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22 Recitativo Recitative (Marianna sientra) 26 (Marianna withdraws) [P] dolce 12g che ad al- tri eal nets fos - se So - fi-a! ‘Sup: pose a favored rival mar. ries 80 - fi-al ip: pose a fa es So five! [P dolce } 128 -de-a di tan-ta fa-ta- li - ta m'op- pri - mel © = gi mo-men - to -de-a of such a re-verse of fate is daun-ting!. E . ve- ry mo- ment 133893 23 FLO sce la miaim - pa- zien - za. el - la, gia vie - ne. out the pain of wai- ting... Ah! she’s ap- proa-ching... {gsce Sofia con Marianna che si mette osservando in disparte 138 (Sofia comes in with Marianna, who stands aside to watch) Andante Florvil-le! mio be- ne! Florvil-le! my darling! Ah di-let- ta So- fi-al.. My be-lo- ved So - fi-a! Andante FNP) dotce cor f a 12 sor 133893 24 45 7) ~ fs} >— 7 Quan-to® dol-ceau - rial-maa - ‘No de-light can sur- pass the © I FLo. Quan-to® dol-ceau - m’al- maa - ‘No de-light can sur-pass the ‘Archi pin. SOF -der. Ya-ma- to be - nel Dun fe-del sin - ce- roaf - chol - ding my dea- rest trea - sure! Ten. der fee - lings in my Ta-ma- to be - ne! Dun fe - del sin - ce- roaf - my dea - rest trea - sure! Ten - der fee - lings in my + der. hol - ding 15 SOF. Ta we pit s'ac- cen - de aw ad-ding vi - — gor_and strength ran yg Lo de ili gor and strength 133893 Si ram- men For my mind Archi SOF. FLO. pe = ne du-nias - sen za tan tor - ment, in your ab sence life Ch Co SOF. FLO. 133893 26 SOF. del suo ben, ‘at the sound, si ren- deal of your dear siren - deal of your dear 165 238) Sor. siren - deal cor of your dear name. FLO. siren - deal cor. of your — dear name. 133893 27 “li = ce. Sa-rai fi - do? -chant-ment. Pray be steadfast, Son con- ten - to. ‘Sweet con- tent. ment. sa - rai fi - do? pray be stead- fast. oom ‘No de- FLO co- stan - te. Quan- to ver con - stant. ‘No de~ sstan + te, 0 + gnor stant, : a | hs 4 SOF. dol - ceau - m’al - maa - man - te—_____ ri -_ve slight can sur- pass the of be = dol - ceau - mal - maa - man - te______ ri -_ve~ slight can sur- pass the won - der of _— be 133893, 28 176 — SOF, Ya-ma-to be - nel Dun fe-del sin - co - roaf - my dea rest trea - sure! Ten - der feelings in my FLO. - der. Ya-ma-to be - ne! Dun fe-del sin - ce - roaf - my dea- rest trea - sure! Ten - der fee - lings SOF. sfet- to pitt sac-cen = heart rise ad- ding vi pit svac-cen - ve - roar -dor. ad-ding vi - the flame SOF. -men- ta - no le pe- ne du- nlas- sen - za tan - toa ~ mind re - calls the ‘tor - ment, in __ your ab - sence life__lacks D\cre86, Da -men- ta - no le pe - ne du- nas - sen - za tan - toa - mind re - calls the __tor = ment, in _your__ab - sence life lacks 133893 29 a a © Vim - ma- gi- ne, but my — spi- rits soon, elim - ma- gi- ne, but my — spirits soon, SOF. + ma- gi- ne spi- rits soon FLO. + ma- gi- ne spi- rits soon oF. FLO. deal cor, del suo dear name, at the wi —3— 3 3 |PSsa as , — ' 133893 30 191 3 3 de al cor, dea- rest name, 3 Flo. de al cor, dea - rest name, SOF. FLO. ren - deal your dear 196 oN 198 SOF. suo ben, si ren-de al cor of your_dear oN FLO. ben si ren-deal cor. of your dear name. a 2 3 133893

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