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A Contribution Towards a Bibliography on the Methodology of

the History of Philosophy

Tonelli, Giorgio.

Journal of the History of Philosophy, Volume 10, Number 4, October

1972, pp. 456-458 (Article)

Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press

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Notes and Discussions

A recent issue of the Monist (53, 4, October, 1969) was devoted to the
"Philosophy of the History of Philosophy." The articles were prefaced by an
"Introduction and Bibliography" by Lewis White Beck. The following list is an
addition to that bibliography, omitting those contributions not contained in it
but quoted in other places in the same issue of the Monist.

Bachelard, Gaston. "La Psychanalyse de la connaissance objective." Annales de

l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes de Gand III (1939).
Belaval, Yvon. "L'histoire de la philosophie et son enseignement." Bulletin de la
Soci~t~ [ran9aise de Philosophie 56, 2, avril-juin, 1962 (Srance du 25 novem-
bre 1961). Discussions de MM. Filliozat, de Gaudillac, Gouhier, Heidsieck,
J. Moreau, M m~ Prenant, MM. R. Queneau, Robinet, J. Wahl. Lettres de
MM. B~n~zet, Frrchet, M ~ Prenant, MM. Th. Ruyssen, E. Souriau, M. Souriau.
Br~hier, Emile. La Philosophie et son passe. Paris, 1940.
Boas, George. "A. O. Lovejoy as Historian of Philosophy." Journal of the History o]
Ideas IX (1948).
Enriques, Federico. ll significato della storia del pensiero scientifico. Bologna, 1936.
Freyer, J. Geschichte der Geschichte der Philosophie im 18. lhdt. Dissertation,
Leipzig, 1911.
Gilson, Etienne. The Unity o/ Philosophical Experience. New York, 1937.
Goldmann, Lucien. "Matrrialisme dialectique et histoire de la philosophie." Revue
philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger CXXXVIII (1948).
Goldmann, Lucien. "Matrrialisme dialectique et histoire de la littrrature." Revue
de Mdtaphysique et de Morale LV (1950).
Goldmann, Lucien. Sciences humaines et philosophie. Paris, 1952.
Gouhier, Henry. La Philosophie et son histoire. Paris, 1944.
Gouhier, Henry. "Avant-propos" to La pensde mdtaphysique de Descartes. Paris, 1962.
Gouhier, Henry. "Les philosophes du xvIff si~cle devant l'histoire de la philosophie."
XVlI~ Sikcle 54-55 (1962).
Grayeff, Felix. "Interpretation und Logik." Kant-Studien 45 (1953-1954).
Guzzo, Augusto. "Messianismo, dialettismo e gnoseologia scettica nella storiografia
filosofica." .4nnali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Sez. Lettere (1937); "Tre
luoghi comuni della storiografia filosofica: i problemi, i passaggi necessari, il
superamento." Ibidem (1938). Both reprinted in Guzzo, A. Concetto e saggi di
storia della filosofia. Firenze, 1940.


Guzzo, Augusto. "'I1 momento storiografico del filosofare." Giornale critico della filo-
sofia italiana XXXVIII (1959).
Hartmann, Nicolai. "Der philosophische Gedanke und seine Geschichte." Abhand-
lungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenscha[ten, PhiL-Hist. Klasse. Nr. 5
Herzberg, A. Zur Psychologie der Philosophie und der Philosophen. Leipzig, 1926.
Hess, H. "Epochen und Typen der philosophischen Historiographie." Kant-Studien
XXVIII (1923).
Lovejoy, Arthur O. "Introduction: The Study of the History of Ideas." In The Great
Chain of Being. Cambridge, Mass., 1961. First published in 1936.
Lovejoy, Arthur O. "The Historiography of Ideas." Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society 78 (1938). Reprinted in Lovejoy, A. O. Essays in the History
of Ideas. Baltimore, 1948.
Lovejoy, Arthur O. "Reflections on the History of Ideas." The Journal o[ the History
o[ Ideas 1 (1940).
Massolo, Arturo. La storia delle filosofia come problema. Firenze, 1955. Reprinted,
Mathieu, Vittorio. "L'originalith dello storico della filosofia." Giornale critico della
filosofia italiana XXXVIII (1959).
Nyman, Alf. "Concepts-limites et concepts descriptifs dans la recherche humaniste."
Filosofia XII (1961).
Paci, E. "Filosofia e storia della filosofia." Giornale critico della filosofia italiana
XXXVIII (1959).
Plebe, Armando. "Verificabili~ e accertamento dell'errore nella storiografia filosofica."
Giornale critico della filosofia italiana X X X I X (1960).
Preti, G. "Filosofia e storia delia filosofia." Giornale critico della filosofia italiana
XXXIX (1960).
Rossi, Paolo. Storia e filosofia. Saggi sulla storiografia filosofica. Torino, 1969.
Sarton, Georges. The Life of Science: Essays in the History of Civilization. New York,
Sasso, Gennaro. "Intorno alia storia della filosofia e ad alcuni suoi problemi."
Giornale critico della filosofia italiana (1966). Reprinted in Sasso, G. Passato e
presente nella storia della filosofia. Bari, 1967.
Semerari, G. "La filosofia come idea e la storia della filosofia." Giornale critico della
filosofia italiana XXXVIII (1959).
Tonelli, Giorgio. "Argomentazioni probatorie nella Reine Rechtslehre di Kelsen."
Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto XXXV (1958).
Vailati, G. 1l metodo della filosofia. Bari, 1957.
Vasa, G. "Crocianesimo e marxismo nel sapere storico di E. Garin." Giornale critico
della filosofia italiana XXXIX (1960).
Verifft e Storia. Un dibattito sul metodo della storia della filosofia. [Asti] 1956.
Wolff, E. M. "Doctrines philosophiques et temp6raments." Revue philosophique de la
France et de l'Etranger CXXXVII (1947).
Zeller, Eduard. "Wie soU man Geschichte der Philosophie schreiben?" [1844]. In
Kleine Schriften, I. Berlin, 1910.
I add a correction to L. W. Beck's bibliography: the article by Eugenio Garin,
"L'unifft della storiografia filosofica," was published in a journal whose correct title
is Rivista critica di storia della filosofia.
I also wish to point out that, obviously, the methodology of the history of
philosophy would greatly profit from taking into consideration methodological

research in other branches of history. This includes not only general history,
history of science, and the sociology of knowledge (which are rather easy to reach
bibliographically), but also those branches of history less obviously connected
with our interest or less well-known in English-speaking scholarship:
(1) Hermeneutic. This ancient approach, employed again by Joachim Wach (Das
Verstehen, Ttibingen, 1926. Reprinted, Hildesheim, 1966), was revived with major
changes by Emilio Betti (Teoria generale dell'interpretazione, 2 vols., Milano,
1955). It evoked a tremendous response in Germany, culminating in the famous
work by Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode, Ttibingen, 1960. The
ensuing debate about this work brought forth a very large number of subsequent
(2) Special attention should be paid to the methodology of etymology,
onomasiology and semasiology--branches of philology closely related to the his-
tory of ideas. The most important contributors to this field are Kurt Baldinger and
Helmut Gipper. The point of view of the latter was summed up by H. Gipper and
H. Schwarz in the "Introduction" to their Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprach-
inhaltsforschung (Krln und Opladen, 1962). The Handbuch itself, an indispensable
tool for all historians of ideas, has not yet been completely published. Kurt
Baldinger published the following works:

Die Semasiologie. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vortr/ige und Schriften,

Heft 61. Berlin, 1957.
"L'rtyrnologie bier et aujourd'hui." Cahiers de l'Association internationale des Etudes
Franr 11 (1959).
"Alphabetisch oder begritttich gegliedertes Wrrterbuch?" Zeitschrift [iir romanische
Philologie 76 (1960).
"Grundziige der Entwicklung der Sprachwissenschaft seit der Romantik." Ruperto-
Carola, Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Freunde der Studentenschaft der Uni-
versitiit Heidelberg e.V. XIII (1961).
"Srmasiologie et onomasiologie." Revue de linguistique romane XXVIII (1964).
"Probl~mes fondamentaux de l'onomasiologie." Actas del X I Congreso internacional
de linguistica y filologla romdnicas (Madrid 1965).

(3) Also to be kept in mind is the methodology of the history of art, especially
useful in connection with the problem of periodization. In this respect, after the
well-known W. Pinder's Das Problem der Generation (reprinted, Munich, 1961),
it is necessary to mention E. H. Gombrich's Norma e [orma: Critica valutativa e
morfologia stilistica nella storia dell'arte (Torino, 1963. Quaderni della "Biblioteca
filosofica di Torino," No. 6), and the discussion on "Criteria of Periodization in the
History of European Art," in New Literary History 1 (1970).
S U N Y at Binghamton

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