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Islamists Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Stab Coptic Priest to Death in Egypt

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, February 25, 2011, 11:46 AM

Thousands of demonstrators protested in the city of Assiut following the murder
of Father Daoud Boutros.
The priest was stabbed several times by Islamists who shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they
fled from the scene.
The Winnepeg Press reported:
A Coptic Christian priest has been killed in southern Egypt, triggering street d
emonstrations by several thousand Christians.
The priest was found dead in his home. A fellow clergyman, Danoub Thabet, says h
is body had several stab wounds. He says neighbours reported seeing several mask
ed men leaving the apartment and shouting “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great,” suggesting
the killing was motivated by the divide between Egypt’s Muslims and its minority C
optic community.
About 3,000 protesters scuffled with Muslim shop owners Tuesday night and smashe
d the windows of a police car in the city, Assiut.
Police say the priest was murdered in a robbery.
Islamists murdered a Tunisian priest earlier this week. They slit his throat.

#1 February 25, 2011 at 12:09 pm
olm commented:
Oh dear, however will the leftists spin this. Let me try.
The priest was (not killed, he was) seriously assaulted (not by Muslims but) by
peaceful protesters who were whipped into a frenzy at the thought of freedom and

#2 February 25, 2011 at 12:19 pm

dunce commented:
Mohamed financed himself and his followers with ban ditry as a matter of records
by muslim scholars on the usual ” they do not deserve the richs because they are
not muslims” theme just as liberals are always inveighing against the rich and for
wealth redistribution. The somali pirates think that they are doing gods work a
lso. It never occurs to them that an all powerful God does not need mortals help

#3 February 25, 2011 at 12:20 pm

Taqiyyotomist commented:
olm, they won’t “spin” anything.
They just won’t report it. The last thing the MSM wants Americans to know about is
“Coptic”. As in, the descendants of the original Egyptians, relegated to “dhimmi” statu
s by their Muslim conquerers, forced to pay extra taxes (“Jizya”) by their supposed
superiors, held to much more strict laws and regulations.
Sadly, the Great Pyramids, and all the rest of what remains of Egyptian history,
are soon to be but photographic memories. Maybe they’ll keep the Great Pyramid an
d turn it into a mosque/weapons-depot, like they did with the Hagia Sophia.

#4 February 25, 2011 at 12:30 pm

ohio commented:
Muhammad Atta said: “Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of
the non-believers.” Hmmm….as a conceal carry license holder, the key factor to the
use of deadly force is if a “reasonable man” would fear for their life. I guess I no
w have a reference that should anyone jump up and yell “Allahu Akbar” deadly force m
ay indeed be appropriate from the perspective of a reasonable man.

#6 February 25, 2011 at 12:37 pm

Freddy commented:
The religion of peace strikes again!

#7 February 25, 2011 at 12:48 pm

bg commented:
Egypt: Coptic priest stabbed to death in his home
by masked attackers shouting “Allahu akbar”
[Other reports indicate that the priest s safe was opened and property stolen, w
ith police seemingly eager to settle for robbery as a motive. But one other arti
cle also notes that neighbors heard the assailants "chanting Islamic slogans."]
i think that’s what most of them do, Islamists that is..
but just you wait, Islamists are not only here, but they are supported by
the US Government, ergo, in the words of the worlds “Collective Savior”,
Barack Hussein Obama, “You ain’t sen nothing yet!”
still, if it was a truly religious crime, it’s odd that he wasn’t beheaded..
oh btw, i can only presume none of the following informative article’s
was anti-Obama/Islamist enough to worthy a GP headline, go figure..
just a sample:
Coptic Christians Voicing Frustration With
White House As Persecution Widens in Egypt
Egyptian Muslim leaders asked Muslims to go to church [1/07/11]
to be continued..

#8 February 25, 2011 at 12:49 pm

bg commented:
re: #7 continued..
Muslims in Egypt serve as “human shields” to protect Christians
Trust the Egyptian people
crescent & cross symbol
more links @ links..
hmmm, isn’t that what Obama et al are more or less doing to “we the
people”?? i mean, aren’t they more or less stabbing US in the back via
robbing US of our liberties as they proclaim it’s “FOR THE BETTER GOOD”??

#9 February 25, 2011 at 12:49 pm

RedBeard commented:
#4: Ohio, I believe you are correct, and I speak as someone who may be, or may n
ot be, carrying a concealed weapon of undisclosed caliber.

#10 February 25, 2011 at 12:57 pm

Joanne commented:
The Coptic Christians will be slaughtered like pigs when the Muslim Brotherhood
takes control of Egypt. They better see the writing on the wall and prepare to l

#11 February 25, 2011 at 1:00 pm

timwi commented:
1. Hurray for the Wisconsin Police fighting against Gov Walker. Ohio Police must
do the same.Support your Country Ohio Police. less than a minute ago via web
2. todayspolitics MADISON: Gov to cops: clear out the capitol, Cops to Gov: We’re
sleeping in the capitol tonight. #politics 4 minutes ago vi
a TweetAmigo Retweeted by AstroSHayden and 1 other
3. KOCH BROTHERS/INDUSTRIES/Georgia Pacific are paying Republicans&Teaparty Poli
ticians MILLIONS TO COMMIT TREASON. TAKE A STAND NOW 3 minutes ago via web
4. BOYCOTT KOCH BROTHERS/INDUSTRIES Georgia Pacific products like dixie cups,bra
wny paper towels,angelsoft TP,Computer Paper NOW IS THE TIME 4 minutes ago via w
5. Gov JOHN KASICH (OH)&Gov Scott Walker(Wi)must be eliminated by March 22nd or
OUR AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED. 5 minutes ago via web
7. Hit big business where it counts…in their wallets. NOW or we will lose our righ
ts as everyday AMERICANS. 10 minutes ago via web
8. TIME TO PETITION&THREATEN Cable Companies to remove the bribed Right wing nut
jobs like Beck,Limbaugh,Fox News,Fox channel,etc from existing 10 minutes ago vi
a web
9. TIME to arrest Governors of Wisconsin&Ohio for TREASON against the American P
eople.We the People of USA will not take this anymore! 12 minutes ago via web
10. AMERICANS Take a Stand against the tyranny and oppression of the Republicans
,TeaParty,Mega Big Businesses&KOCH Brothers.IF NOT NOW,WHEN? 13 minutes ago via
11. TIME to ELIMINATE Gov Walker&Gov of Ohio,BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.State&Local
Police&Unions need a brave hero to eliminate them. 14 minutes ago via web
BIG BUSINESS,We the people will not take it anymore! 15 minutes ago via web

#12 February 25, 2011 at 1:00 pm

timwi commented:
Please take a look at number 11- shouldn’t this be reported??

#13 February 25, 2011 at 1:09 pm

Granny commented:
Worried about a government shutdown? I’m with Newt – BRING IT ON! I just happened to
be a federal employee in 95. Every word of this article about the circumstances
is true. Not a single social security recipient missed their checks and ALL cri
tical employees kept right on working and kept right on getting paid!
Here’s Newt -
RE #11 post – yes, I read “11. TIME to ELIMINATE Gov Walker&Gov of Ohio,BY ANY MEANS
NECESSARY.State&Local Police&Unions need a brave hero to eliminate them. 14 min
utes ago via web” as a death threat that should absolutely be reported!

#14 February 25, 2011 at 1:21 pm

timwi commented:
I called the Capitol police and they are not interested.

#15 February 25, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Khan Krum commented:
“The term ‘Muslim Brotherhood’…is an umbrella term for a variety of movements, in the ca
se of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed vio
lence and has decried Al Qaeda as a perversion of Islam,” Director of National Int
elligence James Clapper said. “They have pursued social ends, a betterment of the
political order in Egypt, et cetera…..In other countries, there are also chapters
or franchises of the Muslim Brotherhood, but there is no overarching agenda, par
ticularly in pursuit of violence, at least internationally.”

#16 February 25, 2011 at 1:49 pm

ohio commented:
RE #11 – I would ask once more “Are Liberals insane?” but the question answers itself.
#17 February 25, 2011 at 1:59 pm
mmc commented:
Liberals will bring about their own demise the only problem is they’ll end up ruin
ing many good people’s lives with their selfishness and destructive ways.

#18 February 25, 2011 at 1:59 pm

ahem commented:

#19 February 25, 2011 at 2:02 pm

bg commented:
fyi: none of the following is new/s..
Obama quietly appoints Muslim Brotherhood to key posts
[An ex-CIA agent and counter-intelligence expert has revealed in a special repor
t that Barack Obama has quietly appointed members of the Muslim Brotherhood to k
ey posts within the Administration. Dr. Clare Lopez, professor at the Centre for
Counterintelligence and Security Studies, wrote a policy paper in December of 2
009 which details the systematic appointment of Sharia-friendly advocates within
the State Department and other government agencies.
How would such a grand scheme be accomplished?
The reports expose a consortium of Leftwing organizations, Islamic groups, labor
unions, and Obama-friendly corporations which would organize and fund a ‘youth mo
vement’ in certain areas around the Middle East which would then take to the stree
ts in protest against current governments.]
Dr. Jasser (a Muslim) has warned US about Obama over & over again, and
i have been warnuing you that the Marxists are working with the Islamists
for several years now.. just a sample:
Obama Administration Stacking the Deck with Islamists
[Abdul-Malik also makes no bones about discussing how the election of
President Obama is a step forward in the project of Islamization and the
long term goal of Islamist domination which falls right in lock-step with
that of the Muslim Brotherhood as revealed in their manifesto.
“…even under the pressures that you and I know about, the deen of
Islam is growing because people see even within all of this struggle it
is better to be a Muslim under these conditions than to be a kaffir under
any conditions… before Allah closes our eyes for the last time you will
see Islam move from being the second largest religion in America-that’s
where we are now- to being the first religion in America.”]
Walk the walk and then we’ll talk the talk
[After the Cold War ended in 1989 and we witnessed the fall of communism, it bec
ame obvious to many of us that we had to abandon our hypocritical support of Isl
amists. Our enemy s enemies will no longer be our friends unless they first shar
e our ideas of liberty or can demonstrate a genuine desire to liberalize their s
ociety for all citizens. In a bipartisan American spirit, I recall the words of
former President Reagan and envision liberation and "peace through strength."
It is time for the United States through my leadership to usher in a new Marshal
l Plan for the Muslim world – ‘a Jefferson Project,’ if you will. We will no longer si
t idly by as the Muslim Brotherhood spreads the ideologies of political Islam ac
ross the Middle East and into the West with little to no competition – no counter-
project. I hope the legacy of my administration will be a global movement to cou
nter political Islam. I know this will gain bipartisan support in the United Sta
tes since the vast majority of Americans can ultimately appreciate the dangers o
f shar’ia and its driving theocracy.]
Terror czar deserves honorary membership in the Muslim Brotherhood
["As an American Muslim, John Brennan s apologies deeply offend me and set back
true efforts at reforming my faith" said Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, President and Foun
der of AIFD. "Brennan and the Administration may as well register as publicists
and promotional agents for the Muslim Brotherhood and their ideology."
"How can we possibly confront Islamist radicalization if the President s princip
al advisor on counterterrorism cannot appropriately identify political Islam as
the problem?" said Jasser. "Al Qaida is merely one of many tools of militant pol
itical Islam. It is the ideology that they adhere to that we must be at war with
and counter frontally in the public sector, because it is at war with us.
As we have seen over the past year, the common thread of theo-political Islam is
what drives militants around the world. Mr. Brennan and the President must prov
ide leadership in articulating the real threat and addressing the root cause of
Islamist terror. The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists can speak for themselves."
The Muslim Brotherhood
to be continued..

#20 February 25, 2011 at 2:03 pm

bg commented:
re: #19
Inside Our Government, Armed With Our Secrets
From Influence to Insurrection
Failing at force protection: The misguided
Pentagon report on the Ft. Hood massacre
[Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan opened fire on Nov. 5 because his adherence to extreme I
slamism overrode his allegiance to his country and his sworn oath to protect it
against all enemies. While issues of post-traumatic stress will surely be pursue
d by his defense team, Hasan’s defense is not the job of the Pentagon. The Pentago
n has a duty to honestly assess the root of the attack and to ensure that the mi
litary is adequately protecting our forces from the threat from within and witho
As a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy, I know the culture of the U.S
. military. While I served my 11 years pre-9/11, the culture of political correc
tness was pervasive. This travesty of a report is front and center evidence of t
hat paralyzing culture.]
much more here..

#21 February 25, 2011 at 2:27 pm

Mike W commented:
#19 You can add the American(?)Bar Association allying with CAIR to fight anti-s
hariah movement in US. The ABA is a huge contributor to obama and progs everywhe
re. Burning books,subjugation,no free speech,slavery. Things the ABA wants to de

#23 February 25, 2011 at 2:56 pm

Redwine commented:
#14 February 25, 2011 at 1:21 pm
timwi commented:
I called the Capitol police and they are not interested.
Timwi – Does this mean that the police are on the wrong side? If true, this will s
et a very dangerous precedent.

#24 February 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm

Andreas K. commented:
“suggesting the killing was motivated by the divide…”
Well, with all due respect, EVERY single act of violence by mohammedans against
infidels in all those muselmaniac countries is motivated by islam. That is the s
imple truth.
And I wish we’d stop calling those jihadis “islamists”. There is no such thing as an “is

#25 February 25, 2011 at 3:07 pm

Andreas K. commented:
BTW, the priest was stabbed 22 times, back, neck and abdomen. He bled out like a
goat slaughtered the halal way. That’s not a robbery.
But of course, local police is what? Mohammedan.
#26 February 25, 2011 at 5:38 pm
RickS commented:
I wonder why Democrats are always so quick to resort to racism? It’s seems like it’s
their default position whenever they are losing an argument.

#28 February 25, 2011 at 6:12 pm

bg commented:
Mike W #21
oh yes, but alas, there’s just too much to list,
but Obama he never misses beat does he..

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