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he high frequency structure simulator user creates a nominal problem and defines
(HFSS) is widely recognized as the tool the independent parameters to be varied. The
that brought the power of the finite ele- dependent variables to be computed in a para-
ment method to three-dimensional (3-D) RF metric analysis or the cost function to be mini-
and microwave design. Finite element analysis mized in optimization is then defined. These
allows complicated 3-D structures such as dependent variables and cost functions can be
transitions, filters, couplers and antennas to be of any quantity capable of being computed in
simulated accurately by computing the under- the simulator. Field values, S parameters, fre-
lying electromagnetic fields. Optimetrics™ is quency response, eigenmode data, impedance
a powerful new capability in Ansoft HFSS that and antenna metrics are available at the click
speeds the design process and allows users to of a button. The simulator performs the re-
perform parametric analysis, optimization, quested computations, providing the output in
sensitivity analysis and other design studies convenient table format in the case of para-
from an easy-to-use interface. With this new metric analysis or in terms of optimal design
capability, dozens of design variations can be specification in the case of optimization.
performed quickly and effortlessly, compo- The need for the user to work with the
nents can be optimized to minimize any user- macro commands has been largely eliminated.
defined cost function and design of experi- A user interface has been created that auto-
ments studies can be automated to derive sen- matically and seamlessly creates HFSS macro
sitivities and uncertainties as a function of commands for most of the operations involved
manufacturing tolerances. in parametrics and optimization applications.
Optimetrics provides integrated paramet- In addition, only a single nominal project is
rics and optimization capabilities by exploiting needed, greatly simplifying the input require-
the macro scripting language in the simulator. ments for the user.
An existing feature of Ansoft HFSS is its abili-
ty to record macro commands whenever the PARAMETRIC STUDY
software is run. This capability allows any sim- A key feature of Optimetrics is its ability to
ulator session to be replayed by simply rerun- study performance characteristics with respect
ning the associated macro file. Modifying the to changes in design. Any number of design
macros modifies the operations that the HFSS parameters may be varied in a single nominal
performs and allows quantities such as geome- project design. In general, geometric shapes,
try, materials, boundary conditions, sources material properties, source excitations, bound-
and frequencies to be varied. ary conditions and specified frequencies are
The smart parametrics and optimization independent parameters; S parameters, anten-
engine in Optimetrics are made possible by
having a convenient interface to generate ANSOFT CORP.
macro commands. At the start of a session, the Pittsburgh, PA

Reprinted with permission of MICROWAVE JOURNAL® from the November 1999 issue.
1999 Horizon House Publications, Inc.
na parameters, eigenmode data or Consider the problem of comput- metric field solutions. Turning off the
other HFSS-computed quantities are ing the power division produced by an field-saving feature saves disk space,
dependent parameters. Users can inductive septum in a waveguide T- but the parametric field solutions are
create compound parameters, which junction at 10 GHz, as shown in Fig- not available for later viewing. The
are a function of both dependent and ure 1. To solve this problem as a values of the dependent parameters
independent parameters. Such a function of the septum offset, the are always retained.
compound parameter can be used for nominal problem is entered and Table postprocessing enables users
better visualization and understand- solved. With Optimetrics, a table is to plot one column against another, as
ing of the project or as a cost function set up for sweeping the offset with shown in Figure 3. Parametric pro-
to be used in the optimizer. The each row of the table corresponding jects can be viewed in the same detail
number of independent or depen- to a specific offset value. (There is no as the nominal project. A macro file
dent parameters is unlimited. All de- limit on the number of rows users can created in the nominal project to
pendencies, such as boundary condi- enter.) Taking into account the para- generate plots can be run for any
tions, are restored intelligently in- meters specified for the row, solving parametric setup with the click of a
cluding face picks, impedance, the table creates an HFSS project for button. The saved plots for every row
calibration lines, gap source lines and every row of the table. Optimetrics can be plotted together to view the
the UV coordinate system of periodic supports automatic seeding for each effect of changing parameter values
boundaries. For example, if an impe- parametric setup. In the case where on the plots.
dance line has been created that is no geometry parameter is changed, Even after the solution is complet-
one-third wavelength from the end of the refined nominal mesh is used as ed, the user may add new solution
a port face, this line will always be the starting mesh for all solutions. columns to the table. In this case, the
one-third wavelength for the para- Dependent and compound parame- left-to-right power ratio vs. offset is
metric projects. ters can be added as columns of a table. evaluated and plotted. Within seconds,
In this case, the original dependent pa- Optimetrics creates new columns and
Fig. 1 An H-plane reactive T-junction with
inductive septum. ▼ rameters of interest are the magnitude fills them by deriving the newly re-
of the scattering parameters. Upon exe- quested data from the existing solutions
cution, the value of the dependent pa- in the corresponding rows. The results
rameter computed for this row’s solu- are shown in Figure 4.
tion fills the far right columns as shown
in Figure 2. In this case, the problem Fig. 3 S parameters vs. septum position
size was 8000 unknowns and required for the reactive T-junction. ▼
three minutes and five seconds per row
using a 360 MHz Pentium III proces-
sor. If the user is not satisfied with the
accuracy of the solution, it is possible to
perform additional refinement and ob-
tain a higher accuracy solution for
every row. Users can also add frequen-
cy sweeps if single frequency
information is insufficient.
Optimetrics offers users the choice
of either saving or deleting the para-
Fig. 2 Optimetrics table for organizing and simulating Fig. 4 New plots of derived quantities. ▼
parameters. ▼
field values or circuit parameters that Consider the four-post microstrip
can be computed in the simulator) bandpass filter shown in Figure 5.
may be used as a variable in this cost This filter was designed 1 in an at-
function. Optimetrics searches the tempt to meet a design goal of an 8 to
design space to minimize the cost 9 GHz passband with less than 1 dB
function. To accommodate maximiza- ripple. Using traditional filter design
tion or compound objectives, the user techniques, a filter was designed, fab-
may construct partial cost functions ricated, tested and published with a
and/or apply appropriate weights. 7.6 to 9 GHz passband and 1.5 dB
To simplify cost function definition ripple. Using the published dimen-
▲ Fig. 5 A four-post microstrip filter. for standard tasks, Optimetrics pro- sions as the nominal design, this filter
vides a graphical user interface that was entered into Optimetrics. The
allows the user ac- optimization problem consists of four
cess to commonly parameters: the diameter of the end
used quantities posts, the diameter of the center
(such as circuit pa- posts, the spacing between the end
rameters) with the and center posts, and the spacing be-
push of a button. A tween the center posts. As shown in
special panel for fil- Figure 6, Optimetrics improved this
ter optimization is design considerably; the optimized
also provided. The design has a passband from 8 to 9
user may choose an GHz with less than 0.6 dB ripple, ex-
arbitrary number of ceeding the design specifications.
frequency bands
and specify the re- CREATING A DESIGN
quested filter char- FROM SCRATCH
▲ Fig. 6 The optimized filter’s frequency response. acteristics. Expert In some cases, Optimetrics is able
users can even cre- to create an excellent design even
Fig. 7 The modeled microstrip ate their own macro though the user has little initial
patch antenna. ▼ scripts. The cost functions in the knowledge of a good design. This ca-
macro script may contain loops and pability is not foolproof; complex de-
conditional statements. signs often have many parameters
By default, optimization starts from and many local minima that can con-
the nominal settings for the design. found direct optimization. A designer
However, if a parametric table is avail- is advised to perform a parametric
able, Optimetrics will first scan the sweep first and must use his or her
table, analyze all designs that are feasi- judgment to create an initial good de-
ble and start optimization from the de- sign. Nevertheless, in some simple
sign of least cost. Hence, the user may cases, the optimizer works surprising-
manually create parameter settings for ly well in creating designs with mini-
one or more candidates as the starting mal user design input.
point for the optimization, or even be- Consider the microstrip patch an-
OPTIMIZATION gin with a parametric sweep. Beginning tenna in Figure 7. The design goal for
Optimetrics contains a powerful with a parametric sweep is particularly this antenna is to produce an antenna
internal optimization algorithm to attractive when the user chooses to in- resonant at 2 GHz and the lowest pos-
help users achieve optimal designs. spect the response surface over a wide sible return loss at resonance. The de-
This optimizer employs a constrained range of parameters and may also help sign parameters are the length of the
superlinearly convergent active set al- to avoid local optima. patch and the feed location on the side
gorithm. To restrict the search region of the patch. The nominal patch and
and prevent the optimizer from cre- FINE-TUNING A DESIGN the optimized patch are shown in Fig-
ating physically meaningless designs To illustrate some of the produc- ure 8; the corresponding return loss vs.
(such as overlapping geometry), Opti- tivity gains afforded by Optimetrics, frequency plots are shown in Figure 9.
metrics supports simple bounds as consider the problem of fine-tuning In this case it can be seen that the
well as linear constraints. The opti- the product design. It often happens nominal patch is very far from an ac-
mized design is guaranteed to be that a designer has the basic parame- ceptable design while the optimized
within the feasible domain. ters for a microwave component but patch provides good performance.
Optimetrics also provides users needs to fine-tune these parameters
with unlimited freedom in defining to deliver a precision product. Using OPTIMIZATION USING
cost functions for optimization. Any cut-and-try methods, such fine-tun- EXTERNAL OPTIMIZERS
algebraic expression may be defined ing can require weeks of prototyping Since Optimetrics is based on the
as the cost function and any solution and tweaking; using Optimetrics, it HFSS macro scripting language, it is
quantity (such as field strength, far- can be performed overnight. possible to drive Ansoft HFSS from
tor and driven ele-
ment is denoted by
S2. In order to
achieve their func-
tions, the reflector
should be longer
than the driven ele-
ments and the direc-
tor should be short-
er. (Constraints in
the optimization
were used to en-
force these condi-
tions.) Two cost
functions were used:
one to measure the
▲ Fig. 8 The microstrip patch antenna’s geometry. directivity, the other
Fig. 9 The antenna’s nominal and optimized return loss to measure the ▲ Fig. 10 The three-element Yagi-Uda
vs. frequency. ▼ front-to-back-ratio. array antenna.
The MatLab multi-
objective goal attain-
ment algorithm
(fgoalattain.m) was
also used.
The cross-sec-
tional radius of the
antenna elements is
assumed to be ▲ Fig. 11 Directivity and front-to-back
0.003369λ (ln λ/2a = ratio vs. optimization cycle.
5). A search was per- Fig. 12 The antenna’s dimensions
formed to determine vs. optimization cycle. ▼
a combination of el-
ement lengths and
separation distances
start to finish from an outside pro- such that the directivity and front-to-
gram. This outside program may be back ratio are greater than 8 dB. Fig-
used to adjust design parameters until ure 11 shows the directivity and front-
particular postprocessing results are to-back ratio vs. number of iterations.
achieved. The outside program may During the first few iterations, the op-
be written in C, C++, FORTRAN or timizer was able to achieve a front-to-
any other language. Unlike the auto- back ratio greater than 8 dB, but the tion capability. Significant applica-
mated procedures available in an in- directivity was approximately 5 dB. Af- tions of Optimetrics include fine-tun-
ternal optimizer, using an outside ter 34 iterations, the software found its ing preliminary designs, searching the
computer program for optimization goal at 8.05 and 8.46 dB. Figure 12 design space for acceptable designs
requires a significant programming ef- shows the initial and optimized dimen- and the possibility of creating excel-
fort on the part of the user. In the ex- sions as well as how they changed vs. lent designs from scratch. All of these
ample described here, MatLab™ sup- optimization cycle. applications provide good productivi-
plies the optimization algorithm and ty improvements for designers and al-
controls the input to Ansoft HFSS. CONCLUSION low precision designs to be created
Consider the three-element Yagi- Optimetrics is a powerful new fea- with minimal cost and time.
Uda antenna shown in Figure 10. A ture in Ansoft HFSS that provides
typical Yagi-Uda antenna should have parametric and optimization capabili- References
a high directivity, narrow beamwidth, ties for 3-D RF and microwave de- 1. MatLab Version 5.3 is a registered trade-
low sidelobes and a high front-to-back sign problems. The approach used is mark of the Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA
01760, USA.
ratio. In this example, the goal was to very general and allows any design 2. K.L. Wu, C. Wu and J. Litva, “Characteriz-
optimize the variables to achieve a di- quantity to be parameterized and op- ing Microwave Planar Circuits Using the
rectivity and front-to-back ratio of 8 timized. It even allows outside pro- Coupled Finite-Boundary Element
dB or greater. The antenna consists of grams such as MatLab to be used to Method,” IEEE Transactions on Mi-
crowave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 40,
a director, driven element and reflec- drive the optimization. The examples October 1992, pp. 1963–1966.
tor. The distance between the driven shown indicate the ease with which
element and reflector is denoted by S1 parametric solutions may be set up Ansoft Corp.
while the distance between the direc- and the power of the new optimiza- Pittsburgh, PA (412) 261-3200

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