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Purpose of Nursing Research: Answer if its Basic Research, Applied

Research, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Explanatory
Research or Exploratory Research
_Exploratory___1. To describe an existing problem situation and
examine the underlying factors that contribute to the emergence of
the problem
a. Basic Research
b. Applied Research
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
e. Explanatory Research
f. Exploratory Research

_Explanatory__2. To understand or explain a prevailing situation; to

explain a relationship between factors which may have already been
identified in exploratory studies and why the relationship exists
a. Basic Research
b. Applied Research
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
e. Explanatory Research
f. Exploratory Research

_Qualitative___3. Takes place in the field, gathers information, uses

subjectivity, uses inductive process, investigates phenomena,
associated with Naturalistic inquiry
a. Basic Research
b. Applied Research
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
e. Explanatory Research
f. Exploratory Research

_Quantitative_4. Takes place both in natural as well as in contrived

laboratory setting, gathers empirical evidence, uses control, uses
deductive reasoning; investigates concepts, constructs, variables;
associated with positivist theory
a. Basic Research
b. Applied Research
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
e. Explanatory Research
f. Exploratory Research

_Applied______5. For solving problems, focuses on factors which can

be changed by intervention to achieve a desired goal, to find solutions
to existing problems
a. Basic Research
b. Applied Research
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
e. Explanatory Research
f. Exploratory Research

_Basic_________6. To extend the base knowledge, formulation or

refinement of theory, for discovery of general principles
a. Basic Research
b. Applied Research
c. Qualitative Research
d. Quantitative Research
e. Explanatory Research
f. Exploratory Research

Research Process: Answers will be Conceptual Phase, Dissemination

Phase, Implementation Phase, Design Phase, & Analysis and
Interpretation Phase
_Implementation Phase__7. Collecting and managing data
a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Analysis and Interpretation Phase__8. Evaluating the data

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Analysis and Interpretation Phase__9. Analyzing the data

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Dissemination Phase__10. Using research findings

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

Dissemination Phase__11. Communicating the findings Conceptual

f. Dissemination Phase
g. Implementation Phase
h. Design Phase
i. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Design Phase__12. Conducting a pilot study

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Implementation Phase__13. Developing a budget and seeking fund

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Conceptual Phase __14. Ethical considerations

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase
_Design Phase__15. Determining sampling plan
a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Conceptual Phase__16. Specifying assumption and limitation

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

_Conceptual Phase__17. Formulating Research question

a. Conceptual Phase
b. Dissemination Phase
c. Implementation Phase
d. Design Phase
e. Analysis and Interpretation Phase

Variables: Answers are Independent, Intervening (extraneous or

confounding) and dependent variables
_dependent__18. presumed effect (output or outcome)
a. Independent
b. Intervening (extraneous or confounding)
c. dependent variables

_intervening__19. clouds the internal and external validity of the

a. Independent
b. Intervening (extraneous or confounding)
c. dependent variables

_independent__20. antecedent
a. Independent
b. Intervening (extraneous or confounding)
c. dependent variables

Hypothesis: Answers the ff. with Null hypothesis, Directional

hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, Non Directional hypothesis
_Nondirectional__21. merely states the presence or absence of a
a. Null hypothesis
b. Directional hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Non Directional hypothesis

_Directional__22. “Comatose patients placed on an air bed will have a

lower incidence of skin breakdown than those who are not.”
a. Null hypothesis
b. Directional hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Non Directional hypothesis

_Null__23. “There is no difference in incidence of skin breakdown

between patients who are and who are not placed on air bed.”
a. Null hypothesis
b. Directional hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Non Directional hypothesis

_Alternative__24. “There is a difference in incidence of skin

breakdown between patients who are and who are not placed on air
a. Null hypothesis
b. Directional hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Non Directional hypothesis

Criteria to assess the quality of a study
_H_25. The extent to which results can be applied to A.
other groups Reliability
_G_26. Distorting or clouding influence that may come B. Validity
from research participants, subjective influences of C.
researcher, sample and sampling technique, faulty data Dependability
collection and design. Biases are controlled. D.
_I_27. The extent to which findings can be transferred Confirmability
to other settings. E.
_E_28. Confidence in truth and interpretations Credibility
(believability) of the data F.
_D_29. Objectivity Triangulation
_F_30. Use of multiple sources for conclusions G. Bias
_B_31. The soundness of the evidence, measuring H.
what it intends to measure Generalizabilit
_A_32. The accuracy and consistency of information y
obtained in the study I.
_C_33. Consistency and stability of evidence over time Transferability
and over conditions

Probability Sampling:Answers are Simple Random Sampling,

Stratified Random Sampling, Cluster (multitstage) Sampling,
Systematic Sampling
_Systematic__34. researcher selects Kth case from a list (where, k =
population divided by desired sample size), where K is the sampling
interval (standard distance between the elements)
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster (multitstage) Sampling
d. Systematic Sampling

_Simple Random__35. researcher establishes sampling frame (listing of

elements), then numbering all elements, then selecting sample
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster (multitstage) Sampling
d. Systematic Sampling
_Cluster (multistage)__36. researcher selects random samples
successively, from larger to smaller units by either simple or stratified
random methods
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster (multitstage) Sampling
d. Systematic Sampling

_Stratified Sampling__37. researcher divides the population into

homogenous subgroups from which elements are selected at random
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster (multitstage) Sampling
d. Systematic Sampling

Nonprobability Sampling: Answers will be Convenience Sampling,

Snowballing Sampling, Quota Sampling, Purposive Sampling
_Snowballing__38. aka Network or Chain Sampling
a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

_Purposive __39. aka Judgmental Sampling

a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

_Convenience __40. aka Accidental Sampling

a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

_Quota__41. researcher identifies population strata (subpopulation)

and determines how many participants are needed from each stratum
a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

_Purposive__42. researcher decides to purposely select subjects who

are judged to be typical of the population or particularly
knowledgeable about the issues under study
a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

_Snowballing__43. every sample identifies and refers other persons

who meet the inclusion (eligibility) criteria
a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

_Convenience__44. using most conveniently available people as

a. Convenience Sampling
b. Snowballing Sampling
c. Quota Sampling
d. Purposive Sampling

Collection of Data: Write (A) for Questionnaire, (B) for Interview, (C)
Observation (D) Records
Records 45. provides a readily available and valuable source of data
a. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Observation
d. Records

Observation 46. the most direct means of studying the subjects when
the researcher is interested in their behavior
a. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Observation
d. Records

Questionnaire 47. the most common type of research instrument

a. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Observation
d. Records

Interview 48. the second most common method for data collection
a. Questionnaire
b. Interview
c. Observation
d. Records

Ethical Principles in Research: Answer (1) for Beneficence, (2) for

Justice and (3) for Respect for Human Dignity
Respect for Human Dignity 49. Right of Self-Disclosure
a. for Beneficence
b. for Justice
c. for Respect for Human Dignity

Beneficence 50. protection of participants from exploitation

a. for Beneficence
b. for Justice
c. for Respect for Human Dignity

Descriptive Research Approach: You may answer (1) Survey, (2)

Analysis Study, (3) Causal Comparative, (4) Relationship Study, (5)
Prediction Study
(Relationship Study )51. concerned with gaining a better
understanding of complex behavioral patterns and phenomena by
studying the relationship between variables that are hypothesized to
be related. This technique is particularly useful for exploratory studies
in areas where little or no previous research is available.
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study
(Relationship Study )52. “In the study of good clinical instructors, a
knowledge between relationships between ability to teach,
intelligence, motivations, etc., is necessary.” Survey
F. Analysis Study
G. Causal Comparative
H. Relationship Study
I. Prediction Study

(Prediction Study )53. usually carried out in areas where

knowledge has already been established.
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Causal Comparative )54. “Studying the qualities of merit possessed

by effective and ineffective Clinical Instructors requires a knowledge of
antecedents that developed these instructors.”
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Causal Comparative )55. “When comparing the cost of nursing

education in the provinces with that in Metro Manila, not only are the
actual expenses of nursing students taken into consideration but also
the circumstances regarding the observed facts.”
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Survey )56. “Anthropometric Study of Filipino Children

and Youth.”
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Survey )57. “In an urban area in the Philippines, JC

investigated the attitude of a sample of public health nurses and a
sample of public health nurses and a sample of social workers toward
practitioners in the professions of public health nursing and social
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Analysis Study )58. “A research project conducted by Montes

attested to determine the adoption practices and procedures in 5
selected welfare agencies. The records of the agencies were carefully
studied to establish the pattern followed by each adoption series.”
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Relationship study )59. are exploratory and partially experimental

in design
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

(Survey )60. This is a type of descriptive study in which

data are gathered from a relatively large number of cases at a
particular time
A. Survey
B. Analysis Study
C. Causal Comparative
D. Relationship Study
E. Prediction Study

Advantages of Experimental Design/Research and Non-

experimental Design/Research: Write N if it is an advantage of
Non-experimental Research. Write E if it is an advantage of
Experimental Research.

( E )61. It establishes causal relationships.

a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( E )62. It can yield a higher degree of purity on observation by

providing a controlled environment.
a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( E )63. It is possible to create conditions within a short period that

might take years to occur naturally.
a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( E )64. It is possible to create situations in an experimental setting

that are not found otherwise
a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( E )65. Pressures and problems of real life situations are eliminated.

a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( N )66. is less expensive

a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( N )67. It can be completed in a short span of time

a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( N )68. It is easier to gain the cooperation of study subjects. Study

subjects are not subjected to unpleasant, unusual or even burdensome
a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.
( N )69. This is the method of choice where there is a considerable
interval between the application of the independent variable and the
appearance of response in the dependent variable.
a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research
b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

( N )70. Translation of findings is more acceptable to consumers of


a. N if it is an advantage of Non-experimental Research

b. E if it is an advantage of Experimental Research.

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