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Drow Noble (N) Level 18 Controller (Leader) Stairs Up: The stairs on the north and south

Medium fey humanoid XP 1.000 walls of the chamber lead up to the roof orthe cen­
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +20; darkvision tral tower. This is how the adventurers enter this
Noble Authority aura sight; drow and spider allies in the aura gain
a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
HP 164; Bloodied 82 Stairs Down: The stairs along the wcst wall of
A( 32; Fortitude 27. Reflex 29. Will 32 the chamber lead down to Location 3, the fire giant's
Speed 7 common area.
CD Longsword (standard; at-will) + Weapon Table: Each table stands 5 feet off the ground z
+23 vs. AC; 1d8 + 9 damage. as they are sized lor the comfort and lise of the fire
~ Fire Web (standard; at-will) + Fire
giants. A character under a table gains cover frol11 an o
Ranged S; +22 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 7 fire damage. and the target :::J
attacking fire giant, but not from the draw. ~
is immobilized and gains vulnerable S fire (save ends both).
~ Darkflre (minor: encounter)
Throne: The throne atop the dais is designed to
Ranged 10; +22 vs. Reflex; until the end of the drow noble's accommodate a fire giant of King Snarr's size and
next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attacks. stature.
and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment. Drow Noble's Book: The book. mostly a treatise
;~ Shadow Wrath (standard; recharge Il l) + Necrotic on the theoretical underpinnings of magic, includes Z
Area burst 2 within 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; 4d10 + 7 several rituals: Shadow Walk. View Object, and :J
necrotic damage. and the target is blinded (save ends).
Maddening Oratory (standard; rech arge :~;. til) + Psychic
Forbiddance. o
Close burst S; +20 vs. Will; 3d8 + 7 psychic damage, and Treasure: The drow noble carries a book (sec
the target is dazed (save ends). Drow allies in the burst gain above) and 6,000 gp in a pouch she wea rs on her belt. LU

10 hit points. If the adventurers search the thTone and make a DC

Alignment Evil Languages Common. Giant. Elven 27 Perception check, they discover a secret compart­
Skills Bluff-+19. Diplomacy +19. Insight +20, Stealth +16 ment. The compartment is locked (DC 25 Thievery
Str 12 (+10) Dex lS (+11) Wls 22 (+15) check). If a character attempts to open the compart­
(on 12(+10) Int16(+12) (ha20(+14)
ment without unlocking it, he or she ta kes 25 fire
Equipment chainmail. longsword
damage. Inside the compartment is a level 18 magic
The drow warblades accompany the drow noble
and serve as her honor guard. \Vhile they all ulti­
mately serve the exarch Lolcstra, these warblades
have been assigned to the draw noble for a long time
and are totally devoted to her. They immediately
move to protect her when the intruders arrive. The
warblades take turns using darkfire, so that they can
maintain combat advantage against the strongest
defender the intruders have. A couple of the war­
blades close with the enemy, attempting to set up a
flank while making warblade attacks. Don't forget to
make the secondary attacks for the drow poison. The
others hang back to use their hand crossbows fram a
distance. They fight to the death to protect the drow


Illumination: Bright light.
Mosaic: The mosaic inlaid into the floor depicts a
red dragon . A DC 25 Perception check lets a charac­
ter notice that some of the pieces used in the mosaic
are valuable gems. A DC 20 Thievery check allows a
character to remove a number of gems worth 220 pp.
If the check fails, the character can only recover 110
pp worth of gems.
Shields: The shields hanging on the walls are
trophies taken in battles. Some are from the recent
campaign, while others date back centuries. None of One square = 5 fcct
the shields are magical.

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