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rJAR 8 E P. iH, P A•

NARBERTH, fA., THU~DA~Y~,~A~U~G~U:::ST~1:.:6!...,.:1:.94=5::.. ~:::::::~l _ _S_


., $419739 Postwar Program Ready To Launch When Money Is Made

A;ailable; Legion Post Announces Plans; Main Line Colleges
Little Affected
Narberth Borough turned this week from two,days of the most joyous c~le.
bration in its history to thought of local reconverSIOn and plans for welcommg
home its returning veterans. .
When the news of the war's end came to Narberth Tuesday mght a blast
on the fire siren set off a horn-tooting- street celebration.
After two days of merry-making public officials and

citizens were ready to tackle problems of l~ostwar p!annin g

.. and of discontinuing the home front maclunery whIch has
aided the war effort.
THERE Business in the Borough was practically at a standstill
dming' Wednesday and Thursday. The bank and ]10st office



OUR TOWN Augullt 16, 1945.

Narberth Victory Celebration
Continl/cd from Pagc 1 Mrs. Beatrice Shaw Home On Leave Bugaboo of Party Reg'ularity
Enter M Arcond cln'S matter October, 1938, at the Post Olflce at
Now Eng'ulfs City of Pltila.
Narberth, Pn., Under the Act or March 3, 1879.

Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association

set aside for construction of a tlew municipal building to
replace the one low located in ';:'.~ The government
departments at. ~'!!!=wt are cramped for space and expan-
Is Killed by Train By The Spectator ,
GEORGE A. WALKER. President and Editor A man who would presume to one's birth, but what is left to :l
sion wiil be necessary to keep pace with growth of the \'. . .- Prominent Main Liner
H LESSERAUX Ad\'ertL'lng Mann gel' I
l ')I~ in the years ahead.
Met Death Sunday at
I say that wha t happened in Nar- man which will justIfy him In cry-
berth at the June primary el::,~- ing out against such aspersion" •
Pu bIlshed E,,:ry 1 hursdav
DeadIlne for nd\nttls!Ug and neW. COP\'-Wednesdny 9 A. M, Here is ~ow the postwar money will be spent:
Haverford Station Hons has a direct link with thr' for in his heart, and as a result
Snbscrlpl!on rate-S2 per HRr In ad\ ance fearf.ul toll ~f war losses which of hIS constant VIsits to nume 'Ot •
Publication Office-Eight Cricket A\'enue, Ardmore, Pn.
I Road 1m!lrOyements .... , . . . . . . . . . . . , . , .
Sewer extensions .....•....•..... " 1"- The body of Mrs, Bea trice Vare
has Just termm8ted would appear . . ..
at least at first glance, to be quite othel localttles. he knows that hi;
1 :~

Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721: Gt Pl'nwood 7,40 a fantastic lor perhaps fanatica!) once fail' city has tl'll!y descende,:
Member or Bucks-Montgomery Nl'wspnper PubU.-hers Assoclntlon Shaw, daughter of the late Wil-
;:.;;z~~ building , .••.•.... ~ liam S, Vare and widow of Dr, fellow, Nevertheless, the record to a shockmgly low estate.
Recrea t ion " ., 50,000 John J. Shaw, former State Sec- IS n9 w crystal clear, that the pro- He also thinks he knows wh,'

~..:.~ ~~F~
~torm sewers ..... .
, , . , . • • .. i\fIIia"
retary of Health. was found 50
feet East of Haverford Railroad
Station at 9:45 A, M .. Sunday.
te~tlOn whIch could have diverted thIS sorry Situation has come to
t1?IS dreadfUl holocaust was dl"l pass, fOI' Year after year he ha.;
nled. hUn:~llltY because o~ the es- seen the citizens gomg to the poll';
The discovery was made ,iust a s,eJ.l ttal fl.IVOllty of Amencan po- 111 serl'Jed ranks and voting to re-
Note: For publication on Thursday, all church notices must few minutes after the Pennsylva- htleal t1unklng at the concluslOll tam in office the self-seekmg' mis- r
be received by l\Ionday at 5 P. M. each week. Mail notice to
this paper, c/o BOll: 350. Ardmore. Pa... or telephone Ardmore
Colleges Little Affected nian, bound from Chicago to New I
York, sped through the station. I
of the first World War, That waf, fits who ha\'e made a personal en.
the occasIon when that nemesis of terprise out of a once grand placf'
5720 or HlJltop 3600. V-J Day will have little or no effect on the government Lower Merion poHce were una ble ~II th~t IS !l'0od and pr~lse\~'ortLV the hallo\\'ed Philadelphia whie:1
to determine whether Mrs. Shaw 111 OUI. natIOnal lIfe. VIZ.. 'partv was a fil11shed Cltv when Npw
courses now in progress at Br~rn Mawr, Ha verford and fell from the platform. or was !'egulal'lty," assertpd itself in :1 11 York was a struggling Village of
ViIlano\-a Colleges. clOssing the track unaware of the J ItS myopIc parti.sanship and Jl Dutch burghprs,
Narbc1,th Presbyterian St. Margaret's Catholic oncommg train. IT/SGT. T. E. MONTGOMERY much be hele! cillefly accountabl,' k I
for thp carnage I hat has atred d As t 1ese men an,d \\'omen why
Chw'ch Church At Brrn Mawr, the war clas~es were stopped in June, Although police were not able I T/Sgt. Thomas Montgomen', more than II. millIon ho~ s I 0e., 1hey perml t thIS 1111qUl tv to COI1-
Wlnd<or And Grn~'lln~ Awnue< Rev. Jnme.' F Toner, Rector. anu the onl~' Rpecial students now at the college are groups tat1ve to Identify her numedlately, a ten- son of Dr, and Mrs, l' Ewm:~ country e n u. tlllUe and the answer \\'111 be that r
Re\'. Bryant M Klll<l.l11d, Pa'tor Rev Chaltes P O'Connor IdentIfication was made! Montgomen', of 3 W. Newfield .. t hey Simply cannot fore/1:o thei~'
John Vnn Ness D D, PH.'t or Emelltus Rev Chnlles T Dinan of nurses st ud~'ing in Philadelphia hospitals who use the col- through a plaster cast which en- I Way, Bala-Cynwyd. arnveu Whate\'er else Theodore Roos\?- life-long habit of votmg the rep;-
L£onard J. Osbrlnk, Asslstnnt P.lStor I Tn re'ld"ncc. Rev Wlilinm J Kane cased her riR"ht arm, Mrs, Shawl home last Tuesday on a 3D-clay \'elt may have done for thpse ular pal ty tIcket
SUNDAY , SundaY Masses-630: 730: 9 00: JO.J~: lege dorm i tories. had broken her rIght arm August II leave after being liberated fr01l1 United States, he warrants com- " tl : '7 ,~
ll4~ A, M.-Rlhle cla,<e. for all. 1 1115 , 12 J5. SodnJlty nnd MiraCUlous 5, when she fell at home. A . plete oblivIOUS fol' the disaster li~ In man) 0 leI lalge. centels o.
11 ()() A. M.-MOlnlp~ Wo, 'hlp SPI1110n ,Mednl De\otlolls, TuesdRY evening at D The administration offices were closed Tuesday and Miss Nellie Morns. of 1504 Wolf, a German pnson ('amp on pru helped to wreak even though I IS populatIOn the SRme kl11d of tal~
hy the Re' P' a nd Helll \ i'-,:.c:M=-.,-_-=-~ ~ _ 14. Evacuated by an' to Mame. sons, as welI as the SOn of tJI~ l'an be lold. but not even WIth
Rurnhnll1 KlI kl.,nd Flt<I' Narucrt" i1,1 ethod1st Ch-trc" WedneRday, but Katherine E. McBride said there would be St.. Philadelphia, an aunt of MI'S'jl he alnveel m I hIS country on
P!f>sh\ff'llnl1 Chl.1lCh I
of . , ,~ Shaw's who was called from At- .June 16, and was hosPltaiJzed at other man marplot H n" Cn ' Tamm!lny 111 New York was such
Lodge, did their best t~ ~ione f~l~ a sordl~ rp?Ord accumualt~d as I~
l\la\ WOOf!, N .T Es~('x nnd Pr1ce A\'£>nUP8 no special obsen'ances. lantlc CIty. made the identlfica- Camp PJckett, Va.. for SIX
II 00 A. M,-Chlldten's NUlSeIY. I Minister, Carl R HRmmerly. tlon at an Ardmore funeral estab- I \1' ek the grievous sm of their faWers t,llI' ca~e. \1 Ith ~hl1adelphla, FOI
6.45 P, M - SenIor CtuhtlRn En- SUNDAY In Haverford College, the Army Specialized Trail)ing IIshme~t, late Sunday afternoon, I
PHI:' twm brothel'. Corpor9.1 Neither should it be 0\' rlook d i l l pasons \\ Inch al e not ~Ifficult to
7.45 P. M,_~~aI1~'I~~r E\ I nlng Hour, I 1100
ll4" A M -Chlll rh School. Ralll oad offiCIals m a statement Robert. re('ently oyerseas in thpsp bItter re(,ollect~olls, e th~lt undprstan~, and whIch mcludt;. an
A, M,-SetffiOn Meuical Program was cancelled several months ago. The Pennsylvania shared the Igno1p" mane del oUon to III gil tallffs
WEDNESDAY I 645 P 1\1 -Youth FellOWship to pohce, stated that the engl-I It Iv \\'ItlJ the 15th All' Corps as WItness au;· Senator Knox. of ~.IIl,ladelphla IS th~ only :er y l.arr-r,
8 GO P. M-Blble SIU"" and Fellnw- : = " - - - - only COUI'i'e now being held is a course in Immigration and neer of the tram. E, A, MIller, of I l' a c:hpd thiS country August I'
<hiP Hetl)!'n C. Hnh'lck- , Holy 1'n11lty Lutheran Hal:nsburg, knew nothll1g of the: a~:d anl"ed 'home Atigust 4, Ht' stJ'lped pants and bo\\' tIe. sayi!',; Clt\, of . ~epubllcan Pl,OclIvltles
_____ P-...',_IeHrhc, ClI urch Naturalization Law for officers of one di\'islOn of the De-
aCCident until he stopped at the WIll report to SIOUX Falls, Iowa, m the Senate 111 that e\'entiul Ne\1 101 k. Boston. ChIC ago and
Baptlst Church of the, Woodhlne nnd NnllJrrth Ave. partment of Justice. North Plllladelpllla station, and
blood was dIscovered on the front
t tl eXpIration of a 30-dav
'IO~tegl ' .
March of 1919 that If Amen 'n num.erous other places are Demo-
iomed the League our bovs mlgf;t ,cratl(,. No matter what the p.artlT
be spnt "even to the inho~PltalJl:' may be, the formu!,~ ~s dpfinllel~:

n-Ivorce ACIons
fir \, Clews A. Sellft, Pastor, of the engme. He contmued hJ~ 1_, _
EJ l'ange l Dr. Melvin W. Barnes, director of the training school, U1

t In
S.1tl1uel T Nichola', 0, 0" Pnstor
run to New York, 1---- _ South' Pacific Isles." Well let It the same, With the 01 ga11lzatlon
Nal berth, Pa,
SUNDAY stated that the only effect V-J Da~r would have on the classes bId I I k ' I t Itrad1l1~ on part" loyalties to per-
Rev. R G. r-Ilcldletoll, Pastor Mrs, Shaw, who lived at 260, elOPe , g last y JO e thoug 1 I, petuate theIr own polltlcal pX1St-
ue to increase the number of returned veterans attend- Ches\~'old La .. Haverford, was ac-:
94" A M.-S\1nclnv School.
SUNDAY 11 00 A M.-HOInlng WorshiP. would may be, that the bedeViled ghJsc, " nd Iw \·s the freeholders
tl\'e 111 polItICS for many years, I of the pot-bellIed Nl'stor shall be, pI~( e i at d ~I1J· depm'ed of theu
9 45 A. M,-Ch\ll eh School.
11 00 A, M.-MolUlng Service.
7,00 PM-Junior and Senior Luth-
er Lrngues. ing the school.
At Yillano\-a, an officer stated that no cu'rtailment of father
" sel'l'ing as p1'1\'ate secretary to her
during IllS long term as Re-
Pllbh('un boss of Phlladplpllla. and i
COUDtYIncreasln• g made to have ~\ er the graves,'lf 1fl~:e °e)e~1 ions. Once III a long
the lads 'I ho lIe dead JII Guad,d- I , tI e \I orm \\ 111 lurn and t.he
canal and Tarawa and Ok1l1a \\ a : el ,I, I I then g('t the kmd ot
=Li§1tening In= the Naval Program was planned or expected.

gno l
, e e-,en le,.
she also took part 111 State cam-
paigns after his death,
She was marrJed 111 1932 to Dr.
~h!!\I', her father's. pprsollal plw-
r •
Prosperous rImeS
and the numerous same SOUth' peop : pal
PaCIfic Isles which stllred tl,e muwcl
crocodile leal'S of a man whose ft
pe '11/'\HI agement w 11 1 C h
n f mllIlOns of dol-
, s S~\ PI\ll~ 1mprO\'pments of
1 only concern was to \\ JII a prpsi ,al g~t d \. ~1ot ot!lerwlse PlJS-
llihat's War or Peace- " . , r ,. slclan and then reSIdent phl'SlrJan A re Th oug ItT B e dentml eledlon .for hIs party anel .1 bt IT?ll e e La GuardIa regime
.,raJor Edward Co "ade, commandll1g offIcer of the at ,the Warwirk Hotel. BOln 111 I 0 r:ared not what It cost, ~Iro~~s th e pomt exceedmgly \\'1'11.
To a lVogglebug? Signal Corlls Plant Assembly . Center , Mill Rd. , Brookline I Phliadelplll.a, Mrs, Shaw
, the BaldwlI1 Publtc School and I attended I I~
ac to r In Increase Yes, the book IS now Wide open but that came about only because
Wals ll1a~' COl11e ane! wars mal' go, hut the \Vogglcbug >;0('5 on stated that as yet no plans ha\'e been made to curtail work Southe1'l1 High School. She later
forever-appal'ent!\·, and no orders to close ha"e been receh'ed att.ended Del'on Manor, a gJrl's
The olflce of Prothontal y Earl
alld ItS first pages reveal Iha: i the peoplp. 11c1dl1\~ themselves 101'
Theodore Rooseyelt, ane! He11l~', onr:e of tlJelr Cl\'1(' coma, sternly
Lodge. and lhe rest of I he bll~- 'resolved to dIsmiSS theil' slllv
He (or It-take YOlll' ('holre) 1npeal ed at the COUlL house 111 Nor- ,
. .
. .
. finlshml! school. . N . t.·
Mrs Shaw became her father's ,B, Bp('htel m OllIS o\.n IS \\01 -
'k caneers had deCIded that \1 h~, -I letlsh of "pall~' regulanty" anr.
llstO\ln tlll~ werk, If he \\as not \\p!collwd \\lth op('n allns, at least 'l he J))'ol)('rt~· on "'hlch the plant JS located was formerly secretar\' after attending Devon. IIlg under a Cleluge of dl\'Orce aC- p\'P!' treaty ur plans Woodlo\\ to vall' for \\ hat was best for them
Wilson submitted, good. bad or 111- and thell' l'ommunlty, Please Gon
111& face \\ RS famtiIar. and no one \\ a~ ,<III pI bed to spe hllll. the Brookline Count!'\' Cluu. and is owned b\' the Ha"erford stumppd for Herbert Hoo\'er III tions \l1mh ha\'e been filed re- (!liferent, \\ ould be reJPcled bv Ithat the men COll1ll1g home from
"TIle W'(lg~lebu!.; l' \\ Ith us ag'lJl1' \IIOte Ead B Be( htp!, Mont- 'I' ~\\.Wi I' <':'.j IB·"1 'l'h S'
e ,I~na
I C ' 'h Id
a s an 111 e
. d fi 1928 and for John M, Hpmpill 111 'centl\'.
the HempIIl-Pmchot gubernatol'Jal I The lalgp lIumlJer of dl\'OIC~S
tltem, and for one and only O'I" tlte wars, and \l'ho, because of
I eason, so as to aSSlll e the e!ectl.~'1 I theu' hilI ci -bIt ten eXpenences, c.a n
lip ...,c 100 . oal (. 01 ps
gompry Coun 1I' pi othono!al'y and t Ipasul PI' of tile COUll l Y Repubh- llIte term lea:-;e WIth a :3D-dav optIOn. A 60-dav clause, stat- campaign m 1930, and supported bel11g filed Ipd one 11111:-;t to remalk of a Republican pi eSldent 111 19_0 be depended on to dlstmgllls 1

can Orgn I1IZR lion, JlJ a let tel' to count \. Pl11plo\'es. "Hc bre{'zed 1I1lo . . . .' I Arthur H ,Jamps m hiS success- 1Ihat "oon l\lontgompl v County ThiS obsel'\ er IS qUite \\ P:I ~ham from substall('e. may hnn;..
lng that the Arm~' ma~' retall1 possessIOn of the property ful gubelnatonal candidacy 1111"\1111 be a se('ond Rpno" aWllre of all the othel unplH' ll's('ue to Pllllade!phla and restore
town today and \1 as glo\\ lllg 111 Pi alse 101' JllS fallhful old fl'll"ne!s.
for six m()nth~ after gi\'ing notice to "acate is also included 1938, Among lhp most rp('ent actions of Ihe \1 tetl'hed story, WI!SO'I'S It 10 the ranks of great Amel'lcall
' M r s , Shaw Is survl\'pd b~' two fileCi was ElanlP KeY~er Ruse,
"Also, 11[' rxprp.-spd a detPlm'natlOn to I pn('\\ hIS acqua1l1tance .
<lnd fllE'llds 1llP \11111 tho"e \Iho ha\e hl'ellllegleclll1g hllll I1J the past. III the lease. sons, WIlham, 12, and
---.- -
John. 6, Lo\\ I
PI' Menon. agalllst Robprt E.
Ru:-;p, ('hal gnlf{ 111dl~nltles. They
polJ tical mept,ltude. t he pel somd (,J ties,
JealOUSIes, etc" but none of tI1l'~<.! *
.From toda\ lJcnreforth I shall he at m\ offic(' to a'sist you 111 ma1l1- Xutit1catioll to cease operatiolls in the Assembl~' Center van Rodden Meets well' mal'lled December 27,1943, thmgs can po~slbly alter tile na -, In Jlllle. In our own ht tle to\\ ':,
tUle of the carelma! SIl1, t\1~ \\1' S'\\\ til£' \1(IOUS ptreets of l!1"
tammg 01' ICne\IJl1f!;. as tlIe ('asp 'ml\ bp, thiS \el~ Impartant ~orla!
\\,OU (
1I I . I 1
Je r('CCI\'C( )~'. a,lor
:-r' \-\r 1
a( e
" ..,
0 one
. Princess The rpa"ol1 for till' lIH'reaSe 111
Idl\OI('es l,'I1't dpfil1ltPlv known eX- spa\\n of a party regu!ant~· whll'll nru's' of 'palt\' leJ::ulallty" Vlr~
contact. Cotrlmlly ~ OUb Ea: I B, B('('hle!," has spread more lI\'lC e\ II In OUI sa\\ the manner 111 whl('h our CIll-
Parkl'r, of the Plant Engineering Agenc~r ill 11 Philadelphia. Icellt that \1 artnne ('ondltions may land than any other cause. i\eus \1 ere c1uppd by Its lIbrloll'i
The leltpr. of COllrsp, \Ias a candid IPl11lnd('r for rountv el11pJo~'es ]) r, R , R , ......'1 )f'rllath~·. SUpPl'lIlten{l('nt
. -J S I' H Ll. Col. Edward L \an Roden, be pan of tile anS\I('r,
of choo s 111 a\'- Repub!Ican n01U1I1ee for Judge of I Mal1v of thpse actions come _ 'I (,pi espntattons. \Ve became a\\ 11 p
to "kick 111 ' Rnrl a \\alnmg to Iho.'p \Iho hale bepn ('aldcss about A lpsspr cnme, bllt exacl!~' 01 at the J link II aud \\ Inch \1 as pm-
their pR\'lnents to get ('aught up, crford To\\';.;hi. stated that "'hile the School Board has Orphans' COUlt of DelawaJe I sp\elal \,eals or more aftpr the
County. saIled Ju!~r 17, on the' o('C'llIrenl'e of the chalges on 'lte same Ilk, and spnngmg flOI'l plo\'l'd and of the dpvlOus \III~S
The Wogg!ebllg as I~ \lld('!~' kne\\n. IS one of the means uscd b, 1ctailled all architcct. and the Uni\'ersit~' of Pennsyl\'ania is "QlIeen Mar~'''' On tillS slJlP \\ere, Wh1Ch tilev all' foundpd, In these the self-same bugaboo of "pa<l\' \\hll'h \Iere pUlsul'd to pr('vpnt a
Il'<;u!ant\''' hl'S 111 the nJlserabL' flee ('!JOIce of t!Je people, To a\-
tlie Republ'cfll1s to lalse (al11pRI"n fund', \VOIkpl< ale a'spss('d cpr- sun ('~'il1g' the g'round foj' post-war public use in connectioll ger. Just a small number of pas<{'n-: JIlstallC ES, some be!Ip\ l' the ~tep IS
." among Wese was the PI 111- [bplll~ taken at thiS lime bf'('allSt' phght \\lJlr:h nOll' engulfs the l'll\' cppt tIns phone\' \C'I dIet , so malr-
tam percentages of thl'1l ~ainrw.'- -IRlu:mg flam about aile pt'll'ent \\'ith the schools there ha\'e been 110 definite plans made as ces" Juliallna, daughter of tile' the hbdlants 110\\ Ila\e the money 01 Phl1adelpltla. The lel ent Plll)- \olc'n\l\' nl'!lIP\ ('eI , \\ould be LO
fOl the 10\\ °SI pair! up to about fi\ P pel ('cnt 101 those 111 the Jllghe"t t Queen of Holland, \llth her IhJ'pe: 10 bllll\( Uwm that \\hJ('h the\' hcallon of Suutller B\lll'~ boek. follow the path \\h1<'h \\111 Jnp\·It-
brilCkpt. ~e . aa lIgh tel's, I
dId not Iw ve before the ad yen t 'The Hoh' Expelllnent,' atfol'cll'u abl\' lead to ('1\ Il' ImPllSol1mpnt
--- 1'\.'
To/)(),. ()fJ' AuX,'l,'(,,'y P()l:C(~
~ , I Lt. Col. van Rodpn madp him- of pJOSPPIOUS tIllH'S,
self kno\\'n to hel al1d had qUite - ----- ••- --
t!JP oppOllllnlty of g!ltllng aNal \)PI t!J \1 as np\ PI' meant. to bp
nat 1011-\\ Ide pstlmatp of how Phi> a "polttlel1l to\\n' \\Ith all tl1o'
Christian Sl'il'nce ('hur('hl's
Sailor Home
n aO-Day Leave
Cooperation of Lower :\fcrion's American I egion posts & talk about Utrecht, Holland,
. -'
a\'erted a serious shortage of men in the Township's police (;CJl'ed theIr Coat of A1'l1'J,S m 1447.
\I here the van Rodpl1s had I'e-
Cynuryd Sal'lor rrO
Arrive Honle Sat
r..delpllla IS 110\\ l'pgllidpel Il1 lhe uupllcallons 01 lhal smlstPI tl'11ll
r:ountlY at lalgt>, The t!Jpmp of lind Hlouspd lltlZPI1S should S?
the cnucs was l11vanably one of, asselt, 111 unl11ls1 akable mannel,
P1tv and tile staal Atlanllc \\ hen NO\'Pl11bel comes. , . for th:s
"Saul" IS the subJPc,t of 111r WillIam B, Readl1lg, S, C, 2tC, department. Aceordmg to Lt, Col. Ian Rod- ' Monthly, noted fol' Its ultra-con- IS mdeed Ille kll1Q of fa,orp;d
LessGn-S('lmon III all ChurC'!Jes cf I PlI'S leUer to his wlfe, the Pnn- A Na\y man from Bala-C~'l1\1\'d spl'\'atlve dIctIOn was not. I'plUr'- homp-plRce \\ here fin lI1rlefenSlb,e
Chnst. SCIentIst. on SUndR\. A ,- U~NR, of South Lat(I]('s La" ]\1pr- Through a rotating plan approximately 49 men-seven cess Juhanna IS intelhgenl. weIl- ha,,, anxlOusb' \Ialted many tant to say that "Phlladelpllla had and utterly unmte!hgent devotlon
gust 19. The Golopn Tl'xt IS ,IOn a 111\ ed JlOn1l' on an pllll'rg- h' h ' ' mannered. uses Plactlcall\' no months fOI tlle homecomll1g plan- become one vast. pvelmCI pasln ~ 'lo "pIIIl~' I egulanl ~' should be
"Mv soul waltplh for 11w LOJ d pn('\' leR\(' clup to the dpath of hiS ('ac I1lg t-h<l\ e been supplIed through the posts to supple- "make-up," dlesses ver.l' ~l1lJPlY !Jed fOI thiS \\eekend when he Will
morl' than thp\' that 'latch for til" , ment the lontl police force. There are se\'en patrol cars an.d 111 good taste, The lltlle ~ee Ius baby 101' the fhst tIme. slum," It IS not pleasant to hl':'1 made to I11pet Its dool11
morning' I sa\', 11101(' than tl1('\ ,hOWl', Dr. ,John H, Readlllg, on . I' I r'" pl'lncesses hel' daughters, speak Slorpkepper l/l' James E, McD('1'- such thmgs about the plac'e o~· THE SPECTATOR.
that \Iatch for the J1JOrnllJ,;', JUI~' 3. CII'CU utlllg' t Hough the lo\\'nshlp all the time and on the and understand Enghsh as \\'ell molt, kno\\n to I11S fllel1ds as
(Psalms 1306), I Sc'amalJ Rp,101lW al'll\ed home night shift all auxiliary policeman is designated to accom- as Dutl'h, They seemed to Lt, Col. "Bud," exppC'ls to arl'lve at IllS
Thp Lesson-Sel1110n also 111- Sdtulcla~ on a :lO-c1ay leal (', A ' \an Roden Jilst hke a "l1olmal Ilome, 403 Kent Rcl, on Saturday
cludes tI;f' follo\\l11g paSSH'.:p flO:11 ;:laclu:1te of Lo\\PI' M('llOn HI"h jlan~' the I'f'gular operator of the police patrol cal'. Ampl'lcan family," and get his fil~t gh11lp~e of James
the Chllst IRn S('IPn('[' tcxtboo!: . ~ Thpi l' spry ices \vill ue discon t i nued as soon as members - - - - -•• - - - E, McDel11l0tt, Jr.
"Sc1ence and Hcallh \' lth Kn to SchOol 111 1941 Rpadll1P: has been L\ "rarded Honorary Also waIling to greet him arp
the SCl'lptUIC'S' b\' Mal\' Bak('r 111 Ihe Sl'1\ICP 0\'('1 three \'ealS of LO\\,('I' ;.rrrion·s police fOl'ce in the service return to active -' 11I~ \\Ife the fOlmer l\1arguente
Eddy' "Dost thou"lo\(' t!lr Lo r!' ..Ht('r SPPIHil11!.; t\\O \'Pars 111 '1'1 lll- rlut,\·. Thp auxiliar.\' })olice have ueen reimbursed 011 an Scholarship at Duke M~adp. ~f Annapohs, Md" and hiS
thv God \\Ith all tl]\ he,llt and Ic,ad. 1](' \\l'nt to lhe·P.\(lfir: Thea- ,;nother, l\lls. Margaret McDer- .~11 th~', SOll,1 and \lllh all l!1. leI' on a anstlmPr p'corl. hourl.\· uasi;.;. Miss Mal'lorie Ann Clute.daugh- 'ntott, "Bud' has been statIOned III
m1l1d, TlJ.s IOl111J1and ml JlltIl'<; HIS SI'lPr. till' f0l111er Elpanol tel' of Mr. and Mrs. John J, tile Pa('lfi(', came mto POI t at Sp-
mU~h., e\'en tll(' ~\Il'1 pnd"r of «Iii h(,dclll1!'(, IS till' \111p of Ll. "Cooperation of the Legion po:"ts and the auxiliary Clute, of 1611 Be\'erly Rd" BlOOk- aLIII'. Washl11~ton, whPl'e he
Itnloelcl~ ~J1atPl'la! serlSatlon, aIT, - Challl'." B Fmle,', :lld. 1l0W 111 polit:e ha;.; be(']1 a life sa\'er in maintaining the efficienc~' of Ime, has been a\\ardes. all honor- awaIted hiS lurn for the tup
n ann \IOIShl]l 'Ihls If' tile El S.llI Flan('IS(o, She \l'as glaouat- arv scholarship at Duke Un1\'ersl-, ]lome
D.?rado of Cl1l'1SlIalllty, It 1\1\0111"'1 eel IlolJ1 IO\'er Mellon H1gh the police department," declared E\'an L. James, manager tv in Jecog11ltlOn of her outstand-' ' - - - -••- --- -
tLe SelCl1c(' of Llfl', and lP('O... Scllool 111 19:14
lllzes only t hI' dl' 11\(' ('onlt 01 of I ' of the Town;.;hil), .\'Psterda.\'. illg scholastic al'hle\'ement dunng
the past sehool ypar. ,
Due to boll WPp\ lIs, about $60-
, 000 000 11l cotton 1S lost 111 the
SPl1'11. m \\ ]l1['h Soul IS our ma~- - -- --- - MiSS Clute IS a JunIOr at Duke: UJ1l'ted States annuallY,
tel', and matellal s(,IlS~ and !1ll- Mrs, Harriet S, McCrea RI'tes For Mrs Mutch Turtl Down Request and a graduate of Ha\'erford --- •
man \\'111 have no p!ace' 'p, 9:17)

----N··: -I.J
ew .lea
d 1Tl~::~~~~·l t'~~,r~~;~~s ~~:~I~~e~d iX;:~ Held on
Crca \\ ho dlPd a t her Ilome, 244 Funel al sen'lc(" for Mrs, An-
ednesday }"or Dog Catcher

Requests from Radnor Town- the guest of her aunt. Mrs, Ches-
Township High S('hool. She has
·f,~:nS~~~~:~fnt~~r~::lt~e~tn~'~ ~~ F or Over 30 Years
COllt11l1lfd Iro1/7 Pagc 1
RIglltel s Fpl J\' Rd , C\'11\1 \'d, drew Mutch, 75. \1 ho dIed on S u n - ' tel' C, Treischel and as secret arv
i MI s. l\lrCI ea h\ pd . Jl1 'Cvl1\\'\'d dav a t her home, 1337 Medford I "hIP and Swarthmore Borough to to Dr, WesleY Flb:patl'lck. She WIll
Inated at t 11P P1'l111R I \' II as el' _ 101' 39 ~·par.s and \1 as a member Rd., \Vynne\l'ood. \l'ere held on use Haverford's dog catcher wagon return 10 coIIef!L eal!\' m Septem-
dorsed, follo\\l11g a molO/Oll to Ihat of the CO\Pllant PJesbytl'rian Wednesday 1\1 the chapel of BI~"Jllla\'e been turned down by the bel' to serve as a freshman advls-
effect by Pete C. Hpss. Bala [,OIJJ- Chul ch JI1 CY11\\ \'d, Mawr PI esbvterl.lll Chur('h. In-I townshIP COmmISSIoners Both or, , i Golden Guernsey
~Itteeman and 1111SIIC'('psstul cal,- Sill' IS the \1 IdOl\' ot JOl1pS Me- t£'rlJ1ent was I1J the cemetery of ,,', .
dldate for re-nOl11l11atlOn as 10\lll-,CIPa and Is sUl'Il\'ed by a daugh- lIw Chuj'('h of the Redeemer.
ship treasurel at the pllllJar~', 1tpr. Hazp! MeCIPa,
Jthese II1UIllCIPahtles \Ianted to :!,III II 11111 III II 11111 11111 1111111 IIII III IIII I!:;
Mrs Mutch, \\1te 01 lhe Re\'. Dr, use Ihe dOR catcher wagon on = ARBOR DAY IS - Milk, Cream and
KImbell, \\ ho haIled tll(' H('pII~- , - - AndJ e\\' MUlr:h, pastor emelltus oil certam days and reimburse the =_= ;_= I
Jican tlckpt as a strong on(', e111- i
phaslzed the fact tl1at tll!" enlu ~
lhe BI~'n Ma\1I' pl'eSbytenflUI Township,
Church. was born In Scotland and Haverford police officials decid- = EVERY DAY - Dairy Products
r:ame to thiS counlry Jl1 1912 wh~n ed they weer so busy catchin~ dORS § ~
weight of til(' to\lusllllJ allll,
= = The Finest Quality Milk
Montgomery Count \. 01 ganlza- :
tlOns WIll back tlw nOl11mated Re-I
pubhcan c a n d l d a t ( ' s ,
W1lham B, Walker, trpasuler cf
the Hammonds Campal~lI CO!l1- 1
her hll:sband acc'ppted the call to at home theY had no time to catch
the pastorate of the Bryn MalII' other muniCIpalities' dogs.
Clllll ch, He st'l red tillS ChUlr:l1
untIl IllS retllpIJ1pnt 111 1936.
Sun Irl11~ beSIdes hpr husbar,d I
if you let us btllid them of
:: Rust IC Cedar. Make an en- ::
semble by addmg a RUStic ::
:: Fence wlt.h appropnate::
= With Deep Cream
That Whips. Serre, , ,
mlttee, mo\'eel thaI KlIl1bell's I
resignatIOn bp ac('epted,
Mrs, Effie Lmr:oln, CYI1\\ \'eI com- I
Imtteewoman and \'ICl' l'!J<lIrllJ:lll I
are Iwo sons, the Re\'. Thomas S. I ~
Mutcll of 1\1orl'lstO\ln, N J" andl
D. A. Mut('h of Wayne; thr:e
elaughtel s, MIS. S. Brooks Knowl- 'I
ICE CREAM := Lamp Post. The!l'e do not re-
quire pamt and they are ::
- attl'a tl
c ve.
= -
Household Deliveries to
All Parts of the
Main Line.

of the conllUltlee. took 01'('1' tl1~ ~

dutieS as pr('sldmg ottlrer,
Semans' l1ame wa:, plaC'ed 1111
tall. Sharon HIll: Major G. M,
Ada l\1utch, Almy nUl se servl:1-l,
111 the Europ('Hn theater. and Mrlo,l
At hom.-Any flovor-D.lkiou.-Smooth
-No oc. crystol.-No cooking-No ,.'
whipping-No scorch.d flovor-Eo.y_::
'nr)(pen' ..... e-20 recIpe' i,.. each 15¢ pkg. -

no m 111a t IOn I)y J 0 IIII V. Ca 11101 m.
COm111ltte('man f1 om the nllV I
\V ya tt L , B 10\1'11 0 f G ree11VlI Ie
N, C.
PI.o•• '.nd lh.. ad forlr •• full,,'u sam.
1 pl. otl.r, 0' buy from your grocer,
chau'man's dlstl'lcl. SOUl II Ard-
mO~'e No, 3, \1110 CIted 8pn1<lI1 s':
polItical aetl\'lty, hiS mtclh~enr:e
----.--- -
Kmg Edward III, of England,
LOnnOnUEftR II ~::
25 Baia Ave.,
Bala. Cynwyd
Phone --
and aggressIvenc:ss. = = (OpeninR's for I'mplo)'ment ~.yioAg a good ~ .ak,es geoG eotmg.
tamed that the committee be ma- I
tenally strengthened by ha\'1ng Po:
cmne punishable by death. The I
bIrds \l'ere valued for their use I g
=_= Closed NOON Saturday
_§ I'
of returned veterans and
vetera.ns of war work).
non-member of the comnllttee a', m the sport of hawkmg, bringmg IOHDOHDERRY·135 HOWARO,IIN FUNCllCaJ, CllI', Far Q ~ Meal ~'s cool cmd cemfortm~
c~lall'man, who \Iould be able tll,
view the township politIcal PIC-
down birds 011 the wmg. :;;i1~II!!II~I~II~II~I~II!!II~I~II~II~I~II~II~I-,-!II~II~I~II~II~I-,-!II~II~I-,-!II~1~fr.~.~1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ----
ture as a whole \1 Ill1011t LJeJlJ~ t!l' I
1")' mokiftg SOMe ~ate-~ salock.
do\\n as the Iepresentatl\ (' 01 on~
Harry A, FelTell'a, Chall1l1aIJ 01'
the Hammonds Campaign COdl- I
w. want IIsllnn of desirable homes alld Improved DroDert~. Wo
call KJ\l' )UU tllIlll< st'I\.llt'
mIttel", seconded lhe nOllJJlJatwll We also s\le<lallze III f1nalll IIIK hOIlH'., We ale now ,.rvlne no.- Owl' !'leW recipe cords OIl ~ SoIods in.
of Semans, statIng that Ill' hml 000,0110 worth uf lIIorlKaKu, COllslIlt Us rlel'ly.
worked closely \\llh hUll and l1uJ
great resper:t for IllS mtelhgenr:l', l~II.)ltIAS & GIIOSIION c1ude stich tempting fO¥Ofiotes GS ge.latin
political acumen and resoul'r:eful-' 12 N. N," berth. N,.rberllt. Pa. 37 E. LANCASTER AYE•• ARDl\IOnE - PHONE 5239
ness, Semans' non1llJatlon was MAESTRO OF SONGS -l\Iuslc Is AIlPro\'cd 3~en('Y for J':xdushe Rellfl'St'nlatnrs of
also seconded by MI S, Mal Y SI'I- tho \\Ord for NBC's "J:o.;\'cr.ylhinlt F. H. A. Mortgaeu John Hancock lnsurallce Co. vegetable sohld, fresh f.ruit salad bowl, red
del. East BI'~'n Ma\\ 1', the olcle~: for Ihe Bo~'s" S\llllllH'r series, with
Comnllttee member Jll length 01 maestro Gorlton Jenkins batonlnlt
serVice, ,thr show's brilliant 3l-piece or- and gntet1 salad, tossed green soJ.od, tossed
No othrr nOnllnatlOns for cJ1all'-' chestra. Ihe Rh~'thm S\\inl'tl'tte
man were made. Semons \\'<1S land the 20-\'011'0 chorus. Jenkins You Can Always Be vegetob~ salad,
elected by aecJamRtlOlJ.

John Y. Huber. Jr" Ha\('rforJ vales'

I lalit's

the Legislature \1 as made by 1\11." blonde c'haule

o\'er while slnl:inl: emcee
A repOi t on the last se~slon of Dick Hannes and II 1

committeewoman and fanner Vice, r .cene sen Icemen at Army aod

F t
eten . orres •
.,Ilse. en er t alii con-
pear Waldorf solad, cheese
and cabbage toss-u'p, Ofld green and whi·ta
chairman of the Township, Coun- I Navy Hospitals. l'Ollle Loans When you once ~et one of our cold waVes. Dry
cole slow. Ask for your free ~et of Summer
ty and State Repubhcan C01l11l11t- II -
tees. ~
------------- . weather-wet weather makes no difference,
Semans expn'ssed 11Is appre(',R- I BOITOW mOney on your Just call us for an appointment today!
t10n of the 1Ionol' bestowed upon DRESSMAKING home the sMe, Inexpensive Salad recipes at any of our offices.
hun. He stated that lIe had 110 I FOR SMART way. F. H. A. r~ans are SPBCIAIJ
political ambitIOns, a:ssertlllg tha t ,
"as a life-long, dyed-In-t 11l'-\\ 001
Republican, I am haPPY to se. \ e
WOMEN long term loans
not be called. Consult us
and can-
COLD WAVE, Now $13
the party and the townshiP."

Practice To Start M ADELEINE

before borrowing.
Lower Merion HIgh Sr:hoo1 The National
football coach, Richard L. Mattis,
has announced that Summer I
football pract.lce WIll start Mon-,
day, August 20. at 9 A. M.. on the'
school field. Suits will be dlstrl-l'
209 Haverford Ave,
Fittings by
~ I
Bank of Narberth
Do Not West. flectriC/ity Just 8ecaese It h Not Rationecl

buted on Saturday. About 100

boys are expected to turn out. • • ~ho.n.e N:r~:rth.}.80.8. U;~==~;;;:;;;:~~~~;;;;:-.==R_E_S_E_R_V_E=8_Y_8_T_E_M==~11~) Phone Narberth 4177

:August 16, 1945. ,-
Countess Pappenhelm Raben-Levetzau, II son of the for-
mer Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Sell Resl·dence
Denmark In 1919. McMullin llnd McMullin have
Pfc. Grace Walker Lower Merion High School Dies in Denmark In addition to her daughter sold for Mrs. Cora Wells Sellers,
The countess Mary Wheeler with whom she was living at the the property located at 210 Glenn
Married August 9
At Valley Forge
Mr. George A. Walker, Hardie
Apartments, Bala-Cynwyd, an-
, nounces the marriage of his dau-
NEWS LETTER Pappenhelm, daughter of the late time of her death, she is survived Rd.. Ardmore, for $25.000. The pur-
Mrs. Edward J, Calleton an::! Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wheelel' of Thayer
Bryn Mawr died Sunday In Hel-

Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Bartlett ciallY prominent Philadelphi~,

by three sisters, Mrs, George chaser is Horace Groskin, who will

of Villanova: Mrs, Mary occupy the property as his resi-
fam 11y, 21 7 L antw~m L ane, a~'e slngfor, Denmark at the afe of 73. Andrews of Gloucestershire, Eng- dence,
spending a m~nt~ a; Lake HUl'on, The Countess. a member of a so- land and Mrs. Philip Wainman,
Sussex. England. Ionia I
Improvement.s consist of a Co-
residence. garage, and about
gIller, Pfc, Grace Ann Walker, According to his letter, JOE FITZGERALD, '44, Is Jivin! the life ____----- I two acres of land. Settlement has
1.iSMCWR. t.o Cpl. Robert N, Da- of Riley at Washington, D, C. His hours-8 A. M, to 11 A. M. and of Winchester Road, Merion, spent family. married the Count MaxI-
miJIan Albrecht pannenheim of More than 90 per cent of forest been made.
• viS, USMC, son of Charles E. Da- t.hen 1 P. M. to 3,30 P. M, Food's great and he talks about fried chlck- last wee k end at Cape Mayas t Ile Bavaria, April 29, 1890. After six land now being logged in 37 tim- ----'.----
vis, Jr., of AlbanY, N, Y" on Aug- en, filet mignon, juicy pork chops, pot roasts, etc, When he comes guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry I
APproximately 10 per cent of
ust 9. home weekends he really suffers from lack of meat. (Donjt we all? Nightingale of Germantown. years they separated and .t le ber-producing states is being left
• .'. Countess has lived abroad stnce in condition to reseed a new tree Minnesota's barley production Is
The ceremony took place at We don't really suffer-there just isn't much of It.) Joe Is In some
". Washington Mrs. George F. Pawlin, Jr., a! It1:at tim~:. Her daughter. ~aul~!1e, crop. used for ml'llting purposes,
Memorial Chapel, kind of intelligence work, and he thinks he's soon due to leave for Gilpin Road, Penn Valley, left I\\
as mall led to Count Slegfl1ed

Valley Forge. in the presence of OahU and points West. Too bad you didn't get to see JIM HAM-
tile immediate family. The Rev, I MONDS, Sounds like you got a swell deal in your assignment.
John Robbins Hart. rector of the \
Chapel, officiated. George A. CAPT. S, E, KUEN has seen service in the South Pacific with the
Walker, Jr., brothel' of the bride, Marines. Upon returning to this country he was with the 9th All' Mr, and Mr~. William E,
acted as best man, Wing at Chen-y Point and now is in Intelligence at ¥arine Hdq. In Wickens. of Penn ValleY, spent th~
weekend at Beach Haven as th~
The bJ'lde. daughter of Mrs, Washington, D. C. ThankS, Gene, and we ought to hear from your
Anne E. Walker, of West Rox- isster MAJOR HARRIET WALLEM one of these days,
burv, Mass.. jomed the Manne
COI:PS in 1943 and Is now sta-
ENS, JAMES F, ZIEGLER, '39. USNR FPO SF, says he flot a big
Uoned in Washington, D. C, She kick 'out of reading in our last NL that he was on Guam. He doesn't
is a graduate of Lower Merion know where we Rot that, but says he wouldn't mind being there. (A
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Nathan
Marple of Germantown.
• • •
Mrs, Harry Attig, Bryn MaioI'
and Broad' Acres Roads, t Perm
Valley has as' her guest her sistei'-
Use These
Davis, a I'eteran of Guad- gremlin must have slipped that one in!) He also mentions meeting in-law', Mrs. Helen Attig of Har-
alcanal. was formerly night pic- HOWARD ZEIGLER. '37, and says it's really swell to meet someone
ture editor of the Wa.~hington, D. you know, JIM's brothel' and MAJOR DONALD LOVE, '38, are In the
risburg, We Are Taking Orders Now For
C., Times Herald, He is now sta- same Marine DiVision; Jim saw them after the 1wo invasion, GOod
tioned In Washingt.on, as assist- luck to you all.
Miss Emma Mueller of Forrest
and Windsor Avenues, and Mrs, ALl ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES For Best
Oliver Hoyt and her da\Ighter.
ant editor of the Marine Corps'
"Leatherneck Magazine." FlO G. P. O'NEII.L, '43, is in a. Pool at Truax Field, Wis. He does Jane, spent the weekend In At- Bendix Home Laundry Results
M a•;0,. H. C. Tily , 3,.d I
To Wed Saturday
a Iit.Oe flying to keep him from getting rusty, He says, "Don't worry
that our Air Corps isn.'t. big enopgh, :rhere's enough gUYs sit~lng
around t.he country waIting for an assignment to sLart a sepal ate
Air Corps. Living as an officer is-not a bad way to wait, however,"
lantic City,
• •
Mr. Robert Dothard,. Brattle-
boro, Vermont. is spending sever:".1
** Electric Refrigerators
Zenith Radios
days with his parents, Mr. ana
The marriage of Miss Betty I Thanks, Pete-hope you got the 39th NL.
Ruth Gylling, of Albuquerque, N.
1'.1., da41ghler of MI'. and Mrs. Carl
" . .
. LT. BILL BASS,ETT, 36,. IS In Engineering School at Chanute
Mrs. Walter Dothard of Haverford
• •
American Central Kitchen Sink And Cabinets RADIOS
Mr. and Mrs, Alexander S. 1..0.05, Thor Automagic Clothes And Dish Washer Repaired
F. Gylling, to Ma.lor Harry C. Field. Ill. He read hiS catcher s (LT, HARVEY COOK) messa!!"e in .a
Till'. 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. previous NL and now wants to pitch him another fast one, With hiS
HaiT~' C, Til~·. 2d. of Bala-cyn-! best regards, I Where do I come in on this game. I'll be a spectator
of Wynnewood Road, are recelV-
* I3l'1nl: l'Our radio to be

\\'yd. \\'illlake place at 4 o'clock and cheer the battery-Rah! Bassett-Rah! Cook!
Sat1l1'day. in St. John's Episcopal
ing congratulations on the bu·tl1
of a daughter,
• • •
at Bryn Mawr Delaware County Appliance Co. I
e" ulckcr
You SAV.
and get MUCH
MARGARET L. GEERS, HA lie, '42, is at the U. S. Naval Hos- 6808 Market Blvd. 0880 Md. 3816 All, 0866! 35 I'cars E,tpcrtcnce
Church. Bala-Cynwyd.
Mrs, Orrin John Mitchell will pital. San Diego, Calif.. in the Dependents Pavillion, taking care of
be ma Iron of honor. t.he service men's wives. She says it·s wonderful what they're doing "AWAIIAN PRINT ,Road, returned sunday from a !
Mr, and Mrs. George Orih, Avon
•••••••••••••••• f DEVANEY
Radio Technician Third Class with plastic s\lrgery and she loves California, Here's hello to the Mer- Whether Pari. come. baek or trip to Quebe~. • 216 S. 60TH ST.
Wilham E. Tily. USNR. \I'll! serve ionites for you. not America .tlll hal a lot of Ita
own re.oureea for atyle in.plra- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Spet;d of PHILADELPHIA
as best man for his brother, The Chestnut Avenue, are spendmg a OPll, Imperial Theatre
I,shers will be Dr. Joseph Snyder. ENS, DAVE KLOSS is at Treasure Isla·nd. Calif.. waiting for lion. Betty Jane Rhode., of week with their daughter, MI'~.
Orrin Mitchell. Capt.. George transportation to his ship. Hope your reunion with yom brother BOB NBC', "Meet Me at-Parky'." pro-
Allison R. Hartman and famll\'
All. 8125
Smith. AUS, of Rutledge; Robert \440 miles away). materialized and that you had a good time. Dave IIram, wear. a glamorou. new
Brandin, of Washington: Capt. sa)'s the Base is swell.-three theaters, best pictures, two gyms with dlnner lult in a colorful HawaIIan at Brant Beach.
Richard Allo\I'a~'s, AUS, of Mit- complete equipment, etc, print, Ineludlng IIroon. blue.
• •
Major and Mrs, Robert C.
chel Field, N, Y.: Robert Zapp. orange and rod on off.whlt!!, wit" Chapin of 216 Sabine Ave. were
USNR. of Nell' York. and Major PFC. HERBERT YOWELl. is back in t.he Pacific again with the • halo of flower, In hoI' hah'.. week-end visitors at Pac a n a
John C. Mallen'. AUS, of Noble. SECRETARY
5th Marines. This is his second t.our of duty In the Pacific. We know
from the papers that YOUI' outfit is seeing plenty of action. ThankS
OIlS SLATTERY 36" 4 burner porcelalll lOP ran~e
Lt. J)u nman-J oW'del \.. T for onl~' $88.,0. KNOWS BEST!
too. YOill' sister was in the office today. She wants to take some school
Nuptials Held subject.s in Philadelphia so she can graduate next september. I also
The marriage of Miss Natalie got your younKest brother's (JIMI address, I was surprised to read
~ ~ \ Sp~cia,list,s ~ W. Only yo 111' srcretary
Virginia Jomdet. daughter of t.hat the two sailors put one over on you. =
- In Vnusua.l =
- 414
knows which make suit.s
hel' style of t~'plng best.

Mr». George Bower. 314 Sycamore

Ave .. and Lon Jourdet of Lancas- I.T. LOU JAFFE, '34, APO 75 Is in the philippines with the 29th So lct her pick the new
tl'r. Pa.. and Lt. David Smile~' Evac. Hasp. Unit. Through the NL he had two very pleasant visits machine.
Duncan. Jr.. USAAF. son of Mr. \l'1t.h T/SGT. RALPH BLAZO. Blazo thought Jaffe was still in New
and Mrs. David S. Duncan of 6 Guinea, wrote him a letter, and they were only 10 miles apart. So In-

i= ~ ~!I' BANO i=
Sabine A\'(~. took place at 3
o'clork Tuesday. August 14. at .,>tead or answering his letter. Lt. Jaffe visited Blazo and they met for
Tampa. Florida. the first time In 10 years, 10.000 miles from home. We're glad we help
Mrs. Bo\\'er. Mr. and Mrs. Dun- some of you fellows to get together. Hello BLAZO and thanks, LT"
ran and their daughter. Jean. and for the Filipinas Centavo. 4 Narberth and Haverford Aves,
Miss Peggy Gartner of Philadel- § \ SARBERTH §
phia. Il'ft last Sat\ll'da~' for Flor- EDMUND MILI.S, S, 2/c, '45, is in the Medical Corps at the US
ioa to att('nd the reremon~·. Miss Naval Hospital in San Die!!o. Thanks t.o your mother for yoUI' photo,
§ J Narberth 4270 No Tipping § All
P('lZ'g~' Gartner and Miss ,Jean and good luck 10 you.
Duncan. sister of the bridegroom,
\'. ere the bride's attendants. PFC. MONROE VANCE, 43, is in Germam', setting up Dumps A nOf)F gVAIt
lVedding Held
and Warehouses. He'd give his right arm to be back at LM and would
The marriage of Gladys G. STEWART, VERNON YOUNG and BOB MOORE, Have you written
\Vallace. daughter of Mrs. George t.hem? So long. VANCE.
D. GrOl'pr, of Merion. to Cpl. .J. Happ. son of Henr~' Jo:NS. BOB WATROUS, '41, Is in Miami. Florida. after attending
Happ, of Do~·lesto\\'n. and the late Diesel School in Raleigh. N, C., for five hours. He didn't fiunk out.-
Mrs. Happ. took place on Julv 21, his orders just sent. him further Sout.h. And he's
in tll(, Chapel at Dre\\' Field, first n'ply t.o the NL. He graduat.ed from the Naval Reserve Mid'n
Tampa. Florida. Chaplain Ma.ior School at. Annapolis April 25, 1945. He saw RANDY ZELOV and JIM
Jeremiah E. SUllivan' performed BROWN there and both look swell. He was glad t.o hear about FRED
a TQNY; this is his
Wh~' wait for a breakdown'! Let
us pnt It In the pink ot condition

B. "t.
TERMS. , • Phone or Write for Free Estimatrs

Boulrval'd 1244

the ccrcmOll~·. DAVIS being found. also the rest of the boys. most of whom have
been here in t.he office to say hello, Come again, BOB.
for you. You can depend on us . Boulevard 0158 I • • • • • •••
Pl. ~Ii
In any I"mergency-from. minor
Bailey-Nuckols MAJOR DAVID RAMSEY, '34, APO 76 NY is in Germany, He is adjustment to complete o\·er. IGNITION SPECI,o\USTS
The marriage of Mrs, Gail Nuc- hauling,
kols and PI·t. Arthur A. Bailey. of with the 3rd Army and Bn. Executive of the 105 How. F. A. Bn. BATTERY CHARGING
W~'11l1ewood. took place at noon.
DAVE'S Division (76th, was the first one of the 3rd Army to crosS
When Your Car Fails to Start:""'Don't Fail to Call U.
August 3. at the home of the the Luxembourg-German border. We're glad to hear from you, MA-
bride. 130 Cherry La .. Wynnewood JOR, write again. 01' will we see you soon? oli all remodeling and l'f'pairing. I REFRIGERATION
SF. He mentions that. LT. HARVEl' BUEK is in the same Ren. DOM
LINE STATION We Are equlpprd to
HSPECIAI.S··-Outdoor fireplace!", ('f'll1pnt po rc h £'.<0.: ,
n":-;urfoclng dri\'cwl:lY";, new PIH.'·;tl'r cciling~ and
v,rp a t!H' l' is still a hazard t.o BATTERY AND make all rePA Irs
orean Sllipping. Before the war. has been wit.h this outfit since February and has been on Le~'te, So-
304 W. Lancalter Ave. Ardmo~e 1825 oround t.he home. J 0HNSTON BROT HER S 'On commrrcial and clomr~tic te-
four to fil'p hundred vessels. with mal', Mindoro. Palaua\\' and some lesser islands. YOUI' st.ories about Hilltop 5892 I' Falrlill11b A,·o .. \\'r,<tgote Hill', Pa. frigrrato!'.'i, wflsl1ing- machines.
Jap at.rocities sure don't make good table talk. I'll be glad to see you
I~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~== ~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;'
EXPERT REPAIRS§:§§§§~~~I! rndio~.
a. gross tonnage of about 500.000
tons. \1'('1'(' lost. at sea annuallv on your first trip home. Your letter wasn't boring-write a'gain. so
nil rlrrtricnl appliances.
mainl~' due to sudden storms. . , long, "Copper," If; and clrctric motors.

OPINIONS DIFFERED FRANK BROWN, F. 2/c. '44, is at Bainbridge at Electrician's

The learned Aristotle believed Mate School. Frank says it's almost as bad as Sampson.
that caterpillars \\'ere formed bv
the plants on which they lived,
Radios and
ON ANY MAKE Prompt, Effici.
ent, reliable-

~ ~. (~
Pliny til0llght. theY \VHe made of o<:;;;>o~oc::::>oc:::>o<::;Jo<:;;;>school teachers and pupils, Penn- All work guar- 306 So. Carol JlII·d. Jlighland I'ark'
de\I·. thiekenI'd by the sun.
_ _ ,_~.______ KNOW YOUR sylvania
of almoststill retains congregations
everyone of the many
RADIO SET anteed. Daytime Phone Hilltop 4113
The mach inc gun is not a mod-
STATE sects which took shelter in this
colony in those long-ago yeRrs of
I :>ight I'hone SlInset 3R45

('rn im'ention, A patent Was issued (}<:;;;>oc::::>oc::::>oc:::>o<::;Jo<::;J religious persecution. Ife Pick Up and Deliver !I ••••••••
in 1718 on sllch a gun. with separ- . I .----- I -----~---,-.---~-----

ate chambers to fire "round bullet.s To many Pennsylvama. firsts

llfl:ainst Christians and square bul-' sh\?uld be added one of whIch all
clt.lzens of the Commonweal~h may
lets against Turks," The Texas border metropolis ot
well be proud. Penns~'lvama has EI Paso means "the pass" in
Brookline Apts. Brookline, Pa.
Telephone Hilltop 68iO STORM SASH
more churches than any other Spanish, The name was taken
State in our U~i~n. The broad prin- from the Spanish phrase. "El Paso l ALL STOCK SIZES
cIP!es of religIOUS tolerance on: del Norte," for "the pass to the
which the Commonwealth ,was North" through the mountains ODD SIZES MADE
founded led to the early establlsh- on which the city is built.
me.nt here of th~ churches of ma~y Creamery but.ter production in Radiator Covers
relIgIOUS d~nommatlons - first m tb~ United States last year was
Phlladelpl)la and t~len .Westward I the lowest in 19 years, according
as the tIde Of. mIgratIOn swept to the Encyclopedia Britannica
Corner Cabinets Carpentry Wark
01'1'1' Pennsylvama toward the Ohio 1£145 yearbook.
ValleY, Pearl divers have been known Made to Order Robert H. Elliott
The first Quaker meeting In to stay under water as long aio We will de.'IRO II cornrr cupboard
Pennsylvanta was held In 1675- SIX minutes without breathing, or CAbinet for your ll\'in~ or dln~ Shop 2122 J)arh~- Itoad
. .-' 1nJ;C rOODl. Our cxpprt. Cabinet mnk-
NATIONAl. PR1~SS BUl1.OlNG. seven years before Penn's landmg Theil' average endurance is 50 to ers will make it a thing 01 benuty. , Hilltop 1026
in Philadelphia. In. 1682 the flr;;t 60 seconds,
Amencan Mennomtes settled, m South American has some !I~

Ger~antow~ and spread la~er mt.o species of grasshoppers with wing-

Hand Painted
n,. Anne Go."l" Bucks, Bel ks, Lal!castel, and spreads of 12 inches, Dutch Decorations ~ ..
Nort.hampton Counties establIsh-
A rpc('nt. ,,,,PH sllI'vey intlieales ing communities of the Plain Peo-
that on,,·third of United Slat ps ple,
ceased. Letters testamentary on tho
We sprl'ialize il1 hand painled
decorations, Prices l11oderate,
}..., I X I r-I'
families want new alarm clocks, Old Swedes Church. Pennsyl-
vania's earliest example of fine above estate have been granted to the
underahmed, who request all pt'raons
* * *
Hprp nrp somp f'lIggestions made but simple church uchitect1ll'e, havIng claims Or demands against the
by th" National n"s(;llIrant AnSO' was completed in 1700. and Christ '"tate or the decedent to make known
Church in Philadelphia, whose the 8ame, and 011 persons Indebted to
ciation to its mpmbers to IIi "".. I present edifice was completed in t.he decedent to make payment, WIth-
patron's minos from meat short· 1754, still possesses a communion out delal', to
8/:,"8: vegetable-nllt palti"s, so~', service presented by Queen Anne of 723 Braeburn Lane,
bean croQllet!.es, cott a~e cheesp. cro- England to this pioneer congre- Narberth, Penn ~alley. Pa. Mbneographinr Hubby Tired?
quetteR and vegetable salad sand· gation. In Old Swedes Church in or to her attorney Multigraphinr
1703. Penns~'lvania's first musical JOHN A, EICHMAN, 3rd .. Mailing • Addresslnr
recital was given by a. group of 15UO Walnut street Building, Do you want a pleasant job with a good future? A job Public Stenography
Let Mr, Fixit Do It!
* * *
Now that. another shoe stamp has
religious mystics.
The Episcopalians first held ser-
1500 Walnut Street, Phlla., 3, Pa.
OT 7/5-6t. that pays you while you're learning? A job that carries BEACON LETTER SHOP 1837 Windsor Parl< Lane
JII't ph('\ne Narberth 2135 nnd Mr, l"lxlt
been validat.ed you'll probably want vice in the colony in 1695. The ESTATE OF VAHAN A6HODlAN. de- regular increases in salary? Then, come to one of the ROOM 412. 6816 MARKET ST, . will be on the Job. Don't worrY hubby
ceased, (late
to take an Inventory before spend- State's earliest Baptist Church was Narberth, Montgomery CounU', Po,) or a Cleveland Avenue, UPPER DARBY Manoa IIiHtoll 4114 wllh It Wh"ll he comes home from
ing it. Firsl, howevel', give the organized in 1684. The Presbyter- Bell Telephone Employment Offices, A friendly inter- BLVD. 3046 work.
Leltere of Admlnlstl'atlon on the
cobbler' and II good shine with II ialls held their earliest services in abo". &oItate h8v. been IIranted to tile viewer will tell yOll all about the advantages of
Essex Repair Shop
IInderalln.d. Who request all persons
wax-liquid or paste polish lhl' 1692 and the Metllodist conKre- having clslma 01' demands aulnst the
gations date their beginning in F.,tnteof the decedent to make known
chance to s\lark up IIf.. In the old Penns)'lvlI.l1ill. to the etIorts of a
working for ~he Telephone Company. STONE • BRICK 10·. I~SSEX A\'E" Ph. 2135
ones before usin/'; the twxt nllUllp, British Arm~' otfi(~er, a. convert of the 6allle, snd nil Per.ons Indebled to Work is usually near your home, Congenial asso-
* * * John Wesley, Theil' first ch1ll'ch delay, to
the decedeut to mnke plll'lnent, without
SONA V. ASHODIAN. ciates, friendly atmosphere, excellent working condi- IJIANOS PLASTERING ~arlJel'lh, Pa. ~
Shirt shortages will coni inu .. was established In 1768.
Admllllstl'lltrl~, CEMENT WORK

llE're on the horne front. Rede- The flrst Roman Catholic Par- 14 CleI'eland A"enue, tions, clean rest-.rooms, and ample opportunity for ad-
ployment is so rapid that sllpplies ish in Pennsylvania was that of st. Narberth, Monl-llomery Counts, Pa,
,Joseph's in Philadelphia. estab- Or to her Attorney. George P, William.,
vancement combine to make telephone work unusually Quid, Hemon.!
OIl''' In J·;urope whil" soldiers are ,II' .. 2020 Packard Bulldlnll, Phll.del-
here or en routp t.o the Paciflc. So lished between 1731 and 1733. The phi" 2, Po, O:r.7/26-6t. desirable. Fai, price.
COllrtrnu. Men
present Church of St, Joseph's in
the AI'm~' iR havinli: to place pmer· Willings Alley stands on the site Come ;n HOW! Brin~ your birth-certificate or other Also rlan" Movina
Cheerfully Given
gency orderR for "hiT·ting. of the early colonial structurp. In proof of citizenship. Apply at any of the following EVERGREEN 5261
* * * ' 1782 Pennsylvania's first Jewish
Synagogue was dedicated. HEADQUARTERS P. HUGHES & SON
A recipe to pleRse an~" pwepl
• tooth Is Honey Hard Raul'e made Today with more than five and for
Employment Offices:
William A. Cipolla
6846 Market 8C,
from equal partll of vitamlnizeo one-half million church members or Can 882 N, 42d St., Phlla" 4, Pa.
margarine and ho/ll'Y with l'nollgh and more than two million Sunday Roo", 315, McClatchy Building ALL, 1450 - West 5164
(69th & Market Itl•• Ullper Darby) Evenlul GRA UZlI
lemon JUice to give it a zip. Serve
~AS 6909 Market Str••t, Upp.r Darby
over fruit rings, etc.-or ndd more
hon('y and serve over Wlllfles,
* * *
Commercial canning forecast Is: Paid Immediately For
57.59 E. Penn St., Norristown
1631 Arch 5tr••t, Philadelphia
WaUand ~Iantel, Made to Ord.. r
Painting & Paperhanging,
peas, plentiful. tomnlops al'Hage, and
Resl\vered. Made FlUID orick :;idilll,; und Iisbe:;tos
corn depends on frost date, but ~5 And.rson Avenue, Ardmore GENERAL CONTRACTING Genuine ('ltt.burgh Plale Giallo shingling, Work guarun-
there should be t'nough, SPlal'l OLD MIRRORS
All Medical Need. 414) York Road, Jenkintown PROMPT SERVICB teed. Best material llsed,

housewl\'l's will can nil thev cau Remudeled and He.Hurd
now aud squirrel it llWll)' for DIAMOND JEWELRY or call Enterprise 1·01 00
SKILLED MJ:N- Phone us for estimate.

winter consumption. ANTIQUE JEWELRY ECONOMY
** *
RadiO!' fOI' cl"lIlans rna" be a 'n hlltor,
We are pa,lng tbe blgbe" prlee.
J. PAUL SHEA Ge& Our E.&lmak
l'aintlnR & Decorating Co.
HI L YOUNG & 00.
rf'R.1it~· dul'ln/t thp fall. At leaRt
""PH klndl",ct the hopt b~' askln/[
manufacturers to file fnr pl"rmls-
Ilion to make Bets OA ",pot &lltJaeri·
135 S. 13th St.
Elt. 1898
.l1Jo Btl' IILVD
At ·N.rberth· St.tio..
Narberth 2131·283.
IIA Frl.ndly Place I.

ebatb.m VlllaaL UpPer Oar",.
Gt-anlte 1020 BlUtolJ 13M
GlaS8 Shop
'2315 West Chester Pike
Boulevard 3082
39411 PI'I1I1Sl;'rO\'e st,
Phlla, (~) Pa. Everrr~n 962:1

OUR TOWN August 16, 1945.


Big League Baseball Lower Merion Police
'SPORTS Narberth-Eaglets Ardmore's Play~ff Hopes Wayne Diver Takes Films To Be Shown
at School, Aug. 21
Bishop Kenrick Win Revolver Match
Lower Merion police team de-

C ENE Must Win to Stay In ,Narberth and Manoa's Top Honors in Meet Baseball' fans young and old
have a treat in store for them
Keeps GolfTitle feated Keystone in a 38 calibre
revolver match, 1116 to 1100, OVf;t'
the Penn Park range near WC3t

next Tuesday. August 21. When Conshohocken on Saturday,

• • • Both Teams Beaten in Hands in ·Final Games Colonial Village Club

Lists Weekly Winners
the American League basebaU
films will be shown at the
Haverford Senior High School
J • D 0 Ian Deth rone
As Individual Champ
Lance Hathaway and John
ComiskeY passed the winners with
scores of 284 an~_282 respectively.
Last Games Played;
Playoffs Sunday Lions Hand Pacesetters 7-2 Defeat to Take In Race for Cup
auditorium at 8.30 P. M.
There will be 40 minutes of At Llanerch

PEACE·. The Ardmore Eaglets and Nar-I

berth Boys' Club must win Sun-
Fourth Place As Brookline Jars College- topBobby Fitz.geral~ of Wayne took
honors m thIs week's swim-
instructive and entertaining
highlights of big league baseball
through 'the courtesy of Roy
Mack of the Philadelphia Ath-
BIshop KenrIck Council of Arc1-
more retained the teams golf
Not all deer 1:hed their antlers
annually. as do American species.
The aXis deer of India may keep
a set for several years. and the ..
ville 3-2· Borough Wins 5-0 letics. championship of the Knights cf I Pere David's deer of China grows
It' Wonderful
day to stay in the playoffs for the
Main Line Boys' Conference title.
The Eaglets took a beating from
ming meet at the Coloniel Village
" ,
As they near the finish line in the Main Line Baseball and diminutive diving champion
Swimming Club.• The youthful
Everyone Is welcome. And its
Columbus Athletic Association in
the 21st annual tournament at
Llanerch Country Club on Mon-
I tWG sets annually.

Good Counsel of Bryn Mawr by . . . , added to his favorite event first day. ,
a 17 to 7 count and Narberth was I' League It IS Manoa 111 front by a smgle game over Brook- places in the 50-yard freestYle and
nosed ouL by Kirklyn. 2 to 1. in line, with Narberth just a game back in third place, while 25-yard breast stroke races.
~~I~ie~P~~l~n~l~ft~I~~o-out-of-three Ardmore has moved past Collegeville into the vital fourth Ten-year-old Elaine Rutledgt'.
Landis Recreation Bishop Kenrick kept the Jame3
A. Flaherty trophy with a total of
354 strokes. two better than th,~
total compiled by San Domingo
Back In Stride • The Eaglets will again face position.
Bryn Mawr at the South Ardmore'
I playfield sunday while Kirklyn
. '
If Ar~more wms or Collegevllle+
Qf Ardmore, also performed bril-
liantlY winning first places in
junior girls diving and 25-yard
Wins Court Tide Council.
John Dolan was dethroned as
individual . champion by Frank
I faces Narberth at the General loses thIS Sunday the regular ~ea- NT e ar Fl' sh 01' freestYle events and adding a BlankleY, of De LaSalle councll'l
Next Week Wayne playfield. Both games son automatically wiII come to an
::.tart at 2 P. M. end and the preliminary Shaugh-
second place ribbon in the 25-yard
breast stroke race for girls of an~'
Ardmore Pk., Brook· who shot a 74. but Dolan led t.he
Bishop Kenrick team with an 80.
Brvn Mawr and the Eas-Iets
:,taged a battle for six innings nessy playoffs Will get underway
I' h 0 a
I' h 0 a
Paula Hunter of Strafford con-
line Nines Triumph
• Other members of the
team and their scores: Frank
winnin;>; Jack Steck's Kiddies' Hour 2 P. M.

5unday'. the score bein& 8-7 for the following weekend. G'palml, If 0 1 0 0 Br·l·m. 3b 2 2 0 3 tinued t.o lead the 70 odd contesr.- Playoff Openers ~n Gormley. 83: J.
E. J. Murphy. 101.
the ultimate winners. In the sev- Ardmore surprised last week by ~;~~~i~' 3c~ ~ ~ ~ g ~g~~;I:~. f~ g } ~ ~ ants vieing for the Presidell::s Murphy won the Class C IGI'/ Breyer Days
enth frame. however. Br~'n Mawr beating Manoa for the second Larkin. 2b 1 03 2 Faye. 2b I 2 8 2 Trophy symbolic of the clu!>'s Landis Recreation and "Penn net with his card of 101-29-72 Last two Tues., in Aug.
exploded WIth nll1e runs a n d . . . C·twelJ. rf 0 1 I 0 Smith. ss 0 0 3 0 swimming championship. The Ask your Breyer Ice Cream
scwed up tile tilt. tIme thIS seas?n. 7-2, at AldmOle Snyder. Ib 0050 MllelJer, If 01 10 leading contestants· are as fol- State" are the basketball cham- and Jim Natalie. also of Bishop
Florida Hoboes
Dealer far Freo and Part..Paid
' "·alks. three errors .and and needs a VIctory over Narberth Armstr·g. ss 01 I 0 Raimo. rf 22'1 1 lows: pions of the Haverford Township Kenrick. took low Class D net Amusement Ticket,
FOUl " with 112-40-72. .
lwo hits all counted for MIckey Sunday at Ardmore in order to Gwynne. c 0 3 10 0 McLeod, p I 3 0 3
Calnrml. ss 1 0 1 I Sh·r<ford. c I I 60 P I
au a
H t
un er.
St ff d
ra or.
to Recreation Program as a result of ---_e. _ Enioy -;-Fomily Outing
Gavll1.s me .. t l
n CI al'leY Barr was
l' 'his '.ixth of assure itself of bein~ in the play-
H·pster. p 00 0 I points: Bobby Fitzgerald. Wayne.
60 points: Elaine Rutledge. A~'d- g~mes on t e OU 0.01' cour a
h td t t th
e The Japanese costumes and
or Picnic in the 'Wf!1I ..
shaded Picnic Groves

Play at Llanerch m~ ~~I~s~~ga:~i~S~e no cteie;ts. oUr,. Manoa also will have a lot to
Fred Hpssenauer of Kirklyn was say about which team will be in ~~nm~re"::::::::::
t he star of the victory over Nar- the post-season playas it enter-
I To~als 2624 6 Totals 71327 15 more. 59 points: Happy El1gelbert. high school last Friday.
rJ g g gg ~ ~
Error: Armst.rong. Runs battrd In: Devon, 58 points.
~=~ Wayne, 59 points: Thomas Foster. Led by Brewer's 16 points. the among
Landis five drubbed "Army". 54-
masks for tragedy are preserved
a~ temple treasures and are
the most beautiful stage I
.b II berth Only three Narberth men t · C II '11 V I McLeod. 3; Raimo. I; F·ave. I; Lemaltrr. The results of the meet were as 22. to win the American League costumes ever made.
Vagabond Base' n aLI·ne . '.. ~I in faced the Kirklyn ace
~~I II 1 . ~ th
ams 0 egevl eat eterans P.ark. 1; GWYlllW.. Glampnlml. 'Two-base hits: follows:
tlll··ct ...Ilen tIle' Brookline. A Manoa victory would McLeod. Ranna. St.olen bases: Brlttlnr<- J u n i 0 l' boyS diving: first, squeezed by "St. Joes," 18-17. in
title playoff. while "Penn State" 't
(xcept 111 e I " ). . 110m (honw). Basp" on bolls: Off Harp- D I I tiLe I . n
Team In Mal
'd Borou~hites pushed across one I keep Ardmore In fourth place re- "tel'. 3; MrLeod. 5. Struck out: By Harp- Thomas Foster.
t . . I d ster 9 M Lp d 4
evon: secone. t le Na iona
Happy Engelbert. Wayne; third, ship game.
ague c lampJO -
D eb u F rl ay
Wines Beer
t ~ rUI1, Ettore ge tmg a s!ng e an gardless of how Ardmore might" . ; co. .
coming home from thIrd on a fan' in its game.
Joe Engelbert. Wayne. Ardmore Park Which finished in
B Really Fine
. fielder's choice. If Narberth beats Ardmore and X,\RBERTII LLANERCH Junior girls diving: first, Elainp. first place in the American ase-
The Flonda Colored Hoboes a I b t d I' h 0 a I' h oa' Rutledge. Ardmore: second. Mary ball·League. got off to a good start
, . ,, Killgore of Kirklyn. ce e ra e Collegeville upsets Manoa then Papa. ss 00 4 5 Boyd. cf 0 I 1 0 Jane Carson. Overbrook Hms: in its preliminary playoffs bY de- BAKED HAM SANDWICHES
baseball team of vagabond comr.- I ilis birthday by scoring bOlh runs Ardmore and Collegeville will be ~1~S~s: ;fb gg I ~ ~~S~:~J.12~s g ~ A¥ third. Betty Hayman. Wayne. feating the Signal Corps. 6-4. on
dians. will make their first Main and getting three hits. in four I tied for fourth place and either a Walker. Ib I 1 14 0 Rlhl 3b 0 0 3 2
Line appcarance Fridav ni01::; trips to the .plate. He smgled m playoff will ~lave to be held to de- Sh·km'll,.cr 02 3 0 KYle'. cOO 5 1 Fitzgerald. Wayne: second. Chl'is-
Senior boys diving: first. BObby Monda~'.
Fourth place Brookline created DAVE~SBAR
Ihe fourth Il1nmg, stole second code the pOSItIOn 01' the teams Will Arnonp. 3b 2 1 0 6 H·nnann. pOll 6 t ~K 11' A d thO d b' t· th Nat'o al Leaoue
• 0

when they play Llanerch A. A. (If and went to third on Shephard's have to play several postponed Lane. If 0 0 I 0 Keyser. rf 0 I 2 2 ie ...cLaug 1 m. l' more: 11'. a Ig upse m e l n 5004 CITY AVE.
the Main Line League at aurmont. wild throw. coming home on games that are on the books. A Craig. GraL c 0 2 I
pOlO 2 T;·son. If 0 1 000 W·!Iams. Ib 0 2 Ii I Dave Maroney, Haverford.
Junior boys, 25-yard freestyle Manoa, 11-1. on playoffs when it spilled
Tuesday. firstInplace the
Rd. and Township Line Drexel Quinn's single. meeting of league officials wiII de- McC'ne)', If 0000 race: first. Happy Engelbert. other playoff no decision was
Hill . Again in the ninth. Killgore termine what course will be taken Wayne; second, Thomas Foster reached as Ardmore Manor Aces
TilP. Hoboes fire touted as n tookfi' laddVb'anQtage of ad ball tO the kaftprthisweek'sdecisions are L1;;;~'~~~
. ., . . out e
first class baseball clUb .that p;c~;; fbI' the winning run. Hessenauer
Y Ull1n an came h op1e nown. I There still is lhe.possibility of a
unusual stunts and .comedy. m fanned eleven and Buchanan deadlock for one of the other posi- prlot.t!. Runs hotted lll--Wnlker. Arnone. race: first. Elaine Rutledge. Ard-
thell' pla~'.. :rheu' lmeup lIsts whiffed six for Narberth.
~~.~~1~ ~o~o~,o 000702~ Devon: third. Joe Engelber(, and South Ardmore were unable
1 00 0 0 3 0 0 x--5 Wayne. Time-19.0 seconds.
'El'rol's-ArnOlw. 2; Malseed. 4: Cap- Junior girls, 25-yard freestyle play at the end of three innings.
tions. Brookline. which squeezed by Lone, GraL Two-base hli.'-Boy!e. HNI'- more: second. Mary Anne Alt- finished the regula!' season ill
to score before darkness halted
In the Junior League ManC?a
such de~enntl\'e characters as Schedule Collegeville. 3-2, with a rally in g~~~~'--GI'~~.crl~irC,~;;~hUC~~~;e ;;~~.I;:'. house. Colonial Village: third. fourth place by beatmg ~erwood. • •
• Rags Tyson. Hobo Hank. Caboosf'. Sunday tilt last half of the ninth at. An:one, Myel' 011,1 Walker. ? Ba'ps on lid W Ti 17 16 Tu sd y and thus Will chal
Fast FreIght, Lazy Bones. MOS2S Eaglet..s vs. Bryn Mawr at South Brookline. travels to Llanerach for bnlI,-off Crail:. 1; Hermann, 2. Strlke- Margie Sut leI' an, ayne. me I - . S e'h aA· d . th I -
it,; final game and by winning ollt,-Crnl~. 1; Hermann. 3. Umplres- -20.4 seconds. r mor~ m .e P ay-
Moe. etc.
saId t 1 tl t d t I d
The uniforms of the Hoboes i.~ I KirklY'n vs. Narberth at Gen- could tie Manoa for first place Thoml,"on nnd AUgll,tine.
Senior boys. 50-yard freestyle offs. The latter. flmshed I~
en/ole out
Bobby Fitzgeralu. place. by defeatmg An~uncla I~~.
t .------------T"'----------------.
leo ·~n I 1011a rags an ~.lOU 'I: h a a Wa"ne', second. Dave Maroney, 10-6. l~ a game that bloke a filst
• IT' 0 Je Hal Wayne. e a er ose 0 0 ege- . :' h a a
ba"s of the \ agabond. ---.-----. VIlle. . . S 1' an ..3b I J o.3 S'.11n·e. 3b I I 2 3 Haverford:
E- .. J
third. Christie Me- place tIe . .._
George Passmorc. L I a n e r I: h I' The highest temperat.ure ever N b tl
ar er ·1, vlctonous over Llan- M""h"l1. If I 030 B."'-'. 2b 0 I 4 4 fL nghlin Ardmore Time-39 sec- Kellett defeated L~nnwood..7 9.
manager. say's lIe will field hi~ I"l'corded at a Texas weather sta- erch, 5-0. at Narberth. could tie Kr au ;". 2b 0 I ~ :J Sch\\'·dn. coo 10 1 a . · and Corsican, 8-2. and moved mto The Home of Good Food
strOl1g'esl tcam in an efTort to gtv: tion was 120 degrees at Seymour I Brookline for second should the C ne)'. Ib 0 I 11 0 ,Jep,en. Ib I 1 7 0 onds. first place tie with Oakmont in
'Hares lose to Llanerch and the ~~~!~~r 1'; ~ ~~:;~;chifrf
,the Hoboes spirited compctition. on Aug. 12, 1936.
1 gb g gg6g)
... berough beat Ardmore for a clean. Sands. 'cf' 002 0 Ha;e~. Cl I 120 stroke race:. first, CarQI Ogle,'. mont upset Croasdale. 7-0. and
Open class girls. 25-yard breast fhe Senior SoftbalI League. Oak-

, sweep of their series. ! Catl.i~'. s' 0 0 I 1 Mlteh·l. cr 0 I 00 Overbrook Hills: secon~. Elal\~e Corsir'an. 5-1.
Bob McLeod was the hero of I C.Spall, pOlO 5 WntPr'. ,.< 021 I/RUtiedge. Ardmore: thud. Ma.y AMERICAN I.E,\GUE PLAYOFF

. e WAR and YOU
Ardmore's triumph over Manoa. I
He pitched a steady game. limiting, Total,
..J.. ~;x hits. and lead his tea!l1's 13-hit j:'~~:I';~lilP.......... :. g
2 :';'2512 TOlals
the usually hard-hitting champs to I 'Onp out \\'llI'Il winning r\lll scol'l'd.
g ggr
1.. SmIth, POlO [) ,Jane

Carson, Overbrook HIlls. I,andis Rpcreation
i"H 27 9 Time-23.1 seconds.
Open class boys, 25-yard breast B
gg ~=~ stroke race: first. Bobby Fltzg~r- B~;~~eY 2 0 4 M~Clptehr 0 1 I
centerG F P Vlttorllli
8' 0'16 Schelp
cr'~' P2
I 1 :J

MORE HOME CANNING SUGAR attack on OllIe Harpstel WIth two: ErrOl'-Kmll,e. Rll11' batted tn-WAt- ald. Wayne: secon~. Dave Malo- Plsel g ~ I~ ~~~~W
. . smgles and a double. : ers. 2. Two-I","c hlt,-Wllters. PCPseIl. nev. Haverford: thIrd. Happy EII- Stlerl 5 010
Three and one-half mIllIOn pounds of sugar for home canning-I Brittingham. Fa~'e and Raimo· Coone;. Sacrince hlt--Ha)'e,. Left on geibert, Wayne. Time-23.0 se'~- ~~~;'Iand 3 3 12 Totals 10 2 22 Victor, Your
cne million five hundred thousand pounds more than was available, each had two hits as Ardmore. ~~~~~~~o~~fr,~i)if S~CI1~;~~ki.h;;n1it~: ond~s:.... _ Totals 24 3 54
during June and July will be dist.ribut.ed this montl b' tl 72 I I: broke a 1-1 tle With a three-run' J. St.rikcollt.,-·By EpellnlHll. :1; Smith.
. . . '. . • 1 Y 1e oca outburst IJ1 the fourth and sewed 8. Umplrps-Colller and Lystpr. Wounded Veterans
War Pnce and Rat10nmg Boards 111 t.he Philadelphia district. Frol11 up the decision wit.h three more . - - - , , . - - - - - - - - -
April through JU.l more than 6.000.000 pounds of home canning ruriS in ,the sixth. Alli~ Gwynn \\",.s
sugar was apportioned among 825.000 persons
.. . .
tlw onl~ Manoa battel able .to solve
McLeod's offermgs conslsten tlv,
51UbemandFoster To Benefit by
All-Star Game
P~nn stat"

1 0 2 Frea.•
2 1 5 Mart.ln
St. Joe.
2 0 4
000 Really Like 'Em

OPA Dlstnct DIl'ector Frank J. Loftus said the August quoia having three singies in four trips;
represents the peak of home canning sugar clemand and local boards to the,'" .
will make evcry cfTort to ha\'e as man\' people as pos~ible re 'ei '
. . ' -
. Brooklme S VlctO!,\' ovpr Collegp-,
C \ e a VIIII' was the day s thl'lller. Wll h :
I Advance In Tennis Wounded servicemen
benefit when the Main Line Farnham
Conference All Stars meet the
will Newhall
3 0 6 Schele
o 0 0 McCarthY
o 0 0 G!IIesPle
2 1 5
o 21 ~II

share. "Obl'lously. wc cannot ~Ive e\'ery one the 15 pound maximum Bill 'Valter's sing-ie with the bases: pick of the North Philadelphia 7 2 18 Then Come To
with demand at an all-time high and supply running more than 30 leaded bringing in the winning !'Un I League next Saturday. August
pel' cent behind last year." he said. Householders
wilD receiv d 1
0 W.ith one out i~ the last half of the'
es., mnth. Len SmIth. Brooklme pltch-
Kerrigan' WrI'ggl'ns ,
25.,at the Narberth ball fi~ld.
Han'y Claphanson. preslde':lt BasebaU Standings THE HOSTESS!
tban they appl1ed for earlIer and who ha\'e need for additional sugar f'~'. allowpd r:1l11~ three hits overthe Lose Decisions In of the Main Line group. said
should file anothcr app!leatlOn as local boards will receive additional f!rst ~Ight ll1mngs and went mt.o I l\1f T todaY that receipts will be di- MAIN l.INE LEAGUE
Sunda:v's Resu Its
J,itprally e"cr;'lhin~ TlO~m COOKED. f
quotas for September and October.' n1l1th WIth a 2-0 lead .. Ho\\,-
p\,er he lost hiS control 111 t.he
.J, 'J.. vided between the Camp and
Hospital Committee of the Mam
Narbprth. 5; Llanerch. O.
Brookline. 3; College\'llle. 2.
!\.·othin~ hOl1.l~ht outside f'XCl'pt icc ('ream
and thal's not cool,ed-it's ~ood Iholl~h.
FORGED TIRE CERTIFICATES final inning and walked t.hree and In a continuation of the L Line Red Cross and the confer- Manoa. 7; Ardmore. 2. StOll in next time ;yol1're dOWll our way.
T'· d I . l b ' . d b ' Len Krause and Jack Smth bang- ower ence. Standings of the Teams
lle ea CIS lave een \lame y OPA agalllst acceptmg forlleti ed him for singles that enabled Merion inter-playground tennis A picked squad of 20 players Won Lost P.C. Reservations Accepted by Phone
Manoa 9 3 .7.00
tll'e ratJOnmg certIficates and an intensi\'e investigation is now under-lliJe. Superiors to tie the score at matches, Libby Siubin of Bala from all seven. teams of the Brookline 8 4 .667 Just CaIl BlvLl. 9762 . "
Hundreds ef 2~2. Had not Frank Schwanda eliminatcd Ann Kerrigan of Brvn Main Line League will face the Narbert.h , 7 5 .583
way to prevent tire diversion to t.he black market.
..' ·t·fi· t I . b
SPUllOUS cell ca es lale een uneorered along the Eastern Sea.- second out of t.he fire.
Ir.lcked Krause off thIrd for the . . North
,Ma\\T. 6-1 and 6-0. Bennie Foster. of the local All Stars will be College,·!lie "
phils at 3 P. M. Manager Ardmore 5
board. All are the old type R-2 certificates which local boards have Jepsen's double over t.hird start- : of Ardmore Ave.. remained unde- Mickey Gavin of Bryn Mawr. Llanerch Sunday Schedule 3 9
not issued since May 31. Serial numbers to date indicate the cer-I en Brook,Jine's counter-rally. After feated by winning from Bud Wrig- assisted by coaches Joe Masset- Narberth ot Ardmore. 7049·51 W. Garrett Rd" Upper Darby
· \vere
. .stolen in New York State . Dale" e, IS ale . \\alne
" I
d t 0 c h ec k Steier
base onflIed out.. sUmbach
Karuse error and reach.ed
Mlt- gins. of-Bala . 6-1 and 6-0 .
ti and Bud Raum.
Plavers from such noted
Coller<el'ille at Manoa.
Brookline at I,lanerch.
\nth the ISSUlllg local board the \'alidity of certificates presented by, chell was purposedly passed to fill' . At the WynneWood Rd .. play-- teams as the Lighthouse oBys'
strangers and to require identification from those presenting cer-I the bases. Then. Waters came fIeld. Ursula Paplone advanced to Club. Glenoak and Mots~n "God Save the King" was first
tificates. I through WIth the smgle that broke, tlle third round by defeating Miss nines of the North Philadelplua pubicly sung in 1740. in honor of
. Consumers ha I'e unt 11 August 15 to bu~' tires with R-2 certifi-
up the game.
Jim Craig was in his old time'
. Foster 6-4 and 6-4 P
B t .
. eggy u el a ers.
League will face the Main Lin- the capture of Porto Bello from
the Spanish.
Dinners Served Daily except Sunday
cates they now have. New certificales R-2A and R-2B are not a~- form as he whitewashed Llanerdl also advaneed by winning from
fected and will rcmain valid. for Narberth. J:!e scattered se\·pn. Betty Butera, 6-3 and 6-4. WYNNEWOOD IIOUSE
hILS and dldn t allow a sJl1[(le! Betly will represent this pla\'-
Lla~lerch runner to reach third· grollnd in the 15 to 17 year old
For Reservation!"
Open from
N I tl .
ow t lat lC cigarette supply has increased to the extent that
untIl the nmth. ,class. when she meets Marian Sears
R.uss Herrmann. fanner Nar-: of Gladwyne next week. Blair
25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Papw) Phone Narbertb 9282 4 p. M.
many stores are selling more than one pack to a customer OPA has berth star made his pitching. de- : Murphy of Gladwyne is schedUled $1.40 FOR FOUR PAPERS l
ruled that such sales must be made as multiple sales where March bm for Llanerch. and turned Jl1 a I to meet Bennie Foster and the OtJR TOWN, BALA-CYNWYD & MERION NEWS
1912 ceilings are lower than on a single pack basis. A stol'e \'/l'th a good performance. but it was ruin-: winner or that match will meet
, ed by his team's light hitting and; Joe Kern of WynneWood Rd. in
two for 31 cent ceiling cannot sell one customer two packs at tho:! poor fielding behind him. Boyle. I the boys' singles. •
You maY l!end money order, lltamIls or personal cbeek. Addreee au
Delicious Home Cooked Meals
16 cent or single pack level. Shuckman and Gray contributed, In the men's doubles Ming and
Similarly with candy bars where the ceiling is three for 10 cents, hit onslaught.
one bar can be legally sold at the foul' 01' five cent single bar ceiling ----e_____
two hits each to Narberth's nine- ,Moses of Ardmore AI'e·. wiII meet
the team of Drakeford and Paine
of Bryn Mawr, at Bryn Mawr ori.
communications to Lower Merion r1ewspapers. Ardmore, Pa.
<Spec.ial MonthlV Ratieol) THE WI N DSOR-ESSEX

but three bars sold to the same Gustomer would take the multiple Ardmore OptI'IDI·sts I the 18tl.! and the winner of that CALL Windsor & Essex Aves., Narberth, Ph. Narberth 9256
· . "
T n· t B CI b match IS scheduled to meet the
Ardmore 5720 GREenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600
cf;llmg of 10 cents. Several complamts of thIS type of overcharge'
should be made to local price panels. Retailers on each sueh sale ~ 0
are liable to the maximum penalty of $50 under the provisions of
IreC oys s
{The Ardmore Optimist C!ub ~n_
I winner of the doubles' tourna-
ment at Wynnewood Rd.
--. ,L--------------..-'---M-O-N-----------' I
the Administrator's Claim procedure now in operation in local boa~cis l1(JUnced Its ll1tentlon of dlrectmg I TropIcal BIrd CIrcus The
Egg prIces for Group 1 stores effectIve August 2 to 8th inclusi\'f:: day.
• . the Narberth and Manoa Boys' I
'Clubs at the meeting held in the I Woodside Park's t.hree free Sun-
Llanerch COlintry Club last Tues-I day concerts will feature Rober"s dler", Rpward. Call HlIItop 3037. chll- year term payable monthlY. Ie desired.
:Famous Tropical Bird Circus pr~~ dl'pn's pet.
Charles Winger. chairman of:sentmg a miniature World' War LADiES"GOLD WRIST WATCH In "1- H=II:.;lt;;.0:;;.IJ-:I;.:;I;;19~-~W:_:.~~====~---
IRISH SETTER. block and whlt.e "spot CHARITABLE INSTITUTION has fUnds
on chest. Answers to name of SOl-I n"allable for first mortgage at 5'70. 15

No npPralsal fee. QUick action. Phone

New Chatterbox
are as follows: Extra large. 62c; large. 60c: medium. 54c; small, 47c.
Group 2 stores-extra large. 61c: large. 59c' medium 53c' small 46c the boys' work committee. said a' battle scene .. with. Lillian Fox,
• . . . . .' ..'. .' • • . 12 month program had been! x~'Iophone artISt. and others. Jack ph'ase call Hllttop 1010. ReWArd.
cinltY of Llanerch Fire Hall. Finder UPHOLSTERING DINING ROOM
T\\o cents addItIOnal IS pelmltted fOl eggs 111 caltons. worked out for the t.wo clubs as;Steck \vllI emcee his Kiddies' HOI:r -HELP-WANTED-MALE SIlrlngo of three-piece suit. reIlalred, 839 LANCASTER AVE.
YOUR RATIONING CALENDAR 'well as for the Junior Optimisls.1 at 2. prior to the concerts in Syl- SlO.OIl: chairs recovered, IS.OO. 00
a boys' group they have always: van Hall at 4.15. 7.15 and 9.45. An:VWhere. Call LEWIS. Wayne 149Cl BRYN MAWR, PA.
227 East. LAncaster Avenue. Wa:rnB
Meats and Fats-Q2 through U2 are inl'alid after August 31.! sponsored. He urged all boys liv-! ~jjjj~jjljjjjjjj~j
V2 through Z2 are valid through September 30. Al through E1 are ing in the three areas and be-' HOME FURNISHINGS Sunday Dinners
. l'd th' lOt b . Fl' . tween the a.r<es of 10 and 18 to WlDdow Shades-Venetian Bllndl
,·a I I oug 1 C 0 el 31. 1 t 11 ough K1 are valId throl,1gh No- join and take advantage of the I LInoleum For gOOd food, for 'a dinnel' YOU'll
"ember 30. numerous activities offered. ! HOBSON & OWENS enjoy. bring your family to a
Sugar-Stamp 36 is valid through August 31 for five pounds. Six new members installed in-I 101:1-1017 Lancaster Ave., Br:rn lI"'wr restaurant of distinction.
Phone' Bl'Yn Mawr 1120 or 1121
S h oes-A"up Iane s-t amps 1, 2 . 3 an d 4 are va I'" Id mdefimtely.
eluded Walter C. Allen, of 200
Washingt.on Ave.. Manoa; Ho\V- SUNDAY DINNERS SERVED
CONSUMER PROSPECTS FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ard Harfield. of Haverford Ave.. ' 1 to 6 P. M.
. • . Narberth; Harry Claphanson 108 CASHIER, part 01' full time. APply man- Grands & UprIghts
The natIon s reconversIOn program is steadily gathering inomEI1- Maple Ave .. Narberth: Ervill W. ager EgyptIan Theatre, Bala-CynWYd. QUick Remov&!
PIANOS B01)GBT Luncheon 11.30 to 2.30. Dinners 5 to 8.15 P. M.
tum with limited quantities of household appliances already beiug ~e~zel. 18.Brookli1.Je Blvd .. Bro~k­ I WOMAN to clean smaU office weekly.
Fall' PrlcM
Courteous Yen 50c up 81.00 and $1.25
produced and scheduled to move from factories to retail marke"S 1ll1e, Robelt H. ElIlOtt. 2122 D~lby CnU Ardmore 5720 or Hl1ltop 3600. AND WrIte
. " ..' Road. South Ardmore. and Rlch-
thIS Fall, Rnd more to come 1I1 the Spnng and Summer of 1946, lard Taylol·. 658 Lancaster Avxe ..
Frederick M. Mitchell, director, Consumers Durable Goods ,DivIsion., Bryn ~awr.
forecasts in the first item-by-item report released by WPB' SewillO' .. IJOCI'nhtaeldlesCll aHI"rman Gohefen
0 a was recep tl!-P-
Market.. St.,
AU. 7450 West 5lM

I'.iiiiii.iiiiii• •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• •iiiiiii.

. . . . ' Ion EvenJDlll Gra. 4529
machll1es. vacuum cleaners, domestIc washing machines and elec- committee which was formed at
tric irons should reach retail markets in small quantities this Fall./ this time_.
and .alarm clocks In faIrly large numbers by that time. Volume pro-/ In 1944. 71 pel' cent of the 284!
.___ _ I
routed In Narberth. Experience un-
nece"san·. Average earnings 533-545
weekly. Pay stal'ts Immediately. Large,t
companY, best known housphold prod-
tlCtS. bIggest. demand. Write Watkins WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST
WANTED TO BUY Conditioned
auctIOn. however. of these and many other products of consumer in- automobiles stolen in St. Paul! ComPIlIlY. Dept,--C. Newark. N. J. CASH PRICES FOR ANTIQUES-
Furniture <marble-top, horsehair. etc.'.
terest is not expected to be attained until the Spring or Summer were parked WIth ignition keys I
of 1946. . _. left 111 them. I PRE-WAR velour spring sofa, full SI7,P, Ilalntlngs,
lllllhoganY spinet desk. 75 pound. 3- and copper,
chIn. and glllS/l. silverware, brlc-a·
brac, Jewelry, china Clgures and vases,
rugs. old dolls, buttons, brass
music-boxes. chandeliers,
Though sugar is acutely short, don't give liP the idea of can-
door Ic" refrigerAt.or. porceleln Hned. etc. or pieces Over
walnut extension 'dinlng table & chairs,
spring cot. 111e \.11 I bird car<e and stand, gil'en, we call anyWhere. Eugene J Sus-
40 year.. Full valup BANQUETS
ning fruit if you can possibly do a satisfactory job and put up this
food for Winter. the Department of Agriculture advises homemakers
othl'r Items. Hilltop
ml'l'l' Rd .. Brookline.
0395-R. 112 Kath- sell, 1726 Sansom St.• RITtenhouse 6588
WAR VETERAN Buys FurnIture, neW.
42 , ENAMEi;Slnk':.:a~nd-F-a-u-c-et-.-A-I-1t""'IQ-U-e usel1 and nntlQues. Washlnll & Sewing
BeautIful G'uclztail Lounge
The very best line of action. the Department emphasi.zes. is to use single bed and chest. Gray-green MuchlDee. Plan08, anythIng' Electrical.
You can forgel the H.ol floral davenport. Large. new, red rasp- Peathers. Hair, Bric-a-Brac, SUver. Brass,
whatever sugar is available for canning fruit in a moderately thin ber)" 10llnglnr< chair. OAk desk. White & COIlPerware. Marble FurnIture. rug,..
syrup. This is just about the least amount of sweetening that the
average family considers acceptable without adding more when the
When you Lunch 01 the
lawn seat. Six sectIon radiator. Tea set PalDtlDll8, JewelrY I'll Buy from Attic
lind gas stol'e. Living room tables. Mis- to Bnsement. COLEMAN 907 N 7tb St..
cellaneous pictures. Cull Ardmore 3089. Pblla.. 23. LOMbard 9332.
ROCKING CHAIR. 2 side chairs, 1 amnII TWIK BEDS In Blrds·Eye MaIlle or
canned fruit is served. The wartime rUle of averaging one pound
SUBURBAN CAFE ,J light maple. Call Hl1ItoIl 6477.
of sugar to foul' quarts of home canned fruit yields this moderate
sweetening. and COCKTAIL LOUNGE
"!'?J ..... ,/. i
'I ',/
tuble. 2 book cases, 3 !loor Inmps,
llnol~\lm rug. 2 trunks, 28 W. Eagle Rd.
MAN'S OVERCOAT, size 36. worn: glrl's
As a further sugar economy, light-colored COl'll syrup or mild H'I roally cool and comfort. ,\, ~ suit 'IUd Winter coat, sl7.e 12. Also
2 OR 3-BEDROOM House 01' Apartment
by Chrysler executive. Transferred
honey can satisfactorily replace part of the sugar used in home cau-
ning. The com syrup can replace as much as one-third of the sugar
able, .. food il of ths belt ... '····'1·.·
...' . '..
..' . . .
JARS, ethel' Itellls. Call Ardmore 3089.
CAPS, Mg~rWIl~~~~oo~OOd condition. 87.50. over
permanently. No small children. Can
moVe ImmedIately 01' Sept. 1. Wlli take
Dnd cooked 01 you like It. lease. Phone Cynwyd 1947.
used; or honey can replace as much as one-half of the sUgaL ". . ,. LIDS and NOW IS THE TIME to order cord wood. LADY deeIres unfurnished apartment,
LUNCH from 60c
Enrollment of 250,000 more boys and girls in high school this
Fall than last is the goal set for this year's Back-to-School Drive
'l/""'1,,,1.~ 1~ 6" f#! ~II
And fullow illolrUetloDS ia
tho BIlII BI.... Book. To 1"1 your copy
cut any length. Call CynwYd 0984.
Trinity 9241. Be.· t
2 01' 3 rooms. kitchenette and bnth.
Main Line. Preferably near station. Cail
The Finest Food at All Times
""od 10e witb your Dame God .dd..... to- I lD "Ilcellent communltl". at at- WANTED STEAKS
sponsored by the Children's Btu'eau. U. S. Department of Labor. and MAIN CtNCDUIII-P I1I....U JUliaN UlL UOTIlEIS COMPANY, Munch., I." I orlcea.
trarilYeJ'oJ' eale or Rent. WANTED GOOD HOME for rpd 6etter CHOPS
the U. S. Office of Education, Federal Secw'ity Agency, the Depart-
121~t of Labor says. e • • • .-.. WILLIAM PUGH
male dog. Year and hale old. 221 W.
Righters MlIl Rd .. Glad,,,yne. Ardmore
..;,..01D.:;.::.wH.....:.;:..._ 3517. 62nd " WALNUT STS. SEA FOOD e

~.. ,',. , . ...,.'

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