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.;,. '



BorQugh Petition for 3. 73 Mil17'ax Increase

,,"7 aken Under Advisement by County Court
Sentence Lad to
Indefinite Term
At White Hill

" ',~~~{.: .~,'

~,,J< '
Two judges and ten county officials were Inducted at the
"f 'Montgomery County Court House at Norristown On Monday aft-
ernoon. Among them were Fred C. Peters, Ardmore, Inducted for
another term all county commissioner and ,Joh" A. I~afore, Jr.,
Haverford, all county controller, s~aklng ,hands above.
The others Inducted were Judl:"C Harold G. !{nlght, of Com-
'I mon Pleas Court; ,Jml/tc ,T. Burnett Holland, of Orphans' Court;
Foster C. Hillegass anll Raymond I{. Mensch, county cODlmls:lion-
• el'8; E. Arnold Forrest, district attorne)'; Samuel "T.Glasll, sher-
Iff; J~ouls V. Dorp, clerk of courts; ,John F;. Marshall, rel'Alrder of
deeds; Winslow ,J. Rushong, coroner; Albert R. Melz, surveyor;
Samuel E. Wilson, treasurer; Mrs. Mary If. Bearer, register of
Oaths of office were administered by .Jlldl:"e Knight.

Sgt. Smyth Wins ~~Surrender"-

But This Time It's on Radio 1


QJ1,rd of Health 1:,'

Officers Re-eleeted ,.-
" at Annual Meeting I

, l J

""';·"I~~,~,:,.iJi::i.:..:..,;~~~~......"",,, ,,,Le~"~~,",,L~d~~,,",.';;'~'",,,;';;;';;';';;U;"';;":i,.~~,:,,,i,,,,,u,,,,,,,-,,,,,, i,.;';'." ,",,,,_1:;;'",~'''''''"~''<",,,,,~",~l':;.kiJ;,~""o,'!iI>t\~~""'"-'.h"'"""-,,:,,",,,~,.}~,;.

; . We' ~veon1 pI "'1\0, after work-cue would; have gtven UI $110,000
rl~.III'NKI'N •~. .. 0IJ.'I' '('•.111D Ing until SA. JrI. of .. Thurllday, at age illS. With many advan-
wllI.lnatch a few hourI', 1.J~ep aqd tages ·tt-seemed strange that the

• •• _
,~ . . . ' . .' . ' . then be on her feet In. the print firm offered a $20 bonus for brlng-
C.opyright 19~8 bY,CHARLES A. WRIGHT Ihop all day to help get the paper Ing In a' n.ew employee. We· quit
" .. " out. That entltlel' her, to take Frl-,after 11 4norithl, 'by which .tlm.~ ,we
Small Town Stuff day off, but-well,: it s sorta like were . one of the "veteran' 'em-
.C· ......WiHT. . the sailor's holiday-she carl't staY/PIOyees.", . . .
Those tired-looking people whom, The task of putting out a weekly away from the oftlce.. . ~ + .+ .
'CANNED FOODS SALE Stock up the pontry, and have that feeling
you see ducking In for a bit of cof- paper Is made more dlftlcult by the
.fee at ten minutes before midnight very fact that It comes out only
Ion a Wednesday represent the edl- once a week. In theory, when one
:torlal starr of this paper. The weelt- Issue Is finished, you have a whole
+'++ . WeU, on our present job the::-e
The gals know al1 the cops In 'thelare no such "Inducements," but .
area and can cal1· most of thehl. by strangely we like It better, . Everyl::::$:=:=:==i5========555555E555E&t.ililElI
t~elr first names. They've seen lots member . of the starr, shares' the SEA POOD HOUS~, INC., hi ·tti. center of
.of security enioye' by those ready for any · Btl' of things happen and have heal'd feeling that If he doesn.t do hll job I town, the only reataunnt owned and oper-

emergency,' Canned foods have not In-

Iy coffee ritual does not Indicate you t a prepare th e nex,
wee k followed that theory
t u L
I exactl~', .
the "Inside tacts" of some unprlnt- r.gI' ht th . . ' b
e paper won t, e as. good 215 So. ISth st. ated b b h I BINDE~ f~:lly~r~e~~ln~ ~h~r:~alse~~~
that the work on the paper Is com-!much of the news would be out- able stories and yet manage ta, as It shCluld be. There s a s a t l s t a c - ' ateaks and chops, Open 6 'days a weell:,'
creased In prices over last year, They are pleted. It Is merely a breathing dated. S~ you hold many of your keep' pl;etty and. feminine. They' tlon to that that helps keep you Philadelphia InclUding Sundays. Olosed Mondays.
real big food value. today. For Quality, spell, In between the work of wrlt- stories to await last-minute devel: have a rare talent for A M from Th 9d A, M, hWednesd,ay toI 3 C=-' "smlllng"lg~lng "Always a Good Meal, A Good Meal All Way," --.=--=------:-.-------------------"----
raVis Rest ara t
Convenience and Economy buy
Ing stories and headlines and mak- opments. There may be a new an- over the telephone, so that when .' "
ing sure that an the ads are sched- gle on the story about the town- they sometimes 'call people afterlary rou\~ne jobs you· need cotl'ee 01' 2"4' S B
urs ay, w ereas on 'ord n - .
a D . A wide varIety of choIcest foods sll:llIfully pre-

pared, eMclently served at falr.prlces, 'aml<llt
uled on the page layouts. You use, ship commissioners or the borough midnight to check the facts of a\cokes. to keep you a'!V!1ke through ,- • roatt. and DInner.
pleasant Closed on Open
llurroundlngs. Monday: open
dally for 8unda,
Acme Quality Canned Foods and
the cotl'ee to keep you awake so council. You keep checking on the story, they are thanked for thelrl an I 8-hour d~y" " . PhiladelphIa from noon. Home Baking.
BE PREPARED FOR that you can continue working U:1· man who was Injured In the auto cOUl·tesy Instead of having the tele- . +.+ , ,....-.---------------------------- ~ ,

til the last bit of copy Is completed crash Saturday; by Wednesduy phone hung u p , . . ' Nobody tells you' that you ml1st BOURSE RESTAURANT and CAFETERJA Dufour's
ANY EMERGENCY AT A at 2 Or 3 A. M. night he may be released tl'om the + + + WOrk SUch hours and ' there's
. ' . Nno 4th'. III 15th Streets below Market"When downtown 0 khave lunch at DUfour'.- ,
hospital-or he may be dead. You One of the gal8 spoke bit. tl me c Ioc k t 0 ce.c h k up on yo II, . o~ . . pen wee days-noon only.
Few people realize the amount
try to report the meetings of Im- h
t c dl .th th d . a
same- a e y . e 0 er ay a b O'J
1. body Is "boss," Oh, sure. we hll.,\;e .BOURSE BLDG., PIIII,A.
ubllshe d" "..' ,'. , .
Evening banqueta and meeting 1'001111.
of work and of devotion that goes portant organizations, some of one of her early experiences. She a p r an an editor, butt~!!y Horn & Hardart
Convenient tor Main LIners: The Horn & Hardl\"
The auy of the Week-Save on 6 orMor~ Into the making of this paper 0:"
whiCh don't meet until Tuesday or had heard f an . 1.
Id t J are memberlil of the team just 1Ilie .
au a acc en nl t f' t th t RE!lTAURANTS
Waitress-Service Reataurants at S4th St. and Olt,.
Line, and at 23 W. Lancaster Ave.• Ardmore: Th.·

we~kl "Wednesday night. You feed til'!! her area and rushed to the scene th e res. a us. excep . ,a. y/e let .. '
Sweel PEAS EXI~:r~~~:rard(2 ~~~;29C) 6 for 85° for that matter
of an
ost a the newspaper stor-
les you Mhear concern f
yprlnter what you can In the way and seeing a group of m n cl
the doings at of social Items ?-nd obituaries and tel'ed around, pushed her way Into
e US-I
Ithem work a lI.ttle bit harder.'
+ +
. Cafeteria at 6828 Market st. (69th &; Market). Bee
. phobe book for other Horn &; Hardart Restauranta and AutolDats through-
out the cIty and suburbs, where, every day, 360,000 Phlladelphlana enJo,
Finest Quallty Food at Lowest POBllbie PrIces. .

Sweel PEAS ~~~~~ (2 ~~~~ 6' 371') for $1.07 the "big city" reporters. Once 'In n you, keep resolvmg that this weelt the center of the circle. There was' Sometimes when w,e see ·the pa-
while you read of a William AllelllYou II finish early wed-[the mangled remains of what haj\per On ~verythlng mOI'mng we could
Dining Room & Cocktall Lounge. UnquestIonably
West Phlla.'s most beautiful rOOlDa. Servin,Hotel Tracy
Luncheons and Dinners Dlllly. complete Dinner
,ACME CORN :a'I~~~ (~~·n218c) 6 for $1.03 White, doing a bang-up jab On alnesday evemng and get a good been a man only a half·hour be- chew nails. Those are. the t1me~
small town paper but mostly th Inight's sleep. But It never seems fore. She pushed her way out of when the headline whIch .should 36th abo,e Chestnut
exploits of the weeltly newspaper po l\~or
, e 1. k
at t":,a,,. By 11.31) the circle as qUickly as she weut ~eFal
t th'., I
d "FI t P 11 C " Il'hlladelPllla
. .Served sun., -2 to 8 P, .M.

prlsl CO a "ase is printed - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; . . - . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TOMATOES Ext~:rs;~~~eard ~~~;31c) 6 (2 for 87C e J'ob of putting out half a dozen you k
workers gO unsung. Compared with .•• you s art go tmg punchy, 50 In and took some time just Inhal-
have. yo.ur
,. coffee so you ca.'1 Ing tresh .alr she could reo carryovers I
ve a a ases, or when the
of thc front page sto~- 0
S delightfUl
famous and surroundings.
exclusIve dishes
Here you can. enjoy superior toods lIlDidst
dJ h
will Johmon's
please the
few hours more. port to the office. But we havo es are not on page tour, where CII\' I,lne sllil IInwrrorl1 A\'l'~. most discriminating palate. Bring the whol.
TOMATOES Han~S~a~k.d ~:~? 6 (2 37.) for $1.05 th
editions every day, the task of edlt- eep gomg a
ing a paper once a week seem's About b t h 3f A, M. tyouth handlthe td last known some '.'hard-bolled" news- they I th should be, Th nOr t'anywhere
h else . I, hlla,lelphla family today.
Special Luncheons Ph.: Greenwood 3-0_2601

FRUIT CO'CKTAJL (N~~~lh 6 39c) for $Z·19

tame-until you try' It. WeH, we a c a copy 0

''-before the

e pr n er an papermen who got green around n
served Our time' as a dally new:!. try to duck tast before he can tell the gills under similar circum" swear to quit newspaperlng for- •
.__ you what he thinks of all edltOl'8. stances. fiv~
e paper. a s w en we

ever and get a nice easy job sell-

Home Cooking at Its' best. Dinners $1.30
12-8 Hours: Weekdays
P.M. Closed Lmcoln Court
5-8 P.M.:
Mondays. We Sunday.
cater to

PEACHES 6' Id.eal

Heavy ( No. 21J2 ·91')
for $1. 67 papel
day, 40 haUl' week was Invented-
and It wasn t an easy life; but for
+ + +
There are those who say th'l.l
0 f
+ +
ne a our gals wrote and sOldl t th
tl II"
,there are other times when even
Ing ribbons In the five and ten. But Dining Room
Weddln~H. Card Parties, Banquets, Teas,
and other functions. Call TR 7-6556,
(.ancaster III Overbrook Ayes. A. B. CAPONI, Prop.
e cr Ical eyes of the sta the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : . . . . - - ; - - - - - - - -
APRICOTS Wha~S~~ural (N~·a~1J2 6 26c) for $1.45 tea
h b lilly to take a long hard work newspaperlng Is a man's game a magazIne ar cle ent t ed I Hate
. week,. and to keep . smiling most of1but OUr office Is dominated large I y" Women."(thShe
t he t Ime through It all ' we'll take by petticoats (they're back , YOol women
t I doesn't really hate papcl
a ) s,b any
some '.
ool~s "predtty good.". 'Anti
t Imes a rea er says: "l'hat
t hmore than do) was a good story. Better than you 1!115 )(ontoromcr\' ""f'.
I Main
Lounge Finest
Thet most
and Bar. Mao.son Montgomery
Fine Restaurant.
Wines' and
th I tl b I b th al-
. t h at off to our pl'osent asso- know) and the gals prove week ah er .women,
our t t . utt e article was expect In a weekly newspaper." It'3 :-.oar . I If'rth . . , nne
Line. 1e mas
Narberth eau
2621. u ar on, e
I'ar...... GreeD Beaas (~~'n2 141') 6 far 82c Cia es. ~ftel' week that they can "take It·, er pIa es agams covering meet- d ------------------------'------ 'J~.,
811 tow Beet. Fi~~i~/J~~~~s (~~'n2 8e) 6 for' 37c ------ ~-~L:--------..:.-.------· Ings of women's clubs. Funny thing I rewar s like that that the staff I P
Is that when a girl first joins
uves tor. They are OUr Chl'lstmall' al
2 Shows nightly, first shaw 8:30. Sat. first show
7 '30. A la\'lsh redecorated setting. whether It's Clln- I'"~

I1SaJ Cut R.d Beet. (~~;,2 10C) 6 for 57c newllpaper statl' she gets a kick out aJndd Easter bonuses, our fl'ee boat 111"4 Catharine St
covering women's clUbs; she
l' es and our gold watches To us
b t . Phlladf'lllhla
I I-
ner for two, a party or a banquet. FamoUll Palumbo
Full Course Dinner Includln~ coktall. PrIvate ban-
quet rooms,show Included. Free parking. WA2-5940
R.b-Iord J(idaey BeaD. (2 ~~~; 2S.) 6 for 73C regards It as a sort of crusade Oil 1th • e.
y seem e tel' than $50,000 tOt·, - .
Grapelftlit5edio... G\Nnh~feod ( ~~;,2 1SC). for 82c
IISaJ Peacbe. ( ~~;,2 271') 610r $1.55
behalt at her sex. But atter aWhilelretll'e~ent at age 65. Who'dwantlP
~he gets he fill f
. l' a cover ng
Tuesday Ladies' ClUb that meets
I th I to retire when work can be so • •
e mt I f ?
IC I un.
"I Invite your entire family to dine at P. M. Restaurant
In comfort and retlnement." Beverages served. Cocktan
11:11 S. 13th Street hour dally 3 to 6 P. M.
. l'hlladelphla -Grace D. Roth.
'.'. . Peaches ~:lli7~ (N~~~'/2 25C) 6 for $1.35 every Monday; she teels that she (P'S t P ~r: ~ 0 . .GIANT PHILCO TELEVISION SCREEN FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT
cannot sit through another t~lk <on . . o. U. IS er. f course, I! -------------~, ---------------
Weal Appl. Saace H:.::~:rvle ( ~~'; 17C) 6 for 95c
Ideal T•••to Soup (3 l~~~-~z 28C). 6 for sze
" \\Thile B oks f T d "
. a 0
endure hearing another club mem- -
0 ay 01'1· you
quch bo
are thml,lng of giving us any
on t let this dIS-
• Meltlcana Room for your private parties. Retail
STAN'S ·1:..
En.iched with touella Buller OUR SODA FOUNTAIN NOW OPEN ber say' "Madame Ch 11' '" At'lcourage you. We want you to have . shop with delicacies from the world over. Ph1lly'.
.' a man. . fun too) S. ]9th bel. Cheslnlltcutest and most Inltmate bar and cocktail lounge
that point, the .wlse editor assigns ' . .. • Oval fountain has the nuttleet of sundaes. New c
DAILY 8 A. M. TO 11 P. M. her to cover a few quiet murd el's.I--- Phllal1elphla sandwich
• Open 7treats-nnd
days a week. larger.THEGlorious atmOlll!her
PLAOE-19th below
SUNDAY 2 P. M. TO 10 P. M. . or hold-Ups, so ahe can get back Chestnut, next to the AldinI'. I
her faith In the human race. Ourl VI'S, Another Stan's
Lean, Short Shank, Well-Trimmed gal wrote her Pie.ce about hating \ Stans, King of SaniNiches
The Best Coffee and Sandwiches in Ardmore women, which got It out of hel' ••
~, .pleed LuacbeoD Meat YOUR CHOICE
r..,.T"..,..............._'"~ ....I""'I~~~ ..._ - - - - - 'I
sys em, so now she gladly covel'S
women's clubs, having discovered
it can be done just as well by cal1-
...-'",;,4u..1~u.JIL: ....:J.L:.u..:i.:JII:=~ ing up the secretary the day after
706 Chestllnt st.. ]'lIlla.
1503 Walnut St.• Cocktail I,ollnge

From tilDe
"TilE 1:-.01'"
Immemorial Strath Haven
the word has 'atodd fott

Lelia_oft Bol.IDa { % :Jse Ib 9 E. LANCASTER AVE., ARDMORE the meeting. swarllllnorl', Pa.
t'. ~I. SCIIEI8J.F.Y
warm-hearted hospitality. It st11l doea at Strath-
Till' ~nn with Pt'rsonallt~'Hllven. Week day dInners, 85c to U.50. Steak
dinners, $1.76, $2.50; Sunday dinners, $1.50 to
$2.50. Special attention to Wedding PartlWl and
'. "

orR OTllER STOREl'l-Phlllldelllhla, Atlantic City
(:amdl'n. 8altlmore, Ilarb)', WilmIngton -
()wner-~Iana~l'r Dinner Parties. Telephone Swarthmore oSSO.
Luncheons and dlnnera dally. Sunday Dinner••
The Chatterbox


1 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. We cater to banqueta
839% Lalll'aster A,·e. and private parties. Now under new m"!lage-
8rnl Mawr ment of Archie Thibodeau, formerly of the
. . Phlladelphla Country ClUb; no connection with
\i any previous ownership. Phone Bryn Mawr 3312. I"
S••ked Beel T....aes In the unIque and friendly atmoaphere of an old
Webb'. Fa.ous Caaaetl Scrapple Th e Forge
vlllnge forge, you w1l1 enjoy PhiladelphIa's finest
food and drinks. Come for lunchllOn. cocktail

FANCY COD FILLETS Ib 29C at Chanrf'lIor 11011 hour, dinner, or atter theater supper. Bar Is open
13th st. IlI'low Walnnt from 11 A. M.. 'til chlBlng. Ace Pancoast at the
Hammond organ from 8 P. M. 'tll closing. COM>- .
Redfish Fillets j,39c Dressed Whiting' ~"19c
Philadelphia pletely all' conditionEd.

Haddack Fillets Ib39c Oysters ;~~:t~~:::'~d,

Natural-Cured, Well-Aged
Tangy Cheddar
Sharp Cheese % Ib 35e
Sehoo'. a ...d·
Swiss Gruyere a·o, pkg 69c
Swiss Cheese Dom•• Ue '/2 Ib 39c (~tJ"eg@8 .,A

Velveeta or Chateau ~;: 29c Only Central City Restaurant Oocktall Loung.
Nucoa Oloomargo.ln. Ib okg 41 c SUbs;rban Square merchants are ready to serve you. 2601 arkway facing Fairmount Park and the Parkway-Bnjo,.

P Luncheons, Cocktails. Dinner, Supper and Sun-
You 11 find It a treat just to look nnd see the In-
lISCO Oleomargarine p~: 39c teresting array at new quallty merchandise they I'anorama. Room day Dinner In dellghttul atmosphere. "A" bUR
Pickles Bcst .uy, 0111 or Sour 19c J: have prepared for your selectIon. A treat multlplled
by many fiue stores and courteous serVice. Come
and shop . . . where It·s pleasant . . . convenIent
Philadelphia direct to door. Private DinIng Rooms available.
New Sandwich Bar.

-------------------------------~ \.,
Rob Roy Pec:h or Grap. . . . economical. '

. ~ Wvn.u~"1oo .. House I
1\UmCIIASTS OF, SUBURBAN SQU,\RE • 51.ut... • TuUn.
PRESERVES i'!r 1ge A Complete, Convenient Shopping Center-ARDMORE·
Learn ~ . YlsllllnUln ... Loy•• I.
Advertl"n, E•• entlals....",... : ~~.~~~::••,Tn:yp:r:r~~1
-oJ '
I Th. quick PractIcal Way . : ~:~~:.:' • ·Ol~.:r"~:~· e a•• 11 II
8' \ Synonymous with fine foods and
liquors for a quarter of a century.
g.Jsct.J ~IUU/" 4J.1Udi4. IJ. 'lItNp!ia1Je4 • Merkel Rtstlt,h • Co.pol.a.
I QI':. :.... ~ II
2ge ...... EVENING CLASSES START JAN•. 26 ..... 1236 Mont&,omel'Y Avenue

California extra
Fresh, Tender blargeh
1829 Chestnut St•• Phila. 30 Po,
),pprov.J lor Y.terons

Writ•••• Come In• .• Itl 6-5679 ,j

Vollmer' 8 Restaurant
1.__. _ .. NARBERTH 2474

TAILORRD BOOK SHOP 53 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore

Juicy Ib lOe CU)THRS
Times Medical Bldg.
Dally Lunc!leOlls-11.30 to 2.00 P. M.
Dally Dlnners-S.OO to 8.00 P. M.
Su,ndsy Dlnners-3.00 to 8.00 P. M.
TUNA ··FISH Fa~:h~~:~la % 39 can
C 65 ST. JAMES P.... Phone Ardmore 4114 I.i-3·Year Cou"e, for Men olInd Women
SPRING TERM Private Rooms fOr Your
O..ated L....t,Meat Tuaa ..... Hamilton Court Next Banquet or Party.
tj .

r - "--"'.oal
......- Spaghelti
Elbow 0'
1/2 con 35C
p\g ... ·S. DAY-February 2; EVENING-January 19
Reli.tration office open every day
and Monday and Thursday Evcnings
Chestnut at 39th
Call EVergreen 11-11200
Banquet Manager

1'0&. G.av. .IeUy I~~bl~r 23.

JERREHIAN 'elt•• Sch••1 avU..I••
Luncheon and Dlnnn Scr"lce in Modem Caleta", l'hl1adl'lphill
Visit the Hamilton Room Cocktail Lounge
Rob-lord Prunes L;{:,•• 19C • Ib.pkll •
M;f;:m 350 pkg Domestic
Cleaners Since 1890
'1 •• Sl.We.1 .f

and c.n, '''.ype''" .10

The Fine.' Food a' All Tim..
5-2100 fa••al.'" .nd later.......
A Slend for Every Taste Preference
tISaJ IlIclier BleDd Collee z ~k~~ 85e: 3 for -1.a4 Oriental • ,
f Be.t
~:g 48. : 3 for $1.15 Rugs DODO.hue'.
Wla.c:..e.t Collee f

Id••l ....--......
Vacuum fA Real
Packed Yalue)
Save Coupon. for Valuable Gifts
, CC1n' . " .

' A'D
1'1,.. for 'h•.
Small Family :~: IDe
. ARDMORE STevenson 4.8100
.. I,



n I"

big 12.... THill WILL II 3 LUCKY WINNEIS

Baric..ed Sup..e.e -Bread loaf .~ C}Uldren's lVear Philadelphia's Most Interesting Restoarpnt
Tall.. bell.', toasts belter and slays fre.h longer. ..
CHINA Foundation Garments THIS IS ALL YOU DO 1233 Locust Street
WITH THIS COUPOI I and Lingerie FINISH THIS STATEMENT Luncheon _ Dinner - Supper - SUSOAY from 3 p, M.
I ;~.oa. I oa purCh;;'; pll;.
GLASS JlInior Dresses .., nld tt. Sflllt, .f ....10 ••eI r.'DVIllou Will I••ure My
,.,.,. lee••••••• " 1. 100 Word• •r I.....
Tbe Cocktail Room with a ConUnental Atmosphere
IItor. In

Fin. .. breakf.U cereal or . .

conrectlan IIka popcorn.
1)011 ver, Anywbere .
• ........._ of
~~IJIDl1 . .0&...... Ia••, Ita

_ _..... 0'
1Il1llr famltl .
rUII.c _ ,


~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~_~ •• It. Georc.. Road
Ard, oeso
43 Couller Awe. Ard. 1.10
Mall Y• ., Eatry to lalilo ·T.levl.loa 1••tIMe. lac.
411 S. 1ftll St...t, PIIII.,.

1I,··......-·_··, YOU CAN WIN!

Some It.... are .tlll In limited .uppl,. Th.r.f..., If .n,

.f the u"". It ut .f stock I. Yollr local _rket,
* "I..., _tl.uo .. aU: for ..... u.... ,.ur ••at vhit.
James .ITlllS MUiT II ,nT.UKII lilT LATII THAI IIIIIII&HT, ,unA" 1. 1941

~R11Jpr. I A.
Eftt.l.s wltl b. Judged for orl,inality••incerity and .ptne.. of thought•
Jud,,,' decision will ... final. Dliplic,t. priPs will b. awarded in c's.

I'riees Are Effective in the FoDowing Markets:
(/)1lU.,/-A, 911£. I Ritchie
of tie.. No entri•• will be r.tut"", Entries, contents .nd ide,s, th.rein

'I _""
b.come the prop.rty of R.dlo Television, Inc. and may be us.d by it
ia any monner wh.tso.ver.


Prescriplioru II *
Fine Linen.
L~ FOR A piOFITAaLI f~1\)'
Phone Ardmore 2442
I• COulter : ve•• Ardmore ';,,"

59 St. James Place ; ~ .~.:;.




, l

- . .... U!!IlI. . . . . . .
_ _MlI_ _.. d.a....r;\~· .~

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N~cy Green Robert BrowlI oli Paliel'Dinsii.,n 1Ir1":~""'.lf.rtin :~ies Christian Service

Miss Wiltberger; Localites>Wed

WedS in Double Wm. Schoff . , . " . : . "., Radio PrlJgram Is Held SOlIday . 1n!?':~":.~:~~taI"" .. OfficerS:rnstalled
B M h0 di
; .' ,Tr~wetz l\fartln, who died D!!cem-
Rin C . Of I The marriage Misl Constance To Bro~dcast Over Methodist Church If her 30 III Bryn Mawr Hospital after y et sts
g e r e m o n n y Jeanne Wiltberger, daughter ofl
Mr.' and Mrs. Constant Frederick I , WPEN January 18
Sponsor 'of Forum Series a
IIhort Illnes~, were held Saturday The newly elected officers Of the
aftllrnoon fr011;1 the Stuard Funerallwomen's Society ot Christian Serv-
Bryn l\1awr Ceremony Wiltberger, of 22 C.olw'yn Lane, I :\ Robert F. Brown, of 115 Da!'t- . The first In a series of panel dis· Home,· Ardmore. She Wal .n. ICe ot the Ardmore Methodist
Followd hv Reception' Bala-Cynwyd, to William LinCOln: 51mouth Rd., cynwyd, will p'!-rtlcl- cUll8lons on "Democracy At Home, A native of Lancaster,. pa., Mrll. ChurCh were Installed at special'
• ScholT, son of Mrs. Marlon LinCOln, i: pate In a' radio program over and Abroad," sponsored by thelMartin resided In BrYn Mawr for services conducted by Dr. Cllnt~!1 I
In IVlerion ScholT, of 333 Pembroge Rd.• Cyll_, ',WPEN from 12.05 to 12.30' p. lL, Ardmore' Methodist Church, WM 20 years She was employed asl M. Cherry, pa~tor of the .churc:l,.
• Miss Nancy Ruth Green, dau g ':1- wy d , an d M H
r. aro ld K S h
. co, 0 !
ff f I J
18 Th
' g am Is beln3"
e pro r ." held at the church .Sunday.
• at the Sunday morning service. '
Christmas Savings Fund teller In New officers of the Senior Circle·

. t'3r ot M
Green, of 329 Bryn Mawr Ave., at
r. and Mrs. C. Robert 1Conordville, Pa., was solemnlze.d i
S ui'd!t
C~'nwyd, and Robert FrederICK Church, Bala. fhe ~ev. Charl!!s!
ay a ern~on n . .
r St As h
ap II:
sponsored by the Phlladelphl'!. The speakers at the dlscusslo\'l the Bryn Mawr Trust Company fori f
Chapter of National Office 1I1anage- on "Democracy In Managemen-.:- the' p'ast two years and was thl! °M theCShOC let H
ment Assoc a~ On
t d h P
-I I '
n t : S en~sy Labor Rela~lons" were Michael former Wife of Lower Merion dent' Mrs. R. S. Dave~port; secra- , . rs ar
I y Inclu d es P
es erps' v ce
t : I res ~n~1
pre.. •
Marohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. MIl.- Bratton DuBell, grandfather of the i vania State mp oymen ,erv ceo Harris, District Director of the Township patrolman Les Martin. tar/ of Missionary Education and
I'ohn, of Roselle, N: J., were united bride, and the Rev. Richard T. LY-j Brown will represent the 10cal'Unlted Steel Workers of America, Sh~ Is survived by one daughter, Service, Mrs. Russell Mack; sec-
In marriage In a double ring ce:-e-I ford, rector of the church,officlated' Ichapter of NOMA as an expert In CIO, who presented ll\bor's view- Marilyn Louise, and a brother, W. retary of Christian Social Reiatlons
mony In Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Given In marriage by her father" the coal Industry, and wlll answer point, and H. Birchard Taylor, S. Trewetz, of Lancaster. Inter- and Local ChurCh Actlvltlcs Mrll.
Church, Saturday afternoon. Thel'the. bride wore a gown of Ivory;' questions presented by a1 young consulting engineer and former DI- ment was In Arlington Cemetery. John Marscher' recording ,lsecr~
Rev. Rex S. Clements officiated. sa tl n that ha
Given In marriage by her father/mother, made wIth a tight bodice.
d been wor by her'
n I I veteran, selected from the files of rector and Vice-President of the
I d f I I ffi.
the cler ~al a~ p~o ess °t~ 0 I ce Cramp Shipbuilding Company, who Bae'h'S B_M.Inor
' ,
tary Mrs. Raymond Brooke; pro-
motion secretary Mrs. William
the bride chose a gown of whlte;an 01T the shoulder line with a ber-I 10f the Sate mpoymen ervc~ took the atand for management. Wagner; treasur~r Mrs. Arth'ut
It satin fashioned along prInces
's tha of Duchess lace, long tlght.',
nes with a bouffant skIrt ending/Sleeves and a gored skIrt ending In·
In a graceful train. A tiara Of seed I a long tra n edge
I d
Ith t k
uc s
' Brown
member of he boar 0
Is tsecretary-treasurer
the Bird Coal Company and Its
d f dl

tan Taylor cited In his argument that
rec ors 80000 contracts negotiated between
management an
d I b
a or In
Mass T0 Be Sung Warner; secretary' of Children's
Worlt, Mrs. Howard Kurtz; secrl/-
tal'y of Youth Work Mrs Wlnlleld
arls held hel' full length face around the bottom. A headdress ot I affiliate, the BIrd Stores Company, failed to produce a work stoppagA
pc I I
veil of Brussels laCe and she car- old fam Iy ace he d her, ong u c
I I t i l ' as well as director of the Cosner
I Coal Company of Tunnelton W. Va.
Harris stressed the fact th~~
I d ltd
ven.W·II Tak'e

.secretary °E 'Students
Work, Mrs. Floyd McKerrow; sec-

rled a round bouquet of white gar- veil and she ca:I'led a cascade b0 7- . . . every aw passe to reg men an retary of LIterature, Mrs. George
"Ith white tulle and white quet of camel has and stephanotl~
, I I'Phil
He Is d I IIrst hi NOMA vice-president " of tac regulate Industry and labor Is" Four Sundays to Present S prlLnk Ie and secretal'y of Sup-
denlas \
s/l.tin ribbon. edged with a frill of tulle and tier! . a e p ~. step away from the free operations plies, M;s. William Bowden.
.'. The matron of honor Mrs. Lewis
with satin streamers.
Goetz, of Linden, N. J., 'was gown'ld The maid ot honor, Miss Bel'nlce,
Past preSident
. of the BallL-Cyn- of the democratic processes .
wyd Nelghborhood ClUb, he ;s no;
Classed by many as the mOJt Comm Ittee chairman of the Sen-
"Labor," he said. "Is extremely noble and Inspired work In all art lor CirCle were also Installed.
In a model of gold talTeta with C. Wlltberger, sister of the brld\!, I Mr. and lI-lrs. AIE'xander Zenker, Jr., shown at the reception membership cha lrman 0 'd t e anxious to guard against any tell- and unlver~allY recognl~ed as a su-'\ The new officers of the Junior
long sleeves, an ott the should.'r and the bridesmaids, Mrs. Charles foliowlnK their wedding, December 20, in All Saints. Church. group, and Is also a past presl ent dency to totalitarianism as labor preme mUSical masterpiece and Its CI I I I d id t M It .
I of the Men's Class of the BaJa-Cyn- organizations are usually the first ',composer's greatest creation, J.>-1 ~c ~nc ~ I~ pres ~n, res rS' ld o~

neckline and a bouft'ant skirt. She Maxwell Allen, of Boston, Mass,; W3·nnewood. Mrs. Zenker is the former Miss Barbara Elaine
wore a matching hat and carried Miss Jane Kessler and Miss Grace
. b th f Phil d I hi II
Hnapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Hnapp, of 1lO5Beech-
wood Lane, Narberth. Mr. Zenker Is the son of Mr. and MI'lI.
wyd Methodist Church. groups to fall victims to a dlctlt- hann'Sebastian Bach's magnlficellti~
tor." I
Mass In B minor will be presented Wrs'd K IS 0 es; .secre adr ,
I I' sg~; vice t y Ment,

E H l
. Dr. ClintOn M. Cherry, pastor of In Its entirety, with complete por- r ~ r
a bouquet of ycllow chrysanthe- . USSle, 0 0 a epa, a r e
nlums. II WOre gowns o.f light blue Alexander Zenker, of 109 Merlo n Rd., Merion. Me ver G ; COrl'esSponl ng see::
, The bridesmaids Miss Marv: fa III e ma d e WI th tI g ht fitt Ing b 0d -
-Photo by ClarenCe L. Meycrs Funeral Servl·ces Held for
Mrso Margaret Hodgson
'thIe c h urc h ,pres Id e d at the diSCUS-I tons I t 0 b e pr.esen: t d °dn eac hft 0 f treasurer, e a ~', rs.
Mrs. eorge
01'10 Cook. a wayan"
, ~~
Lou Green, sister' of the brld;'; ices,. low round necklines, and with
Mrs. Charlcs Robert Green, Jr, a CIrcular bertha o~ taieta, short
and Miss Laura Anne McPhee, oflsleeves and a full skirt with a bU:l-
E .
G C - Ii aplto,
son. ' fOUr consecutive ..un ay a er-
The second forum discussion wl1l noons at •.30 o'iock, starting Jann-
Funeral services for Mrs. Ma~- be held Sunday at the ch~rch at ary 11, In the' First Presbyt!lrla:l
'j. I

r nce on,
peacock blue
N. taffeta
., wore
liar to the matron of honor's.
mo cIsslm-
fashioned t) I'
f,tle at the back.
The maid of honor wore a gar- IHEI~ MIG-COSTELLO
land of yellow roses with white Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Costello,.
J T O-J h
• I osep
garet Hodgson, who died Deccm-,7.•5 P. M., with Dr. Alan MacLach- Church, Locust St. west of Flf-
ber 31 at the home of her son, H. alan Frew as the speaker.
F. Hodgson, of 622 Oxford Rd.,
teenth. Dr. Alexander McCurdy Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keenan, of
Dr. Frew, pastor of the Ardmore will conduct. The pUblic Is cordially Forrest Ave., Narberth. spent the
o •
th e b es t man an d th e us h ers 10-
. vIolets and Ivy leaves In her hair of Mt. AIry. announce the engag~-
Ch ar Ies R 0b ert Green, J r., \\.3S and .carrled a matching bouquet 'ment

h of t elr daugh t er, MI ss Mary
e W d 'J 3

Cynwyd, were held saturday af~- Presbyterian Church. will,. have llS, Invited.,
ernoon from the Oliver H. Ball' Fu- his topic "Democracy Faces Crisis I On Sunday aftel'noo n , January an's mother, of Pittspurgh.
. -,Christmas holidays with Mr. Kcen-'

eluded Russell Fieldler and DaVid/The bridesmaids wore garlands ')f EI,ain e Costello. to II am A. Hel- . neral Home, Philadelphia. She was In Europe," and win base his tailli 11. the program will embrace the + .. ..
I(ennedy, both of Roselle, and red roses and violets wlth match- mig, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Alphons Bride Is A t tended In' 83. On personal experiences and Inves- opening "Kyrle Flelson," thel Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ebersole, or
Harry Barth. of Pottstown. \ Ing bouquets. H. Helmig, of 166 Latches Lan!!" , • I A riative of Lancashire, England, tlgatlons of his trip to Europe la"t "Christe Elelson," and the closlnglHampden Ave., Narberth, had as
A reception at the Merion Tril:J- Stephen A. Schoff was best man Cynwyd. I
1 h ree at CCrCJ110ny In Mrs. Hodgson came to this country summer. "Kyrie." The .followlng Sunday willi their guests recently MI'. and :Mrs.
ute House followed the ceremony. for his brothe:. DEWEES-HASTIN~S O"erhrook Church ias a brIde in the late 1880·s. She r~ A peri.od of questions and an- feature the "Gloria" with Its se...·INelson Ebel'sole and their daugh-
Upon their return from a honey- The ushers Included Edwin A. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hastings, 'sided In Cynwyd for the past Eeven swers wlil follow Dr. Frew's talk. leral choruses, 8010 arias and duetll"ter, Nancy, ,of Easton, Pa.
moon the couple will live In Philll- Holden, of New York, and Roland of Mt, Lebanon, Pa., announce the Miss Grace Therpsa . Capitoli.'yeal·s. Besides her son, she Is sur- Future panel discussions will beland the third Sunday Is to be de- . + + +
• delphia. I
B. Alexander, John H. Blye, 3rd, engagement of their daughter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donato 'lIve':! by two grandchildren. held at the church January 18, and voted to the "Credo" with its eight Captain and Mrs. Rob e r t
I Jan~ary 2/5, and are open to the ,sections. The concluding Sunday Graham, of Camp Le~. ya., _spe~t
- H d James H. Quinn, George H. Sher-I Miss Barbara Jean Ijastlngs, til Capltoll, of Philadelphia, became
.wood and Lt. Owen Brooke DUBell'I John Coleman DeWees, Jr., SOn or the bride of John Thomas DlJos- pUbhc. wm provIde the "Sanctus," "Bene- last week wIth Captain Grailam s
M ISS owar Is,all of Philadelphia.
A reception following the cerrl-iValley.
!Mr. and Mrs. DeWees, of Penn eph, son of Mr. and Mrs. DiJoseph,
of W. Spring St., Ardmore, In II.!~
IJohn Haas, of Narberth,
b HO H GOP -Women PIan, Idlctus," "Agnus Del" and "Dona mother. Mrs. Graham. of Forrest
:Nobls P~cem,' 'The B minor MadS Ave., Narberth.

mony was held at the home of the: .. .. + doublc ring ceremony in St. Call-," t1cCllm. S at ome 15 Is espelllan~ remarkable for ItII + + .:" ,
SP . k C ,mighty contrapuntal choral mov.~- . Mr. and Mr.s. Da\ Id :. \,.. Illlam",
ea on Jan 13 I '
ea er a t B - brlde's parents. ,H..\ RTMAN-FVSARO Istus Church Ovcrb-ook on Jan-I Funeral scrvices for John D
I Mr. and Mrs. Guido V. Fusaro,
f 1~11 y . th Rd G' H'II uary .
3 ' ., IHaas of 303 Grayling Ave Nar~IT
, ' ."
:ments In which are embodies some of Philadelphia,. are hemg congrat-
ulated On the bIrth of a daughter
CI b W ed
U lIeS a y d I I BIRTHS

I '"
Farms Manor announcc the e n - '
. .
\,., Icen I
The bride who was givcn In berth who died December 31 :.Lt
marriage by hcr father, chose a' hIS ome, were he d de nesday
. h' 1 U d
Dro GOlb t WhOt

of Bach s most eompelllng and
sublime music
. .
Ave Maria Williams, on Decem-
ber •

Besse Howard, wcll knOWn le.:- Iga~ement of thel!' daughter, MI~s model of white crepe fashioned afternoon from his home Mr Haa.'i I er I e ! These Will be sung by a chorus M' W'Il' M'
turer on current cvents, presented I To Mr. and Mrs. HalTY David, Norma Fusaro, to Thomas Paul along princess li~es and embroldcr-' was employed at the U.· S. Custom
the third in a series of Icctures at: of 422 Righters Mill Rd., G1adwyn,' HRrtman, son of Mr. and Mrs.•J\l- ed with rhinestones and seed! House Philadelphia for mOre than
t B G
S k
e uest pea er
'of sixty and the various solos anJ
!duets wlll be Int.erpreted by Hallie Marcella G. Ma~19.n. daughter c,f
rs. I lams is the former ISS

the morning meeting of the Bala-I a daughter, December 22. j3e p h I. Hartman, of Upper Darby_ pcarls. A crown ~f pcarls and 1'40 ye~rs.' Dr. Gilbert White, president of INowland, soprano; Nancy Flsh-, ~r·?>:e:~o:rs. WIlham M. Manion,
Cynwyd \\romen's Club held at th!!/ To Mr. and ~rs. \Varr'enBrown':l\IEAD_IIUR:H" + rhinestones held her full-length A native of Philadelphia. he re- Haverford College will be gue:;ti , contralto; George Lapha:.l,1 .. + +
club house \Vednesday. of 1404 Remington Rd., Penn' Mfr and Mrs Samuel R Hursh veil and she carried a shower'slded in Merion for eight years be- speaker at a tea to be given bylten~r, and Robert Grooters, bass-I Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Dil1on,
• Fol1owing Miss Howal'd's lecture, Wynne, a daughter, December 22·lor 423 Brv M' • A C§- .I' bouquet of white roses with white!fore moving to Narberth 31 years!the Lower MerIon-Narberth Coun_,barltone. The acompanlments WIll or "Bryn Rhaffan" Penn Val1eJ'
luncheon was served, to memb~rl! To Mr. ~and Mrs, James Rein-Iannounce -t~e 'e~~':geX::~t O/:~i; streamers. lago. He was a member of Crescellt'cil of Rept:blican Women TlIeSday:ien~age a large orchest~a. of Phllil- and the Rev, Dr. ~nd Mrs. Frank~
Of the club an~ their guests oy hardt, of .,03 Lancaster Ave., Ha"-ldaUghter, Miss Rita Virginia Miss Rita Manzi, of O\'erbrook,'Lodge No. 493. F. and A. M.; thejJanuary 13, at 2:30 P. M. I~; p~la OrChestra, muslclOns, two lin Duncombe, of Essex Ave.. Nar-
former clUb preSIdents. erford. a son, Decem?e.r 23..
Th~ speaker at the afternoon To Mr. and .M:I·S. \V~lham Wiley. :son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F' DIDomenico, of Philadelphia, the Izations.
IHursh, and George Edward Mead the maId of honor and Miss Diana Redmen Lodge and other organi-, Dr. \Vhite, formerly with the I ga s (one espeCIally ~nstal1ed for bCl"th. entertained at a dinner last
IAmerica n Friends Service commit_,thl~1 ~ontlnuos) and. p.lano. These Tuesday at the Merion Cricket
;, I He is survIved by his wife, Mrs. t~e and with the geography depart-I w e pla~ed by WIlham Teague. Club in honOr of their daughter
meeting was George Richard of 40/5 Shortrrdge Dl'lve, Wynne-, Mead of Westfield N J
Brown, Who ~poke on "The R'J- wood, a son, December 24..
mance of MUSical Boxes." He l1lu'i-l To MI'. and M~·s. George EVlretl.iROEWS-ZENKER
I' + +' +. .
. bridesmaid. wore gowns of winter
gleen I
taft'cta, with sweetheart Kathryn Massey Haas. Interment ment of the University of Chlcag/), RQbel·t Elhs and G~orge ~arkey. Miss Eugenia E. Dillon, and Mls~
neckline!', and short sleeves with was In West Laurel I:Iill Cemetery. will speak on "Current Issues in!Members ?f the Philadelphia Or- Georgene Van Scivel'.
trated his tallt by exhibiting ami of Haverford Villa, Haverford, a I MI'. and MI·s. Alexander Zenker m:ltching gauntlet gloves. Match-' Higher Education," The tea wl1l,chestra Will p~rfol'm the Instru-I P b t' W en '
playing ~5 rare. ~Id music .boxes. daughtel', December 25. 10f 109 Mel'ion Rd., Merion, an: ing hats and bouquets of pink Villanova to Acce t be held at the· home of Mrl\, Earle :~:t::'la:bbllgatJ 101' the varlo:lsl r~s Y enan
I 0n: s
Tea wa~ sel\ed f~llOW1Dg thel. To Mr. and Mrs. Pasqualo Mar-:nounce the engagement of their I'oses completed their costumes. p ,I Hepburn, •• 9 N. Bowman Ave,,: On S un' • . GUIld Holds Meetmg
, \
......1 ta.lklb Y MIS. L. \~. Chne and Mra. lano, of 223 Woodbine Ave.• Nar-Idaughtel', Miss ~acqueline Zenker The junlol' bridesmaid. Miss Rose Transfer Students _. Merion, president of the organiza-11 g th :a~t' ~al:~ary 11. Pieced-I The Women's Guild of the N;I.:O-
wMes eY P. JDunnlngton, beTrth·Ma daugdhtMer, D ecemb er 26' ,to Burt B. Roens, son of Mr. and l\l"'ie Delvlsco, of Philadelphia. Villanova College wlll admit a tlOn. I INnathan sSnaardeor . ell PlertfOrmlalnce, bel·th PI·esb~·terlan ChuI'ch held the
t', on B d ay anuary
f t 12
d ' the ExeclI- f 331 0 Lar. an t A rs. J osep
K el 1y 1M
• rs. S amucl R oens, of Penn Val- was g-owned In a model f pmk ° . number of transfer students from M rs. Joseph Cairns, " Merion; Mrl1'lheard iBach's n
'110 n s '"w It be''first meeting
"Chac . of the new year {

1~~eCI~:; \:I~ h ~~ JU~I?r and ~en-I~on Dece:::/~6. 'Ie., Ar more, a,le y • . similar to tbe gowns of ~he seniorlemergency area colleges for thejHarr y Felton, Cynwyd; Mrs. J. Tal-lo'CIOCk. onne, a •.10 1 Thursday, January 8, at the
S . 0 a JOint meeting., T' M d M The wedding wl11 take place Fe~)- attendants and also carried a bou- February term the Rev Joseph I bot Henry, Penn Wynne; Mr",. churCh.
sen~~:ser Will be served by thel T; M: a:nd /s. ~us~sell Brown,!ruary 7, in All Saints Church. quet of pink roses. !DOYle. O.S.A., ~egistrar, 'announce~IJames J:ensen. Haverford; Mrs'!B C J H . Ii The meeting- openf'd at 10 A. M.,
. f . s· m.ell Brown,/wynnewood. Donato Capitoli. was thc bcst II last weck John Stol'mfeltz, Penn Wynne and! .- • rs. ear ReVIew with sewing and the prcparatio.1
oD H BUck Lane, Haverford a son
b ' 27 , . . . . .. + man, and . the usher" were Aan-I Students. who have completeJ!·lIf rs. samuel ' VeItch, penn Wynne"' I Of Bro d PI of surg-Ical . .
dreSSings, followed by
Engagement of ~en~ el 'd M SIlIfONS-EU.IS thony Capitoli and John Didomcn- one 01' three semcsters w'lI be ,will pour. Reservations may h~ i a way ays .Iuncheon sen'ed by Mrs. C. W.
H 0 f r~ an ' rs. ;own;endd, of: El~r. a nd Mrs. Iilouglas Charles eeo, 'ccpted in arts c;mmerc~ and a~ : made with Mrs. Allen H. Smith 2391 Mrs. Russell Melchior was the: Steven's cir·cle .
.Florence McKeon Listed d avehrtor D V Ill R , a ver or, "I'!. lis, of 538 Lafayette Rd .• Me:-I A reception following- the cere-' nance and edu~ation New student -,crosshlll Rd., Penn Wynne, Phlla-: guest speaker at the first m~etingl The speaker at the afternoon
b er 2. 7
Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs S. McKeon, aug- T Mer, ecem
d M G' H Id I Ion '. announce d the . engagemcnt 0 f mony was h e Id a t th e ,.,. ....~a.s t E n IWill dnot ' be admitted. .
in engineering I
s d epa I hi 31 . 1
0 f th e new year of the Bala-Cyn-: program was Miss Ruth Penman,
of 101 Bentley Ave., Bala-Cynwyd Jr 0 f r24~n H rS't 'E'o~ge ~a 'I
tell' aughter. MIn Nancy Ellis, Republican Club, Philadclphia. bceause the department Is operat- The Legislative Discussion group I' wyd Junior \Vomen's Cluh held atl who is an assistant to Dr. Fin'!!-
have announced the engagement orl'b "th O d hat mp on Vbe., ar-'Mo John Robert. Simons, son ofl 'ing at its capacity. Of the organization, under the di_ the clUb hOUse Monday evening. ,stine in his work In Jewish·Chrla-.
. .
their daughter, MISS Florence Ma- T M
rle McKeon, to Thomas Francis of ~o ~~ a
er , a aug- er, Decem er 28.
nd M-' C
;d : ~rma~aw y, ~'i
Lall II' II
r. Henry L Simons of Ga r t.·
, r e '1 D A R
M kS
February term registration dates
on 0
f MRS t
rs. ay co t Tanna-
are as follows: Freshman antI hill, wll! meet with the Hanna pen~ltoPlc "Broadway Play by Play", ~e-:
l MM'
rs. elchlOr, Who had as her, Ian re at ons.
't' I I
ton b ' B2~n sophomore non-residents February group of Philadelphia January 16 viewed In her talk "Medea" "Man:MARKI~E-I.ILJ.JS
Patchel, son of Mrs. Thomas T. d
Patchel, of Philadclphla, and the a;:
ht YD
r:;~: a:~e~r:~ Jo~n Wils
r, a I .5S EllIs is a graduate Of Agnes
':i7 ln SCh?ol. Her fiance served A n t u - v e r s a r y 9; freshman and sOPho'more resl-, at .11 A. M., at 250 So. ~6th ~t.: an~ I Super Man", "Comma~d De-! Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lil1ls, of
21 3 Elm Terrace, Narberth, an-
late Mr. Patchel.
. N 0 d a t e has b een set for the wed- ,
f 22 W S .
0. 2
December pring
A don, h the Air Forces In Europe dur- -
ve.,' a aughter, .Ing the wal' . .. .. + Mrs. Harlow B. Klrkpah-ic, state non-resident
dents February 10' resident and I Philadelphia, to hear a dlscusslon.clslon", and "Allegl·o".
' juniors, and senlord. 10 nParll a m e nt ary usage. I 1
H ostesses- f?I' t~e meeting werelI nounce t h e .engagement O.f. their
l• To Mr. and Mrs. William Web'>, PATENAUDE-MOORE I
Mrs. ~. L. Diederich, MI·s. H. W.I daug.hter, MISS Lorctta LIllis, to
. . i of 401 Dudley Ave Nal'berth a' Mr. and Mrs Warner R M
' o f 546 Bowma~ Av
lregent of the Daughtel's of .thc I'February 11.
,American Revolution, will be guest Gun CI b M b
em ers
Se rIces
' .
H-e..ld Cornehus, Jr" Mrs. John Tuttle" EdWIn Markle. sOn of MI'. and Mrs.

H I.g
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kohn. of'son December 30. .,
· hI " I'
and Ave., MerIon, WII~ entl'.r- To MI'. and Mrs. William Shlles, ,nounce the engagement of their I when the ':homas Leiper chap er
M', oorce':speuker Wednc3day, January H,
erIOn, an-, . t lA war ded Dresse
d Turkeys For Mrs Nash
Miss Virginia Heldreth and Mrs. George R. Markle, of DUdley Ave.,
Wat 0 C
s n amp e .
b II
, .
. Woman HeId for Court OD'
taln at a dInner party Friday, In' of 205 Park Terrace Ardmore a I' daughter I1liss Pah'icl M
h onor of M r. an d Mrs. John M. son December 30
Hancock, of Scarsdale, N. Y.
" ,
T~ Mr. and Mrs: Harry Mulle of Ister, Mass.
Joseph A. Patenaude Jr . f W b
t ' celebrates ItS forty-first blrthda,v'
oore, OIL h
unc eon Will be
. f II
0 owe
d b
y al
, . , 0 . e -I musicale at the home of the R!!- Merion Rod and GUn Club w~r.e
I Nine local members of the Lower
R °d f M LO

Dr and MI's Th
. omas
Collings, of 1207 Knox Rd .• \V)'nne-
ewar~ £

Mr. Hancock will be the ma;n 1200 C d'b

e al rook ve, Mellon Golf
spea)ter at a meeting of the Leagu!! I Manor. a daughter, December 30.
.• I
I . .....
T .. +.
Igent MI·s. Charles Nicholas of awarded dressed turkeys for hlg.l
',,' ' "
MIss Moore Is a graduate of Low-! Bushy Crest, Wyncote.
'Iscores In the holiday shoot held
, . l '
f or 65 Years aiD Ine
eSI ent 0 Drunken Driving Charge
MI·s. Mabel Richards, 38 of Hllr-' -e h Z
wood, are receiving congratula..
tlon!! upon th bl th f
e I' 0 a. son, Jf)o.
of \Vomen Votel's of Lower Mer-'I To Mr. and Mrs. E. \". 'v
Stuard er Merion HIgh School and Is at' Guests of honor In addition tOllast Th \\eek In. p.el n Valle).
I R n McDermon • wove., near West Chester Pike, I vember~ane
0 d A • 1- P
24. Collings, 3rd, on No--
Ion Township at Bryn Mawr Col-'Jr., of 37 Rittenhouse Place, Ard: ~resent attendIng Hollins College I Mrs. Klrkpatrlc will Include state i ey we e. en y "'1 Mrs. Martha Nash, one of th!! Klrklyn, was held under $500 ball
, lege Friday evening.
imOI'e a daughter December 30 In Virginia. IlofficerE, directors and regents from I and L. G. Wiekert, of Nal bel th, Main Llne's oldest residents, died for Delawal'e County Court at a ::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;=:
To'Mr and Mrs' J h W d"k + .." + neighboring chapters In Pennsylv'l-: Raymond Trudge?n, of Overbrool< 'I Monday at her home 60 S. Warner hearing befol'e Justice of the peac"'1
Dr. and Mrs. W. Paul Havens ,of 668 Geol'ges Lane Ardmol'e
JI'. of 300 Cherry Lane Wynne: I' son December 3 0 '
. . 0 n
00 coc • WILLIS:-R
ATHGEB I nla .
MI'. and Mrs. Frederick A. Rath-I The musical portion of the pro_l
I' Hills; Lou Schmitt, of Penn Val-
ley . •
. ' .
Ave.• Blyn Mawr, after sulTermg Edwin L~'nch In Haverfol'd Town-
; B. FriCK and Elmer Westman, a cerebral hemOl'rhage during a ship Police Station New Year's EVAI

' " . geb of Gild • '11 b t of AI'dmol'c' Robert Stone of Pen- I ' . ~
wood are receiving congratuJa-1 To Mr. and Mrs Attllio D'Ale~ , ens e, announce the en- gl'am WI e presen ed by Mr.5. ' , uncheon celebrating her 85th mornIng. She was charged \"Itll
, . -Igagement of th I d ht IC I 0 H d t th' d' field Downs and Pete Lothes and bl thd ,.
,tions on the birth December 28 sandro of 12 E Athens Ave Ar.l
, " .
of a son, Michael Cruse Havens. more, a daughter, December 31.
., - Jane Rathgeb t Ch I
e r aug er, Miss \ ar
ar es Danlel
.' M' D
. e ner, a
WillIs, Son of Mr. and Mr.s C. Stna-I the "viole d amour," an ancient In-
Id R C h'
e plano, an ,
. oc lan, ?Iay ng
I I Ellen Dietrich, of Upper Darby.
A Id
res ent of the Main Line for
6/5 years Mrs. Nash came to this
druJlken driVing'.
She. was arrested by po'lice De-I
b 30
ley Willis, of Overbrook Hills. I
strument played chlefiy at the Co of C. to Hold country 'fl'om lI'eland In 1883. cem
drivener by Irving after collldlng
Klncus, with a car

League Women Voters

MI + + + courts of the French kings. Includ-
Mr ss dD;),IY ;ens~n, daughter of ed will be two minuets which were
M . J
eehng ano
14 I Mrs. Nash Is survived by hel' Hili. Mrs. Richards was pronounc-
husband, John; three so'ns, James ed under the Influence of liquor by
of Drexel

- - an . rs. ran C. Benson, of I'd anced before General George Harry Boyd Brown will be gue::lt!G., of Philadelphia; Stanley of Dr. Albert Moxey, police lIurgeon.
;uer::7~0Farm Lane, Cyn:-vyd, re- Washington and Lady Washlngto:l, speaker at a meeting of the Maill B~yn Mawr, and Norman, of P a - I - - - - - -
T o
p o n so r
. 0Iscusslon
n Houghton Coliege, N. Y., played by Mrs. Hedner, and two Line Chamber of Commerce to I)e oh, and three daughters. Mrs. Olive

John M. Hancoclt, who was Gen-Itlon, Moderator; and Dr. Raymond 0 . Monday, .after spending thelcountry danes familiar to the BI'lt- held Januar¥ 14 at Haverford Hale of New York; Mrs. Albert E. definitely s pee i a I milk!
l\i eral Manager of the United stat.eil\S. Short, PI'ofessor of ~OlitiCall;:;:stmas hohdays with her p~- Ish 'Army dUl'lng Its winter of oc- Court Hotel. Turner, of Wynnewood, and Mrr..
Delegation to the United Nations Science at Temple UniverSIty, Wh~I' .: . ' cupatlon In Philadelphia, present- Chairman of the board of Good Alice Coffin, Alaska; eight grand- Even the color is special!
Atomic Energy Commission when'jwill dIscuss the "Majol' Organs, Ilf, M1SS Benson lS a gl'aduate I)f! ed by Mrs. Cochran. House stores' Brown will use as. sons and two great grandchildren. Look at that creamy, rich
Bernard Baruch was Chairman,! the United N"-tions"; Rlchal'\l Haverford Township HIgh School. I his topic, "l't's Later Than Youi Funel'al servIces were held at 8
wiII be the maIn ,speaker at thp.IWcod, Chairman of the Natio0'11 MI' an'd Mr~ + + I
To Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, Think," Walter E. L. IrwIn, presl.l P . M. Thursday at her home. Inter- yellow! It shows you the
January m~ting of the League of;Peace Conference and a member 0 423' . Samuel R. Hursh'lof 426 Old Lancastcr Rd., Haver- t:cnt of the organization, will pre-"ment was held In Radnor Baptist unusual supply of cream in
Women Voters of Lower Merionlof the FrIends Service Committee, \; d BIYn Mawr Ave., Bala-cyn-I ford, a son, January 3. !:;ide. I Cemetery, Wayne.
Township, co-sponsored by B"rnlwho will I'evlew the "Specialized y, announc~ the engagllment.?( . delicious Golden Guernsey
Mawr College and Havel'!ord Col-jAgenCies of the United Nations"; their daughtel, Miss Rita Vlrglnl:1. milk. As for flavor, that's
lege to be held at Goodhart Hall,'and Miss JessIe C. Evans, Chair- Hursh, to George Edward Mca1"
Bryn Mawr College, Friday eve-Ilman of the nternatlonal,1telatlons !IOn of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mead'i Vou cu borrow up to $300 a very special affair tOO!
nll\g, at 8:15 p. M. Committee of the Lower Merion of Westfield, N. J. , , 011 no other' .ecurity thaA
. Hancock, who w1l1 have as .theiLeague, who will review. "The Miss HUrsh Is a Senior at Con- your own agllatw-..
topic of his discussion, Interna- Major Problcms Confronting the nectlcut College..
tlonal Control of AtomIc Energy,\.unlted Nations," Mr. Me~d Is a student at Prince-
I R eso ve
0 ave JlepayZellt.JUY be eldellded
wl11 be Introduced bY Mrs. Thomas The International Rei a t Ion s ton UniversIty, and served with th~ , over a or more. COSTL,Y
L. Kane, of Merion, President of: Group Of the League will hold a AI'my Air Forces durin&: the war. ' PltOMPT COURTEOUS
the League. lmeetln g on T~ursday. Januar~ 1a. Potter-Grant Nup'tials . 'rhe beginning of the New Year is the time for new plans and good ~ SERVICE 0 NO RED TAPE Brookmead Golden Guern-
Also On the speakers platform at the Ashbrldge House, Rosemont. D 19 A NO EM~RABBIHG
Decide to save s~'stematically in 1948. Start now with an.
wl1l be Miss Katherine E. MoBrld'~1 The guest IIpeaker will be Miss sey Milk "with the Veep
ec. re Announced . INVESTIGATION
president of Bryn Mawr College' Gertrude Ely, who recently return-I Mr. and Mrs. Leroy' B. Dam;!- account in our Savings DepartInent and build it up with regular deposits.
PHONI: VI - - - . Cream" gives you whipping
. 'and Dr. Gilbert F. WhIte. Presldenl ed from a tour of Europe under the man, ,Jr., of Galveston, Texas, an-I
of Haverford College. auspices of the International Chil- nounce the marriage of Mr'l. A growing account will give ~'ou the satisfaction of financial progress m,. Ilot pho". WI 7011r .ppu-
A major project of the League dren's Emergency Fund and the Dampman's sister, Miss Eleanor
. of Women Voters Is to build In.: International Relief Organlzatlo'l- Muriel Grant, doaughter of the late
I and you'll htwe the security of a cas h reserve available in any need that
c.tI.,,-th.1l c ••pl.t. til.
10... I" 0"• •f81t ,. 0.... oBicle•
cream at no extra price.

••" • •Ilh a •• It••••• 1t7

formed opinion on the Issue of the She wl1l discuss her observations Mr. and Mrs. Alexadnder Grant,l)f may arise. ••11117°11 pqfel'.
control of atomic energy. Ion conditions abroad. 1508 Essex Ave., Narberth, to
The League joins the Foreign I A meeting of the EducaUon com- George Potter, son of Mrs. Harriet
Policy Association and the United I millee will be held at the home Col' Potter, of 114 Essex Ave.. Nar-
Nations Council In the presentation i Mrs. Robert C. Teare, of Wynne- berth, In Narberth, on Friday, De-
af a second discussion In a serlea I wood, on Wednesday, January 21,' cember 19. The NATIONAL BANK 'of NARBERTH
of fOUl', "The United Nations" wlil' at 10 A. M. Mr. Potter and his brl'de will
;1( be the subject which will be pre-\ . live In Narberth . ' 6 West Lancaster Ave. ......
f . ~" sented Mon!iay, January 12,' at Ii· Mr. and Mrs. ~. M. Krasnoff, of
~::,J" Church, Ardmore.
P. M., at the First Presbyterla.'l 216 Upland Rd. ,Merion, announce Bala Ave., Bala-Cyllwyd, celebrllted
Ieeond Floor. O,rr KresKI!',
Phone Ardmol't' 17110
the birth of a son, stewart Henry their silver wedding anniversary This Olllce open Slturdll1
The panel for the dlscullslon wl11 Krasnoff, to their son and, daugh-j at dinner for relatives and clole II A.M. to 1 P.M. PHONE WAYNE 1121
Include Donald jenks, Board Mem- ter-In-Iaw, Dr. and Mrs. SldneYj tslends at their home, Chrlstm<18
ber of the Foreign Policy Alsocla-j Kr811noff, of Philadelphia. eve. !.:. •


"~I. ;".'

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