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Yes, you are right, it is time for

CHANGE, it is time that WE THE PEOPLE
start clean the house and get some of that
back, and what you have been doing to
Americans has CONSEQUANCES and it start
with ========== YOU! -------that’s
== HOPE &

Its a letter that was sent to the FBI Director
requesting that President Obama be investigated for
numerous high crimes and misdemeanors-You Decide:


Basic letter with the criminal charges against Obama

Basic letter with the criminal charges with Signatures of American citizens for

Receipt – Eric Holder receiving the complaint from American citizens

Receipt – Glenn Fine


Following is Receipt – Eric Holder:

Posted on July 27, 2010

25 Reasons to Impeach
By Fred Dardick, Impeach Obama Contributor

Last week Rep. Michelle Bachmann was asked what Republicans had in mind
should they retake the House of Representatives this November, she replied “I
think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another
and expose all the nonsense that is going on.”

Considering the sheer volume of illegal and impeachable offences committed by

Obama and his cohorts over the past couple of years, the House will be very busy
Putting aside Obama’s inept leadership, weakening of our national defenses and
transparent attempt to socialize our great nation, there are a number of more
practical crimes that once investigated could lead to Obama’s impeachment and
perhaps even his well deserved imprisonment.

25 Obama Crimes the House Should Investigate in 2011

1. Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko’s purchase
of land adjacent to Obama’s house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a
10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the
remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and,
for all intensive purposes, worthless.
2. The provision of the Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and
2008, more complete lists than the ones he provided to the FEC. ACORN
used the lists to illegally raise money for Obama’s election from donors who
had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
3. Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing,
falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton
supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the
2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article
How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party
4. Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show
conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally
eligible to serve as President. Obama’s college records, which have also not
been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship
5. Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders
during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of
dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they
were legally entitled.
6. Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships
by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout
program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural
dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama.
7. Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service
Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and
Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps
8. Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare
bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and
having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central
Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza
and Jim Costa.
9. Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare
coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out
of their current plans.
10. Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out
of the Senate primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.
11. Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus
bypassing Congress which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill. For more
information see my CFP article Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of
CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months.
12. The Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had
agreed with their plan for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when
in actuality none of them had supported the measure.
13. Bullying BP to set up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast
businesses and residents affected by the oil spill, to be administered by an
Obama political appointee without any judicial or congressional oversight.
14. Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were
thrown out of court, creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in
opposition to two judge’s rulings.
15. Establishment of a commission to investigate the Gulf Coast oil spill
that contains not one oil industry expert and whose transparent purpose is
to push a partisan political agenda rather than investigate the cause of the
16. Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in
opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the
President to protect states from foreign invasion, in an attempt to blackmail
Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. In essence,
Obama is holding border states and residents politically hostage during a
time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.
17. Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud as
exposed by former Justice attorney J. Christian Adams. This includes the
dropping of voter intimidation charges against 2 Black Panthers
brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Philadelphia and the
stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed by
African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.
18. Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue
their disenfranchisement of military personnel serving overseas in direct
opposition to the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE)
Act, which was established in response to the more than 17,000 military
votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had arrived
after the deadline.
19. Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services without even a token attempt to put him through the
Congressional nomination process, signaling that Congress’s constitutional
obligation to vet presidential appointees means nothing to Obama. The same
can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.
20. Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum
in Kenya in spite of the Siljander Amendment, which makes it illegal for the
U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries. The Kenyan referendum was
partially written by Planned Parenthood and is designed to legalize abortion
in that nation.
21. The participation of the Obama administration in the firing of Sherry
Sherrod from the USDA without due process because of publicized out of
context remarks she made at a NAACP meeting in March 2010.
22. The White House sham investigation of BP’s involvement in the release of
the mass murdering Lockerbie bomber from prison. The Obama
administration not only knew beforehand of the Scottish government’s plan
to set Abdel Baset al-Megrahi free on “compassionate” grounds, they even
sent a letter to Scottish authorities stating their preference for his remaining
in Scotland over his transfer to a Libyan prison.
23. The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts
approved by the Bush administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar,
preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under
Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than enough to end our
dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for
hundreds of years at current consumption rates.
24. Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine
the political affiliation of people making Freedom of Information Act
requests and the subsequent delay and even altogether ignoring of requests
made by Republican affiliated individuals.
25. The hardest to prosecute in court, but worst crime of all that Obama has
perpetrated against the American people is the economic tyranny that his
socialist policies have wrecked upon our nation. While Obama has been
living the life of a king, including frequent 5 star vacations, dozens of
concerts at the White House and endless rounds of golf, all paid for by
taxpayer money—the increased transportation and security costs alone are
in the millions of dollars—he has called for the rest of us to endure economic
sacrifice. The annual trillion dollar deficits and borrowing of 41 cents of
every dollar of government spending by Obama is leading to unsustainable
and potentially catastrophic debt.

Something to Look Forward to

These 25 crimes are just what I’ve been able to dig up over the past couple of
weeks. No doubt there are many more that I have missed or still as yet
undiscovered. While any one may be sufficient to impeach Obama, taken as a
whole it demonstrates that Obama has little to no regard for the
rule of law.
I look forward to a Republican controlled House of Representatives uncovering
Obama’s corrupt dealings and exposing this man as unworthy of the office of

Fred Dardick is the owner and operator of a medical staffing company based in
Chicago. Prior to the business world, he worked as a biological researcher at various
highly regarded universities in the United States.

KUHNER: President’s socialist
takeover must be stopped
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

The Washington Times

5:58 p.m., Thursday, July 22, 2010

President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and

misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as
Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama
should be impeached.

He is slowly - piece by painful piece - erecting a socialist

dictatorship. We are not there - yet. But he is putting America on that
dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks
and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law;
presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very
pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela‘s leftist strongman,
Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above -
one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological
lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His
policies are Balkanizing the country. It’s time for him to go.

He has abused his office and violated his oath to

uphold the Constitution. His health care overhaul was rammed
through Congress. It was - and remains - opposed by a majority of the
people. It could only be passed through bribery and political
intimidation. The Louisiana Purchase, the Cornhusker Kickback, the $5
billion Medicaid set-aside for Florida Sen. Bill Nelson - taxpayer money
was used as a virtual slush fund to buy swing votes. Moreover, the law is
blatantly unconstitutional: The federal government does not have the
right to coerce every citizen to purchase a good or service. This is not in
the Constitution, and it represents an unprecedented expansion of
Yet Obamacare’s most pernicious aspect is its federal funding of
abortion. Pro-lifers are now compelled to have their tax dollars used to
subsidize insurance plans that allow for the murder of unborn children.
This is more than state-sanctioned infanticide. It violates the conscience
rights of religious citizens. Traditionalists - evangelicals, Catholics,
Baptists, Muslims, Orthodox Jews - have been made complicit in an
abomination that goes against their deepest religious values. As the law
is implemented (as in Pennsylvania) the consequences of the abortion
provisions will become increasingly apparent. The result will be a
cultural civil war. Pro-lifers will become deeply alienated from society;
among many, a secession of the heart is taking place.

Mr. Obama is waging a frontal assault on property

rights. The BP oil spill is a case in point. BP clearly is responsible for
the spill and its massive economic and environmental damage to the
Gulf. There is a legal process for claims to be adjudicated, but Mr.
Obama has behaved more like Mr. Chavez or Russia‘s Vladimir Putin:
He has bullied BP into setting up a $20 billion compensation fund
administered by an Obama appointee. In other words, the assets of a
private company are to be raided to serve a political agenda. Billions
will be dispensed arbitrarily in compensation to oil-spill victims - much
of it to Democratic constituents. This is cronyism and creeping
Mr. Obama‘s multicultural socialism seeks to eradicate
traditional America. He has created a command-and-control
health care system. He has essentially nationalized the big banks, the
financial sector, the automakers and the student loan industry. He next
wants to pass “cap-and-trade,” which would bring industry and
manufacturing under the heel of big government. The state is
intervening in every aspect of American life - beyond its constitutionally
delegated bounds. Under Mr. Obama, the Constitution has become a
meaningless scrap of paper.

To provide the shock troops for his socialist takeover, Mr. Obama calls
for “comprehensive immigration reform” - granting
amnesty to 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens. This
would forge a permanent Democratic electoral
majority. It would sound the death knell for our national sovereignty.
Amnesty rewards lawlessness and criminal behavior; it signifies the
surrender of our porous southern border to a massive illegal invasion. It
means the death of American nationhood. We will no longer be a
country, but the colony of a global socialist empire.

Rather than defending our homeland, Mr. Obama‘s Justice

Department has sued Arizona for its immigration law. He
is siding with criminals against his fellow Americans.
His actions desecrate his constitutional oath to protect U.S. citizens from
enemies foreign and domestic. He is thus encouraging more illegal
immigration as Washington refuses to protect our borders. Mr.
Obama‘s decision on this case is treasonous.
As president, he is supposed to respect the rule of law.
Instead, his administration has dropped charges of
voter intimidation against members of the New Black
Panther Party. This was done even though their menacing behavior
was caught on tape: men in military garb brandishing clubs and
threatening whites at a polling site. A Justice Department lawyer
intimately involved in the case, J. Christian Adams, resigned in protest.
Mr. Adams says that under Mr. Obama, there is a new policy: Cases
involving black defendants and white victims - no matter how much they
cry for justice - are not to be prosecuted. This is more than
institutionalized racism. It is an abrogation of civil rights laws. The
Justice Department‘s behavior is illegal. It poses a direct threat to the
integrity of our democracy and the sanctity of our electoral process.

Corruption in the administration is rampant.

Washington no longer has a government; rather, it has a gangster
regime. The Chicago way has become the Washington way. Chief of
Staff Rahm Emanuel is a political hit man. He is an amoral, ruthless
operator. It was Mr. Emanuel who reached out to Rep. Joe Sestak,
Pennsylvania Democrat, offering a high-ranking job in the hopes of
persuading Mr. Sestak to pull out of the primary against Sen. Arlen
Specter. It was Mr. Emanuel who offered another government position
to Andrew Romanoff to do the same in the Colorado Democratic Senate
primary. And it was Mr. Emanuel - as the trial of former Illinois Gov.
Rod Blagojevich has revealed - who acted as the go-between to try to
have Valerie Jarrett parachuted into Mr. Obama‘s former Senate seat.
The only question was: What did Mr. Blagojevich want in exchange?
This is not simply sleazy
Chicago machine politics. It is the
systematic breaking of the law - bribery, attempt to
interfere (and manipulate) elections using taxpayer-
funded jobs, influence peddling and abuse of power.
The common misperception on the right is that Mr. Obama is another
Jimmy Carter: an incompetent liberal whose presidency is being
reduced to rubble under the onslaught of repeated failures. The very
opposite, however, is true. He is the most consequential
president in our lifetime, transforming America into
something our Founding Fathers would find not only
unrecognizable, but repugnant. Like all radical
revolutionaries, he is consumed by the pursuit of power -
attaining it, wielding it and maximizing it. Mr. Obama‘s
fledgling thug state must be stopped.
If Republicans win back Congress in November, they should - and likely
will - launch formal investigations into this criminal, scandal-ridden
administration. Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican and ranking
member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has
promised as much. Mr. Obama has betrayed the American
people. Impeachment is the only answer. This usurper
must fall.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the
Edmund Burke Institute, a Washington think tank. He is the host of “The Kuhner
Show” on WTNT 570-AM ( from 5 to 7 p.m.”


Gingrich: If Palin Took Obama Actions, There Would Be

Calls for Impeachment
Friday, 25 Feb 2011 02:53 PM

By Jim Meyers and Ashley Martella

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV Friday, former House

Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to
fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law eventually could lead to a
constitutional crisis, as he
has directly violated his
constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a
Gingrich even suggested that, if a “President Sarah Palin” had taken a
similar action, there would have been immediate calls for her
impeachment. Asked directly whether Obama could be subject to
articles of impeachment, Gingrich said, “I think that’s something you
get to much later. But I think clearly it is a dereliction of duty. Clearly
it’s a violation of his constitutional oath. Clearly it is not something that
can be allowed to stand."

(A Gingrich spokesman stressed after the interview that we are not

currently in a constitutional crisis, nor was Gingrich calling for the
direct impeachment of the president. His statements were meant to
illustrate the hypocrisy of the left and the mainstream media.)

Obama Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday that the

administration will not defend the constitutionality of the Defense of
Marriage Act in the courts, which has banned recognition of same-sex
marriage for 15 years. President Clinton signed the act into law in 1996.

Obama’s decision to forego a legal defense of the law has caused a

firestorm of anger from conservative groups.

Gingrich slammed Obama for his decision, telling Newsmax that he is

not a “one-person Supreme Court” and his
decision sets a “very dangerous precedent” that
must not be allowed to stand.
Story continues below the MUST WATCH video @

“Imagine that Governor Palin had become president. Imagine that she
had announced that Roe versus Wade in her view was unconstitutional
and therefore the United States government would no longer protect
anyone’s right to have an abortion because she personally had decided it
should be changed. The news media would have gone crazy. The New
York Times would have demanded her impeachment.

“First of all, he campaigned in favor of [the law]. He is breaking his

word to the American people,” Gingrich says.

“Second, he
swore an oath on the Bible to become
president that he would uphold the Constitution
and enforce the laws of the United States. He is not
a one-person Supreme Court. The idea that we now
have the rule of Obama instead of the rule of law
should frighten everybody.
“The fact that the left likes the policy is allowing
them to ignore the fact that this is a very
unconstitutional act,” Gingrich said.
Gingrich said it is absolutely critical for Obama to comply with
Congress and the constitutional process.
“I believe the House Republicans next week should
pass a resolution instructing the president to
enforce the law and to obey his own constitutional
oath, and they should say if he fails to do so that
they will zero out [defund] the office of attorney
general and take other steps as necessary until the
president agrees to do his job.
“His job is to enforce the rule of law and for us to
start replacing the rule of law with the rule of
Obama is a very dangerous precedent."
Gingrich adds:“I don’t think these guys set out to create a
constitutional crisis. I think they set out to pay off their
allies in the gay community and to do something that
they thought was clever. I think they didn’t understand
the implication that having a president personally
suspend a law is clearly unconstitutional.”

The Speaker of the House who initiated the last impeachment of a
Democratic president has warned Barack Obama of the possibility of a
repeat. Newt Gingrich told that Obama’s refusal to fight
legal challenges against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) — which
was also passed while Gingrich was Speaker — created a “very
dangerous precedent.” He invoked a comparison: ““Imagine that
Governor Palin had become president. Imagine that she had announced
that Roe v. Wade in her view was unconstitutional, and therefore the
United States government would no longer protect anyone’s right to
have an abortion because she personally had decided it should be
changed. The news media would have gone crazy. The New York Times
would have demanded her impeachment.” Gingrich warned Obama
“swore an oath on the Bible to become president that he would uphold
the Constitution and enforce the laws of the United States. He is not a
one-person Supreme Court.”

He added thatimplementing ObamaCare after it had been

declared unconstitutional presented additional cause for
concern. He called on Congress to defund ObamaCare in its
budget — and, if the president violates the law, “then you’d
have a real crisis.” His comments in response to questions about
impeachment make clear that, although he is not yet ready to ask for
proceedings to begin, he sees that as the outcome if Obama continues on
his current lawless trajectory.
Gingrich is at least the third person to call for impeachment over
DOMA. Yesterday, Matthew Vadum added this dereliction was “a new”
reason to impeach Obama. Not all who believe this is “an impeachable
offense” oppose homosexuality. Gingrich is the highest-ranking
politician to warn the president of the possibility of impeachment. As
they ask in the cell phone commercial, “Can you hear us now?”

The Big List of reasons to impeach is updated

after the Obama Sept. 9, 2009 address to Congress
Posted in September 10th, 2009
by Scott in Politics

The big list of 32 causes for impeaching President Barack Hussein Obama
(aka Barry Soetoro).
The history of the current President of the United States of America,
Barack Obama, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all
having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over
these United States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid

1. He has violated his oath to defend the US Constitution by exercising

powers forbidden by the Constitution.
2. He has used public money to purchase private companies.
3. He has illegally tried to use public money to create publicly owned
4. He has embezzled public money allocated by Congress for rescuing
distressed private financial institutions, and used it to purchase
automobile manufacturing companies.
5. He has given our public money to finance foreign automobile
6. He has given our public money to a foreign state to finance their state-
run oil company while refusing to allow us to develop our own oil
7. He has violated the principle of balance of powers by usurping
Congress’ role of law maker.
8. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary
for the public good.
9. He has ignored the laws protecting us from the insolvency of financial
10. He has demanded and implemented Tax-and-Spend laws that
inevitably lead to economic collapse.
11. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by appointing a
judge to the Supreme Court based not on ability to interpret the
Constitution, but on radical ideology and color of skin.
12. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of
Czars to harass our people and eat out their substance.
13. He has violated the balance of powers by appointing Czars with far
reaching powers who are accountable to no one but himself.
14. He has as a matter of patronage stolen private industries from
shareholders and given them to workers’ unions.
15. He has substantially benefitted his political financial supporters by
giving public money to foreign industries.
16. He has arranged very large unscrupulous deals with private
companies to exchange public money for his political advertising.
17. He has attempted to create a public industry, a health insurance
company, that would compete with existing and similar private
industries in open defiance of the consent of the people, and the letter
and intent of the Constitution.
18. He has attempted to annul free of speech by setting up an illegal
reporting system for recording the names of dissenters and by publicly
attacking private citizens who oppose him.
19. He has counted illegal aliens as citizens to skew his standing with
20. He has illegally fired Inspectors General who found wrong-doing
with his political crones.
21. He has attempted to insert himself into even the most personal life
experience, our end of life care.
22. He has attempted to refuse to pay for medical treatment for
wounded soldiers.
23. He has refused his assent to Laws of Congress, exercising false
powers of veto that are contrary and insubordinate to the Constitution.
24. He has contradicted and violated the rule of law regarding
bankruptcy after forcing the failure of one of our largest automakers.
25. He has appointed a Secretary of State who is ineligible for office.
26. He has attempted to force all citizens into mandatory servitude to the
27. He has wasted our precious time and resources on his pet projects,
while neglecting to attend to critical issues of the general welfare.
28. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has
endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our lands, the merciless
Islamo-fascist terrorists whose known rule of warfare, is an
undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
29. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual,
uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records,
for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his
30. He has combined with Communist, Socialists and Fascists to subject
us to a jurisdiction foreign to our American character, and
unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of
pretended Legislation.
31. He has, in collusion with an insolent and irresponsible Congress,
imposed Taxes against our consent not only on us, but also on our
beloved children and our grandchildren denying them any
32. He has nullified parts of our Constitution, abolishing our most
valuable Laws and altering fundamentally our Form of Government.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in

the most humble terms. Our repeated Petitions have been answered only
by repeated insults and injuries. A President whose character
is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant
is unfit to be the Chief Executive of a free people.


1. He has violated his oath to defend the US

Constitution by exercising powers forbidden by the
Barack Obama seems to have a disdain for the US Constitution.
Curiously he used to teach the Constitution. The then Senator
Obama said of his time as a professor at the University of
Chicago: “I was a constitutional law professor, which means
unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.”
It’s nice to know he respects the Constitution. It’s too bad he
does not preserve, protect and defend the Constitution also. [1]
[2][3][4][5][6][8][11][12][14] [15][16][18][20][21][22][24][25][28]
[29] [31][37][38][39][40][43][44]

2. He has used public money to purchase private

Obama’s administration purchased General Motors. The
Constitution forbids the government from buying and running
private industries.[2][38][40]
3. He has illegally tried to use public money to create
publicly owned companies.
Obama’s government tried to create a health insurance
company. The Constitution forbids the government from doing

4. He has embezzled public money allocated by

Congress for rescuing distressed private financial
institutions, and used it to purchase automobile
manufacturing companies.
The public tax money Obama used for the General Motors
purchase was designated by law for the support of distressed
financial companies. It was not to be used for anything else.
Obama took Congresses money and spent it on a car company
against the law of Congress.[4]

5. He has given our public money to finance foreign

automobile companies.
The so-called “Cash for Clunkers” program redistributed the
public tax money and gave it to car dealers. The overwhelming
majority of the automobiles purchased were of foreign make.
Much of the money for those automobiles wound up lining the
pockets of foreign automobile manufacturers.[5]
6. He has given our public money to a foreign state to
finance their state-run oil company while refusing to
allow us to develop our own oil resources.
Obama financed a Brazilian oil company using public tax money
to search for foreign oil in Brazil. The company, Brazil-owned
Petrobras, was a wealthy state run company, perfectly capable of
doing the search itself. This was effectively a gift of US tax money
to the investors in the company and its owner. At the same time
we have plenty of oil in the US to search for and produce,
especially in Alaska, and yet Obama denies us the right to
develop our own oil resources.[6][7]

7. He has violated the principle of balance of powers by

usurping Congress’ role of law maker.
Even the more radical leftists in Congress complained about his
power grab. According to the complaints of the leftist politicians
Obama is usurping the power of lawmaker from Congress
through his czars.[8]

8. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most

wholesome and necessary for the public good.
Obama’s financial plans for the recovery are based on
communist, socialist and fascist ideas with no history of success,
and every history of failure. While forcing these pre-doomed
plans onto the economy, he would not execute economic practices
that are know to work. He pursued tax-and-spend economic
policies, while refusing supply-side, tax cut based plans. This has
extended the suffering caused by the recession. He tried to help
the issues in banking without having a clear plan.[9][23]

9. He has ignored the laws protecting us from the

insolvency of financial institutions.
According to bankruptcy law, specifically the Prompt Corrective
Action law, failed banks are supposed to close and go into
receivership to the government. Obama ignored the law. Instead
he propped up failing banks artificially using public tax money
and nationalized them. The law exists for a reason. It protects the
banking system from collapse.[51][52]

10. He has demanded and implemented Tax-and-Spend

laws that inevitably lead to economic collapse.
Obama claimed promised to not raise taxes as President. He
raised taxes by turning them into debt to be paid later. He is also
trying to raise taxes by driving up the costs of energy which
especially hurts the poor. [10]

11. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by

appointing a judge to the Supreme Court based not on
ability to interpret the Constitution, but on radical
ideology and color of skin.
Obama’s choice for Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor was
certainly based on her latino heritage. She also has a history of
radicalism that makes it clear that her legal judgment is heavily
slanted. [11][24][25]

12. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent

hither swarms of Czars to harass our people and eat out
their substance.
Other Presidents have had czars, or the equivalent. Obama has
created more of them than any other President. His czars are
more radical and on the political fringe than those of any other
President in history. Through them his is overriding the role of
Congress as lawmaker.[13][26]

13. He has violated the balance of powers by appointing

Czars with far reaching powers who are accountable to
no one but himself.
The President’s cabinet needs to be approved by Congress. The
Founders set things up this way for a reason. Obama’s czars
form a shadow cabinet. Sometimes the czars have as much power
as the cabinet members. The czars sometimes create laws which
is a responsibility of Congress.[12][22]

14. He has as a matter of patronage stolen private

industries from shareholders and given them to
workers’ unions.
After Obama took over GM and Chrysler, he gave a large
ownership of the companies to the Auto Workers unions. These
unions were big supporters of his during the Presidential

15. He has substantially benefitted his political

financial supporters by giving public money to foreign
George Soros is a huge supporter of Obama and his causes. Just
days before Obama gave billions of public tax money to Brazil-
owned Petrobras, Soros made a big financial move that earned
him millions from Obama’s gift.[32][33]

16. He has arranged very large unscrupulous deals with

private companies to exchange public money for his
political advertising.
Obama arranged large potential deals with pharmacy
companies. Those same companies gave large amounts of money
to Obama for his presidential campaign. They have the ability to
give more large amounts in the next election.[34][35]

17. He has attempted to create a public industry, a

health insurance company, that would compete with
existing and similar private industries in open defiance
of the consent of the people, and the letter and intent of
the Constitution.
This cause for impeachment, of course, is the imfamous H.R.3200
unconstitutional and very unpopular socialized medicine bill.
The overwhelming majority of the US population doesn’t want it,
yet he still insists on forcing it on us.[15][28][29][41][42]

18. He has attempted to annul free of speech by setting

up an illegal reporting system for recording the names
of dissenters and by publicly attacking private citizens
who oppose him.
He set up a reporting system for people to email “tattle tales”
about possibly incorrect or misleading information about
H.R.3200 to his office. This would create a dampening effect on
the people’s First Amendment right to discuss legislation. He also
has openly and publicly attacked private citizens from his office.
He is presently attempting to financially punish the forms of
media, namely talk radio, which are most critical of him,
effectively charging those media companies an unconscienable
tax, one equal to their earnings, to stay in business. He intends to
use those taxes to pay for equivalents to those forms of media
that he controls.[16][21][37][39]

19. He has counted illegal aliens as citizens to skew his

standing with Congress.
Obama is intending in the 2010 census to count all people in the
US without questioning their citizenship status. This brings the
US one step further in losing our national identity. This false
counting of the people gives those districts with large numbers of
illegal aliens greater representation in the House of
Representatives. This is effectively turning the government over
to a foreign power to some degree. This is an act of treason.[44]

20. He has illegally fired Inspectors General who found

wrong-doing with his political croneys.
Obama fired nspector General Walpin in an illegal manner after
Walpin discovered legal improprieties committed by Sacramento
Mayor Kevin Johnson, one of Obama’s political supporters.
Obama did not give a reason for his firing. In a like manner, he
fired Inspector General David Hoffman after Hoffman found
wrongdoings with a nephew of Chicago’s infamous Mayor Daley,
who is a longtime political associate of Obama’s.[17][30]

21. He has attempted to insert himself into even the

most personal life experience, our end of life care.
Part of Obama’s unconstitutional H.R.3200 contains a provision
for government evaluation and counseling for end of life care and
potentially provides a paid service that affects the income of the
counselor, benefiting them if the patient dies. This is horribly

22. He has attempted to refuse to pay for medical

treatment for wounded soldiers.
In an unbelievably disgraceful act, Obama tried to talk the
Veterans Administration into having US soldiers pay for their
medical treatment for wounds received in combat using their
own medical insurance.[36]

23. He has refused his assent to Laws of Congress,

exercising false powers of veto that are contrary and
insubordinate to the Constitution.
Congress passed a bill directing how money from the
International Monetary Fund should be spend. Obama
effectively vetoed sections of the bill, saying that they interfered
with his ability to conduct foreign relations. According the
Constitution Obama does not have the right to conduct foreign
relations, except as provided by Congress. He invented a
nonexistent right to a line item veto, and then justified it with a
nonexistent right to conduct foreign relations which were
themselves contrary to the requirements of Congress.[18]

24. He has contradicted and violated the rule of law

regarding bankruptcy after forcing the failure of one of
our largest automakers.
According to bankruptcy law, secured creditors get paid by the
bankrupt organization before unsecured creditors. When
Chrysler went into bankruptcy Obama gave the United Auto
Workers $0.50 on the dollar for their unsecured debt, while
giving the shareholders only $0.25 on the dollar for their secured
debt. This is in complete contradiction to bankruptcy law.[19]

25. He has appointed a Secretary of State who is

ineligible for office.
Obama appointed President Clinton’s wife, Hillary Clinton, to
Secretary of State even though she is clearly illegal according to
the Constitution. No Senator who votes for an increase in salary
for a Cabinet office, such as Secretary of State, can be eligible for
that office for a given period of time. Obama decided to ignore
the Constitution, and appointed Clinton anyway.[54]

26. He has attempted to force all citizens into

mandatory servitude to the government.
Obama originally planned to force every US citizen to do some
kind of social work for the government for a minimum number
of hours per year. Then he tried to make this applicable to only
minors, which would also violate the child labor laws. [20][43]

27. He has wasted our precious time and resources on

his pet projects, while neglecting to attend to critical
issues of the general welfare.
On September 9, 2009 he addressed a joint session of Congress
with a speech on HR 3200, trying to push socialized medicine
onto the public. His greatest focus is on getting this project
implemented. At the same time we are in the greatest economic
crisis since the Great Depression. He is neglecting the economy
while attending to this pet socialized medicine project.

28. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us,

and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our
lands, the merciless Islamo-fascist terrorists whose
known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished
destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
Obama promised to close the prisons for terrorists in Guantamo
Bay in Cuba. To close this he will have to bring the prisoners to
the US. He has also been actively involved with US radicals as a
“community organizer” where he taught, preached and
encouraged social disruption that favored radical socialists,
communists and other alien ideologies.[48][49][50][53]

29. He has called together legislative bodies at places

unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the
depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose
of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
Obama has supported large complex bills that were produced for
review only hours before Congress had the opportunity to vote
on them. The members of Congress had no time to review the
bills. The citizens did not have the opportunity to review and
discuss them. The Constitution requires that the public be able to
review and discuss legislation. Obama is required by his duty
under his oath to veto all such bills.[45][46][47]
30. He has combined with Communist, Socialists and
Fascists to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our
American character, and unacknowledged by our laws;
giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation.
Most notably, the Communists, Socialists and Fascists are
Obama czars. He has a long history of associating and
supporting such individuals.

31. He has, in collusion with an insolent and

irresponsible Congress, imposed Taxes against our
consent not only on us, but also on our beloved children
and our grandchildren denying them any
Obama executed H.R.1, misnamed the “Stimulus Bill,” under the
pretense that this bill would help fix the recession, when in
reality it appears it had more to do with political payolla for
support for his candidacy for President. The debt incurred by
this bill and other similar bill will take generations to pay off.
Future generations had no say in these imposed taxes, so this is a
classic example of the crime of taxation without representation.

32. He has nullified parts of our Constitution,

abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering
fundamentally our Form of Government.
All of the above prove this.
[1] Hawkins, A.W.R. “Eleven States Declare Sovereignty Over Obama’s Action.” 23
February 2009. Headquarters of the Conservative Underground. 19
August 2009 <>.
[2] “Obama’s GM Plan Looks Like a Raw Deal:
Congress, not a secret task force, should decide the company’s fate.” 29 May 2009. The Wall
Street Journal: Opinion Journal. 19 August 2009
[3] Bader, Hans. “Legal Experts and Civil Rights Commission Attack Obama Health-Care
Plan As Unconstitutional.” 18 August 2009. Free Markets & Limited
Government. 19 August 2009 <
[4] Lucas, Fred. “Indiana Challenges Constitutionality of TARP Money for Auto Bailout.” 4
June 2009. 19 August 2009
[5] Manning, Stephen. “Clunkers rebates benefit Asian automakers’ sales.” 14 August 2009. 19 August 2009
[6] Palin, Sarah. “Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work: First Cars, Now Foreign Oil.” 19 August
2009. Facebook: Palin, Sarah. 19 August 2009 <
[7] “Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling: Too bad it’s not in US waters.” 18 August 2009.
The Wall Street Journal: Opinion Journal. 19 August 2009
[8] Bresnahan, John. “Byrd: Obama in power grab.” 25 February 2009. Politico. 19 August
2009 <>.
[9] Ferrara, Peter. “Obama Is Delaying the Economic Recovery.” 22 July 2009. The
American Spectator. 19 August 2009 <
[10] “Morning Bell: The Obama Tax and Spend Economy is Here.” 2 March 2009. The
Heritage Foundation. 19 August 2009 <
[11] “Judicial Watch: Judge Sonia Sotomayor and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and
Education Fund.” 17 June 2009. Judicial Watch. 19 August 2009
[12] Klukowski, Ken. “Senior Democrat Says Obama’s Czars Unconstitutional.” 15 June
2009. 19 August 2009
[13] “Q&A: Regarding these czars that President Barack Obama has been appointing, who
pays their salary, who determines how much they make and are tax dollars involved at all?”
6 August 2009. Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 19 August 2009 <
[14] “GM and Chrysler now part of Mayor Obama’s patronage farm.” 28 April 2009.
Extreme Wisdom. 19 August 2009 <>.
[15] Sage, Bobbie Marie. “How The Critics Feel About Obama’s Plans to Reform Health
Care: Is The Government Unfair Competition?” 19 August 2009
[16] “Cornyn accuses White House of compiling ‘enemies list’.” 6 August 2009. The Dallas
Morning News. 19 August 2009
[17] Bodnar, Jacob. “Obama’s Illegal Firing of Inspector General Walpin.” 17 June 2009.
The Spartan Review. 19 August 2009 <>.
[18] Eddlem, Thomas R. “Congress Rebukes Obama on Dictatorial Claim.” 11 July 2009.
New American. 19 August 2009
[19] Barone, Michael. “White House puts UAW ahead of property rights.” 6 May 2009. The
Washington Examiner. 19 August 2009
[20] Watson, Paul Joseph. “Obama Website Scrubs Mandatory Community Service Call.” 10
November 2008. Alex Jone’s Prison Planet. 19 August 2009
[21] “Records maintained on individuals.” Title 5. U.S. Code 552a. 19 August 2009
[22] Albert, Richard. “Czars run counter to Barack Obama’s promises.” 20 July 2009.
Politico. 19 August 2009 <>.
[23] Hall, Kevin G. “Obama’s econ failure: Still no plan to fix the banks.” 12 March 2009.
McClatchy. 19 August 2009 <>.
[24] Shapiro, Ilya. “Sotomayor Doesn’t Deserve a Supreme Court Seat.” 22 July 2009. The
Cato Institute. 19 August 2009 <
[25] Marx, Gary, and Long, Wendy E. “Sotomayor Nomination: Wrap-Up and Going
Forward.” 6 August 2009. Obama’s Front Runners. 19 August 2009
[26] Braithwaite, Neil. “Beware the Czar’s of Obama!” 12 June 2009. Chron Watch. 19
August 2009 <
[27] Mangru, Dan. “Does Anyone Care About the GM Shareholder?” 2 June 2009. 19 August 2009
[28] “How The Critics Feel About Obama’s Plans to Reform Health Care.” 25 July
2009.Insurance Guide. 19 August 2009 <
[29] McCollister, Rolfe. “Obama’s health plan creates monopoly.” 27 July 2009.Business 19 August 2009 <
[30] Kass, John. “Obama’s political play should shock no one.” 21 June 2009.Chicago Tribue.
19 August 2009 <
[31] Palin, Sarah. “Statement on the Current Health Care Debate.” 7 August 2009.
Facebook: Palin, Sarah. 19 August 2009 <
19 August 2009 <
[33] Blount, Jeb and Weiss, Miles. “Soros Hedge Fund Bought Petrobras Stake Worth $811
Million.” 15 August 19 August 2009
[34] Grimm, Ryan. “Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big
Pharma.” 13 August 2009.Huffington Post. 19 August 2009
[35] Kirkpatrick, David D. “Drug Industry to Run Ads Favoring White House Plan.” 8
August 2009.New York Times. 19 August 2009
[36] “Change You Can Believe In – Obama’s Crimes Against Veterans.” 19 March 2009.
Judging Truth. 19 August 2009. <
[37] “President Barack Obama Crimes! Attacking America’s Private Citizens.” devils-best- 19 August 2009
[38] Jeffrey, Terence P. “The Illegal, Unconstitutional Bush-Obama Auto Bailout.” 1 April 20 August 2009 <
[39] “ACLJ Calls on President Obama to Repudiate White House Comments Calling on
Americans to “Flag” and Report “Fishy” Comments Opposing Health Care Plan.” 6 August
2009.Business Wire. 20 August 2009
[40] Lucas, Fred. “36 Congressmen Ask Obama to Return Authority Over Auto Bailout to
Congress–But White House Says Its Not Over-Reaching Its Power.” 29 May 20 August 2009 <
[41] Rosenbloom, Frank S., M.D. “The Failed Promises of Government Funded Health
Care.” 7 July 2009.American Thinker. 21 August 2009
[42] “Why an Obamacare “Public Plan” should be an easy target.” 24 June 2009.Patterico’s
Pontification. 21 August 2009 <“public-
[43] “America Serves.” The office of the President Elect. 22 August 2009
[44] Baker, John S. and Stonecipher, Elliott. “Our Unconstitutional Census.” 9 August
2009.Wall Street Journal: Opinion Journal. 21 August 2009
[45] “Democrat’s Midnight “Stimulus” Power Play.” 11 February 2009.House Republican
Leader John Boehner. 22 August 2009 <>.
[46] Klein, Philip. “Stimulus Bill Becomes Available ‘Round About Midnight.” 13 February
2009.The American Spectator. 22 August 2009
[47] Hair, Connie. “Republicans Shut Out of Stimulus Conference Negotiations.” 11
February 22 August 2009
[48] Lewis, James. “Barack Obama and Alinsky’s Rules for Psychopaths.” 25 September
2008.American Thinker. 22 August 2009
[49] “Camp Alinsky Obama.” 4 October 2008.The Real Barack Obama. 22 August 2009
[50] Rowley, James. “Obama’s Plan to Close Guantanamo Forces Decision About Inmates .”
3 December 22 August 2009 <
[51] “Camp Alinsky Obama.” 5 April 2009.PBS. 23 August 2009
[52] Black, William K. “Why Is Geithner Continuing Paulson’s Policy of Violating the Law?”
23 February 2009.The Huffington Post. 23 August 2009
[53] Foon, Rhee. “Cheney rejoins battle over interrogations” 25 August 25
August 2009
[54] “Rodearmel v. Clinton.”Judicial Watch. 5 September 2009


Rep. Trent Franks, who represents

Arizona’s 2nd Congressional district, is chairman of the Constitution
subcommittee Supports IMPEACHMENT of Obama.
A Congressman is On Board: Impeach
Obama Over DOMA
Posted on March 3, 2011 by Ben Johnson
Must Watch:
A sitting Congressman has endorsed the call to impeach President
Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. Rep. Trent Franks,
R-AZ, told Scott Keyes of he would “absolutely”
support impeachment if enough fellow Congressmen would support
him. The left-wing blog posted an interview it filmed of the four-term
Congressman at the Tea Party Patriots Policy Summit in Phoenix, in
which Franks called for holding Obama and Holder accountable for
violating the rule of law. Keyes asked if Franks would consider
defunding the Department of Justice over its refusal to defend the
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Franks called withholding funds
from the department “probably the strongest leverage that we have.”
When Keyes asked if Franks personally supported the measure, he
responded, “Absolutely. I would support that in a moment. This
Department of Justice has proven itself to be so committed to the
ideology of Barack Obama that perhaps he should change the name.”
The left-wing blogger then returned to DOMA and raised the subject of
Keyes: I know Newt Gingrich has came out [sic.] and said if they don’t
reverse course here, we ought to be talking about possibly impeaching
either Attorney General Holder or even President Obama to try to get them
to reverse course. Do you think that is something you would support?
Frank: If it could gain the collective support, absolutely. I called for Eric
Holder to repudiate the policy to try terrorists within our civil courts, or
resign. So it just seems like that they have an uncanny ability to get it
wrong on almost all fronts.
Franks is the first sitting Congressman to raise the specter of
impeachment while in office. However, while successfully campaigning
to regain his old House seat last fall, Michigan Republican Tim Walberg
said the GOP must be willing to confront Obama “up to and including
Franks joins former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, American
Family Radio Network talk show host Bryan Fischer, ACORN expert
Matthew Vadum, and others who find the president’s selective defense
or enforcement of marriage law to rise to the level of impeachment.
Several other prominent figures, including former Congressman and
presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo, have called for impeachment on
other grounds.
Franks, who represents Arizona’s second Congressional district, is
chairman of the Constitution subcommittee and an outspoken critic of
Obama’s weak immigration policies.
Is Soros Scared of Impeachment?
ThinkProgress intended this as a hit piece to demonstrate how radical
the Republican Congress has become. This venue is significant.
ThinkProgress describes itself as “a project of the Center for American
Progress Action Fund.” The Center for American Progress (CAP)
received significant start-up money from George Soros. Time magazine
called CAP “Obama’s idea factory.” In addition to being the current
employer of Van Jones, CAP is the chief power in D.C. calling for
Obama to rule purely through executive powers. CAP staffer Sarah
Rosen Wartell compiled a report for the Center last fall entitled “The
Power of the President: Recommendations to Advance Progressive
Change.” The paper called on Barack Obama to ignore the will of the
people, bypass Congress, and implement a left-wing agenda. (This
author first revealed Obama’s decision to rule by executive order last
October 8 in his article, “Obama Considering Rule by Executive Order
in 2011.”)
The fact that George Soros’ bloggers are responding to the impeach
Obama campaign means something: the big boys have taken notice. For
the first time since he was sworn in, the power behind the throne knows
Obama’s presidency is imperiled by the illegal policies and
Constitutional violations they urged him to impose. The new Republican
Congress has the power of oversight, and its leaders have every right to
rein in this administration’s selective, politically (and often racially)
discriminatory enforcement of the law.

The key in Franks’ statement is the condition: “If

it could gain the
collective support.” Every politician must know the
American people not only support but demand this
lawless administration be held accountable for its
misdeeds through the Constitutional means our
Founding Fathers left at the people’s disposal. They
will never act unless they are pushed. Stand with us as
we pressure Congress to do the right thing”.
Click here to sign the petition to impeach Obama. Click here to learn
more about the Impeach Obama Campaign.


Prominent Blog Puts Impeachment on the

Posted on February 23, 2011 by Ben Johnson
A well-trafficked right-leaning blog has raised the possibility of
impeaching Barack Obama. Pajamas Media, one of the most prominent
political blogs followed by Republican voters, raised the possibility on its
blog, The PJ Tattler. In an entry posted today entitled “Democrats Gone
Wild, Subverting Our Democracy,” contributor Bryan Preston writes:
In the space of a few days, Democrats in Wisconsin and Indiana fled
their state capitals rather than allow the democratic process to work.
Now, President Obama is declaring a federal law unconstitutional rather
than respect the fact that the democratic process has already worked.
The Constitution is not silent on President Obama’s actions. Article II,
Section I spells out the presidential oath of office:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office
of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability,
preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Barack H. Obama took that oath — twice — on January 20, 2009.
Article II, Section III is clear on the president’s relationship to US law.
[The president] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed
There’s nothing in there about the president faithfully executing only
the laws with which he agrees. It says nothing about the president or his
attorney general being vested with the power of judicial review. That
power belongs to the courts.
This president and his party have gone over the cliff into lawlessness. At
this point, I wouldn’t put impeachment off the table for discussion. The
president is intentionally stoking a constitutional crisis, while his party
fosters anarchy in the states. These acts cannot stand.
Preston’s grounds largely echo those made by Floyd Brown‘s Impeach
Obama Campaign and expounded on this website. The constitutional
implications of the president’s stoking of the uprisings in Wisconsin and
Indiana, which featured their Democratic legislators’ exodus from their
respective states, gives even liberal writers pause. More troubling is
Barack Obama’s selective, often race-based enforcement of the law and
his dedication to side-stepping the usual means of legislation to
implement his agenda. As conservatives, Republicans, and independents
of all persuasions are beginning to discover, this administration is, in the
words of Rush Limbaugh, “increasingly lawless.”
Preston’s writing of impeachment signals its growing mainstream
acceptance. Preston is the former producer of the Laura Ingraham
Show and the former Communications Director of the Texas Republican
Pajamas Media is no extreme right-wing publication. Although J.
Christian Adams exposed the Justice Department’s corruption in the
Black Panther case, the blog’s political line is in many respects not-at-all
conservative. Its “Chicago editor,” Rick Moran, raked Glenn Beck and
others over the coals for their alleged “paranoia.” The conservatives’
offense? Citing the Cloward-Piven Strategy, believing Obama follows
Saul Alinsky (whose tactics he studied, then taught as a community
organizer), and holding “the wrongheaded belief that one’s political
opponent harbors evil intent toward the nation.” Pajamas Media CEO
Roger Simon called Andrew Breitbart’s party to welcome GOProud to
CPAC 2011 Breitbart’s “proudest hour,” because it “will open up a
whole new constituency for the GOP.” GOProud supports open
homosexuality in the military, a policy that a Military Times poll found
would cause 24 percent of enlisted men to leave the military or consider
leaving. A frequent contributor, the very confused Ruben Navarrette
Jr., insists Obama is “playing Hispanics on immigration”; Arizona
Governor Jan Brewer is exploiting violence to sign a “vindictive, ill-
conceived, and hypocritical” immigration law that “all but requires”
racial profiling; enforcing our borders is an “inanity”; Lou Dobbs is a
hypocrite; and the GOP will (he hopes) push for amnesty for illegal
It is more Ken Mehlman than Glenn Beck or Joseph Farah.
Calls for impeachment have intensified in recent months from all sides
of the political spectrum. Radio talk show host Tammy Bruce called for
impeachment in four separate tweets, which she posted on her Twitter
feed on February 1st. She argued the president’s role in bringing the
Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt merited an inquiry.
Last November, Arizona state senator Russell Pearce, the author of the
state’s illegal immigration enforcement law, listed Obama’s decision to
outsource his legal war against Arizona to foreign nations as
“impeachable.” Richard Nixon’s former head of the Office of Economic
Opportunity and three-time presidential candidate Howard Phillips
A month earlier, Michigan Congressman Tim Walberg told his
constituents Republicans must confront Obama “up to and including
These amplify the words of writers and ordinary citizens from all across
the country, both on the Right and the Left.
Although stopping short of calling for impeachment, Andrew McCarthy
of National Review joined our call to investigate Eric Holder’s racist
Justice Department.
Other prominent conservatives have discovered various Obama
outrages from this website/author. Fox News/Fox Business anchor Neil
Cavuto ran two segments about Barack Obama’s report to the UN
Human Rights Council called card check unionization a fundamental
human right, and that the stimulus bill paid for microchips to monitor
trash bins in Dayton, Ohio. (For a list of the top stories we broke in
2010, click here.)
This is simply more evidence: If you want to know where the
conservative movement is going tomorrow, read this website today.
Please support our work and help us spread our message by forwarding
our articles to your friends.
Click here to sign the petition to impeach Obama. Click here to learn
more about the Impeach Obama Campaign.


Conservative ACORN Expert Endorses

Posted on February 25, 2011 by Ben Johnson
Just days after a writer for the prominent blog Pajamas Media wrote
that he “wouldn’t put impeachment off the table,” another highly
exposed conservative has called for Barack Obama’s impeachment.
Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center wrote on his Twitter
account Thursday, “So many reasons to impeach Obama,
now he gives us a new one: DOMA. Like it or not it is
the law of the land.” Vadum linked to an article at The American
Spectator written by Ben Stein entitled, “A Major Constitutional Coup
Going on Here,” which discusses Barack Obama’s decision not to defend
the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). In
presidential history, such a dereliction of duty has been exceedingly
Vadum writes for a number of conservative publications, including TAS,
and is an acknowledged expert on ACORN.

Vadum is the second nationally known conservative to call for the

president’s impeachment via Twitter. Radio talk show host Tammy
Bruce called for Obama’s impeachment in four separate tweets, which
she posted on her Twitter feed on February 1.
Others have taken a more conventional approach. Arizona legislator
Russell Pearce and Constitution Party founder Howard Phillips have
said the president’s actions are “impeachable” in public venues.
Vadum is correct that there are many grounds for the president’s
impeachment and removal from office under the U.S. Constitution.
Tammy Bruce cited the president’s role in bringing the Muslim
Brotherhood to power in Egypt, while Pearce and Phillips made
reference to the president’s refusal to enforce immigration policy.
Obama’s refusal to defend DOMA continues a string of selective
enforcement of the law. The DOMA abdication came two years after
offering legal arguments so weak and contradictory they were widely
regarded as sabotage. Then-Solicitor General Elena Kagan essentially
threw the case, as the administration did its “defense” of the military’s
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The damage done, Congress must now
decide whether to do the president’s constitutional duty and offer the
most robust legal rationale possible.
Or perhaps it will be up to President Joe Biden.
Click here to sign the petition to impeach Obama. Click here to learn more about the Impeach Obama Campaign.


Arizona Legislator Calls Obama’s Actions

Posted on November 30, 2010 by Guest Writer
The campaign to impeach Barack Obama has a distinguished new
advocate: Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, who authored
Arizona’s immigration law S.B. 1070. During a speech on November 19,
Pearce told an audience:
Think about it. This is the first time in the history of the United States
that a sitting president has sided with a foreign government to sue the
citizens of its country. For defending our laws? For defending and
protecting the citizens of the state of Arizona? It’s outrageous, and it’s
Senator Pearce was referring to the Obama administration’s decision to
invite 11 Central and South American nations to join the federal
government’s lawsuit against Arizona. This outsourcing ignores the
president’s numerous lawsuits against the state, as well as motions
against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for “racial profiling,” on
the grounds he arrested too many Hispanics near our open border with
The lawsuit was perhaps the least offensive or forceful measure the
president has taken against the will of his own citizens. The Obama
administration hauled Arizona before the UN Human Rights Council
after it passed Pearce’s bill.
After Governor Jan Brewer learned about Obama’s outrage from this
reporter, she sent a letter demanding Hillary Clinton strike the
reference from the UNHRC report. Hillary refused.
In September, a UN committee issued a thinly veiled denunciation of
Arizonans as “xenophobes and racists.” Then Obama allowed human
rights violators to humiliate the United States in the Geneva forum while
appointing milquetoast globalists like “transnationalist” Harold Koh to
“defend” America.
His efforts to enlist foreign nations and the UN to overturn state policies
with which he disagrees is indeed unconstitutional, and one of many
grounds for impeachment. This author is pleased to have perhaps the
best state senator in the United States voicing such truths, especially to
those who are hostile to them.

Talk Show Host: Obama Could be

Impeached over Egypt

Posted on February 2, 2011 by Ben Johnson

A nationally syndicated radio talk show host has called for Barack
Obama to be impeached if he is secretly pushing Egypt to become
an Islamist country ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Tammy Bruce
called for Rep. Darrell Issa to investigate whether the Obama
administration is helping the radical Islamic fundamentalist
organization rise to power after the departure of Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak. Media reports indicate a member of the Obama
administration has met with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the United
States may have supported a plan to take down Mubarak since at least
2008. “If it is found that Obama secretly facilitated or *encouraged* an
Islamist takeover of Egypt, an ally, he should be impeached,” Bruce
Her call came in the form of four separate tweets, which she posted on
her Twitter feed this afternoon:

• “If it is found that Obama secretly facilitated or

*encouraged* an Islamist takeover of Egypt, an
ally, he should be impeached.”
• “Impeachment? We have a President in up to his
elbows in an Islamist takeover of Egypt while he
ignores a Fed Judge order to void ObamaCare”
• “The House impeaches–if there are grounds it
should be done. @DarrellIssa needs to
*immediately* determine Obama’s involvement w
• “@DocBruceP It’s more than *losing* Egypt, if
Obama *facilitated* the overthrow of an ally in
favor of our *enemy* that’s impeachment”
A Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt could have widespread and
devastating effects throughout the Middle East and around the world. A
leading member of the Brotherhood, Muhammad Ghannem, reportedly
told the Iranian television channel Al-Alam that Egyptians should
prepare for war with Israel. He added activists should close down the
Suez Canal, which carries eight percent of the world’s seaborne trade.
The investment bank Barclays Capital has estimated closing Suez would
remove 2-3 million barrels of oil daily. Gas prices have already crept up
with news of the unrest, but they are nowhere near what they could be
following a third Suez crisis. Two previous Suez closings threw the
world into turmoil in the 1956-57 and 1967.
If the president is involved in promoting this agenda in any way,
Congress may deem this an impeachable offense.
In response to Tammy Bruce’s tweets, the George Soros-funded Media
Matters quickly labeled her a “Right-Wing Radio Host.”
Anyone familiar with Tammy knows how ridiculous this
characterization is.
Bruce describes herself as “a gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death
penalty, Tea Party Independent Conservative.” She was the youngest-
ever president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization
for Women (NOW) and served on its national board of directors. A
registered Democrat until 2008, she currently chairs the Advisory
Committee of GOProud. Needless to say, she is anything but a party-line
Her radio show, “The Tammy Bruce Show,” airs on weekdays from 2-4 p.m. EST.



By: Devvy
October 26, 2010
© 2010 -

"It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so

express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When
a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of
his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he
does not believe he has prepared himself for the
commission of every other crime." ~Thomas Paine, The Age
of Reason
From the moment Obama/Soetoro was sworn into office,
Americans galvanized into Impeach Obama Now! factions.
However, there is a problem here because two wrongs don't
make a right, which is why I have not supported any
petitions calling for impeachment.
Despite the continued protestations by Obama/Soetoro
supporters and professional liars in the dominant media,
there is no question the usurper camped out in the White
House was never eligible to run for president of these
united States of America. All the huffing, puffing, vile name
calling and protesting does not and cannot alter the legal
fact that Obama/Soetoro was born with dual citizenship. It
is his father's citizenship status at the time Obama/Soetoro
was born that clearly makes him ineligible to be president.
We're all aware of the 40 or so lawsuits filed to expose
Obama/Soetoro's perfidy and the decisions rendered by
cowardly federal judges using the cop out - "standing" - as
their justification in tossing the lawsuits. We're all aware
that even though tens of thousands of Americans demanded
the electoral college not certify the vote for the impostor on
the ballot, they also proved to be gutless cowards or political
hacks who value party loyalty over the U.S. Constitution.
The final stop on the way to certifying an ineligible
candidate was the U.S. Congress who sat on their cowardly
backsides, January 9, 2009, knowing full well there were
millions of Americans questioning the legitimacy of
Obama/Soetoro's eligibility. Yet, not a single member of
Congress (and that includes Ron Paul) stood up on the floor
and objected. There is an orderly procedure that could have
been triggered had one member of the Outlaw Congress
stood up.[1] Instead, they all stood down and here we are
today with a constitutional crisis that is not going away.
As Obama/Soetoro clearly was never eligible to run for the
presidency, once he "took" office, he legally became a
usurper. That action is defined as: to seize and hold (a
position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right:
The pretender tried to usurp the throne.
Now, we either believe in the supreme law of the land or we
pursue an alternative path that sets a horrible legal
precedent. What do I mean by that? You cannot impeach a
usurper. To do so (even if the House were to file charges)
would be to give legitimacy to Obama/Soetoro holding the
office of president. That already happened once in our
history with Chester Arthur. We cannot allow it to happen
again no matter how frustrated and enraged we are about
the actions of that empty suit sullying the people's house. To
give legitimacy to his presidency would cement all the bills
he signed into law as if they were valid under the U.S.
We also have to look at reality. Nutty Nancy Pelosi made it
quite clear when the Democrats took control of the Outlaw
Congress there would be no impeachment against George
Bush, Jr. He was worth far more political currency to the
morally and ethically bankrupt Democratic Party than
removing him. The Republican Party is expected to gain
more than enough seats in the house in the upcoming
election. Congressman Darrell Issa [R-CA] has made it clear
there will be no impeachment proceeding:
Issa: 'Not a chance' of Obama impeachment under GOP
October 22, 2010
"If Republicans take control of the House, there is "not a
chance at this point" that they will try to impeach President
Obama, a top Republican lawmaker said this week. Rep.
Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who would helm the House Oversight
and Government Reform Committee if the GOP wins on
Election Day, said that his party will not try to bring
impeachment charges simply because it disagrees with the
president....Look, disagreeing with the president — the
president using his authority, maybe even misusing it —
that's not what impeachment's for," he added. "Do we have
disagreements? Yes. Do we want to see that the president
strictly adheres to process? Yes."
I'm not going to rehash all the unconstitutional bills
Obama/Soetoro has signed since he was unlawfully sworn
into office. One should remember the only way a bill gets to
a president's desk is from the Outlaw Congress. That's
where the treachery begins. Having said that, without
question, the entire nation is shuddering under the weight
of Obama/Soetoro's communitarian beliefs and actions.
Everyday is a new attack on freedom and liberty spear
headed by the usurper.
As I have said for quite some time, I firmly believe there is
no way Obama/Soetoro will run in 2012. Certainly,
continuing to raise the specter of another Obama/Soetoro
term is good for ratings on Hannity, O'Reilly and
conservative talk radio. It's also a good theme for
dangerous, vile individuals like Newt Gingrich to raise
money for their political organizations.
However, Obama/Soetoro's handlers (the shadow
government) got away with fraud the first time around, they
know it won't happen a second time. There's no way
Obama/Soetoro can get ballot qualified in 2012 in a single
state. Nancy Pelosi and others pulled off fraud with their
candidate declarations to the 50 states of the Union in 2008,
but they won't get away with it a second time. Pelosi and her
gang of coconspirators should also be indicted by a federal
grand jury. Don't think it can't happen. There are many very
smart, dedicated individuals working to see all who
participated in putting Obama/Soetoro on states ballots are
brought to justice.
How this will all play out, I don't know. Obama/Soetoro has
admitted to cocaine use; Larry Sinclair has accused him of
being a user as late as 1999. Wayne Madsen recently penned
a piece outlining how there is a crisis underway in the White

Wayne Madsen: White House in Crisis

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment likely to be invoked;
Obama being shipped out!
"Washington has not witnessed so much top level White
House intrigue since October 20, 1973, when a Saturday
night saw President Nixon fire the Watergate independent
counsel, the U.S. attorney general, and the deputy attorney
general in the “Saturday Night Massacre.” Just ten days
earlier, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned after being
charged with accepting bribes while governor of Maryland.
"In the case of President Obama, the senior firings are not
happening during a single night but the recent involuntary
sudden departures of the White House chief of staff and
national security adviser, along with what WMR can
confirm from multiple sources is a president who is
suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and
schizophrenia, has some top-level administration officials
considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th
Amendment — the involuntary removal of the president
from office. The White House meltdown has the
Washington political circuit buzzing under the surface.
"Unlike Watergate and the Iran-contra scandal, however,
the corporate media is refusing to report on the breakdown
of the Obama administration and the internecine political
warfare within the Executive Office of the President."
Madsen is a serious investigative journalist with excellent
sources. The usurper has had the citizenship issue hanging
over his head since mid-2007. He and Militant Michelle
have been partying in their White House digs like there's no
tomorrow. Whenever there's some heat, Obama/Soetoro
hops on his favorite toy, Air Force One, and either goes on
another vacation, visiting foreign countries or is out
campaigning for his party. Anything to duck sitting around
looking incompetent. I believe the fake First Couple know
they are a one trick fraud and are living it up while they
have the American taxpayers' open checkbook at their
disposal. Many pundits continue to remark how detached
Obama/Soetoro seems and not really "into" the task of
being president. I believe this reflects knowing he won't be
around for a second term. He does what he's told and while
living it up in style.
Should the usurper remain in office, there is no way he will
get the nod at the Democratic National Convention. Take
money to the bank on that. It won't happen. There's no way
to salvage that shipwreck. Obama/Soetoro's handlers might
try to keep him in office as long as possible - if to do nothing
more than checkmate any legislation coming out of the
"new" Congress in January 2011. You see, if the usurper's
handlers throw him under the bus early, next in line is
Joseph Biden, who I believe is in the early stages of
dementia. Not a good choice for the global cabal running
Washington, DC. But, let's put that aside for the moment.
Is there any possibility that Obama/Soetoro can still be
removed from office? Yes. There is still one case, Kerchner
v Obama, which I have followed from the beginning. The
wind has shifted direction since Leo Donofrio's first case
was discussed at the Supreme Court level in December
2008. Mario Apuzzo, attorney for Kerchner, et al, is a real
warrior and has fought for his clients in the aforementioned
case. It has now gone to the next step:
"Kerchner et al v Obama/Congress/Pelosi et al Petition for
Writ of Certiorari filed 30 Sep 2010 and docketed 04 Oct
2010 with the U.S. Supreme Court - Washington Times
National Weekly edition - 18 & 11 Oct 2010 issues, page 5.
U.S. Supreme Court Docket Number: 10-446. Response
from defendants due to the U.S. Supreme Court by 3 Nov
Let me shift gears for a moment. There's an old saying:
Timing in life is everything. HalfPastHuman is a web site
that deals in predictive linguistics. Cliff has been
pinpointing Nov 8 - 12 as a tipping point for events which
could (I stress could) turn this country upside down. I've
followed George Ure, Cliff, Bob Chapman and Gerald
Celente for a long time. Quite frankly, it's scary how
accurate their predictions are in real time. Let's look a few
dates here to see what has my attention:
Nov 2 -- National elections
Nov 3 --- Federal Reserve Chairman, Helicopter Ben
Bernanke, is expected to announce a new round of printing
tons of worthless fiat currency which will, on cue, make the
situation worse as far as the economy is concerned.
Nov 4 -- Usurper, Obama/Soetoro leaves for India and other
exotic locations. The original departure date was Nov 7,
2010. He is scheduled to return on Nov. 14th. An unusually
long trip outside the U.S. for a president. Regardless of any
"official" explanation as to why his departure date was
moved up, I find it suspicious - as well as the length of time
he is to be out of country.
Nov 11 - 12 -- Next meeting of the G-20 group. Those
geniuses are going to try to figure out how to reverse
decades of unrestrained, irresponsible fiscal policies. Too
This year elections may not be decided by five minutes after
the polls close. We know electronic ballot fraud as well as
scanners and human fraud will play a huge factor, again. I
am hopeful that candidates who allegedly lose -- either by a
landslide or close margin - will challenge the vote. Having
the outcome of some races (especially the senate) drag on
for weeks or even months will have more negative impact
for our country. Recall the circus over the 2008 election
between incumbent Norm Coleman [R-MN] and a vulgar,
completely unqualified candidate, Al Franken. That recount
lasted 238 days - roughly seven months. It could happen in
less than ten days in a half dozen senate races. Fair election
results must trump expediency -- even if it means a joke like
Franken gets into office. There's that Seventeenth
Amendment argument again.....
The banking cartel is on the ropes with their money racket
teetering on the brink, and with Foreclosure Gate now in
full exposure, the problem is compounded by a factor of a
few billion.
The usurper is beating it out of the country three days
earlier than originally scheduled and is staying out of the
country for a lengthy time.
One of the most important elections in our history is nine
days away.
The international banking boys are going to meet in an
effort to see which end of the Titanic they should stand on
before half the world goes down in economic flames.
All these events clustered in a short period of time; Nov 2 -
12th. Just some food for thought.
Going back to the original theme of this column, besides
impeachment, is there any other way to remove
Obama/Soetoro? Yes, and it could have and should have
been done more than a year ago. But, the requirements to
qualify for under a Quo Warranto are stringent. Leo
Donofrio and Stephen Pidgeon, both brilliant attorneys who
have been involved in citizenship cases in the past, now
represent roughly 82 Chrysler dealers in bankruptcy
proceedings. The history is on Leo's web site. It does require
some reading time if you haven't been able to keep up with it
all. Leo and Stephen's first obligation to their clients is the
bankruptcy lawsuit, but that does not rule out a Quo
Warranto which could happen before 2012. [2]
The Quo Warranto statute was specifically written to
remove a usurper from office and that without question is
Barack Hussein Obama. I know time is an issue for
everyone as our beloved republic is under attack 24/7 by
those who wish to destroy these united States of America. If
you desire to fully understand the entire history behind
natural born citizen, the Fourteenth Amendment as it
relates to the usurper and quo warranto, I put it all together
in one master file here. If you can't read it all at one time,
book mark the link and get back to it because it is critical in
understanding the fraud perpetrated by Obama/Soetoro
and his coconspirators.
Does this mean Barack Hussein Obama/Soetoro should get
away with his crimes even if he stays until the 2012 election?
Absolutely not. He has always known, as well as others, that
he was ineligible to run for the presidency because of his
dual citizenship. In my mind, there is no question the
usurper is guilty under 18 U.S.C. §1343: wire fraud.
Obama/Soetoro knowingly solicited campaign funds
electronically (TV, radio, Internet) knowing full well his
citizenship status made him ineligible. More than $600
million bux poured in and despite enough paper evidence to
warrant a full investigation by the FEC regarding foreign
contributions, they refuse. However, before the statute of
limitations runs, the Department of Justice could indict
Obama/Soetoro, and if convicted, he would spend decades
in prison where he belongs.
I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday and I'm not naive.
At some point, all these holes in the dam will burst and the
long arm of the law will go after Obama, just the same as
justice should be done in bringing Bush to trial over his
lying regarding the illegal invasion of Iraq; which is not a
dead issue and that's all I can say about it at this time.
Why are so many talented, decent Americans continuing the
Herculean efforts to bring Bush and Obama/Soetoro to
justice in a court of law? Because it is the right thing to do
for our country. Every time we the people allow lawbreakers
(like Marxist duo, Bill and Hillary) to get away with their
crimes, the further our country slips into the muck of a
banana republic. We cannot and must not allow that to
As badly as we all want the usurper removed from the White
House, it will not happen via impeachment. That comes out
of the mouth of a powerful Republican who will, barring
some disaster or major vote fraud, return to Washington in
January. We cannot allow our rage and frustration to set
another horrible legal precedent: you cannot impeach
someone who has never legally held office. Usurper means
that individual never occupied the office. We must stick to
the correct legal remedy.
Right now we need to concentrate our efforts on winning
the major fights underway, i.e., getting ALL of the
unconstitutional ObamaCare repealed; some provisions are
also in the stimulus bill that was signed into law and those
must also be repealed and stopped. I would also like to
stress how critically important it is to boot out all state reps
and state senators who refuse to uphold the U.S.
Constitution, who have destroyed their state economies
with their foolish legislation and their refusal to take the
necessary steps to secure your state from financial disaster;
see link below. Get prepared because the worst is about to
slam this nation. The elections on November 2, 2010, will
not bring some magic bullet relief. It's a long, hard road
1- In the Shadow of Nemisis
2- Former Chrysler dealers fight back using the Quo Warranto

Index of documents in package delivered to: Richard Durbin,

Chief US Attorney for the North-Western, District of TX for
Criminal Matters by Devvy on February 27, 2009, Austin, Texas

White House In Crisis-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wayne Madsen-On October
29, 2010:

'White House seeks to remove
Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:55AM

A US analyst says some officials in the White

House and the administration are considering
legal action to remove Barack Obama from
Watch video of interview @

"Right now, there is discussion in Washington and

within the government of using the 25th amendment to
the US Constitution to remove Obama from office,"
Edward Spannaus from Executive Intelligence Review said in an
interview with Press TV on Friday.

The amendment allows for removing the president if he/she has

incapacity either physically or mentally.

"In this case, Obama is mentally incapable of fulfilling

the office of president," Spannaus went on to say.
Referring to Obama's plummeting popularity, mostly due to the recent
economic collapse in the US, Spannaus said, "There
is no way
that his presidency could be salvaged at this point and it
does not really make any difference who wins the
congressional elections."

"He was not qualified to be the president in the first

place. He was put in there precisely because he would
act as a puppet and they knew he would be a puppet for
Wall Street, for the London financiers and for the
British," Spannaus added.
A recent survey from Gallup has revealed that more than half of
American voters would not support the incumbent US president's re-

A recent survey from Gallup has revealed that more

than half of
American voters would not support the re-election of
President Barack Obama.

'Obama unlikely to last his first term'
Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:46AM

A US analyst says US President Barack Obama is unlikely to end his

first term as there are serious efforts by American officials to remove
him due to his incompetence.

Watch video of interview @
"It is very doubtful at this time that he will last his first
term," Edward Spannaus of Executive Intelligence Review said in an
interview with Press TV on Wednesday.

"There are people who are upset within the

administration and the Democratic party who are
seriously considering how to remove Obama from
presidency," Spannaus added.

Many of them put out all their calls for removing

Obama under the amendment 25th of the US
The amendment allows for the removal of the US president if he is
incapacitated either physically or mentally.

Spannaus also opined that

people in the military are upset
because Obama "is not attentive" to what is going on.
"We have troops killing and being killed and he is not
interested in dealing with it," he further explained.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Spannaus said

people inside the
White House say, "Once he got into the White House
he is very unhappy having to govern ... he is very
frustrated, he is very depressed, some reports say he is
on medications and he cannot concentrate or focus,
which is a mental problem."

"It is the question of what he is going to do now in this

term, the question of the second term is out of the
question," he concluded.
According to a new Harris Interactive survey released on Tuesday, just
over one-third or 37 percent of respondents have positive opinion about
Obama, while about
67 percent of Americans
disapprove Obama's performance on jobs and
A recent opinion poll conducted by Gallup had previously revealed that
more than half of American voters would not
support the re-election of Obama.

‘Obama unlikely to last his first term’-Posted on Press TV-On October 27,

Impeachment Fever!
• By Simon Dumenco (Email)
• Published Oct 24, 2010
GOPers expecting to take the House are already calling
for numerous Whitewater-esque investigations into the
Obama administration. Meanwhile, according to Public Policy Polling,
35 percent of Republicans would like to see President
Obama impeached based solely on “his actions so far.” Which
actions, exactly? Well, there’s always something.

1. Sestakgate!
The White House offered Representative Joe Sestak a government gig to
get him out of the Pennsylvania Senate primary. The most rabid
proponents of digging into the affair: Sean Hannity (“An impeachable
offense”), Glenn Beck (“An impeachable offense, a felony”), Dick Morris
(“It’s Valerie Plame, only ten times bigger”).

2. Rezkogate!
Senate-era Obama fund-raiser Tony Rezko, a Chicago real-estate
developer and convicted felon, was a recurring bête noire in the 2008
presidential campaign. The president hasn’t been accused of serious
wrongdoing in the matter, but who knows what excuse for prosecution
politically motived investigators will find? Monica Lewinsky turned up in
a case that started with Arkansas real-estate deals.

3. Bordergate!
“Mr. Obama is a more serious threat to America than Al Qaeda,” because
his failure to secure the southern border of the U.S. “constitutes an
impeachable offense against the Constitution,” said former Colorado
congressman Tom Tancredo.

4. Birthgate!
“The president hasn’t resolved [the birth-certificate issue] yet … The
fact of the matter is that he has an awful lot of power to keep from showing
certain things unless the courts will stand up to him. Or unless Congress, in
majority, will stand up—up to and including impeachment,” said
Michigan congressional candidate Tim Walberg at a recent campaign

5. Health-Care Reformgate!
From a mailer sent out by the National Campaign for an Impeachment
Inquiry, a project of the Conservative Caucus: “ObamaCare requires
the states to pay for much of the program … [This] amounts to
‘commandeering’ the state legislatures for Federal purposes, which the
Supreme Court has already ruled as unconstitutional  … ObamaCare will
ultimately destroy freedom in America.”

Video: Probable Cause to Impeach Obama-Posted on

On December 19, 2010:

Should We Support Obama’s
Left-Wing Blog:
Posted on November 23, 2010 by Ben Johnson

With Barack Obama’s crimes against liberty becoming increasingly

brazen, calls for his impeachment have intensified.
Although it is still rare to find support for impeachment on the Left, that
trend may be changing. An entry at the far-Left blog
openly questions whether “progressives” would be better off if
impeachment hearings begin. The FDL entry asks:

Maybe we should help the Republicans impeach

Hang with me on this for a few minutes. Let me try to explain. I’m
trying to think outside the box.
I think everyone knows that Obama will be impeached in the House. I
see some heads shaking, but trust me on this. There will be a vote to
impeach Obama in the House.
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown have reported on the likelihood that the
new Congress will consider impeachment. Read their column here. The
FDL entry notes, “Dems in the House fully expect
[impeachment] from the Republicans.” It continues:
“Impeach Obama for WHAT?” you ask. Hey, Dems are not running the
show, so it doesn’t matter what impeachment is supposedly based on. I
got a flyer from [T]he Conservative Caucus on pushing Congress on
impeachment hearings and an eventual vote…
You can read this author’s previous story about the 17-page
impeachment package some 5,000 activists nationwide have received
from the National Campaign for an Impeachment Inquiry, an
undertaking of The Conservative Caucus (TCC) chaired by Howard
Phillips. You can read the full text of the flyer here.
The FDL entry says the flyer is proof “the energy and drive for
Obama’s impeachment is certainly there on the Right” — and suggests
that same passion should take root on the Left:
OK. If all of the above is true, how does this help progressives? There
is no way that impeachment gets past the Senate…But what if the Dems
in the Senate decided to let Obama sweat during an impeachment
trial? Could progressive in Congress ring concessions out of Obama for
their votes during his impeachment trial? Would Obama renege on any
concessions to progressives during the heat of an impeachment trial?
Could the possibility of an impeachment trial force Obama to change?
In a novel approach, the blog suggests impeaching Obama as a form of
left-wing blackmail:
I bring all this up because I am frustrated as all of you are with Obama,
and I am looking for any tool that will alter his behavior. The only thing
that seems to do the trick with Obama is power…Maybe letting
Obama’s enemies give him a near death experience might force Obama
to capitulate to progressives?
This entry is another in the explosion of media talk about, or calls for,
impeaching Barack Hussein Obama. The interesting aspect of this call
for impeachment from the Left is its innovative reasoning. It shows a
growing chorus of Americans favor impeaching Barack Obama, albeit
for conflicting reasons.
As I have noted on this website, Democrats interested in maintaining
their political viability have many reasons to want to be free of
ObamAlbatross. The Huffington Post has noted 2012 could be worse for
Democrats than 2010 if an unpopular president heads the ticket. A
recent Associated Press-Knowledge Networks poll found that 47 percent
of Democrats and 29 percent of 2008 Obama supporters “said
Obama should be challenged for the 2012 nomination” — a
move that would virtually guarantee his defeat. Democratic
insiders have begun a whisper campaign that Obama is becoming
unhinged under the pressure of the office. And a Washington Post op-ed
by two Democratic pollsters advising Obama not to run in 2012 touched
off far more speculation than it should have for a politically healthy
Although two years is a political eternity, Obama’s popularity seems
likely to decline rather than rise. His closest insiders have noted he will
not triangulate as Bill Clinton did. George Soros is threatening to dry up
all money to Obama if he does not maintain a far-Left agenda. And the
president is thankful for the left-wing cover to
implement his extremist ideology through
executive orders, regulations, federal fiats, and
This entry lends additional credence to this author’s contention that if
Republicans muster the courage to impeach Obama, “a few Democrats
might secretly support them, as well.”
Left-Wing Blog: Should We Support Obama’s Impeachment?-Posted on Floyd
Reports-By Ben Johnson-On November 23, 2010:

The New Congress Will Consider
Posted on September 17, 2010 by Floyd Brown

The new Congress elected in November will surprise everyone. They will
seriously consider impeaching Barack Obama.
Growing under the radar of the mainstream media is a movement that is
gathering momentum.

More than one million citizens have signed petitions

calling on the U.S. Congress to impeach Barack
Hussein Obama. Some of the soon-to-be-elected
members of Congress are amongst those who have
signed up, and they are not about to be cowered by establishment
Republicans scared silly of the issue.
Ultimately, it comes down to a commonly shared belief amongst Tea
Party activists that Barack Obama is systematically trying to hurt
America. Obama, the argument goes, is not an incompetent boob in over
his head. Nor is he is not some well-meaning community organizer who
has seen his plans go astray.
Barack Obama is a dishonest, manipulative liar who actually is pursuing
an agenda that he hopes will take America off the international
leadership stage. He wants America to fail so that the vision of
internationalist socialists can be realized. America is hated by the elite
intellectuals of the world because we have been the single biggest
roadblock to their plans to establish a one world governing system with
them in charge.
Americans has consistently rejected socialism. Whether it is Hillarycare
or Obamacare, Americans are speaking with a loud, clear voice against
The Left hates America because of our belief in God, our belief in
rugged individualism, our belief in private property, and our belief in
the right to keep and bear arms.
It is only through impeachment that the new Congress can send Barack
Obama a clear and unambiguous message that he does not have carte
blanche to run roughshod over America.
Impeachment is the political tool given by the Founders to correct abuse
by a president. Impeachment is often misunderstood because of
confusion about what exactly constitutes an impeachable offense.
Former President Gerald Ford, while serving in the House of
Representatives, said an impeachable offense was “whatever a majority
of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: “The President, Vice
President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed
from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or
other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The key phrase here is “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a concept in
English common law that was well-known to our Founding Fathers but
is grossly misunderstood in this day and age.
“High crimes and misdemeanors” essentially means bad behavior.
Here’s a passage from which succinctly and beautifully
summarizes the historical significance surrounding the inclusion of the
term “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the Constitution:
“High crimes and misdemeanors” entered the text of the Constitution
due to George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that the
reasons given for impeachment – treason and bribery – were not
enough. He worried that other “great and dangerous offenses” might
not be covered… so Mason then proposed “high crimes and
misdemeanors,” a phrase well-known in English common law. In 18th
century language, a “misdemeanor” meant “mis-demeanor,” or bad
In other words, “high crimes and misdemeanors” does not refer to a
criminal act, as some would lead you to believe. Our Founding Fathers
fully intended to allow for the removal of the president for actions which
are gross incompetence, gross negligence, outright distasteful, or in the
case of Barack Hussein Obama, actions which clearly show
“malevolence toward this country, which is unabated.”
And for those who mistakenly hold the illusion that impeaching Barack
Obama would be a simple matter of “playing politics,” the Founders
fully intended that the impeachment of a sitting president be a political
The Founding Fathers deliberately put impeachment into the hands of
the legislative branch rather than the judicial branch, thus transforming
it from strictly a matter of legal definition to a matter of political
The Obama administration qualifies as the poster-child for bad
Obama and those around him are ravaging this great country and
adding a sorry chapter to a noble history.
Impeachment, as written in the Constitution, was tailor-made for
Barack Hussein Obama and our Founders placed it in our Constitution
for such a time as this.
Click here to sign the petition to impeach Obama now. Our nation
depends on it.

Impeachment is in the Mail

Posted on October 15, 2010 by Ben Johnson
Conservatives have long been waiting for impeachment to come to
Capitol Hill. Soon, it will come to their mailboxes.
Constitutional conservatives around the country will soon receive a 17-
page package from the National Campaign for an Impeachment
Inquiry, an undertaking of The Conservative Caucus (TCC). The
conservative watchdog organization bills the mailing a “national ballot
of 5,000,000 registered voters” on “Whether Congress Should Launch
An Impeachment Inquiry Into President Barack Hussein Obama’s
Assault On Our Constitution.” It will include a survey and “Special
Report” asking recipients to note whether they agree with each reason
the report offers.
The left-wing Talking Points Memo announced the letter on its website
Founded in 1974, TCC is chaired by Howard Phillips. Phillips initiated
impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton in 1994 – a full four years
before Congressional Republicans got around to it. Now, he is turning
his sights on Barack Obama.
The ballot begins:
The purpose of this survey of 5,000,000 registered voters is to show pro-
freedom, pro-Constitutional members of Congress that there is broad
public support for the new Congress to conduct a full Inquiry into
whether President Barack Hussein Obama has kept his oath of office to
faithfully “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of
If this inquiry concludes that he has not, Impeachment proceedings
would then begin.
Those who receive the survey will get to answer, point blank: “Do you
think the new Congress should immediately launch an Impeachment
Inquiry into whether or not President Obama has faithfully protected
and defended the Constitution of the United States, as required by his
oath of office?”
The package reviews the Obama administration’s shameless and
pervasive violation of the U.S. Constitution and its desire to remake our
form of government. Rahm Emanuel vowed never to “let a serious crisis
go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you
couldn’t do before.” The report continues, “Now we know what Rahm
Emanuel meant by that statement. He meant that the Obama
Administration planned to use the economic recession to permanently
and fundamentally transform America.”
The nationalization of the health care industry is the most significant
step taken to that end in a generation. Phillips shows that the bill is
unconstitutional on several grounds, beginning with the mandate that
Americans purchase health care insurance. He quotes a judgment the
Congressional Budget Office made about HillaryCare in 1994: “A
mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be
an unprecedented form of Federal action.” Then he quotes Judge
Andrew Napolitano, who found the act unconstitutional because it
commandeers the state legislatures, forcing them to pay for ObamaCare
and regulate their internal state markets. The fraudulent accounting
employed in ObamaCare and its establishment of 159 new government
agencies – none authorized by the U.S. Constitution – give readers a
panoply of reasons to reject the bill’s legality.
Both the executive and the legislative branches share responsibility for
passing government-run health care – a bill that a strict constructionist
court would strike down. However, the president alone bears
responsibility for enforcing the law, something Phillips proves Obama
willingly fails to do. In a section entitled “Obama Refuses to Enforce
Laws He Does Not Like,” Phillips specifically mentions the president’s
unilateral decision to waive accountability for labor unions. The law
requires organized labor to itemize its expenditures and report conflicts
of interest, but Obama – who is deeply indebted to Big Labor – has
excused its fat cat leaders from doing so.
This section alone could fill a book. President Obama similarly fails to
apply voter intimidation laws against the New Black Panther Party,
federal deportation laws against illegal immigrants (including his
Kenyan aunt), federal guidelines about mailing ballots to military voters
to a number of states, requirements to purge the dead from the voting
rolls nationally, and the U.S. Constitution to virtually any bill he has
ever signed, endorsed, or proposed. Officials in his home state even look
the other way when the first lady, Michelle Obama, openly violates state
campaign laws by flagrantly electioneering inside a polling place.
A number of other reasons are given – although at 17 pages, the list
seems merely the tip of an iceberg. These include President Obama’s
plan to “seize more than 10 million acres of oil and natural gas-rich land
in the Western United States by placing it under the ‘protection’ of the
Department of the Interior.” (Phillips speculates this may be “the first
step in an Obama plan to build a massive government-owned and
operated oil and natural gas company.” Perhaps, but this author would
have a hard time seeing Obama drill anywhere.)
The survey asks recipients if they agree or disagree with each aspect of
the report in detail. Obama’s view that the U.S. Constitution “represents
the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.” He has
institutionalized his constitutional philosophy in the activist justices he
has nominated for the Supreme Court.
This reference is the key strength of the TCC report. The Constitution is
the charter of our national government, and it empowers the Congress
to impeach any president who refuses to abide by its limitations. Any
president who steps outside its well-defined boundaries is a legitimate
target for impeachment. No statutory criminal violations are necessary;
if the president violates the Constitution, the Constitution enables the
people, through their elected officials, to remove him from office.
No one makes this point better than Phillips, a three-time presidential
candidate for the Constitution Party (formerly the U.S. Taxpayers
Party). Phillips resigned the Nixon administration after Nixon promised
to shut down the Office of Economic Opportunity, which Phillips
headed. Long before others discovered the free-flowing spigot of federal
largesse into left-wing groups like ACORN and La Raza, Phillips was
fighting the good fight to end this – and all – unconstitutional spending.
He has testified not only against the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
to the Supreme Court, but also David Souter – and the nation would
have been better off had the Senate listened either time. Today, he
continues his educational and political efforts. Additionally, his
television program Conservative Roundtable is available in 32 states and
on by demand on YouTube.
Phillips writes that this mailing will be the first of one million “Voter
Education Letters per month to explain why an Impeachment Inquiry is
needed and showing voters how to pressure their elected representatives
in Congress to launch an immediate Impeachment Inquiry.”
The reason, he explains, is clear: politicians need to feel the fire. He
acknowledges “even a conservative Congressional majority will be
reluctant to begin impeachment proceedings without overwhelming
public support. That’s why we must begin now to educate voters and
build public pressure on Congress to begin Impeachment proceedings.”
That’s what Floyd Brown has said for years. That’s why he launched the
Some did – and some still do – deride the notion of impeaching a
commander-in-chief who is manifestly hostile to the constitution of the
United States. In the opening months of Obama’s presidency – believing
they had seen a political realignment against traditional conservatism –
they counseled conservatives to shut up and be grateful the president
had appointed “moderates”…like Hillary Clinton.
Others, like Howard Phillips and Floyd Brown, were not so blind,
unscrupulous, or opportunistic.
In the intervening 22 months, Barack Obama’s criminality and
disregard for the American form of government have become
undeniable to virtually everyone.
Together, a growing chorus of conservatives, Tea Party patriots, and
constitutionalists are calling for someone to finally face the consequences
of violating the charter our Founding Fathers sacrificed so much to give
to us and our posterity. Our campaign is succeeding. Rep. Darrell Issa
plans a flurry of investigations in the new Congress. Even Jonathan
Chait of The New Republic agrees; the Republican Party will eventually
impeach Barack Obama.
Conservatives, constitutionalists, and patriots – it is up to us to keep the
pressure on.
Watch your mail for the National Campaign for an Impeachment
Inquiry. If you cannot wait to receive TCC’s survey in the mail, sign the
Impeach Obama Petition. Better yet, do both.
America’s permanent “transformation” may hang in the balance.
Media Explode with Talk of
Posted on November 5, 2010 by Ben Johnson
Suddenly, as if they realize the president’s crimes against liberty have
become too well known, the media have exploded with reports of
Obama’s impending impeachment. The Daily Caller has a piece stating,
“Liberals Worry GOP Will Attempt to Impeach Obama.” The Christian
Science Monitor asks, “Will Republicans Now Impeach Obama? (Is
That a Serious Question?)” Last month, Jonathan Chait of The New
Republic has written, “If Republicans win and maintain control of the
House of Representatives, they are going to impeach President Obama.”
On Thursday, Politico’s Josh Gerstein sent the White House a message
in an article entitled, “Memo to Obama: Lawyer Up.” (The Washington
Times responded with the editorial: “Memo to Obama: Don’t Lawyer
Up”; George Soros’ boys at Media Matters objected only to the Times.)
The Wall Street Journal piled on with a blog entry advising, “Lawyer
Up, Mr. President, Here Come the Subpoenas.”
The Hill newspaper reports that the GOP is likely to tell the Obama
administration not to shred any documents, which it will subpoena next
The undisputed leader of the conservative movement, Rush Limbaugh,
is cheering the development. On his radio program on Friday, Rush
said, “Subpoena power – that’s where Republicans have a goldmine.”
International evangelist and WorldNetDaily commentator Hal Lindsey
dedicated the headlines on Thursday to whether Obama would be
Liberals are predictably apoplectic over the possibility. MSNBC’s Ed
Schultz, who has spent his envious life imitating Rush or savaging him,
warned, “House Republicans… might go so far as to try to impeach
President Obama.” Earlier this week, Sgt. Schultz demanded the
incoming Republican leadership foreswear any attempt at
Four years ago, in the midst of an avalanche of criticism of the Bush
administration, Nancy Pelosi took impeachment off the table. I want to
ask Mr. Boehner tonight, are you going to take impeachment off the
table? Or are we going to go down this road of divide, are we going to go
down this road of investigations?
After facing criticism, Schultz said he got he first learned of the
possibility from longtime Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-SC, who
warned the Republican Congress would investigate Barack Obama’s
birth certificate and eligibility.
The media are busy reassuring themselves that, not only will Barack
Obama not be impeached, but he will coast to re-election in 2012.
Journalists inform their readers that political scientists agree
impeachment is not coming. The oft-quoted Larry Sabato called the idea
“ridiculous,” adding it “would backfire badly, just as it did in 1998.”
John Hart, professor of communication at Hawaii Pacific University,
derided such talk as a “kind of flight of fancy.”
Some Republicans, too, have sought to ingratiate themselves with the
media and the liberals (but then I repeat myself). House Minority
Leader John Boehner has told The Daily Caller, “We have no plans to
[impeach] the president.” Rep. Darrell Issa, while signaling he will press
forward with the investigations he has already launched, has stated
there is “not a chance at this point” he would impeach the president.
Issa has gone far enough to say, “My job is to make the president a
But not everyone is on the same page. Congressman Lamar Smith will
hold one of the chief investigative chairmanships in the House, made no
effort to reassure jittery journalists in his home state of Texas:
One thing that Democrats openly expressed their concern about is the
ability of Republicans like Smith, chairmen of key House committees, to
use the Majority’s subpoena power to compel testimony on a whole host
of issues. Smith says their concerns were justified.
Rep. Lamar Smith, the next chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee, told 1200 WOAI: “There are going to be a number of
investigations or oversight committee actions, trying to get to the facts,”
he promised.
On the contrary, Smith said, he is going to hold the administration
accountable. “Right now, because of the one party
monopoly, the administration has been able to dodge
any kind of supervision, any kind of oversight
committee action, and they refuse to testify, and that is
no longer acceptable,” he said.
Smith wrote in an e-mail to Politico: “Oversight is not a game of cat and
mouse between Congress and the White House as the media often paints
it. Oversight is the legitimate and necessary work of Congress to
improve the operation and function of the executive branch and ensure
that federal agencies are operating in the best interests of the American
The media have observed Smith is from southern Texas and may
investigate the Obama administration over a host of issues, including its
dismissal of the Black Panther voter intimidation case and its refusal to
secure the border. Smith’s comments seemed to allude to this: “I am
committed to working with the Justice Department to ensure that our
laws are equally enforced, criminals are prosecuted, and American
communities are kept safe.”
Politico added that Ron Paul may press forward with a series of
investigations as chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on
Domestic Monetary Policy.
Smith’s words, or a guilty conscience, seem to have gotten the best of
House Democrats. They have responded by calling on the Republican
Party to unimpeach President Clinton. Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-PA, says
he will introduce a resolution on November 15, the first day of the lame
duck session, to “disavow” the Clinton impeachment. This, he says, will
help the parties “enter a period in which bipartisanship will be a major
priority for the Congress.”
Given the increasing number of Democrats who want Obama removed
from their party’s leadership, impeachment might secretly be a
bipartisan desire.
Of course, the Democrats are unlikely to remove Obama from his post,
as much as they understand he is an arrogant, electoral albatross.
Despite his evident guilt, they circled the wagons around Bill Clinton.
But Barack Obama is not Bill Clinton; his crimes are more flagrant and
fundamental. And although he remains personally popular with some
segments of society, his numbers are slipping by the day. Impeachment
was a political loser against Bill Clinton, because he was popular; it may
be a winner against Obama, because he is increasingly seen as a pariah.
With all this concern about impeachment sounding on the Left, it begs
the question: Do they know something?


Posted on July 26, 2010 by Guest Writer

by Michael Oberndorf, Floyd Reports Contributor
As support for impeaching Barak Hussein Obama grows, there is a
great deal of discussion of the grounds that can be cited for
impeachment. One offense that should be highlighted early on is his
unceasing lying to the American people. As it relates to him as
“president”, it began during his campaign, when he was out to get
people to vote for him. He had no problem contradicting himself, if he
thought the particular group he was speaking to at the moment wanted
to hear something different than what he had told a different group the
other day. This happened with such regularity – and the “mainstream
media”, more accurately called the Democrat Propaganda Ministry,
never called him on these flip-flop lies – that to list them would fill a
book. However, he lied about a number of fundamental policy stances
that have, and/or will cause severe damage to our free, democratic
republican form of government, our economy, and our national security.
One of his big lies was that His Administration would be totally
transparent. Nothing could have been further from the truth. No posting
bills for five days before they are voted on, no press conferences where
he is directly questioned – even by the lapdogs in the Propaganda
Ministry, no serious ethics investigations, just photo ops and a torrent of
self-aggrandizing speeches, full of more lies. Massive bills, thousands of
pages long, have been whipped through congress, often voted on in the
dead of night, containing so much, that even the Democrats don’t know
what’s in them.
Another huge lie was that taxes would never be raised on the middle
class. Aside from the fact that he and his unindicted co-conspirators in
the Democrat Party, and their running-dog Republican allies, have just
about destroyed the middle class, we are about to experience tax
increases on a scale the world has never seen before. Not only will the
Bush tax cuts be allowed to die, there are oppressive new taxes in just
about every major “reform” bill these fascists have rammed through
Congress. The latest from Obama’s “dept commission” suggests they
will recommend tax hikes that could reach over $26 trillion – that’s
$26,000,000,000,000.00. And I ga-ron-tee, Obama will approve them.
With so many big lies to choose from, it is difficult to single out one as
the Biggest. However, I think my vote has to go to the one he told when
he put his hand on the Bible (by the way, he only calls it the Bible, but he
always says, “Holy Qoran”) and swore, “I do solemnly swear that I will
faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to
the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of
the United States.” The Moron in Chief had difficulty repeating this
simple sentence correctly, apparently because he had no intention of
honoring it.
Article II, Section 3 of said constitution says, and I indeed have the
temerity to quote it, “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully
executed…” Which brings us to illegal immigration, Arizona, sanctuary
cities, and the New Black Panther Party. What part of “illegal” do the
Usurper and his fellow criminals in the “Justice” Department not
understand? What part of “illegal” do the Democrats running sanctuary
cities not understand? Eric Holder, Obama’s alterego/Step’n’fetchit
running the DoJ, is attacking Arizona for enforcing the federal laws that
the Federal Government won’t, is not attacking sanctuary cities for not
enforcing federal laws, and refuses to prosecute a pair of racist New
Black Panther Party thugs for voter intimidation, because the thugs are
black, and the voters they threatened were white. “…he shall take Care
that the Laws be faithfully executed…”? If this ain’t a middle finger in
the face of the Constitution and the American people, I don’t know what
There’s lots more: turning the oil spill from problem to unmitigated
disaster for political purposes by blocking recovery efforts; the bribery
in the Sestak and Romanoff job offers; Interior Secretary Salazar’s
blatant act of fraud with the drilling expert’s signatures; Labor
Secretary Solis’ blatant solicitation of criminal acts form people already
guilty of criminal acts; he lied about his relationship with impeached
and indicted Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich; he lied about his
relationship with Chicago mobster, Tony Rezko; he lied about his
relationship with unrepentant Marxist terrorist, Bill Ayers, etcetera,
etcetera, ad nauseam. And a growing number of people believe he lied
about being a natural born American citizen, a basic qualification for
being president in the first place.
If there ever was someone holding a political office who needed
impeaching, it‘s this guy, and here is how YOU can help make it
happen. Get into the High Noon Impeach Obama movement .
It’s easy and free and YOU are your own leader. Just get a few of your
friends and neighbors, get a permit from your city hall, or whatever,
make some signs, and go stand on a street corner at a busy intersection
in your town for maximum one hour, at noon, every Saturday. We’ve
been doing this in western North Carolina for a month, now, and the
positive reaction from people has been incredible. Come November,
when right-thinking people are running Congress again, they will know
what their first order of business needs to be.
Michael Oberndorf, M.A., RPA is an archaeologist by profession, and a rabble rouser by choice…er…um…a
political activist for conservative issues. He currently lurks about in western North Carolina, much to the annoyance
of the liberals trying to infest the area.


More Citizens Demand: Impeach Obama

Posted on January 28, 2011 by Ben Johnson

As more Americans face the dire state of our union and the heavy toll
the Obama administration has required of us all, an ever-growing
number are calling for Barack Obama’s impeachment. This week alone,
three separate calls for impeachment surfaced – significantly, among
Democrats – at least one of them at one of the largest ongoing public
rallies in U.S. history: the March for Life.
On Monday, thousands gathered in the nation’s capital to protest the
taking of innocent life. One of the members of this diverse, pro-life
group, Democrats for Life, met for breakfast before joining the larger
group. Michael Sean Winter, who attended the Democratic meeting,
recounted the scene on the National Catholic Reporter website, “Two
people carry a large poster of President Obama, defaced to look like
Hitler, and the slogan ‘Impeach Obama.’”
Such opposition from within a Democratic event begs the question
whether Democrats even want Obama to run in 2012.
The same posters, with the same message, appeared this Wednesday in
Mount Dora, Florida. The Orlando Sentinel reports:
The group has gathered on the sidewalk in front of the Post Office on
Donnelly Street for several days, passing out literature. However, today,
code enforcement officials told the group they could not post signs or
posters on city light poles.
The group, which opposes recent federal healthcare legislation and
bailouts of the banking industry, is encouraging the public to “Impeach
The Sentinel does not mention the group’s affiliation. Its opposition to
ObamaCare indicate it is not composed of doctrinaire liberals.
Not all calls are from the Right. The left-wing blog Firedoglake features
a diary entry posted Tuesday entitled, “The Constitutional Case for the
Impeachment of Barack Obama.” The author accuses Obama of
covering up U.S. violations of the UN Convention against Torture and
Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which
the Senate ratified in 1990. The left-wing writer states Obama has
destroyed videotape and photographic evidence that may prove
inhumane treatment of terrorists in U.S. custody. “This goes far beyond
mere failure to investigate torture – it is, in fact, a willful act to protect
torturers,” the argument continues. “By repeatedly violating the United
Nations Convention Against Torture, President Obama has violated the
Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution. He is in direct
violation of his oath of office. Therefore it is the Constitutional
obligation of each and every member of the House of Representatives
(per their own oaths of office) to begin impeachment proceedings.”

Click here to sign the petition to impeach Barack

Obama. Learn more about ongoing efforts to impeach Obama.

The Constitutional Case for the Impeachment of
Barack Obama
By: Quasit Tuesday January 25, 2011 8:36

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully

execute the Office of President of the United States, and
will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States.” – US
Constitution, Article Two, Section One, Clause Eight (1)

President Barack Obama stands in repeated and flagrant

violation of his Presidential oath of office. Specifically, he
has violated the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2):
“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States
which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all
treaties made, or which shall be made, under the
authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law
of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound
thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any
state to the contrary notwithstanding.” (2) (emphasis added)
The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment was signed by President Ronald
Reagan on April 18, 1988. It was ratified by the United States Senate on
October 27, 1990 (4). Although there is a mechanism in the Convention
to allow signatories to denounce and thereby withdraw from the
convention (Part I, Article 31), the United States has not done so. Part I,
Article 12 of the Convention clearly states that

“Each State Party shall ensure that its competent

authorities proceed to a prompt and impartial
investigation, wherever there is reasonable ground to
believe that an act of torture has been committed in any
territory under its jurisdiction.”
Rather than investigating allegations of torture, however, the Obama
Administration has done little to hide its deliberate attempts to
hinder such investigations. Photographic evidence has been
destroyed. (5) Videotaped evidence has been willfully destroyed
despite judicial injunctions forbidding that destruction; although
the destruction took place before President Obama assumed office, he
has refused to authorize a meaningful investigation of that destruction
and prosecution of the offenders. (6)

Recent revelations from Wikileaks have shown that the Obama

Administration even colluded with Republican Senator
Mel Martinez of Florida to intimidate the judiciary of
Spain in order to suppress their investigation of alleged US
acts of torture (7). This goes far beyond mere failure to investigate
torture – it is, in fact, a willful act to protect torturers. There have also
been many additional allegations of torture, including most recently the
mistreatment of detainee Bradley Manning.
By repeatedly violating the United Nations Convention Against Torture,
President Obama has violated the Supremacy Clause of the
United States Constitution. He is in direct violation of his
oath of office. Therefore it is the Constitutional obligation of each
and every member of the House of Representatives (per their own oaths
of office) to begin impeachment proceedings.
That they have not and will not does not remove their legal and moral
responsibility to do so. By refusing to take action, the House
has declared itself and the Presidency above the law. A
tacit conspiracy, intentional or not, between the legislative
and executive branches, and between the Democratic and
Republican Parties, has cemented into place the
foundations of a tyranny far more absolute and brutal than that of
King George III.
The state of the union is dire, if not terminal.
1) Presidential Oath of Office –
2) Supremacy Clause –
3) United Nations Convention Against Torture –
7) WikiLeaks: How U.S. tried to stop Spain’s torture probe –

GOP sweep revives talk of

Left-leaning pundit warns House
will investigate Obama's birthplace
Posted: November 03, 2010
12:44 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Talk of impeachment has been revived as the GOP moves into the
majority in the U.S. House, with a left-leaning commentator warning
that the House even could investigate Barack Obama's birthplace.
It's not the first time impeachment has been raised as a possibility, but
this time the warning comes from Ed Schultz of MSNBC, who appeared
outraged at the possibility to GOP would be in leadership in the House.
His comments:
"This is, as I've said all along on this program, about power
and not governing," Schultz said. "House Republicans are
promising what, subpoenas? They may even be launching an
investigation into the president's birthplace. It'll be a rebirth
of the birthers.
"They might go so far as to try to impeach President Obama," he said.
WND reported when other commentators suggested that impeachment
may not be all that bad.
Jonathan Chait at The New Republic predicted that the House would
impeach Obama with a majority in the House, but he wouldn't be
removed from office because that would demand 67 votes in the Senate.
"Hear me now and believe me later: If Republicans win and maintain
control of the House of Representatives, they are going to impeach
President Obama. They won't do it right away. And they won't succeed
in removing Obama. (You need 67 Senate votes.) But if Obama wins a
second term, the House will vote to impeach him before he leaves
office," Chait wrote.
His prediction stirred an immediate furor among nay-sayers, even
though Chait is far from the first to broach the subject.
Read all about the grounds for impeachment.
In the public forum section of Chait's column, "Ironyroad" wrote,
"They'll buy themselves a race war. People aren't going to take it lying
down, because they'll know it's because Obama's skin tone isn't to their
taste, not because of high crimes and misdemeanors."
In his explanation of why he believes an impeachment could be
forthcoming, Chait says the reason itself actually won't matter.
"Wait, you say. What will they impeach him over? You can always find
something. Mini-scandals break out regularly in Washington. Last
spring, the political press erupted in a frenzy over the news that the
White House had floated a potential job to prospective Senate candidate
Joe Sestak. On a scale of one to 100, with one representing presidential
jaywalking and 100 representing Watergate, the Sestak job offer
probably rated about a 1.5. Yet it was enough that GOP Representative
Darrell Issa called the incident an impeachable offense," Chait wrote.
"As it happens, should Republicans win control of the House, Issa would
bring his hair-trigger finger to the chairmanship of the House Oversight
and Government Reform Committee. The Sestak pseudo-scandal
disappeared because there was no process to drive the story forward.
Had Issa been running the Oversight Committee, it would have been the
subject of hearings and subpoenas," he explained.
WND reported earlier when Maj. Gen. Jerry Curry, who served in
Vietnam and commanded the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command
at Aberdeen Proving Ground during his long military career, suggested
Congress should simply hand Obama an ultimatum.
"Action should be taken by the Senate and should be taken by the
House," he said. "They should serve notice on him and say, 'Mr.
President, we love you but we want to tell you something. You're under
a cloud of suspicion. We can't continue running this country with you in
charge under this cloud. Now either you clear it up or you resign from
He was answering questions on Stan Solomon's "Talk to Solomon"
Further, retired U.S. Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, a noted military leader
who now is a presence on the Internet with his Stand Up For America
and Veterans Defenders websites, earlier told WND he believes Obama
should resign.
Vallely, who served in Vietnam and retired in 1991 from the U.S. Army
as deputy commanding general for the Pacific, said, "We now must call
for the immediate resignation of Barry Soetoro (aka President Barack
Hussein Obama) … based on incompetence, deceit, fraud, corruption,
dishonesty and violation of the U.S. oath of office and the Constitution."
"We can wait no longer for a traditional change of power and new
government," he has warned.
"'We the People' have had enough. Enough is enough. The Obama
White House and identifiable members of Congress are now on a
progressive-socialist, treasonous death march and are bankrupting and
weakening the country. We have watched them violate their sacred oath
of office. 'We the People' cannot wait for and solely rely on the next
round of elections in November of this year. It is now and each day that
these public servants must put the citizen's interests above self-interest
by resigning immediately," he said.
Peter Ferrara, on the American Spectator website, also has predicted
Obama's resignation.
"I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it
[to 2012]," he wrote. "I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace
before the fall of 2012," Ferrera said.
WND also reported that former congressman and GOP presidential
candidate Tom Tancredo said for current members of the House and
Senate to uphold their oath to defend the United States against enemies
"foreign and domestic," they need to file impeachment charges against
Tancredo wrote in an opinion piece in the Washington Times that
Obama's "refusal to live up to his own oath of office – which includes
the duty to defend the United States against foreign invasion – requires
senators and representatives to live up to their oaths. Members of
Congress must defend our nation against all enemies, foreign and
domestic. Today, that means bringing impeachment charges against Mr.
At the same time, Times columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner, who also is
president of the Edmund Burke Institute, wrote, "President Obama has
engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic
majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet
more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached."
Kuhner continued, "He is slowly – piece by painful piece – erecting a
socialist dictatorship. We are not there – yet. But he is putting America
on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of
checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of
law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very
pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela's leftist strongman,
Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above
– one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological
lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His
policies are balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go."
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, in a WND column, discussed the they launched.
And at the Taking American Back 2010 conference in Miami in
September, Floyd Brown expanded on the idea.
Brown, president of the Western Center for Journalism, said, "The
Obama presidency is a disease. … Article 2, Section 4 (the impeachment
clause of the Constitution) is the cure. And it's Obama's hatred of
America that makes it absolutely imperative that we take action now.
"Barack Hussein Obama is not some do-gooder that has had his plans
go astray," Brown added. "He is not a person of good will just trying his
best to make America go the right direction. He is not. Barack Hussein
Obama is a liar that absolutely knows what he's doing to the United
States of America. He has a plan. He has an agenda. This man knows
exactly where he's taking us.
"Barack Obama is a very dangerous man," said Brown. "Over the last
two years, we have been watching the slow progression of what I call a
bloodless coup."
WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah, who has editorialized that
Obama has moved far beyond his constitutional authority in many of his
actions, has questioned what would be wrong with impeachment.
"It's about time Republicans in Congress start thinking about the
Constitution and returning the rule of law to America," he wrote
recently. "We're at a crossroads, and there is no margin for error.
"This isn't just about policy disagreements. It's about the biggest and
most egregious abuse of power in American history. If you think I'm
exaggerating, tell me how. It's time to step up to the plate. Americans
are not sending Republicans to Congress this year in record numbers
because they want a counterbalance to Obama in Washington. They are
sending them there to change the direction of the country – radically."

Read more: GOP

sweep revives talk of impeachment
GOP sweep revives talk of impeachment: ‘Left-leaning pundit warns Housewill investigate
Obama’s birthplace’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On November 3, 2010:

'It's time to impeach Obama for
high crimes against U.S.'
President blasted as a Christianity-hating tyrant 'working
that anvil right now forging our chains'
Posted: September 16, 2010
6:50 pm Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

MIAMI – An urgent plea to impeach a "Christianity-hating" President

Obama for alleged "high crimes and misdemeanors" was issued today
at the start of WND's "Taking America Back Conference" in South

The call was announced by Floyd Brown, president of the Western

Center for Journalism, who asserted in strong terms the commander in
chief is deliberately trying to destroy the principles on which the U.S.
was founded.
"The Obama presidency is a disease," said Brown. "Article 2, Section 4
(the impeachment clause of the Constitution) is the cure. And it's
Obama's hatred of America that makes it absolutely imperative that we
take action now."
"Barack Hussein Obama is not some do-gooder that has had his plans
go astray," Brown added. "He is not a person of good will just trying his
best to make America go the right direction. He is not. Barack Hussein
Obama is a liar that absolutely knows what he's doing to the United
States of America. He has a plan. He has an agenda. This man knows
exactly where he's taking us."
A political innovator, writer and speaker, Brown is now running an
online campaign to impeach the president.
"Barack Obama is a very dangerous man," said Brown. "Over the last
two years, we have been watching the slow progression of what I call a
bloodless coup."
Read all about the grounds for impeachment.
"For the international socialist movement of which Barack Obama is a
card-carrying member," he added, "the U.S. must be brought to its
knees, and I guarantee you that Barack Hussein Obama is doing
everything he can to bring the country to its knees. He wants to bring it
to its knees."
Brown warned that a counterculture has risen up, dividing America.
"They don't have the same respect for you as an individual and personal
property, and these traditional ideas in the Constitution. That's why
they're at war with the Constitution. Everything our forefathers fought
and died for to them is just trash to be thrown out on Monday
Brown responded to a common question about what specifically the
president has done that rises to the level of impeachment by recalling
President Gerald Ford in the 1970s, who indicated an impeachable
offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers
it to be at any given moment in history.
The U.S. Constitution states a president can be impeached for treason,
bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Brown said the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" essentially
means "bad behavior."
He went through a list of what he considered bad behavior, saying
Obama has "nationalized the banks. He nationalized GM and Chrysler.
He's attacked the 2nd Amendment. He's taken over health care. He
wants cap and trade legislation, so he literally taxes the air that you
breathe. We breathe out CO2. He appointed czars to control your life
without congressional oversight. He apologizes for us abroad. I find it
personally offensive that he would apologize for this great land."
Brown said the president has committed actual crimes, including
offering jobs in exchange for political favors; firing Inspector General
Gerald Walpin who was investigating Obama friend Kevin Johnson for
allegedly misusing funds; and is now actively trying to bankrupt
America, adding more to the national deficit in nine months than in the
first 200 years of U.S. history.
He noted the Congressional Budget Office has warned that unless
Obama can control his appetite for deficit spending, accumulated debt
could spark a U.S. fiscal crisis similar to recent ones in Greece and
Brown then turned to matters of faith, and blasted Obama's contention
that he's a Christian.
"Obama hates Christianity," Brown declared. "He is a Muslim. Others
will say he's just a godless atheist. The bottom line is that this man hates
He said at Georgetown University, Obama forced the school to cover the
name of Jesus on the podium, and he paraphrased the president's
comments suggesting the U.S. was no longer a Christian nation, but
could now be considered a Muslim nation.
"Whatever we once were, we're no longer a Christian nation; we are
also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu
nation, and a nation of non-believers," Obama stated.
"He said it!" exclaimed Brown. "Have you read about it in the New
York Times, the Washington Post, or the Wall Street Journal? There is
a conspiracy of silence in the mainstream media to cover up this man's
hatred of Christianity."
He quoted American leaders of the past, including President Andrew
Jackson, who called the Bible "the rock upon which our republic rests,"
and Patrick Henry, who said, "It is when a people forget God, that
tyrants forge their chains."
"Obama is that tyrant and he's working that anvil right now of forging
our chains," said Brown.
Brown admitted that there would have to be a change in the leadership
of Congress in the upcoming November elections to make impeachment
a reality, but said the issue was pressing.
"Do we wait until he's totally ripped our country apart?" Brown asked.
He closed by invoking President Ronald Reagan, who was noted for
saying, "If not us, then who? If not now, when?"
The "Taking America Back Conference" is a three-day event taking
place at the Doral Resort in Miami, and includes dozens of speakers
including U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., former presidential
candidates Alan Keyes and Tom Tancredo, and authors Jerome Corsi,
Aaron Klein and David Kupelian.
Other speakers include scientist and Bible teacher Chuck Missler; talk-
show host Rusty Humphries, Michael Farris of Home School Legal
Defense Association; Robert Knight and Jerry Newcombe of Coral
Ridge Ministries; William Murray of the Religious Freedom Coalition
and son of notorious atheist Madeline Murray O'Hair; RC Sproul, Jr.,
author of "Biblical Economics"; "Saturday Night Live" alum Victoria
Jackson, author-columnist Erik Rush and author Judith Reisman.

Read more: 'It's time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.'

Heroes Demand Impeachment of Obama-

by Ken Layne

by Ken Layne
2:04 am August 14, 2010

“Barack” sounds kind of German, doesn’t it? We mean, if you’ve never heard
German before … and Obama is just like Hitler in every way, if by “every way”
you mean “a little Hitler mustache has been painted on his upper lip.” But what
are these people campaigning for, on the roadside of America?
Wonkette operative “F. A.” sent the photo and this terrifying description of the
street action in Mills, Massachusetts:

I live in a really small town. This is so bizarre. I have no idea who the candidate
they are supporting is. Will send the other photo of the side of the car. They also
have signs on the front that say “pull over” and “stop Obama”. People are
stopping and are pissed! A local HS teacher went off on them.

You know who else used to get pissed? That’s right, Hitler. Also, Obama turned
the White House into a mosque last night so Islamic Terrorists could continue
building a gym in the same neighborhood as the huge abandoned pit in the Earth
called, by some bloggers, “Ground Zero.” [Business Week]


Documented: Grounds for

'This is the beginning of the end for the United States
unless ... '
Posted: August 23, 2010
9:04 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
Lying, bribing, subverting election laws, payoffs, aiding the
nation's enemies, seeking the abrogation of the U.S.
Constitution – which of these does not fall under the "high crimes
and misdemeanors" required in the nation's founding documents for the
removal of a sitting president, asks a new special report.
"The Case for Impeachment: Why Barack Hussein Obama Should be
Impeached to Save America" by Steven Baldwin covers all of these
issues and more in making its arguments.
"This is the beginning of the end for the United States unless the people
exercise their precious remaining liberties and stand and demand that
their elected representatives impeach this president before further
mortal damage is inflicted upon America," the report concludes.
The author explains that the Founding Fathers enshrined the
impeachment clause into the United States Constitution because they
feared that a president intent on subverting the very principles upon
which the American experiment was built would someday rise to power.
Get the details, in "The Case for Impeachment: Why Barack Hussein
Obama Should be Impeached to Save America"

"Despite all the checks and balances and obstacles they

put in place, the Founders knew a determined cabal
could still gain control of all three branches of
government and wield this consolidation of power to
dismantle our cherished constitutional principles, and
eradicate the freedoms that generations of Americans
sacrificed their lives to preserve," he writes.
"Make no mistake: That day is now upon us."
In "The Case for Impeachment," Baldwin, a senior research fellow at
the Western Journalism Center, says the issue of impeachment "is no
longer a laughing matter."

"With the economy continuing to implode, the

coming collapse of the dollar, high unemployment
rates, the government takeover of entire industries,
the administration's weak and naive response to the
worldwide jihadist threat, and the ongoing frontal
assault on our Judeo-Christian heritage, the
impeachment option is one that can no longer be
ignored," he finds.
Impeachment, after all, is based on "high crimes and
misdemeanors," an "old English common law phrase which, in
the 1600s, meant negligence, abuse of power, and abuse
of trust," the report says.
"Not only has the Obama administration promoted
dangerous and unsustainable policies, but it has
also engaged in corrupt and illegal activities such
as bribery, a crime the Founders specifically cited
as an impeachable offense. Moreover, this report
details numerous instances of Obama lying to the
American people, a pattern which clearly indicates
a character defect that in itself endangers America.
Given this, we believe impeachment is necessary for
the future survival of America," says the report.
Among the factors Americans should consider:
• Obama's violations of federal campaign and ethics
laws, including the offers from his administration to
Democratic U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak, who reported he was
offered a high-ranking government job to drop his
opposition in the Pennsylvania Senate primary to
sitting Sen. Arlen Specter.
• Obama's effort "to persuade the [Illinois] governor to
fill the vacated Senate seat with his longtime adviser
Valerie Jarrett."
• Suggestions from Obama's own Federal Election
Commission documentation that he got at least $33.8
million for his campaign from disallowed foreign
contributions, including 520 contributions from
interests in Iran as well as $30,000 from the Hamas-
controlled Gaza area.
• Obama's administration decision to drop a case that
prosecutors already had won against "black nationalist
thugs" who were seen on video apparently intimidating
voters during the 2008 election.
• Obama fired an inspector general, Gerald Walpin,
after he exposed corruption linked to one of Obama's
buddies, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson.
• The president's system of rewarding supporters has
come under question. The report confirms more than
70 individuals who raised $50,000 or more for Obama
"have been rewarded with ambassadorships or high
ranking jobs."
The report documents how Obama's actions even may have endangered
Americans by "treating the war on terrorism as a criminal matter and
downplaying the war on terrorism."

"This attitude has manifested itself in a number of

ways: Obama's casual attitude may have
encouraged domestic terrorist attacks, such as the
November 5, 2009, Ft. Hood shooting by Maj.
Nidal Malik Hasan that left thirteen American
military personnel dead."
His Department of Homeland Security also has
"described veterans and other law-abiding
Americans [as] 'rightwing extremists," the report says.
Further, the report explains how the U.S.
State Department
gave a grant to the Al-Quds television network,
owned by the terrorist group Hamas, and invited
them to the U.S. to produce a propaganda film.
Samantha Power, who once referred to the U.S. presence in Iraq as an
"occupation" even as she favored sending troops to Israel to forcibly
impose a Palestinian state, was appointed by Obama to the National
Security Council, the report says.
And the report reveals how rapper Jay-Z and Beyonce were
photographed sitting around the "Situation Room" – the confidential
White House location filled with top secret communications equipment
that allows the tracking of terror threats worldwide.
Access to the room normally requires a high security clearance level.

"Many of Obama's actions, if they do not flat-out

violate the Constitution, certainly undermine the
spirit and intent of the Constitution as envisioned
by our Founding Fathers," the report explains.
And his fiscal policies "are causing unprecedented damage
to America's financial health and to our reputation
The president even has changed history to remove Christian references,
the report explains.

"In his 2010 Easter greeting message, Obama

quoted from a sermon given by a military pastor on
Iwo Jima in 1945. However, he removed passages
dealing with Christian doctrine – like Christ's
resurrection – in order to make the quote appealing
to all religions, even though Easter is NOT a
multicultural event; it's a Christian event. Obama
altered a great historical quote in order to serve his
multicultural worldview. Apparently he is
embarrassed by America’s Christian heritage."
The report also has extensive sections on Democrats' new health-care
law and what it means, as well as immigration.

"President Barack Obama has proven to be

incompetent, reckless, deceitful, and naive when it
comes to making economic decisions and
protecting America’s security interests. His history
of corruption, power-grabbing, and misleading the
American people have created a pattern we believe
jeopardizes America," the report says.
"This report reveals a pattern that demonstrates Obama is constantly
engaging in actions that reflect a hard-left ideology antithetical to
America's founding principles. … Obama is clearly dismissive of
America’s constitutional principles and obviously dislikes the role
America plays in the world. He dislikes our Judeo-Christian heritage
and detests America's historical allies.

"Less than halfway through his first term, Obama

has done more damage to America than any
previous president in history. Some of the damage
can be repaired; some can't. Some of his policies
will haunt generations to come," the report says.
"It's time for the American people to rise up and
demand Congress impeach him."

Read more: Documented: Grounds for impeachment

Ex-congressman: President a 'threat,'

Presiden Obama bowing to Japan's emperor

must be impeached
'We have man in White House who brazenly
disregards his oath of office'
A former congressman and GOP presidential candidate says, for
current members of the House and Senate to uphold their oath of office
that includes the defense of the United States against enemies "foreign
and domestic," they need to be filing impeachment charges against
Barack Obama.
Former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., joined what has become a
growing surge of those recommending the ultimate solution for a
president they believe not only has disagreeable policies, but is
participating in actions that damage the nation.
Tancredo wrote in a opinion piece in the Washington Times that "Mr.
Obama's refusal to live up to his own oath of office – which includes the
duty to defend the United States against foreign invasion – requires
senators and representatives to live up to their oaths. Members of
Congress must defend our nation against all enemies, foreign and
domestic. Today, that means bringing impeachment charges against Mr.
The ultimate guide to Obama's radical agenda – and how to stop it!
Tancredo is not the first to raise the idea of impeachment against
Obama, who has implemented legislation and policies effectively
nationalizing financial institutions, automobile companies, health care
and many other previously private interests.
In fact, he was not even the only person on this particular day. Times
columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner, who also is president of the Edmund
Burke Institute, wrote at the same time, "President Obama has engaged
in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority
in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be
done: Mr. Obama should be impeached."
Kuhner continued, "He is slowly – piece by painful piece – erecting a
socialist dictatorship. We are not there – yet. But he is putting America
on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of
checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of
law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very
pillars of traditional capitalism. Like Venezuela's leftist strongman,
Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above
– one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological
lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His
policies are balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go."
Tancredo's arguments aren't complicated. During his brief presidential
run in 2008 he focused on the border-security issue of the United States,
and he still is concerned that the failure to secure the U.S. boundary –
especially with Mexico – will lead to tragic consequences at the hands of
border-crossing terrorists.
Tancredo appeared on Fox News today to defend his position from
skeptics, saying Obama's responsibility is to protect and defend the
Constitution and the United States, not "fundamentally transform"
"Our president is an enemy of our Constitution, and, as such, he is a
danger to our safety, our security and our personal freedoms,"
Tancredo warns, affirming his belief that Obama is more dangerous for
the United States than al-Qaida.
"He is more dangerous simply because he is inside," he said. "Few
people took him seriously about fundamentally transforming America.
That is what he is all about. That is what he has set about doing. He is a
committed ideologue. When you have someone like that in the White
House, it is a scary proposition."
Obama bowing to Saudi Arabian leader
He cited the president's lack of action to adequately secure the border
with Mexico.

"He's putting his country in danger," Tancredo said.

"The country the Founders put together, that's what's in jeopardy."
"Barack Obama is one of the most powerful presidents this nation has
seen in generations. He is powerful because he is supported by large
majorities in Congress, but, more importantly, because he does not feel
constrained by the rule of law. Whether he is putting up the weakest
possible defense of the Defense of Marriage Act despite the Justice
Department's legal obligation to support existing law; disenfranchising
Chrysler and GM bondholders in order to transfer billions of investor
dollars to his supporters in the United Auto Workers; or implementing
yet a third offshore oil-drilling moratorium even after two federal courts
have thrown out two previous moratoriums, President Obama is
determined to see things done his way regardless of obstacles,"
Tancredo wrote in his op-ed.
"To Mr. Obama, the rule of law is a mere inconvenience to be ignored,
overcome or 'transcended' through international agreements or

Tancredo wrote that the "dedicated

Marxist who lives in
the White House" holds power over budgets, the
judiciary, national defense and health care. As
such, "his regime and his program are not just
about changing public policy in the conventional
sense. When one considers the combination of his
stop-at-nothing attitude, his contempt for limited
government, his appointment of judges who want to
create law rather than interpret it – all of these
make this president today's single greatest threat to
the great experiment in freedom that is our
"Yes, Mr. Obama is a more serious threat to
America than al-Qaida. We know that Osama bin
Laden and followers want to kill us, but at least
they are an outside force against whom we can
offer our best defense. But when a dedicated enemy
of the Constitution is working from the inside, we
face a far more dangerous threat. Mr. Obama can
accomplish with the stroke of his pen what bin
Laden cannot accomplish with bombs and
Tancredo, who served five terms representing Colorado and now is
chairman of the Rocky Mountain Foundation, was joined by Kuhner,
who accused Obama of abusing his office and violating his oath.
Kuhner cited Obama's demand that all Americans buy health

"The federal government does not have the right to

coerce every citizen to purchase a good or service.
This is not in the Constitution, and it represents an
unprecedented expansion of power," he wrote. "Yet
Obamacare's most pernicious aspect is its federal
funding of abortion. Pro-lifers are now compelled
to have their tax dollars used to subsidize insurance
plans that allow for the murder of unborn children.
This is more than state-sanctioned infanticide. It
violates the conscience rights of religious citizens."
He further cited Obama's actions regarding the BP oil spill.

"There is a legal process for claims to be

adjudicated, but Mr. Obama has behaved more like
Mr. Chavez or Russia's Vladimir Putin: He has
bullied BP into setting up a $20 billion
compensation fund administered by an Obama
appointee. In other words, the assets of a private
company are to be raided to serve a political
He also wrote about the takeovers in the auto and financial industries,
and the New Black Panther case.

"Under Mr. Obama, the Constitution has become a

meaningless scrap of paper," he said. "As
president, he is supposed to respect the rule of law.
Instead, his administration has dropped charges of
voter intimidation against members of the New
Black Panther Party. This was done even though
their menacing behavior was caught on tape: men
in military garb brandishing clubs and threatening
whites at a polling site."
Tancredo nearly two months ago broached the subject of impeachment,
suggesting an "impeachment file."

"I believe there is a growing body of evidence of

impeachable offenses sufficient to warrant a formal
impeachment resolution in the House, followed by a trial in
the Senate," he wrote at the time.
And the suggestion even has come from onlookers at a presidential
appearance. CNN has documented when Obama made a surprise visit to
a crowd on a shuttle bus, one onlooker shouted, "When are you going to
quit? When are you going to be impeached?"
The issue even has appeared among online gamers, when Microsoft told
an Xbox user the signon name "Impeach Obama" was not allowed
because, "If you were President Obama, how would you feel if someone
wanted to impeach you?"
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, in a column on WND, discussed the that they launched.
They reported that many, instead of examining the evidence, attacked
the messengers.

"We expected these attacks," they reported. But they said

the unresolved issues include:
• "Obama repeatedly lies to the American people when he says we
can keep our private insurance, knowing full well that his
legislation will inevitably drive private insurers out of business.
• "Gerald Walpin, inspector general of the Corporation for National
and Community Service, investigated Kevin Johnson, a big buddy
of the president, for misuse of funds from an AmeriCorps grant.
Obama did not like Walpin's investigation and findings, whereupon
he vindictively fired Walpin to cover for his friend, Johnson. A
subsequent investigation vindicated Walpin's judgment in the
• "Barack Obama oversaw the effective takeover by government of
banks, the largest insurance company (AIG), General Motors and
Chrysler – the bulk of the U.S. auto industry – thus stripping
bondholders, shareholders and others of their personal property.
• "Barack Obama is actively pursuing cap-and-trade legislation.
Instead of taxing the very air we breathe, it will instead, in a
manner of speaking, tax the air we exhale, giving the government
unprecedented control over the economy and American businesses.
Those taxed businesses will then pass the fees onto the American
• "Spending American citizens' money, Barack Hussein Obama is
running up our debt at an alarming rate. In just the nine months
since Obama assumed office, our national debt has gone up by over
a trillion dollars. To put that figure in perspective, it took George
W. Bush eight years to add $4.8 trillion to the national debt.
• "And, to add insult to injury, Obama is printing money like it's
going out of style. The effect will be hyperinflation, a crippling of
our economy and, quite possibly, personal hardship on a scale that
has not been experienced since the Great Depression.
• "Barack Hussein Obama appointed countless "czars" to oversee
everything from the closing of Guantanamo to the food we eat.
These czars don't have to be approved by the Senate. The czars
have unprecedented power and report only to Obama. Members of
both parties are disturbed by these extra-constitutional
excrescences. Sen. Robert Byrd said: "The accumulation of power
by White House staff can threaten the constitutional system of
checks and balances." Rep. Jack Kingston called the czars a
"parallel government."
• "And finally, Obama consistently refuses to
approve the release of his actual birth
certificate, college transcripts and his medical
records. Is he trying to hide something that
will threaten his presidency?"
Retired U.S. Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, a noted
military leader who now is a presence on the
Internet with his Stand Up For America and
Veterans Defenders websites, told WND he would
like Obama to resign.
Vallely, who served in Vietnam and retired in 1991 Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely
from the U.S. Army as deputy commanding general for the Pacific, said,
"We now must call for the immediate resignation of Barry Soetoro (aka
President Barack Hussein Obama) … based on incompetence, deceit,
fraud, corruption, dishonesty and violation of the U.S. oath of office and
the Constitution."
"We can wait no longer for a traditional change of power and new
government," he has warned.

"'We the People' have had enough. Enough is

enough. The Obama White House and identifiable
members of Congress are now on a progressive-
socialist, treasonous death march and are
bankrupting and weakening the country. We have
watched them violate their sacred oath of office.
'We, the People' cannot wait for and solely rely on
the next round of elections in November of this
year. It is now and each day that these public
servants must put the citizen's interests above self-
interest by resigning immediately," he said.
Peter Ferrara, on the American Spectator website, also has predicted
Obama's resignation.
"I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it [to
2012]," he wrote. "I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace
before the fall of 2012," Ferrera said.

Posted: July 23, 2010

3:05 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily


Call for Obama's resignation cites

'deceit, fraud, dishonesty'
'We can wait no longer for a traditional
change of power and new government'

A retired U.S. military leader who now is a presence on the Internet

with his Stand Up For America and Veterans Defenders websites has
issued a call for President Obama's resignation and a new
election to replace him.
The call comes from Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, who served in Vietnam
and retired in 1991 from the U.S. Army as deputy commanding general
for the Pacific.

"We now must call for the immediate resignation

of Barry Soetero (AKA President Barack Hussein
Obama) … based on incompetence, deceit, fraud,
corruption, dishonesty and violation of the U.S.
oath of office and the Constitution," he said in remarks
delivered to a Lincoln Reagan dinner in Virginia City, Mont., last week
and published today on the Stand Up America website.
"And a call for a national petition for new elections to select the next
president of the United States of America must be initiated," he
continued. "We
can wait no longer for a traditional
change of power and new government."
A number of retired military members have sought the removal of
Obama from office. They mostly have tried to utilize the courts to
challenge his eligibility based on claims he
fails to meet the
U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be
a "natural born citizen." Few have asserted Obama
needs to walk away from the Oval Office for the
best of the nation.
"The Declaration of Independence states: 'To
secure these rights, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, that whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is
the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and
to institute new government, laying its foundation
on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
affect their safety and happiness,'" Vallely said in his

"We cannot permit the current leaders in the White

House and halls of Congress to continue in their efforts
to lead us down the road of progressive socialism and
destruction of America. This is the current battle that
we constitutionalists face, and we must be aggressive in
our efforts," he said.
He pointed out that the oath of office for the president is basic, stating,
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of
the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will
bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation
freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I
will faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to
enter: So help me God."

"Sadly, we have seen them violate their oath. Fraud,

lying, and corruption are rampant and some have
engaged in treasonous activities, and they effectively
thumb their noses at us and have sold you to the highest
bidder," he said.
"Lincoln issued this warning in his inaugural address,
'Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the
power, have the right to rise up and shake off the
existing government and form a new one. This is a most
valuable and sacred right – a right which we hope and
believe is to liberate the world,'" Vallely said.
"Being a representative republic, not a democracy,
'rising up' means other than revolution by means
of arms. The people must 'rise up' from the grass
roots across this great country as we think of the
greater good of this and future generations. We are
limited in the peaceful transfer of power…
resignation, death, elections, and impeachment," he

"'We the People' have had enough. Enough is

enough. The Obama White House and identifiable
members of Congress are now on a progressive
socialist, treasonous death march and are
bankrupting and weakening the country. We have
watched them violate their sacred oath of office.
'We, the People' cannot wait for and solely rely on
the next round of elections in November of this
year. It is now and each day that these public
servants must put the citizen's interests above self-
interest by resigning immediately," he said.
Vallely graduated from West Point and was commissioned in the Army
in 1961. He served 32 years before retiring, including in theaters in
Europe and the Pacific Rim.
He saw two tours of combat duty in Vietnam.
He's of late been a military analyst for the Fox News Channel and a
lecturer on counter-terrorism. From 1982 to 1986 he commanded the
351st Civil Affairs Command that included all special forces,
psychological warfare and civil military units in the Western United
States and Hawaii.
He told WND he is speaking as an American citizen who wants to see the
nation restored to a role of world leadership peacefully.

Vallely said Obama's record is of failure at just about

everything, from the massive buckets of cash handed
out in his bailout programs to his instability on foreign
policy and his "lack of resolve" on military issues.
He said while he doesn't call himself a "birther," even the issue of
Obama's eligibility remains unresolved.
"Certainly as a citizen I don't buy off on his eligibility," he said.
But more significant than Obama's record, history, qualifications or
even presidency is the nation's future, he said.
"We cannot continue to self-destruct here."
He said he's calling for the resignation of the president because that's
what responsible citizens should be doing. Congress, certainly, is not
going to take responsibility and get the job done, he said.
"I want the people to stand up and take government back, peacefully,"
he told WND.
On Vallely's website, forum participants were in lock-step:
"As a Vietnam veteran and believer in the Constitution I am in full
support of these observations and comments," said Ralph Kennedy. "It
seems that even the military forces have been in decline along with the
political culture in our country since Mr. Obama has been in place. … I
applaud the courage and the common sense exhibited by Mr. Vallely in
his statement."
Added Ronald Hei, "As a Vietnam veteran and retired military officer, I
fully support Gen. Vallely's call for the resignation of Obama. Failing
resignation, I call for the petition of the U.S. Congress (existing) for his
impeachment for ALL of the transgressions listed above and some not
David J. Austin said, "Our government under the current president has
demonstrated moral corruptness in nearly all aspects of its performance.
Our country and flag have been disgraced by the actions of Obama. … I
would like to see the new Congress, after the 2010 elections, demand his
immediate resignation or begin impeachment proceedings."
The topic of Vallely's work also was scheduled to be on the Patriots
Heart Network online report tonight.
Peter Ferrara, on the American Spectator website, also has predicted
Obama's resignation.
"I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it
[to 2012]," he wrote. "I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace
before the fall of 2012," Ferrera said.
There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See
how you can help.
In his Spectator piece, which came only days before Vallely's remarks,
Ferrera said, "What leads me to predict President Obama's early
political demise are his numerous, enormous vulnerabilities to further
adverse developments, threatening a geometrically accelerating
downward spiral, for him politically, and for America substantively."
Ferrara cited Obama's controversies over the Rep. Joe Sestak scandal,
his lack of management of the Gulf oil spill, more and more taxes for
Americans, a "blind" energy policy and others.
"The president himself has laid the foundation for his biggest political
vulnerability of all," he said. "He won our votes and the election in 2008
with 'the firm pledge' not to raise taxes 'in any form' on anyone making
less than $250,000 a year. Now he has already backed away from that
pledge," he said.
A voter backlash against Democrats expected in November will result in
Democrats themselves having "limited tolerance for the above described
political pressures and chaos," he said.
"With the very survival of their party at stake, the Democrats will
buckle and desert President Obama, joining the calls for his resignation.
"At that point, with zero prospects for re-election, and unable to govern
effectively, he will resign," Ferrara said.
Other military officers have taken a more direct approach to
challenging Obama's presidency.
WND has reported the case of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, a career
physician who has refused Army orders because of the lack of
documentation for Obama's eligibility.
Lakin invited his own court action in a video:
Lakin was not the first officer to raise questions. Others have included
Army doctor Capt. Connie Rhodes and Army reservist Maj. Stefan
The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a
natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the
Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of
WND has covered a multitude of challenges and lawsuits over the issue.
Some have alleged that he was not born in Hawaii in 1961 as he has
written, or that the framers of the Constitution specifically excluded
dual citizens – Obama's father was a subject of the British crown at
Obama's birth – from being eligible for the office.
Besides Obama's actual birth documentation, the still-concealed
documentation for him includes kindergarten records, Punahou school
records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records,
Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review
articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport,
medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his
Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his
adoption records.

"Where's The Birth Certificate?" billboard helps light up the night at the Mandalay Bay resort on the Las
Vegas Strip.
Because of the dearth of information about Obama's eligibility, WND
founder Joseph Farah has launched a campaign to raise contributions to
post billboards asking a simple question: "Where's the birth
The campaign followed a petition that has collected more than 500,000
signatures demanding proof of his eligibility, the availability of yard
signs raising the question and the production of permanent, detachable
magnetic bumper stickers asking the question.
A new effort now asks those in authority regarding the nation's elections
to demand the full proof.
The "certification of live birth" posted online and widely touted as
"Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in
Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for
children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate –
which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and
attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was
born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or
press scrutiny.

Read more: Call for Obama's resignation cites 'deceit, fraud, dishonesty'

Posted: June 08, 2010 By Bob Unruh

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Impeach Obama over the Gropergate

Published: Saturday, November 20, 2010, 7:25 PM Updated: Sunday, November 21, 2010, 1:19 AM
By Paul Mulshine/The Star Ledger

UPON FURTHER THOUGHT: At first I was being facetious when I put

up the post below. But the more I think of it, the more I like the idea of
impeaching Obama for Gropergate. After all, Bill Clinton was impeached
because a government employee voluntarily had contact with his genitals.
Obama is ordering government employees to forcefully have contact with
the genitals of private citizens. Which is worse? All I can say is Monica
Lewinsky never touched anyone who didn't want to be touched. I'm not a
big Obama-hater. If you read this blog, you know I rarely criticize him
any more than any other Democrat. To me, he's no worse, no better.
But if he supports this assault on a cancer survivor:
Before starting the enhanced pat-down procedure, a security officer did
tell him what they were going to do and how they were going to it, but
Sawyer said it wasn’t until they asked him to remove his sweatshirt and
saw his urostomy bag that they asked any questions about his medical
“One agent watched as the other used his flat hand to go slowly down
my chest. I tried to warn him that he would hit the bag and break the
seal on my bag, but he ignored me. Sure enough, the seal was broken
and urine started dribbling down my shirt and my leg and into my
The security officer finished the pat-down, tested the gloves for any
trace of explosives and then, Sawyer said, “He told me I could go. They
never apologized. They never offered to help. They acted like they
hadn’t seen what happened. But I know they saw it because I had a wet
Humiliated, upset and wet, Sawyer said he had to walk through the
airport soaked in urine, board his plane and wait until after takeoff
before he could clean up.
“I am totally appalled by the fact that agents that are performing these
pat-downs have so little concern for people with medical conditions,”
said Sawyer.

Note: This poor guy's entire letter is here. ALSO: I've been warning
conservatives that Senator Jim DeMint is a big-government liberal.
Check this quote:
Sen. Jim DeMint, a South Carolina Republican, acknowledged that
"we're getting hundreds of calls" from constituents about the new
security procedures, but he stopped short of criticizing them. "You're
doing what you can to try to modify this in a way that seems reasonable
to people and to keep them safe," he told the TSA chief. "You've got a
very tough job, but I mostly just wanted to thank you for what you're
ALSO: Check the comments on Trotskyite Tyrrell's post on Townhall.
He's not getting a lot of support in his effort to suck up to the beltway
types. I suspect this neocon's effort to pretend he's a conservative has
ended in failure. Below is the guy who could move into the Oval Office
and not treat us like criminals.

By COasis on February 23rd, 2011

Impeach Obama
In what I consider to be a stupidly bold move by a president who is
already riddled with criticism over his inability to follow what would be
considered the rule of law in this country, Pres. Obama today directed
the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act,
otherwise known as DOMA. He did so on the grounds that he feels the
law is “unconstitutional”.
This would be amazing were not for the fact that this asshole has spent
much of his adult life taunting authority and legal precedent under the
auspices of “civil disobedience”. It’s beyond my comprehension how a
sitting president can direct the policies of a nation from on high, as
though he were on some kind of throne, with a scofflaw like attitude
towards what is a perfectly legitimate legislative act.
This is law. It was passed by a Congress and the Senate. It was signed by
a president. A Democratic president. Bill Clinton. Even if it’s wrong, the
recourse to fix it is through legislative or judicial action. Since the left
and those that neither is coming anytime soon, our current White House
resident has determined that it’s time for him to take action, all on his
This kind activity, by this dumb ass, elected by a bunch of other dumb
asses, reeks of the insolent attitude which is inherently found in the
childish behavior of the dumb ass left. In other words, “we follow laws,
unless we don’t like the laws, and then we fight the laws I breaking the
laws, and call it civil disobedience”.
We are nation of laws. The left has shown over and over that they do not
care one whit for laws of this country when the laws don’t go their way.
They think that marching people in public squares and circles in order
try make a point, all the while breaking the law and contracts they
signed, is fine. They also think that it is fine for president to be a
scofflaw, or their elected officials to be scofflaws.
Today on Fox news, Alan Colmes stated that he felt that the president’s
demand that the Justice Department stop defending the Defense of
Marriage Act was an exercise of “checks and balances”. Now, I find
Alan Colmes to be a barely tolerable liberal idiot that occasionally
makes reasonable arguments, but in this case he could not be more
wrong. “Checks and balances” refers to a process which reflects on
legislative, presidential, judicial actions which happen within a certain
timeframe, or legislative process. To suggest that any president now or
in the future can declare any law unconstitutional and therefore
stipulate that the Justice Department should stop defending or
prosecuting on the basis of that law, is absolutely freaking preposterous.
To suggest that the concept of “checks and balances” in a democratic
three party system allows a ‘future’ president to declare a law
unconstitutional is preposterous and idiotic.
In other words, if you are the President, and you have sworn to uphold
the laws of the United States, that is not your job to doubt, question,
pontificate, or challenge any law that is currently active. Your job is to
either enforce the law and try to change it, or just enforce the law and
leave it as it is. In either case you need to enforce the law, first.
What we’re talking about here with regards to Alan Combs point of
view and the left liberal point of view is the rules really don’t matter.
Laws don’t matter. Processes and accepted moral and ethical standards
don’t matter. What matters is getting your own way. What matters is
foot-stomping, fit throwing, all the while hiding your activities under the
umbrella description of “civil disobedience”.
Laws are laws. We are a nation of laws. The fact that we are a nation of
laws makes us the country we are.
I suggest we start implementing legal punitive processes against every
entity in this country which will not abide by the law. That means the
president, the Atty. Gen., the teachers in Wisconsin, the Democrat
senators in Wisconsin, and any other elected official or appointed
official which will not perform their duties as prescribed by law.
Yes, I am saying impeach Barack Obama. He has officially come out
asking for the Justice Department to stop enforcing a legitimately passed
law, a law which was passed with checks and balances in place and


Impeach Obama Today

If newspapers and other media were doing their job, this blog would not
Friday, February 4, 2011
'Green' jobs are 'Tammany Hall style bossism,' pounding the
hated American middle class-who will never know what hit
it- into the gutter
'Green' jobs are "the ultimate in Tammany Hall-style political bossism -- the
political earmark that dwarfs all others.
• The green jobs agenda is a political spoils and cronyism system
operating in the open, justifying itself through
political correctness and overblown claims that it is dictated by global
2/3/2011, "'Green jobs,' cronyism and cannibalism," Huffington Post, Ernest
"Simply put, the green jobs agenda spends billions of taxpayer dollars to
destroy existing jobs and replace them with jobs in politically-favored
businesses, raising the costs of energy along the way.
The politically-connected win. Existing job-holders and companies lose.
Home electric bills go up. Power also costs more for companies,
• making it more expensive to go into business or to stay in business.
It's cronyism that is building a political power structure based on false claims
about clean green jobs.
• It's cannibalism because creating the green jobs
• requires killing off existing jobs.
As Bloomberg News reported, "Subsidizing renewable energy in the U.S.
may destroy two jobs for every one created if Spain's experience with
windmills and solar farms is any guide."

One Heritage Foundation study showed that proposed

mandates for using "renewable energy" to generate electricity
• would cost 1-million jobs.
Had last year's cap-and-trade bill been passed, we might have lost almost 2-
million jobs. That compares to claims by the renewal energy industry that
274,000 jobs would be created by their products.
• We would lose 3 to 7 jobs or more for every one that we gain....
Obama wants us to pay for the privilege of destroying jobs. His State of the
Union called for
• "incentives that will finally make clean energy the profitable kind
of energy in America."
Guess what? If it requires incentives, it isn't profitable!
"When the President and Congress talk about green jobs, they are talking
about ones created
• via federal tax breaks, subsidies, or outright mandates,"
noted The Heritage Foundation's Ben Liebermann.
The green jobs agenda is all about making a large group dependent on the
politicians who provide them money and who in exchange receive campaign
donations and other political support.
• It is the ultimate in Tammany Hall-style political bossism -- the
political earmark that dwarfs all others.
The green jobs agenda is a political spoils and cronyism system operating in
the open, justifying itself through
• political correctness and overblown claims that it is dictated by
global warming.
POLITICO reported that the alternative energy sector only spent $2.4-
million on lobbying in 1998, but that grew to $30-million a year by 2009.
The story noted, "The speed of expansion is eye-popping," and added,
"Wind, solar, ethanol up and other alternative energy groups are also
stepping up their political contributions to candidates -- almost all of them
Democrats. Yes, the fossil fuel lobby spends about five times more than the
alternative energy lobby, but fossil fuel produces over 20 times as much
power -- about 70% of our national electricity
• compared to about 3%.
How about claims that existing federal policies already advantage fossil
fuels? A report from the federal Department of Energy shows that each
megawatt of power produced by wind or solar power receives subsidies
almost 100 times higher than for oil and natural gas, and
• about 50 times higher than for coal.
Even The New York Times reported that wind-generated power costs 50%
more than power generated from fossil fuel, and power from solar energy
costs 2-3 times more than wind power.
Perhaps someday those who profit from subsidizing alternative energy will
admit what they've done, just as Al Gore now admits his push for billions
in ethanol subsidies was a mistake based on political gain--
• not even counting his monetary gain since leaving office.
As The Wall Street Journal said, "ethanol has become a purely political
machine: It serves no purpose other than re-electing incumbents and
transferring wealth to farm states and ethanol producers."
But don't some business interests support the green agenda? Sadly, yes. They
tend to be those who profit from these subsidies. Writing in Forbes, Jerry
Bowyer noted,
• "What is the difference between crony capitalism and socialism? Not
We did not win the space race by putting extra costs and burdens on
ourselves to benefit a team of politicians and businesses that scratch each
others' backs. Obama's call to action isn't based on Sputnik; it's based on
apparatchik. We don't need that cronyism. Or to cannibalize existing jobs
• so cronies can build more power for themselves."

via Tom Nelson

September 7, 2010
By dana

Reported in The Washington Times; Columnist, Jeffrey T. Kuhner stated the following:
“President Obama has engaged in numerous high
crimes and misdemeanors. Mr. Obama should be

Kuhner goes on to say that Obama, is slowly erecting a Socialist

Dictatorship. He is putting America on a dangerous path and is
undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances;
subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a
corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very pillars of traditional
capitalism. He has abused his office and violated his oath to uphold the
Constitution. His health care overhaul could only get passed through
bribery and political intimidation and, taxpayer money was used to buy
swing votes. The law is blatantly unconstitutional. Obamacare federally
funds abortion, violating the conscience rights of religious citizens, and
will result in a cultural civil war.
Obama is waging a frontal assault on property rights. The BP oil spill is
a case in point. BP clearly is responsible for the spill and its massive
economic and environmental damage to the Gulf. There is a legal
process for claims to be adjudicated, but Obama has bullied BP into
setting up a $20 billion compensation fund administered by an Obama
appointee. In other words, the assets of a private company are to be
raided to serve a political agenda. Billions will be dispensed arbitrarily
in compensation to oil-spill victims – much of it to Democratic
constituents. This is cronyism and creeping authoritarianism.

ama’s multicultural socialism has created a command-and-control
health care system. He has essentially nationalized the big banks, the
financial sector, the automakers and the student loan industry. Next is
“cap-and-trade,” which would bring industry and manufacturing under
the heel of big government. The state is intervening in every aspect of
American life – Under Obama, the Constitution has become a
meaningless scrap of paper.
Obama calls for “comprehensive immigration reform” – granting
amnesty to 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens. This would forge a
permanent Democratic electoral majority. It would sound the death
knell for our national sovereignty. It means the death of American
nationhood. We will no longer be a country, but the colony of a global
socialist empire.
As it turns out, this is not the first impeachment article for the
Washington Times. In July, former GOP Presidential candidate and
Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo wrote an article for
the paper. The problems regarding Presidential high crimes and
misdemeanors go far beyond the White House. Basically,
Congress follows Obama like little robots and upholds his disregard
of our nation’s laws and its Constitution
As long as the Socialist Democrats control Congress, impeachment will
never happen. The only way impeachment can occur, is to have a
massive Republican (conservatives, not RINOS) takeover of both the
House and the Senate in November.
Obama has violated his oath of office by his actions/inaction regarding
federal enforcement of immigration law and his intention to punish the
state of Arizona for passing a law that would enforce federal mandates.
A clear example of Congress as an accessory to the crimes is a little-
reported covert act cap & trade. Many conservatives have long warned
about actions such as these by Obama and Congress, but mainly with
regard to the upcoming ‘lame duck session’ between November and
January before the new Congress can be seated. Cap and trade was one
of the bills the Left promised to pass before they left office. Now,
however, it appears they have already done so, and that without debate
or vote. Although it appears that 65 BILLION dollars have already
been transfered to an entity that profits from ‘capping’ greenhouse
gases in the Northeast, citizens still have a window of opportunity to stop
it from being implemented across the country–IF they bombard
Congress with protests over cap and trade.

Such legislation would add an extra $2400 to $5000 dollars in energy

costs PER YEAR PER HOUSEHOLD in America, placing yet another
financial burden on families who are still suffering from the worst
economic decline since the Great Depression. These oppressive measures
are being forced on the American public by elected co-conspirators in
the economic collapse, such as Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid,
Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Boxer, Chuck
Schumer, and many others who gave their nod to the dubious
government policy dating all the way back to the mid-1990s to
essentially turn Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into welfare agencies, only
underscores the corruption that is entrenched in Washington, in
Congress, AND the White House.

I say Impeach and Imprison! Confiscate Obama’s money and assets as

well as the money and assets of all his partners in crime, to include
George Soros (the high Mucketymuck) and use their money to pay what
we can on the National Debt. Have them incarcerated in Arizona with
Sheriff Arpaio; then transport them to China to be prosecuted for
impersonating the president of the United States and Congress, and for
obtaining a loan under false pretences.


The Usurper

martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

by DefendUSx October 11, 2009

From Blogsphere:

The history of the current President of the United States, Barack

Obama, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in
direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these United
States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

1. He has violated his oath to defend the US Constitution by

exercising powers forbidden by the Constitution.

2. He has used public money to purchase private companies.

3. He has illegally tried to use public money to create publicly

owned companies.

4. He has embezzled public money allocated by Congress for

rescuing distressed private financial institutions, and used it to
purchase automobile manufacturing companies.

5. He has given our public money to finance foreign automobile


6. He has given our public money to a foreign state to finance

their state-run oil company while refusing to allow us to develop
our own oil resources.

7. He has violated the principle of balance of powers by usurping

Congress’ role of law maker.

8. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and

necessary for the public good.

9. He has ignored the laws protecting us from the insolvency of

financial institutions.

10. He has demanded and implemented Tax-and-Spend laws that

inevitably lead to economic collapse.

11. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by

appointing a judge to the Supreme Court based not on ability to
interpret the Constitution, but on radical ideology and color of

12. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither

swarms of Czars to harass our people and eat out their

13. He has violated the balance of powers by appointing Czars

with far reaching powers who are accountable to no one but
14. He has as a matter of patronage stolen private industries
from shareholders and given them to workers’ unions.

15. He has substantially benefited his political financial

supporters by giving public money to foreign industries.

16. He has arranged very large unscrupulous deals with private

companies to exchange public money for his political advertising.

17. He has attempted to create a public industry, a health

insurance company, that would compete with existing and
similar private industries in open defiance of the consent of the
people, and the letter and intent of the Constitution.

18. He has attempted to annul freedom of speech by setting up an

illegal reporting system for recording the names of dissenters
and by publicly attacking private citizens who oppose him.

19. He has counted illegal aliens as citizens to skew his standing

with Congress.

20. He has illegally fired Inspectors General who found wrong-

doing with his political crones.

21. He has attempted to insert himself into even the most

personal life experience, our end of life care.

22. He has attempted to refuse to pay for medical treatment for

wounded soldiers.

23. He has refused his assent to Laws of Congress, exercising

false powers of veto that are contrary and insubordinate to the

24. He has contradicted and violated the rule of law regarding

bankruptcy after forcing the failure of one of our largest

25. He has appointed a Secretary of State who is ineligible for


26. He has attempted to force all citizens into mandatory

servitude to the government.

27. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has

endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our lands, the
merciless Islamo-fascist terrorists whose known rule of warfare,
is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and

28. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual,

uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public
Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance
with his measures.

29. He has combined with Communist, Socialists and Fascists to

subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our American character,
and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts
of pretended Legislation.

30. He has, in collusion with an insolent and irresponsible

Congress, imposed Taxes against our consent not only on us, but
also on our beloved children and our grandchildren denying
them any representation.

31. He has nullified parts of our Constitution, abolishing our

most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally our Form of

A President whose character is thus marked by every act which may

define a Tyrant is unfit to be the Chief Executive of a free people.
For footnotes and additional information regarding the origin and
validity of the 31 reasons listed above, visit one or both of the following

In addition, a lot of people are wondering what it would take to impeach

Barack Obama. Here is a good summary about impeachment in general
from the American Bar Association website, .
Consider the following as well:
1. H.R. 2454 is Barack Obama's "Carbon Cap-and-Trade Bill." This bill
would eliminate millions of jobs in American. For example, it would
eliminate 200,000 jobs just in the state of Texas. It would give the
Federal Government significant control over the Energy Industry, and
impose crushing costs on consumers and businesses coast to coast. It
would further increase the size of the Federal Government and "is likely
to be the biggest tax increase in American history."

Plus, and this will blow your mind........ even the man who originated the
"Cap-and-Trade" theory in the 1960's, Thomas Crocker, is adamantly
opposed to the passage of H.R. 2454. Why? Because, as Thomas Crocker
explains, it has no chance of working (i.e., improving the environment)
unless every major industrial country on earth agrees to participate. If
every country does not participate then Mr. Crocker says, "It's stupid
and a complete waste of money and effort." Many countries, including
China and Russia have refused to participate.

Therefore, obviously, if any nation's President wants to go ahead and

implement "Cap-and-Trade" anyway, without every other country
committed to a worldwide treaty, then his intent is to knowingly harm
his own nation or else, he's just stupid. I don't believe Barack Obama is
stupid. I do believe he is a very misguided individual. You can decide for
yourself whether or not Obama wants to pass "Cap-and-Trade" to
intentionally harm America. The fact remains, "Cap-and-Trade" is so
extremely risky and convoluted, that this bill alone may be enough to
ruin the US economy for decades to come. The debate on this topic
should be as simple as what Thomas Crocker said, "It's stupid."
2. H.R. 3200 is Barack Obama's government controlled health care
hoax. It is not about health care. H.R. 3200 is a charade, a sham and
nothing more than a political left-wing power grab. This bill will destroy
health care in America and further rip apart one of the precious fabrics
of this Nation.

Why is it so hard for people to understand, "There is no such thing as

magic?" Either, the taxpayers have to pay the bills or the Nation
defaults on it's financial obligations. Today, every living person in the
United States (of every age) would have to pay $349,136.00 to payoff our
liabilities. So, let's do the math. How many of you and how many of your
children have an extra $349,136.00 laying around to payoff your share
of our liabilities?

Otherwise, there are two ways to default on our Nation's financial

obligations: (1) Refuse to pay and suffer the consequences imposed on us
by other Nations around the world, or (2) Default by "devaluation of the
US dollar." This means printing more and more money, until we
intentionally devalue our own currency to the point where everyone
loses; the people we owe money to lose, as well as our own citizens who
are left holding currency which is worth next to nothing. In either
default scenario everyone loses, except a very few "insiders in the know"
who invest appropriately and get out of our currency far ahead of time.

H.R. 3200 is ridiculously unaffordable! It's unaffordable, unless you

significantly reduce the quality of health care, plus taxpayers pay
hundreds of billions of dollars more in taxes for poor government
administration, poor care, and also, for coverage for those who don't
want health insurance, don't need health insurance or can't afford
better health coverage. Including, 33 million illegal aliens, and many
more illegal's to come.
Lastly, how are the American people going to respond when the Federal
Government starts closing thousands of nursing homes across America
because we simply can't afford to keep them open? And too, where are
the millions of elderly people currently in those nursing homes going to
go when their nursing homes are closed?

3. Senate Bill 560 and H.R. 1409 are Barack Obama's gift to labor
unions. These two bills give away worker's rights and employer's rights
to labor unions on a "Sliver Platter." The EFCA should be titled the
"Employees Forked by Congress Act."

Listen very carefully...... there are no citizens anywhere in America

asking for this legislation! The only voice in America asking for this
legislation is the special interest group know as labor unions (i.e., UAW,
SEIU, etc.) Nothing is broken within the National Labor Relation Act
and nothing needs to be fixed. Labor laws are already tipped far to
unfairly in favor of labor unions. Even to the extent that today it is
perfectly legal for unions to blatantly lie to workers during organizing.
Maybe there was some justification for allowing unions to lie to workers
in 1934, but in today's world it seems unconscionable that our US
Government should somehow endorse lying. If the labor law playing
field is adjusted at all it should be adjusted more in favor of truth,
honesty, integrity and fair play, which is exactly the opposite of what
these two bills propose. The supporters of this legislation should be
ashamed for even being associated with something as devious and
unethical as these two bills.

S.B. 560 and H.R. 1409 are deceitful, unconstitutional and nothing more
than an "under the table" trade between Barack Obama and Big Labor
These two bills add no value to anything, anywhere, except to increase
the size of Labor Union's bank accounts; and unnecessarily increase the
authority of the Federal Government. This legislation harms workers,
harms businesses, harms the economy and harms America! At the same
time, the legislation makes the Federal Government larger, more
expensive and more wasteful. Too, it makes Labor Unions billions of
dollars richer, much larger and much more powerful, without unions
producing anything or adding value anywhere.

This legislation will do the very same thing to the entire Nation that the
UAW did to General Motors over the last 50 years. In 1999 General
Motors stock was trading at $95.20 per share. On March 5, 2009,
General Motors stock was trading at $1.97 per share. Two months ago
GM was in bankruptcy. Today, thanks to more than $80,000,000,000
from the American taxpayer, GM is out of bankruptcy and offering
totally insane incentives to try and make a go of it.

This legislation is anti-employee, anti-business, anti-cooperation, anti-

growth and rips at the heart of Freedom in America! At a time when our
tax base in the United States should be a major concern for every single
individual living in this country, S.B. 560 and H.R. 1409 will drive more
jobs overseas and further rip apart one of the basic fabrics of this
Nation....... the work place.

4. H.R. 45 is the "Blair Holt's Firearm Act of 2009." Barack Obama,

Eric Holder, new Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and many
others in the Administration are aggressive proponents of substantially
increased gun control. This has been proven around the world time and
again, to be absolutely the wrong thing to do.
5. Senate Bill 773 is the "Cybersecurity Act of 2009." Don't think for
one second that this Administration does not want to control the
Internet, as well as every other aspect of your life.

6. The "Fairness Doctrine" is the Administrations avenue to shut down

talk radio. The "Fairness Doctrine" was repealed by Congress in 1985,
but a month does not pass that some Democrat or someone in the
Administration doesn't talk about the need to re-institute the "Fairness
Doctrine." The dishonestly named "Fairness Doctrine" is something
which is horribly bad for America.

7. The US National Debt tonight is $11.9 trillion dollars. The US

Unfunded Liability (i.e., Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) is
$107.4 trillion dollars. The Federal Government intends to borrow an
additional $1.5 trillion dollars in 2010. The interest payment alone on
our National Debt last year exceeded $450 billion dollars. The United
States is collapsing into bankruptcy faster than you can say, "Grigori
Yefimovich Rasputin lives in the White House."

8. No one can see the end to the reckless over spending and excessive
Government borrowing! Congress has long been out of control with
regard to excessive spending. However, this Administration is now
spending money four times faster than ever before, with no end in sight
and no plan for recovery. The White House and many in Congress act as
though: (1) Either, money is free, or (2) They've accepted that financial
doomsday is coming soon and they're fine with that prospect.


Publicado por Corazon7 @ 11:48

Obama has committed Treason!

July 9, 2010 by danriggsby
Filed under Immigration, Impeachment, Obama, Treason

Ok, It has happened. Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the
United States has committed treason. How, you ask? Article III Section
III of The Constitution of the United States of America defines treason
Section 3. Treasonagainst the United States, shall consist only
in levying War against them, or in adhering to their
Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person
shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony
of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on
Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have
power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no
Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood,
or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person
Let’s break it down. Someone who crosses our border illegally with the
intention of breaking our laws is a foreign invader, thus an enemy of this
nation. Barack Obama has ordered the Justice Department to sue the
State of Arizona to prevent it from apprehending foreign invaders. This
would be “adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Once the lawsuit was filed, it was admitted to in open court. I believe
that Barack Obama should be Impeached and charged with treason and
that the only conclusion that the impeachment can draw is guilty and
removal from office.


Capitol Rush
Proud Supporter and Member of the Virginia Tea Party Coalition, The
Tea Party Patriots, The Contract for America and The Fair Tax. God
Bless America!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Let me be the first to call for the impeachment of the

44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein
Obama on the grounds that he has failed in his
constitutional responsibilities to “preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States.” On July 4,
1776, the Founders of this great union decided to separate themselves
from the tyrannical rule of the King of Great Britain by declaring their
independence and on that day in 1776 The Declaration of Independence
of the United States of America was adopted.

The Declaration of Independence went on to cite various facts that

supported the Kings acts of tyranny “over these States” and it was the
protection from such future acts that the Constitution of the United
States was established. It was documented that the King of Great Britain
“has excited domestic Insurrections among us.” Let me argue that Mr.
Obama is guilty of similar acts of insurrections when he makes public
speeches attacking the sitting Governor of the State Wisconsin for
executing his elected duties; while showing favoritism and support for
union workers who failed in their contractual obligations by staging
unauthorized work stoppages and by disrupting the public domain; and
it was Mr. Obama who supported these actions.

The King was also called out for “erecting a Multitude of new Offices,
and sending hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People.” Mr.
Obama is guilty of the same offense by appointing 35 Administrative
Czars without the advice and consent of congressional review and who
are charged with enforcing Executive Orders issued by the President.
This action by Mr. Obama is an attempt to rapidly accelerate power
within the executive branch and bypass the constitutional system of
“checks and balances.”

Like the King, the President “has refused to pass other Laws for the
Accommodation of Large Districts of People” such as his failure to
introduce and pass comprehensive immigration laws and secure the
border and protect the states against invasion and domestic violence.
There is a war being conducted along the Mexican/Arizona border; U.S.
citizens are being gunned down and our population is being invaded by
undocumented workers and the President and his Justice Department
sits idly by. His failure to act is in direct violation of ARTICLE II,
Section 1 of the Constitution which states: “The executive power shall be
vested in a President of the United States. In addition, the President is
sworn by oath to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United
States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend
the Constitution of the United States;” and ARTICLE IV, Section 4
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a
Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against
Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive
against domestic Violence.”

Mr. Obama’s most grievous act of tyranny is taking up sides with a

foreign entity against the states and citizens of this country. Because of
his failure to take aggressive action to enforce federal law 8 U.S.C. §
1304 of the U.S. Code the State of Arizona passed its own legislation SB
1070 which makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in
Arizona without carrying the required documents, bars state or local
officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of federal immigration
laws, and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting
illegal aliens. Let me point out that these requirements were first
established under federal law 8 U.S.C. § 1304 of the U.S. Code.
Arizona’s SB 1070 merely allows the state to execute federal law.
In support of Arizona, several states have jointly filed a Proposed Brief
of Amici Curiae. The States of Michigan, Florida, Alabama, Nebraska,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia, along
with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, filed their
brief that "defends the States' authority to concurrently enforce federal
immigration laws, especially in light of the selective and even lack of
enforcement of those laws by the Obama administration. Under the
current situation, the States have lost control over their borders and are
left to guess at the reality of the law."

In response, Mexico asked a federal court in Arizona to declare the

state’s new immigration law unconstitutional, arguing that the country’s
own interests and its citizens’ rights are at stake. And for the first time
in America’s history a sitting President of the United States has directed
his administration to enjoin with a foreign entity to take action against
the people and the State of Arizona. Under his direction, the Obama
Justice Department filed a federal lawsuit in the United States District
Court for the District of Arizona challenging Arizona's SB 1070 as
usurping the federal government's authority to regulate immigration
laws and enforcement. By supporting the efforts of a foreign entity
against his own country, Mr. Obama has failed to preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States. He has failed to uphold
ARTICLE II, Section 1, ARTICLE IV, Section 4, and ARTICLE VI, 3
of the U. S. Constitution and his solemn oath of office.

It is based on our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and

applicable law that I suggest that Barack Hussein Obama has failed in
his executive duties as President of the United States; has betrayed his
solemn oath of office; has failed to preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States; has conspired with foreign interests
against the people and the states; and has demonstrated similar acts of
tyranny shown by the King of Great Britain and, therefore, should be
impeached, tried by the Senate of the United States and removed from

By K.J. Rush


Obama Won’t Uphold Law – Time for

What the heck is going on in this country? The first half-black all-
socialist President just held a press conference to proudly announce he
will not uphold or defend the law! Hmmmm. Isn’t that part of the Oath
of Office he took?
By Peter Andrew

Which Barack Hosni Obama is this? The one who calls for civility and
an end to politicians show in “crosshairs?” The one who could care less
about civility or a Governor in the crosshairs when it is his union pals
doing it? Who is this man?!
Attorney General Eric “Let ‘em Go” Holder and Barack Hugo Obama
proudly announced yesterday that they will not only NOT UPHOLD OR
DEFEND the law of the land, they will ignore it and stop the effort to see
that it is upheld!! Of course, the issue is the Defense of Marriage Act
The President of the United States has decided that not only is he the
Once again, he has simply taken power he does not have. No one
challenges him. No one hauls the administration into court or jail. The
incompetent and impotent media is silent. What gives the President the
right to simply decide that a law, legally passed, is unconstitutional?!
Here’s a hint: NOTHING!!! He does NOT HAVE THAT POWER!
This is an obscene rejection of the oath he took as President. Obama
must be held accountable. He must be impeached and put on trial in the
Senate. Enough is enough.

imitator777-On February 04, 2009:

Leftist Reporter Predicts Impeachment Drive Success-Posted on October 12, 2010:

Impeachable Offense: Govt Will Investigate
Obama’s IRS Records Snooping
Posted on October 6, 2010 by Ben Johnson

News has broken today that a federal agency will investigate another
impeachable offense. The U.S. Treasury Department will
launch an investigation into the Obama administration’s
allegedly revealing his political opponents’ private tax
information to the media.
In late August, an anonymous Obama official (now assumed to be
Austan Goolsbee, one of the president’s economic advisors) revealed the
tax structure of Koch Industries to the media, information its lawyer,
Mark Holden, said must have been gleaned from confidential IRS forms.
The possibly illegal disclosure was part of the administration’s
coordinated press offensive against Koch Industries, whose owners,
David and Charles Koch, have funded a number of libertarian
enterprises that vocally oppose the president’s free-spending agenda.
Most notable among these is Americans for Prosperity (AFP), whose
state chapters host rallies from coast to coast.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-IA, called for action two weeks ago.
Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George said, “As the inspector
general charged with ensuring, among other things, the fair
implementation of our nation’s system of tax administration…I have
ordered the commencement of a review into the matters alleged.” This
adds more material to the snowballing avalanche of investigations into
the Obama administration’s skirting of the law that could result in the
president’s impeachment.
The situation is less ideal than it sounds. The Obama administration is
essentially investigating itself, and Democrats may be able to hide the
details of the president’s wrongdoing George discovers. The Washington
Times has added, “Still, Mr. George said that, since Republicans are in
the minority, there are some constraints on what he’ll be able to share
with the GOP after the review is completed.”
Although the development is potentially explosive, the final report could
end up providing cover for the administration against genuine
examination. This has already happened with the administration’s
report trying to excuse the Obama administration’s advocacy for
Kenya’s new pro-abortion, pro-Sharia constitution. The U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) report indicated the Obama
administration spent a total of $61.2 million pushing for adoption of the
new constitution. Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ, has classified this as an
impeachable offense revealing “obvious violations of U.S. law.” Yet the
official USAID inquest parroted the Obama administration’s claims that
it merely encouraged Kenyans to vote, not to vote yes. The evidence
seems to suggest otherwise.
Smith called the report a “whitewash.”
“This is the most superficial report I’ve seen in my 30 years in
Congress,” he said. When asked if the administration broke the law,
Smith replied, “With this poorly researched, incomplete audit, we still
don’t know.”
If Republican take the majority in one or both houses of Congress in
2011, that could change.
House Republicans, led by Rep. Darrell Issa of California, promise a
host of investigations to match an even larger host of shady dealings by
this administration – which assumed, with a large Democratic majority
in Congress, it would face no accountability. The tax snooping will join
likely investigations of the Justice Department’s racial discrimination
during the Black Panther Party case. The FBI and the Labor
Department have already questioned Andrew Stern, former head of the
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), for financial
improprieties. Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-SC, is warning fellow Democrats
that a new Republican Congress will investigate Barack Obama’s birth
certificate and eligibility. Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson told
NewsMax that Obama bundler Jodie Evans could (and should) be tried
for treason. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-WI, is considering keeping a
House select committee open to investigate climategate. And
Congressman Issa has pledged to investigate this and many other crimes
in the new year.
There is a reason the Soros-funded Media Matters has attacked Floyd
Brown’s call for impeachment. In at least one realm, liberals believe in
preemptive war.

Impeachable Offense: Govt Will Investigate Obama’s IRS Records

Snooping-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 6, 2010:


Calls for Impeachment Grow

Calls for the impeachment of Barack Hussien Obama are growing
around the country. Here is a link to a call for impeachment in the
October 3rd edition of If you see impeachment
activities in your community please report them to us. Use the contact
form. We are working to try and increase awareness of the thousands of
spontaneous calls for impeachment from all corners of America.
On Friday, more than 1,000 NASA employees were let go. A few months
from now, more than 3,000 NASA employees will lose their jobs.
After the shuttle program ends next year, the United States will have to
rely on Russia for flights to the International Space Station. Not only
will we rely on Russia, but we will have to pay them for this service.
The United States is the greatest country in the world, yet we will
become subservient to Russia.
Why is President Obama making Americans second-class citizens? Why
is he constantly preaching that the economy is stabilizing and jobs are
being created, but NASA is depleting its force, and with it, parts of
Brevard County will become a ghost town.
I know you cannot impeach a president for stupidity. If we could,
Obama would be on his way back to Chicago.
As far as I’m concerned, I would impeach Obama for being a traitor.
During his campaign for the presidency, Obama said we needed change.
Is sending our country down the tubes his idea of change? –John J

Calls for Impeachment Grow-Posted on October 5, 2010:


Obama Must be Impeached: He’s Incompetent

Impeachment Campaign Surpasses One Million
Petition Signers

For Immediate Release:

July 19, 2010
Floyd Brown (253) 238-8840 a project of the Policy Issues Institute is

pleased to announce that more
than one million Americans have signed their petition in support of the
Impeachment of Barack Obama.
Articles of Impeachment can only be passed by the US House of
Representatives. However, right now,
the House is controlled by a majority of Democrats and they are unlikely
to change their minds about
supporting Obama. But real change is coming, we believe a pro
impeachment majority will be elected this
November to the US House.
While currently no sitting congressmen has supported our efforts,
dozens of candidates have expressed
support for our campaign.
We have organized activists in each of the 50 states and currently they
are questioning every candidate
about their willingness to support impeachment.
We are still collecting signatures on our petition and hope to have over
two million by November.
Currently over one million letters are arriving in mailboxes nationwide
in support of impeachment.
The support of every patriotic American is requested to help us continue
to get additional signatures. Also
we encourage everyone to ask all candidates if they have read the case
for Impeachment, or reviewed
the online articles of Impeachment.
We have collected over a million signatures, both through the website and
through direct mail.
"Impeachment is a slow process. Immense public support is required to
get the movement rolling.
Congressmen need to hear from you, and then they will see the light",
said Floyd Brown. Brown
was one of the originators of the movement to impeach Bill Clinton and
is organizing the current
effort. Impeachment of Clinton only happened after years of hard work.
We expect no less this time.


Impeachment past due

By Michael Oberndorf, RPA Monday, August 2, 2010

Impeachment of the current occupant of the White House is the fastest

growing idea in America, today. Each passing day brings new and
powerful voices of support. Americans have sat frustrated and helpless
for nearly two years, watching the Usurper and his unindicted co-
conspirators in his administration and the Democrat Party, destroy the
country and shred the Constitution, feeling powerless to do anything to
stop it. The rising calls for impeachment, from every part of America,
from people you’ve heard of and people you haven’t, are changing that.
Floyd Brown has a website, that has become so popular that he is
moving to a bigger server to handle the traffic. More importantly, his
petition to impeach the Great Prevaricator has gone over the million
signature mark. Think about it:
over a million Americans,
taking a public stance, stating loud and clear that
they want Obama impeached for his high crimes and
misdemeanors. Now. He has hard copy petitions, too, that you can
download and go out and collect signatures on, yourself.
A handful of sitting and ex-politicians, too, have called for impeachment.
They are citing Barack Hussein’s refusal to close, or even protect our
borders, and his offer of jobs to two Democrat senate primary
candidates, bribes to get them to step aside for party-chosen hacks.
When even politicians can’t ignore the lawbreaking, you know it must
be real – and serious.
At the other end of the spectrum, you have individuals, not members of
much of anything, taking matters into their own hands. Out here where
I am, the part of the country that liberals, progressives, and other
arrogant leftist elitists hold in utmost contempt, the home of racists,
rednecks, inbred knuckle-draggers, all of whom own guns (that part is
true!), we got tired of waiting for someone else to take action. We came
up with a plan for what I think of as guerilla protesting: small groups
(as few as two can do this) get a permit (or not, as they choose), make
some signs, go out from noon to 1:00 PM on Saturday afternoon to a
well-trafficked location in your (or a nearby) town, and show people
what you think. We’ve had signs reading, “Impeach Obama, for the
Good of the Nation”; “Hand Enough Yet? Impeach Obama!!!”; and
“Laws, Not Lies! Impeach Obama!!!” In the last two, the “O” and “G”
were hammer-and-sickles. Around a dozen of us, in about four or five
hours, have carried the message to somewhere around a couple of
thousand others.
The point I am making here is that we need not sit idly by while the
forces of evil steal our country from us. There are things we can do to let
our fellow Americans know what is going on, and that they are neither
alone, nor powerless. Obviously, impeachment is a difficult thing to
bring about, especially given present circumstances. And equally
obviously, those calling for it are aware of this fact. However, the very
act of calling for it – no, DEMANDING it! – carries a strong,
unambiguous, unequivocal message to those in power, and those who
would take on positions of power: the
American people will
NOT tolerate a government that refuses to obey the
law, and honor the Constitution. And perhaps most
of all, we will NOT tolerate elected officials who
will not listen to us. November is only three months away…

Michael Oberndorf, RPA

Michael Oberndorf, RPA Most recent columns

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan

State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. I am also the Chairman of
the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country,
and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely
believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.” Michael can be reached at:

Impeachment suggested to remove 'threats' to

'Make no mistake. We're now in the middle of a

bloodless coup'

Posted: October 08, 2009

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

A political activist who was behind the famous Willie Horton

advertisement that left Gov. Michael Dukakis' candidacy for president
floundering and was among the first to sound the alarm on the need for
Bill Clinton's impeachment says the United States is collapsing around
its citizens right now, but there is a defense.
"Make no mistake. We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup – the
takeover of an entire nation by the hate-America crowd – a cold-blooded
gang that despises America's prosperity, our standing in the world, our
trust in God and our generosity and goodness," says political activist
Floyd Brown in a post on the new Impeach Obama Campaign website.
His suggested defense is nothing more or less than a strike at the
emperor, plans which are detailed on the website.
"Like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl
Marx, he [Obama] believes that it's his mission to promote 'equality of
outcome' over 'equality of opportunity' even if Americans must learn to
live in chains to make it happen," Brown said. "That worldview makes
Barack Hussein Obama a very dangerous man and one of the greatest
threats to your personal liberty today."
Brown said that view also explains why Obama "has already gobbled-up
major banks and why the government now controls more and more of
our money – yours and mine. And if you wake up one day to discover
you're broke, don't be surprised. Barack Hussein Obama is Bernie
Madoff with the political power of the presidency at his disposal."
"That dangerous worldview explains why his attorney general, Eric
Holder, despises the 2nd Amendment. … And that dangerous worldview
explains why Obama intends to take away your freedom to choose your
own doctor … your own treatment," he said.
Brown said there's only one solution to the problem he described as a
"Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: 'The President, Vice
President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed
from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or
other high crimes and misdemeanors.'"
Brown told WND that first and foremost, "people need to believe that
it's possible."
He recalls the campaign to impeach Bill Clinton was begun back in the
1990s when Congress was controlled by the Democrat Party and there
was virtually no obvious support for the concept.
"But we were patient and we kept at it, and he was impeached," he said.
"We believe he [Obama] is not qualified to be president, he should have
never been allowed to be president, and [impeachment] is the best
process for resolving this situation," he said.
Brown said most people remember him for being behind the Horton ad,
which highlighted the subsequent crimes of a felon released from prison
under Dukakis' watch. He also was among the first to sound the alarm
on the Clinton Whitewater scandal as well as the mysterious
circumstances of the apparent suicide of White House Counsel Vince
In a WorldNetDaily column, Floyd and Mary Beth Brown write that the
idea already is mushrooming among conservatives, such as those in the
discussions on the Expose Obama website where Floyd Brown is a
"Radio personality Tammy Bruce may have captured these activists'
beliefs about Obama best: 'Ultimately, it comes down to ... the fact that
he seems to have, it seems to me, some malevolence toward this country,
which is unabated,'" according to the Browns.
They argue Obama already is guilty of the "high crimes and
misdemeanors" for which the U.S. Constitution provides impeachment
as a penalty.
"Our Founding Fathers fully intended to allow for the removal of the
president for actions which include: gross incompetence, negligence, and
distasteful behavior," they wrote.
According to the Impeach Obama Campaign, Obama already has:

• Lied to the American people when he said people

could keep private insurance, knowing full well that
his legislation would inevitably drive private
insurers out of business.
• Vindictively fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin,
who investigated Kevin Johnson, a buddy of the
president, for misuse of funds from an AmeriCorps
• Supervised the effective takeover by government of
banks, the largest insurance company (AIG), and
General Motors (GM) and Chrysler, the bulk of the
U.S. auto industry, thus depriving bondholders,
shareholders, and others of their property.
• Pursued cap-and-trade legislation. It would in a
manner of speaking tax the very air people exhale
and give the government unprecedented control
over the economy and American businesses.
• Added a trillion dollars to the national debt in just a
handful of weeks.
• Appointed "Czars" to oversee everything from the
closing of Guantanamo to the nation's food.
• And finally, Obama has consistently refused to
approve the release of his actual birth certificate,
college transcripts and his medical records.
Since impeachment proceedings are handled by no one but Congress,
Brown writes that it is important now for people to realize the impact of
their votes in 2010, because that will determine the makeup of Congress,
and very probably whether any impeachment against Obama could
Brown cited a key opinion from former President Gerald Ford, who
while serving in the House of Representatives, said an impeachable
offense was, "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives
considers it to be at a given moment in history."
"Impeachment, as written in the Constitution, was tailor-made for
Barack Hussein Obama and our Founders placed it in our Constitution
for such a time as this," Brown said.
Brown cited his concerns over Obama's attitudes and behaviors,

• When Obama said America is not a Christian

• When, in his book, Obama wrote of Muslims, "I
will stand with them should the political winds
shift in an ugly direction."
• When the White House insisted the name of Jesus
be covered before Obama could speak at
Georgetown University.
• When in 2009 Obama said, "You might say that
America is a Muslim nation."
• When he treated the Queen of England with casual
familiarity, but bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi
Arabia, where Muslims won't permit Christian
worship under penalty of death.
WND has reported on dozens of legal challenges to Obama's status as a
"natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states,
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United
States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible
to the Office of President."
Some of the lawsuits question whether he was actually born in Hawaii,
as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American
mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to
confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.
Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his
father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at
the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend
the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as
natural born.
Complicating the situation is Obama's decision to spend sums probably
exceeding $1 million to avoid releasing an original long-form state birth
certificate that would put to rest the questions.
WND also has reported that among the documentation not yet available
for Obama includes his kindergarten records, Punahou school records,
Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia
thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles,
scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical
records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State
Bar Association records, any baptism records and his adoption records.


Another National Talk Show Host Calls

Obama “Impeachable”
Posted on February 28, 2011 by Ben Johnson
The number of people acknowledging that Barack Obama’s lawless
actions deserve impeachment has risen by one. Obama’s refusal to
defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is “impeachable,”
according to a nationally syndicated, widely quoted talk show host.
Bryan Fischer is director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public
Policy at American Family Association and host of “Focal Point,” which
is heard on the 148 radio stations of the American Family Radio
Network. Fischer wrote on the AFA’s website:
Obama is violating his oath of office by refusing to defend DOMA. The
Constitution he took a solemn and sacred oath to “preserve, protect and
defend” requires him in Article II, Section 3 to “take Care that the Laws
be faithfully executed.” This refusal to do his sworn duty makes him
derelict in his duty, and is both inexcusable and even impeachable.
Fischer also dedicated a segment of his Thursday program to the
DOMA decision.
The Christian broadcaster’s influence is only growing. Newsweek
magazine (which apparently still exists) paid Fischer a backhanded
compliment in a tongue-in-cheek hit piece entitled, “How Bryan Fischer
Became the Newest Media Darling.” It describes how Fischer’s straight
talking common sense and Biblical conservatism have attracted a
growing national audience — a fact that has caused the dinosaur media
to frequently distort, mock, and ridicule Fischer’s message and
Fischer joins a growing list of center-Right (and occasionally far-Left)
personalities who believe the president should be investigated, and
perhaps impeached and removed from office. Radio talk show host
Tammy Bruce called for Obama’s impeachment for bringing the
Muslim Brotherhood closer to power in Egypt. (It would be difficult to
think of two people further apart politically than Fischer and Bruce.)
Another Bryan, Bryan Preston of Pajamas Media’s blog, put
impeachment on the table the day before Fischer’s blog.
Within the last two weeks alone Newt Gingrich, ACORN expert
Matthew Vadum, and others have stated the president’s actions violate
the rule of law, ignore legal precedent, and establish a “rule of men”
presided over by Obama — and all have had the courage to say these
actions could merit impeachment.
Gingrich has since tried to distance himself from the implications of his
words, saying, “Congress has every responsibility to demand President
Obama live up to his constitutional obligations, but impeachment is
clearly not an appropriate action.” However, Gingrich called the
president’s DOMA decision “a dereliction of duty and a violation of his
constitutional oath,” which is itself impeachable.
The author of Arizona’s immigration law, State Senator Russell Pearce,
and former Constitution Party presidential candidate Howard Phillips
have stated Obama’s refusal to carry out national immigration laws is
impeachable. Phillips recently mailed out a 17-page questionnaire cum
indictment of Barack Obama to five million registered voters, asking
them if they supported impeaching Obama. It included a section
entitled, “Obama Refuses to Enforce Laws He Does Not Like.”
Before Congress will act, it must be assured the American people
support an action as bold as impeachment. Signed petitions, public
pressure, and the increasing number of significant personalities who
support impeachment are important steps. Public backlash against this
increasingly imperious president shows the growing storm of public
disapproval into which Barack Obama is steering his administration.
O'Reilly: Obama Could Face Impeachment
If He Pardons Illegals
Saturday, 26 Jun 2010 12:54 PM

By Chris Wessling

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly is warning that if President Barack Obama ever
bypasses Congress and uses his pardon power to make millions of illegal
aliens citizens, he could face serious calls for his impeachment.

“If President Obama were to sign an executive order giving illegal aliens
amnesty, his career would be over and an impeachment movement
would explode,” O'Reilly said Friday night on his “Talking Points”
segment during his top-rated Fox show.
At the same time, O'Reilly said he did not believe reports that the
Obama administration would grant such a blanket amnesty.

Fox News, however, reported this week: “The Obama administration

has been holding behind-the-scenes talks to determine whether the
Department of Homeland Security can unilaterally grant legal status on
a mass basis to illegal immigrants, a former Bush administration official
who spoke with at least three people involved in those talks told”

The Department of Homeland Security estimates that at least 10.8

million illegal immigrants are living in the United States.

During his 2008 campaign, Obama promised pro-immigration and

Hispanic groups that he would make an amnesty program a top
priority. But such a plan has taken a back seat in favor of other Obama
legislative initiatives, including healthcare and financial regulation

With congressional elections fast approaching, both the legislative

calendar and the climate for new immigration legislation appears to
offer immigration legislation a slim chance of passing this year.

Republicans, led by Arizona Sen. John McCain, have been angered that
Obama has done little to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, and have made
that a prerequisite condition before any discussion of immigration
reform can take place.

Reports that the Obama administration is weighing ways to circumvent

Congress have Republicans worried. On Monday, eight Republican
senators sent the president a letter saying they are concerned that he will
grant unilateral amnesty to America's illegal immigrant population if
his efforts to overhaul current U.S. policy fail in Congress.

The letter called on Obama to abandon any attempt to "unilaterally

extend either deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens in the
United States. Such a move would further erode the American public's
confidence in the federal government and its commitment to securing
the borders and enforcing the laws already on the books."

The eight senators who signed the letter were Charles Grassley of Iowa,
Orrin Hatch of Utah, David Vitter of Louisiana, Jim Bunning of
Kentucky, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Johnny Isakson of Georgia,
James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Thad Cochran of Mississippi.

GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa told Fox News that the White House has
solicited opinions from experts on possible avenues for granting
"amnesty for a large number of people."

A former Bush administration official also told Fox News that talks on
the subject have been held by Obama officials who are "studying legal
ways to legalize people without having to go through any congressional
debate about it."

Republicans believe that Obama is anxious to grant citizenship to

millions of illegals so he can add millions of new Democratic voters to
the electoral rolls, ensuring his re-election in 2012 and tipping the
national balance of power in favor of Democratic candidates for the
foreseeable future.

O’Reilly also criticized the Obama administration for its lax treatment
of the illegal alien issue, noting that Obama had appointed Harold Hurrt
to be the liaison between the federal government and states over the
increasingly contentious issue of illegal immigration.

Hurrt is the former police chief of Houston and Phoenix, and O'Reilly
says he is “outwardly sympathetic to illegal aliens. As [police] chief, he
refused to enforce federal immigration law. Now Hurrt is a federal
immigration official? Come on, that's insane.”

Hurrt's appointment “proves that the president is extremely left on the

immigration issue,” O'Reilly said.


Tea Partiers' mantra: 'Impeach Obama'

02:34 PM
One of many anti-Obama signs at Thursday's Tea Party rally in downtown Washington, just a few blocks from the White House.
By Kathy Kiely
"Tea Party" organizers at several events this morning urged activists to focus their attention on eliminating the
Democratic majority in Congress this fall, but the focus of most of the anger at an outdoor rally in downtown
Washington was definitely the man in the White House.

"He's a socialist," Terry Oldham, a plumber wearing an "Impeach

Obama" t-shirt, said of the president.
Kyong Ju, a native of South Korea who now lives in Washington, said
that Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "really make me angry."
Ju did not look old enough to remember the following characters, but
her sign said:
Once we had Ronald Reagan and Bob Hope and John Cash. Now we
have Obama. No hope. No cash.
Our photo shows you a sign we mentioned in our earlier post. It depicts
the president as a vampire with bloody fangs poised over the neck of the
Statue of Liberty. Underneath, the sign urged: Impeach Obama.

The Tea Party activists will be holding another rally this evening at the
Washington Monument. One of the featured speakers: Rep. Ron Paul,
who, as we told you earlier this week, one poll showed running neck-and-
neck with Obama in a hypothetical 2012 presidential race.


Is it time to whisper the word

‘ impeachment’?
By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown, World Net Daily
The Impeach Obama Campaign is gaining steam

At the tea party in Washington, D.C., a popular sign read simply,

"Impeach Obama."
As a moderator of discussion on the blog, Floyd
has observed the discussion of impeachment is mushrooming amongst
conservative activists.
Radio personality Tammy Bruce may have captured these activists’
beliefs about Obama best: "Uultimately, it comes down to … the fact
that he seems to have, it seems to me, some malevolence toward this
country, which is unabated."
But has Barack Obama committed an impeachable offense? What
exactly constitutes an impeachable offense? Former President Gerald
Ford, while serving in the House of Representatives, said an
impeachable offense was "whatever a majority of the House of
Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."

Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution reads:

"The President,
Vice President and all civil officers of the United States,
shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and
conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and
Here’s a passage from that succinctly summarizes the
historical significance surrounding the inclusion of the phrase "high
crimes and misdemeanors" in the Constitution: "’High crimes and
misdemeanors’ entered the text of the Constitution due to
George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that
the reasons given for impeachment – treason and bribery –
were not enough. He worried that other "great and
dangerous offenses" might not be covered … so Mason then
proposed ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’ a phrase well-
known in English common law. In 18th-century language, a
‘misdemeanor’ meant ‘mis-demeanor,’ or bad behavior."
In other words, "high crimes and misdemeanors" does not refer to a
criminal act. Our Founding Fathers fully intended to allow for the
removal of the president for actions which include: gross incompetence,
negligence and distasteful behavior.
For those who mistakenly hold the illusion that impeaching Barack
Hussein Obama would be a simple matter of "playing politics," the
founders fully intended that the impeachment of a sitting president be a
political act.
As notes: "The Congress decides the definition [of
impeachable offenses]: by majority vote in the House for impeachment,
and by two-thirds vote in the Senate for conviction. The Framers of the
Constitution deliberately put impeachment into the hands of the
legislative branch rather than the judicial branch, thus transforming it
from strictly a matter of legal definition to a matter of political
Impeachment is no more or less than the recall of an elected official who
isn’t up to the job. Obama deserves recall much more than Gov. Gray
Davis, and he was replaced by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in a special
recall election Oct. 7, 2003, in California.
America is a monument to the triumph of freedom. When Barack
Obama thinks about freedom, he sees a world in which some people, due
to personal initiative and good fortune, will do better than others. In
that regard, he is right. But Barack Obama sees that as unfair. Where
you see freedom, liberty and the opportunity for any American to be all
that he or she can be, Obama sees greed and bigotry.
Like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl
Marx, he believes that it’s his mission to promote "equality of outcome"
over "equality of opportunity." This worldview makes Barack Hussein
Obama a very dangerous man, and a threat to your personal liberty.
Worldview explains why he has gobbled-up major banks and why the
government now controls more and more of our money. And if you
wake up one day to discover you’re broke, don’t be surprised. Barack
Hussein Obama is Bernie Madoff with the political power of the
presidency at his disposal.
Worldview explains why Obama intends to take away your freedom to
choose your own doctor and your own treatment. Wherever government
controls health care, bureaucrats decide who gets treatments,
transplants, dialysis and costly medication.
The groundswell of calls for the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama
is growing.


Impeach the Marxist Muslim Ba***** & his

Maoist Whores!
by sheikyermami on October 18, 2009
What? What’s that? the Obama is not a legitimate American?
Check this out, here

Impeach the Marxist Muslim POTUS!

“Can you hear us now?” asked protesters around the country this weekend,
challenging the mainstream media to drop a perceived news bias and give
fair coverage to the growing movement against Obama administration
Grassroots organizers pulled together small groups of protesters in dozens of
U.S. cities yesterday and today, including more than 100 who descended
upon the offices of the Florida’s St. Petersburg Times this morning.
“The press needs to be unbiased,” Joe Sekola, an organizer of a group called
the North Pinellas 9.12 Project, told the Times. “You guys are (supposed to
be) the watchdogs.”
More from WND

Mao Fan Anita Dunn blames dead Republican for quoting Mao
Dunn has no class whatsoever. First she makes that tacky speech saying Mao
is one of her favorite political philosophers and then she blames a dead
Republican when she’s caught on video spouting this putrid Leftie mish-
mash. Gates of Vienna / Read further…

Maoist Van Jones already went under the


verse the coup d’etat on the White House!
Barack Obama’s Anti-Semitic Website
Spencer: As noted many times here, Barack Obama has never shown much
respect for the freedom of speech, or any interest in protecting it — quite the
contrary. However, he shows no interest in restricting genuine and vile hate
speech on his own website. “Barack Obama’s Anti-Semitic Website,”
by Pamela Geller at Big Government, October 17:
During the 2008 presidential election, Barack Obama’s website, Organizing
for America – over which Obama has editorial control — played host to a
series of vile anti-American, Jew-hating posts and pieces. It was
overwhelming. There were numerous, heinous calls for Jewish genocide and
incitement to hatred. And it is happening again, right now, on the official
website of the man who is supposedly the leader of the free world.
The site was and is closely policed. The site moderators remove material that
they consider to be “disrespectful to our other users” and to “detract from a
welcoming community where all people can engage in positive discourse.”
What they find disrespectful can be interesting: once during the campaign a
conservative blogger, Bill Levinson, posted a blog on Obama’s website
consisting entirely of a series of quotations from Obama’s own
book, Dreams of my Father. Obama’s team did not approve of their
standard-bearer’s words, and so Levinson’s blog and account were deleted
from the Obama site in just under 36 hours. That’s right, Barack Obama’s
website banned Obama’s own words. But the most disgusting anti-semitic
ravings remained on the site, along with blogs advocating anarchy and the
overthrow of the United States Congress. [...]
Continuing the lies and blood libels, the post claims: “Worse than the Nazis
Israeli forces used to invade peaceful Palestinian towns, execute men,
women and children in cold blood everywhere and anywhere they encounter
them, dynamite their homes on top of their residents, and finally demolish
the whole town making room for new Israeli colonies.” It charges that Israel
pursued “a pre-meditated genocidal plan” against the Palestinian Arabs.
Suffice to say that this entry passed muster with Obama’s moderators and is
clearly acceptable to Obama for America.
Why hasn’t Obama stopped the terrible hate speech he was hosting on his
site? This has been going on for well over a year. And it continues. He
knows the anti-semites post these blood libels on his website. So why does
he retain the platform as President of the United States? It’s evil. Why does
he encourage it with his silence? Is Obama an anti-semite? By his fruits we
shall know him, and so we know him.
Read it all.

How Obama’s team looks to Mao for his message

Andrew Bolt
Barack Obama’s communications boss names mass-murderer Mao as
one of her two “favorite political philosophers”. Roger Kimball laughs at
the excuses made for her since.
So Obama, whose pastor was a hate-whitey race-baiter, not only
has a far Left background himself, but has surrounded himself with aides
who reflect his campus radical chic. For instance:
Van Jones, the onetime Marxist whose controversial statements
about Republicans and 9/11 have made him a distracting lightning rod as
Barack Obama’s environmental jobs czar in recent days, resigned
tonight… , Jones was forced to apologize when a video surfaced of his
February remarks in Berkeley, of all places, using a reference to a lower
anatomical orifice to describe Republicans.
The next day Jones again had to apologize for having his signature on a
petition to then N.Y. Attorney General Eliot Spitzer seeking an investigation
into the 9/11 attacks as possibly an inside job planned by then-Pres. George
W. Bush to soften opposition to a war in Iraq.
Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A “Planetary Regime” with the power
of life and death over American citizens….
These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were
put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently
appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology
Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair
of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology—
informally known as the United States’ Science Czar.

Administration’s inaction criminal and
September 25th, 2010 LAIGLESFORUM Posted in Constitution, Immigration | 8 Comments »

Constitution: Obama guilty of treason, must be

By Don Hank

I recently published a column on the gradual seizure of ranches in

by Mexican cartels with the tacit consent of the current administration.
I need to clarify that any person in a position such that he/she can be
reasonably expected to be protecting US assets (US president, Homeland
Security Chief, Border Patrol chief, etc) and who refuses to protect said
assets is on a par with — but in fact is more culpable than — the actual
perpetrators (in this case, the cartels, Mexican criminals and
other invaders) of the harm to the assets.
This means that these people are liable and must be brought to justice as
soon as possible.
Obama and his administration have made it clear that they not only will
not meaningfully defend our borders and perform a modicum of their
duties to protect American lives and assets (see the definition of security
in the above-linked column). They have in fact clearly sided with the
criminals, aiding and abetting them in harming a state and its citizens.
Suing the state of AZ for protecting borders that can be expected to be
protected by the federal government and is their duty to protect under
the Constitution, is nothing short of treachery.
Here are the parts of the Constitution that are being directly violated –
first an Article that applies indirectly, then an Article that applies
“Art. IV, Section 3: ….The Congress shall have the Power to dispose of
and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or
other Property belonging to the US; and nothing in this Constitution
shall be so construed as to Prejudice any claims of the US or of any
particular State.”
The Obama administration has “construed” the Constitution “so as to
prejudice the claims of” a “particular State” (AZ). That is a flagrant
violation of the Constitution.
Further, and more directly:
The administration has violated Section 4 of Art. IV, which clearly
“The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a
Republican form of government and shall protect each of them against
There is no wiggle room here for the Executive. Obama and the agencies
subordinate to him, must protect the states against invasion and they
are failing to do so, in flagrant violation of Constitutional Article IV. In
fact, they are illegally suing AZ under color of law in an attempt to
cover their tracks.
This passive refusal to protect a state and the pro-active frivolous and
malicious lawsuit against AZ for attempting to defend itself amount
to one of the grounds for impeachment explicitly enumerated under
Article II, Section 4, because the inaction on the one hand and the active
step on the other hand are quite simply treason. There can be no other
word for it.
It does not matter what the Supreme Court says. Each state has the right
to decide whether the government has denied them aid.
Regardless of this, it is time for the states to defend themselves against
all blatant violations of their Constitutional rights, whether these
violations be perpetrated by the Executive or a higher court, including
the SC.
When a higher court violates the Constitution, it is up to the people (on
the state level first) to assert their rights and just say no — as Sheriff Joe
Arpaio has done, BTW, in refusing to provide documents improperly
requested by the feds.
Arpaio is in his right under the 10th Amendment, which states:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people.”
The Constitution does not grant to the federal government the right to
interfere with law enforcement activities on the State level.
Nor did AZ, according to this same Amendment, have to accept the
intervention of the higher court to hamstring their immigration law.
They chose to do so. It needs to be recognized, in this regard, that Jan
Brewer is willing to defend AZ only in part, but not in whole. She is
behaving first as a politician and, as a distant second, as a defender of
her State and its Constitutional rights.
Her endorsement of John McCain is evidence that she is only willing to
half-heartedly defend her people.
The fact that the people chose McCain in the primary election is
evidence that they are willing to allow the tail to wag the dog.
They have not fully grasped the Tea Party principles and the
significance of the Constitution.
And there is one salient reason for this: Neither Brewer nor the people
have actually read the Constitution she is sworn to uphold.
The government is not about to protect us from invasion without a
significant change, and that change starts with education on the
grassroots level. No significant steps toward securing our nation will be
taken until the Articles mentioned above are read and understood by a
majority of the people.

Administration’s inaction criminal and impeachable-Posted on Laigle’s Forum-

By Don Hank-On September 25, 2010:

Impeach Obama Rally in San Diego
Posted by admin on September 2, 2010

This movement won’t be suppressed. Rallies are appearing all over the
country in support of Impeachment.


Texas Dems Want to IMPEACH Obama

By Hilary Hylton / Austin Sunday, Jun. 20, 2010

Kesha Rogers, winner of the U.S. Democratic Party primary election in Texas's 22nd
congressional district

South Carolina's unexpected Democratic nominee for the US Senate, mystery

man Alvin Greene, says he wants to play golf with Barack Obama. But in Texas,
another surprise Democratic primary winner, congressional nominee Kesha
Rogers, wants to impeach the President. So while South Carolina party officials
are still unsure of what to do about Greene's success at the ballot box, Texas
Democrats have no such reservations — they wasted little time in casting Rogers
into exile and offering no support or recognition of her campaign to win what
once was Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay's old seat.

Rogers, 33, told TIME she is a "full time political activist" in the Lyndon
LaRouche Youth Movement, a recruiting arm of the LaRouche political
organization that is active on many college campuses. The LYM espouses
LaRouche opposition to free trade and "globalism" (the UN, the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund) and it also calls for a return to a humanist
classical education, emphasizing the works of Plato and Leibnitz. On her
professional looking campaign website,, she touts the LaRouche
political philosophy — a mix of support for the economic policies of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the impeachment of President Obama — and calls
Obama a "London and Wall Street backed puppet" whose policies will destroy
the Democratic Party. During the campaign, she was photographed carrying an
oversized portrait of the President with a Hitler-style moustache penciled on his
lip. (See TIME's photos: Crawford, Texas, circa 2009)

Texas' 22nd district is a relatively conservative, primarily suburban area west

and south of Houston that includes — thanks to DeLay's redistricting efforts —
the NASA Johnson Space Center and surrounding aerospace industries, where
residents have expressed concerns about cuts in manned space programs.
Another major LaRouche-inspired plank in Rogers' platform is support for the
colonization of Mars. "Help send me to Congress, and we can send our
grandchildren to Mars!" was a Rogers' slogan during the campaign.

Unlike South Carolina's Greene, Rogers ran a high profile campaign, staking out
a corner on a major intersection in the district to appear almost daily with a large
sign: "Save NASA. Impeach Obama." She garnered 7,467 votes, 53% of the vote,
in a three way race that included a local information systems analyst Doug Blatt,
who gained endorsements from local Democratic clubs and labor groups, and
Freddie John Weider Jr., a preacher and onetime Libertarian candidate; Blatt
came in second with 28% of the vote and Weider won 20%. "The people of the
22nd district voted for me," she said. "They recognized the party is not acting in
the interests of the people."
"There wasn't a lot of money in the race," Anthony Gutierrez, deputy executive
director of the Texas Democratic Party said. "We probably could have done a
better job of educating the voters on what the candidates' positions were." All
three candidates raised similar amounts, according to Federal Election
Commission reports. Rogers raised $16,000, mostly from individual
contributions, while Blatt received $2,600 from the Democratic Party and spent
$12,650 of his own money. Unlike in South Carolina, the TDP can't really claim it
was blindsided. Rogers' LaRouche connections and banner-waving activities were
detailed in the local media and she ran for the state party chair in 2006.

Gutierrez knows the 22nd well — he was the campaign manager for Nick
Lampson, the last Democrat to successfully hold the seat following DeLay's mid-
term resignation. In 2008, the popular Lampson even outperformed Obama in
the district, as Democrats poured major resources in an attempt to hold it,
Gutierrez said. But Lampson still lost in a three way race to Congressman Pete
Olsen, the Republican who currently holds the seat — 52% to 45%, with the
Libertarian Weider pulling a little over 2% of the vote. Lampson did as well as
any Democrat could hope to do in the district, given its configuration, Gutierrez
said, and party resources this year were better spent in more winnable races.
Democrats have their eye on state races this year, hoping former Mayor Bill
White will oust Gov. Rick Perry and Democrats can retake the statehouse and
control the redistricting process.

Meanwhile, the state party has adopted a resolution denying any party support
for Rogers, citing the alleged racist and discriminatory views of the LaRouche
movement — allegations that Rogers, who is African-American, firmly rejects.
District 22 has also been stricken from the party's official online list of
congressional races. "No, I can't explain the result in CD 22," Houston
progressive blogger Charles Kuffner wrote on his blog, Off the Kuff. "Stuff just
happens sometimes, especially in races where not much attention is being paid."

One theory, according to a Democratic Party insider, is Rogers benefitted from

her name being in the top position on the Fort Bend County ballot, where
African-American Democratic interest was high in two local races. But Rogers
rejects that notion. "I went to senior citizens centers. I was knocking on doors
everywhere — everyone knew my positions, " she told TIME. "I don't think the
Democratic Party leadership is getting it. The people continue to see more and
more economic devastation and they don't see any real leadership." And for now,
the party leadership will pretend that it can't see Rogers.,8599,1998076,00.html


Impeach the stonewalling Obama

Posted: June 01, 2010
1:00 am Eastern

© 2011

I can think of many reasons to impeach Barack Obama.

Of course, this House of Representatives is never going to do that
between now and January, when many of the members will be leaving
office, most of them against their wishes.
But it's actually time to start calling for impeachment.
There are dozens of crimes and misdemeanors to consider, with the
dozens of brazen extra-constitutional actions of this White House – from
health care to auto-company takeovers to bank bailouts.
And, of course, there is the ever-present controversy over his total
failure even to prove his constitutional eligibility for office.
But Obama's stonewalling over the allegations of Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa.,
is the most Nixonian reason of all.
Now the shoe is clearly on the other foot.
Sign the petition demanding an investigation of allegations that Obama
illegally attempted to bribe Rep. Sestak
While Democrats were prepared to frog-march Richard Nixon out of the
White House in the 1970s because of his refusal to allow an independent
counsel to investigate Watergate, today's Democrats expect the
American people to take the administration's word that Sestak, one of
their own, is lying when he said he was offered a bribe to bow out of the
U.S. Senate race against Sen. Arlen Specter.
Late last week, the White House finally released its explanation of the
job offer. The claim is that Rahm Emanuel sent Bill Clinton to meet with
Sestak to offer an unpaid advisory position – not the "high-ranking
position" Sestak had claimed.
It took the White House 10 weeks to come up with this highly
unbelievable explanation that conflicts entirely with Sestak's own
repeated claims.
Sestak needs to be placed under oath by an impartial, independent
investigator with subpoena power to see what he has to say about this.
So does Rahm Emanuel and Bill Clinton – not that the latter has any
respect for being under oath, as we know from previous experience.
This explanation hardly passes the smell test of credibility.
Rahm Emanuel is known as a sharp-as-nails political operative. What
would make him think that Sestak would give up a chance to be a U.S.
senator for an unpaid advisory job?
It makes no sense.
Remember what Sestak said back in February to start this controversy:
that he was offered a "high-ranking federal job" to get out of the race.
He has not deviated from that story in 10 weeks. Then, just two days
before the first official explanation of the story, the White House met
with Sestak's brother. One day before the first official explanation,
Obama met with Clinton. And why did Sestak not tell the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth to the American people for the
last 10 weeks?
Now that everyone has had a chance to get their stories in synch, an
independent investigation may be too late. The cover-up may be
complete. That's why members of Congress, the media and the public
have been clamoring for a special counsel to be named by Obama's
hapless and highly partisan attorney general, Eric Holder.
It's not as if Obama's White House hasn't been accused of similar bribes
in the past.
Last September, the Denver Post reported that Obama's deputy chief of
staff, Jim Messina, offered Colorado Senate candidate Andrew
Romanoff a position in the administration if he canceled plans to run
against Sen. Michael Bennet.
Is it not plausible to assume the Obama White House might try bribery
a second time, having gotten away with it the first time?
There's a lot to investigate here.
And, unlike Watergate, all of the alleged corruption involves Democrats.
It involves a White House trying to control another supposedly
independent branch of government using power and taxpayer funds
illegitimately and illegally.
You know what they said back during the Nixon scandals: The cover-up
is worse than the crime.
Yes, it's time to start talking about impeachment. Ultimately, that was
the only thing that shook the truth out of the trees during Watergate.

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators
Syndicate. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto: A Vision
for an American Rebirth," and his classic, "Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality
and Justice," now in its third edition and 14 printings. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento
Union and other major-market daily newspapers.
Is It Time to Impeach the Stonewalling Obama?


June 21, 2010

Should Pres. Obama Resign Over Feb. 13?

By Kevin McCullough

While defending his own policies President Obama has routinely

been rude and sarcastic to his predecessor, George W. Bush. Yet
Obama appears to be making the resident of the previous White House
look like a genius compared to his own serious missteps in office.

Case in point – Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's performance and the

communication of priorities on the issue of oil rig safety in the Gulf of
It seems incomprehensible that the president and other members of the
administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal
government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater
Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.

In fact, according to documents in the administration's possession, BP was

fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early

Further it seems the administration was also informed about this

development, six weeks before to the rig's fatal explosion when an
engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the
world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, "They damn near
blew up the rig."

It's also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration's
help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing
well of tar.

Which leads me to some questions for the president. If I were in front row
of reporters in the White House briefing room, here’s what I’d like to
1. It appears, Mr. President, that you were informed by BP about problems
on Deepwater Horizon on February 13 and the company wanted your
help. What did you say?

2. Given this new revelation, Mr. President, how can you can sleep at
night knowing that your inaction cost the lives of eleven men in

3. Did you inform the victims' families about these facts when you invited
them to the White House for last month's photo op?

4. You've said, Mr. President, time and again, that the buck stops with you.
Doesn’t that statement seem like something bordering on propaganda
when you follow it up with what appears to be a false sense of outrage by
telling Matt Lauer that you're looking for rear ends to kick?

5. Does the buck stop with you… or not?

6. Are you going to insist that Mr. Salazar step down from his post in
disgrace and shame?
7. Will you hold another prime time television press conference and tell the
entire truth to the American people? -- These would be the actions of a
man who says that the buck "stops" with him.

8. I know when this news was breaking midday on Saturday about the
latest BP developments that you and the Vice President were out on the
golf course. Was it 39th or 40th time you've played a round in 18 months?
(Just for a point of reference President Bush played golf 24 times in eight
years.) Never mind, your priorities are for you to decide. At least until
election night...

And now here's where I would not be able to stop myself from saying

It is one thing, Mr. President, to be forced to deal with unexpected

circumstances and to have to deal with genuinely new problems. President
Bush sure had to. He had to respond to an attack on our homeland that
took the lives of 3,000 of our fellow citizens. But on his watch no other
terrorist actions took lives of Americans on our soil, largely due to his
steadfast leadership and willingness to accept no excuses on the matter.

But Mr. President, you seem to have very little leadership experience and it
appears you have even less skill. Being a good dad and nice guy who sees
the world as he wishes it to be is not exactly a resume of exacting
Your advisers have failed you and you have failed the American people on
nearly everything we've asked of you.

Where you go from here is really your call, but you should consider two
options if you genuinely love the country you work for and those of us you
report to.

First, change your tactics. Second, appear to care. Attempt to engage and
empower Americans who can and will go solve this mess.

Otherwise resign.

For the good of the nation, for your own children's future, change your
patterns or change your path... but change!

You do remember that word don't you, Mr. President?

Kevin McCullough is the nationally syndicated host of "'Baldwin/McCullough Radio" now heard on 213 stations
and columnist based in New York. He blogs at www.muscleheadrevolution.comHis second book "The Kind Of MAN
Every Man SHOULD Be is in stores now. And host of "The Kevin McCullough Show" weekdays 7a-9am EST on
Sirius 161/XM 227.

Enough is enough. We're calling for the
Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.
And if you agree, you can join us right

Right here and right now, you can add your voice to
ours... and add your name to the Articles of
Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama.

Why are we calling for the Impeachment of Barack

Hussein Obama?

Radio-personality Tammy Bruce may have said it

"... ultimately, it comes down to... the fact that he
seems to have, it seems to me, some malevolence
toward this country, which is unabated."

Oh... there are many reasons to call for the

impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama and there is
more than just cause to call for his impeachment.

But as Bruce said, Obama's "unabated malevolence

toward this country, which is unabated" makes it all
the more imperative that we take action now... without

How long must we wait... how long should we sit back

and permit Barack Hussein Obama to rip apart the
fabric of this country before we take action?
Are you terrified at Barack Obama’s campaign
to change our country into a third-world

Are you willing to sit back and watch Obama

bulldoze our great nation?

Are you willing to let him construct a

totalitarian regime... fascism, socialism,
Obamaism... take your pick?

If any of the above scenarios concern you... join us.

At the very least, fire a shot across the bow... a shot

that will be heard around the world... and send Barack
Hussein Obama a clear and unmistakable message that
he does not have carte blanche to ruin the United States
of America.

As the late former President Ronald Reagan once

said, "If not us, then who; if not now, then when."

Can we actually impeach Barack

Hussein Obama? Should we impeach
Barack Hussein Obama?
To borrow a phrase from the "anointed-one," ... "yes
we can."

But before going on, we really need to address the

often misunderstood subject of what exactly constitutes
an impeachable offense, in order to illustrate that
Barack Obama's actions are grave enough to warrant

Former-President Gerald Ford, while serving in the

House of Representatives, said an impeachable offense
was, “whatever a majority of the House of
Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: “The

President, Vice President and all civil officers of the
United States, shall be removed from office on
impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery,
or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The key phrase here is "high crimes and

misdemeanors,” a concept in English Common Law that
was well-known to our Founding Fathers but is grossly
misunderstood in this day and age.

"High crimes and misdemeanors" essentially means

bad behavior.

Here's a passage from which succinctly

and beautifully summarizes the historical significance
surrounding the inclusion of the term "high crimes and
misdemeanors" in the Constitution:

“’High crimes and misdemeanors’ entered the text of

the Constitution due to George Mason and James
Madison. Mason had argued that the reasons given for
impeachment - treason and bribery - were not enough.
He worried that other "great and dangerous offenses"
might not be covered... so Mason then proposed ‘high
crimes and misdemeanors,’ a phrase well-known in
English common law. In 18th century language, a
‘misdemeanor’ meant ‘mis-demeanor,’ or bad

In other words, "high crimes and misdemeanors"

does not refer to a criminal act (as some would lead you
to believe) and our Founding Fathers fully intended to
allow for the removal of the President for actions which
were... well... simply put... egregious... grossly
incompetent... grossly negligent... outright distasteful...
or, in the case of Barack Hussein Obama, actions which
clearly show "malevolence toward this country, which
is unabated."

And make no mistake, for those who mistakenly hold

the illusion that impeaching Barack Hussein Obama
would be a simple matter of "playing politics," the
Founders fully intended that the impeachment of a
sitting President be a political act.
As notes:

“The Congress decides the definition [of impeachable

offenses]: by majority vote in the House for
impeachment, and by 2/3 vote in the Senate for
conviction. The Framers of the Constitution
deliberately put impeachment into the hands of the
legislative branch rather than the judicial branch, thus
transforming it from strictly a matter of legal
definition to a matter of political judgment. Then
Representative Gerald Ford put it into practical
perspective in 1970, when he said an impeachable
offense is ‘whatever a majority of the House of
Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in

The Obama Administration exemplifies

maladministration. It qualifies as the poster-child for
bad behavior.

Obama and those around him are ravaging this great

country and adding a sorry chapter to a noble history.

Impeachment, as written in the Constitution, was

tailor-made for Barack Hussein Obama and our
Founders placed it in our Constitution for such a time as

It could be easily argued that we have a duty to

impeach Barack Hussein Obama.

Of course, our elected officials won't have the back-

bone to go it alone. That's where you come in.

Help us spread the word far-and-wide and our elected

officials will come to know that Impeachment is the will
of the American people and they ignore the will of the
people at their own political peril.

The question is not whether we should impeach

Barack Hussein Obama. Rather, the question is, can we
impeach Barack Hussein Obama before it is too late?

A personal introduction is in order. My name is Floyd


Most people know me as the man behind the

infamous Willie Horton Ad that sunk the presidential
aspirations of Governor Michael Dukakis, or for the
pivotal work in support of the confirmation of Justice
Clarence Thomas.

I was also among the first to sound the alarm on the

Clinton Whitewater scandal as well as the mysterious
circumstances surrounding the apparent suicide of
White House Counsel Vince Foster during the early
Clinton years.

And when it comes to the subject of impeachment,

I've been down this road and trod this ground before.

I was among the first, to rally for the impeachment of

Bill Clinton back in the summer of 1994 when it was not
a popular subject with the political elites (on both sides
of the aisle) in Washington.

It was a massive, difficult and historical undertaking.

But the House of Representatives did eventually

advance Articles of Impeachment against Bill Clinton
and 45 and 50 United States Senators respectively voted
to convict Bill Clinton on the two counts that were
advanced in the Senate.

That's nothing to sneeze at... nothing to be ashamed

of... .

And when it comes to the subject of the impeachment

of Barack Hussein Obama, I'll say this much... Barack
Hussein Obama is no Bill Clinton.

There's an old expression; you're known by the

company you keep.

However, I also believe that there is no truer

barometer of a person's character and effectiveness in
battle than those who stand in opposition to that person
and things they say about that person.

And, to be quite blunt, liberals, for years now, have

foamed at the mouth at the mention of my name.

During the presidential election, CNN called me; "An

old right-wing attack dog has returned with a new
target: Barack Obama."

George Stephanopoulos once called me "a slimy thug

for hire."

Not a true statement by any stretch of the

imagination, but coming from Stephanopoulos, I
consider it a compliment. My mother always used to say,
"consider the source."

Of course, the purpose of telling you all of this is not

to blow my horn but rather to let you know that when it
comes to this movement to impeach Barack
Hussein Obama... we're deadly serious... we're
dedicated... we're in it for the long haul... we're willing
to do what it takes to get the job done... and we have
the battle-scars to prove it.

And yes, I believe that Barack

Hussein Obama
is one of the most dangerous men in the
world today and when it comes to his plans for
transforming the United States into his idea of a
socialist utopia... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Removing Barack Hussein Obama is an

imperative for this country.

Make no mistake. We’re now in the middle

of a bloodless coup – the takeover of an
entire nation by the hate-America crowd –
a cold-blooded gang that despises
American's prosperity, our standing in the
world, our trust in God and our generosity
and goodness.

America is a monument to the triumph of freedom.

When Barack Obama thinks about freedom, he sees a
world in which some people, due to personal initiative
and good fortune, will do better than others... live better
than others.

And in that regard, he is right. But Barack Obama

sees that as unfair. Where you see freedom, liberty and
the opportunity for any American to be all that he or she
can be, Obama sees greed and bigotry.
And, like so many on the far-left before him, going all
the way back to Karl Marx, he believes that it's his
mission to promote "equality of outcome" over
"equality of opportunity" even if Americans must learn
to live in chains to make it happen (in fact, servitude to
the iron will of government will be required).

That worldview makes Barack

Obama a very dangerous man and one of
the greatest threats to your personal
liberty today.
That dangerous worldview also explains why he has
already gobbled-up major banks and why the
government now controls more and more of our money
– yours and mine. And if you wake up one day to
discover you’re broke, don’t be surprised. Barack
Hussein Obama is Bernie Madoff with the political
power of the presidency at his disposal.

That dangerous worldview explains the sudden and

shocking erosion of your freedom to make a living, to
run your own business, whether a Mom-and-Pop
grocery store or General Motors.

That dangerous worldview explains why his Attorney

General, Eric Holder, despises the 2nd Amendment...
why, if he had his way, he would take away our guns,
leaving us defenseless against gangs and hoods – and,
more to the point, against Obama's own shock-troops
from ACORN or SEIU. Remember, it was the healthy
and rational fear of government that led to the inclusion
of the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution of the United

And that dangerous worldview explains why Obama

intends to take away your freedom to choose your own
doctor... your own treatment. Wherever government
controls health care, bureaucrats decide who gets
treatments... who gets transplants... who gets dialysis...
who gets costly medication... and who needs to die for
the common good.

What can we do to stop this monomaniac... this

American dictator? There’s only one answer.

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: “The

President, Vice President and all civil officers of the
United States, shall be removed from office on
impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery,
or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Here are just a handful of the high

crimes and misdemeanors committed by
Barack Hussein Obama.
He lied to the American people when he said we could
keep our private insurance, knowing full well that his
legislation would inevitably drive private insurers out of

Gerald Walpin, Inspector General of the Corporation

For National and Community Service investigated Kevin
Johnson, a big buddy of the president, for misuse of
funds from an AmeriCorps grant. Whereupon Obama
vindictively fired Walpin to cover for Johnson. A
subsequent investigation vindicated Walpin’s judgment
in the matter.

Barack Hussein Obama has overseen the effective

takeover by government of banks, the largest insurance
company (AIG), and General Motors (GM) and
Chrysler... the bulk of the U.S. auto industry, thus
depriving bondholders, shareholders, and others of
their property.

Barack Hussein Obama is actively pursuing cap-and-

trade legislation. Instead of taxing the very air we
breathe, it would instead, in a manner of speaking, tax
the air we exhale and give the government
unprecedented control over the economy and American

Barack Hussein Obama is running up our debt at an

alarming rate. In just 9 months since Obama assumed
office, our National Debt has gone up by over a trillion
dollars. To put that figure in perspective, it took George
W. Bush 8 years to add 4.8 trillion to the National Debt.

And, to add insult to injury, we're printing money like

it's going out of style. The effect will be hyper-inflation, a
crippling of our economy and, quite possibly, personal
hardship on a scale that has not been experienced since
the Great Depression.

Barack Hussein Obama has appointed countless

“Czars” to oversee everything from the closing of
Guantanamo to the food we eat. These Czars don’t have
to be approved by the Senate. The Czars have
unprecedented power and report only to Obama.
Members of both parties are disturbed by these extra-
Constitutional excrescences.

Senator Robert Byrd said: “The accumulation of

power by White House staff can threaten the
Constitutional system of checks and balances.”
Congressman Jack Kingston called the Czars a “parallel

And finally, Obama has consistently refused to

approve the release of his actual birth certificate, college
transcripts and his medical records.

And these matters only scratch the surface.

It's almost as if Obama is intentionally trying to
destroy the country.

Barack Hussein Obama has said that

America is not a Christian nation, on
countless occasions, despite surveys
that find a whopping majority say the

In his book, The Audacity of Hope, he

wrote of Muslims and Arabic
immigrants: “… I will stand with them should the
political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

When he spoke at Georgetown University, a Catholic

institution, the White House insisted that the name of
Jesus, be covered. Georgetown complied.

In 2006, he said; "Whatever we once were, we are no

longer a Christian nation." He went to Egypt and said,
"You might say that America is a Muslim nation."

Why go to such lengths to deny the Christian heritage

of the United States?

Surely Barack Hussein Obama knows that our

personal liberties flow directly from our Christian
heritage... that there is no surer way to destroy our
republic than to deny that heritage.
President Thomas Jefferson: "God who gave us life
gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure
when we have removed a conviction that these liberties
are the gift of God?"

President Andrew Jackson called the Bible; "the Rock

upon which our republic rests.”

President John Adams said; “We have no

government armed with power capable of contending
with human passions unbridled by morality and

Patrick Henry said, “It is when a people forget God,

that tyrants forge their chains.”

George Washington, in his Farewell Address said; "Of

all the dispositions and habits which lead to political
prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable

Alexis de Tocqueville, in Democracy in America,

wrote extensively on the relationship between the
Christian religion and liberty in American: "America is
great because she is good. If America ceases to be good,
America will cease to be great."

It's enough to make one wonder... does Barack

Hussein Obama realize that every stab he takes at the
Christian heritage of this great nation is a
blow to the very foundation of our
nation... a blow to freedom our personal

Does he simply hate Christianity... does

he hate the United States... or both?

Barack Hussein Obama simply hasn't

denied the Christian heritage of this
nation. He has used his presidency to
bad-mouth America itself at every

He said, "America has been

arrogant." thus giving our enemies and
our allies every reason to believe that we are less
resolved to defend ourselves and hence more vulnerable
to attack.

Following his inauguration, he ordered Gitmo closed,

within a year, despite the fact that it was (and is) the
best possible facility for detaining terrorists.

His first presidential phone call was to Mahmoud

Abbas, leader of the Fatah Party in the Palestine
territory. According to press reports he told Abbas;
"This is my first phone call to a foreign leader and I'm
making it only hours after I took office."

His first one–on-one TV interview was not with NBC

or ABC, but with Al Arabiya, where he said: “My job to
the Muslim world is to communicate that the
Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make
mistakes. We have not been perfect.”

He immediately issued an Executive Order halting

military commissions which resulted in charges being
dropped against Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the animal
accused of planning numerous terrorist attacks against
Americans, including the USS Cole bombing in which 17
U.S. sailors died.

While treating the Queen of England with casual

familiarity, he obsequiously bowed from the waist to
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, leader of a Muslim
nation that won’t permit Christian worship within its
borders... under penalty of death.

Are Obama's denunciations of America, in words and

deeds, simply faux-pas or do they show, as Tammy
Bruce said, "malevolence toward this country, which is

Does it really matter?

Barack Hussein Obama's words and actions clearly

rise well beyond the level of "bad behavior" and our
Founding Fathers left us a remedy for presidents guilty
of bad behavior.

The Obama presidency is the disease; Article II,

Section 4 of the Constitution, is the cure.

You can join us by using the sign-up

button below to read and then add your
name to the Articles of Impeachment
we've drawn-up against Barack Hussein

If, after reading the Articles of

Impeachment against Barack Hussein
Obama, you agree that action must be
taken now, all you have to do to join our
growing network of patriotic Americans is
add your name (which will remain on our
secure form and be kept in the strictest
confidence until the time is right) to the
Articles of Impeachment against Barack
Hussein Obama.

That's all there is to it. Be among the first

to join this growing nationwide movement
and help us spread the word far-and-wide.
Together, we can take back our country
before it is too late.

Floyd Brown is a project of the Policy Issues Institute.

Contributions are not deductible for tax purposes.
30011 Ivy Glenn Dr., Suite 223
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Impeach Obama Now: Seen Around Town
and Elsewhere
February 27, 2011
By RidesAPaleHorse

Impeach Obama Now: Land, Sea and Air

Land, Sea and Air: More on “Impeach Obama Now!”

ALSO @ DBKP: Impeach Obama: An Idea Whose Time has Come
ALSO @ DBKP: Obama: A (IM)Peach of a Bumper Sticker
MORE: Impeach Obama Campaign
by RidesAPaleHorse
images: RAPH


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September 9, 2010:
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Farber-On September 12, 2010:
Obama’s NASA Pick Inks Space Deal with Saudis-Posted on Floyd
Reports-By Ben Johnson-On October 4, 2010:
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Seattle Times-By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR-On September 13,
The 15 Most Obvious Lies in President Obama’s Ohio Speech and 1
Damning Freudian Slip-Posted on Fmota News-On September 9, 2010:
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Is Obama a Tool of Wall Street and Unions?-Posted on Floyd Reports-By
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Soros’ latest gambit-Posted on American Thinker-By Ed Lasky-On
September 11, 2010:
White House Seeks Confirmation of Judicial Nominees as Priority for
Lame Duck Congress-Posted on Fred Lucas-On
October 01, 2010:
GOP Senate needed to block bad judges: ‘Obama resubmits five dangerous
court nominees’-Posted on The Washington Times-On September 15,
Obama Recess Appointees Too Radical to be Confirmed by Democrat-
Controlled Senate-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Floyd Brown-On
September 30, 2010:
Supremely Slanted: ‘How the New York Times Pounds Conservatives and
Coddles Liberals When Nominated for the Supreme Court’-Special Report
published by Media Research Center-October 2010:
An Avalanche of Obama Investigations Announced-Posted on Floyd
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SEIU Fallout: FBI Investigates Prominent Labor Leader Andy Stern-
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statement candidate ‘qualified’ under U.S. Constitution’-Posted on Bob Unruh-On September 25, 2010:
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Eligibility-Posted on September 27, 2010:
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Examiner-By Robert Moon-On September 25, 2010:
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Free Press-By Joan Swirsky-On September 13, 2010:
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Administration’s inaction criminal and impeachable-Posted on Laigle’s
Forum-By Don Hank-On September 25, 2010:
Obama Invokes ‘State Secrets’ Claim To Dismiss Lawsuit Against
Targeting Of U.S. Citizen-Posted The Huffington Post-By PETE YOST-
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Democrats, Not Colbert, Make a Mockery of the Border-Posted on Floyd
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Now-By Bill Armstrong and Hank Brown-On September 29, 2010:
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Foundation-On September 28, 2010:
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Morning Bell: Constitution Day and the Perilous Future-Posted on The
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The New Congress Will Consider Impeachment-Posted on Floyd Reports-
By Floyd Brown-On September 17, 2010:
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blasted as a Christianity-hating tyrant ‘working that anvil right now
forging our chains’-Posted on Joe Kovacs-On September
16, 2010:
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Center for Public Policy Research-On September 9, 2010:
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Would Have Believed-Posted on Economic Collapse-On September 8,
Obama’s Secret Link to Hamas-Posted on Human Events-By Buzz
Patterson-On September 8, 2010:
Morning Bell: Neglecting Allies and Appeasing Foes-Posted on The
Heritage Foundation-On September 8, 2010:
Obama’s Next Chief of Staff Tied to Radical Muslim Group-Posted on
Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On September 8, 2010:
The Mess Bush Left And Other Obama Fables-Posted on
BY THOMAS SOWELL-On September 7, 2010:
Memo to Obama: Why They Talk About You “Like a Dog”-Posted on
Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On September 7, 2010:
Obama, Labrador Deceiver or Open-Border Collie?-Posted on PJTV-On
September 9, 2010:
Video of the Day: Impeach Obama for Broken Promises from Day One-
Posted on September 7, 2010:
8 questions with ‘Conduct Unbecoming’ author Buzz Patterson-Posted on
The Daily Caller-On September 5, 2010:
Inspector general wants hearing with fair judge: ‘Case suggests retaliation
for queries over money deals by Obama’s buddy’-Posted on
Brian Fitzpatrick-On September 5, 2010:
FEC allows SEIU’s illegal political fund-raising scheme-Posted on
Washington Examiner-By: Mark Mix, OpEd Contributor-On September 3,
Big Labor’s legacy of violence-Posted on Michelle Malkin-By Michelle
Malkin-On September 3, 2010:
Obama’s Next Vote Fraud Drive?-Posted on Floyd Reports-On September
3, 2010:
Obama is sneaking “Reparations” by us to buy Black votes with our
money-Posted on The Coach is Right-By Kevin “Coach” Collins-On
September 2, 2010:“reparations”-by-us-
Former Car Czar Rattner Rats on Obama-Posted on
Chris Stirewalt-On September 02, 2010:
How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular-Posted on By
MICHAEL SCHERER-On September 02, 2010:,8599,2015629-1,00.html
Video of the Day: Impeach Obama Rally in San Diego-Posted on September 2, 2010:
Congressman: Is Kenyan Constitution Con a Criminal Offense?-Posted on
Floyd Reports-By Ben Johnson-On September, 2, 2010:
Morning Bell: The Obama Doctrine-Posted on The Heritage Foundation-
On September 1, 2010:
U.S. Helps Radical Muslim Groups Get Taxpayer Dollars-Posted on
Judicial Watch-On August 31, 2010:
GOP Will Investigate Obama Crimes After Midterms-Posted on Ben Johnson, Floyd Reports-On August 27, 2010:
Documented: Grounds for impeachment ‘This is the beginning of the end
for the United States unless … ‘-Posted on Bob Unruh-On
August 23, 2010:
Texans Reject Socialism: A Report From the Front Lines-Posted on The
American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property-By
John Ritchie-On August 18, 2010:
Scandal: Obama, Gore, Goldman, Joyce Foundation CCX partners to
fleece USA-Posted on Examiner-By Gregory Dail-On April 27, 2010:
Ernest Huber for Congress (WA-8)-Posted on FF1050-
On April 13, 2010:
Note: These recent articles and/or blog posts relate to and/or support my
recent blog posts-You Decide:
Obama’s paltry paper trail raises serious questions!
Congress report concedes Obama eligibility unvetted!
Who or What Was Behind the Financial Crisis?’s-behind-the-financial-
Who or what caused the economic crisis that propelled President Obama
into office?
Was there a conspiracy to put Obama in the White House?
Active complaint to the FEC over President Obama’s campaign finances!
FEC allows SEIU’s illegal political fund-raising scheme!
JAGs Protecting President Obama Have Committed Treason!
The Congressional Assault on Criminal Justice!
The Racial Mess!
President and DOJ have contributed to the racial mess in our country!
Is Shariah Law A Danger To Our U.S. National Security?
Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico!
Is U.S. Negotiating with the Taliban?
Could the oil spill be an Act of War?
What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?
FCC reclassifying the Internet as a telephone system!
Have the “power elite” and “pseudo-experts” covertly sold us corruption
disguised as freedom?“power-elite”-and-
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-
Have Americans Stopped Having Confidence In Their Government?
America’s Love Affair With President Obama Is Over!
Is It Time to Impeach the Stonewalling Obama!
Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!
Restoring Honor In America!
How ABC, CBS and NBC Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
Positive Political Change In The Air For 2010!
A Nation Adrift Theme and Disclaimer:
‘Food For Thought”
“God Bless & Keep Our USA Safe”
Semper Fi!
Go to this group and join up to support this effort
for IMPEACHMENT of Obama:
Impeach Obama Tea Party – FaceBook webpage

Organize your own “Impeach Obama Tea Party.”

Downloadable images for posters

Protests are currently scheduled for the cities below. Click on the city name to go
to FaceBook for further details.
Impeach Obama Tea Parties, currently
April 15, 2011 (Tax Day)
Atlanta, Georgia

April 15, 2011 (Tax Day)

Dallas, Texas

April 15, 2011 (Tax Day)

Houston, Texas

April 15, 2011 (Tax Day)

Phoenix, Arizona

April 15, 2011 (Tax Day)

San Diego, California


E-Mail to my Congresswomen about Impeach

Obama Protest
August 22, 2010 Roger 2 comments
This is an email that I sent to Congresswoman
Davis with copies to Senators Feinstein and Boxer about the upcoming protest.

Dear Senator Feinstein / Senator Boxer / Congresswoman Davis,

A protest has been scheduled in your district in San Diego for Saturday, August
28th to call for the impeachment of President Barack Obama. We would like to
know, if you will support impeachment and also to invite you to the protest to
discuss this issue with hundreds of your constituents, who are calling for his
removal. Here is a website with details of the protest.

Impeach Obama Tea Party

The reason that I am calling for impeachment is that I do not believe that he is a
loyal American citizen from his many questionable actions in office and due to the
racist sect, of which he was a member in Chicago, that has a religious belief that the
black race will destroy America and white society. It is an outrage and a shame that
any president should have been in such a racist organization, without the public
being informed and without him repudiating it. We believe that he must resign or be
removed from office as soon as possible.

Roger Ogden

Here is her response, below. Note that she does not rule out impeaching Obama,
only says that it would be too expensive and time-consuming! Maybe they are
getting sick of him, also!
August 31, 2010

Mr. Roger Ogden

San Diego, CA

Dear Mr. Ogden,

Thank you for writing with your thoughts about impeaching President Obama. I
appreciate hearing from you and apologize for the delay in my response. Each week,
I receive over 2,000 pieces of mail, and it often takes me longer to respond than I
would like.

I don’t support your effort to impeach President Obama. An impeachment process is

a costly and time consuming process. It would not be good for our nation, which is
struggling to improve its economy. In fact, I think it would make matters worse.

I would like see our nation attempt to come together and find common ground to
solve our nation’s problems.

Once again, thank you for contacting me. As your representative, I both need and
value your perspective. Please sign up for my E-Newsletter at my website, if you would like to receive regular updates about what
is happening in Congress.

With warm regards,

Member of Congress


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