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Task 2: International travel is becoming cheaper than before, so more and more countriesopen their
doors to tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweigh the disadvantages?

Mở bài cần đưa ra vấn đề của bài là reading for pleasure helps people to develop imagination
and better language skills than watch TV và người viết nên đề cập ngay tới quan điểm của mình,
và đề cập tới việc sẽ trình bày về lý do/luận điểm cho việc đồng ý hay không đồng ý.

Thân bài 1 – Body 01

Đưa ra các idea về lợi ích của International travel với kinh tế và văn hóa, có thể đưa ra các idea
khác nếu có.
Thân bài 2 – Body 02
Đưa ra các idea về bất lợi của International travel với môi trường và văn hóa, có thể đưa ra các
idea khác nếu có.

Tóm tắt ý kiến của bài. Người viết nên tóm tắt lại một phần nào đó thông tin trong thân bài chứ
không chỉ tóm tắt lại mở bài để tránh việc bị lỗi repetitive.

Many countries encourage the development of international tourism because of its advantages. I
think that international tourism has both pros and cons.

International tourism brings economic and cultural benefits to the host country. Firstly, international
tourism has become the backbone of many economies in the world. For example, tourism provides
job opportunities for local people to work in restaurants or hotels. Otherwise, many local residents
converted their homes to hostels so that the tourists could stay as paying guests. Secondly, the
development of tourism can promote the local culture to the rest of the world. Foreign travellers
might learn about the uniqueness of the local culture and share their cultural experiences once they
return home, arousing curiosity about the country among their families and friends.

However, international tourism can be associated with environmental damage and the loss of the
local culture. In many countries, tourists have been prohibited from visiting particular places such as
mountains or islands as the natural environment is seriously threatened by too many visitors.
Tourists often litter the place by throwing plastic products, and the construction of tourism
infrastructure also polluted the surroundings. Moreover, local culture may be lost when historical
sites can be replaced by modern buildings such as hotels, or traditional jobs, for example farming,
are dying out as local people are forced to work in the tourism industry for higher paid.

In conclusion, the environmental and cultural disadvantages of international tourism should be

recognised. Provided that governments promote tourism in a more sustainable way such as
ecotourism or cultural tourism, I think that the advantages are stronger.

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