Sei sulla pagina 1di 78




Indiea lc",s ace tJiL9Jt ,1~Uenaa:tIJ 'w"}} ive iIlhe ~pel'leJ1cea: m~~ ttiJ@I pl""l"f· ,el'@:rIiCe ill most of tla.e stnl'tme poo'll

o;mOf!\~\'''" To iii! , mafllo C'l,e-I"YOJil'

~n!illY~ 8{!UID~,i " 0[4, hG; ,8 q1d~ ~e-[" with ',ii.'aI~,ck ~;t ~e.ft .baJ r, V,am

,By liTDAK~ 'ifOllNSQN' E~y l'tt r:I;gt:tt ,aDd, Cl1Ilrlst:I;tm.'Se'1l at

il3I1:U'"JihtJm ]!S~ El1Ii,~l!ir ron, Rowev.e£, B~~e ,tPL Jltaa Mn,

ArizO'!DW1ll' Jnay' be a l-fo~3r Jim Sliieuer oR Ole iil'~t t'e'8.!f9, SOl !Ill at 110 be',atM ~11ne !oa, to"'!, ~~~t~nitJr: tbi:" ·'W'eek Ui__at; nUlr:JI,~

- - , .' _ ','" "lJ.e.t e;ljfe be n , eft ~t DOO o-ver :Hel

morrow all d d C,es'H t figure ' lCt,r:

to wb],. bu th e WI[ d,e am • :ti •

from W,tAy ,out "VIte1st ,.' ,:~end ~o I, ~ .. e, I~ ,5Q~~'. d,oQb~ lBJ~~ t~e

- ~ t""'IiiI' IR'miil', ,Cill:mml' iI1!Jind, ;r,i,R.h.t ,r~d

pu.t 'OR ORle 'Of those dO"'Qr-d.ul (ort" 'th, (\J,u~il~(ag lit!c'~o,f1r. Bo~,

eiXhibi,ticrn, IQf' grhiwO'iIll re,c:k,... Sm~ll~, l!IInQJ :MI't', 0' LaJ1:s.r;!i1:1 U'e i!iUgijt~

, i" t, --,'"-- ,ly. favMed (or I he, gu;a._r~ tUllJit,

l~Ss!l1A~SS try1l1g .01. g~JB ~a.~ th~e may 00 ,s.ome last m:illUt·

tlenal arne. in M, s"vi' ches. It'- a 'toS5Up be'tw0raD Stadlu.m. KoUineii" IIU'lli Bjol~kh~fiid Sit. e:~_~~~

Thle' 'Wndlcats dldJlt\ SJ{'rift 1m ' ~n~ jl]sili as, ,. etween O~l~,gri!Ol '0'1:, .S~J_fti; . ,.,. ,~", -, .' . - -, ba:urer at rlgihJ~ leo-n.I!I, ,(!:\mR UIlCl"1!lglli neapoUi!l' 1{nf~~ ,m~~ _'~~,~. ~n=- 'the form,~ 'wa-s u~dJ at ,th,e ~ft hut 'they 8e'nl ~D~fl ah~dJ ~ba.t ~e ,:viUll', !'~I" III t;lm,~ rutg):t:.,

~(Gop:he:rs \wln i'la,~-e' J~G WIred:...: 'lUI vEl'- c, ~. - .

fore w,el',ll 'beUeve t,t. oJ'

T'l1a't a.tHbule:may nJak(l! the ~;i~1' nE!36ta O'p. :n,g.r Si lt~tt@. 1lP1i!!'!\ nlJier~ elJ'lEg :fJOI' t,'h,oG . owj ~r. :m,or.-e than ~5,~'otD ·thu Is Ui!li'~l\lily the ((9~· -y,' h ill 'iIl1on·Oonfer--e1l!.~e Cl,lIllll ''I,~bicli the' ili'Il![Ji!!I dS611,~t : 'IJHe '00 :De' more! 'Ullin ~ f'a;lr kmJl shoOt'.

1I_, . see

Gophers in 19319 D '.h'ut

Surpri es -'~ . ot1e,d in,

Squad Ros'fer; , lk

N'o'w Tk.utd FunbaJCk'

1~6n~.:r,e ~I!Ii, In~rn, (!IJiCe f,Mn.g' 11'01" the Go:ph~n. 'ito, lX'Peo:t WinrUJir'·, rO~v I rOD'll " 'e C t:ee. Ar:I .. Z{)I} Orollil'~]. TbD'/t, I plnll.2i/ '0.'( lP . in .. ~.-'s Hlo llIQIal tll[J\ '. It of an IDnde'f<~)lJI'~

, 'If"

T'l1e' WHdlc~b: dildn't ,(\0 'tgll)l wen with th.eilr ,!ler~ iitb\dk :In ,IBiiS't week·, Qelllmg' ¥t~~ ORT.' p,~ mCf.il11 wl1en they gai~t(ld only' 54, jtams, ,.nfb t1d.s: WQBPDn~ !but Ut_,y. 'wlll g at thb assIJgmp,~nt 111'1 It 'b~II' way tom!D'I'f'{JfI,Y'.

The' 1\:v~'_ ~ guF~' iIl'l"E' ~~",'ng' flil't :Mllru'U,'l8ill!l:a w1Jl h;I,VE! ,Ell I~ 'the ".8Y' room 2® to 130 points 00 s;'8_re' 'y,fuElf9J t~e ,timal sCOl .. ~e l s p~S!~eG't, but t'h:a~, (l'l1UillS.~flSm 18 Wlcru of Go.rplfliL'j·!' MIiii:S : 6it"'$, espDeJa]]y tl10sc w'ho bac-k t1i1eir mid, gUJes:dng with com ()t the l'Ie.emr..,

. . .,

'1"h.<epn)'m'uso' ot ng iIl!lllial eiI1cu:l O<~, tR:u~ 'port g~'._, !tb~ ArJlz'GIl~ tEl lUll,. m.getl~:N" ·",wtlb ,_ljJ d~h~e 0.1 ~'ilnl1es:(!tn's '·;mtlj£!.J;'~ to. ee' ':tI~ gotJ~ or' bad, "t'hle'tro 1liR1ln faltl;'llf.!ltl!~ ma)r ti.

I this YE'~r. have 5; ,epped liLll) imteret ~JooVlG!! tJlat 'of tllie uBu~l OJj,e:li1 illlg' con1'est~- ere' win be :ro.OOO cash custoMem in MetnDr'Jal Stad ium 'tomo.rrciOw! fun,d fro:m l(tOOO' 10 15'10001 dUtdfen wi II be the :S90ildis, gJLJJC'S·ts'.,

'fliel lk'_loltoHi b B~ ~ p.m. Oen .. '~nl ,MI~)on tlJc:kot.5 trm tb!1!I! bowl Iletl 10\1.' 1'1.,10 with th, ebe'" ea,h, ,_~, tbeq _ml" left?'} 1'1I(mg at ,'2.$0.,

*.* 'It.

The 'auo '!Jte' :IIa""m;' ill'mong 'MlnnesO!t nlS, itl0d!ay ia tl'ymg to pick B~,e'['m..~n'l5 :5t,rtl he: ]'1 nel'llp. Tb.e,:y d'Otl~t '1l,9i"l.l'e t!i':!1 t9,ite I~to ~om..sid,e([';(lo; rtiQn tlill"e~ mc~m~ f'$ of th,e' ~a.d, he 1W@'I".r.e:r. E:nd5 EU ,Jo~iDn soCIi EUI Atkl'lll~ !J!1"en"t t:U,lbl,e. for t.~ll game, ,!Ii.,; T,b;e StS!li.'~o.umal Q[(IJ ~Olli mCffi,t em,plll,8JU~"Uy last MJO~dlBiy:. :H.oWlQi @lI:'i - both .h.!l!t~e till :mak'e' th ,s:ra.da m ttrne tn: the Neb~,g~ .. gallU!.

,A" rlb]mM IPcli!ljl]liGd)l'.p on tle! (:nJQ,m ,'b l~e:stre;f.ij)~y tJi;8i'it BUm: J'ohll!l~, l!J:ad t€t!l:rlad, :nm f1llo e1l.rrD]~ Ul.lis, foJl bel!:'aG e he' !l!!01!I](fI'!i't t~~, h~s e:xam, before tile fill1 t g , 'e~Bl~l actu ~ ], .. ~1 did mlillve lti'I.1't ;of ws fut ef,nJiY horr.:lse, turut olllily because, t'h,e ex eU,ern.en't of f!r"~h I1'Utfli \i .. ee~ .klept, n~m from OOI'!!.!l:!,(i'Jrtr-aUn., 011, ,Il_ sh:uJlJQS,~ ,arceo.l,;'o(Iing to S'h,eldilll:lii, Be'l i!!.

I ,


IFr 'b ,Grew-Ln', 81, '-~rdj wIn

bo O'llltj too, for c!i(i11M~ ,rea-, S:~Jni!l, Bmldl flIO~ mllll!C't~ bUDe 'WIU ,t]iO'!\d g"'l~ t.l(idQ!tr f;ha~ l'.e, l\iOJddl, be Rt"'BnBb~e aDY tare, dum. tiD f;A~l.

'r!'- "I~ * ..

T,h,e Us~ o~ pLa~e]:;; el eite-, kJr.' 't~e' V_&~'tt~ by- Bierman lU.''OlI.~'t ,S-@~ral iBlll.fP.f. Se' F~:r. ,example,i,

~'&rty FWkIi uUbi.aekl h~, ,move~ ~p to me' NIlI. 3, ~~t .&mang' the fUDb,81l!i't!9!, I' 'reword! .f'(Lf,I" U1:8: ,!if~ce,,. tlonRl ,elu' htt hn :!h~w.m m ,rill:) 'tb1s' W~Qk.

"'-m...,...,I" .... \Iii ..... · ,'OHN 0, ~Ep"'l'aLlmaa §pDrUi Ed!~or'

,iIj,c~" N-' A· ·'B'rO·'R,i MIrCB~

~ I ,' .. -1 • l'''~1 a.

]I, ,i~ubesot~ s Go.l4;en, Gop'h,e}" alDmiUteQ their fimt Big' Tel "iettu.",y of UH~ ~rear IU1!fle U~i, a.fteJ·lflIooD 'befol"e some 6:5· 000 fallS w en they upscet l 'f&vQI'ed lr[i,chi.I'Rll rid veri TI,u~ d'echdofiL gave lifDlHlll!&il't. l,ossessioll of' th@, L ], t 'l Bl~GWn J~~g 101: allm.otlu!lr f'eal

The flqal S(;;OIre' n-,lilnllc8om 20.

~·Ii,~1' 1.

Sihoil:t. el11d,l!!:1rS a'l ' he long otl I 3 'to 1] 'he Gop lrJi!!l"S t.urned 10il!!: their. 1009 ma-fl~e~]I~'C't::e ! n. 'the fir , of iU""~ t h'eir tlillt.ti,~U~. me~t~,r with Mj,t:'b1,i'g!)!l1, Th~y' led at ! t

11~U'1 '1' t/g O.

'llI ' Gofrl\h, n, teG'ru)· ,d}d: : ~n al!ioUiIi lone t1ltroll g~ 'MI li'lrst ~fl~ p 1'100 '~O hO'~l' dJ.~ 'M," rDa'e:.1'I~&~1 nnd ,QI, I'CIB~"B !':rOlflt ,Q! lbfl :~a:r ..




- ,: orth westelj]j,~'~ fo ntball te am has h een pl"etty much !Of a ,t'h om, i~ ,the si d,e offiu,n esot d uri llg' th.'e P l!lit 10 Y'le'ars lQn,ge:l" if YPU wish,

S u t ')lex:~ S~dUl~d ay these W j] (h~,a't5 have a ehane« to. add, ,iflliult to j~j lry to Bernie Bj,erI~al1 and the GDpher,s , 'gr~dil'\on pl"Ie;s.tige,.

It No~wesWt'D b-ellis Ml:rdllesota. a:ll; Evanstolll" I T ¥.ILL "JI4I' Rn

,-;- FilBSl' I . iliNCE B;mR·. ,- - - '. ET ' ~' - '1'0. 't· S .&Lilt' .

M:A.TEB . R 'tf 'DB - 'OF a:m x. ·'!?il'· IIA 6tfFFg. D TRREE

51'. 'o'GHT ~'IS ' ·KOM! rUE SAt;"m :I. 00, I

T,he .Olts b;;l."lr ' 'tlllli'll ~est r~Cdn1 at ,ILD3l t'S'lI!' thait la4~ Iace-d '. ,D,OO<.r.1 ,IllIU mBic~lll~. Th.e: baYi!' 'WOJiIi tftr,i!!\e, losfi tm"r'ee: and tied one,

"F,lu~ G~,her.'li, aSYI(! faUeli. 6!l'i'Or.d tl1ls Pbl 1 j[911S. lf9JB ,8l1d, l!JCMI wJth the ~i5it ,~f tllcw \fjetCi!rieeB rate11 ,mo g U c biggest '1IIPSQ' s, e\l'e:t 1Sutte~'ed by lIJ, B,h:::r.,maJn ,lIev~1L

Waldorf ,riJllso :h Dlppen5, to ~e Oe' rO'nlif OO-8..cll1 in llleCo:nfrer nCe who ~ I 'IJIp en ,IUa'rIrlI,a:n. llll.'Y!ng

t.bih:lil!' vletbr. ~ !DU, ,or ,1;1"1,' 'Ld!f3. 'biIIUlI' ,La~e:f.II ot 'N'il:I'tr<l!' D!Iml!l!'., m:

Crlll'lIrr:s~iJi lbfi!jgged 1[Is 'Il!1m1y 'lliVo. litaf'ts ag' I:n' t (be ~pbeJl".,.

Lookl;n.t- back 0 reF t ncoJ"dj. we tJ'fii.d t1Hl·' 'Q fa~t ;

,lklLiw.:iIi!fi '. a!t: . ,"eJ'iml_ n

, . Ir.s.t 3"dg,'L" her)) ~Il 'N1 1!IJiI;~, '~ied fill]" ~Q 1999, ·~'hm, ]lo;J~ !!Iix ab-qJgti~ ~o ~'1l;e GOJ1l1 :t; •

f~o.w_ lnie; lk'hcdi r.. ~6IjJft'ml'n, ,~r:uI1Y e'f1)H in 1!I:S~eh iT,'

I udUJi! tlll'ii~tilll' . th, , Gio;;;

, -r, ill1l, t9,.:" tied iUI 9S8 I-'I!d . 939 ,and 'fh ltlmO :_ U. ree,

35 '

, -

I . ,


I _~,. , Red HI lil'Ll1' '0!1I!Ii3~

:I~ I[f!f . . ri!l!ii!!..

P~CbIb.IlIi-lrfli "llU n:o.kedl 1l:W,~~\i; \1' _IdD_DIl, li!t'=l_ ~ .. <!l 'tillli1iM..

So ,y.@'~, see Be-r-D1f'e lBile.l"liI'1! 11. ,e~, . lll81JlY ,bas :0. ra;t'i~r' hliJr:ge smke 1 in ifibe' I\fitmes~ta, I n,''I;l as.iQiA I~'! EVmI' I,Silo,]I, ISaltW"d~.,

He mus.t :r.ooIze It for' h'e ,91!5.

fr\Erttmg aOOiilJll iJlIl' wea'l'oj!1' s:(lImem U~i]iJ\g ten-H;~c :trOda:y BiB he' SBI,'g,' mm·'k :Iilif.l'!3dl!d ·',i!lJ~~I(io "wldrils ~orc'ed mdoo· lef ,. , '1J:"8!~"


.JOJD;i'fS\OiN' ,s~ .. ~.rMJm ~ ~~ E6U,GJ:'

.MEMORIAL SI - -' DIUM:~I i,&rl'®aota's Go d le"n G opheil"S QlpeB,ed the C01'if ersnce foot.. ba II. se 8;$On ted ay, seeking_ to defend. thelr last lear"! Big 1 U cham pic n'Sh(p J b1.\t ma~,~ged 'to com,~ UIJ' with only

~ "'Ii t!!.'~aiWJ:~t a 'stl'omg' :sq'o,lId of Purdue Bo,"lermakeh.

hfl A I iSI}{1JiI" was:

Neve, ~'. Beaten 'W'D Games in

S· '3· 2

' .10",':,'; 11 ,- c·'-'·e> -''-'',.'

. - .. ". I ' r.. .

-letdgan, :Dlefea't Tha't Year La'eri: B,"g T~n Setbs\C\K a~t ' .. om,e.

:B~~ II _

s;t.&r>'ig~' 6:PQ'

inneS/uta IS ·19,39 Ocrph,er:: \'\1'"]' .l h.ia v's t,: 01 of thhe Plos'Il !O'lloo-ta nd illg ,Vin,ui.:ng ree~l,rdiS -the- W ea,teW:~l1l. Co:r;rfeJ]; e,~'Weehas eve'l' li.'[Mnr·~ to :m adntat~~, Saturda;y" afternoon ,~he,n th'e:t

r.y _0 blJ~st :P~u"4 J,e' "llml th@~ loginI" coIDufi1.D ill . emm"ial SltadJ:lllll,.

. It was WBY back tn 1~ U~at l-Unnes.o'w lost ,8, ,Cbmcreme.e g'am.fl '0.-.11. ils home m]~t Jt\ \ViIIS ta Ml'cllJ.· p.n b.y a, 3..0 SGif1Iu., _, -Al'Id that: defeat,iki~d the' lMl t]me $~t. ,0. mUemUlltl It:earn !he:ii lost

t~!J la_m~s jo :Ii tc(JW I

ALL OF ", __ " '~:~O(tl'ES, I

A It _; ,OF' , GAl '_ A;ND' .GIIT. '!E - CJ:5S D4 '\lmlCll, 'THE .. OfoPBJEmS IBA:11'E ' . orr iQqO¥\"~ ~1UiT!, ll~"T '1:0 :tA1SE N~'O' ," 4, BOW"

At 'tliLe 'Fag reD! 'Biei"ltUtl!("s' first

':VoIr' at ~J:iDmmota~ .• J}~,2-=hli5 ~8:m 'was no:,ed Gilt. joy ·\i\r~i5.cii!lm!Slfi1 hI a '~verl.IbIlli.!lJe.r-O:lr'got1ten, ,ame .g,~, J,:ladl· tEjon :b,Y ''" iSt:Qre' I~d 2{J to 13" Ti;lc@ ~c[~ ~ow1r~g Satl1td*-y. the G®i~er., Mi~, ned :a~st l1iEUl)' N evrnla;_m ~Dd; Jrl_' glIeat Mi~iltt1l\der1'S. b~t lost :a :J.t&O deijjim~n on a p]ac~ ~lck UliQt some Mirme::lOit"-llI'" st~1l ll'l1s~st ctida't; Jla.s.s ib-etwell!lln or over "t:lie 1Y1),!r'Igbts-

That. 'wa:s :the last Ume Mil'!!lllem· ta, l'i:l!Su. a 'C~n,(cH'of'hce llamc' ~t h(i!m~. :t.,ro(-re .Dame b'Qat tirle' :k!!:lmit" r,a,'!j,f~~~' i'~s in 1931, bul', 'tha,t, was U1C O~~" " ~me MtiJw..0,n and Gold 'efllJtl1ru1fi:i!lS il:

J:'IIa',~g seen a Jm,i:n,g I!!l,arme: on tn.~ hom ,grid~rofL.

Tile QQ;pliler. ,,·Ollj-, . 'icn ~y

. ,-b\, 'b, 19' t ''!!l~'.. , Anot!llte'r !;~i(~k by Pun!loe w[l] g;1,V;6, I~hif!il ~o'il~n 'R dIMp"'8l:,!~l"I1''I:!IiJ~' t'b r~ 1-!I!IIijJj]l'ie1~~ ~ H' -~m -, 01

1ihil!m ..





. I

I •• •


IF~'01 t~e U~~:(d, ~,~;rr, 'B\il~l :S~m:~'L", N BC ~s tap sports ~IID~ 'IltOl~[fIICC:r ~d 0'£ lliadiLilJ~S: t'iru[lee sports '~I~r.mrIfds" .Rt,':{JCilllLmd ,['!rom LIFE tb!:' d'sl~y ,8ssi~mllCJ!l;t ~f [llimc:ki:llIi,g Ulle l~lll,-An1J~riell :[:o®lt"baU bHo.:iIJm ~[Qt;" th'e ,ei]f] ~~ the seu~rn.. :I "lifE :Pi~~:tI;U ~~l~il ~fi;]~, 119918 8.'lruclJ ~ ~~g b~a;llIJ]!il. .1111 ,e~lIi Sitmn ~il:l~Rg~d e'4.'ln~j[SU::il il!jfI AWI,·A'IlI1i~ir,ien. W.liLillI.1S bv am'ly 'two men, "t·h,.. :tulil!lli:y 'btlI!i':y.s '!:liilll 'Ilhc;ie 'Pag~., "r;c'(lult'd i'li1,C: t!i) tbh., iiJ,:~p~iri~:; ''!!i'Cite Ute 'best ,coUcg'c :to(iil:lud:1 ~[j(1a..y'C1;'~ :i~it 1 !~UTh,.

'\Vhae :ill:ly,e,st~\g;ffiJlj:~ng t11ii~i~ ir~eo:Jo~]~~ S~a ~g,'ijJltd tlJie~f:' bpy.s We're 'm.o;~ tharn, ,H:UlVl tes, )1a:I1~-i' o~ 1:111ca.u, ""~e'r.'<e ii:!!!lJI,bJt;n':IlIi~I:bn~ 8tl!l:~liij~'!:.&, No ]o'El8~tr is Rill, ~\n~~\llftc:rICtUJli ,pre.'\jt!Jrnner] '~Q ha ,8 r~~fuH ¥C '~rO:lmI. lJ!, :iooel [(fiji 1]1 fir ca1a'l ~1~,~C wi,tJru ilflil,1H1tber lhI£eflllll ~lU:r;~ll!nLe.s,d'liIUli hii1nl-~;il:J ,hl~'IIldJ:ll ,and, g~l2:(!i]~~.illik"; SiJ~d. T:h is yC'~1." ,8, t.\Jl~I.\~~it'-

• 'IL _ _ ... ll L" :Ii i1I"il.~. 'I

U::tq;[i~ ,B~re ,~h"!l~-',"~or,lIiO~fl]~ ~t'lu~cn~ , .Ii, Jl~ OOJ;®--

l:.1£!j~1:t: .a'~!!.:l'r,~gc i!ji F Slmr.rn:\r;: A lte~n!ill is: J~~ h~,g!11~ilf tbnTII :sewl{>'r:d Gorul~Jle fll.vC'r~,e o:r I ".

AI[t 'I' gr,.idlLl:jl'~iillllll", foUil" boys em ,tlle fb'sl 't~am \'I;'RI'II'~ ~o COlte'l1lI :~CiOIt.~bm.U" OfiliiT1' ~n :~lfi" I:i®i llm.,'OO'r tile: GovcrJriuliLeiJii!i {;'O~lm~C''\i,r,~tlof.l ~'liYi~!I"li O[I¢ W,Hutij '1;0; be .tfli sports iIllli'll1,OiUl:ln, er, one 1;,~'UI~ tli!'a.el·~,~ (!IDe- wirn[ be iI.t :r,a'lfilc'bclr' iu T-eN:' O~'lie' iE!'X,~ ])~et!li 'til) b .a "fJ'I~iIHlDru1,. OIIte, nll,n.:,r w!Qlrlk. :r'M 3~ o.i'~ ': QmptU:! l;', ''I'h~ ~]e''I;:~elllJ~llI '"",.jll'l tjlj;ikc' ~is,

M~9j Cit"'",s; :0, :.g;ree ha, iE:1li1J;U:mlll[IlII:I:i~. O;b'lIJ" '1t'!,'/i;''Q1 ~~ .~

l!iJr th!l!m plan ~o !pffi;J'y pJlo'U\esS['O:u,~], 'f'oo!tbd;l lt~e('~ll~Uit ~;llIibmi'f\hlid' ,,~

~o~po~~~.~ ~I~ 1-. 8. ~ bdt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~1

qtll!~.1~f:i~ ~ t~an. 'BiJl1 Stea:m, Ito ~Jloot ,t:h~ IW-w\mer,ic. .. 'b:l:~n1'. From. ~Jli.e 61i"St IIfime (lIf the, , ~a~;!1i l]~I'ti~ Ute' Rnse B!l)wl en :N ~~f y'ear"'s DiIl:Y ~ Slicrn OO"~-ern the cm~ntr.y., '1J'a~ehi"I' 'lime '~t imlt.6~tiQr:u"l hnttle:s", G'lJ1m~$ h~' does not 'hrc!lm;d.cast ,lte \V,~'tch~.1j ~[jj ~8fn~

leD!Ii!:th ~ii!ws[lee1s. sinee k [s a;lso iii. :I!)!G"W lie~1 ~JPorb. COD.l'mQ'n.t{~OO::r,. ]f:e cb,e~~ bis judgmc[ti;. ru,y p®illI~iog' 1160 S@QlI'i1i8 (t'[lIiIiliOU DBerE. ~~ '~~ 'N, me nel\'\i'ol'J;.: ss '"r,el~ as ''I,I'g,tewaJ') ~\EXPg;",t:s wri.'mrs in MY l'!'JCati 0 I'll 8, "fh(!1 iDDt. moat 1il»~,~iIJJl chook ',",,1M ij. oom])lie:hensiv'e ~:kl~y

ch~ck:~~]> ;®! tbe O~~lrr:Jjr@\niS' oI 'UiIi'e 'CCi'a!ell€'.s ~,f C'Y'Cf'Y footbuJm.plU;yi,IJJg ~olmc,g~, in the OOUlf):t'f:Y.

B~~II!I~ top-:llIJigllit. s;~ns w~iii~ers, ~nd ~J.I'i'" ~u:m~U::~J!8 ollii[y OOv1er tb~ '~n.njol ~'Colba]l eol", ~eg,esl the U11"';rQ, ~n the m.ij;m: ,~]"G uU ,['rom :Io;r,~' 'GilJi]~,~les. ~£b 'y'~:!Ii:r; ihOi!i"r,ff";!\f!li", :f)I# 'OC~m:s come DiP ''1ii']th iG;n.'12: ilf moa:e Uiallli1ow.I:~ ,p~.!;JJ~;HJ :f'fit'O.m tI]]]KI1I.'00Wn !Il,:O:I~~,gG·s \'!,~~LUjj, proViC ',~S ~'C!H:t ,Mis a~y lI:rnlL'mO:I1I: or' FGn~broljjg~]. SUlch, nlJI;!'tiI, ns Eddie IIiIUiciL" or ,N ~w ~:1~AOl St!lte and '·':n~]Wo."t~ 'Tl.i'rlilJer' 0[' H~)J;~Un..shllID!O'III..s o,II.'C' ,~rol!}f t~ut ,n ltilli['ige eurellment, ,ill '1g.t~·,IP~ece ~illIIUI, it'1li,d ,,,p.I"~S qtelID[ do ]I{!!,,1j;. ,f~ru'!I1;7'.m;~r!Si ,pro~illI.CC' t'ha ~'l!cs:t 'imdivid'tHI] ~1]ny,er.s ... t\,'I1J~:!i)I1,g!h 'h~ 'cQ'lllld not sec :~hesel s-jfit13iU..mncg~ ~,y~ m ~c'~O'u, StCII'1RI ~b~koo on It heil" :p]nylillig. f,o~ t'l1L~ reecrd, ,rn-Ji]~E ,Pf.e.. ,~~nb miU S~em"is m .. i,t'I:J~ ,fUJI,-AJ!llf:ri~~\ Le~~[u E,]jd~;, J fI!U 0·[ l'fliir !ik.~ FQii:'U~'~ ud .l\ruruk~J" ,g,f JilToEfSltO Stil'te = t~cnd!l;1'~. O;'J]b"w,~~' of:' N cw M~~,,,, lfQ and CoUims of J~4'.aIYe:U;e,: S1Li.~rds.: ooik 0'1

, [m,JF,~ ,~nld Se:heti;c.l o;r ])~~'i,~; ,~U.lie:r, nl~lillg... nn or "i\I"a~:Ki'il[l~rttoll 1& ~k'C',!, 1~8C'ks, ;:'1,i~e: ' • mCb,~ lor '·'·i,t~O]L:C ." 11I]o,lce of Tc~'~s l\[ill;~. C.;mUe~.~ oF: ··· .. 8]) i@iU!) and ,~~Ir.iF'O'W' oJ I1Wrnois '\¥e:sl,eYiQin,.

IF: I R, S ''ti' "'[E A M, M!HKliN." Pt!Jri:lui!I D:RI,HIOS,~ l(c:Ji1li1ell

1r11'Illi!iiil~II'IIii'!'E -Jlj""- - -'-ci'.-

011 II;! limn U 11ft" Lig,I!IIII1:!!!~(!Iie:",

lEN!) 'm',~.CIiliLi~ ~'!J.!!"Jlr~1 CEiN:li1U

:5 E «::101 MilD 1i' E A ,M Sli1liiRU{r. N~~h C·II~~Ir.~ml!l ~NI(~.r Iowa

[110., Geol'tg,e1oW!rn ifOUKiS~ IM;lIfllu~rtI MOLlNJSKI~ Til'!!'l ,~s, e IREI MHliD, ralifami'll 11'~O'H! ~eon'gii,J T!l(~1 MAWUS(l(DK, 1~"~neJfJ~ '~R;AIIM., 'Tarxu5

C:~~@UIKE,r Bm~gp t:oll~gll :5lIi AIMD:[Ht 'SfQnf~nl

MUf1H~1j Wg~irnlr,rngllu!

KiiI ~N rrr, 'l~qS ,1,.:& 1M. ~:.IUM ~N'~ loP1hw,elteriil

bOlD DRiEAllIlili~, Bos~~:m' legll htg'~ f~~JI5ffi'M~N~, ,ri\frnQ~[~ H,~RM[lNl, ,M'~~h~gr:l n

F~i~'~K. MinrlIBU)tl!J KldBRJDljrGH~ Te~~5 A, ~ At u

'Gi,l[I\~S1~1 'rI',Ii;'cK;U:l lEND IlhlcK.

leLA;(1!( 18A.fK IBJ!j.c~

scO'n:~ Ol1iml ~Slg~~ SlGlml"lW~ N~JI'l~ DC!i!irl,e


Df CmIRE~IUn~ IMor~l1l'e!$'l! Ii1!iI KtS5!LI'OIRGHI1, ~l!i'tmon S;tJ:!~!

G:I:c!r,ge IFr:aIDC!k 0:' M'hul(''''Otlll iIlI1L'ill! '~I~iP!5i to OO,iid.. ~ ~'1!1' ma,jofF& in 1~~2t~\ 'God 1i1(.,"l!1rUI[IIJ1~ Irlli.kili'ill,~~i·nllii 8 SI:Il',j],~g'hJ~ ]I ,:'Ult"~_g.~'. lierr!2' ,ht': lil;"Q:ll'k IUIlI~ it plly.,\iJ~'laetlt~mt1Q'J] t'O:::i,~ hiflit ~~~txhlli!il:' ~n. ~J tMeU~' 'trniD~JIlE L"(!I,'jj:fl;ili!'. He '!,\'611lhil, ~ uk(l: to (iotl~b, ,rOO'~lm~1 ~ni':1" g-~diil!'J.di!JID.

Fr,a:n'ck in ,P]It1b,ll"e; G,Os. ,pherl, Nat Wm'I'fi;ld, ,:AJ~ou,t ,Field

B,~' [~ JOHlqO'.

&ti!i.!L' ,1Ii'o~1lL ~ 1!'lI!!1" ~

Til e fb~aJ ~C!Q.\re o.,f '~O d:ar,y!i;l,

Mihtl~~ota-P'IJ,rd:u!e ,g,~m!e '~hJ~ af't'erJloo'n i~l M~mio.ri~·d. IS,ta .. dj:1JID, 'was tll,e im pOl.' J~Kll,t its'm, ..

A d er,e;a f :1'0 r lId'll1,neS!ljta. mJ gh't tu ~:1iibJ e . 11 e: te',a.m, fa:r' d 0\\'1.1 th,e U: ti ill . ',a], ] ad.d.-e:r' and pOMndy ~'USltU[ 'fa~ down in the W @;s&er:lrID, OonI[l2l'encB 't~t.le seramble.

,But ,rMililg, ,D~\:':Jf; ~n. :b}l'~\I'ttmOiii U :191" as to"~Y",1!I h;0!m'~ J;m81e ".-y,M! ooncer-ned. WDiS Q,e 'f'Iili!t~rnlil_a~ ~'i1.' 'LatloDS' ee SQ!V'Bl;,~~ ~iP¥ieW' indivillJ,., Uials wha l"'at!ll' 'YII~lJf ~JD w,1 t:'h ~:!ie IDi!st stars J:n, U1C OOUll1tr:)',

ill It ,!Ii

1J'I !O'the:r ~o;r.d:!. Mi~UileSOti:t':s repIresell'~a UOlfi 10m, th ,De:iC~ptcd ~.u ~,e["]~~rl tenms 1l.I:GdQr~.b'~e~U:2f will be del'e.rm.l"'lle~, b'y~ lilll'bia:b tlae be' ~

(!fo tiiCrdft:lit ,PItII:r.d:ll.I!tf." _

The' Gop,b,er Mot~'l'~!la;y. n:a:,'I;;lQ' ~lac~!ll Jo, u@iJOtnQ;-U,~ll1 sll~h~firne~ :H G~!;;ge F:I"B:I'I!ik:', ~l'uce' ,S~IU'1 [Wi~ 'Um~lJji [Odisoll!l, ,i!ji!r ~e~r til',ee L~~' :Ln.g ~d!Jdat~&"

¥ * *

Bl1t :nu~.' 'Q~per-ti, ,""liIIO ,8)ef.1

oult on a. lffil!1ib, eMIJ, 'FeJu." ,Dl!=til tr)1 'I~ 'I;ti']ck' tbq lIn 'b~t 'P':Iay~'iI' 'u~aibr' ''',~U'I!nv i&liLe ~R:lO 1ll~~1~ nih inll;tb~ilfn. "gJ' ,oNmn,p:l(1!'~ itJLJEir~]j l!!iOm~:l~(jJ'ii 'tak8 mlO:li-c 'Dt(ll~ lilifte ruO]I] 'im'J.'O~l\l l!illb" 6]];1} ~fi~lIlilji. 'Eh!3)' &~Id,~r~, !ti!lllDiOIL" iI1n,~ [Ii)Ai b!ii't. iiii, !Ie:J\l.~lDiI1' !!Jon feMe giIJ'Qll!!l.3i~ '~'B'tII;t oth:~I" dm;e:n'IiQg ~oY'.tI ,~:dl ,fiia'\f,e 11ll11l0~lti!ieW' 'QP'p:oIM,ltInlili}!' rro ",tin ~he li'i'nJ,ytmimM~ '~;l'!i:un: ..

* * ~

ALL OF wm~~' 1J,'fE'AN,si


IGeOl'g;e dJiS1);ill!lrlti5J~~d h b,s@ll m ~he Mlchi~alil g _ me {F,nly IJI' ,~ii' Plln:Hng W~tri!~l '~e ptek QIf Ill,! e~,perMl 'w"crill: l!llilild,t~i!"II on., EI:O-'li~v i' he :stat-red ~III :mawy ,IltiH>elror:ilflt .roles, 111 aU !i¥!L" ,pr(llvl~u!S

'Il F:r.s.m.eJi:' 1fIIa~ ,Bi D~g [ilIa,y tor ,I!llnll., ,s:el r. ,:!'!Jgal:r.llst 'P1!Jll',a:Jti~ .a;l'lffB iJ-Hot !~e, G~od 0fliC' 1l1~'~ S' 1L!T.da:7 ,opJnst Wi.:soonsi n I' he g,oyld: b~ :SiEl~ :I'o~ ma,,,, t1[iiftiam lion'ows; bUtt otlill~ i'l "rule-; mtg, Js ~rnde£'E8j.ied:

~. 'Iji; ~

'V'ery ~ldoll~, d~'H tt:u;~ ~~st o~' St8:rs ntl ,~ Uckell tME {j'!j;flQ'l' ,~t to~, m,'Uch OO:r.1sld-era Ullin ,flM" Ulese ~ 'locH O<:!l$, That m:ay 00 'F~~ne]r3 liar.-d :1 ~,'IJ]>: U' tbe GiJlih,o("l'S ]ilSie' e,j~hel" mday Ow iI;Jo Vi.n~ooJlL'8iii"

AtS; 'UUi: B~i 1~"'J~akcm 8lU] Gop:h~r5 '!lIiQIk 'l1li~ f~elli 11rr JI:h(l !h.Q,m>e :finfYic, ~ml gil tbe cm,· eoumging r!:hli;mJgs 8;biCI:U~ t~'JQ' ,Bimrnian Ib!il!~s, Wg, tb£iiJ' ailJ· ~t C!IIiblln:(iS~ ..

,a~ermitJJI], sal,d. tnat lite was: Ii1 l-'LI·tiIJi "slu'"p'rltied, at m,e sq;mld,'~ ~M:U'lX~a.e :ant ,Et~l'JOrt w:htu~rQ UIi@Y l''ested [iilIv~it'i nag:tlLi. Whlle aLI 'th'B €il:i~a'c.liLeB ~~~!!!i wDil"1'JI'ing !i~Oi\U: 'UliE" fi.'lG'ldi ;BInd: liL,tllf"Y i,t wm,llld, ,aUect 'lle rnsuJ't ~ ,~~y~ CT'S, ;showed llI:f.',a-'L':'U.clilly nq OO:IlIiQ.~I'~

*" '. '!tI

s-;_ .. _,,-.n, I'-IT'S ~l ME £01" 1.fIUIiE-lota i<I~t~!\ll Mlthll,lIiasts ~ ~aus,e for ;1 ust a f~"v :m,o,me'lflj,t:.s, all OJ tal{[(;!: ,a ~oo,k at tbe arun~o~t unh ellevable l'e'eo.r-d tha tBermie' B~el~ma:n"'cQaehed teams have! c'(Q,mp,il.@,d ~~llCH~: he tOiO[k ehal'_g~ back tn 1931:.

''I'1ui,oUgh IrJ'i:ne ~eamJ]~ ®~'~la,Y :ag.8;iD~t :n-:'iillilSU1ti"_ to.p,illIotcihi 0:11- ,p_I'U!lm_, '~~l\~()l['~ D:&~I 0),1'1..1 LOST U G,I)!mE.,

MIi!i~!'s Uloe' clli'Ds '~hi!l:b l.a:',"a' tsi}j;iu,[ to t.o ~iliIi1'i!~ 'j!it¥ef' t&I.L 'p,eT~Qd:~

M'IliiJll:lI,lviEi:!ilit!ern, tiitm~ t1mlrt:s., 'Nliilt~ Eh:iI:l1\q rt'~\i!~Cie-l' N.l11J!1,1".li!'!~a, twilCB'" I 'iii: iii, M:ichill!l1llW,~ Wis'Illon&iil!l, FI!III'{i !Jje~, l@w , md !O\ItiOI Sta~ ~'JlliB" :BlP'j~C]!.

,Blil"f T11E Mn' 'I" AMAZT1~i,tS "A'~T OF T!}!']'A:r PEn,., ,F'C(Ft!J,QNCE B,l' W'EAltElls, 'OF raID GO,tD ~J~R~~l~

]E, THAT Q~L'i 'O'NE "'ill"EA,M ~ iT:V"ER" B'~"A'lt"EN MIN'., N.ESO\lA. Iii:' MOR.i: 'THAN ON,e TOV1CHD(J!WN.

nat 'w'~ 'N,~:tr~' tn :J[9lB' at. "@;t~~, Be~~. ~d . the .. 1~1 ,Qjl1!t]S '~e rl~hihl ,U~d YJ~ ,~foe [~aQ~~:t ~1~i[Hle(iJI;, t[]\rIe, ~.o:r~ft.r~WIIJ ~me illIifi a!R M"YIr'di :r.'W'lI. o:n. :0, fSO.~lu.'.d l'Ji~ mte1"cQ[lEJtiO..A ull 't:h,Q ·tJal~d ~n iBl lS;Y'iiU'd '~iU"

~. be tj,; soot.iJ' W8S:= Olli~I~!i o:t U!;@Se ~~~ee tSood~g 'tlt[IlJ5~ MiiD~e~~I~ jULSt [~bm~

~ilimtj'_u~· ',gi;a,~ :i'!I't3<. ,lJield wtS o.wnl ~r~~nst No~ '' ~' 'had SJD elp! lf1lJ P~:8J3".

Plllmu., B. 11'11_ ID!i' 'be tome ml!'!~OI~~ilt tlip Idg time .Ch."p'll Oil 'III.,

Min IiL'KGt8, win c'1~' th . 19:4~ 'cOlWilltry Wll'O m~ 1J;a'!;\''C' a 'beit1ier f-eOO:iE (n.r~l' Dille ,Y;OOirn tki9!lll ~~~~., :lie~i9flL .r.arms~ 'WI~~OI~jn "t r.,1;adJ·, :m~~ bu:t. we - .ol!J.lbt :it' Utel!'~ f~ BE(1 'W~Ql CaJlrI, la~' tlUI,t, [~~~y !lire @f' bill:!:

iSO-ill :next [SatnttchllJ!". :!2' defeats w Ibs n:l1i:I(J\e U~all, IOt:Ii~ tli!l'1l!.C~ClO'I;V.lilli •

.. 1i!iI: :t. I • 1".

:H Ul~ ~o~hIIC!l'r,s, sl10wedJ MY,_' sig.'n5_, ,I",. [o~her. ~~\I!",ii~ ~1~6"e ,!.Mil: i~nd»' OJ:l,~ rQ:«me i!.mc_~ __ ~~~~'~lJ.

if 1 t~ ,iiiame' f.D lJ'llJlli1iC-i!'o~\r:Il ~l!at tJii7fur-~ 'O_1r [~' ~i1'6 :w-~.. :!l),e,O'll_d. ;!,"JI!

d.u:rlr~g th,!l;!I :p:ast ''''~i:J=: 01 C1nl),_;' I _ ,'lj~iII ,jI(1I'., , ,"'''--, .. iI' - 'n: .lliil:i'Hi!':Id:erJ'

dOWlt'l In tl'ils h.<Q.mC' .1:i:rIH31~C' ~!lst ~~QI iUiI'!~~ ,.,Fili! J!!Uilm; ,gog;, " . i_o,

P:urd'IiJ . UaEl CJlI~1:¢kl~' ,dJS)eUoo U1Bit W'~, ~neve' tliat tld~ :Is, me' mOS't J!I~(u"~ble oDaC'h~ ~g p'~r,.

:hie:!ll :~riI tlle:- first li'ia,I.('., :m-OI'nl;S1fU.~i!:: ~y ,m,ii~ wllimc: :nea_m~ ~ia)" l~lfli 'wpnt~tcner5 from, :s:Uu,,,t,

1liJ finffis.k, luchf ,y.ear· ~"cS ~~~f tJl!Jba; lII'~


. .

O·~·· G"'-'

I I -

I .. ~ . ._

B~l' • U .. WI..Ea J'OImN~'N

- S~ ,Jloorr:l-lii ~nna'~ Edilc~

MEI{,ORlA.:L STADIUM ~ ;MinResC'}t~ !'s Ia;Q]~n G"o,p:fisr,s lC]os~d, iliA@ir home ,s~h~d1me bj~, [da;y with 't'h,ei'r ~i~, 'MMl'\d ~,fj ll 1Jnlb]~ndsh(!j!d~ def'ea.t:hlfl' tw,e, ,S'.~lilertna.kler5 of P1.Lrdne bfij~re :35~aOO fans,

:r'l;ll.y,~ '-HII ill, H:el~ ~ biB!t '~?D

ruil~ine-r,)i'" Ibl:l~ 'Iltot, 00: ~!;!!d _ m:oJ' l(i:I!)Saal1.,. m~ 'OO~I]!i:1f; IPk~ _ u~ Utrea tg·'!jIQillu\lo'Wl1, ~111li fh' Inll-sit t»o' qJt1lILrtecm lJelf(iiIi''e 301100,0 v,i:l~ ~!lnl111~rgrtll;ide' '~tlecbJ~I!)~ ,ti!j, ~alD,

ill '210,,0! ielUi] !o~~r' ifh!~ ~"~D~Y.,;, l:iu;~iti:' Hg~il ud m;ut '~~Ueirl~its.

The Ge:pliMer.s odnt_rolfed tbe '~n

,~ rn.tUJch d_lli.l1:··J[fJjg il1t~ ,_f~sth!iLiU thJiII.t 'tltiielJi' ~.i"Ua]s S"e',ldom had :9:11'1! [o:pp_ar" J'U 1:1;y. 'w I,:lj~'" ~j~Wl'ed 'p~_$I:n\g att;~ek; ,_,

Oi:1J, ~re:s. tli!;e BoilerYiDiililftilfl'S po ~~d, elliJ'i!!:ir-,Y 11'1)~!~ 'tIu~y ~(ii!t tl:teitl' !ltm;I'IiU [Gin

"U;inban1 D 'tlds: DM's Gf8j e®1It'tes.~~ ~ :ma~LQ , ~ N;iIl'be Dqle~ :19 'hi ~, :UlJ) :N'I!I:nh:"T"te~[

'Du ~ it6e.~ 1\e:U!ef g~ h',~d '01 'ILl ~ ,R lSi ~~ 8~

~NUJinll, whCIIJ l'bey iUd dgmi,l:lE'le: 19B9- Lt!;s.1i to, NGil'th"'~l-f,elr,ti~ l'l tOI "~ til) N'\~bniMbl, 19 ,t~

'them 'O,;:IiDW~ 1_8 ~ 9~, Ddl Ilbtto Srmiti!. 23 t91 ,!!lf1~

.:._. em· '(he verI.! oil!!lenilillii\l k1e~:Ij;!{:r.~ L~l" '

~. I" ,I '"i"'4I,~o, IcS!_,

Cl1IplllC::ir;, :sooredi, on iii ~llI!m'g,le IP-~i;j)y. ell!!!! , ".

P'ldtlra.'th '000'];.-. :~fijr~~;~a's, boot am. lid's Y:e5", 'D,d ]o-e~~!iiI; 'back @l\lle:t [hos- jd:e:h~l(I:&: we ~i!UD, ,~e:~all_ .~u~t~

!15, 'b1!J'~ f,IJ.~,b'[e'd. U. . '" Ii, few tlIDi!ilt (lwld ,~1ll~'t i8J~: well. l'Iaw 1M'! to tJ:ile G!)),!!l1gi::ill 1! Glle'

mANCK . 'Ptc[{__E;P IT ~ _ ~N :l~llIi~ 'b;!Jj 'bem 'fIu;~Wfti Ol:!lt~

'THE m AND RAN ~ ~~D'5 , J _ __'- _, , ,_ • r.-[,-'. __ ; ... _'

F(H~t; j\ T'OU[CHBOiWN_ BE~O~E P,8~~e' '~J~,~t f~cGril,. tm YOilll~ _~c:!~,~o.~ ~~~ 1iQ:l1t~e~ "rc~~]'el1;_o~.~~

,SiO'lJtl:"E OF. T.KE ;'9,PE'CT'JiTQRS 'mmeml~ .tto;rm, sqme 6'lIh~f,~~iDo'l 'st!lrt~ m_~~nl lI.bou.t ,now ,C'apSJble

WERE :FN !:HE.LR. 5EA~ lti.$ ~G~!~~ .b~, beeJih.

. 'T:,~is s:t!j)ire (came :lin 'm,e t":IlI'st 16 'MER1\I&Ni'S ~JtJ) IS . c'NE 'lIiA'J \\\'fJLL UD:O

seoo~ds {:lit pta,. ~HE-~ m~ TIm RES,I! ~}j' ~Jm'M' [O'Vl1B~:6 emu.

U W<35 :an lmile~~Cittilffi [~u,i! sl«r· ,UB, PD'lQDI AT [,;~1E BOBOOL,

tlharr,g' dJe"i.f,ei!IlliP;mi£i'n.t, ", _ _, __ ': _ 1"','_, __, __ 0'- __ ' r- 0:' ,Or _ !',

'!'lii~ Bo:U~,i!!Jke;I~S, jli,UiI.Qj tr@WlJ In (l~Ci~f]a(ll, w~th. th~, 1940 ~eam:tiJ, We ~an, ~ _ D@W' _~~~_~

'iltl:l!e' fie.ld :[a:st ,- ~-e~e '~IJU.M over B~em11t1il, t:iladl ,~, htmellL h8Jcik J1eslt J.ii~gUS~ t1iI-91~ ,~:e' ~Iglli:!" rr;,e._ 'l!:m1l_rn~g' ~~ ~ he 'r~glTht '\\the_m, :Fr,mCk~ pillc]~~~ 'wp ~l t1il, :YO'{'!~r g~~t _ team~,. bl1f ~Wl!' !1I~lIIl~t. ~~ti,e~,H' . ~~. i _ ~:~f'~f 'l(ap PSJJ:f,r.a.tWi';' fu:m~'le 3ralf] _ :r,B_Jfl~!If 'Lli!c(ucnt _'(h\~ ooJ'~.,'\"IMI~d go' :tlll;mlll~ 1!I;n~e(f;~~'~~'L._ ,Hl~ IO' ,abuo~l ~]U!tlOJ~£tegJ ~g, the' gQAllm~' [~n ~Jlili' Gopihe,~, !J~fPJl)fjdJ It ~~t~e' Br~Le.r lW\~ite~llla,J tn~JIIl i~_ ',il"aeUee! 'P,a:SCI]'];'iB emmEl' 1m a:nd ldc:ik)ed g<n:il fH' 't:he' ~Jrst rtW!l!i1 w!e~ ifilf. fh.:e Se15illll11, ~liIit ~e fc.gii!~liIie~ I~ ~fte,

. 'fi .. c 1Hir:st 'tWg, ~ict;orje5: ti:!Ild, 'b~~'JI _S~iliI([.M ;,t:t ,t~c '@'-~e>:n' tl' ii);f '"18iS~.

later£!' :m 'bhQl ftll''S~ "I~a'II!''tn..'[jl It :ll1_!!l':!lI ilutd N',a'bl',!lI:5J:a, ',"1,M .lBIrfiii,'!~o ~(Jfr.:dJth 'W:I~6 i:1l~n.~

httg tJi'!i ~tD;rlllig Limolllls;lhll ~l'Il:th

t~~ H~~ldl IT!l!~~ Bill :oa:ll~

:f.!l'iij)'l~, st., Ctmu&~t\lmo~8 it9~' ,eil;l:r.,~Q :m 1tii11e tcund ~jel'iiil!'d, ·~o,

T-hc ,~,!l)~~I~wj!D1' ]L&t ishow,s ]ilI:&'t ~.o~w 'liu:~' (;lO'pllel"lSi 'wem~ o;Q:wn 'tc~ de:b\Bi:t ~~nc:E'~~' cOle like h - 19~2:

DBS 'La~t to' Prnrflui!:1 7 to 0; 'llk~t!g~ :!' tiJ 0, .~dl '-'1" I!<C fri!lll ilIDIi!l! :21aL;.,13~

'~~;3......Ji[o, fM!ilU.-

,D\3:1~[o, ~ojse,_.

lD:SG- •• ~i!!'1'iII ~' ,~j;ULrt:hii!.11e1ktm~ G' 'tm O~, (W1ffi!, ;y[O' ~fI'l!l!r :f;'l'pt 'tID., ~Ule ']1

lJ.&iS:'li~~' 'I~ '!"lebri5l!kA) 1£1, '~jj ,D~ qtl: 'te Ndtu! DII~6t! , 'to 'I.


,Award Rockne Memorial Trophy

FOlr Grid Supremacy to 'Gophers

n 10 'ked .~Lk!(" fim a(jplH1J~'rS;S~~li'i!d, ,lmOlthe-r Wu,c'lld!tJ'WD im the :tint lIiIlID8il'iIj)l!.r wililen F.r:an.c'k _ C8i;~:g:ht Snrltti~!!, pa.~ ~Jl~' me' e~t1 :ZOtn.~.

A.ft~~ ~11iiJ i~~cE'm o~ 'lli'c' ~a[l, .Fl;',a.n~ dlld, a (:~1l1ebe :i!!romers~:w'l. W~h;!WI ~~ 'went O\~ mg, dllll"l,vn: h,G' d:rmlpiI!!!ei th!& 'pigsHi::.ilIli l'Iiillld 'Mnr fl:e]ld. j~.dgl';; rw~lt6, tbJe !pass! !lll~" cQml[!iiel;e. S-om,~ ~u,!OOlL~cl ~he' de", ~i~n.,

- ~"'LL"r.' JIJ '1tiW'iI"'E"'D 'Tll""~' ~vr:;;'U ... 0-

RJ.lW'-~:II ~c:;'_,I!;' ,1!l,!QgJ;. ~.;:II JiIl]A.,;:),ruit-JO£,

pi!,;"'n'v PUN"'F'ED m FR-~CI[ lOiN . ~~is 3~l' ,rim D,lD J.\ [S:\VE~


~mrl:U" ,~J['il1 F-rma adiHanead tb .. e , 'b<iltm 'to the e~~em:1(~:5 n 'W~r:9~ '~h,e i"ar.libfJ)''''J,t M.:r, jt'u.ll!llij:1l1 ~n s!ill,Pt)'Il" turf" bro·k!e iR'i\,,",ay !t-o:m !!A!\t'e!l'tU ·t~gk:I~:r,s, ietl:nd l1'SJced the' d!i~talll~e 1'01:' 'tlI,1'} "';1!/I!IIC:hd'li!J\v~., N ev,er-:mi:ss ,Joe lIfcl'mk .eilmliQ I fii 'h) ii,ect ~he' (l~:b'Eil, 'P(lrj~,t

. -Mmi~,EJ\P{](U,fg. F!i!b\" I---4Jm'_ '~J:le; tJr{~llt:Jy 'to Uu~ S@bOlil:1 at, ltiitU,;., 'ila:t[~D!B!,1 eogJ!!IeU:tbl~ W8.5 ma~e Tb". KHII~e ~~!I<!"., ~lal tim. O[ ·Uie ]Ublola-J,lilUoeJlot" tl>nrgh< by J!lq. huI ~I of

t.rop'by. embt1ema.;Uc or. to QltbB) ,I W'~' l<.' --. ·,ii. -- .. 'II..~ ... _ . ,;""- _, "IiJl\i _~ ., '_ _., ._ _, ,_._

S!JIpn:ffI~" amDQU the .OQ:t1;O'Ji!!'S "'. e:s"etn. con .. e:rcn'Ce,_ 1.i!1:iI.:s~eliu~U .wJ!,!n~lCa"CII'I~!~ ,p'r(i:-sj,[ille1IIJ~ otr t.ll.e i[Ji~1~

eolll~g~~ A~t1 ulw(['si.u~:!jI" f~fIj~ 8 ,"me liJ;~u to[iij::tr~. 'CQlich :~~rifl)e ~-sJ~~ i(p:f 'M~~ne8®'t1. ....-M~' club,. ,pelnoo~Q~, :t:\~s'~g p1~ 't.o.1D1gh:t :B;tefman t~e(i!i¥l@:ti!l ,it il'r®',r 'the ,'!)1m", ,[ j!rl 'i:liI,e [~Sll9'e! Qf~ m Roclcn.e' me", ~t tbe Umw~,SiI:ty' of M.l~TiU!'.Hta. 'W]',s(lt,. :me]!!J~li Urue i!lEiW' b~l1y '~itjru~ go

ft.~ tl'~h:y 'W\a~ glll''GLQ 'to MI1il:iD~~ TltJe Unl,w't,sl,'ly' of MlJu:u~~nvm :Is initio; iP~~&D.el'1:t :(}rJ.'Se.:J~l~\IiiJ [~f tl::Hli

IC;£a.; ifJIr tJle bf;!'S'~ recm'tl p,~:~,t,1;tl.g 1J.I(PI a~(JtlilJcr ti()Ph~, h.olllo:r'" ;seihool wffitb. tbie itines~ l'o~lO:r4;t ,Q/y,gr (iiver- a ::E.1li' yre~iIi' rnJerJ:O~ ~qiL"dji9g' :~o ,:Eag tbe ma~E!i D,Il"~ ~'~ L:. ·\1iri .. , a; 10 .Yei:\ji' :pe'Ji~~.

,I; ,!r,!itDldJl,I_ :s~'Se~m. (w1V~i_s~,d h;y' ft1!Jf~ :Uam.s~ t~r-mreJi' Gopl!Jielf! H:llJ.~h" t~ .~ T,he,. ];~tlredJfl"O[llby' was :pu~ Fralll!~ ~,. Dh:~IJjLS:QJl1;i' u~:nver.t8~ty or "]liiee 'Uil:e i.'li!ili'l',:el :RGC;. ~. 'me .. , t'.Raslad, and, '~Med '~D. :llatjj~llal

,l[~(j;n!lljiJs e!l::Qll.!l:ml:s:t., m.ol1:U. '~~,mJelt.tUO:iIlI, '!by N'i~,'~:r.C na;me~~

,DJcltl'[!fSI!ll(ll~S I',aUng 8hllJweiBL lf~I].... J'llst wbo '~WI ,ao:m I fJI~st:e, - tff'! ~t1r. HOHW"fiIe:Il, i!l!Si a :!n~emorJal itio I :Des®ita:, fllmliSb~~, t~r' t ~Qllg 'file' flI,ew' troPhY' ,O't ddetJit) I !lime the f~~f-oi' th~i!r t~'1itUl!1iI_S, ~:a;dl,. T.\~ Of 'the, eOlLliil,t1;y~s f!lj;('.rtitihU~ teiiljm~ 1Jn. 1!11!4!~ Jy' ',t o:f:. t-Il(!: ~~a:-rdj bas ~ot do!f:1o:r,8_~, Earty SilhJj~ h:l:r.'etwl" ,1II;1td ~Jld Q]S~~ ~IQ 199:4; 8.'1ld, :U9~ ,as 'w@U bee-lili !lil:eeidJfIi:l b¥ ~ iCillI'lDmU;t€N! 1m I,D OJil ,:UUlel\, W'e're ~re~0nt at to~ its :hO~Qlng biQ'l'l!, )lIos!'r'tO:lllls :in .1'93"3. 'ch:a:r~e. l'l';Ch:t·,~ pf'e~eriJ~.a:Uli)f.I!r. wiilHIl: ,j1':~[J'}'l!

:1,9~5<, :lIl9.Gl aJ1d :e.91Z.S. j .:\nlil'DUJQICleIil1Gl1l t [of ~~e iPLaC;iD!~ C:r.o'W'~e1f D.t1(1 ,Ellmer. ,Laydcl'll lA~~'re!

~f'SIOF DtIl:k!'D._ I!~;lmtod O~ tbe IleW WIIlWru; trvpby IDkI!UIlaWe to IItt@OoJ:. I

~N" , GI., d- E 'h?~

: o'f _c 00, nou,g '"

, ,-mN.ElOT' IdIQW,d, 'no') ).Q,V'rr! A R~" I C" ',' r."

beaten' 'i~lli -·,-n. bu:1t. ~t dM." I ,,~eaw I", "a.prtaln

lIlirll'llt.'liiMlot.1I. id':rolllld. I'll!:ll't have be''''~, MR. iiN_ e1l,! ,Now tilu:t ~&,e ,tiOiijt~ N arrlhwr tern, lft1 l·t d~~. • ., • P<el'>' ball e8 on] over [t·the UWlli,. baN WeUlrl(&t~n lihuHI .ot [1a¥e',d,Q .. or W;i!l,e.O'A51~ :I 'wJi9~ ,.~1.\1

C'overn,or Prlese'nt's BO'nds: to Maj~ Bierma:n


Minn - a 'o:U' '!lmli1ll.-{lP)-i inn

i!lOt91 :fa.ns sent 't"h.,Q:j;r, foo!o'DElU 'liHU(iij IC,luwh B'm:'mic Bie:r:IlliBi]\ aJ.ofrl..1;: ilio Ifthe waf' ~tulI.'dJay "nth fI!!I:'-a:me 'r-~!!'Ut·· ibg ,ill his eBJ:.rJ!! and $limro hl. d!~ f,en~e bG'fids tiglJtr.Eivt;ivel;v' j1in:gUD "

WD'll iIiIis It!Q:c'kl;.u~. .

What '~l:r.i~iBiI~ly W _ _ ~h·oo,\lI~eriI ilL'!. 8. ·tes;Mmon:i~. ,llIumer. F.r~dB;j :p,1g'b!l 150ilt :!I.,iel'malili· wi1l1ri118r I!;l.rIl,o'[beli" n lilitiomlli ftilot1m!l ebampillJlifs'h~p. a. :fa'lI, en '~.y i6:r.' 'tll,e I~' haLr~d piiUr0.m pn I~ , whol SBitIU"dj ,y wes on l1.'li1 c' 'WiIQI" W Qu·ern,1:;!oo V _ ••. to :b.e.;:ill. biB wair" Ume dutlc b.", DlQjor m ~c m:a,T.il1c Clt!:rps.

Gov. BawoltiIJ E. It· :s~m ad~ dres.~mg t b e d~Q1I'l.el,. d'ecl!a:lle-dJ gr.avely' ·t;):a;t M1IealbJJ' BlelJ.i"Mm'L woWld be ,ooae:l!iilt'l- not. to'f'llkt~IlD.e- 5'QtIJi. !but ;for ~·f.~e m'eE ~'.FY'~ wooe."

:Slli!! In !l:l1e ;ma:ill~. BII' Teiril coae'hi:l!s aJmd :aUll~cttC: d~tre.ct:ors W1l~ , u~'Eill the .eapaelt}" ern:w.13J BY !baitlIu e,;!jI~~ 'il!Ilke:r elill! Ii)Cie1l1!!lillli:d&l~,

tbe pe-st of :b .. OIiO'f 'b.y tn'eir '_c1f-slyDiOO mL~ng u JCa!n~ D,OI:ll i'od( to.f thCi B 'l e 1)" r.n a, '0 ,coached. :JIu.UQ\lI81 ,chEm1!piill1lU5.

.lDma.'nllJ,'~:S, 'C68.C!b. :Bo Md!.-'IlIIUiII, br8,gged 'that ~~ tflB the hut time tbie B®mslcn ~;daye;d ,Mhm'e'SIlita, ·", Il1lLdn't 9co:re M g, till oilile phl'Y after tho ldck'~of;f': 'we bald !3iQ r.ami 'Iy 'teat 'it rltoo'lc t'tlir,'CCi p$ali's. teor ~bem ~il!i :r.UIl iii, OWl."

F3r.Uz Cria!er.., Miela ip,nt ~eatd. m~1i., ¢b:id!cd, liI,CM]JlUn, thM me iilwoulCEn't hr:; ISO jovii,aj ;t yau hadl IlG pla]! D~m·e ·~'rcr.y yM'I wn~e. 1

) Ii!lO:i

Lrlill Wald0.d '!lit' :No\f,'t.h.~te"n'It ml'enin to t'h~ OoplDe.t' .. wn~cat

am., ]gt -e - -OD1 ~dJI "'Wilen I w~k.ed bJ' til~ MiDil~@~t.. stadium, tb,is, aft.el"'B(!!lilInlIQuJlldl 'fiVJe :NQfUtWellm'rl 'pja,rel'l ItllJl NB~,tilrll .fi~1' I tb Gophe~ t,{)I can [Pa;18:1

'lIar~y St,uh1Jd~:Cb.C'r. Q,f Wi _ 0011- r;~1I1l :!!IB~Jd 'Mi n1il!~l!!!ta !',!!ljdllft ibeat u ·liIIm a 19J1fla'ifC1t",. tiley' jllllt beat the. d!a) iDut 1}'1' US.'l

S d

. .


. uccees





is a vit'I'o'r:' \'!ih,,,,,U'hJlf if':s 'lI1Iy Iil!au' QO]II'I( ~:r ~ "~IJUC!'l1,,'! iii:; allsD :f;ill(!'8 by nile 'I;;{li i~I!l![" of 6p~po~tio:lfi. alil-dl M1[IJn.e51;i1:~~·~ .!]~b:~d~ 1£:, 'y..Jt5 .s~IOOIli'~ 1."0 noil'i:~ i n i.i'iu,:, '!l"yes -o,~ P:n)i. Fru k Dick ~i!1:s.tl1bl, i:n~tt:m,C'to:j" tn il'!flOllLom:ics ~ t 'Illt@ 'UIf1l~ \i''CU''SI Fcy. olf I~ I ~lI'IIl)}tis, 'Ii/l.!h'i!!!~e l~~O :JlR t.i il:m: I ,oluikhilJjs a l'e 1tI1i!S ,!!ti!!'\~C'rii.t(j £'Jiilh a:rn.~

1;fI$it "

H~r{" t'o'ell' ~te wil~'11 the pruJ'!.t

B~' ~,TE~,rE ~'11Il'ER

,clilCAGO - IfU,lf,!~ - Milrull,e-,SGttli;S '!.!J'Rdf:f~1!.~ ,B~g Ten. ch~:rn~ ,iOlliS. "'c'rr'e- :(3''' ~Dd a"W,~~' l' h e: 'lriielit loot-baH teiili In 1~1fII Ine :na.~ 'li:O!i'il. 'Ute O~ckilil ~1i)!1i:'ii r~thl ~ sf&" Ut~ 1"!!!',p.6:r'L(",d t'ild:i!!;~.

jj! .,~ It.I

''.Cbl,iJ; DilCkl'~"u;iO.n sy.s"'~Jlj1J J;l:iJJ by

UU!j SGO')I'\ DOoa,r.'di, ~vtl,(;I'rcC ,1\ yi(:;t,'ilil'?!

T ~ \'1,,'8 S 'm he l'h i fa l~!'Ine M l~tnf.!.' mt~ 118:s. 'been rated HI'S I ~I ~!(e L93l. m1idit J,"ie"!:€ h .. es i}~rma ~l>E:'.ii'IIl, pJ}'S3!i"s.'dO'n (jof t he Rot:'~ fiJ eo ~le ... 1iI1'11i](r~,a] tr;Qipll'.v 51~O;J:liSQH'~ by r4(:1'~:f'iII!' Dia~'I'iI e:'"5 tOil!]:" hli:l!n~:t~n~ tl o,r: tl'i,t" past H~rr)' SlUhhh"i)'hel"1 Den :MI 1:1 t"1"'! Jimmy CI·g.w'~y and E,lmm' La.W'd en, The Go}!!Ih,e'i3: \'ViG'rc en 'WJlI in ]'934 ,f'I rIi~ 1,916 .

,,___ --


. ," .


. .'




Rou~h]y, the Dick;jnso!l1 :::;~Ilj.liP.m 8,\viII.l'd:s mol[''!J:' po,in'ls :lill!l:r vic:lolI:')' m'. 'II" ,a st r~1g' teall'll, tih~ n ove:v. :;a. w~ak OIlC. ,~::::::<H'il PO;i:fl'LS i9 ~S1l A["l! ,ail'h:'I,oo :£'0'1." ""kloilir, in hnh'lf~ ~~t:1 ion,ai1 ('fJ.I:'Ii~"!2sts: o~ wh~{''h ,M'! 11:.,

'frI,~~q 8, ,1 ay@'d, it wo' an r:I :r,..1'i .. lchl ~~~iI1

UiIi.'!eJ, St~lI1ford. ~'IIad 'nQiie.

S····,t f" d I

I .. ·· •. ····an, 'or .. ~ 's

Runnerup in

L A", P P" I-I

I8.S't u·_~· . 0 !

,M:iDQesot,lIos ,Pro!spe'r' E,very P[,ace, SPEAKIN(; OF ;HE V AJ1IQUS, PO,st-5,~a~,@n g',am'~s, .. c'omh'IDg' as mte r'~5tiug anti- cli,uU~lX,~,g to a h [gl1L'" l]O,we-r,e,d, s.e'as~nl;, nQti'l,\!\~ :&]i.JJm.H~,tlJ'tS JElavs'n;t d,Qii!lLe - '"so

badJy' tllis faU ..

'iE'Jiu~'re ar~ :E:ER'NlE B,EE'R,M,AN ,AND DIS ~ ~N'A TtVEi~' M1N~ h~SOTA F'OO~A.L'L i.rEAM~ \f~~i:UliH!g l]fu~~r un· 'eig Inn UUa ~ :seJ'l.t~1Th ~f'~8J['gl il fh ird 'llatbi!iXial tl:tle-wc hoopc--lI!lld oo:m:p~!eiUfllg Itt:U!i' t'l!:IllrUlJ, 'ili;ia,lllc!e8Jtcd OOOO!l'li, ,III!I, e[ght, 'W'l:OJEtf' Be~l'Iim!e'.,

''lJile:r-e: ","' ill Mln;n~«pg:U!li, 'bo:~~ B(lB J:{]lt,'IE:Q,ER. 'bDOtl~g' ,tl'i e :P.:r.-,e;c:~~'ljJS llu'eE! pOl!I!fib;, UIiR'l ~u.b'Beql]C~U~' ,aJthill'il,rJiisle:r.ed. tfil,~ 1'~i'St {I)(lIfiefJj't -of Ua~ :sea SI1lI !tl, '~o alii: ~"i.t1iJi, blE!'aUl1ab'[,eFll 'COir,lll:!ll'U 1ellm • .Af!!.itI, a Da:¥"UrL!tl!lll'th te:u:t:'ulUI!te from £il1.inMe.»~]is, ,Dolfi N '1l!J r t a'm , krn.q;Cked down 'lllm :f:01!l~~h d,m"l]J, 'pass, 'W,:tidc'ln ,o.l!u:ik:eril, on CO:l!""", ,iiLBU~~ ,last JJ~~,tjmJ,arb! ]:lope.

A:nd: S8J:~lJirna:Y 'Ut(!'~ '1i',lj,~e CLARK SJt.EAUGI4N.ESSY' ANID SW18iDE LA'ILlS~' a~, the 'U.ilIJil" e(]l S'~a:~e:s; NilI;val

CI iIlr :&'~ 'n: a:11 "'IC~ I!1.f ~l'il!1: i . Ii oS t,

l~:BJiIJl~ ,a,mdi l'@l;,me;r Mlm:nJe'SO't!ll ,Ir@slf ~~l~te'd the i~CHu,. ,ii~h~Uali 3![:'t,- @f' 'thl!i.i :SC\6li.SQlil :as

he- ]if'~ed! Ul!fl' 1a;st-p]o.'Ce' Btll:n ... ,

,fo'l'd tiG'lrm lilt: ].'93'9 '~o' the i1Ji!tliltil~SJte:f:II,

"l!l1 ifilll!mflh~ (I ng '1 "~' ;Ve'iiII rs of ri!iJth~,~ WQ,l'Il!laL~ teRm! '[ h lSI \.~ [':9\1'" ~:red ~'h e- l[j fa 1Il1!ll'@: ·0' J.,I:iIj I"rtiOri JfI$:riO.d hll U'll~ dC"l,~eh'llJ!lim'if'i'fI t 0[' kn;· 'lbe-I''e~H,f!'g'~aJiIll jf'i)(I!t'bBill," Di t:'k I1\lSiiiI,n said!,

E,,i!e,,:maJ.JJl,S ~raltlJ,ed F.irst by 65 .R,e;t~l't F'~nlU.~ 'Orf

,First Ten Teams, I

'N]1!]V\T y'OR [{ ,~ (JP)" - B.w pi' o P' U l ,ia to, ace i aim,~i'~h:l neseta's Gloph,el'S ,hallie been e'h osen ] 94:0 is l,e'a di ng f'OIO"t.. baJ [ tetan:.l1".

81m im.pJ?e~~b'!e WALt:: l\lt~ n;fl~O'tet'§ !.~4t o! 'IlV K~g ~~ght tl';"011H$eu'L\W, ~El.m.t"s~ aU R;g'alm.~t :rn'A~0If @P:p'O:li1&,~ 't!lOin; a:md'l l~ild I'li~ 'me' w~ e'f."fI, 'C!jjl(i1,~ 'f~r~t.ft!ec' OJaam,~~n!5~fup. Ul:at ~t 'l'a~n't. f;i!lI:r.goU~m. ~n 'Uile 1:111 sh to b aU the g~MQlIi:.cli)}Smr :feals lfjj:~ ~1!liCh !fiI,tJIII~t" unibco8.tC:Ii1 11'1111 '1!Htti,ed,t.e:~lr.Qs ~:!l ~il.i!liuClird aiJJd T,!liIfiIe&8e.eo.

'ii;ll" I iilil~.eiQ;~I'lJlr!ll![Uli ~ blf" ,J:'i'IIUU ~'!'

Belr'fil~!B Bi,e:rlllli!!iii'i 110"" 111'{JI'Ij;'C illll'to.

,~~I' "'8 1IIli~;nliel" p~iti,rn.fII.

;·S~i1ICoi:!' "!l9J ~. )'feln' optr l.hli!' first lto.C!li:'Iil1Q 'H'i!l[Jl.D ~ a "'i:l,rd ~lildl g S;t!!:ll~ :s..OJiI ~d{llrn Ei,eorrn eJl~ W!NfLit 00 M~ niii ~u as "'liiia~h, 'M i1Ili:l!'i'I." seta r,i\i.I'IIIk~ I. LJ:"St t ... i Uil ,~ 't illi'b!l .. t of 5:3 'pt'f nts," D 1 c k ij n ,,!! ,~1'lI :r>e'\·~:ifl,!!.'d. '··PittI!lWl'l!l:i'rJ is ~1P.'CQ.llId '"j~n, <l'l, f(l'I .. ,'aw(l)fI ib~' SoliLt h ern CaD i f(rrl1i,a.~ M~ Ifh'~g~J:l, 'I"e:tHli ~sse!!!! :fi.:rll1III NOli re dillI1lI'U~:·

llifl, 'nile; ",!~ll oD'S t1imu'il !~.

,~IR!Ml Pir!fL.~ ir'Am~rc 'Il.i!!'U" ~Il!ie ~n'PJIii'liti'~~ W,IUJ }Iift;iil hii!]J[!Jl UtO 'I'ead :f.'ifiI'I" 'n'n';ce '~,.r("iI'Al'dJ!iU!~ 'I/\r.ecl:cJ5, '!t .. -e~B iHfUliIl dJ fiJ!il' 'f. rs~ 'ld.i!I!~1l br' Gl'; In~fh II' 1~~ '[!!a;rtti:i!llii,p~U:WI~ iIi:~" 'flIert-.~ :il1lI'tU :r:cl2<e h"(!<Ci no! ',,!:'(J<~s b~ ]r(iI\V 'f\Il)Ullr'tlllt !;lL~C'I;l'.

T'h~y WC!'l~G' p.1 acp,1'1 "eetmd 'bll/' 55 '!;'ot>E!tt::.;, Uru:r'1..i b:y e1gllt ®nd fO~I:r.lh by' five. :t.ast ~easi'jon" 't'ti'ie.Y d'l@n-"l !!!ve1!L :rJlt~ amO:liIg tille lint 10 ..

,~'Umfo.l'd'.s P'.adlh: C~~~ 'w_;e;rn,'piQ.]ii::;: ll!.'lrJi~ed 1!!1 [lI' '1:101 Sf(:gclIldi If),l.a ee; In, llh!e fi:nfLll raJl'kuiIl:G; '!;'I!tI'th. ':1;125 l'Ii!l)lniltsll iiiliiJIMP!JIJ.'~d watti1 M iUJe®Ote. .~, 1,244.

TII!'~l:hS A., and. M,;, dropped. (.T!Ii!m ~"E!'¢Oi~d place: to, $1::<11;.111. :Rn~l' 'sU!:U'@,:p. h'llf::'.. its, oll1lly Idti'i',['tf'J't o~ Ulii!! !H!D1&'6~ at 1!.lil~ hl!m.dB, lof 're~!!1~,o:vd !po~ ~'e>t] '!Ii4 :ril",~(;.,pltlloiJC

.,:cd~@,· bu:t w:Ei:s, TiiI,llld ,i>iI:!!l, ~!f}W ~ :!:@'\r{fl!l'~l!l !Dr &om ~ e ..... 1i1e!L~O: •

.., ..

'Mi 1lI1'11C'~Qit!lil. h!tfiJds: "'iC'~orii2'.s. o'V'eJ fO' t.cams 1m sled i'~, Ithl2iiLill!P 10.;.

_ Ftllil!ll~ $a~~IHI'IIS: ~ 1'i!!!1111 [m; ~IJt1I~!t (If! ]t(II.g .~~ '1,'0.. ~!tt, _ 'bul.!;, lli",,:phjl~~ ~'~~ ~~ J'i'ii Pill l'It 1'1:. th'l."9i~ j,;

l-~~~II'LFI~~ ~!!.5) " .. ., ... , •• _ "" 'iI.~>j tI Z,-~t."IiJ1ffrrd1 (.t,~ ~ ." _ •••• ,',,' , _ " •• 1.l1rl! 3~MIe.lll~ali'll I ~l _ • , "'.' _ • ' •• '.. _ 9111

.JI-"Il'ifF1~~.1;'" Htfn ....... , _ •...•. , , SW;,.

"~lBlMi~~~ C'-olltfl~il ~" •• ~ ., .,. , ~ , 7)(!S

G!-'h;l;iu ~'i;A:;::'i~' j l.). _ • '''!' •••• , • ... "1'206

-r-~tb~i1!!lI:lL ." .. 'I • I .1. II! i 1.'!lJJI' P • i'I!" 'I'!" ~RI-~·

8--:r;l()'l"tll",·~lj.errL . • • •• •• - •• " • • • • ~

'fli-:;!;,rti!!:!.iPiI!P,J!l1 ;!;'~!,h:! ~ n ; .• I •• - ., • ::!~:aJli,

j O~W.uIi!~fIlfti;i!1 .... _,...., .. 2 ulli til

c St l:.on"'J "i'ltlrlc~j;'-: J, L..........aflj'iTdJl., ell\ii'iiI. '~'I;S.: ]'2: - FOi:',<I~.m, l~'l ~: ,l,,J, - 'GCCt:Fil;ji: \'Q ",'fi_ 'II,l3.~ .. ~ 'U-,ft.!'l..... 1&1 \.6,: 11i!-Cb~I'iI!'Ll. ::J.{I!:IJ,,: tll}-lj(tt!rl1.~~ :til! !:ll!:Ntitl'lL {II ~: H'o:-'JilRi'I:'tHi'Isum l:IliMl;!., Ch l:5,....'O>uK!l!, a: ~I:ti- ~I(ljv· .,~tli:,. ~_

,LaiWefl~ :fo,rmcT' WlllDJi;l'ap.jl]JS \V,e!jt ]')i:LH~eW' Iw:ibl!J :serv,ed !iiillC Yeait' :8i' 'UI)!'! l1b;j,'W!I1'r'&H,.i""~ 00 l1'li if!;.1):1ll!. 13 , bl~s OW]], 1}li!ln~:n8.l rew.rd IiJ.f lilte4w:- lbejiUig iDCi!Ii,te.l1I, 'by' t.'tit~ ,A..rmy, ii_5 P.~)BY!Zf.' 01' !C!Il!ac:'h, He' ];i~DJ~~!IIl: on tb:r't~ vi,tJlj' 'tiQl:'.io1a:5 Navy 'te'8ms; H:h;;, N,avy 'ifu~~m he_iS w~n t'IiAtlill' s,tl!';B.lgh$ "'de' 'ib~tle5 J!iliv,,~r the 10.'00)"" this tH;rine I~ Urue ,m0:5:t CiJect5il:"e hiL ·t~e' ~,.yeSJr~ld :!fieTvlc;o :r'h."t9.'h"y'.

G- h-

10···.·· .. IPI .. le=~'r··-·s-·---··

',..... ':: .... ._,. ~.'

1- -

Big Ten

.ch Thidain~ad_Ta:.te_ , ,

lONE 10F THE '~~ PQU!,t~!,eas,on P~~O~05.a..[S wei It ~\1'e h,~anl fli~ week ]i[ as belen t_h 8 t w~neh W'O'U] d, o ~ 10 r S ~it :~I~ [,e,.hht,alD 81{ainsi ~llinn' seta ,a~,~i u ill. B eh &1: ity ,g,~iln~.,



N0' (.U~rE CAN' SA,'y' TO rrA Y tb,a;;t Min1ni'~H5at~~s G !)pi~ers donl"t deserve th,e~r: llft'hI W'estem Confe.1"e"nce cllam:pj,oJlsh.i p, of 'tbe Hi,erm an l'Ierlm'e~ but l.'ei,t1te~ can any

Que ,S 11' th"eJ1' stiJ] ha'fen't bllggllI" g,a'm,e bl ~apt~u.l,'e. -

T.hel.r' lil!eJl:.t ,i:litd bigg'est rna] ~s fl, pfd~y .f'~]r :S~iB.l'e, I(!I! 'I:;'b)e IDyt..hl ... cal :fJb3ltl!onal cham[plo- iSh~p" That can- ~e aI!Xom[il,!shed only thFilJ~gh, ,a d~('Jtsl~e vlc;'ti;o:t'r OWl" \VTsoo.fisln .m 'fll,e ;f;~a1.e1 [I,e:a ,Ss:l~l"d&,y at M;!)Jd.ri:son.

nme' W,i!Q: mOIl:: ,dotJilDt in. ti~;o :mJflih; i~f' :som)i]: ('.r.I:U~ illi:s! to tlu:!: 1(!gUjmw~y Ci~ ·Mli11:me~ota.r\ ,c.l.!.'M to ,Mil l'i!o.E'O-J!.9i' t_.'I!;Y ,eked O'ltt aai'tc" r- ....................... ..., .............. ~~-~--~~~-~,

1 ,I n tSl' d!II;liGi:'ibl:l]ls ,e! ()iDle 'p'Ilhu over M Ill! I" t :h.~ we;5!te.t'fI, i[i1Iii:1,

Jonebiga:~, O~ B'~O~11rg

'Bltt 'w'11fe!n ARL£,&, .- ,IiIJQMN'lIClN .............................. ..II1

tb is teaJill tU 'm!Jgh, ,!lihod t('j(v,e~ a g;ooc1 PUJ.rdlllt', '~'Il1, b,Y ~, '~ 6, C"I'mID 'Dl81MiilI ollftsiil.'le lVt~,~e'rs '~JlIiilli W'Ci1:'i!2 1m 'Ulie ];!lI'l!a bcix 1'0(1" 't'hJ91 ,sl8l1l.l.g:h'I;e,1' 'P~~e{l lD,P :at '~liel fillLi:sn, U;.I 883'::

Ql~~, \fREY ~11Ji'1 ;rAm!l ,IT. ,A'WAY 'fBO~,1' 'ID IOflimm:s, NO'",'., 'JItDEi l\fERE & GDMIT ':rEMI ,AGAlNST PtrltDVE=:.'·'

,Antli ttl i:~'~, :lust 'II",b,at tl1.fl3'l' 'W'0FtIi'. ThilJl G®ip.~ile'm ,n.eec;e;d, ilinGit'her l~~$J,d.eOJ vi(lt~iIj~ 00, ~1:g.e:nt:lleD' Om ~~:UOlll;fJJ~ r,a;W\li.g~,\"s W:tUIIJt ,tJ!i!~ rg{l!t~ "]]'it!-)" mp, - ~ ,38 p'DLn£ts.J, bll;~ the,y cou]iI!l ~;a,'!j'ie ~ust as, wli;!iIl rna'ii-e U. 46 ~li: 4'1"

w~ :sIDl tldm'k F;l"M£~ raGtu;~l~y :st:fire~1 a 't:Cn!!;~hdo~"JIl M1, Uu~ ~a~, 'p! ary !:n tlhl~ E!ll1d ~rt~. A:nd~,, tl!I.;@l'e' tale ,IiIID~dmg ~~t,y. a.s tne Copners ,~c~l\ed, ,i!i~Qthe:r' ~@u,djd-owJID. TlfLe o.UicJal e!iJ~e~ tiliIlIlt il'lltfr.acuO:Jit 'Omal 18. miaf:l tlee:p down, ~f.!i tb J1:U[~ an!!:). it. m~'l,,{ldl M ~(i!lIlgh I!I)~ 'wn: !lIDilil.flfig' SDme !~r fetched Sla'-!lir~l1.'Rpg 'wbjQ, hiili iL,a'lne up w!tb tllait ''I,\!'{!-rdictl

1'.h!~ ll!llrlige'];'s arc' s;'tall ~t!pd aDO: ·the-Y']], be 'pr]~~ f~T emf} ~!~ thos.e flgJattl:!jg blS:lI~-\, S!PUJIr.'i'cGllJ nflJJ :as nf!~' 'W~U 00 by Sin, :-~

,pe.cbe,dl), deCllshr~ vl¢1~ aWOl' ing[:!ma. -

B!liIt.:1D Piomfl COIr',g!fJf~ CKI tc!i'i~ I '[!lIJkj St;a~ ~' I,till dO'!t,bt t~e I"l'ea;'t~. ;01' mUjlI_9t,~1 D-:mln'm-e!s!!i:Irt~, te~... !'.llIO D !!:.Itroa 8Lq ml$ ~~~5P~~I' :itmlter \\11ba:t ~Q1 !I1i\D'~len did iSBtU!U8(JI' but It; "b1r',nJ ~klll ,~Qif;l]jer im~~h'6 'ttw~nlph ,at i\[B,rdl!!inDl tn !oo:D~e UiiLtfi ~~Y'Prlidi ,~ :i!!!bUO'\'!IT (!!il ,a ,IiJDllIibt·.,

':I' 'b it

A Gfle'a:1 T,eam. Tr.i:ampb

WE E1\~ SEVER~AL ME~'~~ERS ~f' 'r.hi@1 iI!l~,~,c'hing s~af:f'

- - said a:fter '-the' ,fa~IiJJ,e th,~,t 'fu'IY we'reln,'t $1!lJl'6 b1J.l,t 'whti:t 'tlle secon,cl. ,sb~ingel"s; pilill,rtije:'u'~,ar~y' the ']ille,! did ,tiIl,h'D.'o,&t afSr lood 8,:"o;b :lSl, tbe 'l~e~iI)],!'ilfl~~ th>e(J' nncO'n .. , sci.O'UJIly W1~l'e, iSill,Y'in g 'bh I t, 'U~r~SI 'fI,f'as ;stric:tThy a te'am, 't~·i .. ' uml'ih=,th liS InutiD,g' '0:£' F'urd u.e.

As )IOU 1o®'!r. b'Bck' on the 8tmle' ~d, n:~U 5ml1fi~ ,~f 'tl1!e deitaU" t'h<e'l'E! 1!l ,ill 'laalde 'b~ t~,'U~' Ilarme of Le:e.b:li.Iler '?i/!hQ! r;tarllldls Q,u:L :as ODS fIIf tbe' be&\ mel] fib the flle-l.d. '\'Vbem he: '!j,!.l,,!Zl ,in 't.:lite: g,am.¢'1 hel mJ~Oie ~_ ~i!H!I;Y H 'no"~ Ji'i'L1jjI(l'e 't1.,ekl!N ·It:;IiLMi. :01 i[kUIE!' e]'5£!1.

y,~.l.!I, lSBJ'W BnJlit'~ '~ D Q g1luu:4 wming ltlil' 'to tbc bi,g]fi, st';!lndulis KUi!Jshto.~ p'll,~ k,gm,a:, an iii P,19:s;eli1kn ba.~ be;e-:n. iSilllttilll'lig' ~~:Il' ganlm.iIl: oliter. ,jJ'.S!m'e:.

Yetl!l. saw ,BUj,BD:w;nga['~e:r !!iiIf 'jD!L:I,lu:tli doifl!fi: iSl:UJ'IIie: ~a'Slni· I ill fT.·om t:JJmB, e'l'lIi iP~5It~~ 'tl'ii3t rncdJ ma:n:1{ to _liifrye t:IiI;Q~ ~Q has ,!JI, Ohil!DC cd' evelll,tually'

b'O~oliTh!:n~: o:iJI.E! of t};@! best. ~;yj;n\!1JS ~R

~nln~eSfli~a ~;!I!S liad ~n DilJl3Jm)"

ytaf.iii. F.lIGw' :IilQ ff'Oe:s :~lOe~~Ain.dl :Row' '!Jie lO!,l'i!!S: to OlD' lit.

'You, ~~;aJ, 'wiIDole :H~:e'k of !!i!f:crJ;!:eltS an U1.e1 :t:iF]d wit'll \r"'er.f' '][ltll' ~i!:i' c:l'II!O;ose fl':'fi\'fJl.

'You SQ,'W 13n~: Daley eram 10\1:" 35, 32 Old ,2:S, yafdis resp~~v'e;E" CUl!e' las't O'nr~ 'was ,c;a![leLi.i. ~91(:k,) to make j'OO b~]~h~va 't<but ~e Mel· res.e.S,'t. C1olj!.~ tI:r~,\.~~' mil. :~peed, mQr'C'~,8IJ~~ has; tWiLl "~' @lnj'D;Y,!!!ib;l~

:ID(l!Q,u~,!lin ·)!"e.Illl,f;5i ,Mi.ead, lOti!! ,n:Im~, -

y.~'U sa!~' Jim L1Jl~biia:ie pulJ ,~me '~f tli1~ :rue :feats 0'£ !¥,8,b'hi.~g a 161)S:e l1'.a~Sl, hill 't'he' iIlir' and r~nl' 'flilli" II. t.Q~£t:lido~~ Mmd ;YOiiJi h.'ai' ~ " llittm strin ~I".

Yc,!lli'!i.I :SaW iii 'M'i~:nii9'OO:t.a, [iD.e" ~eav,yi lt~s tl':ill{l'" cr.ash 't'l1l'fO'llllh. and !m.Dtihe~ tn'e F1,lirdue, b.~~ ~@t®~ 'UIJe:y ciOiuld g~t llnt1.'ef' W.B'3!'

E'!lI'~ wl1 ellilJ lr.r:lllLl ,pt aJi.[ throlJ~~ Y@'liI, Dl1l$t iS8IJ ~3:t it WEitl ,strl:,tj,f;'Jy ,iI TEAr.JU VMetnrl"', Oll_e" 8.'«:o:mpllshed. 'b;y po.j~nl .aWJI'lLy' an~ !lil'8'ter.~8:t.:]om"

511el:ll ,Dn :8IJl';L~'l1l1)n ~1:aS: IUiI.i!~e'5t'l!.d! by' :EI, Di'tr,Ill!']1t B,PIitt5msHn Md '!!IctUAlli~y 1l4IJi.rnD!l ,:4PPBO,1lR 0: ~U'(JBI~~B' F:tlCmllif; It PJl~1L'A:TIY&

PernOlldy~ W~ 'Qrulnk It'~ In Dad tSls~e. We l:\e-caiBfI ,o;nill.,y 'it'D well ~om!!!' !O~' t:lii;e' l~l~\.m_ts ,o'Ult 01' A'm11i A:r\oilll '\!7\b,em :n.1!in'I'lie~'tl!l liut, ~ ~U~lIl_ yeSll"!!, :Hlp! by a ~~t lmUU''.iln, o:if ODe :pn!lfirt,

,At 'toa" tm1e. U:1Ii!' IGO!P'tU~.1"$,~ f!'~i~h .Bnt1msa,1fpli!~nteWr a~ ,the:y 'Wc:tre" ~i_{I~I,~ ~n ar~'!iI11t1, ~J\l:lIJPilt "p'(flll!!pews f&r iI1i! 'PO!!iit,~!£O~ gD'Il'lI~le :)IIJ!! ,to ,:fa'lil~' ,UU~:~ the. [te"i~l:L I~'! ]!!:r~,1o(!l.iJlli m!c@img' Will;S:I~'t ill f1~tiI1OLn_~Ib!!~ '~o:m,pBdRo;n ,o;f: ~hi0 lilt'l'eng,lh, 101;' ~he 1'1 \1'81;.

l\Ucruhjfi;_fi!l, 1;;1!!, '~,'F!~!I!~!t Piiil ~ ~~Dti! :fjj(r' 'Ub1i;iiiB~IJj]:n. t!bili~, ,dio6lJll!!,lt l.JIalm·r~ ,they :lWti' ii~_dllnJ' U' !!i.Ui&1l1t:o to '!J$\~:!i~il!i'l!w 'ti'hdJr ,o~e •. 'l!il~IiIi]lj, lLdlOrlil' fJi'Oft'l, ,th'iII ~lear'., 'ft e.r aH 1ddlriI1' :lit. !j!!,ll'e.n, boda t.h&D, !h,IlI'b:iM':I, :f.oot;on ,Md, :1.0, :ud Hi

3' Aft '.Ii~!,

Alliil"f :WQ~l of 2, 'Ht..lelun~, ,gBme', 'riO't :[Ql" a bowl tilti ];u:t jim;;t, to' .4 I~t, J1 'l;ih1!i :6~d :r<emilt W,D mnct~ ill !IlI~JJtel~ ~1l:t ,a}f: l;me wfth tllit H'Ce,!ptttl, lIfU:l'l'l, 'OIl!! :~Dr'tJ!i'mmlsbl'i

# ':I' '~

Slams, FiDe, Lel."d!er'sh'~,.p "

:MINN'IS~T,A~,~ 1_94~ 'foo~ba~1 t~wn'l-'~~n. hlai"Te, th'e ~·~m:e; effIBC,ti\fll 1~lHi1~hifmh:!, 'tb at U!w, 'u'flIJ_be a'ten, arll\"~ :i'2'liOIl hI. dJ, this, faJ~~

In. B~{!~ SJTrdl~h, fbe G(i(p~efi!, hav'@; nat oply' 0:r:u;~' 'of Ule 'line,it 1I:Ii.clt:s ~n the, JC:QlllEftry. hu't 'one of 'itAe n[OO'!!~ 'ho.y:s -thot le\~iH" d,'ImJ1iJei 't'1l1;i!1: m.g~~MT;Li! 'IiIII! CIli!Ptab~, 'D;l1reiiD thr.;~Ugtli, '\v:E1~t .s:h!YliIld be g.'litothe~ SIlIit'CC:ss!Q1 RQ;&OU.

Uke :81]1 ,.lIrO]UU::QH and Bob P,Rffra:U:li~ Brllc:e :I~ '@\( me lWo[t't 'b'JIe'. He' ,dloesn,'t ~!!il" mllilJcl1i, iIil~t tlll!ts h[:!, ,gd l!Ji~ ,e~l!m1!,LH, Ido tfiJe l1illil:flgt'O! htJ$. !maltG~ ',:Y.h,~rru, -tbe!prn~S!1lJtc is ill!'.n~

J,I-o'dest ~, 'LDJ'8S5i utmJ.m I'" U]6 ~i:lHtm:U lad: ~5' JIliD'II IQ~' f'ho5e 1I.Pl,m[lm ~-eD:m ili1§f«l~I. ~l 'Fvl.q'.lil '~1J.iI!I llll:i-~ fi'.u'OJi[b,~ QC1"lH' I,ott _ - mlRt:h ~edH, 10'1" ,fit, :OOiit~g lor. :hll! Ilt'Ui.1:CI< a" Ihe \V,p 'eDtI)~l~(I to" :;N"i:'ljhel' ,lid, he ~'!f:d~ iM 'fmll-;'h, PJe;fi:t"D.~ th;!J!ilI U ill, Id'eb.n"i'~e pla.~r~. :810 '~h! 'M~O_dc:, imJI:rifeiit Ibt:JIC, ,lit. ,\vliUl, Ii:tUi~t~d1n1' lim, bo~l~ dli!liY_b~m!.,

T~{!' ~olliE"Hru: da:n~it, se;enl 't~ gOW h~""Y L";O d" a:nylJdlJll '\!o~n:n~.

They mAdie n,g 'odsta'ke' '~ft W;f!'(i.tlng Bcmc;!1 Sn11U~ Q tl'll~ilt 1941 1iC~~taUt. Thl!'l' ,.aid tTE'lll tl'lblli5e bl! :1..01 '' nJerg. w,hii!'R Um,l ch,lll!~ Bobby ,Paitram, iLl 'll1.:' :m'o!I~, "liIlu~l\)l,t il~¥e;r' ~m ~lle 1~1IOOi ~yn,d.,

H-a. r-'-D1c' '-'-1 0·.:-···· at f)'f ' .. ·ine

I '1 I' . _.~II. . - "_"'_ - .~-

TOM,M~' HAR]lI{IO~~ '~~~iUg~_ ~~ee ~~,~,U:~ .,of, f'o.l~_tba~ll~

,has b~n ~'~'_ep,t]Al)' PQJ;).'lllrur Wltb. ,~y 0Be h~

CAl:use, of 'his, s~lend]"d, lattijht:d"e~ o:u\titanEU1i11' ,a'biUt,y' amid h~1 il"€:f~_l '~Ol ~d.'Cl' .an,. ll'opp-iD;~' off o,r g~ettill;g' out 0$' nn~,

unde~ any,el·at[o'n, ..

For llie fk[!!!l' ~111 Me e_~neJg]at$ u're~i 'T1[!1mm,' lS,@t (Ie~jeftfi'1 'Oiu;'t ~!' 'l!'m:e' last Eillht hn b:ls, ta:iUo ,d'e'll!ut~ '~,ai!t $&tO '~~r Q']i!e~,u.e~)"

:~""e ~ii~


D UN' O'tliLw pl.:yK' Ci{I\ tl'l~Jt t~am. ~aa 'mad\!; :~~b, ,a ~a~ 'I't :dCJ:1,1l, :h.i!I'1/oe lreem, !p~s:red o:f!: Wl'UiI_'oUf~, co,mm..e(llt.

But 'bow does, 'Mr" 'H'at:mOi:lJ, :nlsil(f!' 'lha:t ~ta;teme'lnit jUlie ,~,tn:h b!5l 1@~f:Ji, «at :~n tb;ai_t p.a.d!leulaii':' g.S!m@? 'Om, ol'lJe ~~ _s.e~$'cl'al 'trl'~ '![lilli' .t.]!I.'i:li mtr:lr[02.S(;l,tlll gM[ ]~q@1 ~.omm.:y. wiili5l gl,v@(D, Oiil!l ball IouI" Ume15. irwsld,e; o.f 'U-Q. UV'e1 'Bl'd tm,e pd, :Rewe'r ~,~n:,ed.

BOiliN ilo I!l, ll'& .. , :Rmr'mOD.' :ReilloilllImJ'l. 1:01' t!be. ~~&e't '~it '~Dc'b]~ pD ~r ~t ~l\~illlllf weJ'b tI'Ilif..N .U:lj.lld~UI:DlS, b~1r t~8iD, I\1:Ino :n~~j ~,~~4I2ie.'IiI, ,D, !oDlly ODIC, ~ :f'ou C:~'~ .~UJle, lot

tbe f~M 3!l1.'ri, ~r

~:rtt:LemlIi:HL\\e, 'W;a.m'~ It 'tbe' isame' :Ra:r;rMIIDDl, w110 ~d, tl!'I8 tq for .ex-t;:ra 'p:®mt tb!8Jt. 'J~u'~ Ifdj,c~t[ilm. in tlJ!Le cJ_el\}ated. ~~ _ ,lit.. t~ :buds iQ'~' M~iJri1E:~oita! ,Dltain/'t be m~ ,1" try g, 19!1 tb"t cost, h~s

'~m tb~ 1;9-:it~, I~m~~ tm:J?


Memi'k of the'ric,aD T 0,0

KICKERS of all desi~r.iptio;n ~olme ~·~d. go in football.! but 'lo@ he1il@ve in J;O;e ]Jl'ell:'nik :Minnll!sota has th~ finrt mre who liUl!J~ ra;]l'Ui!'cl :an A11- _. mer.~J~~;[:i l'E!!'PUtlti;]Jo:n , ~f]th his to e~

. '" _~~ ttl,~, _ J ~'e"s pJlICKlltillZk1ng bas" ",10m, :~m 8, natlo,H-twme _ ~lln.l· iLBtLilJD, .No ORe' t1iolllE'k:1 'blf) mla;eh of itiIIUi fe8i!C, tn oelEttmjg' Nii:i,rU\~

w€<ste1'n b'y a pg~t e~e~~ 'h~' §'l( j!t millLoif:' Ute, diLf:!'erence im ,the titilR[ ~tlgre.

:m~e f.Q~tDa1B. 1:.MIS o~U' t1ite emlin Mtim pe'd~.ed] t!J~ m~'Jr ,e~ mlrll wlIlfllje:[ed, WDQ 'tnliSl '11m.", ne;Sill!'£81iL wru; \~biEl[)j 'fh~ Ntyfj~ @aiS ~eJ" 'W:o:JlL '~liLe MJ.cb~g~ml, game; wiUL !jiI~~ nf .Ills ,a,Cf\l:nl'ie :S l1J obi: ~etW\e'eo:li\ 'In npr~glttt&.

N'O'w~ :!lJfLIn' 'wJits.'t M~nw~1k ,!!lid bJ tbe< 'p~mll.e< g~.e'~ heP's 'Af! 'ml!J;!!.ii~ tn~J.\;:.ed ,gil, .(iI}I;flMiIlk.el" .in tho I!a(iliunt~~ 1'o'r~ 'filtlis ~l\e;~'l' Mid ii6Vlliml m ~e D'4i.'~.

Not '!mnl~ did hE' ,t':Ol~'h~' 'throUlg'h 'Io'!I'~1)], nne poiint Siltier touch!i[o'wl!l~ hu.t he "bchDlLed tW1Q almest Impo~lb:le' fi.eldJ gQ~_!ii :fur 'ltiIl',ee' pO'lll!1ts ,eaeb ,f!'~m, t'he 25 and. Z7~!I:ti'r~ ,I'~ 'i':e~e~ tlv@ly,. 'Th!il'L ~c;:g.nd aJioi!!' 'WitS Qil'iIC' ,tor itb.'e 'tu:mks. U WlIii!il, a,fa.i:fil:rt me wlrno"" It. hlill:tt\~y' ~t 10 vel" tl1g Ib.~l'. ibnl!t t~fI tl!l~!OI I)l'U"l!:S:- ICOU!llft .~\l1l,t as ml!ll.ct:il iBli!I: th~ !that deal." 'Mth [lw'lltv t~, S;~~'.

~n:lrlfelrSlllft.n! ·ttn;i:lOlll!g~OiUt ~t!S 1i1~St.Qryi bas :H_IP.d. three '['IM.1m~kaitdG !J;;.ie_k~ir-s, :fm:- fJQlwls:.. Tlile fif6,t, rrliile· was 'G~:r.p caproin ,aJS: ii1, <ibliilp kl~klet. n:m;t 'w,g a [~n,1 t:lime :31~~ but 'llio' ~J.d1 U~ers sti]! lie,U1i: ~OO"l't )lJ is- 'foemoo"ltable f~SI'~.

Thellii ilthern ~'FU H® ... iI!' ...... "n; ... '~'1 t-"" - '1I'I.'t .. -;'" .. _ ..... ..:11 •• t.lI .... Hi!_, A_ · .... m· .......

_ _ '~i_ _ __ ;!; '_;;,,;'I; .PIii=[I., ,U.e u&gF(li gYl.;-u.Ili!. L'!!jyp '!..I!.!! ;;;Y;


,Bentie H,~~r:IMarm b.!&d, 'm'e ,"il:'lI,1 ,!i~eQP ~',\bu!l!l ha: ' aiid mn,1f!j iJ~ln;e!il" ,aa.:~ 'tbat t-ilile ale~!i!J b-_eh\r€_l~nl .BB'U aJfi~ :Mr-·,_ nik b t'h:iJi~ 'f]le knne1l' .bad 9l10:r.e :[!i'D''''~ltIl!r:' :!i!1Md! ,~, '8 ;reI!lYii,t ~o~ mQl',e!lUil@_[ilc!eij; but tlbJl:'t dt1il 'tSoIiii!Ji 111GB bi ml[tGIru iU!JIllei ~O~ft'ee .. ,

. N;JW llidn;!lt, g~tJ;i,ei 'l!lle'a iKllJai~ l1eklng l5l'he only Ul11]~ th a't Me~i!LI'k Mli! d~, m ,iflfn]'UtBU. :~E!S. it. :FIN,EAL't. AROUt.m PER-F()R,MER. • I~Q pBiU wlth fh.'e Ibes-t iI'J'l 'l1il~m m,fh(~fIllh ,goreJy hM.dlioopp-~ ~J) to ,WI,oW wi~h an m~u;l"edJ ~'bJiiJlil~d.e;r:. :He'jog O!I'W: of th~ 1lIi!JI'tl~t 1Hghifit!lrs· :fOf' ~'8Jtlllage- jll:1 'Ule M~lleS!iiitliJ ·D'a.c_k:ti~ldl a_j"!_ray~ t:b:!l;I'U!_gll hie h.1!:;rI!'~ ~e.1ili ,_ :rnll:,u:h .s en ktil' thIs 'j''QIU!' ;m;S, ~"I!e' '!I""(lil:!i~d hlav-(!, ~t. ,Iij!, (~1!Ii.l;e !Jil' bi'l!~'; 'b,y t~e' Tilam,el c~' ,F:t~t];; ,a~dJ SmltlhaJdlmft hi1t~(II ;~J'~'Utnd.

BUJt ,a J\!iJtlond .r-ep_uta:Uot.l tbif'Ou;gb ,B. 'line ~ s0meth:mg ~hil!t, v'Cry 1'E!'W ool~e"'e' grit'!:ili~,!!! ~er ae:h'h~Vle.

.' 'if ."

MAYHAPS YOo imi~eil it in the "Minneapolis 2Ii Y'eal'S Agll~'I' eoo] 'llm:n hi the SIll] da:y Star J QUl~ aJ '" UlJJld~l" t.b i. head Lng!, 1':Gu"p·h.ers Wltl~!j \VU t!his.; ~t.:&J]llnl~s('Jfta W'O'iIllIJ 't'be B i,· Nille footbba1.l tjtl,~ 'b~' def e[l:t[n,g 'Wb,c@Dsi'n" 201"\3~ in ,a M:adislQ'n game that law' Bet'me. B ~erm,en sr;ore ·two' tou ehd_JOwDS" .Bl~t Bast:o)) p].a"y- .3:,uoithel' acep,tiO:Il9.t ,gam@ .. IJ' And tlli:t same g,a'nle S~'W the! 'WiB'~O'l;ls;[D :bleach .. _8 le~~~ ap~e ~~~Jl\g 1,118001 :rooteri to the ~u]_ul 'wit'h but 151 .hl1r.t~ tOoh}Q~![rt~l,~ ,of' OQ:UI'Sl!lj is the fact, 'tThllia t t·wo :fr1,a.;rer~ wel'e loo-eo\ehes a qlta\r~er If' Q ,~e'tll.tul)' ,rna;kt~il and ~b,e, C.:.utfe.renoo ,@llU:l:g mO'1',e B Big Nmt'c, ACldlsom lm.tJud;

I w,ug]g~ 011JJt of Deft EfillOliL 'MTe :reasoB for the 'Big NlIlh~ '~ek .~, ~15 WlI.B; th,'E!! :fail':t 'th8,'t M~.'CiajI:D:Q~ at tib.;e Unn@, w~t a. O®rn][-erctr@!I llWm1l1er. 'l'beJ!' mm'\.. (l OJ:ll:l 0' 1~ 'lilll ~~!;!il!ldlt1l.e '12~5. _ -

,E~OUGH f'oQ~,b,a;]] ~dter:s ~Ll:,oun.d _'t~~_ ~Quntry_ h_a\'.~ ,lumped on tih.,@ ];!m:neSQta band! "l-agan to make It the N'o. 1 ~ Sim of the, n ation ..

:911.'1; tliDW 'the Gi!ll!']jihe:rl: :h..av.Q got, 'to dl!il' sJllImetbJJiI,1:, ti!ll r.J,[a"l'e tihaE U1ey be-Io.n.1 up 'Ltilel''e RfIId SUy theN, That :ma,)" :no-t .~ a !lh'!l''IIp.I.G:' 'trick' tor U. 1lilllok them :six weeks to l"'e'iiach 'Ul:a.t [l1ef,¢~ :ar~.m. Il!I¥I;o!!llt tCi'M''Eit'y Ii1:lr:ulic ,alTil!! uiPd. the COUalI:lI'Y Oilts~d;e of the Tw~n Ci'l;Jj es ~!il iiif.L,Xlo!.!tsly wmUiiilg' :I:o:r toe 'oppo1"'~U]lnJo'" tlJi k:n!!oeJi: tllLem !:!U •

.~ pllIiifls Md~~atIJilni~ '1P:J!~lg;i:'$ iliiin 11l'~ LiioliiOD ~Hjit6 b;!J!:y111l fCir tne. ~B:l,'~ "'liN!!} glamei!li, ,~Jffiith 'Fultdml.& af'lldi W~IW~., D' Ii,.ti. 'B~fi~. 'tiiI!bIQI\\.' 'thill s~i.gll'lie'! letd)ttt'l;],'.fl i!il:dt:nl§!~ . - ~rt'k~E" ~oe, 11& wm. 001 JiIiI~t 'm~ 'bad liOJ" O!m!ill" ·,gul! J.ll',un~e.

"rids js ,a pCli:'.f'IB~}t hlJUd~ to FWD, BJ. -team ~~ .i'~ g.e~ too w>e'U, l!Ia'tigtiedi wi~ll Us:el~ ani beUi!'I;I\C',s that aU ·tt:J!!Ino!r::l ,~re W'QD~

We ha've} pointed ~'Urn, several ti~tl5 ~ii: lmi'le t~IIl't thfj' ne'Jtt "lW!l!I! weeiks a~'e' 'it:he m~t !ill.'fli~i2I'Oi!l.Mii ot Utie '~fIIlr;ire :sea_SQ n fDI'" Mtlfrllec~~1ta. '\1r!f1i; Ihaill~ sati!:D w-n l~lIlUiy m'! the e UT,iJllIIiIMg k~II!!, ~~it {liD 'mJQ$tr lla'olRil~ ~(!!J_IrO lbe. '5:g,'~ifil~ ~5: 'Ii!Y~r' tliilll'tt rtD_f,~fil, ill. Ut!['li' ~"@l'lr~ed: .~t 'WI\hlii~ 'lIIlliQ' :~'i.lP;!r;:rnJ thc,rweX't t.Wo ""~-~,

'W'e do ~.VD these Go,~gi',S' i8i ]I[!;t ~ c:r.e:ditt ,['Or tl1e· m:'!!JI!!lI.I1I: ot' J!!l!!!ise tl1..E:'Y' hlSl,v-e :$n 0 'WJfiI, aU ,sc8_oofli :8J.iI'l~ 'i11~ chan DeS '1.'.I;1I!l' l::lu:iI: ;~liie¥ !'-.e;S!lLzt!i be'li:tle:1" 'thanuJ( iOllI;t!i:! i!~ how ,a.1l Ofl ithel:t' fine "8JClh:u-e~IlIiU!l!l'~ jtbroug~, the tl1',:51; six games OQ1I,I'Id p :il.oi." ll,Dyg~t w.~.~ me elf ~oJol"


Illle !S~m .~t. m~t; 'be lliidm,I.u~d. 'tt:rJa:1;. 10:1" 'II:.'nJei:r: own g.IlCJd~ '1lI~' Gopb,en, ,adu.'!d~y grIt a: bu'\e,ak In this r,altin.1; fln1.cSln't}ss" Be~fIlg !l~-O,I;I{P@d, blflow .t;1M N'o .. 1. s~~ 'uu'O\l~, :the :Iltard.esl paJl7t e~, 't'IieJr ac~edUJ1e ~ep;' mo~t. ott Minn.!!soti1li.'i!!l: tCiQe-.s, fl'ton'il, iil:iI:!nee~'UI"S1U:1i! g, ·tao. m'WcIi on 'Ilj:slt:tan'll aJitlil,iliI'IliIgl1 'Wll' e:!lill'll~~ SB:'~ fllrIa;t a~ Oit the Ii''G1ai:s R~t tip 8.Il,Y f:Q!, 'i:lI'~~part.i.tti1[H 11a;M'e Ith~~ ::year.

* "* *

G~pb.t!ii'r\iI!:t '-UI DI-,it'iilirftJ IS.' 'HliiI!iI!'rD'~" "

!u l ':'_ ~"1. ~ . • • luJa~.IlD l~l •• ' ,I

- Ap'p¥ Ii"""! n - u-e-w#,y B 1..L P f'f' ;I!;"h ~ 'B - d- ~

Hn._. ,m;, .. u.u-L,I"n~ .._ :iOul!lJY ,'.,~ o_::r:a,II:.oJ._ 0:.; A'e ~-,:W(!ilr!iu

_ _ :F,~] is ma:,y ,vh1.,d U'P as the :Ell,r.gO'tte~, man Ill. the 1940 Mlnli.esota rootb,aJ~. ~f@'l1I,t~Qn~

Nei,s' dl~ ,o'f ~1:t!B 'mo:st '[ml'iiilll'~it CilJgs, in "tht!i ·fJiI.aeWlle" 't!u.;~ at" most eVoI!![i.,Y tIlB!O 'Is 'h!_:_kililg ]ds II '[1;1 [~tn d ~ ri, ,ll'rllr1:Dfrmall~'Sm~ g'!al'i·wdl.

Bobby ll:aJSi 'Ill a,Q)e; as 'm,d~t key tackleii ~D, Utel 'bac'k_D~Td as ~" Qf:'!Ji of 'fi'he GopiJ!le;m. 'He .b_8:5! a~:l'ie !!iQ~g !!)If tile most 't~alllEliJble t..'lo~Jn,g :£01" hJis 'Mates .!to! iSpr.i1"lg tllem iililtOI 'W;l1tc 'lllI;pefli.

bl, his O:W~, 'right. P:aft'r,~tt:ll 1E< 'oltlJEi iM' 'tlti,e :Dest b8lM cal':r.'.ii!i!(I',S :Rbllma.n 'In i9!!l'. buJ ~[II~y o!CM ... Jilon8]~Y does he g,e.t; mI oppol''''

ih~inl~JI' tlili 1'1]'iIi!i1re l"i~ His ~'t is 'UtI!' q1JJaW'lm'Mck &J!lJe;.a'iI!;'Q1lLd tJe ,~';s OOml~ up wl'lh, SO'm{l: :S~~Clle {ltd ,!,:1I!1n£"

:But satlllr-d:a:l!I' ~lter S~'l'illllday we :haiY'9' ~ell :trim 'n.1ake ~t ~eu "'rile SEN'S.ATI\ON~ a0~i'Ye :p1a;y 1!~ J)sv'C i!IJ, direct e:1;mi!!'Jt1i; 6D. t~,e fill'lel sICOXe. 'Lu-t ~~!!!,'k I'~ W8!S, ~is, :pas5' :~'flo~ptelQn m l'h~ e:n.d WM ·tha·· nol ,~nli.Y '~{I!k ;~bQ' ]li:rt~SSiut:e' o'ff ttLe Gil:i<:p!lm·:rs~ 'tn~:t ~a;mD jU!st hiJl'&1'8' :li'uce Sm~Jti~ iCilt ~!l:!~e tor' bts ,so.:'~\l!:~d t.ouclidow~, (!lasn.


------- ~--~--~------

,R,e.,! Al'~, ,A'men,lcanl,

WE AR~N'~T lQ'UI~E, S~E ~vh~t '~i!ld of' a 'mealllri~,g

,siUck t~e.. b:r,a\v,e An'lean ]J(DJo,1k;',eri 'use W'hleD OJ e ... h~l--'tr.dni'llr flu~ best iIl.l p:b~lYets iw, til e clliun:uy ~ 'but w'e~:r.9 PI(n(S].'li:l"e thi8.\,t t'~ey;'n have uOllt'ble'p~~E&lllI up ,s~.,eh backs. ms E·[, Sm'[th ,a;u,d] G,eo.rg~ Fr~n,tk.

As OJ~,s;~ b~m!o;l',!5 1!Ili!iU'[I,' Pi to '!Seillh!ll]"~ Fr9Jifit!lk; pnbsib1)' '!u~;~ ·tho !best Q(pp®rUJlidty oj; makwg' ·:the gf'1tdi(!i wl'~. tl)nse wno nctu" aB]~t gi,ve :fO:meJ tho~g~~ ~ii'id ~~ud\y !l.~ thle'l~ S$·]_ectl{!>E3.

F,rfl;n9: h8S ,d:o.1!i;e ,,'Nfill el{le'rythmg fJ$1~' iI!IIf:lie 'oo~!i1, ,ask o:~ I. 5(llcclacuJsm;: footbaU, l)'laY;£!"f'.

'T:hib 'l"ilmmg mBiD hi, [!lID. ,g"PD:lL't_Jltli '1ItHl!!~ ntm~ ;)f>!l)IIJ, hal ~re'1lI! is!iJtmii!i Q;f h1ii!, ,0.·\'\1'0 ,I!J;t,aM:s., ;hbll;t,hY:~ ~e \vJ!!le~y I.m;Y'iUI. tlu~iMlltd: ,lo!l.bN· Patf:r,!!] g£fiw!he ,ot; :hi'!. hfl(ll& ,om 'the, !I!!;pumblrg tkicl\E:OIft', _ .De dlIm",j~ ld"e~t ,Di -~l,i)Jm'b~el '11m' hi; 'W~5 l'i,ght tlt~ra, ''!o\\\,'heB ~b:e ~OtD\s..'fii b3iU ,,:Yo -, 'Gill 'tffi'id ]J~:yall.'lilI ~iJme,

'WiG dOl1l,!'t, 'belh3!'Y,e ~'~:ii;t we Ef'jI,e"::r M.W .Fr,m~ 'r'U :f~~ter ~. ,. f'iOO't'l!l&I] ~mmform 'fIi1Q~, ~IB' diii aft-ex' ]l![~kllrlg u~ 'this '~a!]~, Sll~ 1'~ ~8fy ib'Ul'~e' b!e~ Jl!Ist ,ill QrjjliE:stlOftlJ '01 'fUJnnmJl willi, 't.'hie Ro:[]op maker.!!! ··,s'U.ckeo. ~fi!'" 'b'I! ldoo"t ,f(i;J:'; he p'Ul.t 'o~, 'the r&;~eam "I.-1{:tt~·Q :I:te <saw Ms O:Ii'e;~g'.

m· :D'IiI!Ii1t!,~! Q1IiI.C:ei' iiil;i[fl][iI me. 'UlP '~!ll ltl~ ,EtvJ!:rs; e w:hJd~ ~BwiiIJlf' is hett'e:r 'n~RII. 411 ~1'~iS 'p~1f pme',

H'e· :I'Q over oolIDfle'rJ• Be ~an]e up '~\I~~k ISmne ~ubstM.'l-teJ], ,~ 001. t~!le' re'lo'liSr5!1l1 ,~:a:f tbat 'h .. i!IJ tdOO8 i!i!0! wen ..

& tEll saiCfll SlJI c~:ne.[', h9 :h.:as.mSJ(ie '~el'Y .:mew' misla'ku, thl~ 'jI\i2',8i:r~ Loo'k;" 'bnrut bl 'Ule reo'oms: od, 'Q\ii,l'i] ~awi ttI[ffl~1ty ,flllltdlbig m~ M:iiI.1!Oes0,ta p]8(~'e(f' liIiiho 111~l!S l·lUI, track ,two kl~litQ.llb :~~ir '!bQlu;di(lo~g m 'lOne' sea.:s;oo,

I;t he ill'!lc ,n Am.'eT!,'CD:, 't;Ile.ll we'Ic], ~e,n~ !lJu~~a.w thIs pra~ Uoo ~f 'tt.,y;kf;ll ·tll) pick: tbmril,

'. .. '6

~o 19 ;!Ill l1ni,'ffll('SU;y anit Oak stree:t "LiJ ask ··'FLt'e~ii1u, Olil :aA, h~w he did It.

H~rw'8 ,~ te;rJm3'",:

~iC:Dl~~ k'Jotw • ,~~ We! ~'tmQ SmiitI} mii~ 1\'ilif:'b,,, 'bv~g elmli, ~e 1m, '~ewr{!.s~, ':J[1ti:1 :bn,U '~Q bam '~ "be f'llRbBck'i lie 1b_d)f1;rl lit 'to :o.a; :GII:litU'" brulkij; wb~ I '8tlDlk: W,M ,~:l'Mh~\1'8kL ~m..e'fShl! ~\~,M ,~~tt l~idG' ,to .t1]:t~1 :i'I. iIilUti i:Q '_:r .. :r:i'iil\m ,\'h~DI I, ~f!iPeJille~ '~lliii 'brre-_:;ml" .[ ,b'lIln'ilP 00 Ew'a:s_I'liil'Ml8t'ki:~'

Odson P"U, t Out

"_ .'. .... - . '" ... _'1 ". _" _ '.

,...L. i~


'* *


* .• ' 1t




- --

B:y J'l1)E '~~KU7.KSoN Ol Uti!! ,15tM:- JlltU.rIIJ!r1 ~DlI ,Sit .. ~'

"'.ln~IlIi'UUi.;~ U'rimrl! Odronl

We lnt'l(re' kmown ,fIJU .fall, th,t Jil'l.? ]1 ves in n lIr,e harill, "bU~ - co ,CI.bil:n't (!IX]lI (I: !l;t h lU'Ii to .P~t 1I:I:ur an:y fill~S,

No bJa'ziI! eve'l" !'{liMed! :r.ii1O're tium, 'the, !l>l1iE!o Mi~hlgli!lil, StarL""b;:{I @,gai!lfit ttl&!J Obf/liters WI' tlile'mtl JiiJliU', \:r!J.n. Od'iSOIiL .s[(fi(J1~ed B.t 611J!iI! wRh a goal lI'fnie flrum,l!i~e; :reCQiIjf!l!l:ry.

Lru:;t~ night we pilM'JTifld ,!5.'htl.toJli

:lJnd '(be baM leU tllDl\f:(;iJ 'W]dJe~ ~'iQ. BOY:j, [did ,I ~O'y ~JijJ;g'lm:g ~lmt OilHll,. ,All I' ihall t:Qi IdJ!Ii! ""r:l.1l!l, taU ion ,~tr'

Th~ W'0 DJktd O(ffi(m how U 11 R,ppe:n,ad, tl1~,t he smppe(!L Tum!" m;Jf' Hal'"llllOll so ~l'te[1.

~'~Jal I !!o~ '~it5Jm g!~? m~ l~t~ap;p~d, '~!!i' 'b ~ '~m:lq' 'IM(~' '",'8iY~ and wibJl!!H! 'il1t!:1l;r ld1m1 '~'I'ruEliit m~~ HY.~':b!Ing :1$ 1m, f~~oll" 0.1 ~1ru6 '~ck· ,mCir .. li':~

How dlidl the, ~Y'; ~e.e'L ';;"lI~h tl1~j:Jr' b'.eJt~ to tht! wilD 'ain, 'l'liLe "lUll8_,[ 'Une. lr5m!!i1dl~?

~'e. ,!Im;,rl(!! PM tgjb '~BT 'wll~:Ii,

, le;r,~t ;Y~1" :.;na we "",f,B.ll;t '~O p .all 'I;'h:c 'W,D.l/'" Tlfru);'t ,\~iII!II WI"!!Clf!fIi r ttli'D 'Do:n.rll., 'We 'mHide ~~ ,glg:r :mlndi!l, t :~,-:y ''!;NI''CII!1'1. Ig~[;lI1 'DlIf.6'ug,'hi '1IiI_ liol" ill ~O,l'!iJ, :I pe' ! 'fb~ !I~~~ wily' ""~~ 'iWiI(!:JI6 a'l!i~cl to idO(l*' lh6l'rn.ii\1i

oaSon SQ,~~ tile boy'!: c:iWlJ't get pgldl'iy but 'lrJctJj, ,t~ ,:lig\lJle out 't:Iit'e Deti!.'~ ddE9115e tlI'ti!lJ/ ~ou]d" }J,~ :t''€:mer:lltbe'[';s P,affratliil runnl IiLI I.1Jp to Ul!e nne', pAtting lti:m Oil thg, Dai!!'k il!iI1!d: :say.i:lTh.g:

* .• ...

jj'C!lltf:ijJiJi {!i!i], Oil1$'O'I1i, '1'0\1 lake

"!!i:':m O'D tb'e j;ns1d1e odi ru (llet W'h:~goeB' ,OR ilti1!!!!i' !lJu'tBidiB'. I!

Tctit,.,e; oc-O\"ld o:r ~OOO 1-tM\'V8. h@w we][, :nU!, tit]] just ~ha't;

i()d~(llih ~~ DlOn, i::,eoU is ifJII!!!i' Ji1:e,ril.esil: '~d!; to ib:rbllg ,d.OWJil I.m g~liDes, ~od!D'te. Be' H'tes; E:IUlIITWll ~'l N'o.rthw\e-s:te:rn U~e' be;d Un!;!!-


man. I


EOIW' roMe t lit e o:p,:po:slU01\ ,~ ,makes ISOI 'm,ucll e;l"O<lUl:!ii ln :fii'li~ :Ueldl 'bllJt ~ HtUo' :ni~F Ua~ ,g·cal f'

01501111, ,If. ·~mte' 'ifi"l'rull!li ~ ;i1!lIV,o ~ 'PH't 'mD~ tijclu~, ,g:g't '~1IDe:n:' , !iiid I!m;.'!if,m; 'h~1 10'-~ .Oll tipi. 1i'U'~ whe.n '6'11 e;YI:'Q ~~nm 'b;,y' 'l~he ,~~fj:' '\1':- ,.mj:ar, 'UN UIl'l'Y k(i;~C _!!i! IDUB!lol~ 'oli!H' Ilin,e., I ,iI'OIl,'1t hti(liM7 ,0i11l(F w-." ii3Le \cQ! I(lI:X\oo rP~.riQ [i,t /'

Reg.a;rd ing 'P1l,'Jlir.tduej Od~@1JI ,~~s .~M.s:

litWre/1'9, IlIO:t iftOWi; tQ ~~t cio\l'iU.

W!l a'l7e, n:Jog h .mil] .~ ''''~ mD1W J m~~ lB'rOI 'illolI!Ig~.J~

!II ,iii'

.And al]e p.Q!~Lnl '110lilght" l.~~,t.

Fr],tl:ay @von~'!1t1!.l:: ,iiiJ'it. a r,; 'liL~rinlg '!IiI! spm,"t 'lrYl'U"e'l"l heli"il:I (till" n~e ,pm (i" 'we a:sk:~d Ji;"iin!! of liile-Iiii b[~ w","st i!'iJ!ch [~or~dre~ 'who he- ,tt~u I 'mil. wo~,11!iI W'~rIi last "au':ilJilda,y1" g~m,~,

'·'M]e~lIR1IUlli. T,ne ili;(lp,he-r cn!ils: 8JiI"i(] 'lackie'S ,!: weak,,"

Mt'. Odson~ ~Jr. 'W1lG~'Uq'l' ~]'t'.

Vil.lD/t »nU ~ ~1:r.:. ,d'obLn~g\ll~' :l1I't. llfllch~: 'l!'(Hl took care' ,of ~h,§t~ dJiII.J]'if; 10111:1'

R '- ·

.'. -ZZ!De'rneS

Amolll.i!i:t" ,JtU.·'Alrter~CMl .1:~l\' Ge{f:rill~

AJ derme n ':Va.nrt tell S end i'w,a,rnc~! T.b$s time· ~C:!i; 'tb;e 'P8:(a~ nlO!JJ nt News ~. w~'t:h. plliet.ul'et!, >ili! 'the 'pla;y'liItt'sin cl,,,,,,,i!fiS ;[jj~iIl1i. 1!J!ii'i'~"' !lOl~, i5ihlO'L'.',fing :o:t, tt'lie Oelli:t'lltl'Y t'liie:.,

! ider,. F,t'.!j;~C:k ume(l at Figl'llit l1:QU',.

'[',bn~I~lf ,:[1:ar'nJJ®J'lis clam Olil tbe ~ack~1 !r!r~11~ R~~gi!J!]l _ a~, ~efIln:lJl'" ra~l(ip last Hi,gM '~iL~ ~hi :I\neM~ ~,~J[ia aJt. JJ_~n. hQ.]~aek!!. J~(h:~,. ~~~ g.aa t(f&1M was ~'at J'efiSt three- b(l'ofllagh _,@! T'I!J«l:!! ,A!gl~;!ll, a~ ~'. _

t~:yd'!JdJ~6 ~H~l'- '[JUl11l ,Ml1li,fi,~. 'b:1W,ck~ PJIld, T~m.m~ ". ~~!C:"m,on. of. s~fm,," got l!! quii:t af.I.swe:r.' 'QI~f!!:V :M:a!~g.~. ;i!!j;~ QUI ox.-teFoa,$,

from, AldeVEl !N~ Stalil]@':¥ ,A'rn.~~'r.. '

son :and \V. J i "Maag·J1e-r.

TJlt.e two :f.1r',e:~I'~ri'!1 1M tl'J.L:r@dilLlm· Hon a 1': torn~r:r,Ii.!I\'),I·.s CO'I;IDcU sese, s bl:ll'I. 1I;hcif'Dl[ow:llilJ~ m{lrliOJil::

'Ell1 bl~ TOrm, B.3ill'mOll, Radio 'eomedian~


Swe'· 'ge'I"!


.. ,~




'~JIIO: . 'S:'T- V·' ·:A.' .... LU A"· B·)·'L E~ I the _ .'ll nho!woffe:Ji" Ul1!u:nrug rVll "../ ,~. . : '.' .. 1,: " , . ". ~ b~Qc:ki~lr bi1lel~ ~s u'Jlha-,

Olrf!d, and U'DSIJ'n.1' n:Q ,1Mtgel' ~ Bo5by' P'a:f'Jf:ra,'th of ,K@id;wo'od Fa] lSI' the 'man \It,hQ 'h@,tp~d el eij::r 't'b~, 'way fotr ;gu,~k s:ta:a:s as IG~o.r.~ F~~'anck an,~. B,r'u.ce Bmm:::Q ~ to d~y has be~ll Ra~'ed ,jiilJ1,o~t val uahle" :~la_y,er "~I tilte, stqua~ by bj's rG~pll@.1"" 'tea mm.ates~ Tbe 200-:PQund ,B'1(!i!bh,' wa, sJ 10 8 d~li!i!m~i"e s:bdW,Blf't.

De ,tllOE 'lJE1fIIiR1m!lO'M

Oil l!;Ii.oi:i' ,star JiI!l!JmLl iEl~ iEitg:f~

:H,~DI''f wC)u]d ':fa!'], l:IDkc 'It~ bll~k

::Vl!:l 'I!I 1" way Iliff 'n gj!uar.le:r o:~ a linUe~, h e ill ,ill 'Ii! Q W 9, it5;g;flt :5llfU~tES;, ,220) JOW1iif~il';s S:a'D· iillif;' y,,-'f).'U!ir 1e-gs, ad,,J< '2.'40 'Jouniil1el'S '~li' .bit ~o~t Q~' YillI'U :HM, o:fII to:fJ1 'Ilf ~?

'yJ~u w~!~,·t liteFt m.ud, But Db heFQ:dr, bQ ,to U~:e' it-and, ~e:s'.


D'W"lni1:11! QMIi 'lit.!: 11 I:~ - - ,dg,dniJlt~ ~~:gn :lim! ., !fi;!Il]il :_ lite G ~,pll.p' fi~ t\he , 'Sw~JlfiI" bIB pined Mamho te~ 3'SlMl" Gne."fu~, 6.1' ,iI ndJl~ 1ft 111 ,!lID'idQ11mooti:.

That"~ ~e ]lie of,6, fUUbB,!!k,i the ny '~o h6S to 'ID~ a; s~ur beitie~cr 'In tlIe 'f.1l~t;le, Sind na~ '-O'l,Y lin, wlrlclru 'tie turtle W~M .bY ,~~8~' plill.~ ,_DB·

~ ~.. *:

,DO:e5, a ru~C'k :g)i;l,t Q; 'higg)~11: ~lck O[8t o~ 1a E1atd, rell;m!2d three,~ ~a;~tl ',rmatc 'l1'iiBIl _ if! :Das]:.;y' ll1ai!tfDadk ~tg Q~'t Q.:!' a lo:mg'ET' l'lllIIi lin Ge OpO'IiII?'

\V ~ iII:sked Mi'., Sw,e:I~.

~'.I tCan'lt R~[{:' 1~P.liOl@l:r b@~..Qtl3@i' I~ve f:e~"!f' bere]M, a ,flashy )mif~8i.~-· l~imm1il;g ,Bob rep:Ue4. HBl1Jt. ,f \.mn sBiy t'M!·i

~"l D;t'iW~ SEE' ~m1W .INY~,

""!' "- -

~RlNIG' ~ IlmBE ,.I. 6111

,~~ TUANTO lIlT TlIAT. l1'AI1~, ,RII:JmA.l~ TBROE1GB AND G[~ so,m, P;REmOtlBI'ARDSIo

i'Of iOO'tI~ we' fullll!.a.e'ts nel:ld, ~,bQ!le ~i!iIs! 1I~: 'H3" Ora .. er 'b~e~M'ldl, mtm~ 't:When We1 i::lr{~ 'it~urgh ~Q'!!IJ 'Cm !laY 't~9;t t:~ llnem.en are :~, :5:,PiOl...l!I:~l1!!ile."i

of ~::: ~:!,~::t~=

~ea;~'i!i IGopher - ,~qtt~~, ,iIlIPd :It hellS e'X;pEDJil, ~¥ tltel teMn

:Lija'~~ ~~'~::IDt:~ ,~~~:

BgR'B J:t :I;!! a,~, :f!r,i!)ip~lI.tIDoDi

" :iI!i ..

It·s 'bl!' t'J ,~Iaw 'that 9t~e,l~' u iii a~a. day ,Itilcst w~ek \l~'he]l ]lIe ~ot'ed: t"",o' t{llU/!ij:ll'!:lql~~ against 'No:¥.tll:lWeS~f]~rn.

The ~ ,y,am. he' p~~ed~. \I' ended, a;n~ w'Oi~'mi31n1 G~ .. 'p~el" 'l'U5 ~alll tltd Sw~eL" 'Wasn't Jm. 'top ~nn, 'tl1!~iS 'y~ ..

,&011 SlA1fJEIGBB iSla,.' d9~i-1~i Mi~Jdgal~'1



!B:ttI1.\ '1&81 fi~" pit'Of~e '~t1 th. iSWetp:r ol' 181-0; Is let;., taT be bQcke, 'i ~_ 'tlDJC

cSl\lIfi1'~r' PI' J!9i9i~ ~. ~ :11'0 mde 219 ~'Mdl, _ ,_AliR5DIlj., BD .!lQlty 11 . ~jy[l!y.a~M 'W!!I ;y.e;1Ho.

'W1JtbJ lb~ big MI~giBID game' (c_mllll,1t ~~, Sa:tll,lDtlomrYml n 'might Ib~ Um,e-ly ~!TI! ~!Ul!~f,1J't IOtl~ t1[11s:' ,s,weig:er's lw~ llig:e:st dHlY.s :Lm, .i$3~ w~ ,l!!lgMm;ist ,N-!li!r~~ w~sool'n ,~d ,M~~gM ••

He ,caught, ,~ ;3t.)tr8J~ tEitSS, j!l~1ilJ tbg b~bd (Ul'~'r [or Dig o1t1:y Geplllel!" :S~I ~1:sillD"t U.s W~li.lcat~ 'I'D. 19~5I~ i!!J~K lI!J)~ eBm@ 'back 'tbls 'rear. 'W~tb: it\l.1'iQ more.


I ..

AgaiJinst ~le W'oilv,u1n.e~, ,last ;;"t!a;&' he' :on:, tite' WQI¥lmnti' ~~l1ie for 4.0 )f,ll!r~u, ~ a d~ ,ren~:vc: ,!;lOO.

This: y,~!Ii:' ~t ,M]e1dgp ~'IlLU :b:IstoQ' :~e8:t'?'

Rr .:" ·jill·l : ::, ,. " .. t .. ·.IU :--.-,._ .. ,- ",i

. aSpllc.rrzes,o rz arman.

(Y'I T?;,t, . ,..... c"/ ". it: I ."""'-!' / [1;/,

,00 r"lo,_e,s':,,, uouna


.~~_.,~_,__ - ........... ""- .... : ' .. A._''<I;ro;' ',' ... ~

lIIGeor~ge-! F-. 1-;-rR!'~e'k, OlD -- Bie~m,an, :N' tn

'ParamOUD,t All SrtBFB; AII" ..,B Grid,

BOIB.'ra oil' ICoache ,s'

ImD!I!Iea;PQIm.!, ~[llIinlFru.m-!Tbc e~ity' bc~I;'~i2'.'!l Jll rtlile' Wl:lli'ld,-iVliJi: mOr}i',e 'tllIat OOilmlilaJ it:UiIl'JICdi ~~ 'Wrath 'hIpo.lQ T~,- Ute 'Ii:(llu!' ii!liJ'!i-e' cr;!\M!~e O.t ;n;iy' Rnlllmom 'ME ebf ilI';U'i. rillilil!l'b~U ~b'r ~~' B:frami9~biI l'~ii'~be:]1rie~, ,8,rljj\ ~h!p , "" I ,I!j; ~ '~.c.m I["a_thd to 'iili{~liCl 'TJii:o~ H9,'r~ F,riliil£L;Y Ib'y gLvtng him the rgJilb~r... m;Q;)I. m.emh~r o:f 'itlle :Ml[eb~g,8::n ~rllit.,

it'il!!,!'"---iIl ease ,M biiS',~'w~.Y 'DiI'lC_S.: il:'illIJ:B I 'b-RU te~lIlL wl1ii!::'iI ,I(li.'!jt. '1 't,g. r~, !trm, M'!.fl,.'

Mini1L~gt~, t I Ji1~ :EiIIl JI:[eml!iuria.l is,ta,.~U'IIJliI1.''' ~


,A 'mte, in fa V'ilit" !Of !P[,!Il!s~W!U~g 't:b~ MiiiJ':D.ig8'llI, aJ~-.AD1~r,ie~, WiUiL B '!1:a9-e' (!If' M.:iiil'1lllfil2\soa;~ g!i'OWl'1 flI.B]!ihe:rdcSi 'wa:l, ~~ !c~'UliI~iI's ;BJJfliBWCr to H'ar:fi10~';i ~~Mdoo~~ ~t1IlI.t~Q_ til£l:1l. ~l]e' WoJ~, v&ri,n~5 SlIii.!lIilll~id btlii\l\e DEaten ~tiili1l:Jl't~~· sQ'tta?'~ Ga,p'Jlers by Uu~,~~ ~~MJcbJd~w~s.

'The i!)::illiUll'llci~1 ;!lC~~d, at the rQq;u~Si& ,of Ald. Sm!!'i~ey Andc1iS6lli an.d, W. 3. lil,:[!~ghe:r. ~'VliI;9 .had fI'l':f~t(!<3i I::tile !COIJJ ft! • 'c'i~ ~hi:s lfl.'OtiOf!i.':

"\V]lm:fiillu' t'h..e 1lI,e-igli1hull,'~I.u;g vil]g:gc iQlf' :~~kin~ l'~1scs t~iB !lrn1l!lSt ru,p,.

Berni~1 Biif;nmin, c_cl1 at l"tiie :natiWl~ cltM.d~~@nGo~ pliK.5!'j ~D~ been ]!li'bu~ed '0m. CJlu'~~y Wwsh's A.lJ] Jt;m.el'l· I~n E.ou.d o:~' F!!!u~t'~U ~'!iI'}itC'h amtuBillilY :!!:!lJ~ibs; ~rn ,!llt~st~ 'team. H'i! w1U c.olJaboI'8!1le w]tb ,'!'li'f ;afll@l" ooa~l!u~!S: .ii[), !Sele"C;'~lfjJ' '{l:'I!ri!i' t:m:rm~ w'D:j;u'h ill tUJr~ vo~iU :~lv~' iC.iE'J.'t:aic~.I'~e:ii, ,S.,,"ViIi!',ai:t~rn ~!I:ld bltl!iI!Ik'fJ'ts. B8l~ 'lO'ts ;rll]!l!l1l ]laW 1m ]lirlJlsessiol] at: 'lh~ OO:!lll:;'J:lf!S.. w.u:tit :Pgp W~ .lltlf' ,ag '!l!6innau.. Eicrmnn will atle':tttdi ,8, 'meeh1lng' tilli:f tl!J,e ElElSt;W~~, ;G:Slffi'e c:o~C'.b Im_s board lOVer ,tel w~'k<te1td.

T.ilet 'llfi!ll~liIiI(!:i'i ~ IiU S{lit to :pil!sB t~e M~iQn ,g i!lI\f'H~i9.1 cU;Y' ~1IJ~i~e~'8 wh>s'n, AJI~.H:atl'l" SllIrtr:g1!Im t'e~:9lCd ill t~~lTn icaHty bJ~~1 the m,aJ£'b.tl1E'ry ..

"'Call. '!:be' i!t:OlUil,c.i~1 J!li!.l!ti(i:n~"O' fMIll for ~J:',S:afii.s ii'iiot OJ) l'did'?"" 5'1iI fgtllIDl as];r~iI~ ;'1 lLn.du'f',smnd tba:t Rarm.ulI ],"!200~~ $.~Ll l~(I' II. :l'w:Jili4ir b~d:e;a~e U::ab9 w'Ccn;r~" >!Cia;ty' ,A'U~rll:l:~' l~;i,d]udl ,HThgri:D:I :r.w,edl U1Q't; ~~ty, filiiJ!lds~ if:cnddl Wrlllil:~C' u,,~d, inil!ll' Ule· a1:d:St~leltl. ]Ii-sed! t~~ m,i!:I,t'i1oll ''''u t'L011.\f!leial]y"' ,G'n III CiiIim"" tr4b!!lIted: 'lihci f ill!1!,Vii!; .f~'likillg.

WUlt 't!l!le :Dei"J'ilf!'S 'wnl ~llil' tills ili'u}'te: '~S-C!lur" "gl'liI.]!!ii1'lI IB'f!e mllt the '~od,D,e:~ of M~rJij!1~!:I:Qtm;, but W\~ o;il!I Ji,a'~S9 the mQ:'3~ dJiJ:u' ir8s,b<O<l'vl!i!:!f ~ Ii), the JiI;!:~ tiQii'II. 'f~:east' <J£:eepl ttoos(!l lI!'"JUi'pibe!E":t:iC;1 !liS Ii\ toloen lillIt yiiitlJ l' Ui [lIN} iSJl;lcn::Q~ 'l'e'sF:! ye<.liU :4tAI'~D!$t, li.1n;[~imiC!SO't8~"

i r,ft1hiu'eJli.5.. 'I:~OI ,,'lcilinl'l'y rof iCI,U I' 'fri~'1Ii1b' iQe~l:h'h(lfr l'lLtl! I)i~ HIIDi~lfll!i 'a'oml1(fi; t'he.:D me'~ :r-.flB pI] . \l"iFiel, ~IJI Ar:u.l'!'~ 'IiMC!J UI<OW tl1 ~ ,!Ci"'], '~OOO1' t!1lH :prti:ri:'ln~,.o;j~ g. ~Im~ , o~ ~iI berr' r-ij~' :rn!i loon ;i!l1'l, lh,o~ hMrQ:m~ Dvai:lJi!lfd ~, Mdi f(ll:r'!'!."ac'rd iSalll1e ill! To~'Um~' IlumoD, .radJii'!l, 'CDIMJe.TJ;





.." 'IWI


, .





Harold Needs 41. Yard., to ,Pass, ,', 'ecord

] 93'9 G'eJpbm:-s Aillead,.

AII,eadI1If'1.938 eftam,s :hl G'3,bd:ml 'G l"illund

.,),' 'C~t.'E.g 'O:~'WON

.stl.tll' • .,J'cl!iifnM.1 SP1l'r~iI! '1&1'Utol

Im'i'QllI>@"30'ta mav h,~1l;1e, ,m\

,'eeoJ1:d rll"ll~"i'otlil f 0 nth a I 1. t il;e;r.a rn as. fa l' a~, th ,p. g'&:\ ~i!i iii i n '1i~ a 1~,@ e"!lHlJ.'ite rn ~,d ~, bu t i'I ." 1 .. , 1~!!.1 d~' '~~ ,as: Droll: erih1li 0 iIl~f" 1 9 :1,8, te,;ru,m, .o1'feQsh1'\@' ~EM:~,o"d an d,

O'lifle h1riHvi,dua.1 i-s ti~8.,Jlv to

_.!II ...

set an ,a;l ]-time m~,'~':k for g:rO:l1Uill d ,g,a\~1"u~:d Ol~ nmnnn~lJ.g pta,.!:9"

He,told 'V9.'11 Ev,ery fU;lI!: '10 ,~~I~, ~mi]Y 4::1, Y,M4s i,lfIl 'IllIie! Wi~gn sin 11", il!td,e Sa,f;.ru:r.(iJay 'ta 'til~ii!ak ~he lamoll1ll 'P~g ~'IlJtu~I·.s reol)'ii:r(l !Iii'" ~~,

'W,bie:n 'l'l!ds Riec Lake:. \'Vug,,;, b BlI~ lii'.EIIC'J;;: piled up 66:1' jlall."ds, [or ~ms fiI:jl<o th:HiilM, cb~n]IP'I(i!I1!i$" oo9ich'eg and cil'"i~ ~C~ ,8Lnlkl!! ~!d t1'i,l3Jt t~j:lll:t f~ip ~ 1l.! I'!l.>;!! iilOlllllItt..ji!!Ally \\V,gll.dd. ;:!Ifilfii.rl as I ((jing' ;w11 '.NIl ~neoott8, ~;)I ~Y'li!:d the game.

",!'e~m! 1)1'111'"1 E:"'~'" r,Y 'F.II] rce.Hd~' II!l:i\\.iiIi Il.fn,ock:t'{l ot, 15L~:n ~!II~j]-i ~.!!'Id !It \Vrcu.IIihl lftIe :a. 'trelltl'lit!Jl'lldo'Ui'i 'sJ!!I:r~ iiI 1ilfC1J tndlll~\~ I'd ,n moTel wn Ih:is 1i1l;g1t :~It'II~mu~~ :iLl ,9 'Goo;

1P'I~a''F. g;f;"i~d:Br'~

:Nnn'~ !i!~'ia th~1U,gJfI'l U hil,d l!J. prnt.i .u- 1I!':e:'~1" ,:runl[r~ln~ aJt aJ~ l!tl!t :y,e.aj!'

whJmor'llit gill~lie;d J!,.6i~' :J1la.l'di5. :[a:Ii" ttilll!i' fwtr.'.st ~!!''!/Il!!'fI! ISll'nes, 'WIUl gl"ll~~ 'W.!~, t1:'Q:fI ~~n liE"tt to 'WlI!JIY.

'TIn,at YO'IIII'~11 fEe8il1. "llva:!;: ~ 'Ii'!:h!i:i!'ilfiio; 'piol'll~1ri.~~ '~e;mm~ iN'ow thiP, 113151 ;s~~, (lind d~vi:S~QI'iL ,1l:l!!llpl1!1e:vs ,!iJj I ready hllll'Viii!l' cil)Ue"€tcll1i U ;,l1S9 :ya,r~s b;", 'roui!t1iJ !:Iilg.

I Th,!l'~ 's 12Ji mg..I'!l 1"111 a!:!l ill 'Y i!!':JIi 'I'" BIIO' ,~:Iil(l ii)'IiLC' gamf! Is :!!t! n '~mli'fti~ W~.

Gif';·1i.i IiIIlt 'n~("Jk liiil' Vatli 'E'fi!l'Tl"~~ 'fIl'U'b :!iI.';al'~d iil1!1li' aifh':f!\I'f:!!m;i2'u i'" :li)iP. !:",~~~'t ~O:!ii;'; ~j:li!ltv cq~u:8Jl L'II,miiil'i!!: :f,!;~rra:t~.pi?t.~ If'JI' :pc:rlo:rm,:~lI]ii M. Pug' 'I!rU\dli;!' S~~' :l!!~I,"(~S !P'I,1('lry t~m'~ hoe <ea:rl:lieii3' fhlHi !bilLl r., 'V,a.1lI Ev,!j!ol"yr'!5i :mRrk' S:cJ' f.zr

~S' ~.5~\. -

[Olli ~ ,~:gil in I' :M i:nHl,Nt1!~g~':!:: 'P~&,,';;;~If:lR

tlle:r,ein~ c:ar:IJ 1'iI!f" 'ola nl"u~'!1 (Qt Ul r' !~d ~'ih:m:(' 'Ws: :movl:fii ~ 'Iillill '~![!! the W~St'"o:~,· 'f]I[Ii g~m:e ;BJiS ,g, :S1OCO'i"lam: tJli''!.1'~.~ion: clufil wh~,reRS a. lfie',8J:r ,ggo j' h,p l!'liam,p'ialt~ ;s-:Ii'i'i:p w,~s: .a~ st:Q]~e aiJ8J'~II'Ii!!l!t '~b!g s~m)e .fo~ ..

'G OtI)J~~(I'r' '")liJPrOII!Il!'i'l1If~ i!l1fi! .'

~ffil'll.edl 16~~ yo:r,dlll!l Ill' (':ompllR.t.'hi ~ iI,t2l 'out all :9.1 IIUI!.I]Si"::tt, i81 Ifl~,ost ,iloO[lbJ. ~trua;~ !Oct 't1l:e:1 r iO\vn Iti:e;Bl1!rtm.

''fhBi~ 'y,.?iilS n~le soo:ry ~ilri if;hl~~'i!lIw~ gamie Sai' liIroa,y D~ '\\1'e'U as 5e'vf'nd I ,l!IIfhQ<,[,j!!; nUi: ,Mi·r.ijr.lili!s'QUJ, ibo'.vs. 1lI;a'l{1 ~,©~t.

Btft· the GiDlp:h'ii!<~ we·f~ntl't-'hllil,lt ... , ling 'I!l!:r~ tille' 'gl!:.ffiSt ,~. thC'y' :retu:r:ficdl

'ttllill :irrtens:i]'IIJ"e 1)1t",a!cHClIEl' tj!ir@!1IY hI' th.!!! '

Wl'sooiIJI:dt!l. ga.m~.

11; '':y~n ~e :t'IJ CAS!! of ,~n~er-lv8.'.' pI!)!W~:r ~ '(hm.! wi Iliid,Urf;l' and M:1:r.nil eo !:qm. 'F-Qote~r:s ;fir['ehlli~l '!t@!Il, ~(iI!~ t:h,at tbe~r 'bOYS Calli :stJ!1l!P thes~' I!Jl!lf'iO(l':t:~. :Eii'd:;t;l! !iadg:eots.

Thel\e is: ~n~ (ilUlt-siCli@! ,e,IHil:ll1Ct Uilj~Jt. both BDb Sm"I'~l1 ilJ'lIO, S:y J,®]T):n:5lOlii.

I ~~~~, be h~ ~~hy o:Qal]~!- fJiij) ,,~~,!1Y Sal~,. Il ~"dD')'" GeMgll! F.:r~~c:'k WJIU Ill!!' Inl~ 1 i[)~O\f;e.[!li btil~ li'i:!ll!i[ tops by ~I}:y me~fts •. ~ Be~o",v ,a:re t~e' cam Ili,J@tE! iSi~.aU'9IU:i!II

0-:111. 'htH.IliJlIf!!Sota '!i.ij,p 1:Jc' now":

~ ~ }I\!HI~'Vid,l1al gl!;~ M foollfil I'Ulslii l'Dg:

,fli; '~~~
3 ];'.,!11}!
;8 .1.(gil]l
(I .001
,(II ,.00'
~ ~ '-1-"0: .... R' C',' ""H- -B' EA'"'' R IE' R- i ThR~S B~-uce ;8nd:th~ 'the »rntidJe, ,0,1 Fa,'ri'bault.. T~,~ sbu"

1 ' ..•• f.I,:_. - _:' -,' I I ~>.oii left h,atfba~k ~~,iU~l, t'iIJ,lnim:lll~!d. ,~aIJfua;iD, by hi.s m,~'h;s" ,a;t th,e

impl~~sai'fe torch passin.g 'ce1L'1emO~j;f J"~srerd,ilY in Nod:J;ll"OP M@mo1"~a], , .. I-{e,:~\e he a:tandl:s, as th,~ Ii ~1n g ~y,mbo 1. cd t.h!e :f]:a;mffing spirit [(d:' Mmneso,ta. wl!DtbaU.,

(;Sta.l"' ,Jourjlal :ph1oto.,)1 '


"_ .__ I.



, .



"vils 'in :li'arilj~ fo~ g, im!':llS'frct' '!iii! ceremiOilfll!~: 'i, .. ;, Th.~ ,S'iiiF.IlSte co~U'e e< P.~irt1 WM itt, DUiSifiUJ ,~,llICQ~, m;;;u:lil}~Mge'W :SQ by b:f~et' '()l'D.'tO:fY .. .. 'i,

:KeiriflIi i!!J' B_&Clli'im!8D 'W:a91 "m:ry

~'1g.'u i~~yj~ '1'!1l1;'~:s'k.d mI':l' Itmi[d1

iDiit 1:11, 1t'J!1J)":§i CBoU'1i Jl!1IS.S ~ i~

nai~I'!liiJI~ r~II~' fth,~, '!mml" Vl~ :l:JU if;lffSl--ii.i1fidi '1 i,mJ :!!lhld ([6:' 'W j Ulli ii! 'II . ' ",I. ttb~ ~i'w!lll 'i'ffiI, 'l~ '!J]Q ,",.i8'ili:'~'

l;ugge:l~hjJ.fI ' " PI' ,.

Pn::rs'hj~n'l O~~v St:ij!tl!t~irl :F~l'aJ eililuld. Mt ,a!,'ttc.nd'i IS!J F.f.(u'lik JJ.iJC!o O!illr-m'h:k:, ,l'J'tI;id 'the 'U:n,h.lers.i1:~Ji8 'l.rtbutt;fl • :, .' ,"[I,d ~~ ~>ou. lilIDn'~ t~ tb~Sl G~fpheri G'1Jl ''pic.'k ¢h;SJ:mpllPl1t'~ Q weU ,ID! 'b;e UUil· p.hll':ws, "imU :S:hDu]:[!! tliB..IW' '~el!ln ,"fbie :p;err.a:i!l:'i!!l o:f th.e 5w,eet]~ :tt1 '!the a.~;GiO: dai]~ii!i ~

~ BERN"A.R_D Sl1f AhiSOtN

O~ tat!!! iSLIliL'" IG1.U'II,l'J1 ili90fm..Jl!. StiU

OMJoiii ~ and ~Dder,~adl1lLtt'E!' 'Mtf!!n@!:!Ci;~a :pahill. ,a. glmr.",mg t'8!~t!~ w~u to im'thG' \iI("st g'dti(g of: lUd5

J:b Silt e\."e'f ~ll;IIn~. om M'8I1DOn :B:i'i!n Go;ld trolO'~b;all m.lJ,dH'" ~fIi a dot[b'~e.. ball1'~ii."~ ~ed, ~m,p~!S. ~]il:nlte l85lt, mg'fl'L

'x·he stu deD,t body 'Di!i.'I'Ue~ (]PLi.!Nl llil, 'I.he fll.'li'~ aekn!lllw1.eclm-n'li:!il1lrtJ at 'L]~e' iii IiLr:lJUol[ T~F~h; 'PaSfting ! Many at MOil'Uhi'r!llilii' ,M ernot'1 !!Ii 1 AutliUcu1IUffl :UJI, t.h,iil' a.1te:rRilliQirn, w'hen.Bry:ee SJn~th. t'l,M: 8:MoiJJ1iIc.-cd 88; 'a'apt~lrm,·d,~Cili :£(11'[" 1'9,41m Q.f. fic.ial MiniU~i;ll:Itill\~ Ja.'e..ndIM by G.OVi~[,iIln:r' Rn.rnild. E., Slasseru, :p..alid it::s 'l:rlbru;h'~ a~ 'LllJe: ,a;nrfL!!ru, Slt"'fta;rE!' oom· ro~U~0 t~~8t1imOrd,BJ banqaet lm 'il!:i':1,12 iIIC'I.'V Mmt:l:esillI'ta Un:ltm ~ as'~ ll[ght.

!IDle 'iMJ;hMI'iM:lillft, "llhl!' ·~~,t N'~lI!'IIlIf.~' ,of It.$i~;Iiifi! Illl~ '~ M [M' :8iGG!3m~Jtt~lJi, ,~g, mlnllJ ,&o;f>I!i tbi09 wbg· m.li6

\'!i)!i':lif:klUJI w.i:l.iftI, ~'IllI'6en 'Go,Wl~iil'1i!'S tlrnlr"..Q;'tt~ 1:.110 3·6lii1~J ~d v.~hL~ pmrha;p!!!, :1 !'Ii: tl~Q b~st; tJiJl!;u;t~e iJ)f' ~lL :p.!~!j,d to tkg. ~'EltNtI;'t \'ta;cg."

Thir't,y.fiv:e JliEl!yer~ ~fl\Ch~(]wg' Jell seniol.'s, re<ccbcl :hi!!iters ,at t'h,ii!' ilD:liP.ff'sB'i'Ll''C' Ulldetll'adllll:&J,)e Coin·, v'Q!~titt.ll!, 'w:hc:m Sm lUt "'1;,"a;s, ~oWJl'E\d wi~Bri "_:blj;1ji liladill:ml ~ld' CB~ ,ti!LI:Iil. "IhiC!T~ \!iU:!:l'I~ s'{:""~iitral :r:mlil:u::5l ~1.tlJceil in Wiom[nal ~ @~' hut tlIIam w,e. U'~tJ.B' ~ollJib'l lcd' ,Btrlitltt~~ ,!id~~ ... :UDii] li!iiI'ilC 'vlQllii);f1i!! th Ii Vtf~e '!i~f~$ tUle;m [il Ii II!

'" "

GiiI,'iJe~,'IlQf St~n .fie:feT:red t@

th.o :si1oc.e~ o:flili'~ l~p,liL,~ '~~'S y~!L" iBIS "Ia D'1!.igl:U: ;SJ.1J1~ ~ s, ,wl"]!Il be-SlOt i,~' dU:Umil!t;:y,llw bBgOOlt" '.' i, '. l:.:a:'e 're~Mldro. 'iI:;lll1 1940 Go]i~ . :1ft GoJil:hur C.lhilllW1!1iJ1iiOM a.s ,tko' ,s.~rm~ bo'l at. ~liar8.halU~,g ," em:pJ:tas~ ~d: the '. i!~~s:sU,y ~f mom 'lib th.e;m n.mlfl t1::IlsitiiU!ir:itilied: 'w&'dd 'OOllt~tlO'M' ~ ~ .~d'dJiQ G.aMBI;9,€T

~"""'- .. - - .. :'.' I

z:::1 ~./1 ~ O~lI~

KmltfB,",hI,'lIlIihil ~iJ;i:!'.a;Th 1C!'H4!:

IDrdinar.!1y will,en iU~l" West,... 'm ConfercpM fo~otbiU. teams

.' ,. ,jj,,,,,,. -J,,: --- f-' - oiI:o:rJl., ..... oii:Ii._~

I'mllil mw lL-..wO'n ·o~ WJ!C!I .I.I",~

timet. R'1l7 ,leM0ll" t'her-e ,iSfi't .;u~ do;ubt .ll/It them 'beWli th,@. fa:y.o'ritel~

Th<at ~r;n}"1 t:M rpm; fhliIi 'fi:tbr:-

The ,di!1Y1 (1<1' 'b-lies;(h)en :~ tJhBt fil'st - ppell'll.l!l~Q iR1I8 it· _,Ien.r.blg' Iqt. N'ow it'., a n:r.J,t5i:, o~ ,eiBhlt 1i~1iIgb] DJP,e~ SSIJtu;rt~y. ,oIter SSiWJrd!!I!.y!.

- ,F'~l' ,e~ftJJi!I'. :t wrm'lll]~Jt d!!ii.UJ to 'tu m, :piod c, II 'wbtn~ of 'lcmcX:.t'0!W~1 MW- be~ Pm"du' MtlNeklf Dam~ ,at Soutlh, :8enl.

NtidLer would l ,!ltlileml~' to. pN· ,ma 'dI* OUt8~ Q-r 'th. ,Nu'hraska-, Du.t1P1. I1ngle __!t, Sa~Jtb B - d.

1- '- _- Octile .. m·, T n __

",01 be ' -, .etten _ ,~ ~ &:11 101' a.em: ~~. O,l!I~,dI 11li~ tb,N1Illb 'wftfl .mo'mt,1e' il ~ .. ,ellJ,r 'Imtflll"~' ,~ ,the CbJ[..

,'; .. I,o..It 'm_flI_nr~ lifJ1.6 l-,' ~.m, ,dDlIIll IRe1lItl ~I b ' ,at bel . ,1!!r oH .11" mB'IlJiilIW.' ',ihlil J) : ~ man :10 thJI put), 'flut

8,'J] ., 'B Ib;tI ,'Id wm ilbb ...

:NUe :kJmllck hog dl " 'W~ltt·~ iljl;ima]!l, '~- '" '-l.p to '(hls - Ime amd :t!!,e iIil8n ' huge 'the 'flnlll :!' ;If -,c",_ in hl- usual

form mil, ' s.f:iil1~e J ill®:s:8.

Mlch i I., IIJjtlii~,~ !lti:O'nlg'lest '~e~m~ 'tht~l,[lgih 'f.O-lil" !pm,oms .J!LJ)PeolU' " to l1!~i"'.( emoh ool,e m da!Ss: :~o !Darted. ,II,' riVO.dt. •

I'OWIlHl :!In' Jill ~I ,over iCM!.e-h EctdLe .Andenonl" ~ dllblIl,t ~Ii the Bbt 'T:en ,8 _ htJ 'tur.HIl tilil :Haw»wei ~oQSe aDtln!ti RG~tb. D.a.'k:ot",. -' ,]It Mie-mJ: c~~. '~I!Ii,t b~"I';I5O"n 'wum P' a:.wa:, 't\o, & WiLutbID_g ,5 ut. TJu~ i9I.Il~ of the ~o:rce win de:te"nrum.{!i !I(liW ,enrt~:ulS!I' . e UI.o· f.O'wa ,follow:.. ~.r. ~~i]l :f'Oebrt N5N~ltd, 'vbp'dl,g'k en: wU.m 'be fOE' 'tme' :Dle,__~t f:ew 'WIe,eks.

r If: •.

lmiitilii'g!S 1~ Ii. d'IJse o !tl 0' e e: ~e:~a;-P])y. ~w -, teun la.s - we-(!;k" blllt 'W:I-ool'llSln W8!S: be.H!~1iIi b;y mol" 't~a I11J I~~e' '~!ll!'lIlA:~i\O~ ,u ttit'aUliad '~o nl~etl 1ft!, ,el(p@~tatiQ'fi of their ia~Ir~. T:bl d)Utl m~r;;t be ,e1- __ - • fied, II ' ,Ii. 50".1 I'E'Q--(ktsIJtm,'~ Ma.yibe 'the· BadgHI: ._.' 11 Pick' ·tuQ.m,iil~.rGW ito hdl 8:emg:]ac

_ I!BJ '1J;Ui---' gn, _ lbe

':JunJ:ue-No,he, DAm:o m~e-tbtil :111 lIIe Olii' -'tmdIJI:r Se.~m'ber, 't.ibd iI/~Q"~ W" :Fe 'p' . ., _U :10:1' mtm~· , QlLq, hi he It wm 1M II, . - . of GU lot 'NOI fIlmi; ~!II~' , limliD'ml :Lt opftlJlll PI!l-~

.. * '*

See'.' lli,e.hi,gaR ~e1ed Up ... o.tllo<w.iu,.r IHini Le s

]f yon ha v,;j!' d (aio.:!"t iiln.d.

YOl~ ·l~Qn·it .g~t ~,Jlto() ,i7i,\U¥ tL'"'0~,bl e t17i~~g' '00' :F'[g~r'€" QU~~ whJo~~ rO~ltr' to' 'MIl"DW"

AU ~ell! ®It IOU te~· :ali'~ :In :a~ tiD.l1Ii. ·'t:/O{I!liCiI'rtw,f. :am \-'!lj~Bl ~1;te ,Q!r t~Yn iG';«lI2lp-t.'io:n.:s: mey ,Q!Y.-f:: ~'11iI ga-rne-:5l th.~;t. '~n :hardly' b~ oo~l.oil!'d. ;s1Li:1I:'p-(('D~G:S,01'" Ur~Sliis DO .mhiIJ.·1!I" whil:~' .seh®il!kl. ~'~msliLes '®fl, '~~r~ in th e fin~l, ~oore·. ,m O'~li1el" .",\~~. t:be-re are' 'mOir~ dead. e\i"CiJ1I hEllJtitles am. ~:.ilis w-ec_~~Si :ac.1fi,00,., u;1;c thOO) '\VQ usU)~~~r filiJd] ~t thib )~illi[y ~tl\(l!:l~ 011 Be eamprllp.

;ji: .Ii!!' if!

I. riiel :re:MQnB'13~' 15tiCI!tJC! idtelr ,vlla<t I ~1f a~, UGOQ~ ,!'l,e~ ].iIl\!ilt; . a.hllF.d;a" ilkt' IllD Gopb!., M,O ,iuD. '1'01' iIIJ,]IO~~:r. :llIl§'kl'mgitu .. tmG:Ii"Ii-O'W ,"1.~ __ ~h~~T' ~lUJ!i~!ili' Il!n ''fhs~M: U!i'I,t Co.~!dien~ g:itIDe

lam(k. ~a~k on ~~.(IJ ,~Ellme5, 'il.'Il1'1t,2{ IDo!!;t ~ 8J.~;n t: Furi1ae in. tile! 'MentQ-o

'MllS "€&]" iMld ,ap'pred~t:e' t~w c~fII11dll rilEl!_nt !Btadill!ll1fI1,.

[b:8i~ '\l1'~ al lOt: 'Ule:m ~ ·Ime., hit [fl. ,. :tJ

PlMt Quit ;0 :Ulep IdId .• t AJlIim .. MIm'r. BeiEoreMlrnlllJes®t8 swpg W~O'

S9.t1rU"d!!l.¥!!! ~c;tl!l)J]. '~ll~ ]lbIJ][., r 'Yo~ PlettJl" d.ll-

~!!m Plll,-d 60 mUlillllbl; ,o:r. bl.DllIS;- ,nibO!lII L ~v l~Q;m mii~~ mud]

fOO't~ 'U~ID~t :M~eblll_ ~~. -WC~ ,@-t' ~ alowJ~g lulls, 1939 sclwe<d~. 'by .fj, 1i\!:e'.I!lw Is:cO"~e, NO"r.mNG rfltb\,T llAF'PENEiIJ' or

F:t~k r&d. V.'", Ev_i '~~~ii!'ru'.' """."._:~. r ...... ".II!,- -~ - 0 'f;,~- D -". cW';i; "'" - -

'"'iii n_'!OI ""Il;101"" '-r:}l~~ J;,'iI"",-B'i!i~ MAJI;'fE = lIA-S

I,tadml :lim ,~~I!;~1tti-l· 'Wl~M'Y,', CHANG]EiU '~1.Y· O].UG·INAli, I®pm: '~~ I :thb!tk. t_he' ~hDl\e ~e~. ,I!l'-- roNi :Pumlille ~~kd mucl'l1 Il;mUe,1' .~~ ~e!LUt .~ 'tile. 'WIllY lli WED,!; 8,plilst ~6tr.e :ID,amu' tt:iian \-1rl'~1 dli~

:In there ,P.t1I ~!t~M i'jivenr-' mlliJ:Jl.i. QS'lilllg tQ: U~.e' ,cr-OO'.'M'I(I_$.k:e'£s. Tb.1~i~l!

·~te~ It· .pr~'tp:rlll\1\:b ~'-m :sHil,l" he;~ :n'll!iJl\Ie ;5p'£~ ''DW~ and ,rgle' IOu:t mIy ~~.' J1Qer. 'LWeI' ,MI- t~l&lrn!iy ,8 bJg .ad,Rntqc' In. «~~

'!)1lIe:r!__~_, ._. __,...... _, j' 'fn~ie~-cc· 'WiJ~ 10 :mJtlow..;, :amd 0In.~

,~, SI'JFRtDBl'rr TiD' ,DE ~ j~rui!D1r lb;,:,too ,0 ,SJt~rtms.

"Ii'L, i(flr TIlE 'GDPJIEKS, ~ ~ I ,t'lil:i;nk ~l)J;f-d,1ile '~~ to~ m,'W2lti

~~ ~Q:n: :Hi .SRLEN~ ~ 5]!!e~[I~; e"'_"()e.~~~1-ilGe ,antI. ~l_ ~'Il!ld.

DID ~ . ~'L!:I~$i 'In lo:~~ ~nl,"W;Idat~~ 'bli't '1'111,

" ''Ii • 1·~.Q"~eul_ t~e '~~'he["S 'wl]Wn~~ki~} ~.~

1: w~ldd. M(Yj tCl~, 'lha.t ·X~··Mpml. :Uan~ Qf ~t .mJJl_ '~~. ~vay·".~~d plas P~.~ a .tip~1 15lrttlJ{i; 'Wl\~h 'T,iQMm¥ 'Llil tlle Um!,t; oiE ·th~d". 9,DUllt.y~

'H'am~ 'm01'~' 'Uum, ccmimg '!U.p Ell • ~ ; •.

@~,ectfjj,tl~ns WULG),B '~rmIRnt i:;u-tt :nh{e' :~t 9 ·!11l1lill:·!I. 'l~' :No~

!Qsmu: Ie'KblI:bl'tJOll; 'Uhdwjibted]3~i t'h,'e MTtCikrr~, '~¥~ruIJ 'IIi1-:Ut: ·fJl.\;iMQbffir

lo.8.s ,o-f E'lt,Q'bJ!lrltSJ)d. 'mde a ,llff\e-;r~ 'ifj!' tllJ'~ UOI.xbif( It ·~oo~ life tlte

~n)l~'!Q.; ~\!1t .~ tSLt'b15~j;l'U:l~gaIlSl-- b~d'I i f' Q~ru'h;fllfjlr.ain(IJ w,~m

'~1Jme(}i ;iill ,81 f:iliI'~ gam~", Su ~Irll 'iiJ'WII" O~~olfm'ite 'bmo;rH""f~

:r_"~tz', a ,arrn~rd~ l31Di :Ko [1m s· ~,t ~U~ t;. _. •

t;er'. '\Vtii~tl '!I''tl,U sUlfl, tbD .s.tatiStl~

l~~'I',~.~S viG~fijir.Y '1i~ft~ IH" :m:rprfiSl of. wInf ·n~~· tday·by.D~QY ~ Oit:

D:IilJU,ljil]a;l D:vn~rlL8nt:lc. S~Mt n~ :NQI~thwea~~~":s d!e~a. tm ~ts OP€11];oi

.mUiP'JQiWW'·, tbl!! Il'aw~n:y~!::' W!I!l',e re. ,~t 'lV'!lli'!4. can £i~it!l. tl:Uilrill. ·the -:sql1SJ~ hal$:

w~"t'I@dl l'F 'U~-~]r J! ~.s:I!I!,\i~T,~m~' wl'la pl:ewd,y' 0:1:p. ~b'IJ[t:i@s fujf 'l:Ja'e'Y ~rn

8j, 1I,arr,·:llln,e '\fJ~~ -;:~. ~V-I1" 'the ·um~eRt., clJc~5~!o; olrll!) Sta~e' kfUi[li~. 'be;e~,

~ NOI' --, :D am Cl 'oomn~ il;cs~. ,et; 'h!!llU: .I th~Bk :fiC!ui.n :see

N:W.'D Emniek \-VB ,:gn Qu~t, ndUnl 't~:q~ 'WUct·esiu M~wjns' a Fe~t

I" :tt!f;J)I.''m@ir ~n tb!-a,t vi-c~!I!I~." He not I-e'Y'!?arsi3l Ij)i.f tann to ~e~UJ~ i'~s

cMlly S¢()\fed the tillli!l.l..effi'It1),;nvn !but ·I',r~".se~ po:~i!~lIi!lQ. as c:hampwn:.·

&100 'ma'd81 th~ 1n']:rllri! :lID'~:1.\ ·t;Ia.Q.t s.h'ip l·il~MLte.

.JI~diilii1!d 'Ua!rl! "blaH gamJl!'., .. .... ...._



* *' ..

I~ ean · ... i~l·][['; ... ;I;!O,~ "'''~''''''Iio:: .~ ... ~ ... ~ _ _ J;I\!""- _.,. I!.n....,..,..: .L'I\L~p.lll¥ell'1l

8lU ~. U_p :fOl'i rr-ev,e.~p tomH1J:_lT(iIW ' ed I fJ~lnk tliey"H. II¢; It.. OUR TEAM :DEAPflIOmI"ED ME N() I

'iF ''I''!'I'!R'!T' 'EI' '!If:"" - -- - ~.

~;.&-: .... ,~ 3~ THE :N'U:R~':E;"


I, TrON$, .:THIS ''WEmK HA~~T Imnl'CATm ~i lm: 1.''U,lJ,1'lRI 1'I"'I]rn'll':!""

~ "~l~ 1iII.J~ - 't.~~ ~'ln~~


Tae d~e' ~y:~ t~t NO+m p,amei., ~h;ouid: 'bea't ·!OW8J. st; I.(r.!il;-vlt City·, m.d tb.t nUn~~s iJ"loUia.d. ~:r:_j__~ 'M~ito~m.sIn Stl:t,-UM~, o'J[rt dn'\t ~t : 00 ~8j)' out ~n, ~he' Umb mit ~~U[e~ ODie ~~. 'them.,

TheM ~!i mo.-:r,Q ,~f a 1~:ssMjmi!y' ~,r :i!I !5!w:pr.i;st} :111. the! :m15E.·o~W1!!i~n!i~m, ·IVu.01Ji; .~~ !1m: ~maf _ at ~I:OW,D Cltr •.

iii' .• if

T&~ ~,en ilia" i'h~\1111!. ,o~~ p~mbmfl6!l' .I~ Siirurm .iI~ ta, ;8aRuids:.yj 1:i1~e, laHicb (cim e tli,e1'1!IJ I'ra'ii bi;"e:!ll. lWJ~ :IUliljUIC: m_JQU Uliin,· '~lll'Oi!llg ~mtiljjl t~e lentl!, 1·liIit)fOO 'tibill~~11 Po .~. '~{U11~iOIF,r~f\\~' t~ gt-R~t ·o'IWc'ltmlf.. M '11.~', If I I":k' Qd"~\~


Ther.-.e· ~£, :eills:!lJ thm liiha~ee tb~Jl III:-:n'eIs; m8i~' bB st.'j!t ,o~]~'!O!-;a;tml 'l.~ v.l!~ 'OV~lIZ" .MlehJ~ H ·tl]~1. ~'I' 'mel ,Ehu.llers al?e &elv' '®~ .g~ U~e nlost. {if it.

I I-I~~",;i; - UA,e:, D' r'n-'tI:'I'C'!' ~A "IUi' &.''ii.~ £\;I'yrr;.a. ~ ,1_Vl."?!Il_.I:.I1 ~y ,lR4.l~,-I

"I1l'Ir,t'\fi1E'l ~~~.~~, ~'!J''I'l.IlI'' .i;.':ti<~ ....... "''fi'rn ~~V~ ·J:'~~~'li.Tc~ ']lI:.~"1 ,~"I.~ - UI..liN.:a.

mtPE'~ QF 'JIUfM' Tm"'S, mAR THAT ~s REALL't ,ASI{" ING· TOO MI[J(: ,OF "IH:S:~l1 70 :e&A.T T~ ~"NBEAT&~ N10TRE 'D~ M:E @1;J·rp:l1~.

Tene l:ffi'n7k~cs h!ll'M@' 'p:laYlil!ji] 'UJl1!!' d~]' ~~~mi!l!i(ll~'IlISi J:I'll:y;~l~[ It~n~U~ caps., ~U1t ea,C,"'h. ;w~ek the~ f1gilrliEi',i1J[ s,p:J~i;t a;na, ltle<w1t.:rn'hnatim llaw ~ .... :rieil 'tilliie:nl, ,on t'ljl!l litYex.p~aegJ YB~t. :t'j,el.,

.N'Que, Dalme :b: .ovim.l' ,d'llllli

~"1eel~ :Iu;td, with RilL 'oogi .in ma' - .r.~al Ofn..e ml'lH g,~J<te 'theni 'fihe ad ¥!~nt't~g,~ O'!ff€:\r ·too H!llj,-'I!k8"

'If * ,Ijij:

1I10'!w~\1CF,. lilhIm;jt C!!\iI'Crlmol\t tbi!I~n4ld! nlcntlli), ,IlMlUili!!.de 0·:1' '~hi& .!IIawlQ. ~Ij~y :1,JB\\,'e' pllm) ·'tbnCIJ 'Ui~!t1), ~m~;g_a~ '~IfdS, ~~eDT,. )-I~b!i) they '!lI_Bi"t'~ iSomlC ItllQ(I'I9· fm1 their' ~~sk.Tmi!l. J"Oflll. i@C~jnl\t iriViI!!i 'IU{II' on wrnr:r 'flilailln, ,t1~ t iRs: ·iP"ut.-, lilmg. nut ·Q'~O'j'l~ l!n:imlUlte I!l),:~ ;6\"e1l',)i 11Ii1ml.9.,

~ * ~ I

I r_~ 8lf~a[d, I·mat. Ua,G Co~!r~lee~

kiterse-GLioirla[ ,11~OO:r:d1 JfiQ:1lL1ili ifuoo guoo. :all], 'pcrn'S::el\li~ '\~IJl suDer ,~gDI~. tomOi1l'10W' fu:m' i ~ti,j,~ SBG In~rw fit:,. diana ,~ mBl~c'h Illig Fa.r'dthllm R~ms kl, 'l:!bE~ 'New' York sJf:ng., g~e.


Tllle W~l.de_· ~ili~y WBr,~ r:om·.· llag Wfifrll t~e,y beat ,Mii:i'1iIie'5Dm 'wirtlffrout :mucl1 ti'~Iil.a.DiC!. 'Tlte-¥ s.:bO'!.ald ~.-e~ hetter' iIi '~~l':Y !ll!.ppe_a:r.·ali1.~ if'rom iIlIQ:W' Ollli.

Qm JRl!te!'f" 'Ufiil~ J:ilJOlml: B Lke.,.e.. fail1ll ,even. 'lmttl~i' 1n'!i.l'~ ;tn~. ~tt1:l1gJmig' lw.ln .N'i1li·:r:t'h:\v~~lerJ1L 'm tW'J!!:l.

-O~i!O Smtc' IDnt~'l~s, eMeag'o .nd.

I imfllgme H:~ll. ~Dm~ ~e a ~]q)e<3n®m, 0:1 :hew ]Jig tb!~ ~OOire 1$"

But ~~ :M:t ~~r. 5!l~e :m®'~!lli It,lltilE!i~~.

It',S 8, wee~ l1iitbU, n~lIlV .bru. 'the eoWf-:e--retlO&'i

G 'h P"I ..

. ".l -', . ' .. ".. '., .. ,

.. I I ' . -. '.':

Op, ,er,e . Jay

L 0'· d'l

ong' ••..•. ·ver_,ue

60" ,. T" JII')

J~,·m'IDu'tle, ,·1 t

:!tt fh®ughiE Noriilwestam ·w.!!iJ1l11d be Ilntli::ijitOJble aJft~1: the oxhlbi:ti~fl it 'tllil,.,ru!,;d IOi.JI'L 'S8'im ~ :M~fJ)flie~@Ita, :Bu:C apparnn:lIy' Pnd,~,e bllljjn~ed' l".a~·k_ for- Hs ~e~t stand ot the ~~ to. 'wm ~.I-I) [IDecl\shl~. m, uIlf~hel:' ~p~ 5-'ll!lt.


·PUlr.diI!!i8 ma, :be' 0,\..,1003' lioQlh tiD' !bnat ·tti(.'l 1f!P;~ tlif '~e< w.- ,Rft1}iP. ~~!! 1l1;~1 maml!l~ vJ~ . tOHrl ' ~ ~ilIe ~lO:n'l"",

~ 'It *. '*

OJU!! ~.f 'tlli~fi!it: Sa:~1!.I:i1t~)r~" 'W·b;OO[l.~

~3· 'R~ Bm'R~t:tIN ,~k!J. ]19; 8'0.-.1' 'ta 'lQ_,aib, UI.e most I!d

~~I!otl\·iii HtlJj~ .!~~1lil]l, (!p'~b ft5 a'Qinty, ,md tuu m. ~ {h3c1~v,e

T.he :fi]t€wO'i~b, a;re: ~~dl 'PCllll'" ';'l~~,- T~e Bia;~,s, made 1,' :fJtr.s.t pwg' hi 'the. 1\, es,-te;rfll ,Co~fe'l:"\'" do-w-_-Q t,o< ~~l\ee fOp IntUmoJ.5J ,and

e.l1ae~ rstl11\ ,~LrJl:t ,iI 7.,0 deeis.h):It1 When, !:~~;

'J€fW'& bea t N OR-e 'I):am,e I: n16l'e i$Dtitb l'a'fJj ~2 :y~ds fioli.!' me

- OJ' omJy sc.ore 11XIJ(f'fi'hle Ii"i'~l!e.

M~:n-mes:ot.a 'beat l~'i'fi''b:ir,\lI;.'_·an ~ e

,'. , ., . . . . ,",b "i~ - _ T.~Q'll. ,a@-]IIte!'C'JiI:~ ·tilli~

PU'l~,Ufe [beat N orthwesrmr,n, '[ uoth,~.r: !i-aI~baJ!!~: ,bru llnters~~tln-.rie!l~

Th.c~. roe ~s a lia!Y oi' l{)O,tbalJ.1 eonlJ~Jl~~ltroQ. 'l_,!:he~._. fu1!dill~li liM,e(]~

. , •. . ... , f.·- .;1..]... .~ .. . ... '~ll·L . ..~ dgw.~, :to deiflM~ 'tJef~]ie ::!Ii, .:r:aJ.\t!ill:l:\iJd SUI pil }·ses, . OJr ,~lS mIO!'~' . -JJer~~. .Fil!flhwm team ,~f;b, "'E!W' Ym-,k. --

fan, 'T,:he~~ al ~. .b~ppe-rnwed~ !Sa~ . 10l. '00 ur.s a.., tlle:t0 '~~~.aB:fIl.r~ flw, Ii!!~e., ul'dla,¥;~, a.:nd. y~ir~ \V'O'lldd'~"'t be!"· .~~ti:t of __ ~~rba bi 'OMO! Sit~tQ~

, • .~. I .. '0 l\\i:ilm,.p lintC·r' Chhilllgq.,

lu~-~e~ ~'[~y ~E~! o:f t\h.tMD '~udesg , BUe~~JI. .. ~eH·mocy..~e8 .'~~l'i'lb~L1~d, yo~, we'u~~ th!2:!."~:. . LlI:r01lglU elille ]Mt 'f::wo Satuin:ya' i@'ll

De :5j~~C '. s_~ems '~IO'be; Ir;et~ Ule lS€'DSO:r.lJ .• :~o ffi'lii!! wU~ ev,e:r. :r~

~e]~ set f~' 11rI.IiIiio .S~}le· ~~~ '\~il'i. t!t:~ 'OOV,er ~. 'oos: ~~ 'eB!r'rt:f!'lilgn" I

B~g Ten. Igll~p'Jfiill!Sl:Jil:IJ!' ·il,\Lm.l,f:HS-tll '~.s

ml[a;ci!J~ltIlu:5 .Iowa '~!!;II_m. :~~ ~"Orn'Gi JllilllJ}\';e iilllr:~(['l5.e15i bl, ;I'~~, 'b9JS1;;",

The 'B8.wkE~ei ,P!V'~ the J.ri~;n sliiimilli' o:f U •• ,~,w. DlIJl,:dicmfll. ~['bef .!(!!UJlh1!Ili '@fUi!! (i~ t:lnJil!I!:-Si :t~cdi ODeprll!nt, v~'fr®·r,~e-!il 1~1;It i~d 'the :~at, .~·o:r. :tOn grtlateS't al,(i~mJn51mlell;t (Ilf ,t~,

~ay ~D}!"!I;vhe:rn'~ I

Ait'uJJ 1lw GaJ~, of 1I1im:~. llliom, ilbmi_ IlIJe~~d;g_a I!io l!lftf ID 1l1'li1nut~ 1i!i,:r~r,oo;lb'8imll. WfIe:n, ·(fu~:,· iWiill ~be,y :be.:Q:'t 'liIle 'bMt .~.b1"" D'IiIi teRnl, I 11181,'\~ e'~el" ~'~Rill!. b" ;B ~o·~ 'mulm ·~IJiRti.,_ !eHl!Iy !!lH!JIW'a fta'\11"1i!i :beern. ,li)1o,Qb, liIIll'iior .11: 'ee:rc.' ~ 'fl1ihIp, ]wojJ ~'U.P"1l1Lft •.

." .. '.

, - .. '!t .. ',-._, -II'

MmJrlJemta rud, ~:r.~tlll ing t]g';tlit

S;art~a;y-" 'n '~'~'t)l~e~~ It, 'tac~.

. ~

lit. defe.l'afdet[" It j!l!lt '~9Jy,~ili ,3. ~en

g/Mil~ ,gg. Waa :rewal'N.i,edl ·"Tjlth. ~ '~Ic'Wl'.. I :f.~8'l gUttie i@i!l:r brJ~ t{kdQ

Oll,b) 'Ill V:nl,es:s 'IO'WBI Mi:r;ade, 'f,.am: B:I!S 9'I)I01e More SU,tD1",is:es

ll·y BER!a18 BlERnAN' 'i!II[D1~ pjlll~~ llIm ~IF-oo.'cb~illi eoo il~l

Ii':av@ yr:ou ·I.oo·k@,dj at t]lJiS; \V'ee'k~,s, ConfG'l"'elll'ce foofbaU s~h~d lht ]·e ?



B !Ii L-'e,rDle _ _:_IAes

Fili h Sb

Ig .. t--, own

by Gopher's

Sars Bis B:o,l's E~urued 'Thei,r' To uehd 0\11" I s; Praises BjtJ'r~d 1I0.d,

:B,y ~~ J5ER1;"lUN'

xthl1:l :r-m~"" H't~j;'J, .El®o!1b411 ~ni~

Rich,] g,a\Jli[ ani! 15 ldol S'ta:te ,did a 'ili'eU.y faIr j'Gh Dr t:a:k.-, :i11g eh~.'ll'ge ~I;E' UleJ "West", Itlrn. ('onf:el"~l1C~ eham l~']k'n.-· !ihlpl raee S~tlll.'d,~iJ' l'1V-]'th two Illl the m olt ]1'li[Pl"~s;S(i:\'I'e. id,~ to:I·i~J$ ·of '~k,e ·~i~l·'~el(,.

TIH~,t n.o~ o.llI.1:y'1' e:mill~'IiIE!t1 ~n;u,:~;e,. tE8it~d! b!l!l'L Q~9 :5t1fiJ·:re.iI, such. d@,el~ ii~\~ whil.:il it'ttat nrcy rni)}'V~tl th,e-:-m'. :eJ.¥IlN!!l. ill .~HUe~U!rfhe:r- ,ahead (Jf tb.e meld a.5 tI~le' favod~eg_.

* *! *

A'Lmoat .l:Jo:n.®rs ·\~~~'th th~se

·twa dui~ llIIo-weveri W11!_S the· Mln~ .ne.~~~a team, a!llhlOll~n. ,pi n 1.1118' otuJy' ·a j_l·'ll tio· w~~ tbe' fld'Sli Purnue 'ii!iru!!li~\I. nt, CO,p,ll-e(t':s, ~~e iI:t li!JlTI(g W,B.;.¥ 1lI.P t'h!8I llliU :fr(!)1J!lru thdill::' d tHea:t ,!h'~ tit~ ]lUUlIIls !f] f NeD:r:!ll~~a a we;ek ,lgQl.

,:M[C-hil!fIJiI1.'S wm {Io_'\i'l"~ :Iow,a, w~n,l't. jJ![JIex:~~'.~:med~ 'hlJlt 'tIl ~~clsi'\l'@f.II~5!, 01

th e ;s:~re' W!i!j!5".. n wa:s: ,R gf;~t lin"

dl:'W'i,th1191 triumpb' 1'~lr o· .- o· (!If U~(!, iSRatle~;l '~i!IJ~~i5 @\f t'.h!e ~'e'a.f'i- TOM··

~ ':UADt1i;~M_ .


!DId ~ :mi!in~~ wllilit ill. bllg _, ,.l·,~o:n, [lm,.d ~~ tbe ~'IT·t~j

11l1m. qmr .l!~mo.,' He m'Orndj' B'li t01 Ste :l'"o[lI'i-l fg.r (be. ""'·ohre:r--.:. Ibe~ wlnalbl" G.P l!wb 1~t'~w.Qd· "-v~(!1J .. 9n~.f, .. ~lIl[(J~ .i'n;~ mUiR ·irllIlliII~!lk. I iill!!JIubb HT:lJ.Qt:hiE!(r, 'bb lnidddle, Mi·~~ b:85 Ii1l ~6lrtnl' 12~t'h t-Ns l~l"~ :lfQ l~elnUj :ri!IJll'o

~tQI >iI.a ,tl'il\'~l'J.tloihWnlil..

,lli~ ~ 'B'I£RMAN

'il. - ~ ~ ~ J _,.~

'M~_i!I;,',1!I __ ~ ~~~~ ~!i;'elI.

C~f.g LS.ta·te'{i 2:8 'tt.~Jc ~!]I '~dct@,~ ~X"'~f' IIinlt~iSiO't ~ Sa\tur-dar d.efi1t~,t~b'1' trllt t:h€, Bu-;e'k~ e.J'e.:s In 'th~ -t'b:ffi.,e;·bt: o:f: th~, chaDl"i~l1s'b'~, ,&Crllp. ] n. 'Wes,tErtl, Gcur 'e '~l'DJee~

A;Ei 8j, :[it~]t 01. wb11llt ~-a;p,(;l~, ,8 atl!tfta:s.y;" the V:1ii:iliJi S'b,'~(!: ·t.i1Dfl. :m-1,],tS~ "JIl gu'v'M as, m'!JIiOh CIll!ILU1I,de~.~~ Uo:n H rmCbil;gp. ~[itl! PU'l'itte ,~r ·the 'Mo. ·lit ~M Jl!lthe. Big' "["ell.

F.f1[IlIJc:is S{ihm'~d\t ~h~w,d, :M1MilEl,g .. !5Oim M oob;bm.]ling l)'Rc~f1fe·ld. It ]5 Ji;it~lweir'M, :b;~ 'plenQi" o! Wei!iht. ~]lu:l:cd: ,Rfiit) c~e~~i!-:r.~~ tit@, :m~:e ~t GXNE OF 'T~ 'BE;ST !~:~~U:P OF

GRn'ONJ) GAlI:NERS, ] H'A v:a

15EEN TUm :ryEA.R.. Th~' Bu·ok ,e-:,j'l\~!fI a!oo rilJ~i)jIwei s,o:l:1i;'!iei' bI'm!'.8Jn~ !en'tis ,nd, a fine ,oon'w' k!! A:n.dl'tIlll \\i;n. 'Y]tne 'tliIDe :~UJ~JF!Iib ,d.&' ~ac:ldes '"'1[!(I.'e g:Qo_(ffi. the:y ,,~~e~'el ~ot ~B. OUJblaind~~g: ,1Ii..s: at. 'i!!it~e;r, [l(l!!~l_~~l,'O!r:JiS.

'i!r.hJ ·~v~,'~.~ ~o;n:lo of' ~6 "-~!I!lk:', It ',.l,iM ~rBU~ ~if.OIlll. an t~i!_li !!it'1li¥ 'tlu.' 0 l.I lib, as '~1t9 IlMI'C md:imte!!l.! '~~ '~h~ ·tol~~ d_It/lut. eiW. 'that 01dQJ ~;olWbl iC~ ni!Jiliw~ 'fiI~b:!J~ tJkilJ :rlnm8~Oif'~,

,. -* .'It.

'Fr~m ,il ~Ir:mtn~t~ s;tQdP,'Dbd1, -Hie thibtg tl1~t iti~]f'd, me' 'tlfie' m~t '\~ 'it:'ifile J~pr'6v@j:l11e:mt; lilIIor I'-ese!'\1\~ [S·h[WII",e-d. Tke;;r lCiIl:lin@' tal ]O]1,_i W8;~ tn. 8. ~if!'k ,EIId! b~ tlil!e' te[l:ld] @'l ;tlite sea,E(J~. :sb.'iDU~!i1, p,bQ same' :r,'Ie-EJ!] ~QQ(I :fi!loUiMl.

m tliLe :nrst l'_~ \-\!@ llt.:a·d lil!l,UiS~8 'q)J'l lEi! B."Yed .~Qd b~U Ii]"U)'Sf~ of' tble thilive. :m Hie J~,eooli!:cl :hal f'~ Mililili1.esota s~m\"mJ 'p~en:ty of lil1'l\'I.t ~~.d a.~tuan, p]~.l'@r1 U.s best :1'(lot"l '-all ,®f 'thJ1l •.

Big Te:N Open0rs ' •. n. 'to :Rev,eal ·M·'Ulreh. . .A·bout

T ''''""'''''n lYUU!t".

'1:$ B~ ~'l4lf

MhlJ~Nili~fj,'o!l ae.ti:d Froo~lII:!l1n ~~lL

AJ] b1l~ twm \V ,est e rn, Con .... f,~l'enee l'!I}o'thaJt tej\'j,Il1.S '[1 ~ lre 11la die Uru eh~' flrs.t 19139 ,;it,p .. ,'l;J e.aran'e@s"" blUt 'we !l1 0, U ~t. w·b.erl;}:hJ.ft ,th,~ ~OJ,\d~i!8 (JIr th ir; ,[0]] ~w'el·& a;, lTIJ'ucnbe:t .... '~e-r i:d ea ,[til ]1,'o~:r' t~e: 1 e a,guD. ],'tsJe;1f s'ta-c k~. ~.p.

Plli.rdu@, .for e:~mll:llrpl(!, fa.llilm31 'ro Ishill:iw !'l:!;1 Villi \i'Iti:tciril: ilI!Jf.£e!D'S!e' iPiO'Iii~ ,all,

I :i~ ~ngag'-e-{I [111. ·it tight de!il!lls~ve, I,illllei W~Ull .N~tre;. OEm,e., .a) ~]eUI g-n-al . detefnd];]iQ~ toe' ·\~.iD1I!I~'fu·.

.M[rtlit~SDta had l;iir.:.-H."Ch:al3iy il]1[,l' op. pIJ3l1ilo\!II. ifNm. .Ar:jml1L~i willa UlIiQo ~~ suJt thWl!'t ~ts O:fi~!I1~t=lig game ~'!,iIQI PNI~W much of .0, i~ut

1iJl!i'~u~f~DJ11il Oi III::D!r:i!itg .' .t. '11th F! !iIJ:hf'~~~ :ran IU:~ to\Ii!e 0(1 Ulili :b i-g m ~ . ~ I[!;JIiilu:lu!Ijj {1~' rtGt~. ~Il ifl~i~!tti~ ~ie9flii'5l tQ ,Rm~~ HIi!5!i.ta;el'.' ahJ~ elJ!~hlllll!iill)5ml.

'* . 'it 1t,

'T'!w!ll uhtbs""""';ll Uliflij!3, :D!I11dl CJlli~JlIDJ. -Ihad "~dr iifiiclIJJUle~ ;but~f;lJea' agmnfl. J'~ 'WM a ,oo:se '01 irJ;u~ l!U'rtde:r;.

I dogs: p(l~q ]~~1r-1e~ £oot~aJl

\V.I~.oJil~ilf.l: g'O .t/- • ;1'I11ltt!el1. ,mo(!,,!ljil

is;~:n.!Jt·OiIJS (ji~p~s~:tj®\l!l ItJh:QIl :it .i[ig..! ~red, ~v1)_i]1! fil.diilLn8" ~:lIad 'h;J1 settle l'~r .Ell tie 'W'jtl'1 Nifi'l1!l[~~a lv:he~"l -the ~11'J~~I· !f.!IU~ 11!ii:tl ;m:. ,l!g_:stgm:Uitlll:l,e '~(lIl[.(:a.. [lQlW'f!I mar-:clli.

I d:1i)fi11."1f; :lIflm_m~. ~~m-Ji~t\'Mng "I~@jt, 'O[!LI11" ~~" ,;illlrruesQ!a GQ]Jibli£11-5 '\~Jie fUlf~fJ!eili' a-di!ilJi,__Bc.e~1 - ~ I'!l.a 'D J: ~ h;Ollilg'hftthtii~~\,\r{~:fIEII '\\~~elll "~e :lrJ*-hier] t:b_iI"~e· n'~~h~r IQ-f. lP:r:~'

~IGe 1A:s~ ftI~Dif" -

"nle GOJilIl\1j}~Ij, .put on .~ ~t"!llsmg

.pe.'Ef~ ~l1fl@: 'liiIffe~:siv,e]y- ~Ij), !;JI.ih:: u..P n:irr~ ·ooueh;dOWns. T)l.ey -were ~led. on .Pa!!H:I, die-I-c.insc ·91101 :1lliaJ1IiI! m,oG :'IJ~!I!ed thanm. :reeent -yeu,s,

'r \I~. tl'!liiJlk Ju;fi~i!!ima~ tl[1(rtSG liO K~Uib.

WiUl.,_ go.:t a Li'M'lc p-~tlieky ~ n{c~' V;J;U'~, ~iJte~lIr dmsih>ed~S, ·'u down tJiJe' fi~l.d -f'01.' the' Un! t:Oil,leh,r:lOil.-\1'tl", 'tile '\I'JKI'~G'f-5 fjl(!iill1L tb.~ .~Bl'I west mdiJl't g:e't theit .1·~iI;!~ iD'~. U~e .1,I''fJ1u:nd IUlIJtU .aft€-r Mbl~!!5(ita mad, ~iI@¢ U1P 3" 'p'lliJ1t"B, .str.,.ge 'to :iei9'

thQ' A rl:l'Oml:a, pJayers shew SO mue_~ pcp uU thiLlOUgh tbe f'an1e t!~:!';l)'ta. lhc one·sided 5 cor If> , ]S!.d,' must ~dmit th8,~ ou r earb' t<li!d.c'hdc'll'o'J1iS hiad rn'IjJcih to dlO \/i,iill"l. th:G' s~:re o! the- !!iCOn!\;

I he.d nop-e tliiilll (h{t seore \,/flliU,'i<id be d;O&IH' ~n(t ~h~ two· teams mom evenly m,<JI,t h.~ so \.\'C' oou.16 h~'\i'~· ~een mol' 01' our ibO~'Si 'UJl er: d \O! r' e~-ent C'Cl ndi11,ofts.

'* * , '* -

'The G~,p:he_,g WflTI'l better 'tllm I ex'pecl$c1 h~ ;aU ~,.e-part_e:nts, 1:II1IJ,(' 'l'H E'K m WON1T 'BE AN?i.· MOR'S lIi. R1Z:O -: ft TEAl!.[S FOR THEM ,:0 'IOT WITH THE RE ,,' O'Fi EAR-.

One or the' most S!trikl!!'l!, ,e~ :fQ11",mam ees by rBJ C!tl'.!!ll'@f@uce t:eam. was [.Dwa.~s :se.oidrrt, !1~em< agaJrn!5t ~D.1J~1I Dflk,@·ta t["h(l(S& 42 pD.'mt!J, ;I.?;.!\GifC I" new e;qlJGd@;li'I6C' ~!Jr the H:aw~c~~!$ ifUld, ,:r.I1iDabl~ .f!j, ,gri'od thaflg fOIr t'tle nitora]e of' t!l,e :squad ,i;l;B weU Q.S. U'!iil! faas, I .hopei ,- 1m. " dOll'it ·ex.peel 'too 'itllUJeh ,o:l! Dr;. Ed,.. 'dIe ',rtli1..el!'.sall aft.e~ 'Ids lIn.o :start 3S he stU! bas a 'llC!l\I.gll :l'Q ilV ' @ .h:o.e<

Pl :)".1111 ~~f:t:, ~B.1Jbadt" 'N~J e Rburulck earn. ,hllltlQ! 1m. g"\~[1 ",Uk :1:1, go,r; ".t\t1 ' -~oif"J!t1' ,i'I~, [pJlJ:PlIi' llIll ~:S' ,[iulI:IIIll, I tootl'k :flllliil:" lllrn 'i@ ~~8\\'e wle H. 3~ fo':r [dJrl1kW1J.


'the ~olrQ Dame.:PUlrdiu!2' b~nl i 1m ,111!00I Oiol' ~u' as I th 0. IUJ. :h" - ~a't.a;nd.·dlJ' flg~t. It wu :p,r.e-ttY 'm~oh O:f' a d1efensIVra: ha;U:le. ':\.f:~ ~t"'ht w~ s:. Stlh[~,:r:'ll5e i!ia~e@ both. 1j!'luiltJ, \~.e't'e S'Qpo!il2'd to· fle.V,1!i if;J[''@.m~ndllliil;1 ofhl'lI1,s1w·e snength.

My :!OC:~Uill::El tell :m.c U],9it B,:rowm a:nd Bror::''k tM'<e 'twJ!P1!;bSl'ds: '01' ,Pu!r .... d~te ,- of{eflBI2! bu:t t!l'!i!l!:~;' ·",~rej'.e; :50, cr'L_ :(ille-d U1I8: tb,~y oou.ldni't, ~:'bQW tl1e~!W W!orM'fIiII. fo~. Take tw~ !!!lee.s llk!! !'liS: Q\lt. of. ,ilIJilY Un.eull,t; and 8h,:JI' Ia:n. kl1l.'lJ'WS ' a team i1I "'lP :agaha '~,

N· itb:~r i'iUJim. :fuoaik 'D'li8i1lY lC'hii~ !G~ and ill: appar-ently ,:vas Sag. pU"s kj,lC'~~M t'hat made .t.b~ dif .. · fMcn;me !n ·the !i!:hua] :S~!Jl'e· o-f' ,3 ·to,

o f'or t,tile Iri®1l, .

Wisconsln PQVjJed up wtt.b ·the· ,Idnd of ~ ,game t1h8't wm do ,it :ptLe,nty of good as 'far .ilS. g:,e.-V!l1'ID,Pmcnt. .:!\Il:Jf' ·the ~"lIJSQm J:5I con.ce:uilC'lll. Muq!,1t,e-Ue pr'(j!,\,~_d. ill :m:ueb ~trlI!!ni!!:~ Jl!'.f 'tiMn \'hiB ;a..dv:ance Hf)i)l1::m1 hld icn:tod, ,Hitliu,;'e",,~iI!:' ~ 'tbc' kd ' -E!r'S eked ut a vj!lllbOn" .9~d I!JIE'u:l:lJliIibtt-dJl' ]1 w 11 1m:pi(lO\~-C fa_!!jt f'mm JiI .. QW- fII .. li Dg'l!e 'Clb;' IIMfr.' 'fluJddlrcl or '£8'1110 y~ utlltll. L1.VO lIlliQ!Jt pl"(llm~' 01' l!iadlllis :liIi . JI.S·"~ .tm.aI ,~O:I'I. t\l! I:lrr.I,~te:dl tll~ ii[llfl1. 1,Ii).Dk.

It's Biggest Homecoiming for Gophers



, ,

Ex.' ra Pulice on 1111,

B ut ': eW A rrests A,ltl M,~~e

-" " '1'. IUi)'m - 'Ii,..L :l!.L I' .Jo-um ~ ~al' ''li'iftIt~r'

The HOlOloonra:ers wet~e pu:t.-.

, ··ar Oi[1 q uJtc ~ hoedi~")l i t 'the. h3yba 'u:s of the ohl : 1)1-[ nEl.a.pol's f - rmstead SilJ'tUooa)" :ni,bt,

Hurt~d li1eadwa~:I!G\I'5, nu~;itre~ Ii5c' 'hotl;;l, and 1I!).E:1:i1" b;,'ily,s Imdlllli"t :slElef'll Uri! li~.e .siDee N-~ Yld"'~ E· v {!.

,. III -*

In ,r~l:a":\ \1fO!L1is. th'! It!.iiDlJle~oila litG:mec.o.nraiJtg' "vas. .e. 1Inli;ii!! .:!lUcce -, '" And ''''IrI_!)u~ands iatmW!:!:ld lQOP ~,r5J1ii(!l~'" 1:.0 ~]eb·g.s.t~.

n sla'['~,~ F,rlday n,lgb t~ pillcd,

'~O:UiI]lent.!,:!irn m:r-Al'I!&h Y'c'Xte!..-ieJ:r ,all1d ,Jot .a., whale i>l IE!. pnm ,,~h@n t'he GOJl~un'S,. staJ~ ~i1li& t~gm, ibelglincl ,!i:I!:I''.h •. roU0~ 't\Gwn tl1i1;'!! Mem_of~:i}l ~adium gr.-idi'fiUill tot' .EIl. J~ ~o Ili v Q' t l"y avc~ {btl, 'vali i!l!ot 8104. '. ]ck'Y

H3Wk~lC from llowlli.

- 'II


'L AS'T s~ ~U..RDAY w,epuin·t,d o~t i~ 'r~,oo~, ~,ol_lnnns

·thatl 1f MniliIJlesbta d@!fe.ate,d,ka. m ltS !e.~ond game 'of the year .the el·U,c· \~r'Ollld h~, -, on the GOi]lh.!el~ Pl"Onto as t!h e N,o.. 1. te::a;m of ,1the natio,t\ 0.,1;"' aI;'t. ] a.ast one of. th,e, lo·p ~l'nes,~ wl th-,~n:t .a",~,atth'l~ addjitio·na1 rei urns ..

Welil,l' 'tJ:1c;r dldl. ~id~ed a.t tIUDJdo,lf.i. 1htoU,ptitt UH~ naU011. Ilie~ ,1!lT<i! iSOm,e. oomm!e'lil' 'S. ;a·bG.iUli'f;, the GoP iii. en !':ilJ;L~:e the), !beat 'Wall hn~

t,o,n I-nd N,e·b:l:'asilrn.:

1AJll. D:m ·,anzjg, NEW YORK T,u,rESi:

onve.r 'K'G"e(!hk~ ~11l 'tbe vnSC:ONSIN STATE JOO1\N.AL:

;[ 1Jluim - - O'ta b~ 'l'to.'I-YD the J,!eah?i!l, b~UiOJII_-lIe:n·t o~

liP 'iIl . iJ!1 !In 'lhe ICDmI\!0l'e:lite.$ '~bm .'378. wSrUt i!Ii. pm. Q~ :3 Jij,

:V~t ilD ~~\IR.':a!. efllfo1etIJ03' .!llnce I_ Ii y.eM.'.!

"UIn1Ie~t~ tbeg~Ml1y 1!5 IiJlekcii to 10 t~r.'4!!lIg11 tihii!ll 1I~!i).n 'Ilir'lideJM"kd. :~u,U ,"1m ~~lIe OiiKlU~D~ eban1!pW'B- ifti~'i! •. ~I'

bom. Kol1on,. L[NCOLN~ N'EB,'II' STA'It~:

~.h: iGi iilI p!Je1" _ j Iqm~k'e.dI 'by G - li)I'g. 'Danek, \\'ho ' ton-., ftrulh' " '",0 tiUri( e,'I1ii!rJCII!I in til'll -iii'frrnan>4!1)Q.CllIieil, ~fi6\i', !had '6'JF, WoJ:il .~ t; Dme dt .e31,lJ$.W :r -ii!:r~e !5ft.eIngtib, tba !ji'li,cJ~i8 !elmi n

Sec Talof', DES MOH(ES, R'lEGJSTlElR:

iI.;;,lllo~ :B~e.l:'milH1l ~1'&1fC1l!1~~]iJ- :j; P!I!:M;, ·o.lfl·ctt I,v,e ,tum IliD 10'0', - ~ IG:ifi!'D>1:'W~ ~rn;~k :I~f b.1I ~ii:J1";e, 'Dd lw.t Iii, IlilJIod ~Ilt,~ '\"Iriltllil, '~h'i! Ei(!Iw.. b iJ\Y' gili1 lblil bene'lru.

ThO ct'tltwd:& 'UJIl.~·lIn]t I oolt (i/ll;~er t·tile 'Ioop 'I] Q~A;d'5. :ti"·~tall!,[,~fIi'lJ.I_l' 1C!!IL~1l'S 1!lt ·:;tm, ea[11~ .hD.w.=. 1"h~Y :rljJU~d hv.o] • po i!i :&:POi!:. '111i1W!1!J~ly Ie-V(!!1rY t· n."'rCi aJl~ In t'ble eli~· was lrLffi;f (»n;. liDUC!f!lJlSb",.

Md, so '!i)fjJ. 'These are tYDi,cnl (lommeniLs t·ro:ro c'!t.":n'Ofll! wh~ b~, eem, the Gopbier5 tn D!c:tiOin. 'l11Cl\'e l a de"flnl tic! . '",nUl::: tJo the· '!! ba.nt'l:wqliiD. In fac,tfl we'ire airatit some !,1Wni 'be· ..aushed !R U1Je' 'rU. h :Ii.! M'Iiie 'GV'JlibC'Ji'S ;IiJ.Q~ld happt:1ll! tOI tslke IOllllo Sta'toe·.

Am !l! w~~dl, maloe'S It :pre'tt~· 'fMu:g;n ,~r.!J, lillie. GQpilll'i3'l'S t~'bmtl;h tbeaf s1N l'ceJ:lll; g~l1W~ '':fPlESE .Fo:ES 'WILL D,E ,CONCEN .. nA.T,mG, Ol;it THE mERlIN ,CR('i\V'Dm· AND. 'IaA:r ,mN-'T


T.Ih.esiit sx::ribes. Dli!lil be e~B!Il, led 'O'l"rerb@lIIrd ·b.eCB,use of Bh:::rman'ls: i;flpu;t.a:t'lom:ll, fo.r cdm" , ,up with wtstanuril-; m;BiolilJiIj; 'T!u~1 ~1'TY 'I)011i:t hls t.G~, .,. ,]mthei" thte:te· 15. tlu:t s1Ilghtl- t mdJl,ea'tiOTtL t~LiIl,t. -:~ 'IllS prtJrl~g 'o!!;;, JltO't" A oou:p·],e ·~·f 'wllillJS UkD tJil.e Gepb:e-rs haV'€I1 !a®red ah."eady J:5< 000 m,ac'1iL Qf a t;emJtatt1olllJ .~iI)l" 'tJIi,e, Q:lilM·es.


Ilo-t to teike a ,ilyer on ~hillm"ll,

~ "h' ."

-' , ' d 1- Q,:_L", IIi!i

- ,_ ", ,,_,.,-, I' '

uck, An .sp:u.

b I· [T:

Foot a .,ea

, ..


'." I 1_



Ex-ertl nneso _8. as Nation' s Best,

ICo,rn,sU Is Second in. As siocia-t.e.d. Press Listing

Bl'f ~ Rnm

,NEW YORE-UP~}l[b1." l1@SiO'taii, GoI den G'~:rphersji levho, li!oinJ\ win by much, bu·t ~OJ don: , let that stop ,thea

irom ''In::ming,_ g.a'ined an-

I ,o.theI" clQlSe {Ij,ec1S1b:ml - od.a,y by-

" pa§in~' CorneU, 'lcs the eo 11'" trt~, No.1 footbaU team~

After, eo.r.neU llJadi, beellli OJfl to.p : . or' ,~Ul" :fg..ce-i1l".sSIIw· w.eek_lI; in. Uu~, ,Auodnted Pr.~ ~~klDS p®>I~ tb~ ,: we :s.w9II1fi - M:tiDne.S'a.t-a~s "ray' tnb week. ,a..s .55 ·Ii)Uit ,!f I,d! eNp.etU ,f~(lni!. mS!_~t tOi CIi1iftS-t p'liI Minnerou. at ·tb!!!l hmd ot the' lls~ ~nfj ~lIfC OUICiC" SJllU~ tlJie h_~o;r:s ,Bm·D:IlQ: :M'iliImIe-' i!1!Qmm Coi'II,eM and. 19~U)t~ ·t4P 'telllm,.. 1't-ai5 A~ :mlo( M.

T1b-~- Ihflj'~D p)iIlfid [0. tit ti 'Qrt1_~ -- l.mreso~ .' ,ill ,,11th 1,81r, IUIl'mt:s.~ £Igrne_tI, YC9ud \'Iti'ii6b I ,~·GV = tffii~ A" .105- thtr,d ,,,,ili11'i, 1,202.

FQll~;tJ~ ,~aee we:Il' - to ,sttm: Wlilil " ,omb' otl1fl'l' wrnm m 1;1011 m-9rE' Uiu I~OOD p~~n~ wiUl. I,DS!

'. .' ,!!I!.

TIl.- ,ace p;rnmiise:.5. tOI 'be is..'i ·do~e

'@.If' (ltUEl'l" ligllt dow~ '00 th wJin .. fD.l" eSJ,ch <of thll fO::1llJ!'·pB.ll»set .e~ hSlS: t.\~O gmn~ ,t·e!! ~etweg ~t ad] a .' ~r.'ec1: :9)etlSO\n,. ancJ .. th.ey ,iJj!'Q. t·lli.e lYle at g,j,lmie;ii iil:l w:Jill-cll, 'it':be'l" 1!;!m/fi,'C, lBffo.l'ld to 'eKS' up.

n@ Si-utrwng (pOlmt:il figu.~dI !ltD '1 I)'!}..S.'J,.e-, ,et4.. 'tiMis.. I.~rstp]aoo voitJes ma ,- Jith.,~) ~:

x-:~um~ ·C~i'il •... , .u~""" •. l,'a1~. ::~'Clm a n~ i'" _~ ••••• , •• ", l,'iNl4Ji ~. '., _II H. (iJ,t~~ •• ~ ...... ":I!,'2;(Ia, t.-s.. 11ifQ'~d. fll'2J' •.••.••.••••.••• Ii iii .h1. 1_ !i-Tii!Jl'l:IIl!!E - (2) • ~ ~ ' •.• ~.~ ~~ ." ."" •. ,. '~\E',~

'e----:Mh1,i!iR~ •• , , •••.•. , •• ,' ~ 11"'." , .'... • ~

if _ ;N~IlC'll!l 'D liD'! ,- •• '., '''' ...... ~ ...... ~ ., •• , .• ' lj;;!IiL

, _ -tOI:l ·!i::bl I!!ID 1, ••• , "in_""~,, wo ••• 1!I'I8.~ !iI~~' cww.l!i .' , m .. ' ••••• ,,~ •• ,~ ~ ~. •• S5:~.S

IG=.NCll:th,,,,,·~ tlHin " ... ~~ ... " •• " ••• ", •• ~ :;tiljl

• S!!..coflil "r:I~l'l-Ni!itn·,B;~. ']31,5;. 3,~-

p-lik:tl. 2), i!illl~ lG----~r~~~,. ~; u-iU~· b;m • :;I'~ Il:l-:Mba1u~Jlj!1 oS '.Ii)!'. 2.... :U....,.

- ~~ C' • U! ; ll:i:, fillT :I ~i(it!fSlqLpp'~

I ~nd. W.iUlt!1I g101t, t " I< ,(11 = . t=-lD-lif!i1i>4

:s.,l!Iki. l' ~ I;lli 'rl!iil"~ilfi. Ji'!!Il1It .B4:a. &r!~, ~'I]L~h-~m 'Ml!~IlIt, .i' •. ..m.

AUQ. ~.iUlr .. ' .. ;Ld'-..;~s :~\, 3;, OfLtMt:!1I!'I!!!-. ~ i

.,.~ fli R'I!>i. ... .. ~ U!ll,.;U .. ~Q~lTIiIMI'!I1"i _ ., .. ., .. 1io








l(]irdillatiolB and. &rn101othnes. ~ M d h.e '&oas 'W;, ee'iIl IJick~ dl p,liet't,y c'ommtenitly as an all eonier@nc1e tack1et with oue more yeaz 0 g0 ,'0'1" f'lie bilK' aU .. Ameri!C811 ,:,§y.-o:ff',1

Ta.'ke o:tb,el" eases: ,Judd RiIJJge(r. Y01LllliJJ£ and. imma·t;ure w'ho was held back :f'0;l" ·fundaltlJ3n·taUy the same. re,llon.:s and .reaIly

Jrod uesd this ye,lll'"" ,,~GICU;~"Ol1 .Pa.&~~ka:1

-:' .:I • -].- " , Pdl 'm'.'II:." i'i

eOlf.'reiSpriOn~mr y ~iD.U~g • '" I.' ~~'. ,Jj.,d!~Jt~Bell! II'

])ratty much olf a skanger' UI1'tIl .Jm:.e came fbd'ng' thisl ye'ar ~ I ii, B·ob Rollin l", s~aU ,liUl.d not so to b egin 'with~ wh,o buU·t Wp 'b lS rld'jL'eleti1'1eness lb,y emphasis, on, sm:utDleiSS ~ .. '!Ii G,en,,! F~liekJ alcn;v a,t tbr€ start bu'&!r ,orpping with·ce neees-

,m Uri, ,~1lQ J\ -. . ,- I. I.JolI'

FootbaU nla)"lel'S sQlmetim-,- ue bOf'll II ~ ~ but m,o - ': often tbteJ' arem ad,e ..

,And 'tor tha:t ha JPY naracterisU,c' you. ean ,attribute. mu,cibt rOlf Bernie .Bierman ~Sl

footbiil]] c oalew~g SUlCC@i$Sl. .

Take the easi~ of Ge'O(f:le lrraDlek., He w'a-sn.iI'~ rea>(;l, aJj ,a ao,·p,:ho(~m.o!r\e" '\1t:as: la·~ .. dl, a ,ny•8l" a wa,f If. tl.~d did ,2 ye,ar; 1lenlilil,e's with ·the::E: m.led;·llaRi~1 .JBQm bers, lie wimd.SJ up thls )llea\r as an ,:Bll-Ame~,e:a.:h"

Take' 'th.e ;ad~ ~ d. ease of U:rb·,~·Il, Ord-SOfl., b~l-tremen OJrOU alJ big-sttlo,ng a~d w.i11- inl' aLi a ,somhoIbor,e, but lad{img' m co-

:1 _

_ "'y- r····

. ,

. . ' [



~ - - -,' ", - .


.. .. "' .. .. *


16-6 Michi'an


Tn~ m:i;e :fadDg' eo «{lU ~fII UlI.e kUJ~lh qliJl:rur~er. when I,{'edde Mo',I]~ an··We; 'em qllU!ir~ t!ll:l"l:!ack, .grabbed a P'l1l'n,t ad ~~e:nt (Jrveir lJlm' GO'];ih'mi'oa:1 =- ilJIIi1~ :t!:cllilcbed md ullopj)~sed. T.t.ti!! um,I:r.e.'.s hlD.rni m:a,.~1_ 1'!l'I!i;ilDd,~d f,o:r. ,81, penHl)' ,aiFIrll !4']J~mln ,od. 'Gold pla;y.el'J!, made ti'te' mis' 'ke at jl:l~t :Statlfd:ifl .' atOllUld! M([I! 'wa' cltblg M[:"~ Moll roll, a_1Qng. fif1ll~ljl the 'pl;a;y 'Y-I~l~ be. topped!. 'That. has:.,i!:n. ,8, e~S'tJy' thing ·to (10 l~g. ln~fur~ tnb ,gar~~, ~It\d tODt!5 8JltJeTWm:iffiS. '

But dJr:ltma ",po :f!tQt, thl"Cliiugl1 toU!eii'ln .. blS game' 'wlth ho.~n I

'f: ~ e'~'. '!O.~ I Blg~m, 'r~ill :ln~eF-




BIY_. :BAI·.(. So· IGQpbern Sl!I!1dJ .Badge'IS 'l\~ok it pr-otes!t'~. .and It was. uJh~l(jJ.

(lI~' 'I.IMI S~Miaj\~~ln, ii!l'llf[flll. :B~)l'f jndo(lif;s~j~liQl ~.Q. HaU o.f Fcot,.. 'Th.@fC l'llM 'b;lt~!llll' f:eelhill ,dt?~.r-

Csmp It. ndaU nella, down .In ban ::r'a'l!I;n~'.thLs and lcaP~. pill®·~em lto.~J!I.~

M.:Bdlso·JI~1 Wis~illl. 2'~el ,Jillnd [C!:Kffl"-'D to G' mil w,e1d l'ed, a do 'eil:1ni'nJed e:l~"'b 'Ci'D

!C.alill~ R.mdau. tie·ld Ol!'ll a. f~e-nr 1~~'OIbJb t:bb garne. 'Il).l ... ·~e.U1,bBr' tJ!u::' 'coSltetl tll.d~

day i94111~ ~.pb. Capmm a :!lta.~mc.. 1,8itll .. 19U. I'n'U!6t :tID'ij:~ :fO'.I't'fv{I;,r .i'O!1i' It :had, :S:RO'WOO Ib'i~. ·t:he.n

tng humam 'icb:~e foil" 90' ,YaJ!L.tIs. 'thOle. '""ihgl ~·w .i.t '(Ui" '",'Clm'~ cm~ ~'fr:ilZie;'1ll. ,mmTtl, qJij, ~be s:heet 0.:1' ~Cle:

. l:mnesota m,s.dde:nS'd ib1 the I n::l1,t :foo,'flll, ~ 'B'DS of ·t:b. ~~'.\\'bt~b. wes :r1.'lade fClf bockey·~

loss El'f E~l'le f;~~e-l'j'f!!,g'" ;mo.'ptiUn 1'li1l1mE!lSO'~ '"'os; .1l8.\lin,g !tillE!' tO~ R~]ph capron '~ook Ulle Ol)emlil11~

.11111 .. :-- fUi Uuwk. ;at the B·a.m· u.s: lilest s..'$IlS!:U'l!S. with Jl(!sey tj,ekofJ ruull i(l[:r:n..t(]d ]OQge ~ ziB"

([,,5 bece.j1J~e the,Y ·lJt.,aid 'pI'Qllt!~t'ed, R05e:t1.'W,aJld Ill, wki:!:'] i:ng' del'V~$l1. om '~~' l"ltll of 9[[1 l'1a:rds. tl1l'im\lgh the

P~iclker]f'IIl Ot1l grcn.ljidB o.t :rn;o.:Ie~ R'Uack. Eli pot1indin: p~,wurcuer lefit'il'e Wi:01i1sillil t.1!~M, ,!jl Il -h~.

SlJODa'U!sm aJild had :milliide, U:: s,'tiok~ wh!Ose' ddve seldom :h,.~s been. Ilud. uinb(j,]d~b1e' '. ; ·on!!! ol' 'tbe

A" '~"''W d!ar w.l]~mJ1 bJt to '~TQ'lU:' e,~QJ1edl b1 ~ :bBbCk lmeLnre' ,or snowflakes.

~~I" ,and 'mt.ock,ei 'the :!T.iiU- ~nc~. 'TA'e Go,plterll"1 ,came u..P . :~I . Ibm . mila- bad " .. Rd. ~. IWrt,

'~:[Jef], S:'PO:t!. ,fo.r.' :be'Jm S!i!!, l!ll!'m!13:- I tli'l' !Bad'·er teo.1Dit1ls!l:. ,R f~'V(lfi:Ue' T1_h"llfY' 8..]],(110 Ni D is IO~ Om

ilMn:lto.' 1m pl~e~ II~Jt. ,(!la~OD~5;, Bilild. tni . caplam, Pii~:egbg' WBs. Oi~!Dimg 'Uftbtf. B11it mw .B~II'



.-......-.·ounc·ng R-_'ecord Is




1!ln D'.IIIJ'Ii;'IIiI!'_ -.lL'W,L, .u., ~Ji!lt:& D.!I'ILI.i!

01 ~1l1I ,s~.;rQl!IlnI!Bi:I ~ I lU~

Tw,~, f!Jqj,]~:51o.j OiOOutiiiflllg' m two ·c:cessivc' week,Icnds.. 1'(I~ked! 't~he B.ig· T.l@:Il1i confe-r, w.orld 'In l'9l1!S as it-,!itlJaU we· illY' Re"~ biu been rock Ii 'bgf'!i);[e JQ'l' sInGe.

PAl Ilin·fso '. too,kpa;:rt m ~@~'h..

In ~.n,' I\I~~'f~ ("sora, . ,'iB.1!I d~'~ n~.ll1.'itled ~ ifill b1lu o:thli!il' Die 610- :p~e'r'!5 "'lief\\\' Ut·· i1ul!Ti\1\d~:r k~~ to tb. rst-al's"

The Gophel",s had f,aUe:n 'be'fioJ'e' :s ob ZIAPiil<e, ern" :m:UJ,nolBf ,ijli'lll9 as REll".mo:m and J11c11~~~, fW'~m ~'Y 14. ·te, & Oiiil a ,MY "~llM BMit M'~ G@mool" had pEUlded BiBll't :ks~ t@!:I!. S.tei1r.'~B:I'1l ,6!i~d :p~, Clar.k _1)1 ,d.oil.~ their dumde:s.t. The gamb.'e~ '~ad lioIH[iI1;!ll'sotf!J .~.vOMd by 40" p@mts. M~llIin~$lJta ~o t.

So. th-e iI1l!):t 'W'CiI}k~81mcil R '~11JUt,VE~ ~I~~

* '* *

M.11tQ,!!c~t8, p]a;tcd 'W~eoomsID,

c;er-t~ a sbi:mg!2.f' t~.arm dU[I~ ~ tl. I .. ..~i t· .... "'" : nil: . 'IJL!! r-.epuJ1l" camJ~p'I~'

the OrIllP ,md :m'ill! IQllllln01&


MinJretota pll8yed UU!' Bl.!ti:e}er8 '~_l\

N·o·rt!hjJ:!·O:P' F~ 8!Jlti -Y~!l t~ abo"u.t bq-UMlng llJaek" here wu

thJ.e ori 'i~w 'OOl~flCe-l' ·tbq: O:f'~m;~al India, nlbb~r te8.!I!R w~~liCh bilU!n~, hLSh e~CllUtl.ll.'to. G'IId. au suooeedmg bOWle:eS ..

l'II!~~A. BEAT WDCUN~ aN B 1'1 TO ' ..

* "

TlIlis W,d a MtlLl'y'{',loli,[Js m.omeJ1t

fol"Mwru::sQt:a i.a:ns. .[or Oouh ·Dr. H~'tiU'1! L, W~1U9Jl'liS, fillEr :ttl:@ liays who .piayed amd f~ 8t8:I''9, who.l IStet'fr-etli on Un~;l ld~OOr,l.c tel['orai!lfl. Amd de yOUl! IU10\\v tl!Ulilt a eOlll,ple ot t'ke 'Do,s ~U) t'iilat 'warn stlili al'e arplne; I:tl~.t a lI.":!:eftaLn 'play'?'

• • •

Thel ~~gln.rilh-t1 W;9iI~i sk old

'I!l eft Ei~to'r;JJ, the &Ui'brtlm·aUv,e ~! 'WaS ISw~~rnng to lUt-Amer.lca~. :ll1o'r.llof:f) and! at tb~ :sttlilL~t of ~(!: seco.nd halt 'he gJ1l,'bbe:d tl1~ :iBaa... gel: kickoff and l'a,~d '~he length olt tli! It!! fi,~1d for a ~ll;U:jl1d.oWli1~ :He .had, bJlbcklng·. adr. (!:ou~e. 'lSu.'Ii:. ta t:lihi ~:my'; Ul!!J(1'\e ls; It d.ead~)' l@~ui ,I'aglpg 'betwee~ G ~rin Hau .. leI and, IC~·n Ekl--Ullild ~ve~ wb~ch 'D'lte h.e~,el mOlt t~ c]earm,g ·th.· wa" .An~ tlIie w~l;V Mr~ ~ wonl! .9Jbe" :In arit, sdtJie· i:t" 'f-it-her,. rl1~ WillS ,iEQlr' m. yuXlis, WJ; Jwcd. #0 Bultm !13L' anlother SC>illI,:a;.el ,Joe Spra:Dt.a:, ShliiJlrf;y' :l!..tGng·, Haroldl UIll1S~ ·PM,kt!!r.' /Ulde:rscrtll." W,EIlllt, HaierteiJ olit~ ][ea.V1~'mSi aU-1 ·ftU:mib~l'· Ql ,rro~Dd,., gafi.n;lft!' I @l"OfJ'S 'O'pgtrated beh~nd. B!!!tSIllOlll, FJklilifll, Ma.yE(V ~ Tii)l.:\~[I2:Yl :Sin,c'la:h'.; 'Wl~l:li, H~ c DSO:Jit ~r:'t!ll!. t~G'" 'tli1I~!;. one', an ol'l Hii,lll," :oo·r, m Idli.ln: a, and. Bucklel'.

.M • Bu.cld!GY ~s IlO·";Y c:eaehl'tlg fj.'l Ely~ ·'!.~'lrI~e ~e O(it:M~!Om;Qny 'l:akies ehoirs ,aJHll"t, Vllew' Carl~ ;Eliilll1'l~, Vb f.t~3t oi Kinl,gs:tQ' rueo Itdflpetl . I~ow'ui in t11,e l)acktleJd as t~e M:aroQT:t aiDdi. Gold :PtliJrA'ded m, aJtl fiYe~r g]~~

*. *; !!J:

Do ::V,OQ ·tllbk· it .Iilts ill ibollD'ee.ib!lWl£'?' 'NeU, ,ji u . t :liI"Dl(f,J, tbo 1I_&tkts: :llihnMdCiJ" plnMi ;121 ' ud'.!! !Jig I'IlI IlIDI a~n!B: _, m!MItIJI ''J1'lIl&T'i'~FIVB Fml!i1r DO\VNS, (i(lmJ,loted .. ,E\fEN 0.-: 0 BIB'I".EEN

PASSES 1'0\1' 'UL J'8!r_. f.\iI~. G.on,s.;bl made 'Dne :1m' d(il.WD .arul ~, lenn ,.m:. b, ns'IiIIlI·.liI

TAliS 'WU 'tlite· lJ!·lUM.e bowu~ng reoo~d,

ceptm a Ml:nne'so' a! ;pa~~ aDd fi iiI.aJ 1.Y' b!ll:1'111 forced. O'u,t of blO~rnilis by e'~1i\ Fl'illl'k . 1rI the FOUR

OOT Utile. And t'he-A 'th,(u;!i!! mleiJ'l ro,f lJ,tIJIllii>eS'lIIhl 'pllJJn1Jll~d U::J!! dQP't s. of gatn!e'n,e'~ ll'flIItlJ, 't'h;rew bac T' "bo Badgers' ~u~t aJ'l 'lb!e .fJ.~aI 1Wl.

Ama~ ]m!L1D~e;- ~ iknl ,d _1'1;, ,dlQpl'~ the fee-ling ~jm:liO\fe tcbb It _ 1 l~ 'W8~. dl!'dlJ" .p'llg\t:d ll~

"olh :-ildCI, !llJ'tiil Bm1_-'e\1' ,1l'II4

601'Il.elr f'lmier'''' i!1_s:~d \~o' IllI'gIlM': _'. co.t:· InHiD Mp\.

.il. ~: ..

I.. .·S ,Ii,ee.. 1911. Tba,'t lYalS tho ~~.aI1.' 'Ii 11E!D. Doc \\1Uli.8IDUI" :st;a r.l:In~ ]1iI]C!lt:ll:~ 'us:Ula[Jy ~l/ie'- t Uktr U'JIi -eJllds. 'I1ob:~n .a~,ulll WaJlUnder; ta.oW\tSt RobliilSDlil q·cI Fr,~rw.;-., ,par-ds. ,snrrU:h .ed. F:D'l .... er;; ('Jeri! 'bi!f.'. ~lol'i1:'cU: qOIIU'-f;'!l!.r.iilla.c:k. CElli)' to/A. l'IIallbac'ks" SU'II;.'l!!J!JS: and;fiwj.j~., and fllllU 0 ad\t .. P,ichel"· b'ig.

- - -- - - - - - - - - --

.y II4:lSJl.lY lULL .•.• HA_'Ef BALL the da.v. Bh'}["maa'f:s armd Glen Seoi·.

01 "lr.Ju! !3~;!Ilflllr~:lBil ~fKirtl iSt'~U' ep1ilSle' ~t!ed tile' SCDI'El' '8'l GI,! ',Ui!~ f!iM.r.'-.l~!iLJiimii!l SflQr'bJ ~re.r':s:.. ThI:at Pitt t(!lm must b

:n.'s ,8, ~:s~ sc~oitll'l 'mowj t;bie Cal':., &.a]~ ,Q:nd, lb;tOll~'h a" .fiLtmi~[!" ba.d! ,Dr." Jo.~k Sl1lithe:r.~a['n:i 'lro[ln~'eCi 'UlilJi .. ~'lII'ijjili"riI, tl!o"'IIWfL. ,A,.1Ild .. Ift. iiS~ Am.d, tn. l'fl.'e'

n,sle lmdi&n ln~ti~llte. bllt. It .li!·ved to. have· :.five diOrWilS. bum:i~ t'h.e· i~e \IliJ'rsJ t ' of Pi;U:5'®iiJ; IlL footb3!lfJ 5ecil),~d halt;, Mllil1l1!esota ·'I;'t~~nt· ·W

hl l!!iI' tlej:1jI 30 :yeaf'S ago" It 'Y'~l(\d ]ID1!li to Ido U .• M.d, thfiDi '!f,"'he:~, eeaeh, t]rrre\ .fljD. WJ:Ull.S~e.{I fOrI' 'D!lUJ r wo.r·];o.

lived lLn 1IDl.Ii.s:tn.,~ :fI.O'sh! t'tLe lllle rGl!J"'.b~rs fiN ed irn~ the 1'!S'~t1i~, I t '100. ,.,_ f. .... s, .•. '* it.

o i'IJII'In';~.r:ti. ~lJe' S-(!}II.HI;l"l!2' J m -l'!.. Il,IIUl!liC~I. 0.'. l;,;I'I.P 1G'.'. _- l'rllilf!.A.·'", iIo' .Ib.· t I""t. 'H" ''''0'''-

g :Jc1anee 0;, &I, Gt!lbJllJ1l <-Pop) Wame'l" ~ ~~~ :Y'Ol'li, hB!d thls ,pe-ocJ a.erl,~& car· .JllJ Jtcr .!.G!'!r n S ,fi:]'i .t!u ... "" II. ~.

and it ]"~'ed \0 plRlUe the greats ~isle ,18Ye~ KNOCKED' THE, REF~ ~:~Q;8P:.a::·~.~D:b~r~:~:d i~e. g:'C~~ peclQ~ tltu:,~ S~Y' 1.aR~e: OIl a punl

and u(!ar-'iI'I!I:'11U:s ,Elimiiilng U;re' v)" EREE ·no~., ~ ''t,q_u rcJmsed ,. .~... • I' . "'- . .-11 • . , ·.·D 1 't'CcepUo:n. Lnlt:q,ce fumbled aDd

L - ~ i2-illill ylle i!'Vl I: OOaCIL't:'I.J \1.~ tke i['" iJli1.- ,.g .. " ..... '... 11, . .' '. . . .. ~ . . .• ,,,,," T!ll. fl,

.e'ague, UllE!! B.lg TQ'll and all tJl'ili' &om '~!f! R:I:m'.lC·. rJH~ Ul~e :put L'i) 111 - Ii r.! 193'11 d·:h t . I nlilll.'!.;.n L--airSO.n l"'!2£o~~r-e(1 on Il U ,g71 ..

Tllfanv' o.f ftJ! :f.-'~.' dk",_U' 'U!.!IA .. 'I'["l·.""_-. f ....... "'r A"" ,jI!h.".,. 'III"'f'I, i ~;i .. ,,",[!! of. f 'ith!!ll :ruCi]d, _,(lof' rJga' e '[if l' . . iij:1Jj!. ~"Ig. r' I' 'lielrl!!' 12 KClfl'l:Jr~ rI;::.I.\Hmlu:IiJ:ta,(!,ed 'lb flD'li.I 'P'1lI

II' .vw!':'!ndJ~ "'1",""", III ',,,A.RD . .o:-'I!!!O , Yell. _~1Io~'" .III .•. ' .. IoLII&IO~~ ,~. ,.' __ .' S'Lu'hel'lafIJd lUl'!i~i~$I'i':l1 .~~, ];H:II'td MJR· . I' .... '_ • ~,l. ' ..• ,' , ~,

rG~:ne aile ~, Jmt Tho ,p'. Us. J"O)~. Ig\l" 'W~gltl, ta.e'U.cs, pd, tll~ nO!b~e ~ ~SL ne1iiol.:a Its. '\ilig~t ~\Lgiry, lI{!,c8:use r t~~ ]31lLC',' ~Ug :Lll'l1Id .- ~ I ~mn"'tI :~d,l.

'GIlY@:H, its A'IiL1ih:l ,O~ -8, ·Bear. . Its GAINS... ~m:'~, wen-.t 'tlle·~[1-t. They Wte"1'!8' ,8, UA neiSolla 's 1.3.,7 i,1']ClO1"'I.I'1 IilVel:" [file 'h1!l;lIlliEl'f J\!llr!~' ,it.! fCn1I!ilg' (1, rH~;l, and. U

LUUe '\Il"wJg, SOb'W Flt,oe fJJltU::Il km.. • .. 11; lO~d, tooloolil UI~ 104 thJ~ ~am.' men If~' 'E!' Gohlen 'J!':~t ,t1gJ.~ eer- ~a.s :fo .. n:U~ ifUlrQ two ili~, Lh'e; f~tt 22

Mea eo~orlUil ~uills. ClilIr:Uslc, Pa," Mr.. iIljmr.B1Bn and ~u 't:l!lehoys (If! 'wUb" Qtu." ,gaan.Ol. t, tbJ\f.: ~~ Lahihi" ,VaB. ,8 Mar'V's,]olJ,S' 'J.i,!ro.~~flt", Alid U_~a AUo:m;.@ t~ok ,tliiii:' 6aU Ion

~s ust amo' el" to'\~n~, bu·t j~. will, be moo'llestled. m 'th1s. . ',()o: ~:[llDg 6(l'1WD'tb_e; Beld inlt .. · whe'II, I WM '!2l~:Jr1N ®ff a ~ lmy OcLober ~ f~k ' ~ ... ~1I,Jiller ~,. .,~~st~a. star~~ lOOSf..=...-.. ~m,ft:trme3.o'la. L"rled ,F)FTEEN J~~s the gam,e @lu)ed; '[_ke 'Y.~U_y lmi~ that MbilltU~50f a lliIIL:i'chcd OJ'lJ Pitt;. 1O ~he f'llb_:.§~ •. ~~. 1!J~d eom~~

The, I~dlilUlil, had. Jost b~ UtO,t dar amd OQi'r'IPIETRD' I EN. ,do.g' 'Gop~~ , '.''fNi . '0' wlUlki :Slx :m~es ~~ r.rll! ~nt(\i, 'tIu~ iSfmoke lamld ,atOi) h,e a.t,. h~;_;. vccre~ hn;Md. __ lI.ELrr~, ~~~Q. r~hmmp!,om, JfarvM-d EiJmd t!,ed fj\'ighC ThEtt wow.d, bring J~~" to 'TCiU':s ,ot tile' Cft.'r'li'&1e _~~d. lillU '~ha~ 1ll(U1Jl£~ 'PI'tt.:s'b\lllgh'.s ~pa.. ,sU~l!I'Flrer! f\lD.1!' _ the w.i!lc~d~wrt.. Bi~1 ~,.l",,""'. MilI:meMM IWJ l~iI'! bean rlllht _, Yilt ilere It we Fin' moille 01 ,tile pnlS tliat :rep'" ~IOI<5 '''''''I!_mi im<l roarljlg 1~l)t.b.dl De"llln l<icl!:..:1 goal ani! It;va liI~

'tn Wt~~flsl.n 0:0[[. , Cb,~~~IIA' 'had. -d_p,e, ~w'h!n 'tl~e ~Qss. WBiS :n;evr-.fa:fJIo UiI!@. ~ph~(E'~. ]IJ[icdl 11:' wl~,-PeUI I eJti'll1.u~iMrw" 'W"rn~i!rs I~a]nc· fmro QV~1iI "-,. ,- . ' < .'" . ,- - 1-

Ibe~:te:n Lawnnc(l! O:[Ij~,y 6 'to O. And I~i "w'@S ~.eDlit1ill1 riiU!i~ anlli :mot I t~ and Rad,4;lil1;l8ieH!ell" Silt I~ne:; J11ISlal' la.'ma lin,", "or thQlIJ.[,g'h; U~J!Sl t.\l':&S Talla.t \". M n.. N(i!thilrnr~ Ilt'otlbtGil .s~~1P

I.~en, on. No:rt~OP:1 'Fiel'~~ 'W']fIriJllI~ the 00, be, cqg~lo:nedl.~r_.b-lG tOIlg,hmelill F,iU'DUB'i aLQd y,e\lns; ,Sit Uiltld.e'l::' Ol:il~'!f t I to !iI,eoo~d ~\J." "'hird gan"!le. o[ It11.~ ~opiu~[~ ~.(nt\l~ AJid, :from mid·

lnd~~ ,ba~ ,f1elii.~, .. me, ,fOir~~ i!fA;1i.b ,m.arMrEss ,hJJi]!MO 8., Ro.s.enwrutll ud 0. ![illDd; tn" . SC8.5o.n. ycm ~o1il~ sc~'IiSe' It .fSii;!1ld. Kost~a iiQ:u:lll. stu_mbried, ,and

~~ i~ ~J~i;8.i\re ,d~f~'fdsO~ __ It, .lIne- 'ill iii: _ Snftorrd e-e'1lter; ',' .' GO'V\8i"n u~. A:too , ,rnJ'ld be UH." c:]assiIC' rilli. rttU~ dla't 'thE" t'o~~ _ bi!f> ""l~y :JIft ~I:l~' ,ilc'Hl.5ta:Un.o'

~ta. ill, 1~6 SInd 19li1l1l .. ,8. newborn kmso,n. qiiJartedm.c; J,~pstcm; win'--,er, ve!L7 liIkli!] '1, w10uld :I'Oar Ofli . mash f;OI' 11 ~a1X'ds. 'Th,l!fII Lu:n:d

Glphell leam made ~ Isto:rl'~ (l'oughiin Mld Hubba:rtlr. hu1ve~ ~d 11.0 ~tiofial ho:~(!!'.;. ~lld ,Alfons, pric.ked U'(JI sJ and ,I'

-: [an;lQ~nd pt tUM, * * :til WR5---:-~C!.!I:rtli1 dO/WIt; f!J)'U1" to ~o cnl

. .' r' k- , .'~~ 2. D. T.he.Y,··re;, "s.U!Ila; .'~:aJ Idng ,a,'b--on,:r

la' .,: .. '. _ '-'. Ie. - I ' ~fi~;~=~g~:. l';!~:~,~~~~ lll~' pl~ f.~~t .rD~I.QWT~d~

Bppkflm •. It BOVrB!!IiI~~' _ ~J.':liglli1, '. -* *

, lfulAl.fGMi;'l' to 'rlly,&(]Ie ttlilit! .P~Jil·' Nosl'ka took UJ:(!i baU ,Sind lMe:r-

'tl1i .- 1M, \vb.'~J'e .' ,l\I:t!!l!d 'e;. a~oo 10 SeiC!el~ wlil:o \'l 10f'

Itic_Han :lWLd ",-.~ e!D1b:aull .aD/A LilI! . d"iUI!Ii'Udili1 ' wld~ ,to Uta r;~ hit,

11 e~niflt:ge'k and . "Wc'k i* afid 10:i \!11:f Elltd ,&"11 T'~11i.n~r Um-, 1 g get

I,.B;U1~ :1ID,il ~ :ULJljU, '('0. 'mJ' 'H:on .hn till'" clear'", Pl!Iif. 'took tll.c' !S~oomil

IIJr11IDy ;8, ',a'i\f. 'l\lfnme ~Iira Ilillid • 'lawai f:r~riDm S'elt1Je~, (ireii 'l rue' 'iQ

'\,fTDO ~t ~1~i.'QHeI!iJllilllO;l!I1 t'fIlQ 'y>U:'Il" T~!!nrnr(!i]" :rtl1l1m iIlbe _gOilJid D!llIt:t;t'~IIi' ,'ollgt'llt

bie:iIlolfiill'J " 'f"1]J 1:I,RR'd. 'iWke 'tDIlr.II hL '\..,I;Eljr i:~'v". y.,e:rd; Ia,ndi jnto Ui,~

'", -: er.... I'!i:·n{l ,lOn,e.

'* ._ ttl AfrltJi Ftom TI'IA T' gRmle :Jl1 ,!!ml

B~ t~'hat'I'5 ttvis!' AI. ~'t1ie Go,Pba;'n; Ulilnesotp," _ ,~tn;L 1i-B!.tJ.etJiail clflam.· bEll,my nt· lad ,(Ij]", ma.' Here Jl)~'O . s.

'lilt, 'is :the' 'Ir'W'animg .0001!J1mI,enitS of th~

~lt 'IlIJRll. Pltt .leads! '·0. and Min·

Iii1fC' atEt ktckadl, Klck'ed :I{]C:KED.

It'si ~ilJ, i))n'~ a:lIld; [p'llJIlilllt, n.&b ·ml~y.··

be twice ,!ul.d ,·1lW,'t Md ~ at ID'te~mJ~~

.:sior:u. ,91, ,~O!w mUl, mur. 'M '\"l/onder.'"'

'DI~'Ulft Ewei'pS 'th_ ~1,!,I'lh the Slie;UM, I

:B.'U'~ "his is BlJenluli(l;' t:r. Itel.Y ')@:J."

·t'l '.

- '.

- _.' .

Fred Hovde a n,d NL~1 c: - '!I epi 18 . ya ~ :Ilil'OUirrui::nc!l. to tru~)'f "'lliaJCl :rd~.

ePs 6n~ so:metlUm.. ~@, ,klc.~ kiddn the IQr,@Jr.

abDu~ •

A l 'Ph Ii!! nll!tlr mJdi. A:nd lh.ii!r.u :0 11! '!,ulder.!lIag '].lll'llllc:s:ol Eli,

Art Phlll'rl'J1l1er dld~ back hI 19~1; 'teatlu t~D1t [:l'1tlt' e, rol" 'M'Lnn.eso~~ I wh elJi he' I~de 1:l'U!!1 mill'st; .. B mOlal WQ ' Jrl lind:el'dOIl: aSMnst 'th(i-mlli"'I~C k.i 'Ik ""'t:1I~'h Jrt.edl bell... b~d b,)' I'!J, of Notr.e Da'me, 'Tn'e Goplrler tl~,dj

M5 11r1'1lE!:!:1.ot jlJ1. 51" ee' ErlJ Ro .1 rf'· ,cleat eJli 1 II'L I' he p,ls.y and ~ 0 ~

mnrk,abli; 't . Hm Ltl so'a. ~ow \'W'DC 'was ixJIllpmg' thE!' South 'Bende .j::" d~Y!!" t ~',~U" Why ~ no !I'llI'm but Nydatd, Atmq uJs and. Jo' stb~g, Thr-ee ~:ru~ete- fSl 'C'Jf Ulic Mil !IX: hi, Unes whli) :s~ldtmli iliUi,'!;!~ ~i2e:n ,!ifUl'r':Ffla~Q-d illS, ,EIJ, t:'iGi rtlomblJlliJi'l [i!!''''E!irr~ 'Lhhlg.

, . rOil" nus, '"r'M tim' fJ 'liITIU

til ., 'Iti: ~; miZi, ~I Bi-feril iii"

nil1,• wlum til v !h!i!linle. nf

Jli:l1ute ~e'knC!! 'ijj'~iI1'6 ,~UI!Ij)lr.16'nll!· ri!'ltli ·,'In:Q griaWlf.iiiKn! ~m,Hlli] up tb lore \T.I1!leb. I ITrli'\liIilmi~S lililu",'" f IIl'UUtii.oq· 'f,(uL ~f.,

* •

Phal."n1e~ was all tlle' bm'i,c·1il, n~O'

Ib eo ~t p'la {: e~kl e:k~1r :ill 'U1e "i'veM e'f,';11 C@(pj'G'reflCe'i 'It 'l/lj,f,3lS, n :P1"l!t~ty 1:llh,'"

.. *" ~ liIIU)m·iI:'filil'.. Dif!IJ' ,sfJEflU'S SUll.t bJ~"'I hJji

M'aJly ~khlti 1lI.0W a [do.dol"~ W8JS tr.i!iJ:s11ng tJila. t ieft,...fQOt,~rs Werl!' ;;l.'.!

:he wLU·o'·,·l1crwl p; Almqfl:l1s,t was dOeh~nt 8..5 ] dt·haalde r·s. A.nd

B,u,t what _ the QiI·ti/ckl@ ~la.s.her ~nd !Ej(.> 11 Pnal'mel'~ DlDl1d·t BI. hush on t,lf!'

GO.ptu:."XIS, . @o. wb.e'Ilt, Da:,., ct Ii." .n.ce Jf!eGl.irn:g. U:U,= QwaWl]lln T un.dc':fI. M'imin~S'D~~~ h@;I~c:n 'l'l1 It 'I::.ouhl bs SP~ __ !'I ha.d h~ gre~_'e5't 'mooh[_n'!! lrioJt. ~tm l'emFJJns. in tbls; miDd. Ul,e HEARD ,in Mis'!t"Jj,a..wakB" kj,~k!e."d, t."e

winn. PUSSIBL',"'l THE FINES!f If!l:,ea~'rNit sheer !i:Jara-b1."i!:l'ak,e['· UUlil liu~ 'Li:JI!!. L

I .• INE M~N'&SO"ll" A. EV me. s'1!. ,:_. :E~'~ 'T,porl, IhQ s~e~. I rnte--a~ 4ltSl a That game ror.ctU ht :l'i!illlffi.nesUiIa., C'e rtA il'tlll,y the' I:.n,est o[ aU l!ln!lildem pUlt·~, forwar!iil, eli a i',g I f!j g t1<l I'IbiJIre'k 1!l81'~1 tI:n;al iBeoopl t.1:o':n I [or tbe Go~

I thiLS Ul'fl~'@8S, ~'Iil E:"t(l'lill' tD34. \\ ho e01.l1d' his O'tND boles" pitl'el'"S Wtlf.' 'lJ11I,[j~aten fOrt" ].9'21. A'l!Id

O;ld" ~ Qck, 1!['S~d, Q tad l1is shork And M· Ph rmCr aDd b.iS, [(rfl;..,foot~ the teal4:""I, thli.iIl day ,.riclu~e~;---.E.ng5~1 ':fiiJQPS In il:l11OSle' dayS" . l:dse-] ~,w:'1 . '(1 PUInYI1i ~ kel 'b!lllDmin~ tllte! So :J:ln B,Iu.sU:n. [-{aye"!' 'l, \=\a'ls:h, TEWU '.~ at tlfl'e othel"- .fellow s m,c:;reJe .and! E,ender~ 'ba c'lf , :LW Artb,u - ,Dr. 1\'1r. '1''aek1~s: MB.~~f[,l". N ~I'sld. John. Ull!'iIl put in t~be reguieu '0 cJ!Hi~iP U ~1Jl' ell is Pl'~sc:n' estabti:sn'me.l, il)I'fi" G.a:;r:)·fI Ukk~dbil!'rg; Ouard5': o;H- n' rely~ :B~ to'iil 'Ucme he :8" ~rj,., shared. pun,tlng with Hato)d Ba,l'"JiI·' H&I1:901l" Cnbi'On~ K:p:fffl1nsk~; Cellt:e :~ ed, big , fi t and S;p~~r'~- litSlL"'l a.n~i b!Il!~?I 8,bo'IIIt tW~'rn. ii)'IiI'~ Kiikl~T~!, n1clC!r.LnQ~i Qll~,tJ!:'r: S:Q~' wellu • Spear.iS smr.t;ed. 'HIS l'li!OOJ" 'l.r'E! S. D'~Qsl!iln" ~1·r. Dar:lii~a . .'rt :Iit~ckedJ €Ie', AI'fffiq"tHst: I [alvcs:~ P~!a![Yme.r.1 And!. 'NIObe Damel Uil::1iI1ri,_ I SEVE:NjT1.~E~~.'H'T Y.'ARD~, ,,,,v.11 I Nydalil, Ba:rll;"· ,. 'Ri,ddeU; FuJi,..

Tb,~ Jr.~~I~ .r~OO\fre{redl RI ftlm.b.le ·by. tHe waY fOT '1"111 !!i.t'li're. btllc.k:: JilJ ·sUn.', :M:1:1i 'Ch3~.

'~" ,1

. .... .

,~,/ on,··--on.

,. iii :!III:

A'~ ·t'llB op.-e[jjlilii,: ,~ ~ ~O:l']im~ Mtnne50U wlkHl ;i1il3 . E J;Md i fol' tille I Jl'i t to~~hd(fWE. .he b~,& 'h~d

~ J





_' ~ H _ E' 1i..-o\J.l;., I I over' the lrJaro01lJ5 SJLd,jIl llpset ' ,1fJr;"aU I!l! Ute II! '3",_ -;'1 J)UDU J

Qf 1'111 G,_r",jOlJfll,aJ .a,poJ:i~ ,t~ it \\1185." w~'!CiI!l m 'ke'S: 'iJt '~ !blit; tim:: 1 o.klrel1 as Y'ID'UI i! I. f

And [his tine e:n¢od 4.lt1J 2J ,81 brWS ]Y' ri . tit. DOW with use:tos. f:~C)~tiDig ". * * E

hil~. gruelling b~ttle of the 'He· U~rou:~ t~e- air ~f J',ooeilrl,t '~in·mge.1 Fh'st ,00t :aU" .it willS d~1 ~:rd in .and'~

m~m:ltIE!r ~r:b(!'n"~ when. '£'he Gr,8~' ,lit • • rOOlDsi:e;~:nUy I'a!Lny. U W~ c;o~l

iDeuM '~Vtel'4'i yOil1lJag iUiH:l~ >Ul!I'Il.,Y ifgst: It ''WiEII~, ;!Ii ~Q' 2 \'l,~r IJMif. lin RIld, ~:t w:a - (]O.l'~ o1iI!md~ ·~;;Usai ~~le.

WilJRlen' !j:mio~e' !).Tldl ;,:W'nelll a" ~tlp ".IlJ.~OI and ~Jt w;aj :li'ilrll'll R't Chl.. But -n;ot'billilg' lj,\\,Q too!" "'L· .. k to, pu:n

10. C:hica ,0 WM qq:lJll'!.1'D,lenrt, too Q ,CBoon 'DI'l:d l<IRr,:I'1B1[ . iebl ,f;JJlilY' sl!iarde:!l: !OY!I!!l" the of

~auDt '101 'l"e:xa~ ~ t,lIi'I, t:"bili' Mltdwa':!I~ '\\~lJ: n ~1 e 'llama ]It:!lil~On. fo.IIO'WE!X~ WhiQ'1I1 t Iit,cy had

.,: -Ilieqn' ml hot', ~,II 'Imean'l,; t~.e' mighty Wa.l'te-r:Ee:I{, rsal],

'1 'to 2, fo.r- MID!IlLd:',sot.Si, ch~pi~~ iimdl iI!Ijj)t, IJI~~ ~amed boy t'lte 1~ ~ WJlJ~tN Camp

o=--;::--;;==:-="-==~~-==-=-====-==-:--:::....=-~~~~~:----- ........ ~ .............. ~ ......... ...-=~ h:i~ All·Tm'n]e A ~~~.A.merlean ~u r-

te1'bac'k., E-'c., 'l ile ma:9te'1" kick,a. :stra.:t;cgist and 'liner but I'~ . ,u Itt @\fl the' bEi!'~. lQl'i~n~· 50' ,rs o~\!'n, Bl:iiib'b,! MIIlrs-llan :;:I,~PiPoo " 'bArI:c'k; 'to' the 40 yarn lillllJ o:n,d boet- ]~

eO. ,a, lOi]K p'~~~m ~Il ' ,

'tl/,\i\~en _ tl'l' tlru:-s. A'nd ]'

ki,clk 'i.D tlhosiJi' '!ilo~Y$ Jltlfe9l.n'~ . '!,;)Yl" pam's.


:B:r HALSBY' HALL 'Ui'E!l 'fate l\'e:re. 1!lmy f'ltij)lIJR1 od

en TI'LJO !S~~r·J.'~:!!~, a]ID:"'~1I Iii 1:8Jf: 'P,ef~~,"f 1'lLm~'lea Il. :pwIit ~ hl ,

Y,CIlU have to stsi" 'C1C1SEi' 'lbo., IQW1\ 'lIS! yard, l1n6 .. 1 'n

~' iI:;. .p~~m~g,t,· :pbuil.lIIg

tlte, 'PQBt I1ltrnlJller. 'm. this: of (!I'liQF tb 'uo ,hIR '~ILi!' make l'

MLrrv@l'DtliS, 'No,men' You h! :1'1' to (; t01" ilia C~-r;ilJmd.

ilO ,s,t-oy iClO'Se to 19,21' 1hit.b. Its I!II • •

,~.bI1(U.1!lst" J1'oQs-un ~ild N'ydal't: T,h!llli'\,b~llt~ ,~f'line,so. '~,.s

_ , . ~ • .' • _ b .' ',. M1QPpiBd t"'ri~ !i.I1side ~e 20 ya.n1l j

m'i~ move ba!tk J1:lSt, 'l,ure]~nuJ!! lln~. Tbe' 'I!loek :sh~\ed 11iJ':ss t.'MIll I

seu:O':!!I '1;.0. 1~. And 1NE rs-wlJtdl- llv'Q( mt~ut=k!Sj M<;lf;' ~d a,:p I

I Imm the far .. ~l~g Ar-t p'hprnrer the Badgers ~~omed aJ p11Iut 6Jfull

to, M 9111dl:);dnc; MJ.illy N)lda.l1]. ~19:l]y', NY;dehltcoik,iJt ~,b~ Q~q,

'Ir'~', '~l!' jJ;,\~H'lf hi MlI)W" Do~(['! ,iII\! ~5, ,'a.rGi .un@' &,rlJd h.eadett to~ud

.Ii. .. is .!!,.\' ~ .I;'!I,.)!''I.!lQ , • . _ . ,me side'. Three men engulfed; Jrulm.

~'em.(dtu-e" .It was Dl'a N~aJlI, 'the:f'lJ. 'O'u,t g"mirllikl took ORe '1i7!'1il~ 'wit~ too; DID-c.'t~lt '!ll!'t iSl1l'rn iRitua,tll!!llns~ 1l1r'-(li. II "~eok sud, Ny~ waf Iilwa:J. dnJii:er- IO~ h¥,smhl,~ but :it}oaler-' 01 'Like lB., ''''W8,:t'm lu~' no~'led. dfliil~. t11_

.s'iih:~'l!i~ cut. ~n, OllTRAN !XHE

G6pl\,e.Ir W,OlJfldlil. ~r.O'LE HUll! ,mld ,¥a~; ~vel" '~be

'lJ:Ih~ ,dB·te-d)'C~ber ,B~~h,. g.~'Sl.

192'6'.. T.ih,jij p~~J;n.mDlj! - That 'wp the, 11IMlI~ s.cOT.'e\., lOCo

,rvis4o:n.sItlm. 1,0 ,jet '!Il'D~50tS!,.,

Hel~e' was a, Spea,f;- ~adiit:!il

mtliim wbii,ch \V,as, the :!or.e::runnel' of tllI,e 'mJrach~ ~ew O'f 19~7 that Ued ~'ott'e' Dame .. :It: W8S B IGlli;Pd. ballL'du'b., w.L'~h iSOWfi,{I€'SS , rd~Jth ,~ul 'blll.tddilng: h:rl.1111~C9J and ~t :had SlWhS1te(3lW;abMh t.1m 'week '~fore 'by 15'7 ltiio ,'., alftlo.' ,h ~t had los tOI ],I-llcJ:tlPn. 20' 'bJ' ,tl.,

.. :1jJ ..

A~dl to, i&l'h.o\'Ii' )'OIIJ, n.MV' Fl!lte :al· , 'berJUlte~., 610,pped, PJ;1il :gpp~8:~j.-(JJet, Jtls' pJcture, this;' 10<est!;ng m~e' ,il ,5erIoQ.s flonti[,8' yet ,~ed :a'touch.·, {loW,na;n.d A1lERA,G'ED SIX Y BUS, AT FULT,..'BIACl{. P-eplaw m' ell Il' :reoiflng :[llmble' .. :yet kt,ekeo ta, field goe.l N)!da1ul r:a;~ the-. Badg,eY,s, t)c' I 'hell, en ~, :fu.mble',. then w&B '1JiI,i(l1 lQ:&me. I l~1Jr a ~Bga !!:If' :R';f'W(!'l' Ch,I'l::' U!p.

:MBn:me.som,l3~Lnerllp lh:.Q.t day '1" WII;!;IJi, at el!t~f. ,Ha.Y~'faf.ti TUt.t],e.,., Wheel~r~ Bl~mi t:aG~H,&-

J~hrllmln;t GarY[aed~F; guani_ I Hanson., :K.aJmi]1s1d~ G,ihso'Dl, \V' Jah ~ o.entNs~i;bstli!ll~, 'Valsh~: iLl'lll9;f'wrs ~A~w:st, NydD1 ~ b!'Y"es---Ba It badil Pepl:8/"N';! M'atehm:;. :fuDJliuJlck-=


_ OVernOFS .·et

1" \'i.1rellJt ,!ilow,n to M~dl:Sil)l1 :IlL slight ia"orltle and, UnmeltiatelyJ entef.1 t1 mto o:n,iE:' of tb most Oir.,a· I1tf!JjU~ aRt1. '~ak.isb games ot 'W~ ern O!l!'~~~g MBto~ .. lJ:1, 'the 'rust Qj'1iJur.teo1l'j 'tkre Gop'fhel"S Dlar,OOAed to the Bad~0't 18 y,am l!Jltl.1} lvliteJe .b ,Jo~g i~ml'leu ad ~,'IU"' rep IE!!· WisOOll iin ~~ooped U:I,) 'tru; ball ,and fM" Q.- totlctifflo'Wlt. " n· could ];'QI'.L ~v[t1t iSif,l,y ki.i:id o! a :hm'~ b1.e 'It'll-en, :J-.oll, ~D.oW • I(Un~l!l:~n., c1.s:ys.)

But Mmllf.(!s:otu. rea:[t!d bac'k, and mudlied :tr~m tlw 00, YI1l'd! 11~e

I m,i!'e~ 't:lle ,-os]' 1m. THREiU PI'S,. I ,J 0_1m; ~a:mm.erlltg' from tien ,era; out. h~r ,Oft« N: .-.' The try 'l;,V.o Ddsset1~ hO'We:\lie'.f'i' iOJU~, -. I' BElt!~rs, lied. '1 't'JiD 6\0 ,Bu~, 'Mlrme. mtA COlltmued to 'P~lIiU, '~_g.at1E' tnJe (:'ber,~'~,oo, end :i~1Jla c ;!So,d f~n.JlY' D~ll Pe:p'bliw' 'pUt. It (lIr.opk'i,ek b~tWiee1ill the' u,rlgliLts. t-'O, :makle :lJt '9..,-:f'Ol" Mmoesota.,

.. ,

S d ~

- ,


, ta~I"s ... ,. al"

Siy BAlS r ItlLL 'UlIelr eon'u~back :P4plri:1: and 'po:ise,

'o~ Tho! 51y.IoJ'Q 'i!flf!~ Sl!i:Jrg In- n end Ill' W!U1 Babe LeVol:r d]!rea:Un,g·t . itlii

~ I'9~tJ." evel'yone ttgllued tl1a.t. Stteldcm B i~~ piaytllg ~no o~ ,his

~b\1jt;fil. '~1WQ just lDl\liout onllf _of ~b.1l! '.'. :II ,ranile:s·t ,ga;mEfs at ,full'DaJil:ik, t,~

~ugh.est 'UltOg5: IUiI, '$oG:llltwiilll, o:ppo, 'lpi$ "'\1'a:l Q:1lo1lll 0.1 the' best Iowa, ,nE!lweomel'S 'l~''i.ed ~\f~ th'91 vj:tt:Gr,:y

DieliLt eV c ,h8d, }ee,r,mng ,at U. Clu~!!: to ,m:u~8JDd~r alc:mg OSSle So.. 5p8Jl1k. NUm:h!tQ:m. 'Ut.el tld:rd PET.~od

SO Mlrmt!mta '!iw.m Q 4[1' to I®. ~em ' tralrn., Re.m:embe:r-,?,~~t.ll~d -:!ittAJ'OiI' 'E:rnEN' I(lAME IN ~-e

m 1:98.5----w U! the Hawktloyes O~I~ ~mCln8\., 'the' Bl.eck Anter mok the ball snd tilI~d,e :mn . !,'arO:s.

IW'4'I:I\r!li petty faJl', ,fiiiO-t liiS ,gGf}d ,Ui' ope-r Dlck Crayne, m~ie' hero ty.P~ '''l'.IiI:@Q he w,erliJtt, ,®,u ' and Andy Urmn l~J.YOu, .Ufule.r.smnd., I;~t f . kO[Ji~)Ii .1~,lIDbaC.1c!, ~ ,o,sm:a~()skt Hal'rtG" Lan"I~,eI_ ,~il'l_._ ~ ~~ kent; tile drive all",e,

b:CI'W HI tne w(!I;F'l_, wnl ,ICI,Wi moe ,nlngr ' "II Otl1'llU·S. TUlly ThQ.m~som~ R(1)sc®IiJ' Rml !Be-'ise

,It clolO :~r' 'mLgiM:,' MhiLnemta ~ 111j~ped out and ,SlleU,' a-_heIJ, ~y;er.

S'o MmifiE!sota wan bey' '13 1li~' 16. 'I'll· SAL ,81, g,W A S UJ1BB ~ * >ii'-

GUm 't~ ,. .~ '"I'"

• * • ,;.;;.~ >: ~' I..... ' -' . ,_. - ~'ii In '(b;o, ,f:gllU"UlJ, li1I,~lln\'te~I\Im.'

,Ji~·U.& UL' '!!;o!!I"A N~ E ,A"K, L ,I: oi,~ ~",,,,,,,, ... A I~' ,iI .... '''''~

T:ho, .U'I, 'W12Irlm l~ ~m8~iled is '1'1 R D,E TREl~~li,:"S_ 1'11(.'" 0.. I~~~ (Ji'I'aI I~;:w v'!ri..l:'1

~'" 'Ji!W,E,NT'r~~H.BEE &NiD

ira o;ppo _ ;)t]Oll], '1, th ~1faJit:mJ.r,l8;m, ~ -', [IIBM Gio' , fjmClil" O~5DIii

l'!IlI.th_'IB-~_' "'JS-40!tJjo:o,' -'II!IJ1bt ""'hl~l1" :I' ii']'" . ,,:W'!tAB'llBED. .. TIIl(illilip&DIlI '1:lID.4fIi

II! '"'!Il!l !..:!:!"" ~ }'f'I''''1''l 'Or. &'~, ~J~.oilft, ,_ iVied, ·tlt'£i ~,.

'\vs.wd, itf··l"o.~·1lIi Dill-d GaM to top floD 'by ""Bi{ - riD ff._, G'Ci\~'C1:1iiIOir' 29 'fRr.!lI Lo !!3:x, trL" -" V'oili!'

~ ea.1 ~b:t lIP 1 '''''Ii ,aI 'lilli," Bebei

01 tlllie. N ,tIDOl'lll!ll :rJh'bom, CiDl'IID'_ - rUcntn(J tb - 1:11 (I 'ii If; nOla Pili;: g, II!r

-'tD ([lata] Don ,,,,'h~eh 'tte bo,hl'- 'lin d: of Re .edal _ iilRDnDna4~d f~1l' ~O ,,\f,dm

b;i:itD'ld~'ii 'll,e~ J.:B:y,iD;g 1Q p6'IIt th.T<'e II'~~I' I 'r:-~.'l¥ Th@.,.

·il .• !Ii '!l)'1i!I, DIVED :BibO'lIti fdi:ve, ~liIUiU

, l'he: iL@i'IIs.~n Was 'tern~lc. vlclou i~li:v.m;rr;B. 'pi!IIe 1)0;1" 'It:ffilB kiIlilGbd"o.\W~

tn. tile sta:nos: but, ,r,a.i:se be' ~O! Ulcr :j, _- .• - . ,'--

~~'~ ~t' F~ba~IJ' '~le~" O;~ ~.c ,And tbe Gop'hars breatl1Led el9~l@r." !hil]~ Thepbl\}l~{r.s took, t:l:1e ganw tor 'fJtq,j ~ut~c 5"1914 DeHe,er inl m, h,., d ~]ld cDnli),]JJ;t,ted ~t ,'W-e,n.. ·ekla hAd 'led en cye·orremn· :' fOW£i,

. B'u,t wha: an ,ominoltS begbu"~lI'IIg! pel"t1ormance.. It was, to\!g'h f,ll);l' l'JU5t J)efo~ _tl~(: game. f:he" ~~f~ Oss!,e So]em.J1 w,ho took Uz, Ull:,~ II ~O~y ,.B L, m Ae,N EUt is Oo.L- C:,l'tI1rt,

!c~AP~ED at. due e~nd 01 the 1.~c~d., T. ,e 'hewe5i at Um Gohten G9al No . '~ne w.a~ h~.l't seriously. ' LU!n~k,r. Line tmJ~ ,Nlep10~ka; b.u CDme 'titlLfdj'I1IM

. .!tnd th!eom thllll gnm.ll. ..i\fid Bn ,!!IJ;gEtlrn.

Io"'~,fii, 'i.ea.m. at hlood·'l:.~a~t ]lliilell

.suut;" Ml IJ'I rl~iiOh:li ,stodg)f" Sllmmo]'u; -'an and pdl!S:s@.n'" Cf'' bucked IUi'Ldl I~U(l weJ'lJt. over f'Or ,a, tClUlehdo~n ~t:iI tiIlB :Ii!rst quarter. l'oillva ]~d, 6.0

AND' [OliVA LEDm G·O, 1\,l" THE HA~.

:iii • ill

'We remmnMi£' bumpling lmto mto.r:ty iAl'Ig', l~hln~l' Ra:lh~\l:rh, Ott,ID, M'ilSl!D.i ,o.n:t!!llm.fl IIiIIt'her Wm'lI!l.8mta lIOo!el5 1li!elween hSl]~ !J1! 'ilU!lr :s~m,.. bt"e. hollo-wo,es5 'Under ih@i j[owa. sta'nCis u.d tbJei:r .ce 'Wt!i!'f'e' tong.

e-ven a,s ~ll -Gopher' filic~s (hat dlilY. "Is 'this: where we fWi9I]ily get it1" i!very.onll! \Y,an'ted to 'lmow.

But that day t~e' GO'plJjM'S gl,ve BerJiLh~ Bier,ma:11 the dgh'l 'to 'p,nll!S!

• '. * Tilt. ' ,M'oMd ~ _ ,c'

t Q l@iI\'O:uptt' )l-01Ul '1j. ,11 . '~'6e, Gilp)J:e;n ~ijjfpei".Lo\, to W&~ 'oo·:Mirn fro.m lIoe k;., ' nt



Vi·'e· t~ 0'" r'y- .",

• • .".... 'I •

__ • _ l" r. _.... _ ...


.it. * ~

'That 'v __ the ,ijI:filly 'Ilff(lflSh'l'@ I

i:Sloorlng of 'tb'!-s ~nFe ';iim,~. "[,11;~ r .1l.:tu'OIlDl1G wl)'l;,I]gd 1II,P' wi f.]l :Il o;;j'l r., hj,f ,:a:ndl t:h1;!'));, as no.w" '~it 'Ii,l"~S, the l\Do .'

'SIUU e f (] !,n clt: tt~'lI~]l k, i ,!1 Ji ,Ii!, d, ~'!,

dcIH~elr.~J e!a;y.. i:~kie~~ I\lu~!l'~ed ,r Ja:r. dJ(;,'!i It the tl.eld. the' j)~H 'r'OU. ln' on ' he sllpv,e~ fJJjr(~ Art :L<II],,~ ,_'- 1;/'a.s p]ayi!n~ ~fe'y' ~Ol" Doe WmUll11mS'" 1ad~ md, be piek'~4. U ~,' wi'tb ;t'IJ h.oW~ oJ: Ma~oJmS ibe~:rbi,g' d~~ on, btm. ,~. ljt'(!iraUy .rl]~y.. ~og It :sa.:fe., ran ~I!lck ('Jof hl~ o.wn ,!8l1:1nl, gl\lil,:ng Ct1lk~go ~. 'YO potnts but~ :in t,h.o5.e dg,li"S', @I,ljtt~~ the ba a on, Jds. Owtl, 3D' yarn ]4~ ~fle:t lhe'~' tt~ 'B'Ii .. ; :II, 'kJr,p l"·t.JIIl"IIi' CJ· !d' ,

. 'fir' 'c.Oll''G. CliliIc·· '0 f[g'~

g- - Cl1 on ill'.iI:~~ 11limlJ oifla, ilIll

IPO~.I" p1illiift'l\. BUI~]ill ,Y1t!, . Jd. eRgo, I!ll[f'Q!;!ilg1i, t~c mImS! 'il:r ",_'hlBJt, )78ir.f:I'ag.- illl iIl'lHidc il:nul ~~ q ~,

. 1.mlIIlIi1l!.'iilil_~. '~hI ,a1,(:~p'lIliIo;n. And

~I:OI,iV ;lI!bIj!iU~ ~. ~e IDUm, ,i'il'i!idern ' ·f.h'VNESOT,\ DID, ~~or .~' E ,4, SUriG' ,E . trB~

.~ . 'irE.,

The. II ron.me_fiIJ~

E'mb - MQ,!mi~ha~ I ,BtU'!: UtJ1.e1'; t.Q(!;k're!S:-C~ .,. ill ~,'. iJlnt; g'lIJal'tls-

SNltil aftt\ Vita;:, ~'te:r.~afro.,~: q~fii]'rol'back - Mtr.k~r;J; h~lve~ Seh,1Jjkn'~1hJ~ ,fUl6J 1Jtmnc; ,fiu.1lJback =C1:Irl'~1I1It.

P ... C.O. '8 Run 0 Ic Top,s Badqer Series

" ,1IALtiE'f BALL

OlE 'Lb.e i!!lw J~ '1f,Ii)'N' tID

Down ttaroQI,-n tlle long ;Y~iIIlr"", .,I!fii;_ ''IJ, "".... ':;--e ....... !" ';§'n-il '''''''e, 'fa. t, ':l1li e~ llnO .J;@:au '9 .!IiH;';)! """_ IO!t I!.-~' _ - . oil' .''"'i!

t'heN' hav,e bee:J1II, IClW' riv&lrles :II!U'fIY r:lehQl" 'IfJnuiI: thlil,t iDetwee'~ :litlJlill1,eiSOla ,and 'WlICHS1ifl1.

SIl, 'w:llen, ,~U s:l't dilil\1lrJfL to b~N.k 1.h1:nS!l ~p!JFt, you neee-&-fial~H:y' ar-c {alOOd witb a hilt of ,a pJilJlblemj 'eh ''Io-"Ol'? ,A bit or a pT-obJem, filial rn:r:t:lIi~ to Irtl"llid J"~ SceJd: 10' dm cta:Uon o;OOilllt . ho 9NE, lrdgg,E'~'t, .a~d b-e~t ~am,e from .a MJ.Bllru·mitB s:m.l!ld,p®in.t,

I!l' _ ~

It mJi:bC rb~ dkii!li;'5d in~:o 'tw,n ~rh., Lmdor 1- CD. l:b_~, ~~ (hum. '7Jter. wgullJ !!;e fbi,' fa-

fI:1I1iIJl G~6 'Be il!1'I:, Cif 'Q t ,QQl1 Ka:1l4oIl :n :Id "ral I} ~Ile t G,t lee lldil:d 'ret 'iD.o, til!!Ii ,could lliJ 'itG'O 1I1P. P'UY' :!;g!r tD1rel Itl'rlBklJing tec~ ill' ,Balph CI!opt'Ofl, tile hiild~l)~li] Qr t'lU:i~r !r,d fladJelll\ .,

.' il !i!i

'Ralp.b CBJ!)I:iOl1, ,stol;)d em,t tbiare en 'the' 'Ja;r- of ~ flTO,te:1JJ n'Id, tCGilif tho o:pen hill k~ckof1 l!J[:'id]

'hp'~ei tlT@ wil't'oli! le.Jll!~ of the ,field. A'nd UllLfiesorbJ: fans WC'11'(.O

ddilil",~i!iI'IIIs. b1;~C their deUtlUm,

,ooilldn'ij; p:r'iMtent ,D, ~liig Badger tQwc:'It.dii)Wl'II; ,coillnted, '~'1l:hiiJJ;l Kiix:ldi9 MiQU tGif-I" 'of' ,R iO'filff, [iijm lllftid '~hGo.:-pAerB Idly llri ltIm lJ~I' th m:k· 1qg' :em. officJia] ,~ liI,m'n had stopped p] 'y", "{)Ie' touchdown \'VRS prO<'

t@sit.oo b'!,lit to :n.o a\'t!:il.

.And then y!lHl, who 1',!I!wl :mor, n1$..mOiO~B l'e~1\t days'. Rmuenioo b :r tim, UmQ It'a'Uf N:Ylda!hJ, pfh.. cJ;\tdl iIJ:. ,lIll1Ji ,!Jmfo :Ids l\:larni:ml Midi 'Gol,a 'b!li-!(il(lf[1I dod :r,OlJlped 'IIo'ri(\1I ~I!'t hrt:tl! ,~'I:iI!l J,lirorrul!u!:d ~llnt1l?

'l'his \/t8 i!! ra '-"8me where. tlH'Il i&Co:r,~ sw1.tch~ bi!JJC':k "Ild t'GT'lh ~\~H81 tim. 8, . ,iHiifle no. mBlli.·s heM;' tood III (I,'ne' JllftJee' 'too long a~ Q:n~ lime. where f!l.L1IDblmil l"ea .. r~d, thc-iil1' h:COIJic:ls hll dis-t'lttl'h the L~Ic:tllite 'hUllt: :11@ t Lhe drama.

*' :iii ..

Tile :f1:Wlli~, &ClOire \!'OfR JiiS to! 10 .tor 't:n.e' Go[lti er!l a1l1d .mr-tel'l! oiIdl Doc s.p-~ was a 'Cllf'91Iiu1.11{i1 CtIJt at 'urt &ii.l


FR.AN'CIS, WALLAC,E toda:y p'u,blliShed hiG aannal pre-

'~"'iew iM the ,national coUege !flootbeiU seaeon :El.i.tbation in 'the Saturday ,Evening ,PO&'t. ·~ho,~s W.aUaee? . ,get ~U e~Jterl 'a.bout him and wbat he ha~ to say? Ha:ven't plenty ,of others sud the same 'things he's of. ,,g;, only weeks ,e~r.Her?

Thl1lse are' fair q':lestio:r;Jjs. The allYl\!"~~ are thi!l!t fianels Wa:I, .. l .. ce ~ aece,te--d illS. II a'lt~1!} ~o knlJ"~s :hIS toot'EJBJl

~1i.Il!. ,!!Ul(I!I:ual Pir-lJ!II.7le""'~5I ~rr D U~Ue ml[l1'l'e ,lIluiflho~jb' tila, iIl'fheirl!i l,'oT. he s;pendl m 0 IIitllLiili gB."E1elJ~lI], [hlJi!lJ lmto:rm1l!jjJum, ,md lei'.8 mOi!l~ I!d ~e. f.r.qm, mc:m iji:: :biD' ilDlO('1il" \V:b~ '~<h~!Ii~ 'ta,'[k.. :ing a:bo:ot.


FU:f'thermor~~ b:lilSl, P1"edlO't1Q~ Size-ups and C{lmm€l:nt.s :_fi,

Sep't@m'b~:r y~tul.lly ,~:Li~lc'" u,p" UU,"'Ollglbi OC't~ M and NOivembe.l".

H@]lt!'e!, 'ij\du,en his 1,9~1 iCliintrllIlrUlio,:n bit tlUiE: n'ew.stana:s k11(;h'llYI' '\ ,wefie'fi'" S,1d.J.'m,u,lsed 'w'llen .he- ];ir,~dedl that, BRUCE.sMl'PH w,ult1ll, D~ (he' b-B~ iOf 'tite' ~@a;t; ih!!l'~ MI:NN,ESOTA wouLd JlH'~ [!rlilly be '1tlbi6 bi!'!:,t, 'team .Im the W'lI!Is1!i!II.rn, Q:IIn'fel'fEHn;mii,~ ~:t, ,o:s·sUJ~y th.e bt!st of the E:1!t,ti.rp 'C01J nih")':

F ranck Get:s

, Grid Trophy


Min.nesota Back Named M:ost Valuabl'8 jn Thursd,ay~5 ,AU .. St.u IGaPle

[}-h·;oa.gQ~ m.~~U'l~l .. GeOi1';f;Si. F~alie' :!i]!l~i?d¥' Mlnuc:s.Q'll;1jl ~I8Ub3ek, '~'3~, ple'ked D.:'f.f i;!;P.O'Ji'ts W'ri;Lors M ~I:il.e: mo~,t Ylduablo p;]ayer' amij)~'l1g 'l-1ie oone-g.e ilIlll~ataf:s \\!.'rho bow>ed to thel protlC3m stenal cum:pilllilmCb;"fllilgo Dealii's I T~RrIildaJ' m\g;l1:t.. It w6.a, il,U!l:i!'Iiourlced I

S[!Ltllf-M]l. .

':ra:'~m::k W8J!i1 ill. stand.O'ut bgL'tit JOrti

offlCill.3e' .~r'l!i!iL ·ddlii*i' Ill' He l.'fltUlI']1.ed :eo L'l]ck ... off .,3, lI'BfU ,nd, i9,'C(ict,M a I touobd,owl"I! o..JI ,~ pa.9s .fr'mim. T~n ... H:;uJmo~n glf' ';l!,Im~bi~f,i.. A J5hlOOlll(l,e-1' :LlIllllll'Y :forcedi ~Jm :fl"om, 'l!Jhc ll!!le~'I!Ip

'm lho' !3'e,C{J,nd b,l\lJf. "' •

,A, tl'i~pil, win bc given ibt) hi~ a.t

I '~hc 19-\2 l!I]I,~'tar ~'.

Otl1.e:r cr-it:i:cs wbJo 1iI,t\'lpre pi~ked CIlOill!!ln sl1p:ell1M trQim fila /IlL,' ~ims. ba'l!"e .sa:lld Si]l 'ild !tbo!le t!hJ~~~.

B,ut WM'laUJe ,g'oes a J tt~ fmrUie1i.

B IUAKES THE lBlIlLD ft&~1II-,i'T mA.T HE BEI...1JE''IE!l SIKiClE S,~unlJ. wrLL BE & BEnE.R 'B4CK. THIS '~11 N' 'f.O~,nu11" KD~'I'O)jJ "",&8 lL.U]ii, HE ALSo, ItrSIST.5 THAT B'IEIOlA..~ :IS T,Q ~. 'OST SVe. CESSPDL C041Cl1 ,SIl!JOE 1D.i1JTE, B>OOKN;E.

On 'il!It.iheil." pol.n,'t:;~ 'W Jlac~J':.1' pf:C!'gnosth!BHoll'5. merely mtk!l1i J.t 'UliLi!I!~(nUii ,'- fail." as MlnlilEsO'ta ,i,s. if!tlincemed. r If .!In.}' ot~eir c~n. k.iibut:'Q:1'5 h!av~f,J:·t D'i;JUt IUIp the GOil;lil'u::']T!i ~:r:on .. eil1O\1gil'li, Uw Sa,t,. ~rday E""''4!!I{D1J~S; FJ!ist eamp]le't-es tlle !hib thMtlI;gJl ~Jts 1E9."Pe:rt.

Minrtu!&tltllllliil, lV.Ul 'be 1.Ilme:.i'ted in \V'aU'llcels. C'OMmie--Jit CiJ:'l ,BrucE!' SmJ'th ~

.11,B\HIIQ8 S'Qidl.\lI of lli1uIBSota\ \' In III 'tm.e b&clf alf ntH J'1I!D.II". 1IIe \t'lE!:E- M 2>IDO'~, can ki9k, p . 5, !t'un ,11aIM and 4k-. iii! p'HQ]Y, and Oil Ml:!f ,kL1i1d of: ,a, [ie~d. . 'I , Ii. iBeU.f DID de'> fellM, h!llJ!!, 5Sp;!Iit:rtillUi ,d:ine~~, ... !1 '&'1" ·llIjUJ~·" ;!5 'bl~r :ed, '!j,.,,~l't,b, .Ylob.!liCI) :B!li!id iJlJt&!3 ·tln:o;t, ~I_ cc) 1('~e!'li eOlrilfJd~U)\'

'ibK,lJeot; ~~filil 100, 't.rIlJ:r.,t'iI '11111 .a, '!llhlt41l1l,' ~!a:~. m lei~7CII"~~ IJtme.<.

~-lfle Ji5 bau.alll.Jd b,~ ,t!iv ~J!05t iIH/.IU'~I"l 1'l:'~li!;ah ,SiJIQ Iftu.wtle Roekme. ''\:¥U'J:J lIiliti.'eH b.reak ,in l,u)SIi, 116 m~ :ben,' !L'-d!e.i!I at. ti_e eltiJd of t~~@ Bei:itSu~ iIl5 iOi better aU ,MO,Wlidl, Im~ t~, HMm,.I!JiDJ. I pJck ]litn' Uftll' Amb~:r.ta, Blo;. me:ut,oiiik. n

WhUe "V'&lIa~e gh eE. d,u'E! !C.l'>'edlt to th.e ab1JilJty C!lf tfioUie!' G.Q,ph@':r-'Ur-bi!l:JtI! O'dlsil!ln~h:iI!' :p~ac:e<5 A1f Bi!l\lMan .of No:rtlhw,e!rSitel'1'D. :alit, 011 aim as the s-ia11l,d]tl:!u;t_

llrn:emllrn, Ci;f Ui~' yeu.

If' Otbm id 11',& l'IIie:Si]~·h,;t· ,

thli orilie m,aJS WIa.",' Ito do !!Ali,me" ,a!po[O!~i!Jf.IJ . 'I!Uru fllis. (!JI!)J;nt &IJ~h.ol!l 11, BaOOilan ptrub,llb\1y'wQi}' ,d,c iUili"t~m K" .IIU ~7er ·til nuw. iI'lM~elf 1(1;0.1;' Utke _~~~

thmg b!ilt s, ,grealf' :!mm,.enl1DJ1.

WI!1II1,J,a.(iii! :rnt;,e:~eB :SOm,'e otil1i:(f, lnbe(I.'-e:;lting comme'liib abo.lllrt fooU'JiaU ~nJec-tEdl.y" ~'ten iQ in, s.o 1-1:' ~ illi pi,ek Ene 1941 .AU Amer]c:E!'iI'II 'team. 'tht! , . est lSiDpllOmilii:ri!!S .lind wh at fre-ams wiU batU~ 1m t:he .... ad~

@ly:S 'i:iIiliiiliv'l g;!rmes ClIIi ,Ne\¥ Year'iS day.

'~eU! mow U~:ilt '~h at j,s ~""H w.lth, aU UlljJI,-s h!it:y,e' W d:iJ ~I lInakego.od Jor ,Eitilnl'E" of tho!1C f,!:r.iClipb'e'l$. Tha '\vn] be :kitarn@'ir to ,1!Il,Qoo:mpllish (in th ~ gr-ltiU!f'Oon UUUl tn 'the Aug:u:;t a1!ld Sep~ernbel' mag!lJ~ru! aNjJCle5 BECAUSE THOS· GOPHERS ARE ON THE SFOT IN A BlGGER WAY.TH:Fs YEAR THAN THEY EVEJ{ WERE IN THOSE HYSTERICAL YEARS Q,F19a4, 19 SAND ]9t16.


\ \ ~ AS '!MOUSARDS ICHEEB. N~ejjO't«','s GOp,'heT'S, at Memoritd s~adiuttl,~ ,tber\e :is liuJsjO if ~,y~, tl1wen.1gh~ oi: ,the aU-impQIr'bJttt be'hmtd..!lb...s:eIe&E Si ~;tr'aimngt'" ~i,y:e:R Ole, p~g:rers 'M the 'u,9ad:ry A;~h1eti,c bU'!iruding (lower left)~

:LLO'YD STEIN.. Mmme;$oila baer.,d 1'J;i~iDer'. to:pes the' dun~lde:r oi V,g;fl,"~ H:ull as, ~realment :l~J' an inj'uf'Y ,8~dI8r d on t'he' g:riciil"·on. When tbe' cheer:s,h,g;ve died ,aWQ;'Y', :hwts Make 'tbeimser.'~es Y'@IPf.' frril'jd~n't.

rii 1\ III


iI',_ 11Iir.





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n ,



,AL'FBA' UN UitJ.a'uu'~'umJt 'if: liifl~

B¥B ' 811 Di ..... O,' Oi tlVa stu Jf!~ & St.(f

\lVhl®! :EIJ!U'e !n, :mom zt:rn:teg]t'

!liIsJ.Uo . to pick. a:n}l" !Ilji[d iilllll'·

teE!Jm thEIR lhe ·'ey, Icio of th iuofbaH army? And rs~, ,re ~Lve y~!L1 the iir.-s" annUM !'bl.r JO'mrma[ :Soouts~ aJl-c'Ollkrencil;t team ;e.1ecteCl!~' B~1':IlII' Bterman's, ~'S'p10nn _ iii! agent, and] tlue '!.'VI".11{Gr.'~

Ol!illlD r;u,'b0 l!"attl:lJg hiL UiO '~.lim, 'l.U~n, are SneldDll :Bele~ :Dll· las WMd~, ,S~g He:E'rJs., DRY' M.a:cMIllan" Ja.c.k 'lorl~lil lmdJ, Jim K@J}y"

CQJ11l'llll'neill~ 'rlt'l!le 'bos.'fdj; :saw'

eaeh ai:Ql ~e'ldera~ Urme;,. E\'~

,e~ Gi:tle lSm - [II!fU1. sot a

least enea, (II'Jild ~r I;arne '~'dl-TBUgh tl1e mJ!ildat:uR m: n.,~ motion. pJc:(;ut€s. ,NDt one 101· iowed t.h~ baU· his jQb l"V,BI!! [.0, put 'tJle mlcroscopo en tb@ a. dlJvld1:lai players, hew tb y gave the m s: II!! ] V e is: ,Qwa.'" UU!li!ugh " m~ lI'tU'll!! ~c;n t or geslllJ'l!'e, ''!Ivae.rckt they lI, eore the' most dl1DgerolU" ~.QW Ule.1 l1;:~uld bast b~ - to;ppedi i)f 1I Mftr P!l!i~OO 1111 1jl:I!i~1L' ,e:f.fiorts tD '~ G~'1'J~e - d e5,poJ11N-B.

.so to t!m task 01 ~,:tCkmg th~ yeu'· Al\'uJ)i" cal m~' 'fw:I~

.. . .'

Thf1ee Gmiphcrs ",110 re-

Jvoo, a. 1'uraUhy c;ut &t ~t:le' etmmpi®f:I!ship pl.e :made ~ .. in Ur:bafl Odoon ,at; iack:1e.m BUI 'Ku.usisto ~:l'l gDard! ,and George lfJiaJIok at r:tight. hallbt:mk.,

Tt'fl"(!e plSlyerS WeM un p·~ .. liri!C!1.iS ('IhOjct1'.s~ F'r,Jlj~,; Da,Ye .R&nktll. o;t PUl.',(I,lille o:t c·:rtd. ,amd ! Bauman lof Nio~th*""f.::dcrn at liaek.le.

YES. 011.11 HARlJi"fON OF

mc:mcAI.'1 W'AS 'NOT AN UNAN,BlOU\S C 1))0,1 CE1 'JiHi~ " iID,~ tIIult. on OBiR' team.. 0 Cg~" it must 00 un dersmCid Lbat tl Is Is 0" IlCO:PfiIlRtIIS" lDa:m I' ilnd Ch~lJI;l.c5 We],1:!1 pl'cm· JS.fdi on IaOiW' 'i!ElCh p.1i1iY'iiim 'ea ... '. "1'1!Cd en 'tile p!lLrtJeLllllar dlY or days whm:Jl, he e me lU'lG Uil :scrutlmy o~ Ulf;J hJO'anl m~m,be'!\ ,

:t * ,oil

Twa pl C'kt~rs. ~n i ( on fi ve· men baekfJcJIis. Q1!U!: IrliLoe:glng

HarmOJil, Frlln,c'k, B :r lJI, It

SmRhu O]!lde lL'liM'~r:h5~~ift lIInd, Geo-rge PniJ,tyan. Uie oUter PM.k:wJ,II'l. Don. Soo' HahneR·., steJn., SmJ'th and E '1llS'h e",,'skJ.,



~ lOW th . Vote Were R1e!,cord,e,d

FDR"g.. ",,\1- Cl:1I1n.iiilQi:l, 'H» 1"ii! CS C(JNa.itl'fy

:But ~n t~, t(n: J V~!(i I tllti;!l bBckli~ld! CO'Il51s'~oo, ~C E~'a~ ::;;J e\t, kl a1 'iI uar c;r'ba'ck f H'ar .. mon ill t len hmnE, F[,An~k: ~ ~ tight lnaU 0l'J d Pa!;kVWl ~;t fIJI Ubne:k'; I-~a~n~ steln wa de~ ;sal ed BY aU and sundn" the: nm CIi, 1. u nder'M'lLefil: back ~iI1 ' Jlj]' (':cg'd""el.'"E!ftll;l(],," Ill'l,d ,[jtOnlt! f tho mOSiL rdnn~~rcugJ,:: r'liJ.nn~rs.. ~J ,But h~ drew but 'b,1l;'g, ¥'lll'h~$ !or til 11 ri!lt team ' d lmCiU\ ~! thOSE! In e. 11vC-:01lDn b'M'kUebL

Random l'iema~s on kilhrUIt.. i!!!d bW tlh e board 'lver' 'm~cM'a 4!!lti'n,lr. There was 'Wliulm] ty that PMkv\M was tile b' , ~ d~, fenJis! vI(: ~8'ck In \he' co..n fp'f;i.. f!' ~'" ill 1ma.,e:lilnr up Ull~ lin-

, nil! tll;! hllrr.4e'- L dTi,vh1.g :I!J~c~. Bab;by PR((r;8J,I.'h was caJ] dB, the b~ t W' J D , b B ~ k Citetftdecr ~ ,most p&SSC1i Md .in taking:

am, IOf "h,~ ba II eaJ'[',~el" when, '~Jh " p iii 'III]!!1 front bad, don 11' jfJ " ,!~ lu('e&kiag \lp the Jnm ...

he WOILIJd ,!fljI~ ~moo ony

tOl" l1'ilt hiQekill'll:Jr

:tug-g1 cI d(!lf.i1'i'l (!! aiflid

Ii] IHfilg:'

~y,s "t-m ElJhml,r. ~ nal

G.,..t.'a~ J~J~JJ4i1J.~ly :fe.renee:. EvQ~ ewski l~ givE! th,e .Qtlge OYm' SCillit H'beeil!J.u5

.., '.

'Th ~rn' "'''''~re :0. TI: 'baoC'ks \lirlul.

,Ilt f-ew '1!l(iil?M, bu.t the {O\!l [" el1Q!i;o 'en iI!:nloy,~d a good. l~a.d. 111l~ UTe: lAg Wl9:Te 'the Ghiel"Vn~ UIlUll tb ;!Iiit Scott drew' CI:n~ vote

as a (u]ll~A{:'kj two' ~ D, I 1L~r.~.dr, 8b:d BUl D.o1ey &i L on.e 'U1D.

. ,. "

Tb Ii! 9 rds '5illIlllW~ Lbe wi~

. ~ spread or .aJfIJ)' pD, Itlo~ wiLh se¥enfi~rlnl!!: in thfl bt\UotliDg. Kuuslst.o. yen til iilrtdmcker. 0' L'he 11I1ID$L I ndu.]I" t:.etl, Ilneman in tile II:.OIII[,(,'f'!1 '8.11Ce·' jtl:~t as H]!J\anenste.rn WQ in. the' li\!a,(!'Weld .. all1d .Dl* Em,.. 'bic'~ 'i,Viefe haJrllD~ ~ in:nar8 l)'!I1er iJob FrU.z of 'ti chi gOOii an d ,Art Lekaue M North\~e'ii!L. er.rn eac'ft( ri rawi'ng ,EJI!DIUf' to m.:WQ, ,~Oll:" '~he Wiol VNi.Ae HJ1 d;. eat. Emibjek '""as iCOROOdcd .h e

·llIEITdc~t ,d.e( J'I:s.-vc cl'Ulrge" amolilJ~ lhe gllJnms:,

T.bere "'''US little d Ij['f~ fl!n<te In <opin 0 iQfII Ull~ ~'DdJ;, 1.R.i:ks mid C'e:nke,. Only Schl' lnar, !~li1y 1M' Um 1 e'St'~ '[line SOOtllt IIi'4 W" :B: lit ~Ve'J;tf' of l!91!' \'1 If w] In if: him ~OUJr Lim [!s;, ~ I Cirn 'I!!: p!r.Q'IIi!?nL~ cd ill 5w,eep ftl,r Ed F.ruU o( AUclUlM. N.lmkin ,and FNUg \~erilli Id.(!>ier]~ ss I; Ilnc d]e.. f,crnsh,IelVi both im. thie I i'rcle ~nd d~wn 'lhre iiil!'l.d, ~eod p.~ J b,b e1:S and smar ~ de-CellS$vc'Ty.~r

TIfI,e :s;o:me 'UJIlatt:ll.hni l:,r \\'lIs DbisCT'YtZdi 'C:!JInc:en'llLll(g Bauman aIIld o Mon. ~ _' ene oome up to .. hOse . w~'tj e~,]ainecl 'fl. e .. i.'rhey '\vK-e by far the' be:5t two '~aoklt:8.ji Anoi:ht!l" d$ 'C- ij1),~], ]l3' as ··" •

lin ihis rn.eLh d~. har4 to :r sm.a;rt HLl'!id. t'M 011, downfi 'If_

:b,~,,,,, ... 'h'I'" ,I' , ,.... oa

~""t;,;:a" ·.~I' ri!liOn [5:

Utw~:s:jdrm tackle! 1!iI±lt! bJO!es wil'e~ p~~ybtg rJ -. 1 an otfum.!u!!. I'll l!'fl,s;lI:"olllg' mod rea it dc:r, I1lSfveh . Q.!t len. a(l!'tb; tall11d(!s '\WI'O' j)'i!ll~ , tmld ~.nt ~ II ihhe 'IDi(l' of arms mld .hands:'


~TJlJle. iCl!llliIte:r(!.fu;~~ \\IRS s..110f·t

Cili1 (!cnWlll,1I ,GKp1a!lled ,!lI'n..()Uij~ ~r" but T,fIERE \i\i'AS, NO QUESTiON A.BQUT 1; zrWlENZ OF ... OR"! H\V E S T~ ER'rf. Icsped;3'UY lI'leleilil:stYe~jf,r~

T:h@ C-onSi1i1lSU.~ 'W f:I~, I h LIlt

thl!'fe \'\~I2'I",en't \"ery nltlJly gClDd ~ nDdl" QrUy Ii fellv ~oliild Dickies. iiieVe'l"a l lillie gu;J;i,n]!s., on Il'l' tfl!lJt. stllilullnli; -eeniLer, se'lil'~J."lll out. . lanwmi,g left haUb~eks only a. ;F,e~,I(,hi ,n, I'~IIik~]'jg iL"i h halt. ncks ;11md special £ !roll glh 1n :1u1 baCks.,

M:e t~~e:s 111 ~i!!, ia.~J1:h'"~ft)! j@'b 8B :ElL:l'ri!1l!mly 3l1:i h i'iS: fOl!!!lb.I!U :pIa ym ,i;,., Through Uile ~o'!;: ~umn'!IiI!'~ 'flmIiO!l'lth.s he has tOJ'~n the adm~'rah!),1i, oM:: l:li~ .feUow '~,'Ofo':rlkCJ.",s hH" I)JIiQfe 'thiflilil, h CilLdir:lil u, Jrrl,:!!j, end 0, ' ifl~~gn. rnerl!ts.

T,oLe: WUdu1I1gs ,orig~ iil:B tty mlafie '~Jroiilr :h'01'n:e ~Il, A.i'llok'~~ ~i 1'Ifi;l" h,..:t a f1l!lmOO'r" '!Jill YiI!a.f'i!i :R.ID U-a!i!rY moved, 1l:1lIi :LUlv f"llUjl, \'Ii,1~hL~rtl!i· t:L~;s; 'Widowed ,moln.JiH;- i'U!IiI:S a dlrlf\l\!: iSb'!J~ •

--n- k'



.. ' I' I" : . I

, .

Go"'"':a"'",,··,,l ·.··et

.' ... . - .


l1i! h:!.d Y,},Ini;;'fI ju st :Ii ~1Qi1.!t Il(;r.lE'!J' ~'nd dT'~:!li]Ir.lia:IlI,~ a.bCl!Ji.l:~ gri(i'iif':ill'li lii'e>lghiU.,

.I'I!!, less 'minl, ~liIi}fjcl\'l th I' DI.¢1.t, I,,,fU I, report to ~!iiIC,~e5 BerRie B[e:r:n'"mm, ~nd G'CllJlflg)lE:' ,l:kIUi~er" UEJtAE,.DfJU ,AS O'N-~ ~ TlIE 'BES,T '1j[',A,C~{:L!E PKOSp:ECIS TO EJ;.'1:EB THE U~"~,'TY OF J,W~·ES(iTA m ~.tUi.

iii< :.' Ii:

'Dick hion,'t woiij h~:5 spur~, }"N: ,~i~ b!t~ l ~mQ' 4!®mI:JYl!!'t ItjOrli, 'but 1m l'JiE':ii:;i:nSl h~.'t va l"Sl t j Gill reel- wH h -even mli:ilr~ ";ei~e:t'm]nlll,'H0m to m,akc ;hJ~ M~lk tn ]footbaU U'uw,

Ten yeet:J:1S agQ, Dl.c:k ''1Hd~Ul:f;t '~rnmi:&iil:l:g Mhnil e-80'L~ si1ii,hfliml(:j re' lI,.aekJ,~, :filde 'b,r MEltll(l(fB,a] :staid h· ILj;n'lj ] fL ,8ll!1JUW1mrrobUe '\'vi:~ 'n is, motheL" . lliCf hl~ he r,

He ""-lU, Il:rdi' ninO' yOOl"S al(~ 11ll'i}1iI, b!.lil he ,starlJ@d ,n:ul!ther (II nd di~.r.I w·'ill tbi 5 .ali!ll~nIl'Ul~~,U:

'·'$O:nE DAY, I'~L~ 6tOh'fG TO' :OE IW TEfEIU!1 JiI'Lf1,Y,· F~'G F'O-OifBJ1;LL,:!1

Tl'U!r;SID!'I:tk W,1'I,5 p~~trrl iUJl ;a l

U'1 e tl Ill(! as jUi!'J L arn! (I [' tt1.08.1£i' ~1iI i'h:Hi5j~ iiir~ru9i1s.

!l:wt ~~ was SQ,IIfU!l'LtJ i nil Atgl·e lh,a I!il l hid wl t:a l'hi~.s y~'lJlili1g I a~. In .f:mC't thl·e;e )' l!aI'L",s l.aii:oll:'f heLol a nil!! t 1'II~r l{lok I3lt the seme :1l.lemor~~l sta~UlJJm.

j'llenfT \CVM ry. I'll 'b12i !iltltt Hre,fl':!' "'fi I, h ~hc (,io.t~b I!!II:S :&Omi~ t~B:r a11Wd r U wL(Jlr:k 'illY W·i;IIY U'LI'Qlittg'h. E.i1:'h'i}l!1i ~ if I n 8, ... · i'" tli'!!.·· n~C'1-!i; 'fern t!i:fke:d, H~ had i:"@B'C:tvod t he :o.~ of .12.

, t(!lL n,i1~'f,~ melt. .h,~ ~rnflff!lleL ~Qi!!!d t!1JIR Jd~i:!IIIrQiITh1~~~t~~a.~ ~J~''d! ",~,rk 1l11&!ii, ~"!I<k~l' It'hIE'\!llWllh til& 'fJltl'\~el'ri~~" HE} ~~ A, Ie b m iB:. ~Q!'!l1lp Ibn;nk ~I'U rrl GI Iv~ lfi_h:Iiti1:1lf:11 ~u'r iBndl ~'!ji'hr!:n ~~ 't~tUlIIiiM1!S ,1:0 S: ]!!t.fii!r'FiifHFI' lI!l!e."-' fIoII :5ll!lt ,- it - I;IdV1~rlill~ 1Ii'~,-,


H<e"';s UlIit':!! tall{ ~I L!JI,'!.'i~rme 1"0- Cia'Y .. , hut :ti1!oodlUl1€s; to:r bi~ ~cli'Y'i·, tie'S S!iSI fF"~.s\ilt11l:1!8iliLliFa.\fefli't Lc'n-;B!:1lI!ldi h!lm ,f:r.(iIm thll! i!;) illiL81~. 'rnQ~te~C;. ~IZiU Bpoken, ~~dj Uk~~ibloC' :1 ad, ~t~at llie ..... 1ttS 'Od'ore a fblll1:tball C!ilf'eCif' :!Dr hi 1ID'i.

"otIi[I~' thi:ll: SEim'~ ,D'~t;'k 'WlI·

IJ Ii.Hliii. gl"O"Ili""1tQ t!!li ~,i x. fee'L iJiI statuee !itnd 2,H~ pouads l Ii 'y,!e1r;'mrl, M; '~,iIHjg~h;~:fl:i'I'lJ!i' h~s. ph:,Y&Lilill.!Il' on ill M Bte h -~s:1lI 'L'.~a1t· Iiii#l.l n.t.e;1'1I ~'II'IICII!i !lii'fe'iN' wlill(rki~' out. 0 r Lf!,:kV~ril:le.

'rum: 'lfi[,'DIID]iiG'

fn,iMj;fjJ u'O'J"k' r'¥'f',fi(rJ!!"CJ hlr'lu~ j rJr' big ~h.(HrU lII~ J'ttd

lONE CAN im,&gi'lt@ '~IU1W mueh mail fa l' ~·THE, PEO""' . PLE'S GOLUMN·j~ has a'~,c;'UmJMi].9ted on 'QJUt"" o.esK' dur ... ing the recent heetie we~k:s when the Gophers \Vt!l!!.'lLe 'Gom" mg dQ\l'1'll the stl"etch:fo.~l' an u.obea:t~D. :season.

NatuaB Iy, Qillm do:es.IJj'~ p{!1li"m'lit ~iT:l.tIn.g a,11 t Il.~ ]iijtWr!~ foejj'~ 111:.

T~d'iiilY 'we'[JI\1:, dewo.tLi'Jg' this: ,column to :M !tfiI1U·SllJ"[a billiMrerl .ftrom lPl'ao. tiica1ly avuy 5'e<c'M'~n of illie' 00 liD to' ,BInd ]~lU;Il1L~' the local oontrllni~ 'mn ~a'~\'"~ iEIiI,~U:l" Jm1I:.i'bil,l' .iatert:.,

.H(!!:V,ie; g'O~G': I

Tb e tJ:rnt CO(~.e~ fl-Qm, C', E. i5aEl!M·AJ1'~ ,9, for-me:!:' :Mln: a'110n!lJ,~~tI~ lfi.o,~ :ff!3'Lilllilg in SPAiR/fANBURG. ,S. C,,;

'I '1V~11r;.~ly J'iJ~ I!;I!~ !!ig~~II"'d. tn I!)':f!!~ I'lIilifDI 'i.'ic.liiV li:tn'!i'i"lI ,!'lilillfl In ~HiUil QilIlr,'Ii}llillli, '~:Id; If ,~,tHI ~1I-tI; 01'(1 ,M:_!n l]i1"g[jiltll, M rr!!)i'i~ .'ii! il.J' I"il'liirlli., .ml, i~Jli:l llm1'f.'iI' 11~1o? l!-'l::lu ~'b~,!1 ~ilm~ ,g,j' Iltli!': l!.(I,mrtl!, !(.\~I~lfirl!r '~!:/'~ iiiil.!!fI[)jI. tile ,!II [j;~~ dDWru ::llll~t.lp,.mJ f!J!I.dli1 rllKnJIII"Il!i j II1l!!itc~iJtilll"

·"III'mli fl"llMI!"I~I(j~t.'\.':;i1 F l,'illt;1[1h"lfl! ·a;:l'Jlitli!

IJIlliI1rW leI! L M!tI1[tf!l!ro~.;1\ ~,:!~oIitli'jj[il - ~Ii.-mi

dm! j]"lt tlIlI'!IfIi", Ii) filjul!i'J:iI'EJ!!l~

~Cllni1IIJI;Oj II;1IL"i ~[j~ VU~f1[j~. J!-lIIjl!U\1!i

~rt m_iP ~(I'lil h 1III~!I1 I"':{M~ ~h'i' ."l. !!Iiltl~1.M1 '~J!II "If" ~h!ll !,jj!dt~Ii:'Mi.,,;"(Ilm:I!L'W[d:i'i: prn~'I).

'\Ve~,~ not Biurp:rbl'!!'d liij llIealr r:rom 8'1il,Y 'M]n iifie.mlta:1l1 .aJitlYW!!l er" ~'T::~n~' '11iI<~ 1;;(}U'llbaiL ~(I(n~ ,'Ih-e Gopbe;rs. ,g~'!J(!I ntis stuh ,ntlO~ :~u.UOl1!nl p'!4!!i:!iUeny t31:i1:rrI! BillY th~,if~ tihat ]ir,[3jppe'IliE hel'\~ iO It 'VP.i!n·~ Irs !lil!1!I'1!!! '[hUll! wlJe::n, IOnnet' t'Ie'S_hhti'llts e_ iif~, jI, loo-t ott po·,:ptng @U ~:bt'!ut tb~~~l'l litfij tiv~ iSilaret.

,CODs,t Li-kes the Gopb~!r'S'L Toro

I Tb is 011,e eem ~s frllM Ct..AlvEl~,() NT , 1\N G EN of

Id:A W":IIi~)R,NE~, CALlF., It,e WF-itI@:S, :

'~i:!i.iI!t~ II! 'HiI!i,Hn~ :r,:.nour !i'I!l!(jitm HI~ IIJii!j "lLIti"k" ,[!~' ona~ G,m'liIrF!I, 'ilhl'lll !j.\~;P F rr)I:i", :.'jiit!'I!1 m liE'i ill IIi!' SltIlil" ,)Ii-" r1JJ!.~ {iull. t1J1"ro1,,, Il ttimill!:~~i, ~7IIfIi l'iIl!htfhl f,J1i'I Iii ~iir;u""'i! ,hi ~]!rt!-i!! - RlI'!iil. ~di -ll!'l~ IJJ! I:l~ .iIl' ~~h.!!;I' rch", ~~ltln~ ... ~'c. I" I:lli'ir.

"'!; ili]6i"I!Lelliil, WllII,~ I'i!:;>!,nl n.lifiI '~IlJliil II"'", ~fill' ,f1~ '~~~ II'!iFl"l'I ,"",.L'~lIiIi 11'01 'nil!'J I!(f'MJi1 1.i'i!i'L .J3l1.']jUI1fu~'ll' run11 It. it"'I' m)J~!,

y~. jt"1;j ~rl!liC' thnt {;81J fil)'t'ni.iiil1~ n:l,vLe' "fi~fi 'qJl.dte l!!lvm~'h hal, tlil eil" pra1tse. o.f th ill! G>O[J!h~r'!Ii th~s y!lUI.... "'[In~u 8Jl1:BP;r;eciate thl?m !II. ]~.tUe, m'!llir~ ~t~l" seChDi8:' wJUtt :II hard time, $lalilfom, hnd, to 'ti!!eat Wa!Sh i'lil ghil!HL. h\ ,!f,~etl' m~)'qy siliIr If il..he HwM!e£ n:~fIn't b!!eome' ~WSlB alld tt'U.'~OW:!li ,iI5Se.S When the]t w~~ In ,P@\r:llts to th c 106d~ j '~Ie~ mlgh.l l1~,'1.toQ; w~n,"

!iii: !II< ~

R I d- ~ '-I F T CI 1""1'1... '1_ d'

. :·I·:lC:U, Je . rlom ·.-e:KQS. ~ector "-dl.BCKi8;.

wr!!.=I'AM j,. NE'ArM:,AN, a m,&nber o~~ the fa~'UI'i;,y at

. ~'E..'\A,sL A ,AND ),Ji'.;, but a. 'formLier ItI]iL'1lJlj,e"Sotanj, COIL'"

t;ributes fbb~;

C0millfg f¥C!ilfrlI ~ TIP~B it IIi n~ M hil;S"lr-U:E'to':r. w'! ll-el~ e\~ ,t hti:;; 'fs a III !J.tntL8!UlpJly fine' i!::!d!;,ulte to t.h,/!!! IGap,lI!ers. WL!ll: IrJO:Iii.'1t Mln~'I;c Uiiet.e will ~~ any ["~d ~cw IlJi,g 'Clf tl1Ci' 'Goipliers fro.trfl U~.e [u"l(}l''L 'YorUL 15ectol" M:ti2'ir wJilat h~,p.pi2.I'III!~, t'l!!! u~(! TicJI!.tLS A U rid M gang"s'~a:r.

<it '* *' And Stil'l Can, T~B'It:le It

HERE f~O~E-S an lent-jr:~lY d ifI1!'r.'~l1't tUl1'l~ IL",~ 'iIflritlen ~y DEL F[iO III D,,A I' !,PQrts aUD DUM erf Ci~ W J Me ~,t U.rC I.: LAKE!, ·W is. :

• ;.~ _~IJIJ ., It!!iiJ[W Ii1Ir..lidill'iI' ~d' 1!i9!1i" l~ronl'!I' ;['iJlllli!~ 1fjl1i11 ~a'4!':V ,1!J1t;.~' [ifj'nfti!l, '1Ih.:iIi~ .~~ ! ~\ N· ,r' or, . It:}! ]I'lr. ,1J!ll.W 1tIi1U. iI'd1Illl ~nF _U'JnJ~ 'U~ {lffli!lii!:fl'i, ~1I!'1I·rt. I ~r,:!Q.' 'I'li! li"u'~ :'I~~II!II!!'!1 ~,,_ ~1O!':;rt!I~LI nu·. n!'i! ~h !'!In 01,111'1': !f-j'Jil!'illt .AI! ~UiUle~ru n Uil"!.j' lililf Ii!ilil: i:l!1f'-. 1II~1FNIrj hi w~~ itlitl '~"jronl'!i1('rtn,~' rUt.

"'Yj:'Jjii'[j1 ¥!l!iu 1!'.I!lk ,jjIL Uiili M·Iii~~biUIKil. 'I !:III~. _. lil'I[!:~· iIre,b;. ~hi'" I,,~\ij;f¥ ('f'lJ:l'Ci ~!!(I tIIuc:::n'il''lf ~L'd'III]"(iNEl!!im1'A JGgiPiHmP ~~I!' cJ;;i~'I;il:e~ l!lu!l('lr!.o!~t1 ilU!ilIl '[[firlfl','llli~!N.I. J t

'YI~J' 'we km'!llJ1IiV 'LlJ 1Il! ,iI'tiUl!'Irrt th@' gt!ll!l~I.sUc.Ili' 1m [he Weh~ gnD"'Mn]]n~go'~ mtm~ We· ;a~so f~ii'!i!lll rtu~ mli'llmr th'iIiIIC:S: t'h,Q Gqp_li1oes '~jjav@! had, Ef",r,en 'b~~~t, ij,gj'iI,~U:t!!!l~ef; ifn tb~ :sta't.iBllkoSl a;rlle: li1ii!'~ MI'I!!! d~~, tn' defeat ... The '')fi~llIel'"s In thi1li:S:C games dli:lm1~ t g1Vf;! M·Ill!HJe.~ot.a, :mue"b. is'ymIpat'hy. ~i1 lJ!a~t l"lll]ckyl;]L IJJ]ii:J:~.

:Hnw 'l!hU.s Fadl'O i!J:I"1I1lQ11I1i1.!!e['" 'Itmil S!!IF 1 'Ji1{l' .(j~:pl'1:~1'$ 'wern [uc;~ ~e_u, 'Jl,nebli~~ fa ha~ tOUl1 cb EU11~S roL SCill!'JI~ :amkll ~de' pod onl~ 1D~'h:le hil b_ei~'Gn!l IUS'. IGfta t; t(m,m~ ~r:liH1. ,~:I!Si!it'Ii![{:~ m'Bllhy iLf,t!J:).,po~~ulli'li~~ fun iMlY. cl~g~,·

As fM'" 'RCI'm~ J'ohnsop I hi2~Sl C;JldJi~'!li!!'d 1i1!il]l)Is u,ililiiOll., "e' bidJcvli 'tJlt~C !'I~ ~viO~:9: iOO'mme:l'Il,t w.cln;a,'Ve ~r~¥ed O''IJJ[, ,C~ 'l1~at il!:lte G~'.hf!\l'.1 '~rell,IJ\~ lllilCNY this "eat'. .A.n~ ~ ~n n aQm,~g '~Q '!Jtak~g l~/'L we'v,1!' 'liief'D t'n~mllJ' U so h~lI'IIg 'il:lmit: 'WE! dlo:ll~t 'ilI'4M"G' ,to lIIi1c:nUOiD, tJ\e: :rn:lJmbl!~r' mt y~ar.s:.. \V:hic:n. we' F'e'!leh t'tile' iiiugeL w1ll,iI!'['o@ w~ Il!JII,na,t, iake It., '\ve'lm ~:lo!\"e aut of t' ~b~s:lrfllesa,

"it '* *

Ohioans 'Kick Aboul GopLler,1 'N,()'w

ROY E. W AI.NER in (~LEVELAJrn, OHIO" Iricks, in: , ' ',vI'th thi~;

. F __
, E IT I, I
* .. * '. * '.' * *
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Od F II S' · 'h' P" '.

I . - J • .'. ' ." '.' ~ • l '. ' .'. L :. ". - - .• _- ! . . .' -. . . ~ j.' .-

_ "" sonJ, ranc_<", ,:_mlt I' . oue

'ade Gophers- .. Bierman

:oy BESNlE 1l1ER~m:N

M!!IliJ'i~.Aba';,B, lftoilA'l i\Wtil'.!1l CoB=

'fIl TOW that 'tlI'Ie We:s'tC'm Con-. J.~ ,f.·iJlore:r:u:e: 'fOllit'bS,'U :m~a;B!!lIn ~!l D"~M' Bllld M~nni2l5ota hillS tllle cl:lamyiojiuj'Hi~p" 1\ beli<"c tllat. lfnau')" wm [jl,gree with :rma whcm I say that 'LItis 'past ;!!!l@a~ S-O'G. foltnd 'U,:e lea ~Ill,e a.s 'W'no.l,e ~UU~g a nc1t:v htsh. 10r ,all Mou~d Ii!bUlty.

Ill. 't-be th'st J!I]D.'~'~' tber.12: \\~5 UlUa 'to eJrioosJ.!I am.onlR Mtn1l'S:~ :HU 1 MI'Chtg,tul1l OJul ·North.~ \V@stetn doop~l:;e th~ t'at:t, t~t the 1atter two, ~ 'wcl'e' beaten,

I l1nnll}S:Uy beUeve that ht }J.1l1DDl!soitSl, MICM __ 1!U. .' n ,do No 11:ltWlt"stil!!l"Jl,. the' Coli'lfe!renJce hEld threri? of 'Ule f5lfiD:n~esl~ '~(l'ams ln tb OOll!ot~.

I ~ 'be- wlJ]ilng to ;liIlit :e.li1y or. all af Ullcm against the' soesUed b~t j'][Ifim seeUO:tlS and. lIlI~ TE!'&soI1Rbly COlii.~ fj,dellt. th~.'I; ,aU of tke<m wc~ld OCl1l'U!:

Out.slde ~rf Mh'llnemta ,an.d OhiQ' SfuJ.~'1 I mllBUt!w the pre'" is.ea~_ dO'Jile on the Oilll:nf'el'enee.· ;fM Pl''ett,. btte to fo:r.:m ..

.. .

T,~a bigpst m; . b~rytE) U.(i , as tbe. Co~~o.pse 'iliJ·f t e Ol1~o< State 5q'lUIld. hemlded by some lin ,advMlce as p;robabl'e natWfir f8L .dui.lnpli~'llrs. 'They wer,e bc&;te-m by Mlnnes(Jlta, Northwestern! rCiiliit"JJ!eU IIlliLd MleliL~ iKflIJ.

M.mJi.qsata.'~ .1I!)~ii't oC wJn. ning t;l"C!: 1l!.ltl e <lind ~!lll~llIlg wUlwnt a s~tbaek :nntll.f'aJJy l) e JiJaded as lb.Ji2 No. 1. S'AIL",Pl,isfl ,of thc' ~arh} campaip.


BERNIE BmBJ,.AN ·Od&·Olt »J'ad'i1 9JIi-€!ll' Q JiJlN'lnltt


lI! admit t11lart af]w the, 'bea,t, Wnsmn;g'Wn :and NIf:!;1:ifItSli .. k,a~ I, b~,g&n to se-e.' .silli~a: hililJ.II~ of sUlcb a :pJ)S15.H~ilU:t:r.

Iowa d[dn't come 'Up to Us :IlJSO sb.@wlngt, but I doubt i~ amy ,one. even the m,ost partisan &.wJ!leyer thOUght the lfielilllfl, would., As, it '''"\W';EtS, tllis. clUJ\). ,~e U:P. Wirth ~11e most startUnc 1Jlp~t O'f the R&!o:r:t bY' belil,tmg N'Ob..i\~ Dame'.

ladi8.1U'JJj W:@.'I, was pl'e~~y ~\1,ch o~ ,a m~ 1eam. :Us f.l",~sT;J.ects, ,\Vl!1'>1! ';rate' :faJl'l)" hlgh at tlle· stllTJt QI tn,c'', but -Uunp Il1ltlntt work o~t that "IIIJ,'a'~~.

.. *- *'

Ml nnesow. MtuJt.;a~LY \N',EIiS veT)!, ISl;;Pf~(tll ~I" :i/fs, t'W'llIi ,Jt!!nc~ :prni'it ',"rJCWT]~;S OVU !lu,ch topJltilli'tc:h teams g,s N'iE1rlh'W'el!it~r-Jl and MJcbJgalii. bat I :stlII1 insIst UUJJt th~y can't be: d8!died mi ]Uf!:tcy.

!',I'11{1' 1.Vol'Yel'-hl~.s 'OOlildll'li~t

OiJ.'[IUaUz.e Dill!. ~ln,~ei'd ISCO!fbtg IQJPol"tun1U,fl'S\.

jQB [lfil. S'.mTU

'I'S ,-u?3jj·tio ~al' rruill em" gam ~

)lCliE'ltbWc.:ri1:e~1ll ml' .~ batb iof tts t.l'los .fer' piUllnis:.

I Jnave Deen ,RSk~ '~f many lSimce the :seMtm. diilii5ild 'it@; gl",TC' my J!iarsoual :SIze.'UI.PI of the !lui.bea'leJll G~phe:N~ Hoefle It is:::



I never w1U qwt admtr~ ling my J['94® te~ !vr its bnIHant gooi lime t:taDds. 'The boyS, WIB'l'e bR'cked .agji.l1'ist t'hH!' waD q:u1te orCtml Ia-nt Ute,y m~aa'Cd ttl) 'P' tb:emselv!(!!S, togretb.el' whi~.n the pl\e55lilf'e' "'!.laS! !D1],

That In IDe' .£ill'1al, ;Si:na~$:s1s ~e p'Osslble th~ii' 1w saasen,

FJ!om a, p] Dying ,Sltal1ilc1pomt;.1 I'd u)" ithOlt 'tllmr WElie rfI: .aum~ bett" !O~ l'\~a.scnlS f,ot.' 'the IG!IlIplll.. iers~ ~v.lnelbntt.y 111. iIHld1:1io:n to tildE' dc:len:sLve ,:,t'u]! Re~~

'The -specwJ!ttlBr: ;play or Urban ,adson .et tae'lflc' madiQ qUine, iI:\ ,ditflf'rj)re.Dco In M1:m;mJ!' mt&~s, ,i5e~.

Geol' ~ Fralick III b1:1 mUlt bl'M'k..;a\vay.s; pw led 1.1 S Ol,!l,t of m8.1ii.}.f 'gat S,I!obi o-nd, g.av, \I~ tou.cltu~cn'W1iLiIii that 't'lllJ'ue:d the tide of batUe.

Tl"icn 'L h I[i' r i1!! "i'illS B,fllJce SmU'h,ls ;leamoess :a.JIilt1. h~.;. an :B1:'lliIu:ndJ JI]~"' He d:UdnN-t_ let 8 slngle _ game, by by "lI'itboi[D,'t

COJii'!;r'.Ib!1U~g at :~ea:st one sensaJiolllall\l1I!ll!.

Bu't door ,a.1]1 t.e"Ei m spirt! .~ e4 fimongty m tbe' llinDl f-e:S.U]ti.


About, the tOll k~t Urting :Brfi1 fOQ't'baU amch has :f!oJ de at tblls, 'fJme 'mit ilrIe year ]s to' ..,,. good'bye to his :seoiOIL"S.. TIfILiB L;, parrthIUe::t\'Jy 'true, at Mifu.1e:SQlta. OU'f' losses by gt<'UGIl Mi~'illtt 89 Jill' ./e. Bs in. tke pg~ but iSome. vSJ1u~ ablo :P.!'to~cr.s ~ ,[lEll!5 1rI1J1~ 'l'ilCY"Ye i!' a P"Eat ~(rib through the past: tme91 ~a.

Bu.t, those' thliigs' can.~\t '!ba

ll1loldeil. The,.. happen ~,t

evel'1 s~hoo'm.

Thl2 1991 campi!ll.~gn now b; ltlflto.zy.

,A.lrJ:l:ndy ii'OmC' coa!::thi~8 are of ]941,1 ib'l!I:t the fCiOt,.. 'ban 'QJuJtm'J:!I~k .!for.- jJ;f11liHher Y'E'ar 'mUl~t ,vrut d!ewJopmants m world eilil~dU:3,D.IlIJS.

Ma:yiJe b,. Dmrl!; September,j 1 all u MXl 00 mlJJdl ahort .. .. ;t" QR, mSlter.ipj tlililn 'Yf :ligU:Xlc la!D\'l~

-, -

'. .'

_ r,.



e a.··_·'



, '. " .'




I. Th:e ~~phel~,!i 'V,~[l. try OIi t.wo ~'l r

'Ib- ,,'0£ HEPllm,R.lCKSON I ~'III. IS,'C' l1elmeU 111 'l"rELetlc@~ ,!.'l!rlld if mUIiiiS't te:iiJIflB,: -d1 ~ '~;!I:! iIU illDY ml3':re. The wiIlIo1 ~un 'holds Lite

O~' I.b!! ,S;lla.:r J-oulI".CI1Il BfiiOO:'tII 1" '~t l'~y p-f'O'I;I'e' SBlJ!;~:s;:faeto.ry u tli1~y p~o.:yer on. 8:n~· ttfemJlll, .(Hads i11 place. I'n the silk' 1jJI1I.' :541t-h~

:lig Tem trilotbaJJIB. ~i!;n·1i. gljr1it]~ to i;II!'1!! expJeeted to., 1!:lle' t~mL '\\',Ml ,glf'l II: :111. ;$. I g"&:r."'1lL1€J!I'~. t]:u~ 'pi9ilJ~ lOO&@'fl Il'IlI.d shin,

tu~u m·.sD£tie.'~ 'DoUr Mlf'[JIf.'U!!S()ita·:s Go·, a. !3!:l1l1!'1'JpJrete i5le¥l. uOII,JI:r :suUs are wool. 'JIIt(l!si[ {iiI' t'h.I1S [.I2'8J''llililjJ ',~U,t1~. '~!101L1 that .shllliu'hi

pl"Ul'~"$ may,! I!IiY t hell:" r5C']i1Eldl,JJ[e t'li1'q; • ** tit!!!! othe'l" telfm! Wi2'~J' s,~~k. ad 00 pr(lft~cted Op~Jil ,tl!l1 bll~1JJ'ry:'

yea'r in ,glass helmets. Tht!y ,~m be /!a.lfJII"d g,,,llt if JhiJ'Y ~a.thll wlljidl. e:'li:pJaln:!!i. Ulj.~lr b:rigJilt. Trlllil!' !(']lQugh. O-sC.Qr. And ohe

S m'ett:M:ng .n~w?' Stll'i2'. H.'f);' J~'~ p(JrHI~JJ ~'h~ j~'lfJ' (tJffld .~u a ppenll."'8.1'11ce. paSS1I'Lg tboughl-

Btlit men are wearlm.g· glEl_ ' 'beU:5~ rigM tJlrcntgJj; I/ll!.fii, dtJd' .lTl~ '{rid HThc "'oDi suit Is cooi~r and, .at - 'With tbas:e glii_'~ ~etmll!lt~, we

aNfJ:'t threy'? Glass' u.spendeTS./j1t-~ot".r ~tl.hO ail"'!if b.l'Jld J~etJ'dl'd mrgJI'/t the' ~E1' t! proitec"_s 'i!.!hil;l plaY' r .!I'lJJgh ,to "'Jar"! UlIe ()p'Pos.~ij1ion, @h?

,lo~,'_ c _ ,'h)! ,n .. oit gLai!S fllll'lylball I () l;JC~I, . I

t:u~b!Ii'H.~ts1' wm tll1e:re 'Il~' amy '!!litheif.' ;C}UlGgE.S

OSeBI' M 005J!i1:t'i. G<o~her Lcuslodjal'L~ in, 'tliiE' MI:n rn,el;:ota p["b '? 1

.is, all. :for it. ThE iiEiJSS h·eatl ,lee£! 'Wei~" liIe'TII!l':!!l .... hlf:, ill.lI'UJWqr 'fol'" yo,..

I is half, 11: ])'!Nlvy as UH:l: old leather m;·Hlit"'B who· ,t'llloUight the GiJ:pher:s OlilE'. aJ1.d it is quite 8 'oi t ~'ter" Mvet:ln appea.(t'1ed p f1as)ly &8 otliL1.!'r' EfI"f)" Ume Y_f)'III C·i:UII. gi\"'(:! a f:o'Ot'llalllle:efIMS, \"l.fle-al'!mg' morn spectacu,1a:r

pIal! er le-~ lI:!o cur--y :around and' ljliiLl'form. : fir _~e t'he bllJmpl!: @'8iBliff' f@t him. YD''''' .Bil,e ,J!lo,iili1g li11m a .f8"\"or.

*' !Ii ..


TiI~ Go,,~elJ' wm be ,~I~ ff\on1

T.he. he:mli!t~ ll!i!ll1l'iB:t' :b - OBJ'Q _ t!h'i!:!'m Js lD~ent:r 'lDf aJ'r !:PBiGe. ~~

](me" Sep,HBtlTi]g' fhtl ~br -I~u(d

p(r(ll;P~'I' bom titiI!!i [(Ibi:y· It' hed 1 hUEi.lmlet to sh(Je~,ahdi MUn5o:n has

~I ,Il whldl'b ·orb:!, 'the Uttil9l to :soar a BQlolt ,h€l ,fij.ppearance

hock. of 1£1m'tl '1.ota 'Learns:

.. .. *

I Don·.·~ mls.UJl!.MJ'st.:.aDd the' use (J,f' Rerllie BiOl'f'lULli!! puts llJtl

II;'to.ii!l. wo:~'d ;,1 .. "".... T· ... Ii!:I, h.,"'~"""''''''' III.... .

Ij,JI'..- .. ifI ~ .iiI"," """'" ... 1";:;1:. m ~,t!. 11;11 ll~ p1a.,,'reJr: abOf\l"e ]UI;:E! a glass iib.E!J.', m'[nel"'E1~' :RulllY rdr. . I!H l~Jt' 'OpiDi OW'i,

I ffie ~nll:lrpbnl'!le, TJTtu M; is om· ~o G,op''h- E" tlDQthQitl. ;myer' 15,

:r.1!-Elikaibfu. - Ye't- lit ii'S s 'l:r-O-fJ. g.. Id,1i'es~ed ~:r fknn pblOf6rs, om

G h B t

. I' . ".--, .:. ':-:"'~ .

Op' ~. ers rses ."

Says. Biermar

. Innesota Coach Refusesl ~Q Acimo.wiedg'e Team

W '·...:IL L . F·"",ll~ Ie S . -u~:y .ast WI.

,; OW Qrr-l~, " ~cb. Be¥'-

Wilt ,8,fellt __ iil! of MUm..e'S®ta. t(l~d tile: 'Q~a_il:tel"'ba~ club hB~e )(~llldo.y' n ''lfM ~!I) ,Q<:cl,dien'l;, thfI,t his Go;phETS: iL~l:Id.od 'w top of tile 'fco~ha:I!L pUe: iit.1i !be 'Ii! s s 0 n j'Mt ,cm:iedl.

~ hi [ :vea'!r'~: llHbialb~y b~d, m,!l:IM iOffotil,siw ,t.h an. lJjDY l"w, oeQachedi'" :hiD' w,t. ,L l!wt time.s thJe d Q ,f j),n 8;!! ~00J!Nl'Ill ~BiI, Du't wilen lh'~ btllJ'$ wantnd! to 'pU:t 01iIi tbu 'J~S'lilre,., II_~""';"'=

~~(Iy ,~,u1d., We ,BuPill~'C Bl~m4ti

k;EIld to ,e 0. m . L

fl\~m 'J:je-:kiJ]I,d, seWIt\ 'tjmC'B., TMeS too often to 'be )''I(Ic·k".:JJ'

13ie:nnan wJWn:W lco;mpm:ciiru, !D_b;

'ma:m w1Ifb Stantford. _

iWISJ :p!!l!Ly\oo, i!\ Itmn~, :!cbc~w_~ iBl:g&in.:st . .stJ:'lO:~:r. oppoolit,l.M 'than 'Stflilifo:l'd,j he 91maJ. i'W(l1 :Plait. toU7-

I teams r.-atd s,m~lW t<bc firBt tieD ~ de<lea~d thMn. ,illUWd'OI'od. ~~I: ®nID,y .ollie of 'tem. :m beU,De Mtcbi:[fI:il:lI 'w~ ~ Jo.t stronger. than, Ne'b'l,' 'ka~ .1 woUild 1 (i! :p'1il!Ci) Nort:llw,csitel"II. an;d 'Ob[G Sljate -~ihn.,¥,e Neb,r,M'klll.'· _

Then. 'when eOl1;h',®Dt'e,r.j, ",'1ftIJtb, 'tile, ~UI!SUOf'll be· eQmd bflve exlt!c'bedl .l:n "tbi,s ~I1d 'liiif 'tbe ;Suglilil' 11ijl!~"7i'l-w,M !)th:llu~xQta ibJetie:r. "tbM Bo!ton, cd)..-

lege ,~r 1'e~e ~~ Urn t~ ~,1!I~e wb[(jh me' hC\l'e . ew 'Y'es:rs b;, .,- aid ~'

"WeH I dooD,;I!!. think l'd b:c s'li,sklnl s't. tbe. knet!1 V&rY mocb ~t. I ,jtl.j to ',Jay c]th,el" 'team,-ll)ul; ! In_,I;b; be , su.r,iP.t'~'" • f~

-- - .----....:n-. -emne of'!,'!· Wi~ from [h,e !~a. Cloud~Mi~l~e tel.'J ':tory. 0liL Jrli:s lir,st digit, :11 e b!i,~ked b is: 'way 21 ~ard) mto W'i5:coMifil 'territory. was the ~Brt t'Jb;8l na e Goph~n: needed, 'liTer simpJl\' ~D~e to ,gil: ~alne'S ! from !that poj~liLt Oil.

Daley·s l'IUil!hlllg' m8kie'S ~ne Q lM of S,'lfm XQ~t.k·. :SUI doem~l, l~o,lt ~.OCl 8'1000 as a nne: b1!leke'r ... ~Qt hl't him Mide off 'lac.'kl·· wd !II,. lIeBllly:aes Places. S~tiUJrollY' was: Jll]~. bgSt day o.f 'the :)fealt', bllt th, ~ win Q~ mCire and b}gge'l' dB]i\. commg 'Up : ·ar. !lb, 1l!IU"hfIJ~ the 112;!C,t 'l'!.1fO J!'E:i"l:'lli.

ub .al

uP TO LAST L~T'lJRDAYcl' thel·.email.· So\ID.a dl,ou.h~ as o 1'4 .nlso,ta.~'s !,~gitt to '~e N 0\., 1 d,Q]m on. Ha"e mythilel.~ n~ti,o~a,l :&u)t{b,sl1 l~tGaUoa ..

Brut -tber,e s'hOlltldlt t be· aID' toda:.y. Tt.:ms I!Mamn8r ',am.'· teat Qf 8pO,ttlng :i mare g~orir. . I~we~ tyro D'nd.~ tbg Wbl~ " 'h~llIJd !be t;hJe clhJcb __ ,., ,~ll'llimmt m be!ltial1 o£:Jlie GOilJger-s~ claim, for .w]a.tI~HiIwlde: :tempitlm.

Th .. n 'Gopb!e:. ~)wd _ DD£! alXlu:t ever:yffi.~ll'J~· tbat oIu: '~[!l!d ,ask 0'1 a. nel. 'ion al ctudnJion~hlp- club ~p to th.e time ·thrl\)I' jnvad d Madl; .. &'01lL Sa tllfd a;y. Eut cXUltillg; hom be-11lind Ule wary tiley' did just

:aJbl)gt put e~l\;; r- ............... ~ ............................... -~-- ...... -- ................. ~~I 6'.f)"id~'@ tCUlI t!le~ MWl]cs!t:lta, bitm1ll WSigo:n for this seas an a:' Jleast.

Look O'l;!~:r th~ llit of R\Si[ ................ I:~NI

,geod 't~mf9l fill, . ~

tlt- tm.·u:n't:ry today 'Q~' are tto,dl;l! :.8J~ed C$iimparc· t'h.d~ !5Chd'ules,

w.lth wD~t 'the aojJ,~et':S' bD.'!;.'e )Glle In elgh IIrumes ud Y,!llIU ~lPpl'~i'!la;te h ~"'1i legMtl!liJl!i'-te their elalm 1!.

.And thi;!!:!U!' EJermaf;!j ib0;y~ de-st~YCi !lUi 0;1 ~~e' bOOlD.r:S tha.t ea:n be lrio~ !, Pl1 tt1re.m now ,a' 'wey iDeg1m the 1't1l1JJl'I-ds, or 'lalCl' knif.e· and, f:ork eague to ~t the ap'~E!J.tl5g l~a:t tll:e' 1ltia:\I" won tltrc,l,I,g;D, ' seaso:n of mg·b·t victories.

,I:n m 11)' WBlJ,$,l th.e lItO Mmm~! team. lUI oiJIl1i' I)!' _ U1e ,~(Ii:it I,e.' mm;ka'ble: that ev,e-r repl'eS8D1fu12d It e Max:OOh MJ:d. IGold. Tk. . u'l :mOire peisQ tho amy d~b we can :ft;l~-au.

no, 5_M'ted tile '~.atsmL lb,)-' ~U~g Was'hlngjtol!l and) aM3 Qriti~ 't&; the Se.ftS@JIl :bQ&!'e tao: HJtltU~.15 t&sted 13!*_at Bl£te,r liP'

,earmg ta(!i\e' I

N~br,'uka d!ld!n~t .~~:se' ,R Imgbu k,Ptie lLn;tU~' 'tirdn.g '~ed, !Out by' M.~n!\1.esot!l,

,OhJo ,Sta'tel's oon !Cain 'bt;b baced ~~, the :Uickinl 'Ut·t b·~1 'BlUekey,t's ft.®Qtk frn.m ith,e Bienrum. m7CWdl.

NIIi).l"thw,e5Wcl'f:lJ. a~tll M:ic'b.lpn 1lJj1\1,~ou:bktlb" lioald IDlttaJt tilL Qlf tb· 'IOnf.te.1''Eatied te~(]I!. ,in th," G.C!I'I.W!~r" t;oday., BGff.h! went tli!i.lWB lDefWQI tbe 'GdJihe1iS.

Pu;rd,lJle ,an(] 1'0'"' 'too~' ~el1" went UcldniHi: ft'qm MIDl'irDles@ta., ,Allld 'tbe WiiSc;onsm team tll~t ~C&t SSltl1rdBl' rates 'w@U nlp in OUT 'book u 'the 'we ha"UG :seen, ~t MBdL50B ~D mD.D(!f1 PilifJIQY' yea!irl."

N~ I.o'lil,!d Q:til'a:m;Pi'QtlS~ 'We:l~1 'tlu~ft imfitt be' any il!UI,bt ,9.DG'Ut :It :now'.


,:, ~' '''lr'

T ~·,e 1941. Ou,tloo:k

A'S' A .. O'IEn SEASON m~ves i\~to, h~ltO:l'J, j:1i's "nice . _:_ f'Orr Miu;nesotans ,to llook ahead. ;nd :f\r!.aUz~ that s~'0bl brilliant pen;Or.n:t.el~S a~ B"I' S.i.ijl nUl 'Ba,umgarme,];, Ur.ban Odson. Diek WiJalun,g,. ;Joe .' .'lll1ik', B'ob SW'ii. g'~r ,;alt1l!,d a f,ew JillO're wil] be a - oJlnd. me:X® year to wea:r t]H~ Glo d j ersey~~

On1ty mju.f"le~ !WIt ~~p :iEbucl!t Smttlll flIom at tamln g' aU ~e~.' I can :ree~. lion in 1941. lie 4IDifll8l't ~~t I. :5iInt ·Ie' lame ,sUp by '~I91 J'iQ'i,~ 'WJtitlili1.'J,t, at 1'~8S,t Oc1il,$ ~en5iR'V'lJrlial :nJJlI'i. SaJm~!Bl;Y lilt: .Ma~0D, he on1y l"an W1!ll" ]I' rds: fM fh~ s.~~d it·~:U;~chttM~ ! _but :he! Ji@IYe1" mBJi~ be:\'te. u. e of hi ' s; rong liepl Ms. \SWi,'i/[eJed hi'~, and ~eet hl, getting OV"el' that l'll)aililHl'"

,Some' mal' y.' Bfl-1AW Sn~!'tbls t~as:sj~ W@mi,il ~-o ,good Sa~t-

awma;v, bQ:t, , ,o»Jt 'beUev'O theDl., lit '\RS, .JI ~a&l [lid the' '~es:t rUMI;n, JG)b tllJ' lhe :Ba~eD t· at QY t~am, ,or an;y passer bu· been I]!I' ,qainst )~ Ilb~t fl'U"I ,!1ft.ed B;r-Uce's, p~rehl:n _ 'e.!t'lOl'· _

lBu:t 'wlum, n 'ls smd:alh~ IdtJlle. tho .: rn, :' :U' i'iil to ,BU~ ,Dale<J for' furrus:hlmlg Uu s~k mat '!leaD., ;;,:v,as respo[lisJlb~e tor 'ttlat starWlng Clo:m@ittac!t:"

The G(j,ph~ wereJl.t pam ... ~eky or 8llL¥lhlfllll ,Hke 'that ~tteT the ~a!dg'USl 'llJi9ld .s:cg'JiI!I?d twice; bU!t the" ',,~e in tb~ ~'O'Ul,gbe-s' Q~t tJi:at tllifl'Y ha~ D'eeD. .iIi lill ~ear:,

.. "" .' M',aur Gopber He'l?oel,

BILL BAHM'GAR:NEa also pro red Sa;,_u?dJay '.hat be ·1 bas quite a future aa an aid., H,e hun"t tb..e buiJd pel·ndbs bhu '111 be a 8G .. :oon'O.te JJtlu:fonnerj but 'while h e~,s in tit in',e he' 'l!.'",eaUy dI,o,e,s Blome Bouing,.

Jbul llle:n t:n~ ·mn~ ,vas ~ver fhoSc ~cr.P,y JB;a~pm we.~ oossing mo 'I: bO:Uj~l'Ijlets . :]Ute8'D~!!iI 'IfJ'rbiln 'Qdson. ,H'e Jla.d 811iQtb.e~ big 'diil~ fJo.i· bime[f D,'t t:ackl~ too mtd~Q ;n~ lone. ot the lOQa't bt!hl;Y wegPCieai toIc.kLfI'S .in 'latre' COIUlitfy, •

Dick' WUth.:!'nr \vaJm'1!'t far JbeMnjil ~jm, In fae.J :b~ ~ ,I,P&.id 'ifI BLUrtl Clown 19in:d,er plQIDils 'WillS a tIcal. fcrsol"C' ,~

T,ile '~nfh ~ MiliD,fJ'SOta U~n~ did! lID ~1il!:stal1d1ng Si)b~ '!l!I@¥ hall, to ,(0: th~X we\f.e pjUeii) 8JgmD~t ,W 1~ll!",8l\d wa1l~ tb!lrt ,a.ompD!ml fa~Q~ab]y wl:tb M.Y it113Jt. th~, COPMl'S' ~I,Vt!i fae~liI. ~l!J. :yelU".

SrULcli 1I)@':r~. ,83 BI1M ,Kuus-l tot H'l!lg:e ptuk~~! Gor(IDDmP,Sl~lti~a 'nJfl Bob WorMlIlirlJil ce["tlli~ly mo1!lldl be' ,mud ot :the M~rm@'r ill \#biCh they ,p~t '\Ul1!J in thsJ· ']GX1DlIDS vl('!:tair.~.

~ * ..

Can't Pal~' Upl F':ra:n,ck

~ DON'T ,sm HOW allY ,~n~itruc 'who i~ bold. ,eDough

. to luck am, All Amlr~e~ , eam ean '0 'errno'Q,k 'Geo15,g'i8r

Fmranet,. If hs didn~t conuibu e I:nythill,g more in 'the Wi&c'~nlsi~ game' than 'hi's 0\1 chdewn run after b.~s .p,a;ss mte.l~ee pti'~J:n ~ he 'me.rit.s ,SUtCh 're~ Qlni ,~on.,

:D,Rt Goo gc als!!i!' '?irQ, iDO,IJ1Ig iII,1lI.@the:r, .grant tob ,cd p~ntl.Q,1o His:',age '\\I1ll; ever 41®.' ,J" _inl\s 'p1l'J" tr· Sind: !wi W9S c~g tl~ O'I!.I,B wi'l.iI .sp.e(::ta.cuTar plJ.m:t~ wJten tbe' :P1"~l.H"i: WM: ~'i B~ p;!ac:ed Uiem. 11'0 SlcelU"atll;!~y fi190t .1lIe must go d@w.1lII in ·th, . ;re.oo~6. 8S one or 'iI!h. :U~est pum:t{lr,. that MliinllJes&'ta ~8.S cvm" 11Jail.;

.oql n.ev.eJ." l',~. ,= 'mr ,mQi b lH. ; or 13. 'p ','than lie .mil Dft- iI' p'b~g 11 ~J§in., ~ the '''1IIl :p dod fa ~e tl;i]:o itollJtflid:9wlIl Iiha~' lil1U'.,!IIi, _lbm:ot: ld,~tor,)' • lo~tJ,. 'ei'nn.,

'Yon r.eally hate to 500 ueh 8, gr(lat ccm(K2itltor a.s Fru.r:k.

OnH)hi ~ .iI1ls eo:nlegla~e CD.l'Ber ..

-6' '. .6;

mt. 1'939.. (In,e Go.'Pfr -·"~~w-e;r,e :r ted a"s Just aJI!I~' Cit' footb.91l1 "cam I U UJlC'Y W1il!1111 foUl iI:'! .~lIDsif; ·tihRI!- ~ndl tl,ed cme •

, n 1941'. t tH~"Y BJ;e ~a'tc.d ' he N'{J. l lMt:tl D.t ,the ,f![iiI 15,31:11 'I~U h oi,glhJt. 'vll!:wr~(l'.s and RI))' de Jear~.

:But ~!i1't!:!:: t:ill:ke- One phllY' oRt if: 1lll'llY nllJmile.r !Jl' C'.a:rrm_ 'J'hJlouh t'FI,e:se :t,'!/Ij,tliI C".arn,'PlDip:s and: .se;e 'IIVflait; a llI!i:ffceril!Ji)ce U 'W,01li1d. Jli'~VII: mad· 1 In DO'U} r~tom,··.

RBf~ ''DIE Jl!es~ ,E SON

P'ur :ue Ued. 'Mllil!f1Iesnla ,Sf 1:;"13~ F.:'"m~na .. ~e By("l ne-'~ a-yard .lUll'll r]ght thrOiUJ'i "hif!' cen,t,er G,l Uile Oo~lhe;J" U:I!U.!:' and, HiM@'; :Qt~ ''\V>i:lluldl hav,c WoD~ 13 to ,Ii.

Io tl bat fhe 'G9:phe'r~" 13 to 9. 'Tak~ QlIUII. Uu' ,In'ted'eiC'eJiI~e' Jlil!iI'F I k'lt eaUed, ,en Jo@ .. ~m~k :nt], the J{a\'''':ks'''''1"0IJ1~dJ'll~~ fia:\' '. sCO~(j!1ll [tUli WlnJiln'I~rr. 'iljI''Ill'll\"IL. MhnneSQla wOlliJJdl h~\J,e: wOlil.

lo.b10 ,StR'le' nos:ed iDut Mj n'iI~~Ci'ia Ii; 23: to. ZQ. ili)1!J'~ ,I!II 'iftl1:es1':hllillfi'blc hQ,lllLimg pe!1U:jl~ rt)" '",,"'3.1 eft Ued l!i'n 'the ,]BJc:rm.ll fls om he 't:h.r@e·Yl(llrd. li lIIliO' ill th.I!'Y v"t"i,IcoogJ; '.0' ;500re. .EIl"'H~ tlHli't pia 8_f~:d. 'toe ,Gop~a.e~· ·WtlJiUlid ha,ve WOlll,

ell .. gil' tJJlGseth:f.e plDlffi ai'u:~: 'Mtnn· sliJ:l!;a wOldd :hav.e WDO ~~

a:llI(J J.C!ia Wo.; l(fir :resJ1l!eetable ~e!lmill.

'_. rmesola ~. t \VBiJt1gtGfii, 19 te, 1t. b.,t 1 Steefe 'lbaclm)'!'1.\ lumb~ eli the ,apening ,k~c'l{o<lt !that l,ed tD a o'll.lcbdm.wJIj 'Ul~ fCiljrc (!oliid e_u~y h.eJve boon, l~ to 1.8 for DIe' H~ ~kie'&

I'll ith (): G~p~' _ ~ lJ.. 7 ~i d.'X1J."Y' O\~e'r [)I.b. 10 State, Ul!tJ ,.~ ~dj~g fa.ctor was R PRlSS tr,iDm ee-nter Jl'i 1'Qrg R BuC':keye II'UUJiJid's wo~ to ~Md the baU fr,t:)m, tb,e on: to tht:: J4 y,Slll"d III t!. Am:JI almo~ t ~ II'-t.!!Iln o.hlQ ttilllChi~O'lr!."n was avcZ"ted to iU:"0JI1' them ,if.ram :no Wii!t',r: tban ,e, tie to:L ,at IiIIll:lC-JQiE~t ''ritCl, (II!!,)".

1m t[)e ],( BIDe' 'f{ lIEeb Jiias, sU r:e~ llP sc mueb eDJ.n'~ '\ ersy '!liI,Veir Ute 'relJ1l1tlv. . me_r:i~ o~ 1:1J!I@ two, 'team' 'lMie WolvelclJ!l • :ndgh,' Im'V!! SOOIOO(;] ,9pm 'but .fiQt the tact 'l:'h:at Parmi h 11(:' t:liolly stole a tou'cMoWlf'i P9i~ ligl .. l out ,of Ui~' ~pds Q.fMidIIKi~mdeli' m!i b _ was RD01I1~ to ~oore.

Reverse 111e-s:~ ,pl:a.y,i and . [lliIifI!(!-g.(iiLa's l"eG,!)l!",Iil' w!lI.ll'14 blllv@' lb~ef1l Ii ,.~e ftn(ili tht"eE.

01 co'un ,011 nUll t dmjlr.' lll'1l p,l[!11g ~uto IllJl5l "lu .. s-Jif1less IOf SI:: ~. on d gill ~ i!tjl U~a.1i Uti' a!l!W of a v,~ra ·e.s l:l!illJa I~~r 'callcl1)~'.1 ~'P to· ny t~llilm ill.. atb_l!jl!rl .. C'S.

,H'QWer;,;eJ!'i sO 'lw"E'J'Y 1'cv; foo lfo.l 1 [8111S ~~.m-:ali~' :h6~' U'Ur.- '1!1I1.(.,.;I"· e!l'1ii!e t.&I~rp. i be hv n de: 'i):1')' ,of) d d'efeat ~ weJIrn ,eJ~ a. , lH~Ce:'ii:dlJJll .aiJilQI UI U'fH;!UC~e'$I~1 S C'8l'O 1'1;.


GO.pher End. Come Through

For tlD.lly,~ ,muy' 'yeMB,~ MilwlrUo~a. fi~otbaJ1 f'ans new): dJd ,Q]lIDCh WOI:,ryutf, abwt their 'en d_s "

,r.'s'omchnw ,Be k·t B8.!Smm '8["""8.)$ :!W~S to c®me u,p wlt.'fiI SOllIlC boys wl1o''I1 d0 a bett;e!~ Utijli(JJ lIiVexa.;te J~}b:' '!.\"'Q.~' 'ic'th!lt evet'~ 'o~~ ~\!Juld s~:y wla eB, Ul'i?rC yoras ,~il!I,me q'lJlest:t'illIn ,:!liHU'!! 1l,~e 'c:]Ofi iO~ We


'l'fIIJF,!l)!UgJII tt:h'e ,~~I." :PH 'i!r~ thl5 :~)CUQJlI!, tfio G!ll"II~l!'_!~~S dl!!LD/t l\Ou'~ '~61 ]~ot. q~bJ.. Imtt~~ Dl!J'lmDd \\fM~~dr

,.::II 4;,i. .. :;;..o. \111iL..,;:n.:m!IdI I!I~M'Ii!\G ~ 1'f1~~ ,1Iin:d !ib;e ![m~,

MoUDy WlIWll.. _ )'1Ii1/!li

,,\ov'ammili 'WMn'it g lma'iiI," ,~g_"£:Rijthtli :b..m: ,ta'rid h wot,Ff 'hi u.~t.,

'We' beUe~e 'they 'IIILlllt 'w;o~blr ,iiJ,;~~1': ~whBt m~rt Eas:wn:~~, 'bo,y~ dhi ~lill, ~e :Pl\l14d!u.e gJDrf!'" Tttat '\¥~iS tilJe beSli, dl ,!U'~1:ihd, p.erflO'r,m·, [nee. tob!8J:t ~he1 ~a"e ,tw;ne,d ,_

,8Qb ,Fitch ,~ame a 'u:t& fa:5~~r than ota]em tk~lllrb '~'h<e ~a;dy ,f!iages; - ~ itb!! :&e:a!!lO:Iib~ llu:t lli~W th[&~/v~ ~:n ~ailg;til;t U[II' wl'~ 'Mm with 'Ul,e' ,l\'J~Sll!l'l 'I!h~! 't~he,y 11,~ve _a, ctIIa;!'Il~e. u ~ gr,oU;P. Ii) tiw.l{b, Ute !ie_11 Sa:tm~y 8,5; :me t~Qt i!i),f' arU the lWUt1inS!ii@lta fi01- :lOWe!t"5,

JL"d DDn" Y~Wlg wp1urm,.oJile ~1B~U BfU.ilimmt'~e~--.see~'5 t() eni~l,ght evE '" c:nds ,:fg~;; ~ \!,1[aS l)n'ltlJ' green W',i:1Je:n '1tiJ~ j;~~ftC!:d it;'la;e ¥'Eu''SiJ~, Hltls. if;~. 'b!!llll:, he hali ,~l'zei ca,g\E:lrne~~, '~O l!!l:~, :~d mm£! iilatglr~~ ,a'hlilj~,.

Hl£' :ifitst eiiil~ Im;lo ·tli~ _ m"IrCH ,

sp®:~l i.E;lii t . ~ ·tJlii' OJtL'iml' :~~a;ll'le ~Sime .. , A~,JmiJ ~ Piltd~\1e, lll1.S' ,:wor~' SInQrnJ 0'1:11,1; ..cairn. -·'iIlef:lJt~aUy •. lu:;' may !become ~e '!)1f 'tl'm' be,s-C;. ,mB: thiE!J'l, Mrnftl3S®1i;a luts ~ad L~ f'eceat ':Y'(nl;~

,!iii! iii !Ii

Qo,pher,s, 'Coo'rd, Be :Pa.,8\slllg !Team,

VeT,' eritiml IClut&id~e' O'!b9e.rvers h!l!\ve ~pe:Q,t, .O,St, i(l!f t_b.Elr time while, w,a;temng Ute, Gop'b~ '~,g to fina

1\Il(Dlltaie dminim: Weakfi€'SEes,~ Eat':~y in the K.OD" tlley sai'n the mam'ssecoooalFY rle£el1iie :agm~'1t passes wun"t ,toa, hot. Sooa.Qy' impHlv,e:tfieII'~, sOOp,p~d\ 'tha!t, :~ 'm a ,b'lU';l"J ..

T,he:n U:i~pJ~, therll: 1'.i:e Gop'h.'ers C@'Wili!tb '!~a;:ep R~~'~ ~' tll;'am i::'ha,t came !(ii.l'@!Iilg' :[r!lil~ ,is'fl6.irtliii.l QI'II~e or 'tw,loeti!' ~!Il, ~ ,g:.ame. !".tiJe loal llJinre ~ta_nl "O:f 'tbe m~e~,~mII! aPbu'E. ,Mi<=b~g':[jj ,on, fOYil" ~,utfureniL; D~5'iQrt~, ~'~(f~ed them til (ioo~r '(blat ~iI:'3um'~t. :m, a b!!i.lU'Y.,

~'t'nu~, "I'[U'lI':"'V" ~,''I'Ii''m7i a ... ~iit"'! i!i'I.ti,~~ "'Uf'f~fti:rC'~~>I<, 'W,:. , ..... -T·iLli·1J!"j; 'iD:E' l'!l".i" ... :,~l,&· ~.n,c~ tg.t:L~,114"1I1~ .l~\I, "'r-.ll.UO"J,~I~V&,l~ ._ "",,,II,,!! ~ ,~_

,A ,GRUT 'TEAM' -ir'W.·~OOriLD· DO A ~LE 'P:_~~NG, Tal 'GO _ W1t'F,H I'm ALL PCf\\Vl~RFTJ"L RUN'N"ING AnA'Glt.

Rwl; 'm !3lDl11~~ml 'tbe: H~ln [B";Ilmel it,1tuit, )t~~~ been ~!!l"f!" 'Wei ~~J!I,~t 'Ot:lnk .~t ''11'10 GOI'b'!':!; ~;re' B 'lIoJi,n: '~!~ml8i 'teRm,

'!)I;I.It_fi trllth, is ~t, ~'" :Jj,1Ii~& ~O:l:t~ ilu, we11l nUb t~eb" Jih'i.irnrnlilIl" :R!m'1Ii 'I;'b.JI't; 'm", :b .'~elD,~t h$dl 'b. !lrO 'ito, tfle :aliI" i1i1l1 iitlPJ l(II'~ -'~

Al\lJ <tile' w~~, wa:rJe~~.s fOI!!!~'~l'~ e!Jos~'~f k!l!16-wSj, ~[IJ~ ~o. re!Qel,ve:rs ,oou~d, ~ !lQf:' :mlU,dl ~etb~l' p~lclit1m{f tballlJ B\I'ueeo SmUl1i :u! b~~~ d!liliIILg ail 5e'a S 00" '\i\te: ean re~ea]j IriIIQ! :9'~ itliW), ~,I\€,~ IPIiII~e!. tl'i:ll't i!!l~l:Iomd b'l/lOl oo>em '~mrP]@'~@dl ,~:L: t'D'lt$dcnv,jUj ~Il 'll1e ,hldu.s ~eJme ~! th!!! ,f;\(H':~'III~J'1 !tiJ>aid! b@!!ll a HUlie more a.le'n.

BUiI: oh thtFJi 'Us@s ~a't '~QesOita ~: mlmtt c®mll!~dlo.[Ij, ,~, hil!ll.!; DI2l!r:Ii :ilIy !5l]J(:h a ,:sm~U MS"fglntilat o:Jli iili C8iEl S:(!!Q ,~f!li!W' thi!ll • ~ f.lh~l'-.G iO@uEilil '~eot'time ,m ,grellt pns'ilfl:g' [i3im"'eg~;l]@ft Oilier.' mgWt'~.

"ni 'll.tlIl'r;~,~ :Ilit\~:y :It(ti·~ ![lirOlW' 1~~ bU'~ 'Lie 1Il,NlfCO:I1l ~i!l\ Pi!Si,~I'!I,· ,~ltaek: ~:!!! :JilL ~E'd ~y oom~ ,e.rU~~ iBiS; ~b.1!Ii bes·t llulanCEl!d:a:ll(1i, mill!S~, dU;~@'MlIli!ll! IlIiI '1Ij],il1' leEllgl!.I€l. In !liI:ppO!!lI:l:'f~n 'ItO lfi· a bUll.Bi's; Ha~ H'iI]ts~ aDd 0111111 Bt.alOO1g 'DOll Sooltt" U; 11:B:!9; t'!MJ ,9JIboVi~· :m,''I;i'e'mJe' 'lhr:.gj,~r~: ~iI'I, TenDa:nrt ~ii! :ao51dm:5. _A'bild ir!J Lor,en.~ ""B!tljl~: "wn

bl1 IUrut't ~p:h"o:m,ore:& Sch:Niiliih!'Ji

,amid. Ly(li.n~ :U,- ,tU:IIS lli:r..I!J:! li~i!i!' ithi!:! MillI~:l b!K,h]~ J.'lI!t~d 'il:l_~rti;cliiJ!!r:s: In t-]l,~ c,oll\" ]'~.l''C:lltell!.

~ !iii :II

T,ilB '!I1iiU rD"D giv@[ji 't.Jtre~r ~a!S'l ~8'rd i:3l["u~ I of 'tl1e !S'lURsGll, 'tliill :rdtemOD'IiL" cefiCiili,t1! btdu]gmg iii!! 'tne,ll" own 1"hanmc§gl,Wfii,g "lI.:'1iI.l'~ey p'illil''l:Y -im he ,M1_f11'H,iI!,~01l,.aJ. UnJ.o;n,.

,Thecy 'will )~a,'\i'~ on the HjJaw~{~~, i iI!i'it' ll(J@Jl 'i1'~mo-:r.r!lil~~ ,a1l0~_ II. U~b~ I imbG."ri'l1i,li IUI[II ,d.f] n. bEl, iill :still

I a:p[l!!iM3I'1' Cc'iL':'t:Wlll_ '. ~,IiIJ~ B'id:t~h .L~\.-lI

\~'i,1i be s't (iog,eJ'-d mp~Rcc o!l!!~ Heigl, ;Pl!,I klerml;a ~t Ote" '1i:i¢k·t;:f"l.

Gophers Get

23' 7';;; v d

~ '. '-,_' '." arc ,5


E"I'e: "'f'Y" G":-Ia'-:'m'~-.-'- e'I"

_~-y .", ".-, I _'" ',.". ,I _ •• ;, • ~'~' til

Ab"~ 'j.' isc~insin 8'1111 ds E(J,gl. O~1t

Min i1Je801'ta

'lhe , r- est gl'Oll[D;cl ~;ttaek in. the W'e.d,'@!l'll 'Coltfel'e~lee .aga llrlJ:S' 'th~ bm:i ,gl·0;Uil,d de. plilLse 'w',l1 ~ 'bl!! the perfed set-

'~:llf]g 'fol' th~ M inQesota,~W:i~ cQ:~h!L f i)ottbai] el.os~U(" a;t 11la.d, ..

'CiA'~'II:Jl- ("i; - D~'liII2II'<"i;iilll f' ]..l ~ - ""_ [""VIU s v-3m,ll n,n~,~,U~~~ lil!\ JU. Q:iiIl,-",",


And: tHat In fa~~ ar l~,e JJe:l~r. tnat W:I_s.oo.nsim f~ 'fated Oil!! 'l!P:lfen~ si''VcC 1:.t;R:1lil ~ee-a:l!!se (l1f' Us- oom,bln~, .. tl.o:n of t:h~ p:luIi'iiA1f1li!f' (iOOl"lf~1

Pli,L:5kv,~ IIU~,.d' if',~ 'h~:!;;~ all.'lliit!iJ.u~d :p1!l~Ii'ljg a;,~t-;aelf hii 'the ]ef!llfUei

M~ fH ~iSO'[.<li f~ far DJUld :AlW.~¥ t'ItMI 'b~st mlihmg"e"~m lil the Je8PI~" , i t:s 2J," li'"tfs p~r ,~ffl{me bel!l!l:A]' t:R'I!'

. -

,~ltily itCH.e:,] iiUijOi.n,g 'l~e :n IlIi1~ '1:.t:!:jJ:f.nJl

l.hat 10~ Uu' 2ill11l!1 'I~B,:fk. Wti!;OQ~~~'11Ii Is: M1tltt_ till thD:t 'd"e'pRI"lm:~,l wl'tib :!E2\i ~'~J"ii!:!ii '[lC:fl g·o Ille.

W'iS-ClOrliS1~,' holds ]U!:i:t as :~o!f:ty ,~ posl [tOfli ~ 1 iS~Op'pj M ,81. '['i!lsh'ilng. ,!l'~~ ~,a~~. It hli!~ )I't:e.~,dcd Ib~~IE ]11; Y-.IlIi.~i!!l, try 5tn1n:g' 'to I!lta.f:l!d u l1Le.h.~~1 :engled. fillli" po:!!-etl lin 'Ml1f~jnl~ta~!; RI~Cil!lrh.l_~ pJiOi.~1!I i II ~; h;M dt!3pal.rtm;e\lfH! ail'l 132 Y~'fa ,pel' ,gamIC'.

!!I! ~ 11$

Cg)\llIlb_ined~ '\~ ~~~si:n:s ,i!3::jgl£einis.!!\ro!\ iS1J!tmr:mrl:~ S :ftliUiI!! ml9.'l'ked ~e'Iia .. im,. itJut l!i Y,fLl'ltim: ',I tan 'l'J!i'i~, llil the OOm~~f:lili:l1i\li1l!l 1ill!1' Vl!l5mng ,ud p;a~3 n;g i!lI~'I@'"Zle; tq '~UDn~~,·s. 2'11

Ji}am:s. IJfi Ufu.. p.iae~,.

'TJiml~ .it is evJae~' ,ftm.t '\'il5- 't-'0II'Iii5!ilD " lti)~~' dla.meRiii 1I'Ii1~ I!iVil'lliO I:lli.rtg ~'bJlI'll~1 :I'~t 1:1\ 'tbe iII[~ hl;mes~ :iI. b:g~ til!udf .hl8:5 Ib.cEIl\ 'trUIIC' b( "~illlrltuliJr:;, tll!.6t e:"'~CIi~' t~:II[1i '~'ijiDmt~i;!'m ,Ilil~s :D~'ed t~d' ~'mlli'.,

'T,h ~ :t]\~tJ L'es IQ,IU! fonv,al:d, paJS'.:!;,illl I' II nd iPi'li_S~' d,E:'feJl1;S~ beeJl1 OllJt thi!t~ ,r,fiCJt:.

MiJII'Ili!i!'~ l1ilU~ a 'Ie:r.a~ed! ifi':n:l,.· 19

~jl8:r.tb:, pl!!!l' ifl: me 11:'11 ::l'li' of 0\1\ r."" 1'1. ~ m(l'M'i:' !i:, by :J:aJr the '!ivonrt ['~~~~d ,'Ju:' I!I~ ~ MgIIJI:C. 'Wi!l~Dn!dfl'ill, ha~ gaUlI d, @',sactJi.~ U:I!:r'~ Ume:~

'i:JIa,t" ,57 ~~;r£I~b. Of OOUll'."S!:!' ·lio.'Un[i)p., OO'~ I, 9' ttn:tO'll,!,IfJ! :I n a;vc:r,ag~ ~~I qrn ~y 41.1 fi1!l:fw.u-lll pa;~E'S pH' g'p:ml9i (iii!, 1~.4 fol:" 'WJ;!lCtiiH,ijj:n.




Wi;SCQ(lh')fin ·hru; i9l comf-'Q!t:fu~'bte'

,edil'E!' :iinJ :p~ '~Ji?fflil1B"", too~ )'ti2'M~1li 66 ~,'atdls PE!~ ,~a.m QI '~!!l! th.'e [DP,I'IlSl~ llo.1t ,ffIB:rI:aJLs ~O!mp~oo ~ ,BI Jr;tield:

[ ~o ya:mt!l' ~:r gB.alll~ :b,Y ,M:lnillie-

Sl!trprlsing J5" '~e ffUJ'. 'tl'la,t, W'IS.£!0i!1l9411in f.i®"e:s hD;~ o~ajMd '11' Ead,g-E!'fo1 ~. ,miml@: ,yar-lii!9i 'iIiJ!@[" :ga.'me' :(lruml,llgh 'lhl!;' ru:r: '~lI1!11E~" whUa Mif.ll~ iil.e'SOila OP'JN!!t'!1iI ts i:JiC' 'cO'lli r.s(!' h!lVfJ' !iilU'~-g'IJi:Jl1ied, 'thiEl' Gaip'h@l"&: b(if 181 yam!S.


,i\l:so, :5ll1IQiif'hi~n\g i~; 'lffiIe :(\'g-Clt ~h$i'~ 't-'(li'ug:~l ~h:IlI° BMlgie-rs :lliSi.'ir.:el "~'(fJ:n, 't:h;re P:ljl'~", 'hjrue. :lo3i1l11if '],~ro'I' ,ti"cy lm.. :lteen !DOt.. '!iil!iiiIl1~i!iIf, ~~, 'to 1(1:, '\'!Il~~~'11 ~'hmi}~ s,'liirta 'b:£li!!l, bDI)fiI ~I ~ C-'IlIirtril;!; M~ :F:I~iiltiill ~(li(ii m &"~ rufiil triv6 gam)!'-.$;;

.. ~ iii

TJ!lo;se fi~uu:cs: JIf'lDY be mim(!,I!Id,,,, I'ng. OperaU\1le-s :ilhrd ic~'~' '~IiIlSJ't W:is. 't'otil S.iJil ,n't. l1IQ I itim!2: tlilQ:,'j; m:6Jde fruU iUsi!' olE Polll!~~v,aJl!!l!':S 8'b1n~y :n.:s !i tl1~~ l~1 ,. ak@ thli!! hl;t,h·'iPowl!!!t7Jetli :i'adgc:r. [li!15SI:ng game lila. :K!!!i i:!t r,BJtedi il;dm~ t tfJlill: M(ii!i'r, 1lllBlin;l!ll'GOOIIJS' phtlJ! .. ~ f1J:' 'lh~~fIi't it'll 'Ule Co:tide!rt1D c<e', Sa:bo u:r.tjay m~ 1hJ~' hi~s clIBY' 'ita ~lI'l' ,II eal11'~a:iril of rfIlh e !:J;iidl~'lt:i!l' 1M 'tmJi :r U1r:t:~ tim ~ tlli ~~ ):eM ,~n, 11~, C:~])I' ~ i2"g.LRI!te .r:a.fe,v;o] I.


, .

'I ",' .:;

, '

. . . '.

. '.

~ '~AS A TI:~ in, 'thehi~ti~l'Jr., of fo?tbaU, ~ela", thmJSI tN~)tw'eeil, M:~n;n,e~O'ta:, Q,ftd Wl~c.on[51'n 'wb.en i\ re o,tif.(r ,O\ltl e~'~iter '5idh~' ,jUlst thl'el;v the d OI'D e 'be o:k 81~ d :p2cS~ 'IM!rf'orm:aoooJe.-s fEl!u.t of ,th,e Wln,do'w'"

~ha't was: ibeh~e 19a3. F~om, tb.~t ~ill!~t:IIt r1gh,t illklWllil, ibOOlllgh, 'the Jut 7mee<lhIrg wJ& 'llit,sa tw,O; ~e~m'S :m 1~'~ '£:tile Co,,,ber,s, hI:"!!: :~e~1 ,5-ueb, ,!B~~ib!ge, !that :1ft :hlD_i!ii be,e:n a :s~eldy' is,~~,Ii1g 'Of l'i'Oin. neiS~m 'w,e,tod.e~.

Onl, Ollie ~f.tMlt &eries, o.f. Mll1n~o-la S!I,.Ii:ee<~~s :h8~ ,!oU'l1!d, 'tIThe !5lCG(['!! l:\eM, C:~YI!e. Th~:~ WJJ5 $1:11 tnl--e !bUzzar.d !!I!!:r 1 f.I\l3 , \v:hem"i 'l:J1el fj](1oJ.ib~; 'WOl1li, ,on ,8. hrEt*. Ot''! ~ GIlli~i'iIas ,ha/i,,"'o takicll'il elli~r,1:O' ,"l tJUi~ .:& ,~, :h~,~e 'held] 'the IIp:pef ~.:a:I;jjd so dlec'ls1'I\eJ;y' 't;Dat ib(!if!@' ne,\I\l!lf W&S, 'm:Yi~h i!!1n:li11l, ;!li:b~I!Jif: the iIiI''lIItoom,1;1',.

'DilLr.&1rg mills: J1l.j;!ltbjid,~~_O~, ~Mkw:u::sil:i!ta 11as, 008;oon, :som~ l''@al gfiOO \",~~~m teB~, '~be kina '~a't ,~~~eid. ~fiIj :l\d'1Mce~, 1I;~h:'V!l! e~O'Y!fh tlMS' '~ ra~ ia ,JOo~ ich~l'u~!! Oil 't!lC'tnry,.

D~e 8m I.oD;rB~em~, domiTho;itI.(1ID. ][~i~w1:le Wt o~ t1tl,gr !d' aUf ,~e;imfg;t 'l1w.h'C 'tlh!e GQp:iieJi~ "',;Jm pla;:r 'tl~e_~r' lb., ~d '~~I} Drs ,Ba!al;e.r. Dm1:11l Wh Bot ~e~fie h ~:lPeeJtm_l· toiili1'i!kQQW nt ~11iii11~D'n_,.

'R'IliIW,e''!,II'e'l'1 ~V'Q 'IDi!!Ue~e tl1i:a,'t In, !I3'V!![:'Y O'JiI'iJ 'ilil ~V'i!1liI ]_{!I'~, \1"Q3, 'Ii!lf:d.@~~ M__l]jj,ile5iota,'s WEIGH? .AD'V'ANT:J.tG:~, b8;1!; 'b'e~m a :Ca(d.o:l" liQ, ,p~I' G1iI!t ,Somilli ~t Us dOiSe win$,

~'om~:rl''OW~ 'fIu~~ (io,I':h~rn, 'wJjM ~(ji! b.a,l.I'e. tit!;!!: E¢E,e, m a: bill 'way" 'T,hJ!l~ii,~~ be' 1llI)' a;gai~st ill t!i!am tlul:~ ave!.E!igl~!!!:, 203 :i11, :~:ne' lllinJ!l!i gd ,Q,~a:t~~y 100 :Il,), ~'be' 1baeJltit~ld.

';,I]Q' ~q.p~.el':Ei ~ w,m '~e, facllng ;9, '~ollectiOl!lJ of ,p!dd\j}:~ 'wMio mn 00: ,8 lot ar. '!!;, w.ell. T,hJ~y ,:h:a;ve ~I:'IIC' 'i!!I~~,t~n_(nm:g :passer :!n TelfiDl~!l. T<hey 'h8¥~ ane af the' b~~t ~a~ l:'tH~0i,~ e'~d;s ln, ~be CQm:.t!1feft~ :1]1, ,Selilireffi(lle!r~ TJ1e:y [blla:;~ :eJ ~liIrt {not! "aU pJ8.;Y(l:l" [II r~kw~, ,aud iI. 'mwer ,0;:[ ,strE1lI1t'h In 'tl1e nne ln, :E'mMck.

TJ!le~n~El '~IIL,~ ElIlc'ie.1!IS 'iid i8. ,reLt,}" sb~nl !'O®t'hall, 't:e'Bm" Aa:d ~@i ' 't~e! J.losn:~:tl.t, Uuu: 'rJii!~ B8idger~ ~iU mmc d~Sfl' 'bl 'pi.3;y.i;lilg tb!~]r 'bEti;~, iPlDo' at tit!l '~I(!"ar InS.teHid oj ~:ne' af '~hCllr 'po.D~Sl~ '5 k~ '~e-.en, 'th~ a~e< ,m o.n~:!J1 q~ms't Mmne~~t8. 1[IJ I~te ~Jt'~ i8,flJd ]to,S '!l'~ 'illia s~Q t'h,alt :S(lim~ a~ff4tu'~ U~, ~fllay (I(~Jitak!i!' ,th!~ UMlO Oo:iilf1!t.J~c.e c'll;i1El'i:pliOn;.

HiDW~'V,er! 'bear tMs, in 'lllfi:mld:: eV>aT,y.Qi'iIe ~.riI~i'll··e~~ed, bi, ,M[ge-, ,wti., t~9til.'u Ws year;, ~ ~ :fU,YEB;~, 11_8J~ 'Deitij!1, wau-y.. ~~I' 'bM'or·e ~8!~ game .. , Th!rle ro~;y.s ~ 1',lghi~ ,alonl re:~, btu:r;;day ~'~~ ~Dcw te!!l~ wU:hou:t getlihi:g' tJ,'n~' :I.~~ b!'l ~miI! ,a!b~'fiaJt tl;. Tbey~'&v:~n' ,~et, dQ.-~. 1;tJJey' h~y.e1il;it :taJled; 1;0 DOW stellilJ!' lm~ :,.~em~l]c ,hm, week to w~k.


Tii8 'W,u'tffilel' ~ be :11, :R:lie~~ I~¥e:[eir:. :u tame, e~iltlUJ!inib I~umdl, &'6111Vr,e 8. l\[!ffljl!\OOli :8., 'lllA!liJ" b:~V,1li :Ifi 't.'b!E;~ :ran'!, lIB ~Clmt \\~UW~ l,t1,!; 'ofiI:5tJhl~ '~hait :IO(fOe lIlUo;r.e nn!a'Wil'.i!lli']!I!i fjo'~. ~gttiM~ns e8lttl d)~I!o{'e'~D~ hI(OO,Q(I'1m'~1tll

XI tJUl ,g;rhtirQ\n, dO'I,l];(I, 'bE:' "ba:dl, :I'~ '\~~n! w.ork to',am.tnll£l! ~o MlliI1~e:9_ot!l.~ ,~ U, al,'I;V,ay,i$, Idees ,Dgaiililst !i3J, tOIil' J1eav,J," 1':!II,v(aI]',lte.

C~D_Sfa!ermlf ,all 'lh~sE!' ftl!iJgle'8, \".;<e cdi;t iQver~!Ij~!1~: the fact t1!l~t Giese Gophe~~ ]],aw-e ~~e~m1lg ~ill!' ;h®ot "£Or !;1iIJ t~o' 1."94U t:tflll!lJle.. IQ'JS A NA~n !Cl]JiApap.tOl'f-sm:r~ T.,it~t lmeRlils s@JiJ:!.etlliJimg' to 'miB~' ti~ At ~,ea:st Bin 'uBd.ef~3;tedi ~M-Siil~ dOles.

_ _ ,A:t ]~U~ :rJi~ !Il)f' :Mlltne',s;or ... ~:!!: ~tQtJe;rs t®m~tr,ltIf\\I' :11:1',1 :fl']!lQf]flljg' tnetr :~;t ,pmeo,. ~bQt~91 \vhe-!1iJ 't'he~ fine ~em.ofS !l~i!Jial1;,' 8tn.:t t~e$r -b' ~Ifl_. Bey' JI~ve '~fliJO I! ~o o(f;to.f!!! re.18J~liSt WI~co:nsll!li tbalt, it 'h;a!.S hqm,e ai :iaD~t., Ttt.a,ti::s: ',g;at P!l\ob~hly win ~e 't;h;c s'lo't, ltomor.fuw.

,~'enee~ iew,1'J' b~t, ot. IdQmla~hm, ~!lt ~~:s ~~b:le' IrliQI get on, :My t'Wj l\tl'd_1S 'berM'e' 'tr:h~ 'taJr$ me ,botd, '~~lfiltts 't@< fJc Mhil'fttJ~S'ota, 'vl.c;~QQI .. We; mr~eIft dJy ,~~ 'lofaie mne'k stoo<k !~; the ]oilg pdQ'S '~i]J, Uie: ~Qhe.t& 'Wo ~tIn bi2Uev,~ re~_l"]~ g'l,11'i.-!lii heftweelllJ ooUIQ·g.e e~eVii1.Q ,Is .. Ill€u:l, ~ilJgh, :flg'lwt ~, 'wiliC:h 'up;.~b~ of ,gllall'Uie lWroPl¥~t~n~ OOJJ1,Sj)fi.d dOl d.e'\I'e:~~,p. We~'i',~' ~B~ng 'tbl:t~'s: !P®ss:I1m~e 'lo'filQ1l1"O!A1'., ~yt we'lI1I ~e b~ily'~lIsall'D1m~nd Il!r. I:t oom"~ to l!~'~ TIE GGPlJE.BS 'H;A'V£Ni!f EA'Q.J!'.D TllEm ,B\!ilIOl{ifflBB 'l~~, Ab'lD1 '"~ DONT ,B:EJ:.m,m TIEl' \1I1:tL mMOB'ROW:.

[IL:'IIII:Iii!liI\Qi '0-" f 'T,n;p I'Tr 0D'

n!li,I~~ .. ",', .. OJ Ul_ l~ l~ _

IF' ~HE GO~~'S,gO' 'U'tl'Ollgh 't'!l':mJ~n~r'frw~',s "arne u.n,,, _ ~,ef'ea,t'~d, theJ~]] eeFltruffinJy h ~:v,e ,a stl'long' ,e]~'ht~, to t~e' na~ru()fiel ell.arm pio'lljnip,. ,A,:n ,a:rglU¥] ent ,~tf tnMliJ.@!ilatOlliS mlrop~oirtio~, . wi]] l'a,~'e £la, to' 'w'~!t~c h 't!!a,m ts, '~Hl:l:tine d 'bJI , h e2J"I 'It;g:yt h.i!~ a ] 'h' O'Ii!~U1t.

,Ho:we'!;;~l", iI! .lUfII.D@J!!O m aIQnJtUs-'Dr. :Pa~] H.i8J~Ut,-fmla:IQes a :pilllill~ ~bliJ!Il!!~ M'I][il1!i!!'M'ts;~s: c'lal:m UtP'it i.c,; '~y,i!'(Ir-Uil1f of S-E!<rJ!QI'Ii~.5 lIIt~thnii.

fl one of th l'I.@'1 kln(."~-n "'N01!"d,e(lst"· athletie ,g,~U'lg who has devel ped into R rea] Handy All dy on th e Gopher squad. His name' s Joe ~Iet°trlj k. H j 5 ~l)~cj,;i~lt.V'

~~ __ ~~~ __ ~~ ~~~~~~is pbooki~]ng ~

G'~01"1T'e. FI~A.1IliJck J' GOll h e,~i :iI"i:gh t ~l aJfb~c k '- has t~ 1 e re,)uta:UOll 'o,f b~i"n,g ,on,e'

'0 the best '!'~c~u _c} j'~ J}.la,,~li JOS ~finnesot~, has h,11d in, vears, He's ,a nioi-

now and another B~einl'H',rn mainstay. Kickh':lJg' is:,t oir.llJe of several

t h im:p:s he doe ~specia,UJi."~ "'·Iid I. ----lL...- ~ _____

_ !l~ gave the A&$OCllll,t.edl ,Pt.~~J 1l8'1l~:auill rEi!nMDlgs 01' fills week 'I ,go~dl gcdn ' OVi!'l" to mak'e one UnpOlta.nt di,s:~ove1'1' nls ,Ill" MIn!ne ota I tJto IOmy ~8il!Q JI. ted an1Q~g the llrst wm t:ha:t has, ~eateDi ~y one <of '~:'I'l.e' n!ne, onel" oot:lt~nde~ .Il'fD

'OOPIlIJEB , T:IDt . OF' I ')! _ 'i:\D'

NEaR;' 1'iEST£ll ,.. -



" _~bat ~p~al~,_'wrl' we:ILI. tOl" qy Gl8ilms, ,Minneso1i;gs wUJ PftlSEllrt. lJIIfol1Qmatel • Hu: Gopl'ler~, wi'll mot ~ng8 -e in, ,post.s>e:llson rune :w.itb an.y _ topnQ'tc;]1 t:eilm ,llrUlJilg ,tho n:atlo:naJ leadeT.s. 'T!I{l:t 'may ~r, ,m~,. ~ot ,llHC'afI a ~I~gl~ but :5.UJc.i;b 9, ~edinc 'wolll~d 'be tl1~ onmy WillY the i! 1J000s 00'1.11' pI1f)VC 'lhek' s\lperlol"Uy 'OVer ,- f.lJy otm,e:r

r'lva~ d8.]m'EIl~t~ - .,


.' *: 'tr

'0 ~ad~iSO'~, 'W'1t!l--- "'~,e

Ill' \\ ~Un lor yO'll o'h r.o:;;

do '!iy i!I, .her· Like ,Q Mc!lnnln 0- I.b1I,dil9'lib e. lSi! id. \I\fU ~'-"O'nS'31l WRI:!i: 1Ft lrite-8 t roll h. tOUr h tt:!' _ • It Is th bl'~!S ' ,m h !Ja~V. U :r~ I;" he MJ,d,


ve ybo ,!y nu.m.d 'her: ' ,seem! 'ill! :sa)' lIlr~n 011\ l'~o e gu~ :from

,finn f':soita 1et·, ' e 'hIll1W gO'®1l1I

lJ y e. A Q1t 0 r PeGpl 'thiJi

'lhil')' bave !been ,it lucky tea.m you

kllO'I" .'

ill •

19: tlIe cool:at _Hm- ~ol:fl., I -"'@'r' s i!.iI'I p, :r~ TOey ,- -8' aD n Men keel wi 'the lLme oodl !t 1.1 oan or the -_ - :' !bmemlJ-

-,- - _ 1 l"efl for te pl8:)f,

• .A 11 l'he lIlh:i5 :se[>'m 1G, be VIf01"lI hig: ttiii;; bel' lind geLUng it 1 JrJ~k !I:I U t.r J!1a,~rJ.n. •

It! .. ..

r tllf.!'JIl'l t hlnk \lIII~.s:i:on.!l:n I, ~.

fl;£' tQ kick 01£ ~ this Fr,aIlc.k.

I thl k Ute II kiCk on 0 - nd ,Iv ~ 1, to G®phc:f':9i t h

th a..~Y9 Iln ttl \1.- Ilt

I'd do.

o ,lent

Tk!i!i ~ !II-' ~~ kirk ,oB')1 _

\'7~;~1t Fmnc'k bKk t'~6" ·"itil

lha. pcd Dnd hot _f'!lrrUi

h~o ,kilinl' In 111'100 \I' hhn. Tha t i.

Uk.fl 'II"f.Qj,UdI'MlI' iatffl .. I ion~ II 'h \:vili~I' II· qgar"l~f' Qt be 'f [on! flbl rr

ltD lkId;iI!1IT'~

Tho! cDming! dawn 10 tllle

i:1ft me be ter 'tI!l.'-H<I1, :'I :shoe box ttl J I 01 lunch I dh:J:n- t. b~w 'i\-'b re' YOU ~'t'ec to· e' i~Jr llil ill, fiB UlllirllJm:l 'WU~ be ltke pIn lJlJ'i!l!liJgh l.hA't. Minneslill a Utrie-.

TlU!y llguT I on PN 111 n It. if" , , ,I n iIlL Un -Tit .he &wui the [ndl.m1 ' ]1 n a push.

.' 1}'If~ r. :But b~L :11111 ~- ehd';s

l[ '\V~eondl'll if m be:. t tJ!I[LI!: IIIt.n5 :111:1 _ t r!kJ 3'0 _ III.lm·

,Ilt~~C' a 'ie: m ~h:I!i1f houldl :tiJaVl(l: 1.11 m over mu~l<l,

goildlatcuc IOf 5tuhl'drl'hier. med·-

eill and lI.lurf. mru ,be mffill!ildS ~il):r.

rlve:l". He' c Tilt:Bim~ y w~1,l1]dI a


1tol!l, ean't t ill,

hllU'e at 1!L The platXIl bi lioin

, b ,soli lOiL ' ~ They - fe .l:oin to b alBlul' -: " up but not me::n , iDllJ slt1tl.mig dfaIWD.


Thill':m :m..m t'T -eel': comln

!iI1ta Ma'lso~ ,f>Oei" Uie game 1

tQokl UklO y:M,llfi !l ve b) Uii:

In th-u' ee to t..:t'P tOlwn •

'. ...

A rlet" 11!n~' g9Lli'fi,e win ~I:!'

q llllil'!!; "" t _" rAiIlkJ n in l.l!I~ firll· f I" b\I' iiirI'e'y wO:~"l how 't">' III they !!I1't:.

" .

=: .

$@ ~ 00

@ +t @ %$ ,.

& W @®:;;:;l 44':$

@ -, ,

A'* Un i~r.5:F~ ~ , ~ in rJUlSlI)M _lt~[5 IY M 1:',. ~nd' :flrilrrrs. II .. pw 'fer !~itc 1h8l~,eI fCal.f'~ I ~ tiCJ!I,~h" BOT:flie W. Bier.., m al'll~ ~rn. id ~j5; '~;~el 2611-= Pw.' !a1\i!llJllue. ~r', 1~'er!iJ1lI!!ll1n! , .. hQ Will in th II SQr~f'Cle' flffiTlo~t '~h reu' " .;!I f!, wa5

a· t I I' ~.liL. ., H'" ;Ii; I ~~k.' IL j"I' ~ v"i' t ~!Ii

ill !111B·a.. e'!1lJr:Ir* ICO lOne Ifli 'IPoe 1iIi1;!!!1"lln~1... - 0 if!!' 5<:- ,0- tIIIl,lt '!l:iiW[~ ""'F!ll lcoo IiIB pre"iII~ilg,I1_' ga~f 'l'arnrngr

i ,n, er ~5 ~rfnM"ie aljtod'~1f 'i!ln~ WClS oi!Jeh for til flUJU:id Se~ Hawk oc,tba'll' h~\I!I,:. l.&~e.r Ihe W~li ,h"'fDn o)dl at 'EiIIrISil,C:O~Ia.. th,.e Bi',S!rmIIU ~11''''e' twig, 1;1l)1'iI1, in i'h~ ter,~ ~e'i Cpt W1111 ia In A" Bi'~fm~n I wi'tJ;. th JiIlllli'ne5 en 6LJ-liJIIf "'I~II Jimrnv liermijn" ~ "Ivy ad,i:o terohniCifllln stti'oli1era rill H'Ir'Wa'ii~

~: ;:::.

UBm~e'S'mI~ ,rJrJfluC8Gm m~~ I.e :d!le'.&«~ot',*,~.1"~ .' " '" ,.Ub~'~~' ,&~I' in' ,~u~ ~e' ma". be' ng,#_~' 'Q!~ " I!i~-ii!',f ,~l'-~Wld' ,~t:h:.k' ,d(l~ Rj,TmlI!(m'o ~~

---._ ---..


I "

" ,

111'/- l' '-0" tu ,.0


1 •• _:




B v &, 'J- ~'Kj". ;'1':.,. W G' .J OJI vote -·Des ,C., _ as "OOQ.

Taka Blame for Foe BloekiJllIt

:1B:;f mE 'BENDRI(lKSON OJ' iI1lirI S~ ,;iTirumal is.J.oft::l: StaU'

.It wail, a" ha:ppy bDnd oJ Will'- 1""]O\l".I; ''Who liead~d i:!mr.' hOJ1'te wm, MatIlsmt Satu!ir.r1ay. mtgh L. 'iGt'el!ltp1ays '!IiI,t .Jie year W{).!:'i! reliveliil!, battle an~1" ~attll!i WU 1rIril;.. viewed, :md ~e boys ,eh~tted fr--eely (ilf the metiljl' eilllJiite~t with

th.oe BDdgern. -

Ho,w ~o tJ!le Gopln,iI!'l"S !!:xplaim, '1lIe-"lr 1I.mDea'ren foo-t:b:aU il~RSDII1 l' T.h,~ py eh nmnpiolill!; sl!Imil'1'J I!.d ~t YiP as "Squad sphi~ iI:b e bt;l~t iC'(Iiach in tl:m' land :in, ith."m.-MO a'§ld two great 'MH'J~_5,:'

B]H J'IlIIhnSOIR qd Bob :Bjor,k. ~tIl",d~, :H'IQ We v t!I,"', ~mmefillt.ed::

Ii .. * ~

1i'-liY~, It "'VR~, iB4ua.d spJt:I:t'~ fi.ld; lb.,9qll;v1IH.!I l(!meltl'iWitg diSc. Wl'lIen 'D~':U;, :BI~tfe:.r", MHl!:nan~'t Jiilsrio8:

RIte 'Il!llif;)" ,1!~it01I!lrl, w,e ,D!lwa_~ ~,

:1!10 _m.IlB en ~Iu~ hlll'~, WJlIlO U'I!I]!I I P llI'I. tcfu~;r.Q ,Dllt;&! '~D1fil 'fhirClu,gll.. 'Tharll '~'Ij;IIl)" ,\\1'0 g~¥'@!r Qi'ill.(ibd.'j

!II • *

- .And, ho~ d~ d 'th e ~U!ad :Mtel

l!J~gu.f; Joe Mietn~,k\'i JU!j~ed seamn 10 tbe' p:ifH}e"kickI1l.3 dep-ru-t~ :Mer.iit b~IAg S'hau.e:~ afle.r tt-e' o,pel!lJDg touehdo"~lil?

1lJdhrn, Oomn l58~d this-. Jlnli'l' 'rite illrtheit"':S agrellHl;

.. As .faT i£i:s "ore an:' oonce.ttFIcdi, .l'J1,el",nlli"s iBivl!n1Ig-c' 11 gUll ped"eel

"Wh.y th.t ,kick was ,goemd_ Joebad 'It. head€-d MH' tlll,£f :p~~ts b~ t 'Will: 11G't th.em_ ,ge t tl'lll"CUgh !;Ii bJo:ek it. J iiile ~~d.IJ h®~·t m issed '1lli~'U! i..ll OU,t" 'b{!~.~~

N.h,at W!!I8 Ule' 1iea mls !!U~ht. l!tSIl :B'!_EuC'~e~1 d,w.·i:n~ th,!!!' ,~e&SO]1?

Wi~h cplm:~o,m~ v,aryllil8' :sUp l. 1)'. a, n'u'd_Jor~ty :m.G;r:ced, i

1l-,WJJe.'111 O~iD' '\'1>'RI Oli 'th eo

D:I!U~~FiIlrdj ~I;ne_ win. f:'iI!!~r iiilh'\'hI:m Ito 1Iii!J:f!i.l'i('l ~:g,'t<c hI tll.a pm~

'2;-\',~Dn:m,' 1.1'·,0, ~entl.

~Mfn1l1ptt~~ d.i'.tve,1I to tJlIi~


ITbe iDltI,ys ro-atied the O:hImJ l"K-

I pu]e.:ttce (!!J,o~e.i21\' 1.0 tr~g14: b~

Calli S"I!!! 1: 11.'I3-Y' :r~t j(; CRRle so J a til:: in '1l1~ gilHl'J!~ 1ila:t 'lhe:l'e m..ay not Mv,e b::clil dmC' to ~gailn the lce:iIl... T.ltey ,saJd tile ,"Vlseo'!lYi I n scare earao tOOiiil' ca.t"ly l"lO 'I;'i'ocry B toI''eat i!le'a[ H1:U~U;t. 'w.hUe lh'e-y didn"~ m~nd M.lohlg;allll':g, threal& beik8uS-e Utcy W!'l"'-,e. pIal,ling' a dete.r:tS.L-'!.'"E' gam e.

,MarlY [C,h'r151a;ruen.

PICO" . if iII'M t"'i! II N 'M !'1r'1I.,. -!I! • ,il

.'._ .. ' ,w,~,,[y,~-,'Jut ,~rr.t.y~, "'.J[li.It" DO KrUll

m_ .Ill_· biU:Ill.tU 1),. AL_ d. judgiol by t;lItat 'b _ '] [em&:race, he dloelu''t :iDtend '10 nmible.


READY! Aim! Fire [CI"o<&e"cl'Jo)J.lpei Joe Mef'D;k; bard. 11iU,le :rock, fIlil'I'D N orideaat" 'polac5 th:aJt ~gbt.rm f~r .[ ,tr~'~e.. H',I' ,1:~ekiiD;g to 'C'[lTy '0:". ,!l b:,r~l, ian Edison ,~p r,a Bit ~-bmeHta: ',S, I"ig 11 t, h,aUb ~k.

'Urban Od,SOD

G] AN'" ~ A 'mere iSS ';J O'Ulodl:s 'of Clal'k, :Sill D~, D1ttlllhDod WiS, be:a'n~'-: ~ IiiIOIWD. £!!ill y,n ~,~ Urblao, Odlom '.eh' f:~Yii OlilO. ~1IIl. ralted 'rip'!!1 ~ofr' ~mb, ,t th:il ]!'\eal"~

Bo'. S;.i,tb

HE.N]E~ ::fha:ll[!j BOlb !Pliit.[Il~ 'b,a~tCUr!~ .u1d he. ·~Qo.k51 n e he, •. 5 Rldi~ .. ~iike Ideh~I"'" mi~Dg tion. ,ia '. h,e makea ,II. lIiVle lul' a : OOS!!i ban., He W~8i AU~eit:r MWDlu~,ap,o ml W'e'f~

.Jim ,lu:slhin,e.

C·H·A,,i(CE 1: AluJ] Jim :Lu" ,~ Ie .'V'a III en 'lrg:iDI r:ighltinU~ '1&' ca,fQel'1 wbeD. Harry :~ lIa rille let - 'O~_ LlU'hii '" Wi.; gil" aNluu:1 230~ lJi!l,d th~ H'ibhiDlI' Lm,,' 'i~ 'f.IUI~ arid, .ea'H,.

LQi is MonlD;,tih

FL[CHT'! 'L~Qil MOPt lid~h, 1IO"'POUIBid -_ -'[Dneapoiil tackl,e cmrtilli:d,pde,. il IQI'IJ hli ' W~7 ; m qu,elt of III buR't 'I in j!QD folr.' B e~te. B;;e.rman:J1,iS GD'_~r. GaUo:p,er';!\.,

Fril.z Q,rew,lilill

EN G'UARD! Th~, Il~lky '-~:m St,! P ,III JiJok~ i~e a bi!l!!!' ]" wi,till h~;e, ' "q,mrd l.I,p., Bu:t :h t'ie '~I ¥ i! 'lIP, I~iil ing to 'Iw,ill_ intu- a.eli'O ' =-"8iilJ,~ntl'l d:iic i 'o,ppiQII!ilion ..

'Hen Lit.alli

GRR,..ftR~' IThu;I,'! ju Jt I~c w~y "'cirt Litm8D~ ioth1el" :' 'i!l1~a,iOU" h ia-'St .,chuo 'h1illjk,~ fe.p.1:1, 'b,ollt ,the. 'e 'bo¥, 1Jent on b:e "t .. iO'1 lii o~t ,.f a "t:: c,lId : jobr~r"


u,~e , Ute D3VOO['Ui!!r.t Di)~'I;l,[~lli :rWlISl !I1S! he dtI'~. 1'0 :a filllU iH.'l".Lrlil.FI';t~., rnBSt 'fIll'glrt" he wj'1It t.J~ :8 deal" :iLS W!l'J;U T.ll!i! ,2Ii;gJllll,PIIjI~~ fiu!ll,'tb!!!!i11 tf~.~ F:ra.IlIIe:k: :r!ie~!?[I]" 'W'l'~l'1' fBlSlelf' :~ fiei t~rrif!:e,;~l 'm, 'omfl[ '0:1' lfds b~t: Cilk'Bs!l1li1li dbptn.:'Y!j ,;dlJDg'

a 1D.OO.;r,8~d, 'lto:uoe[rUil101\!H lIl1l1l1!1" n3tlll'~'QIIl:Q'llDl 'P;h'IiIICO.)1

.. ,

:Bi~~J g~~'OD

,GOT rr! AlPldJ :B:~U Jo;h'n:!IfJ.DiiJ v,ete:r8lJ lend. 'r,i:r1ht '~J~tW llI:nde:it pD e~'~I,~b(iU~" d~~~_t~ :reaU, hilIil ~t ..... -:bi(nb 'lite: b\a.~ I ~Iil. the .Jiuhtv flOtr' 8'lal"1t~DI' dut:J IGiIm, ill. Gopher io~t,pl~lt t);jii,! ye!l'f.'~ 'H:e"r8 £',11'1"' 'up -Bl.'md] ~dev,eF 'w-i,tih tl: IDl!I'e bamdslI,


\~nt~ ;j11~O~II],-,OU' as 'the ~]oga'll,~ ~']l,d (lhlo Sta\'b~ ,~S t'Rl,e, grid,h·<o'~1l. OIn~QmJilA!Jf.lr1ll~ th,e e ~lI:m pus of 'fh,e U ni vl~rsU.y ocf M']nl1eS(}'b~.\ tOIid"I,)rg1O't rea diy_ r'OI" i,m annual Hom@,~omi~.1 :nay db;,play' of' r]e~oJra'h~lc.l and ']11u:mh~8ted G)f'\ee'l( l~!ttel' a~:nlS'6S,. At '\iifO,llt"k '~1:1 df.icota.,~ ti'Oih~S, 1M'" tllile S~,gm,a, ~lpll:U!1 E'i>si,~'ol:1. In. 'this pi.cture' are, above, Fl:an,k ,Ashley ,2\n,d T,om Bell ~ an d, b~~.ow i' Dick ',~.r,2!IJ~tre'n· i:lild F\'lUl els R,oie"

StudJents, Faculty and, Al1!lHlJd, ',~r"U, R,311" ''1111 Im like , ]~tltn'J S-;ludtA rajl]~t BUtK'IYIS,

A b on fil'\~ m '\Y3.1'm ,the rs:nil'i'ts o-f 1\1Ih~Il'uQtl, l"ooters

,~ ~

,fu'J)d, ·to ,mll''V~' 'th~ Gop.:h~rs to "burn UI~llj~' the Bu eke:f\8s ,ffin,

Memoi~,d:il,\l :s;t~dium to:m:o]:':~:O:W' w~]l hig,b~igbt ·the ij1'liV1U'-sit,"'s t1¥,entY=Ii:£th annual lunneeo,mjl1,ff' eelebl::a;t~OD tQnigh.'t

'5~ene' @! tl'Ye ,!I)]:\!;! w~ U be' 'the 1alillversl~ pa:r.!tillc grolUiids on ,F:o'Ur!:h si:l''f'!t lbe'twl!.e:l~ ,Sbrt·j}01:tJ!I. aJ1Id: Se'!,l\efilbe~j1;t:h ;iI'!,~"E!:n1!l1f!5 S.E.

'il'h'C .,,~~t 'will iD~ ''jI;Ull''nc:d, 01'11 BJit Blp,pr.o\!drn;at~l~t 9 P,H!I • .aJ!t~;l!.' a. tOl'cl~!

U8111l'e p!i3l:t",~de,i s~RI .. ting' bom NO'f:t1il m,p au~.itQW'i~ Il"li! IJfi tile M~.]}'!.Hili lilt

Sl:W n1iil. -

Wlt'h ·~,HI .0 In, 'O!'~~' hOmeCOfrfil!l:F1 !iLtlDBi Gomes to' 'CO[!<Q!ge/i ,9, 'V9!:r ...

sl o,gtm , t'~'ei!ll: cry a~uil.:BJ f~Git~i:l]l vk:" sit2f Is_how lfrom fk~® tn :8:30 'p~m., tor>" ttfiell' milr~!:!IoI'e, :Sh!d~l1:t1!." [pl'fi"' 'iNjll :prECGOOeitlLe ,ep;fflS~ md t~ll'Cb,.. :f~§Qt'~" alllJW'UflI[ ,8]1d, it hililst (Ii! I!lIthien ]li.g&t!2..

'"fU[ 'w;a'!;.Ch u a tordlit is t~'l!I!che(IJ -,' "',iJ!Ull.l@':ts: o~' 1i!l'.liIJmptliSi D:Q!d 'Twln Llire ~1.£j~ .)l~!(' or w®iDd, !'nloijl!laJ~;ng _I__ .~Uy 't.llJ~t'1nt ~iJut~s, ts wm ,paI1k]p;a,te

''"''lor,[J, ![!I'!il.t ])IJ i!II_lJ\l~ OOfu:r~ an laJIj,tlc.II'Ul'ledJ l!I;!ld:ierfee 0.£

iii • * ~J!Ol!ll!r!I'. -

The .ce]ei)T.!lUOml ,-,vin ''Va~.y lro~ ]!ed: 'bY the 121~p'~eee m.~~, State

t:rl!!lrlli:ttQn .at, ~lm1y 'iIlI 11 iC' Jl!ilJ~nt. 'bllind :!;I:, Jilo:mJE!ctt;m~'n~ {l!ft:y ,iiII't'a{lii!!! wlill,

I .A l~~U~SiHj ~uJ.'lo,g)",a~h:ed: '119 mem-~!jlart from (h;e et\mf~ if!:t 9 ~ L5 ,:=Milh bG.!'fS o\f tlilie MhllJil iZ.SD'ta t:e61fli. williUAmor:r'lI!I,w~!J~d, !proceed blit:o 'tIrM;':


NO'T ae Mck~, lm,{o' 1;,b,e {l:l'®~~'d. wO!j\.

I .... ...11 J ,j:l 'U' - JI"!I]' .... -

<0r11 3yV: C~ (h, ne:r:m..aft '!,&i', ao"w

!B11i", ,,!i)]tlulo:r- en.QllI1s.. !r.ll@'IIk~:una:n~1 tbe liiQn'll,E'€~:llng' lIllo.mml't:tee' (II,i2.0 Id.Eted t.o, gi,~~ lb.,@, ball aJ,W,~l' ln a d~',"'ljl',(li1i ~:!lI;StJQ{:;ta'l' 'tilleC:1.1!I~ ,f! (.(liD man:~ peo~r~ 'w,ant ~t .tee 'bMI~.i~'

'Babe I;..~V"oi~r wm, ~e nlAiSbei" d

cCl"'emo:nies ,Silt the :Boo ,andl pe,~~&1

F'0i1'mer 'M~f,lfg,e3!1l!'~a. moberkJ.i.m

, '-'~'l 1- \ ii, ~i ,..'1 "m' .•. '-,-: .!Ii "'·'I:.. .... A'M ' ,~[.... lI'1Iir,i"'''';c 'Il~i]], '~:J;ei a,wa:rdtlill :ftl'O!l"

'W lJ, . III IIlL .lin !i:!!!1n6",IlI,g aiIJI!i.IL YI=_ _ ""'_n li"_.!l;;1Ii;Q ~ - - - - - - - - -

'w,hub!' J.on'n ;BUl"IJ b'llt1l!an ,s!tle15; cha'l' Pl~'z:E·wJn_'Q,I:Q1 ,:UQQ!t:!h 'W'.it'h. 'thJ~ :ir,~· mr n~ __ U[ ~n!l!lJ"lrnoo tke :Ilitl_me' ' v~e~I~, ,st~uull J,OC'{i~~, ,61\ :~I.o~d~et

ilhe 1939 hom!l!!C{IIm:i1L1g, ,a'V~nHe' 'bli;l{NJ.~e;fic is C< V Q ,i:I! t h, piil

]eelied, 1'011" he al~.s ~ppoo;]. '~lgl1lttll, ~t:!,~l!hl.

:EAR1..J, 6m.GKEN~ lPl,rt~i'n'Ji' JUs titid~, '~~ea:t iIj(nJ tb~ ~e:!iijj!m, ~I;jqa:a~, s;o.,utill,a_:y' '£.1]~n;a~~, ~ll ,4oobts ,115 ~! '~~~!i! 'Ii'~gbii:: bn, a. 'rep·, ~Iiilir. :bef.t~, 10l1li rho team f!llt!:, t1be, :I'tslt 01 Ute :Y,C8:Ii\; Clti!RdliZi3 ball~U, hi~ ,~rull :13I,rO'ill'lHl ~'~IIiY iElig~imBt o'lruielil State M '~!'III!I, "[I)CS!t of Ilids !lIllTeElil'"

ill .' *

The' home<:om~truG: 'q l.!IJ ee 1'1, .Bt\d her

:attet1dt!Jnh, \vUl I'jile m the' f~ffit, [~at, to be foJ1ow.ed ~.f M'olv~e Queen I MaJlt'1e' Wflsorn, ofHo.U~Wij)i)d.

In :eliM~tiM, 'to 50 fi~~~s :~fOLli!1, :fr~'tem]t:LeSp :~@'~Ot.ttles i:I; n d camp'Ui5, orgaTil:'ig(lollllSoll 'tllle!re wlU be ,3.5, ~e!], ears tn 'Ute ,~r-,aie,"

.' ·CI-·: t-· V···:·:Jl_:C.-.~ .. ·O,~··-ry\· r 1 B:'··U-I. ·c:-'k-····I:e~_yn,. e'~"'s', _'iii!i! _

_ . __ I • I ' '. .'. • I 1 " ,'1 .. ,' .• ' '. ... •


_,a'f-W·a __

TO lHE SIDEUNES COmes 'an iftj u t~d Gopher i a;uiBted by Tr1!!J]ue:r Uoyd Stein. Wa tUng to console him Qi:re Coac,h Bernie BibmUln- nell) an.d End Coa\~.b Be~f1 Das'1:'On,

~_ -,~, I ~



....... I


. .~.

_..~y ON

IT W A.S, A TENSE M'OMENT On tn1e be'ncn hll Jim'my Sh~illT€tr· •. an 19._~ sblnt srl,wtCie'ni, mar.uzxge:r.. Ge'o:rg~ Franck; aad Trainer Lmoyd S~8~n.

THE ,MIOURNER S; S;EN'CH. Bu~ch Levy" Neil Li'tm(111 ilDd Urban O'dson. 'tiCiJc'~ it g;rim~y Q:s M1nn,e:so~a:·~ oppon~n~ seeees,


A.N'GEItEC' is B@\b R;oUmff.l" by 'ill bloek,ed ,p1a:y ~

TO tUS rEEt' j'umps Georqe JQ ernef' 'as, 1:ke' oip~osing I~.'egtlilll th e{l~erui, te see:r -! m, e,q ual

- -

m,eD1;o:~ 'an,guiiih (tt = hJs te amlE Ciiltes. Joe Hirsc.her ~ Ed Stombaruet and lim 'I usldne',.

~jjll ,.'Jg~m.

Selph :r IC: •• ,c1bes IHulddl_ ~ Ilei'_~ Ii -l_lr'man~ IH " U --',I 'I. :tD'n

Gop~ers' Touchdown Twins

Smith and. Franc'k

I EW college' fDotball tams bout 8! pan- of sucb dangO'fC1Jls. runrung backls as mllru(!)~ S-ith (left). and Gecrg1Z F17,aDC'k: ,fjif l'rlihn OilaJ. They - :;Jjn~ breakaway rlu:rnerli 'o( Ut'e' first iOrder as wen as 100[1 [Jassell~. FI~nck ts one of Ute be-st ~iUf[t'e'rs in 1'lrI"e IQO;untry. Wb;consm win lla\Jlel a job 011 ~ts bands to stop lli,es,e lads Sa f;ufd,ay OJ

·Stolen· Daley' Is Glad He's


@~ ~i!I B1:fI'!' J'OllrILa1 ~~I!I S~.&U' MLl!In'l2SOt~ is IC'XJ}e;CUng tl1g;'

lhLrIlJg5 III ,s:Q,~omj):l'e' Ful1b~ck. Bm Dn1~e-y, se. C]Oiu,cI a~uJ ,M'e']. lose s(!'e<cdstell".

SO DllD DE P A'lU~ .. ~'

ADB that, .leads' l'.I;gbt moo a.

J1Utle ~Wty that Q~~~ ooen to'U~1 a ~al'm :8.00\a,t how Daley WQ ii~stm(:!n" b,Y' iBi D~P.a'!:!I] soo~t S!~te[" Ua'h:!, l1a[,l COfil~rete-d, !i~ b,il ye,am &1 pre, a.ULle'tlcs, rut Me] i'~~,.

JiMter ~EiU"'.ilig [hr!' ,big rah .. rah l'fullliI'Y @i! 'the' scout. D8le'Y w'~nt 'to D'C,P,a:Ql" BUT.' ,F,Ol\t. 'lUN,A.Ti::LY ron :~mr501"A. ,;f®on~~ru ~as Idts~nUm~ ued SJt ~he Cldc~KO sc:hiGtd and Inn retllinltM, ttlo MiI~l'IIeSoltai

• ,Is [J~mt~,. thKl he dlidl!' .Af~er. ii, ::!fear with the 1(;0' PhQ'E frt!'_i!h'inB![!I ~t:uad~ Va[ey hB.'S ]e9.'medi that 'P~~e:r;e i:a: :no ,placE! lIThe, h~.e'. n AAd U. .mli_~ ,Il.f! ~ated 'Ulat ,Da1~y wJ Il ,g~'tlI:dlJY' 8l~"riso lIi.J]l' b.1~1i

,~~11H,;~1 ~rOUfnr~t,.e.r whl'lil mj!8;ht '100 liemJted, te 8lIlb'o~e 'u,p a !~oUud] smoJllnldp.

bale,' r~;J~(J'&ea ilKl,v I~n Nortltrop Uel~ tIDO":k:!!!~d to :gl'lJ>fl So,'!) Sw~Jge.x; ill batUe f:01" tbe ,i'llL11'I!IlOlCk JDb_ 'Weilhiin,g IB51 POUBO:S 1II11f.ler a SlUD1m~r 01 :5:bowU~S;' ~I]O, en ;a,hlH'J!i,w~ joio! IUn. i;lili In sba!pe R~dJ l'le8;O:Y t{:!1 tlO.n'iH:p:ue' wh.e1'iiCi !I.;o: lEd't. oft . m ~,rbg' &riU~,

,lit 'u[u thelilJ fhAt D~e;y dlkl I~e p.112'8J~1n1' t:bmp on ~e



GO···,·lnh·· e ··~··r· ,J\'O··.·.,W' ... ~ ..

." " lY~ ..

g.r,id~:[,tI~ .arnil ~alilJ'g,ed F!!J!lll'tl!JmJll JUniLuaJ"s: ~·50iPihilii:trI;G;r..t!' "Stat" 'of 1940'~ l'ilinr:1l,g: ..

:mUl was g. hfti~ck In hBJlh. sth.!l!ld. ,He. :Eitalf.'Li;l('!l as :an ,~Igibth grader, anO, in kill; :!left. hur :year MIB~ms~ wo.m J!I::S. iIllO:lit~ le.fte\1'lec· UUe. R'e QompeleOi in ol~J1el' i!lp~:ns AND WAS, aoxL~G ICHAMPmN OF IUS ct..ASS .

His la,U1J1e:rli, l..eo, J" :Dldey. is 8; 'fwJrliilad lengilli1ii!,eI'j 50 U: Bm drJivH nke lEI. looo:llnotlv~ rltl!, taU. you kftow ~@ t1e"tI];i'.

E~~ I, 'lRigbt be I, tCii:r,I~r out tbiere Jwm:Kt M@ll'ldl!l?'. .It wW :OC iilis twenty-fi'tst bll't'h~B1~, a~a theri~ 18: no d;oUbl 'th~~, h® w'O'uld lJkc ~@i mahe iIlli,e l'Ir,sl sb,iIgg as a ~t:hrlay pt"e:!!EiI.l.

F ranch Defea,ts Harmon in Vote

CHICAG.c)-ClP)._,Tn}l@ Big' ftl~@! 'oi' ·the 'Wes;~e:rn, C.O,M1e.l'"-1 ence-M[nnes!!lIa,i' ,Micltigan and N o.rlh.1\f'e$te-rn~mme al-' most a clem ~1I'~p .Ilrf hcmo~ 011, the ,AlI" s tllr eieve:g piek~d I :Lor the Ass>cu:m~ited Press br the' nIne eeaehes,

MiC:hl,~m·s Df!IIce.<de:f:ea.'~iEd: Woherllll~;!l: ,"~eI'~ A:i~elll: :flOlILl" ,fi'nl team • BPO~j NQrthwB:item thr'e_e MOIi.IIl1Id'li"l'ea;ted, tIIuifJe(i ,t1md ~it]je-wml1.lng ~ Mmmtes.ota tW!:!1 ].OO:3~tilil']J!& .


.MlJiiID2iSOla,~~ GCiOIfle F:IfRrllek' CE!!Me closest to b.ejng Bra, 'lmB:liJ,imO! wec,tioo. H€: r~c:el'vt!d. 1,7 ~ a pOOSib.b~, lS' ;pom'ts. a:oid. ~gUOO ~ibe5 for ~.~ 'Ceam ha.l:toottkJ t:WlbQ{!~ D.d q)l!!J!lr-fe~lWk.. T,'omrmy H'arm!lif]. ,()f MIc'!Ue'ID g.ot '](; :pot~m.,

Ur~, Cd,s@o ~I' MirniEu~~ota ,and. Mfr~iJl BallimiUiL of. Nortllwie5be.m \li'lOIl 'the mlC~]@ S'OI~ and were t~(!i o~J:r ~wli'orn J~]I tle ~,~rl()or e~e~~Il'!l,

F.nJ,-h Fri~ NiCMPD, ~Rr~l¥ Ui£ed Gut ,Mm~ta~ !lW, K'l1usis.l0 for a. I~I! l:ie.:rUl a.


. _"


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5ecand; Tea.


Tackle! ,GUIL'ti' Guard, 'Ce'ld,_ T,il/c'!kl.

:Emd Q~lu;"~eT'~iii!'k H'al:f'baiC'k H~lf-',Il'e'k F~ll'lul'ek


G- 0" :··PHE'~- --R~G" RAPe - ··HS

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~t.l 1i6! Ol'lll£ OF "i"'H'i!., :S1~':'i"t.s'1f"' '1 ,,.,.

tCNtE or ·~t ~fllWl ~~1' Pi is - _ ,O;.J 1iU5 (mf,IMl'~


Gopher' .. Graphs, • "



i as p,eUNJ ais

10lF "'PMO[KDI~ ~l RiE ~fI"CH'd FAJ1~IB AI!j,I,.;.~ MIIINNEGO'1"iA

RUCEr's, D'A D, . ~AS . ,A M 'I NIIN!t:siISTe.

Gr I. '0.' CAiP~A'IIN

,y Bach

IMJ,,! F'~ -. E PrL.~~ I NI 1'\~E, '1":~1 a.~? I-I~I ,'~- 'H'-'res, MAKESi M i~M, A '~f1R,1'EIt

A&-A ~~ PaQpuE,

tI,~S ~1Ci!'-i1<. ~ ·ME F~ I['M MQ"UJ!I! Po R,ND


tl )\lINlwIESlO'r A ow,us a i lOt of Us 1 ml~'W gr,h:1ir,OrD sueeess, pm'Uc uJarly on der~ll&el 10 i.bese: bi . fcU,t)w • .1Vl Urba.n Ooso Uef'~) b a 24·'1 p@und jl:Jtoto:!!: 1a:~kl . Bill. Da~y (ri 1l), sophomore tullbael!ig is n

• 'l'lDl2' me backc:r-u· ·and a powe~, ut, .:;:Mfiy t.U.Q'llGt' as well]. Do'3iley already is tabbed a<S' pa~ 'I D.tially one 'M tbe Gophers! aU4~m e .I"te~,t fullbacks.

BJ!' JOE III!NDKlCKRoN' Cf ':mil ,st.u.l'~ ~ ,8Ii&'U'

SJ!l!lllleUme'S It :~ luCk t;hi3l;t l1c]p~ f:ootbBJ~, plal'el"!S ,mD'i2 tiU'D,\lgh wlttIJ, ~.eJruf;!l'UD:n~ pe;l'l'o:r-m_@e'.L

'Bllt it W,g ,~ot luck tha,t <e:~i(l'b'led i[kQfle n,'~: '~@ 'tw1~ trurl11!U, Mll}_nes~. J~lo~~ ~th 19 :YBl[\ds, klcu; f;r;em bfJ'hmd. h~ ,1!)Mn!iJ g/9~], ]j~, hl, '1-111) No:rtt;Ii1:~_s~r-n gan1ie' ,gd, 00 ,apin do UU~i nl.ost :1:Ql,po~!b1JS! ill, ~ .M!,chl~an ,g~~~ 'blI'!PLtilIDtmg 'GiQ!\ ,~ bo.'UlJXds .00. '~-Ililll 'WolverJJ!l8 ':lo'llx:'Y1M'd l~M' :&om Ms, IOQ fi.

No, '~,~ Go:pll,o:E 1nlatk1irGld, stu- who wm De :mopmg for t"'e~t ,ay ~!' ,~, caiReI' W~,Cfl, be ,]atl bt hS.:!l ~'lm\ ~tB:~~ 0:1 ])~ifri'" Sp;tUQy., h~I, es.r.ned .mID ,ot ]jUs ~!lJCDB'.w .,' ~gd '~~'.

n:fl!!D,ek; :ltll!;1"t.e!l;1, IH.tlllitJDgw'JiLet;l, h~l 'w,.,· SHeQ. y~Q;S o]~ ,ud, 'thD ~'Uln. whQ pt G~lt;p ,~, a. f~at~fiU. :e.~J\Ui.m)t~d 'WQ, :bi~ dled, HMry ,J:. ,Frqek:t. !!Of Da\fe_npc,!,~, ,1"Ol\na.

.A:; a ldd 'GeJ~TP ,made' klGkml the' ,~Emi.Alb. ,~t' Ji!lill h&me kirJ. gfi"L T."~rt; :m~t -8, ,~~ ~al'd boot In Bal a:i.r, ,and, w:~eD. Germ~,p Was: ,elg~f, be ,~~ceedE!(J.

:ltarrr-;,v J:. th~~ 'N'OJ!:; hl;lJ san ,01\ U1ie i;fOJ ym ,fI~ldl 'beMlni! tn,e 110UIBtli m:ui1 thQ' PllBth1g ]eMmls ~om,t:[nuedl,e. By the Um~ Goof@tl wtm. W. h.lMh ;Sd11~o], ,he (L~lJiIld kldk toe .li~, ol :the! fieltl~ Hiil neJttgoilllal 'WBiS, kl,c1dng' tlilJe (blRnee o,~ 'ltbQ fi,elil] SlJld. houa Ib:o:;f.'b, and ~fJ ~.H;;miil thi'Oijp y,rJt'b, that 6$1 "ud 'tUK~t t.W'O JiYlmmerl: ~- g.D~

,F.r:at!L!tle p.1".a'it1:[~ Ide'ldll!1g' Blind, )i!a5;5tU~g' e",~ry ;mmn1!!1\',. ,gd Wi! f\illl, lD,e [,s, llemtg' ftw~edJ 'WiUI :!imne itlt the ~ilii.t;,~t: kLdtiol pr!!lL""tO:I''iiitnllilloeB, :M'JmJ.~ta, hos over ,see:ri ..

Pru/G'k plQt!dJ 'e~dJ 6rJeDa;,lll~m]~O'r~ 'l1'igb ~ltolii'l. H:e wall! Ie]e.eted, Q:I!iJQe ~onrJ, aJllita;m ~m ,ltg II§..

F emous Tro~hy, Litfl'e B'r,own J'ug" IC',ol5f ,30 Cent's

,tnnJ Ar'h'lWJ:'l :lJ,fh;ih~,,""(l1~~-l'.u!i1!b 19a.n'.I!I "HLUe 'bmwn JU~l t~lH!'~~ tkll:' Mlg.{;!!lld ,only JQe, when ,~tt \\I'M fl I:Iw' .sS :yealr'iBl D.p.

Tom Robarts of Cruc.~ ,lI!:t:l!I(h:~:nt n'llUrtQ,geT !D.~ :Micb[ItMlI:!l l.~lim: ,fIll!Qi~", ba.U ~!iI.RmJ dh:f1l]CiJ:G(i that t-hc $llI,Ii:J wh leb n:~W r..! ,pel'!cll<ed bl :M1Dtr:te:!!IO'M 'ai, trop y ;r.n!lllo:mJ, \V,M -i!:I;il!!ugh'it b~' hi.m l!Ia' l'I!IiiIt ne c~ ilj~d ~'\If.a-y wat~r' hi fb,e ~]f!.~,el'.s hi tllfilr' gam,eo ~t Mh];:n:eBpO~ Us.

,!ou ~lIiP;n $~:~ ;fUild] Ie'~.t i:bc Jug ~he~ l!!l .19OS. Tnl!!: G(tpliH:liJ.'4 dC!lM!l(l',~t-. ct1l It B'n;d bold~jehlg;B,'fl '!lJ1gt w.~cn ~ he tcam_B ·mtl!l:~1lI, ~ iii. J.1l!(iI~ UH~' 'W~(ill= ¥~fbi!'e.~ (:OIJ ldi ilia \f,e n Jliiack otitl:v iiifl

Hle:r W1l!li~ ill. ""

M~clti~8:n, d~ iii, an,,! e\~· • .smC"tI!! th,G1Jl!1. till) ji'UI' h a!!J ri!!'IiI!lR.hied the t~,tII,gjUo.!t1IaJ ,]ll!r;[z~ !fl!f tklg :Elfl:cki!] t fQOI!!§[J rJ'Yi':IIlry b!r:'tMfee'D the B:i@' TCiIi'ii ,ljililihooJ •


~ -~---~~.".

H'~w dHI ]!)C' 'mqJ,rffli!l t~ G~m~ tll!ll !lim~~~tl? ,F.!;Qek e~Ia_lliIB U]ilJS~

''1 p.Janned M, lEt Ng;til ~elu:"!Jt kJ;d, to a;~J ~o' N@:rttaf",!nslb~n b~~ II ~'Cil'nll'l!iT' Mm.m.e1iQlta ;h,ailOa,e:k. GiI!lilll:r.g;e ~p]bl" W,~C!i U",ed b~. C["~:S{:i!li'1 l!lII!gg-es(;,t.d, :I come w MiAllUi."sot:.a. I did'!; .~d the: 1~trs,t 'itim.o t ever J.I'18y~d" ,m ~he 'bae~t"ie~,d wq 'W'hi. ,I, we~it Burt :f®[[' .Dtei!;ll.~ :man, ;fIiiiQUUllilil}'

Ge!IJ~ge' Idn~«\t l'\egret ]),e plc.'kied :M';Im1ii!l~'" t@,r~bi, ~0Jilli' lind, be E(~11 ,hbl bmtbl2'l". H~~ J'r~, whlmJ l~ Elt.:~L rs~~R '~~I ,D\!'~Q." pC!~t !EIIgh i9C_~oo]! wJJ~ ,oo.:m'9 ,k:i\i!lJ ton;,

FJ:',I<Ii!~~1J ,1W11MJtto..g ill tJJ !l,ilDJ" :bU· ~e..t g~eJ ,a'it; (QWI~ OW 11't]D.. l.~·.. :R:b, .m;l!'JiIUt~ri' ,tmd. ,and: Ibr~a,e:r'w.m. !be, iin Uti!!! IHmb,l; ,lm,d 'Geol'P W.B9ib: to 'mBilm Ig~, ~1lD ,ibb, iD'IIlm il!ita;t«~


,H't.s h~'ft.rr jlOl~ J=i.~'/.i, '!:-'lJ&r:Y~h ifJ'O~«~.t;tN~' ~ ~n "!f/g'


j~I'v.e :rIE!~fer li1opet1l we would wm ill iiiJm'i!:5iD m'!J,d) !liB ,I do ·Ua]~ 'iiM .. .e,~i' GiI!iO.fgo :8!11j1',s..

Fr.iiDt~ aedUs his feaJDmFJjte!5 :llOr 1i,priJnllDI lli~m llll!D;&:6' Gil ilifl~ erallO'n,g fiU1iii~, this y~.

!"No 'tio.'i:lk 6oll]~,d. iPt ~~ib~ 'H1'e f:J(pe11. :aJf ]tie' ,dldfft hiS,¥!! ll1,e Ciitherli

kr;J:Iii!~!kli;n1 Jem ' Nm;1J IGIi!'01'1P' ,d.e:c]ar;es. ;·Ycs,. ,J fml1.k ,gain;

Im!ut tlDl' track :tuJ/S; I;n~l.p~~ me. ]: don' t lJocm~' ]t h 6!15

gt''ien ,m~ aJn'lY , bu:~ n. ,hu, si¥,ellL me betb:r !ciDiIi,tr.!~,l at

,m.~ legiS. I ~.E~l~ !better."'

((M:o:rp' rims . JOO"Dl'd d~il:'I" :m 9.8 fOl" fiijli) 'GJD,bell' track

t~mJ J

,~ ~ Gelting' bad:. '0' ForQ'rik;·g '~_Qtllm'~J h~ .g']~~ _ thu_ '~rea~'~ Ito' ~.II,(J dld far startillng t.illm leHll' edl lhJe 'GIt!J, oo~g ,!litafiE .~i1l1r it~~

w'lO''phl1l ]tis style., / q

, -t p~t; ~e' ~QliJe! way 'io.ts. ~i :~Uows_ 'd~r ,'ll-lAt r glY£l'S8 n ~r~ 1on.I' 'Jr-adh~e ~at, lIB gi"ltliriil' :me ith~ ' '[(i'f:at1i~t!l/~ ,Ge@lt'g$ e~. ~ tl An rr. ~, :1!1 mlm 1!Ii. iBOO(p w,lth :~' rlg;h't mtd ~eft ~et Simrl 'tn.9 '1. ~ 'whll1e :kSepmR: my eN M UIi9 1Dl!!11, ~lli[ ~.e Ume. Ii

St:atlttlc . p.rrwe bow 'Mlru Frftjij,~' li1,!lSSl1C~~~M!dJ R~ a ,umif " JD, 2g1 i8JUiem,pts bu hl~ OOQ~~ 'UJiS1 b!J~m !oJ:' ill 'l!l!lba[ of Jl~'243 ~iflrltl ,0 ,p ,!!lYeIoSJg,e ~G~ 42~S, IUs best ,aV1e'fag,e \V,a!, ~n t:1!L~ :NOl'tl1.WE!:!f!!el"D :same' w1!ien he ,~ULB1bed 51(H~, Y'a:f:ds ,~.II:' '~QI',. 111iii :po~r.est a\f,e ra I.e' arm&t, JOld~ [S'tBit~ W;(!)~ 40.2 •.

TJtr.~IW-' /ltn, '. Joct of :fiI:n,'~ ,dc:t.el!mmD;~h:UI. ~!I 8J ,. OIl'liJbt but iIii~a.y ,oil ,9h~fl';y f:eet iIInd ~O'll ha'li,!'~ 'tl'IJe' :a:nS\rew. '~'WJiJJ!1' GtOOitgB' ..... :madlS1 :i!l:i)oo. An!.J! dClill'Jll I'o~,g;e!! he ~na:~ reoonij,y :~uJ[$ pldrE!d. !ll[) . me:BIIt ,l!t&B 8!fliil which, M!!ehf~,'I, Ki':om.I2!r: and, w1iU a .:n.. pr:e'tfty eBIIl'~U'!l'o!lli.

hOi':' 0,."". 'Ue" -', _J' /1 .... ~- _';1 .. ~ .. ,t!I~,1 ',.',

.' .. ' .•. ,.~ .. ~ cD,·_.:·.· ...

. ·l· '." . __ ' .__ ","

·ohn Kulbitski Good- ..... But Vic

By ~J()iE HE~lu:mSON YOlil. B!;IJVI!!! h(!'n:rlil. th!im1, a:r&uic w:h eth ~[" L®uJ:s ,elm Ld lli!'nt D~m:p.s(!oy, but if )f>OU drop[lJiiri'd ·hl'llf!ill R.l2'ilI 'W~'ng' thi('lc3~ :pigS.1·;]ID di!l5's 'y-oiUl willi.!J]d, :H!B'Rlr tban.l de-bRte !l! 3j m'H~ ~I' iiSSue-

,"Vhf!'~ Hu? ·hiil!'.stt ~'f!llll!tbaU ,play~ ~l'--J'oh H Ku]bi'l!lski ,!In- Vl,f!' Ku]ibl'~skI.

Ye:s~ R('o, \Vimg :Is ;st.e~me:d ) "Up .about nl~ p:rOgIl~~ Vtc Kl!ll~ , illUslti is maki:iag ,lmn H.tQ Gop:l1,~r , f(J;otDn'~ I SIllU!1id, .;;]J!I1i th,j!!j wbJo.li9'

fh'~Dg ,dffvelops :tll.tJ!!!l OR:t1: Qf. t.hG'g~' bt.rothN· ~ fra,llo'l,,v ~brilllthw

I, ~ u,atrrs tJIiRt ~.dd SQ<me 'i!:l'KLrlli. roLoit" liiJ firC' IIJIFj IH1fl'~ tt.!Il'lUid 0'1

'.. football ~ct ivt'Uies, .

·U !)ft;.e'i~ ~h e k~d1l~lfot,heiV !:'itlll ~1iJir:1iI EJI ~iII! "'idl'Di'll~ :rbllli~' ~(11. 'hi ' cd.ih.'!j'"5 ~fllmy bll' :R1l)1.iI~' 'l"h1liitr~ tl'lie 1:IiSt:Ed 1!I.'lt!1IIr3r,.

But R~. Vtb'i; 'is C(!1ntlJd:f1ffl I \-lI,ri&-Aft be ~h Ii:: c~se' wUJi


V!C XU;] ~itsW.

John dLd nn nl;b't ,folr' rum· se1:! at 'MLwlLesots. He :b-eearne ~ 10011 C~lii.ber' ,(iI.'Iil.{I, 'r,i!t'E'i.lIted wen

~i()111:~ [!. ',8JTSK] N f' lws a tJo(J',r!. CNJ If I"

J iii. ,0. lG-Dg' S,U~!!!It&S.l:t'I\ll imi! ~oOO Gopher' c~nJllelt.'S. ~lli.I:s: Um.~Jl ')'qQllig VI"ijl!


W,Q19, ftl:e,ylng' 8:tI>1n:'d on. l'OIj;]' Rod

WIVIg hl8ifri, ~choo~ b?am ,!lJ~d Flal~ ll'llg' Wil!'~ I ,emi!il'41 gh l'lll 'Dei .n ~me(l on i~~~, aU Big N hilc' c~r.n'['Q&li!n,f:\e '~e;&lm.. Vi<! ,aJls~ eo-m:peted, :ill1 t:rlic.k if'lind w,~9: 1lI,~.~d 'lQ fne an 'sta'~e b8i6k:e't,.. illaU team wh~n littiSi Red. 'Win~!f:ll1"!. l'\~aeh~d, th:e i'n,Sllt9! ~n 't:hc' '~Olll'itllD.nw'frt.

Tbe Jre . ~ l!!!If 't:atllc· :s~D:l'r ~. IJa -t· "¥lio e!n!l',nU!f.{I, B't n[m!llf:,m'l~, ':Il!D 'ibi!} i8;witel1ledl f!',o'm. gUi&H ltii ~te'r ii~ no :fl:~l&lIll~.iJlI,~ anq n:o,,' .he !I!II, I'WI!t!i~liIlg mee.k ,ouili1 TIi!r.r.:j~ ,lmOIli' t'he. 'ifh~Sit :9ltrtn~ 'N]ittI~ De Ot8 C6Drtr;iil'1' J'4!I~.

A. mojo,:r'ty @"[ '~he RedWhi'l.g f~JiI.~ a rgJUe that 'V,ilD wU I ,su.r~ pss, ,Jrunt's GfI!ip.bel." l.e'htli!';'1e~ lJII.mlt:s~ Aii'l Oil'll!!:!!' .o~Ji!i.r"I,i>f!i:r ~-here IfJliI'tt U:" '1 \r:te '!,!,ras nUilfr,i;j! Olllt~ ~t r1i.nding' diLl :&,,]lfiI:S; ~5:$ ",['ep e~.~ ~'Clr.. Dmd !btl' was: Ill. wmllng JlIi,Q,.. 'pn' iQ''!.I''Gry Urn,a ;JJ!II:H. n. 'l"~m e homc tID Pils.l- Imm, 'MiI'll:0lt ,11Ie )uut ]canliE!d. Vi,e; ,can"t hi:'!'lp but be i:uI'Ue''t:,. .flinG J ohm. imili'5l ~ glv-!B·IiI. p.M'l lof the !C.f'ecll:t"


'VW J{ ~mTSlU A"'otJ) :uJ'.s J~b. Im')!t

"1"1~~.u ~'id~ 8il!n:l: W(!I th1i1l'k:. U1at b:; U!lJ!3' 'iva". .1'olDI Kulbits'kL wo.:n'ts; it 1t,Q< ln~,

F Tonek Fast As Kid,. T,oo; Big Guys ,Couldn't Nab Him

'The, _ ·l~!Ugheil, lWbe'~, _ I:u~, C&ll1e

Oll.l!it: 'w];tb lI!. ,l(li tfiM1~l.:lUJIt ' en

'he . ~t:e;d tQ rillru &flJill ]( ~,

HU"~ H:e :~s ~~llIil'lJy"l ~~

tt-tp~~ tltreai"~r.' ~1 tll@' _ Cl ~~rs anci prOl~9blJ' tit£:, ftSi_sl~st mQfi Q';;',

,'!!' sqURitl. ~~ ~giL 'tIl'B s,~etirCst - r-Ub;aclr;. run '~ Bl;g T~n.

~~in:n, w-a~ '$lIie' Of3;IJI" ,kid WlUII, ,aJ tw,t'Da:1l ~f:ij 1trs D\l\V~llpIJm. l'!llIW,8l. n~jgllbGrbood pd 'l'PJIi\ ' WRS wJiJe'lfi :tv!! WIllS ilf:¥eJu"

'Itl' '" ,~

,SQ, Ule' big guy,s il:iO:lr\d~,s~~glv Jet '~:lm -]li~¥ ''I\ri_th tbe"m ,amd i5i!il.da:eil1~Y :rou:m'li '1J!i~ t~u.ldil'l,'~ ,jlfa~&1:L :~1im., Hilli 'W.a.~ 1":I:s:lhit :in tlil,PL[e i:!li1lG Jw!i: D~(jI 'IJ~dI ~~ tcasb him how ·~iOI wffi 'h, '~E' J"~su~t 'l'lrilD.t


Hijiljl"u]d ,l,an Ev,el~Y'" Mtn"e~ot"j',s m,o~t COnSl!tent grOll:U" ga.i!l,e;~·'~, "'yuas sh'oetin,g ,at Quit a f'oothaJ] m,ark ~hrirs ,~ft€n'lO'~~1 as l1'e MJ,a h]~ nl.a!1;;~ b~tU!eij Oh[ St~' e '~n the m~;st ,]m'pLlr;tan ""~s:teJI:1 Co.flf~l'el~ ee la~:l1~ of th e_ id~~ •

.En ids: ,t:I'i!d(l' ~I:lid ll,arn y :sp,!!i" ,,"'l.~aJ,'l'i ,il l!t)Jd lSi Wi'Dd~n,'g u:1

:&'ale' wu ]lH!,!I::l!'I.tlq .' ~nlN::1ls beh:l'fie ~liils ~ti),e~e: at~ i(fi\'I:''e€'tt' wlth. ,~ ch~JIiI!I:~' tfii s,et ,a. ~!'!~'!,~ a!lIn,~'U~YtIle l'1,eOOIL"di :[01

he wu 'In, h~!Iib S,dlOOl. ~r-.aid~ g~lnerii 'by aJ 'ijjioph,et il;hro~~1iL 'fiUl ,sebtlJo]~'s1- ~Qrag _d OO:])~:ltf~] lll~st-QJ!'Y

!II * '. 'YOll.a ~11 aU JreliJ~f::Jj'nib et' TI?Ii.]:g I",i~Hi'lld: !O(f Ftlcl!' L'8JPte. He' el1lt ,a, 1o't 0

:m::iil!:niOvel", :S;~,:n n:y '!,!j,'H !!!! 1~ 'l;~pii!lH ~lIliJiiili 'Y~81'ir.;S lIIiI~ek, :l'ati, :i'!ll l;tfjIrth::Ui~,t!J'r", 1:ha.:L :~e~!S]);]1, 'this :hard 'Illii'~

'pGUIfui :ruxO]'[b:l[1l ~11 tt.lgh ,~~!loo.l;1 it[11,1§i baJ:fb~~k p:ii:~etl u, ,n~ less 'than GG'l ~ndlS wj:~1'JJ 'i[h~ rJ~am UU[~

'\If,llIrlalnl '!J:p a~, S~DIJJj'IU.[I.~][o'",a :mani' '~'li U l'illl'le ;as 'U:le De.slt ~D ,Mi~~m~s'OtCJI'S: :hJstu,Y" He il''IfEll·,l;!!ge:d, :so:me·

'e~j mIliiIl he fn::]IQ~ iset '~ D~kie I '~'hrn;g ,nu~e fUji' ':Vl!l;r;~j~: 'C'1,\'lQ~ry time' he I em:l!'lep, '(hJ~ 'bell

'R.e]u,y "I:'ecollid wlJttt th~, Da:v~m,po:r:~W,h,~Ii!l, Pu.,g; tuning tiJ~ lti'llat m~,r.~I"

~; t~. Prl.!t1e~ m:ad'~ ~,is ,5_0me ptetty :smR~~ 'iMi[d falOftb~J]

a~liIiJ~ ,dJebu't In '~e' W'asl1iS,ng~ heads; :S:illid 'i't :""~lRtlM' w~nddj be

ton ~n;mE' :~[Jjs.t ,!2l(rr i admlb 1llie 8q'lt.a.U,!!j1 Of Sln:,pA~SBCI. \-VeU!, 'fh;a:t

W8,SI ill~et:Y 1;11111 u"ya '~e' 've'tlQot:an'!!l 'mU:iY :no'L ib:i3' 15i!li it\1'J,lc;n UallJ: :sit'aI'M;sHes

trea.,t£di him, gr,antl" ~E!ldl!ed, him !i:n~ re~nl\-.derl 11Il:!!.' the 19~®' :~aso.',n,

,~j,O'wn. WJelJi -hc',S, b~r:JI ail !Jafil]j' ~Il 'Fhl{ri!!ild 'V~~ E'!J.I!i;1l~."'~ is IT!Ii!ll'k i:Jrl'~ ;A_ s~:I!"I,

me-re' B.Vi~ s;trJJilJ(!'.. 'OY:!!. Un-,0'BJ'~ to :5ltu~Jiia~ 'l n;E1:tlea,l"

And wait ,~~:t'lii!Jt~. :g'RO:l'JI'ln:G : ~\@:r tlrue I.:t6!.wJ1fa;Krrl team riR'n.'l. now :is Harry ,Pl",!lme.k~ oJ~\.; an.ofiI ~J!3I"is wwir"'1i1i1'[g - !!D:lihn~Si nY~e1:"


Itlill ,S~II Hnlirrii~ill Day

~ motr--:lT. i~ "th,eFle lS aJl!~ one ~i':ho" ml~(J;e . ~in,e,e.r\e], k~ v~s ![tCu),tbaU ,~~ 8 ,IfWtl~· 'tlla 11i o."~1e SII" U ~,n.:18I'

H ~ c.Oll!Wld 'ltv.a:tch ,2\ g,aUftJie lelfe'l{lf' da;,r no mj,!iLttel~ wh,~ h1tppelU~~l 'to b~ ',Layiug, but in, his book, 'the~J:ie. is cud,' e.· iE, 'G,AITIA EACH YEAR.

: '0'11' or ES_SE]J) :I ,., n .. !.s' MJ~1ii If!:l!UU..

"Fi~Js :tis ,Sj,~ H'~!rlis'· d~1" ,_~Qj" a.~m:~i';"C '~~ _)'\~8lr!ii, _2It~,'~r'~: '~ :~~~Y[['_" i!'Je@>~,l '~r' :S:pll1!lt:itJtt;ii];' tJIlis gr.-a;1iL~. \'ctttl'ilnlflt 11~ looked [Ol"!/,.vm;.[I, ib9 ~\ll~

'~ .. !!elt1ng wi' 'h ,M:i~bill Ran.

O"l.1'ie-l" {:halt ]~:n . .ue'!!if]~ hilii' 19:i'IIS sUiflE,red: 1m arilil~i" L,'UsBip[ll;Qill'b"riJel'JIh as Ula !G;fi[}hre:rrsr W!J!Jll~, 1!1:@\-VrJI tiQ dele!il'~. H!€!: iCi!:I. hj.;:'G! w.~s. ,~iQ]drlip, Uke (j, man - EX'~,~P"iE" 'WHE~ liE -F1~M~::ts TH.,:r ,ms OW,xq :B10YS HA',VEN:~T ,PUT OUT TO THE LI"lII[,,!, o.F 'rHEIn. ABJ:I;In~

W.k!!:Q. (fVC'l'y-one eL~e wlUl 'I~!!a' :sg;lliadi :Ih~ ,gh"~JfiJ up Q'JiL :M]fli_flIE!" i"lot:Q IS CMn(eS~ Siig :sta'n di9i iCiliA t. '~llLeN' a1:[ 3&oirnle ~1I'1;lh, ,his iI;Jt:r,rt;limis:ti.c i!l'UjtJlliC{l: towa~o;rj, UU~i gam~.

Ylf,~ d)DYf)'~ ~f' an~] 'V!.'eB'l'or: of' 'm" -,'r{o,rli!J'fiu; iIliI! d GiiJ'!;liJ11" OJ iWh,~ ~'~reHI w~J'kli! 'HIm'd1ciii" 'tmtanr ,; ~[Iif ,do Ii:S O:[~1 fh~l ;IUliW~llJj iQ_8 :1~i!I ,itiode.s '~ ~1lID_~ bL , • .'\'Ii,)]"j,tel'll gR,i~ Df 'r~rh:t 'hollC!l!i.

No !ilI~,e !'dlC!'s'! iII"5 many de"t~:!I'.: :!liS hi!!: dO!iiS ",,,f,l!i;e!l1I ,the- l!!B,ttJ iIig :Ii!i clO-it'e.. NiOI o:riJ:fl: ,Ieels 'tJliE' d1ef!e-,!3.~ mme Uilall! he.

'~esl ~t~ j~ SI:t!l, ~alr~ H~ m,9Jd D~lF lo~e" ,b:a),pe i;.c,l(o~e ~e ~l~'kotl: 'irod!a:v ,ed l'bis; Is {bIB' '!I~",ar ,tete e1tpf'ie-.s;EICdi ,ifl:=

ii,1 liO~il T,HAT' THE :PLh ,OF OU~ E{fl,S, 'TODAY IS A.

CBEDI,t 1'01 Mmt~ESOTA..!j

Tilt" W~'l-~t~ '1~~ :has ~;l1!!ock~d, IO~~ S~U 'Y8ltd~" on :ruf'lj~~n~' plltys ! ri, 'll~ ,fllit"st- U!f[,ICC1l' :g)8iflitJ,es, Th i!Ij;tls ,2!:'t'i ,Eii,,,-er,, aJ'·, e of 1.~:m. -Tli8tf'IJ((Ii& O:r[~;~t ]Hilts

:all 'G@,p]ilcr.s.., ~U!t H!~'s ,good ,e[)iOflll..illl 'to plru:e' 'llli~u afD1oJ'1ig t'hq :rkst 10 leadillil gmlUiIDli['S in tb!e cou[o"

t- --I 'E'i"';rt!"'II!:r,[[Elllll'''' 'hi,"'. '1I'Ii!;i'fj!l:i hi eon,·

'f.,~., ~""L _l~_" _ -""" .. l"""" _ ,,_

,sldtE!'la'D'ly a.lles,d I@~ P'!{Ig, LU:I'IId'J':!;i :I;'!Ii!,"

J11~" ~ame numoo,r- g\~' ,game~ I~, 19\34.

- 'I~: V!I1Ui 'E'11\e~1 Cw_ Ik!~e:p ~6,

~11Iia:' :!liE; &Bit iPgtC'~, Ilie' ~.tQ\[liL~V~ruo IJiI.,P fi:IG, ~7111iIJjids, 10:1' U~A' !!!£a5iiitlii!, '!Jr.!! Elrt~iS, e~~(,;il:!liin~ :9" ~ol iQif hiili'in\, bu~ 'tl~(!j ~Qs~~b~I.lt3' [L'ii ~'IIDer - .'

IjJ *: '!ijI!

'V,Lllrl:5 'b.~gg~:Sit tJ~5t. W8i5 at naIM.m, tl!lllila:y ail M 1:lil}l!e-<!'iII;;~, BDd, 'Oltf!lll' Sla:lie l't8:Sii,Jmedl :C!iiJotbaH. Ir\GJatio·n:s:. "rb!!]' :E3:u.'lik.g-lf' (l s: .rl,l:"i!! e~n'l e e L'Od. 'to tiuJ' Illi:5(" ~l1e ~lO:u.tE~t defe\l:ls4i!! ~\I ~n:l! ~hJ1j'~ 'Utll15 halJfb.a~ hars ,fa.ced iUl!iis: Ye'a["., He,"U ha:vl!!' 'w ,i'eif. \.I~ 100 ,y,~!Ni!l i~@;;, ,day ·to ~O:iiJil inili.e' llii !S1i.l!G.C'eiSiifud,' ntamc']u ,for tJlu~ record. A'liId i If he' d!iJes. ,it i;:IJll~i]lsl ,a~ s:lro'ng :II d:![i,b !ijJ5, ,Oil iq~ :tlJ,ef~ i ~mld ~~iCT s.,'"IiiUilg ,ycad wkt.h ,a.'it: leu!)t ,Eli. iOO~P'I;fj; 0,:1' op]:ua:ttl.f.l!'R'h ..

- ' .

An "al'Ocl~ ilioeS' (,Of,tlle GlO[p'hi;.'lfS

'this l'I~U - i~ ,~~m~ ~d th~ (r:~e'kll1g'. mmst ,@:11 tlie P8~itlg' tSJDd ,8, ~nod :5Iri,eIl'h',e at! tb~ bi:JJl[ c!tllJ:ryh!ii.g l~ say :lllio'th~.I~~ 011 caTIUThj ~p:aJ~ ..

h)'j ~]ifto ~&l!es D,r'.,,!~lei B'8iUl£eir ibe~o:n,~ 'i:.o" :I!i_QY.MiM\~j' iilllll1:,ill;g i!illi~ 'this BometmmJing !P'F'illIl~RmtlG:g Rltil, iDys'kilt',ia;. :N!li~b n~l!I!m, ]DI}".tli & I~lil'tllln:a!te, 'Dlg,_1J1lI t~ ldm beeHrl~_s-e he ,']8i~·,erl Ih~"'e, ~EI!;piflQHtr:led -It'~OilID.B!fIiI tlllQ4 f:Bil:li[d J'leM'JI ,1iD:t\ :8. lawp '!'5bSI'\!!1 (!If !b!i!!i, ,g.[l''IlItlial¥;i(!ln; ih$D u.r.t:n :mIG'W' ils mOillLc'il!lng' ,thq_ nl~ili ",,,,·j:t>h 1r1ei!Zogn'i,f,lIQI] ~ ot1)(ij @If fiJlQ t~:D .F"n,m:Jrifwili'i!l! .l1Jj~'b~ eo'"!'. Bull:; 'Il)hlo St&t'fil ~ m~~~~nr :a._ Qilu:lli:Q,j :Q~"'o ~~gi'mmu'o· -Ito trWrm,. 'Hc' [g&ined Hi, dwee l~ 11n!e-'flhd;rue ,~l'(i!{ilt'l OlUb S-'m~~ ;t.OiQ\. ;!;ll;j]8cbcdi '~ItCR :tliJlli 5!i:''IiI'e!T£d )"eaL '" So' ~t :[~Q~ mi ~'e :Dam 'BmIJMi:J.l".i, ,diEli3' S.'turrdln~~:!, wllili 01' li!1I~e..

Smifh Is Go'pher Veteran.

Even in Sophomore SeClllQ~

~:f ,~lr!J,e:~ Slii,lliJ~ ~[IJ,rfiS '!l)-'ut ~1tJ; ~I &~lard m'ld 'lJlitt:'l~Jo' .on Gopll~'J-' J@!'Il1r.\!S",

I :lh;~t, !'dass ,hD.I~Ck I:l; '~rir t 00, :pl8'~lirng O'r~ lJlI~ Jilllie ;sJ~9ad Q£ siDJen ~n'y gtilrp:~;s~ t'OI h~ ~~.dl._ In fnct. Slm'iJ~g Mck5 ~: Jobl\rl]!~' M~~ t ~'{!', ~a:tte~' ~!a:arniIJd :~'~ Utat wq. e:r;1i1j ,aw.tll Ea,rl~ Pj!l1~~1~8. \Vlth E,1g.-Jtl ye~fS al.O-]jJla~l)e EO\iil~,[' thaJ'i sU!tth_, a :fODUt'~II, M.ckgr(U~)l:rj, B1"LLlee Llft:at=:-~Ud~~, A~ Sl]ll th, _ a f!):l4ri.~l· ~MteI',ed Ftl!wJ~il1aU h!,§h iichool ,!:n~d M~fIjrre~.a :1'0011;)91 a~~D" H:JJ J~ ~ oWn Wa__;S .a :regliJ1Rl' tJlrt ti~ '~~~]M 1'M" t:&lfll'~1 be,gill1tl £fNo~lrm g ,_ II, ,~umg' COUll" $E!'a;s.Q!ji5., ~!n ,®ldel.' bl,'Ot'heJr" ,!~rnc l Q ,ooo~~l t8J!ltliJ;]s., GOOl'g!'. latJe'l" iSi,me'mOOI" ot '~iEi!

:MRuil1eswlta ~U!:ll_;di ',WalS ,a, fli,u· heir ~~mrile ,to hn.·

I ICef,iller l~_ gcU:1.Ii:g to I;ii!} ;a ,~al1fd~)~ ,au'ab'" o.('l ~t;hc Unhr(tl's!:ty af l'tlin"" Il!!!50t:e., ~QQt~~[ 'teem.

T,hi~!,@' 'NaS 'thle 6~ air Ge!llllll!! s,y\Ema~'D, m 1J3_E ud. 1~ wfllell :~~ S1tarltcd: ,as ft. '~a~l~ l'!\'~nd li[\) :al iI, cep-teiC'. And tift@'!"i3! ,~- "be

~el '01 :s~m.e~ EaifJ,1 ~ o'\l;lii'i'

,A,. 'it iI'titlI~ t- "iI\iI'ii~!'7 ,.., ... ..1 ..i~"' ... )'I"','ii'it~ .... tiljI, iU,l@m, ~ ,0' ~ I, !C&IN ~1"'''''-'"'-'!o\rlllUl!i

:lm"1t0' iml1,~ ,_' ~he, ta, '~lvoU ,~!l - the :Wr. '':r-e~, 'Oi~n tlts' NIit"lnoul ~H!-' ~IM~ l~,ape.,

~'i = .: .. --,u,,,,,,,i'O "". "''Ii~ "'Ili '-'iI!J :ICa,..

~'!!QW~ illWl.-L!i:' .... ' fi ~... ""'.... v,olL-"

'S~~. '~mn • m!lB.m, '~.o 'IC~~ au ~hs' l~dRem, r&q;a. :He' ,Is Bo~r ,:Bfj~(I!':k~w;rd\~ wilito ViM 'the' ata;I't~~~

!O~ fik@' ~eue la.mej p].~1"U· ,1lii_Je:~, M~t '(J'M!) Sta;te~

TJiJere i;s very ,ml!lJcb GI 'me

,SY\~tufiseftl, 91t.r.ain, liD. !i~.-~'lY~,!s pl;ary:. 'Bob wliS a_U, ~t 'to, I'il to ~ :ioliithc["JU 'sechool, w,1n,~n; S\"'EndSE'n S~;~1l)~ Qillroke;ltied, E,lor.lthmiJ Sen-

I lor. ,aDii. oon,vllD.~, ~llile' :~a'~,~l" UiJ9i.!~ MID~sDm liVas U:)i! ~'Lru::e' t'S(f"' B~b:. I ,!il;o'i;:b ~Iillern ~a' ~acyea 1'_ ~l";S,

on 't:hie :;Ia!m.e ,atl"lUiiiiteu' b~l~than iI).~,am 001 ~;e.m, 'the oome ~~trs, ma~n~gte~

lIob slmWd, hi5;' ,~'o.olib!lll ~t .NJ)11h

high ~c.bJmrot 'He saw '00 rac.:h;rn &lS I a center 'flt~, fi£:a,t "'~~_I'\~ l)1!tt d~Q'r-I ubmd~, a ~kW - ~a,· IU9lI:"d, tllu~' I ~a~~ 'tw~ SeasolThS. He almo;s:t iitdn~t 1P.~8y :8i1b. ,p]],! howcveT'" ,iIliift£T' I#OmllDg' afouru P ,~ tl1urt B~~~re~, G, 'br.:me' llili, h:1~ fooL ,But ,~c Y{q ~D.,~~ m ,l"lfioO li;n~Il[i! ,a:gwln wil1ml!l th~ ~liet~ f~n :ooUoo, ,arQ'lU1W.

. Bob ,alite]',ti[~!~@( Wi a {;ell1,b~',' abd c,~d ~t11 'J'Ili?S91lm{!i _ ~O'b~aJl ,at !tIme Um:jj,ve:i~i~y", tH.'~Jll pl~y,ed ]le·jpla.l"ly, :elJt: end l~'S,t :~a["", ~~\I!H~f,i ~he' :~,

'('(KI;" ia ~Gn!te~ .I'!I!~apiPJi!EU'eli fl]ji:s 1 all! t~e' ~h@i@!l 'w,as natlU"-,aIi.--oBob Bjo:rllil!und, by 'WD',' of S'1,i!-e.Msem:s.

TwO' 'ijj!if Mm'lfie~ta'iS ,oi!ilIe t ,Bind miMi' (olorll.l!,! ill,.tlrtl,J!'Uc fil rif'il Mll 'l~e~"Ol\!','" today aiL.'JEl' missing tll,ell" :UtBt trip iJ1 ,ma:wt:Y, 'mJ81l~~' YCD (s. ,Dr. L. ,Jj,. CiJlol~lei the .!f!,"arilld .@IJdI P'I.a!iJ'li, Q:iiJ d. o.~ca[· Mi)jiJl!ll)[IJ, t Ilt~ ·'I,'!,~~n :kl'ii!f!IIj!llJ-], i"GmliJ kii 'We[->Et ,len, ~et'lill:'!!m :y.elSte~day '\v:hJe-:Q, 'll~Ei' GtJtphe-rrs ,~u.lJ~1e<d 01li'~ ,t'o:r (lm;aiha,

Doc" 'e'!O oJre ~a'U,gjN:t :9;, '~~d, ~ t ~lte ,Ar,iwfII3 gljJ'fin@ i1n~ d hn..s been

In Deal 'cv~y ,i9.1;n 00" .H'E" W;fiJ~:5! tltk.e':m: 'tD 'Ule 'h~~()!'eEIIJ, to.(b~~¥,

'Ml~tJii5(;i]!I~S; hC:[I,Hh wasn't good, 'M!Dugh to get tti'iJ'Eii dodJ!ll:r~ okay 'fIoir'- 'Ul!~ ,j~1!L11!it ;rr~~h@:r. M,ot IE If.h SiS ;f!lQJl1'tu,;r, has' !l!'i.'Lhtur. Doe !Dr '.' I!:!.:!l' :be~m 1eft, 'tr~'lirnflld !D~ a r!J ,i!n!'V3SiOlIil. Ifjif ~, r,;]''!O''.a!1 !ri.dlr{J<:~l", .Al:ltt t h@! j~ I!a nt ,~Ust ,a,oesf!<'t;, ~eC'm fllih~ ej'lhel" ..


MfmNEAPOLlS, Hbu].~ 'Ntri;1. g ,~Unm,. bo~ ,~10i1lll__n ~e'~ tl'lie 'm..rrtID", In itbe~e, lLk;,e ~bt t5-ia!' iM'rders t~

....... u dO:nl:'t seem 8:!8 I, Crls]er ean ~ PlY' fb~.y tfJedl, ~t]J dlo:wn amI :a. free Clh'L~;t)eit1, MlliDf!l' flifl,".t:tg tc:aJly' tatie merm~(jJ.. It ]o(lJ<kedi.. as ,~f' h~ J1"~il'EUi'., Y6U 'oMg:l1tt Bi! Rtel M,lIe =." l"-- 1-"

was :v,el~II, p!ll~g' to 'la.l{;c, '~:tl~, _lclu~ t~ \~l'qc ~CllWlligo~ !bU' JIIQU.. ItiQ~" till ,B. :i! II! ..

a;. ad fumJiillie ~Imi. 'tbe ~·'1e:'l'd!· UDEl, _ ~ ~_.:* " '''Ii., M,i,n,,"", l~i!'~'m~ -/n,j!!!' goOf b'ii!i'.,d

:rr~OO'l!''0t\~d b'Y' ,~JlJ'DesO'~t~, La; Wfl;t;a;t ,~~~e't'I~pml, :~~"9, :~ 'W:l:'iJ~10~f ,~. It)R-~ll f;lgl~I1I;H' ",f ~JiI ,tl'~iJ!ihe;1' i~e!]m " ~(.iii!!l" 'mJtu],e tb.e. 'G~pitin!~:r~ :])!1:W!y._ '€3:H,)" clUb. BC)y~, m"1i! like 'to ~e!!:itbem ..... , ,t C" Wl!. 'ii, ~'i!i' . ~ b h 'nJ' tble, 'milU. r]~ '~k,e, ~is, Ha-:r,mn. lbalj~,~~S' ,p _D., ~,lt tle'~d. ~~~'~,~i~t" . 'ill _ ,; "-~l\' ~~r' ~:' r~, ., , '.t<s: e. l~~" Hel tan ]'ie~lll 'p.B!iSiI!l mfi ,yo to!JiII, 'CiI\f' :y~1IJ~ '",d ,:fUJ:;Ili[D.US. I~ ,il.:4!iiJ!l If , \iD~ C'l' ,r, J ,iI!m ~gt ,till: I ,.J' l'iIr.

anal, 'kfet. lt, 'wa.s, pt.~I:.'lj ,i1a,'[Idi 'lie T1ID.e Mi]])[Ji. U_D.e ,!t)11l ~ru u.~, IIlH ii:'4!O:l' !Il,li 11:,,",. )!:1ii6c.' 1!IIl S~ ,f,,,1;lJ "'Ihfl!~

:ruiff. 'wbil;::il:l Yll'U h:911if 'ibJilJI C1!!!t ba.c.'it ~1't:i!lliU !s~OIil!Ql (M,l!'t; ,!llLke llloiZlse'Yen ,~ii!',lh:\iIlII!!",. _ _ ,

im~, tM:t ,fl~]dl 'w);jjlell We: :In lel!~-- in ~liII A]a!bama~~~g '~,~1;h. 'mte[i MlI;~:iR~ ;~": ~~~'l1i tim bte ah'9IJe djl1~ ~@i 1Jlli~ CO:i:liilt~D ri\ts ~il;~t~,s ~~W !,owe~ifb1 tbia'Y'c ,,:,en'. ~fnl" ':uara, ~~ ~'ilI h~ ~ 1.\I.rrth. q;wta~tel"

rm-11 diUiIi'Jnr tbe. ,gam.e. ~ eili,;ll IThe ,M':I1~n:!j~tot~ ~1lP!;1l s.a;Qleji," ;j/. ,!~

ClU'!t"'" 'b'!,~ h@a~, ,gu8.,,]'\d !1n~o ;m:y' ,g'a:mp~ ,dt~U'~ ~b~e~ time'. And,]I 't'l'nieaE ~'o, l\e:r-s ne!Ve~ ,~Oft PFlkitcben ,8;~r 'time !Jl~d ba:rv'C ifJS, dOll~,·t m.e:a!,'(~, ~1]K3i1!; 'f"J!Ll!)lSe _" ~C:kY "t aU. 'Yom ceill]tt 'ten :fl'oOm:

ham iSJ-nd egl') .. l~gllma. b~5 g<tit. ,do,w[IJ, '10 'me ::3. 'UlIiQ [pI:rn1'gS btlX, tha:!:: they ',C'J;i\E!:r;Jt

p" ._~,_ ~'" . - , •. 0', '~a1'!!9, n~,'S' and ehe:· tCtO'.llild[i!~t ql['a.c;~ f!J(h'!!ttlY' illea, W~~~l1ig M:~ch~lom" 'n)'

" of ~,e :!mllU:~J]~!.5 '_ g~tt;, ,~,~R! t,11Ii~ ltilJ ~t b ~y over:, . " " ' _ , . .,' ., ,.

'N'"cslt.' a~I~1 ,~r ,rle:1ili ga,[Jl, Be 3 ~a~ ~ '" ;:uld ta k: 'tilI,at U~!,(1IIS O-~'"e ['. "i['Jl(!~

d:I',I:w'JJ.os :f:pU'b!il~ l!1 ~'~Ul, :lili;~ ''i~, Gopher I in!e ~~ ~ba,l",GtI'll~ g'Ct ttra,t pniJBe ,a,l}m G!Ol1 fid,~:rn.~.

* * * •

, Is Sports Write

• * * * * * *


.1" ,PHIlD -~~

~lIh!1; 'to 1001 lIendld~b(!illl, iIll filii ,1I~l'..J'iI:J~1Ili IS,pom Ie;tlliJt

m'm Ui ~ GO:Pb,ru;' 'MaSOOt;, b-QWo; wm:v~

Slmt I'r:n. iOI .iI9Mts w:r.l~eir.' ~j - d: "] lmn a .uU'h~ )'mIdlQ -t.uft (ln, 'lhiS' M:lnneub-<Ohio game' , __ : ¥'IliIU he_$d m~l'@re'.

y~,u fi-ee. B&nrie 13~ermQ a.~'

:me iElJre r;als. J! .see him: aUiI!lli.'

iftJ'Y ga_me In 'fhe draS$mg rooms, a_n lile I!i1way,s: 'ma]U!s, It a ~I n;t -;0' to' me ,IDl" awhll:e.

,I dr'O:p'lpe~ _m, ,gin, ;(1'31] i~ yeSm 't~roay 9lld oom,ere-m D3er.:r.dc. I "~.raDt(!'d to :&Ilj! out tilile reallo'%"a. afMllD: .. tOi!\ SatQrda:~ts game~ b' eB.IIJ$OI talltetr l' mave to. ,set ~n my ,~~tJ!~ll1, U DOlflg .u I sjt

in the pr~s box, wlt;h Chadr:!lJ" J'!ll!]lU1SCJiJl a:nd tb.'e O'tole:r' :fijlj~lows:,:

"Be,rnie, '" ! All';5", '·What-ya,..·to"Ohlo.1."

He toldi I'U!, but ~.e.' sBil " t .sJTto!ll.dll1't qu..o~Q hhirl.,

Ih 'Dthef' w>~:rd~ it w~ I'@W, 1nllde' :IDlfo~atJon f®f :me p~, ,sonaill " ~u: mot ~Gl 'ubHeation.

1 teel ' ,eu~ about ht'!lllldaJY'(l [iill!iil;,'l;I'. .Ill teM ::r'OtIl Ifo~kls; th~ C6pJilHs h,\1\e Mlm~Utklg cocke !lip' -'hat 'you il!ulven~t seen. b-efoiz,e" Ycm dlidm:" see li' last ye!lW or. 'thi81 Y!ll'aJ: ibe"lc~e. Y®u -''!lIO :naer SeeJ:L u, I .ti:p,YenttMtlDe!i1l ,a t;U)l]~UJ' pmC' at _ !emOl'ial staQi· llml sID'- Eli :l9.3.5 and IJve'e-'IIejr ~,I:

B8D~e l'BQ OiU t!as big ,11e.y


I®r me 1l,1jiJ ~~'m;tra.t-E'" 'He t.o[d ma ,again tbat ]: ~JO!l[dm~t wrtte ,any., thi.1l ; abfi'~t ~L I ~mm' -ed, blllltt ·ot dog Is it f!V~1" a '~nt1! 1 t1lu!t hmk, Bernia will , e:t mai!IJ at me' ~f ,1: ltel1 you PART of it..

'Tb e! IiUYS lb~ up ~e the~~ alWcay do, 8JU 't_lrIe:n BlfbrkiMtl Elll&. - _ the ba][ str:'h~wa..~ tlol Oltl,.; g~en, ,at qd. Qhlme~ '~S5e,li U liJc~ t11, nne 'to ~r:ju(icl ,~;t t:hie otbUli" el1dl. ~tar~qJceJ hflni!is Jtt to PCd.e.if>iEm i! D:nd \Vi p\l.51i1iS ~\t back: t-OI Fral'LCk. ,Franek rums: ~M''k as ~,~ J~.Q' 1<$ ~arn_g, to p~ '~u'~ hknils It to CJiU'i~U~~ ,!l!e~ who fltps U to V,M Elr~~ who, runs ,Bro1If:ld 00[. Parf&ra-th ] , '\ I aStlDg' 1~1lJ.t there ddl, 1I.e ~Q the :ball lini rllUlS ar.m.l!I:Jtd;, W.o' aihe:r." end Tam n,u~ p,~,

It '_C, .-,-, i AN~

1: -PiE',~'m ed Sem1ie n~t Q.' '.ll w~, .abo,ut U1 so I 'etter :lilM t'll 'YlliirU the 'WHO'LE P'LAY." 5:u..t II;wll e:U '~EiI' 1t work '~~ mDiI',row OiY't ,t Uti! ~~B!dJlJtm

1 "~]lQk_ we"U ~eat O,hlo 211 to. lB. I '!iI'f!: Qfi~Ii:i'yeij 't-11 f~Lbil,lll, 1'~H\f;; rGV1!l'r &~II\li!::iI!l - Sin, Stilll.edil!'l i',uui Pu,e: :tuod b-p.d~1i ip i& parrot for me' . m, IBr.Jfic I had fi l!IiIlt'd tim, -. ,cThmJDin----: l!LP 'those SlWJnl tClllth&, :plItnii b.~x' 19., fir$~ but l'tls ,eaSl" ':DOW"

And, ,ill I Cl'VCm:- enjuy th,!},su Id/O, 'IMIU,'W Mil ,".ffe:e toe, ,- ~ up 'th5~ between\"E. ',I

'\I elll, see JO'IJI liiII ,at 'the .. liJme.. And .as. fDr ~-[p~ 'O~~~, G~M-n~l'l':-:rfTI.rrr-

_ ......... _"....,,_---

W II 0, W'_ oW' n H' S I? ill Oscor . eep, or ····1 1 ~;emi~ e.

J'Jt;.s ,tlJtf.1 ,jug ~tlll·.r UIJ.J~HJ. Arbor Ottic-&' \W'a-p,e(] ~ K arms ,H~'Uilild UU:i' 'L1 Ule

13mwlii. J!.!L.

And mid::: ;'GIl]Qdibye.t"

"rears . r-QlnliNI, down hi fa,<Cf!,

'I~aoiliigji}, e/' ,lSlIllbbed Ose r . ifUJI5Qn. '~([j' :he

~iUle B~'II m, J'~g.

Gm !;be, ey,e ,(]If ihc,M.moesol_a·, iClll C,Em foolb U

cl~h:: )'JOUi Call) 'itBke yonif.' pii.'ek 0 'the.&~ t'!lW


O!;1c,-,a:r !1t~;1J111S0nl CU6~I!!!(ffiJRI'I. 11flIE: all .. he. foot ba:1l5, InotbaJl 'lo,f~ nd lEt ,s'Ood ,batFiS Q! Ute (illphe',r :BlPull.]eavc-s ¥ltll, he 'Le~am. 'itOru,g~ I: 'Oil:" AIlIJi AT.her ~ mch~, \ViJt~ ,him '~S i11e L~'ll le B1i011VIiL Jug. badlti~t:ia.l tro:~'lf of Gilpller ., \V~]v!'!I'me bliU:Je&,

U's, :an oJd stoQ n ",'W~burt leg a. OQd ,sLo~'Y ~\';j}Q' ~N" M:tnlle ~t1 ~ ,rUoipfl :Saclt' In 1909 tbo 't~iUm battle' to. ,fit ,iM; tic ~n 0]. '1_ brih' op field. 0si'Ja1r~ be: tr~~rH iVM. IIlU \'VjJt'i'll, t~E! b.~ 'W'atc(1' j'mg '~:g' ta, tf1l9' Mlt~pn wsm an:d l'Ct# it i (I' the Ioc.kc'l' fa Jl'U!mill1l:to rQ'f - blUed) ,fought 'f!IlM'ktest.

00 Tlj i So mzy' ,if Ib ja,'"(H $ iWl!J ro'm So biiTi]:A-

Os~r 1]1\Uec: ~h,e Brown Jug ~lId


·'8:1, tlil. Rt :b ,:).n he _[I joy[ul'I~.

ThE'!' I I'll 5.l'l'1ead wm(ler~

IOHI lli~d WlQbYome l'I,ume,n lSI3i~d ,~-. r to 'tho 'L!:ltJII!! BI~O:Q, 3\1:8:'.

Tbe ~ext year- Ji,cU~jji~ 1 , Of;iJ ,!me] (lcrrnamd'ed tlTLa jml if. JriIJ(:J1.

,SQ r'~ billS 1011(:1 .to!' 2a eilllJllte8~ J.-fieb:lgan 110 held: n .longest as ill IDeswlt 'iDf :S~1!''!Ie-li'l. ,CO,rl:S!ii!Il!JI';l,ve 'Ij. ins'.

The Ju: JU!lS 'eCfII In. l\,·s, troplily !111.SQ UWE' l' car'S, nliill!@'.

I ru: illil e nf(ll" I't jU1lt gO'~ baCk b@:!illl tim. New YOlk Wllrld''S !ai:r w)Jtier~ U .has been on. 'I!IltspL.8(:y~

• 1!lI

- :, 1 l1eJ.dieil alllll.~ ~UD.., "the ,J ug Ita . B f,y;; ifi-ju In Ci1lS'e.,

O£cU'·.1 'hml'l '~i'Q jus ~ ,til, , ag"

"~I ,got .a hUJlJii: we:llU; !brin ~t b~ek. the' w",

, I!l _ ow,.n hri rolll[]~eil.

HE' H,ASN!T FJA,D TTIE CREDIT I'e deserves, but he must be 1'4 ed as one of' the best ffU ~n eund backs ,of ,'lliLe : ear,

V\TI!:~',rE!i think 01' lIal~ohl V,a,n E'~N~;r'J th! !'lal'd w{!I:[."k .. w,g Mj~~:ttiota .~~a'~.fb,a'~l!', .


J'J;e JIDCks JU'!lt a it '] e of the II iSe-Jll3alCic1Uill o.pen ijcldrU:l!rnlll"l'.


HaMId lIas ~ad 50JWQ good! ,gmJii'l~'S wUh ~ 11ll't:l.eS!D' ~ [bll' nf! d'!lj;Ullltti!t :h,- . i\1' Irr tlllii"H.OO IJIi ,Eil,

l~e, !fJ 1" nil :tM",filOOtil e:(h~ibU':iQg,

'lihi!m ~jQ U!I' ~Jt 1'0'11\'" 1!;1' ..

HIi!:mad '~h:ro-o p rntl1(1'"

(!lepUOJllii . ~'ahrl r-dlEli;Y! MtIl e ~ry dnl! \!,NlS B b:r.i.l!&1 a,1f'II't pi:~!::e ,@,l' 'Work.

B~ looked ] Lk@ itlJ luost P""'W' QrJI[I] (u ~ back as he (IIr--ovc ever lhe ,pards 19..UiiI taeldes f:or- ICo.fD.~ 8iiStefll~ but nat Lo-ng, )l\iItS.

(lillie ll>ilIll{In'1 f'ln:d~'

;D:mlt '"ilt!), N II_: ul cnilll~ .. AN

Img,', a!Jld ,c~["~,ajlll[1y r:. i ,ii'4lfens ,,!,'re ·)~r '" ,g , lip btl ,a.'f;,

lB ecause he tsn' :I Jas.h,y. Va n Eve t")' doeSN't Jet llii I] cr~d It he liT.esenres.. blLl( he 15. a gI\ea.l :bgn p.1s)'e:r j !list UlQ! ame, He ceo Ell rilly \¥8/S Srli'h~r.da~.

:ltp edl Ji.iJ;C~~SAl'r'y te m..aikp., 11]m ,mnt be 11 as cv r.-yiLJ1 mg eJs(J.

M',inln1a ·of L,iIJII-· '·e.llly ell·eke

N0 ' .. E o~ 1];H· 1l1]} ,NESOT A. BOYS need feel . ashamed of t]H~~ g',s,fli1,e th,ey played at. Iowa 'City'. It.'s , 3,llJle tha h,e,J',~c:arne ,;ill ~HttJ:,e _00 ,s, 'isf]'ed w[t.h J emelves when th,e] 'of th;ir :ni:ne-po~u.t Iead, and it 1LlDd 0'0. b~ed]1 I~R'n:h'ibru te d 0 th,e,i]:" de f~,~:t,

MmIFU1CSQt8,~ Ii:nil! led ilil' ,-jorkll1.1DdJ, PeQ~.!!I!~ ad M'all"~IIJCC-~i 'i!1i a sw~ 1 job ,011 .i:lJt ~el't100ft 'rh~y ~pened. ~p gapIng' ~lOJ~ tor lkGl backs ~o. :roo tbn'iJl i!'J'JiI. 'i'JlJIia'Y 8JLO-J!P~ t~E!' ,19WD ru Ilnl~g' j;liIHo coliilJ ,I!llld l 'l!.Is]l,~ Kin Iliclk m,ote lhu, he C'Vl2'f JUllS oel"n rlilSIt! eel 'Defnr'.e ,m :11 is CIil"ee'E.

)[ ~I:'i.n:tx,( 'I!I!lH(iI ~,'1jI(g' giV';lndi

C8,'l.e~ oif :€M1f~'n-J ~)D~e_. ' g Rh:W

'OI,1jiI 1 o(t!'lI> =, jll) iI:~)o(r' Imtlli-clll ~ - 'l'JQI!iV8Ltrtl t:hB IQ'Ii W[n ~ He th ~w Ki.nl1ieic ~ II :zje\,rcn~;YQrdl loss t he. li~ ~ t ilt1ll,~ ll1ls splendid [pl ~yet lDcOk Ule 'h~l1. Jot 'm'U -t De r-a,Lud a hls ibe;st '1;1 J' nnanC'C, of 'tt! e yerilr~ ;,ulId ,I!! e "wcsl']I" IjIIfNj p~;~s] eSJ 1ll1" blJ a-f1ty 'iJI'fr.uLcl.

1, In C'd _ 'r . '0, ,Wfi 'l'a~·

Ibowr \flOG fIQir tl!!,e game J e played. l e Idflll b - f '11 1'- _ ili' j~uurdier. h~rttc,'lj tmllTilJO]",= '\7' clo.;[L - C Ilt!i. Oil _he ,~Ull!l~e~g_t, t -lIl1lfl th' " ,SDIb ,~',[}'rrh~ull!ld :at oo:rrl.el'.. He oe-fta'kh~,y 'waS] cr-a.:.k:illg' Ie-ro, S 8.tUftiav ..

';Bill $0 -~·U.IlJg ~m:Hvithn,~. ,(11 of . J e Go,pi'le_'1! did lh, [ji}1@'I.Illt ·rne~,' J,elt do,wn ~lI'II:r:: ,elUJIlI I, hJ get Deal:;. blf ttl ~ \\I'g:r,Qi work-, ins; as !:II l!Inlt on th,c RtQJllll' ]!8l"a!ilel!; ~'h~ ~El!mn mil:1de ~nto ]owa ~l'!rrltoi."l. 1ft .* ~'

!I'oeJ;oo]m~~' ~ ~ ~ I: ,. It!

'PN!IlI 'Wnl'C' !OJ' 'UI;{:, O[ilI~ ·World.

H'!I!!l"BlNt _Y$, !~J.I!i:iltaMe 8;o.:rfthortloy ~e~ares 'th8lt :~ m,emiOO'r ·Qf ,th~· Mln~· ·M!ot •. '~Q~'h~~E, .~Wt. bar!!' 1l:i~titM

'tb~ ~~~mt [Gi)pbifln; 'w.W &~ .!itl"Qq-..,A. ~tV~.~:k a;g'D t:h.;e mi(hv{l¥ wli:oo'rfi his RI'!"U~JiI1t 'deJ'eQtblw ~Qre~d

est ~n li~' ~~.I!' H:'\4 nUlle to $ay a,'bolt't t~ Gqvl1.~ w~a;t :moot hQ'V>e been tlii.e :feeEngG

" ., ,~H:S,. 'T,Iiii~ IlSitlllll3JttO;'1flJ .Ii!il i,nffe~E:lIlL't t9:ltl~ Q~ tJ!tE!1 'm~ M~eMge!ttl. ~m., ,~ ' .. ,",

1rhllit .!Sce.m.a '~Ol '~eilbe~~I' woeJk. :fIl1lUtrw:Hn,g l'k~]in!!!)'ta~:s t~!~ [. .!Iii. '!iIi.

'thblp ,I. 1~8it dta1., b~'t S'~t~iId~'·& u.Ph O'\~~t··MieJJji,~um.; ~ad 00ii~ ~~ ,PO\\'ERS. Cb!-

'comuMient d~ei !leem, to Ir;.e, ('j~llt~ wlLFltm! Sm1frf~1 c.RI1Jcam ',;',l'i'W:!.. enp m:a:IRr N,ti"' ......... ~r.;rtJ~. ,""

.i!u'llimi. Me- - ··M~~gtm."'S n~o~'ba..l1 mEl. '~"'ie.dl ~~f;Jih~;n mi1lpfeki1111

--==~~===~=~--==--~=~- Ilel1.!!iill1.o~liu:!dj a;t :n~i:no:iiS~ iSil;um,b]ed. !$.I1Hl!lIl!~l\'!itlJ t!EliA. W.nIl\1'''lt'1iHe:!l. " .. ~

G h- M" .' , 1'0':' #'-"I'- 'I!' .., Q 'iEJ ittti bJl:iilg ie;J!!i!:"il!t udelr the' rJies' is't;l''lI!f~ ,,'tUII, :!i~l UI~ pow ..

. I~P·.'· le··'~L ..•.. 1I":"ri,.·t k -~ -~n' ·.i~l~vle- 1lealffiy oomlm:l"\dm~n'~ O\,f M.imi'~Si)o ,~!I' ,of \Ildicl. ~! .' HarmOD'd,

u ,. [" ,. ~ , '_ 10 ill' . . . - ~L !iJ!' _ _ "lJ'J!io G~I~ers ~astedJ tt1!e W'Q,I-, :not 'biti'd. '1h:rQ,'flI~d'IJ riO.l" DII1U

Cl L S" G"" ~ 1.l-fh- F Ii _" . - '- _'- ··w· ' .. Wltlti th' IH.Lt:Jte ,mil ~Uikt&ndll:n:g g '11$

[ _ U U... ,_'~ a" "._, "11 itl, . -, .. ,.~·I,a., u'res I i :tT,:~.I_~::·'QR. B: p..~~::' :1~nHi ,beihJrUI ii, Jm& 'fhait "'u

, -3" eI, n t lid f"1I; h .. ,'~ itJdkled! flcam !i!l"D~l to ,!e,Ddi ~

- I~U . '$I·~· :8 tell" . D~' w.rul,e - ;~]~y itllio - --,' . ~,1 .nJ, - jl' _.

lrhF.l Ullh'e<1'11 ty i!!l,i[ Mlinil'lleso1i1!l. ' i5~CO«'lid ·~'lItithi. 1'2 iljJjl)~ iiJits 1!lYn! ,two lllThllg ha:'IoI'!I!I 'be<e'l), l~tIl1e' :PO~IJ!_I, !!i;1:o.~·Bj, Ii ii, II, .

~'II:!HortMH ~eam wars: '!iil:1ernML !~!llI:~.. t'OUicl'LC1111;'~1tI!&" l'ol~.ow'M by V«flIi. [CUJrve:s :f8iili'iIi!Jtl!ls" *- * !Ii

!'e~hi,~lii ,as ~ Y~n ,BInd :N1~i;!; 'Ki,n.. I Ev~n~'y a:nd G~ge @:~' 'WllsOO1lllS.m • !II. _ ilLmE ,~~~, [~ _.~ TI.:rIXJR.. Des Ma.mes .l\JeI:~

:WC:~ of :I'iIi!"'~8 ,'U' iIl'm: b'ul1li\'1j~u ~lli wU:h! :f.j~er!l ~~olm<lS e.i¥ch, :l1f.rt_~ 'BY ~'Dit I'H:E: SiOOM: :8'11 Ji,Ij.~~r - ~IfA ,MiII[nji2'S~ta :iI! 10 :r'W':eJ :r. d

wltb, Br'u~ 5f111dlh I tGlO'rg,Q C.hIl"ISfrif<i(ljsen - IttRd. J 01} ,Me:3"';IiI,~~' ~I.iE!i BCl1l1~dHlon. N@M' E: A. N S ''II¥ai.ll f~iU: e:~B;a;glf~ f'Qt; and 'harrd

Fl'nc~ 8Llld Ibillolh:l 'V.anE\'\e!'lf, me]ud;e-d hiIJ tJlll@ f~:r$t 11 sooltel:'& MmLm_&S THE ,Rtii t'l1Isl1iE!d fiht M~Obli4n ,a"l'l

~LMi!!i '~~~lnnd.! iln Ure eighrt pm,~~ I . . .. .. . ,~U~]J'iLl!Y :(}[ F ,~~~' _~i.~r&:rs:':lIJ}jjI @1'Ul]lted 'th'''' '"ts

~~\r-oiI:Yhtg' Eig T~n, tea~~ ]i~~1t MICmCAN'S, ATr,Aif;I( DO~ ~~e:s: ~ WJn, ~, " ,I,

. \ ,curd~;:r~ "Jlt:~]r:,IiI~rI<g t'® ' M~1t'~Sl l"Q.- Uf jnill:'A·t'efh,~ dli~eJ~,I~ b£tM.I''Ee!tl

·1.'N!~d t-ogiit1; D,~' Maj. GrUJU n,I'S fh.~ d~~al lU[I!e!ml~iI'I ~ .. ,. ,

Clidc9;:gO Qlf:£li'i2e'. ~~~ V'ru], Everv' W~["G' ~!in hl~@'

:M:Ull'llil'U!'~ot ii!iI. t;:~jlfllt"d ~i21 lIof,H-~ij:s Ilie 'OPi'lB f1.e']d! 'Ery R. cr.e~M'" iflt elrl!l~e'

'!:~~m, ,5e~hnrn8iIl~, 'WJJ'lji h~' ~e'id~ neg lirIJl 'b]@c~em 'w~m' 'oomJ..hH:,f:1~ !iii om'·

l] i. I'IilI'I,1i'\R "''''81;i ·~p.<eQ'nd w~ i 11 "tal~ mi8ittJi!!lI. tb)eij~ O])t1rJiD:Jil:e\IU:ts- ~ ,!, .'

iJllibli;OB thi'rd \~ if~ 304, ,mlfi ifnia

,f61lr'~~ 'I,'Ii.·.It.b .UO. U~ iWi4~!; 'Wal5i tJfU~'

1l!i!~t ,d'e'f'eltlshr~ iCluj~ 'iN ··t:b: U 'Ya'td)!!ii


KiJJJ:n [tic i oPJed 't1lte ~ndll'i]d:QaD"~ wnlii. 1h -e iI':lolU!chdO'wns' ~~d thru DMn~.s ;~:fle:t"' t'guchidown f{llr £3, il'i'Qi1!l'll!'. Sm:iit.ll., [1)(]~ W\~:re

. ~ .rR1(IClr. I ~,. P h'CllS,ae,S lalreJIII' er I~ II 'I II St,re'IiIII't BERNIE B!ER~[AN m~d e. a, jpoint in. hi's, :f]u:'s~ ~~adio

I - bl'Olitdcam; .1 ast lrig'l:rt tha,t :m!e,l~.iits e:D)jph,!l!Us~s, F] e ga,'ruld that ]~_~']:llll,e~H)bl cl~nd,d 'have ,a, st~[I!,ng team, 1PoJ~$,ibly 'bettm' than liitst J'\€:aI'~· ~i1d ,still ~!@t· tinhiih. ill th~ fiF,fSt d:ivis;ion,.,

'H0' [g:Clinlcdi fUJli!i;j1 fo]:, e'~[jjmp.]e', how' !frtis.i1y it wO'uld :hJa~ b~n flli~ [ the G~Jhe-JI".s flLl' ,rn,:a""r~ f~~~@dJ tn II tlo fo'I' 1i:fth 1li']ac"e" it :M~ooJgm:l, b~d l1"J.ek~d - ~ts ,goaJ and, M:fir.unt¥1.m '1!.:a:d 'missed~ TIle '~Jit was 1lli1e It'~ ve~ ~_I~d .~ Gop-tiers !i'f~, !lnaith~ CllaD\plliolllsJr.~p.

metrnnm ,~ un:dGIr' iJt'!l:! :liD:l~lUress~o:n itIDrQ)l, :~!)Cal ,fgiQitbldl :em. '~_b;u_stios'ti 'Wo~t\1i elfl$ ,foJ.! :mess 'ihq :Q Idl1I£IM;p:~o.Q!IIW.~"' We' (Joi!lJiJe :If 'tlilili~~ biyo'. (lQr.~'r tirrlCl\e !bas 'be;~ ¥efJ i1itlJEe: b'lk to' '~hQit· t'hl~ ;111m •.

The· fa_m ~E!le'~ 'Illili· Ill!e WlY ~aUis ~.:rr' '(he i$e,aSQlil 'tli!!! ,BJtal'.t. The.:? ,B,PP.~8X r.efUiy.· :lor ,som.e iSe.'l:!batiCl('S!r. 'iD:l1It th~y Mve a ~~lI!:Jn,g hu~th ,thfllt D~_:M'i, 'Wm, CGmIi~ Ulp 'WIDth PO'iJwr ,~~e til! his !9~rpr'ke iile;~ ~~rllmQ Ul. 'lic' tld-gk ,@f th~:fight from, Q~ ~s~' Qn~

__ ,.....I:~ jl\jjj.:m"' -.- 'II_.-_" iRI' ..... ''ifc: '!I;1fg, ,,,,,,,,filii., liIulII':II'\rIs~:"clIF~ TlIJe

~~-;bIA--e'-~ ~lI!i~llISIDl ,1ID.!Iii _J6_Ll_ !.III~ _-~ ~ -;!r ~ ~~~

pOll~it Jw~1 WfM,bf~I' 'to, ~e~, \G;~-Cl&' w~, 'lId ]lb, 'GinP:Ae.q will ifiOti

M 11ICh::td fm' :~~D~ h1d beea;l!lst) o!' 'me' lm_Pl\o~iI, .o:D-PUs!t61.oIi;t.

!II, ~J~nPlI" :ir!:Ii.uOQ'DI ~.d, Sol'd ;elfiilO ~. '~ &iiiJii1e' ,~bU_lI!!,

0l1i~ '~11 two ,!pQ.i'n:ts .m. '8 '~~S [Q.\I\O~ ~u_ (t, Selml~ can mMe

<Ii. bilig diflG~,1]e' ~b i~ fill{liW p~~U~,~, in, 't'.he I~nliq~~ ill Miehrlgan n.m], Mm.!ft~s~m, h~~ tt~ci! tlwe GOp])~ll'S wO!!i.l]d :~SJ~e tn~[iSilii~d :l:o._~. tJE!i 1~J:' th:i!"d, In:~t~ad ,~~ WLD~.I~g tie 'illt~e'i' If 'iIlbe,y ~a.'il l~~ tll~ MID~bID', gn tUtl the, wcmd, lia.v.e '~;~, i)Dit:'· O~lhD SI!8'I~~ ilol" fUi~~.

Look al '~jsCQnJtillii . .!as't. ~'e1lt:, It' it. ltaJdl '~eaJte~ :M.5Jm'~~ta, :In Ul~ fJitmnl ,gillli!liL~,~ J~ l¥-Q'~kl )n_:e:,ve WiI\n,~Ju:~ :8[g; Tell. ,tlJ1~~;~" 1:1. mo:~t iilitfld t~~d, ~\p fU:lb.

IN ow' 'Wndlea't,s Knlow' Hlow I'" lFae~1

W~ n~D)~ a ']~tU~ dliffie~:~.~ ,t~, ~xt~D.dJ ,8111' ~'Y:m,at'~y

, to North wes.t.e'm. 1l11~,vem:ul\;Y' coaehes and fa~s be-

cause 'til,eh" football te:~un h;ls been pl~'Ce'd. ii)'ll the 'hoot ~l(lot ,~JS, th'9 pll,"\evtd.n~g fa'V~l"lt~ '~G' wbru~ ~,e· '!M,I' 'lIen title ,this. yea];.",

'Mmi'J;e,so-b.lifiiS] bow how' ~~ feel~. They W~liLt y~al" :!9IJtier ye~ ill th~ fo.'\\'m'eli!l, ,se~'~ E!01~. OllliJ" tor the' CoDfil~e' - chml~l~jp ~llJ~ ~~,U:O:nal, h~mo;n: as 'we'D,

mQnD~. didDJIle lik~ 1i:t ad] fi8JltI JD, T.IlIi.e If~e~ '60" eom.

IDl~eiiI ibee~el !l!tr. ilGlJ_eJ 't_rUli@ ,~~1IiI1Ti~; OU;~fS "at B bti' N'Qb;: ~lU:t of' l·t IIWfJ ,hll~d, tJlatt, ~I ,M.\IIir'Q~ :rmj, ~M ~ :rl'od 'woQfcJl ibe ~kql Q'fJ~

~ W·'ai1d~d f®!' ,Rlm6~t oa y,n~' Ita: ,em ~ '~a.~li:'l)ible ~hl:!i" 'tJo~ tSillUllg m his 1\8,p. Dc, bniI.redISlJte'IJ' ~et :Iin 'm@UOllli It d,,,,emJbMl~ c~l'gn to l]ead 'oft' ~1II ~f ':tbe :p-UJbille1it, Dd 'p:r-eB!Yf~~ :H)~ m ~Y' :h,a:~ n.@eed'e{l, 'In h:1l! ;o\,v;n 'Cam.pi! lli'l:.i.ti IIDilllit, I®l!IrtsldB,'

* " 1Ir

Savs G.·· •• · .: ~~I ·.'I-:h-:-I·. 'I'-,~il 'y"~ I' C~',a··: -0'·' ·'"tl- 'T-I, Ie' ,I', '~E··· - .'

_ ays.. lOP ers . 011 "' .. ~" .,~ .. I . ." _. , "

. A'-' ,-. G d'

Gop_:ers,- rent ',DO, •..• '.

S-;h· .. to .. ··ui dl Be a

l_. ". I . ,". ' __ ['. _ _~.'.' ".

G ar

,100 '_ ~ ~ eanl

~~The Gi@]ii~@r.'.s 'W11l~. l\.!.t\111!!1 i(I, e:!il'~O:liWe 'ba!el,=tte,]!l:l ~~tt1 pl~JiI:W of. ~,~edJ 9:11(1, PPWlE:f. " ,. " Bob P~ff,atl. WM OllLe (lit !lrie' !be )1; lliiL 't:nl' m~' ~ 'Wif'i-t !Sit the end o~ tbo t93.8 eamP8i1~JlL, .. • • Tn Ch@il' 't'~l1' d.'DtIJ! B:r.loth~[" Bh~;],;JjltlJlftl,' "irE! iii. B,rUJce Smtt!b~ W~'ilO Is iSl;!(l tQ ~e 'tne Ifn'a'Le~t tl'l:pruc' 'l·ooeat. IU?tl.S;t M~n· :nesoita ilias. O'w:n.£:4il .in tmli'1(y

:m.o~:n:s'. "' " ,

~·,Mlfu'l!e:S(lihlft!iSi. cl:alm~he:y bi!l'~e' ~o 'tac'k1e~~ but ~"s~e ~o.tMng Wfit)(Elg wUh 'c=:ap,t, W~D,<n ad ,f'oUrI': o::t: fhte ot"l,e:H. , , " M)o\fi!'t,t, D,l:m Gearge' llaJ1J~1 :[:3 $'00 e~el1ii.n.,g: 1'b,(1 ~b~G'", .' ~ ~

'~~O,el'iiDg 'W,i:tli A1'~'O·fta, dd, Nebias:kaJ t:bil?i' Goph'!!!![~, sffi'll,Q'JJld, ,:p~k 'IliliPc ,ga~d .sp.~ediil!'IJ' b9i:]an~ for lJn,e CitJnfel~e.nlc:e' ~h.e(]JUJ[e. • .' ,. Tho Miil1'D.CSO.t.ainS, mi!l;Y (ilj1'OP ,B, g,£m.i:!-'what :ale: T~n 'U!QlmJ, mi;:i:;Y n!l!!'!':-'blll:t ~ou ¢m w8.f,er t.~e fioi~l 'jj'U!JiIt L]e:~ B~e'tm:iHil. ''rd1,l ~:t:il'ij,ie ,sffilliIll@itlwiDg !D~tra t!llil ,sh;oJ\iV NO-J;1!;h:· "I.~~f,er,1'J! Mcill Mlet1igaTtl·.ti ~j lSI la"l.tor-He' 'Cilp~JfLe~t5, ''WlIfi:!ll'I] 'N,Qt, e<mliJE!\Ii' !L:i(!!nlf5 ~o' hBJi]~_, I t:_hrIuH t.he ,Go-',i.ex;s, ·al\e linalUltimg up dlleb :s.el\r.. ,gr-atl 'G~~,~~rgitUi!iI!I' fo@s ,:bt .i!IID !8,W· luI le~dow,t.lJ, ,[kilit1!E5' e_Ui@t 'bt. a-s, '~iI!d, :sJs: :Mm:nelS~ta w~~Jj~d b~ff II ciliIiUlnitO' blfi:jl' blf'lb!¥e!'..~;)l



c:!· ......... ;iio,~b S····_~

ucrl, ·e - ··.a,Y5

Gophers Just An,oltbe.r Clu'bl

CI,emi;n g Uip lJ~.'E!Z!, '\iI.''!!,:eJes '!l3@m~' :me-:J!rt (iiiili 1:'lbuiI~~. '\'fS'. PiJ;Ifdu:e i;

P.:lillit Bo·lB:u.d~ eJotoGo.pIrlijtr llI,i'J! w· :SCO'hi,t'ill1g' tor lii!lW,a-('.fllili:QlA from lowiHJ, Cit:!!' F',res!::. CilJt;i:Wlll]: ]t'& A UUI.eto _ (!!ar~y to oom:pa~ 'M ~lrnlei1l1 a. 'N'l'lh },U'l jh~(!LI["'S I~~am, .13,ier:oltLaJIl h.FJJ~ ~he bio@,~t I me: ~iJI Ute c~rnJe.:r:'Em,Cl[l", Hii!!'fiD~~ Vall, E"·lC!':ry ]3 as g@o~ a 'r:IlJj_ni'l:~r ~ e\"~.r. but hit.

PU,thlg lEli ,~. d

Jl~g W'i!!.'re 'well k ,apiliwt P~Uie~ P D, 'r;. dD. W':II:,I ~I '.:t Q itU~ d 'Ii h j! :lIktoD~er. te8im!,jjj

Dl& Aunl.o'D", CMc:ago :[:)~i.8y Nl:!""S:__Jr'n~Si be., i!omi:ng i~e~1!l!'!l{il]~' RP'PRfel1i1l, 'tbS!t 1, fie G 01[:1)1 €'r.s. :Hil"li!!i il!l;st ·an~ o'ltbeJ1! good .fno't'bnJ I, ~ei9.~ .if'll ill g!El!!l!di. :! ~agltjjr!!' .' .. ,0 Oflcce 'or ty"j:O!) 1n ,SJ, iiea~iI:1, U:I<e'~' m!,\'V 1'~~ I.!IJP wl'~ h an ,Li1Ld:rlandJillJig' e~h~ bilil;j~ifiI i 1.lIIIat. '~:h,llI ,i;Oln~'iiMDlt oiIUpla'J' '0:1:

POW>I!!!:i' 'iRJiJJlI Rot Ib~ 'l!lU}ll'q, to~ 'their. b~Cickmg jtlsit, ll~n.~'t t'he CIi'lSp. ~am .. 3glJlig t~ 'W1Jii~c'h. f'eBtUl['@\i lii~;r::. m!ilo',s, QIri'am,l:ofi!il1~1P t~il'fn5 " .' ,0 Ag;UD$l the mS~:Ol"]J1:;y ~~ !®lppIb 'me'nls, ~ttey hBJ'C'.'~lI~' ,n~'(t '~lle :~]e ot f3i'lfOii'ite ~111 ·Wiru],~'h. 'th,~~,. J:g,ave hGe'!\ lcost b';r evt['!J,ts ~f tltl:E=' p:tSt

!flii~' ;ye.a!'r.!;.u -

IGOroOH G'I'ilI'u,,!!r~~ 'L:M',~yeitw

J'~1iI]r.nD:.l-Co!JlielJr=~TWi'·~o(ll ~!I, Ilffi~e~; ly to ~ !thOI &I:iU:ez ijI~91 be:1'~h 'Ue. :yea:r. b !p~r '. ~ • Ei!!l!t:b, ~.s ,d:C--Sl2\rve J,i,9illkm ~ Dml'" tliL€' t!1Di~' Q~ ,o:.ny ~jt!l;iniiIl ]j]~-t ; ;, .. Th~s~1 m'ilH~ u,m:tW:ern ;[iib;'t; go 1;e, fell£,' ;::amsy stuff ,aillld. U: ~~I 'Ui,€, Go~r!~ whlo took tltle '~IMUI\l1 Il_\hYS[m-iJJy i • .' M_] 'the' 'PwmiiJO' cODel\H~'Sl 'th®UiCh~, the ,BCiU.~.nnDJa!il'S' lJ.I'er:-e DCiU!!.[" ~b8n tJill(ii ~,h~t:fl, til

W;, 'F., ~~ Inojanp.:p!j))iU;S Nh~'l-\I'.s "" .._~unlrnD boo, mi!li'l'i9 und bi2;'f;m.l"

~ ,mbnees t'iD ~fm, 'Ui$l;W1, 'tlte 6(!i.~~~ b'U.t n tt~ \!Va!! ~!I ~Jgh.t ' •. ~ :fLel:U1~ir, Leam d~~en;'!E!~ W 10.sI2< :at~e~ SIJJIc:1iI: ia: l~ae· I.iS:me .. . .. ,LOl!L BIDO~k'.!!I ,pGllItin;g' ,lIllrd, h~dliling: of MiJIlllerota. pwtb WJlr.5 th-e !lJilt~th[n,g, tn WMO'h o(C)e ~ea;m s~eai:l, ~u'~ ~Vt~t ·the ot'hel"/"

10 II '.lii'eI'l i CII,rVe:SI

I 1"]: 'WONHP be long '!!rlll:l~l - Uw ,1 :~nn1lL~s!l;;!tilli"]I!'I1Il"ribl,e t1.l.lOOle '~ae Ufto' d:~1[" ''I.'Iif~Y ~ \"·I~ leh!l,lIl!m, mOl:e eo:mrFle~'t ~(JIl Ule 'Gophen froiIITI OII!1i:silii;e wr1,Le'.r-l'ii· is jlllst :RI'Ci!lill1d the >U'Ql'iEiA.:!(ff'. SO to wJIIlLd 11:p ,th~, 'post m Ci':rbem OiF 'l'n1} N'~blraska game theN is tlll[;S :Di,l o.r. oJ.!(~!:'!I~,'I!II!l. to oji~r.

DEN'BY J., ~I~,~l?)\.:1~ W~~

OOil'l8,tH. So t, n t E!'

~ IJ'~ Y,:!rm;Q,],~, ~ I M,o.dJ:; 0 in =

I ~'~luier-e :is ~J!li a~iJlia.t h~d ~o.l' 'Il~c· dlefq,rnts Qf' M: :I. '8 :n .ill:;S oit.9ij

N' 'go :r 'L 11. westenl .a:nd ·\i\Hs·

oollliSln.~ y(;:'t r 'liIaV\m,~t :n~d It i8.ta;'Mtn~e.d b:Y alilY 0.1' Ute dflfe.a;t.ed. 'OON{l~~ Th~ _gam11!ll',s Wel~!] -all p]~d ,1m :lwit !;'v,e~!e,h~["~. ~td. the iSlDllrfbet.iiL .sGh~O<bi, who ti1UHii:IJ~·

'\VGI'!I1i' mOi'e ,a(:~st,.o:moo "ti!) t:E1e h~t " • • 'Beit ,Se:iFiIile me~a:r)'I" ,~, Wald_G..-t. ,and 'I&~I·" Skhl,.. di'e'l]!',J' aU, r·eflu&Cd (~ 'ilBlL'ifiiINillfU;~ In ~y -uch. :31ffihL. A.n. of tilliernt

g"a,¥,e ctOOllit ,'Ij,I',h,e:r'e' (:~d~:t "!.¥llS due od, l~j'YIe. ,rAr!$~ ~'i;l!ir ois 9t8iflidi. "

if; ,_. ;jI;.

!OU-vEllt, It" c"l);lil~.1 iMn\-lI~u· ~ee ·J\oUf,naJ-HW,e ~:All!Il'k o[ k!;il'[!'t., ~ilIn ;[to' m!!Je'h as ,a lD'me' or 'h1;awn Qj" ,s.peed ,~:r. trn:Tnm'lllOJ.e 'li-1iat 'W'e' ar-c' q~U~ ~P'~ 1;0 i:o.rg.e-t :It 1s .0 iii, .-@J' In 'w;ldab, '~b' ~m,~U.ons ,~ ,MI. _po:l'~1 P~. ffr,n!W)~t-

0- ts~'d

I . , . 1-·

l1li11 ',.1 Ie


By ,Jtg;l!i.


lIiSO I ~'Il":'tte !!l1!l:C>eI :mQ'!:1!IJ what' iii: 'Wrote l'!llt Il' ate-r k!~!h. . tw~ ~~S :~~, lJ~ow.lng this tlmli bl;;es~t~1 OWD. lS~!!lll'~

4'!:1't~'I:"':iI'I;~JI., ... ,_ '~.JI."," ..... tII:: '"I',"" ;Io;"'''CJ ['~ .l'l}L,.IW~_iIi~~l-G~ JlJltI~ ~UI -~~ -~l1iti •

''T.he :s~oond lJine _ O'~ '~hb $O~I' g.QlijiI;:

i'To tb:y ~!l[I]Q(',S, tr'Uf:' '~~,e ~ha.U e\'''CT' 'b~ •. "~'

.jl'No I :j _ t ,M im;o)Q'Sob,ll)5,i' but Bln 'wlilllP' ~e~~\I'e tha,·t ttLC 's1llce~ssfUJ! "lU tUJ:e of ~te:t"I~'U,~ja'~ ~1liQ:r.U\s, d:i.1'~d.s u!elliln !mf!!c~H.oo[ dte'C~ncy, ",~en~,~e:llieil wl_, I ~d'E',~W!l~, C'OO f:Oil1.6-w mtt;t~jgtlcaU!l" ~M;llu]~eSQ'

- .... Jodi

Tl1la;t '~ID1li1!B'S{tla ~ QliI.~~ 5 b,'~e I

r ll¢k' ~1Il. Mf:1Jl[L cnr,1 ai, S'~iP!!1l11i1in Sa:t;.. U:OOilliJ' W:lSi '~n!E:' "lniltU~· '!ll!':t tlil.e 'oontU!l~·· ·j'ki(]l;w~r:. b~ ULO litei!',3-~Y Ei."Ri.ts, !lJif' speoe1:a] ~T:tt£n an oo~· t:loQ to c~WJ" thE' s.t!llli'm 'b~!u'1.e '.' ., .

N'o s"~O(f,1 [~ (;om]lJ'~tete ~n,U[ 'biillC~ sia~ :am ,told, :so ,\!,\i' Bittel" r,ei3Jdl" U'ilg ,Q;'b1Id, '1l!ill',~Jt:i;ng

.Ih'EmWieSO'l'a~,:;;;, '\!\G!\r., 1ft .,..1-1

5iom, 0I1~aS't ,$gt-- ' .. U -ilae

w:dl:!illf';s B'!ID~ ,.... _ ,-' _ '." I

Q)'<j : Gop b • ., CI!II'Y,eS I

t).1"]U,ij(f'1 we, a:r--e _Bi,f' ,J!Ili!-1Ii

'II!I,!' f; e: :r JiJ'alg' ::l!''Oi\!l [' :H'l!!:fjIwiiek_II!!i:DI I

!tile 'ilhlo &1:01')1'",

IillY'4!Jii C. Sc'helbe!!k of ,tJli]~,

ii!]!:t ,!;1!JHI, !,\:il~ o~' 'i!b!e ·1iIJj!OSt. ~flJt. CO~UimbiiilS DJ;s,p,at,elu Wl\Il.·!i'~e 'f[l'j~s iJlil~ ~J1Ul:S J: e,,".e·1:' M",.it!i :~QHJl.'~ :be :f;~r :Ids: ~rn-EI:der,s:

'l~Q)'lfi b[S, ~uD11h~ S,uID1ia:3" !.l1.~m:in1 'i'B~rlilii~ ,B~!i)\rmaD~, ,sUl*1'iS glum!"

.' " .' ~~-l"IIi:~ Il!ll'Co!k 11' llri 't~e' Ciq,pliier dire~ang ~m '~ n ,&I ~ i!d:~ml)m.(fIl 8JU-@l" t'~{j' ,game ,.'l~d 'thoe (d~ ~It".fi!l;:,>ri).'~. iP~l!~ 'fici~:t;mg :~S :mi:se{t"~~'1Je iE!!.t1lQ 8ald :~aIDii ,"~g.;!i ~1I;1.2!' Q¥e:fl" ~ecisjQJ\ ~!8:~ b.jt tJ!jJE!: of:' ~l1~U~-Q tpl1' \l,o.tllll:n,g fi~iR[ lOin 'p;!lila'Jfjei5: '~;n;t ~pllfli st

Be), lI'l(!I~ a,,'f t e tr aU.... ,i :trillS, t(1irum.. :He salld ~e C(I!Jdnr:a,'t

M _ ..... ~,I:1iiI iIi:llm_ ,t.o_· '"~U 'II\~I2i,'" '~.l ,a 'U_m_- _·itiI_ '~_ itilJ~_1iI: a lllleclsiO-liL

,n<e~dlr.:i~kll'DJ,I- 'U'~n ~ ... ..,_@L -_

........ ~___,""""'iiiiiiii~_1 t~e, liilMfi'lif • .r~oit· 'i!;,lf,enlt. agafuIru~E O~[@, S,to,tn &fid, he,

ltifall tf"I5IIm " ~ .' 'JUt 'b'~l!Iekfid! 'bd~~II!'j' Ia!(lilf!di 'ith8~ ilt W'4~, Jii.-Sl~. 't~ iJ~·.' t-8.'G'klJe-d 'il1l~rlie dj'e:il:l~d~y" a.nd, rr.Oid ]Lei\l'~' o.{flmal]s Uh~ Ulli:C @@tlld :De '. ~D~~llg 8lm;hlct .. JIl[ t'~Qt t~.~("MCnl}:~ wo.tM~g' JIB\lg T.~,[il, 'balL

1',(} iS6g~1 tfle i(;lmi,[iItlHilr.s ·~o ,dlr .r-Mm1 ijm,e;~ :inf'liilIt.blii 0'1~ Mr.. 'E'i~[ii,

~hJEilt9"' .' " '. ftiHij;n~'5: 'Vierw,:g: (lilli, 'tll~ miLal!1ite:t'.,

hl.t ii!ilfl~I1J_ lhlli',jhBi 'h8com~ :0. !)UI!' COa.cb, Sc.'IillmJit ~.eg15~l'eft a:r!nn~,~:n~ 'h'h::d IbH.'l~ gMni!: ~\'Iil::r:~ 'It not. ~O:F. ·t:ll,j! me.n't.. ~'bwil(b ,ill:;iliedl 'II' '!.TO iQill!}l;D lIn:d!J'iI.'iiid:ual Ij-~irlftiile!'i Ii;i',[' '\,r,an ,SlIC'rF,)" r '!llflil'-:fl. .,ermain. I;1lW HUll gftItlt'll and. 'f'Or w h,!I)1ml '~'lIg &G;C~le-!, ~lUl, no 1.-1111 ad.!d.edl. tflBt ;~~ BLeI',D1a'D, mt!1l: ~e~)e~'~ _ .• _ ~ "... .. ,00.0 n.l1u?:st .IIiEl1r!~~i! t'h~1l1ti h~ R1!1!15:t ]g,~e be~'n looW~g h;(!j___f]d1e:-rJ, IStllfll,['iifil t.lID ii'(~n-d tomillll ltd. 1i!ittm;tI ,gib.]:' ooW! Isam,t:.,

~Ot\<n~! .' 'i'i' I ·''!--ellmldt. 8lP:fIa:r-c·m;lJ]y' ,h,od :rvot

:lntende"dJ '®o' :roake M. ~ssue 0'1 the l!l!If:Em! 8!tlng" b,ern;n;g cOl!lte'mt t!lill let 'thiii! ,S~l.~ &taIi.{I Em" itself, 'b1i.It aftex' B~elLmaTil~-S :rem~~1ffi 'h,:e 1~t no ~hil!le bru llwilrllMig O:Ur~ (11H~ ~~~ :sit8JRCeS, ,in '~:wblch lite f~lt 'ola:to lti~d be~·:nt gh;,~n ttlre' s1liort ,end !~f: 'It:ue ·hiI!lm.'"ii

AllOR " .~mo.. '\Te'We:t'M CltiiC\QO Trt~u:rll'il Sip0_r.'U, - edi®lDlr, ,li,a,t·e:tI. ttlie· con;test '!lIlA!: '!jii;~ the ,(f:r~at:est .hI!!

o 'sirefe' CUrVe!! 1'Iim-'f:~;1R4N:8j 'IIletet'M D~!l :a<1®EIlI,es Rf!gls,'lte:r serb,i'E[IIe¥r 'Ii)j,f,~f df!l;tlit '~~ U:M' 'wlt:b 'Wal'~ \\"b!e'A J!Ul ·wrole.~

1'!'Th.E) PO'ffh_liIJ!f1I~l :roc'klcid '~~~i~t~ 't'h! i!Z'IiH,,<;h i~f ~I~~ ,i'iii.:figllQ Obi'!;)1 ~~Jt) ~1i1i!!1'iI!.!f;O~~, :~ri,d~I:'Ci:Jll I!afl~1 Mifli" 11IiI"~\~ &t'11 r~)" ,~"fh~"JI 'tT'Ji,\~O :rliltbl,~~ dC·

In 'rni!l~~'iI IIlt!ipt i)tJ;nOOWl 1P{'I!Ii[oi~(Ij,S ur ~h,',flj ,Sel:lie~.1]ec'k!s: SI'ttlil1" !O'1: U1e ,Ja-m:e'

~ljn'H~~l i1iilf\~u~ IIin iil; is'1t,\f;Ji~!e r.~~Crli i\~e;l~ llil!:[.d ,these ,~!SSI~s:-. ~llIiI~b I ~i4I!Il b;l!jlrtilm: • ., ,. It ~N",R5 lOng' ,I)~ 'ttlm .5bG1!II1()l, ,mte'l'est 1lI{j' ~~_IJi:Re.sgit;§ Jrrtj)~ml]j ]rillil'~'II::ahe:r:s ~vh:ich .t'ol .:~~n :

ltfiw~~ ,II. 'bU~~cir'Jb~: tcC'!WIiPltiI' f:l'!o: nO:hl,o, fOt' :the :flirsl~ '~lm)te m~t , .'tart t~, 11m, 'b '. ,~ .. :1\1,l" WH." i" ,~rrrum hlg 'Uml! .~~ In li: llIl~ t1me :m~'

gmN;iIlI'rllpr.~llltlntliilllll:· ~!ln11ie.."ii~tl~ 'tciIII'n 1lI~e_iI:"~ FolU" tim;i!'S the\[\(!i wr~r'Cic

''\th'l~m. i101uTI! ~i[utWt t~~~ tGO' 'L, 'I~ ' .... :].~ "cJ:Il 'L., 'I. . .:II

I Vll'ea~!;, i.1i,f,liIi ~u e0l<1l~Ui ,IJiav:oe (l!lI'U_SI!i,~y,

t'opt.:l!)lI" ,p;II"rt: 'n[ t~ilO :Ilhne ,[~tr:il~":Qm iLl1 Ol"drlmllB![Y' ~~_.! Q:~II:;, eB-0h °Ume , h~ iM,O~Ir; lbh!iDki~'fI~ ~f 1lI1L===""""'~"""'--:lh1cke~'C$ ;, 0; ~


~- -~-

Scrib'es Se'e G~opher-;in

Mid,dle Qf Big Ten Rae,.

,aOHN CUJIj,1IOIIAEL, '~hili1"'l ~ DelM-y Nel~'\Si \-'fJ:!~:tm~,!, dw~t Il,por Ohio St:B,~"'~ a:m.:n:ml'llg!' o'!;eth,e8!1i ,i]lt~ 'me'k wju~;n, hI) ¥i{l'oh:'::

ml GAU\'~'[m:R.! Wl"lllmg :im.

Utili!!! ChIkl~o- H:iIl'[~~ld.Ain~j.l!J'.r,~,'~'~ tOI'Ji1il: l!i;lI,grJij;za:iltl~ of ~at :m:iisSooo Idil;l'R b,:r M:ern:lk. .' . '~c stu 00 0;, 'Qf:f;

I"f"JflB CO'!\[MENT' mig.h t ',v.d l be title d ,.1 As Oth'eTrS 1-: u- n

See :s ..

''rOd~Y''i tbe fi_f&t size. up o.f' the -.9 0 Ilh~~e 'ot~ f,oOltbaU pll'\Ospects from an oub!~ler is _I .. ~anlbll,. ~'; comes threu .h . he medium of "Fentball Illustrated, ;he. enee-a-reer ma.g,~~in ,th.,it;~ ives ,;'Ul {~ar]y" but lai r 1y aeeu rate 1 il~@, o,~ ,v]i at to expec't ea;cb f.~1] ii

·F.1'"afL~ POWi!l1.S,.: fOCltbaml se,l'i'I§UInJ: f~ .U·(!' 'ClIf i'1Ilat:iy. ~a;J.\i.

d~res 'the ~i~~ om Uie L"~st._1 'W'e we~ 'part e'tE]o:r.~¥ jib r.igu;ed by b is slant i)flfl. lh~ Co,ber .' ),.;:J!lO\' th.EJjif; llie·s,lk.~~, . ,~.~ith, 1.'. . knO'l.vh1dge' 't]i'UU'li Itlil!@ 01 Us, :Ii g:b'L llI,e~e O'TI l:opl of )(j.U'I.1iIie51lM ,f(i{)1:i-

bru,l .arct'iviUes.

Hel'\i!li5 ·Y.iJtIIII:t .:F:fiPlil::,ls ·w.rU)e',s i'

" ~~ie~ moJRW!I·,f. ,1; 1;11 !f 'M~ _ _ witt'] 'I' hlJi;roofl)_ :I' :."ul

SeLdeJ! .LaVGi.r H,d . -:- i~ldlng:n. lomt~ w,t'lb il:hiBJ rllgpd fi'n.. - c; 'o.~ -, , gn, ~ftner <And] ·1I1~g·

1I':.fA_nst;s:I, i[jil lIu~ Gopher IIMb·P

ilI~JJlI!IifI lOt' ~!!JI' . -ir ' ~, :1fiIt1Wh ~I d(!;!I" '~;Uli"~e1" ,.' , litS' 1~~tf.'1 ",-1. e:!1! n rADk dI s 'C\on-di smo:lllllt Ui I' ' en Ie m~ bl ten _ ,m ~t'li'b, I lin d.

iiIi 1t'-a'P"~'t; Uu. dill n ~tiVil!il ." =- ql~i hpr\'o1ev, - rl, helt - r. !di~ ~ti~1!I

. Bl'l'Cl t'lcfensl've 'f!JiIB)" in!] 'f;,lIe ~ ,ar, iii - ~'.. .' B-fm e.J'E:III ~\.11'

- • L _., 'U

peI'~ mf. Ml IlimlliD~'r'.in,g 10:' :II. Golden G'l'hll! iii" IUlii1J !I1De

P J!)W if! r,i!l rf: il! n.ell;lil es ..

In !!Iti'lqr \VI~_f"dls. i1i:hio' lP.ft'ssm IS IGif~ flue iila,hers 01100 8,.,g;81mlilJ! not b'nll-' n'~t~~I]!~U:r ~1,J'. .!'rTL 'tlI!ai B'g T'efi ..

1 t MlIIJi:A!!S for : 1'1 j d(!\Bi[ - ';lUI. f.\IlJl' thili: B~em18.fIi, to. do 8! III tle :5.lIl'prlshn' t:hls- l!@ar.

Ohio st!l U~, Mf{fh~lan ~ :lmdJoa are ,lCked as t:lwe tI~e' la'N Dftt. - - '!I,vnt\ M nne~o'ta j'oj:Gm~ I'll'. B: :and No -lbwesterii'\ In tlil,e .fig'h't for lh e oLl!Ig:r 'two .s~t!! in 1 be: divis oil:'i~

If OUf' m mor-y :s~ves. II.JS n' b~,fr. ~·le!'m.Bin al,w.!!'eS seeDii5 to pit tiil,e ·bes:!;. r.~!Mtt,s: W·11H:."1lt :ruU;Ufl :lis: eXIilCil!l'~ed ®if 'bLm M,d 'wmen h~i!i: s,madB don't; ,8, tract ml':l.I!!tIi pnN~'igAS.6ft ,ElUenUon.

'I.""rl'f sglDI alillmlii U,ed. ~:n eo sa:m;[l: eM." e '1!.I.S!hilll~ ami ,'.bilealo _'Drls wrlrtem agreta-

in l"fiilultal. wJliJ~e bemg :hllh~ lJI' ~ thill's'e [app-t)]l bttfbs~ wo' can't qru:i 'e Sgr,f!,. Lt w@.l:Jld1 be inte:Ji~sflii!'jiDg to I'tagiE!i ,8, :round. :robin ID.! the titre" tc aJn:5 I !tlmlH;:O£1)t<BJ! ,MtCbJIMfL @~a N'o!rtb,.. wull!'l'~1 8l~ file: Ci.'DSQi o:r thel s:e~. IOn. we,rldng Of!l the' sU'Jrg,;gltiGl'A

'lila! 'HLe fil';st Mll£[lJd. :ro·D.~~~ ~mo'llli thOS!l' 'thrlee dmd not loome ,to ,Mil lilonest CCI(!leJuSrQlil"

And W WQ:ld,(] 'mJl;:~ the Go.,Jt. [en., OotcJdn, ·t~~ IJl~J) __ gtIiD1~ !III!II._ fO,QOi\".·blig, :th!i!l eUler gam. -.,_ vL rww :S~IFi._:_Ir.'.i!I ,!]e~re.!!! lH Dve mte4 'a.~t UU~ &(i,~en .ha.v. filbDWB mDN [G'.am_~, .' Qi gmm_: :bn,. pJ'\o"em~.nt ihg, elt-fu~r of' tfue ol';h~ u tMto~, ,etlmud. 'by, 'tilel D;u-~:!<t Wm;.. I:FOVofJli.e:ri,'l: lD;i! amI :q8ilm',t :r~gu~

M~cl1i;liB was. net IQ !eo.i1 ~ 'ball~ le!llllt1 qiBtWst :NI!IRh~"\'m~rm1, ,M :It 'Was 8ga'i~s: Ni m'Iles.Qta : - turd.a],~ ,lMld :not m~ch lmt,t'er- th. ,I, :&i~t tI~l1ilrar - . : _ re~BlXedJ 'badly." 8, Mist ~tBlrt ·alld Ilmost cot u~ co:neetlve ears pi~n'E:d hack m Ii ~':n~i,ed h~st q,ua:rlm' ~orn'i."' 'W1E'~;:ter: - J'!.ll:s.h •

,Nortbiw6' le l'n :fo.llo.we(]1 iI!I e

mme' ~atten ~C '!l!!m~~d, '?the-a we saw' tla ' WU~eh't5, iilil)q QU,t .Jmd:ia'tIJ8 j~, R JQt, ,qu,uitiili':li' rail),:. Tne WUtb:am iO']1. 1!Jll.~·l'seD~; sd .. gi5si,o.P! ''l,-'Ve-l''e ~'d;Etad,!,M [QI t~e 11u,t qlu;~__rtgr _,d 'W~~t.Ift most of ~h,.e' rust na.!. T,Ile, we~e. ,SO'JUs' ;b.~·tl"'

'T' U d' • G- h , 'J 'hose .•... 'neserv'lng·op,ers.

B~! PER',:ABD S\1,IA](,sON 'Os; ,'. II SUiT. J!·OUn'i-'.I, iSpof;ib! SJ - U'

MbU:'lIl!'-&!l:!I;ta ~he' 'top lil'!lJm ~m till!!!!

JEU TeifD). ''''0'1< '111, 1ft attn ~lIl!!J~P 10 ~ .sJ'r~p in .Il~ne ~l!!all."Sundei,'i Berlide' 8i'rn"lniniL ?

lfiCil't ut:lanllIDlou.s'I'- i 'bl'efmtllL

.Ill taet~ l't 15: 'vel.ry~, 'ljl\MY ~mu.s· I, ' Hi \vha;t a. d~~ectfn1 l~gh!t U.'a cl:uunpi'.onsJ1"p Goph,~.r~ 8lf.'1e h,eJ.(I. They Jl. rh.a1(5 wm ®.I down ,fllj, iOiIlo' lilII! the .mo~t '1I.IJa.dcl'''r'<p;ted te:liD.'ls 'tlrli!!'· ever' \'IYli)~l·th :- m;tJe Oil' ],a~d clalm to :natiolil aJ f,',m'king.

Sel!i!!r:ry :n' ~. -ound :tbe J.Ii 'Jcb1 e

gQ'. Nllin;t'hi\V€~1;c:rn "Dod Ch,ICi8,1O fODtbaU camps! ''''VE! w,er-e s.,t~,t by "]Ie OJ tliI1JgD' the (;f.lfJ.l,]!I~17S doiUt!'t rlll~e up tlite\l'~ lIi!~ ~;U. '1:~Jle Mi.,eJd~ "-, , .s/l!I:~P~if' 'ts ~tlH at'lml"t the Wohre:rJmE.s aii',1ll th,~ bertter. fQ(jt~ baH lh.e Mim1.e-soitB! Idle,.. feat w,g ,ill ~bamety] bl~mjS:h [en til'lle1!r' e~-e!UIlfCch,e!lllil" ~of'Lhw,e.slie-m ,talers. thimkUte '\V(Ji VErine! at . thie bo'tteJ!' t~;lmjjl ~:Vlouidl p,relET to ,p]ay M~rmesflr'ta ov,er 'him ~Je,l1[ M. L];r~. 'C'orattfi. :Ehlrlt 1lwg..


j}JI: ULi !iliU JQIlIr.'Il .. i l~tDflf'hl SIl-IIil[

L • L be ahE Uta:t P!IlF -1iC' :Dl'llhl _ 'l~s \"M"y ~ BLf·' 1fIlDDlrous,ly ud~t:I ,M;mniD~, ~I'id iGol'dm :I'sJlecl[.dy oil] ·8 field o€ green and 'wbi~t>e

It nl~nlf~e:l its ILlll'Uls 8nd its c:biUs. it m]fb· gle~ j ts- l.I:PS!; &1[IUlIi&t t 'tltu~ m_8j~(J!'Jll, o,~ ;r' U\le-J~~rJOr.m ft~'k so m'l!I.c:h. 50 'lllmtl;n' be~am!!.s; (h II:' lUll' if(llrLl1,e co1!ll~,e.

~ .. '~

}\ni!l (46 w,e .!i.ftlYC:' a In!!l'le olE, me' D\IlCCl'rr~ 'cmtJ_-" ru,oll)(;bcrill!\,~,1iti .r~1l IA_t Y'flU il!.t'lie, "·a PL'lrmrp] vi ~m'!J t WIIjJ ~ ~!I!'ar. RliRJiI~ t IHl' Ii.!il ~. -, o,pm:g a1 MI'n'" Ile~ota's dli'. 'tv . irulIU~-1r~. WI-I h&\'e 'I:h'~


garn~ \ h [>~ '" 0] li~ goilJl'lg' OVER t111~ N(J.rlln. w.:es,'~e:r:1\ '_'~]J Ill: IllJ:lnb1e' I ~It'~ ,S Ql.tld b - ~'C' been ruled ZII. itJ!!l1'l!I.c[b~h\'jiwtl! but . _ lll1ch 'CGud, P,mimJ:l" 001: ':, o:r·thi'I,l!\~5Le·f~ rullll.'" nlhl, 102 yard.s :[cr ,8 tOydlJi.iO'l,1.;'ih

''12£ n~_ ... cr' - ... ---....;I.~ ., •

"c:-:~kF ... a" .•. 'lg: I

'. . __ I ~_ ,_,

8, .JO c

or 1JII!Ii St~r . .IQlll"tIiftlJ $))011' :S~~\£'

\Vbo .Is \<VU,IL':'I·(!l.. Phl.nk1dt'r

. lUld.fPU ~llI:st tulve :Uked'l

lb!l!t Wh~il ,lhe 'liohet'oS!' 'ltl". ]1 j5 p.a.c:~a~ m Id~ a 'oR in ·I~ t '\lIJIa !5ilr1IU;:t.Q'J~, ~·lUl1Je; bj' In· u- .. "el)ilm~ ,!""vpr~ I Em til k ~ @ p.~~St."s:,lIi

o.nly .It BDm fliC~r hl~ )'ieJ'll,ir. .rhlJTl k~C "'llU:I'l:::, ll!i'il~' FU'lllimi· [Hm"(" ra:st I" U'i'l'IIn ,R[l wlidw (h"), sj,lt'& ' Min E', Il:Jnll. And:ni! pl"iil'V1'lld ITLco is, Jlif"l .flash tn tnl@ pan by ~~(IfI' <QI" I. rOd t!'h. w~1t _

,f! MDUlleF Silr FtJl!iI. P'I1-.'" 11)ll1'1'Il1 e.r.uOe

• gi:ru;,t ,e.b '1I!tc:Ji::n.

Ho'!i iDes i L JI ''- ~' 0. 1'i'IB:k-

go~dI 'II.!l.tfU!·I'I, n. l@l'l:t.:; ·iilJw8!H~ed ,li!ha W1~ I' ,i1'riI"~ m'l ~ eU? PJ.i.itfik;· (!il:c an 'II ~'r5 \h!u:o::

* . it;

"SUrtel1. it J1t~8N.j?.s ~,'@T1i<'"'

j n .ng sec m !NQt. P. wkU1I1!,"

PhUihk~d 'an ~ ~"',~l;;lIin hi' n5e frO':11Il I h"J' Bf,r.nlD~inii x~ pl 111"" s;aj'" ;] UI ~ ,;t ]~ ~ c:!tJ1,· 'b:I1I~l~or;li of: ,etti~" 1!.he biieRkB

m: d \1;,~~1fIi ".m Il l f~ioi!;\'e U Po Ii

~ :51~ :r8~rg'@l" il,Jl!I (:.!Ilphef f~n!!j" .PJIltIIi1 k@tt ".iii we~ I !h.';OWti iA. Al1I!SJt.i:n., 'It:lJtr=; n OrP 'il' to'li\1lI1. Y tlIJ'lJ1 . ~ee. h,- play~d" ro !r years: ~

, ". In ·th,· 'tlld:ril Q~arl"Le.:r.', D<U't J.~ w~, .n~lt 'mltn the m"IIIT~ pedod Qat ·they ::N!;a, Uy l'11l)l!l'r'ed~a iP.'a:t~ '~erA '~ hle1ll, follm,redl the Ilfid:i:Rna eo[JJq~eH in ,8, ~,\lrp:rbm, m1lJl!'

Dei ... ,

''!'e:i\J hA:~ ~'~;J!L them l!Jhl~, ,mo-st: ot th.em, "tiWO, ,ana tlu:"i!liJ '~ 'we',~l s" U kle tn,@ O~ ,:hel'S 16S ttlJe mDSct PROGR~S~ :SlVE h8ln dub 'W "'Ve s~f1n~ ito

• d!~te-rillll,rj niiil MA TTEB WHAT HAPPENS A'T MADma THIS SATURDAY', ~ ;;; ~

:Ii .• ~.

NOllllwwi!stel'n cer.ta.IFily bl ""~ ·tuop :fDurfh "'l!!HIIl"~e.t' te!!l'rr.n in 'Ule i001!U!1 tly ,... It. bas ~cor-ed 14. ,iP.~]n~ ~n, tllIe' :fmd '!l~[e-:1" '[-01

_ .... .i?"'ii? 2 2M ."tsi:. ~7- .1!IIi!:'i _ .•• ~ .... __

.s~'!Ien for the COf:iifhll'il,ed lil! U:®.~, '. , • As the :pla)rers Yi.d 11:1;. tint Nortb'~8'h!l'.n_ sp:~ehd, com. ing ba~k: ~ila '1,\' g;O:hoU to' ~egts. Jail! !foP'. h:'lo'\<"rC to n·uo Mil' QUit the, :flint iI':hi qu 'i'hr IIlIn ~ -,tart fmom 'c~b;1) In _'b.e to 1Il.l'lt1lll.I' !I' ,_ ,',

1.r:r~l';iSen., . 't'a.~e'5. North. w. ,este~, n the WU-dta: t - m sill1Cce k'

hU,~~alt '~v~iton" ~CLU~'


n ,t g P'iA'i Sfoii,D1C.r!!il p!:l1 ~i l1li l'ttR B.r.I!li~ ]it1,e',;¥IT l'®r 1Jh~ iJuclullo,wlI1i b'l!It 11ie- :ti~ \' AI: iii·lock,. "li\!ile ", 1i~_' _ ot:! l'ea b ~k. a. ,a.Es h".om B ughcJ.',m to B'tI:rns"tetn Pl'~clng tJb -

S{"OIli"I{i' :IfI R it c:h,'l)l1:kJeketli the QiJ ~Jl( ~I ': 7·6

i!d~", Dn.~ $~~r:~ bol'S: plougbed! ba:Cll!::i 1'!j."e.j'~' !hm ted on I e .~.' !!!l,,hlt Ph ~et' . Dotedl ~, ,Io~em.~nll .Ioal.. ,~flflJl~~ll!Ita, 9., .NO'lLl'll.Wel~eni, 1'.

"" /I riq,.f" ;G.(j 'i.uiJaI,. B"i!)"ki,n~-yU" id 4 ,k It 0,1 Ir; M ... • ~ J~r~f, 1,,( J ,~ PI k ~.~ IJj p" /ifm !J.~lil'~1 ii1;( IlII'

Jj', t'\L .. .htJ"m ~ ~ R"'f','" rJ ~ l'J t1WJ91 tV d '''IeJ ~(11

'd'S /;i 1.1 rd.'t'1fr!! I _ 9"i,fj, W',lfr: I(

\y!!n i\ ~'(l''Ii . or IJI!!' I 'lilt~lOfi_'li.n hiB.d b' . i'n. C>I~ ...

:ri~ !l)U d'p'I'k"'·otll :by 'tbbl, Urn ;, but 'l'I'i=· ooys:

1!.. Mil ·I!.,])i! .ldlOl!ll'lb: q\l~ , .. ..D., t011.:l IlId

I: ~nli'l t{ . hru., WI dowll &ilJd !Diver bo 01 Hs OYO'lfl 4:" W~ S'COil'tn i play bC'l~g' a ~ 'from P \1.1 Kl.rk tlo Mr:. fie a~r" T,u!'! run Art k'fickcrl

ltd it was l&i,

,1'!.1'1) cAlm nJEI DEl.;, BE.

hl- rn; elI:' :r.:an 301!, )',ard] 'fio.r [' Ul.[dUiowilli~ lh' Gopb~[';S '1!!I@,k JiM ICQIlIlWl&lld, DJlLd~ 'Illill ye.l. jmtt b~1iOR' Lhe end o~ lb.e ,.; Dow nam,~ Pfllaf'D:lllD~IOP ~ [I! "1ili1l'Y'~ heard. tile name:

~eTore-=-bCl!Q -'eli 1 ~~nd U" II!; "al.

At f:'h'lll.r~ )fl(llg :kJU~. U ldi ~ro-c1!ieiiil!. Ana U"I Ii".:'

. : -. ,- lo:m U10~' 't j wllol' pi:I!ti'R s!lb'

W~l • It w ph~n'ly O\r ,tOOm

'- "u~~ ne 1\1·, Sd''I'IIJ 1. Ii!!'!!~ r[:lI!(g, ~lI'hidl, tim l" hi:s ~~::I'1ii!1 -u.rvi r~d "-our .stnugll1t: ':!f iWS wlt:ITI,{J;Y:t L. dC'tea. l:"

1 i pm~si~le l,JrllFo. Phn~ me,! t .~ :&" .good hld. [lfi~liIn l' Donn loJ'Sii1't :Lhe Goph: are m~· b-'1!!'1lI! 1'!'II fhe ", til gj)_'m s he h,f;U!l pla:Jll:('II,

, ran ... ~:':W IJ iii:,!..... Sm.. 11hom~ls

I1icademy ~(Ii .. dl. \Va, fO{JIlb~]l IDf!.ffllJ:j t ,AI't Sit: A II.i ~ 'lI~~] r:u~ W.Fin.

IPlpnke!' "''Ires tJil r. Die

bOd is . jus h :Bay ailliI;JIld him:

"P,lUlnke tt was fil b~g f Uil!liW






1!1'! J!Jll;h - 11 f)J, BEd he l!1;le'f'" tliJinla' ~lkl!i: d 'Ci :pl.!:)' ·1'oO!tluill.

~y :I hal'· to ~'!iI~ him Iii)UI!l; o~' SQllli'U!' Qt.' 't~(II giBI.mes. 'Wfl 'flI 'I.beo 0,,01.5:11 'lOA \"~aM't ""'''" .'F3 b~g btea k' "'Ie' ·I.i· !Oilil hlli'['ilit He[

if., 5mHot TIl:BI.·~ one !iilfJ t~''[tts' thiJllgs 1 't(lliUC'ed ,albll)U!t hil1[lJi. II IlId 1 J;i3.1il '~II ~! see ilfi In:

In1'·1 '')1 ,M, ~ {.4)p'h,er. .JtJ * :!Ii .

~'He ~.v.fl;l'il, m, I <:11 ,<;:lDi~'I,!elli" i iii

h~~h1 !'ie-tun')l. hHJliJgh. lind l

• hm.'lIJ:ht n.iJI' '~IIl~lh L .h.:l!",f,e< . 0' be

I uni'ledl into ,8 ll1l1~MiBln htl e1!'ii1~ 1<r·'J1jC. H~' hi:1!:; ~ilU ~u"l~dm[~ ~J' aclu.mJI:,.· becomin, It! L"l'




~ h;ll£liketL tOiU bif'n iil'Di U I 'UmITtl!!!I" by . 'nO'!.: ini'

,o11100 Lo:a&;, ,If}t Si!I.1 t

11.[ oun.d.]14 . u. u.n' I H4 pJali!t..

iii! *

1.1 J'iU.ut U\'re' ,g1'P.~('JI'I l1int: ~ti I. He 1 inU dohl ~ $Jr.o\,l,til1lg 3J!1QUJlld ill 'tift r)SElIi!i' !ph-eor oan.tI'"S.

'\lV·[ij).:Ji~d ~' e.o(l!!.'t"1' ~. l"~h'0 bB]) ,01:" 'I)~ek: "'i'

."JB Lnck. • :M3· h~.

And 'e',s diJi Itt n ~J'!i [In,C .style.

P,age, 21

Minn,e·,ta , '.ood--



WtlJa't ,did: th Vit&IUm. scrib ~. -"To con",:W.:e Ut~ !!!kepUes,~ ~h'

h "if! tOo $By' after YmDel~wilS 33-6 ,Golden GoPAEffi, Piil!l1,lJ:'!2'a. Jt ,om, I. ", '"

, victory lOver: Pu;rdJue? The' Nor,so_nmn JllI! th;fl' luck q~

tflobD U;oI~bgJg, Ch:ic "0 TUne!)~ 'taut thUi tbl'ie mOl$t ,J'Jt it wa:s bat, "MilliU'~,-e~!l- 1~Ill(!ii~:liI.ej;led the' let :r.~ Olh~!l'wise 't'he IS rote! ~'hJ: h,flVe!' maji!!!l~ng d:o'lllbt 'Df 'tr tm:{l!l!!iitbfll~! su~ bQQ~ j;h'ree tOll,e:lu1i(}Wi'li1il :rnDr~IDflie--

'l"ie:r~raey' " "' I. TBle Gop'l!tJet'rti w.~rn' 5d~d III I, ,i Tn IGoph~.r~, IJffe,,"

I VI!l$tJy &'Ilpet]o.r arnd ':f'(II~ :M:Grnik W,!ll!I' mUcb, tlIiio ];j:UW!Il:nt :fnr Pl!l~ p;rQv4;;d h Is, il!xper~t ldC:kiilg J: :~D.t i!;V!,e, inep' def:emse.·!

]ruck,,~n, n. 6. Ly.mcb I 1\ 1 :~lraO:kcil!: ;Tuum ~

10 h !ii, 'r' 'W e _ B:I r ~ 1,11 ,t l" ell l(mClI -=n AJS if to put an ~H'id to 'tal'&t 01 T'dblllllff-""_'uU th-rs' wa:s an,' de.1[I~t ]J1!Ick and ~ltl ' , ~y dillUbU ~f ttl

I fkart M!nl!'ti!!'mta, not jlu t 'P~ sdn, tJrI!,lligtb~ ~ ·;nne.sota w~c!kcd P 1111'''' old! ~1l1G~.Qd.; ,gCiOd ~O!ll!,(b;MI hli!m'ii, ,dull) .' .• ' 'IJii.e GOlPhe-;r r~pJa.t ' ran, It 'waf 'iit'Jllsl'pste I oS!!: ttflQI hl~ from Ulp ,a 2i),{) 3:core 8LnQ[ tlrL~n 'tlcgaJtl lllol t:he 5XlQiWY' :Pa~ 'wh!ltcked F~dlll~", :Dla.y h~;r_, •• ,. Iarny ,,:vel'e Jookut . The GOip1l1fl'ES tlbl!ebiSdJ fhe 'l1it\e, rort'h'~ Gop:1HITIS, 't'D lEf~, do\\';n, ~I:!!, filii with. ,&8 oonvililcil'lg ,Ill demolilsua- a.mE!' rU'IId he),' resp.on(1.ed bJ ,hl:~" tien, f!1l' :St:lUM football ,815, tit·e oon~ brLg W@il" D@:st -, 'me 'iilt 'llieia!oJl fe:m;,ellCPIII @El(tl Ihiiil.:pe tJ\1 ,~!J!9i tl1'1!i!i ,ear. • '. .. T.h.eilr ba:ck~. \Jehilnd ,~, !.W,Elirl!l:.'J, And ~t J'OU IU'\ ~ear~ng anybody' ,ot b]ook',QD. rail"ll -'PUlrd,U!E! d12:z;y .. ~ .. , I ylmg' u.~' ;1 ~ ]uclc:,l' to JtSlv,e I!I "fll, '1(" big' Hm.e tare ,a-m,'- bCl,le:1

\ ~'eU'~'!i'lf ttam(:{i J'tI'B :M'iI!lia1J!t, iil'0'U,11L~1 liIll(l, J!1!.I'C:. up Q IStA)IlLilIi ""'\BU !&IlJ die~ _t n~(ti 0111, 'b" 'lne:.nitiilJ!; that J~~ te.n.~e,'~

made 'i!i1Sl1 ,cbruts '&om me field

;;; .. , It IMlYiiU11e ~!!! :lmt:.el"l!!lted. :rou TJI1'Ught f1iO~ -0JI1, lcmk for' Moe,n.~rk :n In R ~C'ftI! butt mBa foOl" iiIJ, S'O<phtJ;.. ,m,'D'lre :nBlmi!d B:iJil Dale,./'

Jack iB31H, ChJca;go Da;Uy Nr~ws ""The -(J'~ 'r' and 't'~- liit1Jgbt 01 {!h.e Goplte:r-, pa~l(!IJ OCI' richlY " ~ '.' Like UI~ C:~amp:J,Og ,~,~y ftRt 't[h.e Gop-b· :liS' I prem:aey W·, rt· vel" cl1!all~mG:m .. .. ., FoX' 'their' ]~" t ~rl· ulmpl:l, :M;i~iliU!!iI!lOt!8. I~ itiII.U II lOlng l.lst ,!iii!' W!J5tr-liiliU:s: perlclfmJl!T,151 llu!lad· d 'by' Franc:1r, $mU'h and, D8J~y ..

• ,<~, T:&J,tDI'[Ii l),-', M~ne!!! Jtegister

\ 1

It ~.,







..IiI, '.

I~",",- ...... ~_ ..... ~I

.NINNeSo-rA Cc,1PpeO ~,e BIG-'""fieIN ~TL&Y'H,~N ,i;·UtHl,. -.'N S1'. ~iSD N,QIR"iI1 _ w!E'S'rERN


Scribe Says Gophers Are Not CF 'God a' Many Peopl« ThiR



By o. ENJt roRT ,·GRITH,. 'I'SXA,_.s...,......W;pJ~Thc IiiIlM.)· ~~ 5 - ~k me tl!iJllt Jt WQi h9:gb time ,:It q,wn ~ --: a. iJlllilf'6 '~U.:rliib in ~~ ,neW5' J-1iIlp,e:r 'bQ;s]Ii\e;ss :an(I tulto: :II r.'a.njc If'IIl ~~'Ule 1]aU~;i ~rtllmU ibe.a:m - •

Slnce t~s< S'eIll.I$cO'Il .Iltillil'1bIsd I 1\.8,l'~ 'i,'![II: tJl1Md" ,i:ltiIiD~1iI r!JlbelL'lS"

ColUllltl~js. M~nn.e&ota NiiDfifdil'wmt!I!IUJl fcl1!.e;M, s. M. "[1 'ii' Ge-.o,l' [till,

';HiDtl"le .Da~t, nil '-;~.xa ~ Ii.. ,I;rmd 'M.

1m. ' lhlhtiml. :[ hll,,..-re tsil.kled to -. ell ,- ;-,- d eu~lae I Tf;9ho n"~--. -, 1 ' or 20 l!Dr tbc 'ct .' r "I.v1nnlng teo m s,

J ~ ,~ne' ure' Ul t. RIJOC' 1ij)1 tb~wel!l ]efs an tble~mt [hEl' ii).n.:ir:!, trust·, (I.t' :tooth .. U e~;p-.e':r:~111 :se.m to ma~ mJilI tell!m:....



'. ct ,tI!I~ 10 'lib" ,-Ii ood - iii giw a ,Ji;UeJfil ~ tll -)f n 'CIL ~

(11 m_' d c:-im&l lolny. a !finrn~H'tl1L [1iJ~JjI know onlY 'P)" " l1a &1 I'e'ai ,ltli til I :p8ptH& a fooU\a II :1, Q, 'mit th!~ ,rutd lli'~t" 'lulll wl\~b iI. m~!rglnU~!C~A'1:, aJmlllr&iHH!'~, a5:!!!..S~ the' 'Teas Al'gt~s· ,to l&ik.lob ,anill iI!IJ1Jek !II. i!Ilpo't.

'Tkt °bWiruii m· up 'IJi i iI j~i!I!T!1m:5Y i I 1re;;:aU8!1!! ]~ 1':fllU wbo II - , :!fl' n mia-it rlilf t:ne if;(!\II..m5; can it goiilll III WlDl'd In is e;. wJ~rr: wM[a footb- -'-. tu ,q,upte tll. ta:· il,c.IIQUi wJiLo k:I'tOW Ollly

fl;(I!m. heas y. ....

~. ]uu;e :0 ~ - . r DaltonaI l"ililnkIJ;l s. ~'he' nu.UiJIUIl~ I'Ilkj:f:1

l'h,at I ,lOt fro:M ~ttbll ; m a P~g ~ amdi fa~kI-li!" li!it 11m t1!-ams.






plrlt; sa vvY~

VV1 but, mo.:!! ,rub Ute

2. NO.s~:'I.[!dI!liIE.

3. ':- OfRr.r-i~I Mi.'" Ute 'bIg' Red ~!~!i~ !relli.f a'fild JI RfilllJW ,wma:t U 'm~e.





...,. RO, -Jr.18" .. 'Ul!!it~d: S,!;a~;t!'I'\o JCaR,YO'll 'Mat tfutL - 5eet'1 on ow . t. 'e'ld~ ~l,lIt wbt " CO! , ed MlOhl.gAIrI! ®~ I il!il!l{kr.' saw~

MAJ)JSON~ 'Wm"""';I ,.~ wbuf,'e Here he:!, 'Dea.~ . lchl~,i;I!n, i!lfrIJ(I lit, te~ )la'C~lgg. ,JIIUl. :ttl's tl;l~ mit 'liul I Q:OO t aJ Mlcllll-~rru ~ B CoRch :U.jIidt,R ;!l)f f.1ou,s: I'Jamlill' 1118l1:ii1 :~oo, :I!ib:ru. :yea:r;s JflI ;m, .:row ~d, il-11~t'

tilJe G\0:11iJ),@n, wtl.1 I~t; klMldcer!l off :HJHimla 'out ~1Je anlY ,fme ,li1e 'I; 'U

hi on ,ot ·t'beel ne:rl~ tWiiD Itmiile.1... !!!h~t out th: wht1\lc 'Y'm:. Same

- • • ,iii - - U thr t ]~~ b\I,t " c,ldl ·Jrmt rdam.

1!kII'_ ~.::.. _ .m~ '!I!I hi !P ~Im ~ad t(iiO'lb- •

Or 'H'laMJUfiI. li 'uin.R 't'!lll b- '!b .. *

, lInB --. fit , " (Ii . .rrB

. ~ .

E\',uybm;dy :m: m~ !:I tl!ilin" ~ S ,t\f I ,y:~ , ,a:

,- !'Im'Hita tiie lrue-:kIJ! tb!lIli'Il In tbe Wa! the gmBt n pme .rVQ ver __ _ _ _ a

~"".", '!IF.:.t. "'~' ~. . ~.:. '_I'" ~~"'.*f!: '-"f'~9-"""~~"'~""''' "I!""'II"T"!!!'T'II" ,I, III '.'if'¥.T"T~ r- -;- ~ .. T T, • i •• , ,,"!I"T~ "~'1i!""", I, ,r I!I""'''' '-'-'.-1-1-' T~'FT'''''~~:-




t t' DiD' It Ii Feather', Tha:t~ Imd Mal:!e: MUZ'I',t]ry'! ']ilim-e'~

n-e li!kk1I. W!!i~nl!.lll f,.,~ 1m... ''lIiI

iIli.hol~t ill iSte!!!ik~ 'ti)El.b]."", I come iila: ' :neM D:r-dQ;rtng !1!IDOil:.h.(! em I!io

~ ill

.. ij:

,B\~ermo!n. HiRlf!.IIl!: :Ii' :Fllfild.:e ton ,!life dol;n;r ,Il .mil15;~~r£wi.~ ~o'b wU:fiI, UIJ~SiCi Gopi'Li!"['I!l. l'n i~!9i\l'e Ute -t,ea,m. 'f& t'h m $air the Pi:l:rlaJll'i9' WllIIOOoR'" ~~n gameclli ,M' "', t!1~~ ]"11 ~&k$ th m ..

, .Iopher


Sl'!';.....,l. .~IO hi l!:il ....... !llIo:1d . ~ N'O.d~

:mH;~'1bm ~"." todll"

~&I];l~~ I !II Ifal¥I: :a;lIiDl.

,M;I~ueJn a!' IJi!tOttli

IImi'1 ~

,;!(li JMJL.-·Be.mih! Bb!nn - PToOilniIn,,' ,uk tmurue iJ'o'lm~

B LeVilil:r-. MID'·

. . ..

PUUIiI,~ 11- , R@t [I., 1(i(j(J] _m, TI!i!!!~ a.lI:'e ,1~i!i~1fiI t'lll' ,PJlo",''6' milidy rdi1nge.m.:"GlWi.





B,;y' 'Tliere, halfe b' m :few trailJre.r ,e~, j~ ,VlIt!r '!Qi'W',m;m, wflIlL, SLIt mat wh ';J!l, th t be ,!JJ_st: ml ,.. ~ -toe' holes :m ], ed away

0: ~ SQ-f I _~Eiil ~ SIAU recent fQQtbaU. D1~tor.'y ihrm. th,s; ~h»'J 01 palliq, ' rese UI(;!I m 'htt& Dt t··. 1i.:lm.etllu.1I 0'1'1> :mrLber, ,ftll'j!e JnUi! lec·m~nJt.nnbeddlil:r:tI

Tblilt .Go-rd~ G®pb 1" GOlc1Jl Lln.e. boti1~f tke e. J.!b:me ot;a,; Old. HIm 'i!ittmJdIs. BetalliSe to; be ddended as B'r!tam wm dcl\ nd Glb- pj.u&f~

ineo:bl, eb., in. ID:f '- :Is d'ollble· aJ· . d ll1.e:,1 havre oome. from .DD~~"'l).;;t, Jialtt-'t":. lUla J! ,latu,rilLY 1. '" 'elt ,IJ'1J1 km:IQllW,"

t:. .naw! , ~ ~~:;:~tIm..!': t~'~~=k" ~~a~~m~"o,~~~~!t'':J~!~ v,,,, .. 0<1"""""" ",lit 1;r'lJ:l'lJ.Im:!I.Ht,~"'''.iI''-'~~'I~t~.1 'ftn .. I_. :::!!i,~,~~~~_!~~ .. ~~~'~,~~~tt':~~mU~!:~

_ It l'i~ S"t'U"d.i.edi 'l;Ij,IJlh t~Jl ]):dWlIlnb-d!;'bE!1 - . '. ' ¥-,",o - v,!!y, ·1'1... iii .... .,., ""II;. fill"'· .a!l:l!:lLi,t." 'Ii'!!' I0-Il,. ~"""'I!IJ "'i'!;~"'1 ... 10 !!.<Iw loll, ..... ,~fl.lll"a:ljllUl.. ,§;,1j!I, ,IUI'u,.,1'1io'" - _ ~!3!' , ,"',,"~ .... ~ .. ru~ ... ,ul;], ,:n_jUL -, ..... '"

~ tb..~rl':" ,r:;Uil;1d~II!II~e59::' beeR-me tbe;r- DVt': co:me e.~'l!~ p.QlIllcinr, iliIlf3I fumldes Jm gn~ gcI;Q.l a'tld. 'We.stfaU 'Wetl'G! ,~'U!.J"t !II coupll 'o~ hBim..f·

, GOlden GQrur nne wt, JiB :ll.93:t5.~ :from iDut of a tog t'h.Bit idmo:st a'ppr.o~dle(!l: bR~ks JlUI:l'IIl d Ji'Ci'e'. lOut '~R ,midfield 1h:~y

tho Golden rGoai LIne apJiMt :Mic-lll,gillll. a't, mcdL'I)~ty '11!l .m't1,__cld. Ulie!"s iSl1nd-QW,:![. '!'ilU[ ,!Q.W :c~, ,Sroli JJm oollld .rlllmibl but, no'l;: tllP. D'e 'brJ1nJt of (hilt

!fJ m'DI' StwHum. ,l!l .l) . 0.. Anti', i!ih;e'... • "I ,. Lang'bu t and Dick F'JU,ag :r,lp ib oYlgh G~~defrll Goru ~.

mg thetr-' 'O~/{J!I. ntUil'! pileCes of' 1Jlumffipa~ YO'l:i mJ:7W1 1:.' yell'; ap~ LliDyd C\or-d,w 11 t ,e G!lllilen Boy, tHull the tow®. or 'lhree • it: •

lion. 81"e' the Btudl .at oruo State ,qd at aJnil J~ !.aN'@!Ul ,Mdi lillItb.a' iIWRlm-'l'd,p. til WM ~e1liChet1. NO,l'tb\ tern w, lI' if Q(fI~e' !I{ :hEi~ ,!Jj

Eyu:ston, ricS ID'~ 1940., .!ii~ed.wr . .pIG l1'<lilUld, {bc Co- AWid tlileo. tbo:se :son spots tum~d Wit to li!:c~~ ,Ii-N'm.~d: JmLlnlItcnfl made lmnll wor-k

~"¥¥¥-¥".-:ifi-".' .:,· ..... 'l~!~! .... ffl:u'·'-f.:.'.,.' "ltf.J¥fJr~~·ljl·~.~a · .. !~_x.x¥J;t jiVY ¥~~~~.¥¥¥ 'W:f.¥.¥· •• ", .. "'.~L!.¥.~"MLI--M-M" ••• ¥¥44.¥-""""""'¥M~·

~, , , J. ¥ , -N ~.",. .. " 9l'f' ~ ~ ~ -:-....,.. . .' 1fF~ ++ .





to, 5':04 ,Red 11lltue:!Jiiteln O\'''el'' f~r th- One louch:d~ S(1!!PI'!i on ,ill ~",~gh.'t YiiJ. h.

'" .. .'

Why ~ I.b~!' W~ ~ll.e~ (!Mji'U!~ ~ b sudden Stt'r_gii!' .. 'nil! ulUty 1I;Q m:JS!i :to SlIJl~'~m;a;m 11('11 g:hts ~rIi :Ehlr3' cl!ldeJll?

\Ve.lIl th.e.m oo:n be mamy :r{!'{h&~ua 11:]1,.111:;, the be:s:t oe m thlc G'U'i' ;;J,t: full! Ga_[)hel's is Ul, Ttl DW W'iJf'J!I plrl); ~ 'blJl'Stnessme_u ·~ooil.~ ball pla.~e"" U (Ill' "1PO!se·· OI" ·"e.~ert'EllI&~' u n~ n:tlt..e. 'j'

The Iht~ :O·bUl hard 1m nrldlieM. It II @;ooill llllll~ .artl w'l1e~. It lhifl!B oevcl.{l!pc:[i,




I .

T.IIIi!N al"!!- !.:nt1uwldtii!JR s;~n apb'!'1i1't,2IIM ty'l.i't pmoabhy 60]111' ,QIl!]1 Wf:1ill w.iM :s1!Tili:!C '~1~ '(!oN'S' 10,1.' ii!rJ-Am'f~ iea, ,eileC'~OH.

He is: G's'Otrge Fr-a.mck. :liet't il"l.ght hllll,iEn:$

But, rn~~ o.f ht o-ppolleR'i.5 'lei I ,)l'01iI " 1o.d na!~ed B.rU'~ Srul,th I. ~JUcIR aZi ;f\li:!1/t and :jut 81S. foxy"

!!Ii ,.

l!l"iDb F ch, ,'- . fIId: a:{l' g~ 'Pu]!.:~mlllij ~ glll.atd. aDd :tHik.e UrbbJ, Otl5~fjj ~ould p]:oy om 'm~ OdY'Ii' 'ba.I] 'cl,QliJ,

But ~weeten Uud ]jJi)( 'WIlli hlue MiPl Q ~ 't'dl;ige. ~tiO:nd Jth~ bo':v; up iD,:m1i, :p.o.E!tIJl1n ~ tl1e f1!al~ say ,r,.[a~Dif.lcmt!lll,~lbe gllliR1! JiLne ~ rJ' and. ~oH.·",·e 'Of!; sornetlnrlig. In fact .. ~Otll ha~tI1e Cohle-Iit Oil) ,lier ,CoSil Ll:l!'ile. DIii\lb]e S.U '~d~

'l'lIgs., lit :bas. gone [n,bil' ,Sfill.ll~'l5. of' I'm el"se .•

Thel'e wu!l!i time wbllm a Ctav;,Iil@n~ a B.amerute:llijl 8, R0im '. :II V 'i'S'ttan. :II :SCQU" a McAd~ ~emed ,a,'b'lre' tiiill T:Wl a:t w.lll. Affid Jle(i'fi~mbe:r low,E!, B DIl G:r..eel:lr~~ du'h ell gU8ir(1 tD't.i p. 14~'J'ltt~ t(l;u(:hdo'Wn.

'*' ~

]1.', CIIlCAGO-tUPJ-.FO,I" tb:s: ~nt time JlI 1it -:. lung. !eSlIi, Yftf-lli fJtl ]!Ug T.~;n h:u ,& ICO:nte.fliltle:lr l'Uifi t1!ie m,.~~N1 JI,!~:UOJlRl fOflltD8'1J[l e'blllMJ!li'l:msl!lJ"

'1.:1 dl PI!¥.1 Weill li.i'i'UJ,MmO.!B!oOO. tl!Jibi Sllli'~m'd,y ~iIiJ; wlliM m tibli!l :nat ODi 'W1U :have: 8. :Hlt'omlR:Ji!:r' ii!1lJim on 1Ji!~ hui of II-gula! - e' '-gin iCiDliI1PICUlIoll.

~~ ~,,y I~li:.her !Il'n~re "la:iJiIior 1n post . t;-B£O:R bowl!iUl I, Som, lORY look - Jot l'andltl' m t'h:~ It ''W'W I' ·U ,Im,~ 'J4.n-' mO!l;1!i liJl)y.f!! on " U·Am. r.j~a to'.8!m!.

BEg TCrill p:r(1',stlp' l-ll~$.. leU all'llill :roo.@! a~iI!I']n 'Ii' JrLJ ,l!rUnfii!ii!i5!lli'i:a" m l!':iJt u<tl 1'9tlS.. 'LYhiVH B.eJr,nl ~ Sle! l!iUU1"i!l fi:rr5:~ 'bo;ne"cnmMIlI;g ,POWi!'l'FrlOmilNi! WI!\I'Iti ~u:Ul',

ill'li!G~ OU~~ "",1t.IOl'Y iilAer 'yiiL'imJ';y' OY,M 'Ute t'illIl!lgJUtst ~(1!-, or compc . tiM ~he' 51 ' Ten w" the 'g'lI' no]E:1I: It Int~Jj"C'-~ Ie-Date loQ,1tbaJIl.

lin I SJ1"Q~ 19'" Nhmewla, ~J.50 won. '~OJil, r'enes~ :! I'U ,~ DU, ~ dr.()~p'~d linDO, JrtM'; 1'8, ,mes ~,~I' th' 'W,}I , OT.lhWi'Niitern:; Jl.9Jt ItfulmpJon~ iUld. Ot.lJlo. Sta.te,'·

lH~~'h o!; 1i1i11t Y~ILI:' iClitl 'tl!Je SAI'l!'i1ii!' ..




EU L I 1940 't-lle c.y~le 'lJlilil.l to the B_ - T'en af,l,d Nwne1loU!. :15 thoe best: 0. 'UiIiiC: mt.

iJhe G'Oph:(1<:r"S 8!r!l!l lUuU~p'Ult,ed rtHlinJ:el"C.liLCI!!I !!!''ham ... ~,J)itii Do,' :aU~l' whsat ,h*P~flI,~ ~plfMsb W:isoons.b'l, t1rl'1i3l ~,~1i!1l:!'1{, arn,.d (h~',1r8 I!.'a:r,r)/,h:lg 1~1i io"- t~bliZl le:n~ll1'iiJICen'b'aJ Wer;;l; 'fi!J:.W 'UUI:t MiClit:rtl Di!lJme ;Oneill,. hM been 'J::lQ-l'nreI"ii!d by '!.lJide.rdOi: 1,tl)W!III.

V:ictims of MiDllewta power w~re \V;B.s'.hm gil'JOn..

Nb'.ruka. ObJCii' SIIiAI@, Nal':lJ:hwl 8; . ml MleltJ!-tUl~ Iowa, d - t ' ek P1iIlrdl.!l@." sa: to 6.

Mhule50l , fOIl'Url n Is. I~ ilmBp(!iClt.a;culal'" ~ , a "Db Dn 1!IiJi\ aut~~(lbtl I ass.em' line. I:f lh,' IGh!lip~t.c - Wl9' 'lh,elr :st'UJU df.l,ll!i,lll In thJE! SO:!ltl1,w ';!it th~lrt'la nR'\UJ' tbe. 'S,pe~tmill"'l:\!!: lIg,wEing a:fl:Ja.:Ii"'UtJEi first ~(!Iriod 'iI~d loo.k[l"II,g:lior' .Bn, r~.'iot~ t ~~ lii!l:U' 'ltmS'.

'iL!ItP\e:5fI;~!lJ lIIu 2lJ gIant JlJIg 'who.~a, In,esse is: ~trhI' ,lilly bl J~lbli!' from tb'i1i stiliids:, Us ~~ si[:lgio>wW' ·1,iD.r,ma:Uiilil1S! CfiOW'O iI:D.' :hil~~fiehl b:lcek ~n~ to "0 Slleb

small ,Sip-a: O'n' h.e fi'l!ld the taR' ([O;n"t .see DHICJ!I

o J..



\1!' he n ,ei Ji!!.! 'ISt [Ill!" tlu!' Will· l!Iln sldel illl a Mmnes0'hli. .. Micb~,· pn ces. H.~ h,EIJ\l 'Plent1 [com,· llR1II kumh'iip on the erring b~mch 1lJ.! .h.a:pte-3S d e :1 eat.

1.9~3, Md 'tlll'!U! _ veIl" 31 101

. • I 8 ·~o " and 1[ to o.

Utd aU ]1' LV . U!ffc"iIl Ike

t\.\l'(I! '1f,' :iU', ,,'hiJ e ilJlillDies'Dm [de·, ;(-ea~d ~ _~t'h:i'. JII 1[ tn 16 ~n .1.0l5o ,II 'n.di ~ ill r.Di , Iii :r ill If 1I.1Il .' ~ ..

:$ iii '"

!!;a.w' Faul Ooe-bC!ljl O'JJre 011 Io~t is' JtJ::i2'.alt l~nemeill. iUl.dl oop~ns ••• ' He declared :the Of.[J;ditl5.. of \1i,h'om 11l~ W,' on.!2', 'wel",e :sr:.a!l."f!!di af tha;t :M;iM ·~t·a.Oh[tJ S'la~' ~8.:m,e. b<eCRl!I!eo of .1 :~~nng ~d 'f.ffitlclImo- .' lut yeaI'" '0; !o' ~. E~Jt he

Bof Bm, .... · o-~'" .......

1M' mil sw Jwmllil ~ Bt ' .

A. N ARllQ& ·Ml_Cf.I.-If ,~,~~ , Sri! dil:lmps M tlImesoti . ,at ·M'I;nn,e.. a,-peU, next Sa'lun1tlY. 'M~s~ FrIU; Cr,s,lef'. Ea:rl M:D.1rtmeau and CIg11:'!!m.1I:(!, Mi!Jlj));DI. MIll,Y 'be el\'lcJU!l~d. If UU!')" 'bi'te '(hi,l~ clTI:ase fi!(!I1 h!l!eomen and ,~f!.'U,bl Ilnie~r neses -. ItJU1' F'o tt.lC'f' 1iI~ W'a:~er~,

_ t,

,(l:r.l~iill'.!r' ~Oi!!!E, ~iO i.'iIl1cmt]igan., , ~,o 0 In. m.9:i3i1Di BiflEi e, t1m1 1(11 In. ·It081io 'II"JiI'1l ~ a 'W'IJ.'§, dJ etling' t~]iB' 'Iii'ID.~n

ill' ,.i.rd 3.~t l'I,'IlirIi'llI~e.-:Q~ ••

MiUiiil. Dt_],r,jl, on tbirle im' Im~·

. otA l'~M" tm .lIuhl-cC ~llIe1d .. [i ',I' tOI G.II ~.o d' 1(5.,0 .fUm jlt:l(2D '60 ,~'-l~

'!ii'Ii':a., ....... . ., ..... ,,_.;11 ,i.... tili!i)IjJ,~ "I"!!Ii;!; ",,...,.:Ii ,LQ,I;S!!rIlPjlI' J,~ ~ :pi. ,.llil!l'''''-~ ;I:l!;II\JIj)Q' ,~-,-'IlII

]·t 'wi [ be g~mctMn' kiD' 0 q]u'E!Jie, ~n[l)l'eCif:dflilted 1]1 lIJh'e :Sef_P·' a:m'h!! -C:;li~:I!'.iI! 'iiif toe] tbl' e.

Somien~~ al~' Bli.ggy 1.1\1~Ul t~ld

~ ~ [I Mm-slm Ed:s. e-Bt Mtcbi;n, Olll. ene (!It. !ts! «000 days'. !Ii:~'U1d1, 'hi1"BI& eJJt'Jl!ler M..llm.~sata 61" N'onk wes,!!m .. ps t'b~ p~ayed ,Satlllp, i$~.y , ... ~ He r.a'tei!1 .DruGi]' S\mjrtli!i a,s,- u:si1,' 'he s't~ of Uu'_-' bailf[



So. YQL1I (; :11\ ,il!ji:l:1Hl tlflat ~fr. 1oiJ:nnlC'iiOtl!ll.. t1I~spiJle ~~ I ~ , , . that, ;nJt:l :Ila~ .me: p,r 1::' clau;r .me.:te3~ ill!i~

d.ee1~l'ed Qi!i gam-' 1ilI1lIe of the . lest !bey'. \\'er -offic::iaW'll ~ the !Col'II!llu.c.t. lOt tt:u@ bo/"s. abo",!! !t'~ proa·cltl ' •••

!Ii: *' *'

Crl~le:r."'.s: fa:vo1fi te e%l):resshllJ[

oR 'I'I!~ Ul'!I;'Uli ;~omeoll'e me:n l~OI~~ tli'i,~ GO'1P1r.lSr.s: 'us: '"n3iilii'Y. ,raTe t h.u big ~ 10 ~ , ~ H,e ~s lh:ey': e- se brilllftrJ~ Iii'eo ~otsn,1 t kr!:liJ)w how liC!:'U spac..e 'Iii i~. llnC1lli 'tor ];I 1.7 (lr]!1posi' 'tl1e' burl,y Geplners ... "' Whem MI~l ami. de,., fiee:ibed Mim.!tlJilltola hili 100.2 :3 to In, lend, thJ$'I'Aby ,8,ad~, an'Dther :Eng T,en tltlej, Y;os:t hd M'L inVIJtation

to pl." i~ t1J, .Roie BDWI bel'o-tt! he ~en left Mlrlm.a'Pat •••. Bat of OO~nIe' It kiad 't& be' bJ rned

'!!II. '. .'

Yo t iaas, o ill Ill: 1jJ! Ute :(,!W com-

)llele Ulc:g; '9~' .foO'lbaU g~.ide5 b1Jl the 'VlIilIJI"JdI ~ • • H ~oes 'back 'to 1.892, a:r.,dj 'U~at means 413 guldu ~ .. , 1'bey stacea be~.eUt ,C'ampu.s,'w~ look colt~ctl.i}ns: MIdI used ptne:t m , " , t(ll :round up efj;OU h money . '0 :s' nd th.e: m!rs:ek. . il1.'ch·, IgM -ban"t 'Lo Minne volis , ~ • 1l1'IIey :rlrNill~' !lon" t '~[lii)i a:br:.'Jt U;


C,· "'R'" d HI II' 'tb pili

ampl ,.ian au III t e':·

I Go Sarill~day,!


-'-ow, mb~.d,!' 'TolrRa l;:iJ,~umJl is :not l\1ft!d[~t:i1!J- 8ir:li up.seol M]mlllNil(!t!li s'hm,ulill \I_rim ' 1111s g~. But '1'[ li.J!e· - ,3UiliJl I be QU lUi ~t 'fr'iI7i1)"'t .)o'Oti.

lde'k yO'U rae],f ~1I!Irn';niffl ;lr!l1l'll'IJH '?' -

n:"MI,L,'IiI!J'''~_ '~~'-'~~'-""- 1l1J',.itiDbl""~ ¥'~'" ""'~, I~I~~~,

ourt Se .......... '-~

SuA, nbeat

n . [ine ..• 1

, ~,--.

W _En fh~ Gop:t.eifS take 'allcr field amdnS':ll, \"'i5(!:~n in at M~d~~ SDi1Ii tom~· ,[-QUI', thiCo~jU '00 :s€!~kJng the'r tOllJiI."lh lIUlbo'8, on. theIr 't;h lr~ Wilitl~8:te1n. a:nd, lIlrtleJti iSe..a!!0lf1. ltD. rn,~ n'l!Be.-'Y~all" M.illlrne&ata. cca,cnhll .~ ;giI,m,e o~ ·Bem.l~ lEne~n.

m 1'933. tbe Gop;liIel'~ ,,1I,OfllJ {om: .gamel. tied J~uu·. Iii 19.3' 8J1id :!l'9i15, tb~cy w ,n. lin 16 game:til. f1l Yi!d.,

TtLl~ (~ophent glill' ~ n~ ~hl.s 1940 .fitl!ll,j,Q ·w[U. ttlc rnrniflrr.bbl>s reeI!l)~ II)f lri iIil.'II1l:ng won 415 'EU'n~, ]~Bt nlrn., !aI:rtItli U!:!'Iid, eno UC\O Ole clllll:SC ~l' tb~ 1933 1t',fH'Il'n,a gl'lt. hls ;rl~~'lilrst 'the 'ibOlill- ile.5;l. oDri'r'!eUt~afll 1'111·· lel'.'«(j;llIe:gio;Ix:' .footbaU could priillVJ(l'.

TJ:il!:'~lLil!':J.~ 'Won Ji'i,~ lUg Ten Iii le ~u~~ghl b. 19-M. sWl8red U '\"i"f'h, OJilh~' St.a:tc 'En 19!5~, wen 1L In '9",'",(1 n In. 19.1 i have eUn.~t..ed :'[It, f.oO lite ~U "it tim';: thl~ :Y'c,a ic.

Fronll 1j]ICJ ]Q6e of 1'933, "0' da ,~, .M.h,'U'llJi!s~~:o. has iS~ilU~fl l,2:lA ~lo.ihtl!l, to' tli1C: Op~rU'j!tiUill!:trllP,s B46. In. h~~ill1S:' :s:i:;rw:: :&lr~J ght \11etorles I from m~li!IilI:nmr:Ji, U'i112! t:L'I!,11I 1!'r:5, Jta,~",r{:, nu cd '1iJ P 1-18 p(liilllU to '\1\1"1J>GiiJf:1l!m~'1 1.9.

Th-··.·._: 'W' "":., ,(,,·0 .... " ... ~ .,,' T' -',1111 .. " W' '. 'he ',,' G'-~ etti ':-:1 W"" t. .. .t D~I d··,' - 't M· .----. t t.-; ",,' .

.. IllS a,s ,~.·ne I,rne ' ,~en "Ie,lng _ el . --I.n, la"er

.am e

. . . .

'. ,II "

Of "11iCl l'IIhti"' iJOli Ii'!Ji!II ~~ ;SHII n

I\[icJdg~nl's Wolvl~l' ie,as't;~d. lustily OLn 'Gopher meat at all, orgie of 613~ .. ,

BOO thrili-gripped, rain-whipped revel el~;p in. ~[em.D'ria.l ,s'tadl]Jl11 IS,3,;tw'lda:y ,. .. , i'

~ ~ on]y to find it tain te d with ath lete'a f'D ot I I

And" ih.a.'liks; tG) the peda.J ku~!Oa1']Qtion lof J arr] 9],g J"Q~ E\:cl!l"Y 'ih:-k)'~ ~l~d bf>P.'~i, fJtild.,

M~rujl~~ l\1"i:nDesohl~~ 1:m~est1e men lof ~estiny have ,e_. toe- 'f'l:r-blaWb" 1~1jj7P.'WY .~al~~d" D~, 'Ill-

bold on the GU rrent B.i~ T,en f o-otbaU cham ·n."ion:shtFNl'.. ILJic!llll. AJillll ~~~iiti,ollJ.lil~ '~J - ..... 1 re

Ci I'" l ... • fl:'il!l~~d Unv 'b!~(] b:c:';I\ ,t! ~ he

];I]ji!l"JIlik il!HI H iEI. W!l'~k Ago ~,raili:5;l Nortllw~~tc]"J'!I.. ODie r-bYl~1'!I'IIk' irnu~bC:J,'.~t liJ!ir il~~Q. IC~ii!'Ii!l1e.l1tt.i. Obi

JliYrlmg- (ij" his ck.'-a'te( bf>o~·(ijo •. a:n~ ,~'UJ':IJI'Ii(!:so'ta wu liln~eit tire' 'I/ljtJr,ij!: by ,I!II, ,!'lI£ ~ th cr, ~¥~ii'!i!' A J[e\v"

-13 ii;o ']2 'I,II,hliSiket.

M:cru1,k rlitd n '~~am Sal1ll r~a~," Or1l~1! ,mo~ l hli t ] eclhiBJ ~ e-:g .sWum:g' b.i!t'k. nl!1j;(1;~ mDln! l'hl'd h@!llIft!iiil1lg bfliil~tI! Ii) :5;j;I] n '~f1J1I!! LtlPr:~l@'h,t.'1i .lor' ,f.jj i' '~ii'II ,Ii

relPlf!o~cl!,:IG.'.l:il;lJi1 l hm ~~1I]1lI! h:;:wle:s urr-r- R'it' pro''''''cd tl~8;t trliiJ;DI~lnUl cal' In ~y tin I!:' pa.U)e-rn nl( l~'I,'I.,'OY~riI r.' I htlLtw ,I'!!, kj~tot: in iit, DoH!~ J1IJ1I~n lfIi~'

ag'IJ.~'U mfieSQ'Ii:!l! ~!iIi~~i1 win ~:h£i.t 'ii\~! .•

F.I~'Iill!IJ'I~ [q. 'Y~\~lt, [:Ttl'! WId: ilI,ld nUi!if1 !I'i~f,e::_n ,at~, ~rIM~l'!l lirlil~ ~nc!hJii~.Bi1Jj hrlli([ll

n.t M h:::h~::::fl ill t'i ~ til 1~ll!l"",!; l:Wifld said .rtl.~- 'l(VOIIJI 1'00 i1(,iitlf}B'I:aiGI.~~' IMI nil!:!: ,~,]f!IJ.

r~ ~ I,l YI ",F'.., r six ;"'!I!ars ~"1R" 'hiIJ Vi!' n i!lI n lliil~ eir-a..or OMI, 1I-~D H1 'Vo!!1',

r D'Sled ~ r GOp'IH~fr ltTl~r;L'[. lt~i5I a. ciI:('.<

i.i'cac:y .fo.. us now."

'BUilt th(!["1Q< !StU] r'(!ml'll ~n~' 'I h'~ cam· 'IZIm;JrrJem of }.n,san,'j!J; j~ iIYlI,d t,~rd· f1ji[] I tl'1[Hlq gy.

A '!I:l!-.I;:®I,d, {;'i:'®\,o,[I--l:h1! ]!t!I tjS!!,9L 1)0 t~"UJtlr~]j( ~ itliLJ:!I't ~'i,;'-el" 5;8J~N ,['i lJOnU'I!U I g9'M@ 'bctWCG!n Ute: immenliilJ Y 'QI r

_. OJ

A w~~k ago Wl" IlBd .se~~ tIiol1!:r !·ha:wli~i'_i('· .~ut!;!Me ~riglti:y II r!'~ j~' Cbmoog@ sf!'Uin,g, if.lckeU '~i!li iIlil'llg C]1IL~ C!!IIglID Be8J'!il:"G~N.rrn, Blg"f'ilek.l¥rs. ])00.] fill! s.sIOiJI:;l1 i!iSi.'li'r!Ji! iiIIlL Ill. m[~1,1.1 U!IIJQ'lil:limg loss.

Sil.'l.U]'l[:hJ~" wf! ! ~a:me fOIlJi!t" l.a:k:iln[iJ iii WI!!1:'S(!, \vhip~ing ~;1Il lh~ d rj,g)piiflig r-aL~"lI. "I.he ~~1!Pi!!.'t"S iUd, ~Ql ,t;!'ruj~,y Ute 'qr.g'Y" Tj{;:];;:e1l.~:Q.[ thrl! :k ~~k.·!l:!Jf Wet'\e- pedd led at ~eaJ]e:s ~,f

I 81,00 fro:r :g~(itll ~1B.U, m~ ~if1W M Sll. fGI" im'U.hen, U wall! alit ilItR'Y .f!Qr' t:ne-:m. '~oO, 'kIiUiIl. 1 f'II :!lad :ficr~'e'l:,~e.

No M~ nJ1Lfg~!ll!trJi Cf'l{[I!wl1 ""1Il~

·~ON'!B'i'9 .8 v ic't ItlTY muFf'. .u

brlll~:tll~ 'b ae 'I.;; s~ ]lIf.I\llgrHI n.'~] 'Y '[I, ese lii1("rolor~ei!1! Ii')IC Uil eo -'i'~11 !;i5I.II'II (11"'91. ·wh!!11I. mottll1Y iii be:H!N· Mi n = iii ~5i'J!t~ '~!'l1llJif'll lOiSt '-HJ fI ~ ~ar:n{! W1lJ-~ !:l,g8in,sl '~_ br'Ca~'m.ak~nr, 0P[iOI:Jt ilJl1I~sl i e :NlT! t"JiI ~~1111, iIll'e8~ lJon.

"~W e:" b ,E\ l,,-p ;Ii J II!I t Oo't' .trot-I!'!' sill n ¢iQ,m,hll(" t" f~ 111' lye S glI~,liliti G!'d ._, riQUtqcl GOiP'ln ~r i-ql.'ll l,iI:'iI.". • ''lit\!' et ; 0 t hil!' sk~1[JJ h II!' '1,'1,18'5. .i 1!l!9f: a ~ WQI"l!J so manY' of

'th!fl:Rfo: C!'~ he:r- p8 ~k-j~ mm,s-d 'th.Ci!'IoI~i' j[mri~~ 'bUll I III ~ p~rsigh:nl'l'~ (:Ii rg.o of the 'Il1'I}e'phu: :!iilde:!l ii"'!liI'U1Qm"l Piolt oui t ne flarnl[" (J" his ",I ~tCi'r,~ il'U~d!ll!ur. I



B_r-Iilnl~m\ ,1".(1 J'I~.~t bote ,mp, :n :fol'bJ. .- aU:h@c., :'- ur-img .pr~'Wliic .. 0; ·~c _ h"'u~·k. QI lIUJI" ll}~t. ene v~ rUm' I I ~ ''1 ali" left ; ~ ~It'h dizzy -p,elil~

'Bl pil-;-(llrvln,s b\clde fOl'1lle 'f.umlall in a

i ,t~imm~~m .. 1.M'm j .me;kn 'Dl!I~:d BI'IODC. '


,,' '" tll •

F'adl!i~\1l" :DID.d SOR; :OroPG 51'.,!, , tiUilGe' ome !(lU'\i)1 wt'e. 'elmg ~rdd ,11= 'm, .Irl . -, [o:bi f,HiW: 'y' :I rDl1

-:'. g. nd, ol .. blo


I 1 a

A' ,y veterd o'b,e!rVeirlS (:Q1ll~ider 'B'rom,'k!o' Nagorski t'hra great:~t footbd pl~yer [of aD 'lime.. tis 'bQ(t£loocooa:bing -' p~ay iiI] 'ltoo: MhJnescm ]jfi~ fnm.l i921 d! t,:J," rdm;ew' gnJftt$ frem oppone, 'ts, StLS;ps .rr:o'm, tbG ·~feda.m~5, and .ade him an AU-A~lmc~ t.ack!~. Swit'CWn8: '1,0, the backlie;]d (b,wrinl, Dme; seawn:s with th.e prc'fes5~cnl~A Cru~,ago, Beat'S, Br.-amko pmmd! out 'so mE!l!uy Y·8ifds. cSlf£yjlll ~o maD)' c",osi'1l1 fm~yc:rs CJtiil ., back tba; :be· be~cam.G 'the yardstick ,a;8iiUnst vt:Rn.'om aD, ,ather' fullb.l~b 'sti1 a;. m£8.IS'IJIttd. AJ'kied onee WitM kind. at: deflC:ll~e c.o.uild $t[o ,the ~':m-:£oot-t\V@iF '2]O~'pOlindJ: aBU['s'ki~ Slleve Ow'elJ· tb .. '!lD of me rivaffi New .', Olk Gianrtlt I'pob~ '£,01' Q\lieryone who cv,er f'i:'WC~. the Droll.t when ~e r,e.p,li .d:, nSh.oot Idmn OOfOfl! he: ~ea~es "l:h~ ,dj[1tssml ,roOM."

"[bis 8,nl\I t!Iim.- ,~ f:ret-k~e·'f:acs~ wa~' .. hmed 'y,o;oog siant ~s

• " d' . .:IA.~_ 'L. ~il:.' 'I .. " 1.... ..oil

acfiveW, 'etlsqe:... m. ,a~~1 !IW"W cliap.t~t5 to' .~[I!! I, agur,s~_j ,~gt'i 'U~

Meta mllWl4(:o .: a,gurs}d ,Jr._; fofty",ft;'fe..ycOJI-o'1d BroUorr. St.:~;s, oh,~,t SOn. ud a ttemendDus 't3!ckJ)e. B.t Pdb HiIb, SchOOl ~n lfite:r.natiooaJ M'imt.neso~~~, 'wh~re. '~be ,'ly D1la'k'l3s, :i~ bo:mc. OiWIly dxteen Jears .old and a, senio\f" young BnlDko ll:lrteady ~,ttam1d$. six. fed 'tall snd weigm: 1 0 pounds, a fig,U 20 I!:lottllds more. It'hrum, M dad at Ihe same ap. Lalit seasea, M ii, v.~rJ YOUD:B, jlumQ1i',~ the bO'y battled 'his WaJY past :pla:yeu !three and,fOW" ,ears old'~' thMl !it.Dli'" s~lf to :m.ake: his oO-llf&~IQe AI-S<t;& ~am. Tb:iiis "year~, 'be.~! a\ls.o'

a lop p'~pe.ct for All..;stB.'~ ho,no[il,. -

'Fr,ant Lci\:rsQn~ ~e -ycnmlS'S'ter's :hwi .. ..;s~oo~l ,~oac.h wd :m tw.c). 'l~me .AlI-America ~d ,bimself ,at Minoeso1t.a 2.0 yars ago, ~e~' 8, ~ot. of [llil.· :fatllJ;Br." in. tili,~ SQ'JiiJ. ~'tThe. bo-yJs Eot as f'Ul as old. BlIODk WM·' says, Larsen, ; hut 'be's lOt .t!h.e sam.e '~enific ~T _d S~~ ,of ·~o itiom. [ColID~le'r BJgb1 iow he's bUl.nlm:1l1 to, eitber M';n~Qla OJ T otre Da;ml~. 'Wbe,~:ex M ,gec,sli I donlt ~eel :hJnll~' 'be can mL~.8.



Ba,ek "n, 'Hass.· dI;e ,ol,d :B'r.G:D.'k.o W~ 5 io"ilm0'.et un' It~dhl! enee be '~8J[t'hered lIDO' -. u'lBm.. ,eFi!, he (Ir'Lve_ to :0,. prA '~'ou'ehdo,wn

J.S't . 'IS"'




C~,tldm Brlee, SmiUIJ is ',r~_fded by' ,gr[d lexpel'ts 8S '~eadin:r caJld]d,~'oo filr !'bR~'k lo,f' the Y~;fUt~:Jll' 'He: fh.~e,s, .1\ P!aJSSt aho'wing'l@ne phas.e of the tl'iple"",t1u:ea,t o,fieh'si've whJ,i~J\ see'ms, ce'rtahll '00 make him an ,AU-Anlel'ijcan . .B,efO'J,"e ,SIe&son ~,5 end, the t8,5;o,poun.d ,Fal'~ Dault threat is certain, 'to' .ho'y,e com,pleted more thRn one G~ph.,el" touchdown llas's.

,.' ..... ' ..... -

.'! i:



.r ~




I!i!' ill


One' of 'the hardest ,hi tte;rs. on 'th'e ~quad~ deferosivel, and off!1iJJ~_ive]y ~. i_s

] '95-l)~)'lu.d Bi]] D~l~y,. Sensa tienal at fu Ub~u)k 'las t ;y~caUi,I',~ th~ ,Mtdr.ole.-St~ I C~oud [unlor may 'Work. ,p;t l'~!:ht balf 't'I'rL~iS year. He hits hard in the l;Ul'~". teo, being the ,AJJ='Uni'v,el'sity boxing 'c:h8m,p~,on. ~.

Tha't Big grin is :not ,ell'lrdmg' tl"Cm 't'h1e bOI',ey' .. mal\~1 as y~'U mtgl~'t W,es;t;errn co'nfe~-enoe~ Most ama~~l\I" thing ~dJQut h btl is Q,'ij,t 'his th'lnk. It's 'Ur'lbtJl Odso,n!, ,(.iaJlt (241 PC,'llll.QS) tqekl,e 'Wt.lOI w,en'I"S, ~'eilih:~ ---,a:~~~e:~ but ids, un,u!5:IUl'~ cam,'bj'n_a,U@(DJ of welrdl~t p~u_s, 'th,e bl,ggest shoulder pads ln ·the U'n~ted S'ta tes, Odson" 'who, bet;Ml~.thAn~avel·age speed.. He may j,o,in, Bruce .in AU... ",. eomes from C1a:r'k.!, S. D,;" j,g ~aJled the bi,rges t ']in,e.sman in the A'mel'.WC~Ul ranka 't.his fe~;~~,"

ANN JlBBOB:, :ftD{lJ[o;-( ~TlilPl B___HJ;l". ~QII_ laJt1 th~ 'til MUm~ ror the nap-

L.n___"iI!U:~ ~-"'" d, .. v I.JI-DI'I-I~ - m.H-.,' II.

~~ FUI';ViBn tt :rsoohte.d 'tibe.m yet bu.t 'wun I: d .. o ,jU ,MDd Ii 'th:im:i..1I ... you le~t@::r" t\1 BBrmiil'D .-i d 'when infVl'1Berl. 'tile Minnea"pob lcit;y· COrm-.

ICU bad oougbt hbu. '_ _ m;;a;m 10i1 ntspherrie!i, [mil,R", a MHftn lof three seorrelus Y:e6iM, a.gaiu___;st MIn .. ,

j nM~'ta.. t~1 ~

Tbe 'Umventty of lWe'W.;m f~O'~bal1: star bad a-fIIiJUsed wUIlreDmen when he 8afd m ,II broad .t that MlieMp should ba"ve

Mimmesomb.'f _thrt9 WIIU!hdoWIl8 m!I'te3ld o:f taIruIlg' a '7-Ii tucking,.

l~esOita 'bad a gNa,t team bnt I swm 'U6J]c:, we iib~lmhllllaye pt four 'touchdowns, a.pjhs,t ·t'l!I!em/t ,g'a;rmoh. 9II:iI·d. 1~,Afte:r &U!J Jt''s jmit a matter of opbd.oo"u

CAPAC' . ITY 110'-'" 0'0' O'

. I·.. . _- '. I '.

'. .. ..'

_. ,.," .. _ - ,1 ..• ··. ' .•



- - . ~,- ::

H'm - -. C· L''ti(I! !CII '~'M!iS- ~, "..11 " •

W· .' .. :.' -:I~N U.N .. :' ~ O,H.'_· " lntr.epl!u iron-

.' .' me·n. fimsh ki!cking' around the Hit .. ,

ler ... ToJ 0 foctball -pumpldns (MuscID.,es MU8S<i!lini ,alread.y has 'been carried off' the field), theil''' next and deserved d,e ... pMO'yment ahoul d be ~ i 'F

~ , !I a .Be:mi,e E]erman quick shift tl"ans.plantl"

Ing' them ; rom the end-sona of' a· f.o\X .. hole to a rocking·. ~n,il" van fa~ge paiNt M)ll the 50"'y,ud ]jn~i'


ITIl at Memo["hll stadhnrrill .£':J,'titf!rn whi C'II ~~QUJ ie"o\fed M'j 1'1 ne-

Il:l<hl.·,s I!h'n! Wifilr' time .fQCi,'tooU eJ~'a.UOIljJ ~estle-rdlElJy Is~ as Us l (:I enn-e im:pU,lll's. fh~, 'tI:n i\1'!fU'S~ty~:s 'l1l0r:1lllJiIX11I1~WiJ~ I II) 'the fj,n'~ "'~Q:dd w.e.r·~ de8(i.. ihrt.if yOU! ~jl't I iii Ol'll4!! ~f 'M1{1~' d'hst~n't Se.Hti,

, OU. wLUadmllt _,f~o:riBlt :Hadhu'iil. 'I. J~ hf!.llIltIJequ:ole to ~erve mcodef'ft d)~mlllnrlls,

U ' iTfil!Bmil'led ni, 'QllliI!da;l :r:o:r Ui.~ !Ilill"-~ri:~ecturral !lip tc Ilb. dI!i'liil'.. Ihl't 1u,lilti ~. io· ~~lk lb'e3i'lllt;'2f ·to .8 1\1,·!Il5, :thUlmjbnll I\itlitl) ,Ji:'tib QIru ~~ IL I±ll:~d'" _. eYlli o,;;ffiew Iil),f .. ib.!)i)IIU~ h~Lflb.Bek !e.liim,p~I'Jmg. !'DII!' t~hc ""~I!!J !i.:K1Jii ff. t <l'liiulmliilo'D7-tli1,.

Onoe 'I),D pon :EiJ timc-. ~ he l~l't~ B_n.!lt \~~'Ile-tat i!N:1 I{nIl1 t Ro{',k· me, lotllring the .:stiiildia Of' r' f' :Ilurul ion to jori~IllIl"lIDlr"at@ his . Ira, vle.ague idieDS 1n10 .: otlJ:!' .- ,81!!l'ne'S rn.-O[f{l;s!!1iI ed/Hi 00, J:I'U~ d,g: h!l;! J'l!!tl!U'I,(!:!:; I!).f Mem·o;tiiEL[ s1t!lJdllll rIi1, in Co;m[pBl:lll;,f "\I~tt! a,HCJi~:l Fa: 'her' f~:'Jm SOUUl Eefld. W:b1~rn. Jle .n!lil~shed tfu!: lcn.llt'~ n,Rl!!lellc'! f,el1lIJI".ke:d to hi! ~Jf!,m[)!ljjnio.IiJJ·:

'li'And th~fce, Father. l.s h.llliw NOT to b'tti]d a. s;lad~!lm/I



IrIs R 'COGNIZED tha't :00 [supeJ'l·Gt:ructYf~e such as drea:mrerls Black g,d Schroeder ha.w iJevel'rJpe>d for ISunda.y TribWle~ m,a;.;ga iDe .[''*lade ra, can be buUt durmg- thEme wa:r-tom ,Years.

!hrt as 5.ehroeitetr. genlus Oil th.1H: Uin~I' ei':SU'y..: of MinmJI:l'!lota 't~c.k@t ofnee ~Ol!'" th.@ l,as'~ 20' :y.r;r3J;r.. a fDJd :now !iJ:.ilte il:ICirnb'mJB. • • ~o·.ne'i' 6~ ;(I .. iS'ronau ties, €l'xp:lain e-d in Fl~ntj va.ledictory:


tipIDalJl- II![ u~t ', sfarri(tdi NOl.'l,f.... 4 [~_ t, . c 1j, ~'rli

~ ,,:repilIIf;', twom :rc :lIDeWl;~t1. ~b!e:D1'Hi '''DiI'' bl ,0', .r"

!I!I"i!iir!¥'tl!l 11\1 ~IHIiI1D ~I 'bill! "lrmd,y '1rr'1Di1lr itl'1le grec:Q, i l:ghrt ...

For wh @Iii'll ·the Wal" IS: ®·\~e[·i t:h~)'e 'wm be a S'Ul'iPnH~ or m u'tj}!r'ialg and, ]ab~ ... , III JiI d 8 de f'il1l lte Itl@@dl 1"0. nil fJ)jC:L" p:roj e:c ts 'lI1il ttl is: t~'~J)1! to Ai iM!llIl:'llI ~!hEil ~ ,;sJi;.tl!'pl us, Artd fh~,"'i!! ls !!I ;tt'1:set'¥!e· r~m d rt g,,!:v D."I,ran a iOl,e ftlir ;. f'im.'n n 1I1:IHwia;.,l sta rt."

"l'u, .. ~~ b!l'fo.l"E! :lljfe steP'f) (lI his 'il1;llL~te-li)ml:l."d .·M'l'tl:m"j;1 be (,'Ifn'l'h r.!l:!11 Z€d th.~ llIeelfl's!'i:ily.· of D. sliRd UIlII!J;fJ,-IiiI'!·,'til'iIl!·fu tl!H'e~, ilitf'liUcd t:o Itbe m,l)"J~eJ:'n i:~d 1 a !1!~:rlllll:' iJ1 aD tll",a'tu:.I:tiof,l. 9,( l iii!!:! Tu ..

. ,

tUir'ie, WITH S.EA~!NG CAPAC]T1! 0 ,100,1000 10 1.10""

000, AT ~ COST OF' ~:2.tJ~.OO!ll

SOft(!,l'IIi l'itgt~a't fiiiUlill1Cia] bUflrte.;n is; ]_lIl"lOo.:F 1110W fii"j'''· ;]rab~ l::!i U~,F.l<'~ :!I ;staflll W[U eliillll be P,!'Ii~d ~'ol" !l)'1IJ t ~,f ~rt.r:i iL·S'c.e~!Ilts .. ~'TI[~ Ii tst o'bJe<:ti'\l'~' ;)ill' t h,G' ::da.d~u.m~f~u; ... fhe .. [u I u'ri!!'," &~'. rl.ail1Lcod Se, 1.'(I~tIle;r M he .hl)l,'ta(Ued wfth .lu·liM: Blaek illi I ri ri'n:ni iI1i upth,e 5latIJl\Uli1 'P,te.bllNdi. j~\ . ·!.1l1!d be ~ 0. [OV~It!:m e ,m; m~ iI1~~ as [loss! ble or th~ ;UH:1CJ1Jl8'flI,C'e'S 0.1 lllJiJ' .~J; &ell'll,t stJf'U1CblJlr'I?."'n' TIiJ.e:se In;e I hrf@.m, ·

_ -Lo.ek 01' ; dGq~8!' _ ~pjB~[thllJg, Q1111m,~;~~y t{!ft' 'UI tcl:'Tb

Itory ~t!I!!"fe(l]~ ll:a:e .blo'tto:s~ fD !DJ;b>'lll Ill, ·11t¥lT.i.t:Olur :In tiftle


~·-r~o, gr~lrt a fU~~Ifi~"jil;, mlfcl '~il'- ~T~'i:i:~c v; ~~e. r!l!\f tilt: ~e:alll.'i m!1!I Uti]: s1d:eUJt1e !Midi ~llIi thQ' :bowl bji 11\ _ Man. 01:' thi! I"lililmn~!nltr. 'tl'1t'!ll;k.

3.-T:'l'lidil)· l'IruOdcqjuo,l;Ri lPa.rklmg· fD.clH~e~,",

bllif:t.ieil!!It iltI';aU1)!t eOiDilfElt~o!n ild iIlIlHire!l!lU.I' '01' Rt!e & ,5-.ln.llldBQUiBl~· of 1111 Mnilill1 eOiB!\1em~e~Ge 1IIJet!.es.!!.l:Il''l'

ra t llirp ,pilljbn~ i8:'o.fih e.~Ii'i~'iI.

~'~Tn dl~uSS'Ling the' first rcqui.l!"lI!'llle~t;U J5chroe(Be;r iI[; , sumed, "it .fI!f®b8_'1ll1l~· is .lmfl'O$,s;ibl e to, bu HJ. . .struct~tl!'~ la.r ~ !I;!' til:! ~(!~nH1J1Qa..a·e all or. 'the gJl!?:rSOJ1S w.ho m i~ht WfIlIl't l,o A tli.:en-d a m,aj'or gam,e,


~.,lI\ t Ol~UIIi" major 1iiI.nrtle:SlQila. f'!ooU:il~J] e;a t.nes, J't; Y,i'~ :I'fi;ot 'U lID' U$.l!I'i~iim to ~:h'a'w 1i~.OO~)< :lfi!f!!iJ."SQM, a n d 'he.l'i2 ~:!> U' tic doub t 'in II!I~ minds oJ . hse of us · ..... HO tJ.a.'IIe wo:rh:i2'd In the tic:k{'~ 'OUic{! ll.ha't H the ¢8,p:n.~ity Wf!~ a ailabltle rm' dOIll,ble U1aif:

Jlftalm'~e1"" l"'F' 'WOULD :S'. 'USEO \~rT8]:N' TW,Q YE'ARS APr.EFt: THE .STRUCTUU WER.E COM.PLET.ED ..







SE1\~'TeQ~ Oli' ~1J[)f<!5,~





I ~OOuA"'tCl 1.J!fdllil'll<l6, ~ t!i1>G!~.",;r' ~~:e:~ AAJ~ ~~q~C ,E\lI!4N

'Ti~ ig P II..&:-t ~ i!J.6 ,. ~ ~ lli) J4 ri$D-f!i' ' ~'~rli:, 'F=tu5e'l~~ ~IP'~ iI'"'\'~r II3.UIIT kl\.!lliOi rr '~ ~MMo-rH W',,"~111t ~,Eia~,c!,,~.

~S. El,MIE'It. ~1I(s.'El!J~ AUj,fil-T lB'I .. Ml!JN, .• SAW 1i»lr~ !Ui lAWR:E~ ~ ~$.




S61',. '. I(ToR J~ [)llOWG ,~ MOW,.EnV.LIU~·. M-J,IJW-i ftJOW ;1\'1 ,~p (.'1.AI~'1JE" ILA .. ~ ~IS ~I A ~RU01(. AT ILA~TE, I' LA ,.


IS' SU66ESlkD S"{ Tl1 ~s 'CAflfCtOU '?

Y, •• JJi4A,"l p.~ O~ SPl\[e.C:M Ii'S· 'm IS "'U\A.,- I "~\1E UIJOE.llUJ~i.D ?

'SllIC:I,6f~'O BY . Tf'< .... u."IC.J' MD' f{Q'.\I!,"(Nli.

D~"Z!IER A-..ID MllJ.OO ~ e.AER. oF 1!<U$ .;: ~='o iiCJWIIJ f!;UQ, ~rol.U~. .#l €:>&'. I(:.?', .~'


A:.vSt~,,, ~,,~ ;2' ..


Eo&. IR1lNlBIUETT& I~JU6 1T),ow.~~, A ~JJ!LJ'cn~ Ar ,JPii~lO~~, ~.I).. ~, I.L1¥ Gt:J;s:~~

L4 CIlQ~-s.- ., WI,~,





· 1



-8 of 1940

. ~

laban ,~ IJoie JalDDik r ,'elorg'e F'r~n\£k[ll ,Io-Oaptl

r~~~~(llld. Co~Capt~, ]3"~:U J oll~s,ou~~o,~_, P~f'f'r,~l:~:~~

P 11 ki uta, Bill Kuususto.JBob Ko.'] bnel II J' ehn

lnteh, Warr,en ' lunke "J' Bob J immy Sh,earel~'1

Thb."ld row: Gene Fli ek, Jrban 0 d:sO'D.J, N,en L~tma:n:l' c.~irpta'iD .. eleet Bruce SmithJ' Bj]' D'3,1e, t. Fle~ V ~nt Hull Dlo ,._ ol:a:lldeFIi " et~e Bi~fm,:a.1JS!J Ji:mLu'Sbih,e, J oe Hirsclun' t BiU 1B"8'Uu~galftne"rf Dick ~Tndu'm~

TIC) P ll'i01!if; X, n!uDoU N e~JSon I iSeniC?E mana gel ~ " 'I" Llo! d Stehl, Itert BlillS~Oll~ end ecaeh : Bema ,. head[ -~o,aeh.; Dr.. G, H&1IJSe,1f~ lin,a 0~:U9.'cih

I cCol"mliek. athletic di!'~cto,r;; Sh,eld,om. Beis,tt

C oaeh ': Osc.a.r ' I unscn ~ "'ulp-meRt, _ .. ~',., n~

Jo'umal pll,ot'o b ' Wa]fD;1 'B ell.)


(lIn d }:"If), ~ _ .• (I bmith I B,u.tch Le1' Ed, Lechner'

d Stl'Ri Q~1Il GIii)l"d,Oifil Pase:bkal' ,Judd], Ri.nrar~ "Bob


'" -



BE' ,,; ro:h,'il' "IV~'I

i2: 1._L n I ,0 (j .. 1:9, V l' Q 0 0 I' " " 7 I IH 1 I !5i sos
rr~i I ~, , it3
~ i I ! l I 11~ Ir, i l'111~ r ~j ml;2'n Il~' 11~ ~ I ! ~ 7D I ! I I I ! '[ I i I I I l t ~ I I~ ~~ ! '~lll ~, lU~
, ~~, I!Ii U <6i 7J, J1.1:i:
~ ~ j;~' i n: ! I , ~ , I II 'I I I i I r I I i~ 1 2~ I 7 I ,I)I ~ I I II , 9 I 26 I c6 I l~ I 3 I : I , ~~, j 1],! i [I '~: I a: I H, I ~l j !lJi I ~ ~ _lJ ml :au
o I 8: )_ It I Iii!< III 211'. 3:3l :13 ,15 '7
I ~ ~ ~ ,~ '~ , ! l' 11 ! ~ I I ~, , I~QiT~'~q :ill I I[ JI I 1:f<l1~~r];I( 61 I I ~]a~1 r ! S , , I I I I 10 I I Ii 1 I IMf
!is, ;2l:L, Q -0 U l:ril -';2' I 0 i, 0 _it
~ 1 1 ~ I ~ ~ ! I ~ , III ~ I 1 ! I I I I ~ I i 1 Il~ I ! , 1 ; ~ II II :i; I '1 \ ~ ~ll I' ~ ~ 'I it I ~ I, ,B i l'm1
~ ,~,
I ~ I i ~ i ~ I I 11 I I , i I I i I J j I' ~ ~ I I I I II I 11, I ~ ~ ~ I i , i 11 i~'l ~ , B I ~I \ ~ ~ Ol~ !5~
~ I i II: __j 11 1 ~ I I J I t II I I ~ I , ~ I ~ ,I I I I I I I I I I ~ 'I I 11 I ~ ~' I I u!; I U" J 'fl, ~ ;~l~1 18"0 Iirlne5ta 101;1

I end 'b, e nl.m@[i t)WH('J!'I~ Sm,i'~h "I' th' Chi fj;

. spi'.!{!iaUy ,cl1olt"p" tor 'Goph1er fafL~ ~!lJ gobhl up.

~-~--~~__.......__....",_-~- '<l..l" SmHb;

I '~,Fa \~olr'l 5: in ijrl,;.h~,1!' .;;;ecli Il)rtI:!:; rR1l, I bu l :MIra ne-s.u:r~ j'us~ ke: ,1Ji~ f'O~ I ~ng ifIi IOJll)f. ,Andl ,f!;Im' ~e~aljolf'll Hili t.h e- C01!l:n. u. e '1'1i 'n~ -l1;:'h thl:!' eom~E!!'tmillll'll lr:I t~ tnliidweB ;, ~ .}i.1Ji {':so,ta' pow., pr hZllS! b-~J:1 CI'l UdZ1:!lII as :pmthictn 8111 uml'll resti;ng lty'P! olf to(!l"ba I~ .

TIrt _ rlU fW~sm 'i.vil)uJ'1li .iii \'~ ::lOom

l:rn hll i ( th,e Go':p,hr ~Oiwe, wa'

;e', . b-OOj,f:) 11 !S'f.Jll.ashe~ 01 11!It'i ~ an d

I ~w@ Y dfi, bu ~ \ .hrflcn nli<t~y Or Bw'Cjg~r CUtC',"" tbr(liI.II~b the Hil'!!) alf1!i1 riUlli'l tmm 111 ~, :20 ,Y.t3I:t-dS. I'll iI" ~'.riti.' cl:iifi} is absu rd.


@ Ct rFI of 'hI'"

I11'II 'I:b '1:;011.

Victor, Sfr.' I


N:h:llU!!ISs(fa ,13;" W1 :(!elilllb~ Iii 1940

Mi~l1e !!:lIb, 19 .. W,~, ,~m oin It,

i:mlesoi;l III' R _:au '-iC ?;;

M~:ail:l;!iojil :19~ IOh~o St'III'L 7 .. Minn,eSGta 3'G" Iow\H, 6 .. MiDlnl!El!s:o:t_iQ. tiS" 'l1"O~lh'PN'IIiIl;t"rQ'iUII


Mwnl1~!!!a,ta. '7~ MWeJdglilljl Bli :Mim' 'eS~B 31" P,n::dig 6" M~nU9Qta 2 Z",W;!S!i:Q; -lin 13~,


M~ftllm;501- 14,M W Ih mit MI, 8.1 MiM~ iiltB- 34. I!]jin~_. is

Min·· esmdD ,1,9" ,PjU;h1!l~lh II Mbnue:aaliJa 7,~ ,liCi~b.ig_ m~ ,M~~m ,!loia l'iIl Hor.~"l"mlWtell~r,a ,. l'4'bllil:Qseo.!i:a ,91.,., .Reii:irillS : I 1111", Mint:li'~~t~, 34l!! l~& la~

MimHfl50,i 11" Wi EOa;dg Ii



W~"7' . II:

- -

"'TI!!i,p ~ral1n ,®l;jjJ r'l'1e ill.

, 'liS "'b,' 'lJ)iNIl' ~h i.he fl.!) j'Qn,'"

Fr ailLt:'1s Pow~r" lid the Cbj'[!JJ, (II ''D&u.b,. , eWI; s81i111 ~~~e:5r[1la, !' 511'.i.1l!I'I,~;:!dI ~h mi!!l:!it 'kem -n,c1ollL.s pilW'.

e i" a - If ID.'EI!fatedi mlle . till(;! . ~,

ran gam; Brl~rC -. 8m g v

suen UI . 00 !be r:a '!lie'k," Dob

. SweJ ,- J:' \,~, ,II, ,potent lBiCoo Il", and

r BJU ,Dru('Y':!'I~rific: d1:a..rg~ ~Yern

most ,,fJ"I!C'U;'!, c. ' •

A noEll he iowa ,d~i!I1'~ ?

B@r' M'CGf',(IIlle Q' 'u'e ,Of'S Re, Dsl~:r.;

Hel~ri!!'!S lUohili!:!'s


M'l"':I!i;n.'f'D'I~O·· '. IT! ~'S· FOO-'1'fflD .iI. 'IWL· IQIQ'U' 'An 1..::: ... 11 .. '

Ju:.L~~ ,L'. . . ' ..•... '.!.~ '- itO·.. .AU ill' "aD, au .. I.~e

h~'- ,h foIL'" 19' -1 and posell,bly a 111'W :p eak sutce9134 m ,gl"imdin11 au a 34 13: vietQry olVer - htr]ll~" k!€'Y'eid Iowa. teru., Sa tu rd.:m,y a.f'ter-nl~on la, IO'w'a. Cl:ty.

Cc:rt..alnu1.."i ~'8, .'he 'i,N,.'.' dlispl 11 , illll' power antIJ bl"lJ ,

Uengtb_ Ul' t t~,e CQpll~r5 hay!? "Uti· ]o(J e lor m- ny a, nl .•

Tare h£?hilld Q(IiIg l;Oljl:rhd:.n~n In tlie til' OU"ee'

- ~ til en we;r.,;r U e.d & il:;w ' !bOil C' tHiorwns .8IJ)I;e(:~

JII1 h" ~Q.n-d qJ 'U III 'r f, ,e t', b liL . I' h,fi:'j1" .5t;~u had SIllI' Il'tU.lllicll th.a,t t.ll1~, ,com. . 1 ,t ely eonflOl~ed 'ta . p.,Jay lb thie t'l'CO'ArdJ

.Ifi t:b~ .firsl; pl!-Cll:~ Mtnl'le ota' . (Ill: n~' , ras 'be JnOi,lll' de - j;D'UvSJ

,I_:I'. tlile Year l!IiiSl '81iJ!tfe BJe:m1a:n, C!Dlf'llitb'i'liJlEcli tlo ,BiIl1!S;liN',B'f' ea:UJ1~ 'Whio'

. ~ MiS 'reanl"S; p~Y Js 'UfilJiDtar.e:9'~i (g J'.

.se(!~ndlJ~'H :em G~l:',Il,8Ias did] ~ YCgl Q, m a rn IIi ce,n, jub ~,l' h lBI:ndUng' J ,afielUitV{l W -!:lOBS lha.t .!lEi dC;SlIl!;r\"e th'e 11~ Dr IOf be:mng on- lot 'me' c~hre'wd~s.t quar -e~sl:!aCkg tn .M:tif.1!DesQ.' -2!/, t:ti~toI'Y.

~h' ',or ,II .r:- a tlJllan,. bIlL till 't:'hc 1I'li\\I~Ii'!l.Y L\ D!I'':: U,I IU~ '\ril".h .[fll]" IJi)OQ"lullml IJlQ1 rtI ~ .''11.... N'Di m t~· t, b U f IQ~te:u EddJ' ADd~lr ID!II1Ji ,;Iii' ,[,.",1',', b,led: hu' :rr ,UillQ "11 fI! r,f:c&.§;il'; ,D,HI JU!!!, ,delfiFuu: .' ,'i-rrPij' , ij,t~ IJIQ' ~rb)~p.llII1~ 'lI'fl' Jli~l"iillllll,n :bpYi II!) 1D,.'e!Et 'l'J!u~r ' - ~i"ted .foUl n.

Tbe GOpJH!TS y; 1'"e 0\ , dle-liEl'lil ,j"ifeJ,Y BlgW-nBL l:aJerug,M as \',! II ~_QI~t.h'W\· tern. Thf'Y :J!Uililt-e 'thu lEi .ketl gClOdi oU'ensiveJ ,''BI' t fb' - ot.h~lr victim tbrntl! 11 "he iE' sen ,,'U till, \' :r.' lIliilY@ 'they Shi!ilW'h -'hIoh m'Jas.$Lh )" d'd at I~~'a Ci ''Y.

'TJju~y }lad @,,"'Sl"\' . "'1.1 In this \'ietOl',lf, -, robab,], lUI, ~lQ5t 1m~

. ami' ~ 'Ulelr [poi ~ T.h,elo~' elie unrter 'fi.r~ fr-om the ,st il:'t~ but

l1ey ~iI!I\"U fa] let di

Th 81J gtl'i "the I ifl til ey JIIeed!ll.!i ""hen Srl1'Ele S:Itt:\H:11J OO.DJ - m Dldi

tben fil::rElgh:t O'n ,MIlO' l1e~ erei!li J n 'lJIie' f,orm (if Eo'll a.'s trllak b"'u1.~,

d'I!!IW1iL 'tha' tied, Jthe loCCI(.re .lin UU!!' :i!!tO,r,jdi l;m'ilJalf.ter.,

For Jong HllIJ • " 11,- I'D' 'ftlfliS .. [~ 'be '~J.I:!lI:). "m.~itllt th - gr

-.h~w J,.riM~~· rut on to.r ven t .," l' I'l' -ill n UO\ll,r e, -n '

had 10' ,:P;;liY l¥rbu, , eo to a desllnfm 'ilVIDII'I:!!l'",


• iThi£!!~1 wi 11 tIP-U, 00. rOlf' U1II!J :Ji',,,, tiJJJI"IlI !ill! BrUce 'sml ~Ih~ 'Ehe. d'Pa.l1~'bl!." GoP]~CJl' haJ nli~ck, ''W JJh 0 iii, [ 'whl!llnll.

I MJIrlJi1I1!~Q'l:al Was Wil'I!:i Li'lllg ~ ts ]lIlllW@'f' j I'! lht! ill'lul;V IF!, tf E "i COULJ~rN'T CLICK. THOSE GO. PI. ERS. UNTIL SMlTa' '" TH HIS INJ "RED [u'mE CA1!.1E I',

ro tAKE PERSONAL 00.'l.


DRI ES ., • ~

~ ill

'iNo on~' J.'lI;lf, wm &l!Ib!5tanUa ,Ul e cha r f' ~ ~,M Mhln 'sota' 111 I!!'S U.rwJJh I}] ee hanl c-.a,J fOlllltbal1 ,Il!IC)1f1I • Whf'n til, H '-. k~ u~p- NIl ti ir

0''1, J' n 1i1~ -op,h; rs \ .... '{WIn~ 10 Lhi .

iii II!' • • •

.... w i t.h ' ,rJlHle.h peJ'Ii ,II' I1s Jii lin n t.=:zij)1 fI ,"lIU MU:I!H~r. Ih~ {;iUI'PI'i@~ 'ralm'~ .ft1dp bU I(JIIr; the go.ld r.ft.:]ihh)iiH~di ItJIrf)[' k "M·~ dow lij ;p i'll~ r'VfiH1i\'P1 I':r:p GI rilliolhAi-N" :a!JA L tlll1P:Y y ~iN1 the:ilL' sl~d ~·hifllliTiOl ... tSt"ll cs M: a 1!i,l!Ic ':; r I!!!',," I h, I I ri("k " I.{l!O~

•• AJ~'d h@11 ~Ireci ".,..

0:11 h~~'-lHH UII'I! Ehl I :~

And ~i-,,~ c to itll i~ J:rom .n'EI \i',S

n.t~· "vrlle':

G:rah am] 'fio'llev. 1NS- ·''Break u.p i llt" GQ,J:'tIhil"ul N·1i!! ill!;L'}![J 1h"~ ma(:l', UUil t. :!l,u' ,esUO:l1 ~~et, b-ltU ~Iltll lel~ U!!\\I,5 VOtu d lilt' Big TeJll 'nan~'ed ZU.flIpk~. Cl'is"I2,r. Wnldt!lr~ an A=. dCl'liorn In i;S;h" ,ar.e-I] '1\1~' roStI!c.h. an HIe ~'ffldid hav,e ,its points. T,h' r. 15 D .,~ rong ,.. clint' UUH ill COl'll 11,8 . ed StuihJd,roeher :niU3~}~ je in Ihll!d F

'~!lIiI'1Il-l:8' tOilll." .-






ClI: iOR ilin,~, :t!i!i:!Jm~ ~~, !!ilnlY }!le!ll~',. Hili, llI'iBlllt ,plII,'Ii!itng' !iliad, l''IolilillDiQQ' w'Qg_ld Il!l~ bimDg.!rm: if he' JUild DO' ot,bflil" '~1JIUi:iJe<51~ ,Hill, h~~ ~I!!I\Iin(p"l1"uJ,_ , leaaeifship and.

"]" ;, " 1'; ~:L,_

,;' '.;mi~R:i .P~:ru pmill ~ :I:!l!ii&M

:iG,llIIith.f'~ TbKIQ' :m;iLi:IIIi' fgrw' f'IDot:tiilli! lP~iIr"il'I' tiki!! :hi~i'~"

Th ,,.C ver

D!)1" CiE:ORc;,:E: ED!MDND

Hig'bUgb,l81 ofJi ool,legre. f,(lIQf~biIJlt 51!! iiUii~D5 i;re Romecoml'ing w_k_d:L F'Oiil" ,thoJusqds: oj 'tJni,y.e,r!IdJ:ly 'Qf: 'M'inaBSIOila gll:"a.l'b:UI ~&S flt,is g, ,all eBp~iitll, 'ba,PPY' H,~o'm'ng weeken,dt 'Ib:'e' fi:(~1 'in four yea:" 11,oj o'V'&t'shad&weud by' 'war_ 'Fair ODe 'old, gr,.d., :lhe Gophe:r.s" !brUli8:n;i: ilDd ~elll~w,hH, head. f~ i;i((baU eeaeh, 1'1 ia, a sp~iCial HO[D1eclQm'mg~

When W,8:r silr.UiC:'k, 'Dec~ 7 f UIi41!" II ie::nulm~ :thUD II major lB, fhe ,M,arme Carps BeaBwvB. a'lmod imD,ed;iatel~ 'waS! Ica]le~ k) active du,I]:"~ _ 'H,e, ~ 10 l'ieu:liana,D'f coIDD'e~~;ii sen'~Dg' ;a'S he~a 100l, the! lfa.vy~'B' p~nignt' EJ:i,ool • Joofhall :te~ a t: Iowa CUy' in 1941;, co.m:pill'~ng' a, mam,clr.'aDle I''8C~d. ,ed vic:tMies.. F o~low1Qg' tg,ij'l '~e !!ler'¥e,d a,l: 'l!ifi!rd(iJ~~ 8i1:a.:tlQ1t~, :fh'rco1ug'hout :tse C~Q~ lry ilI'D!d, was l'i:t!ir,ad t,.o.! Ihe' lD,aC'~iye list 'in, 'Ike middle, af UJe '[ 944: ,f~otb:aJl se\oJson ..

He ,:reb~ige4 to MllinesDI:I.. but a£;I'~ ODl" :lD ,BJII: ,;;Leiv isor, c-apa.cfly w~th the 1.94& Gophslrs", 'w'ko W'e:tlQ (U:re~t~ by bis lins C03iC'b,i' ,D,mi'" IG~8

Hlru.r'~ -

W,ifh Iile :i!I~iln·l 01 ~t:. UltS ,seaso.; B:~_-~, ,toa'k 'ChUff" ,alg'&~.. Hls tea'. :Ib,as .bee\D ~D d'ppla.l" t:hllee limes.. ~iiIi:!nS'l Missouf'i, lind :r or t W'ill'iI"8'D .. ,iI;tJ.d a 1 :lhls;H,omec:om:ing q',II,me .Ub N or:tliJlw""I err:n 'wheD, Go:,ph8ir laDS :r"ea Uy we'~oomed ,Ilierman ha'c~ to the fojd"

M':iDD8Soi:,·s ,1,oy~l fOIUcrW'8:r'3 a~l'e'ady i!il",e h~-okmg forw'a;rdlo 8), _:retuiln 10 the ,gloriEls, 001 :tke G'nld9;P, IGca,p'hs:fs, ,in :!he P~&'Wiilr di;Jcad~_

,Biie:r.m[iUlr iI! Ga:~'her s,lar' in II 'is, Q'WD" iI"~g:!lfl be:i)a}l"e W,!l)rld W~!' I,' to K~.n,M,Qta, as, head, cueh i~ T"ulaloe in 1912., Betwa1$D f'hll!)n ,aad. whetD. 'he lef':1 to ~ve wU'b Jfb:e Mla1"laes a secow.l ''';_'8' i,a w,~' .. ~el ,b!'ought MiillBeso;~a Big, Te'lil CD ampil~'DH:i,P,9! m 1.9~,'., lsa,7',i lSI'!,!, 1.949 ,and. '1941., bea'ldu III fie with Ohicl S~~a b:.' :Pi 1,9~5.

F J..' M' G':'-· I .. ranCK to/ arry 1·11"

'W" ':"h 0""'" R""'" dH"'·'

.' :' ",.- I" ", ... ·.-:-:1 ,".",. I "," . ::-j . ," ".,' ..

",' ',() ',,' ," nee ' ~',~ a%ze,/" '. ,- .,l'm

D~ ~h;hru~: w 'h.-(JF!,~'F~Jf,u~g Ca~ dicit GGi),f,ge Fl;'an:Il:'k. fOlt'm,er ,~n~ ,Arru~rioo'll1 ib8!ek. aL ,Mln 11I'B:5!ll!tHu. ";ruli::!'/ij;day ,,~'Ve ,~ ~iam.Qlflidi to itiJ:c ,gh:i w'l!Io ~_1'Ii ]'OO~p:'!r!'e iti:l'fim Lh!2' ... 'bc'rlL')!, •

~~~ gill ,j, Mi~ 'Mal1joa:l;e B;!IJU. :Bl.StUc, 'Cncl~'1 J.1l"''''I!iIL, iii,'" tiDi'm,~f ,C!!!!-, I~d, at. UHl! U!!l1:il'iJ(!'i:-l;ii f;jf iililf'l®"' .... a,

T"Jae ,fiDOUU:liC,C sib:emm,!t':iii f.l'il!!!n'I :iIlI1 ]U'\Qs,s, :p~ct.1i.I r.~ !CHlilin~lhe~ on. th.e' e'l/,!'C_ D'f U!i~ jj:9GSI ,l\'ill1ir'iiC'Bo't.a~~)I:J'WB j1I:illim\" The 'picbue sihlQ'w,!!!'i!I F,f::;JI pd{j, ~!tRr G6Ili,llre'i' 'tiJ~e'k. h,Dll~d<i:n~ P'!!, 'fOl\711 :IJ:'Illtli jj m~~'l rc'~e:~vel.'. TilLc. OO,.tj{l.'flI qUdL"'I!Id l!l~I:1R aa blLT~Ing' .set jE~ '''Il:ioii\lk m,li'fWll)~ ~1!UUl,!!'.·~

',;Vhll:'1iIi 'llJ~ "QWk'fr~1~, ~~F-L'f'k!l!lcii

D(Y Nir~ l~~,~,ni.~'k; '~1f5e'~ ~~m Ga-

l! bO,l"ll, :JI a~9, Nr~S9, BaU Wtm:'6"tii:!' Frs [iI);:;'k tlla:'t nIG' :Dt':tL~1i" 'c.O!nCi!!ii'!!~f'-albe Dlo.r!lll 'il!I~ :f:laS:1!i. 1;!~9!e',!J .f!!1!Id ~("ss, an t'11!t.:!j',h 1IiJ'iJ~,lP.s. F~Mek WillS imilidgu:ea ilil!ltOI g,~1: '~_o mlee:t M]g_s, I ]~}!!l !~, ,at'~, tti.~ Dr,F.IJotE' tcla;;rs ~(1:l"e 'tibli!' if!l!!~ 100001'[l'Jig :spij!Qg.

N iIl/!iN' 8rta;~iifil;n1c'!l ilJ: C' '0' 'I" !p u :s

Ch,Fi~tai T.e~~. ~~rh ~I"C 110 '~Ians' tiQ !pJ~y ~'I!I th,ill' :Illa:v~~, ~,h: b~!jl~ iliOO.,m nil is 'f~d I. F'i'1i!.!IYck, ~ e[llIL'O'!lJJ~Q to '~b~,rc:Bg~~ wherre Pi:1i~ nlglhil: he win be' 'bi!llrVo,r!2)d, ill.! the ml®~t ¥ru~, 'LUlIIblc' iPl!II!Y~1' !i)JiI, tlite un ,~JH,-st~,1i" teElo'Dlt. M~s Ba~11 D.lHi 11Jl~ p~Jie;ntlii 'II~"j'U ,!;I;CC@fill(JiliLny llltm,

Lji~~'. D:amldl V:run 1£''ifPJ~ ,:fontllt'l MMD!BSQta and IG~,een Ea3' Ptac"kC!~ ,[yJ]lbi1ck, IJ!EHil Dr~el 1(;I_.;y" _, e& orl 8;1 aY'ton,~ M~ "I' "W~ :manie(i .8~nAJ1j3;y ~ .. S~cFam'~llto'l' CaU,. '11M B~ierYjl 241 has ~u~,t won Ms,

I p':) hn,r,s' W,!I!~~:5: bit lilt" l'¥CS lenas l ~:J!"my ,MIL" ,cQ!r,ps tra1'1!1iing S'Chool, .H: i:!il bJr.]d~ 15 ; I g,.

.IIi4 MrJIII ~


.' P"'itj",J#:j, "'_.., 11,·. - , • .., p' ··ft:~..,.. ftl,bl"

[ ... ~~~, 1HtJ4, .. · ....... fR~.

Gop.··.· hs[[rs[, Like Yankees.,

I"j I_I

[Hav[e ITop.··., 'E:rr' .,-"'·ttack

, I

I Pet Was a Foothallr:

e Wouldn't Have Doqs.Cats

Sir ST.E1IE QIIlm cmCAGO-.U;PJl=TWlif.lOwgJa. the :year:-s :§m:C~i J!~,e S'e1'mJ!J1Il1 ",' 6ecam.~ jiEja!i :~m.~, ~[ 9£lliI MI:n.lii~t!li!.'~ GoMe,D, [GClp;i .~ hti,'V,~

. 'beelIiJ Jl~e tlH~ 'YlD\ke~s'. Ma;k~ ~ne' mLSlg'Jte agMMl ttL,em ,EIm{i. ~bey'i1. 1}:]OIW yo:l.!tlr.' lle8id, off.


, ,AU otav@]tI tll~ 'be-.~nre: eq' .l~ 'lbe. G~eY,sop.1Q· t:hi'b' m, 'm~ ,

[' matieal. cl'll2Ul,Ce~ glt), 'S~I;dle-'~l eft1l,(;~in1fzy f[md M.Q&E OF,IdEN [' T,Rm NO,']" 1TH.~ BR:EAKS FINALLY' OO'METHEI~ W.AY.

Thts ~m~y (:j.~ tl!i~ 'J.t.~?' ~O< m~rlJes(:J . !'is ~[)e:niQ W,~srer[i~,n~, e~6~ lliUo I~femse' htlM'lt~l" aga;m' t llllJmtol!\ P1I;3r:e;imlly~!j Goo' [ JiiIi:~~ ar'el tu i!lI!\IJl)e:rJo.t ibillltt iII'O:liiIe GImi teU tD:1r' ~e1i'tmn 'W,Ii;!!8t; so.mot '0 , bc~ Bq~ ~QPp'b '\lfW "&V8 i\~Jilpplil 'I1IJ ,tor 1I'I.e U!lwfile~g mild.,

Whe:Iil, 111 i~(j(ls: npset Wcl1~~g!SlD ,!ll'lild Hall:'.rnon 1n 1939, :Mille1Jil pJB WS1J;j d_o;rai~1~i1 fr~m ~Jle 'tbJr<d per:lod. o'iI., na~ J;icll:eil J'em. :~ln- ' '. nS$o1a ~PiI~ [It'®.m be'h~lld m ,UmieS ihe1[g'tllt g rnes 19J.S,tc flin, iBl1Ll1 " '. T.:HAT· EAG'II~l't ALONE SHOtrLQ .BE ENJJUG,H TO PJ:tEVENT

> A" S]]J,nLAn ]L~lQiIS UrR: §.ING.

~~~ wU][ ,Mtge;~tFiiJi N'ol"thw;eraw~ fm,d 'Mh::Mra ue :f.l.11'ti'~ t.{!~ 1m. Uil'r~e[ ,~i,f fo!.!l r; gaJmes ! 1lI!\i'.o1vlmg· Ell Telil te~mt'JJS '~l1b: week. .,' IndlUt!}!I 11:. a to\SSUR ·.~t Te~u '~~S'Uq ..

)ly ~'OE IlENDBJ:OXS:Q'"

J.i~·:r.s. Vim. O.nDaBS~, miO't:h.,~1" ~. ,tI~1I!: !G'Q.P:fi~t~, :I:Ug], was: @n~'O'~i~!' !SmilrYe l'rIlnn.~~~,_,:fCiO'liba!]l '~~~" tu,~ ~Itl ~i1Ie '~~@ateli' 'tJIDe O'LhJ~1l' liib!Y., Sl!a!~'eltl! lIL~t till! ~@'l!." w,~ antI:;] , Negro b!lll(Y wham. ShiEll s~ ;~'was Cl1!~il!i ~s; 'h~ [dleke.ns:'

[mpn~~~ ~~, tile ~'[J~i~i_m, J:j,i!!l w~, ,sh:@,w ..

Jing', Mljs, G'!I;a."maas lil!'~(t] ~¥(ll' ,and '!r'JU]dsne'.J'edi UBI]] 'G;ar.n,au lis m . 'tt01(.·'

,][,J!I~ ;rj~iply Iil4lmc· wiifllt III 6~,!~EID!r DALE1l' m MIN&~'

Tlmrit, ,s.8':Y,iS Mn. hiilj'i'li:BJ.8;S, Is J'u.s.t.I[lI[JfC e;:;GBiJi!liJII.J~e I!lIIf '1.J're "'hl(ik~~ ~, (;;o,p'lfi.eilf' -, ·.otb.ei" g.eb: all'li; (Kf fThOtDSJl

w,SJl' ,he'11' liilliQm ']U~~ 'IN,an PBP,{lF. ,M~Fey' II1UI!peS ~!ilI; '~t:cliilmf:i an ifII~t noo~SiS. 'Y ljj'lLID:g(!:[r. ibrof'ti1.M! :Ne:stlOill,. a1:so ,Q g;oDili loot..'ba11 'P:]8y~:r:! ]!iL8i]]s: t!!i! '~iIllitst' t~_e ll]illLte~it.Y ilIm,%t ye,:i!iJ~. i\\'h1le 'bJIloth.oQil" a "'I!!!RKel!' rn.O'!W.".........;I;JO the sw~mmi;ng :mmn.

D.lilll.l' :B.~o:rtli!m!.~ "0 ld!!!l n'llg,tJlJElli'!! ~H!Ii; :1"01' '~lm:rainij :in lJDodi:sWI,'IlJiIl. Be, Ukgs, ,any .. 1ttiq ~D ~Qir1!' 1u.I;t 1'IlPt b~[1) mtUel~i. Be get'!l ]ji~Ci9'V 10,ir. d~c;p'i' ~lIiIt J!iI)'t '~!!i!1i Inl~gh!. 'H~ 'flih\i.dlie~ bJlilCd:, bw~ '1Ill~,1:; ti.O!ilI' 1H:' !LClli. Ana Ihb Dl0'llfl, :says Ibn '~h~ '.w,~' ~lliIe w.gl1:t~ ~t ..

On' m(ij"e' $~~l]iy,"

Jlge~llitl~ tim! ~.I1tQ~' mo\redi 'lD olS®9 CoHa::."f. lB,lfe!l)Ue S_. ''J:>"b bQY \Vhltll Imad liv.ed. in :tI:Li!~ DIIJ'U2Q ~!3IS8m::t tn .. QI ""~fifl4 ~l!ill:!!l!U~! ]n tt:flie iI'IIc:tig:n"~lln:':hoil1idl. tlr.>Bllt ~G~ ~~, ~Img W ]~'G'C' O'!i.i'!; ilh~nl! SIi;I' a;., ~:!Ii.Dg. 1M' ~o~t!i;!l'S ~as 'iim :lili8JM '!;,lI'hi'ltli the Mll}vi;ngc Vain, [l;JYill~d :Y'.. ~m.e;[Q'W'. Bin WOliSittt p.Et"-sciI'Il!tLa:Wr til'! p,liOlle r~lUif, md 1IrJl"IS'. Ga:rm lMI!,Q l.'nCrBlWI:s ,~.h;Bit t~e lI0U;lit·" 'wDl,,:ried. veiee ~k~d:::

iC'I":!l: c ~.hl:S, "c. ~e 'e th,!:. 'iGQp:hlf:'1' "l!l.ia~ll~'rba¢k ]i.1I'es T G~iiI~: G,OQ!lUlcye,!~~'

E'!II1!!~lrfQn!J :R1i,i:Ilw.s bow II d~i [i!:InJoo's h i:n:g aw mm g'@iiQ£ ,r;fe~d. !O<lIlt itl'llern' 0'Jl tha ~g-dd:i' Of'll. 'E:ut

w ha t, aO;es ,8, moUim tllfuink;,;-'

",!ii' ..... 'u 'i:'_c.. . ~w. JU](!IW~

W1e. W iD m [e 1"11.

'i Ill1 ,1t"Ii "t, 'UJt1dlll't'i S1t8JiLd 'Ulte ga:m~' ,so w,e<n/! li.;1H,.,

Q ,BI, :r tii II 1i a, ~iifl" p.lillbil!s. i.[ lutow ,I l1lidh11l·t;: e~ :g'@l l!®JrQD"~'ba U :g~€!sJ w:til· 0 It B 1,11 wo b~ II :1 g'b sC!l}aD~. ;Eli 'IjJ, 'Lin (11 W I '~roliL "t: m;i !S'.S, ill ll., tIHl!'l1Irgl~ I ad-

't\[[itS, lflo:LA ~AH~1:A:t\SI .mirt. I m n~' ,9· ,e~li,n

,'IilI.eJ "m!Qt~:e;r. ''lAI\"!f' _al5o!l:t ri[~l' .9.il1 getting blU~U'

·'W'i!!I.. y'O'u tllhik M thaI\: ~e!lDrE" ~,u ~Oll:l&eoili:: to liiiri pl~1t!~g' ;EIlt(llr"':si~!. ~y Hift.e.;r' ~II!I, ~e.§1~~e· 'Diat fgq[liIiaU i~ :hi.s H e.; y-q" ,do ,9]W y,~U c.SJR to hle~p n im iSucceedJ a;~. lit llil'fd yo~ ~,'tl[lj'~ ~et ~m~;; tlu~g' s!il,nd ttl 'll'~~ W~~'~, ~Oit e!"'e~ ".~u~ -iiJf'ui' ~~

,M1'5, Gm'li.:(ui~) ~ mother ,~t ;9:'I,I'!i!' ,C:hUben ,~rnd a wi(lO''W to(1\' ~ 1 :Y:'~8J~sJ s:il!~~ Q,uarJ.erba'c:it BI·t] '"~:t fm f'oMtl'a]l ,wli..e:m I; if: w~ ~ld [ef,l:~'!iIgh c~! W8J~k. A.~ a 'y,ou:fsltie'r. :BiU :aaa_ 'lIlb, ee;~ 01'" ~dnf~Bl. ~t-mo .. ~·'·~ tor; p.c,t;s-jrUsil: ,R 'f.lDoJ~~fI,

~.'I~,!ll'S" EPi.J:eJ:l' bme w~ ''''''9a~led '~\Qi tak'e a p,~~ ~U!OO of bi~ ne hllJJ~ t10 bold ,k. f~ 'ibaJ'llil, W,~,lir-' !I}\tiM"' b .. elii~. ,R '~@.'ripa~! ~a.(ll '10 iI~ iiJ;]'il!l'lll..' ,

]'O'uOJg GafitU~a~ ~t lM~ 8n'&1' gli~~e [®.:fl thQ

ii"'! .. /1;;. .. - : '~i""- 11"'", lill\\\edi .n~H ,tJ!i£l' ~t8.d~Ufm. H~'

uCliP~lfiI'51 . .!i!li"'1iI, •. !!O' _~ • _ •

l;r~!ri, ~ 15nie:j]t ~J'jito tlfj,e :p1(l!'li!CH~fi 'H,~J:dlwhilJlllliiit.''W'Ci'I'' he ,oould. ;e.n' a.~,~ UIJe, fumil¥ 'OO,MCGI 'w Nm't;~h,. :6 el~. B~ U ~Cl!~IIl1~ ,Ids :S,P«'l:(31 UlIlIlk "em ''l1L~ tlleaiil'.1(.'

Sf.:.. OJ!af ·,'1CU:r.®n. .

if'[: 'miNK; '1tLb',S GRE~TES:r 'ra:m:Ll~ AS A, GUPfIIDR C~M c lLMV 'YEAR 'WHEN '~:m WAS QNi 'I'liE R'ES;EFr.'fE ,~Q:UkDftiiSA YS, MR& 'GAE'tN~A~,

~'lle Ctamf: :IHlmiE!' f~ [pl'~Uce aU e~ct~ea~, illlIld ]: Rl5ikefl. I!Vl~lJiSl,'l,'S. t:iJo mlJl!J[ter?' ,ita1l1l 'illilll1:t, f f DJi;~;8JJtt:li, Bin r..ep',]~e~ 'I' ,g".ot a 'bl!a"WU;ur;g: oo.t f1io:m B~E,m:sm.._~:now )[ ~;uaiOW' ~~ knows wlto 1 ~";.f.~

6irlu:t~~' N10~ 1 ·a·ils ~1s !9i1ij~er. Mi!ill\~·. [fflJ, 'Iunii~ iiit F.&il['"~if:iW lbl.o;sfP.]jta~. Mai!tC1 h:!lls ]'tile-. tUjf~ o:f IJ'~ Gop'her , 'plia.5~eretll Olll! t.IiJJe



" ,


GO, .. ··,· '···P·: .. H' _ :E-'·RIC, - T', .'0 .. ···•·····

, •. :........:. ..• ,1."' , .. W I·.·.


(,a) Big; Tlen 'b~ 'N' It

I· __ '1 ,_<_,811011.

Ty" 0 U'n.~t e(J Pr!!':l,~ S(lor~:,;;~""r'll{!li".~ 114!il'Ia),' :r~t,p' Mi iii JlI~ol.Hi 'the N Iii\. '1

P'1l!':-.t~i'I! 0.( [h~ :iliff TEJn atIId iIliill'll il},fi. 19.>e<r'!!",.' '1lJII ('iF' 'pi ~ki!'i. ,~'!llI1t Ith!il! '942



,my Ji'A']i liJ'IllBl' l--.[~,rull"SO . !.-,iEi'!I)l:\dlhlam •

3-C~~~ fOf1Ji:iil.,

d~N!il!~ re Da:nl,jJ"

,()II liiE!'f lSiI!!cN;.loJr10)(l ]l!adefB': SQ.U I 'til., ~ DiiJk.e'. 'Sallil:lhe' iW,r.n-A,Ia. .. b4\ma. ::S~I Si~ ~ M;ii~:n1/tn., S!iliu'l1b'i;v!Ut--:re~~1'J; ~g~6S. ::n\l3ck.y MtKililt:iiLi:n,=-lJt!9l'P •.

Bi;1 Te'n,

m~! ~ooor::\l[r 'DE~,'1l'N'JE la..,.._Mt!la n'l;liS:ot~,,,

.: ~"\{'~'~)r;;aJfI. ~4-00lo Slatf'.

.a:..LJ W~f'tnw!:st~n1r. '5---lnd± ~ 11.81.,

ii'1,.3J9-P'~nlI,IlI,e, Wll::;.oonsi Iil~ 'LIlli!" ,1'10~,~ [,(:!IW!lJ",

L,. T,. P;!, .. :p,~)~.,'
G ID 1.2,4, :32
,I 1 liO 3.1
':& 1. 1111. S9,
,J Imil I,U;[ :57
~, 0 lUi' :l~3i
" 10 ,!i3 '"
'3· II!I ,11 41
,3, 0 ,!13, sm
s[ a 1,9, 11"[
... i, Ten ICh[lImpionsi


'R,.. 'L oLlIIi.'I!ll_{!O:'I' ..... ~ D'III:J!'f1i!D ~. ,··~!)!rrrA~."'I!: ~iFli...lJ.l~",~

~Yi\" Y0a~~IIU kJl ~IJ :hiD","' '~:hJi!Io teariU:Bi ([It' tiba. IDa f}i Ofl, ruii1et~ih:d b-3f U1!Bi !Will, I dL'yi~e;r 'w:hlJJ l~ilIi6.k, :mil!! ~. ifHe ~o~ d\l:.y~ Ib:y 'i!(h)~ M~,Um,,1" W,~O[ ,p,;e:r.. [ :silt'! bl. :lIie~Y.btg liI!l:r coJ:fCii!I QlD [nl))Ji!!l[~nm~ed, ifu.,r:I)~U:l!'f~Ill!, '" In:~r '~h,~ klt"'le.llIJiI}Q'I'" fl!ie mli!rg h'l! 'tJiQ! iilmli'!ie'l, ~l1ttl :['I!S Lfh'li JOIi] SI j!ii~iill ij,~7~lg ~n ';0 mH!h:e 01:) drab 'Q.

P~ImU~ .

::\'Un Iii, :wt8J. bi N~ :m.~ T~ I iill Jfiil!:. Z~ F1I:I[I\'d:h:l'lln, bll Nil" '~: I lind '~h'6 ~~I"l, " ~Iii"~ hI belD:g I '~Iflld ((IUll'Ii [pfiE dJIflg I!3Ul~Q:mnii m; t~~ Arm~··N,otrll!l :IDl,lIime o.m~, ' II t!i1'!13 SHilrurrrllll!!J.j!.·'.

BILl. ,IliARN:&AS AS A BOY j~~fJUr:i1 ti!e ftJ(f!'~hll

.... J .~_ •• ~._ ••• ~. ~ -iZ-i&i5triE5-

~ .. ,.

' .. -

GopheFS N,ear Sixth Title

I Shtl,e ,in Last 8 Seasons

r- .,~~ SD~ s.,~mIEl%

. 1~llGA~~Ui) '-ft1;P:J~ Bernie lUerma:n -~i 'M'e~~]H~~ta nrl2~dl!: just I I!lHI;!! ~(l:.f "'J.cW:l!)I lQ ronc!' de ODe [Q~ tlttil!l ",limtcsf !(J'.(I,el1!ing' :e~'i.l'~fp..

~en~ ,In ~:Jt.~ ~ h;I~'o~, of th,e m1l:~ [Tern.,_,. s:In~~, ~l l;i~& ~~xlhJ i'ootb~ll 1(l.fr1IJlllpi9~~nmrp lim, leil.,glh'~ :Si!!HUO'I'l!:.

I _,,:BiN tie::rlCa~s: eit_~@r. ,ro~a '~J:j: 'W{l~ik: '~' Wl~(jiJ' :1:0:[0'1;1' .. .22', the

mlgllflrtZ':', G®~Jl'I~(JI"5 wlH ~~d, 8 s'Jr<N'1e 0.~' the' ,194]: ~1t1e' hI! t~e tmPnY S:ta;le. .. tl ~!i!t!', ~gread~,,[~Ur:d by, l~h.~P\h:~(ll'im1lPJ ,~fi ltM~ ][9$S., j)'m~ lDU I aJ,fI~ 1~Q. VletofY OVE!' both m·e-aM ,al~L ul]ii!il~1.ttm.r,ti:gn.

B¥ EARL Hl1";L IGAN ed IDB l"jgbt taQkle :again. Ple~~

Au!:!c[IJi dl ~:r ':!s,W'rneir.- lng' hm sp~Jt;s brillJfiUU:y., he'

M~~nesota s mIghty 'tide 01 r-sce~ 311 yad'QS 'lbeJoJZ\1! t! in': StU" ..

f ~ii.;. - 11J .' : • ,. ~'i", .,...,- ,t,,., 1-0 ,rQ,'Iil!imLde;dI a~ ttrte Wi5CD'riI:sin :5~ 'en •

. II.Ut'Lili Il2mp'1F.~]jII.U. ",",-,i8JPlL;il!U_r;!! i oi!J. '11- -U' IL. - - b' -.- - -'II - 11 ... " '1 j, __

I El''lJ)tm~ SmJih b;ril]iamUy' ~iding ~er 'Y~,~ e 'W JPp.e!WJ :~ '~~r."e~aa 'IW

tiru~ Clrl!:d ill,! 'th, -,_' ,iO/nt. Bob lI!']t~hj wn,ol c:onbiIJUed! IO'D

" ~ ,_ " ,:,.'t~ :~~v~w .... ~, over the' llil-adg(l'l" :gQla] l:iine'.

Q~'~:r. , '!]s.e'O~l:S{ll~' I ,BatYrd~Y ,~Q E~lc "1 in ti!1f~ SflCQnd p eTl Qd C81l!'r.y tb~ ~:p~~.e'Es , 0. tbe,. ~LI,g Smlllit ill,wrnepteilil ~ud iE~H~eUn~

Tm. :EIi:J!l. ,d. ,N,aJ10'l1al foo lban u.eJ'~ p, ass iO,t; 'ith ua f (bft,

!C'hamiii'io~0n""b InC' 1::1, "", - - ~ .' . e )0 T - ",,[1

• , _ .~ J, " ~ ,~,,!iJ' '. . raJe~d. 4;2, 'y,al'ds' 'to. 1tl1e W,~iloo1'J;si'n

, ~tb Snu h w,.dl ,~C uP. ins diBlJI'l 11. BUI J.)al.eY ........ lli"l'llo wl'th con~e' IC8'f\ el" 'In, ,AIl A__B'fL.£I]can Bo'b 8W'llg~r 'F.i:pp~d Un,c' :Bad ex ';raJS'~n! MinJles~iLB roJ ~ed ov,ecr lim IS' wid~ npcn Icr8:5lbled-

t'he' Ea~g'ef.s ,4:, '~' i,to rlUl tQ ,-he 'w(Hlibo mat, on

~,eir win:ru~g mea~ '10 5ev~n~ two pli;Y before Idrh"jng aC~O . te~n S'h:a 19bt galilfes: 1tt'D,d] ~v,~ '!:Im en i't, WiII:!i U~:a:L 'W jiS~Oru·~ the Gi1!lil,pberSJ the ·t~mHkal)lG ,staled ~,e: '1. 3·y-a.rd~ mH,r~h th ~t l reeerd II) six. w'est~n CQm,e,r-

encc tiUes' ]0 Ie'igihl.t J'C'8Ji. 1, __ ~-~-----

'Th13, Mi~neso'b team was OI1! ,£.Bv@d Jm ,1I'adg r :fmm, Ij iShuliof .~ aU"Un.-e: gl"lea; G,gpbu (iljJ,t. _ -~_a.r:.~ ez sl.,aj'ed and thl~lcwQ'll~ Sa1J:u:rdca:J-::md ·SmitirL 1sh~d this drive :iOl" hi !e'~1,a:rd was h9 'big rC~SIo.n," Tbe me- :sprint took W'·~SCqr.lls:'t1l to. m:id· m~' h~ ent~NdI'h~ ba"tUe ,be fie d and his 2S",y;wd )~Ug_ on ISJparke:d ;a, powe.r. blas~, wb~(:b a lawiLal p~ '~Il:ay' ca:t't".ied ': ~. a.lm!@~t b]~w' 'the game B,a,dge1's CQJJrSin. 10 the .(J,1l)J!jB.iB:r.: ten, C,n eu of M0mD,.r:ial .s~tadl1Jm. Aod ~~' first play ~-ard r t~~k ':l _~1ir I

.. whien he ho'bb~~ .froJl\ '~be eTa] from 8£ ! '.~Cl" and r'lllllin?'

.' .. '* .. '*' g,Mnle' ]ate htbc. fal1:8J], pilrioi ElJrn,g OV1er '~Iu~ ~,pbe~s wi~h

. '.. " .' "dle,r lin. luring L 'OUT' IG~pher ~Jb_ e'l" PQ'W~~ d~rove, !IVE'E _ t~e

, "" -' .' R' .- ,. '-, ,.' S' ", -' "t.oulcttd!llwns., tim. ICl"olwd o~ 52,.- :MJ}l'lllesc-ta ;oDllme~ ~Iti, tty-:fw

" :.Ig·' " Q'_ , iip, .. I ~ ," 0·' r 1 ~U,g '14," soood to give :nr~ iB m'ig'lrb" pO ~ [rt '!.W'il$ law Iil!;nd w.~~~~~, ,_

. I ' .' . '" ',' GI', " ' .', ov,a:tion. t;Dh.e:r e 'w'ere m!aiI'lY' ehseT'Veif

. Mmn~sotars great lime ,I,ave S~:n~l"da" ;witl~1 l'-amk,ed thi&_ M:in.~

l'f' I W,is.comslim li~, tie.; C,lUtflCJtl: .. Ss,t~- ~e~otiiIJ, ~lev~m" a, ~,n. e'l'l~fI", t~~,~S

. flaYt smo heE'l!!L1g the at- wJth the t I."\~a.t lUldeflCatedi a nd

.' ,. _ tack ~ono J'[I:n,(i'l'IIs1y ~~,C.IE),t JOil:' 1]])' l d 1934 )..l'i.lll1teSO'Ui ~eam.,

(Oil1,e ,B~dgL£r S'urgc. Tlliil,t drive paid tribllt~ to Fullb;;u~'k P:ftt 1-. iilrdel"'~ 'Ii ho cUmaJC:ed a, seeGnd, pe:r~Qd d- "i'v~ w,i~h .~ tr.~ I me.lldgilJl.S te-o~yard i5 e 0 I" I 'til if ,cb:ar,e 'Dln whleh he! Mf\y][)e-d ove.1L" 'l!h_~ e Gil!;lber-s as thoulb 'they' we're b~iJ,p-m.:;" The Gophers' lead'· s: of UU~,

ASSO(ii~'leaJ PreiSs natioDal rEil"~-

I i:mJiI~, p~ll .t'h:r.ou,gh mD,st_ g~_ t~~

:~:u;tas..'Oni dmdlB t .Dave S,mltb ~n I he Un(!u,p a!!; the;y st~r~ed 'tbj. game' w'bicb 'brought them a :!!e:c(},nd s'l' .,;Jj illl' W,I2StC(["fII eon:i6e:r.. eMe !Crown and wound 'Il¥P ii, ,5eo~nd is'haigtrt U:~Mf@arL~d ra:md , M.DUed :seasoDlm

BUlt '-'ollil fi,y.e miinllil't I,

aUe·J: thJ~ Iglf'efnml k~'t,hof'f'l ~h!l' h~.ancll GOplfEl'f bO;mi.~~"8]l "W", m:

;in,-a~dJ ~rn ;fi;ve p.1Qs MililinJ' - lot ha,dj, a :!oucklidlQW p.. H~: 4 fI·y ;rd p~ '5 :~'OI Bi.U GBr~!iU, !Cam" j'U, t: ,nll'e c ph~lJ'i - btd'o:r,e ,~' IPUail cd ~i9l'h;W~e;B y'a,~'ds l'hrou!llb :d.ibJ J; ,c.kle. l;!;(bib':I: Cqpihu ,ICOl'C~ ,n~m ,:tb~f:lI, Dit'J Smiih W'iIl'l ai, 'hoI;'!

,I;! UU!! 2 i del1:'II!Gl 'WiD J:ho'l' w, ~,

G ~J' _ -

Wi lb twelve seeond of tl1 c period. :re-malnJJli SrWitb 'pGoo!di-



.:_)'~,.~ .........

y :6Itrsll el'" W ' a;oIDSB Mbttu~56ta ~l M'hJtIij,g.aJiL l~t.raJ 01 lUI. 'tOetoiJ..B~ tl\r Nov mbet' Jis

bOUinilfl, ttl M lie' ,h;iae ' to

(ii;mll,:letei:3I de$u.mJ@]SlS; atBJ 'e bll" tRilf 01' 1:.b.e LIttle .Brown JUI"

. And, if ite gets I fi'!I):1n the ,:NIl M~gbt& side, iLe ~i!I!;Y W'~11' ~n:ii!lLi!'l!!i, I ·Ple.8.1S@r WAS; , IS th~~ Li' DroM" JOIg?H ,And he' U h~ toUI-but n Glt Jh~ W~I1!]c! '!i~ Fl!tlf' t-l1e Lltt~~ BJOwUiI Jug llias a eal!u,,~rpB1J't Bind 'tl1,l :Is $mg Har·!j,"i.&,

!]~Iy I ·tir3tl" you ,_·l M01IlUti •

1iI~(I],·t ~i'C'lth ' .. '!J',!

Bd!lfe . I Wol vet)Ilie galme. :IieiLm H;les ,Il m the finer ,:II!M t:JlIe Htirl~ !)e" talk has ibe{}Qrne ,a), ,cl,ass)jc" Be I k01!;s 'to talk '~o~. ball DU,t 51 c.m 'lt81Jlt other' ti:a.iags" 'tela, \\fJi!!iel, ;Bifid ,,>~r'ill. MOl:'ifHI!"''''ei'" he:li n.e O'J,4'LY' , I,' " • N,ESOTA F,c''iJTS' L COACf{ WHO NEVER LOST GcA._"M;·E. One 'i!Y Doc \-'Lru~ O~1\I]q1t, be on hid $1 W®k" e lle;!,c)

. -

tetl'il'!fIj d!i'l 'efea.tEd a ' 'ifl)~d 'In,~

d~ ar a team IHr.

SD Ae!rfil 1'I;i/D'U,-1!-3.' r;,"_!- of !l'iMQhJn ,JllIiII. Jiiever, 1(1. it ,R giIlHC. l He lig [men us.s of 't.he Ba:r;m'b--

e" fi'osb, coach. an assb Ttl

afi.~l ,~ ~iO\il.t. WJth the- eXice' t O:Ii'! ~f a ,B_h~l lim,l~ duriq he rc;glme tllf SpaylGUnii arnd 51l4]aI'~. And, 't!,;- ~n ~U SeM'c. for !IJIJ:· .!lt~iI" HUli'lShllll5i, IOrkQ. .~~arf!!-· N:lI:t 1f!;PPtJrjl eli! he ellie, 11 ~e' , 't1nn.eW& p;la y-111 t ~l1q.hl· lit 'ham of ~!!I '::lllur. ,Hc' lilil1S. 'ul" 'If IUl 'Gcrpl!J1 n fn:U:tJii'~

- em, lliLa.t lOne, th.~e! r:t (I -1·

"{PLfill'D/E!s ce.rlalnlV '" ,o-(tlrJ -0 dO\-ll]]

hi Wstory iliIl1ii!l '1J;;:h1pn"

fin st aU·

B 1"0 IUeIiil , 'mo:ft dos.e to tile ,fl'Q'L!md, !EQugh and sturdy, an kL'iiD r;ils Il1f lJIiIlS:'!!I.f!o bi~ nuiltl trLE'S the phy ga1 ~mJ~t!Di'I!: lDI;f,.OO UJe:soita, M§ ,:/ita, - of ,ootbaJU la.:me ·ri.'Jklm g 'WI h tbil! J:~ g, t ma:tC'h~s. In ~ 1irai!tlUoll.

Orn:a dill' )'i~nt wele ''r'alk ~1Il dn: '11 - eli rrtJp.ur: rtf et It!Ili'I.d&l' the

bmd tr of Cat'rdrrldliill,

1ft liB} _ll el'

flm u . ." o 11 'r fom!pertltinl1l!:; tll [p8!iiIt~ basll!'b.dlj Diili5k:e1t'ba.U, tf!M~ s, MtF4~

baH, '

N,~d. . t .sport bl at.,

;t: r f'o.Dtba:Lt)~!b lieb&]l

'! ' r-q Ie J !IfIj nmr:ri II I

ulqlliit!lni'! no,r(lil!l~' , 1Idi dill _11, IIi~D i(g, Ill'r.. DOW !:!it thie l]l'IIJi¥r Ml~"

HI· 'busmB~H'a.rL.115 ,It.Ji!Ulhln, .. ,xy ICG.~, 5Cla. 'TW1:'le(!zrEbi .;.verrl!1e


R.g Jmfrm~217 H~l'm~i!: BeV-!!llll:IJJ.leJ !L

Md, ~~01li. Migh rid; hi ,gu.t-

lo:k--."brl -ht itiB- :ff l8H~

£I1e:r.!Jaf~! ,

, 'y"''- S' A'" P'" 'W: " 'R' I, -'TE'B':'

.'.'~.: :;, •. ,' ,'-_ II"I'~


,~-, ,A. 5





'1\, JOE lIiE~m&lafmfJ'N

Eve~yCl\_QiEll ~ 51 ta]k;l!r:II·1 8JiD~'!.1!~, j~! :iiIi(JIn MOOdy ste<eml5, ~Q' ae '~t1'G!! i51U'r'!!iiI tl'U3Iy' mW - EVEiirTflmG r.:_k~t ha,:piPe~ei!il.

8!l] w'no Q~'!rI]tw spe._ 'Wltlil marc' ~(:-e~I['.8;e:~ 'Mbn:ncSO'tE!/~ ute'];;; '~lali lll;~t, cagcdJ 'N'~tbwe$'-I1'iI~ WUQfoo~ ~iIlD. Ic;iU'!l(fer ~M fi,h;:~~ Ulc Go,phlC'Ji who., l)'\I'lm~d :~e il:MtOO ..

aIJ'Jl1'riiii!l'ig'~ ilit~ i5lBlt 'be([,'om bb' I :h:~"tei.~ 1_a!!!it :flJJIJlit~ r.eUv,img 'th.~ 'ijn I~d' tHallie ~~(!it1i, bas I!i~~mled ' t'll!Je ku~t'baU W'o(f;'lr:1.

W~r.e Yl!)ll ,Wt!ci'~,le~ (je!te'i ' :theD~1:1f w~u]dJJm/t w-of.",It!

'~f;YUU Bel :1, "'4S~ 'til) Ibl~ :rel,l, w~~l'l~, ~~, 'tl1a;:fi I ,(id]lg'hil'! :P:D.P ,~'ta,~h~n 'W,~~ ~o 'mMlY ~ !In m!QUo;IlIii Irioll :iUlow h,ei;J-!I!l' 'ili\1Ui !II'!!I,t t~~etaDdnl to '!Ja:O'lIiI!l '\'f1.1dmb '!lC! ,I ~Inte' aa.l'iB, b:!Jl pag iltler WllIUI,rBllJ Ib,gJ\\f hiD 'w~w~,ill 11m III mIDitDI] ptliQiI' bRk.,


ii].l('ea'I1IlW'l'i~~e, Ge'te~elli[ '''fU'

waLkbu,i Oilll'l 'tg, 11~p" the n'.l1 sor , 1. w,riliS' :!iblek. T.~e @,nl;r ~:UllJjg or c@~hl '~IiiJb(k fit 'Was '&1j mBk~ i6, C011lliP].ai~,t ,!!lJbllii''1!l.'L iSometalliDK It,o< Get~l1ieill :80' he' WOilide:n/t p'1ilce tile bli!J~'~ Cl:o.",:v,nili' a1fL~, 1, ,g;o,t, ,Br)W,aJ:Y wltb

~Rt liIecQ,us.{'i' 'We !ilAI. ~ee!f] ~eQ:f~nl to 'tlJe' oUicia'lS ~1!f@'raL 'Hm'eli b~~~lr~ to, ~et 'them, ~!ll' ~~it[Jjp 'b'aUS mO'~e i!!il!e:~. ;a.~ ~t \Va! i~ lU· 'tIe' w'e~ ",~t ilie~e ..

Ui yeUei m, 'Bl!t!b ~q,uit rthe., il'r:-plin1g.~ :and :l'UJ'cldJ~ Jtier l{Jt ~Bck, !!!iF. 'e:Th~UiKhl 'oo~we' ae'fl~llflU ,'!a.c~d iti:he -bill] !iilO'i!VD. !Q .Rrei, lQoa, ~ {;;e!tclllC'U. ;-tJe.p,etl bM~, '1 I!loo~,ed '~"llJt~· [b~U ,iddewiBrli0s to ~~ Itu ,1I.n4 '1!;~e iDD'~!s W'Elfe O:H, ml&r


'lINO. mERE 'W'A::;:N~ ,ANY~ !3NE ,BU'T :Hm(i GIN S, :m ;MO· "f!,QN'.~~

W~I!I' r]!~ W!!llr.rl~a, !BJ'Dou:t; rna;k., bilJI iI!, bad :p_"

M _'.

I . I


.. ~, ~'~InJ~, I wi!ia)rt~ ilut

{lID 11'1mi1J!! kHi!lFW 'tlh3e' '!I.~61 _11't..ciri .I

tlfur-,lW t~9 '&all ."l'II~ _!fer.l~, t'iloo,u wl!l:~, W/!I!l' J~iIOlkdI ,~'b.e! 1_' [0: (he Oel'd bQ:UR ,&'111(:1, ~~~ hl'Q:R~ we Pli~' :1III11tit1 w'o IMJI[Jiilb 01: 1;, :lead .. le,"I' '~lmei!1i Iud, 'rh;~ OO&-c'ItLq' ,f!,IIf! '!V_ 'pknty GQ IJ e!f!lf-ll,~iI i

'~W'e :rot ,'~enty' of :lnl~lII~'M~n hiow' to ma~e ~k~ ,agi' t. iSO It w@~,ldJ!i!!jt lmie' mi!igal., ,E",e:r.:y~l'iig' '~M to, '!be ii!'l. ,O'l1!fi:l mD~lrQ1lt. 1r-~l.ta'Si

'" .. ~

wh(y :&, feHow ~aj], e:ulJr t~ 't-ltei

Ibd '!!I,'WIlJ',n

S:p'~akin~ ,of' :p!!iJlh~,1 lean 'Ull) 'to 'thle1 :PO[r:tIt t1li:at F.~ck', ~ ~mJ!lj I ma'DJ ll' rtnelN!' G'Yef W'f!JS p~, Ilas I I

:m8ilil,e, iClnN)' OU' 'b&~ p.AJ~; 'WI ~1il!"~ I I

$O:n,-:lD, tblB' ,P]tt'$b~:[i,g;n Illftli!!., 'H~'Q\]fe(l"~ bi~B' ~e' WlP :fi!li:":hdJ~ 'bUnj~, 'by !II "-~'mij'Ue'! at 't'liie


CjS;~ ~111~[l!k.s'be~.fUg, a w~tl(i'll;e'l" M, 1$..setraU hB.s llieJ,@1 hbilrl SJm~

I wI!! er:~ e_~ a ,~efIl,Mr., nyou ,~;r.i!ii

~~ikl'lil.i fw ~oWl,tr0'~ ~fiJ bO'e~, ~I

,i,ii:...",'iI'ii'i; ~~ ...... " 1'~- -, "-, !I.:Il1~:".!L.. ,",,"""~ .I!I..QJCU'II.,'

HG'w rtlLd FJJlek '~iI.'\Il'(t 'fluiD ~tilm· ~rra to lilli' ,GilD' ,mim,1!I,'te~ !lin 1'i,Q;,~es~ sin' .iti!Ji[\d.a:~ ~~.Mipst two ,~l\eQt ~M1U UkCi 'Mldl~p_!D ,md, NOl"ltiwelbetJ.'~. '!'



I . I



B ~OB:LEVI' FOdibrJl~ IlmprtnN:d.

D.r JOE :BENBB!CIm-Gt."f Why do:n;'t .mom (oot\:iJall ~~Ol:'.\i; leam so:methi:n II ,ab-m,n. ""'n0~gl;]m.g' ,and 'wl::l:.Y d!l:!l!l't; ;tn.o:rc 'oJ tileln, lea:rn hO\"l~g ,l'iU!n l' After' ~ ~ ~~i~][ Ls -vJnag,aj 1;1

_, co:rnhlW!i.U~.n, 'I!l(~ i:!oL'til., -

Tho 'UJOl1ght bUs ]um:UI: aiLe)!' il Irha:t, ;"lr-i'1J1 Dave' '!l;jp,''' tel mao'" G@pl:'1iel:' 'w'lIc;,>sllh:lg eoo$~ :!lI1i I.:km .H!elll"!, it!l.'ac.k m~il1Itu""1 pd 'In .. eidea carnIes ,e\1l"tn Itn~~ W'fllgJlJ.i: wli1$]1. lf10iIJ O-O;1!l,:shi,er he cases @l: EUJtch LiByY mltl BOi~' F.!'td~i' G@pbiCL' grld· tiers, 'who made btg ~JIl;~M~;! 'Lal, t~~@, 'W':aSrumgtOB ,g,SJ:me~

T:~e ~lry is nol; nei!l-~~;' ssrilllly' B g~oo .f:O~'t~1IlIE, 'pII!J.Y'om" IliCca!1llM Ibj@ .& ma$jo,:nal 'ii!Q_m~ legJaf~ ~iiesnmR' '~_~VrnQ~,

~., 8([1;,d'Ci~llimj 'Ili'1llt bC6D,1I1t!~ Ler'IQ" b a. WI['¢S:U~lT,'r :1il1lS :r.:o~t;.. bo.u 'w .iimpl'oy.e-d.

~li1y nffern U1ie, ;5~me arg1ll"

I' I'


! i i' ,



JiI'Ielli'~ hi be~alf :01 F,itttlii!. T]'1J!& G:i!iJ,p'liLer eu ma;y MY,C nB't1lll'M ~Ill!ill!t'~illl ,ability rDu~ his, gr'ld, ,gEiJ~~ ~m.lSl b~ he.][l'Gd b,' ~ tldrmtiii»l ,~Dl track ~ II shot fUJ.rfteT"

!~U I \""'e~e ,i, hB ita ~ool :motbB.ll.1 008LCn (]ev~Iopil11Jl f;L--e~~, ::foll'tMU Jd"il~L"s~. J! w.o~llld ~~s1-$~ ~:pd!!g all nllt~ ,r~s,~ecl;-s, 'taking :par.~ w.

w,t-€3tiilrilg,!' ~Q~I :BUf'l,e·iima.

j~wm~ BE;cA.Um:·wxmT~ Lm"G, .ciNES T:HlEU:NIB·, ~u;N' 'l"H.E'.l FEEL OF flOW HiLS OPPo,NEJrt W,ltL ,REo, J:~cr,.tJ'

Ii,! 'W,OD d :rate' thIs faatal" ,!l!'Il(!-]l a.bOI\l'(!I the- :ml11se~ de .. wloprn~t. W~'I~n 'yQY, '\Wi!!!He', YQUJ ie~,1!'n ,vli~t to e'xpeet 'ID;ll!m y~1!I1" foe ll\y :hm act]o'm:. , ~u ll!]~m :!Ilow to GOiQlbat ,hms mj)v~nts,. \Vl(!l~ t~a'l .gg" ~rtenoei ,~ ]h~ ~ml,n 'Il::m:rn ~how 8d¥an~a:Jt yJib!e:u be" ,~,m,es n,p a.gtUmt. M (lp'pos.i.q I.brel!l1Ulilii. ,in a 'fiDotbfiJll game. ¥.e"" ,LEl\f'y'S l', e~J.ltJ.r1e:lli:ee meJE b~ '~n~' r~'MO'[:1:;y liJe :i~, Ii neUeit'" ,luilJtball l'la~et- 'Wi's ~iIiI:r' ilJum l~'t·~

~Uy ~b, m !lis l]ck far tr~k..

~i'A:n:?', :footbd (;oacli .w.m 't,eU ~u. !-Ootbail. is :mBnly' & ,p;me 01 mlDivem.ent 'trnJiil:)1'i" says: Jim. ~ !S,pe@d :I~ so lmr

p;o,ct9.~'~ Y!'. m9~ foo-tiRo. :ijl~:f'e.~, dG' llUlt!: 11iI '~e oft SI2'~ iSQn ~il!I' bm;poo'I,TC' thel:1? 'B,~~.,

~ ~,_H .~ _ _ _. _." _ _.. • _ •• ' •

G id?

'r':" "-1'--'"

'.-_- .,


I , ::

I " .. :

:068 :Fl~iUD'

G'G~n,f jD.llrJw Ui}'i'-ug'i

i!~tf-a:Ck olklil'lI! 't;b!~ pliJdlo:l" tll~ P.~,I1I:Q,l'tl!lWl1\~ t!,'ii,b;p(j'\OVt~ Jw, ~imnmg.

i~e GoeO:I'1;t>e ,Fr~d:: :tor e:ili!M'lQ}]e'i T.t&~ mat'i(:, him ~il!i$ B :iEoot'Dall ]li !fjY'e!r'... He liIDhlli!l'iI that extra bit Of SiPeoo, thQ'l J'tl~il.e' the (l_Uf!];S'mee 0'11 th,!! gr]liHro.

'·]th[f~ Co'm;,~d'iNr Fi,t.d;1l. as M 'i!D,PPfi'~tc ~~~mpl~~ Fa tc:b ~~'~d 'b~ a beU~r ,e:m(l, lMity' ~:f" l1e' h~~ mor~' l'illnnlir'lS: e~l::lloo., BUT BVEN !US ,DISCUS TOSsmG IUS BEL~PED HD.'t :E1EOO:ME l!i" BETFER EN]) T,I-IAN' :LAS'l YElUl~, JUlst, n M,t~'~e _ ~hng ~ liktt :Ids ,:touow fllrO'qll 'in tJilr®[W',llli,g 1,b:@ d~c.1!lS J1u St.liI.e:k w1iCt:li 1L~m, .sOl tbli:\'t [lUJ:' '~ t;b.'i2i S":!l_p1E!i ,ldep, \V.K1Jf:ID fill'"hrlir!!g tl'i1\\ough to .Jblodc !Or. ebci9-rge. N"OtiC6 thait ,sonH:·:tbJ~ wheIJ: ~10la W8!tlltl':L :bl!m. ,pl.a;y.'~

W.ijlilji 'll bQ,1P81litJ 'iii hi o.t; ml~~ ''W'oJ!',lu, ;o.~ t!hlB, ~ 1~.i'Up~!, No ',,"'\I\i!Kiitdtir Ilit'llj flo~~~9lt ntln ou~ g\l' ~.M., ill * ~

'Th!~ Go~p'tie~ ~C!lli '"",m Il'adgale

~lt ljjj< 1!;l'liLa of tlllli IS ([u;IlI.rl:e'i:\ He I iPU~ ~IJn !II ,f:!I(Jl ,~ebe~:ule of work: ~;g SIlrQHJl:S)' ~eBjdJei; po ]r:JJg tar ,s.tho~L~ ElJndJ :boQJ ,~~t~i!b'u.tes to !l~c' ,$ IWI,1.pmril!, a~ h!~li, t~m;ilr,.


. I . .

" __ 1


,~ ..... , . " i .... '





Trick Preoe« Gloplters GOlod as in )1,34, Says Chica.goan

'R'",,' ,ii!l""' ..... ,.,tiIl'I' ;L!Ilii.ii'!jfii"iio~n, ~r' a.J.I.,1..l:.:II1'-,& IO_ji:"iI~,~C:iJlLIii'

Cl¥UC'AGO-=~U~-.A N'I['<'\v Y:'IlIII'.~ !S:p!lJ:r~; ed It'llJ" {:n_p:ne S,'l!I'p]!lIi.le(jl IJfI:PGJll NlJI~!EH9,~OO Nelbt'llIillkQ JaIflS, vih'il WRlltt :h 1m to Ia.y o:t2f tlii i~ week) p'r!lil!l!1~,.(ledi '[,bIG, i&]l!'!]!;' 'that 'klep'~ :M:iTti1l!"t"~i!l!tB Ii Elig Ten Icham:1JI ,Q.f'!:!5 lriD-] Umg' ,(!j]!i!liJ1g' 't,-{1!ai!lY Q.mghg' t:!l'!! :nuU:Jon~Si wf;Liia,{!li'ea;lifjd, Yilltie(:] :m~ii)'t~~]~1 1ieilll~~.

He :rna<d~' Be["D:~c Biet'-mllJri! matt

"rtd~ eulJi!rn ~M~I'V,er w,a:k:hed, li,llilil1'1ll:'ll@:SQ'li\ 'd!tUf:I],p :Mltc~i,gB:n ;~ iCO(u:lli]a 'of wEe$rs iuu:;J:: ,Blhfll, m:a ~' wen Cl:tQ'\S'{j~l WllJ<lIts ;l1r:I~i,.e'at!ed :mtl!!r~ mall,~ o'fj~ll~e, W!:1IS, :~~@!Q~ iRe:!]: liil'l'tiltiti~8' 'Lo watch lUll WB MIt:. is'tr,8iJ:g)l t ~h,iD~mg of a mov]e J!.'\O'Ui didn"f; ]~ke jrci tie :!h;'i§~ 'P~Q.l!~'~

B,d'1IJ11.!e' ~ihc' ~il!If:thweslt'er.n li!I!mc 'the elilir,li(p-(I IUennu'JI,J, coo.ked, la,P' :m 5eaet 'play ·~h~,'t·iS; !!i,tiU a i!i@cnt al,tJboUigik ,I~ blo~ed ~f!j ;f!lllru v,l,e;w ID~' .$ ~-eeo:xd c:~,wd, of 6~ ,!6~ an,.i!I Wb~,~J~dJ N~u .. lltwe_Bt,em, 8 to 7.

Ad.1/J,aJ1Y'~ t~o p;laa' m'lg'Ii1;t !l1;,~~ 'bee_f:l, ,mpled :from 1D\n~ o.~ t:I!I!i~ ~~]:fUe.~,~' 1m l~he ,I['i~]l(il'l"!}itc! ot 'tlM!! O~~el!!!' ]B:c!O:rs..,

'Tlllts vle~~ of tiik~Udtllgi!lre1t:'.Y ,i-01,\l'E.3 one 'ithh'mg:: Wi'l!1:1;fIJ] I tb iOl~·' ii1!J.'-;. it::il1lil: ver&e.,Ule :Mlhllltil@S!l)I''it1ll team, ml!Jsil:: l:Je' c~l!Isse!dI ;a1i. pf\e<~n.l witi'li "CI!I~ '(.I'JI!.meiiLdolt.s 'Mhu:~ec~oit,~, ma.eWne!ii o~ l'.9Iit, ~.r:Idl :nt'9~ ,vidch at U1l~ Ume wem l'~gua'ed U ~h@ ~-if!1!Jl5 ~'r:1i cOUegE1 ,fQotba'll ..


, .. y:rI Lu" W'iSCIDln5;n'

'B:n,dll,-!lrm\b F~IlI,. ,1~dltl :Rl.Dge;r~ JOII H~ril!iCheir.,. 'T,II-OC'lc:h,:;s-'U;ltlan C:l1i1!r~Ip' .. Ed Le.r::De(f' ..

Gu,~dB--"t.eD Ley?; H~~9ie P~~,em'lJ~ 'QD't.,djoR :P~,ekk!~O!!' lNj',ail 'LiitmB~ ,B~h :S1~H&., 'Howard, Sil',.!t~"a~

Conte~'-G~l1!1 .ru.clic~

m~Be-ks-CQldn BHI~. Smtlh! 8"', SWCl,lleTrlJ; 'Wa'r.-)f.og

PbJ~~eU ..

l _-,

F AR1BA,ULT GO~S-,HQILYW90D tm,s, eoming F,ri .. day r:dgh tr. 'W ~ J 1I IG:~asel"j,s, P:a;'l",adm@ tohle:;a,'t@;r d,own there ,gets, the w~rldl, l:Dlrew:[ere of E:ruiC.e· S'mi,tb.~s st-auinl' veIWeli!, uSmUh O'f :M'Jmnesota ,u' ,a_~d tbe: hlQ'ooe win, IiR,va aJ 1. t'beJ t,]']1tSlel'J glam,Q\[" ,a;n.d ~.'o:~d.adJS, !.l-f ,R HollJWood th'R ;m'g:ht. G~,@l'nQI" 'Stta,s~e:ml, and tl~e "wm (J:[Ues In3pr.S

~'~I'l 011;_.. lj;:h 'm~~.; 'iIIL, oc,L'" -B " U f' .'1 ""1

Wl~ . wI) ~,~ iil~ 0<,.1. 'Qle:w!eu-:n:liJ/f~~, ''J:'tte-tHi el1:l:!lire -g'ml~Y W11..;

100&"11 h0'll,ored. ,sp Qim a,nd. j:MI Ilee Th1i'DliSifllf (un abb~ 'bJ be' p'r,esent because of iii foot'roan ,game ,lit ABn Arm 01' ) mU tele~\h'oll'e ,tlu~ tbi!a.ter 'thlt, l'dl'h t ~\'lld, his C'Ul},ve.rsaiiGB ~unplifi!td, $b'I'o,urh B, lOilU;l!dlE:~ieal(er on tJl.e sma,ge" ,CriUes whO! 'lilave :seem '11m :piill:t~ :m, PI-zy9iJe;w' can It .an '(Jil!ltx~aTIidtm.1 ]lIrniliJiI.e~!1 mD. 'T.h ill: bi!' ~~Ul·g 'ii!I~, Bruce's c~r,eitT l!J;QVlG: 'b~~ ,o,llllrbed, ~It'i~, .s;h_:s'~ tu,Ck; a~d W~tt ,g,ct (jJlUit:e a P.1i!lYI,D d:il!Ie~ Fu.ib~!!lIU, of CIi;li']Ur:!;j;C' i, ~ ~

Lou KeUer" 6thl!~He dl~e'oc.1:oli' .;lit 'lhli1' U__l'IIl1,l'em~JIIY'f" :b_1l:i ll,{l,d_, D. l'l!g'!!.l'e"st for II We:s'ten U.QJio:Di 'W'IR 'to ,San, Fre.n~ next seWII,da;y wH;th :Ii. :f1QSS:~ibi.1JiLy 'tllS!t the PJtbbhUlh~Mi.nD~3ma, game will b~ s'h,on ~v.r:dl, to Q'1,lJr' ,soldiers O'iffl'f,si!.a.L



- --I


mi~ 'taekl~ as a 'cdmE' :J[,~nk=, :w;g wiPru, mb'bery !of '~e u" S., fQ~ils., And, 1h_B' :~'Vter' ~cli"acDi w!it:b b~, pJay~;~ b~aJllSe: '~!b_a;t 'WQumd, 'hke! '~ilru!: :k'Oro 'tlhe serm~s busmas; o:f ~ootbaU"

All, B\~e},'Jtl~ d~, ,is W1O'I'~-' ,p~gb:ru:sly" 'UDS1parmeW;,'" Ur~:~" No d1etail, railioot'irng :bis, ,~ is, 'ioo trivial, fb.r '~~ pe([',~ !i.1o\tla]J, ,a,~I~ioo," A nf~i~t bU1r,GiS, ~~ ~ oli.:::e IiJlntll, 3 aim .. -1B'Vie1f)t :~ikgb1, d:~u:i~,g flC-CMtbaUi Sle13JiS'On, BS, he plli~ R~'W' plays~ :slmldi~~ hits fLWUlib' :r.'e:Po.l'~' ai~d, u,[,ang~s, 'H@'d dQ!'[S p'fMMoo p~'Qgrram. :M(!i<~ lO,f :M.n~~b;l , !b,ie, ~i8Jn_s; ,iIInii,"'" ,IliU1lit-dy !emdless, t-Hmn:!8, :pa,ti~rni~IDy '~u:rrt~i[Mg' tif~Y faults, 'M may !)ave OWT'icolwtcl.

Th.e ~s 'wD'o' :p'tay 'f(!lif B~~~.~ni 'm~,tly 'rn~ltiVi! lMifm:~mn~~ are b~C ~dJ. l'll;g~_" T,t:i~.'t, hiel:lols, MiI1)[,t:, helrpfttru, is 'Uxeir ,alp,pli'ea:tion. of: hj/s fa.N:r:itemal1tim: ..... Nol .. ~ay.isau~!DmatJ .. !S:~

- ~1IiiiIFo, -' ", ,. ..:!lIn 'itif 'lU,'"" 'i"ii""'_' ~i'AIF\I' '1II'1i] 'l!j,'II' '~'IIl1'~!ll!il.~, '!-!

W:UIlO;,!!:~ ,Y'!OIig i~1!.!I1 ;.T ~, ~'_-'~~ .... '..,''''' ... -~ ,~";"'iS '~'I;!!\Ii,-,I'lillo.

D~r, l~l ,!e~:s,~'h,,: '.~:t ~O,~~n'~~m~, ~_-,~,~'rftm1[ r oolle,ge fOc,tba.n ~s; :m tke' ~'OU1'ltry ,have be~~ ,fasbio(Dedl, by' ~, :~an 'W~02' oo~,chmg' perool!il}~HtJ 'v,~oll~le~ ul the pop-wa__f.' ij~ ~'bout ioo,tball ooacbes.

Be:rWli:e Bi.e!rmam~, tbie ~idDOn. g~ruJlil~, '~e= b:in.d, the' ,p~wle:ltl~jGu~' te~ of' 'the! 'Umvemily of Mif:Ul~~~~ (h) 101 'wn :~o:~"hig~,-'po-wl~ed ,or8tn:ry .. He d~TIi·t ,~'k b~iS, pJay''e'rs ~!i)1 'wm 0F,' dif! 1ft tb~ ~,t~mpt He' d!oesnr~t 'l"fljgam a

BIEIMAIN.&!,$, PSYGlOI.C)G,¥' TU'IlS 'to, '~I si;,gns r:3!Uier' Ul~n pep 'ta~., :H~ ~iiJ'mp~es ~~w 'DPe;, eac~ 'Wi!~~~fk" n,al:Om" Ll.oy:d/ St:e]n (;a'Mlv-e)lelUerrs them md Jllmst.'er5 'mrMn~ qrllu[ern wl~ 'tb.eJi[l," 1B~e:rtrJ3im~s: ,arvolirillarb£e' ![lif: lem,oti~~almm :~Ii'1Cbjde.s &rbiodi'pg p]~:y~ to rua foom ~mg ,~OOIn WI Bcltd 'belm"@ aJ pm e.. 'H'e. ,~nsl~,~ tba:t '(bey w,ailk;!, qWieUy m~ ROOI:~a1:M1,QY.



IbI CAl WAi _ AJlD ~ ~'IT WIs, A - CiE_ ,GHii'

- I .... ,

'!iii --



'11 hi I.malin,s. L'i'tille 51liste - Junle

It 'w'OInti :b-' ,,:;.dIel [k:' :&iilD1l.

UW l!min d,ow:R ,!!iIJj' '15 l!)iv~,iQiIit :d. bl :Far~biluU.

T,ihJ" ~lllil~ ~{f' the, f'am,~_1 ,fool'~aH:t11g 'Sl(mli:IJh's b:l!Ilf! p];iiltyed. '~I'1 J,~~f: !f;a.~,(Ii' fOIr MJillnellllaJii.

Tb~' f'l8.t~!8:r.. Liicci'1IJ_1! Smllb~ vnl ~ a b!C: ~U~:a!l!l f: ]iil1iDm~:n ;U1 1 !BllfJ IiDdlfll., Ii ll'r!i~ri'Dt s:l:u!de.,lIIt from Ca c:lem • ., Tb~ old· 'eSI I;ii!m., GreQ~gle\. ,,~~, IBj urI ,d ~n l!UHi a;nd m:ll lul1~i!!~killlg il;!1!l'~iIU"iI:: ,cuI: 'lIbiD:r.,~:.

D:riLr.l!!Ii!!IJ III::;]li:ml!;x,od !liD All ...

A~lie.I'~(l~ !Sleuan. " ilh ill :1!'I!I.,er ,A:U...A~IDI'~~.1!i :I~!Il':flO1".~a!t1i~e S' tu;rd~:m:r;o On],y OR,e Smith, '1'11'''' ma;~~u., who CI!ll kick. PUIll.:t and! .tB;c:tlc wil:A HIe !be~! -f!i~ t'ti, •• ,. lIluJ 1Ji: •. il' nUlii!l' -lsJier ,J~m.'e.· II

.ilt.U~ui<l:JJ;gb :E'Dd B,eh Fjlc;b. gir:~~ [Scared hi'! iir~i: :bi)lQt:.'lndO'w,~, SB:I:'-1'I.'FLia"'l in ~Il 'l1.1s. fb:r:a 'Y' I IIts,

,B,''C MiI:lDe~j;j~fa fooib~n play~ ldeB, IS a:tol'day.,

(lr .. l\1'i!I Wi&j!h'lill~l' ~~d:mf~edi~ _ ,j"'WB DID JT~ "" hi!!! w:rot:' ,~n

. "1 thG'ug~L.'i I '~"'" '",,;:;, ~.".:,' iL''''",." flilii b'" ~II

_ U!_ "". "".. i;7 "'" "'" ,: -,ilig iii -l[~ - t11~

Icor-I ,a.:llatJi:u~.t ~'n.!I!1 on li~L,t' 10'IIii.g t'~'I~b. IbSlrmo 'W'k~ :I 01

:F,a-rll", but I: lt~4 ':liJi!!i' .w"lt f'ot it: 'WC;!ikl, ,- -:-'01 b -,ait Bm:t~ ;th-,

->~ !l!iD Idn."l: i'I1. i~, IiW .V. I,d .h'

:5.'" ~d_,' 'W it 11, :;;;,, ].!lU~. h. ~ PUDCl'b by 'writlnsl' "/RIAg'U~'!l:r'

_ ... _ ;!!I' .pJ'Iie.:tlicr- :Mondilii,Y.... '!Hili - :tiDe

'Il Qh :tf:.y;eudcdl, ,t'hart fka fill.' ilo&al'd ~f:te(l' tQ B'e,brllska,

~Jii. w'ble'b bJ!:!i :a!co.:r.ed b'v :tJ8ikl~i!iIi. I ft .... ·_,·. -,e,., - 10; .-.....r. ililLo, ,'110 1In' ..

,!Ii :;II ~Q I!U. '1!!i)lI!!u ';' 'mill !l:1II~ .11&,

,I. '~I!.~icriii] PODSI, .friO,-" ,'BriLI'i:1il!i Wib!iiI!R D:iU' . ,t~, '~_'i. \.0!11

S:m~:l:b dld 'nai r::a.U fQI' !hi.. ,:iiI) ,u-..: '_"""'c:!il: I,;II.~

igO down field witb UIc- ~dl' NOW DO IT ·STUDYIN·G'~'

'iljUI'le;r,. -: as Derlrll ie/,s: CO:A'p".i'buti,D:n.

if'The ;:&!Uow l' ''91;1 1IU"~' !WI If;

peu;, :to. :bloc.k di~~"t iJ.'Y ¥e'l'f . The Goph ~ J!'.Si j,ClfuJned iili1lHncd[.i-

h'ill'd~ • 0. lIlf'tO'J!' I b,lQ'cki.d bim~ 't~ly.· af.iu . 'he gam~.

m, rain. IIWQ~I ~\cUQWbilQi ~niliel b'!in~ Win'l!e. 'thle ~iU,3.d W,.B:sli DUn·

Brl!Jll;IB ~id.m."l :5iiB.7· a'n",~;tuJtil! :to mJfj!., i ~,,,t ~\CIISs.eil:1J, ,tb :baU II 'Willi!!!: :~ iSiIl~1J'~licdl""

rmer och La

Wildcat ds


. . I

B, PBl:lt't 'DOTSCH

j: ':Dh is. l~ the.. b~st ~e-~ota l~am. I ~er ,saW., t:~ie '1934· W~[ kn~W' Uia:t Wr. fs~e.·I'

. 1h:a.t ,~ompiil:d5eiQ which lUt..ed lIH.'I;e 1141 edi'tJ(l\1] of SQl.tti}m: _'B~e:r~ telmS ta, ,aU~.timriJe ;b~, Gopll!elI' ·gr.idir~n, JlJsttlJfY Icame Dick !lanlqYm 1or.mer co leb. of 'No:tthrw,e tern 'Il.l1Qi-

"VCiCi,ity '\vho new is :alJle 1iO ep"" jlo¥ bils, S~tur-day' f'oo:l"baHl "G'" Ica:O;Sei of a ttil' iV'li~: inu.r'3ine~,

if~C~;m'P8i:r1lJ.1 :I:.!h' 'twa' til!~_il!' 1ine ~IO.f. ]iP-)~. It'-I!i~;k iie,ld, 'foir: bll,clltlield~ ,ot m!li.'n, 'for :mll'llh Thil, ·ve .• 'g;;!i,s leiaal. :ii: 1I'1ii:i~ !o ':m'ilef i,t; Fe 8i~:r,' in. 1;!miCif-:I; liI)'Y\II"V

:r PiIl:c:I:., It k~,' !fL :mU(l!'h, ~!~'

- d . .:1'. 1Ii'·_'"iIi,·'1

'mor,!! powet,:1n IL ge(!!;:LIIBiIl/BiIi,r

D!tQf ' v.ff~1&a,·rlao;Th'il, is f~!Iil;. of lb. 9~1lIa.~e~.t lCon,-g\:' :Ile:-uu:

:m: eV\DJi l!! BJW'!!. " I

-'TlIe:re h~S1"llt b.~cm, lI1nl~h :s.udl about th~ Mmn.csot;a, dd~ '~ ;f~a::r. 'but th.By~re good (2lnd.~iJ b~t", wt.' t\i,am in j ~M't 1l •.•

~ach Haf~Y s'tubl,dtehe'[ of'

'. is-consM ,~cho{!d the:' Hanley 1r'Ulmd gm1eD't that. t-b]sl a,'I::;CVl a~ cdJiiLe([S~, was, 1i'h~ ibecgt Gop.b~ br.l 'J,(lI.e t~at he.'~" n8!dl seen..

'~'T.~~,eyj fe a ~rk!ll~,Eii PEilirllze,t di,-. vis~o[l, hili 'tDem~lf1i'e';$, ~~ ~be M~ l'cctelffi B~delell' :!j;trB'OOglSl :said. ·I1flTbey k,~~ l"igbt on roiUn~' r] b t U1_rol! 'ren.D· bloC:kers. ThaI' '3 aJ mmr-ve]mliS l'ne :wld :a f ne ~ckfie1d. O~C 'o~ 'tbe oetst wbea Bmce Sn'uth i~ ,pl;iyi· g.

4,"1. w,a~ m glaJd tol sec hIm tin ... ish SIll' g]a:r.'ioo~l" pru.'tiC1l1Ja!fly. ~ffer aU thJl2 tflO'pbl e hie. 's ba<t u

,uYO'li1 ~jdl n", ·H;iaT.ry! "W'l;iitl!!lll YOU callIed . hem a, Pfilnz:c:r ,ri);,., vi:siou,m' one 'ysmnd,e::v' said, I'i Just 'hmlg arm·or OlD: Un,I(iJ{Se 'line· :me'lll ilInd YQU wou;]Qnr even

. aV11! to 1[!JU't. t' ',' ITII '~:Frl, wh,eeUi. "I'l''l(ilY~d ro1] U:i'r()u,~'h ~'Jl,yUdng·u

Whe1H Ber m.~ 18:ielE'mn. Wlill liI,ike:d, 'b~ :tllke' 'his, ~hoi~e' 'be'l;w1een, 'lds ,1!134l 'a:Dld, l!14J. 1Bi,~:ads; hi ]'ust 'grh'gLn,ed.

"',[ th~Il,'h:t J.b~'Y we~"C h~~'b "fI" U., 'Ili!;'Ci'Li., tee 'f;n:1 d h,l" -pd!~, !b :I: we' W!i!!il:illl IdO\r - I .. iEIIl'KiilUru·

tbis :5iiEl"so-n".

Jj,i- _:~ILD W~I.'I prQilild G,I

Blue - 'I~jW-:b. ~I thoU!lh Iii F'l,:lL'iba!lU great . 'lere :his rt!!IWD I

'y;eu:I:3g5:1ie"r ..

'''He b '~~'\nd u:p' !hi ' , ilL'mII ip,

• ,'1I1:~:r'1l~' ~~d:IR!I',!t b'i?"~ kill 'iiij(U:!liJ~ 'IJJCnlld ,-'04 w,U;i:I!OlIli WiIlutll!!f :Ic:r 1..if1 :EliB!iwer .. ' aid.. ""Hi 'ut-:-, Ili:!lo:n.e ::ll"b:a:f' im. , gama,.""

"'W'Gwd you put h~JiI i!itI\ft,

yo'!il~ AU ... A.:rn.criea:H, le'.!!.m;~o;

ORe.' 'S!e',fmo, ilia'kJi!iId b:i.m.,

~'\[ 'd put· b~(~]:IJ, Smith, an~ :tUiI:!k WUdI.UDgI' ~if!II mtpelj iO,j Bi!!i .aUliwliIlitett "B'nd m,lII.y'be 'W.iO.!81 got Q'IDO ltib_ :r,ClSt IQ!i).!!\II

Even w"th 'hc~r collel!e ca.-' R~r'.s at ~n e:nd~ CaptSiin Smi~h ,and B~b< SWf!-i .1" wue kcenl:r n~er>ested in the 'PrOgL~e55 ~f nle game in 'tile' hl't~ m lQ'Ul.te1S.

T.liLe'~ m,ad gone: bill 'the l'llDdutt' room VII,i; 'la, ,a.bout fi1l'"El :rn inutes of '[JrliI'Y l'efflai]'lin c. S'weig~r was stripped 1'0'1" Ms ~(!o~G[ whig

te r:'billcrs ,Q! ·n .. ~ er wd 'could T~il' uad le!lie,• J9~,l i~lm

be' h,ear.d m~~de. p:aign ,It MiMti:luta hall

B!Q;b hustled. willi' dOti\i"., pl-IIiHUld CJc>~ch 1R,el'~ie' B\ie,r~ 'opelled ,!t, "1l/ook: ,ao l,o.o.k ,a.t tliie JDatl - -~1i , ~billn <iI.ny .1:1' ai, a ~phe.r·s at 'tblfi far end il,t, t:D.~ 'Go,bc1l" 'm'~

(sUoadiu_m, ,and yeUed;:, 'j.~:~~,; ,ib.e.!n mQ'le ,1,BlHafyinQl',

."The),J'r.e. ma:rcb:inI 'g1alin",'~ ,I;UInO'Uig',h ''111 l'Y,\CIi' b ,4; ~ ;J!!JI~,

O1iTkat s g~eJB~.'" ~s8J,~d. ,B_r~.c: Idol:. 'e~l!Jjui!iI' 'of :t:b'e 'Wit" ti .. -

a:~~ w. e :t !IlV,C:l" foiE' ,Q 100.1< liIlIIJl>._~~· ~el~,~'nd,'C.'~ .~~.'iMiJJ. ~~: .dld~ t

1 ~ , _, ':d . ,I em nuu WII had ilDyfb;m .• ~

.,.~, Gue~s _ tbart. d~ , I,ll m' ~~out~. lug .'~ff uniliotl'Qsl 'Tr,ainE!f.' LWoy.1!9l B!U D.d'~YII,'tbe f1!.l!lJl~~C~ iav[u;~~ S'tem m~ed ,through 'fh(b

ir.~m'lLe1r.~Sl: am~, S:t. .. ,CIO'~,~' :.r_~\V\mlle~, 'loom. calnw~ng ,a. hu.e ~ben .be stQm.ped, mtQ t:be. I f'a 111 PQp.eo.w.g eon1:a~neJ[ m

;I~g.q.l.t~'r~~ .:;I·n,da mo.~,e~t la:~~ .Itt wu· ,~']ll,e:d w,iU~ ,coOklle.s ~a.~l\tl~' .l!r~ ~~s:cn, O~~JJflI',~d. 'WI ,by th~ mo tbel" o~' 'Gf!Ulg'C tb~~ ;s~me' ~~ougbU. _ lb. "Jd~_~;I' . ,!,~~ne;ki ~a~~t year'j Gopber- ' '~T'

h:a~ SitO"lud cincih d~ h,fi;om Da\r-e'llp-oirt Iowa.

I "owled ,and you. kn.ew hg l"e ~

I 'f~r-~.ed ,tQ the ,Gopbe'_~' l'ankiAti~=~----~~-~~-

itS, No,. 1 ,e-am ,m: '"he ~:lbIiliD. 'thell"!! 'W:I:S m,. I: 'fJllal lOne tor

~ .'. . _" I med.b':1 the Gopibe.r se.nwr - irS'

.... As. l~l.]d a.s_ :was t~,e: Sho,utl~ '~h~~ ,~~lt7ed ,awtli~ iQ~tbal!1 lear' ~fben t~~' 'eJ]lU~e: j'jl(j.uad be!J.~ J];!l ~hgtL!Ir lcc:klerii ~O!r 'UJ.r1! last its r.'ll:iI.Sll, :~~to UH~' rocn:Dit, 1:.h,e! no], UOO!~'., G''UaI:rd. GOl'(j;y. .P as chka

WlaJS fa ~bjiSl')-er ~.:~iruI'Cbt!J to 1 !m~d~ all, ullJs1Jicoes.sfU:ru ,e;f:fod to Tan;aHle ,roM" ~~m ~n. 908: ~~]d th'em, back: and End J''Ildd ~' .. rt B.'asUJ(ll~ ~'J~b;, ia _ser~,~s. )~itin~iQt was: blinking p're ty yeeows: .h~ balI\~ed, throii!lb I hiJl;d.

c1"Owd, ·po'lJJ!nda;fIi. EndlBQb 'Fit) • • •

Q;ll tJ1e ba.ek _a~.d we~;t aI''ilJiU .1Ue1"man W,DS the tar ., t fo'l" ;)

hugl!1::m; thec Gopbe-r I;'egulJalTs, lo,t o-f ~jjbbjJjng frn\m fr,i~ndi!il m

.. !II! 't}lie' ooar.c:b'es~' l'Oi}m.

Q tlar1li~Fb~~ B~ 1 IGanl~~ U'Wnaf ,0. ~'Ie ~ou gO~ii1lil to wOrn"-

wbo Jf:U3;d.e it b i s jlQlb t'bilS ,i\;eas~ ry . ab:!r~: _ nJOW?ci '1 a:ughedl .JUh,9 h'J deCOl'il~e 'UiThe squad 'TOn lJ@tM,~' Dlli_l\ecm:r F'.r:alik McC(!l)r~

blilckboar-d aite£' e'ac:h g,ame w~ """,,-,,_~~~-=---

a bj' '. hark ~i,gp no Lin: : 'tb'e D,m

:err o'r~ " b:m::ms:u1t;f e~:m,W,~ Kn ,ck1e ell IOult

'~d.ehamd i3~Si)n bad, ,I; De

Bl"!!I.t. -, S,mi!h cl,idn",! ~I.d:f~r iII.dd~~·~!Dt~~l itl,) ~ IlP I~ hi~ 'il,gee' j'lUtt b (!'cr' I ~- ~'" lC,e.:r:r~eldJ b,O'm

fha' ti.ld SI,I:I.1I~d",. 4

t'I w··, i!Jj it kdCU::rke:d! !DU ~.'''' B:rue. ex.p.billi'i . (I" ii'';;,N,eve_: le:U like :!hal :b,f,il!jl'~.. I d$d~-,":t: ..,..~ 'k'now :th,t. t~!ey' we:r~. J l~g m. bom Be n.'td !tI mil WII c:rou;.d lb •• id.UDiIi. My k.u. "".llIil hurl at an~,~~ -

mi~, 111 's O~I e.a;dy ~ start

~ 11 H)~X~ R:!l.SOR. '" '

~~Oib. 'h'IE C'!a.:1':Il wltl\r.r;y ;~b:Jl)trL t.~E!'

Ea ~ W~s1t .,gam,lel !I' r!1iuggc.sted

'Dlck .', _

.' .

SOmeODI~ mellticneii3l 13 iU. Ga,r·a :l'ia8Js. ,uRe dtd a 'ood io.b~hj5 season .. '" . erillil ~e ,comme.nted. ~ ·You k'fllQW he s 'J:j.jgge'l" t:h!an, ~e '].(lJcks~ W!E!:!, . h albout 1 7~ pO'!lllMl,ds.

'·Yo.u're '[tort ~n.reS\S~iIliIJg ,!i)i:tl!!' of. y;o'llUlr. 'h~ys is b.~g'g~r. UUI.'l], he ]~o,b, :are ::v'Omr? i" :roitl{!d Gamey ~

'" • I'

Bobb:y P·a n ,a.lh" qJ,u81"b~rb~ek of '~e Gopher' lials't ye~ :3rnd :a JDaf~,i.ed maa 11& ;alIllilst 2'i bo.~~S1' weI1fL through 'the rC)iW~ ~'f ~Qek~.wS' 'flOfjg~,a;t latm, his,

:$o;r:mer wamm<a:ms., I

'~~ a~way1S! ,strld tb~y!d be 'b'BJt~,

ilet' oIJ.'U...i , "h-' ,. . ~ d

{ ,~IJ.:'iS yearll, ne ~_LS ~'!12" ~

!tJ •

B[ernnan, was .rP'leaS'~d w:ith I ·th@' la~t mmule ,pIa:y of Ih;;;rb Sand];'~I:8:j halfb~c:k f~o(m RielS Lake. 'Wis." 'who was r~pO''i:ni!~ble foij;" tlmJe IMt Mitlll! sc'la M!Lle!b··

down,. . _. .

~~t.Ee. ham"'~ pla"ed ml~c'b thts. sltaS!l)!Il 'i!i!ii1h.eT.,~'" :Berni,!! mid. 'iand, I don'~ 'Ibln~; 'lha:t Dave Tho m. as. who, ~c,td: 'he I-·~·tr'a I pomt. bId even pradi-= d ki~k-




~ fItIi. __ """""""""!'foit'-_,..-----IiII"I!'~' - \'fBr~[J1: ~nT1l'~ C"iC'~I{JI'I "1'1I'i'o· : il'VEN ICHICA 0 I' ~e-l'- orUl' L 'u:n ilA~ hyo 5~"r·

m 'hi[ , D gllnst r' 'billlfli.m Dnd

S'C RIB E S AD _ 1/ .,..r "lnne!5o' I' t\lIllTd bOit~ '0 ' ~n.

'knl't b8C~ of a l~ i! tho ~'fI(;b::t';lyh':u '

,d; I'i ~ ~lH e 'Northw a erlll. d d,

1iI,O r III eel M"~Ly. ,d·' '(''!Jill to wllill

Na:r'~H ; 'r(1. mih1!: hil~(!i won • to • r4l'o:l:1hw &item ~ll!yerr, said a!br the I_e 't.'llat Hlil!:iI:~;n' lr.UIl 'WaJ !,qegBl roeiQL\'g;,p '~~1 tl1-~'Ii.I.lht 'HJI~ gjJtu '~I!l, !Il m~tlGDJ ~efo~ ,thet 'k 'QW tIM! ball wlil In lli~p.y • '. .. 'no.l\rev.: 1'. Bel' 'FfiB &tcl,'el~, d, 1m _Itl '01 t~ _ ,tg b f'.1i!e 10_'11 ,

B,t' di, IE _; I! _ ,,-_ :&1 -, 0'= na, m~ _ 1_ -'Ildi- iii .1)~:!6dJ tb,

The Datiou 111, b~g cu!a:y 1 'pl-'fl~ o'W~O'il!!~r fli~t'a ", . , 'lifOl Id()!Ubt; 8bou~ ~nMQtai:s, ''!HllL~, 0lI'~ N'~'. hi hl~ Ilnl1~ ~QneeTi-n:l~I~' ~9 ~l- 1l~ "'rt:sJelr.~ BlIiId! WNJI! ooRti1e ~ ~pDf.'m ~ , , PAUL ~O~E~~ H_!JAD

~'rlll:e,n Rnd faJlcS ~~fk'e ; I'IIlIJ. slvlh;: lJNBSMANI" ALSO WAS, TE~~~ thell" tOpm~iln about !l1'J1e' lII!;lnuu'o'lll'S ~c~y CI~C'l' ~. CJl~k, dl~Dtlted ,l'IIys, It Is ~n' res' D'g' t~, ~Gm~ _ ~iOLATJ~N"!fll~, note that ChletllO ~e it:C A:N eEL 'IE,D NQ:RTH~·

'U'l@iFS ,fr-of'lll t'ble mHlw~st Ili'f\e ""Ir'tu EltNiS 'I'OUCBQO'WN. 'Ii ''-·11 IDe a]1y \l:n-iU'liimtlU~, In dJediitring i ~n· ~IU;e.~ - !r lIow. VW, Iof.' -,' e ~en neseta Ict]pla~d 'nil! W]Idc9,\!: and 0.1 timl!!!' IlC 'iii ci d. '(!II "ell Gelldlell dA!!!'IH'wd 1;)0 '1;: ~fI!. of the inf'~tloa '.' .. '" C@CiIR; ad·

.lit f:od, '~helCe WD ~I lU(:j U: &;ny mJit.s ho:t irisl ma;y :h:a~e l1.e(::111 a, tDmpla.i1!l t. :from 'he "~L}1''S IIIbDut CPUpl0- 1IlJI£ YR'f.i& putt tttc l! ue, bltli'l th \ - Udeat W~,~ltdQWTIi 'that "",as 'il's '~fl:y,s be' ':'8& car.r:,']ng IOU.t h~~ e II ll d b~tk &T Un eSll!Ita 5 trick 111ioeklng as:S1~!l1!lilCn _ :and, ~"9,:!m t

_II Cltn1t B d HI ' OV~!, ihel'oed Oi - (II, ; It rield to 'i e:rt ,r@'

H V ' a JQDk, - y, I h de!' n -OJ

'IIIJi ,

I' If

, I' I




- - -

- .,



A~'~D' HEAR!D: BG::lb

S'wel,e:r ,!lrncl Urban ad sen irl!- J epi'V'@Ci Un . hardest ~(JII"k n r Ole;! I' CD)l':!l! rs ;a' O'W8I; and Ihe Gt:n·

lilll!T8 - Idddj ng Ult[!11rr'1 til to l 't

)' i' er W'~ m'I'\ Coil ,til

fur tnuehdewn 'rna- III

OmJ~l' ~ Dump :sq_uai'if I y hf Ii.II Od-

'on '!ivi '!h bo' h nea_rl~:r k'",IO~iu~'d l!, r:lWlld 'CJ,e)' ,'j,.'i;'eI'lT thal'!50 DIPS III th!£!' i'mllJl' 'n miilll"kel:. ['0:1" bDt.h, at th.elll U~ e r:it!ISlt llhrc;e ).u:!.

iii liji

1lJ[ • • •

to r""d in 'p:ro ~ .

Th.ll; j , lJIeI uced thi b:e~;t

blillC'ks gllHc1- tB h a Jtte' IDade j-.

~ ong U,me 0' • '0 ,iI3i!i'lr~b Gr,I!;e<.IiI MId

]).d~l' 'l.'II.'1 ire ~top~' d 'lrJy pil!id~d b[(!IJ:ks ~riOim thiB' whLsUe 1Il10000'~rs • ~ D'O"I 51\\! eigiflL'" \l'.s; a io!ld ''''~lE!IlanaJ lon or ['m\lo~ !,B:5f" 5W : '"An rh 'eaIlITI't!; Wi!!' 'play al~.g; pI:! 11 d up., Bu' to y~ Ilb a.a. W.iji" S lUllS .o'1,n(lIUl- r ,a:me 'ftId i' ~Q~ l ~m,~.Si t@.l)jes Q.S Imt to g'C'

gmn~," '

Les S~h ,1"Qrd¢l', "",.oil) ltI):e dllll'ul'ft

1.1 r l'tiil!i . i'i LiI' a. se .~ 'LIi1~~J~-nnC!',r1 at 5 !lid L.I 1"1'1. i, a.( .aid h Po \\'.1.1 na Ie to ~u' . h~fIiI baek UJ')I [[or- hJ~ \Vis-

Its' n e; iIil!i!i ~ • • fH I I

n _'1"-' in IfQIr Ii' ,


·'G l ![lIP [[I' U('I:!i Q_ tl

Jlfm'gre~IQU a I it: U1n~; [OWi!!I u mao I

teurs" . ~ . s 1'1 [iil!I'liV8 ~an i~fII Ul I

&~l'ilt~y(,! lilJ">e' ,111:' ,nOHiIi W, l'rr~ lin ~ 'm (ii, If! ,n, lilit 'fl1 bpl!iltm iR~ 18 OJ 'l;1l'~tlll uil( I iAlh. llliJlJIJ~\ IItI!C~Ji- inp~11 'f\ "1'1' II!J' _ ~Ii' 2i!l1 ~~ .ru'i!'l! ' 1 .• "

e" nle EJ(IoLirrUiJi1'l !raiLed 80

3m ~ t1'. lay 'Le r; e:ll t l)(f~tu:h"(!

. u tl:ir-l T ttll m.f!llif'C' he h a i!i.

S!Ln tn years. J!iil'~.D HE A,DDED f'F liE HAlO HIS \VAY. ~VER'f [aJiPHE.R '\~QULD HA V'g; BEE. ,'ju\l[ED ,.10 TH - Wf'[.l~l{L,Y' ALL

C:ONFER- ... c, T E, 1J,~ •••

81(!lIi(! Smi1h ~lell'i@''i,'C! b~~ ne "Ill h' p f e'i"1' ,for' \'\' iseen s n • ~ • Hiif' J1 ink!' I p. VI,"R,-L-m \ 'M Oll, (.III' hIP 1 I;.' d: tiJ rn at 1:Q\'o',!lI • • • B:v

i'~eD tF~ ihllr- '0 I whilcllll h .nfjj' 'il!


'I'hey don't l(lc b Nri dJlJn~

'!fery ,oUen" and, lhoe 1r£8: en (tat

hliCK 'to 1.fle u'V~rilliI!J 'I)'rep da' r~

[O~ the grei;l):r Gglg' - f' UiJekbr:\.

\ViJdJiWrlIg l\'J!Hle:mb.~f[,Sl Ibo.w he '\'1,1'0 fool-edt ' !r:e;M ,~.g'J!l. sc.llof.lll nRlll'fiIl_afl~ ,iiU~ (11.e;' :IIIi"C) e:x!D:erl., ences tBlYlhrt: ~Im, 'hat" :fQ.uow' hu te lhiij'lff i' ",;n~, fOI~" fMd 'wall if he j s i)~ilil,g tiGet' suits,

Tb e Lu 'Vern,1i! Jn~,~shtrs were mllfC-l\ill'lg £i,l0DK !iilil:l ,u, ibig ~Yi11rli!hU~: &ll."eak when lh ~ lltn iD:lo h.h:~y M~'L"S:hm l i Ii, a ~nl!llw slorm. WiWiU:ll1; tlall~: "''\' :all: :Ill .pelllil1tl1:'

"Ou [" rJin'C was- p'feU :ruggo!d; m we ",,'e' could, wl~ 'I.,,'rlh 'I l. So 1!i1loi\@' dlug m. beads Low and ch axged, wi III ,aU we h ,al.


,rrTh SaJI1C bln~ IU9J'p(I' R,ed1 f:or a lliaU '1E!-:nJ xt y;C we :played theln. !iut then 'Ii '@ got wus€: and .o;illl:illod 1I,p in tl:ud. lit1e-\\I"le dlidi more ~ ~O In' and \y,::u;ted leM

"-_ ~n er.S;Yi ,~lIiIdi WIll :hiili',ld 'U1enL

01 LEARNED SOM:STIJllNG Tr'i-:fPRE" I KNEW. THEN iT>HA T' you CAN' BOMETIMES GET' R. E,IS U I. 'r' S\'lI}':r T ][~:I\lIORE T!-llNKENlG ~D OBSERVL~G A- 'I) ,- E.SS ~l"'!TE 0'11' EFFOa- ...

~: * It!

'rh'tlsE!! '1!:'Ii'l,(O MU8MU 'g1U1iIfiS, were-lb(!' OIllJ:y itime;r; \VHdlunl has. IElVC'1" been {Ill, a fD!li'Dg, tea:m.

'* * ,jl

TIl Ggl''Der ' ,ae:k:l~ u.Jnks

!lM:Uc'blqall!/:; ]bli~' is the. tOiu.gille:at ;he GO'Dh~D fated, UY:s :),,00.'1'; and l1.'e TEli:1t@_Ej :MLeh~gan',s, W'iSlbel't the be-$t!ll!,U,~Di:~e {'Oe aud Nortl!!.'" wes er 'is Baumann lb,' 1i:0P dJ!~ fensh'"e tn>eklic' 11l'1i:! :nillS h!i>.Ql tOI liIP i!,'!Jgamst~

Ii: :t, IItl

']Jdes \' lliihliilg en \,1" lD~' ban ,~IU'l':'¥ rs 'W'I'ho ~e't 11110 L III!' the' )l0l1r;;! Nil) It bU,.

He ~a.:r" t.~1 ollb!' p1ot'Je. :~,..(!U ean ~I - ,iII~ n.lfIr~· :flt m'll lin ~ C)IIIi'!I!'b 8]11 ~ :u, !WI, '~lis'!!; nne ~,,\, m > '1\" . ~!D'i!1 I''!;c ~Nl\ill" nll:!.'1ili to :~~ irWI[I, [!jyh~t: SiW,n te! I:n,g' II I 'tm G ,t ,b.i~IIl1l:"'"

Dlek ISO :soys, U1E!'I'c' Is pIJI!tU1:ly

Wil ~bDmg ~I!i.'d ktd.(]lng goJ>ng Gn illl {tI,_ t Jin,e aDd o.u au o.ut at: 11lJJcX ·~~if ')fOU !doll" ~ ]u\ye 't)..c: !lWS' ,et"s pb' 5i'CaUy 'l~ ll'DJt ~ 'hm.l1y.1.i

~. ., .'

],Ine', iala~'s 'tO~lg'b.'~.&'l

"~t·s ,job!

No, ~t i! 11,'\. QIJl- iii)IDm, IU~ ibA:)!l;e, or tacWi:ng. )1]", D!l)'\VNFlELD' ,WOH;Di[G.

~"A liaetd~ is 1l2'EkSlelJ' than 1b~.'!llIck:Jldj sa:rs Okk. _. All4 D. bloe.k ts euler '\Y,ke:n )'O'u are l"lln_~rliD:; brt(!:~leFErnce tho w!bcD. )' 0'61 h6V(!I

to ~il) ~o 'm. te[ ,(Yt. D ml3.l1i who IBn' ~ dl.l"@~fly j];Ji, lthil!i p~;th of thin. ban. '\V]flen :yoU .are nlon,1i1, ln~de:rence~ t.hE! de.feDSl:' i CQrn,. tng 1io, you and, l"OUl jlll:!lt hilve ., >Crl1le~ i~ffrL'


\ i1dU1Lg . - ys: hh b~Jest thr.m as iB ,Gopher G~-'B' '\vhren, B'L!I{iIJ, Higgins SCGJ.",ed, '~at tiD III e'h;t'I own aga:nnst NMYrwcos'bwcJill, on the' ttick 'p1a:J'. ~. And lIiawlJj~, [iilOH" t

et ,II'IiYOl!1B s~:v W\S! ;fIill.i. w,enn't, Jlll 'that Uno OF tliiat 'Wei' " er,e In rno. tjon~~' addWlIa UlD!'., 'iI"'Tha:t, pLallI' WC'D'- 'Off pll""~'my."

~ '* ,Ii!!'

Who is Diil!k·~ No. 1. ,fau l'

Irs brot:Jne r' Ha::I1I!ald, ,~, '(!<co.:nd fj:J.',adoe r at I..'b1I\I"i2".I'iliri!'.

'~,1 :hoJl!I~ h~ 'win ouid(rl :me O~lI

tI~R'l jdjOOll ." P.~(~ tl'tf1lAll

AmI@'l"iC!lfI 1 ;JJ.Ckle ~;nildQ; e. - R-

. ard!"I~d u~ ~l' • : a KOa;] 1:01" )'D\I.


. -. _ .. , f _, - .....

~ Ei, [iil' WE' f.'\u..

,S't\'f H r6 \;: '" tJll


t1)~-. ~~":~



lW11 n»

. _' I


..... r:n


As. '~e ~,cU:eme'~'t nf Mllir:llr:JJe~t~"s 'Uu, .. rllti'n\i' l!Jom~Cqm ~f'!j~ \fj(. .. to:rr~i'~I'e.r N'Ql"~lruw'e:!i~~l1, C\!IOOS QU ,~'!!.Dst B tr,if]e", UIIC t:idka'ilou.t :Bmeitlr ,J!1'!Il~~':!il t1!i!CiI!t play 'that ~'Gn ~h!? ;g;tm:ie' r_pEIlI\!?:;S_ Oi1ll me:iI.'T,i~y W,iit:h ~~teareb~n, bUi5.Y get~1 tlrle lowdO:f;iJ Qfn ~ts bac~["(lIull!(l.

!ii' ill' ttl

At I:'h,e !mh!~ of. ,t:lte ,li~IlilUt ,Sali-· urdlay, 'the ,K)ei~~l'ol. 'beUef Wal, nu .. tEi~e,mo hEIdi CO"'IIUliCiCilttiJ, thic I, Ifl!Jece lII,t i'1It:aJglc F-l'ldla,' afteJl'R'lJo:n,


.' -

And ~iIl\\l' e- abmt~ '\hI.' hMpile ~fJl! J4ilUI9I in r fI I"ei- - p:UUIII. J3~r't DID NOT S C-O lit E ,A 1~aUC'R DQ\VN . UN T :1 L ms ~E-NIO-F~ YEAR. ,A ~ r:I thil:l'n ]be' we.nt wUd. Hill' ~(:(lIr!l}d, :Ill;!! fJtst on .. e< h~ 1'916 :llIgtll ii]lIst JIliI'I;.v~, he ,seated 1111t'1I!t' HllfiItu:; ag~~n Bt W,js., tCo,niSJn ailed orue- ifi.~ rliririlllm.g, Ii, ki:l::ikli)H tia,~];; ;1"0'1' I!J. ilJoUchdoW1ll.

Iils h'gg~~ - .. nat ~;n~&'t tQiU,\!lt'u:!Ill!'!k~n"

,to-st ~t;i:Mng ~~!;!!i dlt ti!i!F~~ 1iI!¥- ~ '\¥k~~JUbt Mild, :~clio.f1 1l'lW",

Spo'rI~, jJil!1t.shle 0:1. r&fl~bal1 N,one. ",I' 'ftle~, 'im~!ke1;Jb.d ,ab 'the U. WQSl S-e.nt'mto a game. ~dJ fe\M .t an, Ill' f~~ ~1'

,i8esit sJ!-M" 't;Q 'w:at:clfi, nside ff1C:m, f.'oo b!W!-:Qqe~ r.

MJ]l]l~m.'5 ~~5( iIa,p,Il'lmAm't ~ ,I: at, fi] U;bl1j~g~ ganl of lOOa,

'Be:r.t ls a :ltlmtil)r' man ~:tld h= al1Jiii lJIis II!!!~ribcBW![\.lq.1B wQ'~~ RUQY, l!i.a,\'!e' ~o ~hlfuhl1\'m :In h~d'~ liIoW • enOl Q1!I, Uie :It:Ee!!iilm..MI .sI!Ul;~d Md, P;m:,i1il:cIII a-, ,~, .smtor ,st Wes't bl;gjh~,

8"u~;Im.es_~ ,- -Jt" EM (;l:uOI'l'O'"

~et C~'1 :i3lIDi,sI; lftij.lifi~P:!lm !l>V,!a01])iI!i.

JEi'ome' = 2IOB, R.e-nwo~, ,pa.rk'W,[I,ll ..

lOb ::fL1'B ... E'en, ROD/lift 'thJG ,d~illi' 'H~a'U5t'1' .. ·CtJ.n EklMlill, reud~, W1Iii,c:b, 'u!!lle CiJd me: ~esl ~llOG!ki:ng 1nr WI). alii. ' b Bit k iekAl[Utli!)m!hd~ l'ilUM.

"WI~n, rn 'tc:u you. g)@.iI: ifi1c

bo,lJ a.m:dl l:Iln;~ ithtng' I :kt1iiiJ1ict" n\h~\fe l'Ias J[liSt nobOOy ~n 'frnlilit Qf mel'. ~11lo. ':lf~ O'Jllmld ;rIlilJ,'~



* .'


"* * '. *

By' :Dl.'3<EY BtllJ':.., ,maJc'hJ tkose ,d:er~. 'W.hl,~ meails

'!'hE' liil'tlt ',e'M' oUJt. ~[~ Mlirul'~ ,r .was it liiirY 'hl~t 3?Jm". W'e ]i1~oo,

sota M8lf'~i!t;y ;i!l]l}toal.n :~e oou14rntf 'fh,e bGSt l\'~, oolJildl 'Used to p18~

ml~ 'ithe item. w,'estMlm ev.ery yell'! Rk{:~IOl",

Ill, 't~o :Y~IBIii'iS ~e '!,!,Ins an all liopkma etc.'·

Amer~e~n end 8l1IiI~ Just to!r ,Ell .Bed - !l!ould have a hin O'f ~

cllan,le :w '~c t~h~,Q\~iQg Y·!1-U' lle ,fUR ~~I 'Willt h~lor,y if ~_:e, wH~"'W.

'!j,V~S an all Am,<M'i~ !1ll.i:], ~ri!~ 'bu,f :hl2' isn't; UL~ 'Upe. UO'W,1llJ

H "[$ Bed '~as~~n, 'Go,PlliJe.. ell), tJ"'I1Ill!'J]~~ 'file' :se.Wl-OOIS yo-lUi hav'e

coach" lleartlJ sibtnJtDli)rR'ls,lbe..Jtiiiltlme :at.

BN"l,'s, ill;, 1!11'tl!~U6t;, iIl!\l ~t. LQigrl$ N;P'I;r:~ ]jam:e hu:t otl.had.;c: 6.~ ate

PlIll"k :filI~l :and t:h:oS(Il, ~'e(f,1ii - BilL ~e:iID~ 'filley 'iba:'!I'"Cn't: lIi~iI[r.:l ;0

U~~ t1a;~ i!I ~l~~~_ ~~~ ~m. I mueh, ~~~ ~_?n~~~'~~~~b!!\!!Ii' ~

'"[Wlu~ 'was ~ 'ooMib~ Bm'f' mJJgililty p!lmSm; el1lim;~me,ti.w. ,[

]aug:hed. !'111.e ~,mpt!l!n· 'Wll~ tbf;i ~,~e'r.t U: 'tlilil3(1'\e ~as imY

S-e£ ~~, p~ ~flIcfiDg!_ l(i~ ~~ mHi1;y' be hM '~OODI. in Do tC~, _ himSGlt ·~koalJh :~~~~t3._Jl. mllliin :bI '.(Q ..

u"w' n," ~~ ~h~'ll 'If,,e a :m.oWi~nt., ti''l~d .ii!~ Et;~'s: d~VIe'jO,p~ng aJ, ;~irP:S'd~ keack o:~ lietflmg ~"UU!t. 'body bet'!,,.r,g,en 'illit,e 'baU Md The f~' '~Mive ml1m w~en ~tru."'rel g'Qmg: ilJP. ]I useiit ':t:~, 'p!'acti,ec 11 ~ ]o'i. !hll,t 'thf1 ~ig~f mng'il)i} ~[!~~~tJ to.l'p ,anti 'to w~'rk' ~n l:B Ib'L'0ekin,g~ 1['; &qwloo't b]IO'Ck [IjJ,\ [i'd~ when I l!itaf"ifuad :iUii;d fJJ1 ,hQfIW' ~ iIillS~d: I~ wm,3l::, tilln ,n."

THE ,genUe Gopher':a~ djd ,1n@'l)e t'h,~ w,h~ ~_ .f'~~tlia'~ gam.e Saturday,~ They fo.r.ced, a 1llew lW~ of e'ij!]p'm~t ICfn tlie fi@o'tb~n ,DWa"]'JJ:"Ul.faet~l'S ~ Ii ;. S'w,e:~ge:n" ,a.t:g11@fi]l 'W" the '~Ippo:ft]en,bi" FI,~k S:LYs, :sometmng ;alUin~Dt ,.~be 'fel,atee

== = ;a;md;... -seclto~ltJ:Sl ~ 'w~n..

,dO'Wllt 'j' ~O"I' £.00., nQW 'Oin. 'rival c@a.e_h~s '~, ill'umiah '(:heir' men 'wrut:· em~S'W'p!J in a~ditilOn ,to h e a d; ,glla:rdij. '. ~ AnH, 18,~ ~P'" ·panell't ]'i~tens 't;OI 8" Q~ 1!lher 'fuaJkll' 'he m~y. l'Qs~ "[1is ~ertbn' ~ ~ ~ 'Or h]s '~a:lit~


nn s.ecl"'\(d 't.a~l1JCi~ ~m tale F~nld B)CUl5@.

-That ',,"va.~f;I:'t '1:biQ! S;~(I.rl. BI,oe.r-m~1!fl tms lIi1ld, i't ~n Ms bali :f.o.r' qulillc ,~ lcmg' 'Utne.

:iIH hA'.t" ibg· !Jail :tt :t;udy fDr' It"i,d~ H' 'lillie- ~.-~llM~~ h:l' il!inelli:i, ,II. '1tu:)i~Q"j]~"frdDpi!'tn.

Wl~I'il ll~, bll,·e1d1g1d dlmr>gam- boo, BiiE!liMii\I] ].mew Fl"iU:y ,th.8~ tih~ bO;F8 ;,~ liJ!Il,V1e te :IWlli1 '.mm~U'~J'i1 !,Iin~~tE~ ~n rom~r te

gt!lt anf\VlI~" Be devoted, fI] e iMt.ft'1ll00"iiI! praeHoo m lill~lH.iml~' o.ff (hat ~~a~f"

]11 :UiIli,;;t' a mew :P$:3Jy itii!ll :foo'· 'ball. ,I~ m:a~ Us .~~IUaJl Q\(iipee,r.. lJiH1ce In aR "Ei&t,;We:st IlUntl:' leVerSi~ yean: ago, 'I;",'hm Ble'

~u 'iMllcMn' t:Ite iM'ttl-ef' t~m~, He' bas iu~d :11:1, ~ :hll!i 'bag' (JOf. 'trlck1;, ~e"!f ~~,ce~

Th'tit 'Clii~a;go :alBRl'S' ba, e Wied i~ a~alTi'5t 'tlrie Gr.e;~,Ba;r :paekEil'SJ;

::M:JSlS~W'l UEed it twJ(iC ~ e:ul~'

-r: :...:.._ ---

g-~l.0S: this at"~1I; m~l1dJft)l:. ~'he :Neb.ra'ska e@JilI~est.

All. f~'lini' o:w~ Wli~l'e' e:3lE)Qd, Wpmer b, B~~e mt~r.rnM, Shu!kloln lJ~~e !£OiJd :Bel1-~r:lil, ~:fQq the ,1",oUm.e anrt to,id that :it 'Was' 'ootWimg. WtMO 'deed ,~ tv,to ~ ~lA\'- ibfJloq It w.~ QIlBed1 :S:r.d:u~ IlIiDim, the -of4c1_iIlI5 wel£6 drlrue i!l11, WlI' iQ(I' i~

.; til

:Bob ~WE~P'l" lI~lJP!'1iI m~ I.t wor.k b$ ilII~ ,M, .a.tCllElelfi't

'~Ith wua,Cto.t p~erl. Th. Gi'i!IJli.h~M s~' tllla~ re.:bly 'BI,taman WEltS rn ir.iCl1s~l;lollJ r"e8irlly ~, ,PlQ W"url'l 'it WBs ea11ed wi! EE, WA.S ~LASTED (JUT 101' THE WA,'! f@:t, ORD 0:1' the! te,w 't!_m&1 durJ,Dg; Ute d!lr ..

- ,>.

. . .. ,

. .

. /


ll!linu1Q 'rrll~I]~i~ I1!rj--'~illr' ,;hl'llm~J !i!\fJiltilii'li ~m:[jll!'

Mi:nnesota"e, footba'ru] couehes, player.;s, and old grads should f:e:e] natural next S'aturday when another C~lmpajp 1">0.]180 on, [b 'way ,at S€~.tUe~, with the 'G,o-ph'12l."s 'tRng'~iDg' with the U,]llvet:s:ity of ., Wu htngten,

This I'ang 1S On the, "spot" agaln this yenl" ,flf'ter ,8, t'eapite of several seasons.

In oth er 'wo'l'dsj the, Gop.hers start 'the .seilson wi th erlties, p~'U,gru)~,'Uca tOl"a, and what-have)I'Oill i:n.els ti ~I 'tll R't ,th,~y'~U be th e c]a;ss

of t,he' W e-s;~el.~n conference, and pOS'" ,slbly' the' entire 'n atloll, beft~,:t~e~ they"ve ,eVE'n played on,e ra'm.'e~

It's not a nl'w experi,e:nclfli' f'[HII' Coaeh Bernie Bieliffie,'n, hhl ,aids and j['ol'mer

IijjJ\i'lI,iIli,~i'\i!!iIll~j[]1 .,...·f ,~iLul' ·M-"iIlI.p,;r;,:"..H and 'G" 'o~I..1_ "\:;&..11,; ~'~!ia V J IL-U;I~ IG= _.·m ILIUJU. ,~._ -,', .WU ..

From 1984 through 1997 it critics m;ad'@j it, ft pO,lut -to :name the! IGoph e'h"8, as ,ch,amp]OD:e.hip, favorite before the iR,ti1,'rt o'f each season, On :ma.ny oeeas~on,s" they made good"

Can, the;y do :l't th~rS, 'f,aIU!'? Well" th e truth, is that Minnesota,Js footbaH Oil tl.ook t~his ye,n"' ean h,lll'rlJly' l., rated as pes,simi,s,'Uc by even the: - l:Jl~ld elsiof.bMl crying towel expetta"

Berni!e Bj"el'mJ8Jl ~8 line candida tel have ih,di,i~,fIJ:t-t!'d more pob~;1i tta'~ class than. any gli'CU]) of recent yi~a'rs,;

Th e ba~kfi@ld has ,~lt ~e.AS t .foUt; Ol" f:i V'1iEl top-notch men of better than B ve~r'age abl1l't"., Th ey will be med by Ca.]~'tain Bruee Sm.lth of F,l\riba,ldt, who h,B!iJ. lJl.'>O'y,ed his gl',eat~l,es:s on 'the

I'l'id'l ~"On 91i.~eady and wh.a 11 as :in,di.- J

cated that ha'll rise to n,ew' heights- In his senior :year'~

But even the more 8n:thu,g.i.asUc cheer ]eaOl;f,!:'f"' is w11Ung to admi t th ;,:!,t Ute _gt·t'l'8!. t bRCKS don't run too. deep. TheY' knew 'thR't if 8nyth]D.g should. hapI~-efl '~O Brues smith~, Herman Fi'ickeYm' BtU! D\ru,ey, Bob S:wei,ger '0\1" OlJ.@ 0.1' two ethers a winning s@'aso:n could Vel"y e~sUy be turned. :il' .. to' ,8 disas;tro1rl,S ,one,;

It's dif'fel'etl t in the U:ne'" IfIn] uries 01" at her d]i''fi,eult[e~, sueh as the draft P'~'l:H~"ked, some ,of the boys up frofl t j the l~~HSI,elive ma te':rta1 not only runs f:a~:r]y deep 'but also ,h,a:s eonslderable el8.:ss~ But becau~t of' the buUdup Ute: 'U}41 Go.phs'l'S have had 111 advanee, ,every one o,f ,eight tough :r1vala will be, ,ke1ed te l,'l.ny over' 'tbeb' he-ad 5 in h opes of knocld'!t'JJI' 'th e fa'\o~6:dtes (d'f th ~-'i.l' pedestal, CODte 'What may, ,]t's :f~otban time", Th.e~r'E!' may be some dJ~appo1.ntm,erJJ't~, and some heart br~nk3 alon Ii the' line: for Mln:n~,gQta. fans and play,el',e,~ but if th.ey eom@' they wi U be: b]1br af1;el~ t'be fU1Jij:O.-uS S truI,g'ies; thB t make tbJs, ~p'ort popular w'jJth, millions e:v,elc.ywheR"


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5 AG


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