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P: assalamualikum, first introduce my name Sri, who will help you in consultation on diet issues.

Beforehand, please state the identities of each of you.

K: waalaikum, greetings, my name is Ineu Najihatu Balqis I'm 20th, here I will do a consultation about my
diet, sus

S: Waalaikumslam sus, my name is Sintia Nurjanah, and I will also consult about diet issues. However, I
was constrained in my weight gain.

P: alright, starting from this first, so what about ma'am?

K: Here I have a need to do a consultation with the nurse, which is about diet problems, sister.

P: please Mother, have you measured her height and weight before?

K: already a nurse, my weight is 47 kg and her height is 150cm sus

P: Based on your weight and height, you belong to the normal or ideal group, yes, Mother, but if you
don't feel healthy in your body or feel that your weight is not satisfactory, I'll give you good and healthy
directions or tips. But I will ask Mrs.Sintia first

K: okay sus

P: Is there anything I can help, Madame?

S: If I am different ma'am, I actually find it very difficult to gain weight, even though in the past I was not
too underweight.
P: May I know, what is your weight and height?

S: I am 39, and I am 153 nurses.

Q: Looks like your weight is underweight or below average, how many times do you usually eat a day?

S: I eat 3 times a day, sometimes 2 times a day.

P: If it can be maintained, you eat 3 times a day, and I suggest choosing healthy and nutritious foods, eat
small amounts of food but often, ma'am.

S: Fine, sisters, I will try

P: for ny. Ineu, before you like to eat vegetables?

K: No, sister, I only like kale and spinach, other than that I don't like the other vegetables.

P: I see, ma'am, do you like fruit or not?

K: You like all kinds of fruits.

P: OK ma'am, after I calculated the problem of your ideal body, it was enough, ma'am, but after I
calculated the results of the food intake in the mother's body were more than the actual needs, ma'am,
that's why you often eat foods such as fried meat and fried foods but not there is intake of vegetables in
the mother's body.
P: for ny.sintia, do you often exercise?

S: rarely nurses, is exercise also necessary to gain weight?

P: Yes, of course it really helps, because after exercising, usually the appetite increases and the body can
get more calorie intake. Are all of your mothers underweight?

S: OK, my sister will try the tips that you gave, there are no nurses, only I am the thin one in my family.
besides that, is there another way?

P: There are several more ways, ma'am, namely breakfast, avoid staying up late, health check. Enough
fat needs.

S: Thank you very much sisters for the explanation is very useful, I will try later.

P: Fine, good luck, mom

K: my sister asked me to ask myself because I rarely eat vegetables, is that bad for my body, nurse?

P: Of course mother, because eating less vegetables can also make the recovery process from disease
take longer, and the lack of nutritional intake from vegetables can make the brain unable to work
optimally. As a result, the mother will forget more and have difficulty thinking clearly.

K: ohh I see sister, and what should I do sister?


Diet changes

Cut back on calories

Sports and activities

Increased physical activity or sports

Changes in behavior

Behavior change programs can help improve your lifestyle, as well as lose and maintain weight.

. How are you, have you understood?

K: fine, thank you for the advice, Sister, I will pay more attention to my lifestyle so that I can maintain
this weight.

P: In conclusion, from the results of this consultation, weight is not a problem, whether it is fat or thin,
diet is also not needed to lose weight, one of the functions of the diet is to adjust our diet so that our
bodies remain balanced and with some control. types of food also such as not eating carelessly can
prevent us from disease. Can it be understood?

K: well, sisters, I already understand, thank you sisters for the consultation

S: yes, my sister is the same, you understand, thank you for the suggestion, sister

P: Same with ny. Ineu and Sintia, I think the meeting is enough, I will end it, assalamualaikum ..

K&S: Waalaikumsalam

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