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Vol. it-No. 25
Old Main Line R. R.- . New Presidenf

',78.5% of Borough

Lower Merion Does It Again! 32,000 Telephone Calls Daily Contractors

Do you know that the 01cl Taxes Collected
Philadelphia a:D d Columbia John R. Hall. Tax Collector
Railroad used to run' down
what are now Bala Ave. aDd
MontlOJDery Pike?
Do yoU know that over a
for the Borough of Narberth,
reported this week that taxes
collected to date amounted to
Won't Bid On
hundred years aro you could
10 by train trom Bala-CynwYd
to AthennUle, now Ardmore?
The figure, 'computed at the
end of the discount Period,
, September 2, indicated that '78.5
Road Repairs
,. Do you know why you can't to-
percent of Borough residents
day? '
Be sure to read Dorothy M. had paid taxes to date. Wynnewood Road
Orden's "Town Talk" th" week
for the tasclnatlnl' story .of the
Hall, who has one' of the best
tax collection records in Mont- Curve Removal
raUroad that was the Main " gomery County, reported a total
"f 98 percent of all taxes in
Plans Balked
LlDe before the Main Line of
the ,Pennsylvania was' built. the Borough colleeted iaSt year.
Be sure to read Min Odgen'. BIDS TO BE
''To'"'' Talk" every week for ASKED AGAIN;
news of your frieDds and what
they're doml'. .Man, 29, Escapes State Highway plans to

'. ~Red Cross' Plans :Death in Accident eliminate the curve on E.

Wynnewood Rd., Narberth,
have been indefinitely de-
Clothing Drive Charles E. Ebert', of Hamilton
Rd" Merion, president of the
School Chef Hurt
Critically Early
layed by the failure of ·con..
tractors to bid on the pro-
Ph,lladelphia 'l1ransportatiol1 t Mornlng
Sa. . ject.
Meeting Called For Company, was elected president,
of the American Transit Associ-
According to a statement
.. Tuesday Morning by ation at 'the organization's,' A '29-year-old chef employed
annual meeting in t~e, Palmer' by the Sisters of Mercy Academy
made this week by Depart-
ment officials, the project
Local Branch House in Chicago thIS week. '

Ebert is the first local man Merion, narrowly escaped death will be held up until new
A special meeting of the Main to be elected president of the ,early Saturday morning when he bids are received in October. '
Line Branch, American Red Cross, , ATA, an organization made up 'was thrown from his car as it Will Try Again
has been called for Tuesday morn- of more than 335 transit com-:,' crashed into a tree on Montgom-
ing to discuss plans for a Pro;' panies in the United States and, State of!lcials have announced
LOwer Merion Township's crack Police Pistol team took top duction Department drive for Canada. He succeeds Gordon G. ".ery Ave. near Hansell Rd" Penn that they will advertise for bids
team and individual honors at saturday's match at the Penn clothing relief at bome and over- Steels, president of the transit .Valley. once more to see if they have \ &
Valley Range, but as hosts saw the Charles P. Smith Memoril seas. company in Portland. Oregon, The victim, Donald A. Pollock, Miss Susan G. Dooley, of 344 East Sllring Ave. Ardmore,
., Trophy go to the West Virginia State Police team. Team Cap-
tain John Comiskey, left, was highest individual scorer with ..
total of 299 out of a possible 300. Other members of the team,
Guest speaker will be George as head of the ATA.
Roberts More, Deputy Director,
Civilian Relief, Insular and For-
was taken to Bryn Mawr Hos-
pital suffering a possible broken
chief operator at the Bala-Cynwyd telephone omce watches
some of her 94 operators as they handle the record-breaking
number of caUs now being made by local residents.
little better luck. Bids wiil be ac-
cepted Oct. 18, theY said.
In co-operation with Lower

shown above. are Lt. Andrew McLaughlin, Patrolman Brady Utz neck. He remained unconscious Merion Township and the Bor-
eign Operations of the Red Cross, tor almost two days.
and Patrolman Lance Hathaway. Thomas Lance, fifth member ot who will explain the reasons for ough of Narberth, the State High-
the team, is not shown in the picture. Lower Merion Township Patrol- way Department had planned to
(See Sports Pages for Details)
continuing clothing collections.
. During the war. the Production man Bruce Valentine, of the Acci- Cynwyd Telepl10ne Office Takes remove the E. Wynnewood Rei.

Department concentrated on sur- dent Investigation Squad, said curve early this Fall, and WIlB to
Pollock's car, a convertible coupe,
Gov. Edw. Martin
Lauds Fred Peters
gical dressings and other hospital
supplies, but with the end of the
war, the need for these Items has
careened off Montgomery Ave.,
between Hansell and WynnewoOd
Care Of 32,000 Calls Each Day have borne most of the costs of
the project. .
It was expected that Narberth
decreased, with a counter rise in " " "' Being a Column of Rds., climbed over the curb and Borough would pay the expenses
Montgomery County Commis- the demand for wearing apparel Cha.tter Abo u t People turned over as it crashed into a If you live in Narberth, Bala- "When the operators don't ans- of draining the new stretch of
sioner Fred c. Peters, of Ard- and clothing for underprivileged tree. Cynwyd, or, Merion, and have a weI' as soon as you pick up your road and that Lower Merton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durbin, more, last week received a and in war ravaged countries. You Know. " •
" Pollock was thrown to the street telephone, all your calls are telephone," Miss Dooley said, "or would construct the approaches
and their daughter, Miss Eliza- letter from Governor Edward Despite the fact that all quotas By DOROTHY M. OGDEN 'by the impact of the crash. The handled by the Bell Telephone place yoU l' call' immediately, at both ends.
beth Durbin, of 301 Windsor Ave., Martin praising him for his have been fulfUled, a great many car then smashed into another office on Levering Mill Rd., Cyn- don't think she is not trying her State Work EntirelY
Narberth, returned Saturday from work as Chainnan of the Plat- volunteers have since retired from Have you ever heard about the tree and fell, on its side, into the wyd. An average of 32,000 calls best. The delay is caUSed by sev- The work W~ to have been un-
their Summer cottage in Avalon, fonn Committee of the State regular service. This is attributed old Philadelphia and Columbia street. It was almost completely are made through the omce daily. eral factors over which she has dertaken entirew by the state.
••• N. J. Republican Organization. 'for the most part to a resump- Railroad which used to run along ,demolished. All calls are handled by 94 op- no control; for instance, an over
"I want to congratulate yOU tion of a normal domestic life now Montgomery Pike? Continue4 on Page Two
• • • erators, more than twice as many loaded trunk line, some mechani-

- Energy T0
on the fine manner in which Police were called to the scene
Mr. and Mrs. AlbeJ;t F. Johns- you handled the drafting' of our that servicemen have returned Well, if Sgt. Frank Flynn, who of the accident by William H. as 10 years ago. Since the first cal difficult, a wrong number, 01'
ton. of 110 Iona Aye., Narberth, Platfonn," said the Chief Ex- home. has charge of the Lower Merion I. Epp, of the Elm Garden Apts., of the year, 43 new operators a busy signal."
had as their guest last weekend, ecutive. "While 1 had hoped it Because of the new clothing Pollee Pistol Range over in Penn 1301 Montgomery Ave., Penn Val- have been hired and trained for The operators in the Cynwyd
Midshipman William Reed, Jr., would be shorter; 1 think it Is quotas, these workers and others Valley, hadn't happened to men- ley, who was aroused by the sound duty. office also handles direct calls to
•• will be asked. to serve once more tion that the fireplace in the of the crash. pollock's body was ~iss Susan G. Dooley, of. 344 E .. New York, Baltimore, and Wash-
of Saginaw. Mich.
* • •
an outstanding document.
Mrs. Harry E. Bennett, of 526 and the issues made Is possible
Dudley Ave., Narberth, enter- for you to produce a paper of
a few hours
issued to
"Your knowledge of politics tations to attend the meeting have plates" stuck In its sides, 1 found lying in the street.
heard of
erator of
office, said
Valentine said he measured a operators handled the bUlk of and facilities
skid mark 340 feet long on Mont- the caUs between 9 and 11 A. M. for the 7,768 necessary
theY work
'The building in which
also houses equipment
to care
Be Speaker's Topic
duction worker, to church and He said the "fish plates" were gomery Ave., between Wynnewood and 6.30 ahd 9 P. M. telephones in the
tained her bridge club Wednesday this character."
school representatives and other iron clamps which hold railroad area. Narberth P·T. A. Will
" evening.
• • • sacial groupS who may wish to ties and rails In place, and that
and Hansell RdS. "We have facilities for only 40 Carl F. Schweizer, district
op,erators to wor~ at time," manager of the Company, stated Open Membership
., Miss Jane Bennett, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Bennett, of
Lakeview Apartments, Narberth,
Mrs. David Cooper form Production Units.
More, whose experience in re- Bol'O of Narberth.
lief work began during the Ohio-
these two had
• * *
come trom the
B. l Troutman MlS~ Doole~ saId, but m?rc that the most acute problem now
eqUlpment IS on order. Durmg facing the local office is being
the busy hours, the switchboards able to handle the record-break-
Drive Sept. 23
left Wednesday for HoOd .College,
where she is a senior.
* • • Dies in Hospital
Mississippi Valley flood in 1936, Thought you might be interested
will malte several other speaking to know how a feature story comes
engagements in the Southeastern
Pennsylvania area in an efl'ort to about. Sgt. Flynn started the ball I
·D-les in Narberth are always staffed to capacity, ing volume of caUs with vir-
but sometimes caUs come in so tiiaUy the same equipment that
fast that there may be a delay was in use before the war. New
Dr. Roy K. Marshall, director of
Lhe Fels Planetarium of the
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Krout, of before. the operator can respond equipment, now on order, is not Franklin Institute, will be guest
li20 Essex Ave., Narberth, re- D t ' W"f txT
rekindle the wartime spirit which rolling in this case.
man..i!I'~te~" ~_to. re!l,()~d-. t~'rl..
tuIned week from 9c~ean ",()~,_OrS .'~ ...~'-r.a..$. 't.,' b~8JtlDg wartltneproductlon 'er- ge~ting in' touch with Harold' ·puneIB.l l;ervicesfor Bradforl! , '. Miss Dooley' added that more
' its.eIJ '. '. nom him it', was only \" step, . .' . to a SIgnal on her switchboal'd." yet ava,ilable.
"Until new equipment is re-
speaker ,at the first meeting of
the year of the Narberth Parent
City, N.J., where they spent the Stricken Last Week forts. Wiand, dll'ector for publicity of L.Troutman, of 501 S. Narberth gll'ls were n~eded to .staff the of- ceived and installed, Schweizer Teachers' Association. His sub-
Summer months. the Pennsylvania Railroad. He, in Ave., Narberth, were held Monday fice. She saId that girls had been said. telephone users served by ject will be, "Atomic Energy in
• • • With Polio turn, said t,hat the Philadelphia afternoon from the Stuard Fu- of brought from .the Western part the Cynwyd office can co-operate War and Peace."
Mr. Philip A. Livingston, of 620
Manor Rd., Penn Valley, has just
in New England.
Mrs. Virginia E. Furey COoper,
returned from a two week's stay 39, wife of Dr. David A. Cooper,
•• WLBatt Jr ,.,
and ColumbIa Railroad had been
and suggested I see John Green, Ardmore. Mr. Troutman, who was Cles.
their pUblicity .man. 65, died last Tuesday at his home
PennsYlvan~a for
partly absorbed by the Reading neral Home, 104 Cricket Ave., n.lOnth s at a tune to fill vacan- ing as many calls as possible dur-
s eve l' a 1 to improve their service by plac-
ing the off-peak hours."
The meeting, whic~ will be held
in the Narberth Public School
building at 8.15 P. M., Monday,
September 23. will be under the
• • • of 1328 Medford Rd., Wynnewood,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Fuller, died Tuesday in Bryn Mawr Hos-
of Righters Mill Rd., Penn Val- pital, five days after she was ad-
Guest Speaker at Y Mr. Green saId he had. just about of a heart attack.
the only book contaimng a full
history of the Reading. He was Mr. Troutman, who was em-
Junior Club Penn Awaits Report
On Wright School
direction of the president, Richard
L. Lehman. The Rev. Harold Flood
will offer the invocation.
sure 1 could find material relating ployed in tae Shoe Department of
ley, returned recently from their mitted with infantile paralysis.
Summer home in Metedeconk, N. Her death was the first of a
Candidate Is to the Philadelphia and Columbia the Strawbridge and Clothier Store Holds First University of Pennsylvania
officials have a little more than
Membership Drive
The musical program for the
J. Religion, Labor Group in lher I got in touch with several Ardmore, was the father of Colox: el a week to take up an option on evening will be in c~arge of Mrs.
• • • polio victim reported in Lower
people in the Township and Boro, Holmes F. Troutman and Fall Meeting
Major the Wright School for conver- W. J. Drennen. Mrs. Arthur L.

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Beighle, Merion Township this year.
of Gilpipn and Manor Rds., Penn Funeral s e l' vic e s for Mrs.
Guest of Honor like Tom Merkle. of 523 Wynne- Bradford L. Troutman. Jr., U. S. sion into apartments for mar-
ried student veterans. Guier S.
Cook will have charge of the re-
freshments. A new membership
Valley, have announced the birth Cooper were held Wednesday af- Contfnue4 on PClDs TlDO Army. Wright, owner of the property drive, under the leadership of
William L. Batt, Jr., Montgom- Will Sponsor Youth
et - - ·Be Colonel Troutman, a Pacific

rOtalI ananlsm
of a son, Peter O. J. Beighle, on ternoon in the Bryn Mawr Pres- in Rosemont, said WedneSday Mrs. M. C. Bunting, will be dis-
Septembel: 7. Mrs. Beighle is the byterian Church. Interment was eJ;Y County Democratic candidate War veteran of the Regular ArmY, cussed at the meeting.
former Miss Honora Snyder, in Henderson, N. C., Thursday. I for Congress, told members of the Ifl' is now stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Dances; First Dance that he expects a decision on
the option this week. Officers of the organization are:
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. O. J.
Snyder, of Woodbine and Nar- In addition to her husband, Religion and Labor Fellowship of
Ab Va., and Major Troutman is on To Be September 27' University officials said they President, Richard L. Lehman;
terminal leave. were awaiting findings of a real first Vice-president, E. L. Golds-
berth Aves., Narberth.
• • •
Mrs. Cooper is survived by three Main Line YMCA last week that
daughters. Virginia, 13; Anne, 10' " .
and Carol 18 months' and on' the executlVe branch of the Gov-
Mrs. Karl M. Williams, of 29 brother, Rankin Furey' e ernment was infinitely better
Problem of Today m~n::~eb~~nA~b~~~~~r ~;~~;:
berth for more than 36 years. In
The Narberth Junior Women's estate firm on costs of convert-
Community Club welcomed new posed
ing and maintaining the pro-
apartments. Building
borough; second vice-president,
Mrs. William Hoescl1le; secretary,
Mrs. B. M. McSeveney; treasurer,
Sabine Ave., Narberth, enter- Dr. Cooper, an instru~tor at the organized tha~ Congress." . addition to his two sons, he is and prospective members at its priorities are also involved and Samuel K. Barclay; child welfare
tained members of the Narberth University of Pennsylvania Medi- Batt, an ofl'lcer of the Amencan survived by his wife, Mrs. Amy first Fall meeting held Thursday the University Is awaiting the chairman, Mrs. G. B. McLaren;
Women's Community Club fel- cal School, was former chief of Veterans Committee, was guest of Congressman Speaker Bottoms Troutman, and two
grandchildren, Lynne Mae and evening in the Narberth Com- report before taking any action finance and budget chairman,
Mrs. B. R. Jiberly; historian, Mrs.
lowship committee, of which she the Chest Clinic at Pennsylvania honor at the first meeting of the
is chairman, at a luncheon at Hospital and also former head of ~roup held this year. The meet-
At Optimist Meeting Bradford L. Troutman, 3d. I munity Building.
on the option. M. A. Gordy; legislation chair-
man, Mrs. L. sarle Brown; pro-
Batten Hall, Haverford, Wednes- the Tuberculosis division' of the mg was sponsored by James Cos- In Llanerch Burial was in Westminster
Mrs. Frederick Robb Jr. chair-
, , gram chairman, Ray Shank; pub-
M R t
• • • Philadelphia D epa r t m e nt of tello a~~ ,~. O. Becker, secretary
Health. Considered an authority of the Y.
rs. ober A. Dowd, of Nar- on tuberCUlosis and diseases of
berth,. and her daug~ter, Miss 'the chest he had written fo
Congressman Samuel K. Mc-
Other speakers included Elwood Connell, Jr., told members of the
Tobias, Eastern Pennsylvania Po- Ardmore

Services Held For
man of arts and crafts, was in
charge of the meeting, and intro-
duced Miss Nancy Simpson, lec-
Martin Criticized lications chairman, Mrs. Harry H.
Gebhardt; publicity chairman,
Mrs. John C. Havlick; social ser-
~~rbara Dowd, left thIS. week to books on'the subject
Jom Commander Dowd m Beth-
ur Htical Action Committee coordi- greatest pi'oblem
Two weeks ago, While vaca- nato:, who asserted that the PAO ple of America today is the cen-
esda, Md. Commander Dowd re- tioning in Beach Haven N J
Optimist, Club that "the
facing the peo- Joseph Seidle
backs issues and programs de- tralization of power in govern- Seidle, of the Mermont Apart- son presented two one-act plays,
services for Joseph K.
turer and instructor of the Pow-
ers School for Models. Miss Simp- By College Head vice chairman, Mrs. Charles T.
Nevins. W. J. Drennen is principal
of the school.
• cently returned from duty in Suzanne Hamilton six-yea~-old signed to serve the best interests ment." ments, Bryn Mawr, were held Fri- "A Pair of Lunatics'~ and "Ros-
Alaska. dauughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- of the commu~ity. McConnell, a candidate for re- day at Oliver H. Bair's, 1802
A charge that GoveInor Edward
Martin and the State Legislature
J. F. Shellenberger
• '. • liam B. Hamilton, of 74 E. Prince- The Rev. WIlliam Warren will election, spoke at a meeting of the Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Mr. alind".
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Camer- ton Rd., Cynwyd, was also strick- be the guest speaker at the Octo- group held Tuesday in the llan- Seidle, who was 58, died last Club officers were introduced to were responsible for the critical Dies at Age of 82
on, of 105 S, Narberth Ave, Nar- en with polio. Thinking their ber 10 meeting. He will speak on erch Country Club. Tuesday at his home. the group, and each committee housing s~ortage at Pennsylvania J. Frank Sh<lllenberger, retired
berth. have 'returned from their daughter had ,.infiuenza, Mr. and ~~a~ chUl'ches expect of the poli- Wrong Attitude Mr. Seidle had been a building chairman presented her commit- colleges was made last Thursday candy manufacturer and a former
• Summei' home in Phoenixville. Mrs. Hamilton brought her home tlclans. Wynnewood resident, died Thurs-
• • • to find she had a mild case of • •• "The U. S. Constitution was contractor in Philadelphia, Upper
tee's plans for the year. by Glenn Kilenger, Dean of Men day. after a long illness. He was 82.
John A. Mowrer. Jr., of 714 polio. She' was placed under Club The Main Line Jr. Tri Hi-Y written with the express purpose Darby and Virginia for more than A social hour followed at which at West Chester State Teachers' Mr. Shellenberger lived at Wyn-
40 years. In addition to his wife,
Montgomery Ave., Narberth" will quarantine, released SatUl'day by specialhasactivity bowling planned for its of avoiding centralization," he
Tuesday evening said, adding that the failure of Mrs. Mary S. Seidle, ~e is sur- Mrs. Frank Purtell was hostess.
CoUege. gate and Morris Rds., Wynnewood,
leave this week for California, Lower Merion Township Health In the Ardmore "Y" alleys. community charity drives must vived by a daughter, Katherine, Mrs. Larry H. Grey, president, ingSpeaking at the regular meet-
of the Main Line Lions Club
for more than 10 years until he
moved to Ocean City, N. J., in
• where he will attend the Ameri- Omcer Robert J. 'Ihomas.
can Legion Convention. Mr. Mow-
• • • be blamed on the attitude of let- and his son, Joseph K.
of 154 Upland Tel'l'ace, Bala.
Seidle, Jr., has announced that the Juniors' at the Hotel Haverford Court,
big project of the year will be the Kilenger blamed State authorities 1942.
A dance will be sponsored in ting "Government do It." He opened his first store, at
rere is a Borough aUditor an,' di- Miss Marjorie Havlick the gym of the YMCA by Club McConnell stated that "the bal- Burial was in West Laurel Hill sponsoring of youth dances for for not informing Washington 102 Market st., Philadelphia, 50
rector of the Narberth Fire· Com- Rond-Y- Vous Saturday evening. ance of power must always stay Cemetery. 7th and 8th grade students of the months ago of the despel'ate n~d
pany. To Enter Missionary Last week a large group partic- in the individual community. Narberth schools. for housing facilities at local
years ago. He :o;teadily enlarged
his business and when ~e i'etired
• • • Training in N. Y. ipated in the Scavenger Hunt, Each community must assume Official Resigns To be held in the Community schools. in 1941 his company operated a
• Mrs. Ruth W. Grace, of 200 S. bowUng and dancing. Barbara responsibility for its own activi- Building from 8 to 10 P. M., the "West Chester students," Kil- factory at 107 Race St. and six
Narberth Ave., Narberth, will at- Miss Marjorie Havlick, 23, Pennypacker and June Thomas ties." Resigation of Will Thompson, dances will be staged every Fri- engel' said, "are sleeping on mat-
25 N. Merion Ave., Bryn Mawr, retail stores. The business was
tend a course given by the Insti- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Law- had high score in bowling. True Representatives day night. Junior club members tresses on floors because of t:le purchased by Minter Bros., which
tute of Local and State Govern- rence Havl1ck, of 8 Sabine Ave., as judge of elections for the East and their husbands will chaper- lack of foresigllt of Pennsylvania
• • * The Montgomery County Rep- Bryn Mawr District, has been an- continued the plant and stores
ment at the University of Penn- Narberth, will leave next week for Mrs. L, C. Schneider of Hav- one the affairs, and music will be officials. under the Shellenberger
sylvania this Fall. a two year course at the Presby- ertown has B1'ranged a party for resentatives concluded, by stating nounced. provided by a juke box. Mrs. Vin- "Our students, the large major- Surviving are his Wife, Mrs.
terian Bibl1«al Seminary, New the Kum DubIe Klub of the Trin- that "members of Congress are
• • • true representatives of the people cent J. Stoltz is chairman in ity of them veterans, are willing Amanda Koch Shellenberger, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Eidenberg York. ity Lutheran ChUi'ch Saturday who elect them. ,Even their ac-
The course will prepare Miss evening. Man, 22, Arrested charge of the dances. to put up with this and other a daughter, Mrs. Helen L. Dick-
of 208 WoOdside Ave., Narberth' Havlick . LIOns are representatives ot the Tne first dance will be held on hardships because they want an enson. Funeral services and burial
and their son Jack, have returned work. Sheforis foreign'
from Stone Harbor, N. J. '
expected to be as-
• • •
The Ardmore Girls' GraY Club people."
As 'Peeping Tom' I Friday, September 27. education so badly.
"They wouldn't have to sleep on
were pl'ivate.
signed to The Cameroons, Africa. will continue to meet Friday af- Dr. Kermit Lyman, president of When is a "Peeping Tom" Mrs. R. G. Bennett, of Nar- the fioor if the State Government
A graduate of Lower Merion the organization, presided at the not a "Peeping Tom"? That's
ter.noons at 3.30 P. M., in the Y meeting. The speaker was intro- the question Justice of the sketch, "Touch of the Ozarks", at had taken cognizance of t:1e
berth, will present a character Two Are Named to
Accident Increases ~igh School in 1941. Miss Hav-
building. Girls who were
lick graduated from Temple Uni- in this club who are now in the Ardmore formerly duced by Edward Strobach of Peace Franklin P. Kromer had the next meeting of the junior developed," Kilenger said.
housing shortag-c as, Boon· as' It
New Housing Group
Tomato Shortage versity in June. She has been 7th grade will organize a Jr. Tri
active in the Young Peoples'
. _ to decide Sunday afternoon club, to be held Thursday, Octo-
when a suspect was brought ber 3, in the Community BUild- emergencY h,oUsmg, .f~ci11ties by
Kilenger added that requests for Two prominent Main Line cit-
A two and a half ton truck of Society of the Narberth Presby- lnY Club Friday evening at 7.30 izens, Mrs. John Y. Huber. Jr.,
very ripe tomatoes drove away terian Church for many years. P. M., under the leadership of Red Cross Asks For before him. ing. Mrs. A. M. Bottoms, chair- State officials were just reaching
Twenty-two - year - old John man of the book clUb, will be in Washington now.
and Gordon Burlingame, have
been named to the Emergency
from an accident at the inter-
section of Lancaster Ave. and
Ml·S. Wilma Shippen. Both clubs
will play volley ball following First Aid Teachers Moss, of 659 Dayton Rd., Bryn charge of the meeting. Kilenger, who is also FootbaU aQu~lng Committee, it was an-
Clothier Rd., W,nnewood, Fri- Fire Co. Directors their business meetings. The Main Line Branch, Ameri- Mawr, told Squire K;romer he coach at West 'Chester; 'praised nounced this week.
was looking for a. "Peeping Tom"
day, with a load considerably
To Hold Elections • • • can Red Cl'OSS, Ardmore: is in
Saturday, night when two men Boro Business Council Lions Clubs for their work with
Mrs, Huber, of Old Gulph Rd.,
Haverford, was recently named to
lighter: than a few minutes Miss Jacqueine Spahr, new need of qualified instructors for nabbed him peerinl into severlll
earlier. ' New directors of the Narberth leader of the Bomisi Jr. ~i HiY First Aid Classes to be given by
windows of the Bryn Mawr
To Meet Sept. 23 the State Republican Executive
And the driver and his helper Fire Company will be elected at Club, met with t..'le group for the the Branch this fall and winter.
drove away with blisters on their the annual meeting of the group first time last Friday evening, Interested persons should call Gables Apartments, Bryn Mawr. The first FaU meeting of the Tuition Rates Listed Committee and has served two
terms as vice president of the
The men, James Huston, of Narberth Business Council will be
hands from Shoveling. at the Red Cross offices, 12 E.
to be held Thursday, September Mary Allen, president, appointed Montgomery Ave., Ardmore, any Bryn Mawr Gables, and John held September 23 at 8 P. M. For New Session Committee.
Burlingame, of Harriton Rd.,
The truck hit an automobile 26, at 8 P. M. in Elm HaU. a special committee to plan act- TUition rates for Lower Merion
weekday, Monday through .FridaY, Hall, of Philadelphia, a visitor, in the Arcadia Chios Restaurant, Township Bryn Mawr, is vice president of
driven by CleU Stewart, of Fay- Those who have been nomtnat- ivities. This committee met Tues;, from 9, to 6, or call Ardmore 3100, told Kromer they watched Moss Haverford Rd., Narberth. SChools were announced
ette, Pa., and the ensuing jar ed are:, WllIiam S. Durbin, Wil- day afternoon. Regular meetings peek into four apartment win- The meeting will be in charge at the meeting of School Directors the Bryn Mawr Trust Co. Next
broke a roPe which secured the liam S. Howard, Richard Oillis, will be held Friday evenings. dows an'd that when he reached of Franklin L. Tinker, vice- Monday night. schedUled meeting of the group
bushel baskets of tomatoes in RIchard Blessing, John Mowrer, • • • To Honor Batt the fifth, they, crabbed him. president of the organization. They are as follows: Senior has been called for Oct. 7.
the truck. Horace T. Smedley, Ernest E. The Main Line Young Adult A reception in honor of Wile They Baia he certainlY looked Guests will include Herbert J. High School, $196.15; Junior High
Result-almost half the load Jenkins, Burns F. Best, and John Council will hold its first monthly 1Iam L. Batt. Jr., Democratic Uke the "Peeping Tom" that Bruder, of the Main Line Cham- S c h 0 0 I, $2111.38; FJlementary
of tomatoes spilled on Lancas- H. Jeffel'les, Jr. meeting of the Fall Tuesday even- ber of Commerce, and W. R. School, $168.78.
At Juniata
ter Ave. The conglomeration ing. Besides the Young Adult 01'- candidate for Congress in Mont- had been bothering neighbors Smiles,
Other members of the board ganizatioll5 of the Bala-CynwYd-Nar- The rates were submitted to the Eugene A. Roddy, son of the
aiready represented gomery County w1ll be held Sat- the past several days.
was cleaned up by the driver of are a representative of the Bor- Kromer weighed the two berth Rotary Club. State Department of PUblic In- Rev. Clarence S. Roddy, of 1130
the;', 'truck, Melvin S. Most, of ough Council, Fire Chief Albert on the' Council. ,representation urday afternoon, at "the home of Plans for the "clean streets" structions for approval, which was Rock Glen Drive, Wynnewood. ia
Pa;; aDd his he' lqt"er_ McNulty, 'and a representative of from tbe Aces, & 'receritly. reogra- . R~~el1 E. Baum, Spring Val- versionS,of the saDle stOry, made drive," started last month by the granted before the official openlni e. freshman at Juniata. COlle,••
"-~, . , Ustet8. OOftff"utd em '~' I'IIlO le!l.. Remington Rd., Wynne- his ch~loe, 'and fined Mou $10
of Township schools. Huntingdon, Pa. '
';-," e , b , . the Mulieries. , w....... and~t8. grouP. ~ be diScussed.· I
. .~.
QURTOWN •• ·f·
..v '-'.'~14';'~P·~,~·~.~'·.,l
.... .;~" .

OUR TOWN ~~n~;~~~e~r. Kathryn l;Jhle 1, __c_:_~_~_t1po,_r_ma_!_~_1_ _ ,Mary Newhall ~:r;,~~~m~:C~e::ll ~:::-:eo:c:::o~isted _.i~
J!lDtered u second cia.. matter October, 1938, at the Poet Olflce at
Narberth. Pa. under the Act ot March 3. 1819 nized young men's group, will be Became Bride wood Ave., Narberth: Mrs. George Wed Saturday Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., Con- Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Johnston, '-:1' A
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association
welcomed, according to president
Charlie Eggleston.
· ... 0 n Saturday Harold Wilson, of North Rockland
Ave., Merion; and Kennard W'l
Gregory, ot 2928 Morris Rd., Ard- n . Bryn M awr
gressman from M 0 n t g 0 mer y
County, wlll speak on the duties
of a congressman at the first
of 412 Conshohocken State Rd"
Penn Valley. have announced the.
engagement of their daughter,
GEORGE A. WALKER, President and Editor Dr. Howard Wayne Smith, . more, the followIng stOry evolved. meeting of t!1e Main Line Sorop- Miss Arlene Baral Johnston, to
JOSEPH NEWMAN, Manlilnll Editor
HELEN FITZPATRICK, Buslneaa Manaller chairman, has announced that the I • • • timist Club to be held Wednesday Joseph LaRoche Doan, son of Mr.
SUZANNE Y. WINGATE, Associate Editor B.oard of Managers of the Main
Line Branch of the YMCA will
Wed Harold "Schaum In 1828, .the· Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania undertook. the con-
Weds J. Maxwell, of evening at· the Haverford Court
and Mrs. J, L. Daan, of Elkins
Published Every Thurada,
DeadlIne tor advertlsInIl and news copy-Wednesda, 9 A. M.
Subscription rate-$2 pef ,ear In advance
hOld its first Fall meeting next
Monday evening.
• • •
In Valley Forge.., Will
Reside In Narberth
structlon of a seriel of canall
and railroads to connect Pitts-
burgh and Philadelphia. The

Serve As Attendants Engagment Listed
Publication Olflc_Elght Cricket Avenue, Afdmore, Pa. The Y. A. Forum,
under the Philadelphia and Columbia Rall-· Mrs. Adalbert K. Fischer, of Mt. Mrs. Norman Jefferies
Phone-Ardmore 512/l and 5121; Greenwood 3-7140
Member of Bucks-Montgomer, Newspaper Publishers AssocIation leadership of president Norman
Benninghove, started its new year
Miss Kathryn Elizabeth Uhle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
road, a PM't of the scbeme, was
constructed in 1833-34. It was
The marriage of Miss Mary Airy, has announced the engage-
Allerton Newhall, daughter of ment of her daughter, Mrs. Fran-
Thc Dress ShOll
8 Drcsses
The Gift
Contractors with a record attendance at the W. Uhle, Jr., of 207 Conway Ave., 81 miles long and was conneot· Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Newhall, ces Fischer Cooke, to John Wil- ... "1,

'Mary Dunlap And

J. Wagner To Wed Continued jrom Page t regular dinner ~e~,ting Monday
evening at the Y. A musical
program was furnished by Elsie
Narberth, became the bride of
Harold Charles Schaum also of
Narberth, son of the late'Mr. and
ed wltbtbe Allegheny Portage
Railroad, by the Eastern and
.Juniata Divisions of tbe Penn·
of Old Gulph Rd.• Penn Valley, liam Woerner, of 306 Pembroke
• Sportswear
• L1ncerle
• Plants
Pottery •
to James A. Maxwell, of Worcester, IR.r;;;;;d;;;;.,;;;;C;;;;yn;;;;;;W;;;;y;;;;d;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ChUdrcn's Wear • Glassware

however, with Narberth and Low- Mass., son of Mrs. William Max- II
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Dun- Kirscher and Grace Petrondl. L. Mrs. Charles Schaum, and nep- sylvania. Canai. well, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, took FEATURING THIS WEEK
lap, of 611 Old Gulph Rd., Penn
Valley, have announced the en-
er Merion being billed for their
A.' Geyer, of the Immigration De-
partment, traced the history of
hew of Mrs. John SChaum, of
Philadelphia on Saturday after-
Accordhig to the History of
the Reading, tbe management
place Saturday afternoon at 1
o'clock, in the c~apel of the I The Edvige School • HOUND'S TOOTH
gagement of their daughter, Miss immigration to the United States noon at 3 o:clock jn Washington of tbe railroads and canals was
Mary Rea Dunlap, to John Vin-
cent Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Widening of Balli. Ave., Bala,
and construction of a new drain- and outlined the quota laws and Memorial Chapel: Valley Forge: dominated' by politics, much to
Church of the Redeemer, Bryn I
Mawr. The Rev. Robert Heyburn of· the Dance CARDIGAN NECK .Il
agp. system in Wynnewood to less- other provisions to regulate t~e The Rev. John Robbins Hart ot- tbe detriment of service. People Gamble officiated.
Richard E. Wagner, of Roxbury, en the danger of damage during fiow of immigration to this coun- ficlated. finally became so disgusted'wltb The bride, who was given in ARDMORE WOMAN'S CLUB ONE BUITON
Conn. try and to facilitate natural1za- The bride, who was given in conditions that the Common- 106 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore
Miss Dunlap was gradu'ated from
heavy rains was also to have been
undertaken in the Fall. tion. Geyer commented brieflY marriage by her father. wore a wealth was obliged to sell its
ma.rrlage by her father, wore a
pale acqua crepe dress made Studio. 8906 West Chester Pike,
SUIT .•.
Drexel Institute of Technology The state plans to construct a on the Palestine ~Ituation and the white brocaded taffeta gown with interest. and in May, 1857, the with a pleated skirt. Her black • Upper Darby
where Mr. Wagner is a student. displaced persons problem as it a sweetheart neckine, fitted bod- main line of tbe Phllade1phia velvet hat was trimmed with an Black and Brown
concrete-reinforced road on an Classes Now Forming
acre and a half of ground given relates .to immigration and nat- ice, long tapering sleeves and a and Columbia. was soid to the acqua ostrich plume and she All Wool
to the state Highway Commission uralizatlon full skirt which fiared to form Pennsylvania Railroad Com- wore a corsage of white camel-
In All Types of Dancing .,.
Egyptian Theatre in 1941 by the late Parker Wil- The Rev. William D. powell, new
a short train. Her finger-tip
length net veil was caught with
pany. A small portion of the line
was sold to the Philadelphia and
Miss Penelope Churchman and
I 819.40
"Where Friendlll Service
AIVaits Y01£"
liams to eliminate the East
Wynnewood Rd. curve, described
by Police Sgt. Joseph Mawhinney,
of the Accident Investigation
general secretary of Philadelphia
Council of Churches, wllI be the
speaker at the quarterly luncheon
meeting of the Main Line Minis-
a coronet of seed pearls, and she
carried a bouquet of white roses
and babies' breath, centered with
white orchids.
Reading Company-that portion
which ran for tbree and a half
miles 'from East of the Belmont
plateau (or plane, as it was
Miss Eleanor Churcl1man were ,.
the oniy atfendants for their
aunt. They wore sheer wool
frocks of a soft gold hue, and 1
All Instructions Given By
• A Wide variety of other
quality suits
Squad, as "one of the worst in terial Association at the Main their lIowered headdresses match-
_ CYNWYD 1782 - the township." Mrs. William E. Aiken acted as designated by the railroad), in- Miss Edvlge, A Graduate Teacher
8 Imported sweaters $5 up
Friday & SaturdaY, Sept. 20-21
22 Foot Roadway
Line Y Tuesday at 12.30 P. M.
His topic wll1 be the "Roots of
matron or' honor, and the brides- eluding the Columbia Ave. ed their old fashioned bouquets PHONES', SUNSET ARDMORE 27229615
maids were Miss Mildred Klink Bridge across the Schuylkill of yellow and, iold chrysanthe-I
The new roadway, with a uni- Eucumenicity." . and Mrs. Henry M. Harmall;. River and extending to .the mums. 233 Haverford Ave.
FRANK MORGAN form width of 22 feet, wlll run • • • They wore pastel shaded chi!- corner of Broad and Vine sts., James A. Maxwell, Jr., served Narberth .. Phone 2861'
f;om a point opposite the railroad A hayride wllI be the special fon dresses with v-necklines and Pbiladelphia. as best man for his father. There I HILLTOP 4321

tunnel to slightly beyond Elmwood event Saturday evening, Septem- fiowing skirts. Theil' flowered • • • were no ushers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
LASSIE" Ave., Narberth. East Wynnewood
Rd. 'at present varies in width from
ber 28, of the UK. S." Club. This
week following a business meet-
headdresses matched their cas-
cade bouquets of Talisman roses
The section bought by the Penn-
sylvania Railroad included most of was a receptIOn for members of -
Following ~he ceremony there o~()<::;;loO~a<::::>()<=:~()~()~()~o<=:><><=::>()~o<::=>(O
Sunday, Sept. 22
20 to 24 feet. ing the clUb used the gym for and blue delphinium. what is now known as the Main the immediate families at the I r'I
home of the bride's parents. Af- IJ
voley ball. Last Saturday even- Woodrow Schaum served as his Line - the railroad entered Lower
ing a successfUl weiner roast was
held in Gladwyne Park. Next
brother's best man, and the ush-
ers included Fritz Milo and WH-
Merion Township at Bala and fol-
lowed fora short distance the
tel' a wedding trip the couple will C
reside in Worcester. ~ Rytex and Narne On Stationery '': ij
"TANGIER" week acocrding to the president, liam F. Davis. present-day Norristown branch of
~ Reg. $1.00 t 0 $~.25' ~
Tom Wood, the special activity
\ Mrs. Uhl wore a fuschia jersey the Pennsylvania. At Montgomery
Miss Purcell
MondaY, seJit. 23
for, will be bowling in the YMCA
.. .. .
The first meeting of the Fall of
dress made with a high neckline
and short sleeves, and trimmed
with a gold belt. Her feathered
hat matched her dress, and she
Ave., near' the present Cynwyd
station the line took a turn up
Bala Ave., meeting Levering Mill
Rd. at the Bala-Cynwyd Metho- Married To ij ~

NOW 7 d~ ~
You.~ =dmll, 'n- ij~-

0 II...
the Gradale Sorority will be held wore a gardenia corsage. dist Church. From there it travel-
Monday evening, accoullng to the
president, Wende Platt. ~he hoS-
Mrs. Schaum, aunt of the
bridegroom, was gowned in black
led up Montgomery Ave., going
above Lower Merion High School,
M • MG'
C Ul
re Hoslcl'Y
Decorative Flo:",ers.
vited to stop in to see
tess for the social hour following velvet with a large picture. hat, and crossing below the present
c Lingcrie Handpalnted cUts _.
TuesdaY, Sept. 24
the business meeting will be Jean
Parkhill, program chairman, and
Her corsage was of gardemas.
A reception at the Wayne Hotel
freight station at Ardmore, then
called Atheilsville. From there it
marriage h
of Miss Ca erine ij Handbags our new Fall line oj
Novelties ~
her committee. followed the cer!!rnony. After a stayed on what is now the Main Purcell, daughter of Mrs. Frank C Handkerchlcfs Gfe'etlng Cards
hats• •• ,
DON AMECHE ~ll Medical Need. • • • wedding trip to New York and Line of the Pennsylvania' almost X. Purcell, of 525 Wynnewood Rd.. r'I
"SO GOES MY The Twenty To Club will spend Canada, Mr. Schaum and his to Haverford at which point it Narberth, to Michael McGUire, U -~ .;
this weekend at Camp Hilltop in bride will be at home at 209 Hav- crossed to. Railroad Ave., Haver- Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. McGuire. C
of Philadelphia, took place Sat- r'I
_ 1.~ •
J.PAULSHEA Downingtown.
• • •
erford Ave., Narberth. ford, and stopped at Whitehall
Station, where Railroad Ave., urday morning at 11 o'clock, in st. U I
~C .. ~

Wednesday, Thursday, !lept. 25-26

CHARLES BOYER Pharmacy Guy A. Pryor, boys' work secre-
tary, has announced that three
Mrs'• Bedford Wed crosses Haverford Rd. below Bryn
Mawr Hospital. The Thrift Shoy
Margaret's Rom a n
Church, Narberth. ()
JENNIFER JONES :At Narberth Statioa boys' clubs have been organized
and are meeting at the Y.
. Man
T o New. Jersey at Glenbrook and County Line
Rds. was the Whitehall Station,
The bride, who was given in l'OI~(J<=::>()<=::>()<=:>()<:::::::>(I<=::>()<:::::><><=::::>(><=::::>(><==-()<==>(I<=O
marriage by her brothel', Frank
"CLUNY BROWN" Narberth 2838-283. Wednesday evenings will find Jun-
ior High School boys organized as
the Spiders Jr. HIY- Club.
I n B ay Hea,d N. J. by the way. The line then followed
Glenbrook Rd., past the Vauclain
estate and came back to the
X. Purcell, Jr., wore a w!1ite nylon
taffeta gown made with a sweet- i
heart neckline, fitted bodice and:
long pointed sleeves. Her finger-
Grandfath er "
DC S Repalre
· d
Saturday mornings boys of The marriage of Mrs. Frank A. Pennsylvania Line as we know it
grade school age meet at 10 A. M. tip length tulle veil was fastened
Bedford, Jr., of Braeburn Lane, today, through Conestoga Mill and
and Friday afternoons at 3.15 Penn Valley, daughter of Mrs. into Rosemont. It left the Town- with a pearl crown. and fell over
P. M., another GraY Club meets. Richard R. Smith, of Grand ship, going West to Columbia a full skirt which enfled in a long
train. She carried a shower .
A varied program of activities Rapids, Mich., and the late Dr. (whlc!1 is on the Susquehanna bouquet of white roses and
follows a business and inspira- Smith, to William E. Rauth, Jr., River midway between Lancaster gardenias. As well as English, French and SWiss Clocks.
tional session. AU clubs will hold son of Mrs. Charles E. Rauth, of and York), at a point above Vil- Miss Joan Radcliff, of Bridge- Clocks called for and delivered. Estimates given
an election of officers at the next Edgewater Park, N. J., and the lanova College. port, Conn., served as maid of and all work guaranteed.
meeting. late Mr. Rauth, took place Sat- • • • honor and only attendant for the - - - WE RESTRING PEARLS - - - ,

Miss Floyd Engaged

Mr. George Marvel Floyd, of 112
urday afternoon, September 14 at
4 o'clock, in Bay Head, N. J.
The bride is the widow of
Frank A. Bedford, Jr., who died
In 1850 the State decided to
by-pass thc Belmont Plateau as
a way out of the city and be-
gan the construction of a line
bride. She wore a pale blue gown
made on simple ·lines, with. a
headpiece of matc~lng tulIe, and
calTied a bouquet yellow and pink
We will be glad to re..trlng your pearls. Just put them
In an envelope and brIng them In.

Dudley Ave., Narberth, has an-

nounced the engagement of his
in 1944. They had three sons,
Frank, Richard and Robert Bed-
ford. She is a member of the
from Ardmore (AthensviIle)"
througb Overbrook and West
James McGrath. of Newtown R.F. STELZER
(Formerly With Riggs & Brotber)
daughter, Miss Alice Nash Floyd, Junior League.
. Philadelphia and cventually to
11tb and Market Sts. over a
Square, acted as best man. There
were no ushers. 232 BALA AVE., CYNWYD, PA. Cynwyd 3250 '.
to Roy Howard Graef, son of Mr. . Mr. Rauth was recently diy.qrcoJ j, 'bridge on Market St. This was A reception at the home of the
and Mrs. Rudolph Graef, of ed from the former Miss Vir- tbe beglnnlng'of the end of the bride's mother followed the cere-
"Pleasant ~alley:' Allentown. ginia Bowen McNeil, of Boston. Montgomery and Bala Ave. mony. After a wedding trip to
, railroad. Colorado, the newly-weds w1l1
"'diipii!l'iedi d1ot e'ii,u"lil'Pri iS i""6"bp'iw-'G;n., l":\ftei5Iiidi=illih5I,iEi,il'
Cement & Flagstone Work Narberth 4100'
When the State sold the line
to the Pennsylvania in 1857,
make their home in Narberth.
. F.H.A. ~

the Montgomery AVC\, section,

DALONZO BROS. abandoned for several years in

favor the line through O,'er-
NOTICE Is herebY given In accord-
anee with Article X, Section 1000 at
brook, was torn up and the Ordinance No. 343, entitled the "Zon-
Landscape & General Contractor Ing Otdlnancc" and approved January
rails. purchased by Percival and Make your application at our
4. 1940. that a Public Hearing w1ll be
Algernon Roberts, removed to helel on Friday, October 4th. 1946, at bank for your F. H. A. loan.
PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE tbelr mills at Pencoyd. 8.00 o'clock P. M., In the Council Cham-
ber on Forrest Avenue. to consider the It does not matter whether it (t'
One of the "fish plates," re-
amendment of Article VII. Section 701.
Expert Lawn Care 322 Merion Ave., Narberth moved when the rails were be- paragraph 5. to permit the erection of is for a new home or for an
ing tom up, in some manner additional gasoline servlcc statlons In
"fj4...#ilii$P;;ji.. Fjli;,j:ttj~1:Iii:l<iI.l''',; _:~,~ ..•~.,i4f;;,,"ii!."§'~."'ltB@;IjPI'lpIIIF'B,r.e"'y"I>,
"c" Commercial Dlstrlct... This hearing old home, we can place it for
found its way to the fireplaceIs called by reason of a petition of GUY
of the Police Pistol Range. Croyle and wife and Tidewater Associat- you. Consultation free.
How, no one will probably evered 011 COmpany, for the locatlon of a
gasoline service statlon at the South-

Harris Antique House know. west corner of Woodbine and Mont- The National
to Your Present Tank
of the old Philadelphia and
Columbia, the
gomery Avenues. All property owners
After it bougbt the trackage
afB urged to attend.
built stations on the Over-
OT 9-12 3t
Bank of Narberth
DREXEL HILL brook-West Philadelphia line at
NOTICE Is hereby given in accordance RESERVE SYSTEM
Merion and Narberth. With Article X, Sectlon 1000 of Or-
dinance No. 343. "ntltlcd the "Zoning
A Une connecting Cynwyd,
China, bric-a.,brac, antiques, at the beginning of the aban-
Ordinance" and approved January 4,
1940, that a Public Hearing will be held .•
clocks and furniture bought and on Friday, October 4th. 1946 at 8.30
SIDE doned sectlon, with Norristown,
o'clock P. M.. In the Council Chamber
sold. Also sandwich glass, crystal,
brass and copper.

Clearbrook 7819- W
was built later. Today, there-on Forrest Avenue. to consider the
amendment of the ZanIn If Map to In-
fore. it's no longer possible to
go by train from Bala or Cyn.
wyd to Ardmore or Haverford,
clUde all of the property at 632 Mont-
gomery Avenue In a "c" Commercial
Dlstrlet. This hearing Is called hy rea·
HOT WATER HEATER as It used to be before the
Montgomery Ave. line was torn
son of a pctltlon of Albert Vlck, Jr.
wh" now conducts a busineS8 on that
portion of said lot now withIn the "C"
ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC UP. Commercial Zone. All property owners -.f
• • afB urged to attend.
Thermostatically Controlled RUTH W. GRACE,
0 Incidentally, there is a house Secretary,

- --
t I
Sensationally Priced.. down on Shady Lane, Narberth, BOROUGH OF NARBERTH.
,f~' which was once the Libertyville OT 9-12 3t

Only 545.00 Insialra'tion ~J

--- - . .--::
station of the Philadelphia and I-a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ri\
Columbia - I think it belongs to
the Boardmans. now..•• FOR FLOWERS OF
... •. I

MAIN LINE SUPPLY CO. ••••••••••••••••••••••••

• • CALL
5 E. l'olontcomery Ave.,
Bala-C,nw:vd On Their Way to You i PERT i McGarvey
(Across from Post
Phone': .Cynwyd
• BARBERINS i• & Walsh ~
•• ••
• at •
Vacuum Cleaners 5 E. Montgomery ~
Record Player and Radio Combinations i ?rl.aJUo'A i• Ave. .
• = 255 Iona Avenue = Bala'~Cynwyd, Pa. ~
Washing Machines = (formerly A221 Woodbine =
P,hone: Cynwyd 5416 ~
Ladies! Fall Days are Suit Days ELECTRIC RANGES - SHIPMENTS COMING IN. • ve.).
,have Orange clean suits and NARBERTH NARBERTH

accessories today·
••• Men's Haircut 75c ••=
Haverford and . Forrelt AVei.
PHONE NARBERTH 418Z = Shave 40c P~a~~~rth •=
"Headquarters for Everything Electrical" • 4189-W. •
I •••••••••••••••••••••••
SUITS, 2-Pc. Plain .r••• J ••• :.~ .t'l.:r:~. (.J 59c
BLOUSES, Plain ..•. l!J •• ".:. ':'~"'r'J:' • 50c ;"LQl SUBURBAN Closed
50c !J~D'~
.. BEVERAGE CO. Mondays
f" .. E. L. WINGERT, JR., Prop.

Cynwyd 0646 "To FLAVORFUL Maggi's Bouillon-deHcious as a beverage

BEE R • ALE • P 0 R T ER Your ••• wonderful as a cooking aid to Improve the goodness
of soup., vegetables, gravle'f and .lew••
Establilhfrr! 1928 All Leading Brands - Domestic· Imported Door 'til'

BUSINESS HOURS Orders received before Del••very" MAGGISBOUILLON CUBES .~,

' • !l'O • TUESDAY TO SATURDAY. • P. M. will be del1vered

• •01:l01:l01::l01:l01:l01::l0I:lC IL.:====CLO=:S=IlD::::J[:;OND:;A;:Y===.,.====th:;8.;:am;:8:;4=&:Y;:. ==:!'_.a..._-' .~"d8~~!JII!'fIl; .

• .. .~
•••••~lIlIifIi.IIi~~·~:·.:..~",.~,::'iI!l·le~;'i:.·14:"~..~· :~,-itl-':.i }!' ilW;j~~~>iIitli-!i;·,,:·'""iii·~~~~'f"·\'.;!~U~~~3·i,~~[;~~·diofi4¥:70~; ..~~~~!b"~~~,.~~~*~:u!~,j::~,;;;·}..i~~~~tlt'!.~~~i,~~~~~~~:tA~~·~';dr~~'Ittf;~~j;i~i:i,~;~:~~~,;~~:~,i~~{~;k~~~;~~}ik,t~_iJ~~ii~Iiu'~~~~Ji,i::wi~"b:\\~a~~ii-·~~:,

:~','I ;~
'j1<i;:, " •••• ' •.••••., .• ,..,.•.',.',., ......", •. ..
. ,. ..,


.-' >;;~~:
; '.;l., .....
•. ",,}.\,.~:~I'!iPl!t~~~~{~~~~I~~f~:;::i~~-::~~~~T!!:':'1~;·'~'~:~?~;.r~;"r""?··87~·~'~~'i'?;;;'f7i;t:I~,1r~~"f"f!i}F"r·!lI'~Y,:~~,~ .
• -,;."1'''


.~'-_. __... _._-

. . I
FE A T IJ RES ~ (; TI 0 N ~~~14~~b,~~~~~,n~~u~~~w ..
·No Action Planned To Restore
).'Ceilings On Five Commodities _ 1'1T IJ R
1&'1S_ 0 L IJ M J.'
1'1 aT 1ST S _
entries in the 3rd annual Chester Farm, Paoli; Joseph C. Morris, Jr.,
County Horse Show being beld of Foxridge Farm, Malvern; Cbr1a-
~ ~ Thursday, . Friday and Saturday topher S. Morris, of Foxridge
No lmplication that Foreign
P 1 .EI
at the Devon Horse Show grounds, Farm, Malvern; Thomas B.
(Special to Central PreIS) Secretary Viacheslav Molotov and William C. Hunneman, Jr., chair- Harvey, Jr., and Joan Harvey" of
control Board plans no action to
his team has beaten other powers _ S P 0 R T S - VET ERA N 's NEW S - S PEe I A L ART I,e L E S man of the Horse Show Committee ·Radnor; Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Scott,
or been beaten by them at, the has announced. of Kirkwood Farm, Bryn Mawr;
• restore cellings on tobacco, to-
international chess board of di- ========================================================1 from Blueribbon-winningshowhorses Dr. Charles F. Henry, of Devon.
bacco products, petroleum pro-
dUCts, poultry and eggs unless the
• OPA demands that controls go
plomacy is mentioned-nor is
there any suggestion of return
matches to come,
Haverford Center PARENTS' PROBLEMS Soelo• Ioms· Named t'
six States will be featured
in the event which benefits the ford; Miss Lorine Eshleman. of
Chester County Hospital and the Villanova; Mr. and Mrs. Ward
J. Brooks B. Parker, of Straf-

back on these commodities. ,

Under the new price control For the rest of the recent issue, Parents Cautioned A.gainst Repetition. f»a Chester County Girl Scouts. Sullivan, "Court yard.... Malvern;
·law these commodities remain
free of celIlngs unless the board
rules that they shOUld be re-
it discusses collective farming, the
five-year plan
restoration for power
of health resorts,plants,
of which were closed during the
many Students RegJ·ster I
Of Forbidding,· Use Pen.alty At, Once At lJaverford
n Col. and
Among the exhibitors who wlll Upton Sulllvan, Strafford;. Miss
Mrs. David in theDallas Show Odell,
Mapleton, Malvern; Pennhirst nova; Edgar R. Owen. Jr., of
are: Mr. of Gloria
Ithan; MacCarter. Mrs. Edgarof Scott, "Hillbrook", Vllla-
• contrOlled. war, and the deyelopment of By GARRY CLEVELAND MYERS, Many a chlld is punished for an Farm, c/o Mapleton StUd, Mal- Goshen Road. Malvern; Mrs. Jane
A spokesman for the board
river transportation. M Th 300 W'll Ph. D. accident after the mother has al- NT' h A
vern; Charles B., Jr., and Michael Gordon Fletcher, Wlllisbrook
'f l'evealed that the group will act
• only if Price AdminIstrator porter Of possible political significance ore an l o n e reason many young chl1- allowed him to go on doing what egro eac er n
Grace, of Hickory Hall. Ithan; Farm, Malvern.
asks for restoration of controls. were two articles on the 011 fields
of Baku and the SoViet Republic
Matriculate at dren get scolded and punished so she knew was pretty sure to lead
much is because the mother usual- to disaster. The tot, three, for ex-
Authority On U. S.
Violet June Horter, of 1454 Dray-
ton Lane. Penn Wynne; Ernest
New German ~eacher

• II) such event the board probably

will hold public hearings on the of Azerjaipan. bOth possible
centers of friction with the
Mitten Hall Monday ly waits till she gets good and amPle. is playfully pushing a glass
mad before she tries to make her of water beside his plate at the
Race Relations
Scott, Villanova; Leslie. Betsy,
March and Patty Lockhart. of Dr. Daniel F. Coogan. Jr., has
question and listen to arguments
,J" in favor of 'continued decontrol. BrItish. More than 300 students of word good. The youngster natur- table. SeeIng him do so, the Dr. Ira De A. Reid. Negro soc- Warner Road, Way n e; Miss been appointed assistant professor
Porter recently stated that OPA Temple University's Haverford ally goes on ignoring her forbidd- mother can be pretty certain there iologist and authority on Amer- Marian Molthan and Miss Lyndall of German at Haverford College
Center will
register Monday at iog as long as he can. Sometimes. wlll be a spill. She lets him con- ican race relations, has been ap- Molthan, of "Car-Alar", Wayne; for the year 1946-47, it was an-
would watch the prices of those
• commodiles and if it noted any
"unreasonable" price rise would
request the reimposition of cell-
Friends School Mitten Hall. Broad and Berks he escaPeS final punishment by tinuetill the glass turns over.
sts., Philadelphia. Classes will stopping when he thinks the
pointed professor of sociology at Miss Sally H. and Roselle L. nounced this week by Dr. Gilbert
Then she makes a fuss over the Haverford College.
begin at the Center next Monday, sound of her voice indicates the accident. or even punishes him. Dr. Gilbert F. White. president vern.
Toland, Cedar Run Farm, Mal- F. White, president of the insti-
,-ingL '
He said that already there had
been some slight jump in fuel oil
Opens· 61st Year Sept. 30.
Of 800 men and women who
danger point.
applied to study at the Haverford fools of themselves?
Center, located in the old Brook-
She easily could have prevented at Haverford, in announcing the
Why will mothers make such the accident by forbidding him to appointment said that Dr. Reid and
push the glass the moment she
E. W. Shober. of Strafford; Mr.
B kth Mrs. J. Stanley
roo orpe,
To me, it is exasperating to sawhim' do so. If one quiet re- will spend three days a week at Wm. Penn Gaskill Hall, Rebel Friends ServIce Committee. Dr.
aver or;
f Reeve,
He will replace Dr. Harry W.
of Pfund, now doing relief work in
Mrs. Central Europe for the American
• prices, but that other petroleum
line Square ClUb, 200 Mill Rd., hear any mother repeat a forbidd- minder did not deter him. she ~~~~~f~~d'sOCi~~~i~nJe~~rd~~~ FO~ Farm. Berwyn; Wm. J. Mc- Coogan, a Haverford graduate,
prices were remaining sta'bilized at
their present levels.
New Principal Brookline, applications of only 300 l'ng Whl'ch was clearly made. shoUld have sent him from the f 1 di i ·th Ca an, 3rd, Roselawn Farm. was associate professor of German
, As for tobacco. tobacco products, Begins Terms at were accepted after a series of What irks me most is that the table to sit alone for twenty orma scuss on groups WI Paoli; Mrs. Levi Lewis, of Wayne; and a dean of Ripon College in
poultry and eggs, the OPA chief aptitude tests held during the youngster must eventually pay a minutes. That was the psychol:' stUdents and faculty members. Mrs. George S. Hasbrouck, Jr., of Wisconsin.
reported that to date there had Buck Lane School summer. i logical moment. Dr. Reid is OIl leave of absence F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
• been no substantial gain In prices Two Years' Work heavy penalty. Bes des. it revea s Sometimes the aCCident itself as chairman of the SocIology De-
that would justify recontrol of Under the leadership of a new Courses will be offered in t~e a lack of integrity in the mother. proves too severe punishment. partment of Atlanta University. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST
these commodIties. principal, the Friends School, first two years of college work In Learns Disobedience (Two Youngsters, five and three Earlier this year he was appoint-
Buck Lane, Haverford, opened its the Schools of Business Adminis- What is more. the child learns are wildly chasing each other ed a professor in the School of Ardmore,. Pennsylvania
• • •
While Washington worries about 61st year thIs week. tration. the College of Liberal disobedience. and when at last he through the house. the one open- Education of New York Univers-
• what the Soviet "master plan" The new principal is Joseph Arts s,nd Sciences, including pre- does surrender, he usually does so ing and slamming the doors ity for 1946-47. Cordially Invites You to a
may be. nothing in current circu- Connelly. whose appointment was medical and pre-dental work. and with great emotional l·esistance. ahead of his pursuer. The mother A graduate of Morehouse Col-
lation is more serenely suggestive announced in the Spring follow- in several departments of the He may be very unhappy and his does nothIng to stop the rough- lege in Atlanta. Dr. Reid holds a FREE LECTURE
of peace than the "Soviet Infor- ing the retirement Of Frances C. Teachers' College. mother may have been vexed be- house. Soon the fingers of the Master of Arts degree from the
. I mation Bulletin." Ferris. Students completing the two yond description. pursuing child are severly pinched University of Pittsburgh and a
During the war it carried the ConneIly, former principal of the years' work at Haverford wlll be I wish I might persuade the in the door. Doctor of Philosophy Degree from CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
• wrItings of some of the best of Ocean Grove, N. J., Elementary eligible to finIsh their studIes at young mother rarely to say "NO" Many a tot will run away to Columbia UnIversity. He also
the RussIan authors. Often it School, is a graduate of the the main Temple campus. Phila-' or "Don't," but havIng said it, dangerous places. Sometimes the stUdied at the UnIversity of Lon-
gave hints of the Soviet political Glassboro, N. J .• Teachers' College, delphia. never to repeat It but to use in- outcome is tragic. In vain, this don.
~ views on current questions in a where he majored in ElementarY Classes will be held at Haver- stead an effective penalty at once. youngster may have been spanked He is the author of "The Negro "Christian Science: The Science of Reality"
warring world. Educatl'on, and of Teachers' ford from 9 A. M, to 4.30 P. M.• In those 'nst n e h' h I'll u e each time he was found and Immigrant". "In a Minor Key"
an'd students, will participate in 1 a c s w IC W S r -
Material for the bulletin is College. Columbia University. extra-curricular activities both at ly come up again and again, there caught. The child was punished and "The Urban Negro Worker in by
• supplied through short wave trans- where he received his Master's Haverford and on the P~iladel- should be no occasIon for her ever for being caught, not for running the United states". He is asso-
mItter which in war-time carried Degree. phia campus. to repeat a definite forbidding away; so he supposed. If the elate executive director of the
in code special instructions of a He also took advanced stUdies Members of Council that was clearly made even weeks mother had used the sense she Southern Regional Council and a Dr. Hendrik J. de Lange O. S. B.
'., technical nature for its supply at Duke Unive"sity. • Among members of the Advisory
was born with. she would have let former consultant on the Social of New York City
and military missions in the Miss Ardith Emmons will con- Council of the Center are Dr. R. Of course, she may discover everythIng else go till the matter Security Board. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church.
United States. tInue as director of the Pre-School R. Abernethy, superintendent of that she had erred in making the was settled permanently. Dr. Reid has worked for sev- The First Church of Christ, Scientist, i~ Boston, Massachusetts
• Now is deals primarily in cult- and teacher of the Five-Year the Haverford TownshIp School forbidding, In this case she should She would have defined clearlY eral years with the American
ural relations with the United Group. MIss Emmons is a grad- DIstrict: Oscar Granger, principal tell the child she made an error to the youngster the boundry be- Friends Service Committee and to be delivered in
, States and developments in the uate of Penn Gollege, and received f th H f T d th t h . yond which he must not go. Then. has served on the faCUlty of the
) Soviet UnIon of a strictlY non- her Master's degree from Mills 0 e aver ord ownship High aI} a s e IS sorry.. always, when he was out-of-doors InstItutes of International Rela- CHURCH EDIFICE
political nature. School; W. J. Drennan, principal, she should have been near hun'. tions sponsol'ed each summer by
Col I ge. She h as just return ed Narberth School District; and
A recent issue. for example, de- from the University of WIsconsin
'votes itself largely to a forth- where she spent the summer in
George H. Gilbert. principal. Lower
Merion Senior Hig~1 SchOOl....
-.TNOW '70lJR
so that when he crossed that the Service Committee.
boundary. she would spank or During the past ,year, Dr. Reid
Monday Evening, September 23, 1946
At 8.15 O'Clock
coming International chess match advanced study In the Childhood Calandar for the first semester ~T paddle him soundly right then lectured at the University of
between a Soviet team of cham- Education Department.
Mrs. M, J, Stuart will be a co-
at the Center is as follows:
Registration-Sept. 23.
~ ATEand there. The psychological Pennsylvania, Skidmore College.
moment was when he crossed the Pennsylvania State College, and
Amplified in the Sunday School
.•• pions and some American experts.
The bulletin recalls that the worker of Miss Emmons. teaching Classes begin-Sept. 30. line. Haverford.
Russians beat the AmerIcans last the Four-Year Group. Mrs. Stuart Uniform examinations _ Nov. The forthcoming eelebration of
• year and invited them to come to is a graduate of FrIends Central 13, 14. Pennsylvania Week by commun-
a return match. School, Overbrook. and Wheelock Faculty reports due-Nov. 25. ities and business firms through-
College. Boston, Miss Emmons will Thanksgiving recess beglns-
also be assisted In the Pre-School Nov. 27. out the state. September 17 to 23.
Pre·Season by Miss Lucretia Williams. grad- Classes re-open-Dec. 2. gives all of us an opportunity to
SHOWING OF uate of Temple University and Christmas recess begins-Dec. realize the tremendous aC:lieve-
assaI' College. and Miss Josephine 21. ments and remarkable advan-
Persian Lomb Thomas, a graduate of Vassar. Classes .rc-open-Jan. 6. tages of this old Commonwealth
Also Muskrat
MIss Ethel Heffelfinger begins
her first year with the Friends
School as teacher of the second
Midyear exams begin-Jan. in which we have made our
Exams end-Feb. 5.
homes. no spot on earth has been r---:--~- --~--111""'-----------~'
the scene of more events that AnnouncIng the openlnl American Preparatory School
..------------.. .
Smartly styled and low priced grade. A former second grade have changed the history of the Boardlnc Division The Edwige School It paya t" •••
Your inspection invited teacher at the Sharon Hill School, Church Women To modern world than Pennsylvania. • • ot the Of/ers Now
she. is a graduate of Buffalo State
.~ BARRY TELLIS ••• Teachers College and has done M T It was on our soU that free gov-
ernment was first begun and PROVIDENCE HILL SCHOOL
of the Dance
Comlf~~ Diploma
All HIgh. Public School subjects:
Course in-
Train for Business
Formerly with Jacques Ferbel advanced study at the University eet uesday; Mrs. practiced to set an example to all EST. 189' STUDIO-
Maths. Engllsh. Languages. Sciences,
College and Civil Service preparation.
Also Stenographic and Culture Eng-
••• ill a rood sellool

112 S. 18th ST, LO.l·5146 of PennsylvanIa and Temple Uni- the nations, and it was also on BOARDING &: DAY SCHOOL Complrf. an ACCOlll\TING or

versity. Other grades wlIl be ably
staffed by members of last yeal"s
Chutter Wz'll Speak.
our soil that the two decisive
events of American history oc- For Children 4-10 Years.
UPPER DARBY. PA. lish curricula.
S1':Clm'l'AUlAL progrnm In thl.
appro red .choot lind qupllf1 for
FUR STORAGE ~::~IS~~ faculty. Mrs. Reginald F. Chutter of cUl'l'ed-the survival of Washing- Address Private and Class Instruction
In All Types or Dancing.
Group or Private-Day or Evenlnll
Fees Moderate. Call now:
one or the many 'n"ortllwlllle poll-
!lon. our pllC'pmcnt bureau hal
walling tar YOIl.
Wynnewood. will speak on "Mar- ton's Army In the bleak winter of Mr. .John De Groot 10-12 A. M,. or 6-9 P. 1\1. "pproVld for VII......• T.alnlng
,'" tyred Holland, Reborn", at Tues- 1777 at Valley Forge, and the bat- Media, Pa.-Medla 1265
day's luncheon meeting of the tie of Gettysburg. I !\!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ American Enroll Now ForPreparatory School D.y School Ev,nlng Sch••1

Women's Association of the Ard-

more PresbyterIan Church.
Pennsylvania was the world's I:
pioneer in the coal, petroleum, ~ CAN PlAT'
1212 Spruce St., Phlla. '1, Pa•
. Fall Season PE 5-3776 9LL~~TANSOI®L
Born in Sumatra. Dutch East and natural gas industries, in the ,~.. ~.~ '-JfA., ·.r.,',DI
... Indies, daughter of a tobacco commercIal manufacture of alu- . ~IIIM8 MA7- REGISTRATIONS Director 1(1 ngoloy 5-447)

planter, Mrs. Chutter was raised minum. and in radIo broadcast-. 'W. ...,. "Opens the door to Opportunity"
in Holland. and received ~er ing, The world's first successful ",,_
'''' 2Q LlSSOItS
Master's degree in law at the steamboat was an invention of a ) Plano and All Instruments Phone Sunset 2722-
• University of Lelden. Pennsylvania craftsman. Penn- :.J...... Free Demonstration It No Answer, HILLTOP 4321
Before the war Mrs, Chutter sy!vania's forests and mines sup'-
went to Holland every other year. pIled our infant nation with the
S Branch at Ardmore
Woman's Club
and her parents came to the fuel energy for its first railroads. 1629 CHESTNUT ST. 106 Ardmore Avenue, VETERANS - DON'T MARK TIME
states in the intervening years, PennSYlvania does not. however. 3rd Floor Ardmore EVENING COURSES FOR MEN AND WOMEN
• Five months
the war, before
however, her the endwas
father of depend
tance forupon its historic
its place impor- iiiiiiiii-=R~I~tt~e:nh::ou:s:e~6-~9~9;6~'1iiiiiiiiiiiiii~;.;;;.;;~~==============~
in the modern
killed by a bomb, and her mother world. With the largest known
died just ten days prior to the supply of anthracite and with vast SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE
Joseph~s Saint College
surrender of Germany. bituminous fields, the State has Da" and Evenlnc CIasse5-Costume Design, DrcS8maklng. Mlllnery. ACCOUNTING ..... BUSINESS - HISTORY - PSYCHOLOGY
In S ep tem be r. 1945 ,rs. always led 0 a' in its t t Evening Classes - Elementary and Advanced Photography. Mechanical
M Ch ut t er ur n Ion ou pu Drawing. Plan Reading and Estimating. Electricity. Machine Shop. Auto- SCIENCE - MATHEMATICS - ENGLISH
went to Europe to settle her par- of coal, coke and coke by-pro- mobile. Mathematlca. strength or Materials. Pattern Drartlng Tool and
ents' estate, and returned to the ducts. It produces nearly one- DIe Design. • MUSIC APPRECIATION - OTHER COURSES
United States this year, having third of aU tl1e steel and iron of Classes Begin Sept. 23, 1946-Approvea jor Veteran TrainIng

So he's observed at close quarters, the our nation. It leads in cement

conditions eXisting in Holland.
Mrs. A. Cleveland Conner, presi- World War the Commonwealth II
dent. will preside at the meeting equaled or surpassed the total
which will begin at 1 P. M. She production of Germany in the
will report on the Quadrennial ferrous metals and had an output
Broad and Spring Ga.rden Sts., PhUa. 23.
and stone. During the recent I ~====::!:~~~==::!:::!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Poplar 5-3106

S W, I N
PHILA. 31, PA.

an .1• •i6 ••,., So watt f National Meeting of Presbyterian greater. than that of any other
Women, whicl1. she attended in nation or ,empire in the world. It
Grand Rapids. Mich., May 10-17, is first in America in fifty types of
1946. Reservations for the lunch- manufacture inclUding many of
eon will close Sunday, september the most important textiles. It is PI AN 0
AU right, then, he r-eel.y isn't an eel at all, if you want 22. one of America's great agricultural
N E E D 5
to be technical. His name'. ElecttophorUl (Gymnotua) states with Amerlca's second larg-
est rural population. It has also
Electrie:ua - Jim for .hort. He'. a South America two of the nation's ten largest THE BEN GREENBLA'IT STUDIOS
couain of the carp and catfish. BEAUTIFY cities and has more small cities ~iiiiii~~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ii5iiiiiii~~~~ii5iiiiiii~~~i5iiii5iiiiiiiii~
and towns than any other state. r
Mayt;e Jim tJot!s pack ~ wallop of 600 volta when~, hUft8'}' YOUR LAWN Pennsylvanians are modest Bring Your. Earning Capacity up to Ceiling MONTHLY ALLOWANCE. PROVIDED
Nuralng School organized In 1884, School approved by the Pennsylvania
01' armoyed (and he hu a ,pocking temperl) - BU'r -, " . people and are usually content to
Insure Your Future bJ' a Thoroullh State Board of Examiners for Relistration or Nurses. All our graduate.
NOW! let these facts speak for them-
selves•. but it can do us no harm - BUSINESS EDUCATION-
are eligible to talie the State Board Examination tor Rellistered Nunes.
(R. N.)
Phone Fr-7-106Z or write tor Bulletin to Director ot Nurses.

for a little whlle to tell ourselves
Can he wash 8 tubs o' cloth•• ? FREE ESTIMATE Excellent Positions Waltln. tor Graduates
and to tell the world how remark-
abe in 80 many ways are the 46.- ~AOOOUNTING
1: IInuttu'S ifnmntnput1lit Ijnapitttl
000 square miles of the Keystone .fl.' .... ILADILPH.I" ~~OTH • SUSQl!IH~N~.!.....-

Top Soil--- $10.00 State in whIch we earn our liVing
and take our pleasures. .
We Have a Larlle Enrollment ot Main Line StUdents
• LOAD . Visit or call Immediately tor Intor-
LIMITED ENROLLMENT. or maUon or reservation in our tine day
Or tell the correct "me LANDSCAPE evening school.

• for 4 days? CONTRACTOR
• MAYFIELD Patel immediately For 1714 Walnut st. Philadelphia, 3, Pa. PEnnypacker 5-9851

Or 11th' a hundred-watt ltulb
for 3 houn"":'
for a pe-r'
1720 West Chester Pike
Upper Darby Sunset 9102 = DIAMOND JEWELRY
. . w. are panng the hleheR '
prices paid In hlstonr
. 'Be a Private Secretary

You bet fte can't. He'. not usefully eel.edriW. FraaJdy,
you'd better flip a .witch if you want convmient, dependable
electricity - all you need - at low COlt. .
~d apeaking of low cost - did,you know that the
average family ii getting twice tiS much electricity 1M its mone)'
I 135 8. 13th st.
We Also Bur 81LVBR
Est. 1891 ,

AI.. ap.c1all.od t.alnlng fa. Modl,al a. hgal S.•••Ia.lal
pollllon, • • • Our Exclullv. method of Individual Sup••-
vilion Inlur.. rapid and thorough progre.. • • • Po,ltIons
...urod for all g.adual... llay and nlghl .,hool.
. Call LO,u,I 7...560 for Inlo.mallon.


1623 VVALNUT' STREET . '1\\\1£ ,tor 1~\.\.£l\I
as it did 20 yean ago? That's no accident -like Jim -
ud his temperamental voltage. Folka in thii company bave ,"01£ or f School of Nursinl ... Il'\.
dOlle a good job under ,ound business management. . Director "OSf""
tAOU" S\.~\
That's why your electric ~ce i. lower in cost-
• IUld higher in efficiency - than ever before. NURSiNG .
SCHOOL cllteecl Streets
'It 6th an . penna.
Philaclelphia, ~b\ert

.' state Boarel .;.~::J:eluca

.sateel bY the Le 'CUe 01
Accre- 11 lilaUona1 a 9 8600

PhilaC:l~lp'hia Electri~\ CO~pany

anel t. e • Fulton· • . '.
Phone· . ,
,, ~l
'_l .J. _.... ~.

Veterans And
" . "iJ World WarqVets Manoa Post Names
New Commander
A. R. Beck, of 348 So. Manoa

I .~t~. Win Post Election Rd., Manoa, Wal elected com-

mander of the Manoa Post of
the American Leclon at a meet-
inr held last Friday night in
\'i4• • • U the POit home, 1112 Steel Rd.,
Bon Air.
Elections 'Tuesday at.
Bryn Mawr Unit;
EDITOR'S NOTE~ Thtl MlD.7JClpeJ', Other officers elected were:
'hrough .pecfcll arrangement lDlth the W. C. Welgele, senior vice- Appoint Committee
Weuhlngton' Bureau 01 We.tern NelD'- commander, F. J. Monarhan,
f'aper Union at 1616 Elle Street. N.W•• Jr., junior vice-commander; J.
Weuhtngton. D. C., ta ablll to bring B. Carlucci, Sr., finance of- John B.AustiJi, Jr., of Rose-
reader. thl. lDeeklll column on Jll'ob~, fleer: H. J. Schultz, chaplain; mont. was elected commander of •
lema 01 the "e"teran and ,ervlceman S. C. Baumm, historian; W. M, the' John Winthrop Post of the
Clnd hi, lamllll. Que.tlon, mall b. ad- Magee, and B. H. Winkleman, American ,Legion at a meeting of
dreaaed to the abo"e Bureau and thell sergeants-at-arm,,; G. A. Tay- the 'group held Tuesday night in
will be an.werell In II .ubaequent col- lor, Welgele, W. E. Johnson Bryn Mawr.
umn. No replfea can be malle direct executive committee; C. T, Other ofticers elected are:
bll mall. but. 071111 in the column Bausle, A. R. Beck, and Tay- Charles Ogglesby, Bryn Mawr, •
which will appear in thtl new.7JClpeJ' lor, delerates to the Delaware senior vice-commander; Alphier
regular''I. County Committee, and F. E. SUverio, Bryn Mawr, junior vice-
Strum, B. P. Winkleman, and commander; Jesse Moon, James
Method of PaYinr Off E. R. Sabin. Jr., altemates to WinthroP. James Cairns, Romolo
Insurance ComPeusation the County Committee. Talone. and Ernest Marmer. ex- Suburban SQuare merchants are ready to serve YOU for FaU.
Joseph C. Huey, present ecutive committee. You'll tlnd It a treat JUlt to look and lee the IntereltlDe array
There has been considerable commander, presided at the Austin, a member of the Post or new Quality merchandise theY have prepared for your
confusion as to the method of meeting. The new officers wiU for one year, served as' a lieuten- lelectlon. A treat multIplied by many tine storel and courteoUI
store lervlce. Com. and ahop • • • where tts plellllant • • .
.r payment of insurance. The orig- be InstaUed at a meeting to be ant (jg) in the U. S. Navy for convenIent • • • economloal. .
inal law provided that the in- held in October. three years. He was stationed in
surance policy would not be paid
Bermuda. He wlll be installed Merchanta of Suburban Square. ..

-------IIIIIII.. .------------------.
with the other new ofDcers by
in one lump sum.
The amendment approved qn SEYMOUR L. GREEN lVoomen'
. s J»ost
Frank. Challanger, deputy district
commander, October 15.

August I, 1946, however, gives the Four applications for member-
World War II veterans won an ship were accepted at the meet-
beneficiary the privilege to elect
within two years the refund life
income settlement in which event
overwhelming victory in the elec-
tion of new officers of the Bul-
lock-Sanderson Post of the
Nommates .
ing Tuesday. They were: Robert
Miller, Thomas W. Scanlon, Hal':'
Vey B. Williams and George A.
Davis, aU of Bryn Mawr.
James A. Ritchie
an appropriate adjustment will be
Main Line Group to SPECIALTY SHOP
made to take into account the
payments already drawn by the
American Legion held Tuesday in
tile Post Home, Sutton Rd., Ard-
.rlore. Plan Drive For
Members of the executive board
of the organization appointed a
Voluntary American Legion Army
Recruiting committee to recruit

You Can't Buy Better

Two Pairs of Nylon Hose at $1.35 a Pr.

It is the duty 'of the Veterans'
administration to notify benefici-
Seymour.L. Green, Ardmore at-
t01'l1ey and veteran of four years
New Members volunteers for Army service. Ed- COTTON TOWELING . And
aries who are eligible for his privi-
ward F. Hodge, of ArQmore, will UPON PRESENTATION OF THIS AD.
lege by registered mail some time
Army service, was elected com-
nlander of the Post. He held the
A slate of new officers of the serve as chairman. SPECIAL 4 f c A YARD Automobile Accessories 1..
before August I, 1947.
Those who are eligible should
study all plans carefully. While
!'l>nk of captain when discharged.
Other officers elected were: sen-
ior vice-commander, Dr. A. H.
Main Line Women's Post of t:,e
Amerttan Legion will· be presented
by the nominating committee, of
the group at a meeting to be held Speakman Post To • 29 CODlt~r Ave.
Tailored· Clothes For Women
Montgomery Ave. and
st. Georges Road

the lump sum payment may seem Bahler; junior vice-commander, Monday, September 23, in the Post PHONE ARDMORE 9545
advisable at the time, future needs
must be considered. In many cases
it will be to the beneficiary's
benefit to receive the monthly
Arthur Ramsay; finance officer,
John Cullum; adjutant, Richard
Kromer, (all World War II vet-
Home, Bryn Mawr.
Mrs. Sara. Todd, Mrs. Jeanne
D·Annunzio. Miss Joan Coats, and
Elect New Officers ....-,-,--·IL....;:.:=:.=:=::.:.::.:.:--1 '------------1 II'

erans); chaplain, the Rev. J. Gil- Miss Frances Laurie were nomi-
payments, for from three to iespie Arm s t l' 0 n g; historian, nated for executive posts; Miss
twenty years. Frank C. Royer, and Anthony Rita Norris, Miss Helen Powers, Members of the Harold D.
This is a matter that should be
handled by each individual accord-
ing to his needs. The local Red
'Iinaglia, sergeant-at-arms.
Post members elected to the ex-
Miss Doris ~eech, Mrs. Helen Speakman Post of the American
Davies, Miss JUllitte Wallace. and Legion, of Narberth, will elect t11kia MAGNAVOX "
ecutive committee were: William Miss Nellie Hartnett were nomi- new officers at a meeting to be
Cross will be glad to go into the
various plans. Before determining
which method of payment to
Pavillard, S. J. DelPizzo: James
Rightmire, (all World War n
veterans), William Lloyd, Dr.
nated for executive committee held September 24 at 8 P. M., in
posts. the Legion rooms of the Com-
munity Bullding in Narberth. ~ THE RADIO·PHONOGRAPH
accept, it would be well to consult
the Red Cross as well ~s banker
-'::>uglas MacFarlan, Christopher
Jensen, William J. McCreary,
Committee Members Those nominated for executive
Adjutant and Treasurer will be posts of the organization are:
appointed by the newly elected William H. Banfield, comman-
or other party who is well inform-
ed on the various merits of each
~',vis J. Ryan, Clifford Shawdee.
and Meade Smith. officers after they have been in- der; George Torchiana, senior
stalled in October.
YARNS BOX 'II The Magnavox Radio-Phonograph combines all the
proven advances of modern radio science, including
plan. vice commander; Charles V. West- And
Questions and Answers GOP Veterans League Members pf the nominating man, junior vice commander; 27 Coulter Ave., automatic record changing and worldwide short wave.
. Q. I am a widow. My son was committee are Miss Catherine John A. Mower, Jr., :finance of-
Haggerty, Miss Florence Farina, ficer; the Rev. Cletus A. Senft. SKIRT YARNS FM optional. Come in and listen to the new Mag-
"ilIed in action December 2. 1943.
At that time he was married. Now
Of Del. Co. Organl·zes and Miss Helen Lyons. . chaplain; George Mapp, ,and Just arrived. Ardmore navox Radio-Phonograph combination, a superb mu-
his wife has remarried and I want A veterans meeting was held Plans for a, new membership Frank J. Rossetti, sergeants-at- sical instrument a8 well as a bellutiful piece of furni-
to know if she can receive his last Thursday evening at Howard drive will also be discussed at the arms, and Mario J. Casavecchia, ture. Order now for early delivery.
meeting. Miss Betty Lawes, pre- William S. O'Sullivan, Robert
pension. If she cannot, please let
me know if I can and just how
can I get in touch with the right
person?-Mrs. M. I. K., Baitimore,
Johnson's, Media, to organize
veterans in the County who are
interested in the Republican
party and the coming election.
sent cohlmander of the Post, said Knapp, Guy F. Mosteller, and
this week tl1at membership in the Robert J. Hobson, executive
post is open to all ex-service wo- committee.
men on the Main Line, Philadel-
c. D.

I- t\s~~~\ll~ I-
Md. The officers chosen for Repub- phia. and surrounding areas.
A. Your son's wife forfeited her lican Veteran's League of Dela- mander of the unit, who will "The Main Line'a Finest Radio-Music Shop"
The Post now has a member- preside at the meeting, stated ,~"
widoW'S pension when she remar- ware County were: Ray Reagan, ship of 20; and at the completion this week that nomlna.tions would
ried. But even though she had (If Drexel Hill, and John Graham. of t.he drive in November, a. mem- also be accepted from the :fioor James
not l'emarrled and was receiving of Villanova, as co-chairmen; Al- bership of 75 is expected.
, the pension, if you are a depen-
dent parent you are entitled to a
bert Congdon, of Ridley Park. as
vice-chairman; Vincent Smith, of
the night of the meeting.
g S~ J",,.,.E.S P\.l>.C~
- 5 A.
pension of $54 per month. SUggest
you contact the Veterans' adm1n-
Green Ridge, secretary; Mrs.
Adelaide M. Clark, recording sec-
Evening Courses Top Priority Drive for ~ ~ft\)""ORE.,P". § Bit~hie
istration office at 1315 St. PaUl retary; James Walton, of Upper Offered at St. Joseph's Veterans Sept. 15 § Good Clothe8 §
street, Baltimore and give them
all the details.
Darby, treasurer. Executive mem-
bel'S: Thomas Brown. Jr., Lans- Forced to close registration for A two-week "top priority" drive ~ At Little
§ For Matron!-Mis8
C08t g • •
Q. I have a son in the service.
Be has served over 15 months in
downe; William Bowen, Chester;
Snowden Rigby, Upper Provi-
the September freshman class
several months ago the Very Rev
Jolm J Long S j President of
to sell current stocks of sUlplus
goods. set aside for veterans of § And The
Fine Linens 1o't. 7wee~s!
the army. I have sent in my forms
and all of the children's birth eel'-
dence; James Wheatly, Darby,
and Albert Eschner, Aronimink
st. Jo;eph's 'coiIeg~, announced
this week that facil1ties of the
World War II. wlll begin on ~
September 15, it was announced
Younger Contingent g •
28 CoUlter Ave., Ardmore Lovely Blollle, of soft crepe witfl

tlflcates and still haven't received Estates. evening division of the college today by Frank L. McNamee, §IIIUllllllllllllt2111111111111~21111111!11IIr'1I111~ unusual designs. Sizes 12-18. $17.95.
any family allowances. Can you Of the ten officers chosen by have been exPanded to include Philadelphia regional director for
help me in this?-Mrs. E. C.• Lind- the group. eight were World War degree work for veterans eligible the War Assest Administration. Other. from $8.95.
say, Okla.
A. Suggest you write your son
II veterans.
for college study under the GI
Bill of Rights.
Only veterans of World War n
may buy set-aside items which Wonder{ul She'landl made .
and ask him to see his command-
ing officer about his allotments. R. F. C. Establishes Veterans who applied for the
September freshman class and
include automotive . equlpmen.t,
general purpose machmery, ag1'1-
cultural equ~pment and supplies,
Til. 'ill"',
Molt Compf". of 100% Imported wool.
Pullovers from $7.75.
Also write to the Office of DePen- New Mortgage Co. were refused admission to the day CHn~A

dency Claims, War Department,
Newark 2, N. J., giving all details.
Q. My son bas served six months
in the Navy reserve and is now
A market for veterans' home
loans that have been guaranteed
or insured by the Veterans' Ad-
session, may attend evening
classes and obtain credit for a
degree in Business Administration
and Social Science under the new
office machmes, appliances and
furniture and certain general
products. Construction equipment
and medical and dental equip-

GLASS Jerrehian Cardigans from $8.95.

getting discharged. I have been ministration has been established plan, according to the Very Rev. ment for veterans will be alloc- Store lit Domestic

I. B
by The RFC Mortgage Company, Long. ated only by the national WAA
told that according to the new
draft bill anyone who has had six an affiliate of the Reconstruction Registration for the evening office in Washington.
And Be••TRY R.
28·30 ParkinG Plaia
months of service will not be Finance Corporation. These loans courses will be held from Sep- Oriental.

drafted in the army. Is this true?
-Mrs. E. S., New Lenox, W.
will be purchased only from the
original lenders, at par and ac-
tember 23 to 27. 53,611 Vets Receive • Rugs -:,..
Dtli"tfY 1l111wlltrl i .
A. Yes, any person of draft age crued interest, and must conform Ex-Marines Eligible Disability Payments 8514·16 O.monlown Avenue

who has served in either branch
of the armed services for six
to certain general requirements
of the Company. . R eserves
T o J oln A total of 53.611 veterans are GILMAN Inc. I 61 St. James Pl.
months, or who has seen overseas
duty, is not eligible for redraft
This action is being taken be-
cause many private financial in-
receiving disability compensation
Ex-Marines who have served in
a.viatIon have an opportunity of
in the PhUadelphia. area, repre-
3enting an increase of a:pproxlm-
, St. G'orl" Rooll
• under selective service. stitutions have indicated that in
Q. I have been. advised tll&t order to continue making loans retaining their afflllatlon with the atelY 1,000' during August, the ~~~~~~~~~~~l .

since I was a member of the
l'e&11lar army and completed two
full enlistments (six years) I
should be entitled to three years
re-enlistment bonus. I enlisted
to veterans for the purchase or
construction of homes they must
have a dependable market, where.
if necessary, theY can sell the
loans. The RFC Mortgage Com-
Marine C01'PS on a part time mU-
itary basis by joining the Marine
Corps OrganiZed Reserve AViation
Unit located at the U. S. Naval
Air Station, Willow Grove.
The Ol'ganized Reserves hold
Veterans Administration revealed
this week.
According to the monthly re- Ii
port of VA activities in the eight
co~nties of Southeast Pennsyl-....
vania released bY the VA Phlla-
.., L E ,.
.t1l .J.."I
F P . 1 P I
I ~==============~~~

October 2, 1939, and was dis-
charged November 17, 1945. I
w 0 u 1 d appreciate in'formatlon
pany will not itself make any
loans to veterans for the purchase
of a home. SUch loans to veterans
week-end fiight periods twice a
month. Each fiight period is of
delphia Regional Oftice. 5,397 dis-
abled veterans and 151,015 ~on-
or artlcu ar eop e
A UNION ••• • •
• where I should make :::'pllcatlon will be made by banks or other four hOU1' duration and consti- disabled veterans were recelving •
I ,.,
• for this bonus, if I am entitled to
it.-P. W. W., Denver, Colo.
A. The army says that if all the
lending institutions.

Bala-Cynwyd Lt.
tutes two pay drills. An annual
two week active-duty period will
probably be held at the Air Sta-
education or on-the-job training
at the end of the month under
Public Laws 16 and 346.
L E .,.t 1Nl . E R S
MEAT Prescriptions
•II 14 Coulter Ave. Ardmore 0117 •I.
tion except that when pOssible it .., II
period you served was honorable
service and only if you had re-en-
listed prior to February 15, 1946,
you would be entitled to re-enlist-
• •
Receives Discharge
Lieutenant (jg) ,Anthony Mee-
may coincide with maneuvers and
be made part of such activity.
At the present time there are vac-
87th Rose
To Be
H I Tree Races....
46 St. Georges Rd. Ard. 5710
e d Oct. 19 295 Mont. Ave. CynwYd 0834
Phone Ardmore 2442
&9 St. Jam.. PIIOI
• 1324 W. Girard Ave.
Stevenson 4-8700
I....................... ~
:rnent bonus. ' ~ey, USNR.of 128, Lodges Lane, ancies open for Reserves who wish The 87th annual Rose Tree lU7 City Line ~inity '-7556 Jl'RUITS and VEGETABLBS \
Q. I am a veteran. I have been Bala Cynwyd, has been. released to go on active duty lUI station- Races will be held on Saturday C8 St. Georsel ReI.
discharged nine months now. We to inactive duty by the Navy at keepers (aviation ground crews). afternoop, October 19. on Rose Ardmore 06tt

are uJ)eCtlnc a child in December. the Officer separation Center, Tree grounds on Providence Rd.,
Is my wife entitled to ret mater- Philadelphia Naval Base, after
nity care trom the I'overnment as two years of active service. 9th Armore'd Division• Media.
Four cup races will be run off. Children', Wear.
it was during the war?-A vet- Lt. Meeley, a graduate of Villa- Vets to Organize These are the Riddle Cup onelrr======~===~I II~--------
eran Okauchee Wia
A 'No, ,.
nova College, class of 1943, was
~ttached to a landing craft boat Ve~erans of the Ninth Armored
mile race, the Ormead Cup donat-
ed by George Brooke, 3rd, Chair-
]rJul 1
Foundation Glrment,
Q: If' the government pays a In the Pacific Area. DivlslOn, the First American com-
bat unit to cross the Rhine, are
man of the Rose Tree Race Com-
mittee, at two miles and a hal!
lUO Walnut st. S9 Coulter Ave.
PhiladelPhia Ardmore "':.L.LI_ '11-,.,.1'"
'Veteran so much a month for
farming, win it be deducted from forming a division association, it over brush; Rose Tree Hunter KlDealq 0151 Ardmore II"' "Everyth·lng cI...ULU/. fl'WNUUC Junior Dresses
any future bonus he mirht receive?
Vice,Yct says was announced this week at Head-
quarters, Army Ground Forces.
Challenge Cup at three mUes over
timber, and the Autumn Stayers' ~
'P •

C. W. T., Chatham, Va.
A. No. I
Since a complete roster of
former division members is not
Handicap at one mile and a '
quarter on the fiat for the Major D, iesinger's Photograph'Ie"
Q. I lIave a friend who Is aboard ~ ~ ava.ilable, the assoclation is urging
the USS Doyle' (DSM-34) and I Henry Reed Hatfield challenge Featurlne
veterans of the Ninth Armored to cup.
would-like some information about OONT GUESS A80lJtk4 send their names and· present BeautifUl LUIlaie Racks

where the ship is at the present Two other races. are on the Jewele" Sinc. 1886 45 Coalter Ave. Ard. 1918
8ENEI=ITS' PRovloeo BV . . addresses to Captain Louis Gell- card the Allrlcultural Stake, at In Dusty Pink, Dusty Blue
time.-B. M. W., JoUet, IU. OIr.Whlte .. Mahoean,
A. The navy department says ing, acting, secretary, - at Head- six iU~'lOUghs and the Foxcatcller
that the USS Doyle is at San
THE G.t. BILL·· CONTACI'Ii; quarters, Armored School, Fort Plate at two miles over brush, $6.50
"fOUR NEAR.EST VA OFFiCi Knox, Kentucky. • 63 st. JaD11l1 .PL Ardmore 7919
Francisco as of August 15, 1946.
Q. Has Company H.S. 2807 FOR. S:ULI. EX.PlANATION •. At Bainbridge Penn Squad Drills Times·Medicll Bide. II SUBURBAN THEATRE
Engineers G.S. Battalion, APO
246 arrived in the United states.
Can, you teU me when It will
John Russell, Jr., seaman, sec~ At Hershey Camp 1i=====1~ ARDMORE, PA. ARD. 4747
ond class, USN son of Mr. and Penn's 70th season of football LAST TWO DAYS
arrive?-K. J. B., Rocky Mount; Frs. John Russell, of 120 Righters got underwaY' sept. 9 when ap- Friday and Saturday, sept. 20-21
N. C. Mill Rd., Gladwyne, has entered proximately 65 candidates for the Ra, MllIand
A. The Navy says that the the Radio School at the U. S. team left by bus! for Hershey, OUvia. De HavIlland
2807th Engineers are at. Guam
and .there is no word on when
th~y will arrive.
Naval Training Center, Baln-
bridge. Md.
where practice sessions w111 be
held untU September 25.
George Munger, head coach,

o ••q

Sunn, Tufts •
Ex-Army Engineers 34 Vets in L. M. and his' assistants Rae Crowther,
~ul Riblett,' Horace Hendrick-
Technical School son. .tJ1d Jack Welsh are holding • •
:Urged to Volunteer
, Engineers who are Reserve or
two practice
An enrollment of 34 veterans largest squadsessions daily
that has forbeen
in the night· school of the Low- invited for preliminary training.
0 • 5 I It V I ALL
SATURDAY at 12.30 P. M.

National Guard officers were
urged this week by headquarters
. er Merion School Dis~ct Tech- , Not since, 1942 has a Red and
nichal DiviBiol18'. was announced Blue gridiron squad practiced II. ,. FRUIT·
, It A FFie It U LI •

K •• ' YOU It C A It
of the Second Army to' Volunteer .Monday evening at the meet- away from the campus. During 'N OOOD "'Alit. • WEEK - SEPTEMBER 22 to 2S
:for extended active duty.
'rhe l plea was made in a .Jettei'
addressed to all former· Engineer
inr of the School Directors. . the war years the - candidates
T~e day school has 16~ pu. worked out on River Field dur-
plls, of whom three are 'Veter- ing the Summer and Fall. From
_ _ ._ ... __
Phonl Irdmor. 4114
Jeanne Crain
Cornel Wilde'
Linda Darnell

officers who have returned to ans. 'There are 18 pupu. In the· 1937 until 1942 Hershey was the - Qualitg GrocerieB '
civilian life In Maryland. Virginia;
P~:VlvanJa, West V!rg1nla, Ohio,
IndJana. and K:en~clq. .
automobUe ~vlbr claues in soene of practice and before that
the Technical DI'Vialon, wblah .. Camp Wyomissing' and various
run bY. Busl!'U P. McGrath. Beuhore resort toW11ll,
--"-"-- I
0.. _
• St. Geor.e'. BeL Ardmore
Late Mat1Jlee EnD 'WelSnelda, -
Feaure. at 2.00 - 4.00 P. M.
Box OlUce ope~ t.45 to ut ";,J<-~;'·:iidillliid'·'\"ii1' ~~~~iiIl~.riililii •••iiia••iliIl~~~~~~~ai.~~lDi·!lIi9@~;,:;~\~ili~'·'~:L!f~iJl:'~,';ktU'~~ii;.-;ti<~--~;~<;;..~~"""'J~"""'~~:.~."""""~""~c. ~".,."" ...""'L"c.,.. .•. .~""'HJ

...... ,,', ..-~:, "-'~.~"":~~
. "...
--,-. 'fT:,- 'l'BII VAJlf r.uaa ?,..,.... ~"'oor.-"'" r:T ......, rF....·"!'·... - '\' \ i I ' ,(t
.SECONDSECI10N ""'"';'''~1~' THURSDAY, S~TEMB£R. 19, 1946. , ". 1 - - .,-, "::
ova. '%OWl' . ~ , , , ,. ,..- \ 11. 1;1.. :, •.' U.;J!.\
• I , . ;
• t / I i •

Local Schoolboys
Attend Pro Battle
M em b e r s of the Haverford
Lower Merion, Haverford High Qpen Football Season Saturday
. . . " .'
School, Haverford High and Low-
I • er Merion football teams attended
the PhUadelphia Inquirer Char-
ities, Inc., football game Frida~
MAROON GRIDDERSPLAY, ARMY BACIC- .--. • Nunan-Siook N"meSports Seene
night at Municipal Stadium,
They were among 10,000 school-
boy football players who attend-
w. PHILLY AT ARDMORE; Splits Series F()r F~RD :a~ar:ren:eth:c~~no~fa By JACK :ru:r::n:;

ed the PhUadelphia Eagles-
Chicago Bears football game as
guests of the Philadelphia Inquir- BARTRAM AT HAVERFORD Delco Legion Title, :;~~~: :~~i:~:~!~~! ~~~c:~:~::ItE;:r~:~~i~tev~r:
er. The Bears beat the Eagles, , th t Dr I 'Unl ,. gi in all '!'he constitution of the Main LIne
a .... enga nil' Lensue In Its first article states as
24-12. 'Nunan-Slook Post No 338 of its Main Line League playoff Its purpose: "To promote and pro-
o km t lit t

•••••••••••••• S First
, pee db 0 y s Seeking Injuries May Haridi- S:zm..c:ki_;rywac~o ~::n:o.
. , ith games at Narberth.
vld~ clean, healthful outdoor recrea-
Dr. Demar, who assisted Eddie ~~~rlc~~'~ the communities 10 thw
. . ," Victory Over cap Fords as Stinson of Chester in their serie. to Hare .with direction of the Brook-,
determine 'the Delaware 'County line .baseball' team-last
'!'he outdoor recreation of what
season, as- community Is the Drexel Hut ;ulan-

:, hole ·:.
Maroon Machine Starts 6th Season

- f 11 titl uer promoting In the action hI!' haa
American Legion championship. s('rts that the t ra...... er 0 a e taken? I have nothlnlf against Nar-
Nunan-Slook scored an. OVer- games to Narberth violates the berth. In fact I think It a swell place
• West Phlladelphia High's Speed- Haverford High will open its whelming ' 8-0 triumph in the Main Line Leagu.e constitution. tCl live, but why should anythlnS
beneficial belonglnlf'to Drexel Hut
boys wUl invade Lower Merion's 1946 football season Saturday af- first game Saturday :afternoon at He also says it is a great in- and surrounding communities be
Ardmore field Saturday afternoon ternoon, playing John Bartram Veterans .Park' Brookline But justice to Drexel Hill fans who taken away for the sake of a few
High :tor the :first time. The game , 'Veatern • Dela- f a ithfU'J 1'- . SUppOrted Joe Irvin's paltl"l1 additional dollars?

, OW s··
as the Main Liners inaugurate a the Chester nine, In Article vm of the leagUe con-
will be staged on Haverford's ware County· American Legion team all, season. And it appears stltutlon It specifically states that
, • 10-game football schedule. Brookline field. League titlist, won by 12-6 Sun- Dr. Demar has some basis for.' his .•. "playolr glLDles are to be played
It w1ll mark Bill Stinson's sixth '- on ALTERNATE fields, making allow-
It wUl be Lower Merion's fifth day at Boothwyn to even. complain .... ance for a deciding game If neces-
season as Haverford head coach.

• ' C l a s h with the Public League con- The Oakmonters, who won the Dr. Demar'a letter follows: sary." Nowhere does It atate that aU
tenders and the locals never have The Fords' talented tutor. first East ......, C t .. playolr lfames are to be played on
lost to West Ph11ly. The :first came to Ha.verford 17 seasons ago ern ~aware oun y Ameh- Sspt. U. 1lH6. anyone !leld for any reason what-
, • game ended in a 13-13 standoff: and acted as assistant to AIlle can Legion LeagUe title, scored Dear Sir: soever.
in the ,second, fifth and seventh In :vlew of the swltehlnl of all 'It seems to me that the aforemen-

, ' . Lower Merion captured ~e three CornOIl' until 1941. inningS to take the opener. Plantz IIaln ·Llne Leasus tinal playOIr lames .tlone<l constitution can be stretched
• succeeding contests. Minor injuries threatened to hit a h e
om .:run w
ith t t to Narberth, maY I u a rooter for
wo ma es Drexel .HIll have my say In the
and broken If It suits the desires at
certain members, but not a point
, • Admitting that the team has hamper the Haverfordians as abroad for three runs in the fifth. matter. will be allowed If desired by others.
,. • • shown improvement, but st11l far Stinson drilled his huskies this
·g~·ro/lAS~ Bob Martin, ex-Haverford High Joe I"ln, manalferthot b thefl'- Drexel (The dismemberment of the cham-

gg~h s~~~:e~a~J~
a tentative y~~~el:t~~r:s.:
week. Most common ailments were and plonshlp Brooltllne telLDl Ia a very
pitcher, yielded only four hits HIII t earn, spealea .... e ene
good eXlLDlple.)
6~eAl" S-(A~ A"f
ankle injuries and charley horses. whUe striking out six for his ~~~~ for both spectators and Could I but have any laY In the
nounced starting line- Haverford, in tuning for the in- MI ~S\ u\PP\ ,\-(I\,1i fourth victory in :flve American Does he take Into account the peo- Drexel
permission Hill for
the that
teamhad granted
to use Itl
• •
up. Only two regulars from the augural, scrimmaged Chester and Legion starts. JlItl who sUIlPort ed hla t eam a II year, fIeld, I would Immediately rescind
, 1945 team wlll be available. Swarthmore High and last Tues- lJ~614~Er whose only means of tranllllOrtatlon
Ira Harnish, another former ,was walklnlt or a s\lnple bus ride? that
• • Captain Dave Maroney will start day met Ridley Township. The AfW~ro,,.l1" '\ Hav erford h ur1er, was t h e losing W III h e prov Id e th e means for th ese tlon, permission
and In viewforoflack
the of aPllrecla-
Iffeat wronll
• at center and Len Shephard, one Fords held their own wtih a high- done sports lovers of Drexel Hill and
, • of the team's most sensational pitcher Sunday as Chester scor- people to Ilet to the Narberth Illay-
Ing field and also the seatlnlt ar- surrounding communities.
ly-regarded Chester team, but ed four runs in the first and five ranlfements whereby they all sit to- As for the sillY reason given by Joe

I aIIout the Surprise of the Year • performers in 1945, at right half- surprisingly were kicked around by in the fourth to win out. Harni-h gether, as they have for the entire Irvin for Ul!
so naivethe games. doe.
I b back. Dick Mattis, son of tpe a green Swarth.more eleven. " he think as to believe it
I y Willys-Overland • coach, and Frank DiFavio, w~o al-
~t1i~~ ternated at guard last year, were
Stillson st1l1 was J.Uldecided
upon his starting lineup last night "5HoP:t't was nicked tor 13 hits, while his playlnll seaeon at Drexel HUl? (Continued on Back Page)
mates collected a like number. 1.;.._W:.:.::::u:....;t=h,:.e..:t;:.ra=nsf=:.elT;:::ln==.lf..:o:.:f.-:,al;:.l...:lf=lLDl:::..,:e,:.s---------------

and only three Fords were certain Sunday
• • • • • • • • • expected to be on opposite sides Szrmanskl- Nunan-Slook
·SA'" of the line Saturday. of their positions. All were start- R:vwac:k1 r.b.o.a.
r.h.o.a. Sclubba. as 1 1 0 4

r, I LtI(E Mike Denivio also was scheduled ers last season. The trio inclUd-
rz~1.T;111O ~,J.oW f'\IS 'iJAf!p$ DrullcJt,lIS ..3 2 3 7 Plantz.2b .2 1 4 3

to see action at one of the gull.rd
spots. Ed Strobach and Sam
Boswell, members of the Junior
ed Captain Ed W1l1iams, left tac-
kle; Bob Steiert, left halfback.
and' Right Guard ClaUde Gabriel.
The end positions seemed cer-
f'o~l'r\e (}.'S.Mll,rfArz.t~j
1141s fA",,,"
Jainsl.2b •..0 1 3 2 Poley. If ... 0 1 0 0
Chazln.3b...1 1 0 3 Turner. rf .1 3 00 2 1 \I \I Keehn.3b .1 3 2 2
Micka. c ....2 1 \I 0 McC'h'n. c:f 2 1 2 0
DING~ , NO Varsity team last year, were nam- I
K'k'szka. rf 2 3 1 0 Petron. c: •.1 1 4 0
r Loa ed for left and right end, respect- tain to cause Stinson his biggest SChrass. cf .0 2 1 0 Gamb'l(.lb 0 2 \I 0
NEXT \':. D t<" ively. Jim Haslam and Jim Barr headache. Either Bruce Strat- RUIS. If .... 1 1 1 0 Hamish. p 0 0 0 2
'""'1'\", 11ave v1J:tually clinched the tackle ton or Jack MorrIson was sched- Dychala. P .. 1 1 0 2 Martin.I! .0 0 3 1
posts. Uled to start at left end, with Bill Totals .. s13"2723 Totaw 12'"'i32ill
Don Townend will start at quar-
terback, with Ben Stephens and
Pittinger or Daniels on tlfe right
wing. Narberth, Drexel Hill Resume
Nunan-Slook ...... 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 0 1- 8
8z:vmaMkl-RYWa'l 1 2 0 5 0 0 1 0 x-12
Two-base ,hIts - Petron. Manchln.
• • • .Where Somethin' (Good) Is
Shephard at t~e halves. Graham Pairing with Williams at tackle Kokoszka, 2. Home runs-Turner.
Hoper, who belatedly joined the will be Rankin Thompson, mem- A.lways Cookin' • • •
team after spending the Summer
at camp, will be at fullback.
ber of last year's junior varsity.
Bob Leybum or Pyott were likely
Maill Line Playoffs Saturday Szrnanskl-
Thus far, the Maroon machine choices for left guard, with Gab- r.h.O.a. Sclubba.•s 2 3 0 , Delicious, Well-Cooked Meal5
has engaged in four scrimmages riel slated to start on the right Drullck. B8 •• 0 0 1 1 Plantz.2b .2 2 2 3
With nothing gained over the by Harry Fox with two on. Kok·ma. cf .0 0 " 0 Poley. If ••• 0 0 2 0 Sea Food • Wines - Liquors • Beer
with Philadelphia district rivals. side and Bill Smith at center. past weekend other t\1an to prove Dam Caniglia was pounded for Schrass. If .. 0 1 1 0 Turner. rf 0 1 0 0
Lower Merion showed to advan- In the backfield, Charles Fall that the teams are evenly match- five hits in the first two innings, Micka. c ....0 1 S 1 Keehm, 3b 1 1 1 4
tage against Berwyn and Episco- was named at Quarterback, with Minc· ..0 0 4 0 McCa'n. cf 0 1 1 0
ed, Narberth and Drexel Hill wll1 but Charlie Schriner came in Dych'a.3b •.0 1 1 2 Patron. c: .. 0 0 7 2
pal Academy, but appeared weak-
er than Sout~ern and West Cath-
Steiert and Roy Gelpke at the
halves and Phll Donatelli, full-
make another attempt to decide
the championship of the Main
with two gone in the second to
finally stop Drexel Hill's uprising.
Jaslnakl. P .0 1 2 0 Gomb' 1 0140
RullS. rf .... 0020 Martin, P .. 000 2
Pavl·kl. 2b .. 0 0 1 0 - __
olic High. back. Originally, 185-pound Char- Line Baseball League Saturday He allowed only three· hits and - - - Totals .. 8 827 15 NARBERTH Established 1922
lie Anderson was slated to start at and Sunday at Narberth. blanked the visitors over the re- Totals ...04244
full, but Donatelli's superior drive
Mont-Del Lea.gue' and spirit earned him the job.

Ailing G. I. Enters
After breaking even in the open-
ing games, either team can gain
a notch in the title race with a
pair of victories this weekend.
maining seven innings. On the
basis of this excellent relief job,
Schriner most likely wlll pitch
the fourth game for the borough.
George Fonder to Be
Langhorne Entry
Title at Stake in Langhorne Stock
Car Races Sunday
League officials have decided to
play a seven, instead of a five-
game title series.
Drexel Hm's Jack W111iams was
the hero of the big second inning
of the second game, getting a dou-
George Fonder, of Lansdale,
well-known big car and midget
auto race driver, is an unexpected (/)JdiaJJ1lA-
Narberth, which led the league entry in the 100-mile national
5th Game Sunday A war veteran who was so bad-
ly wounded that he has to have
his leg bolted to the clutch pedal
most of the season and finished
in first place, is very fortunate
not to be behind the eight ball
ble and a single and driving across
three runs while scoring one him-
self. This is considered an indi-
championship circuit stock car
race to be held Sunday afternoon
at Langhorne Speedway. .
really finer,
foods . •••
. ·WI~ THAT will be among the contestants in today. The Boroughites, coming vidual series record for a single The event, a wartime casualty
st. Margaret's. of Narberth, and the 100-mile national champion- from 'way back, had to score three inning. for four years and last held at
·WILLYS-OVERLAND St. Laurence's, Highland Park, will
meet Sunday afternoon at Ard- ship circuit stock car race at runs in the last half of the ninth Langhorne in 1942, is attracting it's
'JEEP' ENGINE I Langhorne Speedway next Sun- to beat the Hillers, 5-4, in tne Tony Bonder, Narberth's see- entries from all sections of the the beautiful
more "A" field in the fifth and day. . ond baseman, wrote a new ser- country.
CAN QO ANYWHE1l.E deciding game of the Mont-Del opener.
Among them are Buddy Shu-
Catholic League title playoff ser-
Ted Finn's st. Margaret's tos-
He is Red Byron of Anstan,
Ala. Red was so badly wounded
at Attu that, for a time, the Army
Irked at having :what appeared
to be a. sure victory slip away,
Drexel HUl made certain it
Ies record into the books with
his 10 assists in the opening
game. He led Narberth's attack
man, P. E. Godfrey, and Glenn
Dunaway, of Charlotte, N. C., Red
BaJa !Jnn
Bar Restaurant Grills
COST MUCH," doctors feared they would have wouldn't happen again by scoring. with three hit!! In the setlOnd Byron, Anastan, Ala.; Roy Hall,
sers triumphed Sunday to even Atlanta, Ga.; Eddie Jones, Cleve-
to amputate his leg. They final- eight enormous runs in the sec- came. BALA AVE. and CITY UNE
the series, 8-4," after dropping a land, 0.; Slark Startt, of Balti-
7-0 decision Saturday. Finn is ly saved it, crippled as badly as ond inning. of the. second game BALA CYNWYD
it was. to coast to an 8-5 decision. Drexel Hill actually had six more; Pepper Cunn1ng~am, of
expected to name either Al Beck- Trenton; Ed Sample, of Atlanta,
er or Bob Tabor for mound duties Today, Byron is riding in com- Jack W1lliams, who probably outs in their big eight-run in- Luncheons 12-2 Phones, Cynwyd
petitive auto racing again, crip- wUl pitch for Narberth SaturdaY, ning. Caniglia struck out Al papa Ga., Marshall Teague and B1ll
in Sunday's crucial clash, while France, Daytona Beach, Fla. DlnDers 5.30 - 9 9190 - 9193
either Jim McCabe or Tony Abate pled leg and all. When Red got the decision in the opening but he I'eached first when the
wUl pitch. for St. Laurence's. climbs into his car he wears a game while allowing the Hillers third strike was a wild pitch.
Becker, who pitched Ardmore to special attachment on his shoe.
This Is bolted to the clutch petal.
seven hits and fanning four. CUff Duffy dropped an easy pop foul
shortly thereafter, and still later
Bob White to Lead
the Main Line League playoffs, Williamson was a surprise pitch-
was nicked for 14 hits Saturday It's the only way he can drive. ing choice for Drexel Hlll and he Buddy Walker dropped another lIaverford Eleven
in an unexpectedly rude reception. Byron won the 75-mile dirt would have upset the doPe had foul fly behind :first base when he Bob White, former Haverford
St. Margaret's collected eight off traCk championship of Florida on he not weakened in the ninth. fell over some spectators neal' the High athlete, has been named by
Abate. Jan. 21, bad leg and all. He also WUliamson opened the ninth by fence. Coach Roy Randall to lead the
On Sunday, Tabor toed the won a 150-mlle beach road race walking Tony Bonder and then Haverford College football team
mound and gave up eight hits at Daytona Beach, Fla. In a more Bob Yeabsley slapped a .line drive When Walker went down swing- this season. He is a former Army
while striking out four. McCabe recent race at Allentown he was homer to right center to put Nar- ing before Cliff Williamson in the captain.
yielded 12 hits to St. Margaret's riding second when he blew a tire. berth back in the game. opener he grumbled that it was . Randall, who played quarter-
and was charged with runs in five His car turned over. Not once, When Cliff also walked Wil- the first time a right hander had back on Brown's famous "Iron
of th.e nine innings. Tabor also but several times, but he for- liams, he was removed in favor struck him out swinging since Man" eleven in 1926, plans con- ... I • they go together •• •
helped his own cause considerably tunately escaped injurry. 1933. When Wi1l1amson repeated tact work for his sqUad next
by whacking four hits.
of George Seeber. Ott promptly
the feat the next time Walker fac- week. Bill Doeherty is coaching
beat out a fumbled grounder and
st. Mar.aret'. st. Laurence's All Ex-'Cats after Arnone's scratch single fill- ed him the veteran :first sacker, the linemen in preparation for a at
~hQ~& ~hQ.~
Every member of the Villanova ed the bases Seeber walked AI playing in his 10th title series, was seven-game schedule, including
Bren'n, rf 1 22 0 0 Han'n.2b 1 0 4 3 1
Bar·et. 3b 2 2 1 0 0 8mB.1l. 3b 0 1 1 1 1 football coaching staff played Shuckman to force home the win- ready to admit he might be get,,: games With Drexel, Url'linus and ••• the newest on tbe Main The
ning run. ting older. Swarthmore. Lin e .featurlng .delicious
A. Be'r. cf 1 0 3 0 0 Kear'Y. rf 1 0 1 0 0 with the Wildcats. steaks, choln, lobster . . .
Tabor. p 1 4 1 3 0 Ama'io. If 0 1 0 1 0
Can'gl. sa 0 1 2 2 0 GU'n. l;lI 1 2 2 3 1
Jack Creany, who probably wlll
be held back for Sunday'S game, JerrY McCarthy, Narberth's
rare wines • • • fine llQuori
• • • Dlnlnll room opeD dally RED LION INN
Adel'l. Ib 1 2 SOl Pelf·r. Ib 0 0 7 0 1 Big Leaguers was a fairly easy winner for Drex- slugring outfielder, missed Sat- DOOIl to mldnlte . . . Sun- BAR RESTAURANT
Grlf·ls. 2b 0 0 5 3 1 C. H'n. cf 1 2 0 1 0
Horgan. If 1 i 1 0 0 O'Brien. c 011 1 1 0
C. Be'er. c 1 0 4 0 0 McCabe. pOI 1 1 0
Three Villanova College alumni
played with major league base-
ball teams this season.
el Hill in the second game. The
ace of the H11ler staff kept Nar-
berth's nine hits well scattered ex-
urday's game because of Penn
football practice at Hershey. He
g()t two hits Sunday, one com-
TOPForSOIL da,. Z to 9 . . . for part1
or banquet rese"atlonl, call
Ardmore 1469 • • •
325 E. Lancaster Ave.
Wynnewood, Pa.
Totals S122782 Totals 4 827 11 4 G. A. MARCARELLI, Miff.
cept in the sixth when he gave l}P inc after he fouled oil' eight Phone Ardmore 9469
three safeties, including a home Cl<mseeutlve 3-2 pitches oil' Lawns and
run over the left-center field fence ()reany. Victory Gardens
LYOIIS $11 'er, LOl.
~UIL1' ~'., PlaY:!m~ame8 IL. Merion Police Be r t The Finest Food at All Tima

Approxtmate17 4Hr TOD.

James P. allligher Donoghoe!'s
I T1 ... ~O L 10
· k ~ ~~ n'~'~
Camer'a,ss 1 0 3 2
Arnone. IS o 0 1 1
OOOOCooneY,rt 0000 Wm' Revolver Test FerlllUOD Aye_ BroomaD, ...
Immediate Dellyea-
1'EOPLE ~ • Q - ~ - Shuck'n, d PhOD. NewtowD Blluare 111' 821d I WALNUT STS.
gUlL" THe JeEP, ~ - . -£ • w:,~::fty,lf 1 1 1 0 Band'k 3b 0000
11 0I
,.t1~T~ GOOO .. 1 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'I Walker,lb o 1 6 0 WIII'ms,lb 1 1 , 0
0310Pa])a,c 10'2 Lower Merion Township Police ~I1I1I1E211111111111Inllnllllllllnllllllllllllnl!'y
NOUG" -=oR. ",e; By MARTY LYONS Close lies, when the ball is ~':r~~~ 2b o 1111 Kenn'y, cf 0 1 3 0 defeated Broomall in a 38-cal1bre
E Llanerch Countrll goll pro and barely peeking up at. you from Canlg'a, p o o 0 0 3 Creany, p 1 1 1 2 revolver match Saturday at Penn 5
0 0 1 Green, If 1 0 1 0 · i
presieunt, Philadelphia PGA high rough or overgrown Clover, :~~{;:ee:' p 1000
cause trOUble for many average bMeyers 00 0 0 Totals 8 82'7 10
Park, near Narberth, 1124 to 1102. i . . . C
= Delicious Home.~ooked Meals
Most golfers manage, at one golfers. Try to hit down on the
John Comiskey led Lower Mer- ft
ion with 286 points and Frank
5 •
\,- .., 5 AT
time or another, to wind up in ball when confronted with that Totals 592410 5 ~ ~ THE BATTEN HALL
""s .",.,,, trouble, be it woods, sandnktraps, kind of shot. Swing as though aRan forfor
Walker In 9th.In 9th. Flynn had 284.
= . "5
_x,.. S.. car wit&
1I1f" ."',"". COlt
- All STEn BODY .,.
creek ba s or you're actually ~tempting to Drexel HIlI
any of the other knock the ball deeper into the Narberth
woes which be- hole.
set both amateur
bBatted Schreiner

It's extremelv hard to "'et the hits - McCarthy, Dulry, Cooney, WII- TClIu
" .
Bromall defeated Flourtown in
0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 x-ll a 22-cal1bre match, 1127 to 1072. ~
Errors-Ott, Arnone, Carter. Two-base John Comiskey. 286; Frank Flynn, 284: ~
0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1-5 38-callbre match: Lower Merlon-
Lance, 280; Lance HathaWay, 274-
IIams. Three-base hit - Bonder. Home Total, 1124. Bromall team-Georle ::
-- ~
Windsor & Esse~ Aves.
,JS8 Montgomery Ave.


"; and pro - even ball up on downhill lies. Here run-Fox. Sacrlflc:e-Wll1Iams. Hits - Matthews, 285: Ray Heron. 282; Alice =
Iii the top-notchel's. I usually' play for a' sice, using air canillia, 5 In 1 2/3 ftlnlnls; Schrel- Matthews, 274: Max Brown. 26G-Total. ...
'7 1/3. Wild pitch - Crean:v. 1102.
" =
= Tel. - 9256 :arl.a:~
Tel. Ardmore 5027


,\,>:. Winds also can. an open stance and cuttln" • a Passed
ner, 3 Inball-Dutty. Losln. pitcher - 22-callbre match: Broomall team-
.~ play havoc with bit across the ball. Be sure not' Canlllla. Umpires - Schaelfer, JOhDs Georle Matthews, 290; Alice Matthews. ~ ~
Breakfast. Luncheon • Dinner
~ DOE' ~
A many wood and to raise on this shot. I keep and O'Dorlslo. 284: Max Brown, 277; Ray Heron. 276- W.. cater to special parties for all Occasions
T()taI, 1127. Flourtown team-H. Lush.
~y iron shots and my hands higher than usual, SATURDAY 279: G. Hunter, 275: J. Boyer, 261: F.

Jeep' ~ YOUR OAR ~

. the golfer who stand closer and make both the NARBERTH DREXEL RILL Heininger, 257..,..Total, 1072.
aspires' to tour- grip and swing shorter. r.h.o.a. r.h.ooa.
nament P ay or
0 ott, 3b 0 1 1 3 Cam'ta, ss 0 1 0 0
n sldeh1ll lies, when above the Arnone, ss 0 1 2 0 R'reld,2b 1 1 2 3 Boston 'V' Party = = DINNER ••
consistently low ball.. the' tendency is to slice. To S'kman, c:f 1 1 1 0 K'nedy, cf 1 1 1 0
scores on a II aVOid this, bend your knees keep- Seltled, It
kinds of courses ing the weight well back ~n the ~:~~ilt
0 0 0 1 B'dock,3b 1 ~ 2 3 V1llanova. alumni in Boston
gg~ ~ f.:~':':' Ib ~ ~ ~ plan a big celebration when the =
i ; Need Attention? ~ =
might do well to heels. Close the clubfac""< and keep Walker, 1bOll 6 0 Green, If 0 0 3 0 Wildcats meet Boston College in g Let our qualified mech- 5 OUTDOOR
Bonder,2b 1 0 010 Kilrey, rf 0 1 1 0 Beantown.
~ anics give your car ~
prac tl ce against th e t oe 0 f the club down:' to the Yea'ley, c
the briskest of ball. Use a "soft" left hand
breezes. If it~s necessary to slice ar~und
Wll'ms, p
1 1 6 1 W'mson, pOI 0 0
2 1 0 4 Seeber, p
5 6 27 20 Totals
000 0
:: necessary attention. De- C
pend B
on our experience ~
12 to 2 P. M. TERRACE

Most of the seashore courses trees to reach an obstacle only "None out when winnln. run scored.
~ for minor adjultmenta §
and many of the Western links 100 yards away, I use the longest Drexel Hill 0002 0 1 0 1 l)-4
are "air conditioned"-by that I iron I have. It's easier to slice Narberth 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3-5 :: or complete overhaul- C
mean high winds often sweep with a straighter face clUb .But Errors-Yeabsley, DuJry. Two-bue hIts
~ inl_ '55
across the faJrwa.,vs and rough if I had to hook from the' same HO~:~:':"" le~::,;~~s~o~t\ePI~~~
golfers not familiar with how to distance, I'd use the most lofted Fox to Walker;. BaDdock to Rosenfeld
•••••••••••••• ,0veWrciothmethor offinset thblem •
e w d
f club with Which I could r!!ach the :,-s~~~:~~3~::·1;
ow ing rom green. Follow the same pattern WUllaDlion 9. Hlts-Olr WIlliamson, ~

WILLYS· left to right, I recommend a con- for shOts of all d~stance8

trolled hook. For this, I use a
In 8 IAnlnlls: 8eeber, 1 In O. Hit by
Remember never to ~verclub ff:~::f. ~sl~~ :,~~~s:....\J~Fa::::: "
~ When Your eta 7lJfb to Start ::
hook grip, with the left hand out of the rOUl'h. Rere yoU want Umplre_PaUlh, Johns and Barclay. 5 -Don't Fail to Call U. §
ARDMORE, INC. more on top of the. shaft. Close distance: uiMlerclubblng and
the club face ,sl1ghly and keep it getting the ball Into the air
that way throughout the swing. I . quickly fl the only way.' And Doherty Smallest
5 B ~
NOW ON DISPLAY pivot more,' swing slower and flat- by gettlnr the ball. up you ellm- Bill Doherty, 158-pound quar-
ter and try to-keep my left hand Inate the ohance of drfvlna' It terback. is the smallest member
deeper into' the,l'l'asa, It'. bet- of the Villanova College, football
~... LINE a
flexible for a controlled hook.
When the wind is .sweeping In
from the right, it's best to use.
a weaker left hand. The V of
the right thumb and forefinger
tar to sacrifice a few yards squad.
here than to add on unneces-
sMy stroketl.
In ne:lt week', concludi~g col- Two Florida Foes
ao, w. Lancuter AYe. §

.:t; .'.h ~to- >.
•• •.•.••. •

' . . ...)
point. toward the left shoulder. urnn, Martll LJ/OfU will again di.- V1l1anova' plays' two Florida
Open the clubface and. keep It . CUI. correct, J)Utting,/lnd tile 1m- teams, Miami and the University
that ..,. ihl'oul'houf; th. 1IWlna'. llOrtanc. 0/ P1'lICtlll8 OIl Uae "HtII. o~ Florida, this season.
E Ardmore lId
IhalllDlllllllallllllllllll~JIIUIUlIIIIEJIIIIII . _)...
I' .1UtMI1tJ ~ KAJlE GRAIWf.,· _
PLUMBING SA([Y'S-SA((IES~'-' Miss McIntosh,
Roii".... u. s. P.'oft' Ollic••
R. Baldridge,
• Hampden Ave~ Narberth, Pa.
You may send D1one~ order, sta_ or personal cbeck. Address all communIcatlons to Lower Menon NewaPapel8, Sewer and Rain Drsln Oleanlnlr
Ardmore, Pa. NO DIGGING NECESSARY Wed in Savannah, Ga.,
(Special Monthly Rates)
Saturday Evening;
GReenwoo d 3-7740 Hilltop 3600 Reslatered To Live in Narberth
Ardmore 5720 COPPER TUBING
AVAIb.ABLE The marriage of Miss Betty Mc-
PERSONALS Intosh, daughter of MI.'. and Mrs,
VETERAN; Medical student, Prlnceton- BUY BARTRAM BLINDS. Diversified 17 E. Manhart Ave. Soutb Ardmore
Olln Talley McIntosh, of Isle of
lan, ursently needs living Quarters for selection of tapes && cordII'. Metal en- PHONE HILLTOP 8001
:WORLD WAR II VETS II wlte & 3 year old boy. Oct. 1st-Jan. 1st. closed tops. Baked DuPont enamel. Old Hope, Savannah, Ga., to Ralph
Narberth or vicinity. Call collect blind! retaped. BARTRAM MFG. 00•• HEATING
. JOIN NEW AM-VET ORGANIZA- Bayard Baldridge, 2d, son of Mr.
need unfurnished apartment. Three
rooms or more. Best references. Phone
Darby 0374 during day, Clearbrook 0980
5809 Woodland Ave~ Phlla. BELGRADE
6-2333 - 6-2158.
VENETIAN BLINDS beautlfullw re-
painted, new tapeR and cords In-

and Mrs. Thomas Bayard Bald-
ridge, of 1442 Hillside Ave.,
Wynnewood, took place Saturday
SEND FOR FULL DETAILS TO evpnlngs. stallell, colored tapes available, 10 da!'s HAVE IT VACUUM CLEANED evening at 8 o'clock, in St, Paul's
BOX 573, ARDMORE, PA. servIce. also new metal custom made NOW Episcopal Church, Savannah. The
FORMER NAVAL Lieutenant & wlte. blinds. "eme. Eversreen 6-'1370. AND SAVE FUEL
refined, no children, desire 2 or 3 Rev. William H. Brady officiated.
SERVICE room unfurnished apartment. Write CALL KORWOOD VENl!n'IAN BLIND REASONABLE PRICES Given in by her· father,
BOOKKEEPING F. W. Box 350, Ardmore, Pa., or Phone SERVICE for true custom-made flex, •

Ardmore 4951. steel. alum. or wood blinds, Frompt the bride wore an ivory duchess
1:>f the small buslneas man. We give =::::.;;::..:::......::=:.----------1 delivery. MAjestic 4-446'1 'til 9 P. M. ARDMORE BOILER & OIL satin gown with a long fitted
YOU a monthly balance sheet and pro- REAL ESTATE 8712 HickorY Drive, Fhlle.. 36. BURNER SERVICE .bodice and long pointed sleeves.
fit-loss statement. plus all your In-
come-tax figures at end of year. All VENETIAN BLINDS PHONE Her silk illusion veil was fastened YOUR .~.

this for only $1 per week. MR. & MRS. HOMESEEKER CUSTOM MADE, REPAm & REPAINT. with a pearl Us.ra, and she carried
complete records for all your employees
and we prepare all YOur payroll tax
torms, monthlY, Quarterly and annual-
Our staff wlll gladly exhibit the homes
nvallable In your price range. Arrange
for nn Inspection appointment.
BLINDS AT SHORT NOTICE. ESTI· BURNERS electric Vacuum cleaned,
MATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. SID'S Inc. chimney. Reasonable rates. Save
VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE. coal, Increase heat, avoid tire hazards.
a shower bouquet of white roses
centered with white orchids,
Miss Caroline Martin was maid
of honor and the matron of honor

Write or phone for Information on
FULTON 9·3351
McSWIGGAN. 4600 Lancaster Ave.,
Phlla. TRinity 7-9019.
was Mrs. 'John Mohr McIntosh.
The bridesma!l:ls were Mrs. J. R.
bow we can save yoU time. mone}" gov- FOR INVESTMENT We are now PRying the world's hl.h.
ernment penalltles, worries and many VENETIAN BLINDS REPAINTED. COL- PAINTING Belsinger, of Atlanta, Ga.: Mrs,
SAFER THAN STOCKS Eric Embry, Mrs, William Zillger, est· prIces for Diamonds, You are
bookkeeping and payroll headaches. No ORS MATCHED. FINE WORK, NEW "%3 sure to receive the true and honest
obligation. TAPES AND CORDS, W. R. READING, PAINTERS and paperhansers: estab- Co ,. 1946. Kin of Wynnewood; Mrs. Beverly valtie for your diamonds when YOU
Clnsult your Lawyer - he wlll tell PHONE RIT. 6-9140 OR EVE. 6-8804. lished 1920. estimates cheerfull!' alven. deal wIth this old rellable firm.
you the principal holdings In the Addison & Company. 4010 Berry Ave~ Leigh. Miss Alberta Amott and
"P. B. A." average Estate are Ground and Homes. Window Shades-Venetian BUnda Drexel Hm. AL 4-2927. !'WaB it really a marriage 'license you gave us a year ago? L!ve Miss Elizabeth Lehardy. Established 49 ;rears.
6502 N. 8th St., Phlla. 26, Pa. Alwa}'s a sound and safe Investment. Linoleum been leading a dog's life ever since."
WA.4-4657 BALA-CYNWYD: 3 St. fronts. All Im-
1015-1017 Lancaster Ave.. Bryn Mawr
The attendants were gowned
alike in white jersey dresses with KELLY A CO. •
PctRTS McKee Sisters,
provements. ReallY an Investment.
EARN EXTRA MONEY EASILY. ShoW Phone: Bryn Mawr 1120 or 1121 royal blue chiffon velvet, featur- high round necklines and cap N. W. Cor. 11th & Walnut 8t
friends complete line of unusual CYNWYD: Four choice lots. 50' fronts.
Christmas Cards. 50 and 25 Imprinted CLOTHING ing high neckline, cape sleeves,
carda tor S1.00 and also our teature 21- Per foot front $50.00.
card box 1.00. Send for complete PENN VALLEY: ApproximatelY 46 BamG YOUR children's outsrown fitted bodices and fulJ skirts with
snow suits, men's suits and any
samples. Box 573. Ardmore. Pa.
acre.,. $60.000. Taxes approximately clothing In good condition to CLOTHES
CLOSET. 2031 Darby Rd., Tuesday &
Thursday or over (Woolworth's) Ard- (Continued from Sports Page)
Cynwyd Twins, trains. Their half hats matched
their gowns and they carried bou-
more, Wednesday or FridaY. Hilltop
STENOGRAPHER - Experienced. cap-
WYNNEWOOD: Minden Manor Section.
Three street front. )\ beautifUl loca-
able of handling details on own tion. S4,500.
Initiative. Call Hilltop 6464, ask for Mr.
MISCELLANEOUS minute? ,We are laughing at Wed SaturdflY quets of. fall flowers. The flower
girls carried balikets of the same
Schafroth. International Staple & ANOTHER superb location - 75 x 180. DR. IRWIN R. DEMAR, flowers.
Machine Co.. Eagle & Lawrence Rds., $2500. 610 Darby Rd., Llanerch, Miss Margaret Theresa McKee, The ushers included John Gal-
Radiator Eiiclosures
Havertown (Oakmont). No comment. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William lagher, brother of the bride- •
SALESLADY - Experienced desired but
not essential. Pleasing personallt}·. DESIRABLE aOMES BeautifY Your Home, 'Oftlce or Store
• • • J. McKee, of 208 Delmont Ave., grooms; John McKee and Charles
Excellent opportunity for rlitht pcrson.
Wally Weber, 2227 E. DarbY Rd., So.
Ardmore. Phone Hilltop 3117.
COOK, experienced, white. two In fam-
1D escellent communities at at-
tractive prices.
For Sale.
Any size or color at lowest prices
Aluminum Combination
Bill Anderson, while Lower
Merion basketball coach, evident-
ly developed a goodly number of
Ardmore, became the bride of McKee, brothers of the brides;
Patrick J. Gallagher, son of Mr. and Rene Soret, of Bryn Mawr.
Patrick J. Gallagher, of 211 Ford Mrs. McKee wore an aqua silk
Ily. References required. Phone Bryn 315 Montgomery Avenue, CnyWd. court coaches in addition to turn-
Rd.. Cynwyd, and the late Mrs. crepe dress with black accessories. She had that well groom·
Mawr 1032. Storm Windows Gallagher; and her sister Miss Her small black hat was trimmed
TEACHER wanted tor klndgarten. Pri- ANTIQUES ing out State championship Ann Rita McKee, was married to with white plumes and her cor- ed appearance that only
vate school. Write M. W. Box 350, Also Patrick's twin brother. Francis P. sage was of white gardenias.
Ardmore, Po. FOR SALE - Antique Furniture. teams. our cleaning methods will
Penna Country Settee, painted Beautiful Venetian Blinds Ray Stanley, star of the 1933 Gallagher, on SaturdaY morning A wedding breakfast at the
SITUATIONS WANTED Tulip design; two 4-poster beds. ..cherry qUintet, is the latest Lower Mer- at. 10 A. M., in St. Colman's home of the bride's parents fol- produce . ••. if you wish to
_.=....:...:::.::..::...:..::..=_~______ and pine; also handmade reproduction PHlLA. ENCLOSURE CO.
Stevenson 4-5989 ion graduate to turn to coaching. Church, Ar(jmor~. Father James lowed the ceremony, and in the draw a.dmiring glances
TYPIST-Experienced, accurate. wants walnut italian cabinet, 17" x 54". sult-
Saturday work or work' at home. able for sideboard or living room:
Write A. C. Box 350, Ardmore, Pa. hanclmade reprOduction ..Early "Colonial
1811 N. 33rd St.
Stanley, who later played for
METAL REFINISHING & LAQUERING. Penn, has been named assistant
~cseph McKee. Order Franciscan evening there was a reception.
Minors, brother of the brides, per- After a wedding trip, the couplell front the boys and green-

LAUNDRESS _ White. fully experl- w~lnut gll}eleg table, 48 x 62 . Phone Brass fireplace equipment. lamps,
antique & ornamental objects made to athletic director at Lafayette Col- formed both ceremonies. He was will make their home together at eyed with envy look,'1 from
enced. Wash called for and delivered. ::C~l~n~w~Yd~O::•.::40::. _ look like neW. Work guaranteed. Call lege. joining Anderson there. assisted by the Rev. William L. 519 Woodbine Ave., Penn Valley.
PhOne TRinity 7-9376. ANTIQUES. IMMEDIATE cash, old furn· NARBERTH 2147. Currently junior varsity men- O'Connell, of Downingtown, cou· the fair sex . ... send your
E Iture. china, vases, figures, glassware,
DOMESTIC SERVIC allver or anythIng old. Write Charles P. CONTRACTING tor at Lower Merion High, Ray sin of the brides. • clothes to
Johns, Glen Loch. Pa Phone Eltton also will assist Anderson with The brides who were both given
CONDIES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 790-W or Allegheny 4-9069. On the Main Line 25 Years
Licensed and bonded SUPERIOR help. AMOSITE DRIVEWAYS coaching the Lafayette court- in marriage by their father were
Household, Industrial, hotel. domestic ANTIQUES WANTED - Furniture, gowned alike in white brocaded
and maintenance. Walters. H. Yaunl!
~~~:~~rd 4540
glass, old chinn. vases, bric-a-brac,
figures. copper & brass. It you have
Boulevard 2830 nnythlng old, caH THE SPINNING
Stone & Cement Work
Expertly done by
men. A native of Narberth, he
assumed his new duties Mon-
satin dresses, made with .sweet-
heart necklines, long fitted bo-
WE FURNISH the highest type daY WHEEL. WAYNE 2347
workers. psrt and full time work. W:;; WILL POSITIVELY top any offer

• • dices, long tight pointed sleeves
al:;,d full skirt.s ending in long Properly Management
6623 Haverford Ave. Carl Votti, former Haverfcird
Male & female. Applicants thoroughly
Investigated. DINA'S
for Antiques, furniture. china. vases.
Employment figurines. bric-a-brac. old jewelry. Be-
Agency, 2116 N. 17th St., Phlla. POplar for.. selling, call GErmantown 8-9547.
Philo. 31, Pa.
Telephone: GRANITE 2-1879
High athlete, has returned to
Penn as a candidate for an end
traiiIs. Their finger-tip length
tulle veils were fastened with tulle .
5-1461. PALMER ANTIQUES. 15 E. Cheltell
EQUITY EMPLOYMENT; finest type Street. Phlla.
MACADAM DRIVEWAYS, flagstone, P08t on the Quaker football team,
cement work. general excavating, And end on Penn's 1942 freshman
crowns and orange blossoms, and
they carried white prayer books HENRY FRIEDMAN 'Main Plant 206 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore
domestic help. References thoroughly road building. Roller for hire. D'AN-
Investigated. BAring 2-7632. E. LOUISE INVENTIONS TONIO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., 123 team, Votti served 18 months
and orchids.
The sisters acted as each oth-
EDWARDS. Mgr. PATENTED and unpatented InventIons Wilson Ave., Manoa. PHONE HILLTOP overseas as an Army paratrooper. Ardmore Theatro Bldg.
824 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr
LUCILLE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE - 6420. He won the Silver Star, Bronze ei'S maid and matron of honor,
promoted Drafted and designed. M. and the twin brothers were best 219 Haverford Ave., Narberth !'14th Cit, Line, Bala
Help of all kind. House work. day'R Joyce Humphries. 1424 Land Title BIdS. REPAlR5 Star and Purple Heart while par-
work and couples RoUrence investi- Locust 7-2134. ticipating in five major battles men for each other. Both cou·
gated. Phone Ardmore 6084.. CHAms RECANED PROMPTLY. Called with the 82nd Airborne Division, ple~ had the same wedding
FOR SALE INSTRUCTIONS for and delivered. Also porch chair
seats and backs. Phone DECATUR Carl has just returned from parties. •
1403-J. Cam p Tecumseh, Meredith, The bridesmaids were Milis
CERAMIC SUPPLIES. Pins. ear screws
In metal and plastic for ceramiC
metal. Shell wood nnd Plexo-glass
crafts. Price list on request. Phlla..
Badge Co., 1007 Filbert.
STORM SASHES In perfect condition,
freshly painted. (2) 54~. x 34 1.2, (3)
pAPERHANGING N. H., where he was a camp
counsellor during Summer vaca-
PAPERHANGING, expert workmanship, tion. He is training with Qua.
reasonable prices. No job too small.
E.,tlmates cheerfully glTen. THOMAS ker grid candidates a.t Hershey.
Catherine Kelly, of Ardmore; Miss
Alme Diener. of Merion; Miss
Betty Sphone. of Bryn Mawr; and
Miss Catherine Gallagher, of Cyn-
wyd. There were two flower girls,
54% x 44~', (5) 46'/. x 34\2. Call HllI-
i.~III1I!illllllllllllllllllllll!ll~I~~~I.~~:~~~II.I.I.•I.I.I• 1.1.'.liIll11l1l1ll11iIllJlllIIll!llIilllilllllil!l!Il1l1ililmr:lllililll!liIll 1ll1Illil!IIIII!l1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!.:-.
HIGHLAND PARK, SUNSET 6161. The countries absorbed by Ger- Cathie Anne McKee and Mary 1
top 5015. 423 Church Lane, Yeadon, Pa. Catherine Carey, both nieces of
J. ASHWORTH - PAPERHANGING many during the year 1940 had a
IRON FIREMAN automatic coal stoker.
Feeds from bin. Complete with can-
tro\. Excellent condition. Burns rice or
Wail scraping.' Reasonable prlcea. gUar·
anteed Quality work. 125 North Carol population of 71,508,122 and an
Blvd.. Highland Park. U. D. Phone Sun- area of 364,235 square miles.
the blides.
The attendants wore gownli of B ' I I VENETIAN BLINDS !
buckWheat coal. Phone Hilltop 3840.
HOLLANDER Sable blended Northern
Fall Classes being formed. set 5787 or Boulevard 3881.
I':: Metal or Wood ;.,
Muskrat coat, size 40-42. Excellent
condition, just cleaned & glazed. Price
$85, Phone HllItop 0806-W.
Full line of supplies avallable.
wall scraping. Have.your papering or
painting done expertly. reasonably at
your convenience. Work guaranteed. C,
'. ~

Brighten up your home with our
"custom-made" modern blinds,
ROLL AWAY folding cot. 35 Inches
wide. COst 524.95 new. Perfect condi- MAD. 8895-J MAD. 8735 SHIRE 8-1727. E CASH OR F. H. A, PLAN
tion. Will sell for S15. Phone Hilltop ~ QUICK DELIVERY
ROUND PEDESTAL graY table and 4
chairs, glaf;8ware. pictures. etc. Mrs.
James Black, 137 Strathmore Rd.,
STUDIO OF ARTS - Lessons In cera-
mics ancl pottery. firing and all sup-
plies. China painting and art classes.
Speclal children's art class Saturda~·.
There's Security i Coronet Floor Covering Co.


LrViNG=R::-OO::-::-M:---=S=ET-----=Tw=-o:-:m..,....,atc:c~h::-:;ed L. Jones, 50 S. Keystone Ave. Boule. ~ 227 SO. 60th ST_, PHILADELPHIA
pieces, one odd chair, Victorian love vard 0039. BOULEVARD DECORATING CO,
• ~
Reat Tapestry covered pull-up chair.
Phone Clearbrook 0980.
REFRIGERATOR - 1938 Norge. 6 CUbic
ft. In perfect condition. $75.00. Phone
ING COURSES. Singer SeWing Ma-
chine Co" 57 E. Lancaster Ave. Ard·
more 0256. Open FridaY evenings 7 - 9.
131 McDade BlVd., Colllnl!:dale
Telephone : BOULEVARD 4414
In a 'Job with --
ALLEGHENY 4·0550 :

'u N I'T·E D IJJJ! (}JtR W~ fj)R1i»g]rJJ
HIlltop 2867-R after 5.00 P. M.
nias, Marigolds. Mrs. James Black,
,137 Strathmore Rd .. Brookline.
BOY'S BICYCLE - 28 Inch, balloon
tires. Also 4 pair Rose draperies.
Phone Hilltop 2710.
or retarded children In their own
homes. Also tutors school children hav-
Ini remedial reading dltflcultles, .other
subjects. Miss Tabor, Hilltop 5361.
Bell Telephone PAPERHANGERS lJ1.o. on made-to-or.l"r
MAHOGANY 10 piece dining room
suite. Cost $800. Will sell for S250. Very
good condition. Phone Cynwyd 1123.
SHOW CASE-COunter stYle. 45' x 27-" 12
30 POSES OF BABY taken at your
home. Excellent pictures guaranteed
TRinity 7-,1441

Inches dellJl. Nickel flnlsll, prIce S:m. at most reasonable cost. May we shOW SHOWROOM
Call Hilltop 3117. )'011 our samples? METTEE. Photo- BRICK .& STONE POINTING Phone: MI 4-4320 & WORKSHOP
ENTIRE CONTEN'-T-S-o-f--b-o-m-e-.--'C=-a":'Oll grapher of Children. Clearbrook 5118. 20 YEAR Call Hancock 4·5051
State Bonded-Notarized
Hilltop 2039-J. between 7 and 10 P. M.
Saturdays and Sundays after 2 P. M. AUTOMOBILES
GUARANTEE CASH OR T~S for representative 4616·18 MO.
NOW Is the time to order cord wood. DAVID MILLER & CO. wltlt sampl.. BROAD STs •
Cut any length. Call Cynwyd 0984. CASH I CASH I CASH I lCall between 9 A. M. & 5 P. M.l
5725 N. 13th ST.
Any year, make. or model
.. \

SINGER SEWING MACHINES. DROP- FLOORS 5/16 & 3/16 blocks. lumber In
ALSO ANTIQUES. MARBLE TOP AND C. R. SLACK MOTOR CO. stock. Old floors & stairs sanded &
finished or cleaned & shellacked. Pure AUTO SERVI£E
~t~F.jjtrk~J:S·Arh~1~G F6~~~
COr W. Lancaster & Wyomlns Aves.
Ard010 re 9455
Newtown Square 0287
white IIhellac. Work suaranteed. Calla-
shan TRinity 7-8426.
JOBBING When you shirt your business career with the telephone
RADIOS Domestic & Commercial
Used. Refrigerators Bougllt & Sold
company, you are secure in the knowledge that even though &
ST., PHILA., LO. 3-9332. We will make
G. I. INC.
4 G. I.'s want any kind circumstances may make it necessary for you to move away SERVIOED J. R. Hamilton, 111 Harvard Rd.,


House, Tree or Gardenlnlr some day, there will usually be a job waiting for you with
2237 Bryn Mawr Ave.
. for furniture, household goods, china.
brlc-a- brac. estates, pianos. antiqUes.
from your favorite vase
or antique figure Work, etc.
the telephone company near your new 110me.
Your aute need not be "Oldest in tile City"
Phila. 31, Pa.
COmplete line of lamp parts Pltone
et.e, Immediate removal.
ALLEGHENY 4-6036 or LOCUST 7-9174 Now l1\'allable - limited supply G.
Ard. 2407
tied up w~i1e our work VENETIAN BLINDS
5728 Sansom St. 2132 Market St Xmas tree sets & G. E. bulbs. This security is but one of the many advantages that go with
ATTENTION - Veteran pare blghest KANIG ELECTRIC WHITING BROTHERS is being done. GReenwo~d 3-6515
prleell for used clothing, furll, ahoep. Established over 20 years E SPRING AVE., Ardmore. Trucklns
hpullng, light movlns, cleaning cel~
a Bell job. Wages are good right from the start, and a
odds and ends, etc. Will call In private
car. Harry, 4048 Market St.. FhUa Ever-
44 N. 11th St. Philo. Walnut 2-1515. lars, removing ashes, taklns of fur-
llaces. Also fireplace wood, mnshroom
regular system of frequent raises makes rapid advancement 90·Day Guarantee Telephones:
Sunset 3534

• • • • • • • • • • •~• • •J
green 0-3166. certain. Bell pays particular attention to clean, light offices
Ardmore 3806.
top soil for sale. Call Complete Stock of Parts Allegheny 4-1668
PIANOS ahd quiet, well·furnished rest rooms-the "little" things that Newtown Square 0386
Don·t take a chance with your valuable
VASES, BRIC-A-BRACS or FIGURINES. ROOFING make working more pleasant. Friendly supervisors help you
BE SMART, everybody calls Phlla.'s
larlest plano denier when they are
rt'nd!' to sell their plano. Specializing
In Steinwan & better make pianos.
lIa\'e all Expert I,aml> Maker Make
Them Into BeautifUl Lamps.
ROOFING, heatln. /and sheet metal
work. Shingling, spout and sutter
• get ahead as fast as your ability permits. Sickness and
accident benefits, a modern medical deparbnent, recrea·
Essex Repair Shop
Pa'ragon CO., Inc. CUSTOM MADE

manto~1I Ave .. GERMANTOWN 8-3200. NICHOLAS SMITH work. Prompt service. Work suaranteed, tionaI programs, vacations and holidays with pay, and a NARBERTH 2135
11 to 15 S. 56th Street FLEXIBLE STEEL
4207 Lancaster Ave.. W. Phlla. 4, Pa 56th & Market Sts.
WANTED TO RENT Lamp Maker & Electrician Since 1909 4250 Lancaster Ave., shop. Barlns 2·6251,
11th & Arch Sts.. Phlla. LOcust 3-0521
liberal pension plan are some of the othec reasons why a
job with Bell is a good bet for any young girl.
"OId.e3t in· tile CltyN _ .
GLASS & MIRRORS Bonderized and rustproof In
GLASS & MmRORS Some jobs provide many leisure daytime CARPENTER·JOBBER white or ivory. Enclosed head.
worm bear, tilt action, baked
MINISTER OF BAPTIST CHURCH PARAMOUNT Glass & mirrors for all purposes. &Iterations - Kitchen Cabinets
fOurll-8 feature especially attractive to girls
WIFE & CHILD MUST RENT HOUSE E'.perts on the shampooing of tacked Old mirrors remodeled && reslivered.
Wall mirrors made to order. ,who have household duties or who like to be
Free Estlma tel
ROOFING enameled ftnllh.
down wall to wall carpet and upholst-
ered furniture.
Room Size Rugs Shampooed
7315 West Chester Pike cut of doors in the daytime. W. G. GOMPTON SIDING! Free Estimate •
'ARDMORE 1124 OR ARDMORE 0389-W. Chestnut st., Newtown SQuarl
I . at our plant & Insured asalnst
fire & theft Flamingoes have straight bills A friendly interviewer will be glad to discuss these oppor- Phone Newtown Sq. 0991-W GENE&AL CONTRACTING 10·Day Delivery.
DUE TO NOTICE OF EVICTION, HUS- 2939 W. PAGE ST.. pmLA. When young; the curious bend de· PROMPT SERVICE Mall and Phone Orders F1I1ed
BAND. WIFE AND FOUR DAUGH- STevenson 4-6685. FRemont '1-3909 velops as they mature. tunities with you in greater detail. Arrange such an interview SKILLED MEN-
"TERS. AGES 11, 8, 6, 3. DESmE TO
ROOFING • SIDING Get Our Estimate Haddon Co. •
Sprlnp of three-piece suits repaired.
110.00; chairs recovered, IS.OO. Go
Paint Spray Units GUTTERS • SPOUTING 506 S. 8th st., Philadelphia
Lombard 3-3332
Quarter Borse Power Air Compressor ", .-
GENTLEMAN, Gentile, Temple Unlver-
.slty Rtudent, veteran, deSires unfur-
AnYWhere. CIIoll I.EWI8, Wayne 14116
227 Eaat Lancastel"'- Avenue, Wayne. Complete with Spray Gun. Bose, .J. A. NAPPERT
Cleanlns Gun & TIre Inllntor. 698 Washlnlton Aye,
nished room With' bath. private en-
trance or 'garase apartment. Vicinity
Brookline or transportation to same.
Bequlred immediately. References ex-
changed, P. O. ·Box 33, St. Davids, Pa.
CO~tiTE $72.50 ;The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
Manoa BlUtup 6987J •
'.,' PBILADELPHIA RADIO commentator~
il!:" 'desperately In need of apartment for
f..'X: • heraelf & Hish Bchool ale daushter.
Ideal for Estates,
H,?mes & Farms ".4. Friendly Place '0 Work" Painting Paperhancini EsiJert Careful Handling
,.C.· Furnished or unfurnished.' Lease or
·RUb-lease. 0811 Frances McGuire Wal-
,,' \ nut 2-6800.. '
REPAIBS _ Radios. appliances. records.
G8p.!!..,ra1_L.!l0ntractlns. HOME. IM-
51 NUl Room 315, ~cClatchT Bldg., 691h and Market StR., Upper Darb,.
Sunlel 3277
Local and Long Distance
Frequent Seashore Trips
,~'.' -, '·mlnt or houas. Rellable YOUna couple. OO~
S Montsomery Ave., BalaooOYnwrd,
• n on Ave•• Lansdowne
MADISOlt 2141
5759 E P riD St"orns
-. e \
N •I
1631' .
Arch 5 lot Phila deIphi. - H• 'EARL
. .
Loads Ins
'Both . emploYeCl. Excellent references. Pa. (aeroaa frOm Post OUlcel.OYN-
WYD 01'11. We DeUver-Demomtratfl
45 ADdeno.. Ave•• Ardmore
410 York Road, Jeilldntown
. . .
112I ADderloD AYe.. Dresel BID
''1'bone' P1Ilnn1Jl&aIter 5-0'/tI8 eventna.

iii-. -i i -.~.~-",~·~;-,~•-:
: ...: ~;.I" '.'-liii-'"

• ,t iJ \. , . j, , .•

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