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Danish rock festivals – music, kindergartens and condoms

As daddy drinks his beer listening to Irish rock veteran Van Morrison, his two-

year-old daughter plays with an inflatable kangaroo in a huge kindergarten park.

The scene is one of some 30 major Danish rock music festivals, a booming

business and a part of this northern country’s summer lifestyle.

The 1993 season has seen more festivals than ever before, despite the rainiest

weather in recent memory.

Festivals compete by finding their own niches. The Festival of the Whole Family

is the slogan of the Langeland festival on a small island south of writer Hans Christian

Andersen’s home town of Odense.

It gives greying rock afficionados the chance to concentrate on Morrison and

British bass virtuoso Jack Bruce while the kids are let loose in a 5,000 square meter

(54,000 square foot) kindergarten park.

The Roskilde festival, one of Europe’s leading rock extravaganzas, near

Copenhagen drew 80,000 spectators this year and was characterized by organizers as

the most successful ever.

Festival director Leif Skov says the festival, which attracts half of its crowd from

abroad, mainly Sweden and Germany, has reached its spectator limit.

The four-day event offers a wide variety of rock, heavy metal, blues, hip-hop and

more subtle kinds of music.

This year’s big name was Canadian singer and guitarist Neil Young, but few big

stars are invited to the festival which focuses on up-and-coming names.

The Roskilde festival used to have a reputation for drugs, nudity and sex. While

still not a family event the mood of the 1960s is now expressed mainly through casual

but safe sex and the occasional whiff of marijuana.

Danish anti-AIDS organizations offer free condoms at all the major festivals.

Danish rock festivals – music, kindergartens and condoms

1. Kota tempat tinggal sang penulis (pengarang) terletak di sebelah mana pulau?


2. Tahunnya adalah 1993 sehingga bagaimana keadaan cuaca?

Hujan turun

3. Leif Skov adalah direktur festival. Nah, apa yang ditawarkan secara bebas?

Organisasi anti-AIDS Denmark menawarkan kondom gratis di semua festival utama.

4. Neil Young adalah penyanyi dan juga gitaris dan di taman ada siapa?

Dua anak perempuan berusia setahun bermain dengan kanguru

5. Dari jumlah penonton itu berapa banyak yang berasal dari luar negeri?

40.000 penonton

6. Taman kanak-kanak itu luasnya 5.000 meter persegi lantas apa yang separoh (setengah)?

setengah dari kerumunannya di luar negeri

7. Sang ayah minum bir. Tercium bau apa?


8. Tepatnya ada di mana gaya hidup yang dimaksudkan di bacaan ini?.

Demark, sebuah booming bisnis dan bagian dari gaya hidup musim panas negara utara ini

9. Musiknya mulai dari rock hingga hip-hop. Apa yang dipompa hingga menggembung menjadi besar?


10. Pilih satu saja yang benar:

A).Ini tentang festival musik dalam rangka anti-AIDS

B).Ini tentang festival musik di Denmark

C).Ini tentang festival musik di Odense dan Copenhagen x

D).Ini tentang festival musik yang sarat dengan narkoba, telanjang dan seks

E).Ini tentang 30 festival musik yang makan waktu empat hari x

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