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The Vendor performance has a significant effect on the competitiveness in implementation of

the car sale. In this project , the Showroom Authority performance effected in sale of car
implementation is described. The Vendor must be introduced and developed before being an
approved supplier. Considering, the importance of showroom authority performance as a
part of implementation, the car sale will not be successful if no good cooperation from
supplier in term of quality and business point of view. This paper proposed the strategies in
managing vendor called WAGON VENDOR CONTROLLING PORTAL, which shown in
the management flow model for development the authority performance to reach ready state
before entering . The WAGON VENDOR CONTROLLING PORTAL identifies five phases
starting from qualification, measuring, analyzing, implementing and maintaining the
showroom authority performance. The WAGON VENDOR CONTROLLING PORTAL will
implement each WAGON VENDOR CONTROLLING PORTAL phase as proposed steps at
a periodic timeframe. The Vendors who reach the ready state level as company goal and
expectation will be selected to enter this program.

This website is used by showroom authority, vendors and local users. Showroom authorities
and vendors could view the updating and add the updating only by logging to the website.
Local buyers need not want to login. They are meant to use the home page which had been
controlled by the vendors. When we access to the website, there will be home page. From
here the vendors and showroom authorities have different login sections. The showroom
authorities update the details of cars to be sale. This details are only accessible by the
vendors. The vendors could view this and if interested they could contact the respective
showrooms and make the deal. If the vendors are satisfied with the cars opted by the show
room authorities, the vendors could book the car by giving a token. After giving the token the
vendors could upload the details of the respective cars to their account, which could be
viewed by local buyers in the home screen. The local buyers could make the deal with
vendors and could close the deal as per the vendors demand.

The frontend of this project PHP 3.2, CSS, java script and the backend is MySQL

server 5.6 which makes it easy for creating and generating code. Windows10 is used as

Operating System and hosting the web application in Apache 3.2.

There are five modules in this website

1. Authentication
2. Authorization
3. Showroom authorities:
4. Vendors:
5. Local Buyers:

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