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Breastfeeding problems and solutions

Many mums find breastfeeding a bit of a challenge, especially at first. Your body is doing its best to supply your
new baby with milk, which may mean your breasts become engorged, producing too much milk and making your
breasts leak. In the early days, if your baby has trouble latching on, your nipples may become sore or even start to
crack. It's worth investing a bit of time and effort to get breastfeeding going. If your baby is feeding easily it will
mean you are less likely to develop infections such as mastitis and thrush.

Once you've got breastfeeding down to a fine art, you may think nothing else can go wrong. But what happens
when your baby's teeth come through, and he starts to bite? Remember there are always solutions and we have
advice about how to overcome the problems you face. But if you need hands-on help, ask your health visitor or GP
to refer you to a breastfeeding counsellor.

Basics of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Basics
Your breast milk is probably one of the best gifts that you could ever give to your child. The beneficial effects of
breastfeeding are immeasurable as it ensures your child's proper growth and development. The components of
breast milk are perfectly tailored according your child's developmental and physical needs. It contains properties
that protect your child from various diseases and infections and promote brain development. Your breast milk's
effects are long-lasting as it can greatly influence your child's overall health until adulthood. Additionally,
breastfeeding is the best way to strengthen the bond between you and your baby. Without a doubt, your breast milk
is one of nature's greatest gifts to mankind.

Although exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months results in healthful effects, it is estimated that only 70% of
mothers in the United States breastfeed their babies after birth. From this group, only 30% are breastfeeding at six
months, in spite of support from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Word Health Organization. The
decreasing numbers of breastfeeding women are attributed to many factors, such as insufficient knowledge about
the beneficial effects of breast milk, widespread campaigns of formula milks and early return to work. Some
mothers have simply stopped breastfeeding because they find it too complex, tiring and time-consuming.

The Best Time to Start Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding as soon as possible encourages early mother and child bonding and decreases your risk of
hemorrhage. Your baby's suckling stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes uterine contractions.

Newborns are active right after birth, with strong sucking reflexes. Additionally, your baby can find his way onto
your breast when his cheek or lip is stimulated. This is called the rooting reflex.

Not all babies are prepared to breastfeed right after birth. Some immediately latch-on the breast. Other babies might
like to nuzzle against the breast as they familiarize themselves with their mothers' scent and touch. If breastfeeding
is not indicated after delivery, your baby may be placed against your chest to initiate skin-to-skin contact and
bonding. Early sensory contact is beneficial to your baby's mental and physical growth development.

There is no definite best position to breastfeed your baby. It depends on your baby's size, your health condition and
your baby's and the feeding location. Choose a position where you are comfortable and where your baby can latch-
on to your breast without difficulty. Positioning might vary but it is important that your baby does not have to turn
his head to breastfeed in all positions. His nose should be in alignment with your nipple. The most common
breastfeeding positions are listed:

• Cradle hold
The mother sits and the baby's abdomen is positioned against the mother's chest. The baby's head should be
in alignment with the body. With the baby at the left breast, the mother places and supports the baby's head
and body by her left forearm. Her left hand supports the baby's buttocks as the right hand guides the breast
to the baby's mouth. This position is not recommended if latching or milk transfer is a problem.
• Cross-cradle hold
This position is a combination of the cradle hold and the football hold. With the baby at the left breast, the
mother supports the baby's head and body by her right forearm and hands. The mother's left hand guides
the breast to the baby's mouth. This is helpful in early feedings.
• Football (clutch) hold
The mother holds the baby under her arm in the same way that a football player clutches the ball as he runs.
As the mother sits, a pillow is placed to support the baby. The baby's head is positioned at level of the
breast. With the baby on the left breast, the baby's body and legs are placed under the left arm, and the head
is supported by the left hand. The other hand guides the breast into the baby's mouth. This position is
recommended to women with abdominal incisions or large breasts and to premature babies.
• Side - lying
Side-lying allows mothers to breastfeed their babies as they lie down. To breastfeed using the left breast,
the mother should lie on her left as the baby is positioned parallel to her body. The baby's head should be
facing the breast.

Latching-on is the creation of a tight seal around your nipple and most of your areola through your baby's mouth.
Your baby must correctly latch-on for him to obtain an adequate amount of breast milk. An incorrect latch-on could
cause nipple soreness.

To initiate latching-on, lightly run your nipple along your baby's upper lip, from one corner of his mouth to the
other. As your baby opens his mouth, bring him towards your breast, ensuring that his chin touches your breast
first. You might initially feel some discomfort but if your nipple continues to hurt after a minute, your baby might
be latching-on incorrectly. Using your index finger, pull down your baby's chin to bring his lower lip out. Your
baby's lower lip should be covering more of the areola than the upper lip.

If you observe your baby's upper and lower lips touching at the corners of the mouth or if you hear clicking sounds,
your baby is not latching-on right. You might need to reposition your baby and latch-on again.

Suckling and Swallowing

Successful breastfeeding require correct suckling and swallowing techniques. Correct swallowing, resembling the
sound of the letter C in the word cat, is heard every one to three jaw movements.

Frequency and Length of Breast feedings

During the first week after birth, your baby needs to be breastfed every two to three hours or at least eight times a
day. There is a need to wake up your baby if four hours have already passed since the start of the previous
breastfeeding. After the first week, it is encouraged to feed your baby on demand. Allow your baby to breastfeed as
he desires, which is characterized by active breastfeeding, or the regular suckling and swallowing. Once your baby
finishes feeding, he would usually release the nipple as his face and hands relax. Your baby knows when he is
hungry or how long he needs to feed, and so, it is not recommended to limit the frequency and length of

Observe for early signs of hunger, such as searching for the breast, awakening from sleep and sucking of lips,
tongue and hands. It is not advised to wait for your baby to cry before feeding. To determine if your baby is getting
enough breast milk, monitor his urine output and number of stools a day. Normally, an infant would have at least
six wet diapers daily with pale yellow urine and have four or more stools a day. Monitor your baby's weight. Your
baby loses weight during the first few days after birth but he should be regaining his weight by one to two weeks of
age. Consult your physician if your baby is losing too much weight.
Pacifier Use
Pacifiers should not be used within the first four weeks of age or until breastfeeding techniques are fully
established. Pacifiers must not be used to delay feeding.


Calorie Intake
Your daily calorie requirement is based on your weight, age, height and activity level. A 25 year old female athlete
who stands 5'6 feet tall and weighs 135 pounds needs more calories than a 35 year old female accountant who
stands 5'3 feet tall and weighs 147 pounds. Physicians recommend that nursing mothers should add up 300 to 500
more calories in their diets mainly to support the production of breast milk. During breastfeeding, your body needs
around 800 more calories each day to produce 25 to 35 ounces of breast milk. Thus, if your pre-breastfeeding daily
calorie requirement is calculated at 1900 calories, it is increased to 2400 calories per day once you start
breastfeeding your baby. Do not go on a weight reduction diet as it can compromise the quality and quantity of your
breast milk. If you are breastfeeding, you must not immediately attempt to lose weight. During the postpartum
period, which is the first six weeks after your baby's birth, your body goes through many changes as it returns to its
pre-pregnant state. Hormonal fluctuations and emotional stresses can cause fatigue. And so, dieting is not
recommended as you need all the energy to keep up with the increasing demands of motherhood. Give your body
enough time to recover from the stresses obtained during labor.

Fluid Intake
During lactation, most mothers tend to drink fluids excessively to replace the body fluids lost during breastfeeding.
Though increased fluid intake is essential in nursing mothers, excessive consumption of fluids can result in
decreased production of milk, according to the 1994 study of Dusdieker. If your fluid intake satisfies your thirst
needs, you are able to meet the fluid requirements needed for lactation. To ensure that you are adequately taking in
enough fluids, have something to drink every time you sit down to breastfeed your baby. Because you are too
preoccupied with your new role as a mother, there might be times that you forget to drink enough fluids. Thus, it is
important that you watch out for early signs of dehydration, such as constipation and dark-colored urine. Water is
also obtained from the foods that you eat. Around 22% of water intake comes from a well-balanced diet. Thus, it is
essential to consume the right kinds and amounts of foods during breastfeeding.

Vitamins and Minerals

If you are following a well-balanced diet, consisting of meats, fish, fruits and vegetables, there is no need for you to
avail of vitamin or mineral supplements. However, it is recommended to give more attention to your calcium and
vitamin D intake.

Each day, around 250 to 300 mg of calcium is transferred from mother to child through the breast milk. According
to a report by Thomas and Weisman published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 25 to 30
grams of calcium, or 3% of the body's calcium stores, are lost after three months of breastfeeding. Around 99% of
calcium is stored in your bones and teeth. If your calcium stores are depleting, or if your dietary intake of calcium is
insufficient, the body mobilizes the calcium from your bones and teeth into the blood circulation. Though the lost
bones are regained after breastfeeding, without the mineral that strengthens the alveolar bone, the structure that
supports you teeth, you are at risk to develop gum diseases and tooth loss during the period of lactation. Decreased
bone density during breastfeeding might also increase your risk for osteoporosis after menopause. Lactating
mothers must maintain a daily intake of 1000 to 1200 mg of calcium from various food sources. Breastfeeding
mothers who are younger than 18 years old must consume around 1300 mg of calcium a day. Include foods that are
rich in calcium. Milk, tofu, yogurt, calcium fortified cereals and bread, cheese, beans, collards, orange juice and
broccoli are the best sources of calcium. One cup of milk corresponds to 300 mg of calcium, thus, you need around
3 cups of milk to obtain your calcium needs. One cup of yogurt, 1/2 cup of tofu and 8 ounces of orange juice, 1 1/2
cups of cereals and 2 cups of hard cheese contain approximately 300 mg of calcium. Calcium supplements might be
necessary if calcium is not obtained from your diet. Take these supplements in two divided doses, two to three
times a day.
Vitamin D
Ensure that your body has an adequate level of vitamin D. Calcium is not fully absorbed from the intestines if
vitamin D is deficient. You need 200 IU of vitamin D a day, which is mainly obtained from sunlight. Brannon and
other researchers agree that vitamin D is mostly synthesized when exposed to UV-B ray, which is abundant
between 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Exposure to sun 15 to 20 minutes during these hours, twice a week is recommended.
If the sun is inadequate, vitamin D supplementation is necessary. A cup of milk usually contains 100 IU of vitamin

You do not have to load up on spinach during lactation. Breast milk takes around small amounts of iron from your
body, around 0.3 milligrams, each day. Iron is sufficiently obtained from well-balanced meals.

Breastfeeding Vegan Mothers

If you do not eat meat, milk and dairy products and eggs, you still have your alternatives. You can use vitamin B12
supplementation or add fermented soybeans and yeast in your diet.

Food to Avoid

• Avoid eating shark, tilefish and mackerel which contain high levels of methyl mercury. This substance
enters your breast milk and can damage your baby's nervous system. You can consume a sum of 12 ounces
of fish and shellfish, such as shrimps, catfish and canned light tuna, a week.
• Limit your caffeine intake to two to three cups daily. Excessive caffeine can cause irritation and difficulty
in sleeping in infants. Additionally, caffeine inhibits the absorption of calcium.
• Limit your alcohol intake to one serving a day. One serving of alcohol is equivalent to 12 ounces of beer,
five ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquors. You should breastfeed 2 hours after the intake of one
alcohol serving. Defer breastfeeding for an additional two hours for each extra serving consumed.

Breastfeeding Problems

There are many breastfeeding problems women have when they first start breastfeeding after the delivery of their
newborn baby. This is perfectly natural, as breastfeeding an infant presents many unusual challenges during the
first few weeks of life. Some of these challenges women expect, whereas others come as a surprise.

Breastfeeding an infant takes time and patience. Fortunately most moms and babies go on to enjoy a long, healthy
and joyous breastfeeding relationship after they solve the most common breastfeeding problems.

Below we'll discuss some of the more common problems associated with breastfeeding. Many of these problems
surface in the first few weeks after delivery.

Engorgement occurs when the breasts swell because of increased milk production. Engorgement is common early
on and sometimes late in the postpartum period. Most early engorgement happens when the breast produce large
quantities of milk initially to support a newborn baby. This usually happens when the milk first comes in,
somewhere between 2 and 3 days postpartum, though it may take as many as seven days to occur.

Most of the time early engorgement resolves itself in a few days. However if your baby isn't able to remove the
milk enough from the breast, as may be the case when your baby doesn't latch on properly. Engorgement may
continue and lead to more serious conditions.

Signs of engorgement include breasts that are painful and swollen. The breasts may also be rigid and warm. The
best treatment for engorgement is frequent removal of milk from the breasts. It is important that your baby have a
proper latch on so they can remove milk efficiently from the breast. Sometimes you may need to express a little
milk before your baby latches on to help encourage a proper latch on. A soft breast is much easier to latch onto than
a rigid one.

Massaging the breasts may also help relieve discomfort caused by engorgement. The best treatment for late
engorgement is prevention. You can prevent breast engorgement by encouraging your baby to feed on demand, and
allowing your baby to empty your breasts completely each time he feeds. For occasionally flair ups cool
compresses may help. You may need to use a warm compress if your milk doesn't let down quickly enough.

Here are some other tips for minimizing the effects of engorgement:

• Use mild pain relievers to help reduce inflammation. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are safe during
• Avoid using your breast pump for longer than 10 minutes at a time. Too much stimulation can contribute to
engorgement and promote excessive milk production.
• Use warm showers to help express milk between your baby's feedings.
• If you have late engorgement you can use heat packs to help reduce the discomfort.

Sore nipples are one of the most common problems associated with early breastfeeding. During your pregnancy you
probably noticed that your nipples were more sore than usual. Nipple soreness usually continues until after the first
week postpartum. Normal nipple sensitivity usually subsides after your baby has suckled for about one minute. If
pain extends beyond this period of time your nipples have undergone some trauma or tissue damage, most likely the
result of an improper latch on.

When your baby doesn't latch on correctly, your nipples may become red, irritated, cracked, bruised and even
blistered. If redness and pain persist beyond a few days, you should consult a lactation consultant to help evaluate
your baby's latch on and help you correct any problems you may be having.

Nipple tenderness that occurs long after you establish breastfeeding may be because of a yeast infection. Babies
commonly develop a yeast infection in the mouth called thrush. This can spread to your nipples causing red, painful
cracked sores. If you suspect your baby may have thrush consult with your doctor to get proper treatment started for
your baby and your nipples.

This condition is sometimes referred to as "tongue-tie." Sometimes babies are born with their frenulum connected
to the bottom of the mouth. This may prevent your baby from latching on correctly. If your baby has this condition
your doctor can perform a procedure called frenuloplasty to help improve your babies latch-on.

Plugged Ducts
When milk remains stagnant in certain ducts of the breast you may develop plugged ducts. Typically a woman has
hardened lumps or areas of the breast when a duct is plugged. Many causes contribute to plugged ducts including
engorgement or failure to empty the breasts. Changes in feeding and even wearing poorly fitting bras may also
contribute to this condition.

The best treatment for plugged ducts includes frequent feeding and emptying of the breasts. If you are not feeding
your baby on demand but have plugged ducts, consider changing your routine and feeding your baby more often.
This may help relieve any symptoms you have.

Mastitis occurs when the breast becomes infected. Usually mastitis forms as a red, tender and swollen area of the
breast. Many women develop a fever, chills and other flue like symptoms. If you develop mastitis, your doctor will
likely prescribe antibiotics to remove the infection. You may also need to take anti-inflammatory agents to help
reduce pain and discomfort. It is important you continue breastfeeding during this time to help relieve the condition.
Breast Abscess
Breast abscess usually develop in women who have a history of breast problems including mastitis. This condition
usually results from improper early treatment of mastitis. Signs of an abscess are similar to the signs of mastitis,
including a red, tender and swollen area of the breast. Usually patients with a breast abscess will need to take
antibiotics and drain the abscess using needle aspiration. In some severe cases incision and drainage of the abscess
may be necessary.

Milk Ejection Reflex Problems

Some women have an overactive milk ejection reflex. This occurs when milk production and ejection occurs at a
rate that is too fast for the baby to swallow effectively. If this is a problem your baby may cough and gag when
your milk lets down. Usually nursing your baby in a semi-upright position helps relieve this problem. You may also
limit the amount of milk ejected by compressing the ducts during the first few minutes of nursing.

Nipple Vasoconstriction
This condition causes the nipples to fade or turn white during breastfeeding. This usually results from cold
exposure. Increasing the temperature in the room and nursing while wearing warm clothing can help prevent this
condition. Occasionally drug treatment may be necessary to help reduce pain.

Care For Irritated Nipples

Many women experience nipple irritation during breastfeeding. The more traumatized your nipples, the more likely
you are to develop an infection. An infection is dangerous as it can lead to mastitis or a breast abscess.

The most common reason for nipple irritation after breastfeeding is established is yeast infection. Other factors may
cause sore nipples however. Some women find allowing their nipples to air out for 10 minutes after nursing helps
reduce inflammation and irritation. There are other agents including lanolin cream that may help relieve dry,
cracked and irritated nipples. This product is safe to use during breastfeeding.

Later Breastfeeding Problems

Once breastfeeding is established most mothers and babies will go on to enjoy a healthy breastfeeding relationship.
There is a chance your baby may start biting after he or she starts growing teeth. This normally happens when your
baby is four to ten months old. Biting the nipples can cause pain and injury. Fortunately you should be able to teach
your baby not to bite your nipple simply by removing them from your breast immediately after biting for a short

Some mothers experience some problems when they start weaning. Most doctors and healthcare organizations
recommend you breastfeed your baby for at least the first 12 months of life. Human milk is the best food for your

You can wean successfully if you do so gradually. One way to do this is to stop one breastfeeding session each day
every four to five days. Most mothers will cut out the midday feeding initially until they work themselves up to
zero sessions every day. After babies are 12 months old they can start drinking cows milk I most cases.

Some mothers wean there baby to a bottle and then a cup whereas others wean their baby direct to a cup.
Engorgement is the most common problem associated with breastfeeding. Usually you can void this if you wean
gradually over a longer period of time. You should avoid pumping when weaning to prevent your breasts from
overproducing milk during weaning.

Remember, even the seemingly worst breastfeeding problems can usually be overcome with a little patience and
care. If you are having trouble breastfeeding, be sure to consult with a lactation consultant or your doctor, who can
help you solve any latch on problems and help you set up a joyful and rewarding breastfeeding relationship with
your baby.
Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial acts a mother can do for her child. Dramatic health benefits
have been proven to pass from mother to child through breastmilk From antibodies which protect an infant at the exclusive nutrients in mother's milk which have been shown to prevent a number of childhood
diseases...the benefits are incalculable. There is no other single action by which a mother can so impact the present
and future health of her baby.

Yet, in today's society, breastfeeding is often thought of as unnecessary. Young mothers are mistakenly led to
believe that formula does very well as a replacement for breastmilk. It emphatically does not! Nothing can
duplicate the properties of breastmilk, no matter how many vitamins, minerals and supplements are added to what
is basically a chemical formulation.

Breastmilk remains the one and only natural, complete and complex nutrition for human infants. It is nature's
formula for ensuring the health and quality of life for infants, as well as on through childhood to adult life. Just as
importantly, breastfeeding promotes a very special bond between mother and child that only a mother can provide.

To fully understand the benefits of breastfeeding, these are some of the major, but by no means all of the
benefits of breastfeeding your baby.

Breastfeeding Facts
Health Benefits to Babies Who Breastfeed

• Children receive the most complete and optimal mix of nutrients & antibodies
• The varying composition of breastmilk keeps pace with the infant's individual growth and changing
nutritional needs
• Have fewer incidences of vomiting and diarrhea in the US (20-35 million episodes of diarrhea occur in
children under the age of 5, resulting in over 200,000 hospitalizations and 400-500 deaths in the U.S.)
• Protection against gastroenteritis, necrotizing entercolitis
• Reduced risk of chronic constipation, colic, and other stomach upsets
• Reduced risk of childhood diabetes
• Protection against ear infections, respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney infections, septicemia
(blood poisoning),
• Protection against allergies, asthma, eczema, and severity of allergic disease
• Reduced risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) Statistics reveal that for every 87 deaths from SIDS,
only 3 are breastfed.
• Protection against meningitis, botulism, childhood lymphoma, crohn's disease and ulcerative entercolits
• Decreased risk of tooth decay (cavities)
• Nursing promotes facial structure development, enhanced speech, straighter teeth and enhances vision.
• Breastfed infants develop higher IQ's, and have improved brain and nervous system development; IQ
advantage of 10-12 points studied at ages 8, 12, and 18. (Breastfeeding is considered the 4th trimester in
brain growth and development...there are specific proteins in human milk that promote brain development))
• Reduced risk of heart disease later in life
• Increased bone density
• Breastfeeding plays an important role in the emotional and spiritual development of babies
• Breastfed babies enjoy a special warm bonding and emotional relationship with their mothers
• Antibody response to vaccines are higher
• Are hospitalized 10 times less than formula fed infants in the first year of life
• The colostrum (first milk) coats the GI tract, preventing harmful bacteria and allergy -triggering protein
molecules from crossing into baby's blood
• Decreased risk for vitamin E and Iron deficiency anemia
• Decreased risk for acute appendicitis, rheumatoid arthritis, inguinal hernia, pyloric stenosis
• There are factors in human milk that destroy E coli, salmonella, shigella, streptococcus,
pneumococcus....and many others
• Less risk of childhood obesity
Health Benefits to Moms Who Breastfeed

• Reduced risk of breast, ovarian, cervical, and endometrial cancers

• Reduced risk of anemia
• Protection against osteoporosis and hip fracture later in life
• Reduced risk of mortality for women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been associated with total time of
• Helps the mother's body return to its pre-pregnancy state faster - promotes weight loss...1/2 of calories
needed to manufacture milk is pulled from fat stores... can burn from 500 - 1,500 calories per day.
• Helps delay return of fertility and to space subsequent pregnancies
• Develops a special emotional relationship and bonding with her child
• Breastmilk is free- reducing or eliminating the cost of formula (in the thousands of dollars/per year)
• Breastfed babies are sick less thus reducing healthcare costs to family in Doctor office visits, prescriptions,
over the counter medicine purchases, and hospitalizations
• Moms miss less time off from work due to child related illnesses
• Helps the uterus contract after birth to control postpartum bleeding

Benefits to the Environment and Society

• Breastfeeding reduces the cost of healthcare by promoting healthier children and mothers..........If all WIC
babies in the U.S. were breastfed, our economical savings would be $33,000,000 per month ..........In 1993,
90,000 babies were hospitalized for RSV at a cost of 450 million dollars. Currently, the U.S. spends over 1
billion dollars a year on Otitis Media (ear infections)
• Reduced insurance premiums for both parents and employers
• Breastfeeding reduces global pollution by decreasing the use of resources and energy required to produce,
process, package, distribute, promote and dispose of materials created by the manufacture and use of
artificial baby milk
• Reduced tax burden on communities and government to ensure children are properly fed
• Reduced absenteeism in the workplace due to children's illnesses

Other Benefits from Breastfeeding

• Breastfeeding makes you feel good, the hormones produced during nursing have an endorphin effect
giving you a relaxed feeling.
• You have a great excuse to sit down and relax.....
• You can nurse while sleeping...nursing moms get more rest than formula feeding moms.
• Breastfeeding saves moms about 7 hours a week off their feet.
• No screaming baby in the middle of the night waiting on the formula to heat up.
• It's the only time you can ever lose weight without dieting or exercise!
• Breastfeeding is more convenient, when traveling, all you need is to take diapers, the milk is always
available, sterile, and the right temperature.
• During times of disaster, you don't have to worry about finding formula.
• Breastfed babies smell great....spit ups don't stain, or smell, and poopie diapers are not offensive...(until
solids are introduced)
• Breastfed babies know their moms and will never confuse them with a sitter.
• The strong bond developed with nursing is much more intense.
• There is no feeling to describe the child suckling at your breast and letting go to give you a big smile; and
knowing that the growth of your baby came from what your body produced! Wow! What a feeling!
• The satisfaction of knowing you are giving your baby the best start in life!
• Breastmilk taste great! Sweet tasting! Variations in taste according to foods moms eats. Have you ever
tasted formula? Ugh!
• Breastfeeding requires the use of only one can do other things while breastfeeding, (except
cooking and driving)
• Many, many more benefits, too numerous to list!!!


Breastfeeding is good for every part of baby's body--from the brain to the diaper area. Here's a list:

• Brain. Higher IQ in breastfed children. Cholesterol and other types of fat in human milk support the
growth of nerve tissue.
• Eyes. Visual acuity is higher in babies fed human milk.
• Ears. Breastfed babies get fewer ear infections.
• Mouth. Less need for orthodontics in children breastfed more than a year. Improved muscle development
of face from suckling at the breast. Subtle changes in the taste of human milk prepare babies to accept a
variety of solid foods.
• Throat. Children who are breastfed are less likely to require tonsillectomies.
• Respiratory system. Evidence shows that breastfed babies have fewer and less severe upper respiratory
infections, less wheezing, less pneumonia and less influenza.
• Heart and circulatory system. Evidence suggests that breastfed children may have lower cholesterol as
adults. Heart rates are lower in breastfed infants.
• Digestive system. Less diarrhea, fewer gastrointestinal infections in babies who are breastfeeding. Six
months or more of exclusive breastfeeding reduces risk of food allergies. Also, less risk of Crohn's disease
and ulcerative colitis in adulthood.
• Immune system. Breastfed babies respond better to vaccinations. Human milk helps to mature baby's own
immune system. Breastfeeding decreases the risk of childhood cancer.
• Endocrine system. Reduced risk of getting diabetes.
• Kidneys. With less salt and less protein, human milk is easier on a baby's kidneys.
• Appendix. Children with acute appendicitis are less likely to have been breastfed.
• Urinary tract. Fewer infections in breastfed infants.
• Joints and muscles. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is less common in children who were breastfed.
• Skin. Less allergic eczema in breastfed infants.
• Growth. Breastfed babies are leaner at one year of age and less likely to be obese later in life.
• Bowels. Less constipation. Stools of breastfed babies have a less-offensive odor.


Health benefits of breastfeeding

There has been significant reliable evidence produced over recent years to show that breastfeeding has important
advantages for both infant and mother, including in industrialised countries.

Below is a selected list of recently published studies describing differences in health outcome associated with
methods of infant feeding. The studies have all been adjusted for social and economic variables. All were
conducted in an industrialised setting.

We also provide a list of additional health benefits that some researchers associate with breastfeeding. Many of
these require further investigation to clarify any protective effects of breastfeeding.

Artificially fed babies are at greater risk of:

• gastro-intestinal infection
• respiratory infections
• necrotising enterocolitis
• urinary tract infections
• ear infections
• allergic disease (eczema and wheezing)
• insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
• sudden infant death syndrome
• childhood leukaemia.

and breastfed babies may have better:

• neurological development.

Other studies of health and breastfeeding:

• Cardiovascular disease in later life

• Breastfeeding, bed sharing and cot death
• Breastfeeding and HIV transmission
• Breastfeeding and dental health

Women who have breastfed are at lower risk of:

• breast cancer
• ovarian cancer
• hip fractures and bone density.

Breastfeeding may also provide protection against (more research needed):

for the infant

• multiple sclerosis
• acute appendicitis
• tonsillectomy

for the mother: rheumatoid arthritis.

Good positions for breastfeeding

When it comes to positions for breastfeeding, being comfortable and being able to get your baby to the breast
easily are the two things that really count.

Finding a position you are happy with will make it easier for you to latch your baby on to your breast.
Whatever position you choose, make sure that your baby's head is able to tip back slightly as he feeds. Read
our article on how to breastfeed and look at the pictures to help you.

You could be:

• lying down – with your bodies parallel

• holding your baby across your lap, using the opposite arm to the breast he is feeding from

• holding your baby across your lap, supporting him with the same arm as your breast

• You could also hold him underarm

• And if you have twins and want to feed them together – any combination is possible.

I find it easier to get my baby to my breast with one hand than with the other. What should I do?

You may find it easier, at least while you are learning how to breastfeed, to use the same hand for both breasts. This
means that you will need to hold your baby across your lap to feed on one breast, and then under your arm to feed
on the other, so that you hold him with the same arm and hand for both breasts.

Is it a good idea to try different positions?

If you find a position that works for you and your baby, then it is fine to stick with it. But as your
baby gets older and you become more practised, you will probably want to change positions depending on
where you are and what you are doing.

If you have mastitis or blocked ducts your breastfeeding counsellor or midwife may advise you to hold your
baby in a different position. This may be good advice but if it works for you, it will be because you are able
to help your baby get a better mouthful of breast, not because changing positions causes your baby to
"drain a different section of the breast". All sections are equally well "drained" if your baby is latched on
well – whatever position you use.


Besides the cradle hold previously described try these time-tested positions:

Clutch Hold

In the clutch hold, baby is positioned to the side of mother during breastfeeding, tucked under her arm. It is
especially helpful for:

• Babies who have difficulty latching on

• Babies who arch their backs and squirm at the breast
• Babies who come off the nipple frequently during breastfeeding
• Babies who are small or premature

In this position you get a good view of baby latching onto the breast, while your hand at the nape of his neck gives
you control of his head. Baby is bent at the waist, which helps tense babies relax better. If his body is relaxed, he'll
latch on better.

Here's what to do:

• Sit up in bed or in a comfortable armchair with your back and shoulders well supported. Position one or
more pillows at your side to bring baby up to breast level. If you're sitting in a chair, wedge the pillows
between you and the arm of the chair.
• Place baby on the pillow, tucked under your arm, with your hand on that side supporting his neck and
shoulders. Bend him in the middle, so that his legs are pointed upward and his bottom rests against the
pillow supporting your back, or against the back of the chair. Be sure that baby does not push his feet
against the back of the chair, causing him to arch his back.
• Cup the nape of his neck in your hand. Avoid holding the back of baby's head, as this stimulates some
babies to arch away from the breast. (If baby finds your touch too stimulating, put a cloth diaper or a
receiving blanket between your hand and his skin.)
• Pull baby in close to you using the RAM latch-on technique described in Latch-on Basics. Once baby is
sucking well, wedge a pillow under the hand and wrist that are supporting baby at the breast to help hold
him close.
• Lean back into the pillows behind your shoulders, rather than hunching forward over your baby.
Remember, bring the baby to the breast, not the breast to the baby.

Side-Lying Position

Learning to nurse your baby lying down is invaluable. The side-lying position is relaxing and gets you more much-
needed sleep. You can use it to nurse your baby at night or to nap-nurse during the day. This position is also
beneficial for the mom who had a cesarean birth.

Here's what to do:

• The lying down position is basically the same as the cradle hold, but with baby and mother lying on their
sides facing each other.
• Place two pillows under your head, a pillow behind your back, a pillow under your top leg, and a fifth
pillow tucked behind your baby. Five pillows sounds like a lot, but remember a golden rule of nursing: if
mother is comfortable, baby is likely to be more comfortable, too.
• Place your baby on her side facing you, and nestled in your arm. Slide baby up or down along the mattress
to get her mouth lined up with your nipple.
• Use the latch-on basics to offer the breast.

Unless you need to lie down during feedings for physical reasons, the side-lying position is not the best to start with
since you are less able to maneuver baby's head to guide his latch-on. Best to use this position after good latch-on
habits are established. If the side-lying position doesn't work for you at first, keep coming back to it. As your baby
becomes a better breastfeeder, it will get easier to latch him on well while you are lying down.

Reversed Cradle Hold

A reverse of the cradle hold, this across-the-body position allows better visibility of baby's mouth during latch-on
and better control of baby's head. It's a good alternative to the clutch hold if your baby needs extra support during
latch-on, but you like the maternal feelings that come from having baby across your body. Use this position in the
following situations:

• Babies who have difficulty latching on.

• Babies who come off the nipple frequently during breastfeeding.
• Babies who are small or premature.

Here's what to do:

• Sit up in bed or in a chair with your back and shoulders well supported by pillows. Use one or more pillows
in you lap to bring baby up to nipple level.
• Hold baby in the cradle hold, but switch arms. The back of baby's neck will rest in your hand rather than in
the crook of your elbow. Use a small pillow or a rolled-up receiving blanket to support your wrist and hand.
• Turn baby on his side facing you, with his nose lined up to your nipple.
• Use your free hand to support the breast--fingers underneath, well back from the areola, and thumb on top.
• Touch baby's lower lip with your nipple and encourage him to open wide. As his mouth opens, pull him in
quickly, "landing" the breast on his lower jaw and tongue first and then "rolling" him the rest of the way on.
The breast will push his mouth open wider so that he gets a big mouthful.

As your baby gets better at sucking and staying on the breast, you can use the reverse cradle hold to get him started
and then carefully ease baby into the regular cradle hold, being careful not to disturb his latch. You'll end up with
your elbow under baby's head and the hand that was supporting baby now supporting the breast. Baby can nurse off
to sleep in this position, and you can continue to hold him comfortable and gaze at his sweet face.

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