services

April 1. 95~



Two finds in two weeks is the box score for the Tullahoma (Tenn.) Squadron.

On January 23 the Tullahoma Squadron Operations officer, James E. "Buddy" Martin, spotted the wreckage of the lightplane piloted by A. E. Stansbury of Aurora, Ill. on Harrison Ferry Mountain. Martin, who also is the director of the Tennessee Bureau f Aeronautics, located the crash less than an hour after he took off from William Northern Field. Stansbury was killed in the crash.

Less than two weeks Jater Martin again was in the air this time searching for a Piper Tri-Pacer missing on a £light from Manitowoc, Wise. to Florida. The plane carrying Herbert E. Westphal and his 13-year-old son was last reported at Owensboro, Ky. CAP wings hom Kentucky to Florida were alerted by Air Rescue Service for tIl search.

Five-State Search

The second crash was located by Martin also on the third day of the search less than 20 miles from the

tansbury crash. Returning to William Northern Field Martin dispatched a ground rescue party to the scene where a guard was mounted over the wreck on orders from the CAA. More than 150 planes and nearly 500 CAP members took part in the huge search spread


The Oklahoma City Junior Chamber of Commerce turned their annual scrap paper drive into a profit-making project for the local Civil Air Patrol squadron.

Cadets Joe Martin, Pat Phinney and Ronnie Taylor were three CAP members who supported the drive. In all more than 100 volunteers helped collect the paper which was gathered up in 15 trucks provided by Tinker AFB.

Proceeds hom the drive went to the CAP for the purchase of new equipment.

over five states. Aboard Martin's plane when the crash was sighted were observers James A. Williams and Jeanne Patten.

Meanwhile, Florida Wing searchers located the wreckage of a Navion which carried thre Orlando, Fla., physicians to their death. CAP pilots entered the search after un ARS SA-16 had s arch d without result most of the nigbt.

In California a CAP L-5 was in the air enroute to a crash scene before the crash occurred and a CAP mobile radio cur arrived seconds after the civilian B-26 plunged into a residential area of Burbank.

The B-26 radioed the control tower at Grand Central Air Terminal that it was in trouble. The tower notified CAP on the field and the L-S took off while radio cars were being dispatched to the area of the probable crash. The radio car was on the scene and had dispatched a call for ambulances and fire fighting equipment before the L-5 had gained enough altitude to spot the me.

Complete Mobile Hospital

On January 12 an F-86 Sabre crashed into homes in Long Beach, Calif., killing seven and injuring four. Two minutes after the crash occurred Long Beach Air Force officials called the CAP. Thirty-one minutes later three mobile radio units, 21 CAP members and a complete mobile hospital unit were on the scene. CAP personnel were directly responsible for finding several injured persons in the wreckage of the homes.

In Utah CAP participated in the search for an Air Force T-ll which was not heard from after it reported it was on an instrument approach to Salt Lake City airport. In the search. which was conducted on the ground because of heavy fog, more than 200 CAP members took part. The wreckage was found by a party led by the state director of aeronautics. There was one survivor.

During the same two-week period CAP Units in Minnesota, North Dakota. Louisiana, Alabama. Mississippi, Georgia and Florida participated in other major searches. In the northern search two farmers reported the wreckage of a Swift bringing the mission to a close. Two loggers located the wreckage of an Air Force T-28 in one of the southern searches. The mission called by ARS to find an F-Sl in the same area was continued. The third search, for a Navy SNB, was suspended after ARS concluded the plane went down out to sea with all aboard lost.

April 1. 1954

In California another search was being pressed for a Navy jet fighter missing on a training flight hom Moffet Naval Air Station.

In Michigan CAP was called into the search for a Western Michigan College student missing from his home, and in Texas CAP fliers were searching for the victims of a drowning. The National Capital wing in Washington, D. C., was successful in locating the body of one of three youths drowned in the Potomac River while on a duck hunting expedition. The body was sighted by Frank Burnham of wing staff and John Sedlock flying an L-16.


The story of Civil Air Patrol in action bas been 1llmed in Oklahoma by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. The 15-minute motion picture was shown over television stations in Tulsa and Oklahoma City late in February, and has been scheduled for release in other cities in Oklahoma. A typical search and rescue mission is the theme of the TV feature.


Two persons were killed, one a CAP member, and an L-5 was completely demolished in a recent accident near Longview, Texas.

Dead in the crash are the pilot.

J. R. Disharoon, a member of Group 7, Texas Wing, and C. L. Lawrence of Longview who was not a CAP member.

According to the CAA communicator at Gregg County Airport where the crash occurred, the L-5 had just taken off when it nosed up abruptly and appeared to stall and fall off on one wing. He said it seemed to recover from the stall only to go into a secondary stall This time it plunged into a wooded area near the airport.

The investigating board has not yet made a report as to the probable cause of the crash. The plane was an on-loan L-5 assigned to Group 7.

Two Minneapolis Wmg members were injured-neither seriously-when their Swift 125 turned turtle during a low visibility landing. 1st. Lt. Noonan D. Arvesen and Senior Member Kenneth Hoivik were returning from an ordered search mission because of had visibility. On their third attempt to land the crash occurred. Airport officials reported the visibility was extremely bad.


Page SeventeeD

THERE ar 1 939 Civil Air atrol squadrons sprinkled across the United States and territories. n of the choicest of these is M assaehusetts' Be erly Squadron.

A model unit all along the line of CAP activity, Beverly Squadron r presents the I rgest staff in the Mas achu ett wing.

The organization found a horne in May 194 , when John B. Slate, form r commanding officer of the sq uadron and no'> deputy commander of the

lassachu tts wing, secured a building from the Beverly Airport Commi - sion. In exchange for the rent-free building, squadron personnel agreed to assume respon ibility for all repairs and maintenance.

In the next two years the CAP member r placed all plumbing, I' paired the boiler, in talled electricity, and completely revamped the building.

$10,000 Headquarters

In all, memb rs have spent ome $10,000 towards th Brst-rat headquarters they now own. And they are still anxious to make further improvements.

The present commanding officer of Beverly quadron is Maj. John Polando, who assumed the position in 1 ovem-

ber, 1953. pioneer pilot (he Hew th

longest non- top Ilight e er made to Istanbul Turke back ill the early days

of aviation), Iajor Polando succe ded Lt. Col. Slate, who moved up to wing position after live years as Beverly's CO.

Ev ry ta£f m mber of the Beverly Squadron proves his qualification for the job he helds by completing the ix-months trial assignment period.

11 prospective adult memb rs are r viewed by the Beverly Evaluation


• •

. model Ci»

members have contributed make their organization one

ing, military bearing, link training, communications and the hi tory of AP.

Cadet are ligible for orientation flights very week, and outstanding cad ts of the month are giv n free 1l.ight time at squadron xpense.

Committee. A careful screening of applicants helps insure that qnadron members will be credits to the organization.

The cadet progr un, carried out a a s parate activity, i under the direction of 2nd Lt. Phillip Osborne. Qualified instructors condu t ola s in navigation, meteorology, civil air regulations a rodynamics, aircraft and engines first aid photography, model plane build-

The aircraft utilization rat is k ept high through a speoial program put int e£f ct by squadron leaders. Duty pilots are expected to fly a presorib d minimum of time each month, and jf the on-loan L-16 is not used to this extent squadron pilots are fined f r th ir laxity.

This proc dure has been e£fecti e in keeping rquadron pilots alert, and ha also encouraged C P personnel to fly

Page Eighteen


April 1. 1954







ivi! Air Patrol squadron

d money, time, service to 1e of the country's choicest

on orientation fligbts and win their observer' rating.

The squadron boasts a ground rescue team, headed by 1 t Lt. Phillip Taylor. Equipment includes an ambulance, medical suppU , VHF mobile units and all facilities n eded for a Cullscale rescue operation.

With headquarters right at the Beverly Airport, the CAP unit is in an ideal position to respond to earch and r ell call and to handle mercy flights.

quadron personnel are always ready to participat in civic activities. The CAP unit bas eam d a reputation for community service, as well as recognition for its life-saving and Civil DeF nse activities.

Squadron's "Voice"

The "voice" of the organization is 2nd Lt. Allegra Cripps, squadron public information officer. A cadet member in 1950, Lieutenant Cripps took on senior status and PIO responsibilities in 1951.

Other key staH members are W /0 hirley Daniels, finance officer; Lt. 'rank Davis, Hight officer; Lt. Eloise Dionne, medical officer; WIO Barbara Fields, adjutant; Lt. Murray Obear, operations officer' Lt. Philip Taylor, ex-

ecutive officer; Lt . .1 hn Wil. on, photo officer; and 1st Lt. Hals . Hov e, chaplain.

A . trong supporter oC the Beverly unit vel' since it inc ption, Maj. J. mes E. illls, commanding offic r of

Group 5, worked with former commander Slate to build the organization into what it has become today-a squad-

r n typical of Ci il ir Patrol' highe,t Id also

All of Beverly's member -b th adult and cadet-are olldly behind their unit. Basically it is tfiis devotion to S I ice and enthusiasm of purpose that ke ps Beverly a model CAP squadron.


Feature stories Oil Civil Air Patrol appear in th March issue of DWANI magazine, and in the April issu of the AMERICAN BOY At"lD

PE ' R AD magazine.

Wear It With Pride - -

CAP's beautiful new lapel emblem. AI· ready hundreds of CAP members are proudly displaying thl. mark of honor. You can get yours FREE.

Turn fo pages 34 and 35.

April 1. 1954


Page Nineteen

Plane Building Projects Tackled by Cadets

From Vancouver to Mt. Healthy, teen-agers get the feel of aviation at ground level ... Reconstructing a disassernbl d L-4 and rebuilding a wrecked Taylorcraft are two aviation education projects that have been keeping CAP cadets in the Mt. Health (Ohlo) squadron and the ancouv r (Wash.) unit busy the past s veral months.

The ft. Healthy squadron received the on-loan L-4 on the basis that the members must reassemble, re-license and rvic the plane and use it for cadet training and ori ntation flights. Working under the dir ction of quadron adult memb rs, th cadets hav already mounted and wired the engine and resurfaced the wings. A test flight by Capt. Len Wagner, quadron operations officer, licensing by Capt. Herb

impkins, & E mechanic, and the

Piper will be ready for general use. Cadet engineering offi er Glen Selmer directed the project carried out by th junior CAP members.

Out in Vancouver a two-place Taylorcraft bas been rebuilt from wing struts to engine and is ready for flight again. More than 125 hours have gone into the work of tearing down and reworking the plane's motor, reconstructing the wing framework and recovering the wings.

Senior member Donald Nickerson bas directed the job. Only about $250 bas gone into the plane's repair-about a quarter of what such a r construction job would normally cost. Part of this sum has been donated by squadron members. Vancouv r m rchants have also given money toward the project.


Life behind enemy Jines in Germanheld Yugoslavia in 1944 is vividly described by Iajor James M. Inks, USAF liaison officer of the Maryland Wing, in his new book, "Eight Bailed Out."

10 the recently released book Major Inks tells how he and seven other crew members bailed out of th ir crippled Liberator and lived the next ten and a half months evading both the Germans and Yugoslavs in the war-tom country.

During pad of this period Major Inks and his companions ate, lept and lived with German troops, sharing with them the rigors of a bitter winter campaign and suffering with them the heavy batterings of the Allied air forces and attacks by Allied ground troops before the eight Americans could escape.

The story has been described as an adventure with few parallels in the annals of warfare.

Major Inks, who flew 43 missions during World War IT and 92 over Korea, is the holder of the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with seven clusters, the Purpl Heart and the Distinguished Unit Citation with three clusters.

He has been assigned toth Civil Air Patrol Xlr approximately one year. A native of AusJin, Texa , Major Inks is married and has thre childr D.


With both walls and the roof blazing around him 19-year-old Civil Air Patrol cadet Allen Kelly calmly and meth dically placed four 'mall children and their 15-year-old baby sitter in a Jarge red fire truck started the unfamiliar vehicle and drove his terrill d

Page Twenty


passengers out of the flaming structure moments before it collapsed to the ground.

For this action at the Bowers Municipal Airport near Ellensburg, Washington, young Kelly was awarded the Meritorious Service Ribbon by CAP National Headquarters and highly commended by the Kittitas County Air Port Commission for his heroic work.

After depositing the children in a safe place, Kelly telephoned the nearest flre station, hooked up the hose on the rescued truck and played it on the burning flre station until help arrived.

A student at Central Washington College of Education, Kelly was working at his part-time night job at the airport when he noticed the blaze in. the fire station, which is unmanned at night.

Upon investigating, Kelly found the Bve children huddled in the rear of the building which was attached to their home. The Bre station was a total 10 S but the adjoining house was saved by Kelly's fast action.

A resident of Olympia, Washington, Kelly is acting commander of the Ellensburg CAP Cadet Squadron. Last summer he was a commander at the annual encampment at McChotd Air Force Base.


Civil Air Patrol's community-minded Au tin (Tex.) squ dron has added another mercy servic to its log of local activities.

The members of the squadron have offered to transport blood from any of the blood centers in the Austin area to any community which may be in ur-

(C01ltl'lIIed on page 21)

April 1. 1954


The Civil Air Patrol motto, "Semper

Igilans," means "always vigilant," and is the watchword of CAP. Members are urged to rnphasize this motto at every opportunity.

gent n ed of the life-saving fluid.

Arrangements were compleL d betw en u tin CAP official and liver R. Johnson, administrator of the Travis County M dieal Society Blo d Bank.

Th Civil ir Patrol would b called into action whenever the blood situation reached an emergency st tus, Johnson explained.

"Peak demand for ustin is consider d to b 400 pints," John on added and stated that when demand exceeded thi Hgure CAP would be al rted.

Th three CAP planes in u tin will Iso be available to fl blood to any place In the state wber it might be needed.


Officials from Air Force OTC

H adquarters at Air Uui er ity Montgomery, Ala., met with AP officers r c ntly in a conference int nded to und line and expand cooperati 11 b - twe n the two organizations.

Sioce both CAP and Air ROTC have imilar goals-aviation education for oung people-the two organizations have worked In mutual c operation for 'ome time.

One example of the services extended to CAP by ROTC units is the program adopted by the Notre Game Wniversity r erve corps whioh bas offered personn I and facilities to th outh Bend, Ind., CM' squadron.

survey con ucted b the AF ROTC has shown that th p cerrtage of BOTC stud nts fonnerlv associated with CAP is inerea ing regularly. "T.b trend shows the growing importnnce of CAP in the ROTC set-up" Lt. Col. Robert B. Irwin, Director of Plans, Organization and Requirements, CAP national headquart rs, xplnined,


Letters Nom the Governor of Arizona and from leaders of aeronautics departments in Oregon and Illinois have been r ceived by CAP officials.

In writing to da]. Gen. Lucas .

B au, CAP national command r, W. M. Bartlett, fOlmer director of the Oregon tate Board of eronautics speaks of the "most excellent cooperation which we have had the pleasure of experincing with the Oregon wing of CAP."

Governor Howard Pyle of Arizona In sending New ear's greeting to G n ral Beau tatoo that he wished to "commend the members of CAP in Arizona For another year of outstanding servic to the general welfare."

Similar thanks tp the Illinois wing was xtended to Col. Roland Dreyfuss, commanding officer by 1.K. Mcl.aughlin, Dir ctor of the state lDepartment of Aeronautics.

In the 1954 AP membership campaign th Middle Eastern region is leading with 31 perc t of its quota. cond is th 'estern regf n, the orthea tern r gion is third, and th Rooky Mountain r gion bolds fourth

pl ceo

Lalli e lind Da e Morri on, husband and Wife CAP members at South Bend, T nd., have an unusual u e for the Piper Cub which they built themseloe . TI, 11 use the ha.ndy little plane to flit hUh r and yon in pursuit of I" tr s cond [aoorite hobby-fishing.

Th Whit Rock C P squadron hn b en a tivat d in Dalla und r the command of Jack W. Pyland.

Col. [olin J. Easton (abooe) U F commander of Turner AFB in Albany, Ga. is one of (he charter member of the lbany C P quadran.

Anoth r all-CAP wedding took place recently in Milwauk e. 1st. Lt. Carol M. Zellmer married -Capt, Paul J. Wimsey. B st man was Capt. James 01 en, maid of bonor was Patricia Barth. a former CAP cadet and Maj. Mar ball Lnmbrecht was usher.

Members of CAP's Eastern Baltimore squadron turned alit to national VFW week in the Maryland city. A [ormation. flight a porod and a party were among the festi itie .

A huge sign id ntifying the city of Portsmouth, Ohio, bas been in t.alled by Civil Air .Patrol on the roof of one of Portsmouth's largest commercial building . This community service wai performed by CAP in connection with the Ohio viation Board's plan to provide

April.!. 1954

aerial identification for every Ohio town.

Seven lowa cadets have been awarded the GAP Certificate of Profi-. ciency. They are: Dolores Emerick. Carol Walters, Loretta Anderson, Daile Whisler, Richard Park, Larry Fowler and We ley Canfield.

Th CAP squadron of Lo kheed Aircraft's Marietta Ga., plant participated in a GOC training mission early in F bruary,

Col. Kenneth S. Jordan, commanding officer of the Oregon Wnlg, has preented atl honorary certificate of CAP membership to Governor Paul L. Patter on.

CAP members are reminded that Civil Air Patrol is a non-profit corporation and that the soliciting of funds, in the name of CAP, from any charitable institutions is in violation of Public La\ 476.

The iiluxiukee SENTINEL has offered a $100 flight scholar hip to the CAP cadet from the Milwaukee Group making the best grade in the proficiency tests to be gioen early this pring.

Wh n CAP member Virginia Kahlo of Mnskegon Heights Mich., was badly in ne d of blood transfusions, members from three neighboring CAP units donated blood to help her hack to recovery.

Twenty C P pilots from the Austin, Texas, area flew to Eagle Rock Ranch 11eor W.imberly for another in their series of "breakfast flights."

The :first meritorious service award aver extended to a CAP cadet in Utah was presented to cadet Lt. Richard Carter of Goshen at a banquet held in his honor in January. Maj. Rex Wride, \Utah wing taff officer, describes cadet Carter as "outstanding."

The CAP Coordinated Aviation EducaLian H igll oliooi course lias been initiated in the La Grande, Ore., school.

Maj. Gen. Lucas V. Beau CAP national command r, and Col. Mills S.

avage, chief of staff at CAP Headquarters att nd d a testimonial dinner held in honor of Col. Paul Fonda. newlynamed commanding officer of the Maryland Wing. Th banquet, an event of late January, was beld at Friendship.International Airport.

New executive officer for the Texas wing i Lt. Col. James H. Landers. Wing air 111.spect{JT is Lt. Col. James A. Willess.


~aqe twenty-One

Aviation for AU ...

Educators' Assembly Aimed at Workshop Planning

TOP educators, key Air Force officials and r pres utatives from the country's airlines met in Washington in F hruary for an aviation education workshop planning conference that has focu ed the attention of all thre groups upon the national need for increased education in the field of general aviation.

"The Air Force strongly endorses a und pr gram of aviation education as ne f the most effective ways of overcoming the apathy towards aviation that seems to characterize today's young people" said Deputy Assistant

r tary of the Air Force Chester D.

Seft nberg, in addres ing the assembly on the opening day of the session.

The workshop confab gr w out of the increased interest in aviation education that has been spreading aero s the country since Civil Air Patrol undertook sponsorship of the first National Aviation Education Workshop held at the

niv rsity of Colorado in 1952.

The third edition of this national workshop will be matched this summer by to local and regional workshops planned as a result of the three-day conference.

Scheduled for sumrn r essions between June and September, 1954, are workshops at the University of Colorado, Montana State niversity, Miami

niversity of hio, orwich University, Ohio niversity, the niversity of


Recently assigned as L gal Officer of Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters, Lt. Col. Earl B. raig is shown the CAP regional map by Mrs. Mary Hallock, legal office secretary.

Colonel Craig, whose last assignment was Staff Judge Advocate at Rahat, French Morocco for 32 months, succeeds Lt. Col. John F. Bell, who bas been transferred to Alaska.

A 1920 graduate of the Diversity of Texas Law School, Colonel Craig makes his home at San Antonio, Texas.

Paqe Twenty-Two


D river, the University of Puerto Rico, tate Teachers' College of New York, a outhern California workshop sponsor d by Long Beach State College and Los Ang les State College, and a Northern California workshop staged jointly by San Francisco State and San Jose State Colleges.

In addition to these institutions of higber learning, the Univ rsity of Hawaii, ew York University, Louisiana State University. Boston University and the niversity of Michigan were repre-

sented at the Washington conference.

Out tanding Hgures from governmental ag ncies and aviation organizations served as guest lecturer and advi ors.

Typical of the individual study groups that characterized th assembly wa the meeting of Dr. Mervin K. Strickler, CAP aviation ducationist:

Dr. C. L. Dow, Ohio University; Mr. eftenberg, and Col. Mills . Savage, USAF, chi f of staH at CAP national headqunrt ·s. ( ee photo.)


Civil Air Patrol's volunteers flew 12 290 search and rescue hours in 1953,

i[aj. Gen. Lucas V. B au, U AF CAP national commander, announced following a report is ned by the Air Force Air Rescu Service.

CAP activity amounted to more than 60 percent of the total hours flown by an agencie participating in the 96 domestic air . arche ordered by AR . The Bgure represents a 30 percent increase over the 1952 total.

Commenting on the support given R by Civil Air Patrol, Brig. Gen.

Thomas J. DuBose, R commander, told General Beau:

"Excellent cooperation with the Civil Air Patrol ha been experienced by thi command in the prosecution of domestic search and rescue missions. The effectiven s of the slow Hying small

April 1. 1954

civilian aircraft as a search vehicle and the larg number of these aircraft made available by CAl' have expedited the conclu i n of numerous search and rescu missions. Consequently, the expenditure of resources bv this command has been reduced immeasurably,"


The color cameras of WMAR- TV in Baltimore were turned on the Parkville (Md.) Civil Air Patrol squadron recently for the £ir t color progam to be originated by a cn -network station outside of ew York City,

ccording to Lt. Carroll Hebbel, public information officer for the Parkville squadron and newsreel cameraman for WMAR-TV, the deep blue ky, the bright red and blue airplanes, the CAP uniforms, and the freshly fallen snow that was on the ground combined to produced n series of brill.iant pictures.

Link Grant for Study Of Aviation Education

R13 NA-CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Link Aviation bas made a grant of $2500 for a study of tl e Illinois Institute of A viation. Purpose of the study is to enCOUTage aviation activity in the nation's educational institutions.

This pr ject comes at a time when th Ail: Force is reported planning to require ROTC Seniors to take flight training.

Director Leslie A. Bryan, recipient of

last ar's Br wer Trophy will be in

harge of the study. Dr. Bryan is educational adviser to the ivil Air Patrol.


The name of this publication, "CONTACI," is registered in the United States Patent office and is so designated on the f.ront cover and the masthead of every issue. Ohio Publishing Corporation enjoys the exclusive rights to this trnd mark, both by reason of long usage and registration protection.

In the past we have had to take legal steps to stop a number of publishers from using the name "CONTACT" on various types of publications. Any usage of the name "CONTAcr" by any oilier publisher, radio or TV producer, is hereby strictly forbidden.


CAA C'ommends Dodger Team on

New Attitude Toward AirTransportation

WASHINGTON - "Season's greetings Lee recalled that on June 8, 1941, a (baseball, that is) and happy landings I" CAA official had sent an open letter to That's th me sage that went to the the Brooklyn club, follo .. ving the impostBrc oklyn Dodg rs from CAA adminis- tion of fines on Dolph Camilli and trator F. B. Le . Cookie Lavagetto, The letter stat d that

L e congratulated the Brooklyn base- "learning to :By an airplane is no more b~lll. club on b~ing.amol]g .the prominent dangerous than playing baseball," and busmess. OJ:gnruzation which have taken backed the statement up with eonsid-

to,~ air ill company planes. . erabIe statistical evidence.

Your lise of a DC-3 for transporting Th B kl I b d th tir

I d I 1 . e 1'0 yn c u an e en e

p ayers an otn r p rsonn IS very grat- . . .

ifying to us in CAA," Lee said "since it ~ase~all circuit h~ve certain1y changed is less than 13 years ago that two of Its mmd about £Iymg today-and Dolph your player were fin d $500 by the Camilli, by the way, did go on t get

club for taking Hying 1 ssons." his pilot's tick t in 1946.

AMERIOA'S Fill T TURBO-PROP SEAPLANE TRANSPORT - Th onvair RSY Tr.adeWind is hov D racing clown Sail Di.ego Bay for its maid n flight. Built for th avy, the 80-ton Convair aplnne took-off in less than 30 seconds and was flown for more than two hours 011 its Iirst Ilight. onvair test pilot Don Cermeraud call' it the be t seaplan h" ver handled,

Powder PuH Handicap Set for July 7th

LONG BEACH, Calif.-On July 3, a few minute befor 0 00 at Long Beach Airport, some on hundred women pilots and co-pilot will dab their no > with p wder, make sure their lip tick i on straight and warm-up th ir planes for the start of th country' popular All-Woman Transcontinental Air Race. The race will nd in Knoxville, T nn., deadline 1700 E T, on July 6.

The 2,OOO-mil "Powder Puff Derby,"

sponsor d by the inety-Nines and


Made from Official Approved Government Dies


Offic:lal Mannfa.c:turera In8iltllia SpeclaJlstB Slnc" 1881

395 Fourth Avenue, New You 16, N. Y.


Write (or our Inte!>~ price list



Compl~te B .... d S ... itehln~


50 Wau.. cw - 40 Watt. PhODe Transmitter




Beautiful, compllc:t. XMTR. completely .elIeoutained, including power supply; new 6146 tube in final; COV,,", 160M t:hru 10M. Genernl purpos" XMTR ean be used for m.obiJe work wiU, suitable power supply. Ideal for the novice or experienced bnm. Send for FREE 1954 WRL CataIo~. It payS to d.eaI with WRL-th" world's largest distributor or radio tran8mlttlnll' equipment.


Wind Teaud

April 1. 1954

sanctioned bv th ational Aeronautical Association, ~vill Follov a route through Blythe, Calif.; Prescott and Winslow. Arizona; Albuquerque, . I.; Amarillo, Tex., Oklahoma City; Fort Smith, Ark., Memphis, Chattanooga, and Knoxvill , T nn.

All entrants must be clock d In nt one of th official stops on -half hour after official sundown anel remain there rnight. No instrum nt is p rmitted.

Only stock-model aircraft, single or multi-engine, .. vith 300 hp or I . may b entered. All contestants must hold at least a current private pilot's rating.

A "par speed" handicap based on performance figures supplied by the manufacturer bas been establish" d for each model in th race. Par speed is the true airspeed expected of the aircraft at 75 per cent hor iepower at sea 1 vel under standard atmo pheric conditions. The winner will be that aircraft which averages the highest ground speed in relation to its par speed.

The Awards Banquet will be In Knoxville on Tilly 7. Cash and trophies will be awarded to the winners.


Paqe Twenty-Three



,~A(''lIT ~




Executive Dlreetor National Aviation Trades Aaan.

Constructive Air Age Education Program In Charlotte, N. C., Schools

The following i an xtract from a letter written by Richard R. Washburn of outhern Flight Servic at Char-

lotte, N. C.: I d

Two years ago the local chool Board was appro?c ie

with the idea of .institutin such a program. Their acceptance of the program was unanimous within the ?ro~p and the local superintend nt of chools was enthusJa~tic; however, it was pointed out that there were no qualified teachers in the city school ystem for such a cour e. everal times in the past the program of air education. had been brought to their attention but no concr te solution to th teacher problem wa offered.

Southern Flight Service n its own initiative dr w up a program whereby instruction in aviation wo0d b~ .gi n to a select group of high seh 01 teachers. This ~allun~ consisted of cia sse in Aircraft and Theory of Flight, Aircraft Engines, Civil Air Regulations, Navigation and Meteorology and an opportunity was afforded those teachers who so desired to acquire a private license at no cost to the teacher.

The first year of thi program we completed only four teachers but upon th termination of that year s activities two high schools within the city instituted air education courses using two of th se t achers as instructors. The program was revitalized this year and \ e now have fifteen teachers undergoing ow' aviation indoctrination cour e and it is felt that each high school within th city and local county will install an aviation program in the school year 54-55.

We feel that we probably made an error in offering to the teachers participating in the program a private license. as this become exceedingly expensive to the operator underwriting the program. It has been thought that jf we bav need of training further teachers in the future, we will. offer only a solo course thereb decreasing the outlay of th operator.

We have found that the Civil Air Patrol, C.A.A. and local flying clubs are interested in our program to a very high degree. They have offered assi tance in many way. 'Ih Civil Air Patrol furnished the textbooks free of charge to the city school sy tern. Th C.A. . bas been very cooperative in examining the teachers for ground school instructor ratings on off hours and app aring as speakers in the high school chapel and classroom.

We have a local Aero Association which has taken on a project of building an aviati n laboratory which will b housed in a concrete block tructure 30 x 60 feet. All materials labor and fixtures ill be donated by 10caJ peopl s t.e, contractors, roofing DDllS, flooring f:u:ms and local ail'craft owners.

We feel very confidently that we are on the road to community wide Air Age education and acceptance of air travel in our community as the most common form of transportation.

This, of course is a ery long range program but on that can be of great value. We ha e hopes that with the cooperation of operators belonging to ATA we can mak the Charlotte program a state wide program. The tate Board of Education ha accept d the Air ge ducation program as a part of it curriculum for all state upported schools which, of course is the .6rst step in initiatin an new course in high schools.

Page Twenty-Four


NATA's Working Director

1 0 Trade Association employing a full-time Exewtive Director in \'\'-(ls/lh.~t(/Il ellioy~ the eroices of a 1II0re cap-

able and falthf'ul servant retained fM these xacting duties than

ATA. Su It is our opinion and that of many others who have watched Ch a r ii e Parker in action these past several years. Being an adoocate 01 .. Flower for the living" ICe huoe pried sOllie biographical facts 0111 of Charlie, publishee! below.

-The Editor


After graduating from rtheast rn University in Boston

with a Bach lor of Engin ring cl gree, attended Gulf Radio chool in few Orleans, and returned to Boston to stud law.

Took m. t airplan rid in 1926 and was convinced that ". om da that would be .ornething terrific."

Started work in aviation in 1928, selling rides at air rn ts, and after managing a ch duled airline operation in th Cape Cod area, was made tr a urer and director of Hyannis Airport Corp. In 1936 w t with Bob Love at Tnt rcity

viation in Boston New England distributors for Stinson Aeronca, Fairchild and Grumman. Handled sal S, adv rti ing and public relation .

During World War IT pent 3Jf years on th Headquart rs staff of th Air Transport Command. Attained th rank of major.

After th war, spent thr ars with Robinson vi, tion • t

Teterboro, . J. Contributed numerous articles to trade journals on fh:ed base and airport operation. join d NATA while at Robinson and b cam national vice-president. In 19 9 named executive dir ctor of NATA with offic s in Vasl~jngton, D. C.

M mber of Air Coordinating ommittee's Industry Advis-

ory pan I. Served dvisor t various Air Transportation,

Air D fens ,Civil viation committees.

Own nd pilots Luscomb "Silverair 'and aft r 20 y nrs of flying till thinks it r markabl what can be accomplish d with a light airplane in the wa of pure transportation.

April 1. 1954

Gadgets &.. Gimmicks

tAP MILEAGE MEASURE in a new improved model is availabl r r computing air mileage instantly and ac-

urat Iy up to any point. Distanc ar clo ked by a tiny wh el that rolls along the mapped route and ar noted on a dial face. Th fi( ag Measure converts miles to inches and vice ver at when

m a uring roads curve and ntour

on maps and drawings. It'll ulates linear and nauti al mil s as well a. m trio cal . Watch-size it i nvailabl through th Treasur Mart, Treasure Mart Building, Hillsid .J., for $1.90 postpaid.


f r r utornati rang And rs is now being manufactured by Lear al Inc, It is adjustabl t pr id IT ti n in 5, 10, 15 and 2 d gr increments, making it possible to limit quadrantal rror to a rnaximun of 2.5 degree for any installation. Th 11 \ design permits better weak ignal p ration b cau e of greater loop pick-up wh n the ADF is taking a bearin on stations that ar not dir ctly f r r aft of the airplan .

Jet Photo Mission

(Continued from Page 14)

pictur ,

D 'pit all tile difBculties listed I might have been much worse off had I n t pr viou ly spent several hours at the controls of similar jet planes. One n w to the rear cockpit of tile T-33 find himself tightly fastened to til

eat by lap and shoulder straps, so that mo ment is s verel restricted xcept for head and arms.

Beware a Black Eye

Another handicap to the photographer i. th heavy crash helmet and sunvisor xt nsion which prevent bringing the camera's finder close to the eye. But tho t may be ju t as well, since such sighting in turbulent air may very well m an a black e for the photographer.

Movi cameras with 100-foot rolls are not adequate for such an assignment and, r u d only because larger equipm nt cannot be accommodated in tile T -33 c ckpit. Thu changing roll becomes a real chore 'in e tile strapp d in cameraman does not have easy access to n w rolls stored in his jacket pockets. This means pecial care must be taken so that til bright unlight does not fog the Iilm whil reels are being changed. If you should drop your camera case you will never be able to pick it up because of your bindings. A teady hand i needed to change films under jet-flying conditions but with tile aid of a guardian angel -I managed to bring home two fair rolls.

It is when the Blm finally reaches the movie or TV screen that the cameraman mer than the viewers, can appreciate what was gone through to get the footage, and if there i some jerking of tile pictures, it is then that the need for a support or tripod arrangment is brought home most convincingly.

Labor Relations

WA III GTO - Delegates to tile Unit d uto Workers-CfO ational Aircraft Dept. onvention were told to cut their demands in the corning year' negotiations. Th 200 officials w r cautioned by U A W's vice presid nt John W. Livingston who also head th aircraft section, that tile unsuccessful strike against North American Aviation plants last year bad et a pr coo nt which would be hard to overcom.

Livingston suggested that from now OD demands be red.uced to as few

po sibl so that members understand th m and the "public can see tile light of da s: "

NEW YORK-A 13-day walkout at

perry Gyroscope came to an end as th Engineers Association accepted a two-year contract granting them a 6.3 per cent wage increase. Sperry had offer d til am wage hike before tile strike. The engineers had originall demand a 15 p r c nt boost.

A1 DIEGO-Ryan Aeronautical and Local 506 of the CIO-Auto Workers Union have agreed on a new contract to run until June 5, 1955 which calls for a 7 cents an hour raise in base rates. Till applies to all 12 labor grades at R an. ew base rates will range from $1.49 to $2.45.

BETHANY, Okla.-Production workers at Aero Design & Engineering have turned down a bid for union representation in an el ctlon conducted by tile National Labor R lations Board, Pro-union vote wa split 112 for CIO-Autoworkers and 59 for AFL-Macbinists as against ]88 who favored no union representation.



PORT AUTHORITY TERMINAL. '25 EIJrhth Avenue-Suite 2219, New York 18. N. Y.

AprU 1. 1954

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April 1. 1954


Page Twenty-Five

* Business & Finance In Aviation *

Boeing Proposes 100cro Stock-Split After Best Sales Year in History

SEATLE-After turning in its greatest sales and earning in its history, Boeing Airplane Company has propo ed to split its stock by issuing one additional share for each hare held.

A plan to increase authorized shares of common took from 2,500,000 to 5,000,000 will be voted on by tockholders at a special meeting to be held in conjunction with the annual meeting on April 27.

Boeing sal last year increased

$179,235,732 to an all-time high of $918245,946, as the world's leading manufacturer f jet bomb rs delivered a record number of planes for a peacetime year. After providing $3 ,500,000 for taxes, net earning of $20,31 ,178

were realized, equal to $12.51 a shar . In 1952, Boeing reported a net of 14,0 4,449, equal to $8.67 a sbare.

With a backlog of $2,357,000,000 at the end of 1953 compared with $1,648,000 000 the year pr vious, Bo - ing president William M. Allen predicted 1954 ales would b "somewhat higher."

Allen reported the need for nev equipment and expanded facilities continued to requir heavy inve tments in 1953, with $8,009,875 spent for these purpo es. Thu , in the last three years, Bo ing h. invested $22,839,326 in its expansion program. et working capital at the year-end was $60,218 843, an increase of $955 ,454 over 1952.

Utility Plane Shipments Up Over 1952 Executive-Type Craft Dominate Market

W SHI GTO! -A report on lightplane shipments during 1953 gives further testimony to the rapid development of busine s Hying in this country. Of a total of 3,788 utility aircraft delivered la t year, 3,042 were four-place aircraft or larger.

The report by the Utility Airplane C uncil states that Iightplane shipments showed n considerable incr ase over the pr vious year, when a total of 3,058 air-

craft were delivered. In terms of dollars, last year' deliveries were up to $34,- 358 000 compared with $26,159,000 for 1952.

Of the ven manufacturers reported, Piper lead the list in number of units deliver d with the Tri-Pacer making the noticeabl advan es. Last year, 1,139 of these popular aircraft were delivered as against 682 th year before, a gain of almost 100 per cent.

PIPER P CHE ON NATION-WIDE TOUn - TI,e ATSt Piper paeh demon trator is DOW completing a nation-wid tour in which demoi strntions b IV been made to Pip r dealers attending '1\: regional ul m cling' and to a large numb r of intere t d prospects. The twin Apach 's rol in comm re and industry was caught in this syrnboli picture at P ter . Knight Airport, Tampa, FIn., as (I larg tnnk r pass cl through the Channel in the background.

Page Twenty-Six


April L 1954

Temco Turns Out Plebe in 75 Days

DALL s- TEMC Aircraft Corporation ha ju. t annq u need its 1953 earning were the highest in the company's history-som ,3 p r c nt ahead of 1952 -but R bert McCulloch, TEMCO's

cottish-b m pr ident is looking forward to v n greater a hievements in 195 and the year to follow.

The Plebe

One of the reasons for this optimism i th c mazing TE lCO Plebe, a new two-pine primary trainer which made its fir t flight ju t 75 days. her the initial de ugn wa started.

The avy which ju t completed an int n rive comp tition for a trainer has narrowed down its choice to TEMCO and Beech raft, but at th time of writing has not committed itself to either the Plebe or the Beechcraft model. If the Pleb do get th nod, even McCulloch's xpeotntions may be surpn ed.

Th Plebe i an all-metaltri-cy d aircraft, powered by a 225 bp Continental engine, d igned sp ciflcally for military requirement. It Fentur a power-driven, fr e-blown bubble canopy whi hallow unrestri ted vision and can be j ttisoned from inside or outside the cockpits. Because of interchang able part and ectionallzed par, the TEMCO trainer requires a minimum of maintenance. The low-wing d Plebe boasts a high operating performance, ineluding a 1,350 feet-per-minute rate of climb, a 20,700 foot s rvice ceiling and a maximum endurance of five and onequarter hours. Its top speed at en level is 195 mile an hour and its maximum dive speed j 265 mph.

From a Humble Start

The Plebe and other de igns, however, are only one pha of the many ided operation that 11a skyrocketed TEMCO from its humble start in 1945 to its present major position in the aircraft industry. Today TEMCO op rates thre plan in Dallas, Garland, and Gr envill , Texa . Th main plant at Dallas alone employ 4,500 work rs.

There TEMCO provides major components for six of th country' top military aircraft-the Boeing B-52 tratofortress, the Boeing B-47 tratojet, th Lock! eed P2V N ptun th McDonnell F3H Demon, the McDonnell F101

oodoo, and the Republic F-84 Thunderjet, The Dallas plant al 0 performs heavy progressive maintenance on the

(Colltinued on Page 27)

Bob McCulloch & the Plebe


(Continued from Page 26) Navy R7V Constellation.

TEMCO's Garland plant, the former Luscombe factory with its size and equipment doubled, is a complete subcontract facility doing component work for the B-36, P5M and Republic F-84.

Greenville is TEMCO's overhaul and modiflcation headquarters. Here more than 2,000 aircraft have been rehabilitated, modified er converted for airlines, the military, foreign governments and executive aircraft owners, All told, TEMCO today .is a major factor in the aircraft industry-its 1953 sales topped $12 million and the man who sparked its rapid rise in eight. short years is President Robert McCulloch.


He tiIeed Texas

A native of Durnbarton, Scotland, Bob McCulloch started out to make his career in marine engineering. But in 1924, when he had completed his apprenticeship the Scots were already becoming air-minded, and McCulloch went to work as a foreman in the aircraft division of a naval construction fum.

In 1927, he came to the United States, and went to work for Atlantic Aircraft Corporation in Teterboro, N.J., as a production foreman, McCulloch stayed with the rum for 14 years as it subsequently became Fokker Aircraft, General Aviation and finally North American Aviation. In that time he had risen to factory manager, the post he held when he left North American in 1941 to join Convair as general manager of its Nashville Division.

Two. years later McCulloch was back with North American as director of quality control for all plants, and in three months' time he was made assistant general. manufacturing manager of North American Aviation.

In January, 1945, McCulloch found himself in Dallas as manager of the North American Texas Division. But when that plant was closed down he decided to stay, and in partnership with H. L. "Bert" Howard, also of North American, organized the Texas Engineering and Manufactnring Company, now known as TEMCO Aircraft Corporation. Texas, by the way, is not one bit sorry.

Beech Gets $4 Million Contrad WICHITA-Beech Aircraft has received an Air Force contract in the amount of $4,447,680 for an additional quantity of C-26 ground power units used to the engines of B-47 Stratojet bombers and other jet aircraft.


Quot4tions Furnish.ed Tkrougk tke CouruB1/ of


Membe,. New York Stock Exchange

120 Broadway New York 5, N. Y.

1500 Walnut St. 1001 Connedlcut Ave.

Philadelphia, Po. Washington 6, D. C.

Ooer-the-C ounter (Continued)

New York Stock Exchange Closing Quotations as of March 15, 195,. 1953-5-1 High Low

13% 1H~

5% 4%

26* 23% 69% 60 65% 46%

7% 6%

10~ 8%

23% 17%

9* 7* 27% 25

107 79

25 22~

12% 9%

43% 36 26% 22% 32% 26 16% 14 24*, 20*' 27% 20 20% 16% 17% 14*

11 9%

28 22 19% 15* 14% 13% 56% 45% 24% 21% 10 8*'


A.merican Airlines .. 12%

AVCO Mfg 5

Bell .Aircraft 25%

Bendix Aviation 66%

Boeing Airplane 61 *"

Braniff Airways 6 1M.

Capital Airlines 9% Cons. Vultee .Aircraft 22% Curtiss-Wright Corp. 9% Curtiss- Wright "A" 26 r'a Douglas Aircraft . 1060/4, Eastern Airlines 23 % Fairchild Eng. &.Air. 12 General Dynamics 40% Grumman Aircraft. 25% Lockheed Aircraft 31 % National .Airlines .. 14% National Aviation 24 N. Amer. Aviation. 27 Northrop Aircraft 20% Northwest Airlines. 161,(". Pan American World 10% Republic Aviation .. 27~ Solar. Aircraft .... 18 % Trans World Airlines 13% United Aircraft ... 53 United Airlines 231A1 Western Airlines .... 9 t.4

American Stock Exchange (Formerly New York Curb)

Closing Quotations as of March 15, 195,j 1953-54 High Low

3 2% 9 7* 16% 10%

3% 2*


Aero Supply 20/.1.

Air .Associates 9

AirOeets 12 *

Allegheny Airlines

2% 2% bid & asked

5% 4% Bellanca Aircraft. 5

8%. 6% Cessna Aircraft .. 8%

13% 10 Colonial Airlines . 12%

8% 6'i! Cont. Airlines 6%"

6% 5% Flying Tigers 6

4% 3% Lear, Inc. 4th

22% 19 McDonnell Air. .. 221A.

4% 3lh Northeast Airlines. 4t.4

3% 1'% Piper Aircraft 2%. $

26lh 18% Roosevelt Field 19·,,*

18% 12 Ryan Aircraft 18%*

6 4% Unit. Aircraft Prod. 51,4."

3% 2% Waco Aircraft ... 31A

• Close 3/12/54 No sale 3/15/54

Over-the-Counter Market

Closing Quotations as of March 15, 1954 Bid Offered

• Aero Service .

* Aerojet Corp. . .

Aeronca 6 %.

*Aero Quip .

* Air Ameriea .

Air Express Int'l. 1 %

Air Products 5%

Air Products "A" 11 %.

P4 5% 13

April 1, 1954



Aircraft Mech. ~

Aircraft Radio 10-1.4

Chi. & South. Air .... 20%. Delta Airlines 21 %. Doman Helicopter ... 2o/.L Emery Air Freight .. 4%.

Expresso Aero .13¢

General Aviation •..... 08¢

"Hiller Helicopter ..... *Island Air Ferries

*Kaman Aircraft .

Kellett Aircraft .80¢

Marquardt Air 17%

*Mohawk Airlines .

New York Air. 6

Pacific Airmot. 1 %.

Parkes Air. & Sales 1%

Piasecki Helicopter 22~

Piedmont Aviation 1 %

Pioneer Aero Service. 2

Pioneer Airlines 5lh

·Prospectors Air. ..

Resort Airlines .26¢ .30¢

Roher Aircraft 15% I6%.

Solar Air. Pfd. 18% 19

Southern Airways 2.14 2lh

Stanley Aviation 3* 4%

Taca Airways %. 'Ys

Temco Aircraft...... 6% 7%

Timm Ai.rcraft .70¢ .80¢

U.S. Airlines .05¢ .07¢

• 'I'rading' in these stocks inactive and no quotes available as of March 15, 1954.

22% 31h 5

.. 18¢ .13t,!

.95¢ 181h

7 2% 1%




In an Airline, Airplane Company, Engine, Accessory or Airport Corporation-

You should be able to exercise better judgment as to whether you should


your securities, if you are a regular reader of

Trad. Marie Rog. u. S. Pal. Office


Keep posted on what YOUR company-and its competitors are doing. CONTACT gives you the news, unbiased-with SPEED AND ACCURACYI

Paqe Twenty-Seven

Corporation Reports

• Bell Aircraft

Bell earnings for 1953 rose 13.9 per cent to $3,465,423 on sales of and income amounting to $146,929,791. This was equal to $3.92 a common share as against $3.46 the previous year. On April 19, stockholders will vote whether to increase Bell's authorized capita] stock 500 000 shares to 1,750,000 shares. If stockholders vote in the affirmative, Bell will acquire the outstanding capital stock of American Wheelabrator and Equipment, Mishawaka, Ind., exchanging eight shares of Bell for seven of Wheelabrator. Bell would acquire the balance of Wheelabrator stock on the same rates.

• Kaman Aircraft

Last year proved the most successful in Kaman's history as 1953 sales rose to $11,646,236 from $7,277,322 in 1952. Net earnings, however, dropped to $206,853 last year compared with the 1952 net of $246,063. This decline was due to the impact of excess profits tax, says Kaman.

For 1954, Kaman which does work for the Navy, looks forward to a still better year. With a backlog of $30 million, and with its working capital up to $I 005,114 its position is considerably better.

• Lockheed Aircraft

The highest earnings in its history were reported by Lockheed for 1953. Sales zoomed to $820,467,000, compared with $438,122,000 in 1952. Net income after taxes was $15,462,079 compared with $9,058,026 in 1952. Net income 'per capital share increased to $5.79 from $3.43.

Lockheed's backlog stood at $1,408,- 808,000 at the end of the year down 12 per cent from the year previou . This decline is attributed to heavy deliveries made during 1953. Military orders make up 89 per cent of the backlog.

The California and Missiles System division had $852,300,000 worth of business on the books, the Georgia division $538,044,000, and Lockheed Air Service $18,464,000.

• Minneapolis-Honeywell

M-H sales increased 29 per cent in 1953 to pass the $200 million mark for the first time in the company's history. Sales totaled $214,018,825, compared with $165,710,384 in 1952. Net earnings were up to $8,082,822, or $3.31 a share, as against a net of $9,081,003, or $3 a share, the previous year.

Page Twenty-Eight


• Northrop Aircraft

Report for the quarter ended January 31 shows total sales down to $37,783,- 066 from $42,162,504 in the like period in 1952. A net profit of $608,125, equal to 94 cents a share, was recorded on Nortrop's first-quarter sales. This is compared with earnings of 67 cents a share on a net of $431899 for the same quarter last year.

Northrop reports that the reduction is due to the transition of much of its production activity from cost-plu -flxedfee contracts to fixed-price contracts with price redetermination. Expenditures amounting to $27 million which would have been included in sales under the fixed-fee arrangement have not been included in the latest six-month period.

• Pacific Airmotive

Total sales for Pacific Airmotive Corporation for the year ended November 30, 1953, were $20,588,574, compared with $27,635,154 for £j cal 1952. Despite the drop in volume, PAC reports that 1953's commercial sales were at a record high, comprising 70 per cent of the company's total sales.

Net income for the year amounted to $344,780 or 53 cents a share, compared with $423 455 or 65 cents a share in fiscal 1952.

• Republic Aviation

Net income of Republic Aviation increased slightly in 1953 as the company ended the year with a backlog of more than $1 billion.

Net after taxes was $8,314,301 on total sales of $411,810,855, compared with a net of $8,096,001 on sales of $412,235,008 in 1952. Earnings last year were equal to $6.83 a share on 1,216,540 common shares outstanding. Earnings in 1952 were equal to $6.65 a share, adjusted to the number of shares now outstanding.

• United Aircraft

United's total sales for 1953 amounted to $817,557,395, an increase of 22 per cent over the previous year. Net income reported was $21,193,733, equal to $6.62 a common share. In 1952 that company's total sales were $667,769,- 234, with a net profit of $17,809,391 reported. Earnings were equal to $5.18 a share of common.

Backlog of unfilled orders held by U nited at the close of 1953 amounted to $1.5 billion.


Try a low cost classified ad in THE AVIATION MARKETER section of CONTACT, setting forth your qualifications.

Douglas Seen Topping '54 Sales of $874 Million

NEW YORK-Douglas Aircraft sales for the current fiscal year should top the $874 million mark reached in the year ended last November, according to Donald W. Douglas, Jr.

Mr. Douglas based this prediction on two facts. First, his company has a current backlog of orders amounting to $2,225,000 wbich will take about two years to:611. This combined with the r . moval of excess profits tax for 11 months of the current fiscal year, should brine this year's sales over the $874 million mark.

As for new projects, Douglas reports that his company is not far behind Boeing in the development of a jet transport having spent in the neighborhood of $2 million on preliminary designs and engineering. A helicopter project also seems likely to he started soon, although most thought given to the possibilities of a large transport copter has been centered around the question of marketability.

Backlog Orders Down WASHINGTON-The value of backlog orders reported by manufacturers of complete aircraft, aircraft engines, and propellers as of December 31, 1953, amounted to $16,798 million, according to the Census Bureau and the CAA. This represents a decrease of 8 per cent from the $18,257 million backlog reported as of September 30, 1953, and 5 per cent below orders on hand at th end of the last quarter of 1952.

Link Assets to Be Purchased NEW YORK-The General Precision Equipment Corporation has an option to purchase the assets of Link Aviation, Inc. Once stockholders ratify the agreement, Link will become a subsidiary of General Precision. It will, however, continue to operate at Binghamton under its present management. Edward Link board chairman, said the affiliation should lead to an expansion of Link operations.

NY Port's Terminals Operate at Deficit

NEW YORK-The Port of New York Authority's four big airports had a combined operating deficit of $450,965 last year after payment of interest charges on $72 million of outstanding air terminal bonds.

Despite the loss, airport revenue was up 20.5 per cent to $9,533,260, while operating expenses increased to $8,069,- 700, an 8.3 per cent increase over 1952.

Aprll L 1954



Col. J. Francis Taylor Former chief of the Air Forces All Weath r Flying Division has been named director of th reorganized Air Navigation D velopment Board. Taylor' appointm nt received strong backing from both industry and government. AI 0 named as part-time consultants to the ANDB are Prof. Jerome Wei ner dir tor, Bsearch Laboratory for Electroni Mas. In titute of Technology; Dr. H. R. Skifton, president, Airborne Instruments Laboratory, N.Y., and Russell C. ewhouse radio development engineer of Bell Telej hone Labs.

Mundy I. Peale, Republic' pre ident has been named to th Hoover Commissions Task Force on Procurement,

tephen F. Ke:lting has been appointed to the newly-created post of vice _president of the Aeronautical Division of Minneapolis-Honeywell. Keating formerly

wa assistant gen- K'

eating ral manager of the

division. He's been with company eight years.

Back to Boeing to head up the operation to be installed at Moses Lake, Washington, for pr duction Ilight testings of the B-52 is C. P. (Buck) Weaver, who r igned as general manager of Rhodes-Lewis 0., subsidiary of MeCulloch Motors in L. A.

Carl E. Dillon is s on to b com dir tor of finance for Boeing's Wichita OJ ision, following a reorganization brought about by the r signation of Clif Barron as v.p. and division controll r.

R. C. Erwin succeeds R. N. Waters as r dit manager at Pacific Airmotive. Waters has joined Lockheed's Corporate Finane D· partm nt,

Edmund Parke, formerly general manager of Au' Associate's Aircraft Products Division has joined the Fairchild Engine Division.

Newly named manager of Eastern Air Lines News Bureau in N. Y. is James B. Durkin.

Herman L. Eberts succe d d Daniel Robinson as president and general man!Ig r of Fleet Mfg. Ltd. in Canada. Robin on bas been made chairman .

Che ter W. May bas resigned as treasur r of Airborne Instruments Laboratory Inc. He is succeeded by William H. Dobbins.

E. . (Jock) Ellingson,formerly op rations rep. of Air Transport Association in L. A., has join d the sales ngineering staff of AiResearch Mfg. Co. Jock will specialize in air line liaison.

Auto Buyers Like Fly-to-Factory Idea

SAN FRANCISCO-Western automobile dealer have launched a Flyto-the-Factory plan which is boosting

al s, saving customers up to $400, and giving the airlines a shot in the arm on their Bights east.

The campaign is c ntered around the "why pay $300 in freight charges on your new car" angle. Pick it up at the factory and drive it out yourself, say the auto dealers.

No one seems to be kicking with the results so far. Factory deliveries are up as much as 35 per cent in some areas in California, with many p ople linking the big saving idea to a business trip or

acation to the East. Factories are so enthused with the idea that the new Lincoln-Mercury plant at Wayne, Mich., boasts a new lounge, coffee bar,

and childr n' play pea, just for factory customers.

The scheduled airlines are more than anxious to fly car customer east. United, for instance, is pushing a Fly-to-theFactory campaign. Local car dealers out West are being deluged with appropriate literature by United, TWA, and American Airlines. Pamphl ts tell prosp ctive car buyers ju t what to do upon arrival at the automobile factory.

United is already operating a Fly-tothe-Factorv r servations desk and reports an . av rage of 0 bookings a month since the start of the year. TWA reports March booking indicate 100 to l25 people will fly east hom Frisco to pick up new model cars. It expects to handle 200 car buyers a month by

. pril,

Former AF Deputy Named Treasurer of Lear, Inc.

LOS ANGELES-Chester D. Seftenberg, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, has been named treasurer of Lear, me.

A banker and World War II Air Force officer, Mr. Seftenberg has been in charge of Air Force contract financing. He came to the Pentagon in 1950 on an emergency leave of ab ence from his position as vic 'president of the First National Bank of Duluth, Minn., to organize the Air Fore V-loan program.

He will m ke his headquarter at tb Grand Rapids Division of Lear.

Heads Cal. Flight Instructors WASHINGTON-Jack M. Weidner of Gardena Calif., bas b en appointed director of th American Aeronautical Association for California. Weidner, a former chart r pilot, op rater, and commercial pilot examiner for eM, will be in charge of AAA's aviation promotion throughout the tate. The American Aeronautical Association was formerly tb U. . Flight Instructors A sociation. Rob rt J. Flynn, a former instructor, is executive-secretary with offices in Washington, D.C.

Passenger Load Factor Down W ASillNGTON- The Big Four of the scheduled airline industry report a sharp declin in the passenger load factor for January of this year. The average drop in load factor for American, Eastern, United, and TWA was 3.25 per cent. American was hit the hardest, with its load factor dropping to 65.44 per cent from 70.24 per cent in January, 1952.

April 1, 1954

Navy Grounds NewlyAcquired Demon Jet WASHINGTON-The McDonnell Demon fighter was grounded by the Navy after the needle-nos d jet was involved in thre accidents during the month of March.

The McDonnell Aircraft Corp" St.

Louis, has et up an investigating board with the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics to determine the cause of the accidents in which 1:\ 0 plan were lost.

The 600 mph swept-wing fighter is one of the United States planes which form r avy eeretary Dan Kimball rated superior to the Russian MIG.

pring is Ju t Around the Corner


Page Twenty-Nine


Senate Small Business Committee Softens Attitude Toward CAB Methods

WASIDNGTON-Tbe Senate Small Business Committee has softened its attitude toward the Civil Aeronautics Board after three years of sharp criticism and harassment of that agency.

It cannot be said, however, that the committee 1135 given any indication that it will let up in its eHorts to bring about freer competition in the air transportation industry.

Contrasted with the Thye Report of the previous year in which the committee censured CAB for its paternal attitude toward the scheduled airlines, the Small Business Committee's report for 1953 recognizes CAB's responsibility for guaranteeing "a healthy, vigorous aviation industry" in the national interest. It states:

"In pursuit of its task, CAB must be concerned with the economic health of the long-established large airlines. At no time would any member of his committee urge upon the CAB or any other agency a course of action inimical to the national interest merely to serve the wishes and desires of a small business or a group of small concerns."

That the committee's basic approach to the airline problem is unchanged is seen in the following comment:

"(The) committee feels that CAB has been unduly tardy in working out the admittedly difficult problems in-

volved . . . prompt action is imperative if the case is not to become moot by the un~ely demise of the airlines concerned.

Vulnerable To Diseases

Admitting that the airline industry holds a special position in the national picture, the committee, nevertheless

. cautioned, "Any industry which is regulated, protected in part from competition, and shielded from new entries in the field is vulnerable to the diseases of senility and stagnation. With an excessive concern for financial stability and a lack of new blood, new methods, and new ideas, an industry contracts when it should expand, serves fewer when it should serve more, and calls for government protection and regulation when it should meet the challenge of the day."

BUYING POWERCONTACT has no waste circulation. CONTACT's growing thousands of subscribers are paid subscriptions. CONTACT subscribers pay to get CONTACT. They have the cash to pay for the merchandise and services offered in CONTACT's columns.

Light Plane Autopilot Passes CAA Test

WASHINGTON -An au tomatic pilot for light planes h:15 been successfully flighttested by the CAA. In addition to controlling roll and pitch, it provides for automatic flight on any selected magnetic beading and for homing on omnirange stations.

The devic , developed for CAA by the Ansco division of the General Aniline and Film Corp. has accurately guided a Pip r Pacer from Indianapolis to Vandalia, Ohio, a fljght of 112 miles. The prototype has already been returned to Ansco to be xchang d [or a production model as soon as one is ready. CAA Administrator F. B. Lee says tests indicate that it meets the design objective of a reliable, light-weight autopilot.

D. M. Stuart, Director of the CAA Indianapolis Center where the autopilot


Paqe Thirty

underwent Bight tests, reports that when it is engaged, the aircraft will maintain a heading within plus or minus three degrees and at an essentially constant altitude.

A second part of the equipment is a magnetic compass coupler designed to maintain aircraft on a pre-set magnetic heading for an Indefinite period. Short departures were noted during tests but the average heading was sufficiently accurate for the plane to reach its destination unaided.

An omni-homing unit coupled with an omnirange receiver was also tested by CAA. It will By aircraft automatically to any CAA omnirange station to which the receiver is tuned. In most tests, the airplane, again arrived within a few hundred feet of the station.

April 1. 1954

Asks Round-the-World Monopoly for Pan Am

WASHINGTON-Pan American World Airways will remain the United States' only round-the-world airline if an initial decision by a CAB examiner is backed by the Civil Aeronautics Board.

Rejecting bids by TWA and Northwest Airlines to operate a second such service, CAB examiner Thomas L. Wrenn also recommended that Pan American be allowed to fly a great circle route through the Aleutian Islands between California and Japan. Such flights are now required to pass through Hawaii.

Round-the-world service hinges on a route segment leading into Japan and China and down to India. Wrenn would allow Pan Am to operate in this important area, would exclude Northwest lrom the area entirely, and would deny TWA a renewal of its previous authorization to operate in it.

The recommendations now go before CAB and the President for final decision.

CAA Perfects New System Of VOR Calibration WASHINGTON-CAA has perfected a method for calibrating VHF omniranges without flight tests and putting them back on the air in approximately 20 minutes after repair or replacement of components.

The new procedure consists of moving a small, light-weight detector around tile counterpoise of the VOR and recording monitor readings at desired intervals. The data is then plotted to produce a calibration -curve,

This method of calibration makes it possible to adjust a VOR to much closer tolerances than ever before, with accuracies of plus or minus ~ of a degree having been achieved without difficulty, reports CM.

The new procedure also makes possible VOR ground checks without interrupting omnirange service.

CAA will conduct further evaluation tests on the new method at its 12 ornniranges for another six months before final approval is given.

New Plane for Ike

A new Presidential transport plane to replace the Columbine is near completion and will be delivered to President Eisenhower about June 1. The plane, a super Connie, will be equipped with .pecial teletype apparatus to carry messages to the President while he is in flight.

University To Manage

eAA Aviation Films UMANA-CHAMPAIGN-Three thousand reels of aviation film, covering some 400 titI s, have been transferred by the CAA to the University of Illinois for nationwide distribution through its Audio- Visual Aids S rvice.

The transf r wa arranged when the Univer ity' A intion Institute director, Dr. Leslie A. Bryan, learned of CAA's intention to drop th service. A plan was d vi! ed wher by the University would act :\5 a ort of cl aring house for the movi with the CAA meeting the cost of handling films.

The films have arrived at the Universitv and are available cost free to individ~als and organizations, xcept [ r transportation charges.

257,778 Pilots Listed as Active in United States

v ASHINGTON-There were 257,77 activ pilots in the United States out of a total of 634,158 registered as of Janiary 1, 1953. Certificated technicians

numb red 126,603, for a grand total of 760,761 certi.ficat d airmen.

ccording to the figure of CAA's OfBee of Aviation Safety of the 376,286 private pilots regi tered with CAA, only 1:3 929 were active. The number of stud nt pilots is listed at 52214. These figure are based on current medical certificates.

Hangar Gabble-

.Here' on (peed Hanzlik llkes to tcllabout the hnractc r who Hew into Holmes Airport when Speed was th op rotor and offered to sell .him an old Standard for almost a cup of colfee. "Not a damned thing wrong with that ship," he as ured peed, "but if you buy it 1 would ad ise you to file the number off the engine."


aburo Sakai WIth 64 kills to his credit in 200 dog-fights, looks at a bullet hole In th Hying gog_gl h wor during an air battle o or Cundulcannl in 1942, when he suffer d his four worst wounds of the war. Sakai, who lost an eye in battle, recently wrote of his war experiences in a book which proved a best seller in Japan, selling over 50,000 copies. Sakai say h wrote til book been us he hates war.

Another Pioneer Goes West HAMMONDSPORT N. Y.-William E. Doherty, 67, pioneer aviator and holder f til s venth pilot's license issued in the Unit d States, died at his home h re recently.

Buffalo-born Doherty carne to Hammondsport in 1911 to attend the aviation soh I operated by Clenn L. Curtis. In ]915 h became an instructor Jn th Italian Air Force and joined the llAF as a pilot the following year. Doh rty \ as made commanding officer of the aval Air Statiou at Anacostia In 1917.

Non-Sked Victim Held "Scheduled" Policy-

Court Rules Insurance Company Must Pay

ALB NY, N. Y.-A life in urance policy i sued from a lot machine limiting coverage to cheduled airline pass ngers only can be held liable for claims resulting from accidents to passengers of non-sked planes under certain circumstances, ruled the New York State Court of

ppeals recently.

Til court ruled that the Fidelity and

as laity Company of New York should pay the proceeds of a $25,000 policy to th daughter of a woman killed In the era h f a non-scheduled plane in Elizabeth, N. J., on December 16, 1951.

Th decision, which upheld the opinion of the lower courts, held that the term "civilian scheduled airline" as used in the policy was vague and ambiguous The plaintill, Mrs. Marion E. Lachs of

the Bronx, had argued that the advertising on the vending machine was on airplane msuranc in g n ral, and that the limitation to "sehedul d" Bights appeared in much smaller print. in replying, the company maintained that the airline was clearly listed as "unscheduled" on 131'ge wall signs.

The court, however, not d that the slot machin had b en located in front of a counter selling tickets for all nonscheduled airlines operating out of Newark, and that it was not unreasonable for non-sked passengers to assume that the company was inviting them to buy its insurance.

It was further noted that the term "civilian scheduled airlines" was nowhere mentioned in the Civil Aeronautics Act.

April 1. 1954

Aviation Books

TOMORROW'S AIR AGE by Holmes Alexander. 248 pp. New York, Rhinehart & Co. $3.

1.r. Alexander, who is admittedly not an authority on the subject, has plowed through the annals of aviation hi tory, and come up with a thesis which may shock a few but will interest many concerned with the d velopment of aviation.

The author a cus . th aviation industry over the past four decades of hanging on to the shirt tails of the automobile rather than d v loping its own unlimited pot ntiality. Despite the much-talked of "vast strid s" made by the industry since th da of the Wright Brothers, Alexander contends that it took almost 6fty years before designers discarded the reciprocating piston engine, which was basicaUy the same kind of power plant us d In the early Wright Flyer. Because of this he maintains, the history of powered £light "moved s slo\~ly you could almost count the seams .

At this point, "Tomorrow's Alr Age" proce ds to un excellent examination of the decade just b gun in the history of Hight, suggesting that we get on with jets and move into th realm of rocket propulsion.

JET A.RCRAn SIMPLIFIED by Charles Edward Chapel. 176 pp. Los Angeles:

Aero Publishers, Inc. $3.75 (hard cover), $2.75 (flexible cover).

111is second-edition of Mr. Chapel's popular book has been brought up-todat with the inclusion of the latest information and photographs of U. S. jet aircruft and engines, guid d missiles, pilotJ s aircraft, and rocket-powered aircraft.

tarting with the history of jet propulsion which dates back to 120 B.C., th book c vers ea h of the many ramificati ns of the field such as the ramjet, pulse-jet, turbo-prop, and turbo-jet principles, each section amply illustrated with the latest aircraft desigos utilizing the various types of plants. The book closes with a well-illustrated chapter on rocket propulsion. This book is already in use in high schools and junior colleges as a text or supplementary book for science and aeronautics courses.

When Answering Advertisers

be lure to mentIon CONTACT


Page Thirty-One

Section of CONTACT

THE AVIATION MARKETER seelion of CONTACT is designed to serve our readers who wont 10 buy or ~II used planes, ports, occesscrles, etc.-who need help or wont a job, but do not require lorg" 'I~ustrated ads 10 tell their story to CONTACT'S more than 40,000 PAID Subscribers. Only classified a. d'splay copy consisting of straight reading matter accepled for this section, subject to the following conditions:

111 No one-time Insertions: ad must run 2 or more consecutive issues without change. 121 Display ads not over 3 col. inches in depth, no plates-straight reading matter.

Minimum one inch.

131 Blind classified, $1 extra.

Write for special rates in the AVIATION MARKETER section.


I LI • __ P_R_O_P_E_L_L_E_R ~

LA£-R-O-N-C-A--------------_J The West's largest stock of new, used and re-

30 80% dis Id I condo props. CAA approved propeller station

• e. on wor '. arg.t stock 0 w, used and ,listplb. for Htu;tzell, McCauley, Ko))pnl'll.

and recond. Aerouea parta, Fr(!C) List. No '

Deposit.. Free Croting. Add'U.. 10% to dealers, Full atoek oC nnrta, 24 hour service. VE TCO.,

VESTOO .. Dept. J, Box 6~06 T.A., Denver. 0010. D pt. J. Box 5300 T.A., Denver. Colo.


New, used and recond. B h 17-1 and Bonnnzn purls. Or will buy YOUr Beech pllrt8 or 5"lvuge. VESTCO., Dept. J, Box 5306 T.A .. Denver. 0010.


New, used nnd reeond. Belluncn parts. Complete ncr mntie prop service. VE TO., Dept. .r, Box 5306 T.A., Denver. Colo.


AERO OOMMANDERS: T..ow lime. Well equipped. Prices .tart nl $52.000. For complete detells and list contact. ,Tim Welscll, 60 Enst 42n,1 Street. New York, New York. MurrtlJ Hill '1-5 ,to


NID3D----$U.GOO-'52 C35 Bonnn7-n, beau lIfu I cream with green trim, interior 8DOtJes., full ,p,!nel, autom~tic pron, Lear ADF, VHF 2-wRY With LF recerver, dual yoke, flares, pitot tube heat r, KoUsman directional compass, auxilinry tank. 843 hours total. Licensed to June 'Dd. 1Iianuf. June '52. Serlnl Woo D-3208. D nler's discount 10%. United States delivery 50.00. Vest ~!J~~t Co. '8 Skyt-nncb, Box 530G, Denvel' 17,

BEECRCRAFT D-18S: 'Mnnu!l\ctured 1947. 1050 hrs, total. 180 haul'S since engine maior nnd new hydro~lItic P1'O)lell.ers in.tolled. N v r damaged, dual IDlItrument.utlon, SO·gnllon uuxilinry tank. nos fight, 8UP r soundproofing, dual ADF, dual ARq-15D Omni, ARC-] trnnsceivar, glidepnth receiver. marker beacon, new interior. xterior Painted. $55,000. Will IIC nt, 1100d Widgeon or late model Bonanza in trade. Jim Welsch, GO Enst ~~;~4~t.., N w York. New York. Murray Hill

N164SIl-$26,700-TWIN Beech 018S Beauti{ul polished with block trim. unhofstered pilot comportment, Iull gyro panel, Nureo VHF and Omni, Lear UT-6 trnnsmitter, rodio compass, 8~tless interior. :; reclining chnirs with white

hp covers. curtains. individual air vents. "No Smoking" and "Fasten Sent Belt" .ilma. Lavntory,. mognzine raek, spring urnI!' nnks on g r, HamLiton constant speed props with chrome spinners. nlmost. new tir· , skin very clean 26a~ :30 hoors total aircraft, 2 7 :26 houl'll .Ine~ mAJor on rlghL engine and 304 hours aine<: maier on left engine. Licensed to D c. '6'1. Monuf. Sept. '43. Serial 4090. Dealer's discount 10%. United States delivery $50.00. Vest Airc.rnft Oo.'s Skyrnnch, Box 530G, Denver 17. Colorado.

D-17-S-Llcensed to .Tnnllun', 1900; Totul time-- 1331 hours; P.W. 460; Radio and all instrum nts working: For sale or trnde{or a good light nlnne. John Quine)' Adams, r.l.D .. 640 Monroe Bldg., Norfolk. VIl.




Dlsmll"Ulng 1'10'., 170'. & 190' •. Any airframe parts. Engines nndjirops. Free List. No D posit. Acfdt't. 10% to dealcra. VESTCO., Dept.. .T, Bas: 6806 T.A .. Denver, Colo.


DIsmn.nUing five 415·0 Ercoupes, 100's of used parts. New cngine mounts $ 7.60. New nose gear Assya. $187.60 exehanae, New 74FKT4 ProP8 S36.60. Dealers 100/'0. Free List. VESTOO .. Dept . ..1, Box 6306 T.A., D nver, Colo.

Page Thirty-Two



100'. ot new. used and reeond, Luscombe parts. New lower lel!ll SM2.40 each. ,TMk stTUta $20.80. Fl'1!C List. Deal rs 10%. VE TCO .• Dept. J. Box 6306 T.A., Denver. Colo.


Dismnntling 'I Navien a, 100's of n w, used and reeond, parts. Engines, props, airframe parts. Pree List. Dealers ndd'tf; 100/0. VESTCO .. Dept. ,T, Box 5306 T.A., Denv r, Colo.


'89 to '5a Piper ports, 1111 models. new, used and reeond. eng.ines, P<Ol18. tir ,windshields nod air» Jrnme nnrts. 20- 00/0 disc. Free List. VESTCO .. Dept. J, Box 6306 T.A .. Denv r. Colo.


Dismantling :I s..a11\!Ctl. 100'8 or used nnd recondo a·irtrrune nnrts, "'lines and props. Free Lbrt. VESTCO., Dept. J, Box 5306 T.A .. Denver, Colo.


onaollduted's complete stock of new 108 StinSon pnrts In addition to 100's at used and reeond. nirframe pnrt8. engines. props, tires, windshields. etc. Free List. VEST 0., D nt, J, Box 6306 T.A .. Denver, Colo.

Th~ West's InrI( 8~ stock (Ulled and CAA approved overhauled Continentals, Lycomings, Fj-ankllna, P & W's. etc. Fr Crating. FrI!C List. Deniers 100/0. VESTCO., Dept. J, DOll 5306 T.A .. Denver, Colo.

C A approved overhnuJed Contimmtol B-185 $13 5.90; 205 HP $15 5.00 cxcbtinge,_ forB nnnzn nod Nnvion. Free CrotioJt. J''1'' List. VEl TOO .. Dept. J, Box 5300 T.A .. Denver, 0010.

p • W RO 5-AN.l or 3 o. 14 B'8, CAA IJl)proved overhauled $1150.00 cxahanlte. Factory Guar. Free List. VEST 0., Dept, J. 130:< 5306 T.A., Denver. C 10.


Tire Speclula. 600 G or 00" 4-ply $10.00 each, two for SI8.00. 700 x G or 700 x 8 4-I>Iy rib 13. 0 each, two for $24.00. Stearman ]2.50 x .90 SC $7.90 eneh. .50 x 10 6-ply block trend S8.90 eneh. 27" G-ply C $17.·10. ply block

$24.75. 10.00 $6.95. 12.50 $4.76. 100'. of other sizes. Tubes (or nU. Money-buck Guar. Fr(!C) List. VESTCO .. Dep J. Box 530G T.A .. Denver, Colo.

When Answering Advertisers

be sure to mention CONTACT

April 1. 1954


Airplanes engines, part, accessories, airport supplies and equipment, aviation books, instruction etc. etc. use THE AVIATION MARKETER section of CONTACT for quick results.

AddreSi 0.11 moil to



Thc West'. largest OAA approved Repair Statton Clnn 1 nod 3. For repair, ov rhaul and conversion oC your DeeehernJt, Navion, Aero Commander. etc., all aircraft up to 12.600 Ibs. VESTCO., Dept. J, Phone EM 6-2663, Box 5306 T.A .. Denver, Colo.

CA H JOr complete inverrtozies. salvaae pnrts Or dnrnuged a irnlun . We haul anywhere in U.S. VE TCO .. Dept. .T, Dox 5306 T.A .• Denver, Colo.


FIoII,"cing now uvnilable lor nureh at parts, ensriues, props. or supplies. Write for details. VB TO ., Dent, J, Box 5306 T.A .. Denver, Colo.


Distributor (or N nme Brands, 24. hour service, money-back Gunr. VESTCO .. Dept. J, Box 5306 T.A., Denver, Colorado.

The West's Inrg l stock o{ new bnt1.eries, tires, orons, wirrdshields. dope nnd fabric. te, r Litol. Do;,·oJers disc. VESTCO .. Dept. J, Box 6306 T.A.. Denv rio.

NEW )054 .BATTERLES (or all lliJ;crnft.. No denostt, perntora 10%. Money-bnck gunrnntee. Prce lillt. VesteD, Box 6306T.A_ Denver, Colo.


Use the cla silled columns in THE AVIATION MARKETER section of CONTACT for quick and reliable results,

Nebraska's Finest Persona' and

Executive Aircraft Terminal

• Beautiful Western Lounge and re t rooms-

• Clue serving fine Iood-

• torage-Major nnd minor re-

pairs-Radio Service

• Iobile Gns 0 90 & 100

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• Open 24 hours a day to serve you Drop in for a visit-any time


North Platte, Nebraska Phone 108


Gov't. Regulations Stifle Aviation

(Continued from Page 11)

not, why should Air Pilot schools be? If the weather is bad at a Hying school. no Hying is done, but if the Hying weather is good, the Hying school has to pay overtime to its employees if it wishes to make up hours, all because of a combination of inter-state .regulations and Department of Labor hours and wages law-a further unfair cost increase demanded by laws.

The taxi and charter operators (a Seld that can grow immensely to the benefit of all aviation; particularly when we get a more useful Air vehicle that can land in cities and not be airport bound) have to pay today a 15 per cent transportation tax. Ground taxis do not pay any such tax. Why is this? This should be removed at once!

"Empire Building"

The real trouble with too big Government is exemplified only too obviously in aviation. It grows on itself; the little departments getting to the "empire building" stage. They start making regulations before they know what they are regulating. As an example, regulations have already been formulated on helicopter operations; but their usage today is at the merest beginning. The regulations in many instances are unnecessary, but worse, they fail to insure the development of what is really needed; for example, less noise. If the Government wishes to encourage the use of helicopters, the first regulation should be-no licenses for any that exceed a low and pleasant-to-the-neighbors noise level.

All of these things can be developed better by private enterprise competition. The builder of a silent helicopter tomorrow, will take all the business away from the noisy ones and so on with other developments.

We are mature enough now in the Air business to be able to get along very much better and with less expense to all of us by just not allowing so much Government in various phases of aviation.

This administration has indicated in its return of public utility electric power developments from Government to private enterprise, that it is oriented in this direction. Perhaps there is, therefore, hope that we can get more experts out of the Government and into the industry to develop and build new and advanced designs, methods of use and wider applications, instead of having by law to tell Air Industry how to run its business and regulate it, needlessly, in many costly ways.


Of Leading Direct-By-Mail Subscription Aviation Publications (Source: March 1954 Reports of Standard Rate lie Data Service)

NOTE: The follOWing publications are distributed by direct mail to paid subscribers. Magazines with predominant neussstand. distribution or "Controlled Circulation" (Free distribution) are omitted.



Page Rate

1 Time $490

6 Times 460

12 Times 430

CIRCULATION: 32.,609 Net Size of Printed Page:

Inch Display Rate

1 Time $20.00

6 Times 19.00

12 Times 18.00

7" x 10" (3 cols. 2!.1"

Cover Rate

Inside Front .

Inside Back .

Outside Back .

$650 615 775

Extra for color: $90 per color per page. Bleed: $65 per page


Page Rate

1 Time $600

6 Times 575

13 Times 550

Extra for


Net Size of Print;[ Page: 7" x 10" (3 cols. 2*" x 10")

Inch Display Rate

1 Time $23.80

(Subject to frequency discount on contract)

color: $100 per color per

Cover Rate

Inside Front .

Inside Back .

Outside Back .

page. Bleed: $75 per page

$750 750 850


Page Rate Inch Display Rate

1 Time $600 1 Time $23.80

6 Times 568 (Subject to frequency

13 Times 530 discount on contract)

Extra for color: $100-$155 per color per page. Bleed: $75 per page


Net Size of Print;;;! Page: 7" x 10" (3 cols. 2!.1" x 10")

Cover Rate Rates not published-

furnished on request


(Monthly) Net Size of Printed Page: 4),(" x 6" (2 cols. 2" x 6")

Page Rate Inch Display Rate Cover Rate

1 Time $200 1 Time $20.00 Rates not published-

4 Times]90 (Subject to frequency furnished on request

6 Times 175 discount on contract)

Extra for color: $50-$65 per color per page. Bleed: No extra charge

CONTACT (Semi-Monthly) (1st & 15th} Page Rate

1 Time $490

3 Times 465

4-9 Times 440

10 or more 400

Extra for additional color: $90 per color per page. Bleed: $75 per page

CmCULATION: 40 215 (Swam 6-Mo. average)

et Size of Printed Page: 7" x 10" (3 coTs. 2~" x 10")

Inch Display Rate

1 Time $17.00

3 Times 16.00

4 or more 15.00

Cover Rate Inside Front ~2 cOlors~ Inside Back 2 colors . Outside Back 2 colors

$590 590 650


(Monthly) Net Size of Printed Page: 7" x 10" (3 cols, 2j4" x 10")

Page Rate Inch DiI.'J1laU Rate Cover Rate

1 Time $300 1 Time $12.00 Inside Front (2 colors~

6 Times 275 (Subject to frequency Inside Back (2 colors

12 Times 250 discount on contract) Outside Back (2 colors

Extra for color: $70-$95 per color per page. Bleed: $45-$65 per page

$400 875 450

.----- Fire Hazards -----,

The chances are that if you've had your plane tied down or stored for some time it's become a sort of sanctuary for small birds and animals. Field mice and tiny birds find Interior engine cowling, fuselage and wing spaces a cozy place for building nests. These nests are not only a fire hazard, says CAA Safety Chief, A. S. Koch, but often interfere with vital engine and control functions. Mice like the taste of fabric, too, he reports.

When I was a little boy I used to take watches apart and I couldn't put them together either.

April 1, 1954


Paqe Thirty-Three

VOICES (Continued from Page 5)

WASHINGTON, D.C.-We are very much pleased with the good article in the March 11 issue of CONTACT about the Washington Aviation Club, and on. behalf of the officers and directors I want to express our appreciation for the story.

Furthermore, I want to congratulate you on the "new look" of CONTACT. I think aviation will gladly support so fine a magazine.

Very truly yours,

Donald D. Webster, Vice Pres. Washington Aviation Club

WASlDNGTON, D.C.-The story of Aviation's Flying Women in the March 11, 1954 issue of CONTACT was very interesting. I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I always enjoy CONTACT.

Sincerely yours,

Blanche Noyes, Chief

Air Route Marking Branch

Civil Aeronautics Administration

MEMPHIS, Tenn.-My copy of CONTACT magazine, issue of March 11, reached me early this week. May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on the general appearance of the magazine. The format is excellent. It is newsy and informative.

With best wishes for your continued suecess,1 am



E .. eclltlve Board

Yours very truly,

Alfred M. Wadden Tennessee Wing Commander Civil Air Patrol

CROSSE POINTE, Mich.-Thanks for the fine story in the March 11 issue of CONTACT about the Ninety-Nines. Women Hyers are doing interesting things wherever you find them, but it isn't often one reads such a nne comprehensive article with your appreciative treatment.

I'd like to throw you a bouquet for the attractive new Format lor CONTACT, and the widened scope of the contents. I <lim sure CONTACT in its new form will be enthusiastically received.

Sincerely yours,

Alice H. Hammond, former President The Ninety- ines

BY R 0, Colonel


When you read the enclosed material from the publishers of CONTACT, you lIlay wonder just what this means to Civil .Air Patrol and holl' its increased circulation can benefit Both Civil Air Patrol and the Air Force. I should therefore like to offer a few reasons as to why we do have a great interest in the droul.ation of CONTACT MAGAZINE.

1. As the official publication of Civil Air Patrol, CONTACT is our voice.

While its own members lox:7w and should extoll the wonders of CAP, lI'e are more interested in selling Civil Air Patrol and the prinCiples for which it stands to an the people oJ: this Nation. l'fe cannot do that by patting each other on the back through the medium or CONTACT. We CAN do it by seeing that the "WORD" gets around to others. CONTACT gets the "WORD" around.

2. We stand for air power, and in so doing we stand for an Air Force second t.o none. You and I know, as only people interested in aviation can realize: that an apathetic attitude on the part of the general public has shaken the very foundation of that Air Force. CONTACT is a means of educating the public in terms of just what aviation means to their future security - IF we get it into their hands.

). Finally, we must keep in viell' the fact that ten cents of every dollar spent with CONTACT for advertising finds its way back into the coffers of CAP. Beneri ts will be derived directly from wider advertising. That advertising can come only With increased circulation.

Dear Civil Air Patrol Member:

February 5, 1954

We think the publishers have corne up with a first class idea for increasing the circulation of CONTACT by making it worthwhile to each individual CAP member

to see that people totally unacquainted with CONTACT get a trial subscription. The pin is one you'll be proud to '!lear and well worth the dollar you expend.

Furthennore, you'll be doing a job both for CAP and for the Air Force, Let's make it one hundred percentl



D. H. ~7-/

Colonel, CAP Vice Chairman

National Executive Board


Paqe Thirty-Four

April 1, 1954

ROSEMEAD, CaIif.-My heartiest congratulations to you on a snappy news magazinell The inside informatinn published in CONTACT has always been highly informative and now encased in the new cover makes it top-Bight I

The lapel emblem introduction is fine and we in Group 15, CAP, will do our utmost to back the idea.

Yours truly,

Lorraine Backes. Captain

GRAND PRAIRIE, Texas-My lapel emblem has been received which you sent me as a gift for obtaining one trial subscription to CONTACT. I can use at least 25 copies of the special subscription blanks to be distributed among_ the Cadets also among some of the Seniors.

Working with Cadets daily as I do I can readily see the good effect that the wearing of this little emblem is going to have in creating a desire among their friends to also join CAP. Please be assured of our cooperation. We do appreciate the effort CONTACT is making to further the CAP cause.

Very truly yours,

Lt. G. W. Ballard, CAP Commandant of Cadets Grand Prairie Squadron Grand Prairie, Texas

MIAMI, Florida-Ten of our members have each obtained one new trial subscription under your special offer, all of which are enclosed. You will note that five of the gift emblems should be for men and five for women. May I congratulate you 00 the new CO NT ACT. It is really _eye-appealing and should be very successful. We wish you the very best.

Sincerely yours, Lawrence G. Walters Lt. Colonel. CAP Commander

LOS ANGELES, Calif.-I received my first issue of CONTACT today and was delighted with the magazine-its format and contents, It contained -such a variety and wealth of material. I personally feel that it will be read with great interest by every CAP member. Its contents should furnish the basis for much interesting conversation. The illustrations were good and showed excellent selectivity. I will now have something to 10k forward to until the next issue appears.

Very truly,

Reverend John H. Owens, M/Sgt. Squadron 7, Public Information Officer California Wing.

How CAP Cadets Can Obtain The New Lapel Emblem-FREE!

CAP Code" are eager to obtain the beautiful new lapel emblem. Since the sUblcrlptlon conlTact wIth the publishers of CONTACT only applies to Senior member., It Is only tMough the Unit Commander. that the Cadet. can learn of the following offerl

To each Cadet .endlng In ONE full $3 year's .ubscrlptlon from an adult who Is not a CAP member, we will oliO mall CONTACT to that Cadet for one full year and In additIon .end the Cadet the CAP lapel emblem as a gift.



Wear It With PRIDE!


Abnve e Its Exact Size linked Enam~1 Colon On O~ idized Silver Offidally Approved

To All Members Of The CIVIL AIR PATROL-

Let's quit selling Civil Air Patrol merely lO one . another.

High time to spread the gospel of CAP far beyond the confines of the membership.


-that 730/0 of the total hours in all search and rescue missions during the first half of 1953 were flown by CAP-so reported by the AF Air Rescue Service itself.

-how many CAP Cadets actually enlisted in the Air Force in 1953.

-how many thousands of high school and junior college students are enrolled in CAP's Aviation Education program.

-that the largest fleet of civilian aircraft in the world under one administrative head is the CIVIL AIR PATROL fleet.

-that CAP's Radio Network, available for peace· time emergency or war, is the largest in the world.

TOO FEW PEOPLE KNOW these and other (acts about this Auxiliary of the United States Air force and its active voluntary membership of OVER EIGHTY THOUSAND Seniors & Cadets.

CONTACT'S New Subscription Rates

(Effective March 11, 1954. Published Bi-weekly)

Airmail (Sealed) 24 issues $12.00

First Class Mail (Sealed) 24 issues .......•.... S 8.00

znd Class Mail (Unsealed) 24 issues S 3.00

Single copy: 25¢

YOll. Can NOT BUY This Beautijui LAPEL EMBLEM; Bllt Any CA.P Meml'er !IIay Obtain One FREE As A GIFT from CONTACT!


This Offer Good Only Until April 30, 1954

The QUICKEST, CHEAPEST and MOST EFFECTIVE way to enlighten me public is to get your National Publicacion-

going into thousands of homes and offices of folks who now have vcry hazy ideas about CAP and its work.

How This Little Emblem Can Boost CAP Membership

Simply WEAR IT on every occasion when in your civvies-every one of you 80,000 Seniors & Cadets. Think of the cumulative effect on thousands of your acquaintances who are NOT yet members but who might well be! Especially if they start reading CONTACT.

CONT ACf designed this emblem-got it officially approved by the CAP National Board-had the dies made and the first batch has been received.

These emblems are NOT FOR SALE; but CONTACT will mail one as a GIFT to every member who sends in ONE trial subscription for an acquaintance who is NOT as yet a member of the CAP. if you want to send a FULL YEAR'S subscription to a friend, see regular rates-but certainly you can SPARE A BUCK-so do it NOW!


'Room 2219

1625 Eighth Ave., New York 18. N. Y. 1

I Here is $1. Send 6 Trial Issues of CONTACf to 1

,Name 1

1 Address ..............•........................... 1

I City State ············1

1 Send my GIFT EMBLEM with Safety Screw Back For 1

,Men 0 Wilh Safety Catch Pin For Women 0 ,

1 Compliments of 1

[Name 1

'Address · · .. · 1

I City . . . . . . . .. State 1

,CAP Rank ,

t.~~V~!..:...:.:...:.:...:~:...:.. . ..:... .. :_:.:.;,.:...:.:..~a~...,;,.:...::...:..:...:.. . ..:... • ..:....: ... :.:..J


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PIPER Aircraft Corp., Dept. P·4 lock Hoven, Pa.

Pleese sand brand-new full-color cctclcave on now 1954 Trl-Poccr ar.d "learn 0$ You trevet' Pion.

If under 18, check for speCIAL brochure with pholo., drawings of et! Piper &lIonel.





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