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One of the functions of culture is to provide a highly selective screen between man and the
outside world. In its many forms, culture therefore designates what we pay attention to and
what we ignore. This screening function provides structure for the world and protects the
nervous system from͟ information overload͟.

The only way to increase information -handling capacity without increasing the mass and
complexity of the system is to program the memory of the system so that less information is
required to activate the system (e.g. a couple that has been married for 35 years) ʹ ˜ 

  of the individual organization. This is done by means if of the

As one moves from the low to the high side of the scale, awareness of the selective process

1950͛s- US government spent lots of money developing system for machine translation of
Russian and other languages. After the years of effort on the part of some of the most talented
linguists in the country, it was finally concluded that the only reliable, and ultimately the
fastest, translator is the human being deeply conversant not only with the language but with
the subject as well.

The problem lies not in the R   

, but in the 
 which carries varying proportions
of the meaning. Without context, the code is incomplete, since it passes only the part of the

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What man chooses to take in, either consciously or unconsciously, is what gives structure and
meaning to his world.
In the US, interpersonal relations are frequently at the low end of the scale . Everyone has had
the experience of thinking that he was making a good impression only to learn later that he was

Linear characteristic of the language ?

While a linguistic code can be analyzed on some levels independent of context (which is what
the machine translation project tried to accomplish), in real life,      
  can only be seen as different aspects of a single event.

The need for context is experienced when looking up words in Chinese dictionary - orthography
is an art form.

Good art-high context, bad art- low context;

Bernstein: ͞   (HC), and   (LC) codes in which vocabulary, syntax and
sounds are all altered: In the restricted code of int imacy in the home, words and sentences
collapse and are shortened.

One must decide how much time to invest into contexting the other person.

Activism: possible at any point of the  !"#   . However, it is more threatening to
the institutions in LC systems. Most HC systems can absorb activism without being shaken to
their foundation

áY LC- demonstrations are viewed as the last, most desperate act in the series of escalating
events (demonstrations in the US (particularly those involving blacks) is the scream to a
larger society to do something).
áY In China, (HC), The Red Guard riots are not that significant. They are also a
communication from top to bottom: first, to show the strengths of Mao Tsetung;
second, to give pause to the opposition and shake the middle class => a way of
mobilizing society, not destroying it.
@Y Aerceived shade of a color depends upon the color context in which it appears.
@Y Brains ability to supply the missing information is the function of contexting.
@Y Xuite often the influence of the influence of either
experience), or    ( which is build in) is brushed aside.

$    % the distance one has to maintain from two people who are already talking
in order to get attention, but not to intrude. Depends on activity (what is going on); status;
relationship in the social system, the emotional state of the parties, the urgency and the need
of the person who must intrude.

@Y Barker: Studying man it is impossible to sepa rate the individual from the environment in
which he functions.
@Y Avery transaction can be characterized as  %% % 

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