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RBG Street Scholar presents

RBG Caveats of Afrikan Liberation

8 Things we need to Stop doing today

8. STOP believing that marching, protesting,

demonstrating, boycotting, and picketing alone
will free us…

These are only tactics to bring attention to an

injustice or to affect a business economically.
We must eventually face the fact that we must
pool our money, time, and resources in order for
us to begin the process of freeing ourselves
economically. Otherwise we’re gonna march all
over this country and still be in the same
dependent condition we were in prior to our
marching. March with a purpose and a clear
goal. That goal must expand from social
freedoms to Economic Freedom. We must not be
dependent slaves to any man for our food,
clothing, shelter, and employment.

9. STOP thinking that white people will change and

all of a sudden wake up one day and accept us
as equals…

Not gonna happen people!…We’ve been here

over 400 years and we are still regarded by the
so-called powers-that-be as NIGGERS!…Don’t
believe me? Remember Katrina?…Remember
the Rodney King case and the rebellion/riots that
followed? Remember Sean Bell? Abner Louima?
Amadou Diallo? Mychal Bell and the JENA 6? The
young brother in Florida that was beaten and
killed at the boot camp? Genarlow Wilson just
now being freed after 2 years in prison. Mumia
Abu-Jamal still languishing on death row for
crimes he didn’t commit? Leonard Peltier?
Assata Shakur? Jamil Al-Amin? Megan Williams?
…I can go for days, believe me! They, as a
whole, don’t have any real love for us. They
TOLERATE us and they are finding us less and
less useful to them and therefore more and
more intolerable. WE MUST LEARN TO LOVE

10.STOP thinking we can’t unite.

The negative thinking is killing us in droves. We

don’t come together because we’ve been made
distrustful of one another. OUR unity in
opposition to white supremacy is the greatest
fear of our oppressor! Nothing is beyond our
reach and it is only our belief in lies taught to us
by our enemies that makes us impotent as a
people. When we come together, the world stops
and takes notice. Believe That!

11.STOP degrading ourselves.

We are more than “niggers, niggas, bitches,

hoes, tricks, dogs, mf’s, and any other degrading
word we use to refer to each other as. If we are
what we think, then if we think we are niggas
and bitches, then we’ll act like niggas and
bitches! So if we can change the way we think,
then we are on the road to changing the way we
act. We are gods and goddesses, king and
queens, brothers and sisters. The Scriptures
teach that “Ye are all gods, children of the Most
High God.”(Psalms 82:6) And there ain’t nuthin’
a god can’t do in the Name of the Almighty God!

12.STOP waiting on God or Jesus or Muhammad or

whoever to come down and change our

Stop thinkin’ that Hilary or Obama is gonna ride

in some damn white horse and save the day! If
you believe that, you are surely LOST! Stop
listening to some of these Negro preachers who
are telling you to put it in God’s hands, God
helps those who help themselves. We can’t be a
lazy people and expect God to do it all. He don’t
like laziness. He gave us the wherewithal to do
whatever we wanna do to raise ourselves up out
of this condition and has given us all we need to
do it. We must demonstrate this faith in God that
we sing and dance and shout and pray about in
the church or mosque we attend. We are holding
ourselves back through ignorance, faithlessness,
and fear! If we are gods as I pointed out earlier,
then we need to stand up and show the world
were God is!

13.STOP teaching our children to get good grades

so they can grow up and get a good job.

Teach them to make good grades so they can

grow up and MAKE GOOD JOBS for themselves
and their people! Give yourself and your children
the dual education necessary to help make
present slaves future free men and women.
Teach them principles like dignity and respect
and to be willing to die for what they believe in.
If we fail to use the gifts we’ve been blessed
with as a people to advance our struggle for
freedom, justice, and equality, then WHAT GOOD
ARE OUR GIFTS??? We would be disgracing the
gifts and the Giver of the gifts! It would all be
just vanity!

14.STOP being islands unto ourselves! We must

work to recapture our sense of community.

We must see ourselves as family again. We must

get out of this Eurocentric mindset of ‘every man
for himself’ and bring back ‘it takes a village.’
Seeing the world thru Afrikan eyes is key! We
must read books by our own authors that are
stressing self-reliance and self-determination.
Stop believing everything you hear on the
mainstream news and from mainstream text and
media. So read Dr. Na’im Akbar, Anthony T.
Browder, Cheikh Anta Diop, John Henrik Clarke,
Kenneth Clark, J.A. Rogers, Chancellor Williams,
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Josef ben-Jochanon,
Ivan Van Sertima, and so many others who are
teaching black consciousness. Knowledge of self
is the way out of mental incarceration! When we
think free and enlightened thoughts, we can
maximize free actions!

15.STOP the killing! Stop shooting down your

future! Stop robbing, stealing, lying, and
trespassing on one another.
Stop hating one another and being jealous and
envious and covetous!…All of these things are in
opposition of unity efforts. We have to discover
our own gifts instead of envying somebody else
for theirs. All of this leads to a crab-in-a-barrel
mentality that impedes our progress.
Congratulate one another for our success
whatever they may be and learn to always HELP
ONE ANOTHER to reach greater heights. If you
wanna be a leader, understand that you are a
THE PEOPLE! We must know ourselves in order
to truly love and respect ourselves. So we can
stop the killing and all the things that lead to
killing by stopping it where it begins, in our

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