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Manipulation of Perception and Management of Perception from the UK GB, Hindi

Pakistani, Central and South American, Russia, RNC, DNC political operatives

Types of Perception Management

- What you perceive the other person is saying to you. ‘It’s the thought that counts’ system.
- Intuition
- Telepathy, Space Satellite System Connection Only
- Sympathetic Feelings
- What observers would think of you if they could use your brain to think and observe you.
- What your electronics things do and signal can be manipulated. MRI Images of things and

‘It’s the thought that counts’ system, What you perceive others to be saying to you.

The ECHELON Space Satellite System has allowed people to deliver messages to the inner ear,
the observed place on the brain the receiver usually receives messages, to imitate or replace a
form of inter-communication.

The use of an electronic, aural Array system (HAARP) has created the ability to pre-program
(script) interactions between people, inter-communication, conversations and events in open and
closed spaces and most recently, under water.

Events are timed, trigger emotions and responses (participants are observed and psychological
profiles in a database are used) so if you would like to avoid an interaction, relax yourself and
avoid expressing anger, most times all anyone would have to do is wait.

Routines in a building or office are timed and recorded in a taped Array system. When someone
using the Array system wants to get something done, they time their interaction and can either
affect an accelerated therefore oblivious or blind interaction where illegal activity would go
unnoticed or pretend to know what is going to happen next because the minds of the people in
the office are used to determine responses and responses are timed.

Screenwriter’s Caps: Programming of people’s interactions at events have been managed by

Actors who have worked on Screenwriter’s Caps. A person sits down and thinks of events in
their mind while on narcotics or connected to an electronic system as though these events had
happened in real life and would repeat easily. Targeted people have been electronically kidnaped
using this electronic Space Satellite System .


Cult activity would encourage Infiltration or the presence of what is known as ‘Insurgents’ in
people’s lives, most recently popularized as ‘Phantoms’, ‘Phantom Menaces’, or ‘Phantom of the

Cult members who are either schizophrenic or insane, claim your body to be their body, your
mind to be their mind and attempt to claim that anything you do is only because of their will.
Actors have recently (post year 2000) only used infiltration to observe events, listen for
information that would be used in stock market activity, novels, news reports, screenplays,
sit-coms or sit-dramas. UK GB Actors had made the mistake of claiming credit for any good
event and any news event.
Telepathy, Space Satellite System Connection Only

There has recently been a widespread occurrence of people claiming to be telepathic or have the
‘inside track’ on information. This is facilitated by stupid people who want to be called dictators,
Gods, Lords or Kings. Infiltrators or ‘Insurgents’ using your body or brain to think while
attempting to claim to think for you relay information to you that has come from the network of
people they have also infiltrated in the same way.

Sympathetic Feelings

When a male and female interact or converse there are supposedly sympathetic feelings as a
result of the meeting. The ECHELON Space Satellite System has allowed narcotics users and
those who use others as narcotics to send false signals. The person A would feel things the other
person B does not intend for the person A to feel because person A and B are being stalked and
‘Insurgents’ are attempting to manipulate their lives.

A woman who does not think of sex or is not interested in a relationship would not send signals
to any man she met. With the ‘Infiltrators’ stalking this woman, the men she met would feel
things that would indicate either an easy physical relationship or interest in a relationship. The
woman would then be unable to work with the man because everything between them would be
about sex despite any pure business or social intent of the woman’s.

What observers would think of you if they could use your brain to think and observe you.

‘Infiltrators’ stalking targeted people, people with the same mannerisms reported in the news
agencies, heard about in business circles, made of popular conversation would attempt to manage
the perception of what others would experience if they were observers of your life or your habits.

Instead of being able to explain your day, your excuse for being late, your intent behind doing
anything, the ‘Infiltrator’ would manage the perception from the mind of the other person either
giving false sympathetic feelings or false telepathic conversations or inner thoughts to the other

‘Programmed’ mis-spellings of targeted people are also of the UK GB way of opperating.

What your electronics things do and signal can be manipulated. MRI Images of things and

MRI images of your electronic things, your brain or body’s internal organs can be manipulated to
function properly or contain or be missing text, simple programs or code.

With the use of news agencies, the mention of diabetes, a health or mental disorder with news of
a targeted person’s either code name, key phrase or key name, key mannerism or character trait,
MRI images of the body’s internal organs, skeletal structure and exterior image would be
targeted, manipulated or maligned by the Narcotics cult a party to plans of ‘Creators’ claiming
to have created all life on Earth by virtue of having physical control of the stars, (Hollywood)
planets (Restaurants, Countries’ Plans Puppeted Scheduled), Universe (Models, Beauty
Pagents, physical planets connected to a satellite system) and Galaxy (India has claimed to
have a Miss Galaxy Beauty Pagent). Plan and signals are documented in the book,”Earth From
Space” Firefly Books.
Programming and Signals of News Agencies, Advertisement Schedules, Public Relations
Firms, Movie Release Schedules

Continuing War Illegally Failed All Anglo Saxons, Christianity: Events scheduled would be
manipulated with the systems and methods mentioned above to favor only Anglo Saxons. ‘Brass
in the Pocket’ could easily happen if policemen’s desires and wishes were known, the Narcotics
cult ‘possessed’ the mind or body of the policemen in the region or ‘zone’. Given a schedule, the
good fortune of a Non Anglo Saxon has been re-directed to Anglo Saxons on top of giving Anglo
Saxon ‘deep inside’ information on the ideas and inventive innovations of Non Anglo Saxons
with their ‘new found telepathic Human capabilities.’

UK GB and Aryan Nations Constructing their Kingdom: With information on decision

makers, policy makers, law enforcement, work is done on the minds, habits, routines of targeted
people to manipulate the standards or interests in government, business and youth communities.

The United States Government is being accused of participating in the UK GB’s plan allowing
designed neglect, intentional neglect in our Environmental, Education standards, standards in the
practice of Immigration Law, Business Ethics and Journalism to affect a Genocide of poor,
impoverished, exponentially exploited Non Anglo Saxons.

It is known that the Clinton Administration had been HAARPed during the Persian Gulf War
(1991, the business Forever 21), the and the Bush Administration had participated in Eugenics
experiments with Space Satellite Systems in Texas.
In the 1990's it was known to the Clinton Administration that the only enemy developing
weapons was the UK GB and the European Union itself. Any mention of a WMD, Human
Computer Brain Information Super Highway or Android project was only about the UK GB PM

The UK GB’s well known tactic of maintaining a political Plutocracy, multi-faceted front on all
issues to maintain a facade of conformity to International Standards has worked against all Anglo
Saxons. The UK GB’s only known intent was to use all plans of the 1930's, 40's, 50's, and 60's
to condemn with stereotypes and color coding all non UK GB citizens and Non Anglo Saxons.

Use of a system infiltration with a Space Satellite System had caused what is commonly known
as either puberty or mid-life crisis in those born after the 1930's, and had created the ability to
believe in one race of people as ‘Creators’ of life on Earth as the UK GB had intended for Anglo
Saxons only.

The Movie ‘The Omen’ released in 1975, became a cult classic with many instances and scenes
repeated in popular movies many times to include, ‘The Bullet’, ‘The Manic Monkies’, products
like the battery-less flashlight, ‘Contact’ and movies about an ‘Event Horizon.’

All intent of the UK GB & EU was to use other people’s money to develop technological
capability to direct and profit from knowledge of events, business ideas, inventions and
continue to do so from space, ‘2001' in a what would have been perceived as an all Anglo
Saxon Earth without any value in Christianity or Mormonism while Anglo Saxons are in fact
the minority population of Earth destroying Life on Earth with the promotion of the use of

The UK GB could not be ‘Secret Santas’ as Hawaii Aryans had supposedly learned to be.

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